The periodic table
ü The work of 19th century chemists such as Newland,
Lother and most especially Mendelev, led to what is
today known as the Periodic Table.
Periodic trends of physical properties
ü Major periodic trends include:
v Atomic radius
v Ionic radius
v Ionization energy
v Electron affinity
v Electronegativity
v Metallic character
v Melting point and Boiling point.
Atomic Radii
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
• The radius decreases across a period owing to increase in
the positive charge from the protons.
Trends in Atomic Radii
ØThis is Influenced by three factors:
üThe higher the charge the closer the electrons to the nucleus.
I1 < I2 < I3
Factors Affecting Ionization Energy
The larger the nuclear charge, the greater the ionization energy.
The greater the shielding effect, the less the ionization energy.
The greater the distance between the nucleus and the outer
electrons of an atom, the less the ionization energy.
Ionization energy and atomic radius are inversely proportional
H He
1312.1 2372.5
Li Be B C N O F Ne
520.3 899.5 800.7 1086.5 1402.4 1314.0 1681.1 2080.8
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
495.9 737.8 577.6 786.5 1011.8 999.7 1251.2 1520.6
K Ca Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
418.9 589.9 578.6 761.2 946.5 940.7 1142.7 1350.8
Rb Sr In Sn Sb Te I Xe
402.9 549.2 558.2 708.4 833.8 869.0 1008.7 1170.3
Periodic Trends in IE
• Atoms in the same period have valence electrons in the
• Same shielding.
• Electron affinity is exothermic, that is energy is given off when
an electron is added to the atom
A . B
Periodic Trends in Electronegativity
• The atoms have same energy levels but size decreases
a period