Pgrossman Redacted
Pgrossman Redacted
Pgrossman Redacted
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Dear Alicia,
Thank you so much for your response and for waiting until next Friday to post the agenda item.
Also, thank you for looping in the General Counsel to weigh in on the MOU. I’m excited to see the
progress we’ve made this week on moving this forward.
All my best,
Pam Grossman
Dean and George and Diane Weiss Professor of Education
Graduate School of Education
15 of 24 3/2/2023, 2:30 PM
University of Pennsylvania
3700 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104
Hi Joann-
Thank you. I will hold until next Friday.
I am adding in our General Counsel who drafted this item and who can also provide an
update on status of our agreement.
Thank you!
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Good morning,
We would like to have a public posting of the agenda item deferred until at least next
Tuesday to give the principal time to communicate to parents and families. Aaron sent
the attached current draft to the SDP communications office. Any word on whether it
was approved? If so, he can send it tomorrow and then the announcement will not be a
surprise to key constituents. I will also send it to Jerry for his input since the PFT is
listed and ask for his feedback ASAP. I will contact him again and ask for his edits to the
announcement and agenda item by Friday.
16 of 24 3/2/2023, 2:30 PM
Understanding that the MOA will control commitments, we noted that nothing is
mentioned about SDP commitments (e.g., for staffing). Why is that the case?
Also, we still have not heard anything from the SDP OGC team about the MOA.
Could you facilitate a response from their Office ASAP?
Will this be the only approval needed from the School Board? If not, what are the
next steps?
Is it possible to have the agenda item reflect that the contribution (language we’d
prefer to “grant”) is contingent upon successfully meeting the agreed upon
milestones in the out years?
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Hi Alicia,
17 of 24 3/2/2023, 2:30 PM
Good Afternoon-
Attached please find the action item that we plan to submit to the Board for
Please let me know if you have any questions. When do we expect we can publicly
share this item with the Board?
Alicia M. Prince
Chief of Staff
The School District of Philadelphia | Office of the Superintendent
440 N. Broad Street | Suite 301 | Philadelphia, PA 19130
Phone: 215-400-
18 of 24 3/2/2023, 2:30 PM