Cartography 3 - Photogrammetry Computations 2

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Cartography 3

Photogrammetry Computations II

1. Aerial photo was taken from the aircraft 9. Determine the flying height of an aircraft
flying at an average height of 3000m, the if the adjacent distant for flight strips is
camera has a focal length of 150mm and 3420m. The camera used has a format of
a square format of 25cm. If the distance 250mm by 250mm and focal length of
between camera exposures is 1800m, 155mm.
determine the percent end-lap.
10. An aircraft flying at 2320m above the
2. Two consecutive photos along a flight line ground, the camera has a 190mm by 190
with distance between exposures of mm format. What is the focal length of a
1560m, uses a camera of focal length camera if the side-lap is 40%, and the
150mm and format of 18cm by 18cm. The distance for adjacent flight strips is
aircraft was flying at an average elevation 3160m?
of 3250m at the time of photography.
What is the overlap between the two 11. What should be the distance between
photographs? adjacent flight lines, if the scale of the
photo is 1:4,000, the format is 23cm by
3. The required end-lap for a stereopair is 23cm and the required side lap is 33.5%?
65% and the distance between the
exposures 1750. If the camera used has a 12. What should be the distance between
focal length of 180mm and the camera exposures, if required side-lap 31%, if the
format is 210mm by 210mm, what should square format is 210mm by 210mm, the
be the flight height during photography? flying height is 2340m and the focal
length of the camera used is 175mm?
4. An aircraft flying at 2550m above the
ground, the camera has a 240mm by 240 13. Aerial photography is to be acquired over
mm format. What is the focal length of a an area of 5.6km wide and 11.6km long.
camera if the distance for exposures is From map scale and accuracy
1800m? requirements, it has been determined
that photos must be at an average scale
5. What should be the distance between of 1:3600, the photo format is 23cm by
exposures, if the scale of the photo is 23cm. End-lap and side-lap are 60% and
1:3,500, the format is 23cm by 23cm? 30%, respectively. Determine the
minimum number of photos needed.
6. What should be the distance between
exposures, if required end-lap 62.5%, if 14. The area to be covered by vertical aerial
the square format is 210mm by 210mm, photography is 8.7km by 4.3km. The focal
the flying height is 2340m and the focal length of the camera is 150mm, with a
length of the camera used is 175mm? 225mm by 225mm format. Scale is
1:10000 and the end-lap is 60% with a
7. The camera of focal length of 160mm has side-lap of 30%. If the plane used travels
a size of exposed negative of 240mm by at a constant speed of 170kph, how long
240mm. Photo is taken from a plane should the intervalometer setting allow
flying at an altitude of 3500m from the between exposures?
ground. If the spacing between adjacent
flight strips is 3600m, determine the
percent side-lap.

8. A camera, focal length 180mm and a

square format of 22cm by 22cm, was
used in aerial photography. The plane
flew at 3330m above the ground and
according to the flight plan the distance
between adjacent flight lines was 2750m.
What will be the overlap area between
two adjacent photos?

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