Cartography 4 - DIsplacement and Photo Adjustment

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Cartography 4

Photogrammetry Computations III – Displacement and Photo Adjustments

1. On a photograph taken from a height of 6. On a photograph taken at an observation

1340m above the ground, a building has a plane at an altitude of 2840m above the
relief displacement that measures 5.54mm. If datum, the distance from the principal point
the image of the top of the building is located to the image of the top of a tower is 8cm. If
64.55mm from the principal point, determine the elevation of the top of the tower is 130m
the height of the building. above the datum determine the relief
2. An airplane flying at an altitude of 820m
above the ground took picture of a tower. The 7. An airplane flying at an altitude of 1000m
image of the top and bottom of the tower above sea level took picture of a certain area.
appears in the picture having distances of its A building appears in the picture as having a
end of 2.08cm and 2.00cm from the center of distance of its ends of 6cm and 6.04cm.
the photo. Determine the height of the tower above sea
a. Determine the height of the tower. level and the horizontal distance of the tower
b. If the focal length of the camera is 150mm, directly below the plane when the picture
how far is the tower from the plane along was taken if the scale of the photo is 1:4000.
the horizontal?
8. An aircraft flying at 700m above MSL took a
3. An observation plane takes a photo of a vertical photo of an area. A tower can be
building from a height of 1200m above the spotted in the picture. This same tower has a
ground and the height of the building is base elevation of 135m above MSL. From the
99.78m. If the top of building is located picture it can be measured that from the
54.50mm from the principal point, compute principal point to the top of the tower is
for the relief displacement. 175mm and relief displacement of 21mm.
a. What is the height of the tower?
4. An airplane was at altitude 600m above the b. If the distance of the tower is 270m from
sea level when it took pictures containing the principal point, what is the focal
towers A and B. The elevA(top) is 60m and length of the camera used?
the elevB(top) is 90m. The ends of the two c. Determine the scale of the photograph of
images have distances from centroid of the the tower.
picture as follows:
XA = +7.11cm, YA = -3.05cm 9. The relief displacement of a water tank
XB = -3.55cm, YB = +8.89cm measured 6.2mm on a vertical aerial
If the focal length is 50cm. Determine the photograph taken on an observation plane
distance between the two towers. from flying height of 1000m above the ground.
The radial distance from the center of the
5. A vertical aerial photo is taken from a flying photograph to the displaced image of the top
height of 3657m above the datum. The origin of the tower is 80mm, compute the height of
of the photograph coordinate system is at the the water tank and its horizontal distance
principal point ‘1’. If the measured directly below the plane. The focal length of
coordinates of the tower are XA = +67.75mm the camera used is 200mm.
and YA = +72.42mm. Determine the height of
the tower, if the relief displacement is

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Cartography 4
Photogrammetry Computations III – Displacement and Photo Adjustments

10. _______ is the optical or geometric center of 16. Assume that the optical axis of a camera was
the photograph. It is the image of the 3o from the vertical when taking a photograph
intersection between the projection of the with a 152.4-mm focal length. What will the
optical axis (i.e., the perpendicular to the distance between the nadir and photo center
center of the lens) and the ground. be on the photograph. What is the
corresponding distance on the ground if the
11. _______, also called vertical point or plumb
aircraft were flying at 3500 m above the
point, is the image of the intersection
between the plumb line directly beneath the
camera center at the time of exposure and
17. A 209-mm (8¼-in.) focal length camera was
the ground.
used on an aircraft flying at 8,000 m (26240
ft) above the mean sea level (MSL) to take a
12. _______ is the point halfway between the
photograph of an object 1,500 m (4920 ft)
principal point and the nadir and on the line
above MSL. The tilt on the photograph was
segment joining these two points on the
found to be 3o. What is the photographic
scale at:

13. Suppose that the calibrated distances a. the isocenter (assumed to coincide
between the fiducial marks on the camera are with the principal point) of the
23.25 cm along x-axis and 23.30 cm along y- photograph,
axis. The corresponding distances measured b. 15 cm (5.9 in.) from the principal point
on a photographic print from the same on the upper side of tilt, and
camera are 23.33 cm and 23.36 cm. If the c. 15 cm (5.9 in.) from the principal point
photocoordinates, x and y, of a point on the lower side of tilt.
measured on the print are 8.15 cm and 11.04
cm, what are the corrected photocoordinates 18. An aircraft was flying 3500 m above mean sea
of the point. level with a swing angle of 250o. A 152.4-mm
focal length camera tilted at 2.9o from the
vertical was used to take photographs. Two
14. Suppose that an airplane was flying 3000
points a and b were identified on a
meters (9840 feet) above the ground at 500 photograph and their ground elevations were
kilometers (about 310 miles) per hour . determined from a topographic map as hA =
Suppose also that the camera was taking 100 m and hB = 300 m. From the
photographs with a 305-mm (12-in.) focal photocoordinate system defined by the lines
length camera lens and a shutter speed of connecting opposite fiducial marks on the
1/40th of a second (0.025 s). What would be photograph, the photocoordinates of the two
the image motion? points were measured to be: xa = 7.15
cm, ya = 2.10 cm, xb = 6.53 cm, and yb = 3.94
15. Suppose this time that an aircraft was flying cm. Find the coordinates of the corresponding
at a speed of 450 km (about 280 miles) per points A and B on the ground and the length
of line AB.
hour and taking photographs with a shutter
speed of 1/125th of a second using a focal
length of 152.4 mm (6-in.). What should be
the flying altitude of the aircraft above the
ground to assure the acceptable image
motion of 0.05 mm (0.002 in) on the

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