Key Highlights of FTP 2023 (Booklet)
Key Highlights of FTP 2023 (Booklet)
Key Highlights of FTP 2023 (Booklet)
Department of Commerce
Government of India
Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20
India's Exports
US$ 676 Bn
US$ 435 Bn
Automatic route
Permission type Current processing time
processing time
(In Rupees)
One Star 3 3
Two Star 25 15
Faridabad Apparel
Moradabad Handicrafts
These 4 new towns of export excellence (TEE) are in addition to the already
existing 39 towns of export excellence.
This scheme gives thrust to cluster based economic development.
TEEs are industrial clusters that are recognized based on their export
Recognition to these industrial clusters is granted with a view to maximize
their potential and enable them to move up the value chain and to tap new
Benefits under TEE Scheme are:
Recognition -
Helps in getting recognition/credibility attached to industrial units of the
region/town while exploring/expanding into newer markets.
Puts such industrial units/town on the global stage.
MAI Scheme -
Recognized associations of units are provided financial assistance under
Market Access Initiative Scheme on priority basis, for export promotion
projects for marketing, capacity building and technological services.
Through this scheme such units can get financial assistance to visit various
trade exhibitions/fairs for exploring more marketing avenues.
Prime Minister Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel Parks (PM
MITRA) scheme has been added as an additional scheme eligible to claim
benefits under CSP(Common Service Provider) Scheme of Export
Promotion capital Goods Scheme(EPCG).
Dairy sector to be exempted from maintaining Average Export Obligation –
to support dairy sector to upgrade the technology.
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) of all types, Vertical Farming equipment,
Wastewater Treatment and Recycling, Rainwater harvesting system and
Rainwater Filters, and Green Hydrogen are added to Green Technology
products – will now be eligible for reduced Export Obligation requirement
under EPCG Scheme
Special Advance Authorisation Scheme extended to export of Apparel and
Clothing sector under para 4.07 of HBP on self-declaration basis to facilitate
prompt execution of export orders – Norms would be fixed within fixed
Benefits of Self-Ratification Scheme for fixation of Input-Output Norms
extended to 2 star and above status holders in addition to Authorised
Economic Operators at present.
Fruits and Vegetables exporters are being included for double weightage for
counting export performance under eligibility criteria for Status House
certification. This is in addition to existing MSME sector who also get double
Special One-time Amnesty Scheme for
Default in Export Obligations
Address: Directorate General of Foreign Trade,
Vanijya Bhawan, Akbar Road, New Delhi 110001