Fire Protection Systems: Mechanical Technical Manual Series

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Now listed for more types of appications than

any other nonmetallic system.

We build tough products for tough environments®

BlazeMaster® Fire Sprinkler Systems

Mechanical Technical Manual Series Volume II

© 2019 by IPEX. All rights reserved. No part of this book may

be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior
written permission. For information contact: IPEX Inc., Marketing,
1425 North Service Road East, Unit 3, Oakville, Ontario,
Canada, L6H 1A7

The information contained here within is based on current

information and product design at the time of publication and is
subject to change without notification. IPEX does not guarantee
or warranty the accuracy, suitability for particular applications,
or results to be obtained therefrom.
At IPEX, we have been manufacturing non-metallic pipe and fittings since 1951. We formulate our own compounds and
maintain strict quality control during production. Our products are made available for customers thanks to a network
of regional stocking locations throughout North America. We offer a wide variety of systems including complete lines of
piping, fittings, valves and custom-fabricated items.
More importantly, we are committed to meeting our customers’ needs. As a leader in the plastic piping industry, IPEX
continually develops new products, modernizes manufacturing facilities and acquires innovative process technology. In
addition, our staff take pride in their work, making available to customers their extensive thermoplastic knowledge and
field experience. IPEX personnel are committed to improving the safety, reliability and performance of thermoplastic
materials. We are involved in several standards committees and are members of and/or comply with the organizations
listed on this page.
For specific details about any IPEX product, contact our customer service department.
Fire Protection Systems Technical Manual
About IPEX

Section One: General Information

Features and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Section Two: Industry Standards and Guidelines

IPEX BlazeMaster Products with other CPVC and Solvent Cements . . . 5
Where to use IPEX BlazeMaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Concealed Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Unfinished Basements with Exposed Solid Wood Joist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Exposed Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Factory Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Combustible Concealed Installations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Extended Coverage Sprinklers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Air Plenums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
System Risers in NFPA 13R and 13D Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Section Three: Material Properties

Pressure Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Pipe Dimensions and Weights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Section Four: Design Data

Sprinkler Head Temperature Ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Temperature/Pressure Rating. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Hydraulic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Thermal Expansion and Contraction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Pipe Deflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Chemical Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Freeze Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Fire Protection Systems i

Section Five: Handling and Installation
Underground Water Pressure Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Backfilling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Loop Offset for Contraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Outdoor Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Pressure Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Estimating One-Step Solvent Cement Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Hangers and Supports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Threaded Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Flanged Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Grooved Coupling Adapters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Penetrating Fire Rated Walls and Partitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Earthquake Bracing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Installation Dos and Don’ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Disclaimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30

Section Ten: Appendices

Appendix A: Reference Tables and Conversion Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Appendix B: Abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

ii Fire Protection Systems


This manual provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive information about IPEX’s BlazeMaster® Fire Sprinkler
Systems. All aspects of the BlazeMaster System are covered from basic raw material properties to installation
procedures of the finished product. Written with the engineer, contractor and distributor in mind, it is based on
laboratory test results combined with IPEX’s years of field experience.
This manual is intended as a supplement to basic, fundamental knowledge relating to the installation and/or repair
of CPVC fire sprinkler systems. It is the primary source for BlazeMaster installation instructions. Before commencing
installation, a user should understand and confirm applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines and
local code approval and installation requirements for CPVC fire sprinkler systems.

Fire Protection Systems 1



































2 Fire Protection Systems

Features and Benefits

IPEX BlazeMaster® pipe and fittings are designed Improved Flow

specifically for fire sprinkler systems. They are made from

a specialty thermoplastic known chemically as post- IPEX piping has a substantially lower Roughness Factor
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC). IPEX BlazeMaster than metal and other materials, and since BlazeMaster
pipe and fittings provide unique advantages in sprinkler CPVC does not rust, pit, scale or corrode, the interior walls
installations including superior hydraulics, ease of joining, remain smooth in virtually any service. This high carrying
increased hanger spacing in comparison to other capacity may result in the use of flatter grades or smaller
thermoplastics and ease of assembly. They also are based diameter pipe.
on a technology with a continuous and proven service
history of more than 40 years. Fire Performance
BlazeMaster is made with CPVC which offers an even
Lower Installation Costs greater fire safety profile than PVC. Like PVC, CPVC will
In addition to a lower material cost, BlazeMaster pipe and not independently support combustion, and as such
fittings can significantly reduce labor and transportation will not burn once the flame source is removed. CPVC’s
costs on a typical installation. The reason? Plastics ignition resistance is demonstrated by its flash ignition
are easily handled, stored, cut and joined. And, heavy temperature of 900°F.
equipment used to install metallic and other piping CPVC also has a low flame spread. In addition, it provides
systems are not required, thereby reducing project costs. outstanding smoke characteristics. In testing conducted
to CAN/ULC S102.2, CPVC showed a flame spread of less
Extended Life than 15, and a smoke-developed classification of 15. And,
like PVC, CPVC has a fuel contribution of 0.
IPEX’s BlazeMaster System is fundamentally ageless and
impervious to normal weather conditions. BlazeMaster Extensive tests on PVC and CPVC compounds prove
Systems in uninterrupted service have operated their outstanding fire performance. These materials meet
successfully for over 18 years. During maintenance or the most stringent requirements governing the use of
revisions, examinations of the original plastic materials combustible pipe in most building types.
showed excellent physical and hydraulic characteristics.
Once properly selected for the application and
correctly installed, IPEX BlazeMaster provides years of
maintenance-free service. Our materials will not rust, pit,
scale or corrode on either interior or exterior surfaces.

Fire Protection Systems 3


BlazeMaster Fire Sprinkler Systems offer a level of

superior performance that exceeds your requirements:
• Fully approved for use in all NFPA 13 Light
Hazard applications

• Field fabrication reduces design engineering

• Smooth inner surface allows pipe downsizing

with superior hydraulics – Hazen-Williams “C”
factor of 150

• Great in corrosive environments – immune to

Microbiology Influenced Corrosion (MIC)

• Higher occupancy rate compared to metal


• Less impact on occupants during retrofits

• Design savings

• Concealed and exposed, UL and ULC Listed for

use in NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D Light Hazard
applications including high rise buildings

• FM Approved, NSF certified, and permitted for

use in air plenums per NFPA 90A

4 Fire Protection Systems


IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe carries the markings Concealed Installations

of Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC), and
With concealed installation the minimum protection shall
Underwriters Laboratories Inc.(UL) and Factory Mutual
consist of one layer of 3/8” (9.5 mm) gypsum wallboard, or
(FM). BlazeMaster is listed by NSF International (NSF) when
a suspended membrane ceiling with lay-in panels or tiles
potable water is used. Refer to individual manufacturers’
having a weight of not less than 0.35 pounds per square
installation instructions for specific listings and approvals.
foot (1.7 kg per square meter) when installed with metallic
support grids, or 1/2” (12.7 mm) plywood soffits.
Combination of IPEX BlazeMaster Products with

other CPVC and Solvent Cements For residential occupancies defined in NFPA 13R and 13D,

the minimum protection may consist of one layer of 1/2”
IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings are UL and (12.7 mm) plywood. During periods of remodeling and
ULC Listed for use with IPEX and/or other BlazeMaster renovation, appropriate steps must be taken to protect
CPVC pipe and/or BlazeMaster CPVC fittings Listed in the piping from fire exposure if the ceiling is temporarily
accordance with the appropriate U.S. and/or Canadian removed.
In concealed installation, the sprinkler temperature rating
The BlazeMaster products’ listing does not include the is 77ºC (170°F) or lower. In accordance with the ULC Listing,
combination of IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe with other the effectiveness of this protection can be impaired if
types of specially listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipes, fittings penetrated by large openings such as ventilation grills;
and solvent cements. exhaust fans connected to metal ducts serving washrooms
excepted. Where such penetration is present, individual
Where to Use IPEX BlazeMaster Fire Sprinkler openings exceeding 0.03 m2 but not exceeding 0.71 m2 in
Systems area must be located so that the distance from the edge
IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings are Listed of the opening to the nearest sprinkler does note exceed
by Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC) and 300 mm. This piping shall not be used where such openings
Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) for use in: exceed 0.71 m2 in area. The effect of the presence of non-
rated recessed lighting fixtures, public address speakers
• Light Hazard occupancies as defined in the Standard and other interruptions of the protective membrane has not
for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13. been investigated.
• Residential occupancies as defined in the Standard
for Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential
Occupancies up to Four Stories in Height, NFPA 13R.
• Residential occupancies as defined in the Standard
for Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family
Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, NFPA 13D.
• Air plenums, as defined by the Installation of Air
Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, NFPA 90A.
• Underground Water Pressure Service, NFPA 24 at a
maximum working pressure of 1210 kPa (175 psi).
• System risers in residential buildings up to four stories
in height, NFPA 13R and 13D, when protected, at a
maximum working pressure of 1210 kPa (175 psi).
IPEX BlazeMaster fire sprinkler systems shall be employed
in wet-pipe systems only. (A wet-pipe system contains
water and is connected to a water supply so that the
water will discharge immediately when the sprinkler is
opened.) BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings must never
be used in a system using compressed air or other gases.
National Fire Protection Association Standards 13, 13R,
13D, the Building Code of Canada and NFPA 24 must
be referenced and followed for design and installation
requirements in conjunction with this design manual.

Fire Protection Systems 5

Unfinished Basements with Exposed Solid Wood Joist 4. All system mains shall be run perpendicular to the
joists. All branch lines shall be run parallel to the
joists. Schedule 80 fittings in the 1-1/2 in. and
Note: Check with your IPEX representative or local larger size shall be used.
building code for use of system before installing in 5. All solvent cement joints shall be made with IPEX
unfinished basements. BlazeMaster (BM-5) One Step Solvent Cement.
6. When the total protected area exceeds 1,000 square

In accordance with the UL and ULC Listing, IPEX feet, blocking shall be utilized to divide the area into

BlazeMaster CPVC Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings may be individual compartments not exceeding 1,000 square
installed without protection (exposed) in unfinished feet. The maximum length along the joist shall not
basements in accordance with NFPA 13D when subject to exceed 32 feet. When the length exceeds 32 feet,
the following additional limitations: blocking shall be utilized. The blocking shall be
constructed of minimum 1/2 in. plywood and shall be
1. The ceiling shall be horizontal and constructed the full depth of the wood joists. It is acceptable for
utilizing nominal 2” x 10” solid wood joists on 16” items such as piping, wires, ducts, etc. to penetrate
centers. the blocking. The gap between the item penetrating
the blocking should be minimized. For installations
OR where the gap exceeds 1/4 in., the gap shall be filled
with insulation, caulking, or other suitable material.
The ceiling shall be horizontal and constructed
utilizing nominal 2”. x 12” solid wood joists on 16” 7. When installing IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe
centers. When installing IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC perpendicular (system mains) to the solid wood joists,
pipe and fittings in conjunction with 2” x 12” solid listed support devices for thermoplastic sprinkler
wood joists, the maximum system working pressure piping or other listed support devices shall be used
under flowing conditions shall not exceed 100 psi which mount the piping directly to the bottom of the
and the maximum system working pressure under solid wood joists. As an alternative to mounting the
static (nonflowing) conditions shall not exceed 175 psi. pipe and fittings below the solid wood joists, it is also
acceptable to cut holes in the solid wood joists at or
2. The distance from the floor to the bottom of the solid below the center of the depth of the solid wood joist
wood joists shall be between 7’ and 8’. for support – the holes should be oversized to allow
3. Listed residential pendent sprinklers with a maximum for movement and located to not impair the structural
temperature rating of 155°F and a minimum K-factor integrity of the joists.
of 3.0 are to be used for this type of installation. The CAUTION: When drilling holes in the solid wood joists, the
maximum sprinkler spacing shall not exceed 12 feet. structural integrity must be maintained.
The system is to be designed based upon the Listed Consult the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or building
flows for the sprinkler selected except that the flow code for requirements.
for a single sprinkler flowing is to be not less than 10
gpm and the flow for multiple sprinklers flowing is to
be not less than 8 gpm per sprinkler. The sprinklers
are to be installed with their deflectors a maximum of
13/4 “ below the bottom of the solid wood joists in
anticipation of future installation of a finished ceiling.
(reference NFPA 13D, Section 4-2.4, 1999 Edition)

6 Fire Protection Systems

8. When installing IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe parallel
(branch lines) to the solid wood joists, the pipe and
fittings shall be installed in the cavity below the
bottom of the ceiling and above the bottom of the
joist. The branch lines shall be located at or below the
center of the depth of the solid wood joist. The pipe
shall be installed utilizing listed support devices
for thermoplastic sprinkler piping or other listed

support devices which mount the piping directly to

nominal 2” wood blocking or listed support devices
for thermoplastic sprinkler piping which offset the
pipe a nominal distance of 1-1/2 in. from the solid
wood joists.

Use of IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings

is limited to basements where the quantity and
combustibility of contents is low and fires with
relatively low rates of heat release are expected. Center Wall Riser with
Main at Wall

Riser in Corner

Center Wall Riser with

Center Room Main

Fire Protection Systems 7

Branches supported
with Blocking

Branches supported
with Hangers

8 Fire Protection Systems

Exposed Installations (Where Sprinklers are Required) NFPA 13R and 13D
BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings are not Listed for NFPA 13R and 13D permit the omission of sprinklers from
installation in combustible spaces requiring sprinklers, as combustible concealed spaces and IPEX BlazeMaster
referenced NFPA 13. However, NFPA 13R and 13D permit the pipe and fittings may be installed in these areas when
omission of sprinklers from combustible concealed spaces sprinklering residential occupancies according to these
and BlazeMaster pipe and fittings can be installed in these standards.
areas when protecting residential occupancies according
to these standards.

As an alternative to the protection requirements,
BlazeMaster pipe and fittings may be installed without
protection (exposed), subject to the following additional
Smooth, flat, horizontal fixed ceilings
1. Exposed piping is to be installed below a smooth,
flat, horizontal fixed ceilings in conjunction with Listed
quick response or residential sprinklers of maximum
temperature rating of 77ºC (170ºF).
2. Listed Quick-Response pendent sprinklers having
deflectors installed within 8” (203 mm) from the ceiling
or Listed Residential pendent sprinklers located
in accordance with their Listing and a maximum
distance between sprinklers not to exceed 15’ (4.57 m).
3. Listed Quick Response horizontal sidewall sprinklers
having deflectors installed within 6” (152 mm) from
the ceiling and within 4” (101 mm) from the sidewall or
Listed Residential horizontal sidewall sprinklers located
in accordance with their Listing and a maximum
distance between sprinklers not to exceed 14’ (4.27 m).
4. Exposed pipe employing Listed Quick Response Extended Coverage Sprinklers
upright heads shall be installed not more than 71/2” In accordance with the UL and ULC Listing, IPEX
(190 mm) from the ceiling to the centerline of the pipe. BlazeMaster CPVC Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings may
Upright heads shall be installed having the deflectors be installed without protection (exposed) with Listed
within 4” (101 mm) from the ceiling and a maximum Extended Coverage Sprinklers when subject to the
distance between sprinklers not to exceed 15’ (4.57 following additional limitations:
m). For upright heads, the maximum distance from the
centerline of a sprinkler head to a hanger shall be 3” • Exposed piping is to be installed below a smooth, flat,
(76.2 mm). horizontal ceiling construction.
• When using fittings that are 11/2 inch or greater, only
Factory Mutual schedule 80 fittings may be used.
Factory Mutual (FM) insured properties require the pipe to • The end use application is limited to unobstructed
be protected by a permanent non-removable fire resistant construction.
barrier. Exposed pipe and drop in ceiling panels are not
acceptable. • All solvent cement joints shall be made with BlazeMaster
(BM-5) One Step Solvent Cement.
Combustible Concealed Installations The new listing allows listed pendent, light hazard, quick
response, extended coverage sprinklers AND listed
IPEX BlazeMaster pipe and fittings must never be installed
residential pendent sprinklers with a 155°F maximum
in combustible concealed spaces requiring sprinklers, as
temperature rating to have deflectors installed within 8”.
referenced in NFPA 13.
from the ceiling. The distance between sprinklers may
range from 15 to 20’ with a minimum application density

Fire Protection Systems 9

of 0.10 gpm/sq. ft. Previously, the listing was restricted to System Risers in NFPA 13R and 13D Applications
quick response pendent sprinkler heads with a limitation of
15’ spacing between the heads. BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings may be used as
system risers in accordance with NFPA 13D and 13R when
In addition, the new listing allows listed horizontal sidewall, subject to the following additional limitations:
light hazard, quick response, extended coverage sprinklers
AND listed horizontal sidewall residential sprinklers with 1. When installed protected (concealed), the minimum
a 165°F maximum temperature rating to have deflectors protection shall consist of either one layer of 9.5 mm
installed within 6” from the ceiling and within 4” from the (3/8”) thick gypsum wallboard or 12.7 mm (1/2”) thick


sidewall. The distance between sprinklers may range from

14’ to 18’ with an application density of at least 0.10 gpm/ 2. In accordance with the UL and ULC Listing, when
sqft. The listing had been restricted to quick response installed without protection (exposed), the following
horizontal sidewall sprinkler heads with a limitation of 14’ limitations shall apply:
spacing between heads.
(a) The riser shall be installed below a smooth, flat,
Before beginning installation the manufacturer’s horizontal ceiling construction. A Listed residential
installation instructions must be referenced for complete pendent sprinkler is to be installed with its
information regarding installation. Additional requirements deflector at the distance from the ceiling specified
may be listed in NFPA 13, 13D and 13R. in the sprinkler Listing.
Only CPVC cements approved by IPEX can be used with
BlazeMaster pipe and fittings. OR

The riser shall be installed below a horizontal

Summary unfinished basement ceiling (in accordance with
NFPA 13D) constructed utilizing nominal 2” x 10”
or nominal 2” x 12” exposed solid wood joists on
Existing UL New, additional 16” centers. A Listed residential pendent sprinkler
Listing sprinkler UL Listing sprinkler is to be installed with its deflector a maximum
Sprinkler Type
head spacing head spacing of 13/4” below the bottom of the solidwood joist
requirements options in anticipation of future installation of a finished
Pendent 15’ maximum 20’ maximum
• When installing BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and
Sidewall 14’ maximum 18’ maximum fittings in conjunction with 2” x 12” solid wood
joists, the maximum system working pressure
under flowing conditions shall not exceed 100 psi
and the maximum system working pressure under
Air Plenums static (nonflowing) conditions shall not exceed 175
In accordance with the UL and ULC Listing, IPEX
BlazeMaster CPVC Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings are (b) A listed residential pendent sprinkler having
approved for use in air plenums. IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC a maximum temperature rating of 155°F and
Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings have been investigated by UL a minimum K-factor of 3.0 is to be installed
per the requirements of UL 1887 and found to comply with at a maximum horizontal distance of 12” from
the combustibility requirements for thermoplastic sprinkler the centerline of the riser. The system is to be
pipe as described in the Standard for Installation of Air designed based upon the Listed flows for the
Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, NFPA 90A and sprinkler selected except that the flow for a single
various model mechanical codes. (Note: IPEX BlazeMaster sprinkler flowing is to be not less than 10 gpm and
CPVC Sprinkler Pipe and Fittings may be installed in the the flow for multiple sprinklers flowing is to be not
plenum adjacent to, but not over, openings in the ceiling less than 8 gpm per sprinkler.
such as ventilation grills and require the use of Schedule
80 fittings in the 11/2” and larger size.) (c). The riser shall be supported vertically within two
feet of the ceiling or bottom of the joist.
d) The minimum riser diameter shall be 1” and the
maximum riser diameter shall be 2”. Schedule 80
fittings for riser sizes 11/2” and larger shall be used.

10 Fire Protection Systems

e) The maximum distance between the wall(s) and Figure 2: Coupling Modification for Riser Collar
the outside surface of the riser pipe shall be 11/2”.
f) All solvent cement joints shall be made with
BlazeMaster One Step Solvent Cement (BM-5).
3. The system shall be installed per the requirements
of NFPA 13, Sections 6-2.5 (1999 Edition), Support of Plastic Coupling
Risers. Snug but or Collar

not Tight

4. The BlazeMaster CPVC sprinkler pipe and fittings shall Adhered to Pipe
be installed per the manufacturer’s installation and
design manual.
5. Risers shall be supported by pipe clamps or by hangers Strut to Wall
located on the horizontal connection close to the
riser. Only Listed hangers and clamps shall be used.
6. Vertical lines must be supported at intervals,
described in 7 & 8 below, to avoid placing excessive
load on a fitting at the lower end. Do this by using
riser clamps or double bolt pipe clamps Listed for
this service. The clamps must not exert compressive 7. Do not use riser clamps that squeeze the pipe and
stresses on the pipe. If possible, the clamps should depend on compression of the pipe to support the
be located just below a fitting so that the shoulder weight.
of the fitting rests against the clamp. If necessary, a 8. Hangers and straps shall not compress, distort, cut or
coupling can be modified and adhered to the pipe abrade the piping and shall allow for free movement
as a bearing support such that the shoulder of the of the pipe to allow for thermal expansion and
fitting rests on the clamp. Follow the manufacturer’s contraction.
recommended cure time.
9. Maintain vertical piping in straight alignment with
Recommended method for securing BlazeMaster supports at each floor level, or at 10 feet (3.05 m)
pipe vertically. Place clamp below shoulder of fitting. intervals, whichever is less.
WARNING: Modified riser collar shall only be used to
provide support to the riser and shall not be used to 10. CPVC risers in vertical shafts or in buildings with
join two pieces of pipe. ceilings over 25’ (7.62 m), shall be aligned straightly
and supported at each floor level, or at 10’ (3.05 m)
Figure 1: Field Modification for Riser Collar for Vertical Use intervals, whichever is less.

Modified BlazeMaster CPVC Coupling Adhered to Pipe

Fire Protection Systems 11


Pressure Rating Physical & Thermal Properties of BlazeMaster CPVC

BlazeMaster pipe and fittings (20 – 80 mm (3/4” – 3”))
are rated for continuous service of 1207 kPa (175 psi) at Property CPVC ASTM
65ºC (150°F). Specific Gravity 1.55 D 792
IZOD Impact Strength 3.0 D 256A
Pipe Dimensions & Weights (ft. lbs./inch, notched)
Modulus of Elasticity, @ 73°F, psi 4.23 x 105 D 638
IPEX BlazeMaster pipe is produced in SDR 13.5 dimensions.
Ultimate Tensile Strength, psi 8,400 D 638
SDR, or standard dimensional ratio, means the pipe wall
Compressive Strength, psi 9,600 D 695
thickness is directly proportional to the outside diameter.
This results in all diameters carrying the same pressure Poisson’s Ratio .35 - .38 -
capability. IPEX BlazeMaster pipe is produced to the Working Stress @ 73°F, psi 2,000 D 1598
specifications of ASTM F 442. IPEX BlazeMaster fittings are Hazen-Williams C Factor 150 _
produced to ASTM F 437, F 438, or F 439 specifications Coefficient of Linear Expansion 3.4 x 10-5 D 696
depending on the size and configuration. in./(in.°F)
Thermal Conductivity 0.95 C 177

IPEX BlazeMaster Pipe Dimensions & Weights BTU/hr./ft.2/°F/in.

SDR 13.5 (ASTM F 442) Limiting Oxygen Index 60% D 2863
Electrical Conductivity Non Conductor
Nominal Average Average lbs Kgrams lbs Kgrams
Size OD ID /ft /mtr /ft /mtr
In mm In mm In mm Empty Empty H20 H20
Filled Filled
/4 19.05 1.050 26.67 .874 22.2 0.168 0.250 0.428 0.637

1 25.40 1.315 33.40 1.101 28.0 0.262 0.390 .0675 0.100

11/4 31.75 1.660 42.16 1.394 35.4 0.418 0.622 1.079 1.606

11/2 38.10 1.900 48.26 1.598 40.6 0.548 0.816 1.417 2.109

2 50.80 2.375 60.33 2.003 50.9 0.859 1.278 2.224 3.310

21/2 63.50 2.875 73.03 2.423 61.5 1.257 1.871 3.255 4.844

3 76.20 3.500 88.90 2.950 75.0 1.867 2.778 4.829 7.186

Note: The above average OD and average ID information

is per ASTM F442. Check with individual manufacturers for
actual OD and ID information.

12 Fire Protection Systems


Sprinkler Head Temperature Ratings Hydraulic Design

BlazeMaster pipe and fittings shall be used in sprinkler C Factor
systems employing sprinkler heads rated 77ºC (170°F)
Hydraulic calculations for the sizing of BlazeMaster pipe
or lower, for pendent and horizontal sidewall heads.
and fittings shall be calculated using the Hazen-Williams
Quick-Response upright heads shall be rated at 68ºC
C factor of 150.
(155°F) or less.
Pipe Friction Loss
Temperature/Pressure Rating Pipe friction loss calculations shall be made according to
BlazeMaster pipe and fittings (20 – 80 mm (3/4” – 3”)) NFPA 13 Section 8-4 (1999 Edition).
are rated for continuous service of 1207 kPa (175 psi)
Fittings Friction Loss
at 65ºC (150°F). IPEX BlazeMaster pipe and fittings are
suitable for use in areas where ambient temperatures The following table shows the allowance for friction loss for
are within the range of 2ºC (36°F) to 65ºC (150°F). IPEX fittings, expressed as equivalent length of pipe.
BlazeMaster pipe can be installed in an area, such as an
attic, where the temperature will exceed 65ºC (150°F) if Allowance for Friction Loss in Fittings
ventilation is provided or if insulation is used around the (SDR 13.5 Equivalent Pipe)
pipe to maintain a cooler environment. BlazeMaster piping
systems must be laid out so that the piping is not closely
exposed to devices that generate heat in excess of 65ºC 20 mm 25 mm 32 mm 40 mm 50 mm 65 mm 80 mm
(150°F) such as light fixtures, ballasts and steam lines. If the (3/4”) (1”) (11/4”) (11/2”) (2”) (21/2”) (3”)
installation is in an area subject to freezing temperatures,
the sprinkler system must be protected from freezing. Tee Branch m 0.91 1.52 1.83 2.44 3.05 3.66 4.57

A frozen system will not only be deactivated, but the (ft) (3) (5) (6) (8) (10) (12) (15)
pressures that may build up can cause the sprinkler heads Elbow 90° m 2.13 2.13 2.44 2.74 3.35 3.66 3.96
to open or damage the pipes. (ft) (7) (7) (8) (9) (11) (12) (13)
Elbow 45° m 0.31 0.31 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.91 1.22
(ft) (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) (3) (4)
Coupling m 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.61 0.61
(ft) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2)
Tee Run m 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.61 0.61
(ft) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (2) (2)

Fire Protection Systems 13

Thermal Expansion and Contraction
IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe, like all piping materials, expands and contracts with changes in temperature. The coefficient of
linear expansion is: 0.0000612 cm / cm °C (0.0000340 inch/inch-°F). Lineal expansion is the same for all pipe diameters.

Thermal Expansion in Inches

Formula: 'L = Lp C ('T)

Where: 'L = change in length due to change in temperature in inches
Lp = length of pipe in inches
C = coefficient of thermal expansion 3.4 x 10¯5 inch / inch °F
'T = change in temperature °F
Lp = 30 ft = 360”
'T = 25°F
'L = 360 x 3.4 x 10¯5 (25)
= 0.31”

Temp Length of Run in Feet


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 70 90 120 160
'T °F
Thermal Expansion ' L (in.)

20 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.41 0.57 0.73 0.98 1.31
30 0.06 0.12 0.18 0.24 0.31 0.37 0.43 0.49 0.55 0.61 0.86 1.10 1.47 1.96
40 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.33 0.41 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.73 0.82 1.14 1.47 1.96 2.61
50 0.10 0.20 0.31 0.41 0.51 0.61 0.71 0.82 0.92 1.02 1.43 1.84 2.45 3.26
60 0.12 0.24 0.37 0.49 0.61 0.73 0.86 0.98 1.10 1.22 1.71 2.20 2.94 3.92
70 0.14 0.29 0.43 0.57 0.71 0.86 1.00 1.14 1.29 1.43 2.00 2.57 3.43 4.57
80 0.16 0.33 0.49 0.65 0.82 0.98 1.14 1.31 1.47 1.63 2.28 2.94 3.92 5.22
90 0.18 0.37 0.55 0.73 0.92 1.10 1.29 1.47 1.65 1.84 2.57 3.30 4.41 5.88
100 0.20 0.41 0.61 0.82 1.02 1.22 1.43 1.63 1.84 2.04 2.86 3.67 4.90 6.53

14 Fire Protection Systems

Thermal Expansion in Centimeters

Formula: 'L = Lp C ('T)

Where: 'L = change in length due to change in temperature in cm
Lp = length of pipe in cm
C = coefficient of thermal expansion 6.2 x 10¯5 inch / inch °C
'T = change in temperature °C
Lp = 10 Meters = 1000 cm
'T = 25°C
'L = 1000 x 6.12 x 10¯5 (25)
= 1.55 cm

Temp Length of Run in Meters

1 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 30 40 50
'T °C
Thermal Expansion ' L (cm.)

10 0.06 0.12 0.24 0.37 0.49 0.61 0.73 0.86 0.98 1.10 1.22 1.84 2.45 3.06
15 0.09 0.18 0.37 0.55 0.73 0.92 1.10 1.29 1.47 1.65 1.84 2.75 3.67 4.59
20 0.12 0.24 0.49 0.73 0.98 1.22 1.47 1.71 1.96 2.20 2.45 3.67 4.90 6.12
25 0.15 0.31 0.61 0.92 1.22 1.53 1.84 2.14 2.45 2.75 3.06 4.59 6.12 7.65
30 0.18 0.37 0.73 1.10 1.47 1.84 2.20 2.57 2.94 3.30 3.67 5.51 7.34 9.18
35 0.21 0.43 0.86 1.29 1.71 2.14 2.57 3.00 3.43 3.86 4.28 6.43 8.57 10.71
40 0.24 0.49 0.98 1.47 1.96 2.45 2.94 3.43 3.92 4.41 4.90 7.34 9.79 12.24
45 0.28 0.55 1.10 1.65 2.20 2.75 3.30 3.86 4.41 4.96 5.51 8.26 11.02 13.77
50 0.31 0.61 1.22 1.84 2.45 3.06 3.67 4.28 4.90 5.51 6.12 9.18 12.24 15.30

Figure 3: Expansion Loop and Offset Configuration

Fire Protection Systems 15

Pipe Deflection
IPEX BlazeMaster fire sprinkler piping is inherently ductile allowing it to be deflected, within permissible limits, around
or away from objects during installation, which can reduce installation time. This ductility allows for greater freedom
of design and lower installed cost. The maximum installed
deflections for BlazeMaster piping are as follows:

Maximum Installed Deflections (One End Restrained) Figure 4: One End Restrained
Formula: d = 0.329 L2 Example L = 10 ft.
D D = 2.375” (for 2” pipe)
Where: d = deflection in inches
d = 0.329 x 102
L = length in feet 2.375
D = average outside diameter in inches (ref. Pg. 7) = 0.329 x 100
= 13.90

Pipe Pipe Length in Feet

2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Permissible Bending Deflections SDR 13.5 (73°F) in Inches

/4 1.30 7.80 15.40 31.30 45.10 70.50 90.60 125.40 195.90 282.10 383.90
1 1.00 6.30 12.30 25.00 36.00 56.30 72.30 100.10 156.40 225.20 306.60 400.40
11/4 0.80 5.00 9.70 19.80 28.50 44.60 57.30 79.30 123.90 178.40 242.80 317.20 401.40
1 /2 0.70 4.30 8.50 17.30 24.90 39.00 50.10 69.30 108.20 155.90 212.20 277.10 350.70 433.00
2 0.60 3.50 6.80 13.90 20.00 31.20 40.00 55.40 86.60 124.70 169.70 221.70 280.60 346.40
2 /2 1
0.50 2.90 5.60 11.40 16.50 25.80 33.10 45.80 71.50 103.00 140.20 183.10 231.80 286.20
3 0.40 2.40 4.60 9.40 13.50 21.20 27.20 37.60 58.80 84.60 115.20 150.40 190.40 235.10

Formula: d = 228.472 L2 Example L = 5 m.

D D = 60.3 mm (for 50 mm pipe)
Where: d = deflection in cm d = 228.472 x 52
L = length in meters 60.3
D = average outside diameter in mm (ref. Pg. 7) = 228.472 x 25
= 94.70

Pipe Pipe Length in Meters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Permissible Bending Deflections SDR 13.5 (23°C) in cm

20 8.60 34.30 77.10 137.10 214.20 308.40 419.80 548.30 694.00 856.70 1,036.70
25 6.80 27.40 61.60 109.50 171.00 246.30 335.20 437.80 554.10 684.10 827.80 985.10
32 5.40 21.70 48.80 86.70 135.50 195.10 265.50 346.80 439.00 541.90 655.70 780.40 915.80
40 4.70 18.90 42.60 75.80 118.40 170.40 232.00 303.00 383.50 473.50 572.90 681.80 800.20 928.00
50 3.80 15.20 34.10 60.60 94.70 136.40 185.60 242.40 306.80 378.80 458.30 545.40 640.10 742.40
65 3.10 12.50 28.20 50.10 78.20 112.60 153.30 200.30 253.40 312.90 378.60 450.60 528.80 613.30
80 2.60 10.30 23.10 41.10 64.30 92.50 125.90 164.50 208.20 257.00 311.00 370.10 434.40 503.80

16 Fire Protection Systems

Figure 5: Both Ends Restrained
Maximum Installed Deflections (Both Ends Restrained)

Formula: d = 0.0823 L2 Example L = 10 ft.

D D = 2.375” (for 2” pipe)
Where: d = deflection in inches
d = 0.0823 x 102
L = length in feet 2.375
D = average outside diameter in inches (ref. Pg. 7) = 0.0823 x 100
= 3.50

Pipe Pipe Length in Feet

2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Permissible Bending Deflections SDR 13.5 (73°F) in Inches
/4 0.30 2.00 3.80 7.80 11.30 17.60 22.60 31.10 49.00 70.50 96.00 125.40 158.70 195.90

1 0.30 1.60 3.10 6.30 9.00 14.10 18.10 25.00 39.10 56.30 76.60 100.10 126.70 156.40
1 /4 0.20 1.20 2.40 5.00 7.10 11.20 14.30 19.80 31.00 44.60 60.70 79.30 100.40 123.90
1 /2 0.20 1.10 2.10 4.30 6.20 9.70 12.50 17.30 37.10 39.00 53.00 69.30 87.70 108.20
2 0.10 0.90 1.70 3.50 5.00 7.80 10.00 13.90 21.60 31.20 42.40 55.40 70.10 86.60
21/2 0.10 0.70 1.40 2.90 4.10 6.40 8.30 11.40 17.90 25.80 35.10 45.80 57.90 71.50
3 0.10 0.60 1.20 2.40 3.40 5.30 6.80 9.40 14.70 21.20 28.80 37.60 47.60 58.80

Formula: d = 57.1528 L2 Example L = 5 m.

D D = 60.3 mm (for 50 mm pipe)
Where: d = deflection in cm d = 57.1528 x 52
L = length in meters 60.3
D = average outside diameter in mm (ref. Pg. 7) = 57.1528 x 25
= 23.70

Pipe Pipe Length in Meters

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Permissible Bending Deflections SDR 13.5 (23°C) in cm

20 2.10 8.60 19.30 34.20 53.50 77.10 104.90 137.00 173.40 214.10 259.00 308.20 361.80 419.50
25 1.70 6.80 15.40 27.40 42.80 61.60 83.80 109.50 138.60 171.10 207.10 246.40 289.20 335.40
32 1.40 5.40 12.20 21.70 33.90 48.80 66.40 86.70 109.70 135.40 163.90 195.00 228.90 265.40
40 1.20 4.70 10.60 18.90 29.60 42.60 58.00 75.70 95.80 118.30 143.20 170.40 200.00 231.90
50 0.90 3.80 8.50 15.20 23.70 34.10 46.40 60.70 76.80 94.80 114.70 136.50 160.20 185.80
65 0.80 3.10 7.00 12.50 19.60 28.20 38.40 50.10 63.40 78.30 94.70 112.70 132.30 153.50
80 0.60 2.60 5.80 10.30 16.10 23.10 31.50 41.10 52.10 64.30 77.80 92.60 108.60 126.00

Fire Protection Systems 17

Chemical Compatibility Freeze Protection
CPVC domestic water, fire sprinkler, and industrial piping Freeze protection can be provided in a variety of methods
systems have been used successfully for more than 40 including system design, insulation and antifreeze.
years in new construction, re-pipe and repair. CPVC
Batt Insulation
products are ideally suited for these applications due
to their outstanding corrosion resistance. Occasionally, Many jurisdictions recommend the use of batt insulation
however, CPVC and PVC can be damaged by contact for freeze protection in place of antifreeze solutions. These
with chemicals found in some construction products (and jurisdictions typically publish batt insulation guidelines that
site preparations). Reasonable care needs to be taken provide the minimum thickness of insulation to be utilized.
to insure that products coming into contact with CPVC Reference NFPA 13D Section A-4-3.1 (1999 Edition) for
systems are chemically compatible. IPEX recommends that additional recommendations.
chemical compatibility with CPVC be confirmed with the
manufacturer of the product in contact with CPVC piping Antifreeze Solutions
systems. (Refer to the Chemical Compatibility Section Glycerin antifreeze solutions are acceptable for use with
under Products & Services at for IPEX BlazeMaster piping. Glycol shall not be used with IPEX
additional information on compatibility.) BlazeMaster pipe and fittings. Always install antifreeze
systems per the NFPA guidelines. Refer to Section 4-5.2 of
A Note on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion NFPA 13 (1999 Edition).
(MIC) The following considerations should be incorporated into
In areas where water supplies are known to have the system design when providing for freeze protection:
contributed to MIC, NFPA requires metallic fire sprinkler
• Always follow the manufacturers’ installation
system water supplies to be tested and appropriately
instructions provided by IPEX. This is especially

treated. Reference Section 9-1.5 of NFPA 13 (1999 Edition).

important with regard to the torque requirements
This testing and treatment is not required when using IPEX
for sprinkler installation, the specific type and use
BlazeMaster CPVC products. BlazeMaster CPVC is not
of Teflon® tape, and the specific type and use of a
susceptible to MIC because:
thread paste sealant.
1. CPVC surfaces discourage the adherence of the
• Use only high quality Teflon® tape or a thread paste
bacteria associated with MIC. In metallic systems,
sealant recommended by IPEX. Never combine both
colonies form around the bacteria that entrap
Teflon® tape and thread paste sealants.
organic acids against the wall, causing the pitting
which is common with MIC. • Follow NFPA 13 Section 4-5.3.2 (1999 Edition)
requirement regarding the installation and use of
2. As the bacteria associated with MIC cannot adhere
expansion chambers when backflow prevention
to the inner surface of CPVC, the bacteria will not
devices are installed with steel, copper and CPVC.
propagate as rapidly.
NOTE: Most existing backflow prevention devices do
3. The organic acids produced by the MIC bacteria not allow entrapped pressure to be relieved.
promote the oxidation of metals but do not affect
• Follow NFPA 13 Section A-4-5.1 (1999 Edition)
CPVC. In fact, the compounds that comprise
recommendation of not exceeding a maximum
BlazeMaster pipe and fittings are known to be
40-gallon antifreeze volume for steel, copper and
unaffected in extreme acid environments far more
CPVC systems.
severe than those environments associated with
MIC. • Consider the use of glycerin and water solution
antifreeze loops rather than the practice of installing
Note 1: Metal components within non-metallic fire sprinkler
glycerin and water solutions into the entire sprinkler
systems are not immune to MIC.
Note 2: MIC has not been evaluated by UL for this product.

18 Fire Protection Systems

Estimating Antifreeze Solution Requirements Painting
The UL and ULC Listing does not cover painted CPVC pipe
and fittings.
Fitting Size Gallons per Liters per
inches mm Foot of Pipe Meter of Pipe When painting of the system is permitted, water-based
acrylic latex paint is the preferred and recommended
3/4 19.05 0.031 0.036 paint to use on BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings. Oil or
solvent-based paints may be chemically incompatible.
1 25.40 0.049 0.057
Certain types of oil or solvent-based paints may,
11/4 31.75 0.079 0.091 however, be used provided that it is a light coating that
dries quickly. These paints should not be allowed to
11/2 38.10 0.104 0.120
puddle or pool on the surface. Application of solvent-
2 50.80 0.164 0.189 based paints must be individually reviewed as there are
certain types of paints and stains that contain drying
21/2 63.50 0.240 0.277 oils and should not be used at all on CPVC. (Refer to the
Chemical Compatibility Section under Product & Services
3 76.20 0.355 0.410
at for additional information on


Fire Protection Systems 19



































20 Fire Protection Systems


IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC is a tough, corrosion resistant the trench or where thermal expansion and contraction is
material, but does not have the mechanical strength of a factor. See section titled “Snaking of Pipe”.
steel. Reasonable care must be exercised in handling
• Water filled pipe should be buried at least 12”
BlazeMaster pipe and fittings. They must not be dropped
(305 mm) below the maximum expected frost line.
or have objects dropped on them. If improper handling
results in scratches, splits, or gouges, the damaged • It is recommended that BlazeMaster piping be run
section shall be cut out and discarded. within a metal or concrete casing when it is installed
beneath surfaces that are subject to heavy-weight
IPEX BlazeMaster pipe must be covered with a non-
or constant traffic such as roadways and railroad
transparent material when stored out of doors for
extended periods of time. Brief exposure to direct sunlight
on the job site may result in color fade but will not affect The trench bottom should be continuous, relatively smooth
physical properties. BlazeMaster fittings should be stored and free of rocks. Where ledge rock, hardpan or boulders
in their original containers to keep them free from dirt and are encountered, it is necessary to protect the pipe from
reduce the possibility of damage. Caution should be taken damage. Use a minimum of 4” (102 mm) of clean soil
not to overstack boxes of BlazeMaster fittings in extreme or sand. Crushed stone or other materials may have a
temperature environments (>150°F). negative impact on the performance of the pipe.
Sufficient cover must be maintained to keep external
Underground Water Pressure Service stress levels below acceptable design stress. Reliability
Both pipe and fittings may be used in underground and safety of service is of major importance in determining
water pressure service installations per the following minimum cover. Local, state and national codes may also
requirements: govern.
1. ASTM D 2774, Standard Recommended Practice for Snaking of Pipe
Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure
After BlazeMaster CPVC pipe has been solvent welded,
it is advisable to snake the pipe according to the below
2. ASTM F 645, Standard Guide for Selection, Design recommendations beside the trench during its required
and Installation of Thermoplastic Water Pressure curing time. BE ESPECIALLY CAREFUL NOT TO APPLY ANY
snaking is necessary in order to allow for any anticipated
3. The system shall be installed per the requirements thermal movement that could take place in the newly

of NFPA 24. joined pipeline.
4. The BlazeMaster CPVC sprinkler pipe and fittings Snaking is particularly necessary on the lengths that have
shall be installed per the manufacturer’s installation been solvent welded during the late afternoon on a hot
instructions and this design manual. summer’s day, because their drying time will extend
through the cool of the night when thermal contraction
Installation of the pipe could stress the joints to the point of pull out.
This snaking is also especially necessary with pipe that
Thrust Blocking
is laid in its trench (necessitating wider trenches than
If thrust blocks are utilized they should be designed per recommended) and is back-filled with cool earth before
NFPA 24, Section 8-6-2 (1995 Edition). the joints are thoroughly dry.
Note: BlazeMaster fire sprinkler systems utilize a solvent Figure 6: Snaking of Pipe
cement joining method. As such, thrust blocks are not
required with BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings in
underground water pressure service. Reference NFPA 24,
Section A-8-6.1 (1995 Edition).
The trench should be of adequate width to allow
convenient installation, while at the same time being
as narrow as possible. Minimum trench widths may be
utilized by joining pipe outside of the trench and lowering
it into the trench after adequate joint strength has been
(NOTE: Refer to the page 15 in this design manual for
recommended set and cure time for solvent cement joints).
Trench widths will have to be wider where pipe is joined in

Fire Protection Systems 21

Backfilling Loop Offset in mm for Contraction:
Note: Underground pipe shall be thoroughly inspected
and tested for leaks prior to backfilling. Backfill material Maximum Temperature Variation, °C,
should be placed over pipe sections only, leaving the joints Between Time of Solvent Welding and Final Use
exposed during testing.
Degrees Loop Length
Ideally, backfilling should only be done early in the morning
during hot weather when the line is fully contracted 65.6 Meters 164 Meters 328 Meters
and there is no chance of insufficiently dried joints being
subjected to contraction stresses. (12) 76 178 330
The pipe should be uniformly and continuously supported (7) 102 229 457
over its entire length on firm, stable material. Blocking
(1) 127 279 559
should not be used to change pipe grade or to
intermittently support pipe across excavated sections. 4 127 330 660
10 152 356 737
Loop Offset in Inches for Contraction:
16 152 406 813
Maximum Temperature Variation, °F, 21 178 432 889
Between Time of Solvent Welding and Final Use 178 457 940

Degrees Loop Length 32 203 483 1016

38 203 508 1067
20 Feet 50 Feet 100 Feet
Pipe is installed in a wide range of sub-soils. These soils
10° 3 7 13
should not only be stable but applied in such a manner to
20° 4 9 18 physically shield the pipe from damage. Attention should
be given to local pipe laying experience that may indicate
30° 5 11 22 particular pipe bedding problems.
40° 5 13 26 Backfill materials free of rocks with a particle size of

50° 6 14 29 /2” (12.7 mm) or less should be used to surround the pipe
with 6” (152 mm) to 8” (203 mm) of cover. It should be
60° 6 16 32 placed in layers. Each soil layer should be sufficiently
70° 7 17 35 compacted to uniformly develop lateral passive soil forces
during the backfill operation. It may be advisable to have
80° 7 18 37 the pipe under hydraulic pressure, 15 to 25 psi (103 – 172
90° 8 19 40 kPa) during the backfilling.

100° 8 20 42 Vibratory methods are preferred when compacting sand

or gravel. Best results are obtained when the soils are in a
nearly saturated condition. Where water flooding is used,
the initial backfill should be sufficient to insure complete
coverage of the pipe. Additional material should not be
added until the water flooded backfill is firm enough to
walk on. Care should be taken to avoid floating the pipe.
Sand and gravel containing a significant proportion on
fine-grained material, such as silt and clay, should be
compacted by hand or, preferably by mechanical tamper.
The remainder of the backfill should be placed and spread
in approximately uniform layers in such a manner to fill the
trench completely so that there will be no unfilled spaces
under or about the rocks or lumps of earth in the backfill.
Large or sharp rocks, frozen clods and other debris greater
than 4” (102 mm) in diameter should be removed. Rolling
equipment or heavy tampers should only be used to
consolidate the final backfill.
The pipe should be sleeved with a compatible sleeving
where it penetrates the slab.
22 Fire Protection Systems
Outdoor Installations 11/4” (32 mm) and above shall
always receive a second
IPEX BlazeMaster pipe and fittings are not listed for cement application on the
exposed, outdoor applications. pipe end. (Apply cement on
the pipe end, in the fitting
Joining IPEX BlazeMaster Pipe and Fittings with socket, and on the pipe
Red One Step Solvent Cement again.) Only use solvent
cements that have been
Note: BlazeMaster BM-5 One Step Cement requires no
specifically investigated
cleaner or primer. Refer to individual manufacturers’
and tested for use with
installation instructions.
BlazeMaster CPVC systems
and approved by the pipe and fitting manufacturer. Too
Cutting much cement can cause clogged waterways. Do not allow
IPEX BlazeMaster pipe can be excess cement to puddle in
easily cut with a ratchet cutter the pipe and fitting assembly.
(except at temperatures below Special care shall be
10ºC (50ºF)), a wheel-type exercised when assembling
plastic tubing cutter, a power BlazeMaster systems in
saw or a fine toothed saw. To extremely low temperatures
ensure the pipe is cut square, (below 4°C (40ºF)) or
a miter box is recommended extremely high temperatures
when using a saw. A square (above 38°C (100ºF)). Extra
cut provides the surface of the set time shall be allowed
pipe with maximum bonding in colder temperatures.
area. If any indication of damage or cracking is evident When cementing pipe and fittings in extremely cold
at the pipe end, cut off at least 50.8 mm (2”) beyond any temperatures, make certain that the cement has not
visible crack. “gelled”. Gelled cement must be discarded. In extremely
hot temperatures, make sure both surfaces to be joined
Deburring are still wet with cement when putting them together.
Burrs and filings can prevent


proper contact between pipe
and fitting during assembly, After applying cement, immediately insert the pipe into
and must be removed from the the fitting socket, while rotating the pipe one-quarter turn.
outside and the inside of the Properly align the fitting for the installation at this time.
pipe. A chamfering tool or a Pipe must bottom to the stop. Hold the assembly for 10
file is suitable for this purpose. to 15 seconds to ensure initial bonding. A bead of cement
A slight bevel shall be placed should be evident around the pipe and fitting juncture. If
at the end of the pipe to ease this bead is not continuous around the socket shoulder, it
entry of the pipe into the socket and may indicate that insufficient cement was applied.
minimize the chances of wiping solvent
cement from the fitting during insertion.

Fitting Preparation
Using a clean, dry rag, wipe loose dirt and moisture from
the fitting socket and pipe end. Moisture can slow the cure
time and at this stage of assembly, excessive water can
reduce joint strength. Check the dry fit of the pipe and
fitting. The pipe should enter the fitting socket easily 1/4 to
/4 of the way. At this stage, the pipe should not bottom
out in the socket.

Solvent Cement Application

Joining surfaces shall be penetrated and softened.
Cement shall be applied (worked into pipe) with an
applicator half the nominal size of the pipe diameter.
Apply a heavy, even coat of cement to the outside pipe
end. Apply a medium coat to the fitting socket. Pipe sizes

Fire Protection Systems 23

If insufficient cement is applied, the fitting must be cut out TABLE I 1552 kPa (225 psi) Test Pressure (maximum) Ambient
and discarded. Temperature During Cure Period
Cement in excess of the bead can be wiped off with Pipe Size Temperature
a rag. Care shall be exercised when installing sprinkler
16°C to 49°C > 4.4°C >17.8°C
heads. Sprinkler head fittings shall be allowed to cure for inches mm (60°F to 120°F) (> 40°F) (> 0°F)
a minimum of 30 minutes prior to installing the sprinkler
head. When installing sprinkler heads, be sure to anchor 3
/4 20 1 hr 4 hrs 48 hrs
or hold the pipe drop securely to avoid rotating the pipe
1 25 1
1 /2 hrs 4 hrs 48 hrs
in previously cemented connections. Previously cemented
fittings shall also be permitted to cure for a minimum of 30 1 /41
32 & 40 3 hrs 32 hrs 10 days
minutes. 2 50 8 hrs 48 hrs Note 1
Warning: Sprinkler heads shall be installed only after all 21/2 & 3 65 & 80 24 hrs 96 hrs Note 1
the CPVC pipe and fittings, including the sprinkler head
adapters, are solvent welded to the piping and allowed
to cure for a minimum of 30 minutes. Sprinkler head
TABLE II 1379 kPa (200 psi) Test Pressure (maximum)
fittings should be visually inspected and probed with a
Ambient Temperature During Cure Period
wooden dowel to ensure that the water way and threads
are clear of any excess cement. Once the installation is Pipe Size Temperature
complete and cured per Table I, II or III, the system shall be
hydrostatically tested. Sprinklers shall not be installed in 16°C to 49°C > 4.4°C >17.8°C
inches mm (60°F to 120°F) (> 0°F)
the fittings prior to the fittings being cemented in place. (> 40°F)
Note: Safety and Health Precautions. Prior to using CPVC /4 20 45 mins 11/2 hrs 24 hrs
solvent cements, review and follow all precautions found 1 25 45 mins 1
1 /2 hrs 24 hrs
on the container labels, material safety data sheet, and
Standard Practice for Safe Handling ASTM F 402. 11/4 32 & 40 11/2 hrs 16 hrs 120 hrs
2 50 6 hrs 36 hr Note 1
Set and Cure Times 1
2 /2 & 3 65 & 80 8 hrs 72 hrs Note 1
Solvent cement set and cure
times are a function of pipe

size, temperature, relative

humidity, and tightness TABLE III 690 kPa (100 psi) Test Pressure (maximum)
of fit. Curing time is faster Ambient Temperature During Cure Period
for drier environments,
Pipe Size Temperature
smaller pipe sizes, higher
temperatures and tighter 16°C to 49°C > 4.4°C >17.8°C
inches mm (60°F to 120°F) (> 0°F)
fits. The assembly must (> 40°F)
be allowed to set, without 3
/4 20 15 mins 15 mins 30 mins
any stress on the joint, for 1 to 5 minutes, depending on
pipe size and temperature. Following initial set period, the 1 25 15 mins 30 mins 30 mins
assembly can be handled carefully, avoiding significant 1 /41
32 & 40 15 mins 30 mins 2 hrs
stresses to the joint. Refer to the following tables for
minimum cure times prior to pressure testing.

Note: For these sizes, the solvent cement can be applied

at temperatures below -17.8°C (0°F), however, the sprinkler
system temperature must be raised to a temperature of
0°C (32°F) or above and allowed to cure per the above
recommendations prior to pressure testing.

24 Fire Protection Systems

Cut-in procedures for system modification or repairs • After all work is completed, the cut-in joints must be
allowed to cure properly prior to pressure testing as
Prior to making system cut-ins on existing systems, care follows:
should be used to review proper joining procedures and to
FOLLOW CUT-IN CURE SCHEDULES to ensure the highest
system integrity. Several methods can be utilized to tie CUT-INS
into an existing system using a socket style tee fitting Minimum Cure Prior to Pressure Testing
in combination with the use of socket couplings, unions,
grooved coupling adapters, and flanges. Regardless of Ambient Temperature During Cure
the method used, the following points must be followed to Pipe Size
16°C to 49°C > 4.4°C >17.8°C
ensure the highest integrity: (> 40°F) (> 0°F)
(60°F to 120°F)
• Using proper tools, the cut-in should be made on the
smallest diameter pipe section (that is capable of 3
/4” 1 hour 4 hours 48 hours
adequately supplying the system changes) in close 48 hours
1” 1
1 /2 hours 4 hours
proximity to the modification being made. This
approach will expedite cure times prior to pressure 1
1 /4” & 1 /2” 1
3 hours 32 hours 10 days
2” 8 hours 48 hours *
• The cut-in connection to the existing system should
21/2” & 3” 24 hours 96 hours *
be made first, prior to proceeding with additional
• Existing lines must be drained adequately prior to • * Solvent cement can be applied at temperatures
solvent cementing. Use a Drain Vac unit to be sure all below 40ºF for 2” sizes and larger, however the
water is removed from the system (moisture can slow temperature of the system must be raised to
the cure time and reduce joint strength). 40ºF or higher and allowed to cure per the above
• Carefully review and follow manufacturer’s solvent recommendations prior to pressure testing. When
cementing procedures for proper joining techniques bringing cement, pipe or fittings in from the outside,
prior to commencing with cut-in (pipe must be cut be certain they are brought up to room temperature
square to proper length, deburred, beveled and dry to before using the 60ºF to 120ºF cure schedule.
ensure proper insertion depth and highest integrity). • After work is completed and Cut-In cure times are

• Carefully measure and cut pipe to proper length to met, inspect work for proper alignment and hanger
ensure complete insertion during assembly (check the placement prior to pressure testing.
dry fit of the components being joined). • After Cut-In cure times are met, the system must
• Note: During assembly of the Cut-In tee (and other be slowly filled with water and the air bled from
components) it is important to make the 1/4 turn when the furthest and highest sprinkler heads before test
inserting the pipe into the fitting per the manufacturer’s pressure is applied (refer to manufacturer’s installation
assembly instruction, particularly on 11/2” pipe sizes instructions regarding Hydrostatic Testing).
and larger. This may require the use of several • After cut-in cure times are met and the air is bled
components assembled in combination with the cut-in from the system, it is recommended that the portion
tee to create a short spool piece assembly. This can of the sprinkler system containing the cut-in tee
be accomplished by using socket unions, flanges, or be pressure tested. Prior to pressure testing, the
grooved coupling adapters that will ensure that a 1/4 system must be sectioned off to its smallest area
turn can be obtained on all pipe connections being using floor valves etc. to isolate the cut-in area. It is
joined. further recommended that the test pressure applied
• Prior to applying solvent cement use a clean dry rag should not exceed 50 psi over the system pressure.
to wipe moisture and dirt from the fitting socket and This approach will minimize the potential for water
the pipe end (the presence of moisture on the joining damage should a leak occur.
surfaces will reduce joint integrity).
• Use a new can of cement when making cut-in
connections (verify expiration dates stamped on can
prior to use).

Fire Protection Systems 25

Pressure Testing Hangers and Supports
Once an installation is completed and cured, per the Because IPEX BlazeMaster pipe is rigid, it requires fewer
previous recommendations, the system should be pressure supports than flexible plastic systems. The support spacing
tested at 1379 kPa (200 psi), Table II, for 2 hours (or at is shown in the following table.
345 kPa (50 psi) in excess of the maximum pressure, Table
Most hangers designed for metal pipe are suitable for
I, when the maximum pressure to be maintained in the
BlazeMaster pipe. Do not use undersized hangers. Hangers
system is in excess of 1034 kPa (150 psi) in accordance
with sufficient load bearing surface shall be selected
with the requirements established by NFPA Standard 13,
based on pipe size, i.e., 40 mm hangers for 40 mm pipe.
Section 10-2.2.1 (1999 Edition). Sprinkler systems in one- and
The hanger shall not have rough or sharp edges that come
two-family dwellings and mobile homes may be tested at
in contact with the pipe. The pipe hangers must comply
line pressure, Table III in accordance with the requirements
with the requirements in NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D. For Quick
established by NFPA 13D, Section 1-5.4 (1999 Edition). When
Response upright sprinkler heads, rigid hangers secured to
pressure testing, the sprinkler system shall be slowly filled
the ceiling shall be used.
with water and the air bled from the highest and farthest
sprinkler heads before pressure testing is applied. Air must
be removed from piping systems (plastic or metal) to Nominal Size Maximum Support Spacing
prevent it from being locked in the system when pressure inches mm feet meters
is applied. Entrapped air can generate excessive surge
pressures that are potentially damaging, regardless of the 3
/4 19.05 51/2 1.67
piping materials used. Air or compressed gas should never
be used for pressure testing. If a leak is found, the fitting 1 25.40 6 1.83
must be cut out and discarded. A new section can be 11/4 31.75 61/2 1.98
installed using couplings or a union. Unions should be used
in accessible areas only. 1
1 /2 38.10 7 2.13

Estimating One-Step Solvent Cement Requirements 2 50.80 8 2.43

The following guidelines are provided to allow estimation 2 /2 1

63.50 9 2.74
of one-step solvent cement quantities needed. 3 76.20 10 3.05

Fitting Size Number of Joints Number of Joints When a sprinkler head activates, a significant reactive

force can be exerted on the pipe. With a pendent head,


inches mm Per Quart Per Liter

this reactive force can cause the pipe to lift vertically if it is
/4 19.05 270 285 not properly secured, especially if the sprinkler drop is from
small diameter pipe. The closest hanger shall brace the
1 25.40 180 190 pipe against vertical lift-up. See Tables A & B.
11/4 31.75 130 137 For exposed installations in accordance with the UL and
1 /2 38.10 100 106 ULC Listing, Listed support devices shall be used which
mount the BlazeMaster CPVC piping directly to the ceiling
2 50.80 70 74 or sidewall.
2 /2 1
63.50 50 53 TABLE A Maximum Support Spacing Distance In Line
76.20 40 42 Sprinkler Head Drop Tee

Nominal Pipe Less than More than

Size 690 kPa (100psi) 690 kPa (100 psi)
inches mm feet meters feet meters
/4 19.05 4 1.22 3 0.91
1 25.40 5 1.52 4 1.22
1 /4 31.75 6 1.83 5 1.52
11/2-3 38.10 - 76.20 7 2.13 7 2.13

26 Fire Protection Systems

TABLE B Maximum Support Spacing Distance End Line Threaded Connections
Sprinkler Head Drop Elbow
IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC female threaded adapters
or flanges are listed for connecting a BlazeMaster
Nominal Pipe Less than More than fire sprinkler system to other materials, valves, and
Size 690 kPa (100psi) 690 kPa (100 psi) appurtenances.
inches mm inches mm inches mm A thread sealant shall be used in making threaded
connections. TFE (Teflon®) thread tape is the
/4 19.05 9 228.60 6 152.40 recommended sealant. Some thread sealants other than
1 25.40 12 304.80 9 228.60 TFE thread tape contain solvents or other materials that
may be damaging to CPVC. Contact your authorized
1 /4 31.75 16 406.40 12 304.80 IPEX BlazeMaster distributor or IPEX Representative for
1 /2-3 38.10 - 76.20 24 609.60 12 304.80 approved thread sealants. Use of thread sealants other
than those approved by IPEX will void the warranty on the
IPEX BlazeMaster system.
The closest hanger shall brace the pipe against vertical
lift-up. Any of a number of techniques can be used to Care shall be exercised when transitioning between
brace the pipe. Four acceptable approaches would be IPEX BlazeMaster pipe and fittings and metal. Care must
to use a standard band hanger positioning the threaded be taken to avoid over-torquing. Refer to section on
support rod to 1.588 mm (1/16”) above the pipe, a split-ring instructions for torque requirements.
hanger, a wrap-around U hanger, or a special escutcheon The following is the recommended method of installation
which prevents upward movement of the sprinkler through to ensure a sound connection.
the ceiling.
a) Begin by applying 2 to 3 wraps of TFE (Teflon®)
Figure 7: Support Spacing Drop Elbow and Drop Tee thread tape.
b) Tighten the sprinkler head into the adapter taking
care not to cross-thread the fitting. (Recommended
torque values 15-25 ft/lbs)
c) Two to three turns beyond finger-tight is all that
is required to make a sound plastic threaded

CAUTION: Over-tightening will damage both the pipe
and the fitting.

Flanged Connections
Flange Make-Up: Once a flange is joined to pipe, the
method for joining two flanges is as follows:
Penetration of Studs and Joists
1. Piping runs joined to the flanges must be installed in
Wooden Studs and Joists a straight line position to the flange to avoid stress
at the flange due to misalignment. Piping must
It is acceptable to cut holes in wood studs for support. The also be secured and supported to prevent lateral
holes should be oversized to allow for movement. movement that can create stress and damage the
Metal Studs 2. With gasket in place, align the bolt holes of the
IPEX BlazeMaster pipe and fittings should be protected mating flanges by rotating the ring into position.
from sharp edges when passing through metal studs. (Consideration should be given to alignment of
One-Piece Flange prior to joining with pipe.)
Transition to Other Materials 3. Insert all bolts, washers (two standard flat washers
per bolt), and nuts.
4. Make sure the faces of the mating surfaces are flush
Additional support should be added at the metal side of against gasket prior to bolting down the flanges.
a IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC-metal transition to support the
5. Tighten the nuts by hand until they are snug.
weight of the metal system.
Establish uniform pressure over the flange face by
tightening the bolts in 5 ft. lb. (6.8 M Kg) increments

Fire Protection Systems 27

according to the sequence shown in Figure 8: Bolt soap-based gasket lubricant. Caution: Use of
Tightening Sequence following a 180° opposing petroleum based lubricants will damage the gasket
sequence. and adapter resulting in stress failure of the CPVC
adapter. A gasket/joint lubricant is recommended
6. Care must be taken to avoid “bending” the
to prevent pinching the gasket and to assist in
flange when joining a flange to a “raised face”
seating the gasket during the alignment process.
flange, or a wafer-style valve. Do not use bolts to
Apply the appropriate lubricant to the gasket lips
bring together improperly mated flanges.
and exterior surface of the gasket.
Caution: Over-torquing will damage the flange. Torque
3. Place the gasket over the metal pipe ends, being
given is for dry, non-lubricated bolt, standard washers,
sure gasket lip does not overhang the pipe end.
neoprene 3.18 mm (1/82) thick full face gasket. If lubricant
Insert the CPVC grooved coupling adapter into
(non-petroleum based) is used, torque levels may vary.
the gasket. Make sure that the gasket is centered
Actual field conditions may require a variation in these
between the two grooves. No portion of the gasket
should extend into the grooves. Caution: Make sure
Recommended Bolt Torque the gasket is not pinched between the pipe and the
Flange Size Bolt Diameter Torque
4. Place the metal housing over the gasket, making
inches mm inches mm ft lbs M Kg sure the metal housing key is into the grooves on
the metal pipe and the CPVC coupling adapter.
/4 - 11/2 19.05 - 38.10 1
/2 12.70 10 - 15 13.6 - 20.3 Insert the bolts and tighten by hand. Tighten the
2-3 50.80 - 76.20 5
/8 15.88 20 - 30 27.1 - 40.7 bolts alternately and equally until the bolt pads
are touching metal-to-metal. In completing a
proper joint, the gasket is also slightly compressed,
Figure 8: Bolt Tightening Sequence adding to the strength of the seal from the gasket’s
5. Inspect the joints before and after pressure testing.
Look for gaps between the bolt pads and for
housing keys that are not inside the grooves.

Penetrating Fire Rated Walls and Partitions


Before penetrating fire rated walls and partitions, consult

building codes and authorities having jurisdiction in your
area. Several classified through-penetration firestop
systems are approved for use with CPVC pipe. Consult
IPEX representative for further information. Warning:
Grooved Coupling Adapters
Some firestop sealants or wrap strips contain solvents
The following procedures are recommended for proper or plasticizers that may be damaging to CPVC. Always
assembly of the Grooved Coupling Adapter. READ THESE consult the manufacturer of the firestop material for
1. Inspect the fittings and pipe to insure that they are Earthquake Bracing
sufficiently free from indentations, projections or
roll-marks on the gasket seating areas of the fitting Since IPEX BlazeMaster CPVC pipe is more ductile
and pipe. The pipe should be squarely cut with any than metallic sprinkler pipe, it has a greater capacity
loose scale, paint and/or dirt must be removed from to withstand earthquake damage. In areas subject to
the groove and seating surface. Use a standard earthquakes, BlazeMaster fire sprinkler systems shall be
grade E*, EPDM compound that is suitable for wet designed and braced in accordance with local codes or
fire sprinkler service. A flexible coupling shall be used NFPA 13, Section 6-4 (1999 Edition).
with grooved coupling adapters. Caution: Use of rigid When it is required to earthquake brace BlazeMaster
style couplings may damage the grooved coupling piping, it is important to use fittings, fasteners or clamps
adapter. Consult the coupling manufacturer for that do not have sharp edges or apply excessive
proper selection. compressive forces sufficient to distort the pipe.
*See manufacturer for temperature ratings.
2. Make sure the gasket is clean and free of any
cracks, cuts or other defects which may cause
leaks. Lubricate the gasket with a vegetable

28 Fire Protection Systems

Installation Dos and Don’ts
While not a complete list, the following is intended to highlight many of the “Dos” and “Don’ts” addressed in this manual.

DOS Don’ts
• Install product according to the manufacturer’s • Do not use edible oils such as Crisco® as a gasket
installation instructions and this design manual. lubricant.
• Follow recommended safe work practices. • Do not use petroleum or solvent-based paints,
sealants, lubricants or fire stop materials.
• Make certain that thread sealants, gasket
lubricants, or fire stop materials are compatible with • Do not use any glycol-based solutions as an anti-
BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings. freeze.
• Use only latex-based paints if painting is permitted. • Do not mix glycerin and water solution in
contaminated containers.
• Keep pipe and fittings in original packaging until
needed. • Do not use both Teflon® tape and thread sealants
• Cover pipe and fittings with an opaque tarp if stored
out doors. • Do not use solvent cement that exceeds its shelf life
or has become discolored or gelled.
• Follow proper handling procedures.
• Do not allow solvent cement to plug the sprinkler
• Use tools specifically designed for use with plastic
head orifice.
pipe and fittings.
• Do not connect rigid metal couplers to BlazeMaster
• Use proper solvent cement and follow application
CPVC grooved adapters.
• Do not thread, groove, or drill BlazeMaster CPVC
• Use a drop cloth to protect interior finishes.
• Cut the pipe ends square.
• Do not use solvent cement near sources of heat,

• Deburr and bevel the pipe end before solvent open flame, or when smoking.
• Do not pressure test until recommended cure times
• Rotate the pipe one-quarter turn when bottoming are met.
pipe in fitting socket.
• Do not use dull or broken cutting tool blades when
• Avoid puddling of solvent cement in fittings and pipe. cutting pipe.
• Follow the manufacturer’s recommended cure times • Do not use BlazeMaster CPVC pipe that has been
prior to pressure testing. stored outdoors, unprotected and is faded in color.
• Fill lines slowly and bleed the air from the system prior • Do not allow threaded rod to come in contact with
to pressure testing. the pipe.
• Support sprinkler head properly to prevent lift up of • Do not install BlazeMaster CPVC pipe in cold weather
the head through the ceiling when activated. without allowing for expansion.
• Keep threaded rod within 1.588 mm (1/16”) of the pipe. • Do not install BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings in
dry systems.
• Install BlazeMaster CPVC fire sprinkler systems in wet
systems only. • Do not allow solvent cement to run and plug the
sprinkler head orifice.
• Use only insulation and/or glycerin & water solutions
for freeze protection. • Do not pressure test with air or compressed gas.
• Allow for movement due to expansion and
• Renew your BlazeMaster CPVC fire sprinkler
installation training every two years.

Fire Protection Systems 29

Maintenance of an IPEX BlazeMaster fire sprinkler system
shall be in accordance with the Standard for Inspection,
Testing and Maintenance of Water Based Extinguishing
Systems as defined by NFPA 25.

Warranty Disclaimer.
This Manual and all of the information it contains are
provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, whether
express or implied. It may contain generalizations,
technical inaccuracies, or typographical errors. IPEX

Limitation of Liability.
IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE USER. Under no circumstances
will IPEX be liable to any party for any direct, indirect,
special incidental, consequential or other damages based
on any use of this Manual including, without limitation, any
lost profits or business interruption, even if IPEX has been
specifically advised of the possibility of such damages.

No rights or license.
Information provided herein is for the convenience of

users of BlazeMaster‚ fire sprinkler systems and is not

being published for commercial use. No rights are granted
to users in any IPEX trademarks, copyrights or other
intellectual property or technical data.

30 Fire Protection Systems




Units of Volume Weight

pounds kilograms

1 US Gallon 8.350 3.791

1 Imperial Gallon 10.020 4.549
1 litre 2.210 1.003

1 cubic yard 1,685.610 765.267

1 cubic foot 62.430 28.343
1 cubic inch 0.036 0.016
1 cubic cm 0.002 0.001
1 cubic metre 2,210.000 1,000.000


Units of in3 ft3 yd3 cm3 m3 liter U.S. gal. Imp. gal.
1 0.00058 - 16.387 - 0.0164 0.0043 0.0036
cubic inch 1728 1 0.0370 28,317.8 0.0283 28.32 7.481 6.229
cubic foot 46,656 27 1 - 0.7646 764.55 201.97 168.8
cubic yard 0.0610 - - 1 - 0.001 0.0003 0.0002
cubic centimeter 61,023.7 35.31 1.308 - 1 1000 264.17 220.0
cubic meter 61.02 0.0353 0.0013 1000 0.001 1 0.2642 0.22
liter 231 0.1337 0.0050 3785.4 0.0038 3.785 1 0.8327
U.S. gallon 277.42 0.1605 0.0059 4546.1 0.0045 4.546 1.201 1
Imp. gallon


Degrees Celsius °C = 5 (°F - 32) Degrees Fahrenheit °F = 9 °C + 32
9 5
Degrees Kelvin °T = °C + 273.2 Degrees Rankine °R = °F + 459.7


Units of
Length in. ft. yd. mile mm cm m km

inch 1 0.0833 0.0278 - 25.4 2.54 0.0254 -

foot 12 1 0.3333 - 304.8 30.48 0.3048 -
yard 36 3 1 - 914.4 91.44 0.9144 -
mile - 5280 1760 1 - - 1609.3 1.609
millimeter 0.0394 0.0033 - - 1 0.100 0.001 -
centimeter 0.3937 0.0328 0.0109 - 10 1 0.01 -
meter 39.37 3.281 1.094 - 1000 100 1 0.001
kilometer - 3281 1094 0.6214 - - 1000 1

(1 micron = 0.001 millimeter)

Fire Protection Systems 31

AGA - American Gas Association
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
API - American Petroleum Institute
ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials
AWWA - American Water Works Association
BNQ - Bureau de Normalization du Quebec
BOCA - Building Officials and Code Administrators
BS - British Standards Institution
CPVC - Chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) plastic or resin
CS - Commercial Standard, see Product Standard
CSA - Canadian Standards Association
DR - Dimension Ratio
DIN - German Industrial Norms
FHA - Federal Housing Administration or Farmers Home Administration
HDB - Hydrostatic design basis
HDS - Hydrostatic design stress
IAPD - International Association of Plastics Distributors
IAPMO - International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials
IPC - International Plumbing Code
ISO - International Standards Organization
JIS - Japanese Industrial Standards
NSF - National Sanitation Foundation International
PPI - Plastics Pipe Institute
PS - Product Standard when in reference to a specification for plastic pipe and fittings. These
specifications are promulgated by the U.S. Department of Commerce and were formerly

known as Commercial Standards.

PSI - Pounds per square inch
PSIG - Gage pressure in pounds per square inch
PVC - Poly (vinyl chloride) plastic or resin
RVCM - Residual Vinyl Chloride Monomer
SCS - Soil Conservation Service
SDR - Standard Dimension Ratio
SI - International System of Units
SPI - Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc.
UPC - Uniform Plumbing Code
USASI - United States of America Standards Institute (formerly American Standards Association)
WOG - Water, Oil, Gas

32 Fire Protection Systems

Toll free: (866) 473-9462

About the IPEX Group of Companies

As leading suppliers of thermoplastic piping systems, the IPEX

Group of Companies provides our customers with some of the
largest and most comprehensive product lines. All IPEX products
are backed by more than 50 years of experience. With state-
of-the-art manufacturing facilities and distribution centres
across North America, we have earned our reputation for
product innovation, quality, end-user focus and performance.

Markets served by the IPEX Group of Companies include:

• Electrical systems
• Telecommunications and utility piping systems
• Industrial process piping systems
• Municipal pressure and gravity piping systems
• Plumbing and mechanical piping systems
• Electrofusion systems for gas and water
• Industrial, plumbing and electrical cements
• Irrigation systems
• PVC, CPVC, PP, PVDF, PE, ABS, and PEX pipe and fittings

BlazeMaster® is manufactured by IPEX USA LLC. and distributed in

Canada by IPEX Inc.

BlazeMaster® is a registered trademark of the Lubrizol Corporation.

This literature is published in good faith and is believed to be reliable.

However, it does not represent and/or warrant in any manner the
information and suggestions contained in this brochure. Data presented is
the result of laboratory tests and field experience.

A policy of ongoing product improvement is maintained. This may result in

modifications of features and/or specifications without notice.

© 2019 IPEX BM003C

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