Hospital Isolated PowerSystems
Hospital Isolated PowerSystems
Hospital Isolated PowerSystems
Class 4800
Description Page
General Information and Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Product Descriptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Overview and History
This bulletin has three purposes: During the 1920s and 30s, the number of fires
and explosions in operating rooms grew at an
To demonstrate to hospitals the need for
alarming rate. Authorities determined that the
isolated systems
major causes of these accidents fell into two
To guide the engineer in the application of categories:
hospital ungrounded systems
To describe in detail the Square D equipment Man-made electricity
used to design effective and economical Static electricity (75% of recorded incidents)
isolated ungrounded systems
In 1939, experts began studying these conditions
Square D has been building isolating transformers in an attempt to produce a safety standard. The
for hospital use since the first equipment advent of World War II delayed the studys results
standards appeared in 1944. We have built an until 1944. At that time, the National Fire
enviable reputation for reliability, low sound levels, Protection Agency (NFPA) published Safe
and minimum inherent leakage. Practices in Hospital Operating Rooms.
Proof of the engineered superiority of Square D The early standards were not generally adopted
products is found throughout the country in in new hospital construction until 1947. It soon
numerous installations, many dating to the became apparent that these initial standards fell
earliest applications of isolating transformers. short of providing the necessary guidelines for
construction of rooms in which combustible
This bulletin is not intended as a do it yourself agents would be used.
manual for installation of hospital isolated
systems. The information contained here NFPA appointed a committee to revise the 1944
regarding codes and standards is current as of standards. In 1949, this committee published a
this writing. However, these codes and standards new standard, NFPA No. 56, the basis for our
are continually changing and are also subject to current standards.
local changes and interpretations. The National Electrical Code (NEC) of 1959 firmly
Any hospital considering design changes to established the need for ungrounded isolated
electrical systems in critical care patient areas distribution systems in areas where combustible
should obtain the services of an electrical gases are used.
consulting engineer. The technical complexities of In the same year, the NEC incorporated the NFPA
todays hospitals dictate that all involved parties standards into the code. The NFPA No. 56A
have a thorough understanding of the hospitals Standard for the Use of Inhalation Anesthetics,
objectives. This is the only way to avoid received major revisions in 1970, 1971, 1973,
purchasing unnecessary equipment. and 1978.
Time spent planning the changes will result in In 1982, NFPA No. 56A was incorporated into a
large dividends, provided the following parties new standard, NFPA No. 99Health Care
are involved: Facilities. The new document includes the text of
Consulting engineer several other documents, such as:
Hospital administrator NFPA-3M 56HM
Hospital engineer 56K 56B
Chief of surgery 76A 56C
Chief of anesthesiology 76B 56D
Cardiologist 76 56G
Manufacturers representative
The material originally covered by NFPA 56A
is now located in Chapter 3 of NFPA No. 99.
NFPA No. 99 was updated in 1984, 1987, 1990,
1993 and 1996.
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
General Information and Application
Electrical Hazards
The increased use of electronic diagnostic and The hazardous levels of current for many patients
treatment equipment, and the corresponding are amazingly smaller. The most susceptible
increase in electrical hazards, has resulted in the patient is the one exposed to externalized
use of isolated ungrounded systems in new areas conductors, diagnostic catheters, or other electric
of the hospital since 1971. These new hazards contact to or near the heart.
were first recognized in NFPA bulletin No. 76BM,
Surgical techniques bypass the patients body
published in 1971. Isolating systems are now
resistance and expose the patient to electrical
commonly used for protection against electrical
current from surrounding equipment. The highest
shock in many areas, among them:
risk is to patients undergoing surgery within the
Intensive care units (ICUs) thoracic cavity. Increased use of such equipment
Coronary care units (CCUs) as heart monitors, dye injectors, and cardiac
Emergency departments catheters increases the threat of electrocution
when used within the circulatory system.
Special procedure rooms
Cardiovascular laboratories Other factors contributing to electrical
Dialysis units susceptibility are patients with hypokalemia,
acidosis, elevated catecholamine levels,
Various wet locations
hypoxemia, and the presence of digitalis. Adult
patients with cardiac arrhythmias can be
ELECTRICAL HAZARDS IN HOSPITALS electrocuted through the misuse of pacemakers
connected directly to the myocardium.
The major contributors to hospital electrical
accidents are faulty equipment and wiring. Infants are more susceptible to electric shock
Electrical accidents fall into three categories: because of their smaller mass, and thus lower
body resistance. Much has been written about
Fires current levels considered lethal for catheterized
Burns and surgical patients. Considerable controversy
Shock exists about the actual danger level for a patient
who has a direct electrical connection to his or her
This section covers the subject of electrical shock. heart. The minimum claimed hazard level seems
to be 10 microamperes (A) with a maximum level
Electrical shock is produced by current, not given at 180 A. Whatever the correct level,
voltage. It is not the amount of voltage a person is between 10 and 180 A, it is still only a fraction of
exposed to, but rather the amount of current the level that is hazardous to medical attendants
transmitted through the persons body, that serving the patient.
determines the intensity of a shock. The human
body acts as a large resistor to current flow. The It is believed that approximately 1,000 of
average adult exhibits a resistance between resistance lies between the patients heart and
100,000 ohms () and 1,000,000 , measured external body parts.
hand to hand. The resistance depends on the All of this information leads us to the conclusion
body mass and moisture content. that the patient environment is a prime target for
The threshold of perception for an average adult electrical accidents. Nowhere else can one find
is 1 milliampere (mA). This amount of current these elements: lowered body resistance, more
will produce a slight tingling feeling through electrical equipment, and conductors such as
the fingertips. blood, urine, saline, and water. The combination
of these elements presents a challenge to
Between 10 and 20 mA, the person experiences increase electrical safety.
muscle contractions and finds it more difficult to
release his or her hand from an electrode.
An externally applied current of 50 mA causes
pain, possibly fainting, and exhaustion.
An increase to 100 mA will cause ventricular
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Electrical Hazards
Leakage Currents Failure to use the grounding conductor in power
cords causes a dangerous electrical hazard. This
Electric equipment operating in the patient vicinity, commonly results from using two-prong plugs and
even though operating perfectly, may still be receptacles, improper use of adapters, use of two-
hazardous to the patient. This is because every wire extension cords, and the use of damaged
piece of electrical equipment produces a leakage electrical cords or plugs. Figure 2 illustrates these
current. The leakage consists of any current, hazards.
including capacitively coupled current, not
intended to be applied to a patient, but which may
pass from exposed metal parts of an appliance to
ground or to other accessible parts of an
Normally, this current is shunted around the Frayed Power Cord 2-Wire Extension Cord
patient via the ground conductor in the power
cord. However, as this current increases, it can
become a hazard to the patient.
Isolated systems are now commonly used to
protect against electrical shock in many areas,
among them:
Misuse of 3-Prong Plug
Intensive care units (ICUs) Neglect to Connect with 2-Wire Extension Cord
Ground Wire of Adapter
Coronary care units (CCUs)
Emergency departments Figure 2 Electrical Hazards
Special procedure rooms
Cardiovascular laboratories Answers
Dialysis units
There are no perfect electrical systems or infallible
Various wet locations
equipment to eliminate hospital electrical
accidents. However, careful planning on the part
Without proper use of grounding, leakage of the consulting engineer, architect, contractor,
currents could reach values of 1,000 A before and hospital personnel can reduce electrical
the problem is perceived. On the other hand, a hazards to nearly zero. Hospital electrical
leakage current of 10 to 180 A can injure the equipment receives much physical abuse;
patient. Ventricular fibrillation can occur from therefore, it must be properly maintained to
exposure to this leakage current. provide electrical safety for patients and staff.
Figure 1 illustrates the origin and path of leakage Procedures for electrical safety should include the
current. following:
Check all wall power receptacles and their
polarities regularly.
Instrument Cases
Path of Leakage Current Routinely verify that conductive surfaces are
grounded in all patient areas.
Request that patient electrical devices such as
AC Power Line toothbrushes and shavers be battery powered.
Use completely sealed and insulated remote
Current In Electric controls for use in patient beds.
Power Circuit
AC Power Cord Use bedrails made of plastic or covered in
insulating material.
Leakage Current
In Power Transformer
Ground Wire
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General Information and Application
Codes and Standards
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Codes and Standards
Paragraph of NFPA No. 99 sets the Article 517, National Electrical Code
limits of impedance to ground of the isolated NFPA No. 70
system and the instructions for testing to
determine compliance with the standards. The Article 517-3 specifies the legal minimum
size of the isolation transformer should be limited requirements in most states. It is the document
to 10 kVA or less. used by most inspectors. When designing the
system, use it in conjunction with NFPA No. 99,
Even in the most sophisticated operating rooms,
which is included as a reference in Article 517.
the equipment load rarely exceeds 5 kVA. When
Other NFPA standards are also referenced in
writing specifications, we suggest choosing an
Article 517, such as NFPA-101 and NFPA-20.
isolated transformer rated at 5 kVA, having a
continuous overload capability of 25 to 50%. The
transformer will thus be designed to operate at a Patient Care Areas
relatively cool normal temperature, but will still be
able to handle future demands which exceed Article 517 defines three types of patient
todays norm. care areas:
Conductors for the isolated ungrounded system General Care Areas: patient bedrooms,
must be color-coded: examining rooms, treatment rooms, clinics,
and similar areas. In these areas, the patient
Orange for conductor #1 may come in contact with ordinary appliances,
Brown for conductor #2 such as nurse call systems, electrical beds,
Green for the grounding conductor. examining lamps, telephones, and
Where three-phase isolated systems are used, entertainment devices. Patients may also be
the third color, or that for conductor #3, must be connected to electro-medical devices, such as
yellow. heating pads, EKGs, drainage pumps,
monitors, otoscopes, ophthalmoscopes, and
Paragraph of NFPA No. 99 describes
IV lines.
the line isolation monitor (ground detector)
required to monitor the isolated system. The Critical Care Areas: special care units,
limitation for total system hazard is set at 5 mA. intensive care units, coronary care units,
angiography laboratories, cardiac
Paragraph 33.3.2 of NFPA No. 99 specifies the catheterization laboratories, delivery rooms,
Grounding System. This subject is also operating rooms, and similar areas. In these
discussed in detail in grounding on page 14 of areas, patients are subjected to invasive
this handbook. procedures and connected to line-operated,
electro-medical devices.
Wet Locations: patient care areas normally
subject to wet conditions while patients are
present. This includes standing fluids on the
floor or drenching of the work area, either of
which condition is intimate to the patient or
staff. Routine housekeeping procedures and
incidental spillage of liquids do not define a wet
location. Critical care and general care areas
can also be considered wet areas. The
governing body of the hospital determines
whether a location is to be considered wet.
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General Information and Application
Codes and Standards
Anesthetizing Location Classifications protection is required. The acceptable protection
is the same as that defined for NFPA No. 99.
As with NFPA No. 99, anesthetizing locations are
The designation of all of the above-mentioned
classified as:
areas in the health care facility is the responsibility
Hazardous locations which use flammable of the facilitys governing body. Before a designer
anesthetics. These locations must meet class I can choose the proper electrical distribution
division requirements and must have isolated system for a hospital, the governing body of the
power systems. hospital must inform the designer about the
Other-than-hazardous locations, allowing the locations use. This requires close coordination
use of grounded power systems. with the medical staff of the facility, to ensure that
the designer understands current medical
Both types of anesthetizing locations must be procedures as well as possible future procedures.
further classified as wet or not wet areas. If
designated as a wet location, extra electrical
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Isolated Systems
The NEC recognizes that hospital patients are UL 2601-1
more susceptible to electrical shock than are
normally healthy individuals. Consequently, This is the UL Standard against which all medical
patients must be protected through use of special and dental equipment is tested by the
procedures. The special procedures and Underwriters Laboratories. UL derives its
equipment required become more complicated standards for performance requirements from the
with the degree of electrical susceptibility of applicable NFPA standards and the NEC.
the patient. Demand that any appliance purchased for use in
patient care areas be labelled under this UL
The hospital administration and designer
Standard for use in the specific area designated.
are responsible for determining the degree of
patient susceptibility and selecting the correct
equipment. This selection process requires UL 1022
close communication between the hospital
administration, medical staff, and the consulting Line isolation monitors are measured against this
electrical engineer. UL Standard. Insist that any line isolation monitor
installed in the facility have a UL component
It is generally accepted that any time the normal recognition under this standard.
body resistance of a patient is bypassed, the body
becomes electrically susceptible. Degree of UL 1047
susceptibility varies from having an electrical
probe or catheter connected to the heart muscle, This is the UL Standard for hospital isolating
to having electrodes attached to the outer skin equipment. Do not accept any hospital isolation
after conductive paste is applied. Patients who equipment unless it is listed and labelled as a
are anesthetized, or are demobilized through complete system under this standard. This
illness, restraints, or drug therapy, also have a assures the hospital and consulting engineer
higher degree of electrical susceptibility than that the equipment meets all existing codes
normal individuals. Such patients cannot avoid or and standards.
disconnect themselves from an electrical hazard
that would be relatively harmless to a
normal person.
For example, a patient who has impaired nerve The term isolated system can apply to many
sensitivity cannot detect heat. A cup of very hot systems in a hospital, such as the management
coffee would not be a hazard for a normal person; of patients having a communicable disease.
however, it is a potential disaster for the nerve- However, it is unlikely that any of the other
impaired individual. systems is as widely used, yet as poorly
understood, as the system discussed in
Certain medical conditions may render a patient
this handbook.
particularly vulnerable to electrical shock. These
patients may require special protection even The isolating system covered in this manual is
though their normal body resistance has not been really an isolated ungrounded electrical
intentionally bypassed. distribution system. Although these isolated
systems are very important to hospital operations,
Give special consideration to the following
many hospital staff lack even a basic
potential electrically susceptible patient areas:
understanding of how isolating systems work.
Acute care beds This includes the technicians responsible for
Angiographic labs maintaining the systems.
Cardiac catheterization labs Consulting engineers and plant operating
Coronary care units engineers who specify and apply these isolating
Delivery rooms systems usually understand them; but they have
Dialysis units difficulty passing this knowledge to laymen.
Hopefully, this section will help them fill this
Emergency room treatment areas
communication gap. The following simple analogy
Human physiology labs should help the layman understand isolated
Intensive care units systems.
Operating rooms
In this example, consider an electrical receptacle
Post-operative recovery rooms in the counter area of a household kitchen. The
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
General Information and Application
Isolated Systems
ground in this case is the kitchen plumbing fixture. when it is attached to a copper rod driven into the
Figure 3 illustrates this example. ground or to a convenient piece of conductive
Receptacle plumbing pipe, which ultimately runs into the
ground. The white conductor (known as the
Black Wire
neutral ) is grounded when it is installed by the
Fixture utility company.
White Wire
The conclusion from the previous paragraph is
that current flows from the black wire to any
grounded conductive surface, of which there are
Figure 3 Kitchen Plumbing As a Ground many. The black conductor is safe to handle as
Electrical current comes to the receptacle via two long as you do not simultaneously touch the white
insulated conductors. One of them is usually conductor or any grounded item.
black, the other white. Many people feel they can This type of electrical system is commonly called
safely touch either one of these conductors, but a grounded electrical distribution system.
this oversimplification could result in a dangerous
shock. Ungrounded System
When the two conductors touch each other, a
violent arc results, part of the conductor melts, To convert available power from a receptacle into
and the fuse opens or the circuit breaker trips. an ungrounded service is possible. The first step
This demonstrates the energy that is used when is to isolate the receptacle from the grounded
any household appliance is run. Because the service. There are several ways to isolate power,
household appliance does not open a fuse or trip but the most common and economical is to use an
a circuit breaker the appliance places resistance isolating transformer.
between the two conductors. In placing
The available grounded electrical power
resistance, the appliance limits the amount of
energizes a coil in the isolating transformer; this
current that can flow. However, the amount of
coil is called the primary winding. This induces a
current that can flow must always be less than the
current in the secondary winding, which is
current rating of the fuse or circuit breaker.
completely insulated from the primary winding by
When a light bulb touches both wires, it electromagnetic induction. No direct electrical
illuminates. If one of its terminals touches the connection exists between the primary and
white conductor in the receptacle, nothing secondary coils.
happens. If the other terminal of the light bulb
Figure 4 shows how a transformer is constructed
touches the kitchen plumbing, nothing happens. If
and connected to a receptacle.
the white wire touches the plumbing, nothing Receptacle
happens. The conclusion must be that the white
wire is safe to handle as long as the black
conductor is not handled at the same time.
Using the example as above, but with the black Core Steel
wire, the connections cause different results. Black Wire
When one terminal of the light bulb touches the Secondary
Winding White Wire
black conductor, nothing happens. However,
when the other terminal of the light bulb touches Primary
the kitchen plumbing, the bulb illuminates as it did
when it touched both wires. When the black wire
Isolating Transformer
touches the kitchen plumbing, there is a violent
arc, much as if both conductors had touched Figure 4 Transformer Construction
each other. When electrical devices are connected across two
The conclusion from the above paragraph is that conductors on the transformer, they work as if
it is safe to handle the black conductor only if you they were connected directly to a grounded
do not simultaneously touch the white conductor, system. The conclusion to be drawn is that the
kitchen plumbing, or any other grounded item. isolating transformer provides the same usable
electrical energy as does the grounded power
Obviously, the white conductor and the kitchen circuit.
plumbing have something in common. That is that
they are grounded. A wire becomes grounded Repeating the experiments with the light bulb, we
find that current will not flow if a single terminal of
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Isolated Systems
the light touches either secondary conductor of the grounded system to contact the metal
the isolating transformer. No current flows if either enclosure? This is a dangerous situation. If the
secondary conductor of the transformer touches ground wire is properly attached to the enclosure
the plumbing (ground). Furthermore, no sparking and connected to ground through the ground pin
occurs when either conductor touches the in the plug, there will be arcing in the drill where it
plumbing; the fuse or circuit breaker maintains the contacts the conductive enclosure. If there is good
connection. contact between the live conductor and grounded
enclosure, sufficient current will flow to disengage
The conclusion is that current does not flow from
the circuit breaker or blow the fuse.
either conductor of the isolated system to ground.
In more technical terms, no hazardous potential Two paths to ground are possible, one down the
to ground exists from either conductor of an ground wire in the cord into the receptacle ground,
isolated electrical system. and one through the person holding the drill (who
is grounded through the plumbing). Since the
System Comparison resistance through the human body is much
higher than the resistance through a properly
The previous section illustrates that conductors of connected ground wire, most of the current
an isolated system are safer to handle than are follows the path of least resistance (the ground
the conductors of a grounded system. Now lets wire); the person holding the drill is safe.
use the same kitchen receptacle to show a The key to keeping the drill safe is in the ground
comparison between a grounded system and an connection from the drill enclosure to the ground
isolated system. at the receptacle. If this connection is broken (for
When installing a new curtain rod at the window example, if an improperly connected adapter is
over the kitchen sink, one would probably use a used), the only path for current in the enclosure to
small electric drill. If the residence was built within go to ground is through the drill user. A hazardous
the last 30 years, the receptacle most likely has level of current could be maintained since the
three openings, not two. The third opening is human body has sufficient resistance to keep the
shaped to receive a pin (U slot) rather than a current below the level required to disengage the
blade-shaped prong. The portable electric drill circuit breaker or blow the fuse. The level of
probably has a three-prong plug. This third point current would be high enough to be deadly.
of contact simply connects the metal case of the If, on the other hand, the drill is powered from an
drill to ground. The connection to ground from the isolated circuit, and the ground from the drill
pin on the receptacle is often made by a third wire enclosure is disconnected, there is little potential
that is run with the power conductors, or by a for current to flow through the drill user. Even if the
metal pipe (conduit) which encloses the two ground is intact, not enough current flows to
conductors that serve the receptacle. disengage the circuit breaker or blow the fuse.
The electric drill has an electric motor which is This is a very important factor: if the drill was
completely enclosed in a conductive housing. The really a piece of life support equipment, such as
housing is connected to a third wire in the power a respirator, it would continue to run without
cord, which in turn connects to ground. disengaging the circuit breaker or blowing the fuse.
The electrical portion of the motor must be
completely insulated from the conductive Imperfect Isolating
enclosure. If it were not, arcing would result when
the black conductor of the grounded system In the previous examples, we assumed a perfect
touched the plumbing. This short circuit would system. Unfortunately, a perfect system is
disengage the circuit breaker or blow the fuse impossible to attain.
as it did when the live conductor touched the
Returning to the example of the isolating
transformer, we can convert the isolated system
Consider this scenario: the person using the drill back to a grounded system easily, by connecting
touches his or her opposite hand on the plumbing one secondary conductor of the transformer to
fixture for support. If the drill is in good repair and ground. This would create the potential for current
the enclosure is properly grounded through the to flow from the opposite conductor to ground, as
power plug, the procedure is safe. it would in any grounded electrical distribution
However, what if the insulation around the drill
motor is defective, allowing the live conductor of
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
General Information and Application
Isolated Systems
An isolated system can be unintentionally current will flow through either conductor of the
grounded. For example, if the drill is plugged into system to ground in a zero impedance fault.
the system with the ground intact and there is a
Several points should be considered:
fault in the drill to the grounded enclosure, that
single fault converts the entire system into a 1. The alarm condition does not mean that there
grounded system. is imminent danger to the patient or anyone
else. The alarm simply indicates that the
Keep in mind no perfect insulators exist either. system has reverted to a grounded or partially
What we commonly call insulators, such as grounded system, which is the same system
rubber or plastic coverings on wire, are actually contained in the rest of the hospital. Correct the
just poor conductors. All materials conduct problem as soon as possible; but do not
electricity to some degree. Thus, everything interrupt procedures that are being conducted
attached to the secondary conductors of an when the alarm sounds.
isolating transformer will partially ground the 2. The LIM does not interrupt electrical service.
system. Examples of items that partially ground Loss of integrity in the ungrounded system
the system, without making direct connection to does not affect the operation of life support
ground, include the following: devices.
Insulated wires enclosed in grounded 3. An activated alarm does not mean hazardous
metal conduit current is flowing. The LIM is a predictive
Electrical components within permanently device; by sounding an alarm, it predicts that
installed electrical equipment 5 mA of current could flow from one conductor
Electrical components within portable devices of the isolated system to ground if a path for
housed in grounded enclosures (commonly that current is provided. This requires that a
referred to as the capacitance of the system) second fault or electric failure must be present
in the system before a true hazardous
Because an isolated system can easily become condition exists.
grounded without giving any indication to the user,
The LIM is equipped with a meter (also required
a way must be found to monitor the integrity of the
by code) that gives continuous indication of the
isolation in the system. With this monitoring, there
systems condition. The meter is calibrated in
must be some warning when the system becomes
milliamperes (mA) of current. Its position indicates
grounded. When the system becomes partially
how much current could flow from either
grounded, the warning is still necessary, but a limit
conductor of the isolated system to ground if a
must be set for the warning to be sounded. Limits
path was provided.
are established by codes and standards,
specifically the NEC. NOTE: Keep in mind that this meter merely
predicts the possibility of the condition; it does not
See the Codes and Standards page 6 of this
indicate that current is actually flowing.
manual for additional information. Codes and
standards state that an alarm must sound and
Types of LIMs
display (it must be audible and visible). The alarm
must activate when the integrity of an isolated
ungrounded system degrades to the extent that Several types of line isolation monitors are
5 mA of current will flow from either secondary available. Reviewing them not only helps
conductor to ground through a zero impedance determine requirements for a system, but helps
fault. identify the equipment currently used in the
Line Isolation Monitor (LIM) Ground Detector. The first unit is not actually a
LIM, but rather the original ground detector,
Codes and standards not only specify the limits which is essentially a balanced bridge device.
within which an isolated ungrounded system must Ground detectors were standard equipment until
operate, but also the method for checking system about 1970, so many of these units are still in use.
integrity. A LIM is required to continuously check Inexpensive to build and reliable because of its
the resistance (impedance) of the total isolated simplicity, the ground detector is unaffected by
ungrounded system to ground. The LIM must and does not create any radio frequency (RF)
respond audibly and visibly when the impedance interference. However, it only recognizes
of the system degrades to the extent that 5 mA of unbalanced resistive or capacitive faults; it cannot
recognize a partially grounded system. This
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Isolated Systems
inability to sound an alarm (to recognized less leakage to the system because of its higher
balanced fault systems) is the main reason codes impedance connection ground. Rather than use
and standards no longer allow its use. half the system capacity for the LIM, this unit
reduces LIM contribution to less than 25% of the
Systems in the field have been observed to allow
systems capacity.
as much as 30 mA (30,000 A) to flow from line to
ground without sounding an alarm. This very The type EDD LIM still uses a switching circuit
hazardous condition can cause an electrical and still causes interference with patient
hazard to the patient or medical staff. monitoring equipment.
Ground detectors may still be used if they were IGD ISO-GARD Line Isolation Monitor. This LIM
installed before 1971. Even though not required represents the most recent generation of line
by code, hospitals should consider revising these isolation monitors. It virtually eliminates all of the
systems to match current standards. undesirable features in the early dynamic ground
detectors and line isolation monitors. It
Dynamic Ground Detector. The first dynamic contributes only 50 A of leakage to the system,
ground detectors, now called line isolation about one percent of the systems usable
monitors, were developed in Canada. They are capacity.
called dynamic ground detectors, as opposed to
The special circuitry developed by Square D
static ground detectors, because the measuring
monitors both sides of the line continuously,
circuit continually switches between the two
eliminating the need for switching. It does not
isolated conductors and ground. In this way, it
generate any interference that could affect patient
overcomes the greatest inadequacy of static
monitoring devices. For detailed information on
ground detectors the inability to recognize and
the ISO-GARD LIM, see page 51 of this handbook
sound an alarm at the occurrence of an excessive
or request the Square D bulletin covering line
balanced fault condition.
isolation monitors.
Although this unit meets current codes and Figure 5 compares the degree of interference
standards, it has two undesirable features: produced by the ISO-GARD LIM with older LIMs.
1. This type of LIM connects to ground through a
high resistance so that it can measure the
Monitor Alarm
impedance of the total system. This reduces Hazard
1.2 mA Allowed for System
Hazard Current
Current Width
the integrity of the isolated system by partially
grounding it. With nothing connected to the 0 0.5 mA 1.7 mA 2.0 mA
Older LIMs
system except the LIM, 1000 A could flow
from either line of the isolated system to
ground. If the LIM is calibrated to sound an 4.985 mA Allowed for System
Hazard Current
alarm when 2000 A flow from either line to
ground, approximately one-half of the capacity 0 5.0 mA
0.5 mA Monitor Hazard Current
of the total system would be dedicated to the
LIM. This limits the amount of equipment that
can be connected to an isolated system, often 120V supply as seen on oscilloscope EKG printout
was the first of the low leakage LIMs. It contributes Absence of interference with ISO-GARD
Figure 5
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General Information and Application
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
General Information and Application
Design Guide
As part of the team, the hospital administrator B. System Capacity
can make informed decisions when ordering
equipment for the operating room, specifying In selecting the capacity of an isolating
maximum leakages, and correct cords and transformer, remember that the patient care areas
connectors. The proper accessories are often generally present an intermittent load condition
available at no extra cost, if they are specified and load diversity. A given area may contain
when the order is placed. equipment that requires power greater than the
The chief staff surgeon can specify a traffic isolated system provides; but the hospital will not
flow within the operating room, allowing the use every piece of equipment at the same time.
engineer to provide proper receptacle
The isolated power requirement of the operating
room is almost always under 5 kVA. However, the
If included in the team, the hospital Square D 5 kVA isolation panel incorporates a
maintenance engineer will better understand transformer built with a 220C insulation system,
the isolated system. This enables the engineer suitable for 150C rise. The full load design
to perform maintenance more conveniently temperature, however, is limited to a 55C rise.
and efficiently. Therefore, the transformer can easily provide
power for loads up to 150% of its rating. This is an
III. General Application Criteria important feature in an isolating transformer since
it provides for intermittent heavy loads, like those
A. System Size presented by hypothermia equipment. In critical
care areas, where one transformer serves one
The system must stay as small as possible to limit bed, a 3 kVA transformer is recommended.
leakage currents. Remember that everything
Since the amount of wire is often proportional to
connected to the isolated system increases the
the number of circuit breakers, keep the number
total hazard index: LIM, transformer, circuit
of circuit breakers to a minimum. This can be done
breakers, secondary wiring, and any peripheral
by connecting two to four receptacles to one
equipment. The system hazard current must be
circuit breaker. In most cases, an operating room
kept well below maximum to allow for normal
panel with eight or ten secondary breakers is
current leakage, which will come from the
sufficient. If additional receptacles are required,
equipment operating on this power supply.
up to 16 secondary breakers can be used.
Additionally, the code states that the unloaded Isolation panels serving a single bed in a critical
system, with the LIM disconnected, must have a care area require only eight secondary breakers.
minimum line-to-ground impedance of 200,000 .
On a 120V system, this corresponds to 600 A C. System Wiring and Conduit
when measured through a milliammeter
connected between line and ground. The selection of a proper conductor is one of the
When considering system size, we must include most important design criteria of an isolated
all wiring between the circuit breakers in the power system. If improper conductor insulation is
isolated panel and their receptacles. Every foot of chosen, the result is the same as if the capacitive
wire contributes leakage, so we must keep the leakage is raised. A good commercially available
total footage to a minimum. This emphasizes the wire insulation for this application is cross-linked
need to place the isolation panel as close as polyethylene, having a mineral filler instead of a
possible to the point of usage. carbon black filler. A minimum wall thickness of
2/64" should be demanded for use in 120V, 208V,
The use of a central system, containing individual and 240V applications. It is also important to
distribution systems for several operating rooms specify wire with a dielectric constant of 3.5 or
or CCUs, is not practical except in rare less, as recommended by the NEC and NFPA
circumstances. The only time a central system No. 99.
makes sense is when this location coincides with
the closest placement of individual panels to each Standard Type THHN wire is definitely unsuitable.
room. In other cases, the central system would It can, however, be used for the ground conductor.
result in longer runs from the panel to the The code demands that the #1 conductor in the
receptacles and devices. This would increase system be color-coded orange, the #2 conductor
system hazard current. color-coded brown, and the ground conductor
color-coded green. In three-phase systems, the
third conductor shall be color-coded yellow.
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Design Guide
Square D is often asked to specify manufacturers positioning for the operating room table. This is
and wire catalog numbers for the low leakage usually restricted to the location of the overhead
conductor. This is extremely difficult to do since operating room light. However, since the position
the availability of these wires differs from region to of the head of the operating room table can be
region. Also, manufacturers have sometimes varied, the hospital personnel should advise the
discontinued production of wire types that we electrical engineer of the tables standard
have recommended. The most accessible XLP position. The traffic pattern, along with the
wire has been Rome Cable Corporation low positioning of the surgeon and support team,
leakage wire #FR-XLP (VW-1 XHHW-2). should also be verified. The positioning of the
electrical equipment in the operating room has a
Avoid the use of wire pulling compound since it
direct relationship to this information. In the
increases the capacitive coupling. The code no
following example, we will use a configuration
longer allows wire pulling compound to be used in
shown in Figure 7 on page 18.
conduits for isolated power systems. This
compound is usually unnecessary, because most The panel is located behind the support team,
of the runs on an isolated system are short. near the head of the operating room table. The
Occasionally, difficulty occurs in X-ray circuits location of this panel is important; correct
since these conductors are somewhat larger. placement will keep electrical and ground cords
These difficult runs can be anticipated and out of the traffic area.
provided for by using oversized conduits to ease
A 5 kVA isolation panel is recommended for
the situation.
operating room use. Be sure to determine the load
Obviously, conduits must be dry or the leakage of secondary equipment being used; very few
characteristics designed into the system will cases will require a 7.5 kVA transformer. The 5 kVA
suffer. During construction, keep conduit ends isolation transformer from Square D is capable of a
150% continuous overload within its maximum
capped so they remain free from moisture. The
designed temperature.
specifications should state that, if moisture
accidentally enters the conduits, they must be Ten secondary circuit breakers are recommended for
swabbed and thoroughly dried before conductors the panel in this example. Each circuit breaker
are pulled. Use minimum fills for conduits; this should supply two power receptacles; 16 receptacles
are shown in this illustration. The table below shows
results in a better random lay of the conductors
the recommended breaker-to-load schedule.
within the conduit, which further reduces the
capacitive coupling. Secondary Circuit Breaker Schedule
using the various wiring schemes described in the 4 8 Receptacles In Panel (2 Per Breaker)
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
General Information and Application
Design Guide
Little traffic occurs between the support team and prefer to place the control panel within reach of
the anesthetist. Locate a power and ground the anesthetist.
module at the head of the table so the anesthetist
Locate the film illuminator directly behind the
can easily connect equipment.
surgeon for easy accessibility. Place the X-ray
Locate an additional module behind the surgeon, receptacle remote indicator behind the support
near the head of the table. This gives the surgeon team. If the optional remote power and ground
easy access to power for surgical equipment. module is used, locate it at the far end of the room;
its primary purpose is to supply power for standby
Proper location of the receptacles on these two
equipment such as blood warmers and sterilizers.
panels, plus receptacles in the isolation panel,
Figure 7 illustrates the size of power and ground
should eliminate tripping hazards in the traffic
conductors and their correct routing in a typical
flow area.
operating room.
There are distinct advantages to integrating
Conductive flooring is still required by code in all
power ground receptacles into one enclosure,
flammable and mixed facilities. Conductive
rather than in individual power receptacles
flooring is not required for rooms that are
scattered around the room. The single enclosure
designed as nonflammable anesthetizing areas.
places the receptacles at the point of usage and
provides a lower resistance ground path between It is convenient to have several separate physical
electrical appliances. Standard straight blade points of grounding connected to one electrical
receptacles, NEMA Configuration #5-20R, are point. To do this, designate a central reference
now acceptable in operating rooms. ground point, most often located in the isolation
panel. For all practical purposes, all ground points
A clock and elapsed-time indicator are required
in the room are at the same electrical potential.
for most operating rooms, enabling the surgeon
Figure 8 shows a typical operating room
and anesthetist to easily see clock time and
grounding system. The ground modules in the
elapsed time. It also gives the support team easy
operating room contain a highly conductive bus
access to the controls. Mount the control panel for
bar equipped with a suitable number of lugs to be
the timer at the five foot level with the timer
used for permanent terminations.
mounted at the seven foot level. Some OR teams
Film Power/Ground
Illuminator Module
To Panel
Module To Panel #10 AWG
#12 AWG
To Panel
Anesthetist Power/
Traffic Patient Ground
Area Module
Support Team #10
To X-Ray To Operating
To Isolation Panel * Room Light
#12 AWG
Figure 7
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Design Guide
B. Portable X-Ray System systems within these areas. In addition, connect a
#12 AWG ground wire between the X-ray panel
In operating rooms or critical care areas the and the X-ray receptacle.
portable X-ray outlets require 208V or 240V, and
will need a separate isolated distribution system C. Interlocking Methods
(when isolated power is being used in that room).
It is a common procedure to use a single isolated There have been several different methods of
system to supply X-ray circuits for as many as controlling the interlocking system for X-ray
eight operating rooms. These circuits interlock so receptacles. The method to be used is a matter of
that only a single circuit can be energized at a personal choice. Discuss the methods with the
given time. The practice has been feasible electrical consultant, hospital administration, and
because few hospitals have more than one hospital radiology staff. Make the final selection
portable X-ray machine, and when a hospital has after weighing the pros and cons of each method.
multiple units, it is likely that only one unit will be
used at a time. At Square D, we have found that the most
generally acceptable method is the one just
The circuit is selected at a push-button station in discussed a series of selector push-buttons,
the panel. An all off mode is provided. The located in the panel, which control the receptacle
isolating transformer, circuit breakers, LIM, and energizing mode. If the panel is not accessible,
control equipment are all mounted in an attractive the push-button station can be in a separate
flush-mounted enclosure. module, built in a convenient location or added to
the operating room nurses console.
When the Square D X-ray panel is used, locate it
as centrally as possible in the area it will serve. An on/off switch at each receptacle can provide
Lay out circuit feeders for minimum length, as in the selection mode. Energizing this switch would
the case of operating room 120V circuits. automatically lock out all other receptacles. At first
glance, this system appears logical; it lets the
The system provides for a remote indicator alarm
X-ray technician control the circuit at the X-ray
at each circuit outlet. The only indicator alarm
location. However, this method has not worked
which is operating is the one on the energized
well in practice. If a circuit is not shut off after it is
circuit. A green light on the remote indicator
used, other circuits remain locked out. If a
illuminates, telling operating room personnel that
technician cannot get power to a circuit, he may
the circuit is energized and safe to use. Another
have to search several other rooms to find the
advantage to wiring remote indicator alarms is
receptacle that was left in the on position.
that, if a fault occurs, the only alarm that sounds
will be in the operating room with the energized Generally, operating rooms are connected to
circuit. the nurses station through an intercom, or are
located close enough so direct verbal
Be careful when connecting the ground terminal
communication is possible. This allows the
of the X-ray receptacle to the grounding system;
radiologist to ask the operating suite nurse to
the ground terminal must connect to the ground
energize the circuit in a particular room.
system serving the patient who is served by the
X-ray receptacle. Connect the ground terminal of Square D supplies a variety of interlocking
the LIM, which monitors the X-ray panel, to the type panels and schemes; do not hesitate to ask
equipment ground bus in the emergency Square D for the special system that your
distribution panel serving the 120V isolated hospital requires.
Figure 8
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
General Information and Application
Design Guide
D. Surgical Facility Panels (SFP) V. Field Test and Inspection
The surgical facility panel offers another method Because of the complexity of isolated power and
of providing isolated power in an operating room. the ground system, the manufacturer should field
This large panel condenses many of the electrical test the system before use. This is the only way to
accessories normally found in an operating room ensure that the system is properly installed. The
into one unit. services of a factory technician are available from
Square D. The factory trained technician performs
Components normally included in the surgical
the following on-site testing:
facility panel are:
All tests on the isolated system, ground
Isolation transformer
network, and LIM are in accordance with
Surgical clocks and timers Article 517 of the National Electrical Code and
Line isolation monitor (LIM) with NFPA No. 99.
AM/FM, CD stereo system The ground test for power and ground
Audible indicator alarm receptacles is performed by applying a
constant current between the room reference
Ground jacks
grounding bus and each ground contact of
Circuit breaker panel each receptacle, measuring the resulting
Double-size film illuminators voltage. The calculated resistance should be
Ground bus below 0.1. The potential difference between
X-ray receptacles exposed conductive surfaces in the patient
Power receptacles vicinity is checked; the difference cannot
exceed 20mV across a 1000 resistor under
AM/FM cassette stereo system
normal operation.
The LIM is tested as installed in the complete
Because all of these components are in the same
isolated system. Combinations of resistive and
panel, location of this panel within the operating
capacitive faults are placed on the isolated
room is critical. When specifying a surgical facility
power system. The proper response of the line
panel, consider which location is best for all
isolation monitor and its associated alarm
concerned personnel.
device(s) is observed. Corrective steps are
Surgical facility panels are custom designed and taken if improper operation is observed. The
assembled; this allows each hospital to specify completed system is retested to ensure proper
the individual components that are needed in operation.
that hospital. The impedance of the isolated system
(impedance to ground of either conductor) is
tested. Impedance must exceed 200,000 to
conform with NFPA No. 99. The entire
installation of the isolated equipment is
inspected for conformance with applicable
codes to ensure that no code is violated.
The technician gives a log book to the hospital
staff. The staff uses the book to record
maintenance and periodic test data. The
technician provides orientation to the system,
and its maintenance and testing. During this
orientation, the technician will answer any
questions the hospital staff has about the
system. At a later date, the hospital receives a
letter containing the test results.
Typical Surgical Facility Panel
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Electrical Maintenance
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
General Information and Application
Electrical Maintenance
NFPA No. 99 recommends that the following Medical Equipment Maintenance
formula be used to fault the LIM:
The increased use of biomedical instruments
R = 200 X System Voltage
presents another maintenance responsibility.
e.g., If a system measures 120V, the fault Hospitals should establish routine programs to
impedance would be: test and maintain such equipment.
R = 200 X 120 The maintenance program should apply to all
patient care areas; but it is of greatest importance
= 24 K ohms
for special care units where the most seriously ill
patients and the most complex equipment co-
Ground Test exist. The amount of equipment present varies by
6. For proper continuity, test the ground system hospital, affecting the complexity of the program.
associated with the isolated power system However, the following items should be found in
before its initial use. To perform the test, inject every medical equipment testing program:
20A between the ground bus in the isolation An established procedure ensuring that
panel and the grounded points on receptacles equipment serves the purpose for which it is
and ground jacks. The potential difference intended; that it is safe, reliable, and the best
measured between these two points should not choice for its purpose
exceed 2V. If it does exceed 2V, inspect the
Specifications that must be adhered to by
ground for proper connection and properly
manufacturers before lease/purchase
sized wire. The 20A ground test can also verify
of equipment
that all metal within the room is properly
grounded. To perform this test, attach probes Adequate customer support from the
between metal surfaces and the room ground manufacturer, ensuring technical assistance,
bus; verify the ground connection. This test can repair, and consultation as needed
also be conducted with an 00.1 ohm meter. Periodic inspections, calibration, and
preventive maintenance
7. Perform periodic testing, according to this
Immediate, thorough inspections when
equipment malfunction or shock is considered
Test the LIM push-to-test button monthly. a possibility
Check the associated alarms and silence Close monitoring of services provided by
functions. outside vendors
Calculate an external fault impedance once A logging/reporting system that provides
every six months. At this time, take LIM effective control and record keeping
readings with all circuit breakers closed and In-service training to ensure safe, effective use
with all circuit breakers open. This provides a of medical equipment
running history for the permanently installed
wired system. If these values significantly
increase, inspect the system and take
corrective action.
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
General Information and Application
Electrical Maintenance
Testing Personnel. Hospitals may choose to Testing Programs. Planning and implementing a
employ their own medical engineering personnel, medical equipment control program should
share this personnel with other hospitals, or include the following factors:
contract with an outside vendor to service medical
The hospital should obtain competent,
equipment. Each hospital must choose the best
objective biomedical engineering assistants
option for its purposes.
when planning and developing the program.
The size of the hospital, presence of other A committee must be formed, which meets for
hospitals in the area, and regional demographics the sole purpose of medical equipment control.
will help each hospital make the appropriate All medical equipment must be defined and
decisions about testing personnel. inventoried.
Leakage Current. All portable equipment has the The hospital should appraise several options
potential for leakage current. Periodically test for its equipment control, rather than choose
these pieces of equipment and tag the equipment, the easiest or most available program.
showing leakage current readings. Equipment The appropriate medical engineering services
that connects directly to patients should have its must be obtained.
patient leads checked for leakage current. Each The necessary test equipment must be leased/
hospital should maintain the necessary testing purchased, and be kept on site.
equipment to conduct these testing procedures. The hospital must develop procedures,
specifications, and additional program
components to meet its needs.
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Surgical Facility Panels
The surgical facility panel offers another method Because all of these components are in the same
of providing isolated power in an operating room. panel, location of this panel within the operating
This large panel condenses many of the electrical room is critical. When specifying a surgical facility
accessories normally found in an operating room panel, consider which location is best for all
into one unit. concerned personnel.
Components normally included in the surgical Surgical facility panels are custom designed and
facility panel are: assembled; this allows each hospital to specify
the individual components that are needed in that
Isolation transformer
Surgical clocks and timers
Line isolation monitor (LIM) For more information, contact your local Square D
representative or refer to Square D document
AM/FM, CD stereo system
Audible indicator alarm
Ground jacks
Circuit breaker panel
Double-size film illuminators
Ground bus
X-ray receptacles
Power receptacles
AM/FM cassette stereo system
13 9 1 Piano Hinge
(Full Length of Door)
42.00 43.00
1067 1092
10 11 3
W Stainless
57.00 Steel
L Cover
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Isolation Panel Components
Isolation Transformer
H1 X1
X2 1. The shield establishes a ground plane between
the primary and secondary. In an unshielded
transformer, a potentially hazardous condition
exists if the insulation between the primary and
secondary fails for any reason. When this
happens, a low resistance path would
H1 X1
electrically connect one turn of the primary
winding with one turn of the secondary winding.
The transformer would function electrically
with no indication of this failure. Only a LIM
connected to the secondary would indicate
Because secondary windings of isolating transformers are the problem.
ungrounded, a primary to secondary failure may not trip the
circuit breaker. The result is a dangerously high secondary
voltage (primary + secondary) because of auto transfer action. In Figure 9, this failure occurred at X. This, in
effect, grounds the secondary through the
Figure 9
primary. The secondary line-to-ground
Unshielded Transformer
potential depends upon the portion of the
The transformer uses a 220C rated insulation primary winding between the ground and the
system. This insulation system allows, by fault, plus or minus the portion of the secondary
NEMAANSI standards, a temperature rise of winding. It could be from 1V to approximately
150 C above a 40 C ambient. However, Square D 240V in a 120120V transformer. Individuals
limits the temperature rise of the isolation coming in contact with a secondary lead and
transformer to 55 C or below, further ensuring ground would complete the circuit and current
system reliability. would flow through their bodies.
Isolating the operating room system from normal The same failure occurring in a shielded
building service is important. Take all possible transformer, as in Figure 10, causes a high
safeguards to guarantee the transformers current flow in the primary. This causes the
isolating properties. To accomplish this, Square D primary circuit breaker to open, removing the
provides an electrostatic shield between the unit from service.
primary and secondary windings as standard
equipment in all transformers used in hospital
isolated systems. Though not an NFPA code
requirement, the shield is highly recommended by
leading engineers.
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Isolation Panel Components
2.The shield attenuates common-made noise or Square D isolation panels use a non-ventilated
disturbances that are frequently generated by enclosure. The trim has no louvers or grilles for air
equipment used in other locations such as circulation, which contributes to safe and easy
Diathermy and X-ray equipment. cleaning. More important, no room air circulates
through the transformer compartment, removing
The shields attenuating characteristics prevent
the danger of bacteria growth in the warm
most of the signal from feeding into the
compartment. The hinged access door to the
distribution system and through it into other
dead front circuit breaker and the LIM
treatment or monitoring equipment.
compartment has a lock to prevent unauthorized
entry. The design prevents accidental entry into
Circuit Breaker Protection the transformer section when operating the circuit
breakers or LIM test circuit.
All Square D hospital isolated systems include a
primary circuit breaker and 2-pole secondary Installation Convenience
circuit breakers. All panels are shipped with
8 secondary breakers and are field expandable to
The Square D hospital isolated power system was
16 secondary breakers.
designed for convenient and economical
installation by electrical contractors. The units are
Enclosures completely factory wired and tested. Field wiring
simply involves the connection of the primary
Enclosure back boxes are constructed of feeders and secondary circuits to clearly marked
12-gauge steel that is degreased, phosphatized, terminals. Back boxes for isolation panels and
and finished in gray baked enamel. The boxes other modules can be shipped to the job site for
are designed for flush mounting, but are roughing-in ahead of the interiors. The interiors
available for surface mounting on request. The can be shipped at a later date.
front trim is #304 stainless steel with a brushed
finish, ensuring corrosion resistance and ease
of cleaning.
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Operating Room Panels
This unit is most often used to supply 120V The panel is non-ventilated and has a #304
service to the receptacles in an operating room. stainless steel trim with a brushed finish. Under
However, its use is not restricted to that continuous full load and normal hospital ambient
application; it can also be used in critical care conditions, the front trim panels total temperature
areas. This panel incorporates: will be no greater than 50C.
The isolation transformer which is standard See page 43 for panel-mounted indicator alarms
low-leakage, electrostatically shielded, 220C which can be added to this panel.
insulation system55C temperature rise,
These panels are UL Listed under Section 1047
30 dB sound level isolating transformer
Isolated Power Systems Equipment.
A primary circuit breaker
Square D also has a line of 3-phase isolation
Eight secondary 2-pole circuit breakers
panels to provide power in operating rooms for
ISO-GARD Line Isolation Monitor (LIM) from specialized equipment such as operating room
Square D. tables and electrosurgical laser machines.
NOTE: 1. All panels contain 8-20/2 branch breakers and are field convertible to 16-20/2 branch
breakers. Order the appropriate number of circuit breakers #QO220.
NOTE: 2. Transformer included for 3 kVA and 5 kVA when interior is ordered.
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Operating Room Panels
Wiring Diagrams and Dimensions
5.00 5.00
127 127
Ground Bus
(Space For 25, 6-24 AWG 8.00 24.00
610 Optional
Including 1 Lug For 1/0) 203 Accessories
Primary High Voltage
Breaker L2
H1 H2
Electrostatic Transformer 254
Shield Low X1 X2 RS-232
Voltage Test
LIM Common
12V Common
12V Hazard 33.00 35.00
838 889
12V Safe Circuit Breaker
K1 Safe Panel
K1 Common
K1 Hazard
Line Isolation
LIM Terminal Monitor
38 Shaded areas denote
possible conduit entrance
(4) .562 Dia. Holes
14 22.00
(2 Top, 2 Bottom 559
For Mounting)
5.00 5.00
127 127
Ground Bus
12.00 737
(Space For 25, 6-24 AWG 305
Including 1 Lug For 1/0)
Primary High Voltage
Breaker L2
L3 Optional
H1 H2 Accessories
Ground 16.00 Transformer
Shield Low X1 RS-232 406
Voltage Test
LIM Common
12V Common
12V Hazard
12V Safe Primary
K1 Safe
42.00 Breaker
K1 Common Secondary
K1 Hazard Breakers
LIM Terminal Line Isolation
Board Monitor
14 Gauge
Stainless Steel
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
ICU/CCU Panels
These panels incorporate the same components Although the panel is designed to serve the needs
and features as the operating room panels on the of a coronary care or intensive care bed, it has
previous page, but have the added feature of eight been widely applied to provide power within
power receptacles and six approved grounding special procedure rooms, cardiovascular
jacks which connect to a ground bus for attaching laboratories, and general operating rooms.
fixed equipment and building structural grounds.
See page 43 for panel-mounted indicator alarms
The power receptacles are hospital only locking-
which you can add to this panel.
type receptacles. Duplex or single receptacles are
available on request.
NOTE: 1. All panels contain 8-20/2 branch breakers and are field convertible to 16-20/2 branch
breakers. Order the appropriate number of circuit breaker #QO220.
NOTE: 2. Transformer included for 3 kVA and 5 kVA when interior is ordered.
NOTE: 3. Panels available with red hospital-grade duplex receptacles. Change letter C to letter D,
e.g. 3H5S11CDDI to 3H5S11DDDI.
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
ICU/CCU Panels
Wiring Diagrams and Dimensions
5.00 5.00
127 127
H1 H2
Electrostatic Ground 254
Shield Low X1 X2 RS-232
Voltage Test
LIM Common
12V Common
12V Hazard 42.00 44.00
1067 1118 Circuit Breaker
12V Safe Panel
K1 Safe
K1 Common
Line Isolation
K1 Hazard
LIM Terminal
Hinged Door with
Lock and Key
Ground Jacks
30A (6)
38 Shaded areas denote
possible conduit entrance
(4) .562 Dia. Holes
14 22.00
(2 Top, 2 Bottom 559
For Mounting)
Ground Bus
12.00 29.00
(Space For 25, 6-24 AWG 635 737
Including 1 Lug For 1/0)
Primary High Voltage
Breaker L2
H1 H2 Transformer
Electrostatic Ground
Low X1 X2
Shield RS-232 Optional 406
Voltage Test Accessories
LIM Common
12V Common
12V Hazard 49.00 51.00
12V Safe 1245 1295
K1 Safe Circuit Breaker
K1 Common Panel
K1 Hazard
LIM Terminal
Board Line Isolation
Shaded areas denote
(4) .562 Dia. Holes possible conduit entrance
(2 Top, 2 Bottom
For Mounting) 27.00
Dual Output
Voltage Isolation Panel Dimensions
Shaded area denotes
conduit entrance
Finished Floor
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Dual Output Voltage Isolation Panels
Wiring Diagram
Ground Bus
Primary (space for 25, 6-24 AWG
Primary Circuit L1
including 1 lug for 1/0)
Breaker L2
H1 H2
Electrostatic Ground
Shield X1 X2 X3 X4 RS-232
Secondary Meter
Main 120V Circuit LIM Common
12V Common
12V Hazard
12V Safe
K1 Safe
K1 Common
K1 Hazard
LIM Terminal
Panel is field expandable to
16 secondary branch circuit
breakers (QO220) To Ground Bus
208V Circuit RS-232
LIM Common
12V Common
Secondary 12V Hazard
12V Safe
K1 Safe
Panel is field expandable to K1 Common
2 secondary branch circuit K1 Hazard
breakers (QO)
LIM Terminal
To Ground Bus
To Ground Bus
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Dual Output Voltage Isolation Panels
Catalog Numbers NOTE: The interior, trim, transformer, back box,
and optional panel mounted accessories for the
To order dual output voltage hospital isolation LIM must be ordered separately. Only the
panels, specify the correct catalog number for the accessories are optional.
following items:
The interior catalog number is a combination of
codes, which are described in the table on page
Trim 35. An example of a completed catalog number
Transformer for the interior is shown below in Figure 11.
Back box
Interior Code Numbers (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Dual Output Voltage Isolation Panels
To complete a catalog number, fill in the parenthesis from the selections numbered 1-8 in table below.
(2) Output voltages A=120/208V (6) Type of 120V power receptacles R=20A, red hospital-grade duplex (NEMA 520R)
B-120/240V I=20A, ivory hospital-grade duplex (NEMA 520R)
B=20A, black hospital-grade duplex (NEMA 520R)
T=20A, brown hospital-grade duplex (NEMA 520R)
L=20A, black hospital only, locking-type receptacle
(Hubbell #23000HG or equivalent)
0=No 120V receptacles
(3) Size rating of 120V secondary 5=5.0 kVA (7) Configuration of 208 or 240V X=Hubbell #IN16494 (equivalent to Hubbell #25603)
winding (kVA) 7=7.5 kVA receptacle #1 A=NEMA #6-15R
Eight 20/2 branch circuit 1=10.0 kVA The correct circuit breaker that B=NEMA #6-20R
breakers are installed at the matches the selected receptacle is C=NEMA #6-30R
factory in the 120V section of installed at the factory in the 208V or D=NEMA #6-50R
panels interior. The section is 240V section of the panels interior. If E=NEMA #L6-15R
field expandable to 16 branch no receptacle is selected, the section F=NEMA #L6-20R
circuit breakers by ordering is field expandable to two branch G=NEMA #L6-30R
additional circuit breakers, circuit breakers by ordering additional 0=No 208V or 240V receptacle
Square D catalog no. QO220. circuit breakers, Square D catalog no.
QO210 through QO260. Installation of
circuit breakers rated higher than 60A
voids the UL Listing.
(4) Number of 30A green ground 1=one (8) Configuration of 208 or 240V X=Hubbell #IN16494 (equivalent to Hubbell #25603)
jacks 2=two receptacle #2 A=NEMA #6-15R
3=three The correct circuit breaker that B=NEMA #6-20R
4=four matches the selected receptacle is C=NEMA #6-30R
5=five installed at the factory in the 208V or D=NEMA #6-50R
6=six 240V section of panels interior. If no E=NEMA #L6-15R
0=none receptacle is selected, the section is F=NEMA #L6-20R
field expandable to two branch circuit G=NEMA #L6-30R
breakers by ordering Square D 0=No 208V or 240V receptacle
catalog no. QO210 through QO260.
Installation of circuit breakers rated
higher than 60A avoids UL Listing.
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Duplex Isolation Panels
The duplex hospital isolation panel is a single Each system has its own set of equipment:
enclosure containing two complete 120V
Primary circuit breaker
secondary hospital isolation systems. A divider in
the units backbox separates the systems from top Square D isolation transformer
to bottom and front to back. Reference ground bus bar
ISO-GARD line isolation monitor
Load center
Catalog Numbers
Interior Backbox
Trim Transformer
kVA Primary Secondary Catalog Flush Surface Catalog
Catalog Primary Secondary
(Each Circuit Circuit Number Catalog Catalog Number
Number Voltage Voltage
Side) Breaker Breakerq Number Number
5/5H5S11DDI 120 60A 5/5XR11
5/5H5S31DDI 5+5 240 120 30A 8 (20A) OR32730 53047BB 53051BB 5/5XR31
7/7H5S21DDI 208 45A 7/7XR21
7/7H5S31DDI 7.5 + 7.5 240 120 40A 8 (20A) OR32730 53048BB 53052BB 7/7XR31
q Panels are field expandable to 16 branch circuit breakers. Order circuit breaker catalog number QO220.
30.00 30.00
762 762
Shaded areas
denote possible 8.00 12.00
conduit entrance 203 305
73.00 73.00
72.00 1854 1854
1829 1829
20.00 20.00
508 508
20.00 20.00
508 508
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Duplex Isolation Panels
Wiring Diagrams
Ground Bus
(Space For 25, 6-24 AWG
Including 1 Lug For 1/0)
Primary High Voltage
H1 H2
Electrostatic Ground
Shield Low X1 X2 RS-232
Voltage Test
LIM Common
12V Common
12V Hazard
12V Safe
K1 Safe
K1 Common
K1 Hazard
LIM Terminal
Ground Bus
(Space For 25, 6-24 AWG
Including 1 Lug For 1/0)
Primary High Voltage
H1 H2
Electrostatic Ground
Shield Low X1 X2 RS-232
Voltage Test
LIM Common
12V Common
12V Hazard
12V Safe
K1 Safe
K1 Common
K1 Hazard
LIM Terminal
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Three-Phase Isolation Panels
Three-phase hospital isolation panels are voltage is usually 208V. These panels can not only
intended for use as a power supply for equipment supply power to 208V three-phase loads, but also
such as surgical lasers, laminar airflow systems, to 208V single-phase loads. However, these
and other three-phase specialty equipment used panels should never be used to supply power to
in hospital operating rooms. Three-phase 120V single-phase loads. Under some types of
isolation panels can range in size from 3.0 kVA to ground faults, 120V equipment can be subjected
25.0 kVA. Primary voltage to these panels can be to higher than anticipated line-to-ground voltages.
either 208 or 480V delta and the secondary
Catalog Numbers
Interior Backbox
Trim Transformer
Primary Secondary Catalog Flush Surface Catalog
Catalog Primary Primary Secondary
Circuit Circuit Number Catalog Catalog Number
Number kVA Voltage Voltage
Breaker Breaker Number Number
3H5ST22DDI 208 15A 3XRT22
3 208 (1) 15A OR32420 53042BB 53050BB
3H5ST52DDI 480 6A 3XRT52
Wiring Diagram
Primary Circuit L1
Protection L2
Electrostatic L3
X0 X1 X2 X3 Test
LIM Common
12V Common 1
12V Hazard 2
12V Safe 3
K1 Safe
K1 Common
Remote K1 Hazard
Line Isolation Montior
Terminal Board
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Three-Phase Isolation Panels
14.00 15.00
356 381
20.00 21.00
508 533
14.00 15.00
20.00 21.00
508 533
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Three-Phase Isolation Panels
30.00 31.00
762 787
24.00 25.00
609 635
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
X-Ray Panels
NOTE: Up to 8 outlets can be controlled from these panels. No branch circuit should be longer than 150 ft.
Wiring Diagram Dimensions
Ground Bus L2
(Space For 25, 6-24 AWG L3
Including 1 Lug For 1/0) Ground Shaded areas denote
RS-232 possible conduit entrance
Primary Primary Test
Circuit Meter 29.00
Breaker LIM Common 12.00 737
12V Common 305
Fuse 1
Ampere 12V Hazard
H1 H2 12V Safe
Transformer K1 Safe
X1 X2
K1 Common
K1 Hazard Transformer 16.00
Volt. 406
LIM Terminal
Terminal Optional
Circuit Customer Load Blocks Accessories
Breaker Connections D3 40.00 Primary
1016 Breaker
D1 42.00 Secondary
C3 Remote 1067
8-Station Interlock C2 Indicator
Switch W/Off Position C1 Alarms Circuit Selector
B3 A,B,C,D Switch
Station A shown, other B2 Line Isolation
stations wired similarly. B1 Monitor
Note: Maximum of 8 outlets A3
no branch circuit should exceed A2
150 feet in length. A1
14 Gauge
15 kVA and 25 kVA Stainless Steel
This unit contains a 60A, 240V single-phase approved X-ray receptacle plus
a remote indicator alarm described on page 47.
NOTE: Mount unit at least 48" above finished floor.
241 4.00
Remote Indicator
X-Ray Receptacle
.88 7.00
22 178
11.00 6.00
13.00 12.00
330 305
12 Gauge Stainless
Front Cover
Supervisory Module
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Panel-Mounted Indicator Alarms
The ORIC-A model is complete with green, yellow, and red indicating lights
mounted on stainless steel trim plate plus an audible alarm.
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Power/Ground Modules
Where room ground extensions and power receptacles are both required,
this module offers convenience and saves much labor in field wiring. The unit
includes four power receptacles, four twist-to-lock ground jacks, and a
ground bus with a generous number of lugs for external ground connections.
The main ground connection in the module accommodates up to a #1/0
cable. The unit is completely factory wired; only field power connections and
ground connections are necessary. The front trim is #304 stainless steel with
a #4 brushed finish.
4 Ground Jack 12.00
Receptacles 305
4 Powerlock
Ground Receptacle
30A Twist to Lock
9.50 8.00
241 283
4 Power Lock Receptacles and
Power Lock Receptacle
4 Ground Jack Receptacles
20A Hospital Use Only
14 Gauge Stainless Steel
4 Ground Jack
Ground Receptacle
RMDR-120-4NI 30 A Twist to Lock
4 Red Duplex Receptacles and
4 Ground Jack Receptacles 9.50 8.00
241 283
4 Ivory Duplex Receptacles and
4 Ground Jack Receptacles
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Power/Ground Modules
Power/Ground Modules
(To Fit Gang Boxes)
These modules contain both ground jack receptacles and power lock
receptacles, but do not contain a ground bar with lugs. A single lug for #2
through #14 AWG wire is included for the incoming ground. These modules
use standard electrical gang boxes, therefore back boxes are not included.
These modules can be used where additional ground jack receptacles and
power lock receptacles are needed, but where lugs for hard grounding of
non-electrical items are not required.
Stainless Steel Cover Plate
Copper Equalizer Ground Bus Bar (1)
PowerLock Receptacle 1/8" Thick x 3/4" Wide
20A Hospital Grade (4)
Ground Jack - 30A Twist-To-Lock Lug (1) For #2-#14 AWG
4.50 3.75
114 95
15.43 3.50
392 89
4 Power Lock Receptacles and 4 Ground Jack Receptacles Note: 8-gang back box not supplied.
4.50 3.75
114 95
15.43 3.50
392 89
4 Ivory Single Receptacles and 4 Ground Jack Receptacles Note: 8-gang back box not supplied.
4.50 3.75
114 95
15.43 3.50
392 89
4 Red Duplex Receptacles and 4 Ground Jack Receptacles Note: 8-gang back box not supplied.
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Power/Ground Modules and Accessories
Master Grounding Station Module
This unit can be used as a collection point for grounds in a large area such
as a coronary care or intensive care ward. Primary application is where the
equipment ground bus in the emergency distribution panel is not
conveniently located or cannot accept the large number of connections,
which may be required for the area.
This unit can connect to that point by a single conductor. However, it can be
located in a more convenient location. The unit contains a bus bar with 18 lugs
for field connections and has a Type #304 brushed stainless steel cover plate.
9.50 8.00
241 203
Ground Modules
Ideal for room ground bus extensions to make ground connections in large
operating rooms convenient. These units contain four ground jack receptacles
and a ground bus. They are furnished with Type #304 brushed stainless trim.
9.50 8.00
241 283
4.50 3.75
114 95
8.18 3.50
208 89
Note: 4-gang back box not supplied.
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Remote Indicator Alarms and Annunciators
Ground Cord Assemblies
3.12 3.12
79 Ground Plug 79
Rubber Handle
2.25 2.25
57 57
Ground Plug
Rubber Handle
#10 Super Flex RC
Lug Furnished 600V Cable 15 Ft. Long
P751N P753N
Install indicator alarms above the five foot level in each operating room or
anesthetizing location. Be sure they are clearly visible to personnel. When
the flow to ground is within the predetermined limits for the circuits being
monitored, a constant green light remains illuminated. When this
predetermined limit is exceeded, the green light goes out, the red indicator
illuminates, and an audible signal sounds. Press the silencing switch to
disconnect the audible signal. The yellow indicator illuminates, reminding
personnel that the audible signal is disconnected. When the predicted
leakage current to ground returns to an acceptable level, the unit
automatically resets.
116 3.50
Silence 4.50 3.75
114 95
Stainless Steel Trim
Note: 2-Gang back boxes not supplied.
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Remote Indicator Alarms and Annunciators
Indicator and Milliammeter Module (M5-IAI)
Some physicians prefer to monitor the hazard current of the isolated system
as devices are energized during surgery. This remote indicator alarm
contains a milliammeter like the one found in the panel, as well as a complete
test switch facility.
343 4.00
13.00 4.00
Safe/Silence Hazard
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Remote Indicator Alarms and Annunciators
Annunciator Panel For 5 To 8 Circuits
This unit is available either surface or flush-mounted for use with a total
quantity of 5 to 8 circuits. (IA-8CI shown.)
13.00 4.00
Safe/Silence Hazard
Stainless Steel Trim
5 to 8 Circuits
This unit is available either surface or flush-mounted for use with a total
quantity of 9 to 12 circuits. (IA-12CI shown.)
13.00 4.00
330 102
13.00 12.00
Safe/Silence Hazard
9 to 12 Circuits
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Remote Indicator Alarms and Annunciators
Annunciator Panel For 13 To 16 Circuits
This unit is available either surface or flush-mounted for use with a total
quantity of 13 to 16 circuits. If you need annunciator panels with a greater
number of circuits, contact your local Square D representative for dimensions
and cost. (IA-16CI shown.)
13.00 4.00
330 102
17.00 16.00
432 406
Safe/Silence Hazard
13 to 16 Circuits
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Operating voltages of 85 through 265Vac. The ISO-GARD LIM, with its microprocessor-based technology, is
impervious to all types of electrical noise interference found in hospital
Hazard current alarm levels of 2.0 or 5.0 mA.
operating rooms. At the same time, the ISO-GARD LIM uses an advanced
Operation at either 50 or 60 Hz. methodology to monitor hazard current without interfering with other
Operation either as a single or three-phase unit. sensitive patient monitoring equipment.
With this selection of capabilities, the ISO-GARD The unit has an extra set of normally opened and closed dry contacts for use
LIM can meet the requirement of any application. with other external alarm systems. The Square D remote alarms for the
External features of the ISO-GARD LIM include: ISO-GARD LIM operate at 12Vac and do not add any additional hazard
current to the isolated power system being monitored. The unit can also drive
Faceplate that is easy to read and understand external analog meters as found in many remote alarm units such as the
with a smooth surface for cleaning ease and Square D Remote Alarm with Ammeter (Catalog No. M5-IAI). See page 48.
pleasing appearance.
The ISO-GARD LIM is component recognized by UL under UL1022
Both analog and digital hazard current indication.
Standards for Line Isolation Monitors. The unit is compatible with all hospital
Unique audible tone to avoid confusion with isolation transformers and hospital isolation systems. The ISO-GARD LIM is
other equipment sounds in the operating room. manufactured in the United States by Square D.
6.50 .06
165 2
3.24 4.44
3.25 120%
4.00 82 113
102 3.35
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Digital Clocks, Timers, And Accessories
MCT Series
Square D offers a line of digital clocks and elapsed time indicators uniquely
adaptable to the hospital environment. The timepieces are designed for
areas requiring rapid and precise time measurements. They are compact,
solid state, and easily readable from 30 ft away. They operate in either the
12- or 24-hour time mode, depending on how the hospital wishes to use
them. Since they are digital, they instantly reset, which eliminates annoying
time delays for mechanical resets.
The elapsed time indicators can interface with a patient monitor, code blue
alarm, or other equipment. An optional rechargeable battery pack can be
purchased to prevent loss of time information during a power interruption.
See page 55.
The MCT series of clocks/timers is designed for component mounting in
various pieces of equipment such as modular walls, consoles, surgical facility
panels, or building walls. This series is packaged in a durable flush mounting
phenolic case. See Square D brochure No. 4890BR9201 for more complete
information and specifications.
These control panels give hospitals the flexibility to mount digital time devices
in a desired location. The MCT-4RC control panel comes self-contained in a
flush mounting back box with stainless steel trim. Both the MCT-4RC and the
MCT-CT control units include a 15-foot wiring harness for connection to the
Trim Backbox
Description Ht. W. Ht. W. Dp.
a Clock/Timer with Separate Displays MCT-12B 41/4" 11" 8" 12" 4"
Stainless Steel Trim Plate MCTS95135 91/2" 131/2"
Backbox to be used with MCT95135 53007BB 8" 12" 4"
Remote Control Unit for MCT-12B (Optional) MCT-CT 41/2" 41/2"
Rechargeable Battery Pack for MCT12B (Optional) MCT-BP
a MCTS-95135 trim and 53007BB backbox must be ordered when installing clock/timers in building walls.
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Digital Clocks, Timers, And Accessories
Dual Display Clock/Timer (MCT-12B)
This dual display timepiece is designed for surgical or patient care areas
where simultaneous clock/timer displays are needed. The upper display is a
time clock and the lower display is an elapsed timer. Controls for both
displays are on the face of the unit. The displays can also be remotely
controlled by the MCT-CT remote control panel.
Clock Display
112 3.25
4.00 4.16
83 106
MCT-12B Timer
Designed to operate with the MCT-12B digital clock (see above). This control
panel contains a set of controls for the timer and two push-buttons to set the
clock time display. Includes MCT-BP Battery Pack, see page 55.
NOTE: 2-gang back box not supplied.
114 3.25
4.50 3.68
114 93
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Product Descriptions
Digital Clocks, Timers, And Accessories
Surgical Chronometer (MCT-14B)
Todays modern surgical techniques require the most up-to-date support
equipment. This equipment includes elapsed time indicators for the operating
room. Doctors will commonly require simultaneous timing of surgical
procedures; the Square D surgical chronometer fills this need. This unit has
three elapsed-time indicators and one clock integrated into a single, compact
enclosure. The MCT-4RC remote control panel can be mounted in a location
selected for accessibility.
Dimensions 12.00
Clock Display
3.38 4.00
1.00 381
3.00 3.60
MCT-14B Timer 76 91 Label
Displays (3) 13.50 Holders (5)
13.50 HOLD 2 COUNT 2
MCT-4RC 140
1998 Square D All Rights Reserved 2/98
Product Descriptions
Digital Clocks, Timers, And Accessories
Accessory Equipment
This optional battery pack is designed for use in conjunction with the model
MCT-12B digital clock. It powers the memory mode, which prevents loss of
time information on the digital clocks during a power interruption. The
batteries are rechargeable, which eliminates the need to replace dead
These accessories, when ordered with the MCT-12B digital clock, allow the
timepiece to be wall-mounted. The MCTS-95135 is a stainless steel trim
panel with holes and studs for mounting the digital clock. 53007BB is the
standard Square D back box (4" by 8" by 12") for mounting the stainless steel
2/98 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved
Electrical equipment should be serviced only by qualified electrical maintenance personnel, and
this document should not be viewed as sufficient instruction for those who are not otherwise
qualified to operate, service or maintina the equipment discussed. Although reasonable care has
been taken to provide accurate and authoritative information in this document, no responsibility is
Square D Company assumed by Square D for any consequences arising out of this material.
3300 Medalist Drive
Oshkosh, WI 54901 USA Square D and are registered trademarks of Square D Company.
(920) 426-1330 Catalog No. 4800CT9801 Feb 1998 1998 Square D All Rights Reserved. Replaces Handbook 4800HB9401.