Medical Devices Inspection and Maintenance A Literature Review
Medical Devices Inspection and Maintenance A Literature Review
Medical Devices Inspection and Maintenance A Literature Review
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Modern medical devices and equipment have become very complex and sophisticated and are expected to operate
under stringent environments. Hospitals must ensure that their critical medical devices are safe, accurate, reliable and
operating at the required level of performance. Even though the importance, the application of all inspection,
maintenance and optimization models to medical devices is fairly new. In Canada, most, if not all healthcare
organizations include all their medical equipment in their maintenance program and just follow manufacturers’
recommendations for preventative maintenance. Then, current maintenance strategies employed in hospitals and
healthcare organizations have difficulty in identifying specific risks and applying optimal risk reduction activities.
This paper addresses these gaps found in literature for medical equipment inspection and maintenance and reviews
various important aspects including current policies applied in hospitals. Finally we suggest future research which
will be the starting point to develop tools and policies for better medical devices management in the future.
Medical devices, Maintenance, Reliability, outsourcing, prioritization
1. Introduction
The maintenance of medical equipment is as important as its design and development. Usually, much more money is
spent on maintaining a piece of equipment over its life span than on its procurement [1]. Medical equipment is
extensively (from 5,000 to more than 10,000 different type) used in all aspects of health services, ranging from
prevention, screening, diagnosis, monitoring, and therapeutics to rehabilitation. Nowadays, it is virtually impossible
to provide health services without them. Unlike other types of healthcare technologies (i.e., drugs, implants, and
disposable products), medical equipment requires maintenance (both scheduled and unscheduled) during its useful
life. As the sophistication and cost of medical equipment continue to escalate, the complexity and cost of its
maintenance have also risen sharply in the last few decades. Studies conducted using data collected from hundreds of
acute-care hospitals indicate that on average, each hospital acquired about 15–20 pieces of medical equipment for
each staffed bed, which translates into a capital investment of around US$200–400,000/staffed bed. Thus, it is
common for a 500-bed hospital to own more than US$100–200 million worth of medical equipment and considerably
more if it is affiliated with a medical school. The same studies have indicated that annual medical equipment
maintenance and management cost is approximately 1% of the total hospital budget, so a 500-bed hospital spends
typically around $5 million/year. In addition to its high maintenance costs, medical equipment is often involved in
patient incidents that resulted in serious injuries or deaths. In fact, statistics accumulated by The Joint Commission
(TJC) show medical equipment-related “sentinel events1” is typically among the top ten types every year [2].
Therefore, Hospitals and healthcare organizations must ensure that their critical medical devices are safe, accurate,
reliable and operating at the required level of performance.
Maintenance strategies and reliability engineering techniques have been significantly improved in the last two
decades, and they have been successfully applied in many industries to improve the performance of equipment
maintenance management. Numerous inspection and optimization models are developed and widely used to
achieve maintenance excellence, i.e. the balance of performance, risk, resources and cost to reach to an
optimal solution. However, most of hospitals and healthcare organizations do not benefit from maintenance excellence
as much as other industries [3]. Unnecessary and excessive preventive maintenance could be also loss-making likewise
inadequate level of maintenance. The time, which is spent doing the unnecessary preventive maintenance, is robbing
an organization of a fraction of one of its most vital resources [4].Since 2004, when Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations(JCAHO) introduced standard EC.6.10 [5], hospitals in US have started
adopting their maintenance programs to put their maintenance resources where most needed. This standard
Jamshidi, A. Rahimi, Ait Kadi and Ruiz
allows hospitals to not have schedule inspection or maintenance tasks for certain pieces or types of medical
equipment, if these tasks are not needed for safe and reliable operation [6].
However, in Canada, most, if not all healthcare organizations include all their medical equipment in their
maintenance program and just follow manufacturers’ recommendations for preventative maintenance [3]. Current
maintenance strategies employed in hospitals and healthcare organizations have difficulty in identifying specific
risks and applying optimal risk reduction activities [7]. Moreover, even though the use of reliability engineering
tools is well established, their application to the medical industry is new. Most research in this area merely suggests
how to assess or improve the reliability of devices in their design or manufacturing stages. To this point, best
maintenance strategies for medical equipment in their operating context have not been considered. Hospitals,
due to possessing a large number of difference devices, can benefit significantly if the optimization techniques are
used properly in the equipment management processes. In this paper we address these gaps and review the research
literature regarding medical device inspection and maintenance. We consider various important aspects, concerned
with MEIM including prioritization of medical equipment, maintenance optimization models applied for medical
devices, maintenance outsourcing, and current MEIM policies applied in hospitals for improving medical equipment
maintenance. Finally, in the discussion and conclusion section, we present the main research gaps found and
suggestions for future research which will be the starting point to develop tools suitable for better medical devices
Ridgway [12] noted that PM does have some impact on the reliability of some items and therefore it does have some
beneficial impact on equipment uptime. However, the discussion about what value properly executed PM brings to
the facility’s maintenance program requires considering the impact of eliminating or increasing the intervals for some
or all of the PM-related tests and results achieved: increased safety, reduced downtime and fewer expensive repairs.
Ridgway [13] further noted that PM is an issue of declining importance-relative to several other equipment issues.
Yet, US$300 million per year is still allocated to this in the USA hospitals. Ridgway further indicated that there is still
no good consensus on the definition of PM or even why it is done, no rational process for defining a non-critical device
and no good method for justifying PM intervals. PM does not prevent all types of equipment failure and only addresses
failures that result from the degeneration of a device’s non-durable parts and hidden failure.
In this review, we divide the studies used in the literature into three main categories, which are prioritization of medical
devices, empirical researches, and mathematical modeling. The three categories, each with their own related
approaches and references, are reported in Table 1. In what follows, we more specifically go into the references and
show what has been done.
The empirical approach is based on experience and manufacturer’s recommendations. One method is called reliability
centred maintenance (RCM), introduced about 30 years ago and considered to be empirical. RCM is based on
condition monitoring, analysis of failure causes and investigation of operating needs and priorities. According to
Endrenyi [16] RCM selects the critical components in equipment, which contribute to equipment failure or financial
loss and initiates stringent maintenance programs for these components. Endrenyi further concluded that RCM helps
to decide where to put the next dollar budget for maintenance and is good for comparing policies but not for true
optimisation. In RCM, six basic patterns of failure have been identified based on industrial experience (very little data
is available for medical equipment). A study done 1982, which analysed maintenance data from the USA Navy
industry using six patterns, found the following information in Figure 2 [17].
Hall [18] noted that there are two keys to RCM method, the first is having a good maintenance history of medical
equipment and the second key is the age. Hall further indicated that RCM might be a better strategy for younger
equipment. To balance both sides of maintenance (preventive, corrective), condition based maintenance (CBM) was
introduced, which observes and forecasts real time health of machines where RCM studies the failure causes over a
period of time and initiates maintenance programmes to increase the up time of these equipment. Recent development
in CBM revealed promising technologies for advanced fault detection and forecasting. In addition, CBM increases
productivity, availability and safety of the machinery systems [19]. In CBM, machines are continuously monitored by
various sensors to detect failures in real-time and therefore CBM is useful in estimating the time of a future failure
and remaining useful life.
Fennigkoh and Smith [11] proposed a risk assessment method to group medical devices on the basis of their
Equipment Management (EM) numbers, or the sum of the numbers assigned to the device’s critical function, physical
risk, and required maintenance:
EM= Critical Function + Physical Risk + Required Maintenance.
Devices with an EM number above a critical value 12 are considered to have critical risk and thus are included in
inspection and maintenance plans. In 1989, JCAHO recognized importance of this method and eventually in 2004
approved it as the standard (EC6.10) [5]. This standard allows hospitals not to perform scheduled inspection
or maintenance tasks for certain pieces or types of medical equipment, if these tasks are not needed for safe and reliable
operation [6]. Since then, Fennigkoh and Smith’s method or its many variations have been used by clinical engineers
[7]. Ridgway [12] in his recent paper emphasizes that preventive maintenance can provide a benefit for just a
relatively few devices, and a significant number of repair calls are made due to random failures of device’s
components. Wang and Rice [22] propose simplified version of gradient risk sampling and attribute sampling to select
a portion of equipment for inclusion. Clinical engineers believe that risk is not the only inclusion criterion,
however, even though it is the most important one [23]. Other criteria which reflect the needs and reality of a hospital
should be considered, including mission criticality, availability of backup, hazard notice, and recall history (24,25]).
Taghipour et al. [26] presented a multi-criteria decision-making model to prioritize medical devices according to their
criticality. Devices with lower criticality scores can be assigned a lower priority in a maintenance management
program. However, those with higher scores should be investigated in detail to find the reasons for their higher
criticality, and appropriate actions, such as ‘preventive maintenance’, ‘user training’, ‘redesigning the device’, etc.
should be taken. In this paper, the authors also describe how individual score values obtained for each criterion can
be used to establish guidelines for appropriate maintenance strategies for different classes of devices. Recently,
Jamshidi et al [27] developed a fuzzy healthcare failure modes and effects analysis (HFMEA) method for prioritization
of medical devices. The authors calculated the risk based on conditional probability of failures and consequence
analyzed. The case study shows that a significant cost saving can be achieved by utilizing the existing field and usage
data to establish the CBM program in medicine dispensing product service. In addition, Khalaf et al. 32] proposed a
global model to measure the probability of equipment being available using real data extracted from maintenance
history of infusion pumps and ventilators and analysed using Matlab. To confirm the validity of the developed model,
the survival analysis approach was used to develop a model that measures the survival of equipment as a function of
maintenance and age of equipment. The method was first tested using simulated data and the findings confirm the
validity of the proposed approach.
Random, unpredicted
13.7% Failures
7.8% Equpment
management issues
32.2% Battery related
Inadequate PM
Repair Calls
Another study was conducted by Wang et al. [35] in which the authors used maintenance data collected from 40,496
equipment records in various hospitals and applied specific failure codes developed by the team to measure
maintenance effectiveness. The codes are assigned by CE professionals when completing SM and CM activities for
all kinds of medical equipment. The summary of the preliminary findings of the above study is:
* Current maintenance strategies are effective but it is not clear whether they are efficient.
* It would be preferable to drop SPI on some equipment and use the time saved to help user. The time saved is
estimated to be 25 per cent.
* Refocus resources from SM (SPI+PM) to higher impact tasks, e.g. use error tracking, self-identified failures, and
Jamshidi, A. Rahimi, Ait Kadi and Ruiz
3.2. Observations
We looked at scholarly papers tackling the maintenance problems, scrutinizing three major branches of papers,
including: mathematical models, empirical research on the maintenance of medical devices, and prioritization of
medical devices for maintenance activities. Table 1 shows the existing literature on maintenance of medical devices
between 1989 and 2014.
Table 1- studies related to maintenance of medical devices between 1989 and 2014.
Author( Year) Optimization/ Prioritization/ Book/ Description
Empirical Paper/
Fennigkoh and Smith (1989) [11] Prioritization Paper Classification of medical equipment using three parameters
Wang and Levenson (2000) [24] Empirical Paper Proposed mission criticality
Dhillon, 2000 [36] Empirical Book Medical device Reliability
Ridgway, (2001)[25] Prioritization Paper Classifying medical devices
Baker, (2001) [28] Optimization Paper Data-based modeling of the failure rate of repairable equipment
Wang and Rice (2003) [22] Empirical Paper proposed simplified version of gradient risk sampling and attribute sampling
Ridgway, M, 2003 [37] Prioritization Paper Analysing PM data by FMEA
Hyman, 2003 [23] Empirical Paper The Theory and Practice of Preventive Maintenance
Abdelbaset Khalaf, 2004 [29] Optimization Paper Maintenance model for minimizing risk of medical equipment
Wang et al. (2006a) [6] Empirical Paper Interview with Larry Fennigkoh
Wang et al. (2006b) [38] Empirical Paper An strategy for incorporating multiple criteria
Hall (2006) [18] Empirical Paper Evaluation of RCM method
Rice (2007) [7] Empirical Paper Building an effective MEMP using FTA
Wang (2008) [9] Empirical Book A Practicum for Biomedical Engineering
Ridgway (2008) [13] Empirical Paper Decoding the PM puzzle
Ridgway (2009a) [8] Empirical Paper Manufacturer-recommendation PM intervals
Ridgway (2009b) [12] Empirical Paper Optimizing PM programs
Ridgway et al.(2009c) [34] Empirical Paper Reducing Equipment Downtime
Stiefel, 2009 [20] Empirical Book Medical Equipment Management Manual
Wang et al. (2010) [35] Empirical Paper Evidence-based maintenance – part II
Khalaf et al. (2010) [15] Empirical Paper Evidence-based mathematical maintenance model for medical equipment
Gentles et al. 2010 [21] Empirical Paper Collecting comparative data on inventory and maintenance of the most
critical devices used in hospitals
Wang et al. (2011) [39] Empirical Paper Enhancing Patient Safety Using Failure Code Analysis
Taghipour (2008-12) [3,26,30] Optimization& Prioritization Thesis Reliability and Maintenance of Medical devices
Cruz and Rincon (2012) [33] Empirical mapping Medical device maintenance outsourcing
Jamshidi et al. (2012) [27] Prioritization Paper A risk-based Maintenance Strategy for prioritization of Medical Equipment
Wang, 2012 [2] Empirical Book Medical Equipment Maintenance: Management and Oversight
Afshin Jamshidi(2012-16) [40] Optimization& Prioritization Thesis Risk-based Inspection& Maintenance of Medical Devices
Khalaf et al. (2013) [32] Optimization Paper The effect of maintenance on the survival of medical equipment
Wang et al. (2013a) [41] Empirical Paper An estimate of patient incidents caused by medical equipment
maintenance omissions
Wang et al. (2013b) [42] Empirical Paper Evidence-Based Maintenance
Bassel et al (2013) [43] Prioritization Paper Revisiting and Reassessing the major factors that affect device risk scores.
Richard C. Fries (2013) [44] Empirical Book Reliable design of Medical Devices
Qian Zhang (2013) [31] Optimization Paper Condition Based Maintenance Used in Medical Devices
report sentinel events to TJC are required to share its RCA results and TJC reviews them and assign one or more root
causes to each event' Multiple causes are often assigned for each event because the outcome is typically the
consequence of the failure or inefficiency of one or more processes instead of a single cause. Figure 5 shows the root
causes of the medical equipment-related events as determined by TJC for the medical equipment-related events for
the period of 2004-2011as a percentage of the 620 causes identified. Since TJC did not provide the root causes of
the39 medical equipment-related events reported in2011, it was not possible to assess if these causes differ
significantly from those of prior years [42].
Figure 4: Number of sentinel events reported to TJC in 2011 Figure 5: Number of root causes of sentinel events in the period of 2004-2011
1- Although there are several research works on maintenance strategy selection in different industries, there is still a
need to use a systematic mathematical approach to help the decision maker in taking an appropriate decision for
selecting the maintenance strategy in healthcare industries. There is no study done in healthcare area for selecting best
maintenance strategy. There are a large number of tangible and intangible criteria, which often are in conflict with
each other, that should be considered in selection of the best maintenance strategy. For these reasons, it is particularly
difficult to equipment managers choose the best maintenance strategy for each piece of equipment from a set of
feasible alternatives. As a result, using multi attribute decision making methods can be useful.
Jamshidi, A. Rahimi, Ait Kadi and Ruiz
19% 10
Empirical 5
64% 17% 0
1989- 2003- 2008- 2013-
2002 2007 2012 2014
Figure 6: Classification of papers from 1989 to 2014. Figure 7: Distribution of the reviewed articles
2- Although there are a number of research works on maintenance strategy selection in healthcare industries, there is
still a need to use a comprehensive framework for prioritizing critical medical devices.
3- Research into the outsourcing of medical device maintenance services in hospitals is still in its infancy stages, and
that further progress in this field would benefit from additional empirical study grounded in management theory.
4- Researcher need to measure outcomes such as uptimes and failure rates as part of their PM.
5- The use of suitable techniques and methodologies, careful investigation during the risk analysis phase, and its
detailed and structured results are necessary to make proper risk-based maintenance decisions.
6- Last but not least, authors working in this area should apply new integrated risk-based maintenance models rather
than traditional methods to consider different uncertainties in hospital environment, expert’s opinion, and etc.
1. Dhillon, B.S., 2011, “Medical Equipment Reliability: A Review, Analysis, and Improvement
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2. Wang B. , 2012, “Medical Equipment Maintenance: Management and Oversight”, Synthesis Lectures
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3. S. Taghipour, 2012, “Reliability and Maintenance of Medical Devices”, Thesis.
4. Keil, O.R. , 2008, “Unnecessary Preventative Maintenance: Its Effect on Opportunity Costs”,
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5. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JACAHO), 2004, Hospital
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7. Rice W., 2007, “Medical device risk based evaluation and maintenance using fault tree analysis” Biomed
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