Hospital Management System Review Article
Hospital Management System Review Article
Hospital Management System Review Article
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Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata, India
University of Zawia, Az Zawiyah, Libya
Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India
Swami Vivekanand Institute of Science & Technology, West Bengal, India
ABSTRACT: Hospital is the medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care irrespective of
their socio-economic status. Health care givers and administrators are considered as health care professionals. The form of hospital
services, their organization, development, operation and administration have undergone significant differentiations during the last 20
years. Public dissatisfaction with the traditional role of hospitals has grown vastly which may be attributed to the implementation of
issues such as changed quality of life and cost-effectiveness, wide media coverage of system inadequacies, increased demands and
awareness of patient’s rights, limited resources in the era of expensive hi-tech medical support systems and traditional approaches of
regulatory bodies. Hospitals across the country are searching for effective quality improvement strategies. Implementation of care
pathways in the hospital management will improve the quality of care, standardization of care processes, bring into limelight the
existing flaws, suggest ways for future improvements, help to utilize resources in a cost effective manner which is essential both in
developed as well as developing countries. In this review attempts have been made to highlight on the strategic points like the
implementations and utilities of clinical care pathways and its role in the control of emergency medical cases like strokes, importance
of timelines and key performance indicators of health administrators, effectiveness of clinical decision making of medical
professionals and their overall contribution in the quality improvement of health care and thus hospital management. © 2011 IGJPS.
All rights reserved.
KEYWORDS: Health Care Administration; Hi-Tech Medicine; Clinical Care Pathways; Clinical Decision
Making; Key Performance Indicators.
A hospital is the place where every socioeconomic group aged populations, the changes in diseases themselves, the
seeks healthcare. The context in which the hospitals are impact of new treatment options and introduction of IT
working is also changing rapidly because of the increase in technology [1]. A hospital regarded as ideal today may not
Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(3): 185-191
be ideal in the coming future. Hospitals are complex some hospitals are the examples of overuse or misuse of
purposeful organizations constantly dealing with life or potentials. Under use of needed medical services and
death matters. In order to improve quality of care, gain devices are wide spread [1].
patient’s satisfaction and implement quality improvement
In this review, discussions will be done on the
strategies different researches carried out by different
implementation of care/critical care pathways in terms of
members of socio-economic research institutes have
quality, efficacy and safety, stroke care pathway and stroke
identified and described certain key factors that contributed
rehabilitation, clinical decision making, and the role of
to adopt successful strategies. They opined that the time
medical and para-medical staff including Hospital
has come to make up minds about what hospitals should
managers and administrators in the hospital management
look like in the near future to fulfill the requirements of
modern medicine and demographic changes. Proper
motivation for work and commitment to achieve the
desired target, fulfillment of mission can be regarded as Critical Care Pathways
key factors for success of the top performing noteworthy
hospitals. Such commitment should be reflected among the Critical care pathways also known as integrated care plans
administrative bodies to working class. Next important or care maps, care pathways or clinical pathways. The
strategy is to appoint right person for the right job and this critical care pathway concept appeared for the first time in
should be applicable for 1985 inspired by Karen Zander and Kathleen Bower at the
physicians, nurses, administrators, and ancillary staff so as New England Medical Center in Boston (Massachusetts,
to form a good multidisciplinary team, each member of the USA). Care pathways are usually represented as a Gantt
team acting as team player, performing his own chart. A care pathway is a multidisciplinary healthcare
responsibilities, participating in QI or patient care management tool. Care pathways are considered to be one
management [1,2]. Monitoring of doctors on staff and of the best tools that hospitals can use to manage the
motivating them that they must continue to meet certain quality in healthcare concerning the standardization of care
performances and maintain standards are to be encouraged. processes, chalk out healthcare plans for a specific group
High quality nurses should be employed providing them of patients by the professionals and thereby promote
competitive salaries and deserved reputation of respect and organized and efficient patient care, reduces the variability
given opportunity to be true partners with physicians in in clinical practice and improves outcomes[2,3,5,10,11].
caring for patients. Top-performing hospitals also put great
emphasis on keeping staffing levels high and vacancy
While introducing critical care pathways it is necessary to
levels low and develop effective in- house processes.
review current processes in the light of national and
The best hospitals not only collect data on outcomes and co international recommended practices. Necessary
st, but also pull apart the numbers on surgeries, tests, and o improvements to be made, to achieve the achievable in an
ther procedures to identify each step in the process where b easier, quicker way, change and removal of the existing
est optimized medical approaches are practiced[2]. In barriers are the key points to be kept in mind while
quality hospitals flaws/drawbacks or deficiencies are never implementing care pathways [12]. The basic reason behind
hidden or ignored but are brought to limelight for proper implementation of Critical care pathways in both
discussions and corrective measures adopted against them. developed and developing countries is to utilize all
QI departments should be adequately staffed, resources as efficiently as possible, check on the
and properly trained to facilitate the problem unnecessary expenditures, develop a multidisciplinary
solving process [3-5]. Members of health team should be health team, analyze the causes behind success and failures
given the proper rights to raise questions and the root and finally to improve the quality of care[13,14]. As a
causes are to be properly analyzed and proper plan of powerful tool for care process management and important
action to be implemented with timetables and goals. And component for Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
finally investments in IT and to equip the QIP departments care pathways helps in fixing healthcare plan and
with qualified staffs that will abstract medical records, standards, introduce clinical audits, helps to promote
analyze data, access to guidelines and protocols and coordination and cooperation among professionals, and do
thereby facilitate the QI process. Stress should be given to the needful for patient satisfaction.
enhance efficiencies by improving patient flow and
reducing waiting times, to speed up test results, increase Critical care pathways should be introduced one at a time
the speed and safety of patient transport and reducing so that all members learn from same format or template in
variations in medical devices and supplies [6-9]. a shorter time. It’s hard to draw conclusion as regards the
Many evidences are available which shows the overuse, development of care pathway, whether it reduces cost or
misuse and underuse of potentials in health care systems. increases efficiency but still researchers have found many
Unnecessary use of expensive diagnostic and surgical beneficial aspects like its easy use, reduction of paper
procedures, putting patients at un-needed risks and work, enhancement of communication links between
escalating health expenses, unsuccessful adoption of IT in health care workers and patients, provide opportunity for
bottom up costing analysis thereby facilitating medical
Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(3): 185-191
audit. But whether it enhances quality of care or not is a leadership from top managers (CEO, Medical and Nursing
matter of further discussion [2,12,14]. Managers) and a good communication from top to bottom
is the prime requisite for the successful implementation of
The general format of critical pathway guidelines is the the pathway. A planned financial investment is also
Gantt chart, which outlines the suggested patient care required for the success. Next point is multidisciplinary
process based on a time-task matrix. Preparation of staff implementation, giving the hospital staff good
multidisciplinary documents, arrange for meetings to training and education right from the beginning, motivation
facilitate the exchange of opinions about patient care by of the staff, and the economic incentives for staff in order
different professionals, giving a common “game plan” for to start a new organizational culture. Use of evidence-
all hospital staff to view and understand their various roles based medicine, recommendations of good professional
in the overall care process, defining standards for the practices and professional references are other important
expected duration of hospital stay and for the use of tests criteria [2,3,5]. The goals of the developmental phase are
and treatments, conducting periodic reviews to monitor the constitution of a multidisciplinary team as a ‘Care
some defined indicators, selecting a “best practice style”, Pathway Committee’ and the design of all the documents
providing a framework for collecting data on the care for a specific care pathway. Formation of care pathway
process so that providers can learn how often and why committee, agenda of meetings with the care pathway
patients do not follow an expected course during their committee, initial risk assessment by hospital managers,
hospitalization, and finally improving patient satisfaction defining the objectives of care pathway, inclusion-
with care by educating patients and their families about the exclusion criteria, clinical audit with retrospective data are
plan of care are some of the strategic points for successful some of the essential requisites at this stage. The pathway
implementation of critical care pathways[3,4,12]. is implemented in the implementation phase which
requires the approval and documentation by the medical
and nursing managers and the multidisciplinary team. For
Development and implementation of Critical Pathways
the development of implementation plan appointment of
In hospitals with large patient capacities, equipped with responsible persons for each care pathway, their proper
expensive diagnostic and therapeutic techniques, where training and education, new pre implementation risk
complex surgical procedures like coronary artery bypass, assessment, review of new documentation after its pilot
total hip replacement or obstetric procedures like normal phase followed by official start of the care pathway after
vaginal delivery or cesarean sections are frequently carried such review process are the important works to be
out; such hospitals demands the implementation of critical completed under this phase. Though in most hospitals
care pathways. In such medical institutions dealing with across the world care pathways are managed on paper but
patients with multiple problems the care process greatly electronic pathways or e-pathways have been introduced in
varies from patient to patient. Many institutions have many hospitals, e-pathways with the integration of
reported the failure of such pathways but still these software on common hospital information systems are the
pathways have been found to be successful in emergency driving force of success of such care pathways but
medical diagnoses such as myocardial infarction, stroke, implementation success lies on design changes in selective
and deep venous thrombosis [1-3]. non-specific situations. The last phase of evaluation
recommends the participation of professionals from both
For successful implementation of critical pathway it is medical and nursing fields for the compliance of pathways,
necessary to create a multidisciplinary team in order to monitoring of variances, analyzing of impacts,
view the care process in its entirety. The multidisciplinary development of systemic ongoing audits, fixing dates of
team should consist of a hospital administrator, a house periodic reviews, providing feedbacks to managers and
staff physician, a member of the quality management incentives to staff to continue their participation in care
department who has expertise in critical pathway methods, pathways [3,5].
and a community-based primary care physician whose
perspective regarding inpatient care is likely to differ from Timelines management or dashboard management is an
that of hospital based physicians. Active participations by important criterion of critical pathways. Dashboard reports
physician –experts can successfully drive the pathways; help in continuous tracking of all health care management
many critical pathways with proper physician involvement key performance indicators (KPI’s) and being highly
ended up in a unsuccessful manner. It is an important focused and effective saves considerable time and money.
challenge for every team member to play their individual Health care management or hospital administrator needs to
expertised role for the success of the pathway [4-5]. maintain a dashboard displaying certain key performance
indicators which helps to facilitate the administrative
Implementation of care pathways can be divided into four process. Patient safety, satisfaction, average length of stay,
phases like: Selection, Development, Implementation and admission rate and admission cancellation rate, re-
Evaluation. In the selection phase certain selection criteria admissions, number of visitors, specialists, capacity
are chosen in order to standardize the care procedures with utilization for OT, CT-scan, MRI, USG, list of health
an expected clinical course. Firstly, commitment and checkups, surgeries are some of the important parameters
Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(3): 185-191
to be highlighted in the dashboard of health care resource utilization, and educate health care staff
management or hospital managers. Nursing managers also [16,17,18,19].
need to maintain a dashboard focusing on the total number
Literature review with different randomized and non-
of admissions or discharges, patient care hours, their length
randomized control studies which compared care pathway
of stay etc all of which will directly or indirectly help in
care with standard medical care didn’t provide any
successful implementation of critical pathways [14,15].
concrete evidence that care pathway care provided
significant additional benefit over standard medical care in
Stroke Care Pathways terms of major clinical outcomes like death or discharge
Stroke care pathways have the potential to promote destination. There are also weak evidences that care
organized and efficient patient care though there is pathway might be associated with fewer urinary tract
currently insufficient supporting evidence to justify the infections and re-admissions, and more comprehensive use
routine implementation of care pathways for acute stroke of CT- brain scans. The impact of care pathway care on
management or stroke rehabilitation [14,15]. Many length of stay and hospitalization costs remains unclear,
researches and reviews have pointed that implementation and more detailed research in this area might be
of stroke care pathways have both positive and negative helpful[16,20].
impacts and the effects of using care pathways to manage
people admitted to hospital with stroke are not clear. Another group of research findings highlighted that care in
Clinical guidelines for acute stroke and stroke a hospital stroke unit can reduce the risks of death and
rehabilitation and recovery suggest the development of a disability after stroke. Care pathways aim to promote
multidisciplinary stroke care team with health organized and efficient patient care based on the best
professionals and design of protocols both at local level evidence and guidelines. It has been found that patients
and at micro levels of clinical pathways for the purpose of treated within a care pathway may be less likely to suffer
acute care [16]. Such guidelines suggest a stroke care from complications like urinary infections, and more likely
pathway for health care professionals which can proceed to have certain tests like brain scans [16,21,22].
through the following steps: No clear evidences however say that organized inpatient
stroke care lead to improved outcome. The role of
intensive monitoring units remains unclear as data’s do not
Patient with stroke is transported to the stroke care unit reveal any significant difference in rates of death or
with the assistance of stroke care team and the case dependency in units with semi-intensive monitoring
should be considered as medical emergency. compared with those without. No difference was seen in
death or dependency between mobile inpatient stroke
On confirmation of stroke after medical diagnosis acute
teams and general medical ward care, although people
therapies to be administered appropriately.
cared for by mobile stroke units fared worse than those
cared for on a dedicated stroke unit. However, overall
Multidisciplinary assessment will be carried out by
duration of stay in the stroke unit was significantly shorter
specialized stroke team, prevention of any further
than in a non-stroke unit setting. In an attempt to explain
complications and adoption of early secondary
the reasons for improved outcome on dedicated stroke
units, further analysis and systematic reviews showed an
Future care plan should be determined in consultation increase in the use of oxygen, intravenous saline solutions,
with doctors and the stroke care team, patient and the and antipyretics, and measures to prevent aspiration on
family of the patient be properly instructed for further stroke units in comparison to conventional care units might
modifications on discharge. have been responsible[16,20,23,24].
An analysis of data from randomized clinical studies on
Stroke cases should be considered as cases of medical complications following the initial stroke showed
emergency; immediate diagnosis and management at onset significantly fewer incidences of chest infections, other
of stroke can reduce the risk factors. Administration of infections, falls, pressure sores, and stroke recurrences
tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) should be done only in were recorded in the stroke unit patients. But significant
stroke’s unit, in cases where strokes units are not available differences relating to physiological complications like
the patients should be transported to nearby hospitals as high or low blood pressure, hyperglycemia, hypoxia, or
early as possible [14]. Care pathways are structured care pyrexia are not recorded. However, the use of care
plans used by a multidisciplinary team and are usually pathways may also reduce the patient's likelihood of
implemented to manage more than one aspect of patient functioning independently when discharged from hospital,
care relating to diagnosis, investigation, and acute stroke their quality of life, and their satisfaction with hospital
treatment. Many hospitals have adopted this care pathway care. Further research is needed to find out the potentiality
as one of the components of a continuous quality behind introduction of care pathways for stroke care-
improvement scheme, with an aim to improve the quality management [16,20,22,24].
of stroke care, reduce variations of standards, minimize
Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(3): 185-191
Clinical Decision Making nurses, doctors and patients. Care pathways and treatment
Clinical decision making, also referred to as clinical plans are already being incorporated in the healthcare IT at
reasoning or judgement, clinical inference or diagnostic hospitals in the western world and have yielded rich
reasoning is an important parameter in hospital returns. Data on the implementation and outcomes of care
management. Psychologists have highlighted various pathways in Indian hospitals is insufficient to draw any
theoretical frameworks explaining the behaviours involved conclusion in this regard. IT adoption in the healthcare
in the decision-making process [25,26]. Decision making industry helps to improve quality of care, reduce costs and
can be divided into three categories, namely normative, increases access to healthcare, prevents medication errors.
descriptive and prescriptive. Researchers have identified IT can guide a physician electronically to know
the differences in each category. Normative theories immediately if the prescribed medication counteracts with
stresses on the decisions taken by a logical rational another drug that the patient is already taking or if wrong
individual who concentrates on the good decision making dosages were mistakenly prescribed [32].
process in a realistic world and also focuses on the
outcomes of that decision [27]. Descriptive theories Indian medical talent, specialist doctors and surgeons have
concentrates on the decision making process and the ways the capability to compete at international level with some
of reaching such a decision. Prescriptive theories however of the world’s best hospitals for treating challenging
try to improve the individual’s decisions by looking at how diseases and surgical cases. Even the Indian government
decisions are made by understanding how a decision is hospitals in their deplorable states have produced some of
formulated [28,29]. India’s finest physicians and surgeons. The Indian hospital
Traditionally it was the medical professionals who took a system though provides treatment at comparatively low
main role in clinical decision-making but with the passage costs and government hospitals are largely free but suffer
of time it was introduced that in a multidisciplinary team from poor hospital infrastructure, insufficient medical care,
there should be divisions of labour and professional overworked doctors, uncoordinated paramedical staff, and
barriers should be removed to some extent; then the lack of proper nursing care and obviously can’t gain
knowledge and skills of the nurses and midwives were also patient satisfaction in most of the cases. Despite successive
given importance in clinical decision making. The basic five year plans, not much has changed in the public
reason behind such removal of barriers or giving hospital system. Unsuccessful adoption of IT in some
independence in clinical decision making is to motivate all hospitals, shared diagnostic services, inadequate
other health care professionals to work and become key environmental controls, poor patient isolation systems, low
contributors to the overall effectiveness of the health care budgetary allocations and burdened by growing
team [30]. population, Intensive care units not designed as per
specifications Indian hospitals have to go a long way
Health care/ICP in Indian Hospitals forward before they match with the best in the world’s
renowned medical institutions in terms of hospital
Reviews and researches have pointed out that the Indian infrastructure, medical skills, nursing care and patient
health care system has undergone a metamorphosis by satisfaction [33,34]. Though some great hospitals in the
increased and focused applications and investments in IT. private sectors have been set up by industrialists and
In the last couple of years IT has been introduced in the philanthropists, but it accounts to only less than 2% and the
Indian healthcare systems [31,32]. In India, it is estimated ultimate scenario of the Indian hospital system reflects
that IT spent on healthcare will reach $315 million (Rs inadequate infrastructure and overworked doctors,
1,260 crores) by 2011. The current IT spending estimates insufficient nursing and uninsured patient population. The
are below $ 8,000 (Rs 3.2 lakhs) per hospital in India, better known hospitals face severe patient and caretaker
Hospitals like Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical overload while ordinary hospitals lack the fundamentals of
Sciences, Christian Medical College Vellore, Amrita standard medical care. Many large hospitals have failed in
Institute of Medical Sciences, Fortis Healthcare, Kovai successful implementation of information technology to
Medical Center Coimbatore; Max Hospitals, Apollo improve their operational excellence and customer
Hospitals, Manipal Hospital, Sankara Nethralaya and satisfaction [34].
Aravind Eye Hospital are said to be the forerunners in
adopting IT in India. Apollo Hospitals planned to integrate A world-class hospital system should have the facilities to
their information systems across their network of 42 meet the requirements from pediatrics to geriatrics, from
hospitals. Pune based (RHC) Ruby Hall Clinic adopted the initial birth to terminal illness, be provided with a
IT infrastructure in the hospitals so as to excel in the areas combinatorial arrangement not only to treat the suffering
of hardware, enterprise application software and patients but also promote their well being, it should have
networking. HIS, RIS, PACS, EMR, ERP and telemedicine an educational and social infrastructure so that the model
solution are some of the IT solutions adopted by RHC over hospital can act as an hub for medical treatment, tourism
a period of eight years [32,33]. Another corporate health and development [33,34,35].
care unit, the Fortis Healthcare is utilizing a mobile-cum-
wireless communication framework to contact with the
Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2013; 3(3): 185-191
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