A Formulary Management Group Consensus
A Formulary Management Group Consensus
A Formulary Management Group Consensus
formulary management. A diverse group of professionals, incorporating their input, the final consensus was compiled
including physicians, pharmacists, and policymakers, was and is outlined as follows.
chosen to ensure a comprehensive perspective. A total of
eight panel members were included, all of whom had RESULTS
served an average of 8–10 years as pharmacy and thera-
peutics committee members and were involved in a vari- There are key features, concepts, and practices that a
ety of responsibilities related to formulary management. successful formulary system needs to adopt. In the follow-
subtypes, such as outcome-based agreements, in which a Committee members should voluntarily disclose any con-
specific efficacy outcome may be a rule for reimbursement, flicts of interest they may have before meetings, and chairs
mandates a better understanding of how to implement must play a pivotal role in recognizing and managing these
them and developing policies related to their execution. conflicts. Having clear, written policies and procedures
Formulary managers need to build awareness in negotiat- for conflict identification and management is essen-
ing skills, how to develop terms of such contracts, and tial. Some organizations choose to use multilayered com-
methods of implementing them, which can be very chal- mittees to enhance decision-making and mitigate conflict
addition, the choice of each individual component of a drug regulatory body to address specific safety concerns
composite endpoint should be sound, and results of associated with certain drugs. For example, the Saudi Food
each component examined separately to conclude the and Drug Authority (SFDA) developed the regulatory frame-
overall benefit. work known as the Risk Minimization Measures (RMM).
This framework closely resembles the U.S. Food and Drug
Surrogate endpoints
Administration Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy
Recognizing that surrogate endpoints, although often
program and the European Medicines Agency’s risk-man-
effective and cost-efficient healthcare interventions for herein include the importance of defining value, the role
the population. of effective formulary committees, and transition from
The evolving healthcare landscape in Saudi Arabia, evidence-based to value-based medicine.
driven by the Saudi Vision 2030 goals,[42] has profound The rapidly evolving healthcare landscape has under-
implications for formulary management. Here are some scored the importance of formulary management in ensur-
of the key points that shape this landscape. ing access to cost-effective and high-quality medications.
Challenges such as enhancing the drug evaluation process,
10. ESMO-MCBS Scorecards. European Society for Medical hospital and preventable measures implemented. J Clin
Oncology. January 2020. Accessed Nov 20, 2023. www.esmo. Pharm Ther. 2021;46:460–469.
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esmo-mcbs-scorecards sources of uncertainty in cancer drug formulary priority
11. Chen Y, Loucks AR, Sullivan SD, et al. Designing a value- setting across Canada. Curr Oncol. 2021;28:2708–2719.
based formulary for a commercial health plan: a simu- 28. Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy. Concepts in
lated case study of diabetes medications. Value Health. managed care pharmacy series – drug utilization review.