Praveen Sherman
Praveen Sherman
Praveen Sherman
Do you get Angry? Well that might not be the appropriate question because everyone in the world does get angry. Different people react or respond differently to situations. Now firstly remember what/who causes the anger? Anger is an emotion that we experience and it is not created because of a situation or someone telling you something. It is just a response to some event that we choose. A response or a reaction that we choose. But most of the times even before we realize we get angry and the worst part of this is that we later feel guilty and have a vacuum inside. Remember most of the times when you get angry, its the anger on self because you feel let down by yourself for not being in control of the situation. And then to show the anger on self you start screaming or shouting. And a little later you feel down, depressed and guilty. Why so? To draw a metaphor of this feeling, imagine that you have the anger inside you and it grows and becomes like a balloon. You just feel helpless of the situation and hence the feeling of anger grows inside you. As you keep on filling the balloon there is a threshold and at some time it burst. And the moment it bursts there is nothing left. And thats when you feel the lowest. Can you change it? Yes instead of reacting to situation, respond to it. The So What Attitude I have been practicing this for quite sometime now and it has been working for me. I call it the So What Attitude. When something goes wrong, you feel down and dejected and then this can intensify inside you as Anger. However there is a way of handling the same mistake that has been committed. You can just say to yourself So What. This immediately makes you get disassociated with that even for that instant. Remember you are not running away from the event. You are just making the choice to respond rather than react. So when you say So what, you mellow down and then accept the mistake that has been done. You are in the right emotional state of mind, which will help you to act in the right way. The words that we use will greatly impact the state of mind. (Read my post on Power of Words
I am sure you can start now! I cannot say stop getting Angry but Respond to Anger rather than reacting!
A growth of a person is not always exponential. Everyone at some point of time goes through a phase what I call as a Plateau. Thats when the growth is stopped, you perform the best but still you not rise above the expectations. This could be any area of life. It just takes a few important steps to follow to make sure that you get to the next level. Its just takes a small difference to make a huge impact. The Butterfly Effect:
Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system. (Source: Wikipedia) A small minor difference in your own life could make a huge impact later. This is true in every sense of it. When you want to achieve big you dont need to make big changes in life, it just takes a small and minute change in the way you are doing things to impact the final outcome. Look at this small example in the picture to the left where at the beginning of the lines the difference is so small. Yet look at the final outcome the difference between the two lines. Its huge right? Its the same impact that is created in life too. If we make a small difference in life, then we can achieve more. if we make the small difference of having to run 1 mile extra every day does it have a larger impact? More energy, fit body and so on. If we were to save an additional 10$ every day which is not much for a day, but in 10 years would mount to huge amounts (This is the mindset of a millionaire in fact). What does to take to make this change? Motivation? No its not motivation that is needed. Motivation is to make sure that you do beyond your perceived capabilities. But this minor change is not about motivation. Its is about
DISCIPLINE. Discipline is something that we might not like but is useful for us. Thats Excellence in Life! If you need to shed 30 pounds you need motivation. If you were to have a 6 pack abs that need Discipline. Thats moving from Greatness towards Excellence. How to identify this small change that you need
Its quite simple to identify the small change. In the area or the field that are striving for excellence, there are two zones in which operate. One is the Comfort Zone. We spend most of our time in the comfort zone. The comfort zone is where are have the highest security where we know that not many things can go wrong and also are achievable. Unfortunately we operate here with only 90% of our potential. In the comfort zone, there is no sense of uncertainty. What we need to do is just move of it and stretch. Once you move out of the comfort zone, reaching your excellence is much more easier and remaining in that Stretch zone is even more important. Easy way to stretch! A critical way to move towards excellence from greatness is by Performance Measure and having a feedback system. When you have a relative grading of your various activities, then you get into the groove of understanding what you must do and what is missing. Like I always say any Goal must be Measurable, else it can lead to a disaster. When you have a performance measure, having a Feedback system is even more important. Many people tend to forget the need for feedback mechanism. It becomes a fear for them to ask for feedback on their performance. I call it always Feedback because when you get feedback, you can either take what you want or just ignore. Reviews, comments are not as good a feedback. Its just on your performance from someone who feels certain ways!
If you are going to achieve excellence in big things, you develop the habit in little matters. Excellence is not an exception, it is a prevailing attitude. - Colin Powell The Big Picture Story! Greatness to Excellence is more of the mindset. I know of people who say sorry not now, I dont think we can do it and so. My role model, Dhirubhai Amabani, a business tycoon said I am deaf to the word no. This lead him to greatness. He never used to like people coming to him with a NO, instead he wanted solutions. If a thought arises in our mind, then we can do something to achieve it, and it just takes perseverance to do it. Once you know what it takes to achieve excellence, find some way to make it happen! Thats by stepping in to the stretch zone and doing more than what you can actually do. That will take you from greatness to excellence.
Living happily is the probably the most wanted way of life and we struggle there not knowing what to do to be happy in life. We tend to be having lots of things in life and yet we are not happy. When people look at us from outside we seem to be too happy but its different in what we experience. Isnt it true? So whats the way to be happy in life. Is happiness a specific outcome of something yes. I have known many people who say that material things cannot get happiness and they never aim to get something for them. Their goals seem to be so small and that sense of achievement is never there and hence never happy. Being Materialistic cannot make you happy but atleast it will not make you depressed. Having a good bank balance is better off than being a popper. Atleast that will not make you unhappy, if not happy. You will atleast not feel depressed about not being to have the basic things of life. So being mateialistic cannot get you happiness what else can? If you need to know the 1 single reason it has to be Purpose. Because in life there will always be challlenges in life. You will never be without challenges. I have explained about this in many of my articles before on if you do not face challenges then it means that you are leading a very mediocre life. You are not leading a great life. Many people enjoy their challenges because its PURPOSE driven. The one reason that really makes people excited about what they do is the Contribution. Contribution to some major cause that makes them feel important. Unhappiness is also because of not having a sense of contribution. In the movie, The Rocky, Rocky Balboa is pushed by his coach Apollo and only in the previous fight he would have lost to Clubber Lang. Rocky will not be able to give the best and will tire out soon during his practise sessions and thats when he understand the true purpose. For him the true purpose is just to prove himself that he is not a coward and can be a winner. Once he understand the
purpose he is very happy and enjoys what he is doing. And thats when he realizes that even if he fails he will atleast not be a victim and need not have excuses. When you are purpose drive and give you 100% even if you do not get the results you feel satisfied and happy that you have given its best shot. Have you experienced this many times? Your conscience is clear that you have done your best. Many self development authors and speakers have been saying that today life is so comfortable and we need to be happier than our fore fathers. True I do agree with that and the fact that we have a computerized world today which makes life easier and many more easiers ways of doing things with the ATM machines and mobile phones and so on. So if thats ture why are we not happier than our stone age fore fathers? We all today need a basic lifestyle. This differs from person to person. We have different needs at different times. so our happiness is also an outcome of this. The stone age man just wanted food. Now our needs are more. It is just not having 3 meals a day, its having a car, a house and so on. For few its a big luxury car and a bunglow. If this basic need is not met, then we feel not so great about ourselves and we do not feel happy. How do you define happiness? This cannot be a concrete answer. Differnt people define this in differnt ways. But let me tell you something, Happiness is most of the times just a state of mind. If you know what you want then you would always feel great about what you are doing and hence you can feel happy always. The reason why many people do not feel happy inspite of what they have is beacuse many times they do not experience happines. Happiness is an experience that you can live whenever you want. This moment you can be happy thinking about the happiest moment of your life, or feel sad about thinking the most disturbing things in your life. Do this small exercise: Close your eyes and recall a time when you felt happy. I want you to intensify this picture how much ever you want. Be in that experience as long as you want to and you can. See the pictures very clearly and hear whatever you heard that made you feel very happy. Once you are there in that intense experience of happiness, hold 2 of your fingers the index and thumb together. (called as Achoring in NLP). Repeat this a few more times until your anchor becomes strong. So whenever you want to feel happy after you have done this exercise, is just to fire the anchor, that is hold your fingers and you will run the same experience and feel the same way!
Lets face the fact. You just cannot feel great and motivated always. Even a small child has its own worries and difficulties. A common phrase used by many is Look that child, without any worries, wish I too was like that. Well how I wish I too could be that way.. haha.. for them not getting a candy can cause them worries and feel sad. Its not about what happens but its how we react to it. One question commonly asked by many how do I stay motivated always. Sorry I dont have any strategy for making you feel motivated always. I can only help you to understand that you can step into motivation whenever you want. And its so damn boring to be motivated always.
But in the first place why do you need motivation at all? How do you define motivation? Motivation is a state at which you can think high, take more action and be strong without much of fear. However this is not a great state to have when you are doing something that needs a lot of thinking. When you are formulating a strategy if your motivation levels are too high then you would not really put efforts in evaluating your strategies on whether or not they are the right ones. Your motivation would be so high that you want take immediate action without knowing the consequences of the same. So motivation is a state that is needed when you need to take action on something that you feel is important, during which time you have fear. I would also always add up the state of motivation with a state of CERTAINTY. When you are motivated to do something, you also must be sure of the things that you are doing.
For example, when you have fear of talking on stage (Public speaking) for example, you must not just have the motivation but also be certain about what you are saying. Else you would be the laughing stock. Its just not motivation for you to invest money in the stock market, but also be sure that you are doing the right thing and investing in the right company. So Certainty and Motivation go hand in hand. But is it always true? Well not really because your fear is also because of uncertainty. Well am I contradicting myself? I know yes, I am but not really true. I want to read the above 2 paragraphs again. It needs a great amount of balance. Its just that your motivation must be after you feel
certain. Got it? Motivation is only to beat the fear. You must be first sure of what you want and do and then beat the fear. So your certainty comes first. For example, when you are investing, you must be certain that yes what you are doing is the right and will yield you results. After that you must feel that sense of motivation to break the barrier of fear. Thats when a voice inside of your head says Oh my! Will I fail? Will I do well?. So be motivated when you need to and then achieve great things in Life! You cant stay motivated always and you dont need to be. So just be motivated when you want to.
Today is not going to be a writing an empowering post or an email but this post will be of a self reflection. Over the years I have been sharing lots of my learning through various medium, Articles in the website, Podcast, Interviewing successful people, My daily email new letter has been consistently reaching thousands of emails every day for the last over 100 days without fail and many more. (My videos are also coming up shortly) In most of the email I also share some quotes of successful people, like how specifically they achieved success in any area of their life. The entire existence of NLP is based on modeling successful people in various aspects of life and thats what I have been doing time and again. In each of my news letter I share a quote followed by a learning from the quote. My question for you today is how much of that do you really put in use? Why and how do you plan to use all these techniques and learning in your own life? The main objective behind me using these quotes or writing various articles is not just simply to motivate you but make you understand that successful people had certain formula of success and thats the key differentiating factor. If you being to use the same techniques and formula will you also achieve the desired results. (If you wish to subscribe to my newsletter visit the home page You know the interesting fact about human life? We all know what is right, what is wrong and invariable we know the solutions to the various challenges what we face or we know how to
break the plateau and move on to the next level. But we fail to do it. Why? Its a million dollar question. Why we do not do something or why we do certain things that are not good for us, you never have an answer for it. I am typing this while sitting at a restaurant at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (I came here for a training program) having my breakfast. Few of them smoking, few people eating more than what is desired, few not able to resist the temptation and so on. Dont we know that we must not do it? During my various Personal Coaching Sessions I tell my client, DO IT. They go like BUT.. I say Ask you head to SHUT UP. We pour all the rubbish in our mind and start questioning. You know one thing that I really cannot understand is this. When people ask for help and when they are given a solution, one must just put it into action and do it. Instead they being to question it, doubt the action and do nothing in the process. This is quite annoying. Why does one have to re-invent the wheel when its already done. When you buy a car, do you test if the tyre is made right and will it work fine and is it built in the right way? No right, you just start using it and yield the results right. Same way in life you need to have some trust and move on and get it working for you. What you need just a SPARK! I love that when it happens and it does not always happen. But trust me you dont need to press hard for the SPARK to happen. You can just be what you are and still get the spark. The only thing you need to do is to ensure that you keep your eyes open for these. There is always a spark waiting right in front of your eyes. I just got the spark to write this post when I just doing eating my breakfast. The moment you know that you have the spark and you need to do it then make it happen. So for all those decisions that you have taken in the past, today is the day. Just do it and experience the difference in your life too. Before you close the browser and the website, lets do a small exercise. List down top 5 things that you have learnt from this website over a period of time. How are you planning to use these 5 things that you have learnt and how do you want to implement the same in your life too. You may also drop that as a comment for this post. As you write them down, what are the 5 most important things for which you feel that you must take action today. For that too you can drop a comment in this post and I am sure all the readers including myself will push you in completing these small tasks. Live with Passion always and attain SUCCESS in LIFE.
I used to hate waking up early in the morning and I used to boast around that I up late in the nights so I cannot wake up in the morning. Honestly that was just sheer laziness and nothing else. I am sure many of you reading this also will go through the same. I know you would have seen many such posts that talks about rising up early in the morning. But honestly I have tested many and they do not seem to work. But then I put something simple in my mind and then it started working. Ill definitely share the same formula with you too. But before that please answer this question? Why do you want to get up early in the morning? Not getting up early is it a disorder? No way. In fact like how you want to know how to wake up early there are many of them who suffer from not being able to sleep early. Insomnia as it is called. This is not a post where I talk some medical stuff to you on what to eat, what not to do and things like that. Honestly let me tell you, its not so damn difficult to wake up early in the morning. Yeah its true. But before you move on I definitely want you to answer WHY?
1. Health 2. More money 3. Spend time reading 4. Improve your skills 5. Time with family 6. Want a 6 pack abs 7. Be more productive do more 8. Pursue a hobby
Is it one or more of these reasons? Now is it so very important for you to wake up then, why dont you do it? Whats stopping you? Honestly, if there is one formula for waking up early, its drive, its the FIRE. So wondering how to bring about the fire?
The fire is not something that can be developed. It has about having the deep desire to achieve anything. If you said the reason for you to wake up in the morning is one of the above (or even something else thats important), then you need to have that deep desire to achieve it.
Why people do not wake up on time, is that they do not find a purpose. If I tell you that you need to run out of the room where you are sitting right now, you might not do. If I tell you there is some tasty ice cream waiting for you, then you might think (I know few people will run for this ). If I were to tell you that there is Fire in the room, then you run out instantly. This is Purpose! And Purpose is what creates a fire inside of you. So you must have a deep sense of purpose for you to do something. If you notice that beyond an age there are lots of people who start exercising which they restrained from doing otherwise, its is because that they would have had a disaster in life, meaning the doctor would have advised that if they were not doing that, they would fall in the trap of ill health. So the purpose is even more higher! So you need to find the true purpose for you to wake up in the early in the morning! Isnt exercising every day a good enough purpose? I know you have this question right! Yes its not good enough, because if its good enough then you would not want to read this on how to wake up early in the morning. Our mind works only on emotion and no on Logic! If we are emotionally charged and motivated, then we can do anything. This is a pattern as we call it in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). When we put an alarm to wake up in the morning, there is a NLP Pattern that is fired that runs pictures in our mind, which in turn lead to an emotion and hence action. Emotions lead to actions! Useful emotions, useful actions! So waking up in the morning is all about the emotions. What emotions are useful for you to wake up in the morning. Energy, motivation, is probably some of the emotions that are needed. For this however there are many ways of achieving the same especially using NLP.
1. Creating the Pattern in your Mind - For you to wake up in the morning you need something called a Trigger. The trigger could be an alarm, a wake up call, someone calling you or you just realizing and waking up all of a sudden (I know this is not right). This trigger has to be associated with a sense of motivation. So what you must do is to create a picture of how you will wake up in the morning. Intensify the same picture of you waking up in the morning with full energy. Once you do this, you must associate the picture with the trigger. So you must practice this for a couple of times. When you
are wide awake, do this exercise. Allow the alarm to ring and when the alarm is ringing, create the picture of you waking up which you already know and intensify the same. Do this a dozen or more time so that the association between the alarm and you waking up becomes higher.
2. Force Yourself This is just to create a pattern in yourself again. If you do something for atleast 2 weeks continuously then the chances of you continuing is much more higher. 3. Commit to Others ask your loved ones to do the needful. Ask them to wake you every day in the morning and go for a walk along with them. And slowly you will start getting used to the pattern of having to wake up early. This is a driving force for you again to do it. With this you are just creating a new purpose for waking up in the morning. 4. Tapping your Subconscious - You must have to change the identity of what you are now. For you right now, the identity is that you are a late riser. This in one way will not make you accept to be an early riser. Its the same for people who sleep late too. For them if they sleep early, they cannot accept themselves. This will make them to sit up late and they never feel sleepy or tired end of the day! For a late riser too its the same, because repeatedly over the period of time you have been labeled as a late riser, you attach the same identity for yourself which will go against you when you want to wake up early. So feed your subconscious mind with the new belief that you are an early riser. Every day as you go to bed, give this amazing thought to your conscious and subconscious mind that you are an EARLY RISER and you will wake up early in the morning!
Practice this and attain absolute mastery to wake up early in the morning. One piece of warning is that all this will work, only when you really want to. If you are a person who is already happy with what you are doing and you do not really want to wake up, then just forget it and be happy about what you are doing and if you badly want to wake up, then this is the best for you. Be an early riser and feel energized every day!
Firstly people wonder what can I do and what I am capable of doing and then they think about what one should achieve and one should not. Will this lead you anywhere? In my previous post How to Build the Muscle of Life I had written about how should one identify the strengths and play life like a game? Do you always do that or do you seem to curtail yourself from the best?
Imagine you play a game (I love this metaphor and hence use it more often), however strong you are you still want to defeat the audience and by the biggest margin possible. You never think and say let me score only 2 goals and stop the opponent from scoring 1 goal and so on. You want the best, the highest ever. You do not think of the fact whether you are capable or not. If you have the right mindset of winning, you dont look at the strengths of the team or the weakness of the team and still want to beat the rest! Now can this same happen for your life too? If you wish to and want to. If you desire you reach great heights, by stretching yourself far behind your expectations and your capabilities. What do you mean by capabilities? There is one concrete definition of Capability that I give Its about what you think you are capable of. Thats a paradox right! We never know our capabilities until we test out whether something is possible or not. A Olympic sprinter does not know whether he is going to better this record or in what time he is going to complete and he just rushes and pushes himself to the best possible extent. As the athlete he does not bother about what his muscles are capable of. If every time you think this is my strength you can never achieve. Remember Roger Bannister, when the entire world were pronouncing that running 1 mile of distance in less than 4 minutes was not possible, and would risk the heart to burst, he was one who did not bother much about the strength and capabilities, but believed more on his instincts and achieved the feat. This made him to understand what truly he was capable of and made others also believe that they are capable.
Say you want achieve something in life and then plan with same and carry out certain action steps, half way through you begin to analyze and think that this is what is possible for you and hence you are not capable. You dont necessarily say the same words, but definitely pass on this message to your subconscious mind and then you take a step backward. When this is not really true, you waste your energy of your brain by passing these negative commands. This will automatically drive you negatively and never take action towards achieving Success in life. What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are. Anthony Robbins Your goals are not defined by your strength. Its your belief that will want to you take past your goals. You do not go by the blind belief which might not be useful for you. Having an engineering degree cannot make you a doctor. You must have certain amount of practicality in what you do. But when you practical you have make sure that its also a stretch. You must do more than what you can. When you make a choice of your Goals and your targets, they must be like Yes I can achieve it, but its not so easy. This in itself will drive you to greater heights. Fear sometimes is useful because thats when you work hard to achieve. Just that you must be in complete control of the fear and not fear control you. When you confront fear then you stretch and achieve more than what you think are your strengths. What is the difference between an person who has a small restaurant at the corner of the road and the giant Colonel Sanders of KFC? Is it about their strengths? Its is about Colonel Sanders willingness to stretch. While he must had the fear, how will I do it, he never would had the thought of Can I do it? Capability means imagination Napoleon Hill Let me tell you as to why I can relate myself to this so much. Recently I had a mind blowing experience, the biggest test of my skills on NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). I decided to carry out an exercise of a Live Phobia Cure. I have done this before, but in a close group after people attend my Born To Win training program and so are framed up about my skills of NLP.
Was indeed easier. But this was new and different, where I had to chose a person from the audience who I am meeting for the first time and then cure the Phobia. Guess what did I use for curing the Phobia? A Live snake! This was a great experience for me and I did achieve it. When first I was deciding to do it, its not about my strengths, but I also believed that I could do it. It was a stretch, and I did have a concern but never allowed that overtake me and achieve it! This is working against your strengths and stretching to achieve more.
This experience of mine, I shared not to impress you but to impress upon that anything is possible with the right strategy. If you were to work with your strengths and limitations, as the word itself goes, it limits your Success. Spread beyond boundaries to achieve more. Only when you do and take action do you really understand what you are truly capable and what you can achieve. When you know that you can run a kilometer in X minutes, you know that you can do it even lesser than X. Only after you lift 50 kgs of weight and do some bench press do you know that you can even do 70 or even 100. Your muscles begin to build more and you become stronger to take a chance of carrying more weight on your shoulder. Achieve the best in Life!
The two walked in silence to the nearby lake and when the apprentice swirled his handful of salt into the lake, the old man said, Now drink from the lake. As the water dripped down the young mans chin, the Master asked, How does it taste? Good! remarked the apprentice. Do you taste the salt? asked the Master. No, said the young man. The Master sat beside this troubled young man, took his hands, and said, The pain of life is pure salt; no more, no less. The amount of pain in life remains the same, exactly the same. But the amount we taste the pain depends on the container we put it into. So when you are in pain, the only thing you can do is to enlarge your sense of things.. Stop being a glass. Become a lake! I am not here talking about the Physical Pain but the mental pain and agony that we go through in our lives. Physical pain is of no choice and we can over come with various pain killers. But where is the pain killer for your mind? Unfortunatly pharmacies do not sell them. They might think that you are crazy and asking for a pain killer. How do you come out of the pain of life? What creates the pain? Events, Situations, people, incidents? Do these create pain? But how? Before your proceed reading I want you to list down the top reasons why you experience pain. Please do this as this is very important for you to move on this post I hope you are reading this after listing down the pain you are going through. Again reiterating its not physical pain, we are talking about mental pain, the feeling of pain. Now check the reasons what you have cited fall under these broad categories
1. People 2. Events 3. Environment and things not happening the way you want it to?
Can you tell me how do people create pain. Most of the times we assume that they have an intention of creating pain and hence we bear that pain and not able to talk to the concerned person. Let me ask you this, are there people who truly mean to hurt you and make you feel bad? Does your wife, brother, father/mother, boss or whoever be it have an intention of creating pain for you? Incidentally these are people who really are bothered about you. If thats true how can they create pain? So where does the pain exist and where does the pain arise from? Events create pain? How can events create pain? We choose the events and most importantly the events have already happened and without control, and how do they impose the pain in you? And thirdly is things dont happen the way you want to take responsibility and change the way you are doing things rather than feeling the pain and not moving forward in life. The kind of pain what we undergo every day in life is nothing compared to what many people face in their life. I am not saying that your pain is nothing and it cannot impact you but there are people who change the way they look at things. Thats the point I want to drive in here.
Have you heard of this person by name Oscar Pistorius? He is the fastest man with no legs. Wondering how? He is a blade runner and has artificial limbs to run. He participated in several races including the race for able bodied. And guess what happened? The federations of athletics ruled him out from participating in races because he was using an external device to make him run better. Oscar Pistorius was amputated on both the legs when he was 11 years old and at the age of 18, was introduced to running and never looked back and started practicing and decided to participate in the Olympics too. However he was not allowed to do so. Looks like the federation felt that he had a greater advantage. Truly yes he had a greater advantage, the advantage of having the MINDSET to look at the brighter side of life and not let go the pain take over him. The fact is that he was not even control of what happened to him. He could not do anything about his amputation as he was born with some deficiencies. Its about how he reacted to the pain he was having. Incidentally later the Athletics federation accepted him to participate in the Olympics. How to come out of pain? All said and done we still face the pain for sometime because we are not driven by logic, but by emotion. How do we approach it and how do we make sure that we do not allow the pain to affect us? Few simple ways to achieve this
1.Behind every action is a Positive Intention or no Intention: When people do an act that might hurt you (or in fact for which you choose to get hurt) most of the times there is no intention. They do things without their knowledge and without realizing that they are doing it. They do not understand the consequence behind what they say or do and hence you feel hurt. So whenever someone hurts you, look whether they are doing it with an intention? If you know its not true then it wont really hurt you.
An act is always preceded with a positive intention. I want to feel important, I think I am better and so many such thoughts go into the mind of a person before they utter something. Look at the highest positive intention behind why a person acted in a certain way. The moment you look at the positive intention, you feelings of being hurt will definitely reduce. Look at why the person wanted that positive intention and as they are lacking you are the only person who could give them the importance they need. So feel proud about it 2. Events cant really control your feelings. I would like to recall this amazing formula by Jack Canfield (Co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul series),
the pain. Do that in an instant. 4. Words! The words you use make a difference. Stop using words such as It so painful, I feel so hurt (when you say this, just say to yourself immediately, ok now stop feeling hurt) and those disempowering words. This will only led you down even more. When you feel the pain, you ask Why me and you feel unlucky and life seems to be unfair. But you fail to look at life in a larger perspective because life has also given you so many things. Whenever something good and interesting happened in life, you readily accepted and never asked why me during
that time. So its not that life is sometimes painful, its just that we feel that way sometime. We are so gifted to get many things of life. We must learn to appreciate those nice things that we have and stop feeling about things that give us pain. Move on removing the pain in your life!
The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do that, youre in control of your life. If you dont, life controls you. Anthony Robbins
Power Emotions? What is that? Have you heard of that in the past? I believe a lot in power emotions rather than Positive or Negative Emotions. we all undergo certain Negative and Positive Emotions. Negative Emotions include Fear, Insecurity, Depression (extreme of being sad) and Positive include many such as Confidence, Motivation and so on. I am sure this moment you can recall the Emotions that you undergo everyday. Of these can you check for yourself how many Emotions are Resourceful? Its not about useful and not useful emotions but is Resourceful and Not-Resourceful emotions. Imagine in a day of 24 hours we spend 16 hours of our time on unresourceful Emotions what is the kind of results we produce? Negative I am sure you accept right. can we change this? Interestingly it takes a Moment to Change. Unfortunate that many people are not aware of what are useful or not so useful emotions of life. We think that Anger, Frustration are Negative Emotions and we must remove them. I guess NO! Wondering why I say so? Read on for you to understand why I call these as the Power Emotions and why these are important for us.
This is probably the Best and the Most Resourceful State. Let me tell you, every time you get Angry you want Better things in Life. How? when you do get Angry, when things are not going the way you want it to. say for example, a subordinate of your is not
performing the way you want to, then what do you do? you get angry, shout and so on. In fact most of the times anger is because of a feeling of guilt that you have not been to make the other person understand what you want them to do.This would result in Performance Loss. However if you feel that you have performed the best you tend to not get the best of the other person. The here in this situation a Feeling of Anger I would call as a Power Emotion because this emotion of yours will make to look at solutions. and when you look at solutions is this not a Power Emotion for you? So the next time you get Angry, do not worry much. You dont need to probably express the anger but you can Definitely use it for yourself to attain better results.
Wow! I love this for 2 reasons. One is that you are working so hard and you are not getting the results you want and you feel rustrated. And for feeling Frustrated you have done lot of Work which means that you have tremendous amount of learnings. you keep changing something or the other and still it does not work which means that you are just a few more meters away from the result. Frustration that you are not able to get what you want will make you think rationally and You will avoid all those errors that you are bound to make otherwise. When you are Frustrated the only thing You must be careful of is to make sure that you are in control so that you do not falter with some small mistakes.
This is a feeling that is more often experienced by many especially ones who are working from Head to Toe on many things. People who have many responsibilities feel this. Overwhelming is not a great feeling many times. However is that also useful sometimes? Remember you go through a feeling of Overwhelming only when you are bombarded with so much of Information. That is when you tend to move towards solutions faster. The next time you feel overwhelmed, remember you can tackle with ease. All you need to
do is just sit and jot down all those things that you need to complete. I use lots of Post-it notes, both on my Table also my Laptops Desktop (I mean the Software Version of Post-it Notes) and cut down one by one and thereby you will feel good for having completed and you start clearing your mind.
Why do I call Guilt as a Power Emotion, simply because if you are not Guilty about Your Actions and Results, then you begin to justify all Your actions and give excuses. If you give an excuse, you start carrying a Victimized Mindset and then you tend to not change the way you are doing things. you must feel guilty for not fiving you best, and do more the very next time. Success is always an obsession and must be a Habit. When People say he/she is obsessed, I Love it because it means that they are Value adding for the work they are doing. If you were to do what you ought to do, then you are only Value Sustainer and there can be someone who can do the same. If you are obsessed for perfection then you do more than what is expected out of you and then you are the ones who stand out among the crowd. These Power Emotions also need to be controlled to a great extent. You need to understand why these emotions are being experienced and then take the corrective measure to change the track of feeling the same way. At one point, though these are Called Power Emotions, most of them are Still Negative and do not eliminate the Negativity involved.
The entire Idea of this article was for you to understand how you can direct the Negative Emotions into more positive and directed result oriented Actions. So Take Charge now!
I have discussed a lot on How to Achieve Success and Reach your Goals in Life! While I have been saying what to do, seldom to have I also written on what not to do. So this post will focus on few of the top reasons why people fail to achieve and do not reach success. To my understanding if you have any of these basic qualities (qualities of no achieving) then success becomes difficult. While for success you need everything, for failure you just need a few and you do not get the results, leading to desperation and give up ultimately. You might not accept that you are not a person who gives up, but lets face the fact that yes we tend to give up sometimes. I am being absolutely practical, we do give up. Not that the most successful person does not give up or have fear but just that they learn and do something else quickly to overcome the same. This is what has got results what they have now. So it is imperative for us to understand this basic thing of life. If you are someone expecting to feel motivated and confident every single moment, I am sorry I really doubt if you can really find a solution anywhere in the world. You will have your own set of ups and downs and its how you react to the same and achieve more. If you can avoid these, life becomes better.
1. Lack of Plan
You might have heard this several times thats if you do not have a Goal in life and plan for it, you will not achieve your results. This might be the most repetitive fact of not achieving success, but still I am going to reiterate the same to you too. I am so passionate about Goals that I tell every single person and ask them What do you want. There is no clarity in this for many people. Can you clearly tell me what do you want? Life still moves on even if you are not aware of what you want in your life, however the journey might not be smooth, might not be the way you want and will not get you satisfaction and a sense of achievement.
Even if you have a Goal, ensure that you have the right strategy to achieve the same. I know of many people who say Yes yes I have a goal, they fail to understand that they need some ways to achieve it. Sitting back and relaxing can never get the results.
2. Desire
Honestly, this has to come first even prior to setting Goals. Where is the fire in people? There is no purpose for their own life and they are not even curious about things of their life of what they have to achieve. They truly wish only to have the best, but there is no deep sense of desire. Its like having to run outside of a room. If I were to say there is something exciting waiting for your outside your room, how enthusiastic are you about running out? Say if you relaxing yourself in the couch with your remote in the hand and a bowl full of chips and sauce, will you ever get up to move? This is what is precisely happening in life too. Where as if I were to say there is fire inside the house what would you do? Would not even bother about who is there and what is there and run for your life. Unfortunately all things that you want in life are not like the Fire, its like the piece of cake outside the room. You need to kindle the fire in yourself. If not, let me assure you will never achieve anything in life, because you perceive that you have everything in life.
3. Feeling unworthy
I see people who think that they cannot achieve thing simple because they are not aware of what to do and how to do. This in itself is a hurdle that stops them from achieving the best in life. Imagine if you think that you cannot do something, whatever happens you will only perform average. Failure is not the end results but only a means to the end. If this is understood clearly then you will not feel bad and sad for the results you produce. Moreover remember this fact that not everyone was born with qualities of achievement. Its becomes a habit. Winning is a habit, wanting to win is also a habit. Remembering every time that you are capable, in itself is a habit. Having high self esteem is perhaps the most important quality that you must posses. If only you had the thought that irrespective of whether you will win or lose, you will take your stride forward for achieving excellence will.
learnings are very important. If we do not raise our skills and knowledge. Many school dropouts becoming successful, while they ensure that they keep updating their skills. They have people to manage their activities which require really skillful people. They learn from these people and start implementing them. Like Steven Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective People says Sharpen the Saw. If you do not do this, you become obsolete and reaching your desired results becomes difficult.
Are you one among those, who says I do not have the time? Success is a habit, its is not an occurrence or an accident. When you want to reach your ultimate Goal, you need to break them down into smaller chunks and you need to consistently achieve. You need to take action every single moment to make it big. When you want to achieve you set your own rules of the game. When you set the rules of the game of life, you must adhere to it. You do not do this, then how do expect to achieve the results you want? I doubt if you can ever do it. Even the most successful person always finds time for Family, for doing what they like and passionate about. While every single person in the world have the same 24 hours day, how is that one person is able to achieve more than what is possible? Simple they are disciplined and manage the time giving it more importance. The 5 minutes of planning of time will get 1 hour of free time every day, but many fail to plan this. You will always be carried over with many things in life. There will not be a single day in life when you will not have work to do and if at all you reach a time when you lack work, it just means that you are not growing and you are not achieving.
Practicality and Capability are two different things. While you are capable of achieving anything, you need be practical in defining when and how. Many people fail to do so and hence they get bogged down for what is not achieved and give up so easily. Many people lose because of the lack of commitment. There is always something that comes in the way of Life. Life never stops. If you are not committed to the Goal, you can never achieve it. People start giving excuses and become a victim of their own life. Reflect on yourself on the kind of Victim stories that you are giving yourself and hence accept that life is meant to be this way and can never get what they truly want.
Listen, Success is not a shortcut. It is next to impossible by achieving your dreams in a shortcut way. People look for shortcuts and quick fixes for everything. If you are one, be sure of the results. DISAPPOINTMENT. It is bound to happen, because for everything there is a way to achieve and never do you get the results what you want in the easiest possible way. What I mean is not that you must struggle to achieve your outcomes but must work for it. One of the main reasons why people do not achieve is because they forget what to achieve and also think that things will happen without much of intervention. Unfortunately its their own life and they need to be control of their life. There is a Genie in everyones life? Guess who is that? If you did not replying saying Its me I am sorry you are mistaken. You are the only person who is responsible for your life. If people fail, they dont remember this fact that they can only make a change in their life.
8. Fear
Do you want me to write about this? One top most reason you know is fear. Where does this fear come from? People dream and the dream remains only a dream and never becomes a reality because they refuse to take the step forward. I still can recall the Golf game when during the last round Greg Norman a champion was supposed to have a clean victory. He was world No. 1 and was a clear 10 shots ahead of the 2nd in the row. And on that Sunday, was the most dreadful for Greg Norman, because he lost. Why? Fear I guess would have been the reason. He had everything to lose while the others had nothing to lose and they won.
Life is very similar. You have nothing to lose, because you dont have to feel embarrassed about things of life. Even if you dont get the desired results nothing wrong because anyways you dont get what you want by not doing. If you do not experience pain, then you do not get the muscles growing when you hit the gym. You will have some amount of pain when you do things. People fail because they fail to put back that fear which is only between their ears (I mean the mind). Just break free from all those limitations of life!. CHANGE! This is one secret of people who are successful and also not successful. People are unwilling to change and accept that they need to change. People do not realize that the way to achieve things is by having a CHANGE in life. A Small change will create a huge difference in life. The Butterfly Effect says so. If you are willing to make the small difference in your life, then your dreams becomes a reality. If you can avoid these and take a step forward then you will reach faster towards your Goals. You must not be desperate but you must have that drive, that fire. Without the fire in yourself, without realizing you have a Hero within to handle anything you cannot realize your dreams. Remember, life is a Miracle and not a surprise. We need to design life the way we want to. If you can take control and drive with safety you can get what you want. Be obsessed in life, obsession for achieving is important. Success is defined as achieving what you want to achieve in life. Obsession is good useful things of life. So be obsessed and achieve the best in life! Live with a purpose and Lead a Life of Excellence.
28th June, 2008 saw the end of an era in Business, Technology and Greatness. Founder of Microsoft, William Henry Gates III, presently the 3rd richest person in the world, decided to hang his boots and start living a life with bigger purpose. My idol for a long time, Bill Gates has been a name to reckon with at every single home, at every single
corporation. His career spanning over 33 long years provided a great sense of achievement for himself and the rest of the computer industry. He quoted If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1000 MPG. This is the kind of influence he had after founding Microsoft Corporation the big giant in the IT industry. I want to write here some of the great learnings of mine from this genius.
of Bill Gates and I was for a long time under the impression that he was just making lots of money by luck. But what Bill Gates proved was different. There is no one who could write software code as he could. When as a student at the Harvard university, every single student would have wanted to be part of the great institute and graduate to be successful, Bill Gates decided to stop studying and pursue his dream of writing softwares for every computer in the world. Just started the agreement between IBM and Microsoft, Gates along with friend Paul Allen was to write an interpreter for the IBM PC. He was not ready on the date that was announced for the installation and the good news for Gates was that the party at the other end too were not ready. This got the fire in him to write that piece of software and bundle with every IBM computer in the world. He was just passionate about software, coding and technology that incidentally also made him the richest man in the world Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana says Bill Gates that has made him a great innovator too. Focusing on taking the computer to every single house hold made him an household name too.
Bill Gates was never afraid of losing and went on to win a lot of deals because of this. While the Microsoft windows operating system is the widely used in the world, there are a good number of criticisms and unhappiness about the software among the users. While many of them used to get bugged using Microsoft products, Bill Gates did not easily give up. He took all those as nice lesson and is improving every single day. When critics were talking about infringement of laws by Bill Gates, he struck on and was giving the best the employees and the users of Microsoft Software products. Its fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure. - Bill Gates
for himself and his company by innovating. He did not sit and do something that anyone could, but he took the reins into his hands to almost single handedly take Microsoft to this great heights. I believe that if you show people the problems and you show them the solutions they will be moved to act. Bill Gates
This is one never mentioned secret of success. Action is the key word. When logic never drives us its emotions. We must have that emotional strength in us to take action. Bill Gates as a small young boy never had anything to lose which he kept telling his good friend Paul Allen. When he had several odds again him such as the American Law and several cases against him, he still consistently took action by developing more software which the people wanted. This made him a super star overnight. If not for Bill Gates, Microsoft would have not seen the light today of what it gets. This was because of his constant delivery of ideas to his Goals and vision. He was a drop out from one of the worlds best universities the Harvard and not everyone from there went to achieve great heights like Bill Gates did, which proves the basic fact that education is just a tool for success and does not define success itself. During the convocation address at the Harvard university, Bill Gates mentioned that good he came when they were graduating and not when during the time when they joined the university else they would have changed their mind. We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten. Dont let yourself be lulled into inaction. Bill Gates
This is by far the best lesson what we learn from Bill Gates. At a tender age of 21, Bill Gates had achieved many a things including having money and fame. This did not allow him to stop achieving and always had the drive to achieve great heights. If Id had some set idea of a finish line, dont you think I would have crossed it years ago? quote Bill Gates with utmost passion and determination. Microsoft is not about greed. Its about Innovation and Fairness. Bill Gates Never stop learning was the Mantra of Bill Gates which he follow till date. This empowers him to be a Great Leader of our times. He will always be remembers as an Icon and even without his presence in Microsoft he would still be regarded as a great inventor and a real genius in every regard of Business, Technology and Entrepreneurship.
I always have the Metaphor of Life as a Game. It is a game and interestingly we are under control of things in this game. I will draw up many examples in this article today and relate to how things are in life. Firstly, in a Game there is a Goal. Imagine in a game of soccer there are no Goal posts and how would the game be? It will be boring and every player of the game will have not motivation to win the game. The very fact of a Goal is to ensure that which direction every player must have to move and where to go so that they target victory. Play Life Like a Game: Set GOALS to Motivate Yourself and Get the Drive of Life. Every game cannot start without a Strategy. This will make the game worse and will not get the needed results. No guarantee that after having a strategy, you will get the desired results but you will at least have some measure to understand what went wrong or what went right and how to change the strategy so that you get the desired in your Next Attempt. Play Life Like a Game: Plan Your STRATEGY to Achieve Your Results.
Is it that you start playing your life with just a Goal and a Strategy? Not all the time. In a game of soccer there are various positions and how does one decide the position? Based on the strengths of the person. If as an individual is excellent in Striking the ball then, they become the striker and start playing in the Forward positions. If an individual understands that they are only good at defending and can stop anyone from moving ahead of them, they become the Defense.
Life is very similar where you need to identify what are your strengths. You need to work towards understanding that what is that you are indispensible at. Not that every one invincible, but definitely you must atleast feel that way. You must carry the feeling that you are indispensible and carry on only with those activities where you think you can create the highest value. There are many ways in which you can identify the strength or even create them. First one is simple, just check for yourself what is that you are strong at and what do you do well and then start focusing on that, master the same and take your life to the Next Step. If you are yet to identify the strength, then look for what you are passionate about and spend most of your time in doing the same thereby it becomes your strength. Once it becomes your strength move towards excellence and make yourself Indispensible. Answer these questions and you find the answer for your Strengths:
1. 2. 3. 4.
When you Feel at your Best? What is that you are good at Teaching others? What you Like the Most about Yourself? What are your friends, Parents and Others Proud of You for?
Strength is a combination of skill, knowledge and attitude. While we spend most of the time on developing our skills and improving our knowledge, we never look at having a better attitude. The attitude that I am good at something and I can do my best in that area is something that we need to develop more. The certainty is the most important feel that we must have to so that we can handle anything in life! David Beckham, class player understood his passion and his strength and went out to be a successful soccer star. In your life too, you must carry the same momentum once you identify your strengths. So Start Your Life, Play it Like a GAME!
Do you find yourself bogged down certain time end of day and begin to question yourself why on earth am I doing all this. This tires you a lot and does not get you any happiness or satisfaction. You work hard and yet do not get what you want or rather dont feel like you have achieved something in life. If this is case how do you solve this? There is another set of people who say that I have been wanting to achieve lot of things in life but I dont feel to have that fire, determination and will to achieve. Like I always say, the Mind, Body and Soul must have to act in tandem and achieve excellence in life. When you are not able to find a solution to achieve something in life, it is because that you do not find the congruence of the mind, body and soul. Why do they not be in line? Simple, what drives us every day it not logic, but EMOTIONS. So what are these emotions? Do you find a lot of people who work hard, travel a lot and have a lot of money, luxury and yet do not find the answer to the all persuasive question Why am I doing this. Do this exercise: Write down the list of all the positive feeling, emotions that you would like to have in your life. What do you want in your life? What is most important for your in Life. List down at least 5 of them. (e.g. Career, Family, Health, Money and so on) As you do it, also list down 5 things that you want to avoid in your life, what you would not want to have in your life (e.g. Embarrassment, failure and so on) Look at the first list of what you want. Say for example, for you Family is very important in life, then everything that you do would be for them only. And in this situation if you were to not spend time with your family you may feel guilty about it. So there is no Congruence between the mind, body and soul. And hence you would feel drained and de-motivated to work on things. In fact its these values that drives people to achieve things. It acts as a fuel to an engine. And if the fuel is not effective, the performance also is not great! Which means that if your values are not aligned then they do not act as a driving force but acts as friction while taking Action to reach your Goals. If you find that the values do not match to what you want to achieve, then either change the values or understand yourself more and then based on that decide what you must have to do. This will be a big driving force for your every day where you can act with motivation and the fire in you!
I ran a research for the most frequently asked question to all the readers of Life of Excellence and this was by far the best that was sent to me: and my second question is how can i install belief from success people in an effective way , like for example there is no failure only feedback , but in a real that i would feel that as real , not as a great idea. I understand that you want to internalize these belief of Super Achievers. There are many ways of doing this.
1. Visualization: Whenever you want to install certain beliefs, you must have to visualize the same.
For example when you want to internalize There are no failures, only feedback, you must first think of a time in the past when actually set a goal for yourself and you did not achieve it and hence it was a failure. Look the way you reacted to this event. You would have either treated it as a failure or you might have told yourself that come on let me move on. You would have internally voiced the belief that there are no failures only feedback. So you can intensify the same more and recall it many time till such time that you are completely sure and if you had not taken it in the same sense then you must have change the emotion inside of you and call it as a Feedback and see the way you change and adapt to the situation based on this. This is one of the best ways to internalize the beliefs.
2. Incantation: This is a powerful way to install beliefs. Incantation is the recital of words that will
create a powerful effect in your subconscious mind. Incantation is done by repeating a particular phrase that you want to install in you and thereby internalize those much more stronger. Keep repeating the belief that you want to install as loud as you can. The moment you use your physiology (the body) and the mind the process of internalizing a belief is made faster. Powerful Beliefs that you can carry which are also Pre-Suppositions of NLP are: 1. Past =/= Future 2. There are not failures only feedback 3. All of us have the same neurology, if it possible for others it is possible for me 4. Anything is possible it is the question of right strategy! And Much More.I will be Discussing about this a lot in the upcoming days.Do visit the page and learn more.Also Dont forget to let me know what do you think.
Time and again I have seen many people who visit or ask me certain question, wanting to change certain habits and develop good habits. I dont generally call anything to be a good or bad habit. I prefer calling them Useful or Not useful habits. Because the moment you call them good or bad, you begin to start justifying. Once you question your integrity about what is useful or not useful you tend to me more objective and make the right decisions. Few habits which I feel that you must have to develop (if you have not done so yet) that will for sure improve the quality of your life and take your like to the next level. 1. Be an Early Bird: I really mean it. The energy that surrounds you early in the morning is so refreshing that it gives you the momentum to go higher.I know there are a few of who say, Hey listen I work late in the night and how do you expect me to wake up early in the morning. If possible do change your schedule of working, else atleast wake up atleast 3 to 4 times in a week to start with. There is a specific reason why the Sun always rises in the east at a specific time in a day. We dont need to understand the reason but just use it with the blind faith and belief that there is a purpose and will do a lot of good for us. 2. Move your Body and Exercise: Motion means emotion. Any super achiever is so because of the mental state they are in and the way you use and drive the body physiology determines the mental state you are in. if you feel lousy you can never step out to take action and action means results.Your body needs to be more tuned to your work, your breathing and your beat must be in harmony with the thoughts and action and the way to do so is by exercising. Take a brisk walk for 20 mins or practice yoga, play a game of tennis or volleyball. 3. Grow your Brain with Mental Activities: Read a book per week. Do your best to finish it or at read 20 pages every day. Once you do it for 3 days increase to 40 pages per day. Visit personal development websites like Life of Excellence. 4. Dont Worry Be Happy: The choice of being happy is always with you. There is no reason for you to celebrate and be happy. As you wake up in the morning just decide to be happy. Smile every day. For the first 4 hrs of the day whomever you meet, you must have to smile at them first even before you start work with them. A smile move a million cells, a thousand nerves and few hundred muscles and as said before motion creates emotion and would make you feel energetic and perform better. 5. Say thanks with a Sense of Gratitude: You must be thankful for many things that happen in your life. First thank yourself for what you are. As you do so your self esteem too increases. Thank the people around you for making a difference in your life. Your family, colleagues, friends and many more. Thank many unknown people who are making your life better. You might not have seen them but the person plants the tree which bears fruits makes a difference in your life. Do this every day in the morning and before bed. You would push yourself to achieve more.
6. Goals and Small tasks for the week: I am sure you would have seen my video on achieving Goals in 2008.Once you have the bigger goals, you must have to chunk them down to smaller tasks. This will make you achieve your targets faster and makes it achievable. Small tasks are always easy to achieve. 7. Action towards goals and strategies: Failure is not when you do not get the results you want. Failure is when you do not take action. Once you set your goal, if you do not take any action on that I dont think you would ever achieve it. Kill Procrastination this moment (Listen to my audio on Kill Procrastination). Successful people are so not because they were lucky. Have that momentum in you so that you can move faster to achieve what you want. 8. Spend time with Successful people, Energetic people: I believe that if you surrounded with energetic people you too tend to be energetic. If you move with wealthy people you too carry the same mindset. Many times you hang out with friends and you tend to have the same ideas as theirs.You have common likes and dislikes. Have certain common attitude about things. Can you do the same in the area you want to excel? If you want to be healthy move with people who care about fitness they will talk about your body, the food you take and so on and then you too become aware of the external world around you. If you wish to be a successful entrepreneur you must move with the like minded people. If you want to be a great public speaker, you must have to be with people who are excellent in that area. So start now, catch hold of people who are the best in the area you want to excel in, make friends with them and spend more time with them. 9. Watch the calendar, be more organized: I believed always, an unorganized person can only attract unorganized and unexpected results. You can achieve anything in life as long as you have the strategy. Your outcomes have to be time bound and achievable. I know how difficult it is for your follow time table but remember what happened in school. Your teachers followed a specific schedule so that she can give the best you and achieve the outcomes. If you need to achieve the outcomes then you too need to be organized. Life definitely has become easy today with all the automated beepers, schedulers etc. I have also shared some tools on Time Management and listen to the Podcast on Time Management. 10. Eat Healthy, Feel Healthy: Remember your body determines the actions that you take. How it would it be when you stuff yourself with all possible foods, junk, high calorie food? You go on a party and since it has to be enjoyed, you eat whatever you feel like. You wake up in the morning how do you feel? Never feel like getting up from the bed. A day of this happening is fine and if the same happens everyday what kind of results can you produce? It is better to eat right. Eat right and feel great. You must eat to feel energetic. And all that you need is a small, balanced light meal. 11. Keep up your Money Matters: Is this a habit that you must develop? Definitely yes! You ruin yourself because you do not manage your money matters in the right way. Never spend more than what you want. Start using a chart to analyze your saving, your expenses. Target to reduce your expenses and increase your savings. Now why? Is it to have a better life? Probably yes but even more important thing that you must do is to avoid wasting money and use it for a better purpose. Give it to charity and the satisfaction
that you will achieve is much more than you owing a Mercedes Benz. If you wish to help under privileged, orphaned children for education you can visit (A 100% non profit organization) where I participate actively. 12. Family Time: If you need to energize yourself then you need to spend time where there is lot of love. The place where you can get this is at home and no where else. Have a small time with family every week when you sit together and make decision relating to the entire family. You can follow the technique that is explained by Mr. Jack Canfield (Author of best seller Chicken Soup for the soul), in his book Power of Focus. Grade the family members on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being least and 10 being high. Tell them why you grade them so. What nice things they did and what did they not do and so on. You might think in family do I evaluate? What happens is there is lots of transparency between every member in the family.This makes sure that the communication is better between you and every one in the family. The love, care for them would definitely increase and they would feel more connected as they know more of you and you know lots of them. 13. Pursue your Hobby: Passion always gives motivation. Do something you love and you would be motivated to do more of everything. Your stamp book might be in the cupboards, the paint brushes need to be dusted. Start tomorrow (why not today, you can). Never say you are bored, you dont have time. They are just excuses.
14. Throw out your lame thoughts: This is probably the best habit that you must have to develop. You run too many thoughts and most of them are negative. Apart from being a positive thinker begin to focus on things that are useful for you that would drive you achieve more. Do listen to my podcast on Power of Subconscious mind where I share more on what is the power of your mind that would affect the results in your life. Throw the junk away from your mind so that you will be stronger in your life. Garbage is not good and hence dispose them from your mind. Its as easy as focusing on something nice. With these 14 habits that you develop, you can be 100% sure that your life will be much better.
One of the best secrets of being Fit is going back to basics. Just remember everything what your mom and your grandmother told you when you were young, follow them and you will be a bundle of joy, energy and fitness.
Physically fitness simply means that you need to take good care of your body. The way you control your body definitely determines your power. Going to the gym everyday is definitely one ways. Remember what your grandparents used to when they got old. Take a walking stick and
hold each other and walk short distances. This is to keep their energy going, breathe in fresh air and enjoy more circulation in their body. This will keep them at bay and not allowing something to harm them. You at this age can do more. A walking stick is definitely not a choice for you but you must have to hit the road, run, job, walk do whatever to keep the energy going, keep the blood gushing though your internal systems that need to work in tandem. Eat well in the right possible way. Remember you mom used to tell you, finish off the vegetables in your place, and eat all the fruits. Its as simple as that. You need to be more conscious about what you eat. While young if you were eating fruits and vegetables as part of your meal, now you can make that your meal once in a while. I am not saying starve yourself and eat only them but you can definitely treat your body for some cleaning. Fruits cleanse your body very quickly. When young you did not learn the science behind why you need to eat the fruits and vegetables and now you must learn them. Recall what mom told you about junk food . Cut them out is not what I am telling you, have them in very very small quantities. Let me stress on that very small quantities. If you think you cannot resist temptation then dont give a hand to it. Throw the bottles away that consume your energy (I mean alcohol) and never light a cigar anymore. I am sure you dont need a reason as to why. Mental fitness is tremendously important. If you feel down and depressed remember that not what you are. You are not a depressed person, your behavior is so. You just need to shift your behavior. You have the choice to focus on whatever you wish to. While many say that Day dream is not so good, I always recommend you to do that. Because you are dreaming of something that you want and something you desire. That radiates positive vibrations in your mind and in turn the body. Have a specific time in a day when you feel the gratitude for all that is already existing. Thank yourself for what you are, thank the entire world for supporting you, thank the people you know for making a difference. This would mean a lot to you because there is a purpose behind your existence and you will start moving towards the purpose. Recall all the nice things that have happened so far in your life. You need to be Emotionally charge and fit to take your life to the higher level. There will be challenges along your way but you must have to condition yourself emotionally too so as to handle them with ease. Laugh your heart out. Every day make sure you enjoy a joke. Call your friend and share the joke with them so that you can hear the laugh that would make you emotionally stronger Remember there are many people who suffer in the world. Recall all those people who do not have shelter, who do not have good food to eat, who suffer to protect themselves from extremes
of hot or cold. When you think about these people, there is never a reason for you to get frustrated, get angry or get annoyed. A secret for you emotionally charge up yourself, is to play games with kids or spend time pursuing a hobby. You will feel more relaxed moving away from stress. Remember stress is more often or not an outcome of fear that something not so favorable will happen or something that you wish may not happen. So distress yourself and play games and have fun. Whenever you want to condition yourself to elevate the quality of your life ask the question HOW? and you would automatically find the solution for whatever challenges you are facing.
Do you cringe on the bed or just laze around the couch (especially during weekends). Do you face these problems? 1. You have lots of productive work to do and yet you do not have the drive 2. You spend lots of time doing unproductive work such as watching TV, playing games on your computer etc 3. You just do not want to do anything that involves some amount of sweating 4. You have free time and yet you do not pursue your hobbies or things that you are passionate about?
Are you in control of these situations? Yes and No! Because your logic mind tells you that you better start doing things which are useful and more productive. However your subconscious mind, an inner voice which is the devil that says, hey its ok, let me do it later. You allow the mental state to control your actions. However there are times that you must have to beat your emotions too. Emotional you know how charged up you must be and not be lazy and unproductive. If this does not give you want you need then you need to have certain amount of Discipline as I call it. Because there are times when you find it difficult to beat your own emotion and during those times the only thing that can possible help you is discipline. The only way you will come out of watching TV and wasting time is self discipline. You must have the will power to ensure that you do not even touch the TV remote. Its a conscious decision that you make and you must have to live to it. I still can hear the voice that comes from you saying, I pretty well know that if I must have discipline I can fight anything that I want with discipline. But how do I create that discipline in me? how do I create that discipline and habit within me of not wasting time, being useful at all times (atleast majority of the times).
Every action of ours is a pattern inside the brain. If we understand these patterns and break them you start doing some other actions. Watching TV and playing games and wasting time are deep patterns inside the mind. If these patterns are directed patterns then it is easy and produces amazing results. However majority of the patterns are not so useful patterns. Whenever I step into the Gym I read the placard that reads No Pain, No Gain. I also use it the right context sometimes. For example say you want to do something useful and you spend the time not so usefully and later you being a victim, you give excuses and some lame excuses to avoid the situation, you must control the system by taking in some pain. For this I strongly recommended that you take a small rubber band that will fit into you hand. Wear the rubber band to create a new pattern by breaking the old pattern. This is a way to bring in some discipline too. As soon as you sit to watch TV or play games that bring down your productivity, you consciously know that you are supposed to be working and not being productive. It is quite easy to break out this pattern. Snap the rubber band immediately in your hand to remind yourself that you are supposed to be disciplined. If the pain is not sufficient to stop lazing around then snap it harder so that you will feel the pain and immediately come out of it. This is termed as Pattern Break in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Let me tell you, this technique will work only when you want to throw away some pattern and not for people who just want to test it out. If you want to truly increase your productivity you must have to follow this to avoid all the unwanted and not so useful habits.
NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming is the software to the brain, the best computer known in the world. Many times the human computer is corrupted with unwanted thoughts and habits. The Neurological system is based on how we experience the world through the senses. The input what goes in through what we see, what we hear, we feel (also smell and taste) gets translated into our own perceptions and produces certain outcomes which may be useful or not so useful.
The outcomes are because of the way we translate our experiences to create our own perceptions. Linguistic in NLP, refers to the language we use to sense and perceive the world. Interestingly we can program the communication channels that we establish within ourselves. We can perceive things differently and organize and structure to produce the best possible outcomes. Few of these perceptions and actions tend to be not useful what we call as bad habits. We ascertain to our belief system that there are certain bad habits which we wish to get rid of. Bad habits such as eating too much or eating chocolates, snoozing alarm, not exercising,
procrastinating and many many more. The general feel is that these habit appear from nowhere all of a sudden, where as these habits are because of constantly conditioning ourselves towards the actions. For example, eating junk food is because of a conditioning of the neuro system which is programmed to understand that the junk food is so tasty and make you feel good. The very fact of that junk food existing would send ripples in your neuro system and acts accordingly. We do not care about this feeling and it keeps growing and when the intensity is at its peak we realize and wish to change it forever. Why do people not change these habits? Because many believe that they are struck with this bad habit and are of the strong belief that nothing can be done to change the habit. Many are under the perception that the change would only be temporary and so why bother about something that is bound to come back? This again is a conditioning of the neurons and it is imperative that we change the whole system of thinking. Understand that any habit is because of 1) the thoughts that run in the mind 2) the feeling that you sense because of the thoughts (these are called triggers) and 3) the way you program the mind to react to that feeling. Say for example, you wish to stop eating chocolates (I have seen many people who wish to do this and hence the same example) and you are not able to do the same, you must have to program your mind to stop craving for the same. You must have to change the thoughts and the outcome of the thoughts to avoid the action. Remember your mental state is what drives to take action and you can control your mental state. Logic does not determine action because if that was the true then every person in the world would be perfect and can chose what they want to do and what they do not wish to do. Its emotions that drive action and these emotions are formed because of the certain pictures, sounds and feelings that we have. The moment you see a chocolate (of any food or any event) you run pictures of how it would be if you were to eat it. This is called the TRIGGER. This puts you in the compulsion to eat the same. Probably you run pictures of you enjoying the taste, the chocolate smelling good, it melting in your mouth and so on. Does this differ from person to person? Definitely yes and thats why your liking does not match with everyone else. Its only because of how we perceive it internally in the Neuro system. The moment you create these kind of favorable representations in
your mind, you tend to be motivated to take an action immediately and hence grab the chocolate and eat it too (later feel guilty ) Changing the Habit Step 1: Change the way you perceive the Trigger: In this example, the chocolate is the trigger and you perceive it in a certain way. Smelling good, melting inside your mouth and so on. Change these representations of the trigger. Make the chocolate smell bad, feel is so hard and thorny in your mouth and so on. Step 2: Intensify the new feeling: Since you have changed the perception of the trigger, the feeling automatically changes. You are no longer so compulsive to take the chocolate and eat. Importantly when you are changing the perception of the trigger, it must be at the peak to ensure that you break the threshold. Once you feel different intensify the same feeling. Make it feel some 100 times more so that you do not pick up the chocolate immediately. Step 3: Install the new identity: Feelings and beliefs are because of identity. You do not stop a habit because you see yourself holding to the habit. So once you have stopped yourself from holding to the habit, internalize to yourself that you have changed and create a new pattern and the older neuro pattern thats strong in the system is broken and hence will never be created again. This will give you utmost certainty, that you have new fresh and good habits too. Following the 3 steps will ensure that you program the perception or the neuro pattern and hence the linguistic or the communication component. And every time you do this to yourself you stop the old bad behavior and start creating new one. If creating bad ones and easy creating new useful habits is much more easy.
Handling Frustration
January 11, 2008
I am yet to see someone who says I never get frustrated. We as humans always experience frustration in our daily lives. However sometimes we let this frustration take over that hampers our activities and actions. We need to control and handle the frustration.
What is frustration? Frustration is the act of reacting to an event which is not desirable. I would like you to spend sometime on what I have mentioned Frustration is. It is REACTION that causes the frustration. The moment an event occurs you do not ponder on that, you do not have time to think on that and decide how to handle the situation. The immediate action is impulsive and you react immediately. There is another way you can handle the same event. Instead of reacting, you could RESPOND to the same event. The moment you RESPOND to the event rather than reacting you never get frustrated. Remember the event has already occurred which
means that you cannot do anything about the event now. And you have a Choice to respond the way you want to. If you start looking at events as events that cannot be avoided and has already occurred then you ponder for solutions rather than disturbing yourself by reacting. This is the easiest way to change the feeling of frustration. To start focusing on solutions rather than the so called PROBLEM, that disturbs you. If you were to curse yourself, blame yourself and scream at yourself you only end up feeling worse. This is self sabotage. Interestingly you can consciously get angry and get angry and frustrated by reacting to an event. You tend to loose more energy within you when you get frustrated and the PROBLEM though does not even exist, seems to be existing and never is solved. As you look at event and tell yourself This event has already happened and is inevitable, you would only respond and not react. Moments before the outburst of emotions and frustration there is a process that is involved. You run picture of the event in your mind that leads to an intensive helpless state and fires as frustration. It is better to control the emotion as that will do a lot of good because your reaction of frustration could be so intense that it can only intensify more. Though some do suggest that giving vent to these feelings is good and acceptable I do not authenticate this theory as the ramifications are very high. 3 most important points that you must have in mind to manage frustration 1) Accept the fact that getting frustrated is a common human act. 2) Learn from the frustration and move forward instead of getting worked on it 3) Start creating a new belief for yourself that there are other better ways of handling situations that you are aware of You are so much involved and totally associate with the event that frustration crops up and then it just runs through you. Yes it is very important for you to be associated, to be in the thick of things for achieving your outcomes. But when you do not get the desired results you must do the devils advocate. You need to step out of yourself and look at things from a 3rd persons view, which means that you are disassociating yourself and you would tend to look at solutions rather than feel frustrated and have the feeling of let down. I sometimes advocate frustration and a certain amount of frustration is always good because it means that you are expecting better results from yourself. You want more for yourself and hence get frustrated. You are a Champ and you know that you can work out things better and then you get frustrated, which is an advantage for you. The questions you ask yourself can intensify or deintensify your level of frustration. Recall the last time you were frustrated and look at all the questions you asked yourself. I am sure it would be questions like Why the hell did this happen to me, This is so pathetic and life of so unfair and so on, Have you ever asked What must I do to come out of this?
Do this small exercise, recall an event that has been troubling you and for which you get frustrated because you do not get the desired outcomes. Ask your self why the hell is this happening? and experience how you feel. Isnt it frustrating? I am sure it is. Now change the same question to what must I do to over come this challenge. Now how do you feel? You feel more in control of your emotions, your thoughts? You have the Choice and frustrations are not external they are internal in nature and you know the consequences of frustration are so high. So the choice of not being frustrated will lead you to better outcomes in life. Enjoy every bit of life. All that happens has a purpose and has a positive intention. Look at the highest positive intention behind the event and why has the event occurred even though it was not favorable and negative. You can focus on the positive intentions, on the positive purpose which will lead you to a more peaceful and comfortable life.
Most people find it very difficult to control anger and react to situations. The moment they feel that they are not in control the immediate outburst is anger. At every place we can find people who are in utmost rage. Simply because they are not in control of the situation, and they feel that they must be in control of themselves. The fact is that only because we are in control of ourselves, we get angry and show the same.
We allow ourselves to react to external situations. Anger is mostly because of an expectation mismatch. We expect certain things to happen in certain way and as it does not we tend to react. Invariably expectations from people is what makes us angry. We walk in to our work place expecting things to happen and as they do not happen because of certain people not working on them, we immediately respond. Anger is quite common amongst all however if it exceed limitations can turn to be harmful. Because every time you get angry there is a huge amount of negative energy that is generated inside you which can be really destructive. You can control these emotions much more faster than what you think. All emotions are because of certain pictures that you run in your mind and if you can control these pictures yo! You have done it. The communication channel that you establish between the thoughts and the response is so fast that you are not aware of how this happen. It is still possible and easy to overcome anger. The time you take to react to a situation is so huge, though you might think it is too small. An instant can change your life forever which mean an instant can control your anger too. Its the way the mind perceives. Are there times when you
stand on a queue and a few minutes looks like a few hours? Definitely yes, what you do is just distort time. We perceive few minutes as few hours. So the same can be done when you perceive a few seconds to be a few minutes and a few hours. So this give you lots of time to change the emotion and react in the positive way. Ways to Control the Anger Using Words: The moment you are about to kick start the anger, just tell yourself Relax, it can be as loud as possible inside your head. While there is a devil thats there inside your mind wanting to burst out, the moment it hears the word relax, it calms down. An embedded command will immediately make the sub conscious mind take action. You can even see the letters of R E L A X on the person who is standing in front of you or make the letter in air so that it replaces the pictures you see that provokes you to anger. Using Pictures: Control your anger by using the right pictures. You are forced to get angry because of an external event and expectations. The moment some of your expectations are not met, you immediately get angry. All you need to do it the push away the picture that you see inside your mind and create a blank white picture which conveys nothing and hence the emotion also is so neutral. Use Breathing: Breathe deep from within which will control your anger immediately. This is of immense help because the breathing also changes the physiology and hence the images in the mind also change immediately thus making you control your anger Use Humor: Convert your anger into humor. Whatever picture that you see make it as humorous as possible. See the people with horns, like monkey, like cartoon characters and so on. This will instantly put a smile on your face and after that you just cannot get angry.
Have you ever wondered why there are many people who are so wealthy and many so poor or even average leading a life from pay cheque to pay cheque? I am sure you must have seen people who seem to be most skilled and yet not so rich and wealthy while there are many who are not educated and yet so rich and wealthy? What makes the difference? Do they have a magic wand to use and generate load of money? If the well learned were to the richest the so called Financial Gurus and Business Gurus must be the wealthiest people in the world. The fact is they are no so! So there is a difference not in the skills but, you said it right in the attitude, what I call as the Mindset
It is just a way of thinking, a reason of belief that makes the difference. The subconscious mind is so powerful that what you perceive is true will become true. An important factor that does not make people rich and wealthy is the beliefs they carry. Certain beliefs include I dont have a strong family to support me I am not lucky enough to be so rich I dont have enough experience to venture into new things to make money Many things to make money are risky If you want to be rich you need to be illegal and unethical
Take a minutes time and be honest to yourself and list all these kind of limiting beliefs that you. If you say, investing in stock market is risky, thats a limiting belief in itself for the simple reason that if this was true, never could Warren Buffet, be one of the richest man in the world. Whatever you have listed, its time you broke these beliefs and move forward. These are like chains that are tied to your leg, when they actually are not and its just a perception that you have that they are tied and they are pulling you. The fact being that you are pulling yourself. In the movie, the Mission Impossible II, the villain in the movie, Sean Ambrose (Casted by Dougray Scott) says I would prefer to be a billionaire rather than be a popper. The choice is always yours. Just imagine the day you are in your death bed, you are surrounded with your loved ones, only to realize that you have not given them what they truly deserved. Then do you think you would be happy? And isnt it important that you die peacefully and happily. Unless you change your beliefs it can never happen. Here are 5 important mindsets of a Millionaires.
1. Think Big: Believe that you too can be millionaire or even billionaire 2. Generous: Share more and create value for people 3. Focus: Know what to focus on and get what the want 4. Learn: Always Millionaires are ready to learn and invest on learning 5. Passion: Love what you do, and do what you love
When we move towards achieving our goals in life, we are bound to face challenges. If we do not face challenges it only means that the goals that we set are not challenging and we are not using the potential what we are capable of. So during these time when we face challenges we do not achieve our goals and we tend to react differently to the situations that arise. If success is not the immediate outcome of some of the actions that you have taken then you may deem it as a failure and respond in way that would make you a victim. Many people Blame, Excuse and Complain
that makes them the Victim. Excuses being one of the most common responses of failures, we tend to not take action considering that we know that anyways we would continue giving the same reason. For example, we definitely know that we must have to exercise everyday and give excuses like there is not time, or there is too much of work and so on. This becomes a pattern and hence no action is taken for reaching the outcome. And even after realizing that its only an excuse we still do not take action because we know that anyways we would give the same excuses. We tend to blame others and say things like My boss was the main reason for me not getting my promotion, The business period is dull and so I am not able to grow, People annoy me too much and I get frustrated. These are typical victim stories that do not get us to move ahead in life. In the process we allow others to control our lives. We do not action take action to move forward in achieving the Goal because we expect the same to happen, like you say anyways my boss would sabotage my promotion so why should I work for a promotion. This stops you from achieving Success. Many times you go into the denial mode and complain external events for your so called failure. Ultimately who is responsible for our life? If we allow others to control our life, it does not take us anywhere. We are solely responsible for our life, we must have to take responsibility of everything that happens around us. Challenges in life can happen and if we are in control of it, then we get the best out of life. CHANGE for yourself and for your life and Take 100% responsibility. Not even 5% of the people in the world follow this. Rest are the victims. Decide for yourself if you want to be a Victim or Take Responsibility and CHANGE.
Everyone wants a miracle to happen in Life? Win a Lottery or lose weight over night, get the senior most promotion at work and many more. We fail to understand that we are the ones who need to make this happen. When you wonder what must happen for my life to change, you delete the most important aspect of the change. We always dream of having the Magic Lamp for us to get whatever we want. Unfortunate that neither do we have the Magic Lamp nor would the genie come for rescue. We desire to change the way we lead our lives, we look for all options and we do not realize that its just right there, inside us. Remember a small change could make a huge difference in the quality of the life. But you must be ready to change. Any habit, any behavior can be changed only when there is a need for change. While we strive hard to change, the change does not really occur because WHY is not answered. We only think of What and never the why. The moment we focus on WHY, we understand ourselves better and hence move
Change happens in a moment. It cannot take millions of years. The moment you decide to change, you take the step. The rest of the time is a process to change, the journey to that amazing decision in life. And once you change it is permanent unless you want to change again. 5 important things that will change your life forever are 1. YOU 2. YOU 3. YOU 4. YOU 5. YOU
So make the choice now! Take a piece of paper and write atleast 3 things that you want to change in your life and you are totally under control of the same. Make the choice and Change this moment and it would change your life forever.
Being Lazy means the lack of drive to work, the lack of desire and commitment to start taking action on something. Laziness is definitely one of the biggest sins of mankind. What determines success or failure is action and if you are lazy you know, you never take action and you are bound to fail.Is laziness a disease? Not really, probably can be considered as a mental disease and any mental disease you have absolute control to overcome. You dont need a prescription from a doctor to be away from it. I believe that being Lazy is a CHOICE. Its about what you want to do and what you do not. Say if I want you to move away from your chair and start doing some work outside. If I tell you there is something interesting that is waiting for you outside, you might not be all that excited and motivated to go out. However if I were to tell you, there is a Fire in the building the next moment you start running to save your life. If you want to stop being lazy first rekindle that hidden fire in you. Fire comes out a of a purpose. Why? If you were to clean your room and you wonder why should I, the fire is missing and if you have a good reason for WHY? then you start doing it. The fire is knowing the answer WHY? Laziness is not inherited, it is not a disease, it is probably infectious, it does not stay with someone all the time. If needed you would still run away from the place you are. So Laziness is not an inherent property of a person. It is a property that is chosen. Make the best choice. Stop being lazy To be continued..
How do you stop from being lazy? Is it very simple? Yes it is. First identify the reasons for your laziness. It is true that there are some thoughts that trigger laziness. It could be even tiredness. Say if you work hard continuously without taking a break, that could trigger you to being lazy. However this happens very rare. But do understand what triggers you to be Lazy?Say you want to start a jog in the morning and then you set an alarm in the morning and laziness takes control and you dont take an effort to wake up, this kills your quality of life.So first things first, identify if you are lazy about something WHY are you lazy. I always repeat the moment you understand the WHY part of it, the drive, motivation and fire will be high.Do you have a GOAL?Anything that you do must lead you to something. If it does not lead you to anything there is definitely no reason for your have the fire in you. If you are steering a train, and you are not sure where you are heading to then mid way you stop, you might not have the fire to start and move on for the simple reason that you are not aware where you are heading to and what to expect out of you steering the train ahead.For every single activity you do, must have a end to it which can help in sustaining the interest in doing. It may be small or big, does not make any difference but still you need it. This will push you to achieve much more than what you can. So start now and set more GOALS!To be continued
Now you have a Goal what next? There are times that I know that doing something is important however I still be lazy. This is a frequent question I am asked. People say Writing my daily expenses is important and I know that however I am still lazy about doing it, I know doing exercises is very good for health, but still I dont do my exercises everyday. I am so lazy to wake up in the morning. How do take stock of these important actions and stop being lazy. One of key things that drive you is you STATE. The Mental State. When you want to clean your room, the internal images that you run in your mind are boredom, painful, stressful. This puts you in a lazy negative state and hence you are not driven to take some action. Though it might be true that cleaning a room may not excite you but still, once you know that you must do it, then you need to feel motivated. State is controlled by 3 major components, 1. Your body 2. Your Thoughts 3. The Words you use.
The Body Physiology is very important for you to be in a good state. You can right chose to feel bad, feel lousy, feel bored by just changing your body right now. If you are lazy there is a certain posture for that.
When you want to take control and shift being lazy, take the first step and change your posture, your body physiology. Pump up yourself and start getting more energetic.
Your thoughts drive your actions. Like I have written before in the previous post, the way you alter your mind will make a difference in the quality of your life. What kind of thoughts will drive you? It can happen in two ways. One is when you see the pain involved in not completing a task which you are lazy to complete, or you may feel the pleasure of completing a task which you feel lazy about. If you go through these steps you can beat laziness very easily, by controlling your thoughts 1. Make a mental picture of the pain that you will have to undergo if you do not complete a task which you feel lazy to start and complete. Intensify the feeling so that the pain is high. Generally we would like to move away from pain and hence this works wonders and will give you fire and energy to start taking action 2. Make a mental picture of positive gain that you will get as you complete the task. This may also drive you to take action immediately. 3. Make a mental picture of you starting to work on the task and you taking a step by step action of the task. Make the picture run fast and clear in you mind This series of mental pictures that you have created will drive you and get you the required motivation. To be continued
The words you use definitely create an impact in the quality of your life. Refer the previous post on Change the words you use and Change your LIFE to learn more on the same.Other ways to stop being lazy 1. Reward Yourself: When you want to complete a task and you want to stop being lazy, just decide on what you would reward yourself once you complete the task. The reward must be something that you really have been wanting for sometime and integrity to yourself is very important. Unless you complete the task ensure that you do not reward yourself. 2. Check your health: Be watchful as I have told before, if your health is good then there is a high possibility that you may not feel lazy.
3. Commit to yourself and also call a friend and tell your friend about the activity that you will complete (Dont tell your friend that you are lazy and thats why you are making it a must 4. Take the small step immediately. The moment you feel that you are lazy, take that first step and stop being lazy. It could be small but will be motivating you to complete the task. Follow these and Stop Being LazyTomorrow is the day when idlers work and fools reform - Edward Young, a great English Poet
One of the best secrets of being Fit is going back to basics. Just remember everything what your mom and your grandmother told you when you were young, follow them and you will be a bundle of joy, energy and fitness.
Physically fitness simply means that you need to take good care of your body. The way you control your body definitely determines your power. Going to the gym everyday is definitely one ways. Remember what your grandparents used to when they got old. Take a walking stick and hold each other and walk short distances. This is to keep their energy going, breathe in fresh air and enjoy more circulation in their body. This will keep them at bay and not allowing something to harm them. You at this age can do more. A walking stick is definitely not a choice for you but you must have to hit the road, run, job, walk do whatever to keep the energy going, keep the blood gushing though your internal systems that need to work in tandem. Eat well in the right possible way. Remember you mom used to tell you, finish off the vegetables in your place, and eat all the fruits. Its as simple as that. You need to be more conscious about what you eat. While young if you were eating fruits and vegetables as part of your meal, now you can make that your meal once in a while. I am not saying starve yourself and eat only them but you can definitely treat your body for some cleaning. Fruits cleanse your body very quickly. When young you did not learn the science behind why you need to eat the fruits and vegetables and now you must learn them. Recall what mom told you about junk food . Cut them out is not what I am telling you, have them in very very small quantities. Let me stress on that very small quantities. If you think you cannot resist temptation then dont give a hand to it. Throw the bottles away that consume your energy (I mean alcohol) and never light a cigar anymore. I am sure you dont need a reason as to why.
Mental fitness is tremendously important. If you feel down and depressed remember that not what you are. You are not a depressed person, your behavior is so. You just need to shift your behavior. You have the choice to focus on whatever you wish to. While many say that Day dream is not so good, I always recommend you to do that. Because you are dreaming of something that you want and something you desire. That radiates positive vibrations in your mind and in turn the body. Have a specific time in a day when you feel the gratitude for all that is already existing. Thank yourself for what you are, thank the entire world for supporting you, thank the people you know for making a difference. This would mean a lot to you because there is a purpose behind your existence and you will start moving towards the purpose. Recall all the nice things that have happened so far in your life. You need to be Emotionally charge and fit to take your life to the higher level. There will be challenges along your way but you must have to condition yourself emotionally too so as to handle them with ease. Laugh your heart out. Every day make sure you enjoy a joke. Call your friend and share the joke with them so that you can hear the laugh that would make you emotionally stronger Remember there are many people who suffer in the world. Recall all those people who do not have shelter, who do not have good food to eat, who suffer to protect themselves from extremes of hot or cold. When you think about these people, there is never a reason for you to get frustrated, get angry or get annoyed. A secret for you emotionally charge up yourself, is to play games with kids or spend time pursuing a hobby. You will feel more relaxed moving away from stress. Remember stress is more often or not an outcome of fear that something not so favorable will happen or something that you wish may not happen. So distress yourself and play games and have fun. Whenever you want to condition yourself to elevate the quality of your life ask the question HOW? and you would automatically find the solution for whatever challenges you are facing.
Change the words you use and Change your LIFE III
August 20, 2007
The English language in totality has more than 40,000 words of which an average person uses only 3000 words. Of these 40,000 words about 5000 are the words that demonstrate an emotion and of 5000, 3500 plus words are negative emotions. Going by the law of averages, we tend to use more negative words than positive words that reduce the quality of life.
Words give us certain feeling and different words have different meanings. Let us consider few examples here PROBLEM against CHALLENGE: When you say you have a PROBLEM you need to fix it which you say you have a CHALLENGE, then you face it. When you say Yes thats a Challenge you are giving your mind a possibility of a solution. If you say its a PROBLEM, you are shutting down possibilities and you get into a negative frame of mind. SPEND against INVEST: If you say I spent on the training program it means nothing come back where as you say I invested on the training program means that you only invested and you need to get back something more valuable in the program. Many such words are there and if they dis-empower you must stop using them now!
By changing the words we use, it creates a powerful and useful Internal Representation. For example you say to yourself I am the best, you feel that way, while you say to yourself Oh I am so lousy, you feel differently and un-resourceful. Thats why a great man called Henry Ford said, If you think you can do a thing or think you cant do a thing, youre right.
When you give a command your brain that you cant then you dont get to attain the resources that you need, while you just Yes! I can do it, you achieve accessing the resources. One strong belief that you must carry is that you have all the resources in you and you must tap these resources. The words that you use, can really make a difference in the way you tap these resources. These deletions, distortions and generalizations impact the words that use. Going back to the previous post of how you can distort and say Stock Market it Risky, this definitely impacts your emotions and mental state and that will not allow you to take action. So defer yourself from using not so useful words that can impact the quality of your life. To be continued..
I meet people when they say Stress is part of life and I cant beat it. Not true, there are lots of ways to beat Stress. Stress is out of tension for something happening or not. When you get stressed, your body get tensed, your mind gets tensed and you start thinking of all the pain involved in the process of doing the work. Let me tell you a secret, Stress cannot be caused by an external force. Your work does not speak to you and say Get stressed or Feel the tension. Its the way we perceive things and get tensed and Stressed.
Stress is just a State of mind and if we have control over it our life definitely gets better. Now how can you beat the Stress? 1. Exercise:Any physical activity is bound to beat stress. Be more active and exercise more if your stressed more. I do lots of training programs and if I dont have my morning jog, i feel more tired 2. Music: High energy music will increase the blood flow in your body and make you relaxed. Alternatively Baroque Music will soothe you. 3. Take a Break: Do what you like doing and take a break and start your work again. Even at work place you can have something that can give you a great break. Like a scrabble, pictionary or many other things. 4. Write on a Paper: Take a paper and scribble down your thoughts (Alternatively pick up the phone and talk to your friend) 5. Relax: Just relax, take a massage, take a nice shower. 6. Change your Mind: Start to focus on the most relaxed and most joyous things that you have. 7. SLEEP (This is the last thing that you must do though
I wonder, is it worth getting angry. When I do my trainings on NLP, I am asked how to control anger. Anger is an emotion, its a state of mind which can be controlled and which can be avoided. It is very important that you are in control of you state and thats what will fetch the right kind of results. But how getting angry with yourself? Can you turn Anger into Motivation? yes! isnt that wonderful. I think for the first time you are seeing someone saying get angry more. Why? Think about the reasons in the past when you have been angry with yourself. It is because that you are not happy with your performance, or the quality of the work that you did. It just means that you expected more out of yourself. Can this be a powerful driving force to achieve more? Whenever you are getting angry you are informing your Subconscious mind that you can do better and you can achieve more. This only means that, the next time you do something you expect the best out of you and you start doing the best. This is simple yet powerful. So when you get angry with yourself, its ok and you are just giving commands to your subconscious mind Be the Best always
Is Selling Easy?
August 9, 2007
I have been training people on Sales for quite sometime and I have lots of experienced people who say sometimes Selling is difficult. I dont say so all the time. No doubt Selling is a numbers game but remember this and the chances that you succeed are higher 1. Emotions drive action - More than logic as a sales person you must emotionally charge up the customer so that he can take action 2. There are no naturally born sales people, salesman are made and its a science that you can master. I have personally tested many techniques, it works for me and it can work for anyone. 3. Remember you never must sell a service or a product, you must always sell a benefit. You must always prepare before a meeting and Success is always yours. These are simple yet powerful.
Are there are times that you feel tired and worn out. There are much easier ways to out beat them. Probably you have been working up late for quite sometime or have been losing energy doing some herculean task. Getting tired is normal and your shoulders get cramped very fast. This just means that you must have the right was to beat this tiredness and feel better. Its not magic to come out of this and so many simple ways you can do it 1. Eat Right and Eat Better: Stop the crackers and wafers when you need a break. Have a nutrition rich snack for break. Ensure that you meals are balanced with the right amount of everything. Eat lots of fruits at least 1 hour before dinner everyday. There is no limit to the amount of fruits that you can eat. 2. Exercise: I hope that you are not skipping your exercise. Do it everyday. You miss it and the chances of you getting tired are higher 3. A Nap: Check if you lack sleep and if so take a short nap for 10 minutes during the day. Not more or not less. Really one of the most effective ways to out beat tiredness 4. Laugh: Laugh out loudly and have lots of fun. This will energize you the fastest. Do this and see for yourself how much more energy you feel within you.
It is important that we always achieve high and one of the best ways to do it is increase the level of acceptance. When we start doing things we get results and over a period of time there is a possibility that
we start thinking, This is what I am destined for. This puts in a mental state of accepting low from yourself. This will never take you anywhere. A key to Success is by raising your own standards, you own level of acceptance. Never settle for the ordinary in life, then there is no meaning in Life. It might be a struggle but the end results is what matters the most. Successful people I have seen never settle for the less or the ordinary. Definitely, being ordinary and settling for less will give you the comfort, the surety and the security. But that will never make you grow, will never help to be big. You dream big you achieve big. Few things that you must have to do to life up to your expectations Always keep increasing your own standard. Today if you did 100 then tomorrow you must do at least 105. This will push you every day. Continuously improve on your performance. In every aspect look for improvements. Your objective might be met and still there is a huge amount of improvement always persisting Have small term, medium and a long term Goals. Stretch yourself so as to set higher goals for yourself Know the purpose. You must know as to what drives you and why and for what you need to achieve anything. Dream Big, Achieve Big
Is it very important to withstand the pain of not achieving what we want? Definitely YES!. I always wondered if there are ways in which you can avoid the Pain. But you expect something big from yourself then you must have to bear that pain. Whenever you want to achieve success and gain out of it, you need to work for it. During the process you go through several stages. You go through the learning stage. When you do something for the very first time then you need to learn the strategy to achieve the same. Alternatively you can also model other people and learn their strategies and take action to get the results when you want. Many times when you are learning something new for the first time there is a possibility of Confusion. This is a very important stage where you need to have a solid mindset that YES i am determined to learn and achieve. There are a few people who tend to say This is not for me, this is for only experienced guys! and many more. This really will pull you down, which means you need to withstand and learn and move forward. As you learn a very important step is that of ACTION. This is where many people fail. I train thousands of people every year, ranging from a 9 year old kid to 75 year old people. Everyone come into my training
program and learn many new strategies and techniques and then realize that yes these will work wonders in life when implemented. And majority of them really take action. Thats what really gets them success. Now when you take action there is no guarantee that you will get your desired result, in fact there is no guarantee that the strategy that you adopt will work and thats when you get into this stage of Frustration. When Frustration creeps in there are 2 choices that you have and 2 ways in which you can treat the frustration 1. Give Up - Which is what many people do 2. Have the focus and move forward with the commitment to yourself that YES! I am determined to achieve. When you take massive action there is a possibility that you dont get the result you feel so painful. But this pain is temporary. If you withstand this pain then sure you will have long terms benefits. I know people who are not willing to bear this pain and make the choice 1 and give up. Later when they see others achieving then realize Oh God I must have done that. Its too late and its highly pain staking and its more painful. These short temporary pains are just to test people and the one who survive it are the ones who create history for themselves.
Many times I am asking this question. How do you manage to produce such exceptional results in life. Simple I take Consistent Action. Its not about the resources that we have that makes us successful and achieve things. Its the kind of action that we take that makes a huge difference. Remember Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motors. What made him successful was the simple reason that he took action to achieve big. He started Ford because of the Passion he had for machines. Many people have the needed resources. You see many engineers who are so good in their area of expertise, yet the struggle to achieve. We all have the resources and we can tap them as and when we need. But if you dont take action for what you have then the resources are useless. RESOURCES =/= RESULTS RESOURCES + ACTION = RESULTS. If you ought to get some resources then you need take action for it. You might have all the ingredients of a recipe. If you dont use these ingredients then there is no dish that is churned out. You have the ingredients, the resources. Take ACTION to reap the results.
When you want to achieve big in life, you are bound to have challenges in life. Which means you must find a way to handle these challenges. You cannot run away from these challenges but you need to find a way to handle them. 1. Break them down into smaller chunks and they will start looking small. This will create a mindset for you that it so damn easy to achieve anything you want. 2. Once you break them into chunks for each of these find all possible solutions to achieve the desired solution. Remove any negative thoughts you have about these challenges. If you find others can help you in finding the solution then you know it, ASK them. Find all possible ways to achieve the result you want 3. Remember to take action on these smaller chunks. This will give a new dimension to your challenge. This will take you to a new level of achievement and help you to come out of the troubles you are facing.
Every person in Sales is compared to a Cow in Real Life. As long as you milk, you are maintained well and the moment you stop milking you are not respected. So its important that you have the skills to be an amazing Sales Person. When you step aside for a Sales Presentation or a Sales Meeting and discussing about the product and doing your best to convert many time we are struck and we get confused on how to proceed. This definitely puts the other person on line and gives them the edge to beat you down. Few important things that you must have to follow before a Sales Meeting or a Sales Presentation 1. Organize your thoughts logically It is important to put forth the idea in the most cohesive fashion. So gathering certain points and addressing them in a sequential manner will help you attract people to listen to you 2. Study well on you Product / Service Give due importance to the content. You must know about the Service or the Product you are selling. This will give you the utmost comfort and control towards any situation that may arise 3. Show you conviction You must thoroughly convinced about the product or service that you are selling. You must believe in the idea before you sell the same to others. This not only makes you comfortable but also give the other person a feel of comfort and trust. 4. Build Rapport It is very important that you build rapport with the team. Make them understand that you are not there for
selling but for giving them the needed tools to make their life better. Give priority to every person you meet and have a thought that every single meeting or presentation will change few lives, and your Sales Pitch will always be at its best
Motivation is very important for ones life. Motivation is what drives you to do well and pushed to achieve your Vision, your Goals and what you want to achieve in life. However Inspiration is equally important or sometimes more important too. Inspiration is what gives you the reasons to stand tall amidst failures, inspiration is what gives you the hope that you too can succeed. Possibilities always arise because of Inspiration. The fact of considering a failure as a learning experience and a feedback is always because of the inspiration of Thomas Edison. Having failed 9999 times while inventing the light bulb, the great Edison always considered every single one of them as a learning experience and went out to invent the light bulb. This inspiration is what drive me too even today to achieve the best in life. Life is unfair and we cant really blame anyone. This is true but how many follow. Mr. Honda, founder of the Honda Car company followed every moment. When he was setting up the Honda Car company he had the Atom Bomb blast, the world war II, the biggest earth quake and what not. Life was unfair but he was under total control and he went on to achieve the biggest feat of making his car company the biggest in the world. Lance Armstrong while being the best in cycle racing was affected with cancer and he fought through with so much courage and confidence. We defintely get the inspiration from these to achieve much more in life. When we have lots of unreasonable events and unwarranted events that happen in life we look for certain people who have undergone the same or something bigger and thats when we get a ray of hope and a ray of Inspiration. This Inspiration is what gives us the Power more forward in life with more hope and higher dreams. Motivation is Power and Inspiration is Growth
Knowing what your values are very important. Values act like a driving force to reach you desired Goals. Its like Fuel to a propeller. A Rocket knows that it has to land at the moon and without fuel in the tank the rocket does not move. This is something similar to how life moves. You know your desired outcomes and your goals. But if there is no driving factor to the goals, then your dont get anywhere near the goals. Values are the answer to the question What is important in your life? E.g. Money, Fame, Wealth, Family etc. and in what order of priority. Few reasons why Values are a Must 1. For Making decisions: Many times we are caught between making a decision of what to do in life. This really makes us worry for the simple reason that we are not sure of what to do. An example could be that you would want to stay at home on a Sunday and spend time with your family, while you have an uncompleted assignment which needs to be sent and you are not sure if it can be completed. This really makes your head spin, and you are caught between the two. If you know your values then you would not get jolted around 2. Helps in identifying people, situations that you want: You would only consider those people or situations that support your values. If they go against your values you would not consider them or support them. 3. Gets you Peace: You make a decision based on your values, you dont regret making the decision. It will help you move forward with immense confidence and ultimate peace and satisfaction for having done something based on your values So start writing your values today and learn more about yourself. You will achieve the best.
Many times I am posed with this question are leaders born? No, Leaders are made. Greatness can be achieved, leadership as a wisdom needs to be achieved. It is about how you believe and what you believe. There was a time when I met this teacher in a school who was talking to her kids in class on what leadership and what a leader must be. She cited many examples of great leaders across the globe. The teacher was also stressing on the fact that one must have a role model so as to achieve big in their life. Again she gave a few names who could be probably role models in various areas of life. A young boy sitting in the front desk was very excited about hearing and had that energy in him to believe that he could make a good leader put his hand up and gave a smile to the teacher and asked her Why is that you never mentioned your name in the list of good leaders, I think you are good.
Many times what you dont realize you dont have needs to be showcased and given light to by others. As a Leader all you need is the Identity and Courage to achieve greatness in you. Cheers to the Leader in You!!
Many times do you feel that you want to do and achieve something but again something holds you back and you are not taking the necessary step? If it a Yes, then you are not out to stretch yourself. Human life is like a rubber band, the more you stretch the more it expands and you let go the rubber band it comes back but not to its same position. Now repeating the same a few times would ensure that the rubber band does not get back. It stretches beyond. Our mind behaves in the same way. Many times we do not want to step out of the zone of comfort, the zone of security, the zone of pampering ourselves. This really does not allow us to move forward in life and we get struck. We want to do and achieve more but we refuse to step out of the comfort zone. We act like the Rubber Band. But once we decide to step up and stretch more then life for us becomes even more easier for the simple reason that we begin to expect more from us. Sometimes stretching yourself could be painful but is it beneficial for you? If the answer is Yes, then you know that we must stretch ourself beyond our own expectations. The next time you feel stretched and uncomfortable, then tell yourself Wow, I am learning and I am growing. This would put you in a much more energetic and powerful state that will make you perform better in every activity of your life. One of the biggest mistakes that I have seen people do is that when they are stretching they tend to compare themselves to many others and that really pulls them down even more. They feel let down by themselves and in the process feel lousy and do not act upon anything. You must have seen how the cocoon, shapes itself into a butterfly. From the cocoon, the butterfly has to emerge and it struggles. It stretches itself way beyond its capabilities, and this gives the power for them survive in the world. If they do not stretch, then life becomes difficult and had for them Make the choice today, decide to stretch and go out to stretch yourself in every area of your life
Some people equate success to amassing huge sums of money and few by being more popular. Many people however measure Success by achieving simple Goal they set for having a very happy and satisfied life. So now what does Success Mean for you? Understanding what you want and achieving them is Success. Write down your goal right now. I always take the metaphor of a Soccer Game. Imagine 22 people kicking a ball and no Goal post in the game, how would the game be? Absolutely No Life in the game and the same is true even for life. If there is no Goal there is not life for our Life. There will be struggles, challenges while reaching your goal and not always do you hit the goal, its a learning experience and you bounce back and hit your target. This is success. Taking those small strides and moving forward will create a big impact of life. So now you know what Success Means for You !!!
Are your thoughts like Horses. Running haywire. You have seen horses are made to focus on where they are running. Else the Horse goes Haywire. Are your thought similar to that of horses where you tend to go haywire and think of unusual things. This is defintely a remorse for many. They tend to imagine things that need not necessarily happen and then get into a lousy state of mind. Our Thoughts to a great extent determine the State of Mind we are in. And every single action we take is based on the State of Mind we are in. Just imagine we get into a Presentation and then we have a thought like I hope I dont screw up this presentation what state of mind do you get into. Simple a Negative State of Mind probably a State of Confusion, Fear or Stress. This will only make you perform bad. At every single moment in time you are thinking. These thoughts however can be positive or negative and we can defintely choose to focus on what we want. This will make us perform better. Many people say Investments and Trading are very risky. They tend to focus on only negatives. This will defintely put them in a lousy state of mind and they never get to do what they want. Probably out of a few hundred people they know only a few would have lost money and they generalize the same and start having thoughts like By chance I lose my precious money what happen. If you are one like this, it takes you no where. We have the ultimate choice to focus on what we want to. To reiterate For any experience or event there is always two polarities. It may be negative or positive. It is just about what and how we focus on it.
Never Let Loose your mind and thoughts and make them go the way you want and not make it run in the auto pilot mode. CHOOSE NOW. STAY FOCUSSED. HAVE GREAT THOUGHTS
Killers of Success
April 25, 2007
What stops people from being successful. Contentment is never a reason. Even the worlds richest person wants more of freedom and fame. The most happiest person wants more of the same or something else. Every single one of us always want something more it could be materialistic or an internal need. Either way each one of us always want something more. So when all of us want something more then what stop few from getting the same? 1. Lack of Belief 2. Not knowing precisely what they want 3. Laziness 4. Procastination 5. Self Doubt 6. Fear 7. The know how Most importantly I have seen people who lack the needed DRIVE. They only Wish to be successful they dont make SUCCESS a must for their LIFE. Once you make SUCCESS a must then you achieve it. I think one of the most best ways to achieve is to have the drive to do so. Imagine if I were to ask you to run outside from your home would you do so? I tell you you will feel good if you run over there. Chances are high that you might not. But if I were to tell you that there is a FIRE that is engulfing you shortly in the room where you are sitting, 101% that you will run. The same FIRE is what you need. Build that FIRE in your NOW. And stop all the KILLERS of SUCCESS
Be Happy !
April 17, 2007
You must have sure heard this song by Bobby McFerrin, Dont Worry, Be Happy. Always been a catchy song which forces to convey always be happy and there is no reason for you not to be happy. The truth is that, you really dont need a reason to be happy. Happiness moves you away from tiredness, boredom, stress, anxiety, ill health and many more. And how to be Happy Always? Simple
CHOOSE RIGHT NOW TO BE HAPPY! Simple yet proficient. Happiness is always a choice we make and it is not a outcome to certain events. Many people arguably say If I get this I will be very happy. It never is possible. Probably you achieve something you can get peace, satisfaction, a sense of achievement or a high. It can never get you happiness. Happiness is a STATE of MIND. Decide to feel happy and you will feel happy. In my training program I ensure that I fill the talk with humour, jokes and many such things to make it fun and that puts people in a happy state or emotion. Time and again I have been asked, dont you take things seriously. But why, has always been my answer. I can have fun and be happy while I still do things with at most focus. Every single thing that I do makes me more happy. I type this message for all the readers I feel happy, I do my training programs I am happy. You dont really need a right reason to be Happy. Every single thing, every single action can make you happy. Few simple ways to be happy 1. Make a Choice to be Happy 2. Expect things around to go well and be Happy 3. Smile for every situation possible and be Happy 4. Be Happy
Pascal the great, once said The achievements today are only a sum of all our thoughts yesterday. You are today where your thoughts of yesterday have brought you and you will be tomorrow where the thoughts of today take you. This is very true. I have been time again focusing on GOALS and DREAMS. Dream big then you achieve big. And yes you dream big then obstacles are bound to happen. I am sure you would have ready about Edison who had 9999 times experimented before he invented the light bulb and what is stopping you today?? Is it you abilities or your attitude? Definitely I would say ATTITUDE. If you are PASSIONATE, you would never give up. You must never fear failure. Not that I am telling you to attract failure but ensure that because of fear of failure you dont end up no where. Many people refuse to dream big and more importantly take action because they fear failure and embarassement. Imagine when you were young how many times you would have fallen down while attempting to walk. Hundreds of times. And yet you did not give up for the simple reason you wanted to achieve big. When you were young that was walking was quite big. How your parents figured out that you were capable of walking was when you were independently walking with no support. Even when you needed support you
only held on to the chair, table or the wall next to you. You failed a many times when you were walking but still did not give up. Just experience how it would be when you failed when you were young. You failed during your attempts to walk and then you give up, how would your life be? Life would be miserable and the same holds good for all your dreams. If you give up life will be miserable. So make the CHOICE. Overcome obstacles and live your DreamZ
I see people crib every day, God is Unfair, I dont get what I want and only others get everything. I really dont know why. I have visited many countries and everywhere I see people of different races and different life styles. Few of them comfortable in their life and few struggling. No what the difference that gets these two set of people. They are anyways gifted. Thats why I think everyone is given the same set of resources. We have the same brain. Every single one of us have the same number of neurons. Close to 1000 Billion neurons and every neurons capability is so high. So the brain is the same. Most of us have 2 hands to use, 2 legs to walk, 2 eyes to see. And with all these resources the same we what stops people from being the best? I guess it is the ability to think what is possible and what is not possible. Recently I saw this movie called In Pursuit of Happyness. Amazing movie. I think this what is life is all about struggles. But how people overcome is by simple means 1. They are sure of what they want in their life. They have a dream, a goal and they ensure they achieve it 2. Never let other pull you down. You have the belief that things are possible then you achieve big. 3. Many people say you cant do it because They cant do it. So its time for you to prove you can do it. Remember this life what we have is gifted. We must achieve BIG
When do people change? 1. The Pain of the current is so high it become unbearable and they decided to change 2. They are forced to change because of certain external forces and pressures 3. They foresee an amazing opportunity and they decide to take up a challenge and start doing things
Many times I see people who are forced to change and the pressure on them is so high that they do not know to handle the change in the best possible way. They do their best to escape from what they are doing and move towards negativity. They attract negatives in their life sometimes and they end up having an even more miserable life. The best of course is by changing based on certain outcomes you want to achieve. A Change need not be big a small change in your life can make your life totally different. I know people who push themselves to move away from laziness and that means a lot to them. I have helped several in the past personally. Change directly reflects on your performance, results and most importantly the emotions that flow. But Change immediately. Dont wait for the disaster to happen in life. Few immediate ways to change 1. Identify what causes frustration for you and change them 2. Remove those small things that annoy you a lot 3. What do you want to do so that you can achieve more. This is a great way to change 4. Change things that will make you satisfied, joyful and happy
Get Smart
April 9, 2007
In todays competitive world, it pays to be smart. No matter how smart you are, I am sure there is something you could get smarter about. Below are some qualities of smart people. As you read the list, ask yourself: Am I as smart as I could be in this area? How could I get smarter? 1. Make Decisions Intuitively Smart people listen to and follow their intuition. They know how intuitions and insights come to them and are tuned-in internally to make wise decisions. 2. Are Self-Aware Smart people are aware of who they are strengths, weaknesses, personality, values, etc. As Confucious once said, He who knows others is wise, he who knows himself is enlightened, they know that the most important (and interesting) thing to know about is self. 3. Use Active Reflection Smart people reflect on and learn from past experiences, finding out what works and what doesnt, and then adjusts their course of action as needed. They think about things before jumping in, and also take the time after-the-fact to actively reflect to fully understand what happened or didnt happen.
4. Think Out-of-Box Smart people can easily entertain new ideas, thoughts, and ways of doing things. They crave progressive and forward thinking information, concepts, and people. They often come up with new and radical ideas on a regular basis. 5. Have An Open-Mind Smart people are open to different perspectives and see potential where most people dont. They would agree with what the quote, A mind is like a parachute, it only functions when it is open. They are comfortable with paradoxes and can relate to many sides of an issue or opinion. 6. Are Responsive Smart people recognize and respond quickly to opportunities and people. They act and react fast, and take care of what needs to be taken care-of, well ahead of schedule. 7. Are Resourceful Smart people dont have to know it all, but they do know where to go to get whatever information, resources, training, education that they need. They are well-networked and have people to call on for resource referrals. 8. Question Authority Smart people think for themselves. They do not blindly believe things so-called experts say, in fact, they ask deep questions to discover their own truth. 9. Upgrade Their Brain Smart people stay smart because they are committed to being a lifelong learner. They continuously learn new things, and stay current with their skills, attitudes, and beliefs. 10. Have a Sense of Humor Smart people do not take themselves or life too seriously. They recognize the importance of finding the fun in the irony and the comedy of everyday life. 11. Take Risks Smart people are willing to do new things, knowing that if it doesnt work out as intended, failure is often cleverly disguised as a learning opportunity. They swing out there often, and it usually pays off. 12. Trust Themselves Smart people believe and trust themselves first and foremost. They dont have to check with others to make decisions, they instinctively know what is right for them and they go for it! 13. Write and List Things on Paper Smart people have a well-developed life strategy that includes a written life vision/mission, purpose, and goals statement. They also write listsone for have tos and one for want tos. 14. Are Productive Smart people get things done, through whatever organizational/time management system that works for them. They make the most of each day and take action on important life tasks each and everyday.
15. Use Discernment Smart people are able to discern (see clearly) others reasons and motives, so they selectively choose who and what to align themselves with. They surround themselves with only the highest quality people, programs, and places. 16. Read, Read, Read Smart people tap into the collective brain power of others by reading books, magazines, articles anything that is helpful for their own development. They are also able to filter out the information that fits for them and let the rest go. 17. Value Learning Smart people value the process of learning for learnings sake. They do not just learn for a specific end to get a certificate, degree, title, etc. They learn because it is intrinsically rewarding for them. 18. Teach Others Smart people are the teachers of the world, who share their knowledge with other people. They put themselves out there so the rest of us can benefit, and in exchange, their own learning grows and develops because they are actively talking about, researching, and understanding their subject. 19. Reinvent Themselves Smart people do not like to stay the same, they love to grow and develop. They often play with their image, brand, company name, and expand or change it entirely. To stay ahead of the game, they often reinvent themselves time and time again. 20. Are Students of Life Smart people not only know about specific subjects and topics, but also about what it means to be a human being at this time in our evolution. They are insatiably curious and want to know more about becoming bigger and brighter, as a result they naturally evolve. As Lao Tzu said, To gain knowledge, add things everyday. To gain wisdom, remove things everyday. This is so true, our brain is like a computer and in order for it to function at a higher level, we must always be adding, while simultaneously taking away information that no longer serves us. Think about it, what do you want to remove from your database? And, what new software program will you replace it with?
Everything that you do at work signifies your performance and you are evaluated on the same lines. Many times super achievers at work, take responsibility and perform well while many under achievers are mediocre and give a lots of excuses and always look at blaming others for their poor performance. Rarely even the good performers are bogged down and do not perform all that well. They really need a way out to go and do well. Sometimes burn out, rundown, lose the zeal or even may be want to do many
good things, high energy things and so on. Can you turn around your PERFORMANCE? YES! Do these and you will perform amazingly well. 1. Eat Right and Exercise What you take in is what determines what you take out. You must take care of yourself and your job becomes easier. Spend small amount of time to do well. Take a brisk walk in the morning for just about 30 minutes. A 15 minute walk after your lunch and a 10 minute walk as a break are highly energetic 2. Plan you work and work the same Very important to plan what you must do through the day. How much ever workload you have once you plan your work you will execute them with easy. Sit in the morning first and jot down all the things that you need to do for the day. However small they are you must still have to jot them down as tasks for the day. 3. Enjoy all that you do Very importantly enjoy every activity that you do. This way you will have more energy in you to do more and achieve more. Have the big picture in mind and work with passion. Exactly know your outcomes and do amazingly well.
I know you must be wondering how depression can be good. It is supposed to be harming you. No necessary all the time. I am sure there are times when you feel good about what you have done also, which means that you are not a depressed person. For some reason for that moment you seem to be depressed. Think for yourself why you feel depressed. For the simple fact that you are expecting something more for yourself. You want the best out of yourself and thats the reason you feel bad about what you have done and feel depressed. What is more important is Do you know how to come out of this depression? If you dont come out of depression that is when you get into a state of clinical depression, else is it quite normal as anyone else. So find out how not to be depressed and even if you feel depressed feel good about it because DEPRESSION means You are expecting the BEST from yourself.
Failure is only a word, how you see it determines its effects on you Now remember this: Success is always a constant which is equal to 1. Success = 1 (Always a constant) I will prove this to you soon. The formula for Success is = (Trial - Failure ) to the power of e Where e = Experience! Now watch the magic. James passed his driving test after 50 trials. How many times did James passed his driving test? Once He succeeded after 50 trials but succeeded once. Success = the constant 1 If James passed his driving test at the 50th time, then he had 50 attempts at it. ( T = Trial, which is = 50). This means he had 49 failed attempts (F = Failure) and he learnt from his failures 49 times (e = Experience). By applying the success formula, Success = (T - F) to the power of e, You will realise that James formula for success is equal to a constant which is 1. Working out the success equation = (50 - 49) to the power of 49 is equal to 1. James passed his test once, but he had to have a number of trials and failed attempts in order to succeed. The rate at which he succeeded was wholly dependent on how quickly he was able to learn from his experiences. Success = the constant 1 and failure plays a major part in the formula for success. Embrace it, dont fear it. Success = 1(always constant). Key Lessons to take with you 1. Let failure be your compass. 2. Always remember, rejection is not personal, it is direction. 3. If I try today and fail, I am one step closer to my glory because my failed attempts actually count towards my success formula. If I told you that it will take a 1000 failed attempts before you became a billionaire, would you stop at the 998th attempt? Change your mind set today Failure is the best thing that ever happened to me because when I prepare for failure, I avoid it, learn from it, and then succeed!
Are you working hard to attract success in various aspects of your life but just doesnt seem to be working? If youre like most people whove yet succeed, then youre probably focusing at the wrong thing. Many people desire to succeed in their life, but tend to focus too much on their fears, their worries and their weaknesses. As the law of attraction dictates, what you think is what you attract. Focusing too much on your weaknesses makes you fearful of making mistakes, and so tend to stay put at where you are. Tension will start to build up because youre still not making progress, and yet desire to succeed. Sometimes the reason is focusing too much on the details. Supposedly, youre goal is to make $100,000 in a year. Youll most probably start very eagerly to find out various ways that you can choose to achieve, different financial investments, read about the nitty-gritty details, and after a year later, youve wealth of knowledge about various investment tools, but not a step closer to your goal of making $100,000 because you simply focus too much on the details and didnt take much actions practicing what you learn. Focus on your goal instead of making yourself feel good, thinking that youre making progress through the wealth of knowledge youre gained. Knowledge is not power. Applied knowledge is power. And because youre working to get every right, the stress starts to build up, and at times people tend to give up at this point as they see no accomplishments, and instead more stress in their life. Stop sweating on the small stuff. Maintain lazer sharp focus on your main objective. Taking actions and making mistakes are just part and parcel of success. Learn to maintain focus on your main objective, and youll soon achieve what you set forth to achieve. Start to choose to focus on your goals. Maintain focus and take actions thatll allow you to advance a little step, one step at a time. It doesnt matter if you fall and get injured. Thats how we learn to walk when were just babies! Importantly, dont lose your focus, and start thinking of your failures, your worries, and your weaknesses. Focus on your strengths and your goal. I wish you every success!
How do you use a gun? You are ready, you aim and then you fire. Thats how it must be. Get ready and the aim at the target and then shoot. Sounds amazing right and its the same way things must work in life too. Have a target, get ready, focus / aim and then shoot. Take the first step and START. But sometimes it does not really happen for big decisions that we need to make.
It was quite true in my case all through my life. When I finished my Masters in Computer I got an amazing job but thats not what I exactly wanted. So I kept asking myself is this what I want to do. I am ready to leave this high paying job? It was a Choice and I knew both had its own good and bad consequences. After weighing both for a very long time time, I decided not to go the customary way and decided to join a different organization. Then Life was moving on and after a few promotions I was really wondering is this what I wanted to do? Thats when I met like minded people and we decided to get into training and start a Training Company. Was thats easy? The question was I am willing to let go the 6 figure income salary. So finally we decided to start and I wrote my book, September 1st we will start our company. It was in a small piece of paper which I carried wherever i went. As we set off this Goal, I was quite sure that we would achieve what we really wanted. It is just the START that made all the difference. The Start becomes easy if you are sure of what you want to achieve. The thrill of excitement, joy will be bountiful if you START and achieve what you really want. So go ahead START NOW !
March 27, 2007
Learning to live our full potential also means that we have to learn to not always say Yes to what other people want. We can only move forward with our dreams and goals if we are focused on the things that will produce them. So I simply decided on what I wanted in my life and what I didnt. If I didnt want to let friends borrow money any longer, then I had to make it my personal policy. If I didnt want to discuss important business deals over the phone anymore, then I had to make that my personal policy. In general its not difficult to say to people what our policies are and we dont even have to say the word No. People tend to respect policies. And its likely that no one will take them personally. They simply realize its a healthy boundary you have set for all occasions. It gets more tricky to say No , however, when what we are being offered sounds attractive. How can we determine for ourselves what is a good choice and what isnt? I have learned to put such opportunity in writing, close my eyes and ask myself the following questions: First of all I ask myself: Would doing this be in my highest option?, and when I feel it is, I ask myself what kind of information I need to gather and what I would need to do to make it happen.
Next I compare that information with what I know about achieving my goals. Is everything in line or is this opportunity leading me down a different path? Is it harmonizing with the purpose I am passionate about, or does it simply sound better than what I am doing at that moment? Its good to talk to a mentor or other advisors about potential opportunities and reflect on their knowledge and expertise. They can help to become aware of whats involved and they can help to stay focused on our goals and dreams. After a couple of years of practice I have learned to stay focused on my higher goals and I have learned to say no to good opportunities that interfere with my higher goals. I had to discover that I was not rejected for saying No. Actually I noticed that people respected me for my clarity and drive. You know, we are in control of how we feel and how we behave and express ourselves, and so are others. That means that if other people get upset with you saying No, well, thats their choice. Isnt it?
Many times I wonder why people tend to be lazy and not do so many things for themselves. Simple answer it just that they dont want it. Are you lazy when there is a fire in the building or are you lazy looking at your near dear ones falling down and hurting themselves. Which means that you are not lazy but just not willing and wanting to do. The desire to do something must be the driving force. People do not want to come out to reality. While sleeping they are dreaming, when the dreams are good and enjoyable they prefer to stay there not willing to open their eyes to reality. Alarm rings and they just pull the sheets over their faces, because they do not want to come to reality which might not be as enjoyable as the one they are in. And on the contrary, if it is a painful dream people just drive themselves out of the best and do not want to experience more of the same. They say No, I dont want that to happen and I am happy now this way. This really proves a point that for most of us what really drives or motivates us to do more and take action is PAIN. None of us want to experience displeasure, pain. We always move away from these. So even if you are lazy at certain times, ensure that you find the repercussions of the same make it really unpleasant and painful then you will start achieving more in life.
Would you like to be more successful manager? Of course you would. I mean, who wouldnt? Well listen up, because Im going to tell you what it takes. Successful management requires: 1. Learning how to assert yourself 2. Listening to others 3. Resolving conflict 4. Delivering the right work at the right time of the highest quality 5. Managing expectations so no-one is disappointed 6. Building and sustaining relationships 7. Raising your profile with the people who matter most 8. Understanding customers demands (and how to exceed them) 9. Maximizing the abilities of your staff and making them so more productive Do these and will be an Amazing Manager
Be a Leader
March 22, 2007
A leader sets the standards and continuously raises it. A leader shows courage in the face of adversity, does not deviate from their values and principles. Being a leader means you know how to use your personal power and achieve results that will benefit those around you. When you make the decision to follow your life purpose, it feels like a very personal event. In fact, although it can be a quiet, private decision, its impact will have amazing effects on your life and that of those around you. Because when you follow your heart on your journey towards your dreams, you take on an extra responsibility, not only for yourself but for the wider community. Its a huge responsibility. But that is what it is to be a leader. It means you live by example; you set personal goals and standards, and mark your place in the universe and stand by it so that others can be inspired to do the same. And you always continue to raise your standards. You might ask - but how does a leader become a leader? Surely you have to learn how to develop and grow. Doesnt that make you a follower? Thats right, it does. However, the value of being a follower in this quest to find your truth is in the added responsibility of showing to others how you take on the commitment to learning how to realise your dreams. Even if you are a follower, you can still lead by example. You can inspire others with your words and actions, and you can show others how to learn.
Exactly the same applies to a leader , because a leader never stops learning and is always a student in terms of their own development and discovery of truth. Being a leader means that you understand the power that you have and you use it wisely. It means that others will find inspiration in your commitment to truth in both happy and adverse times. You can be the candle flame in someones darkness so that they can find their way out again to the light. And you can show by your courage and strength of purpose that there is no need to be afraid; that everything in life is possible if you only live from your heart. All it takes to be a leader is your determination to continue your journey.
Every experience that a person has impacts him or her positively or negatively. All of the positive moments most likely enhance our daily motivation. Daily motivation is what enables us to strive to be better people, to work towards goals, and to lead fulfilling lives. Setting goals: Many of us set goals for ourselves. In turn, these goals motivate us to work hard to achieve success. Goals drive an individuals daily motivation. Goals such as getting a Masters degree, having a highpaying job, getting married, purchasing an expensive car, or mortgaging a home drive a person to succeed. When setting a goal, a person must remember that taking small steps to achieve it helps keep up a positive attitude. It is best not to get overwhelmed with attaining a huge goal quickly; but rather one should take small steps to get it done. The desire to accomplish a goal is what keeps people going, even on bad days. Attitude: A positive attitude is a source of daily motivation. Believing that one of your goals is too difficult to achieve will eventually prevent you from achieving it. Having a negative attitude will cause you both internal and external stress. A negative attitude will de-motivate you, and put you on the road to failure. To achieve your goals, you must be able to tell yourself that every goal can be attained with hard work. If you tell yourself that you can do it, chances are that you will. Never underestimate the power of the mind. Daily motivation is all about attitude and outlook. Religion: While not all of us are religious, many people who are will agree that religion helps improve daily motivation. Religion can be used as a great motivational tool for people from all walks of life. Religion - no matter what kind - encourages mindfulness and internal motivation. The religious depend on their beliefs to strengthen them mentally.
People often depend on their religion when things are going downhill. Prayer and meditation inspire those who might otherwise turn to drinking, food, or drugs to nurture their spirits. Religion may help some people to be more mentally and physically healthy. Therefore, religion is a positive source of daily motivation. The desire to live: Daily motivation also comes in the simple desire to live. Whether children, a job, or money inspires someone to get out of bed in the morning, that person is motivated by something in life. Even things as simple as nature can motivate someone to maintain a positive attitude about life even when times get hard. A person can take pleasure in natures beauty by taking time to smell the roses or listen to the birds sing. Studies show that people who live in warmer climates have a more positive attitude about life in general. These same people also have the tendency to go outside and exercise more often. This exercise brings about a sense of inner peace and positive feelings, thus becoming a daily motivation for many people.
Indian Cricket!
March 20, 2007
First of all I am sorry to many of the readers of my blog outside of India or for those who do not follow the game of Cricket. The hottest things happening now is Cricket World Cup. Please visit for more information. I am sure you are all on a high after the terrific win that India had against bermuda. I still remember many a people who were against the Indias when they lost to Bangladesh. I quite understand why many were so furious. But I always believed that Indias could fight back and they did. The question is whats the difference why India won? 1. Complacency - Many times we just take things for granted. We never give our 100% all the time. The fact is this, The Greatest Failure in Life is Not Participating 100%. Indias were so complacent that they did not give the 100%. 2. Play to Win - During the Bangladesh match India was like lets not loose. Bangladesh on the other hand, had only one thought we shall WIN. that made all the difference 3. State - I heard many people say Look at the Body Language, so lousy. True, what affects action and results are the state and if your Physiology is bad then you are in a Bad State and hence your actions are also not what you want 4. The Driving force? Many times I wonder how people perform well under pressure. The fact remains that Pain always drives people more than pleasure. The pain that India will go out of the world cup was higher than the fact that India will win 2 points.
Lesson to take from Indias win 1. Participate 100% 2. Never Give up 3. Believe that you can win 4. Play to Win and Not to loose 5. Understand what drives you 6. Past =/= Future 7. State and Action gets results Cheers India and thanks for the learnings.
Oprah is one of Americas true success stories. She is a woman who comes from an underprivileged background who has become one of the most successful, prosperous, and influential people in America today. Examining a life like Oprahs can give great insight on how they have achieved success and how you can use that same information in your own life to acquire success. Oprah revealed one of these insights once when she said, Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. This seems to be over- simplistic but how many times have you actually lived according to this quote? If you are like most people, doing your very best at this moment isnt a part of your normal routine. Its very easy to become complacent in your daily activities and no longer truly give your very best. But if the truth be told, what you give in life is what you will be known for. If you half-heartedly give of your talents, skills, and abilities, then you will be setting yourself up for a mediocre life at best. However, if you give your best at everything you do, you will be setting up your life to be the best it can be. Of course, this doesnt happen over night, but neither did Oprahs success. As long as you are consistently putting forth your best, you will be setting yourself up for the best. What areas in your life could you improve on with the effort you put into it? If you just selected one area, which one thing would make a huge difference in your life if you consistently gave your best? Once you determine what that is, then just decide that you will give your best to it no matter what.
How do you motivate yourself? What can you do when you need to get busy doing something and you just dont feel like doing it? Of course there are dozens of motivation techniques. Some of the NLP techniques are quite powerful. The following is a simple, yet powerful technique that you can use today to generate energy and motivation. Motivate Yourself By Talking All of us have felt the surge of energy that comes from a conversation we are really interested in. You may have even stayed up talking all night at some points in your life, with little tiredness. It is partly the company of course, but the bigger part of that energy is from the topic itself. When you talk about something that is important or interesting to you, it wakes up your brain. Not only does it wake up your brain, but it wakes up your body as well. You can easily demonstrate this to yourself. Write down a few things that you love to talk about. the more passionate you are about the topic, the better. Then, the next time you are feeling a little sluggish, break out the list and pick a topic. Find a willing listener and start talking. Youll see how quickly it affects your mind and body. This is no real surprise, is it? You have probably noticed how much more common it is to feel the energy you need when you are doing something you enjoy, even if that is just talking about your favorite topics. But how do you use this when you need to work on something that just doesnt inspire you? There are three ways. First, if you have any interest in the project at all, identify those areas that are most interesting to you. Then start telling someone about it. For example, Whenever i feel like writing on my blog, I call my friends or my collegues and tell them about the articles i am going to write, I get energized. Soon I have all the motivation and energy I need to get started. Now what if there is nothing about the work at hand that you enjoy or are interested in? You still are doing it for a reason, right? So concentrate on that goal that this work leads towards, and talk about that until you fell yourself getting motivated. Then get to work! Starting is the hardest part - momentum helps you keep going after you start. The third way to use this technique to motivate yourself is to forget about the work for a few minutes, and talk about whatever gets you most excited. Once you feel that surge in energy, you can start working. You are effectively transferring the motivation to the work at hand. Again , just starting is usually the hardest part. Why not test this technique today?
A definition of time management might be a process of gaining flexibility and cutting back time. The advantage to having a time management plan is that we are loosing something that brings us reward and gaining something that brings us bigger rewards. We end up with a no loosing situation if our time management plan is right. To develop a successful time management plan we must first evaluate our time. We must sit down and ask ourselves how long does it take us to eat? How long does it take us to get dressed and groom for work? How long does it take us to prepare the meals we have to eat? Everything we do takes a certain amount of time. You might start out by writing down just how much time it takes to do each of your very have to tasks each day. Then sit back and evaluate your list. Are you wasting 10 minutes here and there on those have to items that could be used for something else? Where our time goes is an essential element to determine for our entire time management plan if we want to begin spending more quality with the most important people of our lives and less wasted time on some routine task. This is the absolute first step of creating your own personalized time management plan, a time management plan that will allow your more time to do the things in life that are most important to you. You must determine where you are wasting time and then decide how to use that time more effectively. Once that time is lost, there is no calling it back. Another important element of creating a successful time management plan is to be sure and finish tasks before moving onto another task, unless you are at work, in a job that requires doing multiple tasks at one time (multi-tasking). Once you finish one task, move onto the next task and follow in pursuit of finishing all tasks. Once you finish the last task, sit back for a moment in a comfortable position and think of what you accomplished. How much time did it take you to complete task? Dont forget to be keeping down your start time and end time. Of course this type of listing time of tasks works best for those things you do as routine each day. You want to work on completing the tasks in as little time as possible so you that you have to add in the unexpected tasks of the day or.much that you have time to do something you really, really want to do, something that is not routinely required of you to do. For example, like visit on the phone with a favorite friend, your daughter or mother, or whoever, read some in the books you want to complete at some point or another in your lifetime. A successful time management plan provides us with a source for more flexible schedules. When we have flexibility we have more time for ourselves. Once you have determined your priorities for time usage, then you can start adding tasks that you been putting off because you just dont have the time to do them. now need another list of goals and plans of tasks and things you want to do but never have the time to do. One of the best ways of keeping these lists is on your computer where you can quickly erase and add to. But then again, paper in a notebook is also good, perhaps a special book. Time management is the process of working to succeed. When we work to succeed we reach our goals. We first have to decide what those goals are, of course, and then work toward them using our time management plan. You will probably have to sit down and really ponder on what is needed to reach each goal of set of goals, and of course, decide how much time each step of the way you will need. Some people like to set short term goals, reach that goal and then set a long term goal. It might be a better plan to test and set short and long-term goals in the same time management plan. Whichever way works best for you, however, is what you should do. Time management is essential since it demands that a person plan, act on those plans and stay focused on those goals with motivation. You must also keep reality in mind, and plan for the things out of your control that could go wrong and therefore steal time from your time management plan. Some examples would be computer failures, family illness, personal illness, horrible sudden natural calamities. It is always wise to include elements of your time management plan in accordance to what could happen out of your control. You may want to have a plan ahead of time of using your time in some other manner if your computer fails. Catch up on your paper filing or something. Time management is working to succeed. If you want to succeed then you must work hard every day to meet your goals. I recently cut down my preparing and eating breakfast time by about ten minutes. In reality here I am using ten extra minutes to work on my goals.
Life is filled with choices where the outcomes of those choices are uncertain. It would be great to always know which choice to make but that is not possible. So, knowing that you will never really know if you have made the right choice until sometime in the future can make you hesitant about making any choice at all. This hesitancy can be one of the biggest obstacles in having success in your life. Of course, its a good idea to make informed and educated decisions in life. But the fact of the matter is that there will always be some uncertainty in the outcome of your choices. At some point you just have to do it. Stop analyzing it, stop going over all the details, and just trust yourself enough to make the right decision and do it. There is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that explains this best. He said, Whenever you are asked if you can do a job, tell em, Certainly I can! Then get busy and find out how to do it.
Some of the biggest opportunities in life will be lost if you hesitate because you are not sure if you can do the job. Take Theodore Roosevelts advice and just jump in and learn in the process. Experience is just about the best teacher anyway. So what are you waiting around in life to do? Have you been contemplating doing something great in your life but you can never bring yourself to just start? Remember this, great things are never easy and they are never sure. It takes someone who will dare to believe that it can be done and then get out there and just do it.
If you are like every other successful person on this planet, you have failed. As a matter of fact, you may fail more than you succeed. Failing and making mistakes is part of success, even though you probably wish it wasnt. So the question isnt how you can stop failing, but how can you succeed after you fail. There is a great quote from Katherine Mansfield which says, Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you cant build on it; its only for wallowing in. You see, the best way to succeed after failing is to move on. Dont sit around regretting the mistakes you have made. Dont always be looking back at how you wish you could have done something different yesterday. If you are always looking backwards, you can never see where you are going. Regret will make you live in yesterday, be miserable today, and be blind to tomorrow. Learn from the past so that you can do it better in the future. When it comes down to it, successful people arent always the most talented, skilled, or gifted. They are the ones that stuck with it long enough to learn how to succeed. They are the ones that took their mistakes and failures and turned them into something that the world could benefit from. They are the ones that when it looked hopeless, they knew that they had something to give and wouldnt stop until they had completed their goal. Make a decision today that you will never again live in regret or sorrow for yesterday. Make your life count and impact the world around you by never quitting short of success.