Translation Studies
Translation Studies
Translation Studies
1) Literal Translation
2) Semantic Translation
3) Functional Translation
4) Communicative Translation
5) Administrative/Technical Translation
6) Literary Translation
Translation is necessary for the spread of information, knowledge and ideas. It is absolutely
necessary for effective and empathetic communication between different cultures.
Translation, therefore is critical for social harmony and peace across the different cultures.
In a multi-cultural society, there exists all kinds of people who have different language
preferences and/or limited understanding of languages other than their first language.
As a result, communication between people of different languages often face different
problems, difficulties and challenges.
In this regard, translation emerges as one of the most effective ways to tackle such
linguistic concerns/problems.
Besides providing a common ground, for different language groups to communicate among
one another effectively, translation also enables the weaker sections of society to be heard
as they can speak in their own dialects or languages without having to conform to any set
contentions or the mainstream language.
It is precisely at this juncture that translation between languages: a given language to
English or between any two languages, is perhaps one way to achieve linguistic
decentralisation in a multilingual nation like India and to provide the base for
multiculturalism to thrive.
Translation as a channel of communication between linguistic communities help construct
an Interlingual and intertextual space for various languages and their literatures to inhabit
and to use for their mutual enrichment and respect.
Translation also helps to expand the interconnections between literatures of different
languages and to contribute to the overall mosaic of Indian literature/culture.
Advertising is an art form which conveys information on what the brand stands for, why
consumers need the product and what the unique selling points are.
It needs to do all of that in a format that the reader/viewer will find both interesting and
memorable. As a result, many brands use humour and pop culture references in order to
achieve this. However, these elements don't always translate well. This is where Context
comes in. A successful advertisement needs to fit within the context, be it humour or pop
culture references that is relatable to its audience.
One needs to be extremely careful about the language used while translating an
advertisement. The wrong choice of words or clumsy phrasing have the potential to cause
offense or be at the receiving end of ridicules from the consumers. Besides this, the effect
that the message has in the original ad in terms of Alliterations or puns or other such
effects achieved in order to make them memorable, will most certainly not work in other
language. One might end up not maintaining the same effects in terms of its memorability
but one needs to certainly get the spirit and the idea right.