Hofsaess 1998
Hofsaess 1998
Hofsaess 1998
SPE 39586
Copyright 1998, SWlety of Petroleum Engineers, Inc. and perforation-properties generate a nonuniform flux
This paper was prepared for presentation af the 1998 ‘SPE “International Synif.iosium on–- ‘- distribution along the wellbore. As an example Fig. 1 shows
Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, 18-19 February 1698.
the partial rates at the beginning of an injection and 9 months
~s paper was seleoted for presentation by en SPE Prcgram Commiffee folloting review of later. The initial flow is strongly peaked in the upper 2 meters
information contained In en abstract aubmittad by the author(s). Contents of the paper, aa
presented, have not been reviewed by the Saiety of Petroleum Engineers and are sub~ct to of the perforated zone. 9 months later it looks quite different
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
poaitlon of the Seciely of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papera presented at
and is much flatter than before. The basic mechanism behind
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of this is rather obvious: The large partial volumes injected into
Petroleum Enginaers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any parf of fhis paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Soolely of Petroleum Engineers is the highly conducting parts carry with them correspondingly
prohibited. Permission to reproduce In print Is restricted 10 an abstract of not more than 3W large amounts of solids, which lead to high damage rates in
word% illustrations may not k copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of Mere and by Mom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. these regions. Obviously, the injection-damage has a tendency
Sox 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S. A., fax 01-972-952-9435,
to level off the local rates and one may speculate that
injections end up with uniform rates along the wellbore. We
Abstract will show in the sequel that this is not the case. However, our
Nonuniform perforation properties and permeability variations main focus will not be on such local properties, but on the
close to the wellbore introduce heterogeneities which affect the question which influence the heterogeneities have on the
infectivity decline in water injection wells. We present a global injection properties such as the half-life and the
method to calculate these effects and derive results for a evolution of the overall damage rate.
simple model which incorporates the dependence of the water-
quality-ratio on the entrance porewidths. Common degrees of The Method
heterogeneity may lead to significant changes in the infectivity Generally, near wellbore damage may be described as a skin
decline, which cannot be described by conventional models of which depends on injection time or on the accumulated
uniform wells. Early damage rates may be orders of magnitude injection volume V. For steady state conditions one has:
larger than expected and wells with large initial skins are prone
to having their half-lifes within this early region. Due to the
Apwf (1)
resulting nonlinearities, extrapolations from test-injections may zz~~f
resistances R~. The average rate per perforation is <q>=Q/N. concencentration for w instead of Barkman and Davidson’s
In general the flow resistances Rm may depend on the w/w concenmation.) Notice that the factor 2zhkf/N2 is entirely
accumulated injection volume V~ which has passed through due to the normalization employed in Eqs. 2 and 3. Thus the
the perforation, on the rate q~ and even on the full rate-history. quantities which lead to heterogeneous behaviour are the
The models which are currently employed in conventional perforation surface area AP,~ and the water-quality-ratio
uniform damage calculations lead to a resistance R~ which (w&)m.
depends linearly on V~ only: Due to the strong dependence on the injection area, even
(3) relatively small variations in perforation radius and length may
R“, = an, + bn,NVnt
give rise to substantial variations in b~. More importantly,
(The explicit factor N has been introduced for notational perforating may induce fractures around the perforations [6].
convenience, see Appendix A.) The growth parameters b~ Those which participate in fiow will effectively increase the
(dimension: l/vol) characterize the damage rate of individual area AP,~ [2] and lead to large variations in the growth
perforations, and the dimensionless constants am represent the parameters bm.
distribution of initial flow resistances. They are related to the It is well known that the water-quality-ratio w~, a: introduced
initial skin S.=S(0) and damage pressure PD(0) through: by Barkman and Davidson, does not only depend on the solids
concentration w and the type of solids, but also on the pore-
+SO =fian,
radius rh are
size and -structure of the injection face [7, 8]. In fact, it is one
of the major problems for laboratory measurements of this
quantity, to use representative filter media or cores. One often
finds that W* varies like some power of the porewidth [8].
appropriate: For layered formations without crossflow For a produced water in southern Germany, for example,
(commingled), rh may become as large as re. But as a rule, it w~-( l/d)*”2 was found to hold over the complete investigated
will be of the order of a few wellbore radii r~ or perforation- range of porewidths from 2 to 50pm. Using the hydraulic
lengths LP.If the initial skin So is not too small, hS preCiSe radius concept to relate this to the formation permeability (at
value has little effect on the final solution. If So is negative, rh constant porosity), this corresponds to:
must be large enough to ensure a positive value of the
dimensionless pressure PD(0). For densely perforated wells it
will often be sufficient to use rW+Lp as the effective wellbore (6)
radius. If the initial skin is still negative, one has to incorporate
the improved permeability close to the wellbore in Eq. 1. In with n=O.6. So the structural and size variation of the entrance
some cases it may be necessary to use the full steady-state pores is the second major source which determines the
pressure solution to account for particular near-wellbore distribution of the growth parameters.
properties and to calculate the effective heterogeneity radius rh.
Sometimes it will be necessary to include crossflow effects as Internal filtration.
well (e.g. partially completed wells). Several authors have used theories of deep bed filtration to
The solution of the equations is given in Appendix A and is model the internal damage in water injections. Brief reviews
discussed later in the section on results. Our next step is to from different perspectives and further literature may be found
consider the initial resistances am and growth parameters b~ in [5, 9-11].
and to investigate how heterogeneity enters.
The filtration coefficient k (capture probability per length
of the filter medium) is a complicated function of many
Sources of heterogeneous behaviour
parameters for which only semiempirical expressions of
Cake Filtration
limited applicability exist [11 ]. In the simplest model one
As shown in [2] the large permeability contrast between
filter cake and the adjacent formation rapidly leads to the assumes L to be independent of the flow velocity and the
development of uniform flow across the perforation surface deposit that has already been formed. The solution for radial
with the filter cake growing in sheets of uniform thickness. For flow has been presented in [10, 12]. The important point to
elongated perforations this results effectively in a radial flow notice is that this solution holds for arbitrary flow rates, which
model [3]. One may then use Barkman and Davidson’s model is needed for the heterogeneous damage approach (Eq. 2b).
for open-hole wells [1], by simply replacing wellbore radius Using the results of [ 10] the growth parameter b~ is:
and height by the perforation radius and length. For ratios of 2tikf c
cake volume/perforation volume <0.5, a linear approximation bn, = — F(A.[rl),nJ (7)
N* A:,n, kn,Kn, )
is valid and the growth factor is:
Here km is the permeability in the filtration region and Km is a
2tikf ~
b,,, = — — (5) dimensionless constant which parametrizes the reduction of
NzA;,n, kc “,
permeability per deposited particle concentration. The inlet
concentration c being the same for all perforations, it is again
The ellipsoidal model proposed in [4, 5] leads to the same
the injection surface AP,n, which has a major impact on the
result in its linear approximation. (We use a vol/vol
distribution of the growth factors. The other two possible are generated both through the perforation geometry (area in
sources of heterogeneity are F(LrP,~) and krnKrn. b~ and penetration length and damage radius in am) and
l/L is the length scale for the depth of the deposit. It through their conductivity (w&, L, kK in b~ and crushed zone
changes with the geometrical and physiochemical properties and wellbore damage in the am).
of the porous medium. For shallow filtration, l/LcrP,~, the One certainly needs a better understanding of these
function F(x)=xexEz(x) [13] varies only between 0.4 and 1. For relations to properly account for the details of heterogeneous
regions in which the suspended solids may pass through the injection damage. Unfortunately, according to Brooks [20], the
commercially available simulators are not suited to study
rock without much filtration, 1/& is much larger and F
nonuniform perforation properties.
becomes small (F=&rP,~). Although the model of Eq. 7 cannot
really be applied to this case (having assumed filtration within
A Simple Model
radial flow around the perforations), it remains of course Although the general properties of the theory do not depend on
trivially true that the damage growth factor vanishes if the
the specific distributions of the initial resistances am and the
solids pass unfiltered through the rock. growth parameters b~, the use of a definite model is
The third contributing factor - k~K~ - is similar to the convenient to obtain an impression about the degree of
water-quality-ratio of cake filtration: Small values of Km heterogeneity at which significant deviations from uniform
strongly reduce the conductivity just like small cake behaviour occur.
permeabilities K do. As Km itself depends on the nearby native For simplicity we assume that the heterogeneous injection
permeability km as well as on the injection water, the factor behaviour is dominated by the local variations of the pore
C/kmKm in Eq. 7 should behave similar to wk in Eq. 6. structure according to the empirical relation given in Eq. 6. All
We should also mention that another common deep other possible sources of heterogeneity are ignored and the
filtration model uses a filtration coefficient with the dimension entrance-permeabilities are assumed to dominate over other
l/time. This corresponds to L-wv in our notation with v being factors which might contribute to the initial resistances. In
the flow velocity. Indeed, although the velocity dependence of particular, the perforation geometry is treated as being
perfectly uniform without any size-variations.
% varies from case to case, A is often found to depend on some
Introducing appropriate scales, the distributions of the a’s
inverse power of v [11]. However, the solutions of these
and b’s are given by:
models for radial flow, which have been presented in [4, 5, 9,
14, 15], and for more general models in [10], are only valid at k k“
constant flow rates. They must not even be applied to the a=a~ , b.p & (8a)
conventional uniform damage models at constant flowing
k () k
pressure, not to mention the locally varying flow rates and the water-qualtity-ratio is:
considered here.
Initial Flow Resistances.
The initial flow resistances may roughly be separated into
the contributions of the near-wellbore permeabilities and those For mathematical convenience we have switched to the
of the perforations. continuous case, assuming that the number N of perforations is
A convenient measure for the heterogeneity of the very large (see Continuum Limit in Appendix A). Then the
permeability close to the wellbore is the Dykstra-Parsons index m is replaced by a continuous argument x, which is
coefficient used in waterflooding [16-18]. Depending on the dropped in the following presentation (a(x), b(x), k(x) in Eq.
specific field and well this alone may introduce a large spread 8a). Appendix C shows how to fix the overall size scales ct and
in the distribution of the am.
Whereas quite detailed information is available from The entrance-permeabilities are assumed to be log-
numerical work on uniformly perforated wells [19, 20], the
normally distributed which is a simple yet realistic
flow resistances of nonuniform perforations are not well approximation to actual vertical permeability distributions, Its
understood today. One should however expect that the most log-mean permeability is k~ and the degree of heterogeneity is
important contributions retain their role also in the
conveniently characterized by the Dykstra-Parsons coefficient
heterogeneous case. At fixed uniform shot density and phasing
KDP [16, 18]. Its value is in the range 0.5 SKDPS0.9 for most
this would give rise to a flow resistance which depends only
reservoirs [17].
weakly on the perforation diameter, is roughly proportional to
In this simple model there is no difference between the
the inverse perforation length and has the usual additive term
entrance permeabilities and the permeabilities of the formation
for the crushed zone and corrections for wellbore damage
close to the wellbore. In real cases they are of course different
depending on wether the perforation terminates inside the
and this will relax the strict correlation between the initial
damaged zone or penetrates through it [ 19].
resistances and the growth parameters in Eq. 8a. We have also
Apart from giving an important contribution to the initial
tried out completely uncorrelated distributions of the a’s and
flow resistances, the perforation properties will also introduce
b’s (not presented here) to check that the general results do not
correlations between the distributions of the am and b~. These
depend on this feature.
E dpD/dVlv=o (/)
b as 1 2 Again the right side of the equation is independent of the
—~ (9) absolute sizes of the a and b and depends on the distributions
L dpD/dv[v+. ‘~ ()~ only. Fig. 5 shows A/PD(0) for our simple model. If the value
This ratio is independent of the absolute sizes of a and b, such on the left side of Eq. 11 can be estimated for a specific well,
as the a and ~ in Eq. 8a and depends on the properties of the one can read from Fig. 5 at which degree of heterogeneity KDP
and at which exponent n of the water-quality-ratio the half-life
distributions only. Fig. 4 illustrates this for our simple model.
volume will be located in the early nonlinear regime.
The ratio may become very large at common values of the
For small values of the skin this may require rather
Dykstra-Parsons coefficient. At fixed degree of heterogeneity
accurate etsimations of rh, but the equation may be readily
(K~p), smaller values of n lead to larger early damage rates.
employed for wells with a high initial skin, such as those
This is due to the fact that a water with a weak dependence of
w/~ on the entrance permeability (small n) cannot profit much presented by Sharma and Pang in [12] with values of SO as
large as 200 and 400. Then the left side of Eq. 11 is close to its
from the high permeability tail of the distribution. Thus the
large flux which is initially directed into this region, minimal value 1 and a relatively small degree of heterogeneity
is sufficient to satisfy the inequality. Thus wells with a high
deteriorates rapidly with a high damage rate.
initial skin will be prone to reach their half-lifes in an early
period of rapid infectivity decline. approximation of Eq. A-9 holds. Then VID is given by:
If the half-life volume is located in the early nonlinear
regime, how does the large initial damage rate affect the value ~,2=($={ln(~)+So-A} ,V+~ (15’)
of Vln? Inserting the small-volume expansion of Appendix A
into Eq. 10 this may be estimated as:
{()} In $
+SO w~ ~j (12)
with A from Eq. A-12. Thus the effective growth parameter at
large volume is b.f~ l/<b-*n>2, If it is admissible to disregard
variations of the perforation-areas in Eq. 5, this tells us, how
the average water-quality-ratio has to be calculated:
This depends on the volume-scale inherent in b. To expose it
in a scale-independent way, one may divide it by the half-life
, V+ca (16)
volume of a uniform injector to obtain:
(v/2),e,,rog.(1/~)3 ~b
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behaviour, it is usually not possible to predict the half-life by 6. Pucknell, J.; Behrmann, L.: “An Investigation of the Damaged
the conventional use of a single value for the water-quality- Zone Created by Perforating”, SPE228 11, presented at the 66’h
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Nomenclature 7. MitchelI, R.; Finch, E.: “Water Quality Aspects of North Sea
A = area Injection Water” JPT (June 1981), 1141-1152,
..-— . —.—. .— .——.
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Orleans, 25-28 Sep. 1994,275-284.
10. Hofsaess, T.; Kleinitz, W.: “Infiltration von Feststoffen in
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Francisco, March 24-261982. being the relative injection area per perforation.
Appendix A - Solution of the Model Equations Small and large volume solutions, Expanding Eqs. A-2 to A-
General. We consider the flow resistances Rm of Eq. 3. The 4 for small and large G, the leading orders for small and large
explicit factor N (m= 1,,.,N) has been introduced for notational injection volumes are obtained as:
convenience, as it allows to keep the same a, b in the limit
N+CO (see below). Using qml<q> = Nqm/Q = dV~ldV, Eq. 2b
may be integrated to give: ‘D+ (I;a)
;,:)’ V+o (A-8)
The same method of integration may be employed for any R~ PD + * , {V+(a/b)} (A-9)
which depends on V~ only. Solving Eq. A-1 for V~: 1
( /m)
R.,(V) = ~2G(V)bnl + a:, (A-2)
Inserting this into Eq. 2, dividing by Rm and taking the
average, one obtains:
—. —=
Appendix B - Log-Normal Distribution
The probability density of the log-normal distribution is
Gaussian with respect to x=In(k/kM). Hence the expectation
values are:
(k”)= k~exp(n202/2)
The Dykstra-Parsons
‘&=& =aexp
To obtain u, &is calculated from KDPvia Eq. B-3 and P~(0) is
obtained from the first Eq. 4.
n PD(());
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Fig.3: Dimensionless pressure damage curves for the model of Fia.4: Ratio of early to late damage ratea for the model of Ecr; 8.
Ea. 8 with n=O.6. Axes scaled to unit Pn(0) and unit sloDe at large Fr~m left to righk n= 0.2,0.4,..., 1~
V. “From top to bottom: KDP = 0.95, 0.9, 0;8; 0.7, 0.5, 0. -
r ,,
I r ,,
II F ,,
1j V/1000m3
I VI12/1000 m3 x“