Flow Rate Calclation
Flow Rate Calclation
Flow Rate Calclation
and changes in pressure downstream of the choke do not affect 2. Development of a New Correlation
the flow rate.
Although the tubing-head pressure is a factor considered for
Accordingly, Gilbert (1954) developed his correlation to calculating production rate in several bean performance
calculate the production rate as follows: equations, it is not a factor at all for predicting the production
rate in an artificial lift system. This is mainly attributed to the
absence of critical flow conditions in the case of artificial lift
10 R 0 . 546 Q
Pwh = (1) system in which the choke is either disconnected or kept fully
S 1 . 89 opened.
Re-arranging equation (1) yields,
For the goal of the development the new correlation for
artificially flowing wells, the wellhead temperature is
P wh S 1 . 89
Q = (2)
considered a function of some producing well and reservoir
10 R 0 . 546 parameters. The proposed function of these parameters can be
presented in the following mathematical form:
Where Q is gross liquid rate (bbl/d), Pwh is well (or tubing)
head pressure (psig), S is bean size (1/64 inch), and R is gas-
liquid ratio (MSCF/BBL). (
T th = f T bha , Q b , WC c , H d
, A e , GOR f
………………………………………. (5)
Following the same approach of Gilbert (1954), Ros (1960)
developed a very similar correlation but with different Consideration of direct and reverse proportionality of these
correlating exponents as follows: parameters with wellhead temperature and insertion of a
constant of proportion (K), based on actual measured data,
0 . 65 results in:
17 R Q
P wh = 1 . 88
K T bha Q b WC C
the same form of Gilbert correlation. Tantway et al (1995) Re-arranging equation (6) yields:
developed a computer program to calculate these exponents
for different local oil fields in Egypt. All of the previously- T th H d A e GOR f
Where, Tth is wellhead temperature (oF), Tbh is bottom hole flow, as proven by continuity equation (Q = velocity x area). It
temperature (oF), A is tubing cross-sectional area (in2), GOR is also proves that the increase of tubing area has a major effect
producing gas/oil ratio (scf/stb), and WC is producing water- of increment of wellhead production. This also confirms the
cut (%). conclusions attained before by Abdel-Majjed (1986).
In order to test the accuracy of developed correlation versus Figure 7 indicates the calculated wellhead production versus
actual measured production rates, Figure 3 is developed and wellhead temperature for different bottom-hole temperatures.
shows very good accuracy of predicted production rates with This is based actual field data used to develop the newly-
correlation factor (R2) of 0.973. developed correlation, equation 8. It may be explained that the
increase of wellhead temperature decreases the oil viscosity
The newly-developed correlation of equation (8) considered and then increases the production rate. This is confirmed using
many well and reservoir parameters which were not included field data from different oil wells and at different bottom-hole
in the previous correlations, such as; water-cut, wellhead and temperatures.
bottom-hole temperatures, and producing depth. This is in
addition to other parameters appeared in Gilbert and other Figure 8 presents the calculated wellhead production versus
correlations, such as; GOR and wellhead pressure. wellhead temperature for different water-cuts. It shows that
the increase in water-cut decreases the oil wellhead
3. Results and Discussion production. It also proves that the influence of water-cut on oil
production increment is minor for water-cuts below 50 %.
All measured actual wellhead production rates from 352
producing well are plotted versus predicted ones using the In general, some conclusions can be drawn based upon the
newly-developed correlation, equation 8, and graphically results using the newly-developed correlation sensitivity of the
depicted in Figure 3. This Figure reveals accurate prediction importance and deep impact of producing depth, tubing size
results with an excellent correlating coefficient of 0.97. The and wellhead temperature on oil production and also minor
accurate prediction of wellhead production rate is mainly influence of GOR, bottom temperature and water-cut.
attributed to the consideration of more well and reservoir
parameters; such as water-cut, wellhead and bottom-hole 4. Conclusions
temperatures, producing depth, and tubing size. The
importance of each single parameters involved in this new This study was undertaken to review current correlations for
correlation is also investigated by performing a sensitivity wellhead performance and to develop a new correlation
analysis. The results of this analysis are presented in Figures 4 considering new important parameters affecting wellhead
to 8. production rate. The following conclusions are drawn:
1. Current bean performance correlations for naturally and
Figure 4 presents the predicted wellhead production versus artificially flowing wells are limited in application to the
wellhead temperature for different pay zone depths. It fields they were developed for and new correlating
provides a general conclusion that the increase of wellhead coefficients should be developed for other wells/fields.
temperature increases wellhead production. This can be 2. Current correlations predicting wellhead production rate are
attributed to the reduction of oil viscosity because of the very sensitive to choke size change and limited I application
increase of wellhead temperature. This means for oil fields in to naturally-flowing wells.
hot areas, the wellhead production will be higher than that 3. A new correlation was developed for quick and accurate
ones in cold areas. This Figure, Figure 4, also reveals that pay prediction of wellhead production considering several well
zone of higher producing depth is expected to have higher and formation parameters, ignored before in classical
wellhead production rate for the same wellhead surface correlations.
temperature. 4. Sensitivity analysis of factors affecting wellhead production
rate indicated that producing depth, tubing size, and bottom-
Figure 5 shows the predicted wellhead production rate versus hole temperatures have a real impact while gas-oil ratio,
wellhead temperature for different gas-oil ratios (GORs). It wellhead temperature, and water-cut have a minor effect on
confirms the same conclusion, drawn-above for the effect of predicted values of wellhead production rate.
pay zone depth, that the increase of surface temperature
increases the wellhead production rate but for different GORs. Nomenclature
This may be attributed to that the increase in GOR will cause
lighter mixture of liquid and gas resulting in higher liquid A Tubing cross-sectional area, in2.
production. It also indicates that the increase of GOR by 40 C Proportionality constant (C = 10 for Gilbert,
times (from 25 to 1,000 scf/stb) has a minor effect on the C =17 for Ros, and C = 1.03
increase of wellhead production rate. for Poettmann-Beck)
D Bean size, 1/64 inch
Figure 6 depicts graphically the predicted wellhead production F water-oil ratio
versus wellhead temperature for different tubing areas (or G Gas-liquid ratio, scf/bbl
sizes). It reveals that the increase of tubing size increases the GOR Gas-oil ratio, scf/bbl
production rate. This is because of the increase of area open to K Correlating constant
4 IPTC 11101
H Well producing depth, 1000 ft 11. Al-Attar, H. H., and Abdul-Majeed, G. H. “Revised
Q Gross liquid rate, bb/d bean performance formula for East Baghdad oil
P Tubing head pressure, psig wells” Journal of SPE Production Engineering,
R Gas-liquid ratio, MSCF/bbl February 1988, pp. 127-131.
N Dimensionless Number
P Pressure, psia Appendix A: List of correlations for wellhead performance
S Bean size, 1/64 inch
T Temperature, oF Gilbert (1954)
WC Water-cut, ratio
10 GLR 0 .546 Q l
Sub/Superscripts Pwh = (A-1)
D 1 .89
b bottom
Achong (1961)
PB Poettmann-Beck
h head
g gas 17 GLR 0 .65 Q
L Liquid viscosity Pwh = (A-2)
Q flow rate D 1 .88
o oil
th tubinghead Poettmann and Beck (1963)
w well
w water 86 , 400 A o C PB 9273 . 6 P
Q = x
ρm V L (1 . 0 + 0 . 5 M L )
0 . 4513 R + 0 . 766
1. Economides, M. J., Hill, A. D., Ehlig-Economides., x
Petroleum Production Systems, Prentice Hall PTR, R + 0 . 5663
New Jersey, p. 229, 1993. (A-3)
2. Gilbert, W. E, “Flowing and gas-lift well ρ m = 350.4 γ o + 0.0765 γ g G (A-3-a)
performance” API Drilling and Production Practice,
p. 143, 1954. Vsg 0.00504 T Z (G − Rs )
R= = (A-3-b)
3. Ros, N. C. J. “An analysis of critical simultaneous Vsl P − Bo
gas/liquid flow through a restriction and its
application to flow metering” Applied Sci Res., 9, M 1
VL = L , and ML = (A-3-c)
Sec. A, p. 374, 1960.
ρL ⎛ ρg ⎞
4. Achong, I. B. “Revised bean and performance 1 + R ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
formula for Lake Maracaibo wells” published by the ⎝ ρL ⎠
University of Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezula, 1961.
5. Secen, J. A., “Surface choke measurement equation
Omana (1969)
improved by field testing analysis” Oil and Gas
Journal, pp. 65-68, August 1976.
6. Tantawy, M., Elayouty, E. D., and Elgibaly, A. N qL = 0.263 N ρ−3.49 N Pl3.19 λ0l .657 N 1D.8 (A-4)
“Comparative investigation of bean performance
correlation for flowing oil wells,” Journal of
Engineering and Applied Science, vol. 42, No. 4, pp. Nρ = (A-4-a)
861-875, 1995. ρL
7. Poettmann, F. H., and Beck, R. L. “New charts
developed to predict gas-liquid flow through chokes”
N Pl = 1.74 x10 − 2 Pl (A-4-b)
World Oil, March 1963). ρL σ L
8. Omana, R., Houssiere, C. Jr., Brown, K. E., Brill, J.
B., Thompson, R. E., “Multiphase flow through 1 Vsg
chokes” paper SPE 2682, 1969. λl = , where R= (A-4-c)
9. Ashford, F. E. “An evaluation of critical multiphase
1+ R VsL
performance through wellhead chokes” Journal of
Petroleum Technology (JPT), August 1973. ρL
10. Abdul-Majeed, G. H. “Correlations developed to N D = 0.1574 D64 (A-4-d)
predict two-phase flow through wellhead chokes” σL
paper SPE 15839, 1986.
IPTC 11101 5
Ashford (1973)
6 IPTC 11101
1200 1200
Q = 9E-05*Ts3.2277 Q = 0.0001 T3.2227
R2 = 0.9705 1000 R2 = 0.9708
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 60 110 160
Well- head temperature,0F Well-head temperature, oF
(a) Q vs Tth for WC = zero, (b) Q vs Tth for WC = zero, GOR =
GOR = zero up to 100 scf/stb. 100 up to 200 scf/stb.
GOR from zero up to 100
Q = 0.0002 T3.0955 scf/stb
R2 = 0.8152 1200
GOR from 100 up to 200
1000 scf/stb
0 0
60 80 100 120 140 160 60 80 100 120 140 160
Well-head temperature, oF Well-head temperature, oF
(C) Q vs Tth for WC = zero, GOR = (d) Q vs Tth for WC = zero, GOR =
200 up to 300 scf/stb. zero up to 400 scf/stb.
1200 1200
Q = 0.001 TTh^(2.6695)
Q = 5E-05 T3.2897
R2 = 0.9592 1000 R2 = 0.9688
800 800
600 600
400 400
200 200
0 0
60 110 160 60 110 160
Well- head temperature,0F Well- head temperature, oF
(a) Q vs Tth for WC = 20 to 50 % and (b) Q vs Tth for WC = 50 to 90 % and
GOR = 0 to 100 scf/stb. GOR = 0 to 100 scf/stb.
Fig. 2. Variation of actual Q with Tth for different values of WC and GOR.
y = 0.9602x + 7.1308
1200 2
R = 0.97
Q calculated, BFPD
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Q actual, BFPD
8 IPTC 11101
GOR = 100 scf/bbl A = 7.027 sq in
WC = 1 % Tbh = 190 F
Production Rate , BPD
depth =4000 ft
depth =6000 ft
1500 depth =8000 ft
60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Wellhead temperature. oF
Fig. 4. Effect of producing depth on flow rate using new correlation.
Depth = 5 (1000) ft A = 7.027 sq in
1400 Tbh = 190 F WC = 1 %
Production Rate, BPD
1000 GOR =100 SCF/STB
800 GOR =500 SCF/STB
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Wellhead temperature, F
Depth = 5 (1000) ft GOR = 100 scf/bbl
T bh = 190 F WC = 1 %
tubing, 3 1/2"
production rate, BPD
tubing, 2 7/8"
tubing, 2 3/8"
60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Wellhead Temperature, F
Fig. 6. Effect of tubing size on production using new correlation.
Depth = 5 (1000) ft GOR = 100 scf/bbl
1400 WC = 1 %
production rate, BPD
Tb=170 oF
Tb=185 oF
Tb=200 oF
60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Wellhead temperature, F
10 IPTC 11101
WC= 1% WC= 25%
WC= 50% WC=75%
Production Rate, BPD
60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Wellhead Temperature, F