SPE 71703 Capillary Pressure Data From NMR Logs and Its Implications On Field Economics

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SPE 71703


M. Altunbay, Baker Atlas, R. Martain, Baker Atlas, M. Robinson, Baker Atlas

Copyright 2001, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

lead to the anticipated production rates and overall evaluation
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and of the economic viability of a well(s) and field. Applications
Exhibition held in New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 September–3 October 2001.
of the technique with inherent assumptions, limitations, and
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
remedies for the limitations are reviewed and explained
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to through a case study presented in this paper.
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SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
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for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is One of the concerns in dealing with fluid flow through porous
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porous media. This interaction results from capillary forces
between the wetting and non-wetting fluids in highly curved
pore structures. A wetting fluid preferentially fills a pore
Abstract structure. To remove the wetting fluid from the pore space
The analogous behaviors of capillary pressure and 1/T2 decay requires work to be performed. As an alternative, work must
versus saturation data provide a methodology for deriving also be performed to force a non-wetting fluid into a pore
synthetic capillary pressure information directly from NMR space. The required work for either intrusion or expulsion of
logs even if core data are not available. Estimations of fluids in or from pores provides a measure of the capillary
irreducible water saturation4 from NMR log-based synthetic characteristics for porous media. The resistance to the
capillary pressure profiles have numerous benefits. One intrusion or expulsion of a non-wetting phase into a pore
benefit is the enhanced accuracy of permeability estimations structure varies with interfacial tension between the wetting
by using synthetic bulk volume irreducible in the bound water and non-wetting phases, contact angle between the invading
model. Availability of synthetic bulk volume irreducible data fluid and the pore throat and inversely with the pore diameter.
from capillary pressure modeling eliminates the requirements Intrusion or expulsion of a non-wetting fluid into or from
for determining the T2cutoff time from core analysis data or pores differs from each other in the amount of work they
assuming generally accepted constants for it (33 ms for require. Non-uniform pore shapes and the difference between
clastics and 92 ms for carbonates). In addition to the bound the contact angles of an advancing or receding liquid cause
water model, an alternative permeability profile can also be this hysteresis. Therefore, the imbibition and drainage curves
generated from Purcell's7 capillary pressure-permeability of capillary pressure versus saturation never overlap.
relation. Another benefit derived from a synthetic capillary Considering these aforementioned capillary phenomenon
pressure profile is the determination of Oil Water or Gas characteristics, outlining the dependencies of capillary
Water Contact (OWC, GWC) by simply converting the characteristics for porous media before comparing laboratory
capillary pressure information to height above free water level. produced results against their theoretical approximations is
This information can also be compared with the Free Water imperative. Pore geometry, rock wettability, interfacial
Level (FWL) from formation test tools. The relative positions tension, saturation history and the difference in fluid densities
of FWL and OWC assist in inferring wettability14 and the affect the magnitude of capillary pressure. Hence, the
degree of wettability magnitude for the subject reservoir. comparison of any synthetic capillary pressure data should be
made against the core data obtained from a rock with similar
Relative permeability estimations from synthetically created type of pore geometry and the proper saturation treatment of
capillary pressure data provide an avenue to make the first- the sample.
approximation profiles of the effective permeability values to
the phases contained in the pore space. Consequently, We have devised a methodology to convert wireline NMR
effective permeability profiles in conjunction with other data into Pc versus Saturation profile for each level of wireline
petrophysical and fluid properties and the pressure information log data with1 or without the availability of core capillary

pressure information. The reasonable accuracy of the results In capillary phenomenon, the pressure imbalance between two
grants taking the next step to derive relative permeability phases is mostly controlled by pore throat size. On the
based on capillary pressure, then the effective permeability contrary, S/V term in the T2 decay equation yields the pore
and fractional flow data, and, consequently, leads to a body size. To equate capillary pressure and T2-decay
preliminary look at the well economics. equations would be troubling if not for the fact that commonly
there is a relation between pore-body and pore-throat size, an
Theoretical background: occurrence or a fractal quality more common for clastics than
The governing equation for the T2 decay phenomena for spin- carbonates. As pores deviate from geometrically definable
spin relaxation can be written as follows: shapes into irregular voids with stretched extensions, the
relation between pore-body and pore-throat size deteriorates
1 1 S 1 and becomes more difficult to quantify. Consequently, the
= + ρ + γ G 2 TE 2 D ability to compute properties depending on pore-throat
T2 T2bulk V 12
attributes from pore-body attributes becomes less reliable.

Bulk Surface Relaxation due If we assume a geometrically definable shape for pores
Relaxation Relaxation to diffusion (spherical or tube like), however, we can write the surface to
volume ratio in terms of pore size:
Historically, to obtain capillary pressure from NMR
data5,6,2,17,18,19,20 started from the observance of the similarity S Fs
between the inverted magnetization decay of the polarized =
pore-filling fluids and the pore-size distribution obtained from V rb
capillary pressure data for the same sample. NMR T2 decay in for a spherical pore:
porous media is commonly simplified and interpreted in terms S 4 ⋅π ⋅ r 2 3
of pore size distribution (where pore size distribution is used = =
synonymously with pore-body size). In its simplified form, the V 4 r
⋅π ⋅ r 3
T2 relaxation time is proportional to the ratio of the pore 3
volume to pore surface area and is inversely proportional to
surface relaxivity. It should be noted that this relationship is The shape factor (Fs) is 3 for round pores and 2 for cylindrical
valid when pores are water wet, there is no diffusive coupling, tubes. Both equations (Pc and T2-decay) define two different
the T2 distribution is not shifted by the presence of phenomena and can be linked by their common variable pore-
hydrocarbons and the T2 of the bulk fluid is large enough to throat-size (rpt) for the capillary pressure and the pore-body-
drop the term (1/T2bulk) from the preceding equation. size from the T2-decay with an assumption of correlatable
body to throat size. If we substitute the rpt in the capillary
Construction of capillary pressure curves from NMR data1 is pressure equation with the corresponding T2 term from the T2-
based on fundamental definitions of capillary pressure and the decay equation, capillary pressure can be expressed within the
T2-decay phenomena; hence the complexities caused by the terms of T2 decay phenomenon for spin-spin relaxation.
presence of hydrocarbons and their respective placement in
various size pores must be addressed after the introduction of
the linkage between these two. When porous media contain 1 ρ r pt
= Fs T2
more than a single fluid, the pressure for each fluid differs Pc 2 σ cos(θ ) rb
even if the fluids are in a state of pressure equilibrium. The
mutual attraction between porous media and fluid (adhesion By rearranging the above equation and regrouping the surface
tension) differ for each couple, which is the reason for the relaxivity and pore throat to pore body ratio into a variable
pressure imbalance, defined as capillary pressure. This
called C:
concept can be expressed in terms of the following equation:
ρ r pt
C= Fs
2 σ cos (θ ) 2σ cos(θ ) rb
Pc =
We can simplify the original equation into:
Capillary pressure may be determined from laboratory tests, or
correlations, or calculated from known fluid distributions and  1 
fluid properties. In this study, we will elaborate on the   = C T2
methodology to convert log NMR data into Pc versus  Pc 
saturation profile with or without the availability of core data.

Algebraic manipulation of the above relation between the In most cases, to identify the reasons for the deviation and to
capillary pressure and the T2-decay yields: rectify the scaling coefficient is impossible due to lack of data
or simply lack of rock samples. Of note is the scaling
1 coefficient C does not reflect the effects of magnetic
Log (C ) = Log   − Log (T2 ) susceptibility on the magnetic field. Nevertheless, the C
 Pc  computed as a variable for each saturation level (at each time
segment of the inversion) suffices for the reasonably accurate
This is the coefficient that scales the Sw versus T2 curve to transformation of NMR data into capillary pressure
match as close as possible to Sw versus 1/Pc curve. The information provided that the correction of T2-spectra for non-
coefficient serves as a merit function in the absence of wetting hydrocarbons2 is performed (Volokitin et al. SCA
hydrocarbons. 9924).

We use the above methodology to generate scaling coefficient
T2, ms
1/Pc, psi-1
tables for any subject formation by using a porosity-range-
C qualifier. The porosity-range-qualifier checks NMR log
derived porosity to select the proper C table for that range of
clastics or carbonates for processing the wireline NMR data to
derive capillary pressure versus saturation profile for the given
0.6 depth level or interval. The accuracy of this procedure
becomes better when core calibration of the C coefficient is

In the absence of core data, we devised a methodology to
convert the NMR log data to capillary pressure based on the
same concept for deriving the proper scaling coefficient.
0.1 Derivation of the scaling coefficient from hydrocarbon-
corrected T2-spectra relies on the analogy between the time
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 dependent desaturation of a core plug at a constant capillary
C, 1/Pc, psi-1, C*T2, T2, ms pressure and the time dependency of the partial porosity

Any deviation between the C*T2 and 1/Pc versus Sw curves (as
observed in the very low Sw values) maybe because of the
inapplicability of the selected shape factor or any variability in
the surface relaxivity or possibly both. The following graph
shows the variability of C for different samples emphasizing
the requirement of computing C for each saturation point of
each sample.

0.1 Smpl4

buildup in an NMR experiment. First, the transformation of T2
C versus φi into T2 versus Sw is obtained.
n =t n

∑ φi
i =t1
0.0001 S wi = 1 −
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Σ ( φ i) / φ t

Then, the rate of change in porosity build up is computed. The The transformation is completed with the plot of Pc versus Sw.
rate of change in cumulative partial porosity is reflective of n =t n
the changing pore sizes and also analogous to desaturation rate
at an increasing capillary pressure (increased rpm) in a ∑ φi Ri
i =t1
centrifuge Pc test. S wi = 1 − Pc i =
φe C ⋅ T2i

The theoretical approach of the conversion is based on
0.8 assumptions and inferences. Perfectly ordered spherical grains
in theory:





0.1 1 10 T2, ms 100 1000

dS wi
mi =
The slope change is computed from the initiation time of the
NMR experiment to the end of each time increment. The ratio
of effective pore volume to cumulative slope change for each are replaced with irregular and randomly packed grains of the
increment yields a multiplier for each time slice. depositional environment and diagenetic changes.

Ri = n dS w i
Log (∑ )
i =1 dT2 i

In the absence of core data for calibration of “C” –the merit

function- or -the scaling coefficient-; the derived model
equation based on historical core capillary pressure and NMR
test data is used for generating the C. The model equation for
C is derived for sandstone and carbonates covering a wide
range of shape factors and porosity ranges.


A scaling coefficient with a selected shape factor compensates
to a certain extent for the deviation from the theoretical
20 starting point. Hence, the accuracy of the transformation relies
C on the data quality (S/N ratio, adequate polarization, good
borehole conditions etc), formation characteristics and the
proper selection of the shape factor. Of further note is that the
comparison of the NMR log-derived capillary pressure should
5 be made with the laboratory capillary pressure attained at the
insitu conditions especially if the formation is unconsolidated.
In addition, the capillary pressure data obtained from the
0 5 10 15 φ 20 25 30 35
transformation reflects the capillary characteristics of the
volume of the rock that is only 1 to 3 in. into the formation –

flushed zone- and only 1 mm thick. Any formation damage The sources for uncertainty in the laboratory test data cannot
will be reflected in the results while the core sample may not be summarized by the error in volumetric readings only, but
have the similar alteration because of cleaning of the samples are sufficient to warn us about the pitfalls of imperfect
prior to the laboratory test. comparisons.

Sensitivity issue The following collaborative testing of the derivation of

Statistical treatment of the laboratory-derived capillary synthetic capillary pressure from NMR data and the centrifuge
pressure data indicates that the random causes may create testing of core samples are performed to validate the
fluctuating deviations in both sign and magnitude. We methodology and evaluate the error margins for both
selected volumetric readings during a centrifuge test as one of techniques. First, air /brine centrifuge test follows the proper
the main sources of error. Insufficient stabilization time at a test protocol, then the core NMR experiment is run with the
constant capillary pressure (constant rpm of a centrifuge) or sample at 100% saturation. We used the Hassler-Brunner
simple reading errors of the test tube at the minimum algorithm to calculate the end-face and average wetting phase
desaturation volumes may cause this error. Hence, we saturations. Additionally, we used the following equation21
introduce 10% error in the volumetric readings of a centrifuge with the parameter estimation technique to compute the Swir
air/brine test and used the Hassler-Brunner method22 with the and Pd.
parameter estimation technique to compute the irreducible P P P
water saturations. Error propagation has caused the irreducible S w = S wir + (1 − S wir ) d + (1 − S wir ) d Ln ( c )
Pc Pc Pd
water saturation values to have an of ±77% uncertainty level.
Then, the scaling coefficient is computed for each bin in the
50 T2-spectra by using the porosity-dependent empirical equation
Pc Lab data from our database and the T2 distribution is converted to the
Pc Lab data w/ 10% error in
40 Volumetric readings

30 2.5

15 1.5



0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

A systematic study of the random errors in the volumetric 0.1 1 10 T2, ms 100 1000 10000

readings of the capillary pressure desaturation measurements

yields the following uncertainties for displacement pressure
capillary pressure versus saturation with a shape factor of 3
(Pd) and irreducible wetting phase saturation Swir.
(spherical pores).
Centrifuge Capillary Pressure Test


% error in Swirr, Pd


Error in Swirr
Error in Pd, psi
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
% error in volumetric readings

The comparison of Swir and the curve shapes from NMR-based The following graph shows the uncertainty in fractional flow
and centrifuge-based capillary pressure curves indicate an and OWC level determination if the scaling coefficient is ± 50,
approximate deviation of 0.03 to 0.04 saturation units. As 30 and 20% in error.
evident from the above graph, the Hassler-Brunner treatment
of laboratory core data contained a 0.02 to 0.025 saturation
point deviation on its own from the expected trend due to the
characteristic of the model equation. Any other model NMR Pc with 50%
equation would have yielded similar deviations from the error in C
laboratory-derived data points because of its statistical nature. NMR Pc with 30%
error in C
NMR-derived capillary pressure error margins remain at NMR Pc with 20%
acceptable levels if the expectations for OWC (oil-water- error in C
contact) accuracy are comparable to the acquired NMR log

We studied the potential error margins in synthetic capillary kr

pressure curves for highly elevated levels of error in the
scaling coefficient C and the shape factor. The propagation
rate of error due to the error in C is much smaller than the
propagation rate of error in laboratory-acquired and processed
data. This results from the lesser number of components in
the RMS (root mean square) equation for the synthetic Pc
derivation then the number of components in the RMS-error
for the Hassler-Brunner solution of Pc based on the laboratory
Reasonably accurate estimations of capillary pressure versus
saturation profile for every level of wireline log data signals
new avenues for using NMR logs in the domain of reservoir
and production engineering in addition to petrophysical
interpretations. We will elaborate on the immediate
byproducts of the methodology.

1. Bulk volume irreducible (BVI) information independent

of T2cutoff or Spectral BVI coefficients.

NMR-derived capillary pressure curve is treated with a model

equation to extrapolate the curve to very large capillary
pressure levels to attain the theoretical Swir. The same model
also provides the threshold pressure as Sw approaches 100%
by the parameter estimation technique provided that the
hydrocarbon correction of the T2 distribution is performed.
The form of the model equation is as follows:
A seven saturation units uncertainty (or error) is imposed on
irreducible water saturation by a 50% error in the scaling Pd P P
S w = S wir + (1 − Swir ) + (1 − S wir ) d Ln ( c )
coefficient C. This may not be a drastic penalty in Pc Pc Pd
consideration with the better (lesser error) selection of C if Swir
is the only desired parameter. The capillary pressure curve where:
shape is of extreme importance when OWC level(s), relative Sw = wetting phase saturation
permeability, fractional flow and pore-size distribution are to Swir = Irreducible water saturation
be computed. However, the transformation of wireline NMR Pd = Threshold (entry) pressure
data into synthetic capillary pressure curves for each level of Pc = Capillary pressure
the log data provides a wealth of reservoir and production
engineering applications provided that the selection of the The above equation21 satisfies the boundary conditions of the
scaling coefficient and the treatment for hydrocarbon shift of capillary pressure phenomenon: Sw approaches Swir when Pc
the T2-spectra are performed correctly. approaches infinity and Pc approaches a finite number (Pd)
when Sw approaches 100 %. Theoretical irreducible at infinite

capillary pressure helps to eliminate the ambiguity in capillary pressure in atmosphere. A permeability range
permeability models that are based on BVI by equating the varying from 1 to 1450 mD has a lithology factor average of
computed permeability to absolute permeability. 0.216 with minimal variability.

2. Capillary pressure profile 4. Relative permeability by Corey-Burdine12 equations

The capillary pressure profile for the entire coverage of the Relative permeability to wetting and non-wetting phases is
NMR log is created. Theoretical (absolute) Swir is computed by computed by interrelating the synthetic capillary pressure with
using the preceding model equation. Pore throat size the Corey-Burdine equations. These equations have recently
histograms for any given interval can also be computed been re-worked by Huang et al13. for the drainage and
provided the shape factor that links the pore body and pore imbibition cycles, and are presented below:
throat size is not grossly in error and the hydrocarbon shift of
the T2-spectra is corrected. Wetting phase relative permeability:

S w*
∫ P 2 dS w

( )
k rw = S w*
⋅ 0

∫ P 2 dS w

0 c

For the non-wetting phase, the equation is as follows:

S w*
∫ P 2 dS w

k rnw = 1 − S w* ) 2
⋅ 0

∫ P 2 dS w

0 c

3. Purcell’s permeability model7 Sw* is normalized wetting phase saturation:
Purcell relates the permeability of a unit system of cylindrical S w − S iw
capillaries with various radii to the porosity and the capillary S w* =
pressures and volumes of its components by: 1 − S iw − S or

(σ ⋅ cos θ )2 φ N
k =
2 ⋅10 4 ∑ Pw2
i =1 c

The above equation is for a theoretical porous media and does

not consider the interconnectivity of the pore networks; hence
Purcell introduced a lithology factor to account for the
differences between theoretical and hypothetical porous
media. The equation is then reduced to:

Sw =100 dP
k =0.66 ⋅ F φ ∫
Sw= 0

where k is the permeability in mD, φ is the porosity in percent,

Sw is the wetting phase saturation in percent and Pc is the

5. Relative permeability by regression models Conclusions

Empirical relative permeability models compiled and 1. Reliable and repeatable capillary pressure information can
derived9,10,11 from the historical SPE database classified by be obtained from NMR logs for neutral to water wet
system, lithology, and wettability are used in conjunction with formations provided that the correction for “hydrocarbon
the resistivity-based or DTW-based Sw analysis to derive shifting of the T2-spectra” is applied.
relative permeability characteristics of the porous media. 2. Derivation of Pc from NMR logs for oil-wet formations
and formations with heavy crude and tar require special
6. Fractional flow of water treatment of the T2-spectra.
3. Scaling coefficient must be computed for each time
Fractional flow of water16 can be computed for each level by segment (bin) of the data either using an empirical model
using: or core calibration when available.
4. Synthetic capillary pressure-based BVI estimations are
1 more responsive and more accurate BVI values then the
fw = T2cutoff or SBVI-based BVI values for both clastics and
k rnw µ w
1+ ⋅ carbonates.
k rw µ nw 5. BVI estimations for carbonate formations are more
accurate with Synthetic Pc-based BVI than other
and plotted (fw versus Sw) for any given interval or for the traditional techniques.
entire profile. 6. Purcell’s permeability model provides an alternative to
the Bound Water and Kozeny models and eliminates the
needs for the calibration of coefficient and exponents of
Bound Water and Kozeny models and the T2cutoff time.
7. Using theoretical BVI (Swir*φe as Pc approaches to
infinity) with the Bound Water Model for permeability
provides a closer approximation of the absolute
permeability then the T2cutoff-based BVI.
8. Relative permeability derived from synthetic capillary
pressure tends to be reasonably accurate for practical
engineering calculations of productivity.
9. The mD-ft computations for hydrocarbons and water
provide a solid framework for completion / hydraulic
fracturing decisions and, consequently, increasing the
utility of NMR logs in engineering applications
10. Reasonably accurate predictions of unmeasured rock
properties at wireline log scale enhance the reservoir
performance estimations via reservoir and frac simulation
7. Effective permeability and productivity analysis at a fraction of the cost for unnecessary measurements
11. “Reservoir Description and Characterization” studies
The permeability we obtain by using the theoretical Swir (as Pc improve and gain accuracy with the generation of
goes to infinity Sw approaches to Swir) eliminates the Advance Rock Properties information from NMR log
ambiguity of the permeability type we derive from the Bound data.
Water Model. The permeability we obtain by using synthetic
BVI (i.e. Swir*φe) with the Bound Water Model is the closest Nomenclature
approximation of the absolute permeability. In addition,
Purcell’s permeability also approaches to the absolute perm. BVI : bulk volume irreducible
Having both the relative and absolute permeability enable us D : diffusion constant
to compute the effective permeability to the wetting and non- DTW : dual wait time
wetting phase. The ability to derive effective permeability to F : lithology factor
hydrocarbons helps to compute the correct mD-ft for any φe : effective porosity
interval that is subject of interest in addition to the first φi : partial porosity
approximations of the productivity to both phases provided Fs : pore shape factor
that the pressure and fluid properties data also available (see fw : fractional flow of water
figure on page 9). γ : gyromagnetic ratio
G : gradient field
k : permeability

krnw : relative permeability of the non-wetting nw (subscript) : non-wetting phase

phase Sw : wetting phase saturation
krw : relative permeability of the wetting phase Sw* : normalized wetting phase saturation
Pc : capillary pressure Siw : connate water saturation
Pd : displacement (threshold) pressure Sor : residual oil saturation
θ : contact angle σ : interfacial tension
ρ : a measure of surface's ability to cause S/N : signal to noise ratio
protons to relax Sw : wetting phase saturation
rb : pore-body radius Swir : irreducible saturation of the wetting phase
rpt : pore-throat radius T2 : rate of decay of transverse magnetization
S : surface area T2bulk : T2 of bulk fluid
C : Scaling coefficient T2cutoff : a value of T2 empirically related to
R : multiplier capillary irreducible phase
w (subscript) : wetting phase TE : inter-echo time
V : volume

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Model for Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure
Incorporating Wettability”, SCA-9718, 1997 SCA International
We also would like to thank Dr. Daniel Georgi for his Symposium, Calgary, Canada, September 7-10, 1997
comments and contributions, Dr. Gigi Zhang for her assistance 14. Rajan, R.R., Delaney, P., “Reconciliation of Log and Capillary
and Ms Karen Bush for her editorial comments. Pressure Based Water Saturation in the Fateh Thamama
Reservoir, Dubai”, 32nd Annual Logging Symposium, June 16-
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