~ -
/ ~ e cost.,i)f qn unit quantity of work is gove~:,~bJ:lt§ spe$.i~~gJri;~
1. Brief specifications
2. Detailed specifications
1.Brief specifications
While preparing the estimate the quantity surveyor writes down the brief
- of every
specification '~ item these are known as b ne · f spec1'f'1cahon.
· It is a short
description of different partS'of
I • tC ·
the work specifying material proportions, qua1•ities,e
2. Detailed specification
Which includes,
, (a) General provisions.
(b) Technical provisions.
(a) General provisions
These are known as the conditions of contract and they apply to the work as a
whole. In this documents the condition governing in the contract are written.
(b) Technical provisions
The specifications describe the technical requirement of each type of construction.
The technical provision contain detailed instruction regarding the desired quality
of the final product and tests to be performed during construction to make sure
that the specified requirements are being obtained. The technical provisions are
two types
D Specification for materials and workmanship.
D Specification for performance.
Speci:ications are seldom written completely for all items or work. It is possible to
standardize. Specifications for most of items occurring in works similar nature. Hence
each office develops its own standard specification in due course .
.......___ - . ·------• ~--·-····-·- -~~--·· - ~- -- -·
For example, specifications for earthwork, concrete work, brick work, etc are
commonly required for different W~ p ecffications for th esec ornrnoff"Works
become same. So, it is needless to write such common specifications in the tender
paper. They are referred to the departmental standard specification instead of writing
specification in tender document.
Earth: The earth used for filling shall be free from salts, organic or other deleterious
~~tey:J-Iighly ~:..n sl ve ~ ils like black cotton soil _shall not be used, unless so
specified. _ , . · ·
Filling sides of trenches: As soon as the work in foundation has been completed and
measured, the space around the foundation masonry in trenches shall be cleared of all
debris, brickbats, etc., and filled with earth in layers not exceeding__ 250 mm, each layer
being watered, rammed and compact£d before the succeeding one is laid.E~ filling
shall be adequately watered for achieving _ma,ximum compa_ctiop.
Earth used for filling shall be loose, free from brick-bat, stone, boulders, salts,
organic matter. Ns rmally e::~ va! ed earth ![o~ the same area shall be used
for filling. . ~----- _
,,ti The spaces around the foundations, pipes and drain trenches shall be cleared
of all debris, brick-bats, etc.
; :f The filling shall be done in layers, not exceedin&_20cm each layer.
r· Each lay_er shall be_~atered, rammed and consolidated b~fore the succeeding
one isla1d. .
-In case J filling under floors, the finished le~el of filling shall be kept sloping.
$ In case of plinth filling sand shall be used.
-· Moorum: Moorum shall be obtained from approved pits and quarries of disintegrated
rocks, which contain silicon material, and natural mixh1re of clay of calcareous origin.
These shall not contain any admixh1re of ordinary earth. Size of moorum shall vary
from dust to 40 mm gauge.
Sand: Sand shall be clean, free from dust, organic and other extraneous matter. It shall
not contain more than 5 percent of clay/ silt.
Shingle: Shingle shall be clean and free from foreign matter and obtained from river or
nullah beds. Shingle of all in size ranging from 40 mm down to 4.75 mm gauge shall
contain a sufficient proportion of fine material to fill all interstices and ensure binding
when consolidated.
Filling: Filling shall be done in a manner similar to earth filling in plinth except that
thickness of individual layer shall not exceed 15 cm. Shingle or ballast filling shall be
blinded with earth before ramming/ consolidation.
When the filling in floors etc., has nearly dried, any developing cracks shall be tapped
and a thin layer of the same material as used for filling and earth in case of shingk:
filling shall be spread over the surface evenly and tapped in.
Measurements: The length and breadth of excava.tion or filling shall be measured with
a steel tape correct to the nearest cm. The depth of cutting or height of filling shall be
measured, correct to 5mm, by recording levels before the start of the work and after the
completion of the work. The cubical contents shall be worked out to the nearest two
pl~ces of decimal in cubic metres. ·
/4nd stones: (shall be as specified except that a bond stone or a set of bond stones shall
be inserted 1.5 to 1.8 meh·es apart, in every course.) .
~ uoins: Corner stones or quoins sha_l~ r -21~~.l.O correct angleJThe short b ed of the
stone shall be at least equal to height(::he quoins shall be laid header and stretcher, in
alt_ernative layers\
/,,/"' - )
'--'( 1oints: All bed joints shall be horizontal and all side joints vertical. All joints shall be
packed with mortar, fa~JA!_s ~hall not 9,~ m _£12_e than on~ c~ thi:k.) ·
, (au.ring: The work shall be protected from rain or stm while it is green. At the _end of
'\J:.e day's work the tops of walls shall be left flooded. It requires at least ~ a ys c~ ~-)
~asurements: Shall be taken in cubic metres.)
'- :
_Proportions: Proportions of mortar shall be taken in one part of cement and six part of
= "'~
sand by volume, the water shall be mixed by only at the t·
1me o
f .
aymg maso
nry and
shall beJ roffib 1e water. 1
~ --- \.::.
. ,Mfxing: Cement mortar shall be prepared in required quantity not more than W1e bag
'"' at a time and shall be consumed with in half an hour and mixing shall be done only on
water cig ghtJ].]atform. - - - · -. ....,._
JA1~g of stones: All stones shall be wetted before laying and the stones shall be laid
on their nahrral bed. All courses shall be laid truly horizontal and all vertical joints
shall be truly vertical. Face stones shall be laid header and stretchers alternatively. The
whole masonrY. must be carried u12, at a uniform level through
Ma.ms..-~~~- c.-..~
out. -Tr'li " ~ ~ - ,~ '\IYW,J $ J.
t.,Ch~cking verticality: Each course shall be made truly horizontal, all comers shall be
trul~ b and side shall be in line and level.
~ nts: All joints shall be~ Lo~ ar. These shall be not more than i::1!:1-_lhick~ ace
joints shall be uniform throughout and a uniform recess of 20 mm depth Tro£ face
shall be left with the help of the steel plate during the progress of work.
~ ug; All exposed~!£_~ts sh~,E.~ E~!:~.~~i~P.. . .JD.W:ta.r_as~sp.ecifie4).B1e pointing
\ ; ~ ; finished shall be sunk from stone face by 5 mm or as specifiedlee depth of
mor_tar in pointing work
~.Fixtures: Hold fast or other fixhues shall be built and bonded into the masonry as the
work proceeds and not inserted afterwards.,.,,;. . · .
"\...S caffolding: ( Double scaffolding_ shall be . used · ; if . necessary. However single
scaffolding is provided, the holes left ,i n the masonry work for ~ pporting the put logs
shall be filled and made good by stones to match the face work. /
~ ring: The work laid in cement or lime mortar shall be kept wet by any suitable
method as specified or as· desired by the Engineer-in-charge. The work shall be kept
wet for a period of at least seven days. "'
,.,.. - ( · . rirWl'io!@ - .
.~ ixing of mortar: Only the quantity of mortar which can be used within 30mmutes
shall be prepared at a time. Mixing shall be done on water tight platform, drinking
wat~r sho_uld be used.
' Bon-d -a~d laying: Broken b ricks shall n ot be u sed except as cl~sers. Brick shall be laid
in ,gn gli sh b on d,tmlcss sp eci ally m en tioned with frog (i n den ta tLon) up~ a~ s .
·, _Joiii.ts: Each brick sh all be se t with b edan d ver tical join ts comple tely filled with mortar
and bricks b ed ded in by tapping w ith the handle of the trowel. All horizontal joints
shall be pc1rallel and truly level. All corners shall be truly in ph~mb.
Fixtures: All iron fi xtures such as pipes, outle ts of wc1ters, hold fa s ts,_etc., shall be
embedded in brick w ork in rich cen;ent m or tar or cem ent concrete during the progress
of work.
'-Soaking of bricks: Bricks sh all be soaked in water before i1se for a p eriod for the water
to just penetrate the w hole d epth of the bricks.
Progress of work: Walls shall be carried up regularly not leaving any part more than
lm lower than anot~1er.JThe joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 12mm during
t he progress of ,~rork so as to provide proper key for the plas ter or pointing to b e done.
Finishing of joints: The face of brickwo~k be finished flush or by pointing. In flush
finishing either the face joints of mortar shall be worked out while still green fo
give a
finished surface flush ,-vith the face of the brick work or the joints shall be squarely
raked out to a d epth of 1 cm while the mortar is till green for subsequently plastering.
'-'- Scaffolding: Single or double scaffolding shall be provided if required. Holes left in
masonry_ works for scaffoldingpurpose shall be filled and made good before
plastering. ·
Curing: The brickwork shall be constantly kept moist on all faces for a minimum
period of seven daz:s. Brickwork done during the day shall be suitably marked
indicating f he d ate on ' which the work is done so as of keep a watch on the curing
'._. Measurements: Brickwork quantities taken as cubic meters, for partition w alls or half
brick wall in square metres. _.._ '........ - _,
,/ . . .
< -- - ~
\_Water: Potable (drinking) water may be used.
b. Coarse aggregate- crushed stone, crushed boulders and graded between
_, ,iZSmm t,L4.Clrnm-
1. /'l--
' I
\_.Rroporhonmg mixture: It shall be done~~Y "?.Oh~1,e_. Boxes of suitable size shall be used
for measuring sand and aggregate. fhe internal dimensions of the boxes shall be
generally 35 X 25 X40 cm deep or as otherwise approved by the engineer. The unit of
measurem~nt of cement shall be a b ~ of ,50 _t~ nd this shall be taken as 0.035 cubic
metre. Wlule measuring the aggregate, shaking, ramming or heaping shall not be done.
The pro portioning of sanctshall""6e ontfie 15as1s- 6fi1's<iryvolume ancril1caseof camp
sand, allowances for bulkage shall be made as given for mortar.
/ .
,,___,,l \iixing: Mixing is done in watertight masonry platform or sheet iron tray. About 20 to
30 litre.s..- of water is used per bag of cement or3.E-ter cemenL :i;_a tiQ..i§ specified by
·Engineer in charge(as water plays vital role in sh·ength of concrete, proper care should
be taken while adding water), to give a plastic mix of the required workability and
water cement ratio. Machine mixing may be done for about 1 to 2 minutes rotation for
thorough mixing. --------
\Laying concrete-: Concrete shall be placed in position as rapidly as practicable,
rammed, vibrated and finished within 30 minutes of adding water to the mix. In no
case it shall be dropped from a height greater than one meter in order to prevent
segregation of coarse aggregate and mortar. - -
When the placing of concrete is suspended, or resumed on the following day,
necessary roughening of the surface for joining future work shall be done before the
concrete sets.'" When theworl< resumed the previous work must be thoroughly cleaned,
roughened, watered and a grout of neat cement slurry of the proportion . 1kg of
cement per 2 litres of water applied 1miformly.
\_ Q~action: Compaction is done by vibrator to ensure thc~..~_!rollow pl~~-are left.
, f orm w ork: Form work, cent erin g iln d shuttering shall be provided as required. It is
rem oved after the cn ri ng period <?_f 14 days.
' _9u ring: Th e curing sh a ll be don e for a minimum p eriod_o..:_14 d ays . _
Measiirem ent: Measu rem ent is taken in cub ic metres for works like slab, beam
cohmu1s, s taircase, e tc. '
----- ---
' specifications are u sed. Bars sh all b e round, hooked and bent accurately and placed in
______. ,._
position. Joints in bars sh ould be avoided . During laying and compaction, b ars should
not be dishubed . While joining one bar to anotherst.1fficientover lap ping""snould
_(:entering and shuttering( Centering and s~uttering should be done with timber or
steel plates ap.d to prevent'·1eaka ge of mortag if necessary props, brac~g and w edges
are placed. \ A coat of soap solution, raw linseed oil, or form _2ll of approv.)d
ma:1ufacture, should be applied over the shuttering to prev~ nt adI:erence of con~ ete,J
-,.::_Utf>portion: The proportion of the cement shall be one part of cement, two parts of
sand and four parts of aggregates by volume. The cement shall be standard
requirements. The sand to be used shall be clean and coarse and shall be free from any
organic or vegetable matter.
\ ~ aterials for concrete: The coarse aggregates shall b~~£¥21J?;!:"2~ eg_j._Q!Yn and shall be
retained in a 5mm square mesh so that the voids do not exceed 42%.S~nd should be
coarse, consisting of sharp, angular grains and be standard specification. It shall be free
from dust, dirt and"'@-gaii.ie ·1 natters. Sea-sand shall not be used. Cement sh all b e fresh
Port~and cement. Clean drinking water should be used for mixing.
~xing: The mixing of concrete shall be done in a mechanical mixer or b y hand
operations which shall be decided by the Engineer. The concrete from dnun shall be
placed on a water tight platform.
..__euring: Concrete surface Kept damp by covering with wet gunny bags or wet sand for
24 hours. The concrete shall be cured for 21 days. l.X >". -1.. ( \ \ ! (
~~"#• - ,4,~:.t. \.., ) \, ..
- :' Ja.:c,, .,, . .. t
··,--Finishing: The R.C.C work shall be done carefully so tha't the th· kn f plaster
· d f f. · h. 1c ess o
reqmre or mis mg the surface is not more than 6mm The f k h ld be
· ~~,,_; orn1 wor s ou
removed after the approval of Engineer and surface shall be finished with 3 coats of
white wash or colour wash.
of concrete: Regular tests on the co~ cy and _worka!:?_ility of the fresh
concrete shall be carried out at field to achieve the specified strength.
J\'1-e{surement: Concrete ing 1bic metr:,s, st~ in q~j~J,.al~QI _tones 5?:. !<~-
Types: For the purpose of this standard, the ready-mixed concrete shall be one of the
two types, according to the method of production and delivery
Centrally-mixed concrete: Concrete produced by completely mixing cement,
aggregates, admixtures, if any _a nd water at a stationary central mixing plant and
delivered in containers fitted with agitating devices, except that when so agreed to
between the purchaser and the manufacturer, the concrete may be transported without
being agitated.
Cement: The cement used shall be ordinary Portland cement or low heat Portland
cement conforming to IS:269-1989/ OR 8112-1989/ OR 1226:1987 or Portland slag
~e~ent conformin~ to IS:4~5-1989 or 'Portland-pozzolana cement conforming to
S.l489,:~91 or rapid hardemng Portland cement conforming to IS: 8041-1976 as may
be s~~cified by the purchaser at the time of placing the order. If the type is not
specified, ordinary Portland cement shall be used. ·
Fly ash when u s-ed_ _fo_r_ p_a_r_ti_a_l - re_p_l-ac-e n-1~~1~ - of cement, shall con fo rm ~
require1nen ts of JS:3812 -1981
· Aggregates: Unless oth erw ise agreed to betvveen th e p urchaser and_ the manufacturer,
the aggrega tes shall con form to IS:383-1970 . Fly ash when used as fine aggregate shall
confonn to the requ irements of IS:3812-1981.
Water used fo r con crete sh all con form to th e requirements of IS:456-2000.
Admixtures: Ad m.ix h.u-es shall only be used when so agreed to between the purchaser
and th.e m anufach.u-er. The adm.ixh.tres sh all confor m to the requirements of IS:456-
2000, and their n a ture, quantities and m ethods of use shall also be specified. Fly ash
w hen used as an admix ture fo r concrete, shall conform to IS:3812-1981.
Measurement and storage of materials: Measurement and storage of materials shall be
done in accordance w ith the requirements of IS:456-2000.
Basis of supply: Depending upon the agreement between the purchaser and the
manufach.uer, the ready-mixed concrete shall be manufach.1red and supplied on either
of the following basis:
_Y feparation of surface: The work of the cement plaster shall be carried out after
masonry joints are;~4...Qut to a depth of .3.Q~ and well waterec( Extra p \ ojection of
- masonry more than 13mm to the general level surface should be cut-off.)To ensure
ttniform tl"tic~ 1.es~ of pl~ster as specified, narrow strips of about lOcm- wicle plaster
shall be applied first a distance of about 1~ centres and the gaps betwee:::t such strips
shall immedia~ely be filled up with mortar. )
'-w orkmanship after applying the water. The thickness of first coat shall be not less than
) 2mm_1tnd should be··ci.u-ed for 7 days~·
.,aM2 .. ..
_Fi~i-sh: The second coat shall be started at least after\""'7- d ay-.:_Jand should ~e 8 ~.
~ h1c~ es; · - · -. ) 1 Y'/' ·:. J • (" . , ,1 , - 1
~ surement: Measurement is taken in ~~uare ?;;~::,s. [ v,~ ,_. • ! ~·:., .)
\..-euring: Plastering surface shall be kept wet by sprinkling water after 12hours for at
least 7days.
Materials required:
<:ement: As per I.S specification .
..-S~nd: Max. size 4.8nm1, and down size clean, dry, free from organic matter.
tfetiurse Aggregate: Shall be hard and tough , well graded fro~{ffnufJ.and down size
and free from dust, dirt, etc.
"~ ring: After laying the surface shall be left undishirbed for 2 hours and than covered
with wet bags and
least 10iii5fl
~ ~rJi
h ~_1;;;:s cured by flooding with water and kept flooded for at
~ lo ured floor: For coloured finis~ : ~~ir~~ce_sli.all be finished -with coloured cement
and colouring pigment of the desired coiour added. , ,. .~
~autions: After co~pl~tion th~ top c_oat with ~~~?ured pig~ent, no one should walk
on the floor other wise, 1mpres~,~\V1l~ £.e
seen. The top surface should be covered
wi~ wet cloth and should not directly exposed to sun rays.
\/eas~Jement: Measurement is taken ~ .gJ.JijX~Jrl~tres.
, _, ,. .._..-,:.,. 1-ti.-J::R-:• 't..6-:~...-.,.--.ri:...~,'!lr..:-
~rials: (Paints, oils, vami~hes, etc.,. of approved brand and manufachu:._ shall be
used. ))nly ready mixed pamt (Extenor grade) as rece1vecl from the manufachuer
without any admixture shall be used.
If for any reason, thinning is necessary in case of ready mixed paint the brand of
thinner recommended by the rnanufachuer or as instructed by the Engineer shall be
Approved paints, oil or varnishes shall be brought to the site of work by the contractor
in their original containers in sezi.led condition.
\_,Q~ mencing Work: Painting shall not be started until the engineer has inspected the
items of work to be painted, satisfied himself about their proper quality and given his
app 1·0 v 1 t . . • · O f external surface s h
a o com. .n1cnce the pamtmg work. Pamtmg -o . ~. 2tn be
done in adverse weather cond ition like hail s torm an~ 1 tl?t ~t.<?~ .....__
P amtmg,
· · · ta·k en m
excep t th e priming coat, shall generally be · hand after p rac fIcaUy
fini~hin g all oth er building work.The rooms should be thorou~hly swept _out and the
entire building clean ed up, at least one day in advance of the~ ~ . :~ bemg started.
Preparation of Su; f~~e: The. ~t~rfa~ ~shal;·~~.. ;h~~:~~1:1;
cleaned and dusted off. Al!
rust, di rt, scales( smoke splashes, mortar dJ.:..oppir:lgs and grease shall b~ th~roughly
removed before painting is ~tarted. The prepared surface shall have received the
approval or the engineer after inspection, before painting is commenced.
'- Application~ efore pouring into smaller containers for use~ the paint shall b_e stirred
thoroug~ly in its contain~rs, when applying also, the paint shall be continuously
stir~ed in the smaller <;:on!~iners so that its consistency is kept unifor~
( The painting shall be laid on evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and laying off,
the latter m the-d1rection of the grains of wood. The crossing and laying off consISts of
covering the area over the paint, brushing the surface hard for the first time over and
then brushing alternately in opposite direction, two or three times and then finally
brushing lightly in a direction at right angles to the same. In this process, no bmsh
marks shall be left after the laying off is finished. The full process of crossing and
laying off will constitute one coat. ._..,_..,,.....,.,=~-=---.....--,...,,. ·-' •. · - ~-~ - - -
,,"'Z - ;/
Where so stipulated, the painting shall be done by spraying. Spray machine used be (a)
' . . high presst:rre (small air aperture) type7or"(GT lo~ .w:.~.sur~ (larg~_ air gap) type,
depending on the nature a1;~--locati?~-- of -~.?:k~-~? "-c~med oi~ Skilled and
experienced workmen shall 1::5e employed to the requisite consistency by adding a
suitable thinn~r.
No hair marks from the brush or clogging of paint puddles in the corners of panels,
angles of mouldings, etc., shall be left on the work.
In painting doors and windows, the putty round the glass panes must also be painted
but care must be taken to see that no paint stains, etc., are left on the glass. Tops of
shutters a.nd surfaces in similar hidden locations shall not be left out in painting.
However, bottom edge of the shu~ters whe~e the painting is not practically possible,_
need not be done nor any deduction on this account will be done but two coats ot
primer of approved make shall be done on the bottom edge before fixing the shutters.
On painting steel work, special care shall be taken while painting over bolts, nuts,
rivets. overlaps, etc.
l3:rushes and ~ontaiI~er~/ Afte~ work, the_brushes shall_ be completely cleaned of pa~t
a_n d linseed 011 by rmsili~ wit~ ~ A bn1sh m which paint has dried up 15
mined and shall on no account be used for painting work. The containers when not in
use, shall be kept closed and free from air..§_Q_jh.aLµaint..doe&-R-0~thi€ken~nd-alsG--sh~l
be kept safe f.rom dust. When the paint has been used, the containers shall be washed
with turpen) t.ine and wiped dry with soft .£l~e-.1l..S!sttb.i..§.Q...thaUhey...ar.e..dean, and .canJ;,e
used again. •.
----7 - ·-
\_,Measurements: Measurements are taken in~ )(j,~' s. ·
~ on of
-surface: Before new work is white washed the surface shall be
thoroughly brushed free from mortar d~oppin~. ~!ic.! (9reign matter. In case of old work
all loose pieces and scales shal175escrappedo tf and holes in plasters as well as patches
less than SOsquare on area shall be fill up with mortar.
Preparation of Jime wash: The lime shall be thoroughly slaked on the spot, mixed and
stirred with sufficient water to make a thin cream. This shall be screened through a
clean coarse cloth. The approximately quantity of water to be added in making the
cream will 5 litres of water to one kg of lime lng!go (neel) up to 3gm per kg of lime
dissolved in water. · ""'-~~~- -
Application: The white wash shall be applied with jute brushes to the specified
number of coats. The operation for each coat shall consist of stroke of the bush given
from the fop downwards, another from the bottom upwards over the first and another
from the left before it dries. Each coat shall be dried before the next one is applied.
For new surface three or more coats shall be applied till the surface presents smooth
and uniform fin~througnwnicfirh'tPJ2!1.:~ .Yisible. The finished d_ry surface
shall not show any signs of cracking and peeling nor shall it come off readily on the
hand when n1bbed.
ProJ;edive measures: Doors, windows, floors, articles of furniture, etc., and other parts
c.o tthe building not to beWh.11~-wa,srretl· shatl-be-pT?tect~d- fr~J?.e_~ &.~El~.s~ed ':T?n,
Splashing and dropping, if any sb~g. .!:_~~ved and surfaces cleaned and no payment
for such cleaning shall be made separately
/ • ' • ,..,-,.r-, ,,{,,r:""- ~" '"'
t.M6sureme~ts: Measu~ements are taken in square metres.,
,;i.,:!·· ·.:J. ~ •'1fl'~~ ...
Materials: .Q_ry diste~1pe~~of required colour and of approved brand and manufacture
shall be used. The sha~ hall be got1lPe~wed from th~ E_1;1gl:ne~r before application of
the distemper. The dry distemper colour as required shall be stirred slowly in clean
water ~ s~g 6 decilitres {0.6 litre) qf ,water per kg of, Qr as specified by the
makers. Wii.!m wat~r shall preferablyoe used.~It shall be allowed to stand for at least 30 _
minutes Jor if practicable over night) before use., Jhe mixture shall be well stirred
"-- .,. ~- ' .
· _t
15 u 1stenqJe1 "'"" ~ .-~- U ll A\.'. U
before and durin g use to m aintain an 07en ~ons e~;X.:. k
in larger qu anti ty than is actually requii·cd for one days wor ..
' · d. t mpered the surface shall be
Preparation of Surface: Before new work is is e ' . tt d
• d ther foreign ma e r an sand
thorou ghly brushed free from mortar droppings an ° ed to dr for at leas t
papered smooth . New plastered surfaces shall be allow Y . d -~
mo-;rr, s, befme aoolying distemper. In the case of old. work, all odse Pf ie ces an scda_ es
- ~- ·· Th £ •h 11 be cleane o a 11 grease, 1rt
shall be removed by sand papenng. e sur ace s a . '
· · · · 1 f ris mixed with the colour to
etc.P1thrw m plaster shall be made good with p aster o pa
be used. <;fhe surface shall then be rubbed down again with a fine g r ade sal1 d paper
and made smooth. A coat of the distemper shall be applied over the p;tc~es. The
patched surface shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before the reg ular coat O diS temper
is applied.
PtiJE.i~g Co.~ ,: A priming coat of whiting shall ~ applieq over the prepared surface in
case of new work. No white washing coat shall be used as a priming coat for
distemper.The treated surface be allowed to dry before distemper coat is given.
Application: In the case of new work, the treatment shall consist of a priming coat of
whiting followed by the application of two or more coats of distemper till the surface
attains an even colour.For old work, the surface prepared as described shall be applied
one or more coats of distemper till the surface attains an even colour.
The application of each coat shall be as follows: The entire surface shall be coated with
the mixh1re uniformly, with proper distemper bmshes (ordinary white wash bmshed
shall not be allowed) in horizontal strokes followed immediately by vertical ones
which together shall constih1te one coat.
The~~~9.uept_c~~!,!_bt:~ p_pJ.ied ~nJ y..,~fte~ the previous coat has dried.
The finished surface shall be even and uniform and shall show no bmsh marks.
After each day's work, the brushes shall be washed in hot wate d h d t
d Old b . . , r an ung own o
r~ -- rushes which are dirty or caked with distemper shall not be used.
Measurements: Measurements are taken in ~Z~~:e....