Section 5
Section 5
Section 5
ASTM C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates ASTM C 311 Standard Test Methods for Sampling and
Testing Fly Ash or Natural Pozzolans for Use
ASTM C39/C39M Standard Test Method for Compressive
as a Mineral Admixture in Portland-Cement
Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens
ASTM C 494 Standard Specifications for Chemical
ASTM C 40 Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in
Admixtures for Concrete
Fine Aggregates for Concrete
ASTM C 586 Standard Test Method for Potential Alkali
ASTM C 42 Standard Test Method for Obtaining and
Reactivity of Carbonate Rocks for Concrete
Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams of
Aggregates (Rock Cylinder Method)
ASTM C 595 Standard Specifications for Blended Hydraulic
ASTM C 88 Standard Test Method for Soundness of Cements
Aggregates by Use of Sodium Sulfate or
ASTM C 618 Standard Specifications for Coal Fly Ash and
Magnesium Sulfate
Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use as a
ASTM C 94 Standard Specifications for Ready-Mixed Mineral Admixture in Concrete
ASTM C 989 Standard Specification for Ground Granulated
ASTM C 114 Standard Test Methods for Chemical Analysis Blast-Furnace Slag for Use in Concrete and
of Hydraulic Cement Mortars
ASTM C 1064 Standard Test Method for Temperature of Submittals
Freshly Mixed Portland Cement Concrete
1 Product Data: For proprietary materials and items.
ASTM C 1077 Standard Practice for Laboratories Testing
2 Design Mixes: For each concrete mix. Include alternative mix
Concrete and Concrete Aggregates for Use in
designs when characteristics of materials, project conditions, weather,
Construction and Criteria for Laboratory
test results, or other circumstances warrant adjustments.
3 Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in
ASTM C 1105 Standard Test Method for Length Change of
Paragraph "Quality Assurance" to demonstrate their
Concrete Due to Alkali-Carbonate Rock
capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with
project names and addresses, names and addresses of engineers and
ASTM C 1116 Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced owners, and any other information required by the Engineer.
Concrete and Shotcrete
4 Material Test Reports: From a qualified testing agency
ASTM C 1202 Test Method for Electrical Indication of indicating and interpreting test results for compliance of the following
Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion with requirements indicated, based on comprehensive testing of
Penetration (AASHTO T 277) current materials.
ASTM D 512 Standard Test Methods for Chloride Ion in 5 Material Certificates: Signed by manufacturers and Contractor
Water certifying that each of the following items complies with specified
ASTM D 516 Standard Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water requirements:
ASTM E 329 Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Cementitious materials and aggregates.
the Testing and/or Inspection of Materials used Fiber reinforcement.
in Construction Admixtures: Material certificates in lieu of material
ASTM E 548 Standard Guide for General Criteria Used for laboratory test reports when permitted by the Engineer.
Evaluating Laboratory Competence Material certificates shall be signed by the manufacturer
and the Contractor, certifying that each material item
5 British Standards:
complies with specified requirements. Provide
BS 812 Testing Aggregates certification from admixture manufacturers that chloride
BS 1881 Methods of Testing Concrete content complies with specified requirements.
BS 1199 and 1200 Specification for Building Sands from Natural 6 Minutes of pre-installation conference.
Sources Quality Assurance
BS 4027 Specification for Sulfate-Resisting Portland
Cement 1 Quality System: Comply with ISO 9001/9002 Quality System
BS 5328 Methods for Specifying Concrete Including and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems as a minimum.
Ready-Mixed Concrete Incorporate all the standard procedures supplied by the Engineer and
the Employer.
BS EN 932 Tests of Aggregates for General Properties
2 Codes and Standards: Comply with the latest version of ACI
BS EN 933 Tests of Aggregates for Geometric Properties Manual of Concrete Practice Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, and CRSI "Manual
BS EN 1097 Tests of Aggregates for Mechanical Properties of Standard Practice” except where more stringent requirements are
shown or specified.
BS EN 1367 Tests of Aggregates for Thermal and
Weathering Properties 3 Concrete Quality Control Engineer: Appoint a full-time
Concrete Quality Control Engineer (CQCE) to ensure that concrete is
BS EN 1744 Tests of Aggregates for Chemical Properties
properly produced, placed, cured and protected. The CQCE shall be
BS EN 12350 Testing Fresh Concrete
equivalent to a Member of the Institute of Concrete Technology
BS EN 12390 Testing Hardened Concrete (MICT) or as approved by the Engineer and shall be responsible for
BS EN 12620 Specification for Aggregates the maintenance and submission of all specified records. The CQCE
shall not report to the site construction management but to the
BS EN 197 Cement Specification
Contractor’s management and to the Engineer. The CQCE shall set
Part 1: Composition and specification standards of quality and insist that these standards be followed,
Part 2: Conformity evaluation prepare a Quality Control Program for the inspection and testing of
6 Commercial Standards (CS): concrete and the maintenance of all reports and records to meet the
specified requirements and requirements of the Engineer. Depending
Concrete Plant Manufacturers Bureau - Concrete Plant Standards
on the quantity of concrete works in specific project, the Special
National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) - Check List Specifications may waive this requirement.
7 Corps of Engineers (CE): 4 The Contractor shall operate a Quality Assurance System in
CE CRD-C119 Test for Flat and Elongated Particles accordance with ANSI Q9002. The Quality Assurance Manager shall
8 National Standard of Canada: be responsible for the preparation of a Quality Plan for approval of the
operations specified in this Section. The Quality Plan shall include,
CAN/CSA A23.5-M86 Supplementary Cementing Materials
among other things, the list and schedule of the Quality Control audits
that the Quality Assurance Manager shall make. 186. C3A content shall be a minimum of 5 percent and a
maximum of 13 percent.
5 Concrete Manufacturer Qualifications: A firm experienced in
Sulfate-resisting Portland cement conforms to ASTM C
manufacturing ready-mixed concrete products complying with ASTM
150, Type V or BS 4027; C3A content shall not be more
C 94/C94M requirements for production facilities and equipment.
than 3.5 percent.
6 Engage an independent testing agency acceptable to the Moderate Sulfate: conforms to ASTM C 150 type II or BS
Engineer to perform material evaluation tests and qualified according EN 197. C3A content shall be a minimum of 3.5 percent
to ASTM C 1077 and ASTM E 329 to conduct the testing indicated, and a maximum of 8 percent.
as documented according to ASTM E 548 and to design concrete
2 Sampling shall be carried out in accordance with BS EN 196:
Part 7.
Personnel conducting field tests shall be qualified as ACI
3 Test cement for fineness by air permeability apparatus in
concrete field testing technician, Grade 1 according to ACI
accordance with ASTM C 204 to meet the requirements of ASTM C
CP-1 or an equivalent certification program approved by
the Engineer.
4 Test cement for soundness. Autoclave expansion in accordance
7 Materials and installed work may require testing and retesting
with ASTM C 151.
at any time during progress of work, if instructed by the Engineer. Silica Fume
Tests, including retesting of rejected materials for installed work, shall
be done at the Contractor’s expense. 1 Silica fume (SF), also referred to as microsilica, used as a
8 Source Limitations: Obtain each type or class of cementitious cement replacement shall be in accordance with Type U,
material of the same brand from the same manufacturer's plant, each specified in Canadian National Standard CAN/CSA-A23.5 -
aggregate from one source, and each admixture from the same M86. The silica fume shall be obtained from an approved
manufacturer. supplier.
2 The approved supplier shall provide documentation to establish
9 Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site
the following:
to comply with requirements as follows:
That the silica fume complies with Type U of CAN/CSA-
At least 35 days prior to submitting design mixes, conduct a meeting
A23.5 - M86.
to review detailed requirements for preparing concrete design mixes
The silica fume results from the production of silicon or
and to determine procedures for satisfactory concrete operations.
ferro-silicon alloys containing at least 85 percent silicon
Review requirements for submittals, status of coordinating work, and
dioxide. That source of supply shall remain the same for
availability of materials. Establish preliminary work progress
the construction period of the project.
schedule and procedures for materials inspection, testing, and
That the supply shall be adequate to meet the anticipated
certifications. Require representatives of each entity directly
peak requirement.
concerned with cast-in-place concrete to attend conference, including,
Chemical analyses to give the percentages of the following
but not limited to, the following:
- Contractor’s superintendent.
Si O2 C
- Agency responsible for concrete design mixes.
Ca O Fe2 O3
- Agency responsible for field quality control.
Al2 O3 Na2 O
- Ready-mix concrete producer.
K2 O Mg O
- Concrete subcontractor.
- Primary admixture manufacturers Chemical requirements in accordance with ASTM C1240-15:
5.1.2 Materials Si O2, min 85 %
Moisture content, max 3% Portland Cement
Loss on ignition, max 6%
1 Portland Cement: Cement shall be low alkali with chemical
Loss on ignition.
composition in accordance with Table 1 of ASTM C 150 or BS EN
Percentage of particles greater than 44 μm.
197: Part 1. The magnesia content shall be limited to 4 percent by
Specific surface area and method of test, together with
weight of cement, as tested in accordance with ASTM C 114. Use one
corresponding particle size.
brand of cement throughout Project unless otherwise approved by the
Engineer. Manufacturer’s test certification shall be supplied for each 3 Delivery of silica fume to the concrete batching plant shall be in
delivery of cement and shall confirm that the cement complies with dry powder form, with a bulk density between 200 and 650 kg/cu m.
the above requirements and shall be submitted by the Contractor not 4 Manufacturer's test certification shall be supplied for each
later than the day of delivery of the cement. The Engineer shall have delivery of silica fume and shall confirm that the silica fume complies
the right to call for tests, the cost of which is to be borne by the with the above requirements and shall be submitted by the Contractor
Contractor, on each delivery of cement to confirm that the cement no later than the day of delivery of the silica fume.
meets the following requirements. 5 The Engineer shall have the right to call for tests, the cost of
Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) conforms to ASTM C which are to be borne by the Contractor, on each delivery of silica
150, Type I or BS EN 197. The heat of hydration shall not fume, if necessary to establish or confirm that the silica fume meets
exceed 325 kj/kg when tested in accordance with ASTM C the above requirements.
Freq. of Supplementary Cementing Material (SCM) Test Description Standard Limit
Tests (min)
1 Supplementary cementing materials, if permitted by the Per
Engineer, shall be selected from subparagraphs below. Blending of Appendix
production Reactive Silica
C 227 X1.3.7 of
fly ash or slag with Portland cement shall be done at mixing plant. sample
Pulverized Fly Ash: ASTM C 618, Class C or F.
ASTM Minimum
Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag: ASTM C 989, 1 per 7 days Specific Gravity
C 127 2.6
Grade 100 or 120.
1 per 2 days Moisture Content Blended Hydraulic Cement 1097-5
1 Blended Hydraulic Cement: conforming to ASTM C 595 shall 3%
production Shell Content BS812
be used solely for grouts if specified or approved by the Engineer. It maximum
shall not to be used for making structural concrete.
Table Coarse Aggregate Specifications and Testing Aggregates
* Additionally, the limits specified in Paragraph for total salt
1 Aggregates shall be normal-weight and shall be from approved content shall not be exceeded
sources and shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 33 and BS 3 Fine aggregate, shall pass a 5mm sieve and shall consist of
EN 12620. Petrographic analyses shall be made in accordance with crushed gravel, crushed stone or natural sand with rounded or
ASTM C 295. Aggregates for exposed concrete shall be from the
surrounded particles, washed as necessary, and shall comply with the
same geological type and shall be supplied by the same quarry i.e from
the same source and shall not contain substances that cause spalling.
Only aggregates not susceptible to alkali aggregate reaction shall be Frequency Test
used. The Contractor shall supply samples of the materials for Standard Limit
of Tests Description
approval by the Engineer and each aggregate source shall be subject
Clay Lumps and ASTM C 142/C
to monitoring by the Engineer. Grading of aggregate shall be to the 1 per day 1.0% maximum
Friable Particles 142M
compliance of BS EN 12620.
maximum 3%
2 Coarse aggregate for structural concrete shall be 20mm for natural sand
nominal size, free from material passing a 5mm sieve, and shall Material Finer and 5% for
1 per day ASTM C 117
consist of crushed stone, selected, re-crushed, finish screened and than 75 Microns crushed sand
washed with water meeting the requirements of Paragraph as with no plastic
necessary, and shall comply with the following:
1 per 7 days ASTM C 128 2.0% maximum
Freq. of Absorption
Test Description Standard Limit
Tests (min)
1 per 3 days Chlorides as Cl BS EN 1744-1
Los Angeles Abrasion ASTM 25% maximum
Loss (Grading A or B) C 131 maximum
1 per 3 days Sulfates as SO3 BS EN 1744-1
Ratio of Los Angeles maximum
Abrasion Loss at 100 & ASTM
0.25% Organic ASTM C 40/C4 Lighter than
Initial 500 Revolutions C 131 1 per 7 days
maximum Impurities 0M Standard Color
(100/500 Revolutions Note 6
Value) 1 per day Sand equivalent ASTM D2419 75% minimum
Clay Lumps and ASTM 1.0% Light weight ASTM C
1 per day 1 per day 0.5% maximum
Friable Particles C 142 maximum pieces 123/C123M
Material Finer than 75 ASTM 1.0% Per Appendix
1 per day
Microns C 117 maximum X1.3.7
1 per source Reactive Silica ASTM C227
of ASTM C 33/
ASTM 2.0% C33M
1 per 7 days Water Absorption
C 127 maximum
As per ASTM
1 per 3 days Chlorides as Cl BS 812 0.03% max* 1 in 3 days Sieve analysis ASTM C136 C33/C33M
1 per 3 days Sulfates as SO3 BS 812 0.3% max* requirements
cement, inclusive of pozzolan, when tested in accordance with Plums shall be evenly distributed in the concrete mix with a minimum
BS 1881. cover of 100mm.
2. Sulfates: The total sulfate content of the concrete from all sources, Water
expressed as SO3, when tested in accordance with BS 1881, shall
not exceed 3 percent by weight of dry cement, inclusive of pozzolan. 1 Water used for mixing concrete, ice production, washing and
cooling aggregates, and curing concrete shall be free from impurities,
4 Certification: Obtain from each proposed source of supply test oil, acid, salts, alkali, organic matter, and other potentially deleterious
certification to confirm that the aggregates comply with the above substances when tested in accordance with AASHTO T26, ASTM D
requirements. The following information shall be provided: 512 and ASTM D 516. Additionally, the limits specified in Paragraph
Quarry location. for the total salt content of the concrete shall not be exceeded.
Aggregate type. 2 Once a source of satisfactory supply has been established,
Petrographic analysis report. further tests shall be made daily with a portable electrical conductivity
Grading curve. probe calibrated against the satisfactory supply. If the conductivity
Shape and surface texture. exceeds that of the satisfactory supply, then further chemical tests
Flakiness index. shall be performed.
10 percent fines value.
Impact test. Admixtures
Shell content. 1 Admixtures containing chlorides shall not be used.
Chloride and sulfate content. 2 No admixture shall be used in the concrete without the
Relative density. Engineer's written approval and under no circumstances shall
Water absorption value and moisture content. admixtures containing chlorides or other corrosive agents be allowed.
Silt, clay, and dust content. Admixture compatibility with the type of cement used shall be proven.
Results of reactive silica tests.
3 The Contractor shall perform a trial batch and casting to
Organic impurities (fine aggregate only).
substantiate the manufacturer’s claims of workability, retardation as
5 Testing: specified in Clause 5.1.3 Admixtures shall comply with the following
When a source of supply for each aggregate type has been standards: ASTM C494/C494 M, BS EN 934 and BS EN 480. Also,
established, samples of materials delivered to the Site shall admixture shall comply with BS EN 12878 for pigments of cement.
be taken for testing in accordance with BS 812 as follows: 4 Air-Entraining Admixture: No air entraining agent shall be used.
- Tests for clay, silt and dust, and sieve analysis 5 Admixtures shall be incorporated into the mix design strictly in
shall be carried out for every 40 tons of fine accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions.
aggregate and every 80 tons of coarse aggregate.
6 High-Range Water-Reducing Admixture (Superplasticizer):
- Chemical analyses shall be carried out on every ASTM C 494, Type G.
100 tons of aggregate.
If necessary, and only with the Engineer’s approval, a
The Engineer shall have the right to call for additional naphthalene sulphonate retarding superplasticizer shall be
samples at any time for testing of aggregates delivered to used to increase workability of the concrete and retard the
the Site or of aggregates at the source of supply in order to initial set.
confirm that the aggregates meet the above requirements. Products: Superplaticizer shall produce fluid, easily
6 Transportation: During transportation to the Site, all aggregates flowing concrete with a slump value at least 200 mm, but
shall be protected from wind-borne contaminants. If these free from segregation, and having the same water/cement
contaminants are present at time of delivery, the aggregates shall be ratio as that of a no slump concrete with admixture. The
washed with water meeting the requirement of Paragraph product shall result in concrete that remains workable for
Transport vehicles shall be cleaned to remove possible contamination a minimum of 3 hours at +20 deg.C and for a minimum of
due to previous use. 1.5 hours at +40 deg. C.
7 Storage: Aggregates shall be stored (under shade) on hard Obtain from the retarding superplasticizer supplier, details
concrete floors or other approved surface having sufficient slope to of the material for review by the Engineer and
ensure adequate drainage of aggregate before being used for concrete. confirmation that it is in accordance with specified
Each size and type shall be stored in separate heaps without requirements. Confirmation shall be obtained that the
intermixing. Storage shall prevent contamination of the aggregates by retarding superplasticizer is compatible with any pozzolan
foreign material including windblown dust. Fine and coarse that is used.
aggregates shall be separated by permanent substantial partitions. 7 Water-Reducing Admixture (Plasticizer): ASTM C 494, Type A.
Methods of storing, shading and cooling aggregates shall be approved 8 Water-Reducing and Accelerating Admixture: ASTM C 494,
by the Engineer. Type E.
8 Plums used in cyclopean concrete shall consist of non-reactive 9 Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C 494, Type
broken stone spalls or boulders ranging in size from 200mm to 300mm. D.
They shall be free from sharp or angular edges and shall not form more
10 Corrosion-Inhibiting Admixture: Commercially formulated,
than 30 percent of the total volume of concrete. They shall be evenly
mixed cathodic and anodic inhibitor based on amines and alcohol;
graded and shall be soaked in water prior to incorporation in the mix.
capable of forming a protective barrier and absorbed on the maximum water-cementitious materials ratios specified in Table
reinforcement surface of concrete for protecting steel bars and and Paragraph
minimizing chloride reactions with steel reinforcement in concrete. 2 All the supplementary cementing materials (SCM) have
Corrosion-Inhibiting Admixture shall be used in all foundation of threshold values of addition below which significant durability or
bridges and shall be studied by the designers to use in other structures. strength parameters do not develop. Nominal threshold addition
11 Glare-Reducing Agent: For landscape concrete paving, provide values are indicated in Table for:
material for reducing glare. Comply with ASTM D 209. Silica fume
Ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS) Fiber Reinforcement
Pulverized fly ash (PFA)
1 Carbon-Steel Fiber: ASTM A 820, deformed, minimum 60 mm
SCM Nominal threshold value
long, and of diameter or effective diameter indicated.
01 Silica fume 7% on [cement + silica fume]
Fiber: Type 1, cold-drawn wire, or Type 2, cut sheet.
02 GGBFS 50% on [cement + GGBFS]
2 Synthetic Fiber: Fibrillated or monofilament polypropylene
fibers engineered and designed for use in concrete, complying with 03 PFA 25% on [cement + PFA]
ASTM C 1116, Type III. Project to specify length. Table Addition Values for SCM
5.1.3 Concrete Mixes
2 The actual amount will depend on the quality of the Design Mixes supplementary cementing material and mix design parameters.
1 Prepare design mixes for each type and strength of concrete Limit Values for Supplementary Cementing Materials
determined by either laboratory trial mix or field test data bases, (SCM)
according to ACI 211.1 and ACI 301.
1 The upper limiting addition percentage values for each Testing Agency supplementary cementing material shall be as Table
1 Use a qualified independent testing agency acceptable to the SMA Max. % Applicable conditions
Engineer for preparing and reporting proposed mix designs for the
laboratory trial mix basis. 01 10 For all exposures
2 Do not use the same testing agency for field quality control. For permanent dry [RH ≤ 50%] or
02 GGBFS 55
damp [RH ≥ 85%] conditions Reports
For underground damp exposures
03 PFA 30
1 Submit written reports to the Engineer of each proposed mix [RH ≥ 85%]
for each class of concrete at least 15 days prior to start of 04 GGBFS 70 For concrete buried in permanently
work. Do not begin concrete production until proposed mix 05 PFA 45 wet conditions
designs have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer.
Table Limit Addition Values for SCM Concrete Classes RH is the relative humidity.
Minimum Cement Maximum 2 When mixtures of supplementary cementing materials are
compressive content Water-
For wet or dry situations (Table conditions 01, 04 and 05) 2 When trial mixes are made to determine the workability of the
concrete, the initial setting time of the cement paste shall be
𝑥 𝑦 𝑧
+ + =1 (Equation 2) determined using the method defined in ASTM C 191 at the maximum
10 70 45
allowable temperature and with same proportions of pozzolan and Water-Cementitious Materials Ratio retarding superplasticizer as specified in this Specification.
1 The maximum water-cementitious materials ratio shall be the Test Mixes – Structural Grade Concrete
lower of the values listed in Table for the concrete classes and
the following values for the exposure: 1 When the proposed workability, proportions of aggregates and
0.45 for concrete required to have low water permeability. superplasticizer, and strength for each grade of concrete have been
0.40 for corrosion protection of steel reinforcement in established, test concrete shall be produced for approval by the
concrete exposed to chlorides from salt, saltwater, brackish Engineer. The following shall be performed for each grade of
water, seawater, or spray from these sources. concrete:
0.45 for concrete subject to moderate sulfate exposure. Six separate test mixes shall be made and cured in
0.42 for concrete subject to severe or very severe sulfate accordance with ASTM C 192 and tested in accordance
exposure. with ASTM C 39.
2 The water-cementitious materials ratio shall be continuously The 36 cylinders for each grade of concrete shall be tested
checked at the mixer with due allowance made for water contained in for compressive strength at 28 days and the mean strength
the aggregates. Under no circumstance shall water be added between and standard deviation established for each grade. The test
the mixer and the place of concrete placement. The Engineer may mixes shall be accepted provided that:
require that the water-cementitious materials ratio be checked during - The mix proportions and workability are in
tests performed on fresh concrete samples taken at the time of accordance with this Specification.
placement as specified in Paragraph - The standard deviation for each grade is 3.5 MPa
or less. Slump Limits
- The mean strength for structural concrete exceeds
1 The slump of concrete mixes shall be such that the concrete can the specified design strength by 6 MPa.
be transported, placed into the forms, and compacted without
segregation in accordance with Sub-Section 5.3. If no superplasticizer Test Mixes – Blinding and Plain Concrete
is required, the slump at time of placement shall be 50-75 mm as
1 Concrete for blinding, plain concrete or cyclopean concrete
measured in accordance with ASTM C 143. The concrete shall be
shall be a designed mix with design strength of 15 MPa. The trial mix
sufficiently workable to enable placement in its position with
proportions shall be at the discretion of the Contractor. Once they
minimum difficulty.
have been chosen, three separate test mixes shall be made with those Total Salt Content proportions and three test cylinders shall be made from each mix for
testing at 28 days. The trial mix proportions and water/cement ratio
1 Chlorides: The total chloride content (sum of both acid soluble shall be approved if the average strength of the nine cylinders is not
and water soluble chlorides) of the concrete from all sources, less than 14 MPa.
expressed as chloride ion, shall not exceed the following percentages
2 No production test shall be made for this grade of concrete but
by weight of dry cement, inclusive of pozzolan, when tested in
the Engineer will monitor the mix proportions and water/cement ratio.
accordance with BS 1881:
Unreinforced concrete 0.60% Adjustments to Concrete Mixes
Concrete made with sulfate resisting cement 0.15%
1 Mix design adjustments may be required by the Engineer when
Concrete containing embedded metal (reinforced concrete)
characteristics of materials, job conditions, weather, test results, or
made with ordinary Portland
other circumstances warrant. Laboratory test data for revised mix
cement 0.30%
design and strength results shall be submitted to and approved by the
Prestressed concrete 0.06%
Engineer before using in the work.
Heat cured concrete containing embedded metal
(reinforced concrete) 0.10% Absorption Test
2 Sulfates: The total sulfate content of the concrete from all
sources, expressed as SO3, when tested in accordance with BS 1881, 1 Hardened concrete from the trial mixes for structural grades
shall not exceed the lesser of 0.4 percent by weight of aggregates or 3 shall be tested for absorption to establish the concrete’s ability to resist
percent by weight of dry cement, inclusive of pozzolan. the ingress of aggressive salts. No absorption tests shall be required
for blinding, plain concrete or cyclopean concrete. Absorption tests Initial Setting Time shall be in accordance with modified BS 1881: Part 122 as follows:
1 The initial setting time shall be not less than 90 minutes after After trial mixes have been accepted, three 150 mm
the production concrete is discharged into the form. With a maximum cylinders shall be cast from each grade of concrete and
time between mixing and placing concrete of 90 minutes, the total immersed in water at 20 deg. C for 7 days.
time between mixing and initial set shall be a minimum of 2 hours. At the end of the curing period, 75 mm diameter core
Maximum setting time shall be 6 hours. specimens shall be cut along the longitudinal axis of each
cylinder to a depth of 75 mm.
The specimens shall be dried in an oven at 105 deg. C for Synthetic Fiber
72 hours.
The specimens shall be cooled in a dry airtight vessel for 1 Uniformly disperse in concrete mix at manufacturer's
24 hours, weighed, and then immediately immersed in a recommended rate, but not less than 0.60 kg/cu. m.
tank containing water at 20 deg. C with the longitudinal Admixtures
axis of the cores horizontal, and with 25 mm depth of water
over the specimens. 1 Use admixtures according to the manufacturer's written
The specimens shall be immersed for 24 hours, then instructions and in the proportions recommended.
removed, shaken, surface dried, and reweighed. The water 2 Use water-reducing admixture or high-range water-reducing
absorption shall be calculated as the increase in mass admixture (superplasticizer) in concrete, as required, for placement
resulting from immersion, expressed as a percentage of the and workability.
dry mass.
3 Use water-reducing and retarding admixture when required by
If the cores lengths differ from 75 mm, a correction factor
high temperatures, low humidity, or other adverse placement
(graph given in BS 1881) shall be applied.
The mean of the corrected absorption figure for each
concrete grade shall be calculated and the absorption of the 4 Use water-reducing admixture in pumped concrete, concrete
concrete mixes shall be acceptable if the mean absorption required to be watertight, and concrete with a water-cementitious
is less than 2 percent at 30 minutes. The mean absorption materials ratio below 0.50.
figure and the lowest absorption figure shall be recorded 5 Use corrosion-inhibiting admixture in concrete mixes where
for each grade and used for comparison purposes with indicated.
absorption tests carried out on cores cut from in-situ 6 All admixtures shall be used as required and approved by the
concrete, as scheduled in Paragraph Engineer for placement and workability of concrete, and shall be used
in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The equipment Permeability Tests
used for dispensing and the method of incorporating the admixture
1 Depth of penetration tests shall be carried out to establish the into the concrete shall be subject to approval. The dispensing unit
water permeability of concrete on prototype samples of different shall be translucent so that the operator can see the discharge of the
components of the structure before the mix design or manufacturing admixture.
method are approved. The prototype samples shall be short sections
of not less than 1.0m x 1.0m x full thickness. The samples shall be 5.1.4 Construction Requirements
fully reinforced and cast in similar environment as the actual structure.
The tests shall be carried out in accordance with DIN 1048 at age 28 Concrete Mixing
days and the maximum value of penetration shall not exceed the
1 Concrete production shall be in accordance with ACI 304. A
following limits:
checklist for concrete production shall be produced, such as that used
In-situ construction: Less than 25 mm.
by the NRMCA or approved equal.
Precast units: Less than 20 mm.
2 Batching of materials shall be by weight. All weighing
2 Chloride permeability of the concrete shall be determined using equipment shall be calibrated and documentation shall be provided to
cores taken from the prototype samples, in accordance with AASHTO establish that the accuracy is continuously maintained in accordance
T277 ‘Rapid Determination of the Chloride Permeability of Concrete’. with the requirements of ACI 304. Batching scale accuracy shall be
The following limits shall not be exceeded: in accordance with the Concrete Plant Standards of the Concrete Plant
In-situ construction: 1500 coulombs. Manufacturers Bureau, or approved equal.
Precast units: 1000 coulombs. 3 Furnish equipment and establish accurate procedures for
determining the quantities of free moisture in the aggregates.
3 The concrete will be deemed to comply with the permeability
Moisture determinations shall be made daily and whenever there is an
requirements of this specification if all test results comply with the
apparent change in the moisture content. The moisture content shall
limits indicated in Points 1 and 2.
be recorded and shall be taken into account in adjusting the weight of
4 If any of the DIN 1048 and the rapid chloride permeability test aggregate and the quantity of water incorporated in the mix.
results of unprotected surfaces of a sample fail to meet the above
requirements, then all the concrete work represented by such sample Job-Site Mixing
shall be deemed not to comply with the permeability requirements.
1 All concrete mixed on Site shall be in a batch mixer of approved
5 If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the concrete that has failed to
size and design complying with ACI 304 and producing a uniform
meet the permeability requirements of this Specification is likely to distribution of the materials throughout the mixed concrete in
cause durability problems, three cores shall be cut from the area
accordance with ASTM C 94 uniformity test. The contents of the
represented by failed samples for additional DIN 1048 and rapid
drum shall be completely discharged before re-charging. After all the
chloride permeability testing. The location of the cores shall be materials are in the mixer, mixing shall continue until the whole of the
decided by the Engineer.
materials are uniformly distributed and the mass is of uniform color
and consistency. In the case of concrete that contains silica fume with
a density between 400-650 kg/cu.m, the mixing time shall be 50
percent greater than the requirement for concrete without silica fume.
2 Whenever mixing is to be suspended for half an hour or longer, Employ an independent testing agency to perform tests and
the drum of the mixer shall be thoroughly washed out with clean water. to submit test reports.
Provide a competent operator who shall be in continuous control of Be responsible for taking, identifying and delivering to the
the mixer. No re-tempering of concrete, which has partially hardened, test laboratory all test samples called for in this
by the addition of cement, aggregate, or water shall be allowed. Specification. The testing laboratory shall be responsible
for the testing. Collect all test results and deliver them to
3 Provide batch ticket for each batch discharged and used in the
the Engineer in the format and detail as specified.
work, indicating Project identification name and number, date, mix
type, mix time, quantity, and amount of water introduced as well as 2 Testing Laboratory Qualifications: The testing laboratory shall
the load printout, delivery printout, temperature readout and measured be approved by the Engineer and shall have a Quality System in
slump. accordance with ANSI Q9001.
1 Ready-mixed concrete shall comply with the requirements of 1 Compressive Strength Test for Structural Concrete:
ASTM C 94 or BS EN 206 and as follows: Sampling, curing and testing shall be performed using the
Concrete shall be centrally mixed off site and transported relevant procedures in ASTM C 31, ASTM C 39, and
in an agitator truck. Truck mixing shall not be permitted. ASTM C 172 or BS EN 12350.
The plant and trucks shall be certified as meeting the - Samples for production concrete cylinders (or cubes if
requirements of the NRMCA Check List, or approved approved by the Engineer) shall be taken at the point
equal. of placement at the average rate of one per 100 cu. m
Details and information regarding the supplier proposed by of concrete placed or one for each major placement,
the contractor shall be submitted to the Engineer for with a minimum of one sample taken every day that
approval. the mix is used. A sample shall consist of eight 150
The approved supplier of ready mixed concrete shall not mm cylinders molded and stored for laboratory-cured
subsequently be changed without further approval of the test specimens except when field-cured test specimens
Engineer. are required. Three cylinders are for testing at 7 days
2 When air temperature is between 30 deg. C and 32 deg. C, after casting, three for testing at 28 days after casting,
delivery time from the time that water is added to the mix until it is and two reserved for later testing if required.
placed in its final position in the form shall not exceed 90 minutes. - If frequency of testing provides fewer than 5 strength
When air temperature is above 32 deg. C, delivery time shall not tests for a given class of concrete, conduct testing from
exceed 45 minutes. Further time extension may be given if approved at least 5 randomly selected batches or from each batch
by the Engineer. if fewer than 5 are used.
3 Before discharging concrete at the point of delivery, provide the - When total quantity of a given class of concrete is less
Engineer with a delivery ticket for each batch of concrete containing than 100 cu. m, the Engineer may waive strength
the following information as a minimum: testing if adequate evidence of satisfactory strength is
Name or number of off-site concrete depot. provided but not less than one sample per day.
Serial number for ticket. - When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85
Date. percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders, re-
Time of dispatch. evaluate current on-site operations and provide
Truck number. corrective procedures for protecting and curing the in-
Name of supplier. place concrete.
Grade or mix description of concrete.
Records shall be kept of the mix details and position in the
Type of cementitious materials.
works of all batches of concrete and of all samples taken
Cementitious materials content and constitution.
for cylinders and other specimens and of their test results.
Water/cementitious materials ratio.
A copy shall be supplied to the Engineer within 24 hours
Nominal maximum size of aggregate.
after recording/testing. Records shall contain, but not be
Source of aggregate, maximum size, weight of fine and
limited to, the following information:
coarse aggregate.
Type or name of admixture, if included. - Date, time, location, and volume of pour.
Percentage variation between design and actual values for - Ambient temperature and humidity.
all ingredients. - Concrete temperature (at time of placement).
Quantity of concrete in cubic meters.
- Cementitious materials content and constitution.
Certifying that chlorides and sulfate contents are within
specified limits and stating their values. - Types of manufacturers of cementitious materials.
- Concrete type and class. Quality Control and Testing – General
- Aggregate type and source.
1 Testing Laboratory: - Admixture details.
- Water/cementitious materials ratio.
- Identification of test cylinder. determination made of cement content and water/cement ratio in
accordance with BS 1881. If the cement content is less than 90 percent
- Name of concrete testing service.
of the requirement in Paragraph or the water/cement ratio is
- Date and time of sampling. greater than 110 percent of the requirement in Paragraphs and
- Method of compaction. the Contractor and the Engineer shall investigate to establish
- Date of testing and results of test. the cause and the Engineer may reject the cast concrete for the pour
- Age of sample in days, weight in grams, density in from which the samples were taken. The Engineer may request an
kg/cu. m. analysis of fresh concrete from any pour. No analysis of freshly mixed
concrete is required for blinding or plain concrete.
- Crushing load in Newtons and crushing strength in
MPa. 5 Salt Content: The total concentration of sulfates and chlorides
in fresh concrete shall be measured at least once a week for all
- Signatures of person preparing cylinder and of person
structural grades of concrete. Tests shall be in accordance with BS
crushing cylinder.
1881. Concentrations of each ion shall not exceed the limits specified
- Results of testing. in Paragraph If these limits are exceeded, the concrete pour
For the 28 day tests, the concrete will be deemed to comply from which the samples were taken shall be rejected and further tests
with the specified design strength if the average strength performed on the cast concrete in accordance with paragraph
determined from all sets of 3 consecutive tests is at least to determine the total extent of the problem.
equal to the specified design strength and no individual 6 Slump: Slump tests shall be performed in accordance with
strength test falls below the specified design strength by ASTM C 143. A minimum of one test shall be done at the point of
more than 3.5 MPa. Any concrete not complying with the discharge for each day's pour for each type of concrete. Additional
specified design strength shall be at risk for removal and tests shall be performed when concrete consistency appears to have
replacement at the Contractor’s expense. changed.
The 28-day cylinder crushing results shall be grouped
consecutively in groups of 40 and each group shall have a Quality Control – Testing on Hardened Concrete
standard deviation less than 3.5 MPa. If the standard
1 General: The Engineer may instruct samples to be taken and
deviation is greater than or equal to 3.5 MPa, then concrete
tests carried out on any hardened structural grade concrete as specified
production shall be investigated by the Engineer and
below if he suspects that the concrete does not meet the specified
further tests on trial mixes may be required.
requirements. If the tests confirm that the concrete does not meet the
Tests shall be carried out at 7 days to establish a
requirements of this Specification, then the Engineer may require the
relationship between the 7 day and 28 day strengths. This
concrete to be removed at the Contractor’s expense. If the tests
relationship shall be used to interpret future test results in
confirm that the concrete meets the requirements of this Specification,
order to predict the corresponding 28 day strength. The
then the cost of taking the samples shall not be at the Contractor’s
Engineer shall be advised without delay if any 7 day test
result indicates that the corresponding 28 day strength is
likely to fail to meet the specified strength so that any 2 Compressive Strength Tests: The Engineer may instruct cores
necessary action can be taken to minimize the effect of to be drilled from a particular pour. 100 mm diameter cores shall be
such possible failure. drilled as requested, in accordance with ASTM C 42, and sent for
crushing. If the cores from that pour have an average compressive
2 Compressive Strength Test for Blinding or Plain Concrete: No
strength less than 85 percent of the characteristic strength or if any
production tests on blinding or plain concrete are required. The
individual core has a compressive strength less than 75 percent of the
Engineer may require compressive strength tests if it is believed that
characteristic strength, it shall be evidence that the concrete from
the characteristic strength is below 15 MPa. Characteristic strength is
which it was taken is not in accordance with the specified
defined as the minimum value of cube strength achieved by 95 percent
of all possible test results. If the tests confirm that the characteristic
strength is less than 15 MPa, then the Engineer will require revisions 3 Concrete Cover: The Engineer may check the concrete cover
to the mix design to ensure that the concrete meets the specified over the reinforcement with a cover meter. Any indication that the
requirements. cover is generally less than the requirements specified in Paragraph shall be checked by limited surface concrete removal. If it is
3 Measurement of Concrete Temperature: Temperature
confirmed that the actual cover is generally less than specified, then
measurements shall be in accordance with ASTM C 1064. Concrete
the concrete shall be removed at the Contractor’s expense. In the case
temperature shall be measured 50 mm below the surface prior to and
of localized lack of cover and where appearance is not important, a
at the point of placement and recorded on the pour card for each pour.
repair shall be effected by removal of the inadequate cover and cutting
One reading shall be taken each hour when air temperature is 4 deg.C
back of concrete for 50 mm behind the reinforcement. Resurfacing of
and below and when air temperature is 27 deg.C and above, and one
the concrete with the specified cover shall be carried out as a repair by
reading for each set of compressive-strength specimens. Concreting
a specialist subcontractor.
shall stop if the temperature of the concrete does not meet the
requirements of Paragraph 4 Absorption: A sample of three 75 mm diameter cores, 75 mm
long, shall be taken from hardened concrete if directed by the Engineer
4 Cementitious Materials Content and Water/ Cementitious
and tested in accordance with Paragraph Should the
Materials Ratio: Samples of freshly mixed concrete shall be chosen by
absorption of any core exceed by more than 1 percent the highest
the Engineer at least once per month from each structural grade and
approved test result, the concrete from which it was cut shall be
removed. No absorption test shall be required for blinding or plain 5 Additional concrete placed, with the consent of the Engineer, by
concrete. the Contractor solely for the purpose of facilitating his work shall not
be measured for payment.
5 Salt Content: Engineer may request samples to be taken from
two 20 mm diameter drillings into the concrete surface, spaced 75 mm
apart. Each drilling shall proceed in 25 mm increments for a total
5.1.6 Basis of Payment
depth of 100 mm and the dust from the 4 samples in each hole shall 1 The amount of completed and accepted work, measured as
be sent for sulfate and chloride content analysis in accordance with BS provided above, will be paid for at the unit rate for the types and
1881. Should the tests show that the limits specified in Paragraph classes of concrete in the Bill of Quantities, which rate shall be full are exceeded, the concrete shall be removed. compensation for:
6 Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other - Cement and other cementitious materials, aggregates,
nondestructive device may be used but shall not be used as the sole water and admixtures including their testing, storage,
basis for acceptance or rejection of cast concrete. handling and transportation.
- Corrosion-inhibiting admixture in bridge foundations
7 Additional Tests: The testing agency shall make additional tests
and other elements as specified.
of in-place concrete, as directed by the Engineer, when test results
- Washing of aggregates, if required.
indicate that specified concrete strengths or other characteristics have
- Ice, if required, added in the mix water.
not been attained in the structure. Testing agency may conduct tests
- Plant, machinery and equipment required for the
to determine adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with
production of concrete.
ASTM C 42, or by other methods as directed.
- Design of mixes, taking samples and testing.
- Transportation and delivery of concrete to work areas.
5.1.5 Method of Measurement
- Placing, compacting, vibrating and finishing of concrete. Measured Items - All formwork irrespective of the material used and the
quality of surface finish specified.
1 Concrete is measured by the cubic meter for each type and class, - All falsework supporting and stabilizing formwork.
based on dimensions shown on the Drawings or as otherwise directed - Curing of concrete.
by the Engineer. - Tooling, if required, to achieve the specified surface
2 Concrete works shall include mass, reinforced and prestressed finish.
concrete of both in-situ and precast construction of a general nature, - Corrective measures and the means of carrying them out
but shall not include specific components of highway structures, such required in the event of the concrete being not in
as concrete pavement, concrete piles, concrete parapets and safety accordance with the Drawings and/or specification.
barriers, precast concrete curbs and tiles etc., which are separately - Handling, transportation and erection of precast concrete
prescribed for measurement and payment in other Sections. members.
3 Concrete for bridge foundations shall include corrosion- - Grout and/or epoxy used in precast construction
inhibiting admixture. including material and equipment for temporary
prestress, if required.
4 Different classes of concrete are measured separately.
- Material, plant and equipment associated with particular
5 Concrete formed by different types of form and/or falsework are methods of construction.
each measured separately. - Joint fillers, joint sealants, weep holes, water stops,
6 Concrete of the same class requiring the same falsework but dowel bars and other accessories as shown on the
with a different class of surface finish are each measured separately. Drawings including material, plant handling,
7 Voids, openings or gaps 0.05 cubic meters or more shall be transportation testing, storage, workmanship and
deducted from the volume of concrete in which they occur. associated ancillaries.
- Protective coating.
8 All service ducts, irrespective of diameter, shall be measured
- All labor, materials and equipment.
and deducted from the volume of concrete in which they are located.
1 American Concrete Institute (ACI): Delivery, Storage and Handling
ACI 315 Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced 1 Deliver, store, and handle steel reinforcement to prevent
Concrete Structures bending and damage. Avoid damaging coatings on steel reinforcement.
ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced
Concrete 5.2.2 Materials
2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Steel Reinforcement
ASTM A 82 Standard Specification for Steel Wire
Reinforcement, Plain, for Concrete 1 Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615M, Grade 60 (420 MPa)
Reinforcement specified yield strength, or BS 4449 grade 460 Type 2 deformed,
uncoated. One test per 5000 m length delivered to site. Test before
ASTM A 185 Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire
starting the works.
Fabric, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement
2 Higher strength reinforcement bars, for example 500 MPa, may
ASTM A 496 Standard Specification for Steel Wire,
be used subject to approval of the Engineer.
Deformed, for Concrete Reinforcement
3 Low-Alloy-Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 706M, deformed.
ASTM A 497 Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire
Reinforcement, Deformed, for Concrete 4 Plain-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, as drawn.
Reinforcement 5 Plain-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, galvanized.
ASTM A 615M Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain 6 Deformed-Steel Wire: ASTM A 496 and Steel welded wire
Billet- Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement reinforcement to ASTM A 497.
ASTM A 706M Standard Specification for Low-Alloy Steel 7 Welded Wire Fabric: ASTM A 185, welded steel wire fabric.
Deformed and Plain Bars 8 All reinforcement shall be new material on delivery to the Site
ASTM A 780 Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated and at time of installation, material shall be free from loose rust and
Areas of Hot-Dip Galvanized Coatings. loose mill scale, deleterious amounts of salts and coatings that reduce
or destroy bond. Tight rust and mill scale or surface irregularities are
acceptable if the weight and dimensions, including height of
3 British Standards (BS): deformations and tensile properties, of a test specimen that has been
BS 4449 Specification for Carbon Steel Bars for the wire-brushed by hand, are not less than those required by the
Reinforcement of Concrete applicable standards.
BS 4483 Steel Fabric for the Reinforcement of Concrete 9 Galvanized steel shall not be used
4 Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI): 10 Reinforcement shall be accurately bent, cut or formed to the
CRSI Manual of Standard Practice dimensions and configuration shown on Drawings and within the
tolerances specified in ACI 315. Reinforcement shall be bent cold Submittals using approved bending equipment in accordance with ACI 318. Bars
may be preheated only if prior approval is given by the Engineer.
1 Steel Reinforcement Shop Drawings: Details of fabrication,
bending, and placement, prepared according to ACI 315, ‘Details and Reinforcement shall not be rebent or straightened without prior
Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement.’ Include material, grade, bar approval.
schedules, stirrup spacing, bent bar diagrams, arrangement, and Reinforcement having a reduced section, kinks, visible
supports of concrete reinforcement. Include special reinforcement transverse cracks at bends, or otherwise damaged in any
required for openings through concrete structures. way shall not be used.
2 Welding Certificates: Copies of certificates for welding Reinforcement shall not be welded unless specifically shown on
procedures and personnel. Drawings or permitted as an exception and then only after approval of
the welding method appropriate to the grade of steel and the type of
3 Material Certificates: Signed by manufacturers and Contractor
welding rod to be used.
certifying that the following items comply with specified
requirements: Reinforcement Accessories
Steel reinforcement and reinforcement accessories: a copy
1 Provide and fix bar supports: bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other
of the manufacturer’s test certificate for ultimate strength,
devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars and
elongation and cold bending, together with the chemical
welded wire fabric in place. Provide bar supports according to CRSI's
analysis of the steel shall be submitted to the Engineer for
‘Manual of Standard Practice’ from steel wire, plastic, or precast
each consignment of reinforcing steel delivered to the Site.
concrete or fiber-reinforced concrete of greater compressive strength Quality Assurance than concrete, and as follows:
For concrete surfaces exposed to view where legs of wire
1 Welding: Comply with AWS D1.4, ‘Structural Welding Code--
bar supports contact forms, use CRSI Class 1 plastic-
Reinforcing Steel’ for procedures and qualification of personnel for
protected or CRSI Class 2 stainless-steel bar supports.
welding operations.
Other reinforcement supports shall consist of concrete
spacer blocks made of the same materials, to the same
specified requirements and with the same inherent 3 Clean reinforcement of loose rust and mill scale, earth, ice, and
properties as the parent material with the exception that the other materials that reduce or destroy bond with concrete.
maximum aggregate size shall be appropriate for the
thickness of cover to the reinforcement. Placing
2 Joint Dowel Bars: Plain-steel bars, ASTM A 615M, Grade 60 1 Comply with CRSI's ‘Manual of Standard Practice’ for placing
(420 MPa). Cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs. reinforcement.
3 Mechanical splices (couplers) of deformed high yield steel bars 2 Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against
are to consist of two seamless steel sleeves and interconnecting high displacement. Locate and support reinforcement on concrete blocks
tensile steel stud with plastic protection caps for threaded section of of a size to give the correct cover to the reinforcement
sleeve and shall be tested to exceed 135% of the specified yield 3 Where cathodic protection is utilized, reinforcement shall be
strength of grade 60 bar (or higher if higher strength bars are used). isolated from the electrical grounding system. Fabricating Reinforcement 4 Chairs made of reinforcement shall be used to support the top
mats of slab reinforcement and shall be so dimensioned as to be stable
1 Fabricate steel reinforcement according to CRSI's ‘Manual of during concreting operations. The chairs shall themselves be
Standard Practice’. supported on concrete blocks as specified in Clause
5 Place reinforcement to maintain minimum coverage as
5.2.3 Construction Requirements indicated for concrete protection. Arrange, space, and securely tie General bars and bar supports to hold reinforcement in position during
concrete placement operations. Ties at intersections shall be made
1 Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement against with 1.5 mm diameter annealed wire with wire ends directed into
displacement. Locate and support reinforcement with bar supports to concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces.
maintain minimum concrete cover. Do not tack weld crossing
6 All lap splices shall be in accordance with ACI 318 class B
reinforcing bars.
tension lap splice unless otherwise shown on Drawings. All
2 Shop- or field-weld reinforcement according to AWS D1.4, reinforcement bars shall be cut bent and fixed in accordance with ACI
where indicated. 318 unless otherwise shown on Drawings.
3 Set wire ties with ends directed into concrete, not toward 7 Welded wire fabric shall be lapped 1.5 mesh (opening size) plus
exposed concrete surfaces. the extension on the wires unless otherwise shown on Drawings.
4 Install welded wire fabric in longest practicable lengths on bar Concrete Cover
supports spaced to minimize sagging. Lap edges and ends of
adjoining sheets at least one mesh spacing. Offset laps of adjoining 1 Concrete cover to reinforcement shall be as indicated on
sheet widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction. Lace Drawings but shall not be less than the following:
overlaps with wire
Concrete exposed to salt water and
5 Avoid cutting or puncturing vapor retarder/barrier and splash zone 100 mm
waterproofing membranes during reinforcement placement and Concrete of all substructure elements cast against earth
concreting operations. Repair damages before placing concrete. 100 mm
Concrete of all substructure elements exposed to weather Shipping, Storage and Cleaning
75 mm
1 Reinforcement shall be handled and shipped in a manner to Apron slabs 60 mm
avoid bending or other damage to the bars. Bars shall be bundled, Superstructure cast-in-situ concrete exposed to weather
separated in sizes and clearly marked by diameter size preferably for 60 mm
one placement, in accordance with the placement schedule and as Interior faces of superstructure cast-in-place concrete
follows: except slabs 40 mm
Cast-in-situ slabs 30 mm
Bars for separate structures shall not be bundled together.
Bars for small structures may be bundled together but each Precast superstructure elements, exposed surfaces
40 mm
bar or group of bars that have the same piece mark shall be
Precast superstructure elements, interior
tagged and coded.
Metal tags or approved equal shall be provided and labeled faces 30 mm
Precast parapets, concrete barriers, curbs,
with legible markings.
etc. 30 mm
All bundles shall be tagged at each end. Tags shall show
piece marks corresponding to the mark numbers on the 2 Cover to reinforcement shall be checked before any concrete is
placement drawings and on the bar list. cast. The bending of reinforcement at a cold joint is not permitted.
Bars shall be bundled in the largest size practical for Concrete cover shall be checked with a cover meter as soon as
handling and shipping. formwork is removed.
2 Reinforcement shall be stored 1m above ground on platforms,
skids or other approved supports and suitably spaced. Contact with
the soil shall be avoided. Proper drainage and protection from the
elements shall be provided to minimize corrosion.
5.3 Reinforced Concrete Structures
5.2.4 Method of Measurement
1 Bar and mesh reinforcement is measured by the theoretical 5.3.1 Description
quantity in metric tons complete in place as shown on the Drawings Definitions
or placed as ordered by the Engineer. No allowance is made for clips,
wire or other fastening devices, reinforcement chairs to separate slab 1 Forms and Formwork: Temporary works used to give the
steel or similar reinforcement or to retain wall steel or similar. The required shape and support to poured concrete, constructed mainly of
rates in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to cover for the above. sheet material, such as wood, plywood, metal sheet or plastic sheet, in
2 Measurement of splices or laps in reinforcement not shown on direct contact with the concrete, and joists or stringers to support the
the Drawings will not be made. sheeting. For bridges it is recommended to use only metal sheets.
3 Calculated weights for high tensile and mild steel reinforced 2 Falsework: Temporary structure used to support a permanent
bars shall be based upon the following Table: concrete structure while it is not self-supporting.
3 Scaffold: Temporary structure to provide access, to work under
10 0.617 26 4.170 45 12.500 AASHTO M182 Standard Specification for Burlap Cloth Made
from Jute or Kenaf
12 0.888 28 4.830 50 15.400
14 1.210 30 5.550 2 American Concrete Institute (ACI):
ASTM C 1059 Specification for Latex Agents for Bonding Bonding agents.
Fresh To Hardened Concrete Adhesives.
Vapor retarders.
ASTM D 448 Classification for Sizes of Aggregates for Road
Epoxy joint filler.
and Bridge Construction
Joint-filler strips.
ASTM D 1751 Standard Specification for Preformed Repair materials.
Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and
3 Samples: Samples of materials as requested by the Engineer,
Structural Construction (AASHTO M213)
with names, sources, and descriptions, including, but not limited to,
ASTM D 1752 Specification for Preformed sponge Rubber and the following:
Cork Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete
Color finishes.
Paving and Structural Construction (AASHTO
Waterstops, reinjectable hosing, water swelling gaskets.
ASTM D 994 Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Vapor retarder/barrier.
Filler for Concrete (AASHTO M33). Form liners.
ASTM D 4397 Specification for Polyethylene Sheeting for Joint fillers.
Construction, Industrial, and Agricultural Sealants.
Applications Quality Assurance
ASTM E 154 Test Methods for Water Vapor Retarders used
in Contact with Earth under Concrete Slabs, on 1 Codes and Standards: Comply with the latest edition of
Walls or as Ground Cover. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications.
ASTM E 1745 Specification for Plastic Water Vapor Retarders ACI Manual of Concrete Practice Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
used in Contact with Soil or Granular Fill under CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice” except where more
Concrete Slabs. stringent requirements are shown or specified.
4 Corps of Engineers (CE): 2 Concrete Quality Control Engineer: Appoint a full-time
CE CRD-C300 Curing Compound Concrete Quality Control Engineer (CQCE) as specified in Paragraph
CE CRD-C513 Rubber Waterstops
Without prejudice to the Engineer’s rights to inspect,
CE CRD-C572 PVC Waterstops
approve or reject or suspend any work, the CQCE shall be Submittals authorized to:
- Postpone concreting operations until outstanding
1 Formwork Shop Drawings: Prepare shop drawings for
requirements are corrected.
formwork indicating fabrication and erection of forms for specified
finish concrete surface. Show form construction including jointing, - Reject materials or workmanship that do not
especial form joints or reveals, location and pattern of form tie conform to this Specification.
placement. - Prevent the use of equipment that could cause
Design of formwork includes design of falsework, scaffold improper construction relative to this
and towers as defined in Paragraph Specification.
Prepare formwork drawings by or under the supervision of - Stop any work that is not being done in
a qualified professional engineer detailing fabrication, accordance with specified requirements.
assembly, and support of formwork. - Report within 24 hours and provide records to and
Design and engineering of formwork for structural as required by the Engineer upon discovery of
stability and efficiency are the Contractor's responsibility. non-compliance.
Indicate proposed schedule and sequence of stripping
3 Implement a Quality Assurance System as specified in
formwork, removing supports and re-shoring.
If the Contractor intends to use readymade proprietary
formwork and falsework, he shall submit all relevant data, 4 Mockups: Before casting concrete that is exposed to view in the
including independent test certificates, to enable the completed structure, cast a mockup for each exposed element to
Engineer to determine if the proposals are acceptable. demonstrate typical joints, surface finish, texture, color, tolerances,
Engineer’s review of formwork design is limited to quality of materials and standard of workmanship in the completed
architectural aspects only and shall not be construed as work. Where specified or directed by the Engineer, the mock up shall
approval of structural or other matters, all of which are the be a trial construction representative of the actual structure (pier,
Contractor’s sole responsibility cross-head, part of deck) in dimensions and all details including
reinforcement, using the Contractor’s proposed construction
2 Material Certificates: Signed by manufacturers and Contractor
technique, concrete mix, formwork, cutting and placing of
certifying that each of the following items complies with specified
reinforcement, etc.
Build mockups in the location and of the size indicated or,
if not indicated, as directed by the Engineer.
Curing materials.
Notify the Engineer seven days in advance of dates and no embedded metal closer than 38 mm to the surface of the exposed
times when mockups will be constructed. concrete. No permanent metallic part shall have less concrete cover
In the presence of the Engineer, damage parts of exposed than the reinforcement. Provide ties that, when removed, will not
surfaces as selected by the Engineer, and demonstrate leave holes larger than 25 mm in diameter in the concrete surface.
materials and techniques proposed for repairs to match Provide ties with integral water-barrier plates for walls indicated to
adjacent undamaged surfaces. receive damp-proofing or waterproofing.
Obtain the Engineer's approval of mockups before starting 9 Void Forms: Biodegradable paper surface, treated for moisture
cast-in-place concrete elements exposed to view. resistance structural sufficient to support weight of plastic concrete
If the Engineer determines that any mockup does not meet and other superimposed loads.
requirements, demolish and remove from the site and cast
10 Chamfer Strips: Wood, metal, PVC, or rubber strips of the size
another until the mockup is approved.
indicated on the Drawings.
Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed
condition as a standard for judging the completed work. Waterstops
Demolish and remove mockups when before the end of the
project and as directed by the engineer. 1 Waterstops: Provide flat, dumbbell-type waterstops at
construction joints and other joints in accordance with AASHTO
5.3.2 Materials LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications Article or as
specified herein. Waterstops shall be sized to suit joints and shall be Form Materials of the profiles shown on the Drawings or as directed or appropriate for
the particular application. Fittings for angles junctions etc shall be
1 Forms for Exposed Finish Concrete: Plywood, metal, metal-
factory formed.
framed plywood faced, or other acceptable panel-type materials to
provide continuous, straight, smooth, exposed surfaces. Furnish in Flexible Rubber Waterstops: CE CRD-C 513, for
largest practicable sizes to minimize number of joints and to conform embedding in concrete to prevent passage of fluids through
to joint system shown on Drawings. joints.
Flexible PVC Waterstops: CE CRD-C 572, for embedding
Use overlaid plywood complying with U.S. Product
in concrete to prevent passage of fluids through joints.
Standard PS-1 "A-C or B-B High Density Overlaid
Concrete Form," Class I. 2 Self-Expanding Strip Waterstops: Proprietory rectangular or
Use plywood complying with U.S. Product Standard PS-1 trapezoidal strip, sodium bentonite or other hydrophylic material for
‘B-B (Concrete Form) Plywood,’ Class I, Exterior Grade adhesive bonding to concrete.
or better, mill-oiled and edge-sealed, with each piece 3 Re-injectable Hosing: Proprietary re-injectable hosing
bearing legible inspection trademark. complying with the following requirements:
2 Forms for Unexposed Finish Concrete: Plywood, lumber, metal, - The hose shall consist of a hollow PVC core with lateral
or another acceptable material. Provide lumber dressed on at least two openings covered by neoprene valves. The hose shall be
edges and one side for tight fit. laid and injected by an approved applicator. in 10 to 12
3 Forms for Textured Finish Concrete: Units of face design, size, m lengths with entry port and vent ends terminating in
arrangement, and configuration to match the Engineer's control junction boxes.
sample. Provide solid backing and form supports to ensure stability - Joints shall be hydraulically tested to a pressure at least
of textured form liners. 2.0 bar higher than the expected local conditions. If the
4 Forms for Cylindrical Columns and Supports: Metal, glass- hose fails to hold the pressure for 10 minutes, it shall be
fiber-reinforced plastic, or paper or fiber tubes that will produce injected with a vinyl ester based flexible resin as required
smooth surfaces without joint indications. Provide units with to seal the joint and then retested.
sufficient wall thickness to resist wet concrete loads without Concrete Curing Cover Sheets
5 Pan-Type Forms: Glass-fiber-reinforced plastic or formed steel, 1 Vapor retarding sheet materials shall be one of the types
stiffened to support weight of placed concrete without deformation. specified in paragraphs 2 to 5 below or as directed by the Engineer.
6 Carton Forms: Biodegradable paper surface, treated for 2 ASTM E 1745, Class C, of one of the following materials; or
moisture-resistance, structurally sufficient to support weight of plastic polyethylene sheet 0.25mm thick
concrete and other superimposed loads. Nonwoven, polyester-reinforced, polyethylene coated
7 Form Release Agent: Proprietary form release agent with a sheet; 0.25 mm thick.
maximum of 350 g/L volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that will Three-ply, nylon- or polyester-cord-reinforced, laminated,
not bond with, stain, or adversely affect concrete surfaces and will not high-density polyethylene sheet; 0.18 mm thick.
impair subsequent treatments of concrete surfaces. 3 Vapor retarder: ASTM E 1745, Class B, five-ply, nylon- or
Release agent for steel faced formwork shall incorporate polyester-cord-reinforced, high-density polyethylene sheet; 0.25 mm
rust inhibitor. thick.
8 Form Ties: Factory-fabricated, adjustable-length, removable or 4 Vapor retarder: ASTM E 1745, Class A, three-ply, nylon- or
snap-off metal form ties designed to prevent form deflection and to polyester-cord-reinforced, high-density polyethylene sheet; laminated
prevent spalling of concrete upon removal. Provide units that leave to a nonwoven geotextile fabric, 0.76 mm thick.
5 Vapor retarder: 2.8 mm thick, semi-flexible, seven-ply sheet Repair Materials
membrane consisting of reinforced core and carrier sheet with fortified
1 Repair Underlayment: Cement-based, polymer-modified, self-
asphalt layers, protective weathercoating, and removable plastic
leveling product that can be applied in thicknesses from 3 mm and that
release liner.
can be feathered at edges to match adjacent floor elevations.
Furnish manufacturer's accessories including bonding asphalt,
pointing mastics, and self-adhering joint tape. i. Cement Binder: ASTM C 150, Portland cement or
hydraulic or blended hydraulic cement as defined in
i. Water-Vapor Permeance: ASTM E 154.
ASTM C 219.
ii. Tensile Strength: 24.5 kN/m; ASTM E 154.
ii. Primer: Product of underlayment manufacturer
iii. Puncture Resistance: 400 N; ASTM E 154. recommended for substrate, conditions, and application.
6 Absorptive Cover: Burlap cloth made from jute or kenaf iii. Aggregate: Well-graded, washed gravel, 3 to 6 mm or
weighing approximately 0.29 kg/sq.m and complying with AASHTO coarse sand as recommended by underlayment
M182, Class 2. manufacturer.
7 Moisture Retaining Cover: ASTM C 171. polyethylene sheet, iv. Compressive Strength: Not less than 30 MPa at 28 days
polyethylene coated burlap or Kraft paper. when tested according to ASTM C 109M.
1 Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751, asphalt-saturated cellulosic 1 Design, erect, shore, brace, and maintain formwork, according
fiber. to ACI 301, to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads, and
2 Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1752, cork or self-expanding cork. construction loads that might be applied, until concrete structure can
support such loads. Design of formwork shall be the sole
3 Joint-Filler Strips: ASTM D 1751, asphalt-saturated cellulosic
responsibility of the Contractor.
fiber, or ASTM D 1752, cork or self-expanding cork.
2 Construct formwork so that concrete members and structures
4 Epoxy Joint Filler: Two-component, semi-rigid, 100 percent
are of size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position indicated, within
solids, epoxy resin with a Shore A hardness of 80 per ASTM D 2240.
tolerance limits of ACI 117.
5 Bonding Agent: ASTM C 1059, Type II, non-redispersible,
3 Limit concrete surface irregularities, designated by ACI 347R
acrylic emulsion or styrene butadiene.
as abrupt or gradual, as follows:
6 Epoxy-Bonding Adhesive: ASTM C 881, two-component
i. Class A, 4 mm.
epoxy resin, capable of humid curing and bonding to damp surfaces,
ii. Class B, 6 mm.
of class and grade to suit requirements, and as follows:
iii. Class C, 10 mm.
i. Type II, non-load bearing, for bonding freshly mixed
concrete to hardened concrete. iv. Class D, 25 mm.
ii. Types I and II, non-load bearing, for bonding hardened 4 Construct forms rigid and tight enough to prevent loss of
or freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete. concrete mortar.
iii. Types IV and V, load bearing, for bonding hardened or 5 Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prising
freshly mixed concrete to hardened concrete. against concrete surfaces. Provide crush or wrecking plates where
stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. Provide top forms for
7 Reglets: Fabricated from not less than 0.55 mm thick galvanized
inclined surfaces steeper than 1.5 horizontal to 1 vertical. Kerf wood
steel sheet. Temporarily fill or cover face opening of reglet to prevent
inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, for easy
intrusion of concrete or debris.
8 Dovetail Anchor Slots: Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet, not less
i. Do not use rust-stained steel form-facing material.
than 0.85 mm thick, with bent tab anchors. Temporarily fill or cover
face opening of slots to prevent intrusion of concrete or debris.
6 Set edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed strips for 4 The Contractor shall provide means for accurately measuring
slabs to achieve required elevations and slopes in finished concrete settlement in falsework during placement of concrete, and shall
surfaces. Provide and secure units to support screed strips; use strike- provide a competent observer to observe and correct the settlement.
off templates or compacting-type screeds. 5 Screw jacks, if used, shall be designed for use with a slenderness
7 Provide temporary openings for cleanouts and inspection ports ratio not exceeding 60. The slenderness ratio shall be taken as the
where interior area of formwork is inaccessible. Close openings with ratio of the clear distance between effective bracing in both horizontal
panels tightly fitted to forms and securely braced to prevent loss of directions to the diameter of the screw jack measured at the root of the
concrete mortar. Locate temporary openings in forms at thread. The manufacturers' certificate showing the ultimate load
inconspicuous locations. capacity of the screw jack shall be submitted with the design
calculations for the falsework. If directed by the Engineer, the
8 Chamfer exterior corners and edges of concrete receiving
Contractor shall furnish a test certificate carried out at an approved
applied waterproofing membranes.
independent laboratory.
9 Unless otherwise indicated, provide 20x20 mm chamfer on all
6 Props and towers supporting forms or partially completed
exposed corners and edges of concrete.
structures shall be interconnected in plan orthogonally at levels to be
10 Form openings, chases, offsets, recesses, keyways, grooves, determined in the design. They shall also be interconnected by
blocking, screeds, and bulkheads required in the work. diagonal bracings in orthogonal vertical planes.
11 Clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove 7 If the concrete is required to be post-tensioned in the field, the
chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, and other debris just before placing falsework shall be designed to support any increased or readjusted
concrete. loads caused by the prestressing forces.
12 Retighten forms and bracing before placing concrete, to prevent
mortar leaks and maintain proper alignment. Embedded Items
13 Coat contact surfaces of forms with specified form release agent 1 Place and secure anchorage devices and other embedded items
approved by the Engineer, according to the manufacturer's written required for adjoining work that is attached to or supported by cast-in-
instructions, before placing reinforcement Petrol oil may be used. place concrete. Follow templates, diagrams, instructions, and
14 Where it is required to use internal ties and spacers, their type, directions furnished with items to be embedded.
spacing and use shall be to the approval of the Engineer. In no Removing and Reusing Forms
circumstances shall these ties protrude out of the finished concrete, all
ties must be cut back into the structural concrete and the surface made 1 General: Formwork, for sides of beams, walls, columns, and
good to satisfy the requirements of the minimum spacing and cover. similar parts of the work, that does not support weight of concrete may
be removed after cumulatively curing at not less than 10 deg.C for 24 Falsework hours after placing concrete provided concrete is hard enough to not
1 Falsework and centering shall be designed to provide the be damaged by form-removal operations and provided curing and
necessary rigidity to support all vertical and horizontal loads placed protection operations are maintained.
upon it without settlement or deformation in excess of the permissible 2 The Engineer shall be notified when the Contractor intends to
tolerance for the structure given in the Specifications. Falsework remove any formwork at least 6 hours in advance
columns shall be supported on hardwood, concrete pads or metal bases i. Leave formwork, for beam soffits, joists, slabs, and other
if the underlying ground is liable to sink under the column load. structural elements that supports weight of concrete in
Falsework shall not be supported on any part of the structure, except place until concrete has achieved: At least 70 percent of
the footings, without the written permission of the Engineer. The 28-day design compressive strength but not less than 7
number and spacing of falsework columns, the adequacy of sills, caps days after casting.
and stringers and the amount of bracing in the falsework framing shall
ii. Determine compressive strength of in-place concrete by
be subject to approval of the Engineer.
testing representative field- or laboratory-cured test
2 Timber for falsework shall be sound, in good condition and free specimens according to ACI 301.
from defects that might impair its strength. If the vertical members
iii. Remove forms only if shores have been arranged to
are of insufficient length to cap at the desired elevation for the
permit removal of forms without loosening or disturbing
horizontal members, they shall preferably be capped and frames
constructed to the proper elevation. Ends of the vertical members
shall be cut square for full bearing to preclude the use of wedges. If 3 Clean and repair surfaces of forms to be reused in the work.
vertical splices are necessary, the abutting members shall be of the Split, frayed, delaminated, or otherwise damaged form-facing material
same approximate size, the ends shall be cut square for full bearing, will not be acceptable for exposed surfaces. Apply new form release
and the splices shall be scabbed in a manner approved by the Engineer. agent.
3 The Contractor shall compute falsework settlement and When forms are reused, clean surfaces, remove fins and laitance, and
deflection for bridges so that when the final settlement is complete, tighten to close joints. Align and secure joints to avoid offsets. Do
the structure will conform to the required camber, section and grade not use patched forms for exposed concrete surfaces unless approved
as shown on the Drawings. by the Engineer.
11 Use a bonding agent at locations where fresh concrete is placed Vapor Retarders against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces.
1 Vapor Retarder: Place, protect, and repair vapor retarder sheets 12 Use epoxy-bonding adhesive at locations where fresh concrete
according to ASTM E 1643 and manufacturer's written instructions. is placed against hardened or partially hardened concrete surfaces.
Cover with fine graded granular material or fill as specified in 13 Waterstops/Re-injectable Hoses: Provide waterstops or re-
paragraphs 2 or 3 below. injectable hoses in construction joints as indicated. Install waterstops
2 Fine-Graded Granular Material: Cover vapor retarder with fine- to form a continuous diaphragm in each joint. Support and protect
graded granular material, moisten, and compact with mechanical exposed waterstops during progress of work. .
equipment to elevation tolerances of plus 0 mm or minus 20 mm. Contraction and Expansion Joints
3 Granular Fill: Cover vapor retarder with granular fill, moisten,
and compact with mechanical equipment to elevation tolerances of 1 Follow the requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge
plus 0 mm or minus 20 mm. Construction Specifications Sub-section 8.9 as complemented herein.
i. Place and compact a 15 mm thick layer of fine-graded 2 Expansion and contraction joints shall be constructed at the
granular material over granular fill. locations and in accordance with the details specified in the contract
documents. Such joints include open joints, filled joints, joints sealed
4 Place vapor retarder/barrier sheeting in position with longest
with sealants or waterstops, and joints with combinations of these
dimension parallel with direction of pour.
Lap joints 150 mm and seal with manufacturer's recommended mastic
3 Contraction Joints in Slabs-on-Grade: Form weakened-plane
or pressure-sensitive tape. Cover vapor retarder/barrier with sand
contraction joints, sectioning concrete into areas as indicated.
cushion and compact to depth indicated.
Construct contraction joints for a depth equal to at least one-fourth of Construction Joints concrete thickness, as follows:
i. Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial
1 Follow the requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge
floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint to
Construction Specifications Sub-Section 8.8 as complemented herein.
a radius of 3 mm. Repeat grooving of contraction joints
2 Construct joints true to line with faces perpendicular to surface after applying surface finishes. Eliminate groover tool
plane of concrete. marks on concrete surfaces.
3 Construction joints shall be made only where specified in the ii. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws
contract documents, or shown in the pouring schedule, unless equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed
otherwise approved by the Engineer. blades. Cut 3 mm wide joints into concrete when cutting
4 Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents, action will not tear, abrade, or otherwise damage surface
horizontal joints may be made without keys, and vertical joints shall and before concrete develops random contraction cracks.
be constructed with shear keys in accordance with AASHTO LRFD 4 Isolation Joints in slabs-on-grade: After removing formwork,
Bridge Construction Specifications Article 8.8.2. install joint-filler strips at slab junctions with vertical surfaces, such
5 All construction joints shall be cleaned of surface laitance, as column pedestals, foundation walls, grade beams, and other
curing compound, and other foreign materials before fresh concrete is locations, as indicated.
placed against the surface of the joint. Abrasive blast or other i. Extend joint-filler strips full width and depth of joint,
approved methods shall be used to clean horizontal construction joints terminating flush with finished concrete surface, unless
to the extent that clean aggregate is exposed. All construction joints otherwise indicated.
shall be flushed with water and allowed to dry to a surface dry
ii. Terminate full-width joint-filler strips not less than 12
condition immediately prior to placing concrete.
mm or more than 25 mm below finished concrete surface
6 Bonding and doweling to existing structures shall be as where joint sealants, are indicated.
specified in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications
iii. Install joint-filler strips in lengths as long as practicable.
Article 8.8.3.
Where more than one length is required, lace or clip
7 The use of expanded metal or other perforated material is sections together.
prohibited in construction joints.
5 Dowel Joints: Install dowel sleeves and dowels or dowel bar and
8 Place construction joints perpendicular to main reinforcement. support assemblies at joints where indicated.
Continue reinforcement across construction joints except as indicated
i. Use dowel sleeves or lubricate or asphalt-coat one-half
otherwise. Do not continue reinforcement through sides of strip
of dowel length to prevent concrete bonding to one side
of joint.
9 Where needed, unscheduled, construction joints shall be placed
6 Pourable sealants for placement along top edges of contraction
as directed by the Engineer and, if directed, additional reinforcement
or filled expansion joints shall be one of the following:
steel dowels shall be placed across the joint. Such additional steel shall
be furnished and placed at the Contractor’s expense. i. Hot-poured sealants shall conform to ASTM D 3406
(AASHTO M 282), except when the sealant will be in
10 Space vertical joints in walls as indicated, or as required by the
contact with asphaltic material, it shall conform to
ii. Cold-poured sealant shall be silicone type, as specified circumstances shall any aluminum pipe or other
in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications conveying equipment containing aluminum be allowed
Article The sealant shall be a one-part, low- to contact fresh concrete when it is conveyed to its point
modulus silicone rubber type with an ultimate elongation of placement.
of 1200 percent. iii. Method of pouring and pouring sequence shall be
iii. Polyethylene foam strip, for use when shown in the submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer’s approval.
contract documents, shall be of commercial quality with 5 Concrete exposed to salt or brackish water shall follow the
a continuous, impervious, glazed top surface, suitable for requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications
retaining the liquid sealant at the proper elevation in the Sub-section 8.6.6.
joint while hardening. 6 Do not add water to concrete during delivery, at Project site, or
during placement, unless approved by the Engineer. Waterstops
7 Placement of concrete for each section of the structure shall be
1 Install waterstops in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge done continuously without interruption between planned construction
Construction Specifications Sub-section or expansion joints. The delivery rate, placing sequence, and methods
2 Flexible Waterstops: Install in construction joints as indicated shall be such that fresh concrete is always placed and consolidated
to form a continuous diaphragm. Install in longest lengths practicable. against previously placed concrete before initial set has occurred in
Support and protect exposed waterstops during progress of work. the previously placed concrete.
3 Self-Expanding Strip Waterstops: Install in construction joints 8 During and after placement of concrete, care shall be taken not
and at other locations indicated, according to manufacturer's written to damage the concrete or break the bond with reinforcing steel.
instructions, bonding or mechanically fastening and firmly pressing Workers shall not walk in fresh concrete. Platforms for workers and
into place. Install in longest lengths practicable. equipment shall not be supported directly on any reinforcing steel.
Once the concrete is set, forces shall not be applied to the forms or to Concrete Placement reinforcing bars which project from the concrete until the concrete is
1 General: Comply with AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction of sufficient strength to resist damage.
Specifications Sub-sections 8.6 and 8.7 as complemented herein for 9 Sequence of Placement: Whenever a concrete placement plan or
protection from environmental conditions during placing and curing schedule is specified or approved, the sequence of placement shall
and for handling and placement of concrete. conform to the plan.
2 Concrete shall be handled, placed, and consolidated by methods 10 Placement of Vertical Members: Concrete for columns,
that will not cause segregation of the mix and will result in a dense substructure and culvert walls, and other similar vertical members
homogeneous concrete that is free of voids and rock pockets. The shall be placed and allowed to set and settle for a period of time before
methods used shall not cause displacement of reinforcing steel or other concrete for integral horizontal members, such as caps, slabs, or
materials to be embedded in the concrete. Concrete shall be placed and footings, is placed. Such period shall be adequate to allow completion
consolidated prior to initial set and in no case more than 1.5 hours after of settlement due to loss of bleed water and shall be not less than 12 h
the water was added to the mix. Concrete shall not be re-tempered. for vertical members over 4500 mm in height and not less than 30 min
3 Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and complete for members over 1500 mm but not over 4500 mm in height. When
formwork installation, reinforcing steel, and items to be embedded or friction collars or falsework brackets are mounted on such vertical
cast in. Notify other trades to permit installation of their work. members and unless otherwise approved, the vertical member shall
Concrete shall not be placed until the condition of the reinforcement, have been in place at least seven days and shall have attained its
other embedded items, and the formwork has been inspected and specified strength before loads from horizontal members are applied
approved by the Engineer. All mortar from previous placements, 11 Placement of Superstructure: Unless otherwise permitted, no
debris, and foreign material shall be removed from the forms and steel concrete shall be placed in the superstructure until substructure forms
prior to commencing placement. The forms and subgrade shall be have been stripped sufficiently to determine the character of the
thoroughly moistened with water immediately before concrete is supporting substructure concrete.
placed against them. Temporary form spreader devices may be left in i. Concrete for T-beam or deck girder spans whose depth
place until concrete placement precludes their need, after which they is less than 1200 mm may be placed in one continuous
shall be removed. operation or may be placed in two separate operations;
4 Transportation: Concrete, after being discharged from the mixer, first, to the top of the girder stems, and second, to
shall be transported as rapidly as possible to its final position in the completion. For T-beam or deck girder spans whose
Work by agitator trucks, which shall prevent adulteration, segregation, depth is 1200 mm or more, and unless the falsework is
loss of workability or contamination of the ingredients. The non-yielding, such concrete shall be placed in two
containers that convey the concrete shall be kept clean and free from operations, and at least five days shall elapse after
hardened or partially hardened concrete. placement of stems before the top deck slab is placed.
i. The addition of water at the point of discharge is ii. Concrete for box girders may be placed in two or three
prohibited and trucks shall have the water tank separate operations consisting of bottom slab, girder
completely disconnected from the drum. stems, and top slab. In either case, the bottom slab shall
ii. The use of chutes, spouts, skips and pumps shall be be placed first and, unless otherwise permitted by the
permitted if approval is obtained. Under no
Engineer, the top slab shall not be placed until the girder iii. Vibrators shall be of approved type and design and of a
stems have been in place for at least five days. size appropriate for the work. They shall be capable of
transmitting vibration to the concrete at frequencies of
12 Placement of Box Culverts: In general, the base slab or footings
not less than 75 Hz.
of box culverts shall be placed and allowed to set before the remainder
of the culvert is constructed. For culverts whose wall height is 1500 iv. The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of
mm or less, the sidewalls and top slab may be placed in one continuous vibrators to properly compact each batch of concrete
operation. For higher culvert walls, the requirements for vertical immediately after it is placed in the forms. The
members shall apply. Contractor shall also have at least one spare vibrator
immediately available in case of breakdown.
13 Placement of Precast Elements: The sequence of placement for
concrete in precast elements shall be such that sound, well- v. Vibrators shall be manipulated so as to thoroughly work
consolidated concrete that is free of settlement or shrinkage cracks is the concrete around the reinforcement and embedded
produced throughout the member. fixtures and into the corners and angles of the forms.
Vibration shall be applied at the point of deposit and in
14 Placing Methods: Concrete shall be placed as nearly as possible
the area of freshly deposited concrete. The vibrators shall
in its final position, and the use of vibrators for extensive shifting of
be inserted and withdrawn out of the concrete slowly.
the weight (mass) of fresh concrete will not be permitted.
The vibration shall be of sufficient duration and intensity
i. Concrete shall be placed in horizontal layers of a to thoroughly consolidate the concrete but shall not be
thickness not exceeding the capacity of the vibrator to continued so as to cause segregation. Vibration shall not
consolidate the concrete and merge it with the previous be continued at any one point to the extent that localized
lift. In no case shall the depth of a lift exceed 600 mm. areas of grout are formed. Application of vibrators shall
The rate of concrete placement shall not exceed that be at points uniformly spaced and not farther apart than
assumed for the design of the forms as corrected for the 1.5 times the radius over which the vibration is visibly
actual temperature of the concrete being placed. effective.
ii. When placing operations would involve dropping the vi. Vibration shall not be applied either directly to, or
concrete more than 1500 mm, the concrete shall be through the reinforcement, or to sections or layers of
dropped through a tube fitted with a hopper head or concrete which have hardened to the degree that the
through other approved devices, as necessary to prevent concrete ceases to be plastic under vibration. Vibrators
segregation of the mix and spattering of mortar on steel shall not be used to transport concrete in the forms.
and forms above the elevation of the lift being placed.
vii. Vibration shall be supplemented by such spading as is
15 Equipment: necessary to ensure smooth surfaces and dense concrete
i. All equipment used to place concrete shall be of along form surfaces and in corners and locations
adequate capacity and designed and operated so as to impossible to reach with the vibrators.
prevent segregation of the mix or loss of mortar. Such
viii. When approved by the Engineer, concrete for small
equipment shall not cause vibrations that might damage
noncritical elements may be consolidated by the use of
the freshly placed concrete. No equipment shall have
suitable rods and spades.
aluminum parts which come in contact with the concrete.
Between uses, the mortar coating inside of placing 17 Underwater Concreting:
equipment which sets or dries out shall be cleaned from i. Only concrete used in cofferdams to seal out water may
the equipment before use is resumed. be placed under water, unless otherwise specified in the
ii. Chutes shall be lined with smooth watertight material contract documents or specifically approved by the
and, when steep slopes are involved, shall be equipped Engineer.
with baffles or reverses. ii. If other than concrete class 50 or 60 is to be placed under
iii. Concrete pumps shall be operated such that a continuous water, the minimum cement content of the mix shall be
stream of concrete without air pockets is produced. increased by ten percent to compensate for loss due to
When pumping is completed, the concrete remaining in wash.
the pipeline, if it is to be used, shall be ejected in such a iii. A tremie shall consist of a watertight tube having a
manner that there will be no contamination of the diameter of not less than 250 mm and fitted with a hopper
concrete or separation of the ingredients. at the top. The tremies shall be supported so as to permit
16 Consolidation: free movement of the discharge end over the entire top
surface of the work and so as to permit rapid lowering
i. All concrete, except concrete placed under water and
when necessary to retard or stop the flow of concrete.
concrete otherwise exempt, shall be consolidated by
The discharge end shall be sealed closed at the start of
mechanical vibration immediately after placement.
work so as to prevent water from entering the tube before
ii. Except as noted herein, vibration shall be internal. the tube is filled with concrete.
External form vibrators may be used for thin sections
iv. After placement has started, the tremie shall be kept full
when the forms have been designed for external
of concrete to the bottom of the hopper. If water enters
the tube after placement is started, the tremie shall be
withdrawn, the discharge end resealed, and the Finishing Plastic Concrete
placement restarted.
1 General: Unless otherwise specified in the contract documents,
v. When a batch is dumped into the hopper, the flow of after concrete has been consolidated and prior to the application of
concrete shall be induced by slightly raising the cure, all surfaces of concrete that are not placed against forms shall be
discharge end, always keeping it in the deposited struck-off to the planned elevation or slope and the surface finished
concrete. The flow shall be continuous until the work is by floating with a wooden float sufficiently to seal the surface. While
completed. When cofferdam struts prevent lateral the concrete is still in a workable state, all construction and expansion
movement of tremies, one tremie shall be used in each joints shall be carefully tooled with an edger. Joint filler shall be left
bay. exposed.
vi. Concrete pumps used to place concrete under water shall 2 Roadway Surface Finish: All bridge decks, approach slabs, and
include a device at the end of the discharge tube to seal other concrete surfaces for use by traffic shall be finished to a smooth
out water while the tube is first being filled with concrete. skid-resistant surface in accordance with AASHTO LRFD Bridge
Once the flow of concrete is started, the end of the Construction Specifications Sub-section 8.10.2 for the following
discharge tube shall be kept full of concrete and below sequence of operations:
the surface of the deposited concrete until placement is
i. Striking-off and floating, Article of AASHTO
LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications. Bridge decks Hot-Weather Concreting or top slabs of structures serving as finished pavements
shall be finished using approved power-driven finishing
1 When hot weather conditions exist that would impair quality machines. Hand-finishing methods may be used if
and strength of concrete, place concrete complying with ACI 305 and approved by the Engineer for short bridges 15 m or less
as specified. in length or for irregular areas where the use of a machine
2 Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete would be impractical.
temperature at time of placement to below 25 deg.C. Mixing water
ii. Straight edging, Sub-section of AASHTO
may be chilled or chopped ice may be used to control temperature,
LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications.
provided water equivalent of ice is calculated to total amount of
mixing water. iii. Texturing, Sub-section of AASHTO LRFD
Bridge Construction Specifications.
3 Concrete temperature shall not exceed 32 degree C and the
temperature differential between the concrete core and external iv. Surface testing and correction, Sub-section of
surfaces shall not exceed 25 degree C. AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications.
4 No concreting operation shall be carried out at ambient 3 Pedestrian Walkway Surface Finish: comply with AASHTO
temperature of 40 deg. C or more. LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications Sub-section 8.10.3 of
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications.
5 For bridge decks that are located over or adjacent to salt water
the maximum temperature of the concrete at time of placement shall 4 Troweled and Brushed Finish: comply with AASHTO LRFD
be 27 deg. C. Bridge Construction Specifications Sub-section 8.10.4.
6 Cover reinforcing steel with water-soaked burlap if it becomes 5 Surface under Bearings: comply with AASHTO LRFD Bridge
too hot, so that steel temperature will not exceed the ambient air Construction Specifications Sub-section 8.10.5.
temperature immediately before embedding in concrete. Curing Concrete
7 Fog spray forms, reinforcing steel, and subgrade just before
placing concrete. Keep subgrade moisture uniform without puddles 1 All newly placed concrete shall be cured so as to prevent loss
or dry areas. of water by use of one or more of the methods specified in
8 Use water-reducing retarding admixture when required by high AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications Sub-
temperatures, low humidity, or other adverse placing conditions, as section 8.11. Unless otherwise specified in the contract
acceptable to the Engineer. documents, curing shall commence immediately after the free
water has left the surface and finishing operations are
9 Shade mixing plant and trucks, aggregates, water tank, and
completed. If the surface of the concrete begins to dry before
cement silo.
the selected curing method can be applied, the surface of the
10 Paint the mixing plant, trucks, water tank, and cement silo with concrete shall be kept moist by a fog spray applied so as not to
white or reflective paint damage the surface.
11 Insulate the water tank and supply piping. 2 Curing shall continue uninterrupted for seven days except for
12 Protect concrete during pouring, and formwork, from direct when pozzolans in excess of ten percent, by weight (mass), of the
sunlight by use of shades and keep shades in position for 7 days from Portland cement are used in the mix. When such pozzolans are used,
time of pouring, the curing period shall be ten days.
13 Concrete placing shall be completed as quickly as possible to 3 For other than top slabs of structures serving as finished
reduce transit time. pavements, the above curing periods may be reduced and curing
14 Curing of exposed concrete shall be immediately carried out. terminated when test cylinders cured under the same conditions as the
structure indicate that concrete strengths of at least 70 percent of that
specified have been reached but not in any case less than 3 days.
4 When directed by the Engineer during periods of hot weather, 3 Class F3. Irregularities in the finish shall be no greater than
water shall be applied to concrete surfaces being cured by the liquid those resulting from the use of wrought thick square edged boards
membrane method or by the forms-in-place method, until the Engineer arranged in a uniform pattern. The finish is intended to be left as
determines that a cooling effect is no longer required. Such application struck. Imperfections such as fins and surface discoloration shall,
of water will be paid for as extra work. however, be made good as and when required by the Engineer,
4 Straightness: For in-situ and precast construction the strength, the prestressing force is released from the external
straightness or bow, defined as deviation from the intended line, shall anchorages and transferred, by bond, into the concrete.
be within the following tolerances: 4 Combined Method: Part of the reinforcement is pretensioned
Member Length (mm) Tolerances (mm) and part post-tensioned.
Up to 3000 ±3 5 Cable and Tendon: Cable and tendon both refer to a bundle of
3000 and over ±6 prestressing steel of the same type and size bundled together to be
contained within a duct and stressed, individually or collectively, from
5 Alignment: The alignment of members shall be within the
the same anchorage.
following tolerances:
6 Prestressing System: A proprietary system of applying prestress
Columns and piers. : 1:400 of column or pier length.
and includes anchorages, couplers and jacks but does not necessarily
Others. : 1:600 of length include prestressing steel and cable ducts.
6 Flatness: The flatness of a surface, measured with a straight
edge of 1.5 meter, shall be not greater than 6 mm at any point. References
7 Twist: Twist, measured as the deviations of any corner from the 1 American Association of State Highway and Transportation
plane containing the other three corners, shall be within the following Officials (AASHTO):
AASHTO 2009 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction
Member Length (mm) Tolerance (mm) Specifications, 3 rd
Edition, 2009, with 2010,
Up to 6000 ± 6 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 Interim
Above 6000 ± 12 Revisions.
5.3.4 Method of Measurement, Basis of AASHTO 2014 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
Payment and Bill of Quantities 7th Edition, 2014, with 2015 Interim Revisions.
1 No separate items are measured or included in the Bill of 2 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
Quantities for any part of Sub-section 5.3 excluding mockup. The ASTM A 416/A 416 M Specification for Steel Strand,
quantity of only one successful mockup will be paid under relevant Uncoated Seven-Wire for Prestressed Concrete
items in the Clauses 5.1 and 5.2. (AASHTO M 203).
ASTM A 421/A 421 M Specification for Uncoated Stress-
5.4 Prestressed Concrete Structures Relieved Steel wire for Prestressed Concrete
(AASHTO M 204).
5.4.1 Description ASTM A 722/ A 722 M Specification for Uncoated High- Scope Strength Steel Bars for Prestressing Concrete
(AASHTO M 275).
1 This Sub-section specifies the requirements for prestressing
ASTM C 939 Test Method for Flow of Grout for Preplaced-
precast or cast-in-situ concrete by furnishing, placing, and tensioning
Aggregate Concrete (Flow Cone Method).
of prestressing steel. It includes prestressing by either the pre-
tensioning or post-tensioning methods or by a combination of these ASTM C940 Test Method for Expansion and Bleeding of
methods. Freshly Mixed Grouts for Preplaced-Aggregate
Concrete in the Laboratory.
2 This work includes furnishing and installation of any
appurtenant items necessary for the particular prestressing system to ASTM C1202 Test Method for Electrical Indication of
be used, including but not limited to ducts, anchorage assemblies, and concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion
grout used for pressure grouting ducts. Penetration (AASHTO T 277)
3 British Standards: Definitions
BS4447 Specification for the Performance of
1 Prestressing Steel: Steel wire, strand or bars used for Prestressing Anchorages for Post-Tensioned
prestressing of concrete. Construction
2 Post-Tensioning: The process when the prestressing steel is BS EN 5896 Specification for High Tensile Steel Wire and
tensioned after the concrete has hardened. The tendons are installed in Strand for the Prestressing of Concrete.
voids or ducts within the concrete and are stressed and anchored Submittals
against the concrete after the development of the required concrete
strength. As a final operation under this method, the voids or ducts are 1 Design:
pressure-grouted. i. Where the design for the prestressing work is not fully
3 Pretensioning: The process when the prestressing steel is detailed in the contract documents, the Contractor shall
tensioned against independent anchorages before the concrete is determine the details or type of prestressing system for
placed round it. The prestressing strand or tendons are stressed prior use and select materials and details conforming to this
to casting the concrete. After the concrete has attained the required Specification as needed to satisfy the prestressing
requirements specified. The system selected shall
provide the magnitude and distribution of pre-stressing 3 Integrated Drawings: Where required by the contract documents,
force and ultimate strength required by the contract in addition to all required working drawings, the Contractor shall
documents without exceeding allowable temporary prepare composite placing drawings to scale and in sufficient detail to
stresses. show the relative positions of all items that are to be embedded in the
concrete, and their embedment depth, for the portions of the structure
ii. Unless otherwise shown in the contract documents, all
that are to be prestressed. Such embedded items shall include the
design procedures, coefficients and allowable stresses,
prestressing ducts, vents, anchorage reinforcement and hardware,
friction, and prestress losses, as well as tendon spacing
reinforcing steel, anchor bolts, earthquake restrainers, deck joint seal
and clearances, shall be in accordance with either or both
assemblies, drainage systems, utility conduits, and other such items.
the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications.
Such drawings shall be in sufficient detail to confirm that there will
2 Working Drawings and Shop Drawings be no conflict between the planned positions of any embedded items
i. Where the contract documents do not include complete and that concrete cover will be adequate.
details for a prestressing system and its method of 4 Material Certificates: Signed by manufacturers and contractor
installation, or where complete details are provided in certifying that each of the following items complies with specified
the contract documents and the Contractor wishes to requirements:
propose any change, the Contractor shall prepare and
i. Prestressing steel
submit to the Engineer working drawings of the
prestressing system proposed for use. Fabrication or ii. Prestressing system.
installation of prestressing material shall not begin until iii. Records for the anchorage device acceptance test as
the Engineer has approved the drawings. specified in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction
ii. The working drawings of the prestressing system shall Specifications Article
show complete details and substantiating calculations of
the method, materials, and equipment the Contractor 5.4.2 Materials
proposes to use in the prestressing operations, including Concrete
any additions or rearrangement of reinforcing steel and
any revision in concrete dimensions from that specified 1 Concrete for prestressed construction shall be produced and
in the contract documents. Such details shall outline the supplied in accordance with the relevant requirements of Section 5.1
method and sequence of stressing and shall include “Concrete Materials and Mixes”.
complete specifications and details of the prestressing
steel and anchoring devices, working stresses, anchoring Reinforcing Steel
stresses, tendon elongations, type of ducts, and all other
1 Non-prestressed reinforcing steel shall be supplied, cut, bent
data pertaining to the prestressing operation, including
and fixed in accordance with the relevant requirements of Section 5.2
the proposed arrangement of the prestressing steel in the
“Reinforcing Steel”.
iii. Working drawings shall be submitted sufficiently in Prestressing Steel
advance of the start of the affected work to allow time
1 Steel Wire: Steel wire shall comply with ASTM A 421/A 421
for review by the Engineer and correction by the
M (AASHTO M 204), or with BS EN 5896.
Contractor of the drawings without delaying the work.
2 Stress-Relieved Seven-Wire Strand: Stress-Relieved Seven-
iv. Shop drawings for post-tensioning and other
Wire Strand shall comply with ASTM A 416/A416 M low relaxation
embedments, such as expansion joints, bearings, and
(AASHTO M 203) or with BS EN 5896 low relaxation.
anchor bolts submitted by suppliers shall be reviewed
3 High Tensile Steel Bar: High tensile steel bars for prestressed
and approved by the Engineer for conformance with the
concrete shall comply with ASTM A 722/A 722 M (AASHTO M 275)
design concept and compliance with the design drawings
or with BS 4486.
and Specifications.
v. Where contract-document information on post- Post-Tensioning Anchorages and Couplers
tensioning systems is modified by the Contractor, or
1 Post-tensioning anchorages and couplers shall be in accordance
where contract drawings do not provide detailed
with the requirements of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction
dimensional information on the post-tensioning system,
Specifications Article 10.3.2.
it is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate the
placement of the post-tensioning system with other 2 Prestressing components, such as cable ducts, anchorages and
embedments, and to correct any interferences created by couplers, shall be of approved types suitable for types of cables and
the Contractor-supplied prestressing system or other bars used.
substitutions. The post-tensioning layout shall govern 3 All anchorages and couplers shall develop at least 96 percent of
the layout of the secondary nonprestressed reinforcement. the actual ultimate strength of the prestressing steel, when tested in an
Where necessary, location of nonpre-stressed unbonded state, without exceeding anticipated set.
reinforcement should be adjusted to clear tendons, 4 The coupling of tendons shall not reduce the elongation at
subject to the approval of the Engineer. rupture below the requirements of the tendon itself. Couplers and/or
coupler components shall be enclosed in housings long enough to
permit the necessary movements. Couplers for tendons shall be used 5 Grout openings and vents shall be securely anchored to the duct
only at locations specifically indicated in the contract documents and to either the forms or to reinforcing steel to prevent displacement
and/or approved by the Engineer. Couplers shall not be used at points during concrete-placing operations.
of sharp tendon curvature 6 After installation in the forms, the ends of ducts shall at all times
5 If the Engineer is not satisfied with the testing certificates be sealed as necessary to prevent the entry of water or debris.
submitted for the prestressing system, he may request post-tensioning 7 Where members are made up of precast units stressed together,
anchorages and couplers to be tested in accordance with AASHTO the ducts in the joints between the units shall be in perfect alignment
LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications Article 10.3.2 at no extra and joined securely so as to allow unimpeded cable threading and
cost. pulling and prevent the ingress of the epoxy mortar used for gluing the
several units together before stressing. Details of such joints shall first Epoxy-Bonding Agents for Precast Segmental be approved by the Engineer. The tolerance in the location of the
Construction sheath shall be plus or minus 3 mm.
1 Epoxy bonding agents for match cast joints shall be 8 Additionally the following shall apply:
thermosetting 100 percent solid compositions that do not contain i. Entrance and exit angles of tendon paths at anchorages
solvent or any nonreactive organic ingredient except for pigments and/or at faces of concrete shall be within ± 3 degrees of
required for coloring. Epoxy bonding agents shall be of two desired angle measured in any direction and any
components, a resin and a hardener. The two components shall be deviations in the alignment are accomplished with
distinctly pigmented, so that mixing produces a third color similar to smooth transitions without any kinks.
the concrete in the segments to be joined, and shall be packaged in ii. Angle changes at duct joints shall not be greater than ±3
pre-portioned, labeled, ready-to-use containers. degrees in any direction and must be accomplished with
2 Epoxy bonding agents shall be insensitive to damp conditions smooth transitions without any kinks.
during application and, after curing, shall exhibit high bonding iii. Locate anchorages within ± 3 mm of desired position
strength to cured concrete, good water resistivity, low creep laterally and ±25 mm along the tendon except that
characteristics, and tensile strength greater than the concrete. In minimum cover requirements shall be maintained.
addition, the epoxy bonding agents shall function as a lubricant during iv. Position anchorage confinement reinforcement in the
the joining of the match cast segments, as a filler to accurately match form of spirals, multiple U-shaped bars or links to be
the surface of the segments being joined, and as a durable, watertight properly centered around the duct and to start within 12
bond at the joint. mm of the back of the main anchor plate.
3 The physical, chemical and mechanical properties of epoxy v. If conflicts exist between the reinforcement and post-
bonding agents shall satisfy the recommendations of the AASHTO tensioning duct, position the post-tensioning duct and
LRFD Bridge Design Specifications or the Federation Internationale adjust the reinforcement locally with the Engineer's
de la Precontrainte (FIP) "Proposals for a standard for acceptance tests approval.
and verifications of epoxy bonding agents for segmental construction".
9 Ducts shall be kept free of any matter detrimental to the bond
between the sheath and the grout and, except for material sealing a
5.4.3 Construction Requirements
sheath joint, between the sheath and the concrete. Placement of Ducts 10 All ducts for continuous structures shall be supplied with outlets
at the high and low points of the duct profile, except where the profile
1 Ducts shall be rigidly supported at the proper Iocations in the
changes are small, as in continuous slabs, and at additional locations
forms by ties to reinforcing steel which are adequate to prevent
displacement during concrete placement. Supplementary support bars as specified in the contract documents. Low-point outlets shall remain
shall be used where needed to maintain proper alignment of the duct. open until grouting is started.
Hold-down ties to the forms shall be used when the buoyancy of the 11 Upon completion of concrete placement, the Contractor shall
ducts in the fluid concrete would lift the reinforcing steel. prove that the post-tensioning ducts are free and clear of any
2 Polyethylene duct and metal duct for longitudinal or transverse obstructions or damage and are able to accept the intended post-
post-tensioning in the flanges shall be supported at intervals not to tensioning tendons by passing a torpedo through the ducts. The
exceed 600 mm. Polyethylene duct in webs for longitudinal post- torpedo shall have the same cross-sectional shape as the duct, and 6
tensioning shall be tied to stirrups at intervals not to exceed 600 mm, mm smaller all around than the clear nominal inside dimensions of the
and metal duct for longitudinal post-tensioning in webs shall be tied duct. No deductions shall be made to the torpedo section dimensions
to stirrups at intervals not to exceed 1200 mm. for tolerances allowed in the manufacture or fixing of the ducts. For
straight ducts, a torpedo at least 600 mm long shall be used. For curved
3 Joints between sections of duct shall be coupled with positive
ducts, the length shall be determined so that when both ends touch the
connections which do not result in angle changes at the joints and will
outermost wall of the duct, the torpedo is 6 mm clear of the innermost
prevent the intrusion of cement paste. Joints in adjacent ducts shall be
wall. If the torpedo will not travel completely through the duct, the
staggered by at least 300 mm.
Engineer shall reject the member, unless a workable repair can be
4 After placing of ducts, and reinforcement and forming is made to clear the duct, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Upon
complete, an inspection shall be made to locate possible duct damage. completion of the repairs, the torpedo shall pass through the duct
All unintentional holes or openings in the duct shall be repaired prior easily, by hand, without resorting to excessive effort or mechanical
to concrete placing. assistance.
12 Before stressing and grouting internal or external tendons, may be pulled into the duct as a unit, or the individual
install all grout caps, inlets and outlets and test the tendon with strand may be pulled or pushed through the duct.
compressed air to determine if duct connections require repair. In the iii. Anchorage devices or block-out templates for
presence of the Engineer, pressurize the tendon to 345 kPa and lock- anchorages shall be set and held so that their axis
off the outside air source. Record pressure loss for 1 minute. A coincides with the axis of the tendon and anchor plates
pressure loss of 170 kPa is acceptable for tendons having a length of are normal in all directions to the tendon.
equal to or less than 45 m and a pressure loss of 100 kPa is acceptable iv. The prestressing steel shall be distributed so that the
for tendons longer than 45 m. If the pressure loss exceeds the force in each girder stem is equal or as required by the
allowable, repair the leaking connections using methods approved by contract documents, except as provided herein.
the Engineer and re-test.
v. For box girders with more than two girder stems, at the
13 The ends of all ducts shall be sealed and protected until the tendon Contractor's option, the prestressing force may vary up
is threaded through and the stressing operations are commenced. to five percent from the theoretical required force per
Where tendons in sheaths or sheath on its own are left exposed to girder stem provided the required total force in the
atmosphere, rust inhibitors shall be used as per the maker's superstructure is obtained and the force is distributed
specification to prevent rusting and corrosion of the inside of sheaths. symmetrically about the centerline of the typical section.
They shall be flushed with clean water before the tendons are grouted.
4 Protection of Steel after Installation:
The Contractor is responsible for carrying out these measures at his
own expense i. Prestressing steel used in post tensioned concrete
members that is not grouted within the time limit Placement of Prestressing Steel specified below, shall be continuously protected against
rust or other corrosion by means of a corrosion inhibitor
1 General:
placed in the ducts or directly applied to the steel. The
i. All wires or strands stressed at the same time shall be prestressing steel shall be so protected until grouted or
taken from the same parcel. Each cable shall be tagged encased in concrete. Prestressing steel installed and
with its number and the coil number of the steel used. tensioned in members after placing and curing of the
ii. Tendons shall not be welded within the length to be concrete and grouted within the time limit specified
tensioned and, unless other methods of cutting are below will not require the use of a corrosion inhibitor
approved by the Engineer, tendons shall be sawn or described herein and rust which may form during the
cropped using an abrasive disc cutter. interval between tendon installation and grouting will
iii. Tendons shall be built into the work strictly in not be cause for rejection of the steel.
accordance with the system which is being employed. ii. The permissible interval between tendon installation and
iv. Tendons shall not be kinked or twisted and individual grouting without use of a corrosion inhibitor for various
wires or strands shall be readily identifiable at each of exposure conditions shall be taken as follows:
the members. No strand which has become unravelled - Very Damp Atmosphere or over saltwater
shall be used in the work. (Humidity > 70 percent) 7 days
2 Placement for Pretensioning: - Moderate Atmosphere (Humidity from 40 percent
i. Prestressing steel shall be accurately installed in the to 70 percent) 15 days
forms and held in place by the stressing jack or - Very Dry Atmosphere (Humidity < 40 percent)
temporary anchors and, when tendons are to be draped, 20 days
by hold-down devices. The hold-down devices used at iii. After tendons are placed in ducts, the openings at the
all points of change in slope of tendon trajectory shall be ends of the ducts shall be sealed to prevent entry of
of an approved low-friction type. moisture.
ii. Prestressing steel shall not be removed from its iv. When steam curing is used, unless anchorage systems
protective packaging until immediately prior to mandate its installation, steel for post-tensioning shall
installation in the forms and placement of concrete. not be installed until the steam curing is completed.
Openings in the packaging shall be resealed as necessary
v. Such tendons shall be protected against corrosion by
to protect the unused steel. While exposed, the steel shall
means of a corrosion inhibitor placed in the ducts or on
be protected as needed to prevent corrosion.
the steel, or shall be stressed and grouted within seven
3 Placement for Post-Tensioning: days after steam curing.
i. All prestressing steel preassembled in ducts and installed vi. Whenever electric welding is performed on or near
prior to the placement of concrete shall be accurately members containing prestressing steel, the welding
placed and held in position during concrete placement. ground shall be attached directly to the steel being
ii. When the prestressing steel is installed after the concrete welded. All prestressing steel and hardware shall be
has been placed, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the protected from weld spatter or other damage.
satisfaction of the Engineer that the ducts are free of
water and debris immediately prior to installation of the
steel. The total number of strands in an individual tendon
BS 4447. Subsequently, the Engineer may require Placement of Anchorages additional samples, selected at random from materials on
1 The Contractor is responsible for the proper placement of all site, to be similarly tested.
materials according to the design documents of the Engineer and the ii. For each anchorage type used in the Works, the
requirements stipulated by the anchorage device supplier. The characteristic value of anchorage efficiency, determined
Contractor shall exercise all due care and attention in the placement in accordance with BS 4447, shall be not less than 90%.
of anchorage hardware, reinforcement, concrete and consolidation of 6 For prestressing systems previously tested and approved on
concrete in anchorage zones. projects having the same tendon configuration, the Engineer may
2 Modifications to the local zone details verified under provisions waive the anchorage testing.
of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications Article 7 Epoxy Bonding Agents: Epoxy bonding agents shall be tested
and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications Article for and satisfy the requirements of all the tests listed in the, ‘Special Anchorage Device Acceptance Test’, shall be recommendations of FIP "Proposal for a standard for acceptance tests
approved by both the Engineer and the anchorage device supplier. and verification of epoxy bonding agents for segmental construction". Identification and Testing Protection of Prestressing Steel
1 All wire, strand, or bars to be shipped to the site shall be 1 All prestressing steel shall be protected against physical damage
assigned a lot number and tagged for identification purposes. and rust or other results of corrosion at all times from manufacture to
Anchorage assemblies to be shipped shall be likewise identified. grouting. Prestressing steel shall also be free of deleterious material
2 Before approval, at least two samples of the prestressing steel such as grease, oil, wax or paint. Prestressing steel that has sustained
shall be tested at the Contractor's expense, at an approved independent physical damage at any time shall be rejected. The development of
laboratory for chemical composition, mechanical strength, relaxation pitting or other results of corrosion, other than rust stain, shall be cause
and physical characteristics. for rejection.
3 Subsequently, each lot of wire or bars and each reel of strand 2 Prestressing steel shall be packaged in containers or shipping
reinforcement shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's certificate of forms for the protection of the strand against physical damage and
compliance, a mill certificate, and a test report. The mill certificate corrosion during shipping and storage. A corrosion inhibitor which
and test report shall include: prevents rust or other results of corrosion shall be placed in the
i. Chemical composition (not required for strand), package or form, or shall be incorporated in a corrosion inhibitor
carrier-type packaging material, or when permitted by the Engineer,
ii. Cross-sectional area,
may be applied directly to the steel. Packaging or forms damaged from
iii. Yield and ultimate strengths, any cause shall be immediately replaced or restored to original
iv. Elongation at rupture, condition.
v. Modulus of elasticity, and 3 The shipping package or form shall be clearly marked with a
vi. Stress strain curve for the actual prestressing steel statement that the package contains high-strength prestressing steel,
intended for use. and the type of corrosion inhibitor used, including the date packaged.
All values certified shall be based on test values and nominal sectional 4 All anchorages, end fittings, couplers, and exposed tendons,
areas of the material being certified. which will not be encased in concrete or grout in the completed work,
4 The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer for verification shall be permanently protected against corrosion.
testing samples selected at random from each lot as follows. The actual 5 Corrosion Inhibitor:
strength of the prestressing steel shall not be less than specified by the i. The corrosion inhibitor shall have no deleterious effect
applicable ASTM Standard stated in Paragraph on the steel or concrete or bond strength of steel to
i. Pretensioning Tendons: one sample at least 1500 mm concrete or grout.
long shall be furnished in accordance with the ii. Corrosion inhibitor shall consist of a vapor phase
requirements of Sub-Section 9.1 of ASTM A 416/A inhibitor (VPI) powder conforming to the provisions of
416M. Federal Specification MIL-P-3420F-87 or as otherwise
ii. Post-Tensioning Tendons: for 20 tons, or portion thereof, approved by the Engineer.
lot of material used in the work: iii. When approved, water soluble oil may be used on
- For wires not requiring heading: sufficient length to tendons as a corrosion inhibitor.
make up one parallel-lay cable 1500 mm long consisting
of the same number of wires as the cable to be furnished. Ducts
- For strand to be furnished with fittings: 1500 mm 1 Ducts formed by sheath left in place shall be a type that will not
between near ends of fittings. permit the intrusion of cement paste. They shall transfer bond stresses
- For bars to be furnished with threaded ends and nuts: as required and shall retain shape under the weight (mass) of the
1500 mm between threads at ends. concrete and shall have sufficient strength to maintain their correct
alignment without visible wobble during placement of concrete.
5 Anchorages:
2 Metal Ducts:
i. Before approval, at least two anchorages shall be tested
at the Contractor's expense, at an approved laboratory to
i. Sheathing for ducts shall be metal, except as provided min shall be used. The OIT test shall be performed on
herein. Such ducts shall be galvanized ferrous metal and samples taken from the finished product. The duct shall
shall be fabricated with either welded or interlocked be manufactured with a dimensional ratio (DR) of 17.0
seams. Galvanizing of welded seams will not be required. as established by either ASTM D 3350 or ASTM F 714
as appropriate for the manufacturing process used.
ii. Rigid ducts shall have smooth inner walls and shall be
capable of being curved to the proper configuration 4 Duct Area: The provisions of AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
without crimping or flattening. Specifications, Article, ‘Size of Ducts,’ shall apply.
iii. Semi-rigid ducts shall be corrugated and, when tendons 5 Duct Fittings:
are to be inserted after the concrete has been placed, their i. Coupling and transition fittings for ducts formed by
minimum wall thickness shall be as follows: 0.45 mm for sheathing shall be of either ferrous metal polyolefin
ducts less than or equal to 65 mm diameter 0.60 mm for (polyethylene or polypropylene), and shall be air and
ducts greater than 65 mm diameter. watertight and of sufficient strength to prevent distortion
iv. When bar tendons are preassembled with such ducts, the or displacement of the ducts during concrete placement
duct thickness shall not be less than 0.25 mm. and/or tendon grouting.
3 Plastic Ducts: ii. All ducts or anchorage assemblies shall be provided with
pipes or other suitable connections at each end of the
i. For locations in saltwater environment, plastic duct
duct for the injection of grout after prestressing. As
material shall be considered and is recommended.
specified in Article, ducts shall also be
ii. Corrugated plastic duct to be completely embedded in
provided with ports for venting or grouting at high points
concrete shall be constructed from either polyethylene or
and for draining at intermediate low points.
polypropylene. The minimum acceptable radius of
curvature shall be established by the duct supplier iii. Vent and drain pipes shall be at least 20 mm diameter for
according to standard test methods. The duct shall have strand and at least 12 mm diameter for single-bar tendons
a thickness as below: and three or four strand flat duct tendons. Connection to
ducts shall be made with metallic or plastic structural
Duct Shape Duct Diameter Duct Thickness
fasteners. The vents and drains shall be mortar tight,
in millimeters in millimeters taped as necessary, and constructed with either
Flat any size 2.0 mechanical or shrink wrap connections. Vents and drains
Round 23 2.0 shall provide means for injection of grout through the
vents and for sealing to prevent leakage of grout.
Round 60 2.0
Round 75 2.5 Grout
Round 85 2.5 1 Grout shall be in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO
Round 100 3.0 LRFD Bridge Construction Specifications Sub-section 10.9.
Round 115 3.5 2 Grouts may be either a unique design for the project or supplied
Round 130 4.0 in a pre-bagged form by a grout manufacturer.
Round 145 4.0 3 Unless otherwise directed or agreed as a result of grouting trials,
uniquely designed grouts shall consist only of ordinary Portland
iii. Ducts shall have a white coating on the outside or shall
be of white material with ultraviolet stabilizers added. cement and water. The water-cement ratio shall be as low as possible
consistent with necessary workability and under no circumstances be
iv. Polyethylene duct shall be fabricated from resins
higher than 0.45 and not be subject to bleeding in excess of 2 percent
meeting or exceeding the requirements of ASTM D 3350
after 3 hours, or 4 percent maximum. When measured at 18 degrees
with a cell classification of 345464A.
C in a covered glass cylinder approximately 100 mm water shall be
v. Polypropylene duct shall be fabricated from resins reabsorbed after 24 hours.
meeting or exceeding the requirements of ASTM D 4101
4 Grout shall be mixed for a minimum of two minutes and until a
with a cell classification range of PP0340B14541 to
uniform consistency is obtained. The pumpability of the grout may
be determined in accordance with the US Corps of Engineers Method
vi. Use resin containing antioxidant(s) with a minimum CRD-C79 in which case the efflux time of the grout sample
Oxidation Induction Time (OIT) according to ASTM D immediately after mixing shall not be less than 11 seconds.
3895 of not less than 20 minutes. The OIT test shall be
5 Admixture containing chlorides or nitrates shall not be used.
performed on samples taken from the finished product.
Other admixtures may be used only with the written permission of the
vii. Rigid smooth black polyethylene ducts for use where the Engineer and shall be applied strictly in accordance with the
tendon is not embedded in concrete shall be rigid pipe manufacturer's instruction.
manufactured from 100 percent virgin polyethylene resin
6 The design for grout mix shall be tested in accordance with
meeting the requirements of ASTM D 3350 with a
ASTM C 49 for longitudinal change. Each design mix and each batch
minimum cell class of 344464C. A resin containing
mix shall be tested for vertical dimensional change.
antioxidant(s) with a minimum oxidation induction time
(OIT) according to ASTM D 3895 of not less than 40
7 Daily field testing of the grout for the following properties shall a load equal to the full capacity of the jack within a
be required: period of six months prior to the commencement of
i. Fluidity to ASTM C 939 or the modified test described prestressing.
in AASHTO LRFD Bridge construction Specification iv. The jacking system shall provide an independent means
Table 10.9.3-2, by which the tendon elongation can be measured. The
ii. Bleed at 3 h to ASTM C 940 as modified in AASHTO pressure gage shall have an accurate reading dial at least
LRFD Bridge construction Specification Table 10.9.3-2, 150 mm in diameter or a digital display, and each jack
and its gage shall be calibrated as a unit with the cylinder
iii. Permeability to ASTM C1202 (AASHTO T 277).
extension in the approximate position that it will be at
8 Manufacturers of pre-bagged post-tensioning grout shall submit final jacking force, and shall be accompanied by a
for approval certified test reports from an audited and independent certified calibration chart or curve.
Cement Concrete Research Laboratory (CCRL) which shows the
v. All gages, load cells, dynamometers and other devices
material meets all the requirements specified herein.
used for measuring the stressing force shall have an
9 Preapproved pre-bagged grout shall be mixed in accordance accuracy of within plus or minus 1.5 percent. Pressure
with the Manufacturer's recommendations. gages shall have a capacity and calibrated cell such that
10 Grouts shall achieve a non-bleeding characteristic. Grout shall the working pressure required to stress the tendons to the
not contain aluminum powder or gas generating system that produces fully stated load lies within the central half of the range
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, or oxygen. Cementitious grout shall meet of the gage.
or exceed the specified physical properties stated herein as determined vi. Each gage shall have a calibration certificate issued by
by the following standard and modified ASTM test methods. an approved test laboratory. All pressure gages shall be
11 Grout Classes shall be taken as specified in AASHTO LRFD so constructed that they may be calibrated, either directly
Bridge Construction Specifications Table 10.9.3-1 and Grout by an approved testing laboratory, or by compressing
Properties shall be as specified in AASHTO LRFD Bridge with a meter gage which has itself been calibrated by an
Construction Specifications Table 10.9.3-2. approved testing laboratory.
vii. All pressure gages shall be re-calibrated before use and Tensioning
at intervals of 14 days during the prestressing operation.
1 Tensioning may be accomplished by pre-tensioning, post- The Engineer will order re-calibration of any pressure
tensioning, or the combined method; as specified in the contract gage at any time should he have reason to suspect
documents, or on the approved working drawings, or approved in damage to or faulty operation of the gage.
writing by the Engineer. viii. The accuracy of all prestressing and load measuring
2 During stressing of strand, individual wire failures may be equipment shall be checked whenever required by the
accepted by the Engineer, provided not more than one wire in any Engineer. The Contractor shall provide a rig suitable in
strand is broken and the area of broken wires does not exceed two the opinion of the Engineer, for all checking and
percent of the total area of the prestressing steel in the member. calibration of any jacking system consisting of jacks and
3 Concrete Strength: Prestressing forces shall not be applied or associated load devices, pressure gages and
transferred to the concrete until the concrete has attained the strength dynamometers.
specified for initial stressing. In addition, cast-in-place concrete for 5 Sequence of Stressing: When the sequence of stressing
other than segmentally constructed bridges shall not be post-tensioned individual tendons is not otherwise specified in the
until at least ten days after the last concrete has been placed in the contract documents or on the approved working
member to be post-tensioned. drawings, the stressing of post-tensioning tendons and
4 Prestressing Equipment: the release of pretensioned tendons shall be done in a
sequence that produces a minimum of eccentric force in
i. Hydraulic jacks used to stress tendons shall be capable
the member.
of providing and sustaining the necessary forces and
6 Measurement of Stress:
shall be equipped with either a pressure gage or a load
cell for determining the jacking stress. i. A record of gage pressures and tendon elongations for
each tendon shall be provided by the Contractor for
ii. All jacks used for prestressing shall be of the type
review and approval by the Engineer. Elongations shall
applicable to the system adopted. The accuracy of the
be measured to an accuracy of 1.5 mm. Stressing tails of
load metering equipment shall be checked to the
post-tensioned tendons shall not be cut off until the
satisfaction of the Engineer at the start of the work each
stressing records have been approved.
day it has to be used and whenever the equipment is
moved to a different job. ii. The stress in tendons during tensioning shall be
determined by the gage or load-cell readings and shall be
iii. Documentary proof shall be provided confirming that all
verified with the measured elongations. Calculations of
jacks have been fully overhauled and checked by an
anticipated elongations shall utilize the modulus of
agent approved by the manufacturer of the equipment.
elasticity, based on nominal area, as furnished by the
Each jack shall be accompanied by a test certificate
Manufacturer for the lot of steel being tensioned, or as
indicating that it has been tested and calibrated by the
determined by a bench test of strands used in the work.
manufacturer or by an approved testing laboratory up to
iii. All tendons shall be tensioned to a preliminary force as checking the loss of prestress shall be subject to approval by the
necessary to eliminate any take-up in the tensioning Engineer. All strands that show a loss of prestress in excess of three
system before elongation readings are started. This percent shall be retensioned to the original computed jacking stress.
preliminary force shall be between 5 and 25 percent of 7 Stress on all strands shall be maintained between anchorages
the final jacking force. The initial force shall be until the concrete has reached the compressive strength required at
measured by a dynamometer or by other approved time of transfer of stress to concrete.
method, so that its amount can be used as a check against 8 When prestressing steel in pretensioned members is tensioned
elongation as computed and as measured. Each strand at a temperature more than 14 deg. C lower than the estimated
shall be marked prior to final stressing to permit temperature of the concrete and the prestressing steel at the time of
measurement of elongation and to ensure that all anchor initial set of the concrete, the calculated elongation of the prestressing
wedges set properly. steel shall be increased to compensate for the loss in stress due to the
change in temperature, but in no case shall the jacking stress exceed Pretension Construction
80 percent of the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the
1 The strand stress prior to seating (jacking stress) shall not prestressing steel.
exceed 80 percent of the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the
9 Members shall be free to accommodate the horizontal and
prestressing steel. This allowable stress, which slightly exceeds the
vertical movements due to the application of prestress. Side and flange
values allowed in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
forms that restrain deflection shall be removed before release of pre-
Article 5.9.3, may be permitted to offset seating losses and to
tensioning reinforcement.
accommodate compensation for temperature differences specified
below. 10 When the concrete has attained the specified strength, the load
2 In pretensioned members where tendons are specified as shall be transferred gradually without severance of the tendons.
debonded from the concrete, they shall be covered with sleeves of 11 Except when otherwise shown in the contract documents, all
PVC or other material approved by the Engineer. The ends of the pretensioned prestressing strands shall be cut off flush with the end of
sleeves shall be taped to the tendon to prevent the ingress of grout. the member, and the exposed ends of the strand and a 25 mm strip of
3 Stressing shall be accomplished by either single-strand stressing adjoining concrete shall be cleaned and painted. Cleaning shall be by
or multiple-strand stressing. The amount of stress to be given to each wire brushing or abrasive blast cleaning to remove all dirt and residue
strand shall be as shown in the contract documents or on the approved that is not firmly bonded to the metal or concrete surfaces. The
working drawings. surfaces shall be coated with one thick coat of zinc-rich paint
4 All strands to be stressed in a group (multiple-strand stressing) conforming to the requirements of U.S. Military Specification MIL-P-
shall be brought to a uniform initial tension prior to being given their 24441/20. The paint shall be thoroughly mixed at the time of
full pre-tensioning. The amount of the initial tensioning force shall be application, and shall be worked into any voids in the strands.
within the range specified in Article (6) Measurement of Stress, 12 All members shall be indelibly marked to show the specified
and shall be the minimum required to eliminate all slack and to member mark, the production line on which they were manufactured,
equalize the stresses in the tendons as determined by the Engineer. the date on which the concrete was cast, the load applied and, if they
The amount of this force will be influenced by the length of the casting are of symmetrical section, the face which will be uppermost when the
bed and the size and number of tendons in the group to be tensioned. member is in its correct position in the work. The markings shall be
5 Draped Pretensioned Tendons: so located that they are not exposed to view when the member is in its
permanent position.
i. Draped pretensioned tendons shall either be tensioned
partially by jacking at the end of the bed and partially by Post-Tension Construction
uplifting or depressing tendons, or they shall be
1 The standard stress prior to seating (jacking stress) and the stress
tensioned entirely by jacking, with the tendons being
in the prestressing steel immediately after seating shall not exceed the
held in their draped positions by means of rollers, pins,
values allowed in AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications,
or other approved methods during the jacking operation.
Sub-section 5.9.3.
ii. Approved low-friction devices shall be used at all points
2 Immediately before tensioning, the Contractor shall
of change in slope of tendon trajectory when tensioning
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that all tendons are free
draped pretensioned strands, regardless of the tensioning
to move between jacking points and that members are free to
method used.
accommodate the horizontal and vertical movements due to the
iii. If the load for a draped strand, as determined by application of prestress.
elongation measurements, is more than five percent less
3 Unless otherwise specified, concrete shall not be stressed until
than that indicated by the jack gages, the strand shall be
it has reached the age at which at least 2 test specimens taken from it
tensioned from both ends of the bed, and the load as
attain the specified transfer strength. The test specimens shall be
computed from the sum of elongation at both ends shall
cured in similar conditions to the concrete to which they relate. The
agree within five percent of that indicated by the jack
Contractor shall cast sufficient specimens to demonstrate that the
required strength of the concrete at transfer has been reached.
6 When ordered by the Engineer, prestressing steel strands in
pretensioned members, if tensioned individually, shall be checked by 4 Where members consist of jointed elements the strength at
the Contractor for loss of prestress not more than 3 hours prior to transfer of the jointing material shall be at least equivalent to the
placing concrete for the members. The method and equipment for specified transfer strength of the member.
5 Tension Procedures: x. Required jacking force,
i. The Contractor shall establish the datum point for xi. Gage pressures,
measuring extension and jack pressure to the satisfaction xii. Elongations (anticipated and actual),
of the Engineer. xiii. Anchor sets (anticipated and actual),
ii. The Contractor shall add to the specified forces an xiv. Stressing sequence (i.e., tendons before and after this
allowance where necessary for anchorage friction, tendon),
wedge pull-in, jack losses and friction due to duct
xv. Stressing mode (one end/two ends/simultaneous),
alignment and curvature. The total forces and calculated
xvi. Witnesses to stressing operation (Contractor and
extensions shall be agreed with the Engineer before
stressing is commenced.
xvii. Date grouted, days from stressing to grouting, grouting
iii. Immediately after anchoring, the stresses in the tendons
pressure applied, and injection end,
shall not exceed 75 percent of their ultimate tensile
strength or as defined in the contract documents. During xviii. Record any other relevant information including pour
stressing the value shall not exceed 80 percent. back and bitumastic installation dates.
iv. The tendons shall be stressed at a gradual and steady rate The Engineer shall be provided with a complete copy of stressing
until they attain the force and extension specified. operations, and the jack calibration forms within 24 hours of each
tensioning operation.
v. If the measured extension differs by more than 5 percent
from the estimated extension, corrective action shall be 7 Protection of Tendons: Within 4 hours after stressing and prior
taken as directed by the Engineer. to grouting, tendons shall be protected against corrosion or harmful
effects of debris by temporarily plugging or sealing all openings and
vi. The force in the tendons shall be obtained from reading
vents; cleaning rust and other debris from all metal surfaces which will
on a load cell or pressure gage, and the extension of the
be covered by the grout cap; and placing the grout cap, including a
tendons measured. Due allowance must be made for
seal, over the wedge plate until the tendon is grouted.
taking up slack in the tendons.
vii. Stressing shall be from both ends unless otherwise Grouting
specified or agreed by the Engineer.
1 Grout should be injected from low points pumping toward the
viii. Where stressing from one end only, the pull-in at the end high-point vent. For segmental, span-by-span construction, grout shall
remote from the jack shall be accurately measured and be injected through a grout inlet at midspan.
the appropriate allowance made in the measured
2 Ducts shall be grouted as soon as practicable after the tendons
extension at the jacking end.
have been stressed and the Engineer's permission to commence has
ix. When the specified force, including any overload of been obtained. The ducts shall be completely filled with grout. Grout
short duration, has been applied, to the satisfaction of the shall be injected in one continuous operation and allowed to flow from
Engineer, the tendons shall be anchored. The jack the vents until the consistency is equivalent to that being injected or
pressures shall then be released in such a way as to avoid more than 11 seconds.
shock to the anchorage of tendons.
3 Grout shall not be above 32 deg. C during mixing or pumping.
x. If the pull-in of the tendons at completion of anchoring If necessary, cool the mixing water.
is greater than that stipulated by the Engineer, tensioning
4 A grouting operation plan shall be submitted for approval at
shall be carried out afresh.
least 45 days in advance of any scheduled grouting operations. Written
xi. If it is necessary to cut the tendons to enable the ducts to approval of the grouting operation plan by the Engineer shall be
be grouted, this shall be delayed as long as practicable required before any grouting of the permanent tendons in the structure
up to the time of grouting. In all other cases, unless takes place. At a minimum, the following items shall be provided in
agreed otherwise by the Engineer, the tendons shall not the grouting operation plan:
be cropped less than 3 days after grouting.
i. Provide names, and proof of training and experience
6 Records: A record of the following post-tensioning operations records for the grouting crew and the crew supervisor in
shall be kept for each tendon installed: conformance with this Specification;
i. Project name, number, ii. Type, quantity, and brand of materials used in grouting
ii. Contractor and/or subcontractor, including all required certifications;
iii. Tendon location, size and type, iii. Type of equipment furnished, including capacity in
iv. Date tendon was first installed in ducts, relation to demand and working condition, as well as
back-up equipment and spare parts;
v. Coil/reel number for strands or wires and heat number
for bars and wire, iv. General grouting procedure;
vi. Assumed and actual cross-sectional area, v. Duct pressure test and repair procedures;
vii. Assumed and actual modulus of elasticity, vi. Method to be used to control the rate of flow within
viii. Date stressed,
vii. Theoretical grout volume calculations;
ix. Jack and gage numbers per end of tendon,
viii. Mixing and pumping procedures; iv. Water shall not be added to increase grout flowability
which has been decreased by delayed use of the grout.
ix. Direction of grouting;
8 Injection of Grout:
x. Sequence of use of the inlets and outlet pipes;
i. All grout vents shall be opened before grouting starts.
xi. Procedures for handling blockages; and
Injection and ejection vents with positive shut-offs shall
xii. Procedures for possible post grouting repair. be provided. Grout shall be allowed to flow from the first
Before grouting operations begin, a joint meeting of the injection vent until any residual flushing water or
Contractor, grouting crew and the Engineer shall be conducted. entrapped air has been removed prior to closing that vent.
At the meeting, the grouting operation plan, required testing, Remaining vents shall be closed in sequence in the same
corrective procedures, and any other relevant issues shall be manner. A continuous flow of grout at a rate between
discussed. 10,000 mm and 15,000 mm of duct per minute shall be
5 Preparation of Ducts: maintained.
i. Each duct shall be air pressure tested prior to the ii. The pumping pressure at the injection vent should not
installation of the prestressing steel into the ducts. If exceed 1.0 MPa. Normal operations shall be performed
leaks are indicated during the test, the duct shall be at approximately 0.5 MPa. If the actual grouting pressure
repaired to eliminate the leakage or minimize the exceeds the maximum allowed, the injection vent shall
consequences of the leakage. be closed and the grout shall be injected at the next vent
that has been, or is ready to be closed, as long as a one-
ii. All ducts shall be clean and free of deleterious materials
way flow is maintained. Grout shall not be injected into
that would impair bonding or interfere with grouting
a succeeding vent from which grout has not yet flowed.
iii Grout shall be pumped through the duct and
iii. Ducts with concrete walls (cored ducts) shall be flushed
continuously wasted at the ejection vent until no visible
to ensure that the concrete is thoroughly wetted. Metal
slugs of water or air are ejected. A fluidity test shall be
ducts shall be flushed if necessary to remove deleterious
performed on each tendon in accordance with paragraph
material. (7) measuring the grout fluidity from the
iv. Water used for flushing ducts may contain slack lime discharge outlet. The measured grout efflux time shall
(calcium hydroxide) or quicklime (calcium oxide) in the not be faster than the efflux time measured at the inlet or
amount of 0.012 kg/l. the minimum efflux time established in Table If
v. After flushing, all water shall be blown out of the duct the grout efflux time is not acceptable, additional grout
with oil-free compressed air. shall be discharged from the discharge outlet. Grout
6 Equipment: efflux time shall be tested. This cycle shall be continued
until acceptable grout fluidity is achieved. To ensure that
i. The grouting equipment shall include a high-speed shear
the tendon remains filled with grout, the ejection and
mixer capable of continuous mechanical mixing which
injection vents shall be closed in sequence, respectively,
will produce a grout free of lumps and undispersed
under pressure when the tendon duct is completely filled
cement, a grout pump, and stand-by flushing equipment
with grout. The positive shut-offs at the injection and
with water supply. The equipment shall be able to pump
ejection vents shall not be removed or vents opened until
the mixed grout in a manner which will comply with all
the grout has set.
The maximum allowable ambient temperature to start
ii. The equipment shall be as per ASTM LRFD Bridge grouting is 32 degrees C.
Construction Specification Article 10.11.3.
7 Mixing of Grout:
i. Water shall be added to the mixer first, followed by
cement grout.
ii. Grout shall be mixed in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions using a colloidal mixer to
obtain homogeneous mixture. A fluidity test shall be
performed on the mixed grout prior to beginning the
injection process. Target flow rates as a function of
mixer type used and ambient temperatures shall be
obtained from the grout manufacturer. The grouting
process shall not be started until the proper grout
properties have been obtained.
iii. Mixing shall be of such duration as to obtain a uniform,
thoroughly blended grout, without excessive
temperature increase or loss of expansive properties of
the admixture. The grout shall be continuously agitated
until it is pumped.
percent of the initial grout volume. Note if the bleed water
Property Test Value Test Method
remains above or below the top of the grout.
Max. 0.08% by
9 Vertical Grouting: In lieu of a positive shut-off, vertical or near
Total Chloride weight of ASTM
Ions cementitious C1152/C1152M vertical tendon ducts for grouting shall terminate in reservoirs at the
material upper-most point. The reservoir shall have sufficient capacity to store
Fine Aggregate (if Max. Size ≤ No. 50 ASTM C 33 excess grout bleed water. Visible grout level shall be maintained in
utilized) Sieve the reservoirs. The reservoirs shall be maintained until the grout has
Volume Change at 0.0% to+0.2% at 24 ASTM C 1090* set. Grout shall be injected at a rate of 5000 mm of duct per minute.
28 days h and 28 days
Expansion ≤2.0% for up to 3 h ASTM C 940 10 Post-Grouting Inspection: Vacuum grouting shall be used to fill
Compressive any voids that expose strands discovered in the grouting process.
Strength ASTM C 942 Where possible, all anchorages and high-point vents shall be drilled
≥6 ksi
28 day (average of and probed 48 hours after grouting, until the Engineer is assured that
3 cubes)
no bleed water or subsidence (settlement) voids exist. After the
Min. 3 h ASTM C 953 Engineer is assured that voids do not exist, only one or two anchorages
Initial Set of Grout
Max. 12 h
per span shall be drilled and probed to ensure quality grouting. Any
Fluidity Test** voids discovered should be filled immediately with the approved grout.
Efflux Time from
Min 11 s 11 Finishing:
Flow Cone
Max. 30 s or
a) Immediately ASTM C 939 i. Valves, caps and vent pipes shall not be removed or opened
Min. 9 s
after Mixing ASTM C 939***
Max. 20 s until the grout has set.
b) 30 min after ASTM C 939
Max. 30 s or ii. The ends of vents shall be removed at least 25 mm below
Mixing with ASTM C 939***
Max. 30 s
Remixing for the concrete surface after the grout has set.
30 s iii. The void shall be filled with epoxy grout. All
Bleeding at 3 h Max. 0.0% ASTM C 940**** miscellaneous material used for sealing grout caps shall be
Permeability at 28 Max. 2500 coulombs AASHTO T 277 removed before carrying out further work to protect end
days at 30 volts for 6 h (ASTM C 1202)
Table Grout Properties for
12 Protection of End Anchorages: Permanent grout caps
Volume Change at 28 Days
constructed from either stainless steel or polymer shall be specified.
Table 5.4.3-1 Notes
The following requirements apply:
*Modify ASTM C 1090 to include verification at both 24 h and 28
days. i. Within seven days upon completion of the grouting, the
**Adjustments to flow rates will be achieved by strict compliance anchorage of post-tensioning bars and tendons shall be
with the manufacturer’s recommendations. protected as indicated in the contract documents. The
application of the elastomeric coating may be delayed up
***Grout fluidity shall meet either the standard ASTM C 939 flow
to 90 days after grouting. Plastic or stainless steel threaded
cone test or the modified test described herein. Modify the ASTM
C 939 test by filling the cone to the top instead of to the standard caps shall be used to plug all grout inlets/outlets. A sand-
level. The efflux time is the time to fill a 1.0 liter container placed filled epoxy grout suitable for machinery base plate shall
directly under the flow cone. be used to construct all pour-backs located at anchorages
****Modify ASTM C 940 to conform with the wick induced bleed of expansion joints or other areas exposed to the elements.
test described below: ii. All laitance, grease, curing compounds, surface treatments,
coatings, and oils shall be removed by grit blasting or water
a) Condition dry ingredients, mixing water, prestressing strand
and test apparatus overnight at 21 to 25 deg. C. blasting using a minimum 70.0 MPa nozzle pressure. The
b) Insert 800 milliliters of mixed conditioned grout with surface shall be flushed with water and blown dry. Surfaces
conditioned water into the 1000 milliliters graduated shall be clean, sound, and without any standing water. In
cylinder. Mark the level of the top of the grout. case of dispute, ACl 503 shall be followed for substrate
c) Wrap the strand with 50 mm wide duct or electrical tape at testing and a minimum of 1.2 MPa tension (pull-off value)
each end prior to cutting to avoid splaying of the wires when
it is cut. be developed.
Degrease (with acetone or hexane solvent) and wire brush to iii. Epoxy shall be mixed and applied as manufacturer's
remove any surface rust on the strand before temperature current standard technical guidelines. All pour-backs shall
conditioning. Insert completely a 500 mm length of
be in leak proof forms creating neat lines. The pumping of
conditioned, cleaned, ASTM A 416/A 416M seven wire strand
12.7 mm diameter into the 1000 milliliter graduated cylinder. epoxy grout shall be permitted for proper installation.
Center and fasten the strand so it remains essentially parallel to Forms shall be constructed to maintain a liquid head to
the vertical axis of the cylinder (possibly using a centralizer).
Mark the level of the top of the grout. insure intimate contact with the concrete surface. Vents
d) Store the mixed grout at the temperature range listed above in shall be used as needed to provide for the escape of air to
e) Measure the level of the bleed water every 15 min for the first insure complete filling of the forms.
hour and hourly afterward for 2 h.
f) Calculate the bleed water, if any, at the end of the 3 h test period
and the resulting expansion per the procedures outlined in
ASTM C 940, with the quantity of bleed water expressed as a
iv. The exposed surfaces of pour-backs or grout caps, except v. Shear keys and location dowels used in precast
on transverse tendons, shall be coated with an segmental construction shall not be measured for
elastomeric coating system having a thickness of 760 to payment.
1140 μm. Concrete, grout caps or other substrates shall vi. Prestressing steel and anchorages used for applying
be structurally sound, clean, and dry. Concrete shall be a temporary prestress to glued segments shall not be
minimum of 28 days old. Laitance, grease, curing measured for payment.
compounds, surface treatments, coatings, and oils shall
vii. Anchorages and couplers shall not be measured for
be removed by grit blasting or water blasting using a
minimum 70.0 MPa nozzle pressure to establish the
anchor pattern. Surfaces shall be blown with compressed
air to remove the dust or water.
5.4.5 Basis of Payment
v. A 600 x 1200-mm concrete test block shall be 1 The amount of completed and accepted work measured as
constructed with a similar surface texture to the surfaces provided for above shall be paid at the rates in the Bill of Quantities.
to be coated and a vertical face shall be coated with the These rates shall be full compensation for the provision of materials,
elastomeric coating system chosen. The number of coats equipment, labor, tools, testing and other items necessary for proper
required to achieve a coating thickness between 760 to completion of the Work. The rates shall include:
1140 μm without runs and drips shall be determined. The i. Items not measured as described in Item 5.4.4 (6).
elastomeric coating shall be mixed and applied as per
ii. Cement, water and additive used in making the grout.
Manufacturer's current standard technical specifications.
Spray or roller application may be permitted; spray iii. All prestressing equipment and its calibration.
application is preferred. Coatings shall be applied using iv. Plant, equipment and labor for all stressing and grouting
approved and experienced personnel with a minimum of operations, including making good all anchorage pockets
3 years experience applying similar polyurethane as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
systems. Credentials of these persons shall be submitted v. All testing required in the Specifications.
to the Engineer for review and consideration for approval.
5.4.6 Items in the Bill of Quantities
5.4.4 Method of Measurement
i Prestressing wires
1 Concrete shall be measured under the provisions of Section (state size and type) t.
ii Prestressing strands
2 Non-prestressed reinforcing steel shall be measured under the
(state size and type) t.
provisions of Section 5.2.
iii Prestressing bars
3 Prestressing steel shall be measured by the weight in metric tons
(state size and type) t.
for each size and quality of wire, strands or bar furnished, installed,
completed and accepted. The weight shall be calculated based on the
nominal mass of each diameter wire, strand or bar as stated in the 5.5 Concrete Bridges and Erection
standards listed in Paragraph Procedures
4 In post-tensioning work, the prestressing steel shall be measured
in t based on the actual length between the outermost surfaces of the 5.5.1 Description
anchorages except where couplers are used in which case, the Scope
prestressing steel shall be assumed to be continuous, without any
flares, through the coupler. 1 This Sub-section describes requirements for erection of
5 In pre-tension work, the prestressing steel shall be measured in concrete bridge structures and decks in conformity with the lines,
t based on the actual length between the outermost faces of the grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings and in accordance with
member. the Specifications. These requirements are additional to the
requirements for concrete work generally as specified in the preceding
6 Items not measured: Measurement of prestressed concrete is
Sub-sections of this Section
restricted to the items stated in items 1, 2 and 3 above. No separate
measurement is made for any other component or work. References
i. Cable ducts, duct couplers, grout tubes and steel chairs
1 American Association of State Highway and Transportation
for the correct duct/tendon location are not measured for
Officials (AASHTO):
AASHTO 2009 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Construction
ii. Anchor blocks for use in pre-tension work are not rd
Specifications, 3 Edition, 2009, with 2010,
measured for payment.
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 Interim
iii. Prestressing steel used in connection with temporary
works is not measured for payment even if such steel is Revisions.
left permanently in the member.
iv. Epoxy bonding agent used in precast segmental
construction shall not be measured for payment.
AASHTO 2014 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, kN/m2 load is permissible anywhere on the cantilever.
7th Edition, 2014, with 2015 Interim Revisions. This load includes workmen, miscellaneous equipment
and stored materials. The Contractor shall take care to
AASHTO 1999 Guide Specifications for Design and ensure that this allowable load is not exceeded.
Construction of Segmental Concrete Bridges, 2 Construction Schedule:
2nd Edition.
i. The Contractor shall submit a construction schedule
2 Fédération Internationale de la Précontrainte (FIP) showing the order of every phase and stage of erection
FIP Proposal for a Standard for Acceptance Tests and construction of the superstructure. The Contractor
and Verification of Epoxy Agents for shall prepare a table of elevations and alignments
Segmental Construction. required at each stage of construction at the check points
listed below, or an alternative of his choice and submit
5.5.2 Materials the same for the Engineer's approval. The check points
1 Materials shall conform to the relevant requirements of the
following Sub-sections of the Specification: - One of the lowest corners at the top surface of any
temporary bearing pad which is to be used as datum
- Concrete Sub-section 5.1 Concrete
during construction.
Materials and
Mixes - All four corners of the top slabs of the pier units to
establish grade and top levels.
- Reinforcing Steel Sub-section 5.2 Reinforcing Steel
- Two points on the longitudinal center line of each
- Pre-stressing Sub-section 5.4 Pre-stressed
pier unit, one on each end to establish alignment.
Structures - One point on the longitudinal center line, and at least
on one corner of each unit along every joint between
cast-in-place units to establish elevations and
5.5.3 Construction Requirements
alignments at every stage of construction. Balanced Cantilever Construction with In-Situ Concrete ii. The alignment and elevations of the cantilever shall be
checked by the Contractor and the Engineer
1 General:
independently within 1 hour of sunrise on each day that
i. This work consists of installing temporary bearings, the units are to be cast. The measurements made by the
casting concrete units in-situ and setting the Engineer and the Contractor shall agree to within 5 mm.
superstructure on permanent bearings. The Contractor
iii. The temporary bearing pads at the piers shall be carefully
shall submit complete details and descriptions of all
placed. The top surface of these pads must have the
methods, arrangements and equipment which he intends
correct elevations, alignments and slopes as required by
to adopt, for approval before construction work is started.
the working drawings and as established by the
ii. The construction method statement shall include casting procedure described above. Shims may be used
of units, method of the tie-down of superstructure during underneath the pads to accomplish accuracy. The
cantilever construction, method of application of all Contractor shall check elevations and alignment of the
temporary forces to be used for adjusting horizontal and structure at every stage of construction and shall
vertical alignment and to place the structure on maintain a record of all these checks and of all
permanent bearings, details of work plans and safety adjustments and corrections made.
measures. It shall also include control methods to ensure
3 Casting Procedures:
the accuracy of alignments of the constructed
superstructure. i. Casting of the units shall not begin until approval of the
shop drawings, calculations and the post-tensioning
iii. Work equipment includes all machinery, devices, labor
system has been given.
and material which are to be used for construction but
which will not become a permanent part of the ii. Sequence. The units shall be match cast beginning with
completed superstructure. Construction equipment and each pier unit. After the pier unit is cast all units on
other loads shall not be placed upon any part of the either side of the pier unit may be cast in order so long
superstructure at any stage of construction other than that as match casting is maintained.
which specifically meets the requirements of total iii. Care shall be taken in the set-up of each unit. All
working load per unit, or has the approval of the materials to be encased within the concrete of the
Engineer. This includes the post-tensioning, jointing, segment shall be properly positioned and supported.
jacking, grouting equipment, any other equipment Before any concrete is placed, the set up will be
whatsoever, workmen and materials of any kind. inspected and checked by the Engineer. All ducts shall
iv. Unbalanced Load: During construction the cantilever be located within 3mm of the location given on approved
may be unbalanced by only one unit at any time and be drawings. The top surface of the units shall be free of
consistent with the holding-down method adopted. In depressions or high spots.
addition to the unbalanced load due to one unit, 0.5
iv. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has broken and the resin removed. Set resin shall be
achieved the specified compressive strength has been removed by grit blasting. Further tests may be requested
proved by test cylinders made and cured in the same by the Engineer at various times to ensure that the
manner as the unit. Care shall be taken in material as mixed is complying with the Specification.
removing the forms to prevent spalling and chipping of v. All the instructions of the manufacturer and/or the
the concrete. formulator shall be submitted to the Engineer for
4 Tolerances: agreement. Such agreed instructions shall be adhered to
i. Formwork for box girder segments must satisfy the in all respects.
following tolerances: vi. The supplier shall carry out a program of testing as
- Web thickness, +10 mm or -5 mm. described in FIP "Proposal for a standard for acceptance
tests and verification of epoxy bonding agents for
- Thickness of bottom slab +5 mm, but 0 reduction in
segmental construction", after consultation with the
Engineer on the range of temperatures and work cycles
- Thickness of top slab +5 mm, but 0 reduction in that are to be considered in the tests. The Engineer may
depth. require the tests to be witnessed either in person or by an
- Overall width of unit, ±5 mm. approved independent authority.
- Overall depth of unit, ±5 mm. 3 Surface Preparation: The interface of the units shall be lightly
- Length of match cast unit, ±10 mm, but not grit blasted before erection to remove laitance. Before applying the
cumulative and a maximum of 50 mm per span. epoxy the interfaces must be clean and free from laitance or any bond
breaking material. Any oil or grease which may be harmful shall be
- Diaphragm dimensions, +10 mm or -5 mm.
removed. The surface shall have no free moisture.
- Grade at top and bottom flanges, ±3.
4 Application of Epoxy: Application shall begin immediately
ii. After erection, final post-tensioning, final corrections after a batch has been mixed. Application shall be to both interfaces
and adjustments are completed and the structure has been to a total nominal thickness of 2 mm with a spatula or by hand. No
placed on its permanent bearings, the superstructure shall epoxy may be applied within 25mm of any duct.
conform to the grade and alignment shown on the
5 Preliminary Prestress: Immediately after the interfaces are
Drawings with due consideration for creep and
coated with epoxy, the unit shall be brought into position and the
superimposed load and dead load deflections within a
preliminary prestress applied. This preliminary prestress is to be just
tolerance of ± 5 mm horizontally and ± 10 mm vertically.
sufficient to start squeezing epoxy resin out of the joint. The amount Glued Precast Segmental Construction of prestress required will depend on the formulation of resin chosen
by the Contractor. If this operation is not completed within the life
1 Where bridge decks are precast in segments and assembled in time of the first batch of epoxy to be applied, the units shall be moved
position for glueing and stressing, the Contractor shall satisfy the apart. All the epoxy on both interfaces shall be removed with spatulas
Engineer that his proposed construction method will achieve the and an approved solvent. No epoxy may be applied to the joint until
required standard of workmanship and finish. The Contractor shall 24 hours after a solvent has been used. The life time shall be reckoned
submit details for approval of all his forms, falsework, precasting from the end of the pot life unless the manufacturer's instructions
factory and his method of lifting, transporting, assembling, supporting, direct otherwise. All excess epoxy shall be cleaned off from the outer
threading cables, glueing and stressing the precast units before faces of the webs and the soffit in such a way as not to smear the
commencement of any work. concrete face.
2 Epoxy Adhesive: 6 Records of Joining: The Contractor shall keep a record of each
i. The epoxy resin adhesive shall be supplied by an joint with the following details:
approved manufacturer. i. Joint Number
ii. It shall be made up and packaged by approved ii. Date and Time of jointing
formulators and to specifications agreed by the Engineer. iii. Batch number of resin and hardener
iii. The material shall be supplied in accurately measured iv. Weather conditions (temperature and humidity)
packs with the pack containing the hardener clearly continuously recorded
distinguished by both size and labelling. The pack
v. Results of tests.
containing the resin shall be large enough to permit the
addition of the hardener. Resin and hardener shall be 7 Tolerances: These shall be similar to those prescribed for
pigmented with dissimilar colours to indicate when even balanced cantilever construction.
mixing has been completely attained and to produce an Precast Beam and slab Construction
even gray colour to match the concrete.
iv. Each batch of resin mixed shall be tested for setting by 1 Manufacture of Prestressed Beams:
compression and shear tests as described below. No i. The details of method of manufacture shall be approved
permanent prestress shall be applied to a joint until the by the Engineer before work is started. No changes shall
epoxy has achieved the required strength. Should this subsequently be made without the consent of the
test show that the resin is not setting the joint shall be Engineer.
ii. The Contractor shall inform the Engineer in advance of shall be fixed securely so that there is no movement or
the date of commencement of manufacture and the dates grout loss during deck concreting.
when tensioning of tendons, casting of members and ii. The in-situ concrete deck over any one span shall be
transfer of stress will be undertaken for the first time for poured in one continuous operation and shall be placed
each type of beam. in such a sequence that the advancing edge of the freshly
iii. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, not more deposited concrete over the full width of deck or between
than 7 days after the transfer of stress, a certificate longitudinal construction joints is approximately parallel
showing the force and strain in the tendons immediately to the deck supports. Lateral displacement of beams
after they were anchored, the strength and age of the test shall be prevented during the placing of in-situ concrete.
cylinders cast in accordance with this Specification, and iii. The width of the in-situ deck shall be within +25 mm of
the minimum age in hours of the concrete at the time that specified. On curved bridge deck, the in-situ deck
stress was applied to the members. Copies of all 28 day may be in a series of straights such that the width is
cylinder test results relating to the work shall be kept so within +25 mm of that specified.
that the identity of those who stressed the tendons, cast
the concrete and transferred the stress, on any member or In-Situ Construction
line of members, can be traced. 1 Where bridge decks are constructed in-situ, the details of all
iv. Where the Engineer requires tests to be carried out on forms and falsework shall first be approved by the Engineer.
beams, the beams to which these tests related, shall not Dimensional variations shall not exceed the following tolerances:
be dispatched to Site until the tests have been - Length ± 12 mm
satisfactorily completed.
- Width ± 10 mm
2 Storage and Handling of Prestressed Members: Members shall
- Thickness ± 6 mm
be firmly supported at such bearing positions as will ensure that the
stresses induced in them are always less than the permissible design - Levels + 10 mm or -0 mm
stresses. Members shall be lifted or supported only at the points - Void Location 6 mm in any direction
specified and shall be handled and placed without impact. - Cover to reinforcement + 5 mm or -0 mm
3 Tolerance in Precast Members: - Prestressing tendons 5 mm in any direction
i. Dimensional variations shall not exceed the tolerances
given below: 5.5.4 Method of Measurement, Basis of
- Length ±12 mm Payment and Items in the Bills of
- Width and depth ± 6 mm
- Bow in the vertical plane +15 mm or -0 mm 1 Concrete bridge construction is measured and identified in the
- Bow in the horizontal plane ±12 mm Bill of Quantities in accordance with Clause 5.1.7. Measurement and
basis of payment will be in accordance with the stipulations for the
- Difference between longest and
corresponding items in Sub-sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4. No direct
shortest dimensions (check for
payment will be made for the stipulations of this Sub-section 5.5,
squareness of beam) in any plane 6 mm
which work is considered to be subsidiary to the requirements of Sub-
- Twist (measured by the deviation sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4. The rates and prices for the relevant items of
of any corner from the plane Sub-sections 5.1, 5.2 and 5.4 shall be deemed to include for all the
containing the other 3 corners) 6 mm stipulations of this Sub-section 5.5.
- Flatness (the maximum deviation
from a 1.5 meter straight-edge 5.6 Vehicular and Pedestrian
placed in any position on Underpasses and Animal Crossings
nominally plane surface) 6 mm
- Cover to reinforcement +5 or -0 mm 5.6.1 Description
- Prestressing tendons 3 mm in any direction Scope
- Dowel holes 3 mm in any direction
4 Composite Slab Construction: 1 This Sub-section specifies the requirements for concrete
underpasses and animal crossings. These requirements are additional
i. Where in-situ concrete deck is cast to act compositely
to the requirements for concrete generally, as described in the
with precast beams, the beams shall be installed to
preceding Sub-sections of this Section.
correct line and level, starting from the outermost beam
and working inwards progressively. When the beams are References
laid side by side just before erection the difference in
soffit level between adjacent beams shall nowhere 1 The relevant stipulations of the following Sections or Sub-
exceed 6 mm. Where permanent soffit shutters are used, sections of this Specification shall apply to this Sub-section.
they shall be to the approval of the Engineer and they Section 2 Earthworks
Section 5 Concrete and Concrete Structures
Section 6 Structural Steel and Other Metalwork been previously located on Drawings, the Engineer's attention shall be
drawn to the matter without delay.
Section 8 Drainage
5 Particular care shall be taken by the Contractor to minimize
Section 10 Piling
noise, dust and vibration caused by excavation operations especially
Section 12 Sidewalks, Paved Areas and Curbs where such nuisances prove hazardous to existing structures.
Section 15 Road Lighting and Electrical Installations 6 Where ground water lowering operations prove necessary the
phasing of pumping operations and their termination on completion of
5.6.2 Materials the underpass structure shall be approved by the Engineer.
1 Materials shall conform to the relevant requirements of the 7 Where the Drawings show the use of piles or diaphragm walls
following Sections and Sub-sections of the Specification: to support the underpass structure or retain the subsoil the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a detailed method
Piles Section 10
statement and work program for this work together with the names of
Concrete Sub-section 5.1 any specialist firms he intends to use for this work.
Reinforcing Steel Sub-section 5.2 Structural Concrete
Structural Steel and Other Metal Section 6
Backfilling Sub-section 2.7 1 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with detailed written
proposals for the formwork design of all major parts of the underpass
Road Pavement Sections 3, 4
structure together with proposals for transporting, placing and curing
Concrete Pavement Sub-section 5.7 concrete and sizes of pours. The works shall not proceed until the
Waterproofing Sub-section 5.10 Engineer has given approval to these proposals; such approval when
Pipe culverts Sub-section 8.1 given shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for the
efficacy of such proposals.
Drainage Section 8
2 The structural concrete work shall generally comply with the
Sidewalks, Paved Areas Section 12
relevant requirements of the following sections:
Electrical Installations Section 15
Section 5.1 Concrete Materials and Mixes
2 Finishes to floors and walls, including tiles, plaster paint and
Section 5.2 Reinforcing Steel
special finishes shall be as described in the Special Specification.
Section 5.3 Reinforced Concrete Structures
5.6.3 Construction Requirements Section 5.4 Prestressed Concrete Structures
1 The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with detailed written 1 The reinforced concrete construction of piling works shown as
proposals of construction methods of temporary and permanent works the Drawings to support the underpass structure or retain the subsoil
for the underpass excavation. Details of ground water lowering, shall comply with the relevant requirements of Section 10.
excavation support and support of adjacent existing structures shall be
accompanied by relevant shop drawings and calculations. The work Waterproofing
shall not proceed until the Engineer has given approval to these 1 The waterproofing of the underpass structure shall be generally
construction proposals together with the relevant construction carried out in compliance with Section 5.10 "Waterproofing for
program for these works. Such approval, when given, shall not relieve Structures".
the Contractor of his responsibility for the correctness, safety and
2 Where membrane materials are specified on the Drawings for
adequacy of such proposal.
special use, such as P.V.C. membranes, the manufacturer's
2 Excavation and earthwork shall comply with the requirements instructions for storage, handling and installation of such membranes
of Section 2. shall be strictly complied with. Where special details of junctions of
3 The Contractor shall comply with arrangements to maintain the such membranes with walls and piles are necessary, drawings shall be
flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic as stated in Section 1 of the submitted to the Engineer for approval before work commences.
Specification and as detailed on the Drawings or as instructed by the 3 Tucks and seals for waterproofing shall be provided at points of
Engineer. The Contractor's attention is specifically drawn to his discontinuity such as edges, expansion joints and rainwater drains.
responsibilities regarding the safety of such traffic near to open Sharp internal and external edges shall be chamfered with minimum
excavations for the works and the operation of heavy plant and 40mm x 40mm fillets. The waterproofing membrane shall be
equipment and the provision and maintenance of adequate fences and protected from damage during the execution of the work.
4 Where the Drawings show the use of waterstops in concrete
4 The Contractor shall protect and support existing statutory walls and slabs at construction joints and expansion joints the
services during the excavation works as stated in Section 1 and Section Contractor shall supply samples of waterstop material for approval
18 of the Specification and co-operate with all statutory services to and provide details of waterstop assembly for approval.
ensure efficiency of diversion of such services where necessary. In
5 The standard of acceptance of waterproofing shall be that
the event that services are uncovered during excavation that have not
there shall be no damp patches or visible leaks on the
inside face of walls, roof or floor of the underpass structure. Forms Concrete Pavement Construction 1 Form Materials: Plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood, or
other approved panel-type materials to provide full-depth, continuous,
1 Concrete pavement construction shall be in accordance with all straight, smooth exposed surfaces. Use flexible or curved forms for
relevant requirements of Section 5.7 “Concrete Pavement”. curves of a radius 30 m or less. Electrical Works 2 Plain Steel Wire: ASTM A 82, cold-drawn steel.
3 Welded Deformed Steel Wire fabric: ASTM A497.
1 The installation of lighting and electrical works for shall be in
accordance with details shown on the Drawings and the general 4 Joint Dowel Bars: Plain steel bars, ASTM A 615, Grade 60.
requirements of Section 15 "Electrical Installations". Cut bars true to length with ends square and free of burrs.
5 Dowel Bars: High tensile plain steel bars conforming to BS
5.6.4 Method of Measurement 4449, ASTM A615, ASTM A616, or ASTM A617, and shall be free
from burring or other deformation restricting slippage in the concrete.
1 Excavation, backfilling, piling, concrete, reinforcement, road Before delivery to the construction site, a minimum of two-thirds of
pavement, sidewalks and paved areas, drainage, ducts, waterproofing the length of each dowel bar shall be painted with one coat of zinc-
of concrete and electrical work shall be measured in accordance with chromate. If plastic or epoxy-coated steel dowels are used, no zinc-
the relevant Sections of this Specification. chromate coating is required, except when specified for a particular
2 Floor and wall finishes shall be measured in accordance with situation on the contract plans. Coated dowels shall conform to the
the Special Specification for the particular work. requirements given in AASHTO M254.
6 Tie Bars: ASTM A 615M, Grade 60, deformed.
5.6.5 Basis of Payment
7 Sleeves: Metal, of an approved design to cover 50 mm to 75
1 The amount of completed and accepted work, measured as mm of the dowel, with a closed end and with a suitable stop to hold
provided for above, will be paid for at the unit rates for the various the end of the bar at least 25 mm from the closed end of the sleeve.
items in the Bill of Quantities, which rate shall be full compensation Sleeves shall be of such design that they will not collapse during
for supplying materials, transporting and placing, labor, equipment, construction.
tools and other items necessary for the proper completion of the work. 8 Hook Bolts: ASTM F 568M, Property Class 4.6, internally and
externally threaded. Design hook-bolt joint assembly to hold coupling
5.6.6 Items in the Bill of Quantities against pavement form and in position during concreting operations,
and to permit removal without damage to concrete or hook bolt.
All work in underpasses and animal crossings is separately identified
in the Bill of Quantities and the relevant items, as stated in the 9 Bar Supports: Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for
respective Sections of the Specification are included. spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcement bars, welded wire
fabric, and dowels in place. Use wire bar type supports complying to
CRSI's "Manual of Standard Practice".
5.7 Cement Concrete Pavement
10 Epoxy Repair Coating: Liquid two-part epoxy repair coating,
5.7.1 Description compatible with epoxy coating on reinforcement.
1 This Sub-section specifies the requirements for cement concrete Concrete Materials
pavement, with or without reinforcement, on a prepared base all as
1 General: Use the same brand and type of cementitious material
and where shown on the Drawings. These requirements are additional
from the same manufacturer throughout the work, unless otherwise
to the requirements for concrete generally contained in the preceding
accepted by Engineer.
Sub-sections of this Section
2 Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I. In particular cases,
where the design requires the use of Sulfate Resistant Cement (SRC),
5.7.2 Materials
the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer’s approval an SRC
1 Cementitious Materials: Portland cement alone or in material complying with the requirements of ASTM C 150, Type II.
combination with one or more of blended hydraulic cement, expansive 3 Aggregate: ASTM C33 or BS EN 12620, shall consist of
hydraulic cement, fly ash and other pozzolans, ground granulated crushed stone, crushed or uncrushed gravel, or natural sand. The
blast-furnace slag, and silica fume. aggregate shall be composed of sound, tough, durable particles and
2 Base Course: Cement treated base course or aggregate base shall meet the requirements for deleterious substances given in ASTM
course placed beneath the concrete pavement. C33 or BS EN 12620. The aggregate in any size group shall not
contain more than 8 percent by weight of flat or elongated pieces when
tested in accordance with ASTM D4791. A flat or elongated particle for use on the work to determine whether the admixture is uniform in
is one having a ratio between the maximum and the minimum quality with that approved.
dimensions of a circumscribing rectangular prism exceeding 5 to 1. 3 Chemical Admixtures: Water reducing, set-retarding, and set-
Uniformly graded, from a single source, with coarse aggregate as accelerating admixtures shall meet the requirements of ASTM C494.
follows: i. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494,
a) Fine Aggregate: Conform to the requirements of ASTM C33 Type A.
(Table or BS EN 12620.
ii. High-Range, Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C 494,
Sieve Designation Percentage by Weight Type F.
(square openings) Passing Sieves iii. Water-Reducing and Accelerating Admixture: ASTM C
3/8 in (9.5 mm) 100 494, Type E.
No. 4 (4.75 mm) 95-100 iv. Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixture: ASTM C
494, Type D.
No. 8 (2.36 mm) 80-100
No. 16 (1.18 mm) 50- 85 Curing Materials
No. 30 (600 micro-m) 25- 60 1 Absorptive Cover: AASHTO M 182, Class 2, burlap cloth
No. 50 (300 micro-m) 10- 30 made from jute or kenaf, weighing approximately. 305 g/sq.m. dry.
No. 100 (150 micro-m) 2- 10 2 Moisture-Retaining Cover: ASTM C 171, polyethylene film or
No. 200 (75 micro-m) 0- 3 white burlap-polyethylene sheet.
Table Gradation for Fine Aggregate ASTM C33 3 Water: Potable.
4 Evaporation Retarder: Waterborne, monomolecular film
b) Coarse Aggregate: Conform to the requirements of ASTM C33
forming, manufactured for application to fresh concrete.
(Table or BS EN 12620.
5 Clear Solvent-Borne Liquid-Membrane-Forming Curing
Sieve Designation Percentage by Weight Compound: ASTM C 309, Type 1, Class B.
(square openings) Passing Sieves 6 Clear Waterborne Membrane-Forming Curing Compound:
in (mm) 19 mm – 2.36 mm ASTM C 309, Type 1, Class B.
1 (25) 100 7 White Waterborne Membrane-Forming Curing Compound:
3/4 (19) 90 - 100 ASTM C 309, Type 2, Class B.
Employer’s field quality-control testing agency as the independent i. Concrete may be mixed at the work site location in a
testing agency. central mix plant approved by the Engineer and shall be
transported in truck mixers. The mixer shall be of an
3 Proportion mixes to provide concrete with the following
approved type and capacity.
properties using test specimens prepared in accordance with ASTM
C31 and tested with ASTM C78: ii. Furnish test data acceptable to Engineer verifying that
the model of the mixer will produce uniform concrete
i. Flexural Strength (28 Days): 4.6 MPa
conforming to the provisions of ASTM C 94 at the
ii. Compressive Strength (28 Days): 35 MPA. reduced number of revolutions shown on the serial plate.
iii. The minimum cementitious material content shall be 350 3 When mixed at the work site or in a central mixing plant, the
kg. per cubic meter. The ratio of water to cementitious mixing time shall not be less than 50 seconds nor more than 90
material, including free surface moisture on the seconds. Mixing time ends when the discharge chute opens. Transfer
aggregates but not including moisture absorbed by the time in multiple drum mixers is included in mixing time. The contents
aggregates shall not be more than 0.45 by weight. of an individual mixer drum shall be removed before a succeeding
4 Slump Limit: batch is emptied therein.
taken: the forms and/or the underlying material shall be sprinkled with Placement of Reinforcement
water immediately before placing the concrete. The concrete shall be
1 Reinforced Concrete Pavement: Comply with Concrete
placed at the coolest temperature practicable, and in no case shall the
Reinforcing Steel Institute's recommended practice for ‘Placing
temperature of the concrete when placed exceed 32 deg, C. The
Reinforcing Bars’, for details and methods of reinforcement
aggregates and/or mixing water shall be cooled as necessary to
placement and supports, and as herein specified:
maintain the concrete temperature at or not more than the specified
max. Refer to ACI 305 R-77 for Hot Weather Concreting. i. At the time concrete is placed the reinforcing bars shall
be free of mud, oil or other organic matter that may
adversely affect or reduce bond. Reinforcing steel with
5.7.3 Construction Requirements
rust, mill scale, or a combination of both will be Preparation considered satisfactory, provided the minimum
dimensions, weight, and tensile properties of a hand
1 Proceed with pavement layers only after nonconforming wire-brushed test specimen are not less than the
conditions have been corrected and subgrade, aggregate subbase and
applicable ASTM specification requirements.
aggregate base course are ready to receive pavement.
ii. Accurately position, support, and secure reinforcement
2 Remove loose material from compacted sub-base or aggregate
against displacement by formwork, construction, or
base course surface immediately before placing concrete. concrete placement operations. Locate and support Edge Forms and Screed Construction reinforcing bars by metal chairs, runners, bolsters,
spacers, and hangers, as required.
1 Set, brace, and secure edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate iii. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports to
screed guides for paving to required lines, grades, and elevations. hold reinforcement in position during concrete
Install forms to allow continuous progress of work and so that forms placement operations. Set wire ties so ends are directed
can remain in place at least 24 hours after concrete placement. into concrete, not toward exposed concrete surfaces.
2 Forms shall be securely set so that they can withstand impacts iv. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as
and vibration of consolidating and finishing equipment without visible practicable. Lap adjoining pieces at least one full mesh
spring or settlement. Extend flange braces on the base outward for not and lace splices with wire. Offset end laps in adjacent
less than two thirds of the height of the form. Remove bent, twisted widths to prevent continuous laps in either direction.
or broken forms, and forms with damaged top surfaces. Use repaired
forms only with inspection and approval. Built-up forms will not be Joints
allowed, unless specifically approved. The top faces of forms are not
1 General: Form construction, expansion, and contraction joints
to vary from a true plane by more than 3 mm in 3m. The upstanding
and tool edgings true to line with faces perpendicular to surface plane
leg shall be perpendicular to the base and is not to vary horizontally
of concrete. Construct transverse joints at right angles to centerline,
from true alignment by more than 6 mm at any point. The ends of
unless otherwise indicated. When joining existing pavement, place
abutting sections lock together tightly for secure setting. Local defects,
transverse joints to align with previously placed joints, unless
such as kinks in steel forms, will not be allowed.
otherwise indicated.
3 Setting: Forms shall be set ahead of concrete placement and
2 Construction Joints: Set construction joints at side and end
staked into place with at least three pins for each 3 m section. A pin
terminations of pavement and at locations where pavement operations
shall be placed at each side of every joint. Form sections shall be
are stopped for more than one-half hour, unless pavement terminates
tightly locked and free from movement in any direction. Excessive
at isolation joints.
settlement or springing from operation of the finishing machine will
not be allowed. Forms shall be cleaned and oiled before concrete 3 Expansion Joints: Form expansion joints of preformed joint-
placement. The alignment and grade elevations of the forms shall be filler strips abutting concrete curbs, catch basins, manholes, inlets,
checked, and corrections made immediately before placing concrete. structures, walks, other fixed objects, and where indicated.
Reset and recheck forms when they have been disturbed, or when the i. Locate expansion joints at intervals indicated on
grade has become unstable. drawings.
4 Clean forms after each use and coat with form release agent as ii. Extend joint fillers full width and depth of joint.
required, to ensure separation from concrete without damage.
iii. Terminate joint filler not less than 12 mm or more than
5 Removal: Do not remove forms until the concrete has set for at 25 mm below finished surface if joint sealant is required.
least 12 hours, unless otherwise approved or where auxiliary forms are
iv. Place top of joint filler flush with finished concrete
used temporarily in widened areas. Remove forms carefully to avoid
surface if joint sealant is not indicated.
damaging the pavement, and after removal, the side of the slab shall
be cured by the method specified in the current specification. v. Furnish joint fillers in one-piece lengths. Where more
than one length is required, lace or clip joint-filler Steel Reinforcement sections together.
vi. Protect top edge of joint filler during concrete placement
1 General: Comply with CRSI's ‘Manual of Standard Practice’
with metal, plastic, or other temporary preformed cap.
for fabricating reinforcement and with recommendations in CRSI's
Remove protective cap after concrete has been placed on
"Placing Reinforcing Bars" for placing and supporting reinforcement.
both sides of joint.
4 Longitudinal and Transverse Joints: Construct as indicated on iii. A metal, or other type dowel expansion cap or sleeve
the Drawings and in accordance with the following requirements: shall be furnished for each dowel bar used with
expansion joints.
i. All joints shall be constructed true to line with their
faces perpendicular to the surface of the pavement. iv. These caps shall be substantial enough to prevent
collapse and shall be placed on the ends of the dowels as
ii. Joints shall not vary more than 12mm from a true line or
shown on the Drawings.
from their designated position.
v. The caps or sleeves shall fit the dowel bar tightly and the
iii. The vertical surface of the pavement adjacent to all
closed end shall be watertight.
expansion joints shall be finished to a true plane and
edged to a radius of 6mm or as shown on the plans. 8 Fix dowel bars and support assemblies at joints where indicated.
Lubricate or asphalt-coat one-half of dowel length to prevent concrete
iv. The surface across the joints shall be tested with a 3m
bonding to one side of joint.
straightedge as the joints are finished and any
irregularities in excess of 6mm shall be corrected before 9 Joints Installation:
the concrete has hardened. i. The top of an assembled joint device shall be set at the
v. Transverse joints shall be at right angles to the centerline proper distance below the pavement surface and the
of the pavement and shall extend the full width of the elevation shall be checked. Such devices shall be set to
slab. the required position and line and shall be securely held
in place by stakes or other means during the pouring and
vi. The transverse joints in succeeding lanes shall be placed
finishing of the concrete. The pre-molded joint material
in line with similar joints in the first lane. All joints shall
shall be placed and held in a vertical position; if
be so prepared, finished, or cut to provide a groove of the
constructed in sections, there shall be no offsets between
width and depth shown on the plans.
adjacent units. Dowel bars shall be checked for exact
5 Slip-Form Construction: Transverse joints with dowels shall be position and alignment as soon as the joint device is
carefully placed to ensure the dowels are accurately placed and not staked in place, and the device shall be tested to
disturbed during concrete placement. determine whether it is firmly supported. The maximum
i. Transverse dowels will require use of an apparatus to permissible tolerance on dowel bar alignment in each
firmly hold the dowels perpendicular to the joint and plane, horizontal and vertical, shall not exceed 2 percent
parallel to the slab surface. or 6mm per 300 mm of a dowel bar. The most effective
ii. During the concrete placement operation, it is advisable way to obtain proper alignment is with well-fabricated
to place plastic concrete directly on the dowel assembly dowel baskets and dowel assemblies.
immediately prior to passage of the paver to help ii. When joints in concrete pavements are sawed, the joints
maintaining dowel alignment. shall be cut as shown on the Drawings. The circular
6 Tie Bars: Deformed bars shall be fixed in longitudinal joints as cutter shall be capable of cutting a groove in a straight
shown on the Drawings. line and shall produce a slot at least 3mm wide and to the
depth shown on the plans. When shown on the plans or
i. Tie bars shall be placed at right angles to the centerline
required by the specifications, the top portion of the slot
of the concrete slab and shall be spaced at intervals
groove shall be widened by means of a second shallower
shown on Drawings.
cut or by suitable and approved beveling to provide
ii. Tie bars shall be held in position parallel to the pavement adequate space for joint sealers. Sawing of the joints
surface and midway between the surfaces of the slab. shall commence as soon as the concrete has hardened
iii. When tie bars extend into an unpaved lane, they may be sufficiently to permit cutting without chipping, spalling,
bent at right angles against the form at longitudinal or tearing. Sawing shall be carried on both during the
construction joints, unless threaded bolt or other day and night as required. The joints shall be sawed at
assembled tie bars are specified. the required spacing consecutively in sequence of the
iv. Tie bars shall not be painted, greased, or enclosed in concrete placement, unless otherwise approved by
sleeves. Engineer.
7 Dowel Bars: Dowel bars or other load-transfer units of an 10 Contraction Joints: Form weakened-plane contraction joints,
approved type shall be placed across transverse or other joints in the sectioning concrete into areas as indicated. Construct contraction
manner as specified on the Drawings. joints for a depth equal to at least one-fourth of the concrete thickness,
as follows:
i. They shall be of the dimensions and spacing as shown
and held rigidly in the middle of the slab depth in the i. Grooved Joints: Form contraction joints after initial
proper horizontal and vertical alignment by an approved floating by grooving and finishing each edge of joint
assembly device left permanently in place. with groover tool to the radius shown on drawings.
repeat grooving of contraction joints after applying
ii. The dowel or load-transfer and joint devices shall be
surface finishes. Eliminate groover marks on concrete
rigid enough to permit complete assembly as a unit ready
to be lifted and placed into position.
ii. Sawed Joints: Form contraction joints with power saws
equipped with shatterproof abrasive or diamond-rimmed
blades. Cut joints into concrete to the width shown on to ensure complete separation of the slabs. Joint
drawings, when cutting action will not tear, abrade, or filler shall be of a pre-molded type as specified and
otherwise damage surface and before developing random shown on the Drawings and shall extend the full
contraction cracks. width of the pavement strip.
11 Longitudinal Joints: - All concrete shall be cleaned from the top of the
joint material. Before the pavement is opened to
i. Construction type: longitudinal construction joints
traffic, it shall be swept clean and filled with
necessary for lane construction shall be formed against
approved joint sealing material.
suitable side forms as indicated in the plans. Wooden
forms may be used under special conditions, when - All devices used for the fixing expansion joints shall
approved by Engineer. Where butt-type joints with be approved by the Engineer. They shall be easily
dowels are designated, the dowels for this type shall be removable without disturbing the concrete and held
painted and greased. The edges of the joint shall be in proper transverse and vertical alignment.
finished with a grooving tool or edging tool, and a space Immediately after forms are removed, any concrete
or slot shall be formed along the joint of the dimensions, bridging the joint space at the ends shall be removed
as indicated, to receive the joint sealing material. for the full width and depth of the joint.
Longitudinal construction joints shall be sawed to - When specified, expansion joints shall be equipped
provide a groove at the top conforming to the details and with dowels of the dimensions and at the spacing
dimensions indicated on the plans. Provisions shall be and location indicated on the Drawings. The dowels
made for the installation of tie bars as noted on the plans. shall be firmly supported in place and accurately
aligned parallel to the subgrade and the centerline of
ii. Contraction or weakened - plane type: longitudinal
the pavement by means of a dowel assembly, which
groove-formed or sawed joints in the top of the slab shall
will remain in the pavement and will ensure that the
be formed where indicated on the Drawings. The groove
dowels are not displaced during construction.
shall be formed in the plastic concrete with suitable tools
or material to obtain the width and depth specified, or it ii. Transverse contraction joints, weakened-plane joints, or
shall be sawed with approved equipment in the hardened both, shall be formed at the locations and spacing as
concrete to the dimensions required. When the groove is shown on the Drawings by forming a groove or cleft in
formed in plastic concrete, it shall be true to line with not the top of the slab while the concrete is still plastic or by
more than 6mm variation in 3m; it shall be uniform in sawing a groove into the concrete surface after the
width and depth; and the sides of the groove shall be concrete has hardened in the same manner as specified.
finished even and smooth with an edging tool. If an Dowel bar assemblies shall be installed as shown on the
insert material is used, the installation and edge finish Drawings.
shall be according to the manufacturer's instructions. iii. Transverse construction joints shall be formed at the end
The sawed groove shall be straight and of uniform width of each day's placing operations and at any other points
and depth. In either case, the groove shall be clean cut within a paving lane when concrete placement is
so that spalling will be avoided at intersections with interrupted for more than 30 minutes or it appears that
transverse joints. Tie bars shall be installed across these the concrete will obtain its initial set before fresh
joints where indicated on the plans. concrete is placed. Construction joints planned in
iii. Expansion type: longitudinal joints shall be informed as advance shall be located at a contraction or expansion
indicated on the Drawings. The pre-molded filler, of the joint where possible but they shall not be located within
thickness shown shall extend for the full depth and width 2500 mm of a regular spaced transverse joint. If the
of the slab at the joint, except for space for sealant at the pouring of the concrete is stopped, causing a joint to fall
top of the slab. The filler shall be securely staked or within this limit, it shall not be formed, and the fresh
fastened into position perpendicular to the proposed placed concrete shall be removed back to the 2500 mm
finished surface. A metal cap shall be provided to protect limit.
the top edge of the filler and to permit the concrete to be 13 Edging: Tool edges of pavement, gutters, curbs, and joints in
placed and finished. After the concrete has been placed concrete after initial floating with an edging tool to the radius shown
and struck off, the cap shall be carefully withdrawn on drawings. Repeat tooling of edges after applying surface finishes.
leaving the space over the pre-molded filler. The edge Eliminate tool marks on concrete surfaces.
of the joint shall be finished and tooled while the
concrete is still plastic. Conditioning of Underlying Course, Slip-Form
12 Transverse Joints:
i. Expansion Type: 1 The base course on which the pavement will be placed shall
- Transverse expansion joints shall be installed at the extend approximately 500 mm beyond the paving machine track, or
locations and spacing as shown on the plans. The wider if required, to support the paver without any noticeable
joints shall be installed at right angles to the deformation.
centerline and perpendicular to the surface of the 2 If damage occurs to the base course, it shall be relaid for the full
pavement. The joints shall be formed and finished depth or the damaged areas filled with concrete integral with the
pavement. If traffic is allowed to use the prepared grade, the grade
shall be checked and corrected immediately before the placement of 6 When required by the contract or when permitted, batching
concrete. plants shall be equipped to proportion aggregates and bulk cement, by
weight, automatically using interlocked proportioning devices of an
3 The prepared grade shall be well moistened with water, without
approved type.
saturating, immediately ahead of concrete placement to prevent rapid
7 Water shall be measured either by volume or by weight
loss of moisture from concrete.
accurately measured to within plus or minus 1 percent of required Conditioning of Underlying Course, Side-Form amounts. Unless the water is to be weighed, the water-measuring
equipment shall include an auxiliary tank from which the measuring
tank shall be filled. The measuring tank shall be equipped with an
1 The prepared grade shall be well moistened with water, without outside tap and valve to provide for checking the setting, unless other
saturating, immediately ahead of concrete placement to prevent rapid means are provided for readily and accurately determining the amount
loss of moisture from the concrete. of water in the tank. The volume of the auxiliary tank shall be at least
2 If damage occurs to the base course, it shall be relaid for the full equal to that of the measuring tank
depth, or the damaged areas filled with concrete integral with the 8 Methods and equipment for adding air-entraining agent or other
pavement. admixtures to the batch, when required, shall be approved by Engineer.
3 A multiple-pin template weighing not less than 454 kg. per 6 m All admixtures shall be measured into the mixer with an accuracy of
or other approved template shall be provided and operated on the plus or minus 3 percent.
forms immediately in advance of the placing of the concrete. The Concrete Protection and Curing
template shall be propelled only by hand and not attached to a tractor
or other power unit. Templates shall be adjustable so that they may 1 General: Protect concrete against loss of moisture and rapid
be set and maintained at the correct contour of the underlying course. temperature changes for at least seven days from beginning of the
The adjustment and operation of the template shall be such as to curing operation. Unhardened concrete shall be protected from rain
provide an accurate re-test of the grade before placing the concrete and flowing water. All equipment needed for adequate curing and
thereon. All excess material shall be removed. Low areas may be protection of the concrete shall be on hand, ready to use before
filled with concrete integral with the pavement. concrete placement begins. A standby water truck capable of
dispensing a fine spray of water shall be continuously available during Handling, Measuring, and Batching Material paving operations to keep the concrete moist until the curing
1 Batch plant site: layout, equipment, and provisions for compound has been applied. Provide protection as necessary to
transporting material shall assure a continuous supply of material to prevent cracking of the pavement due to temperature changes during
the work. the curing period.
2 Stockpiles: Build up stockpiles in layers of not more than 900 2 Membrane Curing: Apply a uniform coating of white
mm in thickness. Each layer shall be completely in place before pigmented-type membrane curing compound to the entire exposed
beginning the next layer and shall not be allowed to "cone" down over surface of the concrete by means of an approved automatic spraying
the next lower layer. Aggregates from different sources and of machine as soon as free water has disappeared from the finished
different grading shall not be stockpiled together. Improperly placed surface. Coat formed surfaces immediately after the forms are
stockpiles will not be accepted by Engineer. removed and in no case longer than one hour after removal of forms.
Do not allow concrete to dry before application of the membrane. If
3 Aggregates: Handle from stockpiles or other sources to the
any drying has occurred, moisten the surface of the concrete with a
batching plant in such manner to secure the specified grading of the
fine spray of water and apply curing compound as soon as the free
material. Aggregates that have become segregated or mixed with
water disappears. The spraying machine shall be self-propelled and
earth or foreign material shall not be used. All aggregates produced
shall ride on the side forms, or previously constructed pavement
or handled by hydraulic methods, and washed aggregates, shall be
straddling the newly paved lane. The machine shall have one or more
stockpiled or binned for draining at least 12 hours before being
spraying nozzles that can be controlled and operated to completely and
uniformly cover the pavement surface with the required amount of
4 Cement: Store in weather tight structures with raised floors or curing compound. The curing compound shall be thoroughly and
in suitable silos. Different consignments of bagged cement shall be continuously mechanically agitated in the drum used for the spraying
used separately and in the order of delivery. Cement manufactured operation throughout the full depth of the drum during application.
more than twelve months prior to proposed use on site shall not be Air agitation may be used only to supplement mechanical agitation.
used. If cement becomes partially set or contains lumps of caked Provide sufficient spraying pressure to produce a fine spray to cover
cement, it shall be rejected. Cement salvaged from discarded or used the surface thoroughly and completely with a uniform film. Maintain
bags shall not be used. spray equipment in good mechanical condition, and provide adequate
5 Aggregate: Fine and coarse aggregate shall be separately wind guard to the spray nozzle. Apply curing compound with an
weighed into hoppers in the respective amounts approved by Engineer overlapping coverage that will give a two-coat application at a
in the job mix. Cement shall be measured by weight. Separate scales coverage rate of not more than 0.1 Liter per/sq.m. for each coat or as
and hopper, with a device to positively indicate the complete discharge recommended by the manufacturer. The application of curing
of the batch of cement into the batch box or container, shall be used compound by hand-operated pressure sprayers will be permitted only
for weighing the cement. on small widths or shapes of slabs as approved, and on concrete
surfaces exposed by removal of forms. When application is made by
hand-operated sprayer, apply the second coat in a direction
approximately at right angles to the direction of the first coat. The shovels for hand-spreading and consolidation. Consolidate with care
compound shall form a uniform, continuous, cohesive film that will to prevent dislocating reinforcement, dowels, and joint devices.
not check, crack or peel, and is free of pinholes and other 7 Following the placing of the concrete, it shall be struck off to
discontinuities. Apply an additional coat, if pinholes, abrasions or conform to the cross section shown on the Drawings and to level such
other discontinuities exist, to the affected areas within 30 minutes. Re- that when the concrete is properly consolidated and finished, the
spray concrete surfaces that are subjected to heavy rainfall or abrasive surface of the pavement shall be at the level shown on the Drawings.
wind-blown sand within three hours after the curing compound has 8 Screed pavement surfaces with a straightedge and strike off.
been applied. Re-spray areas where the curing membrane is damaged Commence initial floating using bull floats or darbies to form an open
by subsequent construction operations within the curing period. textured and uniform surface plane before excess moisture or bleed
i. Precautions shall be taken to ensure that concrete is water appears on the surface. Do not further disturb concrete surfaces
properly cured at sawed joints, but that no curing before beginning finishing operations or spreading dry-shake surface
compound enters the joints. Tightly seal top of joint treatments.
opening and joint groove at exposed edges before 9 Side Form Method:
concrete adjacent to the joint is re-sprayed. Seal joint
i. The concrete shall be deposited on the moistened grade
groove by using method that will prevent loss of
to require as little re-handling as possible. Unless truck
moisture from the joint during the specified curing
mixers, truck agitators, or non-agitating hauling
equipment are equipped with means for discharge of
ii. Provide approved standby facilities for curing concrete concrete without segregation of the materials, the
pavement at an accessible location at the jobsite for use concrete shall be unloaded into an approved spreading
in the event of failure of the spraying equipment, or other device and mechanically spread on the grade to prevent
conditions that might prevent correct application of segregation of the materials. Placing shall be continuous
curing compound at the proper time. between transverse joints without the use of intermediate
iii. Protect concrete surfaces to which curing compounds bulkheads. Necessary hand spreading shall be done with
have been applied from pedestrian and vehicular traffic shovels - not rakes. Workmen shall not be allowed to
and from any other possible damage to the continuity of walk in the freshly mixed concrete with boots or shoes
the membrane, during the curing period except as coated with earth or foreign substances.
required for joint-sawing operations and surface testing. ii. When concrete is to be placed adjoining a previously
3 Protection: Protect pavement and its appurtenances from constructed lane of pavement and when mechanical
damage caused by traffic. The Engineer will decide when the equipment will be operated upon the existing lane of
pavement may be cleaned and opened to traffic, but not earlier than pavement, the concrete shall be at least 7 days old and at
14 days after concrete placing. Protect freshly placed concrete from a flexural strength approved by Engineer.
premature drying and excessive cold or hot temperatures. Comply iii. Concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated against and
with the recommendations of ACI 306R for cold weather protection along the faces of all forms and along the full length and
and ACI 305R for hot weather protection during curing. on both sides of all joint assemblies by means of
vibrators inserted in the concrete. Vibrators shall not be Concrete Placement
permitted to come in contact with a joint assembly, the
1 Inspection: Before placing concrete, inspect and complete grade, or a side form. In no case shall the vibrator be
formwork installation, reinforcement steel, and items to be embedded operated longer than 15 seconds in any one location, nor
or cast in. Notify other trades to permit installation of their work. shall the vibrators be used to move the concrete.
2 Moisten subbase to provide a uniform dampened condition at iv. Concrete shall be deposited as near to expansion and
the time concrete is placed. Do not place concrete around manholes contraction joints as possible without disturbing them
or other structures until they are at the required finish elevation and but shall not be dumped from the discharge bucket or
alignment. hopper onto a joint assembly unless the hopper is well
3 Comply with requirements and with recommendations in ACI centered on the joint assembly.
304R for measuring, mixing, transporting, and placing concrete. v. Should any concrete materials fall on or be worked into
4 Do not add water to concrete during delivery, at Site, or during the surface of a completed slab, they shall be removed
placement. immediately by approved methods.
5 Deposit and spread concrete in a continuous operation between 10 Slip-Form Method:
transverse joints. Do not push or drag concrete into place or use i. The concrete shall be placed with an approved crawler-
vibrators to move concrete into place. mounted, slip-form paver designed to spread,
6 Consolidate concrete by mechanical vibrating equipment consolidate, and shape the freshly placed concrete in one
supplemented by hand-spading, rodding, or tamping. Use equipment complete pass of the machine so that a minimum of hand
and procedures to consolidate concrete according to recommendations finishing will be necessary to provide a dense and
in ACI 309R. Consolidate concrete along face of forms and adjacent homogeneous pavement in conformance with
to transverse joints with an internal vibrator. Keep vibrator away from requirements of the plans and specifications. The
joint assemblies, reinforcement, or side forms. Use only square-faced concrete should be placed directly on top of the joint
assemblies to prevent them from moving when the paver
moves over them. Side forms and finishing screeds shall v. No concreting shall take place when the ambient
be adjustable to the extent required to produce the temperature exceeds 40 deg. C.
specified pavement edge and surface tolerance. The side Concrete Finishing
forms shall be of dimensions, shape, and strength to
support the concrete laterally for a sufficient length of 1 General: Wetting of concrete surfaces during screeding, initial
time so that no appreciable edge slumping will occur. floating, or finishing operations is prohibited.
Final finishing shall be accomplished while the concrete 2 Float Finish: Begin the second floating operation when bleed-
is still in the plastic state. water sheen has disappeared and the concrete surface has stiffened
ii. In the event that slumping or sloughing occurs behind the sufficiently to permit operations. Float surface with power-driven
paver or if there are any other structural or surface floats, or by hand floating if area is small or inaccessible to power
defects, which, in the opinion of the Engineer, cannot be units. Finish surfaces to true planes. Cut down high spots, and fill
corrected within permissible tolerances, the Engineer low spots. Refloat surface immediately to uniform granular texture.
may halt paving operations until proper adjustment of the
equipment or procedures have been made. In the event Final Strike-Off, Consolidation and Finishing
that satisfactory pavement procedures are not achieved 1 Sequence: The sequence of operations shall be the strike-off
after more than 600 m of single lane paving, the balance and consolidation, floating and removal of laitance, straight edging,
of the work shall be completed with the use of standard and final surface finish. The addition of superficial water to the
metal forms and the formed method of placing and surface of the concrete to assist in finishing operations generally will
curing. not be permitted. If the application of water to the surface is permitted,
11 Slip-Form Pavers: When automatic machine placement is used it shall be applied as a fog spray by means of approved spray
for pavement, submit revised mix design and laboratory test results equipment.
that meet or exceed requirements. Produce pavement to required
2 Strike-Off of Concrete: Following the placing of the concrete, it
thickness, lines, grades, finish, and jointing as required for formed
shall be struck off to conform to the cross section shown on the plans
pavement. Compact subbase and prepare subgrade of sufficient width
and to an elevation such that when the concrete is properly
to prevent displacement of paver machine during operations.
consolidated and finished, the surface of the pavement shall be at the
12 When adjoining pavement lanes are placed in separate pours, do elevation shown on the plans.
not operate equipment on concrete until pavement has attained 85
3 Finishing at Joints:
percent of its 28-day compressive strength.
i. Concrete adjacent to joints shall be compacted or firmly
13 Hot-Weather Placement: Place concrete according to
placed without voids or segregation against the joint
recommendations in ACI 305R and as follows when hot-weather
material; it shall be firmly placed without voids or
conditions exist:
segregation under and around all load-transfer devices,
i. Cool ingredients before mixing to maintain concrete joint assembly units, and other features designed to
temperature at time of placement below 32 deg. C. extend into the pavement.
Chilled mixing water or chopped ice may be used to
ii. Concrete adjacent to joints shall be mechanically
control temperature, provided water equivalent of ice is
vibrated. After the concrete has been placed and vibrated
calculated to total amount of mixing water. Using liquid
adjacent to the joints, the finishing machine shall be
nitrogen to cool concrete is Contractor's option.
operated in a manner to avoid damage or misalignment
ii. Cover reinforcement steel with water-soaked burlap so of joints.
steel temperature will not exceed ambient air
iii. If uninterrupted operations of the finishing machine, to,
temperature immediately before embedding in concrete.
over, and beyond the joints, cause segregation of
iii. Fog-spray forms, reinforcement steel, and / or stabilized concrete, damage to, or misalignment of the joints, the
base just before placing concrete. Keep aggregate base finishing machine shall be stopped when the screed is
moisture uniform without standing water, soft spots, or approximately 200mm from the joint.
dry areas.
iv. Segregated concrete shall be removed from the front of
iv. Concreting shall not be permitted when the rate of and off the joint, the screed shall be lifted and set directly
evaporation exceed 1.0 kg./sq.m./h. (ACI 305R "Hot on top of the joint, and the forward motion of the
Weather Concreting"). The rate of evaporation can be finishing machine shall be resumed. Thereafter, the
estimated from Fig. 2.1.5 of ACI 305R with the finishing machine may be run over the joint without
prevailing temperature, relative humidity, and wind lifting the screed, provided there is no segregated
speed. The evaporation rate can also be determined more concrete immediately between the joint and the screed or
accurately by evaporating water from a cake pan having on top of the joint.
an area of approximately 1 ft2 (0.093 sq.m.). The pan is
4 Machine Finishing:
filled with water and the mass determined every 15 to 20
min to determine .the evaporation rate, which is equal to i. The concrete shall be spread as soon as it is placed, and
the loss of water mass from the pan. A balance of at least it shall be struck off and screeded by an approved
2500 g capacity is satisfactory. finishing machine. The machine shall go over each area
as many times and at such intervals as necessary to give
the proper consolidation and to leave a surface of iv. Special attention shall be given to assure that the surface
uniform texture. across joints meets the requirements for smoothness.
Straightedge testing and surface corrections shall
ii. Excessive operation over a given area shall be avoided.
continue until the entire surface is found to be free from
When side forms are used, the tops of the forms shall be
observable departures from the straightedge and until the
kept clean by an effective device attached to the machine,
slab conforms to the required grade and cross section.
and the travel of the machine on the forms shall be
maintained true without lift, wobbling, or other variation v. The use of long-handled wood floats shall be confined to
tending to affect the precision finish. During the first a minimum; they may be used only in emergencies and
pass of the finishing machine, a uniform ridge of in areas not accessible to finishing equipment.
concrete shall be maintained ahead of the front screed for Surface Texture
its entire length.
iii. When in operation, the screed shall be moved forward 1 Brush or Broom Finish:
with a combined longitudinal and transverse shearing i. A brush or broom finish shall be formed on all newly
motion, always moving in the direction in which the constructed concrete pavements when the water sheen
work is progressing, and so manipulated that neither end has practically disappeared, using mechanical texturing
is raised from the side forms during the striking-off equipment.
process. If necessary, this shall be repeated until the ii. The equipment shall operate transversely across the
surface is of uniform texture, true to grade and cross pavement surface, providing corrugations that are
section, and free from porous areas. uniform in appearance and approximately 2 mm in depth.
5 Hand Finishing: Hand finishing methods will not be permitted, iii. The equipment must not tear or unduly roughen the
except under the following conditions: pavement surface during the operation. Any
i. In the event of breakdown of the mechanical equipment, imperfections resulting from the texturing operation
hand methods may be used to finish the concrete already shall be corrected.
deposited on the grade; Skid Resistant Surfaces
ii. In areas of narrow widths or of irregular dimensions
where operation of the mechanical equipment is 1 Wire Combing: A skid resistant surface shall be provided by
impractical. wire combing in plastic concrete. The wire combing technique shall
Concrete, as soon as placed, shall be struck off and screeded. An use steel combs or tines of various dimensions to form groove-like
approved portable screed shall be used. A second screed shall be texture in the plastic concrete pavement and shall provide grooves that
provided for striking off the bottom layer of concrete when are approximately 3 mm by 3 mm spaced 13 mm center-to-center.
reinforcement is used. Surface Test
The screed for the surface shall be at least 600 mm longer than the
maximum width of the slab to be struck off. It shall be of approved 1 As soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently, the pavement
design, sufficiently rigid to retain its shape, and shall be constructed surface shall be tested with a 4.8 m straightedge or other specified
either of metal or of other suitable material covered with metal. device. Areas in a slab showing high spots of more than 6 mm but not
Consolidation shall be attained by the use of a suitable vibrator. exceeding 12 mm in 4.8 m shall be marked and immediately ground
down with an approved grinding machine to be within the tolerance
6 Floating: After the concrete has been struck off and
of 6 mm or less. Where the departure from correct cross section
consolidated, it shall be further smoothed, trued, and consolidated by
exceeds 12 mm, the pavement shall be removed and replaced when so
means of a longitudinal float, using approved hand or machine
directed by Engineer.
2 Any area or section so removed, shall not be less than 3 m in
7 Straight-Edge Testing and Surface Correction:
length, nor less than the full width of the lane involved. When it is
i. After the pavement has been struck off and consolidated necessary to remove and replace a section of pavement, any remaining
and while the concrete is still plastic, it shall be tested for portion of the slab adjacent to the joints that is less than 3 m in length
trueness with a 4.8m straightedge. Furnish and use an shall also be removed and replaced.
accurate 4.8m straightedge swung from handles 900 mm
longer than one-half the width of the slab. Removing Forms
ii. The straightedge shall be held in contact with the surface 1 Unless otherwise specified, forms shall not be removed from
in successive positions parallel to the centerline and the freshly placed concrete until it has set for at least 12 hours, except
whole area gone over from one side of the slab to the where auxiliary forms are used temporarily in widened areas. Forms
other, as necessary. Advancing shall be in successive shall be removed carefully to avoid damage to the pavement. After
stages of not more than one-half the length of the the forms have been removed, the sides of the slab shall be cured.
straightedge. Any excess water and laitance shall be Major honeycombed areas shall be considered as defective work and
removed from the surface of the pavement. shall be removed and replaced. Any area or section so removed shall
iii. Any depressions shall be immediately filled with freshly not be less than 3 m in length nor less than the full width of the lane
mixed concrete, struck off, consolidated, and refinished. involved. When it is necessary to remove and replace a section of
High areas shall be cut down and refinished.
pavement, any remaining portion of the slab adjacent to the joints that Pavement Marking
is less than 3 m in length shall also be removed and replaced.
1 Do not apply pavement marking paint until layout, colors and Sealing Joints placement have been verified by the Engineer.
2 Allow concrete pavement to harden and gain strength for 28
1 The joints in the pavement shall be sealed as shown on
days and be dry before starting pavement marking.
Drawings and as specified in Sub-Section 5.8.
3 Sweep and clean surface to eliminate loose material and dust. Opening to Traffic Field Quality Control
1 The Engineer shall decide when the pavement shall be opened
to traffic. The pavement will not be opened to traffic until test 1 Slump: Minimum one test at point of discharge for each day's
specimens molded and cured in accordance with ASTM C31 have pour of concrete. Additional tests when concrete consistency seems to
attained the specified flexural strength when tested in accordance with have changed.
ASTM C78, unless otherwise acceptable to Engineer. 2 Concrete Temperature: Test hourly when air temperature is 4
deg C and below, and when 27 deg C and above, and each time a set Pavement Tolerance of flexural test beams are made.
1 Comply with tolerances of ACI 117 and as follows: 3 Flexural Strength:
i. Level: Plus 6 mm, no minus. i. Flexural test beams shall be made for each day's pour
ii. Thickness: Plus 9 mm, minus 6 mm. exceeding 4 cu.m, plus additional sets for each 40 cu.m.
over and above the first 20 cu.m. Each group of test
iii. Surface: Gap below 3-m long, unleveled straightedge
beams shall be molded from the same batch of concrete
not to exceed +6 mm.
and shall consist of a sufficient number of specimens to
iv. Lateral Alignment and Spacing of Tie Bars and Dowels: provide two flexural strength tests at each test age. The
+/-25 mm. specimens shall be made in accordance with ASTM C31.
v. Vertical Alignment of Tie Bars and Dowels: At the start of paving operations and when the aggregate
+/-6 mm. source, aggregate characteristics, or mix design is
changed, additional groups of test beams may be
vi. Alignment of Tie-Bar End Relative to Line
required until Engineer is satisfied that the concrete mix
Perpendicular to Pavement Edge: +/-13 mm.
complies with the strength requirements of these
vii. Alignment of Dowel-Bar End Relative to Line specifications. Test ages shall be 7 days and 28 days.
Perpendicular to Pavement Edge: Length of dowel +/-6
ii. The flexural strength of the concrete shall meet the
mm per 300 mm.
following requirements:
viii. Joint Spacing: +/-75 mm.
- The average of any 4 consecutive strength tests,
ix. Contraction Joint Depth: Plus 6 mm, no minus. tested at the end of 28 days, shall be equal to or
x. Joint Width: Plus 3 mm, no minus. greater than the specified flexural strength;
- Not more than 20 percent of the beams tested at the
2 Surface Roughness: The International Roughness Index (IRI)
end of 28 days shall have a flexural strength less
for roads shall be complied with on all concrete finished surfaces. The
than the specified strength;
acceptable range of IRI test results shall vary between 0 and 1.5 mm/m
for highways and primary roads and between 0 and 3.0 mm/m for - No specimen shall have a flexural strength less than
secondary, tertiary and other access roads. Adopt contact type test 90% of the specified flexural strength.
instruments for test stretches not exceeding 400 m in length and non- iii. Specimens, which are obviously defective, shall not be
contact test instruments (optical or sonic) for stretches exceeding 400 considered in the determination of the strength. When it
m in length. The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer’s approval appears that the test specimens will fail to conform to the
the appropriate testing instrument(s) and test methodology for the requirements for strength, Engineer shall have the right
surface roughness test. to order changes in the concrete mix sufficient to
3 Tolerances. The following tolerances are applicable: increase the strength to meet the requirements. When a
satisfactory relationship between 7-days and 28-day
i. Lateral deviation from established alignment of the
strengths has been established and approved, the 7-day
pavement edge shall not exceed plus or minus 30 mm in
test results may be used as an indication of the 28-day
any lane.
strengths. However, the 7-day test results will not replace
ii. Vertical deviation from established grade shall not
the results of the 28-day tests if the 28-day results fall
exceed plus or minus 12 mm at any point.
below the requirements.
iii. Surface smoothness deviations shall not exceed 6 mm
4 Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing and
from a 4.8 m straightedge placed in any direction,
inspection agency to sample materials, perform tests, and submit test
including placement along and spanning any pavement
reports during concrete placement according to requirements specified
joint or edge.
in this Clause.
5 Testing Services: Testing shall be performed according to the
following requirements:
i. Sampling Fresh Concrete: Representative Repairs and Protection
samples of fresh concrete shall be obtained according to
1 Remove and replace concrete pavement that is broken, damaged,
ASTM C 172, except modified for slump to comply with
or defective, or does not meet requirements in the Specification
ASTM C 94ii. Slump: ASTM C 143; one test at
point of placement for each flexural and/or compressive- 2 Drill test cores where directed by Engineer when necessary to
strength test, but not less than one test for each day's pour determine magnitude of cracks or defective areas. Fill core holes in
of each type of concrete. Additional tests will be satisfactory pavement areas with Portland cement concrete bonded to
required when concrete consistency changes. pavement with epoxy adhesive.
iii. Concrete Temperature: ASTM C 1064; one test hourly 3 Protect concrete from damage. Exclude traffic from pavement
when air temperature is 4 deg C and below and when 27 for at least 14 days after placement. When construction traffic is
deg C and above, and one test for each set of flexural permitted, maintain pavement as clean as possible by removing
and/or compressive-strength specimens. surface stains and spillage of materials as they occur.
4 Maintain concrete pavement free from stains, discoloration, dirt,
iv. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C 31/C 31M; one
and other foreign material. Sweep concrete pavement not more than
set of four standard cylinders for each compressive-
two days before date scheduled for Substantial Completion
strength test, unless otherwise indicated. Cylinders shall
be molded and stored for laboratory-cured test
specimens unless field-cured test specimens are required. Determination of Concrete Thickness
v. Compressive-Strength Tests: ASTM C 39; one set for
1 Thickness of concrete pavement shall be determined by average
each day's pour of each concrete class exceeding 4 cu.m.,
caliper measurement of cores taken from sections of the pavement as
but less than 19 cu.m., plus one set for each additional 38
stated in Item 2 below, rounded upwards taken to the nearest mm.
cu.m. One specimen shall be tested at 7 days and two
specimens at 28 days; one specimen shall be retained in 2 Pavement sections shall consist of each 300 lin.m. length in each
reserve for later testing if required. paver lane. The last section in each lane shall be 300 m plus the
fractional part of 300 m remaining. Other areas such as intersections,
vi. When frequency of testing will provide fewer than five
entrances, ramps, etc shall be measured as one section each and the
compressive-strength tests for a given class of concrete,
thickness of each shall be determined separately. Small irregular unit
testing shall be conducted from at least five randomly
areas may be included as part of another section,
selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five are
used. 3 One core shall be taken from each section by the Contractor at
approved locations and in the presence of the Engineer. When the
vii. When strength of field-cured cylinders is less than 85
measurement of the core from any pavement section is not deficient
percent of companion laboratory-cured cylinders,
by more than 5 mm from the specified thickness, the core will be
current operations shall be evaluated and corrective
deemed to be of the specified thickness as shown on the Drawings.
procedures shall be provided for protecting and curing
in-place concrete. 4 When the measurement of the core from any pavement section
is deficient by more than 5 mm but not more than 20 mm, 2 additional
viii. Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory
cores spaced at not less than 100 mm shall be taken and used together
if averages of sets of three consecutive compressive-
with the first core to determine the average thickness of such section.
strength test results equal or exceed specified
compressive strength and no individual compressive- 5 When the measurement of the core from any pavement section
strength test result falls below specified compressive is less than the specified thickness by more than 20 mm, the average
strength by more than 3.4 MPa. thickness of such section shall be determined by taking additional
cores at not less than 5 m intervals parallel to the centerline in each
6 Test results shall be reported in writing to Engineer, concrete
direction from the affected location until, in each direction, a core is
manufacturer, and Contractor within 24 hours of testing. Reports of
taken which is not deficient by more than 20 mm. Exploratory cores
compressive-strength tests shall contain Project identification name
for deficient thickness will not be used in average thickness
and number, date of concrete placement, name of concrete testing
agency, concrete type and class, location of concrete batch in
pavement, design compressive strength at 28 days, concrete mix
proportions and materials, compressive breaking strength, and type of 6 Where the average thickness of Proportion of
break for both 7- and 28-day tests. concrete pavement is deficient by more than Area
5 mm but not more than 20 mm adjustments Measured for
7 Nondestructive Testing: Impact hammer, sonoscope, or other
shall be made in the area measurements as Payment
nondestructive device may be permitted by Engineer but will not be
shown in Table in
used as the sole basis for approval or rejection.
Thickness as Determined by Cores (mm)
8 Additional Tests: Testing agency shall make additional tests of 0.0 to 5.0 100%
the concrete when test results indicate slump, air entrainment,
5.1 to 10.0 90%
concrete strengths, or other requirements have not been met, as
10.1 to 15.0 75%
directed by Engineer. Testing agency may conduct tests to determine
15.1 to 20.0 50%
adequacy of concrete by cored cylinders complying with ASTM C 42,
> 20.0 0%
or by other methods as directed.
Table Concrete Thickness Deficiency
7 When the pavement is more than 20 mm deficient in thickness, Elastomeric Hot-Poured Joint Sealants
the Contractor shall remove such deficient areas and replace them with
concrete pavement of the specified quality and thickness, all at his 1 ASTM D 3569 - Joint Sealants, Hot-Poured, Elastomeric, Jet-
own expense. Fuel-Resistant type, for Portland Cement Concrete Pavements.
8 When the limits of a deficient area to be removed and replaced Joint Sealant Backing
are within 3 m of an expansion, contraction or construction joint, the
entire concrete pavement up to the joint shall be removed and replaced 1 General: Provide sealant backings of material and type which
at the Contractor's expense. are non-staining; are compatible with joint substrates, sealants,
primers and other joint fillers; and are approved for applications
5.7.4 Method of Measurement indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and
laboratory testing.
1 Unreinforced concrete pavement shall be measured in cubic
2 Plastic Foam Joint Fillers: Preformed, compressible, resilient,
meters computed as the paved area multiplied by the executed slab non-waxing, non-extruding strips of flexible, non-gassing plastic
thickness as approved by the Engineer.
foam of material indicated below; nonabsorbent to water and gas; and
2 Reinforced concrete pavement shall be measured in cubic of size, shape and density to control sealant depth and otherwise
meters of the paved area multiplied by the executed slab thickness (as contribute to producing optimum sealant performance.
approved by the Engineer) and shall include the same items detailed 3 Bond-Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape as
in Item 1 of Clause 5.7.4 above plus the reinforcement steel material
recommended by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from
furnished, spliced, jointed and placed all as shown on the Contractor’s
adhering to rigid, inflexible joint filler materials or joint surfaces at
shop drawings that are approved by the Engineer. back of joint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure.
Provide self-adhesive tape where applicable.
5.7.5 Basis of Payment Miscellaneous Materials
1 The amount of completed and accepted work, measured as
provided for above, will be paid for at the unit rates for the various 1 Primer: Provide type recommended by joint sealer
items in the Bill of Quantities, which rate shall be full compensation manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates
for supplying materials, transporting and placing, for labor, equipment, indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint sealer substrate
tools and other items necessary for the proper completion of the work. tests and field tests.
2 The rates in the Bill of Quantities shall be deemed to include 2 Cleaners for Nonporous Surfaces: Provide non-staining,
furnishing of all associated concrete and joint component materials, chemical cleaners of type which are acceptable to manufacturers of
preparation of bases, concrete mixing, placing, compacting, finishing sealants and sealant backing materials, which are not harmful to
and curing, as well as all joint sawing, cutting and cleaning operations, substrates and adjacent nonporous materials, and which do not leave
drilling and installing dowels and deformed tie bars and other joint oily residues or otherwise have a detrimental effect on sealant
accessories, and all tests, all as detailed on Drawings and in the adhesion or in-service performance.
Specifications. 3 Masking Tape: Provide non-staining, nonabsorbent type
compatible with joint sealants and to surfaces adjacent to joints.
2 Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates where indicated or where subsidiary to the concrete pavement and its cost is deemed to be
recommended by joint sealer manufacturer based on preconstruction included under payment for concrete pavement items as measured
joint sealer-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to under Clauses 5.7.4, 5.7.5 and 5.7.6.
comply with joint sealer manufacturer's recommendations. Confine
primers to areas of joint sealer bond, do not allow spillage or migration 5.9 Reinforced Concrete Box Culverts
onto adjoining surfaces. and Headwalls, Wingwalls, Cut-Off
3 Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent Walls and Aprons
contact of sealant with adjoining surfaces which otherwise would be
permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning 5.9.1 Description
methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape
immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. 1 This Sub-section describes the requirements for construction of
reinforced concrete box culverts, in-situ or precast, and headwalls, Installation of Joint Sealers wing walls, cut-off walls and aprons for box and pipe culverts,
including earthworks, structural concrete and all other ancillary items
1 General: Comply with joint sealer manufacturers' printed
necessary for the completion of the structures to the lines, grades and
installation instructions applicable to products and applications
dimensions as shown on the Drawings. These requirements are
indicated, except where more stringent requirements apply.
additional to the requirements of preceding Sections of the
2 Hot poured Sealants: Specification.
i. The joint sealant shall be applied solid, uniformly from
bottom to top and shall be filled without formation of 5.9.2 Materials
entrapped air or voids. A backing material shall be
1 Materials shall conform to the relevant requirements of the
placed as shown on the plans and shall be non-adhesive
following Sub-sections of the Specification:
to the concrete or the sealant material. The heating kettle
shall be an indirect heating type, constructed as a double - Concrete Sub-section 5.1
boiler. A positive temperature control and mechanical “Concrete Materials and Mixes”
agitation shall be provided. The sealant shall not be
- Reinforcing Steel Sub-section 5.2
heated to more than 11°C below the safe heating
“Reinforcing Steel”
temperature. The safe heating temperature can be
obtained from the manufacturer's shipping container. A 2 Concrete classes shall be those prescribed on the relevant
direct connecting pressure type extruding device with Drawings.
nozzles shaped for insertion into the joint shall be 3 Backfill shall be as specified in Section 2 “Earthwork”.
provided. Any sealant spilled on the surface of the
pavement shall be removed immediately. 5.9.3 Construction Requirements
ii. Backup materials and bond breakers shall be compatible
1 Construction work shall comply with the relevant requirements
with the sealant, shall not adhere to the sealant, shall be
of the following sections:
compressible without extruding the sealant, and shall
recover to maintain contact with the joint faces when the Section 2 Earthwork
joint is open. Sub-section 5.2 Reinforcing Steel
Sub-section 5.3 Reinforced Concrete Structures. Cleaning
2 Box culverts, headwalls, wing walls, cut-off walls and aprons
1 Clean off excess sealants or sealant smears adjacent to joints as shall be to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings. Unless
work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved by otherwise shown, culverts shall have a constant fall of 1:100 along
manufacturers of joint sealers and of products in which joints occur. their centerline. Protection 3 Box culverts shall be constructed in sections such that
expansion joints are located at intervals which shall be so spaced as to
1 Protect joint sealers during and after curing period from contact prevent the box culvert from behaving as a long beam unless such
with contaminating substances or from damage resulting from structural action has been allowed for in the design. Unless shown on
construction operations or other causes so that they are without the Drawings or directed by the Engineer, the spacing of expansion
deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite joints shall be no greater than 35 meters.
such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove
4 Unless otherwise indicated, expansion joints shall also be used
damaged or deteriorated joint sealers immediately and reseal joints
at the culvert ends where the culvert meets the wing walls and apron
with new materials to produce joint sealer installations with repaired
areas indistinguishable from original work.
5 Where box culverts are located in road embankments, the
5.8.4 Method of Measurement, Basis of embankments shall first be constructed in accordance with Paragraph
Payment and Bill of Quantities "Embankment Construction". The compacted embankments
shall then be excavated in trenches for the culverts. This requirement
1 No separate measurement is made for joint sealers and no items may be dispensed with by a written permission from the Engineer to
are included in the Bill of Quantities. The work is considered as so do. Where a culvert is to be constructed under a high embankment,
this requirement may be relaxed or dispensed with provided the fill is 5.10 Waterproofing for Structures
designed to arch over the culvert or the culvert is specially designed
for an increased surcharge load from the embankment. Embankments 5.10.1 Description
may be constructed to within 1 m above the culvert then construction
carried out as above. Scope
6 For culverts located below firm ground, the excavation shall be 1 This Sub-section describes waterproofing membrane, sand
carried out in trenches in accordance with Section 2 “Earthwork”. dampproofing courses to external concrete surfaces in contact with
7 Backfilling and compaction shall be carried out in layers not earth and epoxy coating to internal surfaces of concrete walls, slabs,
exceeding 150 mm compacted thickness and the difference in the and beds, all as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
levels of backfill on either side of the culvert shall at no time exceed References
500 mm. Start backfilling after having attained 75 percent of the
culvert 28-day concrete strength. 1 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM):
8 All concreting shall be carried out in dry conditions. ASTM D 41 Specification for Asphalt Primer Used in
9 Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Roofing, Dampproofing, and Waterproofing
Engineer, the base slab of the box culvert for its entire length shall first (AASHTO M 116)
be completed before proceeding with the walls and roof slab. The ASTM D 43 Specification for Coat Tar Primer Used in
construction joints in the walls shall be located at not less than 100 Roofing, Dampproofing, and Waterproofing
mm above the top of the base slab. Unless shown otherwise on the (AASHTO M 121)
Drawings or directed by the Engineer, the walls and roof slabs shall ASTM D 173 Specification for Bitumen-Saturated Cotton
be concreted in one pour between expansion joints. Fabrics Used in Roofing and Waterproofing
10 Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or instructed by the (AASHTO M 117)
Engineer, the cut-off wall shall be cast against earth. ASTM D 449 Specifications for Asphalt Used in
11 Concrete placing, forms, finishing, curing and jointing shall be Dampproofing, and Waterproofing (AASHTO
done in accordance with Section 5.3 “Reinforced Concrete Structures”. M 115)
ASTM D 450 Specification for Coal-Tar Pitch Used in
5.9.4 Method of Measurement
Roofing, Dampproofing, and Waterproofing
1 The work shall be measured according to the dimensions shown (AASHTO M 118)
on the Drawings in accordance with the rules for measurement stated ASTM D 490 Specifications for Road Tar (AASHTO M 52)
in Sub-section 5.1 ‘Concrete Materials and Mixes’ and Sub-section
5.2 ’Reinforcing Steel’. 5.10.2 Materials
2 Where the Contractor uses precast units as an alternative, any
extra material and quantity necessary shall not be measured. Asphalt
3 All other work such as excavation for the cut-off walls 1 Waterproofing asphalt shall conform to AASHTO M 115
formwork, construction and expansion joints and the like, shall be (ASTM D 449); Type I for use below ground, and Type II for use
included as subsidiary work whose costs are deemed to be included in above ground.
the rates and prices for concrete and reinforcement. 2 Primer for use with asphalt in waterproofing shall conform to
AASHTO M 116 (ASTM D 41).
5.9.5 Basis of Payment Bitumen
1 The amount of completed and accepted work, measured as
provided for above, shall be paid for at the unit rates in the Bill of 1 Waterproofing bitumen shall conform to AASHTO M 118
Quantities, which rates shall be full compensation for supplying, (ASTM D 450); Type II unless otherwise specified.
curing, finishing concrete and cutting, shaping and fixing reinforcing 2 Primer for use with coal-tar bitumen in dampproofing and
steel and for labor, materials, equipment, tools and other items waterproofing shall conform to AASHTO M 121 (ASTM D 43). It
necessary for the proper completion of the works. shall be a distillate of coal-gas tar or coke-oven tar.
1 Reinforced concrete box culverts, head walls, wing walls and 1 Waterproofing fabric shall conform to AASHTO M 117 (ASTM
cut-off walls are separately identified in the Bill of Quantities and the D 173).
relevant items as stated in Sub-sections 5.1 and 5.2 are included. Self-Adhesive Polyethylene Sheet
- Tensile strength : 42 N/mm2 allowed to remain in place from 1 to 2 hours, or long
enough to produce a warm and surface-dried condition,
- Elongation : 210% long.; 160% trans.
after which the sand shall be swept back, uncovering
- Tear resistance : 340 N/mm long.; 310 N/mm sufficient surface for beginning work, and the operation
trans. repeated as the work progresses.
- Puncture resistance : 220 N 65 mm 2 Dampproofing: The surface to which the dampproofing coating
shall be applied shall be cleaned of all loose and foreign material and Tar for Absorptive Treatment
dirt and shall be dry. When necessary the Engineer may require the
1 Tar for absorptive treatment shall be a liquid water-gas tar that surface to be scrubbed with water and a stiff brush, after which the
conforms to the following requirements: surface shall be allowed to dry before application of the primer.
- Specific gravity, 25ºC 1.030 to 1.100 Inspection, Delivery and Storage
- Specific viscosity at 40ºC (Engler),
not more than 3.0 1 All waterproofing materials shall be tested before shipment.
Unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer, they shall be tested at the
- Total distillate, percent by
place of manufacture, and, when so tested, a copy of the test results
weight, to 300ºC, not more than 50.0
shall be sent to the Engineer by the chemist or inspection bureau which
- Bitumen (soluble in carbon disulfide)
has been designated to make the tests, and each package shall have
not less than, percent 98.0
affixed to it a label, seal, or other mark of identification, showing that
- Water, not more than, percent 3.0 it has been tested and found acceptable, and identifying the package
with the laboratory tests. Tar Seal Coat
2 Factory inspection is preferred, but in lieu thereof and/or
1 Tar seal coat shall conform to AASHTO M 52, Grade RTCB-5 addition thereof, the Engineer may order that representative samples,
(ASTM D 490). properly identified, be sent to him for test prior to shipment of the
materials. After delivery of the materials, representative check Proprietary Waterproofing Systems
samples shall be taken which shall determine the acceptability of the
1 Proprietary waterproofing systems shall be bituminous materials.
membranes reinforced with layers of suitable reinforcement, 3 All materials shall be delivered to the work in original
bituminous coated polythene sheet, plasticized polyvinyl chloride containers, plainly marked with the manufacturer's brand or label.
sheet, other approved membranes or applications of resinous
4 Waterproofing and dampproofing material shall be stored in a
reinforced coatings. The type to be used shall be as indicated on the
dry, protected place. Rolls of waterproofing fabric and membranes
Drawings and shall be chosen according to its location and
shall not be stored on end.
serviceability. The specific system shall be approved after site trials,
should the Engineer decide these to be necessary. Asphalt and Bitumen Waterproofing Fabric Epoxy Coating System 1 Asphalt shall be heated to a temperature between 150 degrees C
and 175 degrees C and tar for hot application shall be heated to a
1 An approved epoxy coating system shall be furnished and
temperature between 93 degrees C and 120 degrees C with frequent
applied to the internal concrete surfaces of culverts and open channels
stirring to avoid local overheating. The heating kettles shall be
as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer. The
equipped with thermometers.
thickness of the epoxy coating shall be at least 400 microns in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. 2 In all cases, the waterproofing shall begin at the low point of the
surface to be waterproofed, so that water will run over and not against
or along the laps.
5.10.3 Construction Requirements
3 The first strip of fabric shall be of half-width; the second shall Surface Preparation be full-width, lapped the full-width of the first sheet; and the third and
each succeeding strip shall be full-width and lapped so that there will
1 Waterproofing:
be two layers of fabric at all points with laps not less than 50 mm wide.
i. All concrete surfaces to be waterproofed shall be All end laps shall be at least 300 mm.
reasonably smooth and free from projections or holes
4 Beginning at the low point of the surface to be waterproofed, a
which might cause puncture of the membrane. The
coating of primer shall be applied and allowed to dry before the first
surface shall be dry, so as to prevent the formation of
coat of asphalt is applied. The waterproofing shall then be applied as
steam when the hot asphalt or tar is applied, and,
immediately before the application of the waterproofing,
the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, 5 Beginning at the low point of the surface to be waterproofed, a
projecting tying wire and loose material. section about 500 mm wide and the full length of the surface shall be
mopped with the hot asphalt or tar. Immediately following the
ii. No waterproofing shall be done in wet weather, nor when
mopping, the first strip of fabric, or half-width, shall be rolled and
the temperature is below 4 degrees C, without special
pressed into place so as to eliminate all air bubbles and obtain close
authorization from the Engineer. Should the surface of
conformity with the surface. This strip and an adjacent section of the
the concrete become temporarily damp, it shall be
surface of a width equal to slightly more than half of the width of the
covered with a 50 mm layer of hot sand, which shall be
fabric being used shall then be mopped with hot asphalt or tar, and a Damage Patching of Waterproofing Fabrics
full width of the fabric shall be rolled into this, completely covering
the first strip, and pressed into place as before. This second strip and 1 Care shall be taken to prevent injury to the finished fabric
membrane by workmen or wheelbarrows, or by throwing any material
an adjacent section of the concrete surface shall then be mopped with
on it. Any damage which may occur shall be repaired by patching.
hot asphalt or tar and the third strip of fabric "shingled" on so as to lap
the first strip not less than 50 mm. This process shall be continued Patches shall extend at least 300 mm beyond the outermost damaged
portion and the second ply shall extend at least 75 mm beyond the first.
until the entire surface is covered, each strip of fabric lapping at least
50 mm over the last strip. The entire surface shall then be given a final 2 Proprietary waterproofing membranes shall be repaired
mopping of hot asphalt or tar. according to the manufacturer's specifications and as directed by the
6 The completed waterproofing shall be a firmly bonded
membrane composed of two layers of fabric and three moppings of Dampproofing
asphalt or tar, together with a coating of primer. Under no
circumstances shall one layer of fabric touch another layer at any point 1 Concrete, brick, or other surfaces to be protected by
or touch the surface, as there must be at least three complete moppings dampproofing shall be thoroughly cleaned before the primer is applied.
of asphalt or tar. The surfaces shall then be brush or spray painted with two or more
7 In all cases the mopping on concrete shall cover the surface so coats (as indicated on the Drawings) of tar or asphalt for absorptive
that no gray spots appear, and on cloth it shall be sufficiently heavy to treatment. Below ground not less than two coats shall be applied,
completely conceal the weave. On horizontal surfaces not less than using 0.56 L/square meter of surface. On the well-primed surface one
49 liters of asphalt or tar shall be used for each 10 square meter of application of tar or asphalt seal coat shall be applied by brush, using
finished work, and on vertical surfaces not less than 61 liters shall be 0.45 L/square meter.
used for each 10 square meter. The work shall be so regulated that, at 2 Care shall be taken to confine all paints to the areas to be
the close of a day's work, all cloth that is laid shall have received the waterproofed and to prevent disfigurement of any other parts of the
final mopping of asphalt or tar. Special care shall be taken at all laps structure by dripping or spreading of the tar or asphalt.
to see that they are thoroughly sealed down. Protection of Waterproofing and Dampproofing
8 At the edges of the membrane and at any points where it is
punctured by such appurtenances as drains or pipes, suitable 1 Waterproofing membranes and dampproofing courses shall be
provisions shall be made to prevent water from getting between the covered by a protective layer which, unless otherwise specified or
waterproofing and the waterproofed surface. shown on the Drawings, shall be a 50 mm coat of mortar composed of
9 All flashing at curbs and against girders, spandrel walls, etc., one part Portland cement and two parts sand, reinforced midway
shall be done with separate sheets lapping the main membrane not less between its top and bottom surfaces with wire netting of 150 mm mesh
than 300 mm. Flashing shall be closely sealed either with a metal and No. 12 gauge, or an approved equivalent. The top surface shall
counter-flashing or by embedding the upper edges of the flashing in a be troweled to a smooth, hard finish and, where required, true to grade.
groove poured full of joint filler. 2 The protection course shall follow the waterproofing so closely
10 Joints which are essentially open joints but which are not that the latter will not be exposed without protection for more than 24
designed to provide for expansion shall first be caulked with oakum hours.
and lead wool and then filled with hot joint filler. 3 Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or directed by the
11 Expansion joints, both horizontal and vertical, shall be provided Engineer, vertical faces waterproofed or dampproofed shall be
with sheet copper or lead in "U" or "V" form in accordance with protected by a porous concrete block wall of not less than 225 mm
approved details. After the membrane has been placed, the joint shall thickness. If approved
be filled with hot joint filler. The membrane shall be carried by the Engineer, a proprietary synthetic sheeting may be used as the
continuously across all expansion joints. protective layer in lieu of the porous concrete block wall.
12 At the ends of the structure the membrane shall be carried well Testing
down on the abutments and suitable provision made for all movement.
1 Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer in writing, at least one Proprietary Waterproofing Membranes site trial application of the waterproofing system shall be carried out
to determine the suitability of the surface preparation, method of
1 Proprietary waterproofing membranes shall be installed strictly
application and effectiveness of the protective layer. The size of
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and shall be laid so
membrane laid shall be not less than 2.0 meters wide and 5.0 meters
that no air is trapped between it and the concrete surface or between
successive layers of sheeting.
2 Unless otherwise specified, joints between sheets shall be 5.10.4 Method of Measurement
lapped with end laps of at least 150 mm and side laps of at least 100
mm. The joints shall be arranged so that, at no points, are there more 1 Waterproofing membrane shall be measured by the square
than three thicknesses of sheeting and, as far as possible so that water meter of each type, furnished, laid, completed and accepted.
will drain away from the exposed edge. 2 Tar or bituminous painting to surfaces permanently in contact
with backfilled material shall be measured by the square meter of
surface area so painted.
3 Epoxy coating to internal surfaces of concrete shall be measured application instructions, and guarantee that the product is suitable for
by the square meter of the surface area so coated. use at the operating temperatures in the Sultanate.
4 Protection to waterproofing membrane and dampproofing 3 Trial Panels as specified in Paragraph (1) shall be
course shall not be measured for direct payment but shall be deemed provided.
to be included in the rates for waterproofing and dampproofing. Performance Requirements
5 Site trials of waterproofing membranes shall not be measured
for direct payment but shall be deemed to be included in the rates for 1 The coating system shall provide in-depth protection against
waterproofing. carbonation and chloride penetration while permitting water vapor
transmission from the concrete.
5.10.5 Basis of Payment 2 Final color shall be selected by the Engineer.
1 The amount of completed and accepted Work measured as Quality Assurance
provided for above will be paid at the unit rates as specified in the Bill
of Quantities, which unit rates shall be full compensation for 1 Trial Panels:
furnishing all materials, labor, equipment, tools, supplies and all other i. Prior to applying the system, trial applications shall be
items necessary for the completion of the Work. carried out on trial panels made by the Contractor to the
specified finishes. The trial shall demonstrate the
5.10.6 Items in the Bill of Qquantities method proposed for applying the system, coverage,
coating thickness, color and final appearance of the
i Tar or bituminous paint sq.m. coating. Representatives of the coating manufacturer
(State type, number of coats) shall be present at the trials and the surface preparation
ii Membrane waterproofing sq.m. and application of the coating shall be carried out under
(State type, thickness) their direction. The Contractor shall, at his own expense,
coat as many panels as required by the Engineer until a
iii Epoxy coating to internal
trial panel has been accepted by the Engineer as
surfaces of concrete
satisfactory. The coated panel, when accepted, will form
(State type, thickness) sq.m.
the standard against which the corresponding coating in
the works shall be judged. No application of the
5.11 Protective Coating for Concrete coating in the works shall be undertaken until trials have
been completed to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
5.11.1 Description
ii. Trial panels shall be tested for permeability in Scope accordance with DIN 1048 and AASHTO T 277 as
defined in Paragraph as a check on the
1 This Sub-section describes protective coating on exposed effectiveness of the coating. Acceptance of the coating
surfaces of reinforced and prestressed concrete construction in shall be based on compliance with the following
corrosive or marine environments or other severe exposure conditions acceptance limits. Based on this result, the Engineer may
as shown on the Drawings. reject the work or require additional coating.
2 The coating system shall be used for the protection of reinforced - DIN 1048 results for coated surfaces: one fifth of the
concrete structures against carbonation or chloride induced corrosion. limits for the unprotected surfaces defined in
Work includes, but not necessarily limited to coating for: Paragraph
- Piers, columns, frames and exposed surfaces of - AASHTO T 277 test results for coated surfaces:
abutments and retaining walls. charge passed should be less than 500 coulombs.
- Deck soffit and sides and other exposed surfaces of deck. Testing
- Precast concrete girders and other precast concrete
elements. 1 Testing of the coating shall conform to the following:
- Concrete parapets. - Carbon dioxide diffusion resistance (R value)
Taywood Engineering Laboratories Submittals
- Water vapor transmission
1 Proprietary special coating system for the protection of exposed Taywood Engineering Laboratories
concrete surfaces shall be proposed by the Contractor and shall be - Chloride ion diffusion
subject to the Engineer's approval. Submittal shall include the details Taywood Engineering Laboratories
of the coating type and coating manufacturer and a list of projects,
- Reduction in chloride ion penetration
executed in environmental conditions similar to those experienced in
BS 1881: Part 124
the project site, in which the same protective coating system was
successfully used. - Tear resistance
2 The Contractor's submittal shall be accompanied by the
manufacturer's detailed product specifications together with - Crack bridgeability
BRE method
2 Where test methods are not specified, the procedure for 5.11.3 Construction Requirements
establishing compliance with the specification requirements shall be General
agreed with the Engineer.
1 The Contractor shall adhere strictly to the manufacturer's
5.11.2 Materials recommendations regarding the use, storage, application and safety
rules in respect of the approved materials. General
2 During storage, mixing and application, the Contractor shall
1 The coating system shall consist of a penetrating, reactive comply with the health and safety and environmental protection
primer and an acrylic topcoat system to minimize ingress of acidic recommendations of the manufacturer and governing authorities.
gases, chlorides and water. Inspection of Concrete Primer
1 The Contractor shall not proceed with the surface finish or
1 The primer shall be a low viscosity silane-siloxane acrylic blend making good of concrete surfaces until he has received the Engineer’s
dissolved in a penetrating organic carrier. The primer shall have the permission to do so and he shall not apply cement slurry or mortar or
capability to penetrate and produce a chemically bound hydrophobic any other coating to the concrete surfaces from which the formwork
barrier to prevent the passage of chloride and sulfate ions. The primer has been struck until the Engineer has inspected and approved the
shall also be film forming to condition and stabilize the substrate prior concrete.
to the application of the topcoat. The primer shall be applied in full Surface Preparation
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
1 Before application, all surfaces must be dry and free from oil, Topcoat
grease, loose particles, decayed matter, moss or algae growth and
1 The topcoat shall be a pure aliphatic acrylic resin, decorative, general curing compounds.
high performance water based, pigmenting coating. It shall have 2 All such contamination and laitance must be removed by the use
resistance to water, carbon dioxide and other air-borne acids and have of sweep sand blasting, high pressure jetting or equivalent mechanical
the ability to allow passage of water vapor from within the structure. means.
The topcoat shall have elastomeric and flexural capabilities. The color
3 Before proceeding to apply the protective coatings, all surfaces
shall be selected by the Engineer.
which are not to be coated, but which may be affected by the Specifications application of the coating shall be fully masked.
4 Blow holes and areas of pitting shall be made good with a one
1 The material employed for the coating shall comply with the
part modified cementitious material and allowed to cure in accordance
following requirements:
with the manufacturer’s recommendations. In particular, the
- Wet film thickness 650 microns application shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
- Dry film thickness 400 microns recommendations, with respect to the maximum application thickness.
- Carbon dioxide diffusion Approval Prior to Coating Application
resistance R value at 325
greater than 161 m 1 The Engineer’s approval must be obtained prior to applying the
- Water vapor transmission greater than 13 coating system in the works. Before giving the approval, the Engineer
g/ will need to be satisfied as to the following:
- Chloride ion diffusion 3.63 x 10-10 All construction work in the immediate vicinity of the
cm2/sec structure to be coated has been completed.
The surface preparation of the structure has been
- Reduction in chloride ion
penetration minimum 94 % at
28 days The whole of the structure can be coated in a continuous
- Tear resistance 7.3 kN/mm2
Adequate measures have been taken to protect the property
- Crack bridgeability 1.5 mm of third parties, including vehicles, from coating splatters.
- Adhesion minimum 1.0 The weather conditions accord with the coating
N/mm2 manufacturer’s directions for coating application.
- Reduction in water absorption minimum 82 Application
(measured against a control % at 28 days
concrete sample) when tested at a 1 The exposed concrete surfaces shall be conditioned by the
water-cement ratio
application of the penetrating hydrophobic primer. The primer shall
be allowed to dry in accordance with the manufacturer’s requirements.
2 The Contractor shall then apply two coats of the pigmented
topcoat in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The
finished coating shall be pinhole free. The color and finish shall be
agreed with the Engineer.
3 The coating shall be applied by spray, roller or brush to achieve - Loading Scenarios, Loading Trucks and Load
a finish acceptable to the Engineer. Test Procedure and drawings.
- Visual inspection before the test. Visual
5.11.4 Method of Measurement, Basis of inspection during the test and after the
Payment and Bill of Quantities completion of test.
- Test Results and Conclusions.
1 No separate measurement is made for protective coating and no
items are included in the Bill of Quantities for direct payment. 5.12.2 Description
The work is considered as subsidiary work, the cost of which
will be deemed to be included in the unit rates for the relevant 1 Bridges shall be tested only if requested by the Engineer.
BOQ Items for concrete described and measured for payment 2 The aim of the testing is not to measure the actual factor of
under the provisions of Section 5.1 “Concrete Materials and safety of the bridge but intended to verify the design and construction
Mixes”. of the bridge under normal loading conditions. Measurements are,
2 Protective coating for underground concrete, as insulating paint accordingly, meant to give an order of magnitude and fine precision is
(bitumen), is measured separately as waterproofing material as not required.
listed under paragraphs 5.10.4, 5.10.5 and 5.10.6. 3 The date of conducting the load testing shall be fixed by the
Engineer and shall be at least 90 days after all concrete structural
5.12 Bridge Load Testing elements are constructed. Load testing may be carried out before or
after opening the bridge for traffic.
5.12.1 Guidelines 4 If the bridge is open to traffic before being load tested, the
Engineer may impose restrictions on highway loading over the bridge
1 The Engineer will require the Contractor to carry out bridge load
until testing is satisfactorily completed, such as banning the passage
test (static and dynamic) through a specialized agency with minimum
of heavy traffic loading of the order of the Oman Special Truck, or
15 years’ experience in bridge load testing field, as per the contract
any other measures.
specification. Should the Engineer in his opinion, suspect the quality
of the bridge to be affected by any of the following: 5 Load testing comprises:
Concrete Quality: Application of load as described in Clause 5.12.2.
Detailed visual inspection before, during and after the
Deficient concrete quality,
testing as described in Clause 5.12.3.
Improper curing observation,
Measurement of deflections and other quantities as
Abnormal appearance of concrete
described in Clause 5.12.4.
Defects such as cracks, honeycombs, loose pockets.
Exposure of concrete to high temperature, 6 If the Works include a number of similar bridges testing may be
limited as follows:
Pre-stressing Quality:
At least one bridge shall be tested for all the tests specified
Defects during pre-stressing such as higher slip losses, or
in this Sub-Section.
strand breakage, less or more elongation,
The other bridges may be subject only to testing by static
Accidental impact or abnormal / excessive loading of bridge or any of loads.
its component. The latter test may be further simplified by reducing the
3 The cost of the bridge load test shall be borne by the Contractor. number of tests. It is recommended, however, to measure
The Contractor shall conduct the bridge load test and detailed the deflection at, at least, one point per span.
report shall be submitted considering the following points: 7 Bridges are considered similar when their superstructures have
the same design, same material specifications and are constructed by
The Engineer will provide reference values for the
maximum straining action of Bridge superstructure the same contractor.
(i.e. moment and shear) and Contractor shall be 8 If the results of the load testing are unfavorable, and leave some
responsible to providing the loading scheme for static doubt as to the ability of the bridge to withstand the loads it is
and moving loads and supporting calculations to
supposed to carry, more elaborate testing shall be considered,
show that the design test moment and shear are
attained by this loading scheme. including non-destructive full-scale testing.
4 The stipulations of this Clause are set as minimum requirements. 2 Measurement of the deflections will be carried out by
In particular cases, when there is doubt about the quality of the bridge, topographic equipment or by deflectometers installed on scaffoldings
the Engineer may impose more severe loads. independent of the structure as instructed by the Engineer.
3 If specified or instructed by the Engineer, additional Testing by Static Load
measurements may be requested such as the strains in the steel
1 The loaded trucks shall be positioned on the carriageways and reinforcement and/or concrete surface.
grouped together in the longitudinal and transverse directions such 4 Digital recording of measurements by electronic means is
that the straining actions they develop are between 67 and 75 percent encouraged for important structures, particularly for strain
of the maximum straining actions developed by all unfactored loading measurements and moving load testing. It may be imposed by
cases. instruction of the Engineer.
2 The straining actions considered do not include any load factor 5 The ambient temperature shall be recorded with every
magnification. measurement made.
3 The test starts by loading the bearings before applying any loads 6 A report shall be prepared by the Contractor including the
on the spans in order to activate immediately the bearing deformation, testing procedure, measurements, interpretation and conclusion.
and then the measured deflections will be significant.
4 Bridges with simply supported spans shall have the loads 5.12.6 Method of Measurement
applied independently on every span.
1 Load testing of the bridge shall be measured by the number of
5 Bridges with continuous spans shall have the loads applied
bridges tested as instructed by the Engineer, inclusive of all static load
independently on every span, then on every two adjacent spans, with
cases and moving load testing and inclusive of the provision and
no loads on the others, to obtain the maximum hogging (negative)
operation of the loaded trucks, measuring and recording equipment of
bending moment over the support. The latter loading shall be repeated any type and their calibration, platforms and scaffoldings for visual
for every intermediate support.
inspection and of accepted testing report.
6 The loads shall be applied gradually, one truck at a time. After
each load increment, there will be a consolidation period of one hour, 5.12.7 Basis of Payment
or as instructed by the Engineer, during which no load is applied.
Measurements shall be recorded at the beginning and end of the 1 The amount of completed and accepted work measured as
loading increment period and of the consolidation period. provided for above shall be paid at the unit rates in the Bill of
Quantities. These rates shall be full compensation for the provision of
7 Removal of the load shall also be done by equal decrements with
labor, materials, equipment, tools and other items necessary for proper
a consolidation period of one hour, or as instructed by the Engineer.
completion of the Work.
Measurements shall be recorded at the beginning and end of the
loading decrement period and of the consolidation period.
5.12.8 Items in the Bill of Quantities Testing by Moving Load
i Bridge loading test nr.
1 Out of the loaded trucks used for static loading of the bridge, a
number shall be selected equal to the number of traffic lanes.
The selection shall consider those with the heaviest axle loads.
The trucks shall travel in one direction along the whole length
of the bridge at the largest possible speed with due
consideration of safety measures.
2 Measurements shall be recorded during passage of the moving
5.12.5 Measurements
1 As a minimum the deflections of each span and the deformation
of the bearings shall be measured.