Coordination: Complexes Cobalt
Coordination: Complexes Cobalt
Coordination: Complexes Cobalt
The American Chemical Society has established guide- One of the six ligands in the octahedral system is substan-
lines for undergraduate education calling for an increased tially more labile than the other five, making it possible to
emphasis on inorganic and descriptive chemistry. One possi- carry out displacement reactions to generate the various
ble way of implementing these changes in our curricula is to pentamine complexes:
reorganize the general chemistry sequence. By necessity,
this approach will also require a revision of the introductory [Co(NH3)5NH3]3+ + L1'(excess)
[Co(NH3)5L](3+,?)+ + NHa
laboratory. Typically, laboratory experiments in general In this equation, q denotes the charge on the ligand L. In the
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chemistry emphasize physical and analytical methods. To preparations described here, q 0 (H20, NH3) or q
1 = —
lack of visually exciting experiments that expose students to solution by excess HC1.
the full experience of chemistry.
These problems can, in part, be diminished by incorporat- 2[Co(NH3)5L]<3+"H(aq) + (3 + <j)Cl-(aq, excess)
ing more chemical synthesis into the introductory laborato- -*
ry. Syntheses of coordination complexes are particularly at- 2[Co(NH3)sL]Cl(3+?)(s)
tractive because they are easy to carry out in high yield, they If these reactions are carried out in aqueous media con-
involve relatively simple stoichiometries, and they provide a
taining only the ligands of interest and innocuous counter
variety of highly colored compounds. Several experiments ions (H30+, OH-), the resulting solid products are suffi-
on coordination chemistry have appeared in this Journal-,
most of these have emphasized the chemistry of Co(III). ciently pure that recrystallization or other purification
methods are unnecessary.
Sebera (1) and Wilson (2) published two of the earliest
experiments. More recently, Alexander and Dorsey (3) and
Loehlin et al. (4) described freshman laboratory projects in Experimental
which Co(III) complexes are prepared and studied. There
have also been reports on the synthesis of optically active All procedures were adapted from either Schlessinger (17)
Co(III) complexes (5, 6), and there are brief descriptions of
or Jolly (18).
the syntheses of [Co(NH3)5C1]C12 (7), [Co{en)2Cl2]Cl (8), and 1. Synthesis of [Co(NH3)5CI]Cl2
[Co(en)3]3 (9). One paper concerns a number of metal acetyl- a fume hood, add 10 g of ammonium chloride to 60 mL concen-
acetonate complexes (10), and experiments concerning Ni trated aqueous ammonia in a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask. (The com-
(11,12), Fe (13,14), and Cu (15,16) have appeared. Most of bination of NH4CI and NH3(aq) guarantees a large excess of the
these papers describe the synthesis of just one or two com- NH3 ligand.) Stir the ammonium chloride solution vigorously using
pounds, and emphasize detailed characterization. In this a magnetic stirring plate while adding 20 g of finely divided C0CI2 •
paper, we describe an experiment involving synthesis and 6H20 in small portions. Next, add 16 mL 30% hydrogen peroxide to
spectral studies of a series of [Co(NH3)5L] complexes (L = the brown Co slurry, using a buret that has been set up in the hood
NH3, Cl-, H20, N02-, and ONO-) that not only gives gener- and filled by the laboratory instructor. An addition rate of about 2
al chemistry students an introduction to inorganic synthesis drops per second is usually sufficient, but care should be taken to
avoid excessive effervescence in this exothermic reaction. (If the
but also allows them to conduct a systematic study on the reaction shows signs of excessive effervescence, turning off the mag-
effect of different ligands on absorption spectra. netic stirrer momentarily will usually prevent overflow of the solu-
tion.) When the effervescence has ceased, add 60 mL cone. HC1 with
Background continuous stirring, pouring about 1-2 mL at a time. At this point,
The preparation of Co(III) pentamine complexes is car- the reaction may be removed from the hood. Use a Bunsen burner to
ried out most conveniently starting from CoCl2 6H20, •
heat the solution to 60 °C with occasional stirring. Hold the tem-
which is both inexpensive and quite stable. The first step in perature between 55 °C and 65 °C for 15 min; this incubation period
the syntheses of these complexes requires oxidation to con- is necessary to allow complete displacement of all aquo ligands. Add
vert the metal from the +2 to the +3 oxidation state. The 50 mL deionized water, and allow the solution to cool to room
oxidation reaction is best carried out using concentrated temperature. Collect the purple product by filtration through a
Buchner funnel; wash it three times with 15 mL cold deionized
H202 in basic ammoniacal solution. Hydrogen peroxide as an water and twice with 15 mL ice-cold 95% ethanol. (The solutions
oxidizing agent generates only OH- as reduced product, and must be cold to prevent undue loss of product by redissolving.)
the presence of ammonia guarantees that the Co3+ will be Transfer the product to a crystallizing dish, loosely cover with Al
stabilized immediately by formation of amine complex(es). foil, and allow to dry until the following laboratory period.
(The Co3+ ion is not stable in aqueous media since it forms Caution: 30% hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizing agent that
the strongly oxidizing hexaquo complex.) will cause severe burns and bleaching of skin and clothing. Burets
should only be filled by qualified laboratory instructors, and stu-
H202(aq) + 2e- — 20H- dents should be warned of the potential hazards of this reagent.
2Co2+ —
2Co'i+ + 2e-
2. Synthesis of [Co(NH3)JH20)]CI3
2Co3+ + 12NH3 —
2[Co(NH3)6]3+ Place 5.0 g of [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 in a 250-mL Erlenmeyer flask, and
Net: 2Co2+ + H,02 + 12NH3 —
2[Co(NH3)6]3+ + 20H- add 75 mL of 5% aqueous ammonia. (Using aqueous ammonia as the
5. Synthesis of {Co(NH3)e\Ci3
Add 5.0 g of CoCl2 6H20 and 3.3 g of NH^Cl to 30 mL water in a