Synthetic Detergent BIS Standard
Synthetic Detergent BIS Standard
Synthetic Detergent BIS Standard
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IS 4956: 2002
Indian Standard
(Second Revision )
ICS 71.100.40
BIS 2002
NEW DELHI 110002
April 2002
Price Group 7
Soaps and other Surface Active Agents Sectionai Committee, CHD 25
This Indian Standard (Second Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Soaps and other Surface Active Agents Sectional Committee had been approved by the Chemical Division
Synthetic detergents or non-soapy detergents (NSD), as they are usually termed, are products specially formulated
to promote the development of detergency, and comprise essential components (surface active agents), and
generally, complementary components like builders, etc. The NSD produced in this country at present are
mainly of the alkyl aryl type, such as sodium salt of dodecyl benzene sulphonic acid and thus they are different
from soaps, the other class of detergents, which are mainly sodium salts of higher fatty acids. The limitations of
soaps for use in hard water areas have led to the development of synthetic detergents.
This standard was first published in 1968 and subsequently revised in 1977, during which the requirement for
matter insoluble in alcohol and non detergent organic matter were dropped, the limit for moisture content was
reduced and the requirement for active ingredient for Type 2 of the material was increased from 30 to 40 percent
and that for Type I was reduced from 40 to 35 percent based on that periods industrial practice. The method for
determination of active matter by cationic titration was also incorporated.
This revision is taken up to incorporate the declaration of ingredients used in the manufacture of detergents in
the marking clause and also to incorporate the existing six amendments to this standard.
This standard contains 5.1 which calls for agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
A scheme for labelling environment friendly products known as EcO Mark has been introduced at the instance
of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MEF), Government of lndia. The ECO Mark would beadministered
by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIs) under the BIS Act, 1986 as the Resolutions No. 71 dated 21 February
1991 and No. 425 dated 28 October 1992 published in the Gazette ofthe Government of India. For a product to
be eligible for marking with ECO logo, it shall also carry the ISI Mark of BIS besides meeting additional
environment friendly requirements. The requirement to be satisfied for a product to qualify for the BIS Standard
Mark for ECo friendliness, has been included in this revision. These requirements will be optional; manufacturing
units will be free to opt for the ISI mark alone also.
It is necessary that the raw materials used in the production are such that inthe concentrations in which they
will be present in the finished product, after interaction with the raw material usedin the formulation, are free
from any harmful effects. For determining the suitability ofa new formulation or of a new raw material used in
old formulations in the skin, reference may be made to IS 1 1601 (Part 1).
The Composition of the Committee responsible for formulation of this standard is given in Annex J.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
Is 2: 1960 Rules for rounding offnumerical values (revised)'. The number ofsignificant places retained in the
rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 4956:2007
Indian Standard
1 SCOPE b)Type2- Paste, and
This standard prescribes requirements and methods c)Type3- Liquid.
of sampling and test for synthetic anionic detergents 5 REQUIREMENTS
for industrial purposes.
5.1 Description
The active ingredient shall be the sodium salt of alkyl
The Indian Standards listed below contain provisions benzene sulphonic acid conforming to IS 8401. The
which through reference in this text, constitute formulation may contain one or more of the builders
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, r additives given in Annex A or any other builders
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are or additives keeping in view the end-use of the product.
subject to revision, and parties to agreements based
on this standard are encouraged to investigate the 5.2 The material shall be in the form of free flowing
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the powders, paste or clear liquid, free from visible dirt
standards indicated below: and impurities. It shall not give any unpleasant odour
It shall have good cleaning and lathering properties.
IS No. Title
5.3 The material shall pass the test for skin sensitiza-
286: 1978 Methods of sampling and test for tion potential when evaluated as per the method
soaps (second revision) prescribed in IS 11601(Part 1) and for skin sensitiza-
1070: 1992 Reagent grade water{third revision) tion potential when evaluated as per the method
4707 Classification for cosmetics raw
prescribed in IS 11601 (Part 2).
(Part 1): 1988 materials and adjuncts: Part 1 dyes,
colours and pigments (first revision) 5,4 The material shall also comply with the require
Methods for random sampling ments given in Table 1.
4905: 1968
7597: 1974 Glossary of terms relating to surface
5.5 Additional Requirements for ECO Mark
active agents
8401 1994 Alkyl benzene sulphonic acid (acid 5.5.1 General Requirements
slurry) (first revision) The product shall conform to the requirements
l1601 Method of safety evaluation of
for quality, safety and performance prescribed
synthetic detergent: under 5.1 to 5.4.
(Part ): I986 Method of test for irritant potential
of synthetic detergents The manufacturer shall produce to BIS
1992 Method of test for skin sensitization
environmental consent clearance from the concerned
(Part 2):
potential of synthetic detergents State Pollution Control Board as per the provisions of
(Guinea pig maximization test) Water (Prevention and Control ofPollution) Act, 1974
13933 1995 Method of test for ready biodegrada and Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
bility of surface active agents (Modi 1981 along with the authorization, if required, under
fied Strum test) the Ervironment (Protection) Act, 1986 while applying
for ECO Mark.
5.5.2 Specific Requirements
For the purpose of this standard, the definitions given
in IS 7597 shall apply. The material shal not contain any phosphate
when tested as per the method given in Annex D of
4 TYPES IS 4955.
The material shall be of follow ing three types based The material shall pass the test when evaluated
on its physical form, namely: for irritant potential as per the method prescribed in
IS 1601 (Part 1) and for skin sensitization potential
a) Type 1-Powder or Flakes,
IS 4956: 2002
(Clause 5.1)
B-1.3 Air-Oven-preferably electrically heated, with Moisture and volatile matter, (M-m)x 100
temperature control device for maintaining Content, percent by mass
temperature at 105 + 1°C.
B-2 PROCEDURE M = mass in g of the material taken for the test,
Weigh accurately about 5g of the material into a dry
mass in g of the material after drying.
tared dish, and dry to constant mass in an air-oven at
a temperature of 105 1°C. Cool in a desiccator and
IS 4956: 2002
[Table 1, SI No. (i)]
IS 4956: 2002
[Table 1, SI No. (i) and Clause C-1]
D-1 APPARATUS bath for about 2 minutes. Stir and break up any hard
D-1.1 Beakers- 150 ml and 1 000 ml lump with a glass rod flattened at one end. Allow the
capacity. solid matter to settle and decant the hot alcoholic
D-1.2 Buchner Flask-500 ml capacity, fitted with solution through a sintered glass filter funnel fitted to
a sintered
glass filter funnel (porosity 4). a Buchner flask to which suction is
applied. Repeat
the alcoholic digestion in a similar manner with 5
D-1.3 Evaporating Basin
further consecutive 30 ml portions of boiling ethyl
D-1.4 Separating Funnel- 1 000 ml alcohol. Filter each extract in turn through the same
sintered glass funnel and finally, wash the residue
D-1.5 Steam-Bath
several times with hot ethyl alcohol to remove all the
D-1.6 Wide-Mouthed Flat-Bottomed alcohol soluble. Evaporate the combined filtrate to a
200 ml capacity.
Flask simall bulk in an evaporating dish and transfer it to a
separating funnel. Rinse the evaporating dish once
D-1.7 Air-Oven- to maintain a temperature of
with 50 ml of 96 percent ethyl alcohol and then four
100 + 1°C, with temperature control device.
times with 50 ml portions of water. Add each wash in
D-2 REAGENTS turn to the separating funnel. Add 150 ml of diethyl
ether, swirl gently to ensure adequate mixing, and
D-2.1 Caustic Soda Solution- 10 percent
(mv). allow the two phases to separate. Run off the aqueous
D-2.2 Ethyl Alcohol-30 percent, 96 percent, and alcoholic layer into a second separating funnel, and
absolute (vv). extract twice with 75 ml portions of diethyl ether.
Transfer the aqueous alcoholic phase into a beaker,
D-2.3 Diethyl Ether and combine the three ether extracts.
evaporate nearly to dryness on a water-bath, and drive carbonates (see D-, add 2 ml of concentrated
offthe remaining solvent by directinga gentle stream nitric acid and 20 ml of standard silver nitrate solution.
of dry air into the flask whilst continuously rotating Add 3 ml of nitrobenzene and shake vigorously. Titrate
the latter in the water-bath. A thin film of active with standard ammonium thiocyanate solution using
ingredient, easy to dry, is thereby obtained. Add 10 ml ferric ammonium sulphate as indicator.
of acetone, evaporate and remove the last traces of
D- Calculation
solvent as described above, cool in a desiccator and
weigh. Heat the flask for not more than 5 minutes in Mass in g of M
an air-oven at temperature of 100 1°C, gently blow sodium chloride 0.058 5(20 N,-V,N,)x
respectively. and
M, = mass in g of the extract taken for analysis
D-3.4.1 Determination of Alkali Carbonates
in D-3.4.1.
Weigh accurately about 1gofthe extract. Dissolve it D-3.5 Weigh accurately about 1 g of the extract.
in cold water, add a few drops of methyl orange Dissolve in water and make up to 500 ml. Follow the
indicator and titrate with standard sulphuric acid to titration procedure given in C-4.1 taking 10 ml of the
methyl orange end point. solution for titration.
D- Calculation
Mass in g of sodium carbonate = 0.053 PN, x M
M2 Molecular mass of sodium (100 M - M2)x M
where salt ofsulphonic acid
5xVx Ti
=volume in ml of standard sulphuric acid where
solution used,
M,= percent by mass of sodium carbonate
of the standard sulphuric acid
N normality (see D-3.4.1)
solution, M, = percent by mass of sodium chloride
M, = mass in g of the total extract (see D-3.3),
(see D-3.4.2),
and M = mass in g of the extract taken,
M, = mass in g of the extract taken for analysis.
V = volume in ml of benzethonium chloride
D- Reserve the solution for the estimation of solution added, and
chlorides. T= molarity of benzethonium chloride
D-3.4.2 Determination of Chlorides solution.
E-1.1 This method is not applicable to materials E-2.6 Cooling Mixture - Iso-propyl alcohol or
showing reverse solubility temperature effect. ethanol to which solid carbon dioxide or ice-salt
mixture is added as required.
E-1.2 The clear point is defined as the temperature at
which the clarification occurs under the conditions of E-3 PROCEDURE
the test.
E-3.1 Place 25 ml ofthe liquid product itself in one of
E-2 APPARATUS the tubes and cool it whilst carefully stirring to avoid
incorporation of air bubbles, until solid material
E-2.1 Beaker-2-litre capacity to serve as a water
bath. separates, and the material under test becomes solid
and opaque.
E-2.2 Wide-Mouthed Bottle -450-ml capacity,
E-3.2 If no solid material separates after cooling up
height 190 mm and inside diameter of neck 38 mm.
to 0°C, the test shall be discontinued and the sample
E-2.3 Test Tube- 10 mm in length and 25 mm in shall be taken as passing the requirement of the test.
E-3.3 Ater solid separation has taken place, heat the
E-2.4 Stirrer Made of stainless steel or glass with bath gradually whilst stirring, until the solution
onc end bent in the form of a loop of 19 mm outside becomes clear. Note the temperature at which this
diameter. ocurs and record it as the clear point of the solution.
[Table 1, Sl No. (iv)]
F-1 GENERAL dioxide, and shall be protected with soda lime or soda
asbestos while cooling and in storage. The pH of this
pH determination shall be made in an acid-free
water shall be between 6.2 and 7.2 at 30°C. The residue
atmosphere. on evaporation when heated at 105°C for one hour
F-2 APPARATUS shall not exceed 0.5 mg/1.
Any standard electrometric instrument, equipped with Any two suitable buffer solutions within the pH range
a low sodiunm error glass electrode. The instrument of 9 to 11 at 30°C for calibrating the pH meter.
shall be calibrated and standardized with standard
buffer solution (see F-3.2) before use.
Weigh 10 + 0.001 g of the material and transfer to a
F-2.2 Volumetric Flask- 1 000 ml capacity.
one litre volumetric flask. Partially fill the flask with
F-2.3 Beaker- 100 ml capacity. distilled water and agitate until the sample is
completely dissolved. Adjust the temperature of the
F-3 REAGENTS solution and the distilled water to 30 +0.5°C, and fill
F-3.1 Distilled Water to the calibration mark with distilled water. Stopper
the flask, mix thoroughly, and aliow the solution to
Distilled water shall be boiled thoroughly or purged stand at a temperature of 30°C for two hours ior to
with carbon dioxide-free air to remove carbon dioxide, measuring the pH. Measure the pH of the solution
and shall be protected with soda lime or soda carbon using a glass electrode.
IS 4956 : 2002
[Table 1, SI No. (v)]
G-1 PROCEDURE G-1.2 Change the receiver, extract the residue with
successive portions of distilled water at about 60°C,
G-1.1 Weigh accurately about 5 g ofthe material into
and wash the residue several times to remove all the
a beaker and digest with 50 ml of ethyl alcohol by
water solubles. Dry the sintered glass funnel with the
heating on a steam-bath for about 2 minutes. Stir and
residue in an air-oven at a temperature of 105 + 2°C
break up any hard lump with a glass rod flattened at
until constant mass is obtained.
one end. Allow the solid matter to settle and decant
the hot alcoholic solution through a sintered glass filter G-1.3 Calculation
funnel fitted to a Buchner flask to which suction is
applied. Repeat the alcoholic digestion in a similar Matter insoluble in water, percent by mass= 100
manner with 5 further consecutive 30 ml portions of M
boiling ethyl alcohol. Filter each extract in turn
through the same sintered glass funnel and, finally,
wash the residue several times with hot ethyl alcohol m = mass in g of the matter insoluble in water,
(Clause 7.1)
H-1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS H-1.1.6 The samples shall be stored in such a manner
that the temperature of the material does not vary
drawing, preparing, storing and
H-1.I In handling8 unduly from the normal temperature, and that they
samples, the following precautions shall be observed. are protected from light.
H-1.1.1 Samples shall be taken in a protected place,
not exposed to damp air, dust or soot. H-2 SCALE OF SAMPLING
IS 4956 2002
Table 2 Scale of Sampling H-3.2.2 The remaining portion of the material in each
one of the gross samples shall be divided into three
(Clause H-2.2)
equal parts, each forming an individual sample. One
No of Packages No. of Packages set of individual samples representing the n selected
in the Lot to be Selected packages shall be for the purchaser, another for the
(N) () supplier, and the third for the referee.
() (2) H-3.2.3 Allthe composite and individual samples shall
4 to 15 3 be transferred to separate containers. These containers
16 to 40 shall then be sealed air-tight with stoppers, and
41 to 65 5
labelled with full particulars of identification given
66to 110
in H-1.1.5.
111 and above 10
H-3.3 Referee Samples
NOTE-When the size ofthe lot is 3 packages or less, the number
ofcontainers to be sclccted and the criteria for judging the con- H-3.3.1 The referee samples shall consist of a
formity of the lot to the specification shall be as agreed to between
the purchaser and the supplier. composite sample and a set of n individual samples.
All the containers shall bear the seals of both the
H-2.3 The packages shall be selected at random. In purchaser and the supplier, and shall be kept at a place
order to ensure the randomness of selection, a random agreed to between the two parties.
number table shall be used. For guidance and use of
H-3.3.2 Referee samples shall be used in cases of any
random number tables, IS 4905 may be used.
dispute between the purchaser and the supplier.
In the absence ofa random number table, the following
procedure may be adopted: H-4 NUMBER OF TESTS
'Starting from any package in the lot, count them in H-4.1 Tests for the determination ofcharacteristics of
one order as 1, 2, 3 up to r and so on where r is the active ingredient shall be performed on each of the
integral part of N/n (N being the lot size and n the individual samples .
number of packages to be selected). Every th package H-4.2 Tests for determination of the remaining
thus counted shall be withdrawn to given the required characteristics specified in Table 1 shall be conducted
sample size. on the composite sample.
H-5.1 For ndividual Samples
H-3.1 Gross Samples
For the characteristics which has been determined on
H-3.1.1 From each one of the packages seiected as the individual samples, the mean (X) and the range
inH-2, draw at random one or more containers so (R) of the test results shall be calculated as follows:
chosen shall be nearly thrice the quantity required for
purposes of test as indicated in H-4. Mean (X) = nC Sum of testresults
Number of test results
H- The material from the containers selected
Range (R) = the difference between the maximum
as in H-3.1.! shall be disintegrated, if necessary, and
mixed thoroughly to give the gross sample for the and the minimum value of the test
package. results.
a) The value of the expression (X - KR) shall
H-3.2 Test Samples
be calculated from the relevant test results
H-3.2.1 Segregate carefully the gross samples. From see also H-5.1 (b)]. If the value so obtained
each gross sample, take a small but equal quantity of is greater than or equal to minimum limit,
material and mix it, thoroughly into a composite the lot shall be declared as conforming to the
sample which should be of a size sufficient to carry requirement for that characteristic.
out triplicate testing for all the characteristics
specified b) The value of the factor K referred to
under H-4. The composite samples representing each in H-5.1 (a) shall be chosen in accordance
type of synthetic detergent shall be divided into three with Table 3, depending upon the acceptable
equalparts one for the purchaser, another for the quality level, that is the percentage of non-
supplier, and the third for the referee. conforming packages that may be tolerated
IS 4956 : 2002
IS 4956: 2002
Soaps and other Surface Active Agents Sectional Committee, CHD 25
Organization Representatve(s)
IS 4956: 2002
(Contimed from poge 12)
Deputy Director (Chem), BIS
Bureau of Indian Standards
Amendments are issucd to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
BIS Caialogue' and 'Standards:
Monthly Additions'.
This Indian Standard has been
developed from Doc No. CHD 25 (910).
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