Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry
Russian Journal of Coordination Chemistry
Abstract—Chemical equilibria in aqueous solutions of chromium sulfate are studied and the mathematical
model of chromium complexation is developed in a wide range of concentrations (0.001–1.2 mol/l). The results
of calculations satisfactorily agree with the experimental data, which confirms the adequacy of the suggested
mathematical model of the equilibrium composition of an aqueous chromium sulfate solution. The nature of
“green” modification of Cr2(SO4)3 is established. This modification occurs in its diluted solutions (c < 0.1
mol/l) due to predominant polynuclear chromium hydroxo complexes, whereas in the concentrated solutions (c
> 0.1 mol/l), it forms due to prevailing chromium sulfate complexes. The diagram was plotted that shows the
regions with different prevailing forms of the complexes in the equilibrium system H2O–Cr2(SO4)3 at different
concentrations and pH and explains the experimental data on the basis of some physicochemical properties
(electric conductivity, viscosity, light absorption) of chromium sulfate solutions within a wide range of concen-
The solution of many scientific and practical prob- tions of the complexes in the diffusion layer can differ
lems requires data on the equilibrium composition of a significantly from those in the bulk of the solution.
solution, which makes it possible to identify what spe- The determination of the chemical state of the Cr3+
cies occur as the real kinetic units and thus participate ions in the sulfate solutions is essential due to their
in a reaction. wide use in many technological processes. Chromium
In the case with the aqueous electrolyte solutions, sulfate, as many other salts of trivalent chromium,
the equilibrium composition cannot be adequately forms “green” and “violet” solutions. Today, several
established due to the interaction of the dissolved com- viewpoints have been suggested that explained the dif-
pound with water and the formation of the hydrolysis ference between the solutions of the “green” and “vio-
products, namely, hydroxo complexes. As far as in let” modifications capable of the mutual transforma-
1908, N. Bjerrum studied the hydrolysis of Cr3+ ions tions.
and was the first to discover the formation of polynu- Most of the researchers believe that in the aqueous
clear hydroxo compounds in a solution. It was found fur- solutions of the “violet” modification, the Cr3+ ions
ther that most of the metals form polynuclear hydroxo occur as the kinetically inert hexaaqua complexes
complexes at the concentration 10–3–10–2 mol/l, [Cr(H2O)6]3+. They retain this structure also in the aque-
while many give multicharge ions at the concentrations ous concentrated solutions (up to 2.2 mol/l), with the
~10–5 mol/l [1]. The fact that the concentrated electro- secondary hydration sheath containing 15–18 water
lyte solutions, which are used in many technological molecules [2]. When the “violet” modification solu-
process, only form mononuclear complexes is an tions are heated, the anions or hydroxide ions migrate
exception rather than a rule. to the inner coordination sphere of the Cr3+ ion, and the
The mechanism of electrochemical reactions occur- violet color of the solutions change to the green color.
ring during the metal (including chromium) elec- The “green” modification of the Cr(III) salts has very
trodeposition cannot be studied without consideration composite stoichiometric composition. According to
of the equilibrium composition of the solutions. The lit- data in [3], such solutions contain the bridging tet-
erature data indicate that the efficient electrodeposition raaqua-µ-dioxydichromium(III) ion. The dependence
of chromium from electrolytes on the basis of Cr(III) of the formation of polynuclear complexes on the total
compounds can be achieved only at the specific pH val- concentration of the Cr3+ ions in the Cr(NO3)3 solutions
ues. At the same time, many recommendations are con- (0.0002–0.32 mol/l) is reported in [4] and is repre-
tradictory, which requires additional investigations of sented as a multiple system of simultaneously occur-
the pH effect on the composition of chromium com- ring equilibria.
plexes. Moreover, during electrolysis of the solutions The review of the literature data showed that the
on the basis of Cr(III) compounds, pH and concentra- composition and structure of the complexes in the
∑ β [L]
tion in its colored complex with EDTA was determined 1+ n
by the photometric method. n=1
The working solutions were prepared by diluting the The absolute error in the αn values due to an error in
initial concentrated solution and were used to record the stability constants can be determined by differenti-
the electronic absorption spectra and to determine pH, ating Eq. (1) on condition d[L] = 0:
the electric conductivity (κ), and viscosity (η). All n
working solutions were preliminarily kept on a water βn [ L ] dβ
- --------n
dα n = ----------------------------------
bath for 1 h. n=N
The electronic absorption spectra were taken in 1, 3, 1+ βn [ L ]
and 16 days after preparation of the working solutions n=1
using a SF-46 spectrophotometer with the digital read- βn [ L ]
n n=N
βn [ L ]
dβ n
out. An error in the determination of optical density in
the range of 0.1–1 was ±0.001 and ±0.005 at the higher
– ----------------------------------
- ∑
- --------.
∑ ∑
n n
values. The measurements were carried out at 20°ë in 1+ βn [ L ] n = 1 1 + βn [ L ]
the glass cells with l = 0.1 cm and water used as a ref- n=1 n=1
erence solution. The relative error (ε(αn)) for αn can be found by
The electric conductivity of solutions was deter- dβ
dividing Eq. (2) by Eq. (1) and by replacing ------ by
mined at 20°ë using a LF41 conductometer with the β
platinum electrodes. The cell was calibrated with the 2.3d log β :
0.1 M and 1 M solutions of KCl.
The viscosity of the solutions was found by the
method of the liquid outflow from the capillary using ε ( α n ) = 2.3 d log β n – ∑ α d log β
n n . (3)
viscometer calibrated against water. The dynamic vis- n=1
cosity was calculated from the densities of the aqueous If the errors in determination of the stability con-
chromium sulfate solutions converted to the tempera- stants are identical, i.e., ∆ log β 1 = ∆ log β 2 = … =
ture of 20°ë [6].
∆ log β , then Eq. (3) will acquire a simple form
After aging the solutions for 16 days, all the physic-
ochemical properties under study showed constant val-
ues, which made it possible to assume that the system ε ( α n ) = 2.3∆ log β 1 – ∑α n = 2.3α 0 ∆ log β , (4)
attained the equilibrium state. n=1
Cr2(SO4)3 were found from a system of equations of the Table 1. Chemical reactions, logarithmic thermodynamic
2– stability constants in the system H2O–Cr2(SO4)3
material balance for the Cr3+ and SO 4 ions and the
proton balance equation: Refe-
Chemical reaction logβprq
2c = β Cr ( HSO4 ) x 1 x 4 x 100
H+ + OH– H2O 14.00 [9]
P = 4R = 3Q = 7 q
r K w
2– –
+ pβ x
x ------ - , H+ + SO 4 HSO 4 1.92 [10]
prq 100 4
p=1r=0q=0 2–
Cr3+ + H+ + SO 4 [Cr(HSO4)]2+ 2.1 [11]
3c = x 4 + β HSO4 x 1 x 4 + β Cr ( HSO4 ) x 1 x 4 x 100
P = 4R = 3Q = 7 Cr3+ + SO 4
[Cr(SO4)]+ 1.3 [12]
r K
q (7)
∑∑∑ rβ prq x 100 x 4 ------w- ,
+ x1 Cr3+ + 2 SO 4
[Cr(SO4)2]– 2.0 [12]
x 1 + β HSO4 x 1 x 4 + β Cr ( HSO4 ) x 1 x 4 x 100 Cr3+ + 3 SO 4 [Cr(SO4)3]3– 2.5 [12]
Kw P = 4 R = 3 Q = 7 r K
q 2Cr3+ + 3 SO 4
[Cr2(SO4)3]0 3.5* [13]
∑∑∑ qβ prq x 100 x 4 ------w- ,
= ------- +
x1 p = 1 r = 0 q = 0 x1 2–
Cr3+ + OH– + SO 4 [Cr(OH)(SO4)]0 11.1** [14]
where Ò is the total concentration of Cr2(SO4)3 in the Cr3+ + OH– [Cr(OH)]2+ 10.1*** [4]
solution (mol/l); x1 = [H+], x4 = [OH–], x100 = [Cr3+]. Cr3+ + 2OH– [Cr(OH)2]+ 18.2 [4]
Then, the equilibrium concentrations of the remaining
species were found from Eq. (6). Cr3+ + 3OH– [Cr(OH)3]0 24.0 [4]
The mathematical model of pH effect on the distri- 2Cr3+ + OH– [Cr2(OH)]2+ 11.6 [4]
bution of chromium complexes was based on the solu- 2Cr3+ + 2OH– [Cr2(OH)2]2+ 24.2 [4]
tion of the above system of equations less the proton 3Cr3+ + 2OH– [Cr3(OH)2]7+ 24.8 [4]
balance equation, whereas the hydrogen ion concentra- 3Cr3+ + 3OH– [Cr3(OH)3]6+ 37.5 [4]
tion was preset.
3Cr3+ + 4OH– [Cr3(OH)4]5+ 48.7 [4]
3Cr3+ + 5OH– [Cr3(OH)5]4+ 59.6 [4]
3Cr3+ + 7OH– [Cr3(OH)7]2+ 80.8 [4]
The pH values of Cr2(SO4)3 solutions with different
concentrations, the fraction of the “violet” modifica- 4Cr3+ + 4OH– [Cr4(OH)4]8+ 52.4 [15]
tion, and that of the complexes of the different charge 4Cr3+ + 6OH– [Cr4(OH)6]6+ 73.6 [15]
can be easily measured. The obtained data can be used 0
to verify the validity of the mathematical model for * The stability constant is calculated from the values of ∆G f
estimating the equilibrium concentration of the species 2–
[13] for Cr2(SO4)3 and Cr3+, SO 4 ions in aqueous solutions.
occurring in the solution. Table 2 presents the calcu-
lated and experimental data of the above-mentioned ** The calculated statistical value of the formation constant for
complexes with mixed ligands.
parameters at different Cr2(SO4)3 concentrations and *** The stability constants were determined in [4] with a 0.2 M
the absolute and relative errors of calculations. The NaNO3 supporting electrolyte.
“violet” modification fraction in a 0.385 M solution of
chromium sulfate at pH 2 was found experimentally to
be 0.115 [17]. The corresponding value calculated from in the anionic and neutral complexes was 0.28 and 0.27,
the considered mathematical model was 0.085, which respectively.
agrees satisfactorily with the experimental data. Taking into account the above assumptions one can
According to the results of calculations, an increase conclude that the calculated data agree well with the
in the Cr2(SO4)3 concentration brings about a signifi- experimental results and the mathematical model
cant increase in the fraction of chromium contained in makes it possible to estimate the equilibrium concen-
neutral complexes (from 0.05 to 0.40) and a decrease in trations of species in chromium sulfate solution.
the fraction of the positively charged complexes (from
0.75 to 0.35). The chromium fraction in the negatively CALCULATION EXPERIMENT
charged complexes remains almost unchanged (0.2–
0.25). The ionic exchange experiment (with CU-2 cat- The Effect of Chromium Sulfate Concentration
ion exchanger and AN-1 anion exchanger) revealed that on the Complex Distributions
in a 0.48 M chromium sulfate solution, the chromium As follows from the calculation data in Fig. 2, an
fraction in the cationic complexes was 0.45, while that increase in the Cr2(SO4)3 concentration in electrolyte
Table 2. The calculated and experimental pH values of Cr2(SO4)3 solutions of different concentration, the fraction of “violet”
modification and of chromium in complexes with different charges
from 0.001 to 1.5 mol/l leads to a decrease of the chro- Let us analyze the distribution of chromium in dif-
mium fraction in aqua complexes from 0.69 to 0.1 and ferent complexes in more detail, depending on chro-
in hydroxo complexes, from 0.28 to 0.1, and to an mium sulfate concentration. All plots of the chromium
increase in the chromium fraction in the sulfate com- distribution refer to the complexes with the minimum
plexes from 0.03 to 0.85. The results of calculations chromium fraction 5%.
showed that in the diluted solutions of chromium sul- Distribution of hydroxo complexes. The results of
fate (Ò < 0.1 mol/l), the “green” modification is speci- calculation (Fig. 3) revealed that the total fraction of
fied by chromium hydroxo complexes in the solution, chromium in hydroxo complexes in the range of chro-
whereas in the concentrated solutions (Ò > 1 mol/l), it mium sulfate concentration 0.001–0.1 mol/l was 0.28–
occurs due the prevailing chromium sulfate complexes. 0.25. As the Cr2(SO4)3 concentration was further
increased, the Cr3+ fraction in hydroxo complexes was
decreased to reach 0.11 at 1.5 mol/l.
1.0 It was found that even at low Cr2(SO4)3 concentra-
tions (0.001 mol/l), the prevailing species in the solu-
3 tion were the polynuclear hydroxo complexes (with a
0.20 fraction of chromium); in the mononuclear com-
plexes, this fraction did not exceed 0.08 (as the
0.6 [Cr(OH)]2+ form), while it reduced almost to zero when
the chromium sulfate concentration was increased to
0.4 0.1 mol/l.
0.2 2
The polynuclear complexes mainly occur as
[Cr4(OH)4]8+ with the chromium fraction in this form
1 being increased from 0.05 to 0.2 as the Cr2(SO4)3 con-
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 centration was increased from 0.001 to 0.1 mol/l. With
cCr (SO4)3, mol/l the further increase in concentration to 1.5 mol/l, the
fraction of chromium in this complex decreased to 0.1.
Fig. 2. Chromium distribution in (1) aqua, (2) hydroxo, and In the other polynuclear hydroxo complexes
(3) sulfato complexes in equilibrium system H2O– ([Cr2(OH)]5+, [Cr2(OH)2]4+, [Cr3(OH)3]6+, [Cr3(OH)4]5+,
Cr2(SO4)3. [Cr3(OH)5]4+), the fraction of chromium did not exceed
α α
0.3 5 0.8
0.6 5
0.2 4
3 2
0.1 3 4
2 10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101
1 cCr (SO4)3, mol/l
0 2
10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101
cCr , mol/l
Fig. 3. The distribution of hydroxo complexes in H2O– Fig. 4. The distribution of chromium sulfate complexes in
Cr2(SO4)3 equilibrium system: (1) [CrOH]2+, (2) H2O–Cr2(SO4)3 equilibrium system: (1) [CrSO4]+, (2)
[Cr2(OH)2]4+, (3) [Cr2(OH)4]8+, (4) polynuclear hydroxo [Cr2(SO4)3]0, (3) [Cr(SO4)2]–, (4) [Cr(SO4)3]3–, (5) mono-
complexes, and (5) total fraction of chromium in hydroxo nuclear complexes, and (6) the total fraction of chromium in
complexes. sulfate complexes.
0.1 and decreased almost to zero as the chromium sul- When pH of an electrolyte (Fig. 5b) increases from
fate concentration increased to 0.2. 0 to 3.8, the fraction of chromium in aqua complexes
reduces from 0.45 to 0. In hydroxo complexes, the frac-
Sulfate complexes. As was shown by the results of tion of chromium grows in this case to 0.8, but it
calculations (Fig. 4), the total fraction of chromium in sharply increases when pH is higher than 1.4. The
the sulfate complexes in the range of Cr2(SO4)3 concen- change in the fraction of chromium in sulfate com-
trations from 0.001 to 1.5 mol/l increased from 0.03 to plexes exhibits the extreme nature with the maximum
0.8. Chromium was mainly found in the mononuclear (0.75) at pH 1.5.
sulfate complexes, where its fraction is maximum
(0.52) at the chromium sulfate concentration in the Thus, one can suggest that in concentrated
solution 0.3 mol/l. The maximum fraction (0.25) of Cr2(SO4)3 solutions (Ò = 0.5 mol/l) at pH < 1.5, the Cr3+
[Cr(SO4)]+ was found at the concentration of 0.1 mol/l; ions mainly occur in aqua and sulfato complexes; at
the maximum fraction (0.2) of [Cr(SO4)2]– was formed 1.8 < pH < 2.8, they occur in hydroxo and sulfato com-
plexes; at pH > 2.8, the polynuclear hydroxo complexes
at the concentration of 0.4 mol/l; the maximum fraction predominate in the solution. The results obtained also
(0.092) of [Cr(SO4)3]3– occurred at the concentration of show that the “green” modification occurs in the con-
0.7 mol/l. The polynuclear complexes are presented by centrated chromium sulfate solutions due to the prevail-
the form [Cr2(SO4)3]0 where the chromium fraction ing sulfate complexes.
sharply increases at c Cr2 ( SO4 )3 higher than 0.1 mol/l, and Now, we shall consider the chromium distribution in
at c Cr2 ( SO4 )3 = 1.5 mol/l, it reaches 0.4. In addition to the different complexes depending on pH of the chromium
sulfate solution.
above complexes, at the concentration exceeding
0.2 mol/l, the solution also contains the protonated Distribution of hydroxo complexes. It follows
complex [Cr(HSO4)]2+, whose fraction is 0.02. The from the results of calculations (Fig. 6) that the total
fraction of chromium in hydrosylfate complexes is less fraction of chromium in hydroxo complexes in the pH
than 0.01. range 0–1.2 is almost zero. As pH of a solution is fur-
ther increased, the fraction of chromium in hydroxo
complexes sharply increases and at pH 3.8, it equals
Effect of pH of Chromium Sulfate Solution 0.75. At pH values up to 3.6, the solution mainly con-
on the Distribution of Complexes in the Equilibrium tains [Cr4(OH)4]8+ with the maximum fraction of chro-
System H2O–Cr2(SO4)3 mium (0.45) being reached at pH 2.8. The further
increase in pH leads to a significant decrease in the con-
The data in Fig. 5a indicate that in the range of pH centration of this complex and in the formation of
values from 0 to 0.5, the fraction of chromium in poly- [Cr4(OH)6]6+, [Cr3(OH)4]5+, [Cr3(OH)5]4+, [Cr3(OH)6]3+,
nuclear complexes is insignificant. As pH increases [Cr3(OH)7]2+ with the maximum fraction of chromium
from 0.5 to 3.8, the chromium fraction in mononuclear in each of these complexes being less than 0.1. At pH
complexes decreases from 1 to 0.2, while in polynu- higher than 3.6, the [Cr3(OH)7]2+ complex prevails in
clear complexes, it increases respectively from 0 to 0.8. the solution that is transformed later to Cr(OH)3.
α α
1.0 0.8
0.6 6
0.6 5 1
0.4 5
1 2
4 0.2
0.2 4
3 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 pH
Fig. 6. The distribution of chromium in hydroxo complexes Fig. 7. The distribution of chromium in sulfate complexes
of H2O–Cr2(SO4)3 equilibrium system vs. pH: (1) of H2O–Cr2(SO4)3 system vs. pH: (1) [Cr(HSO)4]2+, (2)
[Cr4(OH)4]8+, (2) [Cr4(OH)6]6+, (3) [Cr3(OH)5]4+, (4) [CrSO4]+, (3) [Cr2(SO4)3]0, (4) [Cr(SO4)2]–, (5)
[Cr3(OH)7]2+, and (5) the total fraction of chromium in [Cr(SO4)3]3–, (6) mononuclear complexes, and (7) the total
polynuclear complexes (dotted line corresponds to the for- fraction of chromium in sulfate complexes (dotted line cor-
mation of chromium hydroxide). responds to the formation of chromium hydroxide).
A pH pH κ, mCm/m
4 4 6 6 20
2 18
3 3 [Cr3(OH)7]2+
[Cr4(OH)4]8+ 4 4
η, mPa s
[Cr4(OH)4]8+ 16
2 2 3
2 2 [CrSO4]+ [Cr2(SO4)3]
[Cr(H2O)6 ]3+ pH 1.25 14
1 1 1 1
[Cr(H2O)6]3+ [Cr(HSO4)]2+
[Cr(HSO4)]2+ 0 12
0 0.5 1.0 1.5
0 0 cCr (SO4)3, mol/l
0.5 1.0 1.5
cCr2(SO4)3, mol/l
Fig. 9. The diagram of regions with prevailing complexes in
H2O–Cr2(SO4)3 equilibrium system and the experimental
Fig. 8. The diagram of regions with prevailing complexes in plots of (1) pH, (2) viscosity, and (3) specific conductivity
H2O–Cr2(SO4)3 equilibrium system and the experimental of chromium sulfate solutions vs. c Cr ( SO ) .
2 4 3
plots of (1) pH and (2) light absoprtion of chromium sulfate
vs. c Cr ( SO ) .
2 4 3
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