Primary Aide-Memoire
Primary Aide-Memoire
Primary Aide-Memoire
2. Pedagogy (Q9,Q10)
Scope (Q1)
Pupils should develop a knowledge of:
What is the rationale for the activities
• Practical — Methods, techniques, media, materials, technical language, formal elements and principles of art chosen in lesson (fit for purpose)?
• Theoretical — Art movements, genres, themes, artists and art, including context and significance How well do resources and activities support
pupils’ learning?
• Disciplinary— How experts have expressed quality and value throughout history
Do pupils have ample time and opportunity to
INSPECTOR practise to build fluency?
• Do pupils learn about the compo- • Do pupils learn about the • Do pupils learn about the
Does assessment check that pupils
Primary nents knowledge of the practi-
cal content?
component knowledge of
the theoretical content?
different paradigms of
have learnt the component knowledge
of the art curriculum?
4. Culture
Contents (Q12,Q13)
time? Experimentation: Pupils try out ideas, methods potential systemic issues?
and should not be expected to •
Are pupils achieving the ambitious and convention to find original solutions.
articulate their intent as it is • What mechanisms are there for curriculum con-
outlined in this aide-memoire or goals? struction, adaption and renewal?
• Authenticity: Pupils visually perform their thinking
to provide documents which neat- • Are pupils learning the curriculum or of a issue, topic or theme. How well are staff supported in developing their
ly provide the evidence for the performing outcomes? own subject and pedagogical knowledge? What
focus areas. support are non-specialists given?
Jennifer Gibbs HMI SEND pupils (Q7) Early Years (Q8) 6. Policy (Q17,Q18,Q19)
Art & Design Subject Lead • How do you ensure those pupils who find it • How effectively does the early educa-
[email protected] most difficult to learn, are given the best tion curriculum (EYFS and KS1) prepare How do school-wide policies impact
chances to keep up? pupils for their learning in KS2? art?
Do whole-school policies, such as assessment, support and give flexibility to enable a high-
Official - For training only quality art education?
*’Art'/'Artists' is mostly used for shorthand but includes craft/craftspeople and design/designers.
Principle 1: Pupils learn ‘Practical, Theoretical Principles of Art National Curriculum 2013
and Disciplinary’ knowledge Key stage 1 pupils should be taught:
Principle 2: Pupils learn the curriculum to • to use a range of materials creatively to design
Categories of knowledge achieve ambitious goals and make products
and should not be expected to Contemporary—Collaborative and deconstructs • Methods and techniques—Mark making,
• Sequenced to activate prior knowledge and re •
hatching, cross hatching, scribble, stippling,
articulate their intent as it is -encountered in different contexts. norms.
blending, shading, enlarging, reducing, gridding,
outlined in this aide-memoire or Insight Insight sighting
to provide documents which neat- Disciplinary knowledge teaches pupils how Painting
• Teaching knowledge not activities. •
ly provide the evidence for the quality and value have been expressed • Media - Poster paint, powder paint, paint blocks,
focus areas. • Coherence is primarily concerned with learning throughout history - What is Art? watercolours
not outcomes.
Official • Pupils learn disciplinary knowledge to be able • Methods and techniques -blocking in, wet on
Non Example to engage in dialogue and debate, acquire cul- wet, building up, dry brushing
Jennifer Gibbs HMI For training only
• Treating pupils as expert without secure tural capital and be affected by art.
Art & Design Subject Lead knowledge. Sculpture
Non Example
[email protected] Planning curriculum as a series of activities to-
• Mimicking what artists do as a process— • Media– Clay, cardboard, card, found objects
wards a final piece. without secure subject knowledge. • Methods and techniques—Modelling, carving,
• Coverage of broad content – pupils do not get • Vicarious experience— cannot appreciate and fixing or joining materials such as card, soldering, to revisit. gluing,