Obtl-Art Appriciation
Obtl-Art Appriciation
Obtl-Art Appriciation
Course Description Art appreciation is the knowledge and understanding of the universal and timeless qualities that identify all great art.
The more you appreciate and understand the art of different eras, movement, style and techniques, the better you can develop, evaluate and
improve your own artwork.
At the end of this program, graduates will have the ability to:
Enumerate the
Demonstrate knowledge Determine the
Discussion on Functions of Art and essentials on
in: - Functions of Art and importance of Group Activity
Philosophy and Subject and Functions of Art and
Philosophy functions of arts and )
Subject Philosophy and
- Subject and Content its philosophy..
Subject and Content
Demonstrate knowledge
in: - Mediums and
-Define the Mediums and Elements connection - Analyze the function
Elements of - Organization QUIZ
of Visual Arts, Organization of of each mediums, of each topic under
in the Visual Arts.
Visual Arts and Elements of element and visual Group and
- Elements and Principles
Principles of Arts.. organization under arts. Individual
5-8 visual arts. Activity
Demonstrate knowledge
Film Reviewing
-Define the Art History of Asian, -Discussion of the Analyze the function
-Art History: Asian, Group Discussion Examination
western and Philippines. Identify connection of the art of each topic under
Western and Philippines - Sharing of idea (Midterm)
the elements of literature, the history in different visual
Elements of Literature and (Pair)
combined arts and drama. culture. arts.
the Combined Arts -
Demonstrate knowledge
in: Soap Carving
- Define the soul making and the - Discuss the - Determine the GROUP
-Soul making ( Soul,
mediums od music. essentials of music. Functions of music. Discussion
Sounds. Structure) Quiz
-The medium of Music.
Demonstrate knowledge Introduce the terms Group and
in: under organization Individual
- Identify the and organization of
-Elements and of music. -Sharing of Activity
music. Define the meaning of GROUP
Organization of music. -Sharing insight on connection of dance,
dance and musical structure and Discussion Examination
- Musical Structure and the history of dance music and theater.
design. (Finals)
Design in the Philippines
-Dance and musical pay.
Basic Readings Introduction to Humanities:
By: C. A. Sanchez
P. F. Abad
L. V. Jao
Art Appreciation
By: Bernardo Nicolas Caslib, Jr.
Dorothea C. Garing
Jezreel Anne R. Casual
Extended Readings To be provided
Course Assessment As identified in the Assessment Task
Course Policies
Language of Instruction