Verbatim Report #6 CPE Residency Unit 1 2022

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Verbatim Report #6 CPE Residency unit 1 2022

Educator: Beatriz Pacheco

CPE Student: Brandon W. Ross

Interviewer’s Name: Brandon W. Ross

Date of Visit 11-9-22
Initials of Patient: SW
Unit location: A4
Length of visit: 25 minutes

Part 1: Known Facts

Mrs. SW is actually a Catholic sister who is in the hospital because of health complications with
her dialysis. I did not know this until I came to her room one day to do pastoral rounds, she had
actually requested to have a priest come and do the anointing of oil and pray.

Part II: Observations

As I went to the room the pt was sitting up in bed. She was a middle aged caucasian
that had a noticeable accent. She seemed ok and willing to talk.

Part III: Assumptions from Observation and Your feelings going into the interview:

My first impression as I entered the room is that this person was sick and desperate for
prayer from her priest. However, she was not so sick that she couldn't communicate and talk.
She seemed weary after learning her story. She seemed to be a very kind person and strong
Catholic since she had dedicated her entire life to the Lord to be a Nun (catholic sister). I
wondered if she would receive ministry from me or want me to pray with her or talk to her since I
was not a Catholic Priest. However, I was willing to minister to her if she was open to it.

IV. Purpose / Focus

I want to use this verbatim to reflect on the encounter with this individual and to learn
together with my CPE peer group things that went well during this encounter, and also things I
could do better in ministering to the pt and meeting their needs. This process should help me to
reach one of my learning goals to become a better listener and how to effectively minister to
patients and to understand the real needs of the patients and to truly have a patient centered
visit that addresses their needs that most need to be dealt with to bring them to wholeness and
V. Dialogue:

SW= The patient

BR= Chaplain
( ) = Non-verbals, self talk

BR 1: (Knock) Hello I am Brandon, one of the Chaplains here at the hospital, is now a good
time for a visit?

SW1: Yes, come in.

BR 2: I had a request on my computer that you may want to have a Priest come and visit you?

SW 2: ( Making eye contact with me and nodding her head affirmingly) Yes, I actually would like
to have a priest come and pray and anoint me with oil.

BR 3: That's a great idea. I would be happy to call the priest at the local Catholic church. Do
you have a particular church you are a part of ? And would you like me to call the priest from
that church?

SW 3: I live and go the the Nazarene Retreat Center, but you can call a local priest that would
be fine.

BR 4: Ok, I will call the priest and see if they can come for you. So, are you a nun?

SW4: Yes I am

BR5: Well, I am not Catholic, but I think we have much in common, we have the same Lord that
died for us. I also have always thought it could be a great vocation to be a monk because it
seems they would be able to be seperated unto the Lord and focus completely on the Lord and
not get so bogged down by the world and the cares of life. I'm thankful for my family, but as the
apostle Paul said, a single person can be completely focussed on the Lord and not have to
worry how to please his wife and things like that.

SW5: Yes, I agree.

BR 6: So, why are you in the hospital?

SW6: I am on Dialysis and having some complications, but hopefully I will be getting better and
can go soon. I am weary from the ongoing challenges of dialysis.
BR7: I am so sorry to hear of your struggles with dialysis, my sister Mari is on dialysis and has
had challenges with her kidneys for years, but she has strong faith. God even healed her and
allowed her to have many years without dialysis. When my sister was having her health crisis, I
was not in a good place spiritually and I think God allowed the crisis with my sister almost losing
her life to start to help me to focus more on God and spiritual things. I prayed alot for my sister
and was with her when she was sick for weeks and months. I know God began to draw us
closer to him throughout my sister's health crisis.

SW7: Is your sister still on dialysis?

BR8: Yes she is on dialysis and she also sings in the choir at her church, I wish you two could
talk sometime, you would probably be able to encourage each other. My sister likes to
encourage others that are struggling with dialysis. I would be happy to put you in contact with
her if you ever wanted to talk to another person that is dealing with similare challenges with your

SW8: Yes, maybe we could talk sometime.

BR9: Well, I know she would be happy to talk to you, she feels like this is a ministry for her to
help people that have struggled with dialysis because she really understands it. I was curious if
you have ever heard of John Michael Talbot? He is a Franciscan monk and I love his music. I
even got to go to his retreat center in Arkansas where he has a hermitage and Catholic
community called the Brothers and Sisters of Charity. He was teaching on the life of St. Francis
of Assisi. It was a real blessing to go there and hear the teaching and his music also of worship
to the Lord.

SW9: I think I have heard of him, that sounds really nice.

BR10: Well, it has been good to meet with you, I just want to encourage you today, even though
your dialysis is wearying you, be of good cheer, the Lord has not forgotten you. He loves you
and is with you. I know I am not a catholic priest, but if you would allow me to, I would love to
pray with you.

SW10: That would be fine

BR11: Lord, thank you for letting me meet Sister W. I pray you would help her with the sickness
she is dealing with. Please touch her with your healing hands. Please give the dr.'s and nurses
wisdom to help her and bring her to a place of healing and wholeness. I pray you will
encourage her today and to know your love in Jesus name amen. I will be checking up on you
this week, maybe I can share a John Michael Talbot song with you sometime on my guitar.

SW 11: Thanks for the visit and the prayer and yes, it would be nice to hear a song if you are

BR12: God bless you sister, and have a good afternoon.

( I was able to follow up and call the Catholic Priest, he did come. I was also able to follow up
with another visit and bring my guitar and share a couple John Michael Talbot songs with her
and pray with her again. She seemed to appreciate the visit. A month or so later I received a
card in the mail from this sister expressing her gratitude for my visit and how it was a blessing to
her. She share that she was back home and feeling better. I praise God for the chance to meet
her and to minister to and encourage her by God's grace.)

Part IV: Analysis

1.) The Patient SW: This sister was weary from her battle with kidney disease. She was open
to ministry, or she wouldn't have called wanting a visit from the priest. She was kind and she
was Polish I believe. She had dedicated her life to the Lord as a Catholic sister and Nun. I was
honored to get to meet her and minister to her.

2.) The Chaplain: I was glad to assist the sister in calling for the priest, I also wanted to minister
to her as much as she would let me. Even though I am not catholic, I felt glad to be able to
minister to a sister in the Lord.

3.) Interpersonal Dynamics: I seemed to have a good visit with the pt. She was a kind person
and open to ministry. I enjoyed my interactions with her and felt that I was used of the Lord to
minister to her.

4.) Theological implications: The theological implications that came to mind were some of the
doctrinal differences we shared since we both came from different faith traditions. However, I
felt that the important thing was to focus on what we had in common which was Christ.

5.) Future Goals for learning/ministry: My future goals for learning and ministry that were a
result from this visit are to learn to minister even better to Catholic people and to be able to be
used by God to help them grow closer to Christ and His Word. I also, realize I can learn from
them also. I hope as I interact with Catholic people in the future I will be able to minister even
as I was with this sister and to learn how to do that even better.

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