Eva - Change Your Inner Beliefs Change Your Life - Ebook VF

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Eva Martins
More than your genetic predisposition, your So, imagine if you live in an aggressive
IQ, your gender, your education, the environment you might assume that “Love is
country you live in or any other external aggressive”, or “Love is unsafe”, or “I need to
factor you might believe controls your life, it numb my emotions as they make me feel
is the lies or the truth you believe in that unsafe”.
shape our experience.
Because those beliefs are in response to a lack
You need to be able to hear, uncover what of validation, they will always diminish our
your subconscious mind believes in in order validity and will tend to co-create situations
to change the circumstances of your life. in our life to reinforce them as the truth.

And if I tell you that 90% of your life is led Which then means that we will develop
by your subconscious mind then it is more subconscious strategies to cope with them or
important than ever. It is constantly running resolve the tension they create in our life.
the show for you.

When we are born we seek for our mother’s

love, nurturing, caring until we are 18
months old.

Then from 3 to 4 years old we seek

validation from our dad.

If we are not validated in accordance to our

own sense of self we are wounded, hurt,
which creates inner tension.

Our ego or subconscious mind will try to

find an explanation for why we feel hurt,
which then will create a fundamental belief.

A fundamental belief is a rigid

understanding about the self, others and the

It is a feeling of certainty regarding

something we assume is true.

And do not forget that until the age of 7, we

have no critical mind, our brain primarily
vibrates in Theta brain waves, we have no
filters, and we perceive life through the
lenses of our parents assuming it as the
For example, if I believe that I need to numb my emotions in life to keep safe, I will adopt a
subconscious strategy where I adopt a more masculine behavior, be action driven, and push back
my emotions.

Unfortunately, because I believe that my emotions are unsafe, I will attract people reinforcing it,
whether by triggering me, whether attracting a sensitive and emotional man who would trigger
me emotionally.

Any encounter we have in life is a mirror of the inner beliefs we have.

Our beliefs create a set of definitions about ourselves, others and the world.

They give us a sense of individuality, a sense of identity, but they also give us a dysfunctional
orientation in life.

They create a series of filters through which we see life.

The quality of our life is a direct reflection of the meaning we give to situations and the emotions
we attach to them.
A belief is the information that was useful to our survival in the past and to be able to
cope with situations. Most of the time they are still operating in our subconscious mind,
attracting challenges, but they do not serve us anymore.

It is important to observe the patterns we attract in life to understand which are the
truth/beliefs that are ruling our life.

0 to 18 months - Seeking
for mother’s nurturing
and to show us that:
“We have a heart"

Around 3 to 4 years old we

seek validation from our
Dad and to show us:
“How to use my heart”

If we are not validated in

alignment to our sense of
self we are wounded


We create a fundamental
belief which is a feeling
of certainty about the
self, others and the

Our ego/subconscious mind

tries to find an explanation
for why we feel hurt
Here are the most common and

Top 10 limiting beliefs

01 I am unlovable

02 I am unworthy extremely common belief / I

do not deserve/ I am not allowed

03 I am not (smart, good, beautiful….) enough.

04 I do not belong

05 I need to control myself

06 I can’t trust

07 I am insignificant/ Invisible / I am worthless

08 There is only a right way

09 I am powerless (really common especially in women)

10 I need to be perfect

Deeper need: love

No matter what you do you feel unlovable, undeserving others attention and appreciation.
Lack of perceived loving, nurturing and caring environment with your mother at the early
stage of development.

Perceived as it does not mean you did not receive love, but it means you did not receive it
in a way you could feel it and assimilate it. You might also feel rejected, betrayed by love.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

Sacrificing yourself at all cost in order to get others attention, appreciation and love.

You put others first, forgetting of your own needs, forgetting your wishes and dreams.

It is more important to make others happy than yourself.

Your happiness comes from others fulfillment.

It might give place to betrayal attitudes…

"I will prove you that I am lovable.”

(Extremely common belief)/ I do not deserve/ I am not

Deeper need: Love and approval from others

Most people believe at some point that they are not worthy,
feeling unworthy of receiving love, abundance, attention….
It comes from the perceived lack of nourishment we received
from our mother at the early stage of development (same as

In most of the cases, it was not intentional as mothers would

usually do anything in their life to love and save their babies
but they might be going through a period of emotional
imbalance, or having to go early back to work. It is the
explanation the baby believed in order to cope with the
tension if felt for the lack of perceived nourishment.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

Having to prove yourself constantly and especially in the

workplace and actually never feeling approved or valued
by others to validate the belief as to the truth

Feeling rejected by others as it proves that there is

nothing in you worth being loved.

The imposter syndrome. You might do everything you

can to feel worthy of others' appreciation but something
inside of you never really feels worthy.

You push yourself to the extreme to prove your

worthiness to others.

You seek for love and belonging, but your inner voice
tells you that you are not deserving of it.

Deeper need: feeling whole and complete

The belief has been created from a lack of acknowledgement from the father figure. As
explained above from the age of 3 to 4 we seek for our father’s validation and to show us
how we can use our heart and be acknowledged, seen, valued. If it does not happen in the
way we need it, we struggle to believe in ourselves and lack self-confidence.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

We constantly try to prove to others but most importantly ourselves that we are good
enough, pushing our own limits, attracting great challenges …and most of the time
not getting the acknowledgement we so much seek for.

Enough is never enough, we end up working really hard.

We might feel a sense of emptiness inside of us, something is missing.

Over-achievers. Endless learners. People pushing themselves really hard and often
finishing with burn out.

Often future-oriented as the objective is to get better and better, so often seeking for
future possibilities to grow.

A lot of harshness against themselves as they are never enough, and their environment
is just validating this belief back to them.

Deeper need: being accepted, understand their own identity

If there is an opposition between your own values and the values of your parents, siblings
are showcasing it might create a feeling of being totally disconnected, not belonging, not

You might feel you were born in a family you cannot relate to.

You wonder who you truly are, why you cannot connect with them.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

Feeling different, like an alien in a family you do not understand.

You might do everything you can in order to be appreciated by others as you fear
being rejected.

You might have a tendency to create your own tribe where you feel you belong.

You might be among lots of people but still feeling lonely.

You might be highly conformist, so you won’t be rejected or the opposite being so
eccentric that you position yourself as an outsider.

Deeper need: sanity and safety

There is a fear of chaos, fear of losing control and what would happen then.
Fear of strong emotions as they might make you lose control.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

Routine is a best friend. Its predictability allows you to keep control and
feel safe.

You might create rules for everything to keep under control.

You tend to avoid risks and facing the unknown

Constant strategizing and anticipation. Intellectualizing everything and

having a plan for any situation beforehand. Minimizing the unknowns

Attracting people who would control us as a way we would ensure we are

under control.

Foreseeing always negative consequences t oblige us to strategizes and

prevent any situation out of control.

Deeper need: safety and survival

Deepest fear: being unsafe

This belief has been created from the lack of acknowledgement

when you were a child, not feeling valued and validated. It
made you believe that you could not trust your own
capabilities to be acknowledged by someone else. You might
have been emotionally bullied by a sibling and felt you were
weak and could not defend yourself which then made you
beliefs you could not trust your own power

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

Being dishonest with others and with yourself, not being

able to express your own voice, your ideas as you fear
being judged by others.

You might set up really high challenges to test yourself and

test people around you as a way to understand if you can
trust them.

You constantly fight against your own expectations you

have of yourself and others and often feeling disappointed.
You might even believe that others always fail you.

You demand loyalty and guarantees from others to be sure

you can trust them but often feel betrayed.

You might be driven by safety and avoiding risk or even

the opposite taking lots of risks to avoid looking into your
own fears.

You might attract the wrong people around you, or wrong

manager, or wrong relationships and ending up being
betrayed to reconfirm your belief that you can’t trust.

You feel undervalued, unseen, betrayed, abused.


Deeper need: existence, being seen, valued

and appreciated

We feel meaningless, worthless. We might

have tried to catch attention in our childhood,
without success, feeling unseen and
undervalued by everybody else. Deep feeling
of being unsafe.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

You might detach yourself from others

Even when you try to express yourself you

do not feel heard.

You do not dare to ask for what you want

as you feel worthless

You might try to catch other’s attention

endlessly, being eccentric but without

Or you might try the opposite strategy of

being invisible, not catching attention, not
speaking much, being your own shadow

Deeper need: predictability, safety

Living in the fear of being wrong, doing the wrong thing. Afraid of being a wrong person.
Life is rule bounded. Always strategizing about the future, fearing the wrong outcome

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

You are afraid of the ultimate judgment

People are right or wrong and there is always a rule for everything

“I have to” …” I must”

Lots of judgement towards others but in reality, towards self.

The person lives really tight, almost OCD, obsessive and compulsive behaviors

Routine is their best friend

Strongly process oriented to give a sense of safety and know structure

Only one way of doing things, most of the time coming from the parents. We might
reject their behavior but tend to replicate the same as it is a know so a safe behavior.

Deeper need: safety, recognition

(really common especially in women)

We feel unsafe, hopeless, a victim of life. You have grown up

in an environment you were not capable to change, whether
because you were too young and effectively less powerful
than older siblings or people around you.

You might have also copied your parents and assumed their
beliefs such as women are weak, powerless…Most of the time
it results of doing things we did not want to do in the past as
a way to get loved by our parents.

We assume we need to sacrifice in order to get love.

We generally end up storing with a great level of anger and

resentment against them, against life, against ourselves for
not being able to feel loved.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

We subconsciously set up circumstances in order to be a

victim to confirm our lack of power

You feel hopeless and unsafe and often feel an

underlying level of anger we try to numb at all cost, as we
feel it might destroy us. We fear its own power.

We attract challenges to prove our own power and at the

same time afraid of standing up for ourselves.

We seek for others protection, for someone to save us.


Deeper need: love and appreciation

Under the fake mask of pretending to be perfect lies someone deeply uncomfortable with
himself/herself, lacking self-confidence, feeling not good enough. There is a need to be
perfect to be accepted, to be loved and prevent feeling judged by others.

Which are the potential observed behaviors:

Extremely judgmental towards others in order to feel better with themselves. In

reality unconsciously judging themselves through others.

Deep fear of realizing they are not good enough, not lovable

Constant need to grow, learn new things, do better every day but realizing it is never
perfect enough

High achievers, highly demanding towards others and themselves.

Constant anxiety, struggle as the bigger the challenge the more they try to prove
themselves their attempt to be perfect.

From the other side I could also be that the person lies to himself/herself telling
themselves they are already perfect so no need to change, no need to take risks, as
taking risk would be dangerous. They could uncover their own imperfection.

Deep fear of failure

Difficult and tense relationship based on defensiveness, attack and judgement.

Our subconscious mind is a fabulous engine
having the power to drive our life crazy or
fulfilled. It will always try to validate his own
preconceived ideas or beliefs.

We get a sense of our subconscious mind by

observing our thoughts and feelings.

They have no power unless we give them a

meaning and attach emotions, unless we give
them power.

The only effective way to change our life is to

deep dive into our subconscious mind and
change its beliefs, its truth about life, others,
That’s why affirmations do not work.

We are just trying to manipulate the conscious

mind which represents only 10% of our mind.

90% of our life is led by our subconscious mind

and that’s why every day we repeat 90% of the
same thoughts as the day before…and that’s
why we end up in a vicious circle, manifesting
the same situation, same people, same patterns.

Another way to test those beliefs beyond the

behavior is to test them using muscle testing or
applied kinesiology.

Check the video where I teach you Applied

Kinesiology and have fun with it.


If you feel that you have 2 or 3 limiting beliefs, or you

feel impacted by them on a daily basis send us an email
at [email protected] to get more support.

With love,

Eva Martins

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