Lahore City Air Pollution Stakeholder

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Stakeholder identification and Evaluation of Lahore city

Task 1A
Task 1B
Stakeholder maps have been generated for global scale Urban Areas Air pollution and local
scale for the Lahore city in Pakistan for the contributing factors and those being affected by
Air pollution in cities is a big issue all around the world. Cities' growing populations and
greater volumes of motorized traffic have resulted in severe air pollution that has harmed the
environment and human health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO),
growing urban air pollution has resulted in more than 2 million fatalities each year in
developing nations, as well as a variety of respiratory ailments. (Gulia et al., 2015)
The road transport sector is one of the biggest contributors of Urban Air Pollution. Urban Air
Pollution is also influenced by residential, commercial, and industrial activities. According to
reports, automobile emissions generated by many older cars, poor vehicle maintenance, and
poor road infrastructure account for 70–80 percent of air pollution in megacities in
developing countries. And low fuel quality is also a contributor. (The NEWS, 2021)
In metropolitan environments, pollution concentrations are not evenly distributed, resulting
near hotspots mostly in the central business district, traffic crossroads, and signalized routes.
Furthermore, in metropolitan settings, topographical and climatic fluctuations cause
complicated spatial and temporal variations in pollution concentrations.
Lahore is Pakistan's second biggest city and home to a sizable population. Emissions that
contribute to Lahore's air pollution originate from a variety of sources, including
automobiles, heating, and the use of solvents and chemicals in industrial and home activities.
Human health is harmed the most by air pollution. In humans, it causes respiratory issues, eye
discomfort, depression, and cancer. It also has a negative impact on plants, animals, and
ecosystems. In Lahore city, air pollution has worsened to the point that an untold number of
people are affected each year. In Lahore, more than 1,250 people die each year because of
illnesses induced by air pollution. (Beatie et al., 2000)
According to a study conducted by Younes (2009) for the spatial distribution of
pollutant sources in Lahore City. The noticeable points were
• All the selected places in Lahore city indicate a high pollution rate due to the city's large
traffic flow.
• Several industries have been established in the walled city, transforming it into a
commercialized region with a high population rate, and the area's vertical structures have
increased potential to trap pollutants.
• The number of motor cars is rising every day since everyone wants their own mode of
transportation, putting the city in a precarious situation.
• Several serious diseases are only caused by the increasing concentration of many harmful
air pollutants in the air, which ultimately leads to death.  
• Many Organizations and federal agencies are striving to decrease air pollution in the city,
which is a very dangerous scenario that has had direct consequences on natural
ecosystems. Although air pollution regulations have been enacted, they have not been
properly implemented in the city.
Cities in underdeveloped nations tend to grow from the perimeter to the center. Due to a rise
in traffic volume, ambient air pollutants in urban hot spots in Lahore city have exceeded
urban background concentrations.
Local Environment Protection Agency processes are comprehensive management plans that
analyze, prioritize, and propose reforms to local environmental concerns that are connected
to the Agency's functions, as well as urge stakeholders to collaborate to conserve and
maintain their local environment. Consultation with the public and stakeholders is a key part
of the process.
Summarizing the interlinks of the multi-stakeholders shows that many links are co located
and interlinked as depicted from the facts given above poor governance leads to poor road
infrastructure and vehicle quality laws which in result causes air quality deterioration and
poses risks to human health. Awareness among groups leads to lack of interest in
understanding common interests and hence leading to poor policy making and in result
leading towards poor human health in the end.
Task 2A. A Public Awareness poster by Environmental protection Agency
Task 2B

Task 3
1. Dawn Newspaper April 10,2022; Beijing, too, was Lahore once:

This article depicts a broader story of the worsening of Lahore situation over decades that
how it grew to a big metropolitan city and became one of the world's most polluted city. The
facts given in the story relating it to the Beijing city are enough to explain the picture.
2. MMNews April 06,2022; Air Quality Index: Why are Pakistan’s cities the world’s
most polluted?

Another article communicating to the local government authorities after the city had been
ranked as the world’s most polluted city and praising the government’s efforts to tackle this
issue. The stakeholder engagement has not been comprehensively judged.

3. The NEWS International April 11,2022; Health Comes First:

This article is a response of public from Lahore city to the rising global pollution levels and
the stakeholders including who has been addressed.
4. Foreign Policy News; How Lahore Became World’s Most polluted Place

This article is a perfect picture of Lahore city’s stakeholders’ contribution in the worsening
of the city’s Air Quality, mainly Traffic situation. All the stakeholders have been clearly
5. The NEWS International; How Lahore became world’s most polluted city.
This article is about the stakeholder engagement of the air pollution from global perspective
to local scale and tries to address the contribution from all the stakeholders participating or
being effected by the bad air quality of Lahore city.
6. NPR NEWS; Lahore, Pakistan, is locking down to improve air quality:

This is a questionnaire about the Lahore topping the ranking and the listeners from public has
tried to assess the stakeholders in this event public has mentioned daily activities health and
education to be mainly affected by the bad air quality and declared overpopulation and poor
governance responsible for this.
7. The Express Tribune: Controlling smog and air pollution

Smog has been a big issue past five years in major cities of Pakistan and is being increased
by every passing year. This article best explains the stakeholders and mitigation measures of
this issue.
8. The NEWS International; Drive for clean, green Lahore launched
This article explores and praises the efforts of local governance in rehabilitating the city for
the control of Pollution levels and rebuilding the atmosphere of the city.
Task 4:
The ongoing debate countrywide on the rising pollution levels in the country especially in
Lahore, capital city of province Punjab and inclusion of Lahore in the list of topmost polluted
cities of the world made me to take this topic of discussion as topic of my portfolio
assignment. As I belong to Pakistan a country in South Asia that is world’s 5th most Populus
country with a population of almost 227 million people.
Moreover, being the student of Environmental studies has made this topic an issue of concern
as well as interest for me. The problems of urbanization connecting sustainability issues
attracts me towards it. Uncontrolled and rapid growth of cities has not only caused pollution
issues but there have been other concerns including road accidents, employment issues etc.
But the major issue is pollution and specifically air pollution resulting from emissions from
vehicles’ exhausts chimneys of industries, Construction, re-emissions from pavements and
residential emissions which altogether are the result of growing population in the big cities.
Most of the cities in South Asia are facing this problem of Air Pollution due to abundance of
industries in the city and unmanaged and uncontrolled urbanization due to poor governance,
instable political and governance structure of these countries has been the dominant factor
behind this environmental instability. These industries are mostly operating on traditional
technology that is not environmentally friendly and sustainability is not the consideration of
Air pollution is a major problem confronting Pakistan, with cities like Lahore and Karachi
ranking among the most polluted worldwide. In South Asia, the health of around 12 million
children is at risk, as they're exposed to air pollution that is six times the safe limit, said a
UNICEF report. In Pakistan, one in 10 deaths in children under the age of five is caused by
air pollution.

And according to the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution, an estimated 128,000
Pakistanis die annually from air pollution-related illnesses. The problem of air pollution has
been steadily growing in Lahore and many other cities in Punjab province. Punjab is the most
populous province in Pakistan with an estimated population of 110 million people. All of
these facts have made Air pollution a hot topic of discussion among social groups of the
I had gone through literature for the identification and evaluation of multi-stakeholders
involved in or being affected by the Air Quality of Lahore city. Having done my research on
Air quality also helped me a lot to critically analyze and evaluate the findings of the
For first part of Task 1 of the study, I had gone through the major mapping techniques of
stakeholders that are popular in many business studies. And for this study I found Matrix for
local and triple Venn diagram for global scale stakeholder mapping the most appropriate
techniques because of number of engagements between stakeholders and simplified
For the second task I made possible connections between these stakeholders to generate links
among them and gone through a variety of literature for this part of the study and that took
me most of the time in the whole portfolio. Because it required knowledge based critical
analysis of the stakeholder involved and their evaluation.
Task 2a has been the most challenging in the whole portfolio as it was a new experience for
me. I have never been through any graphic designing software before, for this task I selected
poster as option and searched over for the options available for making of a poster and came
up with Canva designing tool. It was a good learning experience over Canva as it is a simple
diverse and easy tool for designing purposes. Now it was time to decide the communication
and the best idea that comes up in my mind for this is a public service message as here many
of the problems are caused mainly due to lack of awareness among public.
Then after deciding this, it was time for resource collection, found the relevant graphics over
the internet and prepared a template and then prepared the design.
For Task 2b after going through the resources and the writings of previous task the best
option I found was to address the problems to all stakeholders and to address the relevant
governing body so that the problems can be reported to the concerned personals and the
communications among all the stakeholders can be developed. It’s been an easy job for me as
I have made multiple documentaries throughout my graduation studies.
For Task 3 I had to look over the local newspapers, articles, international magazines, and
social media for the communication regarding the selected theme if any has been done among
stakeholders over the past few months.
Throughout the module the learning experience has been great I learnt about stakeholders and
their multi role in an organization or a scenario. I have grabbed the skills of critical analysis
and evaluating the stakeholders based upon their engagement and level of interest in that
specific scenario.
From all the research and analysis of the portfolio I can make the following conclusions:
 Air Pollution is a big point of concern in Lahore city and needs to be addressed on the
urgent basis.
 Major Stakeholders in this scenario are Traffic, Public Health, and governing bodies.
 It can only be possible if effective communication among stakeholders can be
 All the stakeholders in the phenomenon need to collaborate for the cause.
 Preserving nature is our common responsibility, so everyone must contribute for it.

As a result, an urban quality management plan must be implemented in order to designate air
quality control zones based on ambient air quality and to launch a programme engaging all
stakeholders. The strength of UAQMPs' major components, such as the goal/objective,
monitoring network, emission inventory, air quality modelling, control measures, and public
engagement, is critical to their effectiveness. A majority of the existing UAQMPs have been
developed both at macro (national) or medium (city) levels and for long–term duration
considering the average ambient pollutant concentration.

Beattie, C. I., Elsom, D. M., Gibbs, D. C., Irwin, J. G., Jefferson, C. M., Ling, K., ... & Woodfield, N. K.
(2000). Air quality management: stakeholder involvement in the local air quality management
process. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, 42.

Gulia, S., Nagendra, S. S., Khare, M., & Khanna, I. (2015). Urban air quality management-A
review. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 6(2), 286-304.

NEWS DESK (2021),. How Lahore became world’s most polluted city. The NEWS International.

YOUNES, I., BUKHARI, O., BUTT, I., & SHAFIQ, M. (2007). Air Pollution Patterns Identification in
Lahore City Using GIS. Pakistan Geographical Review, 64(1), 40-48.

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