Lesson Plans For 3-6 3-10
Lesson Plans For 3-6 3-10
Lesson Plans For 3-6 3-10
8:30 Morning work, attendance, lunch count 8:30 Opening activities: attendance, lunch count, announcements,
8:40 8:35 pledge.
8:45 Math/ELA-Benchmark Assessment, Mrs. Warren 8:45-10:30 9:00 WIN- ELA - students will work on laptops in program called
9:30 Benchmark Advance. A story to read and comprehension
questions to answer is
already assigned.
Math/ELA-Benchmark Assessment, Mrs. Warren 8:45-10:30 9:30 Morning work/ Calendar
9:45 Morning work Week #8 Day 2
Story: Little Miss and Mr. stories
10:30 Math/ELA- Benchmark Assessment, Mrs. Warren 8:45-10:30 9:00 Math: Starting on lesson 6 in our math books. Students will be
9:20 searching for polygons within a hexagon. The students will
share their findings and will relate the decomposition of a
polygon to the decomposition of a number.
2.Mod3.AD4 Recognize and draw shapes based on defining
2.Mod3.AD5 Identify triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons,
hexagons, and cubes.
10:30 Outdoor PE/ Morning Snack 10:30 Outdoor PE/ Morning Snack
10:50 *Students eat snacks outside then olay in blue/ yellow equipment, 10:55 *Students eat snacks outside then play in blue/ yellow
small soccer field, balls/ jump ropes/ hula hoops* equipment, small soccer field, balls/ jump ropes/ hula hoops*
10:55 Language Arts: SPELLING TEST * - 2.F. 3a Know and 11:05 *LIBRARY - Walk students to Library to check out 2
11:40 apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. 11:40 books. When done at the library, return to class and
First, play a game of Spelling Word Tic-Tac-Toe. Divide class in half - students may quietly read their books up to lunchtime
Team X and Team O. Draw Tic-Tac-Toe game board on whiteboard. (about 15 minutes). Put books in desk to take home at end
Call on a student from each team to spell a spelling word. If correct, of day.
student comes up to put an X or O on gameboard. First team to get
Tic-Tac-Toe wins the game. Keep playing until all words have been
practiced. After the game - using given lined paper, student labels
paper correctly (follow sample), teacher will say each word and use it
in a sentence. Student will write word on lined paper. Collect for
11:48 Lunch 11:48 Lunch
12:25 *Walk students quietly to cafeteria* 12:25 *Walk students quietly to cafeteria*
12:30 Center: Center ALL 5 centers operate M., T., Thu. 12:30 *Little Miss/Mr. Bare Books*
1:25 1:25 With support and guidance, student can focus on a topic and
Art/ Math Center: Students will be using the shapes that they have strengthen writing as needed by revising, editing, and
learned in geometry to make a scenery. They will have a black piece publishing. This center is guided by the teacher to underline
of paper and the plastic manipulatives to make the scenery first. Once appropriate sentences for each page of a student's bare book.
they have made their image they will use the paper cut outs of those Teacher will underline, from student's rough draft, sentences
shapes and glue them onto the paper. for each to neatly write into Bare Books. When writing is
2.6.A.1-3 complete, student will illustrate above writing on specified page.
Language Arts Packet – Tales To Live By wk3 – Descriptive 2.W.5.1
Details/It’s All in the Details Language Arts Packet – Tales To Live By wk3 –
1:30 COMPUTER LEARNING LAB - Using assigned laptops 1:30 Mandarin with Ms. Su - Ms. Su comes to our classroom to
2:20 in classroom, students' logon to Clever - Waterford Reading Academy. 2:15 teach a Mandarin Lesson to students.
Today, students click on Math and Science in Waterford Reading
Academy. Complete 30-minute session. When done, student can
explore a game on Mrs. Warren's Clever Page.
SEL (Social-Emotional Learning): student can reflect about
his/her day: Circle/Character Strong Video-Respect
2:20 SEL (Social-Emotional Learning): student can reflect about 2:202: SEL (Social-Emotional Learning): student can reflect about
his/her day: Circle/Character Strong Video-Respect 30 his/her day: Circle/Character Strong Video-Respect
2:30 Pack up ready for home 2:30 Pack up ready for home
2:40 2:40
Math/ELA- Benchmark Assessment, 9:00 Counseling Lesson with Mrs. Pastorini – 9:00 Story: Little Miss and Mr stories
Mrs. Warren 8:45-10:30 9:45 walk students to rm 16 9:20
10:30 Math/ELA -Benchmark Assessment, Mrs. 9:50 Math: Will be continuing in lesson 6 in our 9:25 Math: Will start our next lesson, lesson 7, in
Warren 8:45-10:30 10:25 math books. Students will be searching for 10:25 our math books. The students can use a
polygons within a hexagon. The students will tangram puzzle to take apart a square into
share their findings and will relate the many smaller polygons. They can put the
decomposition of a polygon to the tangram pieces back together to recreate the
decomposition of a number. square. The class will collectively combine all
2.Mod3.AD4 and 2.Mod3.AD5 their squares to create the largest composite
shape possible.
2.Mod3.AD4 and 2.Mod3.AD5
10:30 Outdoor PE/ Morning Snack 10:30 Outdoor PE/ Morning Snack 10:50 Outdoor PE/ Morning Snack
10:50 *Students eat snacks outside then play 10:50 *Students eat snacks outside then play in 11:05 *Students eat snacks outside then play in
in blue/ yellow equipment, small soccer blue/ yellow equipment, small soccer blue/ yellow equipment, small soccer
field, balls/ jump ropes/ hula hoops* field, balls/ jump ropes/ hula hoops* field, balls/ jump ropes/ hula hoops*
10:55 Language Arts:*Why the Sky Is Far 11:15 Language Arts:* Why the Sky Is Far 11:10 Language Arts: *King Midas*
11:40 Away* Student can reread the story as well 11:40 Away* Student can read at the right rate and 11:40 Students can read a folktale and recount
as identify the overall structure of a fable - a pace and identify the central message of a key story events of King Midas’s
moral or lesson. Together, read “Why the fable - a moral or lesson. As well as identity beginning, middle, and end. Together
Sky Is Far Away”. Practice reading silently, key events/details. Together, read Why the read, 'King Midas. When done reading,
whole group, and with a neighbor. When Sky Is Far Away. Practice reading silently,
done reading different ways for fluency, together complete wkst "Identifying Key
whole group, with a neighbor. When done Events. SL.2.2 RL.2.2
complete work pg. 'Determining the Overall
reading different ways for fluency, complete
Structure of a Story”. TM pgs. 128,129. SL.
work pg. 'Determining the Central Message of
2.2 RL.2.2 RL:.2.1.
the Fable. TM pgs. 128,129. SL. 2.2 RL.2.2