Aircraft Instrument System
Aircraft Instrument System
Aircraft Instrument System
3. What is fixed line mark attached to the compass bowl of a magnetic compass called?
Answer: Receive and process input signals from aircraft and engine sensors and
send the data to the appropriate display
5. Where may a person look for the information necessary to determine the required
markings on an engine instrument?
I. Engine markings on an engine instrument?
II. Aircraft Flight manual
III. Instrument Manufacturer’s Specifications.
IV. Aircraft Maintenance Manual
Answer: A.) II or IV
Answer: A.) not be altered and are designed for a specific installation
7. (1) Aircraft instruments are color-coded to direct attention to operational ranges and
(2) Aircraft instruments range markings are not specified by Title 14 of the Code of
Federal Regulations but are standardized by aircraft manufacturers.
Regarding the above statements,
Answer: B.) Isolating potions of the line and testing each portion systematically
starting at the instrument connections.
Answer: A.) 2, 3, 7, 8
11. What does a reciprocating engine manifold pressure gauge indicate when the engine is not
13. When swinging a magnetic compass, the compensators are adjusted to correct for
14. An aircraft magnetic compass is swung to up-date the compass correction card with
Answer: A.) not be altered and are designed for a specific installation
Answer: B.) By an expanding-type clamp secured to the back of the panel and
tightened by a screw from the front of the instrument panel.
21. Aircraft instrument value should be marked and graduated in accordance with
23. What must be done to an instrument panel that is supported by shock mounts?
Answer: A.) Bonding straps must be installed across the instrument mounts as a
current path.
24. The red radial lines on the face of an engine oil pressure gauge indicates
25. The maximum altitude loss permitted during an unpressurized aircraft instrument static
pressure system integrity check is ______
27. Which procedure should you use if you find a vacuum-operated instrument glass loose?
Answer: C.) 1, 4, 5, 6
Answer: B.) 5
34. When performing the static leakage check required by section 91.411, the technician
utilizes ______
Answer: B.) allow the pilot to select the appropriate system configuration for the
current flight situation
39. When an aircraft altimeter is set at 29.92” Hg on the ground, the altimeter will read
Answer: C.) Receive and process input signals from aircraft and engine sensors and
send the data to the appropriate display
43. How would an airspeed indicator be marked to show the best rate-of-climb speed (one
engine inoperative)?
45. Which of the following instruments will normally have range markings?
47. Which of the following causes of aircraft magnetic compass inaccuracies may be
compensated for by mechanics?
48. What will be the result if the instrument static pressure line becomes disconnected inside
a pressurized cabin during cruising flight?
Answer: A.) The altimeter and airspeed indicator will both read low
49. Which condition would be most likely to cause excessive vacuum in a vacuum system?
Answer: C.) 3
51. When flags such as NAV, HDG, or GS are displayed on an HSI, the indication is ______
52. A barometric altimeter indicates pressure altitude when the barometric scale is set at
53. The requirement for testing and inspection of instrument static systems required by
section 91.411 are contained in ______
54. Resistance-type temperature indicator using Wheatstone bridge or ratiometer circuits may
be used to indicate the temperatures of which of the following?
1. Free air
2. Exhaust gas temperature
3. Carburetor Air
4. Coolant (Engine)
5. Oil Temperature
6. Cylinder Head Temperature
56. What marking color is used to indicate if a cover glass has slipped?
58. An aircraft instrument panel is electrically bonded to the aircraft structure to ______
59. A certificated mechanic with airframe and powerplant ratings may ________
Answer: A.) Dry-type vacuum pumps with carbon vanes are very susceptible to
damage from solid airborne particles and must take in only filtered air.
Answer: C.) 3
62. Instrument static system leakage can be detected by observing the rate of change in
indication of the _______
Answer: C.) Altimeter after suction has been applied to the static to cause a
prescribed equivalent altitude to be indicated
Answer: A.) not parallel to the true angle of attack of the aircraft
64. Which instruments are connected to an aircraft’s static pressure system only?
1. Vertical Speed Indicator
2. Cabin Altimeter
3. Altimeter
4. Cabin rate-of-change Indicator
5. Airspeed Indicator Answer: A.) 1 and 3