Envi Reviewer Prelim

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Chapter 1

Introduction to Environmental Engineering

Natural Science

- Is the study of the physical and natural world

- It includes Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Geology, and Environmental Science

Environmental Science

- Is the study of the interactions of Physical, Chemical, and biological components of the
environment with organisms


- It applies science and mathematics to make the properties of matter and sources of
energy useful.


- Our home and surroundings

- The specific problems to be addressed

Environmental Engineering

- Is the use of scientific processes in exploring and managing the environment

- Find ways to improve the earth’s environment
- Protect people from adverse environmental effects

Environmental Effects

- Air Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Soil Pollution- from erosion, mining, household wastes, agriculture
- Acid rain
- Ozone layer depletion
- Greenhouse Effect, Global Warming, and Climate Change
Basic Tasks of Environmental Engineers

- Improve recycling
- Improve waste disposal
- Improve public health
- Improve water quality
- Improve water pollution and control
- Improve air pollution and control

Significance of Environmental Engineering

- It helps improve and preserve the environment

- It provides health resources to make the earth habitable for human and other organisms
- It provides solution to improve polluted sites
- It creates awareness about environmental issues
- It imparts basic knowledge about the environment
- It develops an attitude of concern for the environment
- It motivates the public to participate in environment protection and improvement
- It helps us to acquire skills in solving environmental problems

Role of Environmental Engineers

- Collaborate with environmental scientists, planners, technicians, and other experts to

address environmental issues
- Provide high-level technical support concerning environmental remediation and
litigation projects
- Inspect industrial and municipal facilities to evaluate operational effectiveness and
ensure compliance with environmental regulations
- Assess the existing or potential environmental impact of land use projects on air, water,
and soil.
- Develop site-specific health and safety protocols (for example, contingency plan for
transporting wastes)
- Design systems, processes, and equipment for control, management, and improvement
of water, air, and soil quality
- Provide assistance to complex facilities concerning planning, quality assurance, safety
inspection protocols, and sampling
- Monitor environmental projects or programs
- Provide administrative support for projects such as data collection, training staff,

Components of the Environment

• Atmosphere – mixture of gases and reaches 500 km above the surface of the planet
• Hydrosphere – the total of all the water in the Earth’s atmosphere
• Lithosphere – the solid shell of the planet (crust plus the upper mantle)
• Biosphere – the part of the planet in which life can exist (living organism together with
the environment)
Chapter 2

Engineering Decisions

1. Decision Based on Technical Analysis

2. Decision Based on Cost-Effectiveness Analyses
3. Decision Based on Benefit/Cost Analyses
4. Decision Based on Risk Analyses
5. Decision Based on Alternatives Assessment
➢ Due to the limitations of Risk Assessment, Alternatives Assessment is another
approach to guide decision making.
➢ Risk assessment answer the question: Is the risk acceptable?
➢ Alternatives assessment answer the question: Which option is safer?
6. Decisions Based on Environmental Impact Analyses

7. Decision Based on Ethical Analysis

➢ This is the process of evaluating and choosing from alternatives by eliminating
unethical options and selecting the best ethical alternative.
Chapter 3

Engineering Calculations
Statistical Analysis

- usually based on a bell-shape curve which means that random data (such as exam
scores, weights of adult people,etc.)are normally distributed.
Grouping of Data

- Another method of handling data, especially if large numbers are involved, is to group
them. In this case the mean of the group becomes the variable plotted, and the
probability is calculated as P = ∑ r/n
- where r = sum of the number of data points equal to or greater than the value indicated
n = total data points The probability of an event occurring is again read from the graph

Coefficient of Variation

- Shows the extent of variation relative to the mean

- CV = standard deviation/mean

Return Period

- Shows how often the event is expected to recur.

- Return Period = 1/fractional probability

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