EBE Chemical Eng
EBE Chemical Eng
EBE Chemical Eng
NQF Level: 7
The learning programme consists of a coherent assembly of knowledge areas associated with chemical engineering practice, these include
mathematics, natural sciences, engineering sciences, design and synthesis, computing and IT, and relevant complementary studies. This
assembly of knowledge areas provides a viable platform for further studies and lifelong learning and will produce graduates who can
function in today’s fast changing, dynamic and evolving industrial marketplace.
The broad training in natural and mathematical sciences, coupled with a strong foundation in chemical engineering principles, will produce
graduates that are highly numerate and have skills in problem solving, teamwork, communication, and Information Technology. This
qualification is designed to provide the graduate with knowledge and attributes to work in a diverse spectrum of industries including the
chemical, petrochemical, pulp and paper, polymer, mining, water and wastewater treatment, energy, food, and pharmaceutical industries.
The key attributes of the graduates of this qualification are:
• The ability to apply established and newly developed engineering technology to solve broadly- defined problems and develop
components, systems, services, and processes.
• The ability to provide leadership in the application of technology in safety, health, engineering, and commercially effective operations
and have well-developed interpersonal skills.
• Working independently and responsibly, applying judgement to decisions arising in the application of technology and health and
safety considerations to problems and associated risks.
• A specialized understanding of engineering sciences with a deep underlying knowledge of specific technologies together with financial,
commercial, legal, social, and economic, health, safety, and environmental matters.
This qualification provides the educational base for registration as a candidate Professional Engineering Technologist with the Engineering
Council of South Africa (ECSA) and is recognized internationally through the Sidney Accord.
Chemical Engineering is a science that involves the study of processes required for the conversion of raw materials into useful products
with minimum environmental impact. It uses the application of physical and life sciences, mathematics, economics, and engineering sciences
to produce, transform, and transport chemicals, materials, and energy.
Chemical engineering professionals are involved in the transfer of scientific discoveries into modern manufacturing technologies for the
production of chemical and products that benefit society. They are involved in the development and manufacture of consumer products, as
well as in design, operation, and control of processes in a variety of industries (e.g., petroleum, petrochemical, chemical, consumer products,
food, feed and pharmaceuticals).
Examples of some typical chemical engineering operations in South Africa include:
• The conversion of crude oil into petrol, diesel, wax, etc.
• The conversion of wood into paper products.
• The extraction of sugar from sugarcane
• The conversion of coal into petrol and other useful products.
• The extraction of precious minerals
We make daily use of products that are obtained via the principles of chemical engineering, e.g.: paper, plastic materials, textiles, petrol,
fertilizers, drinkable water etc.
Career Opportunities
A Chemical Engineering Technologist is employed in chemical plants for the purpose of research and development; economic evaluation;
chemical engineering design; plant operations and management; project management and product marketing.
The mission of the Department of Chemical Engineering is primarily to provide a relevant program, maintain a strong balance between
theory and practice, establish and maintain partnerships with industry and excel in research and development with technology transfer
through external engagement. Some of the key characteristics of the department are:
• The department is recognised as one of the leading University of Technology departments in Chemical Engineering teaching and
• In keeping with the philosophy of vocational training, the department has one of the most comprehensive laboratory facilities
in the country.
• It has received full accreditations for all its chemical engineering programmes from the Engineering Council of South Africa.
• The department has qualified chemical engineers with a range of expertise that are responsible for teaching and research. This
ensures the maintenance of high standards, a continuous cross flow of ideas, and provides the ideal basis for the transfer of the
latest technology to students.
• The Department is actively involved in relevant research. The research areas include water and wastewater treatment; membrane
technology; particle technology; beneficiation of waste streams, catalysis, fuels, thermodynamics, and mathematical modelling.
The courses offered are current and relevant because the Department of Chemical Engineering has extensive interaction with
the chemical industry, research organisations, The South African Institution of Chemical Engineers, and the Engineering Council
of South Africa.
Compulsory Subjects NSC Rating Code Compulsory Subjects HG SG Compulsory Subjects Mark
English 4 English 60%
Mathematics 4 Mathematics C B Mathematics 70%
Physical Science 4 Physical Science C B Physical Science 70%
A pass in the subjects Technical Drawing and/or Computer Studies will be an added Life Orientation 60%
In addition, TWO other additional vocational
subjects at a minimum of 70%.
1. NSC Mathematical Literacy will not be accepted as a substitute for the subject NSC Mathematics
2. The exit certificate of the candidate must qualify the candidate for degree study at an institution of higher learning.
3. A minimum of 28 points is required for entry to the degree. Subjects Required: Mathematics, Physical Science, English, plus three other subjects
excluding Life Orientation. The points for Mathematics and Physical Science will be doubled.
4. Applicants with a NSC will be ranked according to the sum of their scores for Mathematics and Physical Science, subject to a minimum
combined score of 120%.
5. Prospective applicants may also present an NQF level 6 Diploma in Engineering for entry into the degree programme. A possibility of transfer of
credits for cognitive previous studies would be considered dependent on the discipline and nature of the Diploma being presented.
6. Students are ranked on merit in the final selection
7. The Department reserves the right to consider only 1st to 3rd choice students for Chemical Engineering.
Applicants intending to gain admission through work experience, age and maturity must submit their applications at least
four months before commencement of the academic year.
Tuition Fees
To assist you with your planning, the 2022 fees have been indicated. An increase for next year to accommodate the inflation
rate can be expected.
Please Note: DUT cannot be held liable for the fees in this brochure as the 2023 fees are not yet finalised
NB: The course structure and requisite modules are subject to alteration.
Applicants who wish to enrol for the programme must apply through the CAO system by no later than 30 September of the
previous year.
Application Forms
Contact the Central Applications Office (CAO)
Address letters to:
Central Applications Office
Private Bag X06
Tel: (031) 2684444
Fax: (031) 2684422
Apply Online: http://www.cao.za
Financial Aid
For Financial Aid application for a DUT programme please apply online at www.nsfas.org.za or call the NSFAS call centre on
0860 067 327.
For an explanation on how to fill out the application form, please go towww.nsfas.org.za or contact the call centre on the number
Please note that completing a form does not guarantee Financial Aid. For further assistance, please consult the Department
of Financial Aid and Scholarships on (031)373 2931/2557/2054.
This is for information purposes only and is not binding on the Durban University of Technology