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Educational Psychology
Many students are being left behind by an educational system that some people believe is in crisis. Improving educationa
outcomes will require efforts on many fronts, but a central premise of this monograph is that one part of a solution invol
helping students to better regulate their learning through the use of effective learning techniques. Fortunately, cognitive
educational psychologists have been developing and evaluating easy-to-use learning techniques that could help students achie
their learning goals. In this monograph, we discuss 10 learning techniques in detail and offer recommendations about th
relative utility.We selected techniques that were expected to be relatively easy to use and hence could be adopted by man
students. Also, some techniques (e.g., highlighting and rereading) were selected because students report relying heavily o
them, which makes it especially important to examine how well they work.The techniques include elaborative interrogat
self-explanation, summarization, highlighting (or underlining), the keyword mnemonic, imagery use for text learning, reread
practice testing, distributed practice, and interleaved practice.
To offer recommendations about the relative utility of these techniques, we evaluated whether their benefits generaliz
across four categories of variables: learning conditions, student characteristics, materials, and criterion tasks. Learning condi
include aspects of the learning environment in which the technique is implemented, such as whether a student studies a
or with a group. Student characteristics include variables such as age, ability, and level of prior knowledge. Materials vary f
simple concepts to mathematical problems to complicated science texts. Criterion tasks include different outcome measur
that are relevant to student achievement, such as those tapping memory, problem solving, and comprehension.
We attempted to provide thorough reviews for each technique, so this monograph is rather lengthy. However, we also wr
the monograph in a modular fashion, so it is easy to use. In particular, each review is divided into the following sections:
Corresponding Author:
John Dunlosky, Psychology, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242
E-mail: [email protected]
The review for each technique can be read independently of the others, and particular variables of interest can be easily
compared across techniques.
To foreshadow our final recommendations, the techniques vary widely with respect to their generalizability and promise
for improving student learning. Practice testing and distributed practice received high utility assessments because they benefit
learners of different ages and abilities and have been shown to boost students' performance across many criterion tasks and
even in educational contexts. Elaborative interrogation, self-explanation, and interleaved practice received moderate utility
assessments. The benefits of these techniques do generalize across some variables, yet despite their promise, they fell short
of a high utility assessment because the evidence for their efficacy is limited. For instance, elaborative interrogation and self
explanation have not been adequately evaluated in educational contexts, and the benefits of interleaving have just begun to be
systematically explored, so the ultimate effectiveness of these techniques is currently unknown. Nevertheless, the techniques
that received moderate-utility ratings show enough promise for us to recommend their use in appropriate situations, which we
describe in detail within the review of each technique.
Five techniques received a low utility assessment: summarization, highlighting, the keyword mnemonic, imagery use for text
learning, and rereading.These techniques were rated as low utility for numerous reasons. Summarization and imagery use for
text learning have been shown to help some students on some criterion tasks, yet the conditions under which these techniques
produce benefits are limited,and much research is still needed to fully explore their overall effectiveness.The keyword mnemonic
is difficult to implement in some contexts, and it appears to benefit students for a limited number of materials and for short
retention intervals. Most students report rereading and highlighting, yet these techniques do not consistently boost students'
performance, so other techniques should be used in their place (e.g., practice testing instead of rereading).
Our hope is that this monograph will foster improvements in student learning, not only by showcasing which learning
techniques are likely to have the most generalizable effects but also by encouraging researchers to continue investigating the
most promising techniques. Accordingly, in our closing remarks, we discuss some issues for how these techniques could be
implemented by teachers and students, and we highlight directions for future research.
Technique Description
sSome of these characteristics are more state based (e.g., motivation) and some are more trait based (e.g., fluid intelligence); this distinction is
relevant to the malleability of each characteristic, but a discussion of this dimension is beyond the scope of this article.
bLearning condition is specific to rereading.
'Learning condition is specific to practice testing.
McCown, & Biehler, 2009; Sternberg & Williams, 2010; learning environment itself (e.g., noisiness vs. quietness in a
Woolfolk, 2007). Despite the promise of some of the tech- classroom), but they largely pertain to the way in which a
niques, many of these textbooks did not provide sufficient learning technique is implemented. For instance, a technique
coverage, which would include up-to-date reviews of their could be used only once or many times (a variable referred to
efficacy and analyses of their generalizability and potential as dosage) when students are studying, or a technique could be
limitations. Accordingly, for all of the learning techniques used when students are either reading or listening to the to-be
listed in Table 1, we reviewed the literature to identify the gen- learned materials.
eralizability of their benefits across four categories of vari- Any number of student characteristics could also influence
ables—materials, learning conditions, student characteristics, the effectiveness of a given learning technique. For example,
and criterion tasks. The choice of these categories was inspired in comparison to more advanced students, younger students in
by Jenkins' (1979) model (for an example of its use in educa- early grades may not benefit from a technique. Students' basic
tional contexts, see Marsh & Butler, in press), and examples of cognitive abilities, such as working memory capacity or gen
each category are presented in Table 2. Materials pertain to the eral fluid intelligence, may also influence the efficacy of a
specific content that students are expected to learn, remember, given technique. In an educational context, domain knowledge
or comprehend. Learning conditions pertain to aspects of refers to the valid, relevant knowledge a student brings to a
the context in which students are interacting with the to-be- lesson. Domain knowledge may be required for students to use
learned materials. These conditions include aspects of the some of the learning techniques listed in Table 1. For instance,
the use of imagery while reading texts requires that students (e.g., the keyword mnemonic), others are focused more on
know the objects and ideas that the words refer to so that they improving comprehension (e.g., self-explanation), and yet
can produce internal images of them. Students with some others may enhance both memory and comprehension (e.g.,
domain knowledge about a topic may also find it easier to use practice testing). Thus, our review of each learning technique
self-explanation and elaborative interrogation, which are two describes how it can be used, its effectiveness for producing
techniques that involve answering "why" questions about a long-term retention and comprehension, and its breadth of
particular concept (e.g., "Why would particles of ice rise up efficacy across the categories of variables listed in Table 2.
within a cloud?"). Domain knowledge may enhance the bene
fits of summarization and highlighting as well. Nevertheless,
although some domain knowledge will benefit students as
Reviewing the Learning Techniques
they begin learning new content within a given domain, it is In the following series of reviews, we consider the available
not a prerequisite for using most of the learning techniques. evidence for the efficacy of each of the learning techniques.
The degree to which the efficacy of each learning technique Each review begins with a brief description of the technique
obtains across long retention intervals and generalizes across and a discussion about why it is expected to improve student
different criterion tasks is of critical importance. Our reviews learning. We then consider generalizability (with respect to
and recommendations are based on evidence, which typically learning conditions, materials, student characteristics, and cri
pertains to students' objective performance on any number of terion tasks), highlight any research on the technique that has
criterion tasks. Criterion tasks (Table 2, rightmost column) been conducted in representative educational contexts, and
vary with respect to the specific kinds of knowledge that they address any identified issues for implementing the technique,
tap. Some tasks are meant to tap students' memory for infor- Accordingly, the reviews are largely modular: Each of the 10
mation (e.g., "What is operant conditioning?"), others are reviews is organized around these themes (with corresponding
largely meant to tap students' comprehension (e.g., "Explain headers) so readers can easily identify the most relevant infer
tile difference between classical conditioning and operant con- mation without necessarily having to read the monograph in
ditioning"), and still others are meant to tap students' applica- its entirety.
tion of knowledge (e.g., "How would you apply operant At the end of each review, we provide an overall assess
conditioning to train a dog to sit down?"). Indeed, Bloom and ment for each technique in terms of its relatively utility—low,
colleagues divided learning objectives into six categories, moderate, or high. Students and teachers who are not already
from memory (or knowledge) and comprehension of facts to doing so should consider using techniques designated as high
their application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation (B. S. utility, because the effects of these techniques are robust and
Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956; for an generalize widely. Techniques could have been designated as
updated taxonomy, see L. W. Anderson & Krathwohl, 2001). low utility or moderate utility for any number of reasons. For
In discussing how the techniques influence criterion perfor- instance, a technique could have been designated as low utility
manee, we emphasize investigations that have gone beyond because its effects are limited to a small subset of materials
demonstrating improved memory for target material by mea- that students need to learn; the technique may be useful in
suring students' comprehension, application, and transfer of some cases and adopted in appropriate contexts, but, relative
knowledge. Note, however, that although gaining factual to the other techniques, it would be considered low in utility
knowledge is not considered the only or ultimate objective of because of its limited generalizability. A technique could also
schooling, we unabashedly consider efforts to improve student receive a low- or moderate-utility rating if it showed promise,
retention of knowledge as essential for reaching other instruc- yet insufficient evidence was available to support confidence
tional objectives; if one does not remember core ideas, facts, in assigning a higher utility assessment. In such cases, we
or concepts, applying them may prove difficult, if not impos- encourage researchers to further explore these techniques
sible. Students who have forgotten principles of algebra will within educational settings, but students and teachers may
be unable to apply them to solve problems or use them as a want to use caution before adopting them widely. Most impor
foundation for learning calculus (or physics, economics, or tant, given that each utility assessment could have been
other related domains), and students who do not remember assigned for a variety of reasons, we discuss the rationale for a
what operant conditioning is will likely have difficulties given assessment at the end of each review,
applying it to solve behavioral problems. We are not advocat- Finally, our intent was to conduct exhaustive reviews of
ing that students spend their time robotically memorizing the literature on each learning technique. For techniques that
facts; instead, we are acknowledging the important interplay have been reviewed extensively (e.g., distributed practice),
between memory for a concept on one hand and the ability to however, we relied on previous reviews and supplemented
comprehend and apply it on the other. them with any research that appeared after they had been pub
An aim of this monograph is to encourage students to use lished. For many of the learning techniques, too many articles
the appropriate learning technique (or techniques) to accom- have been published to cite them all; therefore, in our discus
plish a given instructional objective. Some learning techniques sion of most of the techniques, we cite a subset of relevant
are largely focused on bolstering students' memory for facts articles.
I Elaborative int
. , , ... , , ... note that most elaborative-interrogation prompts explicitly or
Anyone who has spent time around young children knows that ., . .
- ,c . 0„ , , „ implicitly invite processing of both similarities and differences
one of their most frequent utterances is Why ! (perhaps com- r , _ ,,, _
i i, , * j ilXT ,,n TT . . ... between related entities (e.g., why a fact would be true of one
ing in a close second behind No! ). Humans are inquisitive , ' .
, , , . , . - .. c . . province versus other provinces). As we highlight below, pro
creatures by nature, attuned to seeking explanations for states, ^ . ...... , 00 , , j
j . ■ ,, ,, j j, . . , cessing of similarities and differences among to-be-leamed
actions, and events in the world around us. Fortunately, a siz- b .... , ,, . .
, , v j e ■, . . .. r , facts also accounts for findings that elaborative-interrogation
able body of evidence suggests that the power of explanatory „ ° . ° ,
. • , , , . . . c -r- effects are often larger when elaborations are precise rather
questioning can be harnessed to promote learning. Speciti- , • ,
cally, research on both elaborative interrogation and self- than imPrecise> when Pnor kno^le^e 18 hlf
, .. , , . .. . i , lower (consistent with research showing that preexisting
explanation has shown that prompting students to answer \ ,
"Why?" questions can facilitate learning. These two literatures knowledge enhances memory by facilitating distinctive pro
are highly related but have mostly developed independently of cessin§' e-8-> Rawson an versee e, ), an w en
it. a a.y.- h it. u i u i a elaborations are self-generated rather than provided (a finding
one another. Additionally, they have overlapping but nomden- b \ v „ b
T- it ■ j consistent with research showing that distinctiveness effects
tical strengths and weaknesses. For these reasons, we consider . ._ „ _ .,
the two literatures separately. dePend on self-generating item-specific
F 3 1996).
I.I General description of elaborative
why it should work. In one of the earl
of elaborative interrogation, Pressley
Wood, and Ahmad (1987) presented under
with a list of sentences, each describin
lar man (e.g., "The hungry man got into
orative-interrogation group, for each sen
were prompted to explain "Why did that
that?" Another group of participants was
with an explanation for each sentence (e.
got into the car to go to the restaurant"
simply read each sentence. On a final test
were cued to recall which man perform
"Who got in the car?"), the elaborative
substantiallyoutperformed the other tw
across experiments, accuracy in this gr
72%, compared with approximately 37% i
two groups). From this and similar st
reported average effect sizes ranging f
As illustrated above, the key to elaborat
involves prompting learners to generate a
explicitly stated fact. The particular form
prompt has differed somewhat across s
include "Why does it make sense that...?"
and simply "Why?" However, the majorit
used prompts following the general form
fact be true of this [X] and not som
The prevailing theoretical account of ela
tion effects is that elaborative interrogati
by supporting the integration of new inf
prior knowledge. During elaborative inter
presumably "activate schemata . . . The
help to organize new information which
(Willoughby & Wood, 1994, p. 140). Altho
of new facts with prior knowledge may
tion (Hunt, 2006) of that information, or
sufficient—students must also be able to
related facts to be accurate when ident
cognitive disabilities (Scruggs, Mastropieri, Sullivan, & Hes knowledge permits the generation of more appropriate expla
ser, 1993), although Wood, Willoughby, Bolger, Younger, and nations for why a fact is true. If so, one might expect final-test
Kaspar (1993) did not find effects with a sample of low performance to vary as a function of the quality of the explana
achieving students. On the other end of the continuum, elabo tions generated during study. However, the evidence is mixed.
rad ve-interrogation effects have been shown for high-achieving Whereas some studies have found that test performance is bet
fifth and sixth graders (Wood & Hewitt, 1993; Wood, Wil ter following adequate elaborative-interrogation responses
loughby, et al., 1993). (i.e., those that include a precise, plausible, or accurate expla
Another key dimension along which learners differ is level nation for a fact) than for inadequate responses, the differences
of prior knowledge, a factor that has been extensively investi have often been small, and other studies have failed to find
gated within the literature on elaborative interrogation. Both differences (although the numerical trends are usually in the
correlational and experimental evidence suggest that prior anticipated direction). A somewhat more consistent finding is
knowledge is an important moderator of elaborative-interroga that performance is better following an adequate response than
tion effects, such that effects generally increase as prior no response, although in this case, too, the results are some
knowledge increases. For example, Woloshyn, Pressley, and what mixed. More generally, the available evidence should be
Schneider (1992) presented Canadian and German students interpreted with caution, given that outcomes are based on
with facts about Canadian provinces and German states. Thus, conditional post hoc analyses that likely reflect item-selection
both groups of students had more domain knowledge for one effects. Thus, the extent to which elaborative-interrogation
set of facts and less domain knowledge for the other set. As effects depend on the quality of the elaborations generated is
shown in Figure 1, students showed larger effects of elabora still an open question.
tive interrogation in their high-knowledge domain (a 24% 1.2c Materials. Although several studies have replicated
increase) than in their low-knowledge domain (a 12% elaborative-interrogation effects using the relatively artificial
increase). Other studies manipulating the familiarity of to-be "man sentences" used by Pressley et al. ( 1987), the majority of
learned materials have reported similar patterns, with signifi subsequent research has extended these effects using materials
cant effects for new facts about familiar items but weaker or that better represent what students are actually expected to
nonexistent effects for facts about unfamiliar items. Despite learn. The most commonly used materials involved sets of
some exceptions (e.g., Ozgungor & Guthrie, 2004), the overall facts about various familiar and unfamiliar animals (e.g., "The
conclusion that emerges from the literature is that high-knowl Western Spotted Skunk's hole is usually found on a sandy
edge learners will generally be best equipped to profit from piecethe
of farmland near crops"), usually with an elaborative
elaborative-interrogation technique. The benefit for interrogation
lower prompt following the presentation of each fact.
knowledge learners is less certain. Other studies have extended elaborative-interrogation effects
One intuitive explanation for why prior knowledge moder to fact lists from other content domains, including facts
ates the effects of elaborative interrogation is that higher about U.S. states, German states, Canadian provinces, and
universities; possible reasons for dinosaur extinction; and
□ Elaborative Interrogation gender-specific facts about men and women. Other studies
have shown elaborative-interrogation effects for factual state
□ Reading Control
ments about various topics (e.g., the solar system) that are nor
matively consistent or inconsistent with learners' prior beliefs
(e.g., Woloshyn, Paivio, & Pressley, 1994). Effects have also
been shown for facts contained in longer connected discourse,
including expository texts on animals (e.g., Seifert, 1994);
human digestion (B. L. Smith, Holliday, & Austin, 2010); the
neuropsychology of phantom pain (Ozgungor & Guthrie,
2004); retail, merchandising, and accounting (Dornisch &
Sperling, 2006); and various science concepts (McDaniel &
Donnelly, 1996). Thus, elaborative-interrogation effects are
relatively robust across factual material of different kinds and
with different contents. However, it is important to note that
elaborative interrogation has been applied (and may be appli
cable) only to discrete units of factual information.
1.2d Criterion tasks. Whereas elaborative-interrogation
High Knowledge Low Knowledge effects appear to be relatively robust across materials and
learners, the extensions of elaborative-interrogation effects
Fig. I. Mean percentage of correct responses on a final test for learners
across measures that tap different kinds or levels of learning is
with high or low domain knowledge who engaged in elaborative interroga
tion or in reading only during learning (in Woloshyn, Pressley, & Schneider, somewhat more limited. With only a few exceptions, the
1992). Standard errors are not available. majority of elaborative-interrogation studies have relied on the
following associative-m
ally involving the prese
entity for which the f
and matching (in which
facts and entities and m
entity). Effects have al
ognition (B. L. Smith e
Woloshyn & Stockley, 1
measures, a few studies
tion effects on free-rec
1995; Woloshyn et al.
(Domisch & Sperling, 2
All of the aforementio
ory for explicitly state
used measures tapping c
factual information. Al
interrogation effects o
tests that required infe
(Dornisch & Sperling,
Ozgungor & Guthrie,
also found that elaborat
mance on a concept-rela
rated the pairwise relat
sage, and rating cohere
ses); however, Dornisc
significant elaborative-
solving test. In sum, wh
on associative memory
extent to which elabora
comprehension is less certain. to time demands. Almost all studies set reasonable limits on
Of even greater concern than the limited array of measures the amount of time allotted for reading a fact and for
that have been used is the fact that few studies have examined ing an elaboration (e.g., 15 seconds allotted for each
performance after meaningful delays. Almost all prior studies In one of the few studies permitting self-paced learn
have administered outcome measures either immediately or time-on-task difference between the elaborative-interro
within a few minutes of the learning phase. Results from the and reading-only groups was relatively minimal (32 m
few studies that have used longer retention intervals are prom- vs. 28 minutes; B. L. Smith et al., 2010). Finally, the
ising. Elaborative-interrogation effects have been shown after tency of the prompts used across studies allows for r
delays of 1-2 weeks (Scruggs et al., 1994; Woloshyn et al., straightforward recommendations to students about the n
1994), 1-2 months (Kahl & Woloshyn, 1994; Willoughby, of the questions they should use to elaborate on facts
Waller, Wood, & MacKinnon, 1993; Woloshyn & Stockley, study.
1995), and even 75 and 180 days (Woloshyn et al., 1994). In With that said, one limitation noted above concer
almost all of these studies, however, the delayed test was pre- potentially narrow applicability of elaborative interroga
ceded by one or more criterion tests at shorter intervals, intro- discrete factual statements. As Hamilton (1997) noted,
ducing the possibility that performance on the delayed test was rative interrogation is fairly prescribed when focusing
contaminated by the practice provided by the preceding tests, of factual sentences. However, when focusing on mor
Thus, further work is needed before any definitive conclusions plex outcomes, it is not as clear to what one should dir
can be drawn about the extent to which elaborative interroga- 'why' questions" (p. 308). For example, when learning
tion produces durable gains in learning. complex causal process or system (e.g., the digestive s
the appropriate grain size for elaborative interrogation is an
1.3 Effects in representative educational contexts. Con- open question (e.g., should a prompt focus on an entir
cerning the evidence that elaborative interrogation will or just a smaller part of it?). Furthermore, whereas the fact
enhance learning in representative educational contexts, few be elaborated are clear when dealing with fact lists, ela
studies have been conducted outside the laboratory. However, ing on facts embedded in lengthier texts will require s
outcomes from a recent study are suggestive (B. L. Smith to identify their own target facts. Thus, students m
et al., 2010). Participants were undergraduates enrolled in an some instruction about the kinds of content to
elaborative interrogation maythe logical
be rules w
fruitfully ap
problems text,
also of concern with lengthier presented
self-explanation groups
gesting that elaborative-interrogation effects sa
diluted (Callender & group (see2007)
McDaniel, Fig. 2).
or In a
say, Sperling, & Dornisch, was explicitly
2010) told
when elaborat
the concrete
tion prompts are administered practice pr
infrequently (e.
every 1 or 2 pages). forthcoming abstract pro
As illustrated above, th
1.5 Elaborative interrogation: Overall
tion involves havingassess
elaborative interrogation during
as having learnin
tive-interrogation effects have been about
shown the r
broad range of factualrogation, self-explanatio
topics, although some co
about the applicabilitying the integration
of elaborative of n
that is lengthier or more complex However,
than fact com
learner characteristics,
in the
have been consistently documented
used for lear
to elicit self-explan
across age,
young as upper elementary studies.
but Depending
some evid
the particular
that the benefits of elaborative mechanism
for learners with low may differ
levels somewhat.
of domain knowled T
explanation prompts effe
criterion tasks, elaborative-interrogation diff
firmly established on are content-free
measures versus
of associative
istered after short delays, have used
but firm prompt
conclusions a
particular content
to which elaborative interrogation fro
benefits co
the extent to which elaborative-interrogation
"Explain what the senten
across longer delays await further does the sen
research. F
it relate
demonstrating the efficacy of to what youinte
elaborative alre
resentative educational contexts would
continuum, manyalso be
the need for further research
more content-specific,
to establish the suc
elaborative-interrogation effects is primarily
nique did not receive a high-utility rating.
Q Concurrent Self-Exp
□ Retrospective Self-Ex
2 Self-explanation
□ No Self-Explanation
2.1 General description of self-explanation
should work. In the seminal study on self-exp
(1983) explored its effects on logical reason
Wason card-selection task. In this task, a stud
four cards labeled "A," "4," "D," and "3" and b
cate which cards must be turned over to test the r
has A on one side, it has 3 on the other side" (
of the more general "if P, then Q" rule). Stud
asked to solve a concrete instantiation of the r
of jam on one side of a jar and the sale price
accuracy was near zero. They then were provid
mal explanation about how to solve the "if P, t
were given a set of concrete problems involvin
and other logical rules (e.g., "if P, then not Q"
concrete practice problems, one group of
Concrete Practice Abstract Transfer
prompted to self-explain while solving each p
Problems Problems
ing the reasons for choosing or not choos
Another group of students
Fig. 2. Meansolved
percentage all problem
of logical-reasoning
only then were asked rectly for concrete practice
to explain how problems
theyand hadsubs
stract transfer problems in Berry (1983). Durin
ing the problems. Students
in a control g
self-explained while solving each problem, self-
prompted to self-explain
problems,ator any
were notpoint.
prompted toAccura
engage in s
tice problems was 90% or
errors better
are not available. in all three gr
Table 3. Correlations b
Bednall & Kehoe, 2011,
This possibility was supported by data from Wang et al.
(1992; see also Wang & Thomas, 1995), who administered
immediate and delayed tests to different groups of students. As
shown in Figure 4 (top panel), for participants who received 20
the immediate test, the keyword-mnemonic group outper 18
formed a rote-repetition control group. By contrast, this bene
fit vanished for participants who received only the delayed
test. Even more telling, as shown in the bottom panel of Figure 14
4, when the researchers equated the performance of the two 12
groups on the immediate test (by giving the rote-repetition
group more practice), performance on the delayed test was
significantly better for the rote-repetition group than for the
keyword-mnemonic group (Wang et al., 1992).
These data suggest that the keyword mnemonic leads to
accelerated forgetting. One explanation for this surprising out
come concerns decoding at retrieval: Students must decode
each image to retrieve the appropriate target, and at longer
delays, such decoding may be particularly difficult. For Immediate Test Delayed Test
instance, when a student retrieves "a dentist holding a large
Fig. 4. Mean number of items correctly recalled on a cued-recall test oc
molar with a pair of pliers," he or she may have difficulty
curring soon after study (immediate test) or 1 week after study (delayed
deciding whether the target is "molar," "tooth," "pliers," or test) In Wang, Thomas, and Ouellette (1992). Values in the top panel are
"enamel." from Experiment I, and those in the bottom panel are from Experiment 3.
Standard errors are not available.
in knowledge or abilit
learners with different
Ratcliffe, Murnane, and
undergraduates and ad
passages from an abno
completed a short-answ
and then took a final te
or 1 day later. Both gro
both time points (with
tively, on the material
the material that had n
vide encouraging eviden
across knowledge levels
conclusions can be draw
edge level moderates testing effects. the magnitude of the benefit depends on these factors remains
Likewise, minimal research has examined testing effects as an open question,
a function of academically relevant ability levels. In a study by 8.2c Materials. Many of the studies that have demonstrate
Spitzer (1939), 3,605 sixth graders from 91 different elemen- testing effects have involved relatively simple verbal mate
tary schools read a short text and took an immediate test, to als, including word lists and paired associates. However, mos
provide a baseline measure of reading comprehension ability, of the sets of materials used have had some educational rele
In the groups of interest here, all students read an experimental vanee. A sizable majority of studies using paired-associat
text, half completed a practice multiple-choice test, and then materials have included foreign-language translations (inclu
all completed a multiple-choice test either 1 or 7 days later, ing Chinese, Iñupiaq, Japanese, Lithuanian, Spanish,
Spitzer reported final-test performance for the experimental Swahili) or vocabulary words paired with synonyms. Other
text separately for the top and bottom thirds of performers on studies have extended effects to paired book titles and auth
the baseline measure. As shown in Figure 7, taking the practice names, names and faces, objects and names, and pictures
test benefited both groups of students. With that said, the testing foreign-language translations (e.g., Barcroft, 2007; Carpe
effect appeared to be somewhat larger for higher-ability readers & Vul, 2011 ; Morris & Fritz, 2002; Rohrer, 2009).
than for lower-ability readers (with approximately 20%, vs. A considerable number of studies have also shown test
12%, improvements in accuracy), although Spitzer did not effects for factual information, including trivia facts and gen
report the relevant inferential statistics. eral knowledge questions (e.g., Butler, Karpicke, & Roediger,
Q Practice Test
□ No Practice Test
Fig. 7. Mean accuracy on a final test administered I day or I week after a learning s
that either did or did not include a practice test, for the top and bottom thirds of s
on a baseline measure of ability, in Spitzer (1939). Error bars represent standard err
2008; T. A. Smith
& Kimball, 2010) and
2009), although facts h
benefits d
classroom unitsinformation
science, in (see psycholo
history, and Carroll e
penter et al., 2009; McDaniel
Although et most
al., 2011; McD
man, & Anderson, 2012). tice tests
Earlier and criterion
research showed met
also multiplication
tests helped children learn reported encouraging
facts an
lists (Atkinson & Paulson,
which1972; Fishman
practice et al.,
testing can
Modigliani, 1985), and recent have been
studies have shown o
learning of definitions ences or the application
of vocabulary words (Met o
2007) and definitions of(Agarwal
key term &concepts
1988; C. I.
material (Rawson & Dunlosky, Johnson & May
An increasing numberMcDaniel
of studieset have
al., 2009),
shown incl
learning from text materials of various
ferent questions length
or differe
words to 2,000 words oring
of various
For example,
text g
that practicing
encyclopedia entries, scientific journal free recall
articles, t
sages), and on a wide range of on a subsequent
topics c
(e.g., Civil W
ics, bat echolocation, sea short-answer
otters, the big bang questio
Arctic exploration, toucans).
test. In Practice tests hav
fact, concept-mapp
ing free-recall
learning from video lectures and from practice
narrateddu a
mapping during
topics such as adult development, study.
lightning, Sim
and art history (Butler dents with expository
& Roediger, 2007; Cranneytex
Vojdanoska, Cranney, &lowed either
Newell, 2010).by repeated
Although much of the short-answer
work on testing tests (withha
effects f
cepts from
bal materials, practice testing the been
has also texts. One
learning of materials that include visual short-answ
or spatial
and concepts
including learning of features was better
and locations on mf
ter & Pashler, 2007; lowing
Rohrer etrestudy (see
al., 2010), Fig.
(Jacoby, Wahlheim, & Coane,experiment
2010),are particularl
naming objec
et al., 2009; Fritz et al.,test involved
2007), far transfer
associating names
(Fielder & Shaughnessy, cepts
2008;from one
Morris & domain to
Fritz, 200
spatial locations of objects (Sommer,
students Schoell,
had to apply info
2008), learning symbols make inferences
(Coppens, Verkoeijen about t
2011), and identifying depicted parts of a flow
1989). Finally, recent workFinally, recent
has studies extended
have also shown testing effects
nondeclarative learning, other forms of transfer.
including Jacoby etlearning
the al. (2010) o
tion skills (Kromann et al., 2009) and inductive
input-output functions (Kang, □ Practice TestsMcDaniel, et al., 2
8.2d Criterion tasks. Although□ Restudy cued recall is the
monly used criterion measure,
80 r testing effects ha
shown with other forms of memory tests, including
recognition, and fill-in-the-blank
well as tests, as
and multiple-choice questions that tap memory f
tion explicitly stated in text material.
Regarding transfer, the modal method in testin
research has involved using the same questions ta
same target information (e.g., the same cued-recal
multiple-choice questions) on practice tests and cr
However, as described in the subsection on lea
tions (8.2a) above, many studies have also sho
effects when learning of the same
Facts Concepts target
Facts informa
Concepts Concepts
ated using different test formats for
Experiment practice
1 b Experiment 2 Exp. 3 and cr
Furthermore, an increasing number of studies hav
Fig. 8. Accuracy on final tests that consisted of inference-based transfer
practice testing a subset of information influences
questions tapping key facts or concepts, administered I week after a learn
related but untested information
ing session that involved either (J. C.or restudy,
practice tests K. Chan, in Butler (2010). 2
C. K. Chan, McDermott,
Error bars & Roediger,
represent standard errors. 2006; Cra
presented measureslearners
in these studies involved experimenter-devised tests w
names foror no-stakes
pop quizzes, research has also shown effects
tional practice testing on of
study actual summative course
the assessments pi
which learners were
(Balch, 1998; Daniel & Broida, 2004; Lyle & Crawford, 2011;
retrieve McDaniel et al., 2011;
the McDaniel et al., 2012).
correct For example, a study by McDaniel et al. (2012)
answer. involved
same undergraduates enrolled in of
families an online psychologybirds
course on the
those brain and behavior. Each week, students could
families. Learnearn course
new birdspointsfollowing by completing an online practice activity up to four p
only. Similarly, times. In the online activity, some information was Kang
inductive function
for practice testing with feedback, some information was prelear
either studied pairs
sented for restudy, and some information was not presented. of
for a given Subsequent unit exams included questions that had
input been pre
The prediction sented during the practice tests and group
also new, related questions o
criterion focusing on different aspects
test for of the practiced concepts.
both As
pairs. shown in Figure 9, grades on unit exams were higher for infor
In addition to establishing testing effects across an array of mation that had been practice tested than for restudied infor
outcome measures, studies have also demonstrated testing mation or unpracticed information, for both repeated questions
effects across many retention intervals. Indeed, in contrast to and for new related questions.
literatures on other learning techniques, contemporary research
on testing effects has actually used short retention intervals 8.4 Issues for implementation. Practice testing appears to be
less often than longer retention intervals. Although a fair num relatively reasonable with respect to time demands. Most
ber of studies have shown testing effects after short delays research has shown effects of practice testing when the amount
(0-20 minutes), the sizable majority of recent research has of time allotted for practice testing is modest and is equated
involved delays of at least 1 day, and the modal retention inter with the time allotted for restudying. Another merit of practice
val used is 1 week. The preference for using longer retention testing is that it can be implemented with minimal training.
intervals may be due in part to outcomes from several studies Students can engage in recall-based self-testing in a relatively
reporting that testing effects are larger when final tests are straightforward fashion. For example, students can self-test via
administered after longer delays (J. C. K. Chan, 2009; Cop cued recall by creating flashcards (free and low-cost flashcard
pens et al., 2011 ; C. I. Johnson & Mayer, 2009; Kornell, Bjork, software is also readily available) or by using the Cornell
& Garcia, 2011 ; Roediger & Karpicke, 2006b; Runquist, 1983;
Schmidmaier et al., 2011; Toppino & Cohen, 2009; Wenger, H Practice Tests
Thompson, & Bartling, 1980; Wheeler, Ewers, & Buonanno, □ Restudy
2003). It is impressive that testing effects have been observed
] No Practice
after even longer intervals, including intervals of 2 to 4 weeks
(e.g., Bahrick & Hall, 2005; Butler & Roediger, 2007; Carpen
ter, Pashler, Wixted, & Vul, 2008; Kromann et al., 2009;
Rohrer, 2009), 2 to 4 months (e.g., McDaniel, Anderson, Der
bish, & Morrisette, 2007; Morris & Fritz, 2002; Rawson &
Dunlosky, 2011), 5 to 8 months (McDaniel et al., 2011; Rees,
1986), 9-11 months (Carpenter et al., 2009), and even 1 to 5
years (Bahrick et al., 1993). These findings are great news for
students and educators, given that a key educational goal is
durable knowledge and not just temporary improvements in
9.2 How general are the effects of distributed practice?
The distributed-practice effect is robust. Cepeda et al. (2006)
reviewed 254 studies involving more than 14,000 participants
altogether; overall, students recalled more after spaced study
(47%) than after massed study (37%). In both Donovan and
Radosevich's (1999) and Janiszewski et al.'s (2003) meta
analyses, distributed practice was associated with moderate
effect sizes for recall of verbal stimuli. As we describe below,
the distributed-practice effect generalizes across many of the
categories of variables listed in Table 2.
9.2a Learning conditions. Distributed practice refers to a par
ticular schedule of learning episodes, as opposed to a particular
4 kind of learning episode. That is, the distributed-practice effect
Session refers to better learning when learning episodes are spread out
in time than when they occur in close succession, but those
Fig. 10. Proportion of items answered correctly on an initial test adminis
learning episodes could involve restudying material, retrieving
tered in each of six practice sessions (prior to actual practice) and on the
final test 30 days after the final practice session as a function of lag between information from memory, or practicing skills. Because our
sessions (0 days, I day, or 30 days) in Bahrick (1979). emphasis is on educational applications, we will not
(although ait
given solid, may
which was immediately followed
requiby the four
cessfully practice
in a
problems for numbe
that kind of solid. Practice solving vol
research has
umes for a given solid
was then followed by the tutorial and
plex practice problems for the next kind
materials, the of solid, and so on.exStu
that dents in an interleaved-practice group first
distributed practiread all four tutori
well. Future research
als and then completed all the practice problems, with the
possible individual
constraint that every set of four consecutive problemsdif included
that require one problem for each of the four kinds of solids. One week
isolate the aftercontribution the second practice session, all students took a criterion
tributed retrieval in educational contexts. test in which they solved two novel problems for each of the
four kinds of solids. Students' percentages of correct responses
during the practice sessions and during the criterion test are
10 Interleaved practice presented in Figure 13, which illustrates a typical interleaving
effect: During practice, performance was better with blocked
In virtually every kind of class at every grade level, students
are expected to learn content from many different subtopicspractice
or than interleaved practice, but this advantage dramati
problems of many different kinds. For example, studentscally in a reversed on the criterion test, such that interleaved prac
neuroanatomy course would learn about several different ticediviboosted accuracy by 43%.
sions of the nervous system, and students in a geometry course One explanation for this impressive effect is that interleav
ing of
would learn various formulas for computing properties gave students practice at identifying which solution
objects such as surface area and volume. Given that the goal method
is (i.e., which of several different formulas) should be
to learn all of the material, how should a student scheduleused his for a given solid (see also, Mayfield & Chase, 2002). Put
or her studying of the different materials? An intuitive differently, interleaved practice helps students to discriminate
approach, and one we suspect is adopted by most students, between the different kinds of problems so that they will be
more likely to use the correct solution method for each one.
involves blocking study or practice, such that all content from
one subtopic is studied or all problems of one type are prac Compelling evidence for this possibility was provided by Tay
ticed before the student moves on to the next set of material.lor
In and Rohrer (2010). Fourth graders learned to solve mathe
contrast, recent research has begun to explore interleaved problems involving prisms. For a prism with a given
number of base sides (b), students learned to solve for the
practice, in which students alternate their practice of different
kinds of items or problems. Our focus here is on whether number
inter of faces (b + 2), edges (b x 3), corners (b x 2), or
leaved practice benefits students' learning of educationally angles (b x 6). Students first practiced partial problems: A
relevant material. term for a single component of a prism was presented (e.g.,
Before we present evidence of the efficacy of this tech corners), the student had to produce the correct formula (i.e.,
nique, we should point out that, in contrast to the other techfor corners, the correct response would be "b x 2"), and then
niques we have reviewed in this monograph, many fewer
studies have investigated the benefits of interleaved practice □ Blocked
on measures relevant to student achievement. Nonetheless, we
m Interleaved
elected to include this technique in our review because (a)
plenty of evidence indicates that interleaving can improve
motor learning under some conditions (for reviews, see Brady,
1998; R. A. Schmidt & Bjork, 1992; Wulf & Shea, 2002) and
(b) the growing literature on interleaving and performance on
cognitive tasks is demonstrating the same kind of promise.
ers have investigated the benefits of interleaved practice with
spacing held constant (e.g., Kang & Pashler, 2012; Mitchell,
■ Nash, & Hall, 2008), and the results suggested that spacing is
not responsible for interleaving effects. For instance, Kang
Fabrication Discrimination and Pashler (2012) had college students study paintings by
various artists with the goal of developing a concept of each
Fig. 14. Types of errors made by fourth graders while solving mathemati
cal problems on a delayed criterion test in Taylor andartists'
Rohrer style,(2010).
so that the students could later correctly identify
bars represent standard errors. the artists who had produced paintings that had not been
Issues Educational
Technique Utility Learners Materials tasks implementation contexts
Highlighting Low Q Q N P N
Note: A positive (P) rating indicates that available evidence demonstrates efficacy of a learning technique with respect to a given variable or issue. A
negative (N) rating indicates that a technique is largely ineffective for a given variable.A qualified (Q) rating indicates that the technique yielded positive
effects under some conditions (or in some groups) but not others.An insufficient (I) rating indicates that there is insufficient evidence to support a
definitive assessment for one or more factors for a given variable or issue.
in Table 4 with an I rating highlights the need for further sys- review to make informed decisions about which techniques
tematic research. will best meet their instructional and learning goals.
Finally, some cells include more than one rating. In these
cases, enough evidence exists to evaluate a technique on one
dimension of a category or issue, yet insufficient evidence is
Implications for research on learning
available for some other dimension. For instance, self-expla- techniques
nation received a P-I rating for criterion tasks because the Amain goal of this monograph wa
available evidence is positive on one dimension (generaliz- recommendations for teachers and
ability across a range of criterion tasks) but is insufficient on utility of various learning tec
another key dimension (whether the benefit of self-explana- identify areas that have been u
tion generalizes across longer retention intervals). As another require further research befor
example, rereading received a Q-I rating for criterion tasks tions for their use in education c
because evidence for the effectiveness of this technique over gaps are immediately apparent
long retention intervals is qualified (i.e., under some learning highlight a few, we do not yet k
conditions, it does not produce an effect for longer retention of the learning techniques will
intervals), and insufficient evidence is available that is rele- ages, abilities, and levels of prior
vant to its effectiveness across different kinds of criterion few exceptions (e.g., practice tes
tasks (e.g., rereading does boost performance on recall tasks, the degree to which many of th
but little is known as to its benefits for comprehension). When learning (e.g., over a number
techniques have multiple ratings for one or more variables, partly because investigations
readers will need to consult the reviews for details. cally involved a single session tha
Finally, we used these ratings to develop an overall utility criterion tests (for a discussion
assessment for each of the learning techniques. The utility gle-session research, see Raw
assessments largely reflect how well the benefits of each learn- few techniques have been eva
ing technique generalize across the different categories of tional contexts.
variables (e.g., for how many variables the technique received This appraisal (along with Table
a P rating). For example, the keyword mnemonic and imagery for future research that could h
use for text learning were rated low in utility in part because education. First, more research
their effects are limited to materials that are amenable to imag- degree to which the benefits
ery and because they may not work well for students of all the variables listed in Table 2. Pa
ages. Even so, some teachers may decide that the benefits of investigations that evaluate the
techniques with low-utility ratings match their instructional among the variables limit or m
goals for their students. Thus, although we do offer these easy- technique. Second, the benef
to-use assessments of each learning technique, we also encour- representative educational sett
age interested teachers and students to carefully read each explored. Easy-to-use version
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