Hughes, Megan
Hughes, Megan
Hughes, Megan
Megan Hughes
Submitted to
Maryville, MO 64468
The purpose of this study was to analyze the opinions and perceptions of teachers and
students concerning the influence of technology on student motivation. The research includes
findings that answer the questions, “Is technology use in general a motivating factor for
students?” and “Is technology being effectively utilized in the classroom by educators?” The
research was conducted using an anonymous survey distributed through Google Docs to
teachers and students at one Midwestern high school. The findings were analyzed through
Microsoft Excel and A Statistical Package (ASP) software. Findings indicate that there is not a
major difference between teacher and student attitudes concerning the concept of student
motivation as related to the use of technology in general terms, but there is a significant
difference in attitudes about the effect on motivation of using advanced technology, rather
than just basic forms. In addition, students and teachers differ in their opinions of the
effectiveness of current technology use in the classroom, regardless of its status as a motivating
factor. Further training in effective utilization of technology in the classroom may be necessary
for many educators, especially those with more than 10 years of teaching experience, to make
sure that motivation is not stunted by improper use of technology in the classroom.
Technology and Student Motivation
A high school located in the Midwest, hereafter referred to as PHS, is part of a suburban
district that has had substantial growth over the past 25 years, from around 6,000 students in
1987 to more than 10,000 students in 2012. However, the growth has slowed in recent years,
adding only 1,000 total students in the last 8 years. PHS itself has a population that continues to
grow, with a 2011‐2012 population of 1551 students. As the number of students continues to
grow, so does the need for technology as a tool for a variety of purposes. The ongoing
commitment for the district. The current student to computer ration is 2.6 to 1, a number that
has decreased since implementing laptop carts in 2006‐2007. The Board of Education has
approved a study to be completed by an outside firm during 2012 to analyze the climate for an
initiative in coming years. Because of this increase in technology use, this project was
developed to survey faculty members and students from PHS on their opinions related to
technology. The analysis of the results will differentiate between students and faculty
members. It will also differentiate in the number of years of service of faculty members who
The practice under investigation is how to best motivate students in the classroom
utilizing technology.
Teachers at PHS are required to utilize and maintain technology tools in their classrooms
to better help and engage their students. These include everything from hardware like SMART
Boards and MOBI devices to online sites like BlackBoard and Twitter. Teachers are provided
with professional development centered around the use of technology and teachers are seen as
up to date in their instructional strategies if they can effectively integrate technology into their
classrooms. While many strategies are used to generate student motivation, technology is
often referred to most and additional research may inform that practice.
Conceptual Underpinning
Psychologist Abraham Maslow broke ground on the idea of motivation when he created
various levels of needs creates different levels of motivation that depend on a certain
personality or goal. Psychologist Alfred Bandura expanded this idea beyond simply doing tasks
to meet certain needs into his Social Cognitive Theory. At the center of his Theory is the
concept of self‐efficacy which plays a role in how one approaches goals, tasks and challenges.
People will be more inclined to enthusiastically take on a task if they believe they will succeed‐‐
the definition of high self‐efficacy (Omrod, 1999). Sharon Andrew applied that theory to
students and found a connection between self‐efficacy and productivity (Andrew, 2002).
Because students of this generation have life‐long experience with technology, they have
confidence in using it and its incorporation may increase self‐efficacy, thereby increasing
As more and more technology is integrated into daily classroom use, there is a lack of
understanding about the best way to utilize it to positively influence student motivation.
The purpose of the study is to ascertain student and faculty opinions about the
effectiveness of technology as a motivational classroom tool. The information gained will help
educators have a better idea of how to motivate students and use technology effectively in
Research Questions
RQ 2: Is there a difference of opinion between what teachers and students think about
Null Hypothesis
HO. There is no difference of opinion between students and teachers in how technology
The result of this study will inform teachers about how to effectively motivate students,
and whether or not technology should play a part in that process. It will help school officials
know what training teachers should have in technology and what types of technology might be
Definition of Terms
consistently utilize a variety of technological tools for a variety of purposes, and teachers are
provided professional development to increase their skills in the use of technology. The
research investigates the use of technology in the classroom and its potential influence on
student motivation. The research also looks at the perceptions and ideas of both teachers and
students about that use. Finally, the research looks at whether there is a difference between
student and teacher perceptions of technology as a motivation tool for students in the
classroom setting.
Technology and Student Motivation
different factors that influence achievement and learning, but one in particular is the idea of
students are more likely to engage in certain behaviors when they believe they are capable of
executing those behaviors successfully. Therefore, they are more motivated to take on tasks
they have confidence in succeeding in and put more effort into activities and behaviors they
This social cognitive theory was put into a model of motivation and cognition by Pintrich
and his colleagues, emphasizing various cognitive and motivational constructs emphasizing the
(Pintrich and Strauben, 1992). In addition, throughout his additional research, Pintrich
emphasized task value beliefs as positively related to self‐regulated learning. “Students who
believe that their course work is interesting, important and useful are more likely to report the
use of self‐regulatory strategies” (Pintrich, 1999, 462. Though key findings were discovered
connecting self‐efficacy to self‐regulation, Pintrich (1999) emphasized the need for additional
research on how classroom practices can be changes to foster adaptive motivation and self‐
Using Pintrich’s model as a basis for research, Sharon Andrew (2002) examined the
effects of self‐efficacy and motivation on productivity of nursing students. She found that the
task value that Pintrich (1999) had focused on was the strongest direct influence on students’
Technology and Student Motivation
Both Pintrich (1999) and Andrew (2002) concluded that further examination was
necessary, especially in areas regarding specific classroom strategies and their impact on self‐
efficacy leading to higher productivity and achievement. One of those strategies that has been
more recently examined in different fields is the use of technology in the classroom, as its link
to self‐efficacy is clear in the Millenial Generation’s comfort and confidence in the use of
technology. Confidence in the use of technology may lead to confidence in a task, tying back to
Pintrich (1999) and his ideas of task value beliefs in relation to self‐regulation and increased
Many student benefits from the use of technology in classrooms have been reported,
mastery of basic skills, more student‐centered learning and engagement in the learning process
and more active processing, resulting in higher‐order thinking skills and better recall” (165).
Stepp‐Greany (2002) also cited the result of task confidence gained through the use of
technology, tying back to Bandura’s theory of self‐efficacy (Omron, 1999) and Pintrich’s model
of social cognition in relation to motivation (Pintrich and Strauben, 1992). She cites Warschauer
(1996), whose study identified three common factors of student motivation from a technology‐
the fact that students like the ability to engage in real communication acts, empowerment
driven by the fact that students were less isolated and less afraid to contact others, and
learning driven by receiving control over learning, enabling them to learn “faster and more
Technology and Student Motivation
independently and to write more creatively” and leading to more positive attitudes and
One study took on technology and motivation specifically in the EFL classroom (Genc
Ilter, 2009). After examining various advantages of the use of technology in foreign language
classrooms, including “students may have a chance to see the real world in classrooms and they
can be motivated easily…creating challenging tasks and activities motivates the language
learners” (Genc Ilter, 2009, 136), the author concluded that students wanted technology used
by their teachers in the classroom, found it more motivational to use it and that foreign
language classes specifically benefited from the use of a variety of types of technology
utilization in the classroom. Genc Ilter referenced several other studies, including Wang (2004),
which said “using computers and every kind of technological equipment gives students the
sense of freedom and encouragement” (Wang, 2004, 156), and Jonassen (2000) which
discussed that technology in the classroom not only positively influences not only the students,
but also the teachers. Genc Ilter (2009) found that technology creates a more meaningful
classroom environment, but warns that solely relying on technology as a strategy does not
examined students of different motivation levels who were given an assignment using
technology as a main tool, and found that the use of technology had a positive impact on
student learning based on increased content knowledge. She highlighted all of the potential
resources and, of course, motivation. Findings included data that supported the idea that
Technology and Student Motivation
student knowledge increased by using the KGS technology, with correlations to each motivation
level. “The new methods of communication,” (namely, the use of technology) “in addition to
other facets of the learning environment explored in this study, create opportunities for new
However, Na and Chun‐hao (2010) concluded in their research that additional research
must be done to find conclusive results in the ties between student motivation and the use of
technology in the classroom. As they claim, “very little research has been done to find empirical
data to support the connection,” (Na and Chun‐hao, 2010, 26). The authors propose a
spend point out how difficult it can be to measure the effectiveness of technology since a
classroom is such a complex thing. The authors advocate that a multitude of research needs to
be conducted in order to really find results, especially ones using this new approach.
Bynum (2011) agreed with their studies after examining best practices associated with
using social media for educational purposes in the classroom to engage students. In order to be
effective in doing so, new and different approaches must be taken by educators. “Because
students spend an inordinate amount of time on computers, they need to be engaged in the
classroom in new and different ways that embrace that” (Bynum, 2011, 6). He highlights
potential downfalls of the use of technology, including the digital divide and a lack of training
This issue of the new digital divide is brought up in a great deal of research, including
that of Hargattai (2011). He examined the digital divide as not just whether a student has
Internet access, but also whether or not students have online skills—what he refers to as
Technology and Student Motivation
“second level” digital divide (Hargattai, 2011). Vaidhyanathan (2008) had similar findings in his
research, citing that though kids have grown up with technology, they may not be as
technologically inclined or educated as many would believe. He said that though members of
his so‐called “tech generation” use tools like Google, Facebook and YouTube, they do not use
them to their full potential or understand their power despite being “digital natives”
(Vaidhyanathan, 2008).
The research of these two solidifies the idea that just because someone has access does
not mean they know how to use the technology, pushing the digital divide far beyond simple
access. In relationship to the classroom, that means that students and teachers both need
training in how to use the technology for it to be an effective tool and/or source of motivation
in the classroom.
Technology and Student Motivation
Research Design:
A non‐experimental, one‐time survey served as the research design. The alpha level was
set at 0.25 for all tests with this research. The independent variable was whether a participant
was a student or a teacher. The survey measured the results of several dependent variables
involving student motivation. Tests run included plot frequency and Chi Square analysis.
The student group for this research consisted of PHS faculty members, ranging from 2 to
25 years of experience, and PHS students, ranging from 9th through 12th grade.
An anonymous questionnaire was distributed via Google Docs to all staff members of
PHS and students in two 9‐12 elective classrooms. The questionnaire had specific questions for
teachers, and specific questions for students, respectively. Questions were similar in nature to
allow for an understanding of attitudes and perceptions of the teachers and students surveyed.
Questions were answered with a “yes” or “no.” The survey remained open for a one‐week
period. 24 teachers and 27 students responded to the survey. Responses automatically posted
to an Excel spreadsheet. Words were recorded as numbers in answers so that the statistical
A Statistical Package (ASP) software was used to complete the statistical calculations in
this study. Additionally, Microsoft Excel was used to compile some totals used in the research.
Technology and Student Motivation
To determine the attitudes and perceptions of teachers and students, a separate survey
with similar questions was given to teacher and students. However, each survey began with a
question that asked teachers to identify their years of experience and student to identify their
year in school, the answer of which could affect the rest of a respondent’s answers. The
1 to 3
3 to 5
5 to 10
1 to 3 2 8.33%
3 to 5 4 16.67%
5 to 10 8 33.33%
10+ 10 41.67%
TOTAL 24 100.00%
Figure 1 and Table 1 show the breakdown of the number of years of service of the
hnology and SStudent Motivvation
ents, indicated that theyy are in years 1‐3 of servvice. 4, or 166.67% of the respondentts,
d that they are
a in years 3‐5.
3 8, or 33..33% of resppondents, haave 5‐10 yeaars of experience,
the secon
nd highest number
n of re
Sttudents also
o had to indiccate their grrade in schoool, as their aanswer could
d influence o
es in the survvey.
Table 2: Student
S Grade
Grade Number of
o Responden
Freshman 2 7.41%
ore 4 14.81%
Junior 8 29.63%
Senior 13
1 48.15%
Technology and Student Motivation
Figure 2 and Table 2 show the breakdown of the grades of the students who responded.
The highest number of responses came from seniors, with 13, or 48.15% of respondents. 2, or
7.41% of the respondents, indicated that they are freshmen. 4, or 14.81% of the respondents
are sophomores. 8, or 29.63% of respondents, are juniors, the second highest number of
The next question for both teachers and students asked if respondents used technology
in their classes on a consistent basis. An plot frequency chart was used in ASP (A Statistical
teacher/student status.
Table 3
x<1 0 0 0 0 ¦
x>2 0 51 0 100 ¦
TOTAL 51 100
As shown in Table 3, 80% of the 51 total respondents (both students and teachers)
perceived that technology was being used on a consistent basis in their classes for learning
(1=yes), whereas only 19.6% reported that it was not being used consistently for learning
classes, it is important to continue to analyze data to see if its use is effective and/or
As a follow‐up to the previous question, teachers and students were asked if they or
their teachers were implementing strategies to effectively use technology in the classroom.
Table 4
x<1 0 0 0 0 ¦
x>2 0 51 0 100 ¦
TOTAL 51 100
Table 4 shows the overall results regarding whether or not technology is effectively
being used. In Table 3, 80% said technology was being used consistently, yet here in Table 4,
that number drops to 62.7% of respondents (1=yes), when the question comes to effective use,
rather than simple use at all. The number of negative responses (2=no) jumps from 19.6% in
Table 3 to 37.3% in Table 4, indicating that fewer teachers and students perceive that
technology is effectively being used in the classroom. Regardless of this decline, however, still
nearly two‐thirds (62.7%) of respondents believe that technology is effectively being used in
their classes.
Technology and Student Motivation
Because of this decline, additional tests were done to determine if there was a
Table 5
79.2%, said that they did know and implement strategies to effectively use technology. 5
teachers, or 20.8%, said that they did not. By contrast, only 13 (48.1%) of students said that
their teachers were effectively using technology and 14 (51.9%) of students said that their
teachers were not implementing effective technology strategies. As shown in Table 5, there is a
significant difference (Chi Square (1) = 5.23, p‐value = 0.0222) between teacher and student
opinions on whether technology is effectively being used in the classroom. The null hypothesis
is rejected for this question, as there is a different in opinion between students and teachers
about whether or not they are implementing strategies to effectively use technology.
The fourth question for students and teachers asked whether using any form of
technology on a project or assignment makes students more motivated to complete the task.
Technology and Student Motivation
Table 6
Question: Using any form of technology on a project or assignment makes me more motivated
motivation. 15 teachers, or 62.5%, said that use of any form motivates students. 9 teachers, or
37.5%, said that any form was not necessarily motivational. By contrast, 15 (55.6%) of students
said that using any form of technology was motivational, and 12 (44.4%) of students said that
simply using any form of technology did not increase motivation to complete a task. There is a
difference in student and teacher opinion when it comes to use of technology as a motivator.
However, as shown in Table 6, there is not a significant difference (Chi Square (1) = 0.2529, p‐
value = 0.6149) between teacher and student opinions on whether use of any form of
technology increases motivation for students to complete a task. The null hypothesis is not
Table 7
Question: My students are/I am more motivated by using advanced forms of technology than
concerning whether the use of advanced technology increases student motivation. 21 teachers,
or 87.5%, said that advanced technology increases motivation. 3 teachers, or 12.5%, said that
they did not. By contrast, 26 (96.3%) students said that advanced technology use is more
motivational than basic forms and only 1 (3.7%) student said that s/he was not more motivated
(Chi Square (1) = 1.3601, p‐value = 0.2435) between teacher and student opinions on whether
advanced technology use is more motivational for students than basic technology use. The null
hypothesis is rejected for this question, as there is a different in opinion between students and
The final two questions for students and teachers related to training, both in the actual
use of technology and how to implement it effectively in the classroom. Responses were
Figure 3
Teacher training
t in how
h to effecttively use tecchnology in tthe classrooom
15 Yes
Teacchers Students
A shown in Figure
F 3, 27 students and 24 teache rs responded to the stattement, “I/M
(20.8%) said
s they do not need more
m trainingg. All 27 (1000%) of student respondeents said theeir
Figure 4
Teacchers Students
A shown in Figure
F 4, 27 students and 24 teache rs responded to the stattement, “I
they do not
n need mo
ore training. 16 (59%) off student resspondents in
ndicated they
wanted/needed additional trainiing in advanced technol ogy, and 11 (40.7%) of sstudents said
Among the 51 teachers and students surveyed, it was found that 80% perceived that
technology was being used on a consistent basis in their classes for learning—an overwhelming
majority. Since the condition in question was on a consistent basis, it is highly likely that
technology is being used in 100% of classrooms, but not necessarily on what the respondents
considered a “consistent basis.” Because of the fact that technology use is, overall, consistent in
classrooms, it is important that further research be done into its effectiveness. That question
was addressed in the survey, which found that although 80% of respondents were using
technology consistently in their classrooms, only 62.7% indicated that the technology being
These results were further analyzed to determine if there was a difference between
teacher and student opinion when it comes to the effectiveness of use of technology in the
currently implementing strategies in their classes to effectively utilize technology. Teachers feel
that they are effective while students are not as confident. This shows that what teachers and
students see as effective implementation may be different, which warrants further research
into what strategies are most effective to both students and teachers when implementing
Beyond simple use, the survey examined technology as a motivational factor for
students. The null hypothesis stated that there is no difference of opinion between students
and teachers in whether technology effectively and consistently motivates students. The results
of this study indicate that there are areas of significant difference of opinion between students
Technology and Student Motivation
and teachers. There is a significant difference of opinion concerning whether teachers are
above. Teachers feel that they are effective while students are not as confident.
In addition, the null hypothesis was rejected when examining advanced forms of
technology use as “more motivational” for students than basic forms, as there is a difference in
opinion between students, who had only one negative response, and teachers, who had several
negative responses. Even though both respondent groups had an overwhelming majority say
that advanced technology was more motivational, there was still a significant difference since
There was one question where there was not a significant statistical difference of
opinion between teacher and student respondents. This was the major question of the
research, asking if use of any form of technology increased motivation of students to complete
a task. There was a difference in teacher opinion versus student opinion, as more teachers
indicated any form of technology was motivational, but it was not a significant difference, so
Finally, in order to further inform the results of the opinion questions regarding use and
motivation, teachers and students were asked about their interest/need in gaining additional
training in how to effectively use technology in the classroom and how to use advanced forms
of technology in general. All 27 students (100%) said that their teachers needed additional
training in how to utilize technology, aligning with earlier findings of students’ dissatisfaction
additional training, also aligning with the significant difference found between student and
Technology and Student Motivation
teacher opinions in this category. Only half of teachers (50%) said they needed more training in
use of advanced forms of technology, while more students said they needed or wanted more
training. This may be important due to the previously discussed results of advanced forms of
students and teachers) in what constitutes consistent, effective use of technology in the
classroom. This may be subjective judgment based on personal preferences and experiences, so
additional research would bring light to what strategies students and teachers could agree are
Literature indicated that use of technology in the classroom (in many instances that
included nursing programs, Foreign Language classrooms and science classrooms) increased
student motivation due to a variety of factors that included real‐time interaction, real‐world
application and self‐regulated learning and pacing. The results of this survey tended to agree
with the literature, finding that students were motivated by the use of technology; however, it
was more advanced forms that resulted in more motivation, and only half of students said using
administrators, districts and the new Common Core standards that advocate for focus on 21st
Century Skills. As currently practiced, however, many educators are not effectively using
technology in the classroom and students seem to be well aware of that issue. There appears to
be a discrepancy between what teachers believe they are doing well and what students see as
being effective, since this study found that more teachers believe they are effective than
Technology and Student Motivation
students, and that 100% of student respondents indicated their teachers needed additional
training in how to effectively utilize technology. For technology to be a consistent and effective
motivator for students, educators must get more training in using the advanced forms of
education that provide further motivation, as well as learn additional strategies for effectively
The school district may want to consider an in‐depth study of the effective uses of
technology being done in the building by teachers. This could be done through an additional
Once teachers and/or strategies for effective use are determined, those people could lead
training sessions for the many teachers who are looking for additional strategies for effective
Next, because students and teachers are wanting additional training in the use of
advanced forms of technology, the schools will want to train both educators and students (or
educators, who could then train students) in additional forms of technology that go beyond the
basics (e‐mail, Microsoft Office, etc.). For the practice to be utilized best, the schools will want
to ensure that teachers understand how higher forms of technology increase motivation for
students but that using just any form is not necessarily motivational or even effective. If these
steps are not followed, there likely will continue to be differences of opinion between students
and teachers, especially when it comes to how technology is being used effectively in the
There are several areas warranting further study. As previously mentioned, students and
teachers disagree about whether or not technology is effectively being implemented in their
Technology and Student Motivation
classrooms; however, the definition of effectiveness and examples of effective and ineffective
implementation were not explored. A study of both students and teachers could again be
conducted, this time focusing more on learning strategies using technology as a tool.
motivation would also prove to be beneficial for educators in terms of determining which tools
they should focus on in training and if there are some “advanced” forms that students find
more motivation than others. Since students said they needed more training in this area, it
would also benefit them if research was done on the technology skills of different
demographics within PHS, as literature has shown us that there is a new digital divide that
educators and administrators need to be aware of when utilizing technology in the classroom.
teachers with fewer years of experience to those with greater years of experience, as age often
Andrew, S. (2002). The relationships among first year Bachelor of Nursing students’ entry
characteristics, self‐regulated learning and academic performance for their science and
Bynum, S. (2011). Utilizing Social Media to Increase Student Engagement: A Study of Kern
Genc Ilter, B. (2009). Effect of Technology on Motivation in EFL Classrooms. Online Journal of
Hargattai, E. (2002). Second‐Level Digital Divide: Differences in People’s Online Skills. First
Technology and Student Motivation
Na, L., Kang‐hao, H., and Chun‐hao, C. (2010). Cognitive‐situative approach to understand
7(5), 8 pages.
Ormrod, J.E. (1999). Human learning (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice‐Hall.
environment: Implications for the new millennium. Language Learning and Technology.
Vaidhyanathan, S. (2008). Generational myth: Not all young people are tech‐savvy. The
Appendix A:
Teacher Survey
Action Research
h Project Survey
This is a survey for an
a Action Reesearch Projeect for my N
Northwest M Missouri Statee graduate cllass.
All respoonses will bee kept anonymous. Thank k you for takking time to complete thhe survey.
How man
ny years hav
ve you been teaching?
1-3 yearss
3-5 yearss
5-10 years
10+ yearrs
nd implemen
I know an nt strategies to effectively use technnology in myy classroom.
Using an
ny form of technology on
n a project orr assignmentt makes my students moore motivatedd to
completee the task.
Technology and Student Motivation
My students are more motivated by using advanced forms of technology than basic forms
(PowerPoint, Word, e-mail).
Continue »
Appendix B:
Student Survey
Action Research
h Project Survey
This is a survey for an
a Action Reesearch Projeect for my N
Northwest M Missouri Statee graduate cllass.
All respoonses will bee kept anonymous. Thank k you for takking time to complete thhe survey.
My teach
hers consisteently use tech
hnology in my
m classes foor learning.
hers know an
My teach nd implemen
nt strategies to effectivelly use technoology in my classes.
Technology and Student Motivation
I am more motivated by using advanced forms of technology than basic forms (PowerPoint,
Word, e-mail).
Continue »