VARK Analysis Paper - Edited

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VARK Analysis Paper

Matthew Celsor

College of Nursing and Health Care Professions, Grand Canyon University

NRS-429VN: Family-Centered Health Promotion

Cyndi B. Kelley, DNP, RNC-LRN

Assignment Due Date


VARK Analysis Paper

Learning usually differs in individuals due to differences in personalities and the

environment supporting learning. It means that teachers should know different characteristics

that usually influence learning. These include physical characteristics, perception, gender,

ability, learning styles, etc. It is because these characteristics are different in individuals. During

the planning of learning activities, the educator needs to plan an effective and productive

learning-teaching process. The speed and interest of the learner towards learning also differs

across learners. Hence, the teacher needs to consider them while planning for learners. An

individual can identify the learning differences with the help of test home-works. In most

institutions, the learning styles include group discussion, lecturer method, tutorials, problem-

solving-based learning style, class discussion, etc. The process of realizing the learning style

usually results in quality and speed in the learning activity. Therefore, according to the VARK

questionnaire instrument, the essay will describe my learning style.

Personal Learning Style

After conducting the VARK questionnaire, I realized that I have a multimodal learning

style. This style refers to learning different concepts through applying a collection of methods or

channels of learning. I possess Kinesthetic due to various learning styles since I scored high in

this learning category. The Kinesthetic learning method means using my hands, body parts, and

touch while performing my learning activities. The result of the VARK questionnaire shows that

individuals who have the same preferences as mine apply different formats. These include maps,

graphs, and diagraphs to perform their learning activities. These individuals also like using other

activities such as active listening, discussions, questioning, performing practical exercises, and

writing notes (Park et al., 2020). Ultimately, these people like using real-life explanations such as

case studies to understand the concept better. Thus, it increases the learning experience of the

learner. Summary of the VARK scores includes the following. Visual had a score of 7, and Aural

had a score of 3, Read/Write had a score of 6, Kinesthetic had a 12.

Preferred Learning Strategies

There are many learning strategies used for learning by the student. Among these

strategies, I like using problem-based learning, classroom learning, and lecturer learning

incorporated diagrams and visuals such as video viewing. This correlates to my learning style,

thus enabling the achievement of a mixture of learning methods. I prefer these learning styles

because of the following reasons. These methods can allow the individual to express themselves

to the class members. At the same time, the individual can also express themselves to other

people horizontally who share commonness in education. Illustrative diagrams and visuals

enable the learner to understand the concepts and grasp the content in detail.

Learning Styles

Learning styles adopted by an individual are associated with a degree of performance in

matters concerning educational activities. Aguilar et al. (2022) revealed that the greater

performances come from a better learning style. It means that individuals who have not adopted

the culture of integrating learning styles with the educational activities usually find it very

challenging to improve the performance of the learning they are undertaking. Therefore, the

educator should explore and investigate the learning styles of each learner while working with

learners. It will ensure that the educator understands the most appropriate technique while

delivering educational messages to students. The result of the process will be an increase in the

learning outcome of the learners. For example, integrating practical to learners to practice the

theories they have learned in classrooms, discussions, etc. It will increase the learning outcome

of the learner.

Learning Styles and Health Promotion

Health promotion is the ability of the healthcare sector to sensitize the community with

primary healthcare techniques enabling control over and improving health. The healthcare

providers will make health products for the public, thus improving their health (Jennings &

Bamkole, 2019). It means that people participating in health promotion campaigns have the

central objective of ensuring positive increases in the public's knowledge, just as teachers and

lecturers ensure that learners have a positive outcome in the learning process. Individuals

involved in health promotion can achieve these goals by implementing strategies and practices

that will impact the public's behavior change directly and indirectly. There is a higher chance of

behavior change in the learner if the promoter is well conversant and aware of the learning style

of the public who are receiving the information (Jennings & Bamkole, 2019). It means that the

promotor should be aware of the techniques which can result in the behavior change of the

individuals by understanding the learning style of the recipients.

Health promotion professionals have the relevant knowledge to accommodate different

learning styles. For example, when a group of individuals poses specialized skills and

knowledge, such as teaching kinesthetic learners concerning the products, it will be very simple

to convince and change the client's mind using their language. When clients possess different

learning styles, it also leads to unity among healthcare promoters since they have to work

together to understand clients in all fields (Bokhari, Zafar, & Safdar, 2019).


After analyzing my learning style using the VARK website, it is clear that I possess a

multimodal style with high scores of kinesthetics techniques. It means that I can link different

learning methods, such as using body language or touch actions, to facilitate my learning

activity. Learning styles also greatly affect the performance in educational facilities. Ultimately,

learning style usually impacts the outcome of learners positively. Learning styles usually

influence health promotion. It is important to understand the learning style during health

promotion activities. It increases the ability of the public to have behavior change and makes

health products more popular to the public.



Aguilar, J., Buendia, O., Pinto, A., & Gutiérrez, J. (2022). Social learning analytics for

determining learning styles in a smart classroom.

Bokhari, N. M., Zafar, M., & Safdar, M. (2019). Learning styles and approaches among medical

education participants. 1–5.

Jennings, V., & Bamkole, O. (2019). The relationship between social cohesion and urban green

space : An Avenue for Health Promotion.

Park, G., Cho, W., Kim, K.-S., & Lee, S. (2020). Speech enhancement for hearing aids with deep

learning on environmental noises. Applied Sciences, Vol. 10.

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