Systematic Review of Good Teaching Practices With ICT in Spanish Higher Education. Trends and Challenges For Sustainability
Systematic Review of Good Teaching Practices With ICT in Spanish Higher Education. Trends and Challenges For Sustainability
Systematic Review of Good Teaching Practices With ICT in Spanish Higher Education. Trends and Challenges For Sustainability
Systematic Review of Good Teaching Practices with
ICT in Spanish Higher Education. Trends and
Challenges for Sustainability
Santiago Alonso-García , Inmaculada Aznar-Díaz , María-Pilar Cáceres-Reche ,
Juan-Manuel Trujillo-Torres and José-María Romero-Rodríguez *
Department of Didactics and School Organization, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain;
[email protected] (S.A.-G.); [email protected] (I.A.-D.); [email protected] (M.-P.C.-R.); [email protected] (J.-M.T.-T.)
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +34-958-246-687
Received: 17 November 2019; Accepted: 11 December 2019; Published: 13 December 2019
Abstract: Good teaching practices are developed in order to improve student learning.
With technological and social development, educational practices increasingly demand the use
of technology, so having good teaching practices with Information and Communication Technologies
(ICT) is essential. At the same time, the Sustainable Development Agenda of the United Nations
for the year 2030 is setting the principles of sustainable action for today’s society. In this context,
the following objectives were proposed: to identify the good teaching practices with ICT that are
being developed in Spanish higher education and to establish the relationship between good teaching
practices with ICT and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). For this purpose, the method of
systematic review of the literature based on the PRISMA protocol was used. A total of 27 documents
published in the period 2008–2019 on good teaching practices with ICT in Spanish higher education
were analyzed. Among the results, the emerging trend of good practices with ICT, the use of a Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) as the main technology in good practices, and the majority of good
practices in the development of SDG #4 (Quality Education) are highlighted. Finally, it is a challenge
for teachers to include all these aspects in their classroom teaching.
Keywords: good teaching practices; ICT; higher education; sustainability; systematic review
1. Introduction
Technological development has had a major impact on education in the twenty-first century.
The pedagogical proposals using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are numerous
and growing exponentially. These technological trends in education are collected annually through the
Horizon Report. The trend for higher education in the next five years (2019–2023) links the application
of mobile learning, analytical technologies, mixed reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and virtual
assistants [1].
Although some of these technologies seem utopian, different ICT-based methodologies are currently
being implemented, due to which e-learning [2,3], blended-learning [4,5], flipped classrooms [6,7], and
mobile learning [8,9] are booming.
E-learning has encompassed everything concerning e-learning, mainly through the Virtual
Learning Environment (VLE) [10]. At the same time, models oriented towards blended learning have
been developed in order to overcome the limitations of totally virtual teaching [11]. In this space the
flipped classroom method also coexists, a variant of b-learning, where the student acquires greater
control and becomes the main actor in learning [12]. Also with the development of mobile technology,
mobile learning is increasingly using mobile devices to develop learning content and active dynamics
in the classroom [13].
However, technology training and teacher collaboration have a positive association with the use
of ICT in the classroom [14,15]. So these aspects are fundamental to developing innovative practices
with technology. However, the frequency of ICT use in Spanish universities is low due to factors such
as technological competence, age, and experience [16,17]. This study highlights the use of different
technological resources depending on the area of knowledge: the majority of forums, blogs, and wikis
are used in Arts and Humanities, while virtual platforms are mostly applied in Social and Legal
Sciences as well as Sciences.
On the other hand, in recent times, the interest of teachers in including technological innovations
in the classroom has led to them compiling good teaching practices that serve as a reference [18]. Thus,
the concept of good practice refers to the activities that use ICT effectively, leading to satisfactory results
(involvement, motivation, and skills development) and are reference practices that can be transferred
to other contexts. In this way, good teaching practices with ICT allow the transformation of educational
practices into more collaborative, interactive, and motivating models for the student [19].
In this context of change, virtual education is fundamental in higher education, especially since
the establishment of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), where has been stated that learning
must be student-centered [20]. Some initiatives include the development of virtual activities based on
models of good teaching practices [21]. While other initiatives focus on the use of ICT to solve the
problems presented by language teaching, they are also included as models of good practice [22].
On the other hand, some authors have established that there must be a series of principles for
the use of ICT to be a good teaching practice. As a result, the model established by Chickering and
Gamson [23] includes seven principles:
Although these indicators were established more than 30 years ago, they are still used to identify
good teaching practices with ICT, and it is essential that all of them are present for categorization.
Referring to the Spanish context, the studies on good teaching practices developed at the Spanish
University have concluded with the compilation of models of teaching activity and key aspects for their
identification. In this sense, Marcelo, Yot, and Mayor [24] analyzed the experiences of 58 teachers from
Andalusian universities and compiled them in the repository Alacena. Cabero et al. [25], examined
good teaching practices with ICT in Spanish universities by identifying a number of centers that are
examples of good teaching practices. Martí et al. [26], focused on detecting successful experiences
in order to highlight a series of specific practices of the good use of ICT in university education at
the University of the Balearic Islands. And Prendes and Gutiérrez [27], analyzed the Spanish public
universities and established a catalogue of indicators of good teaching practices with ICT.
As for the previous studies of systematic review of good teaching practices, none have approached
the object of study from the perspective of ICT nor have they focused solely on a Spanish University.
The studies carried out have also focused on: analyzing best engineering teaching practices in India [28];
identifying good teaching practices in the use of mobile devices in primary education [29]; analyzing
good teaching practices in anatomy [30], and highlighting best teaching practices to prepare social
work students to work with racial and ethnic groups [31].
Lastly, along the lines of educational improvement, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
are beginning to be linked to different educational areas. The SDG have been defined by the United
Sustainability 2019, 11, 7150 3 of 15
Nations (UN) as part of its Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 [32], establishing a total of 17 goals
where education and ICT are key to their achievement [33]. Among the 17 goals, the one most directly
related to education is the SDG #4: Quality Education.
In this context, sustainability is a fundamental aspect that should be included as an indicator of
good teaching practices with ICT [34]. In particular, the use of the potential of ICT to achieve SDG
#4 [35] should be an area of focus, where each University should manage its good teaching practices
for the correct use of ICT, based on the human capital that they possess [36].
Finally, based on different theoretical contributions, the established objectives of the study were:
(i) identify the good teaching practices with ICT that are being developed in Spanish higher education
and; (ii) establish the relationship of good teaching practices with ICT with the SDG. In turn, the research
questions that guided and structured the analysis process were:
2. Methods
The systematic literature review method was used to address the objectives of this paper [37–39].
The systematic review was supported by the quality criteria established in the PRISMA statement
(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) [40]
The review process followed consisted of two stages (planning and action). This protocol
consisted of defining the research questions, the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and the establishment
of descriptors and databases (planning stage). Subsequently, in the action phase, we proceeded to
search for references in the selected databases, to refine the data through filters, and to extract the
information in order to finally perform the representation of the data.
The inclusion and exclusion criteria were formulated based on the study objectives and the RQs
based on the recommendations of the PRISMA statement [40] (Table 1).
search equations were formed (Table 2). In order to do this, the main focus was on indexing the terms
in the UNESCO and ERIC thesauri and their use in the scientific community based on the articles
published with the greatest impact on this topic [42–44].
Two independent researchers were involved in the selection of the articles and followed the
guidelines established in the search protocol. This reduced study selection bias [41]. The degree of
agreement of the researchers in the selection of the studies was 100%.
Flow diagram.
Figure 1. Flow
3. Results
With regard to data processing, they were grouped and analyzed with the help of Microsoft
Excel software (Microsoft, Washington, DC, USA), Professional Plus 2013 version. The graphs were
3.1. RQ1. How Many Studies were Published over the Years?
elaborated with the software Tableau (Tableau Software, Washington, DC, USA), version 2019.3.
A total of 27 articles met the objectives of the study and the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
3. first of these dates back to 2008, and from that year onwards, the relevant theme has been developed.
However, most of the production took place in the last four years (55.56%). WOS collected a total of 12
3.1. RQ1.
studies How Many
(44.44%) andStudies
SCOPUS were Published
collected over of
a total the15
papers (55.56%) (Figure 2).
A total of 27 articles met the objectives of the study and the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The
first of these dates back to 2008, and from that year onwards, the relevant theme has been developed.
However, most of the production took place in the last four years (55.56%). WOS collected a total of
12 studies (44.44%) and SCOPUS collected a total of 15 papers (55.56%) (Figure 2).
Sustainability 2019, 11, 7150 6 of 15
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 15
Figure Grouping of
of articles
articles by
by year
year and
RQ2. What
RQ2. Whatwere
Practices with
with ICT?
Each experience
Each experience developed
developeda different dynamic
a different dynamic and was
and was unique.
are common
common aspectsaspects that characterized
that characterized them asthem as a teaching
a good good teaching practice:
practice: (i) the(i)focus
the focus
of theof the activity
activity was on
thewas on the
student, (ii)student, (ii) they encouraged
they encouraged collaborative
collaborative work, andwork, andfavored
(iii) they (iii) they favored autonomy.
autonomy. The is
The following
following is a synthesis of each good teaching
a synthesis of each good teaching practice with ICT: practice with ICT:
• • WeWe worked
worked onon
subject relating
relating it
it to
to the
throughthetheuse ofof
use technology,
online surveys and peer review [45].
online surveys and peer review [45].
• VLE that presented the content in different formats offers variation of activities and develops
• VLE that presented the content in different formats offers variation of activities and develops
fluid and constant communicative processes between teachers and students, as well as between
fluid and constant communicative processes between teachers and students, as well as between
peers [46]
• peers
based on the methodological principles of autonomy, cooperation, and interaction [47]
• • VLEA based on the methodological
multicultural principles
approach to the subject withoftextual
autonomy, cooperation,resources,
and audiovisual and interaction [47] of
• A multicultural
self-employment, approach to the subject [48].
and webconferencing with textual and audiovisual resources, promotion of
• self-employment,
Task-based language and webconferencing
learning with the [48].
use of ICT [49].
• • Task-based
Online activities
languagedesigned to support
learning with the use feedback,
of ICT [49].while face-to-face peer interaction and
• Online activities designed to support feedback, whilemethod)
collaboration were promoted (a blended learning [50]. peer interaction and collaboration
• were
Implementation of blended learning,
promoted (a blended learning method) [50].where the platform collected a variety of materials and
formats (text, audio, video, etc.) [51]
• Implementation of blended learning, where the platform collected a variety of materials and
• Development of a collaborative inter-university MOOC [52,53].
formats (text, audio, video, etc.) [51]
• Use of radio as an element of citizen participation and an education-communication strategy in
• Development of a collaborative inter-university MOOC [52,53].
the infant stage [54].
• • Use of radio as
Media workshops an element
focusedofoncitizen participation
distinguishing and an education-communication
the possibilities strategy in
between different media [55].
• theThe
usestage [54]. devices in language learning with content that favored collaboration, peer
of mobile
• Media workshops
review, focused of
and gamification onteaching
[56]. the possibilities between different media [55].
• • TheTheuseuse
podcasting to develop
devices a widelearning
in language range ofwith
student skills that
content and support
favoredlearning [57]. peer
• review,
Application of a multilingual
and gamification app for[56].
of teaching smartphones based on communication needs [58].
• • TheMore
use interactive
of podcasting VLEtofor computer-assisted
develop a wide range language testing
of student [59].
skills and support learning [57].
• The use of a VLE for university tutoring [60].
• Application of a multilingual app for smartphones based on communication needs [58].
• VLE that favored collaborative work [61].
• More interactive VLE for computer-assisted language testing [59].
• The use of a VLE for university tutoring [60].
• VLE that favored collaborative work [61].
Sustainability 2019, 11, 7150 7 of 15
• The use of PyramidApp which provided flexible and collaborative learning spaces [62].
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 15
• VLE with additional material, student feedback, online exams, collaborative work (forums and
wikis), and gamification [17].
• The use of PyramidApp which provided flexible and collaborative learning spaces [62].
• • Training
VLE withusing highly specialized
additional footwear
material, student CAD online
feedback, technologies
exams,with 3D technology
collaborative [63]. and
work (forums
• The use of real recordings of
wikis), and gamification [17]. legal-labour processes to encourage autonomous work in Law [64].
• • Virtual exchange
Training and telecollaboration
using highly through
specialized footwear CADa technologies
VLE [65]. with 3D technology [63].
• • The
The useuse
ofof real recordings
video of legal-labour
as a complement processes toin
to the masterclass encourage autonomous
Engineering [66]. work in Law [64].
• • Virtual exchange and telecollaboration through a VLE [65].
The use of mobile devices with the aim of developing informational skills in students of the Infant
• The
and use of video
Primary as a complement
Education grades [67].to the masterclass in Engineering [66].
• The use of mobile devices with the aim of developing informational skills in students of the
• The use of Moodle, Google Drive, and collaborative platforms that favored the exchange of
Infant and Primary Education grades [67].
information between peers [68].
• The use of Moodle, Google Drive, and collaborative platforms that favored the exchange of
• VLE with student-centered educational and technological standards [69].
information between peers [68].
• • Development of a tutorial foreducational
VLE with student-centered university and
libraries based onstandards
technological key aspects of good tutorial practices,
• with a special emphasis on interactivity [70].
Development of a tutorial for university libraries based on key aspects of good tutorial practices,
with a special emphasis on interactivity [70].
3.3. RQ3. In What Field of Knowledge have Good Teaching Practices with ICT been Developed?
RQ3. In What
fields Field of Knowledge
of knowledge werehave Good Teaching
grouped into five Practices with ICT
categories, been Developed?
according to the guidelines of
The fields of knowledge were grouped into five categories, according to theand
branches of the University of Granada for undergraduate studies: 1. Arts Humanities;
guidelines of
2. scientific
3. Health of Sciences; 4. Social
the University and Legal
of Granada Sciences; and studies:
for undergraduate 5. Engineering
1. Arts andandHumanities;
The2. degrees
3. Health in each field
Sciences; of knowledge
4. Social can be consulted
and Legal Sciences; on the following
and 5. Engineering website (https:
and Architecture. The
degrees included in each field of knowledge can be consulted on the following website
After establishing the five categories, four of them were detected in the studies analyzed. The
Health After establishing
Sciences field did the
not five categories,
collect any good four of them
teaching were detected
practices in the
involving ICT.studies analyzed.
In contrast, mostThe
Health have
practices Sciences
been field did not collect
developed any goodfield
in the scientific teaching practices
of Social involving
and Legal ICT. In
Sciences contrast,
(62.96%) most
good practices have been
51–55,60–62,64,67,68,70], developed
followed by in theand
Arts scientific field of Social
Humanities and[49,56,58,59,65],
(18.51%) Legal Sciences (62.96%) [17,45–
Engineering and
48,51–55,60–62,64,67–68,70], followed by Arts and Humanities (18.51%) [49,56,58–59,65], Engineering
Architecture (14.81%) [57,63,66,69] and finally, to a lesser extent, the Sciences (3.70%) [50]. The trend in
each them has been (14.81%) [57,63,66,69]
different. The Socialandand
Legal to Sciences
a lesser extent,
have athe Sciences
longer path(3.70%) [50]. Thethe
and currently
trend in each of them has been different. The Social and Legal Sciences have a
publications on good teaching practices with ICT in this area of knowledge have been well maintained, longer path and
currently the publications on good teaching practices with ICT in this area of knowledge have been
while in the other fields no publications were collected in 2019. The most recent publication date was
well maintained, while in the other fields no publications were collected in 2019. The most recent
2018 in the case of Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Architecture in 2016, and Sciences in 2015
publication date was 2018 in the case of Arts and Humanities, Engineering and Architecture in 2016,
(Figure 3).
and Sciences in 2015 (Figure 3).
Figure 3. 3.Field
Figure Fieldofofknowledge
where good
good teaching practiceswith
teaching practices withICT
developedbyby year.
3.4. RQ4. What Technology has been Used in the Development of Good Teaching Practices?
Sustainability 2019, 11, 7150 8 of 15
3.4. RQ4. What 2020,Technology
12, x FOR PEER
been Used in the Development of Good Teaching Practices? 8 of 15
Sustainability 2020, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 15
universities, good teaching
good teaching practices
practiceswith VLE
with VLE(59.25%)
[17,45–53,59–61,65,68–69], have
have In
highlighted. universities,
Its use Its
highlighted. hasuse good teaching
predominated practices
has predominated other with
overtechnologies: (59.25%)
technologies: devicesdevices
mobile (14.81%) [56,58,62,
have been highlighted.
[56,58,62,67], Its use has predominated over [54,55],
other technologies: mobile 3D devices (14.81%)
67], PodcastingPodcasting (7.40%)
(7.40%) [57,64], [57,64],
Radio Radio[54,55],
(7.40%) (7.40%) Video (3.70%)
Video (3.70%) [66], 3D[66],
[63], and[63],
and Web Podcasting
(3.70%) (7.40%) [57,64], Radio (7.40%) [54,55], Video (3.70%) [66], 3D (3.70%) [63],
(3.70%) [70]. At the[70].
sameAt time,
the same time, the variety
the greatest greatestofvariety of technologies
technologies used is used
found is in
found in theoffield
the field Social
of Web (3.70%)
Social and Legal[70]. Sciences
At the same time,
with thedifferent
five greatest variety of technologies
technologies, followed used
by isEngineering
found in the and
and Legal Sciences with five different technologies, followed by Engineering and Architecture with
of Social
Architecture and Legal Sciences with five different technologies, followed by Engineering and
four, Arts and with four, Arts
Humanities andtwo,
with Humanities with two,
and Sciences withandoneSciences
(Figure with
4). one (Figure 4).
Architecture with four, Arts and Humanities with two, and Sciences with one (Figure 4).
Figure Technologies used
used in
in good
good teaching
withICT byby
ICT field of of
field knowledge.
Figure 4. Technologies used in good teaching practices with ICT by field of knowledge.
hand, the
the use
use of
of each
each ofof the
technologieshas hashad
hada different diachronic
a different trajectory.
diachronic trajectory.
In On
this the other
regard, 3D hand, the use
technology, of each
radio, of and
video, the technologies
web have hasused
been hadata specific
diachronic trajectory.
Podcasting hadhad
In In
this regard,
this 3D3D
regard, technology,
technology, radio,
video, and
and web
web have
have been used
been usedatatspecific
Podcasting had
its its boom
boom during
during the
thethe years
years 2009–2011.
2009–2011. Mobile
Mobile devices
devices are
are the
the most
most recent
recent technology
technology included, with
with a
boom during years 2009–2011. Mobile devices are the most recent technology
a start in 2018 and maintenance in 2019. And the one with the longest route is the VLE, which began included,
start in 20182018
a start andand
maintenance in 2019. And thethe
one with the longest route is the VLE, which began in
in 2008 in
and whose maintenance
usage in 2019.
has remained And
stable one
in recentwith the
years longest
(Figure 5).route is the VLE, which began
2008 and whose usage has remained stable in recent years (Figure
in 2008 and whose usage has remained stable in recent years (Figure 5). 5).
3.5. RQ5. Which Institutions have Developed Good Teaching Practices with ICT?
Good teaching practices with ICT have been developed in a total of 20 higher education institutions
(Table 3). The University of Granada (UGR) and National University of Distance Education (UNED)
have been the ones that has developed more experiences with diverse technologies (n = 3). On the
other hand, only five centers have developed two experiences (UC, UNIOVI, USAL, and UVIGO) and
the majority of institutions collected only a single good teaching practice. Furthermore, each center
has applied a single technology except the UGR, UNED, USAL, and UVIGO that show experiences
where different technologies have been applied.
Table 3. Institutions and technology used in good teaching practices with ICT.
Institution n Technology
[63] INESCOP 1 3D
[59] University of Alcalá de Henares (UAH) 1 VLE
[52,53] University of Cantabria (UC) 2 VLE
[61] University of Extremadura (UNEX) 1 VLE
[49,64,67] University of Granada (UGR) 3 PD, MD, VLE
[54] University of Huelva (UHU) 1 Radio
[46] University of La Laguna (ULL) 1 VLE
[65] University of León (UNILEON) 1 VLE
[55] University of Malaga (UMA) 1 Radio
[52,53] University of Oviedo (UNIOVI) 2 VLE
[58,60] University of Salamanca (USAL) 2 MD, VLE
[51] University of Seville (US) 1 VLE
[69] University of Valladolid (UVA) 1 VLE
[66,68] University of Vigo (UVIGO) 2 Video, VLE
[45,48,56] National University of Distance Education (UNED) 3 VLE
[17] Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) 1 VLE
[70] University of Barcelona (UB) 1 Web
[57] Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) 1 PD
[50,59] Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV) 2 VLE
[47,62] Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) 2 MD, VLE
Note: VLE = Virtual Learning Environment; PD = Podcasting; MD = Mobile devices.
The geographical distribution of higher education institutions in Spanish territory (Figure 6) shows
that the universities of Barcelona present the greatest number of experiences of good teaching practices
with ICT (n = 5). This is followed by the universities of Madrid (n = 4) and the University of Granada
(n = 3). The other regions colored on the map show the location of one or two experiences. This is the
case of Asturias, Galicia, Cantabria, Salamanca, and Valencia with two experiences each. And León,
Valladolid, Badajoz, Alicante, Huelva, Seville, Malaga and Tenerife have one experience each.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 7150 10 of 15
Sustainability 2020,
2020, 12,
12, xx FOR
10 of
of 15
Figure 6.
6. Geographical
Geographical distribution
distribution of
of good
good teaching
teaching practices
practices with
with ICT.
3.6. RQ6. What
3.6. RQ6.
RQ6. What SDG
What SDG is
SDG is Developed
is Developed in
Developed in Good
in Good Teaching
Good Teaching Practices
Teaching Practices with
Practices with ICT?
with ICT?
The approach
The approach
approach of of good
of good teaching
good teaching practices
teaching practices with
practices with
with ICTICT has
ICT has been
has been placed
been placed
placed inin the
in the line
the line of
line of SDG
of SDG
SDG #4#4 (Quality
#4 (Quality
Education), wherewhere most
where most
most of of the
of the experiences
the experiences
experiences areare encompassed
are encompassed
encompassed (n (n = 24;
(n == 24; 88.88%).
24; 88.88%).
88.88%). On On
On the the other
the other hand,
other hand,
hand, aa
a good
good teaching
good teaching practice
teaching practice
practice withwith
with ICT ICT was
ICT was proposed
was proposed
proposed to to improve
to improve
improve all all the
all the SDG
the SDG [45],
SDG [45], another
[45], another
another oneone was
one was placed
was placed
in the line
in the
the lineof
line ofSDG
of SDG#5
SDG #5#5(Gender
(Gender Equality)
Equality) [67],
[67], and
and and another
another in in SDG
in SDG
SDG #10 #10
#10 (Reduced
(Reduced Inequalities)
Inequalities) [47]. [47].
[47]. The
rest rest
rest of
of SDG of SDG
SDG was was
was not not reflected
not reflected
reflected in in
in thethe good
the good teaching
good teaching practices
teaching practices
practices with with ICT
with ICT carried
ICT carried out.
carried out. However,
out. However,
However, the the
commitment to quality education
education (#4)
(#4) has
has been
been the
the object
object of interest in the four
commitment to quality education (#4) has been the object of interest in the four fields of knowledge fields of knowledge
where the
where the experiences
experiences are are located. The
located. The
The rest
rest of
of SDG
SDG has has been
been approached
approached from from thethe Social
Social and
and Legal
Sciences (Figure
Sciences (Figure 7). 7).
Figure 7.7. SDG
SDG in in which
which good
good teaching
teaching practices
practices with
with ICT
ICT have
have been
been identified
identified by
by field
field of
of knowledge.
Note: Each color corresponds to a scientific field. The Y axis shows the SDG of the experiences, while
the X axis shows the years in which they have been developed. An example for its correct interpretation
Note:isEach color
the year
Each corresponds
color2018: this year to
corresponds to aa scientific
shows field.
field. The
one experience
scientific inY
The axis
Y shows
axis the
the SDG
of Social
shows and of
of the
SDGLegal experiences,
theSciences, while
while the
the X
two experiences
experiences, X axis
shows the
for years
Arts and in which
Humanities,they have
both been
located developed.
in the An example
development of for
SD4 its
and correct
one interpretation
shows the years in which they have been developed. An example for its correct interpretation is the year 2018: that is the
all 2018:
this year
year shows one
in the
shows one experience
field of Socialin
experience the
in field
field of
theLegal Social
Social and
of and Legal
Legal Sciences,
Sciences, two
two experiences
experiences for
for Arts
Arts and
and Humanities,
both located
located inin the
the development
development of of SD4
SD4 and
and oneone experience
experience that
that develops
develops allall SDGs
SDGs inin the
the field
field of
of Social
Social and
Legal Sciences.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 7150 11 of 15
4. Discussion
The analysis of 27 documents provides an overview of the current state of good teaching practices
with ICT in Spanish higher education. The seven key principles of good practice with ICT [23], were
present in all good teaching practice experiences. However, the greatest emphasis was found on the
common denominator of prioritizing collaborative learning among students.
Regarding the data, Figure 2 shows that scientific production has increased in the last five years,
which reflects a trend towards good teaching practices [18]. In addition, the year 2019 at the time of
analysis has not been a full year, so there may be a further increase in publications.
For its part, the priority field of knowledge for good teaching practices with ICT is Social and Legal
Sciences, where the field of education is framed and practices have been developed continuously over
the years and with different technologies (VLE, web, radio, podcasting and mobile devices), as shown
in Figure 4. On the other hand, Arts and Humanities present a minor development where only VLE
and mobile devices have been applied, with differences in the technologies normally applied in this
field of knowledge (forums, blogs and wikis) [17]. To a lesser extent, Engineering and Architecture
has rarely developed good teaching practices with ICT, although they have presented a variety of
technologies (3D, podcasting, video and VLE). In Sciences, only VLE has been used as a technology.
And in the Health Sciences, no good teaching practice with ICT has been collected. Thus, the path
has been different depending on the field of knowledge, which is a key determinant of good teaching
practices with ICT, as shown in Figures 3 and 4.
In short, the technology used par excellence are the VLE, especially applied in the Social and
Legal Sciences [17] and with a stable path over the years. E-learning also plays a major role in higher
education [20], combining with face-to-face teaching at universities [4,5,11]. Meanwhile, 3D technology,
Radio, and Video have only been used once. Podcasting had its boom during 2009–2011 and good
teaching practices with mobile devices have begun to develop during 2018–2019. Thus, the diachronic
analysis shown in Figure 5 identifies the past, present, and future of certain technologies, among which
are past technology podcasting, present VLE and emerging mobile devices.
Specifically, this use of mobile devices in the classroom would be framed within the mobile
learning methodology [8,13]. This is a marked trend in the Horizon Report [1], in which university
teachers begin to take an interest and implement it as part of their teaching methodology at the Spanish
University [9].
On the other hand, the University of Granada and National University of Distance Education are
the one that has used the greatest number of experiences and diverse technology in the development
of good teaching practices with ICT. In future studies, it would be interesting to analyze the internal
policies of the universities where good teaching practices are concentrated in order to see if they
encourage these practices with their own programs. At the same time, previous studies focused on
the Spanish context have detected good teaching practices in some of the institutions included in this
work, which are spread over different regions of the Spanish territory [24–27], as shown in Figure 6.
In relation to the characterization of good teaching practices with ICT, most of the experiences
developed use interactive and collaborative VLE. These practices focus on improving student learning,
with the aim of serving as reference models for other teachers [21].
Finally, sustainability is acquiring major prominence in educational practices, with an explicit
interest in orienting good teaching practices towards sustainable models [34]. RQ6 has addressed the
link between good practice and SDG, where it is shown that the majority of good teaching practices
with ICT are framed in the development actions of SDG #4 (Quality Education). So ICT have been
emerging as a key resource in this SDG [33]. Only one experience was based on the development of all
SDG, another on SDG #5 (Gender Equality) and another on SDG #10 (Reduced Inequalities). It should
be noted that all fields of knowledge have focused on SDG #4 [35]. There is a common interest in
the improvement of education and related aspects such as gender equality and reduced inequalities,
where education plays a fundamental role.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 7150 12 of 15
Finally, this work follows the line of the other previous review studies on good teaching
practices [28–31], but focusing on a single aspect that the others had not addressed: good teaching
practices with ICT in Spanish higher education.
5. Conclusions
The development of good teaching practices with ICT is fundamental to develop reference models
that serve teachers who are starting to apply technology in the classroom for the first time. At the same
time, sustaining these experiences in the SDG generates a symbiosis along the lines of the Sustainable
Development Agenda 2030.
In this systematic review work, a series of documents have been analyzed in order to respond
to the objectives set regarding the identification of good teaching practices with ICT that are being
developed in Spanish higher education and the establishment of the relationship between good
practices and the SDG. The achievement of these objectives was achieved with the response to the
different RQs proposed.
Among the limitations of the study is the fact of limiting the search to only two databases (SCOPUS
and WOS). However, using only these two databases ensures that the literature with the greatest
scientific impact has been reviewed. On the other hand, restricting the search to Spanish higher
education has also been another limitation, so in future studies it would be advisable to extend the
sample to the whole world. However, the study carried out is a faithful reflection of the current state of
Spain with regard to good teaching practices with ICT and served to limit the field of study to a single
context. Another limitation found was that we found few concrete experiences (a total of 27), while
the rest of the documents discussed joint analyses of good teaching practices with ICT in different
universities, but did not specify what these consisted of.
With regard to future lines of research, it is proposed to continue research along these lines and
to extend the field of study to other countries, in order to check whether these results also occur in
foreign institutions or are a singularity of the Spanish context. Also of interest is the possibility of
investigating how good practices relate to SDG.
Finally, moving towards sustainability is a key aspect of 21st century society, and the trend to
develop good teaching practices with ICT leads education towards these sustainability principles.
Therefore, the challenge for university teachers is to include all these aspects in the teaching they
give in the classroom. All this will result in a sustainable use of technology to improve educational
quality through good teaching practices, while generating environmental awareness and creating
sustainable spaces.
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