GR.10 Cbse Sea 21-22
GR.10 Cbse Sea 21-22
GR.10 Cbse Sea 21-22
Grade : 10
Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following topics:
Consumer Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable Development
The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain insight and
pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines
from an interdisciplinary perspective.
It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students.
2. Social Issues and the youth. (Research and present report on any five issues
and conclude with your suggestions and recommendations)
3. Perform one activity to meet any of the sustainable development goals (find out
the UN SDGs – United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) and prepare a
report on the activity and attach suitable images.
A4 size paper to be used.
Maximum 8 pages including images and cover page.
Proper research required.
It should be handwritten by the students themselves
To be submitted on the reopening day i.e. 23rd August without fail.
Different forms of art shoul be integrated into the project work.
Rubrics of the distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work
is as follows:
The content All of the content is Most of the Content Some of the content
accuracy, accurate, originality is accurate, Content is accurate,
originality and and analysis is originality and originality and
analysis excellent (5) analysis is excellent analysis is excellent -
(3) (2)
Presentation All of the content- most content- some content-
and creativity presented creatively presented creatively presented creatively &
& creatively (2) & creatively (1) creatively (.5)
Art Excellent art Very good art Good art integration
Integration/col integration (2) integration (1) (.5)
lage or poster
Viva Voce the student Student response is The student response
response is very good (.5) is good (.25)
excellent (1)