A closer look at understanding the realm of dreams and visions
Jerame Nelson
Kingdom infusion books that empower you to live on earth as it is in heaven
Books in the Empowerment series by Jerame Nelson:
Activating your Spiritual Senses
Activating the Justice of God
Activating your Dream Language
Activating Signs and Wonders
© Copyright 2012 – Jerame Nelson
All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United
States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial
gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for
personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted
upon request.
Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are from The New American
Standard Bible. Also used are scriptures from the New Inter- national Version®.
NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by
permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
Living at His Feet Publications
Living At His Feet Ministries
[email protected]
ISBN 978-0-9849687-4-9
For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A.
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Title Page
Empowerment Series
Copyright Page
Table of Contents
Forward by Bob Jones
Tuning in to the Ways God Speaks
Interpreting your Personal Dream Language
Opening the Realms of Greater Dreams and Visions
Types of Dreams
From Dreaming to Miracles
It is a pleasure to write the foreword for Jerame's latest book called Activating
Your Dream Language. I have spent lots of time with Jerame over the last 5
years and have seen the fruit of his life and ministry.
Jerame is a new breed prophetic voice that God is raising up in this
generation. Jerame has a calling to raise up the seers and carries a strong
prophetic anointing as well as an awesome ability to teach and activate people in
the realm of understanding dreams and visions.
You will be greatly blessed as you learn from what God has taught Jerame in
both his relationship with God and his ministry! This book will activate you into
a place of hearing from God in a clearer way when it comes to dreams and
Bob Jones
Bob Jones Ministries
Tuning in to the Ways God Speaks
God’s greatest way of communication is not English. God can speak something
to you with just a picture – a picture that can reveal way more than you realize.
Many of us, if we just get real and honest, have asked, “God, speak to me!”
You’re praying, “Lord, I want more of you!” You spend a half hour screaming at
God, and begging, and He just stands back and replies, “If you’d just be quite. If
you’d just listen, I‘ll speak.”
Sometimes, God waits until we are knocked out, and snoring, before He
speaks to us. It may be the only time you are actively listening!
Relationship is a two-way thing. If you spend all your time praying, and then
you’re off to Starbucks, you probably are not going to hear God reply to your
monologue. You should probably pray, and then wait as much as you pray.
When you wait, that’s when God speaks. “Be still and know that I am God,” is
what the Psalmist wrote in Psalms 46:10. There’s a knowing of who God is,
when you’re still and quiet, and you wait to hear his voice, or to see what He
might say to you.
God speaks in metaphors. He speaks in language, symbols, and signs that at
times can appear strange to us. Most of the time, we don’t understand what He’s
saying, because we haven’t developed the ability to understand the language of
the Spirit.
Dreams often leave the sense that some weird, but important message is trying
to come across. It is a sensation that some people find disturbing. It is as if they
know that God is speaking something profound, but they don’t understand the
message after they wake up. There is an unsettled feeling that God is speaking
something important, but it is hidden in a metaphor. Why doesn’t God just speak
directly, face-to-face? He does, but He has a way of speaking to you, that is only
for you. God wants to communicate directly with you in ways that only you can
understand. He will give you the ability to understand your dreams. Dreaming is
one way that God connects with you, and you can connect with God on a deeper
If you are looking for another dream interpretation book that will tell you
exactly what each symbol means, this is not the book you are looking for. Dream
interpretation can be much too complicated – and yet easy if you are listening to
how the Holy Spirit interprets the dream for you.
how the Holy Spirit interprets the dream for you.
Despite all the dream interpretation books out there, dream symbol meanings
are different for each person. Dreams are very personal, and should be
interpreted personally. What the dream symbol means to you, what it reminds
you of, and how it makes you feel, are all mysterious aspects of dream
interpretation that God wants you to unlock. Sometimes, you have to look
beyond the obvious, and consider how the dream symbol appears in the dream.
For example, in a dream about a bee - what was the bee doing, how and where it
was doing it, and how did you feel about it? A dream is often about something
other than its obvious meaning. Physical events in the dream commonly
represent spiritual, relational, mental, or emotional matters.
Dream symbols are God’s personal communication with you
Let’s say you have a dream that you go to your neighbor’s house, knock on
the door and beat him up. You wake up, and you’re like, “Man, do I need to bind
that anger in myself? That’s not my natural behavior.” What if it’s just
metaphorical like a caricature? You beating him up could mean that God is
highlighting some issue in your heart you are holding towards your brother.
What He’s saying through this dream is, “Hey, I want you to become aware that
you’ve been beating your brother up by gossiping about him. You’ve been
backstabbing him. You need to repent.” The dream symbolism and action refers
to an issue that’s exaggerated for a reason – so that you will be unsettled enough
to pay attention to how you are feeling about someone, or some circumstance.
Once you are aware, you begin to let God’s healing come, and settle your heart.
Perhaps you have a dream where your nose is growing like Pinocchio. The
interpretation is less hidden, and more common. In the childhood story,
Pinocchio’s nose grows when he lies. The meaning of the dream could simply be
that you probably need to stop lying. Can you see the difference between
common dream symbols, and symbols that may have meaning only to you?
Often, the Lord will visit us, and we miss it because we don’t have eyes to see,
and ears to hear.
Sometimes, you have both common dream imagery, and Biblical dream
symbols, that you need to seek the interpretation from the Lord. One of the
greatest encounters that I’ve had with the Lord was a metaphorical dream where
God gave me a promotion in the Spirit. I had a dream where I was in this
restaurant, sitting across the table from my brother, eating lasagna. My brother’s
name in the natural is Joshua. All of a sudden in the dream he gets up to leave.
When he gets up, I notice that his wallet is on the table, and my wallet is sitting
there too. In the dream I’m thinking, “Man, I’ve got to make sure I get that
wallet and give it to him.” For whatever reason, I put the two wallets in one
pocket and followed him. As I followed him I felt this joy stirring in me, and
then, I woke up from the dream.
I remember at first I thought, what a weird dream. I lived in Abbotsford, B.C.
at that time, and my brother lived in Knoxville, Tennessee. As I process the
dream, I’m thinking, when am I going to see him next? Then I’m thinking,
Okay, when I see him, I guess I’ve got to make sure he doesn’t lose his wallet.
Then I’m thinking; this is just from eating pizza, man. This is a dumb dream. I
ate too much Olive Garden the other night.
But the dream just wouldn’t go away. I kept thinking about it; I felt unsettled
by it because my spirit knew that the dream was significant. Have you ever had
by it because my spirit knew that the dream was significant. Have you ever had
that happen to you where you had a weird dream, or vision, but it won’t leave
you alone? Finally I had enough sense after a few weeks to say to my self,
“Okay God, what is this? Why does this dream keep coming back to me?”
This is what God said to me: “Jerame, this is a metaphorical dream. Look up
the interpretation of your brother’s name.” So I got a baby’s name book, that has
all the names in Hebrew. You know what’s crazy? Joshua means Jesus. The
Lord said, “Reinterpret your dream now.” All of a sudden I got floored because
God began to speak to me. He said, “Jerame, you’ve been faithful to sup with the
Lord. You’ve been in a place of dining with him. You’ve been spending time in
his presence. You’ve been eating of the word, and you’ve been hungry for His
Spirit. Now this is a season of favor for you. Wallets represent favor. Now is a
season of a double portion of favor for you, because you’ve been following
Jesus.” Remember, I grabbed both wallets, and I followed my brother. Jesus is
our elder brother. I had to take a look at the metaphorical meaning of the name
of my brother – a very personal symbol, and discover the meaning of the wallets.
Not in light of the interpretation of a dream symbol book, but learn it directly
from the Holy Spirit speaking to me, personally. We need to seek the Lord,
before we seek out common meanings from books.
It was a metaphorical dream, and I got rocked. What’s crazy is - I got
ordained into the ministry three days after I got the understanding of this dream.
It was God showing me that it was time for me to be released. It was a powerful
thing, but I couldn’t run around and say, “Jesus visited me, and claim another
notch on my belt! “ It was personable. God wants to be personable in your life.
There are times and seasons where he wants to come in a metaphorical way, to
where it only makes sense to you, because it’s for you, not everybody else.
We’re not supposed to share all of our encounters with people, although
sometimes we do. It’s just like a husband and wife. If we have a secret with each
other, we’re not supposed to share that with someone else. There are things that
are intimate and beautiful between you and the Lord that shouldn’t be shared
with anybody. Sometimes we just blab everything that happens, and we don’t
understand that the Lord wants to keep that encounter as a special, intimate
moment. What will happen is, God will give us a language with Him, to speak
something to us. Just like my wife can look at me when I’m playing video
games, and I know that look means, “You’re done. The boys need to go home.”
God can speak to you like that!
An empowerment prayer to get you there:
Lord, I pray that you would help me to recognize your voice when you
speak to me. Open my eyes, and my ears, to your metaphorical language.
Help me to develop a dream language with you that’s personal. Give me
dreams and visions that activate my metaphorical understanding, in Jesus’
name. Amen.
Interpreting your Personal Dream Language
One of the things that I believe, that is not taught that much in church, is
understanding the realm of dreams and visions, and the realm of encounters with
God. I think pastors know that when you begin to talk about these things, it
actually causes some people to go into a place of fear and panic. The reason why
is because they think the meaning is beyond them. You don’t always understand
what God speaks to you in a vision, or a dream, or an encounter with God. The
Bible is very plain that sometimes God speaks in ways that are hard to
understand. God is looking for a people of maturity, and a people who will begin
to develop a dream language or a metaphorical language, or understanding with
him. The reason I keep saying metaphorical is because that is one of the number
one ways that God speaks. In fact, if Jesus, if He was here today, and He stood
up and spoke to you, He would probably tell you a parable. Suddenly, all the
religious people in the room would say “Huhhh!”, and they would roll out the
door confused, and upset, because they didn’t understand what He was talking
The best teacher is the Holy Spirit. The book of 1 John 2:27, says this: As for
you, you need not that any man would teach you, but as the anointing of God
that is upon your life is real, abide in him and he’ll teach you all things that are
to come.
It’s not saying that we don’t need pastors, and leaders, and teachers, and
people that can teach us the word of God, or even mentors. It’s not talking about
that at all. But what it is saying is let the first one that speaks be God. Let the
one that leads you on your journey be the Holy Spirit. God doesn’t want you to
have the faith or the same understanding of the symbolism of dreams as your
pastor. He wants you to have your own faith. God doesn’t want you to live off
the encounters of others; He wants you to have your own encounters. I love that,
because God is personable. He’s amazing. He’s real. If He’ll do anything for me,
He’ll do it for you, too. If God will visit me in a dream, or a vision, or an
encounter, He’ll visit you in a dream, in a vision, or encounter. Why, because
His word says that He does.
How Do You Know if Your Dream is Really From God?
Jesus stood up in His day and said, “Unless you eat of my flesh and drink of
my blood, you have nothing to do with me, or my Father’s kingdom.” (See John
6:51-56.) Ninety percent of the people listening thought that He was a lunatic
from that point on.
But there were a few disciples who listened to him say that, and responded,
“We don’t know what you’re saying Jesus, that was kind of crazy.” That’s
probably what they were thinking, right?
He knew what they were saying and thinking when He looked at them and
asked, “Are you going to leave too?”
Then Simon Peter answered Him, and said, “Where else can we go? You have
the words to eternal life!” (John 6:67-68.) They knew Jesus by the fruit of His
ministry, not just by what He was saying. They understood who He was because
they were with him all the time. They saw the fruit of His life, the fruit of His
love, and the fruit of the supernatural power of God that was being revealed to
His generation, everywhere He went.
I want you to understand this. Did you know that word “fruit” in the Greek, is
not just something you eat from a tree. It means words, deeds, and actions.
That’s what fruit is. So when we’re looking for evidence that lets us know that
something’s of God, does it have those three things involved? Does it reveal the
words of the Father and the love of His kingdom? Is there action of love being
manifested? Is there a manifestation, a deed? Is there a tangible release of God's
presence that’s being released through what is being said or what is being done?
We’ve got to get this. As we do, we can begin to go higher in our understanding
of spiritual things.
I love this, because I’ve got a passion for the supernatural. I’ve learned
something from reading my Bible. If you don’t have the supernatural
manifestations that are sometimes not understood immediately, you don’t have
God. I meet people sometimes, that say, “I don’t know about the gifts of the
Spirit,” “I don’t believe in that miracle stuff.”
So I respond, “Well then rip a third of your Bible out!”
“I don’t believe in this prophecy, visions, dreams, or encounters stuff!” Well
then rip another third of your Bible out!”
If you’re not careful, you’re not going to have much left. We have to value the
full gospel. We can’t just pick and choose what we like according to our own
understanding, or even according to our own offense. Some people have had bad
experiences with people who are flaky. What happens to them is they base
experiences with people who are flaky. What happens to them is they base
everything of the Kingdom according to their negative experience with one
person. Then they absolutely miss everything that God has for them, and for the
body. They’re left without, instead of with.
Do you really want everything that God has available for you?
I want you to understand something. God wants to give dreams and visions to
you! How do I know? In Acts 2, Peter stands up on the day of Pentecost and he
begins to prophesy about what God is about to do with the new release of the
baptism of the Holy Ghost, and fire, that they’re experiencing in the moment.
Did you know that the baptism of the Holy Ghost was kind of crazy? Jesus’ key
followers were all in the upper room, 120 of them, and they heard the sound of a
mighty rushing wind. Then fire appears on their heads. What would happen if
somebody had a fireball appear on his or her head? Half the people in church
would say, “That’s of the devil. Fireball, where’s that in the Bible?” Its all over
the Bible! There are so many supernatural things! What happens when the glory
of God hits people? They get messed up!
People accused the followers in the upper room of being drunk at nine in the
morning. They said, “Look at them, they’re drunk!” No, they’re not drunk. This
is that which Joel prophesied about. So then Peter stands up, and describes what
this outpouring is going to look like. He says, “In the last days God is going to
pour out His Spirit on all flesh. The sons and daughters are going to prophesy.
Young men and old men are going to have visions and dreams.” He goes on to
say that this experience is not just for Jesus’ special followers. “Upon my man-
servants and my maidservants I’m going to pour out my Spirit in those days.”
Servants – seemingly insignificant people are all significant to Father God, as
sons and daughters.
You know what’s amazing about that? He said He’s going to pour out his
Spirit on all flesh, and then He mentions you and me. We’re not even the first
mentioned people group that God starts prophesying about! (See Acts 2:17-19.)
What’s that all about? God wants to win souls. He wants to reach the world. You
know how He’s going to do it in the last days? He’s going to do it by releasing
spiritual dreams, visions, and encounters. He’s going to do it by releasing
miracles, signs, and wonders in the heavens above, and the earth beneath.
In that prophecy the last thing that’s mentioned after dreams, visions,
prophecies, miracles, signs and wonders is us - all who call on the name of the
Lord will be saved. What’s going to get people saved in these last days will be a
tangible release of dreams, visions, and God's power. These experiences will
reveal a tangible evidence of the Kingdom of God being released in our midst.
There is a tangible release. (See Acts 2:19-21.)
Here’s my question to you right now. Do you realize that outside of the four
walls of your local church there are thousands of people who are more spiritual
than some of you? They don’t even know Jesus, but yet they’ve got a hunger in
than some of you? They don’t even know Jesus, but yet they’ve got a hunger in
their heart for supernatural encounters – they want to know what their dreams
mean, and gravitate towards the supernatural movies, books, and experiences.
You know what the church does? We get a religious attitude and we say, “That’s
the New Age, stay away from them.” The church should be going, “Nuh uh.
That’s our inheritance. We’re not gonna let them steal that, and ruin what God
wants to do, because He’s pouring out signs and wonders that are legitimate, not
God’s plan for salvation, and God’s plan for saving the world is a supernatural
plan. It cannot be pulled off by religion, and it cannot be pulled off by the
methods of man. I’m excited because God wants to open this supernatural plan
to us. We are the ones, the followers of Christ, filled with His Spirit, who people
need to be drawn to in order to understand their dreams, and supernatural
Mark 4:33-34 talks about how Jesus spoke to the people of His day. He was
someone who spoke in parables. He spoke in metaphors. There’s a purpose to
this. I want you to understand, when you receive a dream or a vision that you do
not understand, it’s an invitation to you to go to God, and to develop intimacy
with him, to go to Him and say, “Lord, I don’t understand this. What is it? What
does it mean?” In fact, our God is the God of hide and seek. He’ll come, and
he’ll visit you, and he’ll do it for a purpose.
The purpose is this - so that you will seek his face. How do I know? Look
what it says here in Mark 4:33-34, and with many such parables, He spoke the
word to them as they were able to hear it, but without a parable He did not
speak to them. When He was alone with His disciples, He explained all things to
them. He comes out in His public ministry and gives a teaching about the
parable of the mustard seed and everybody’s says, “Wow, that’s amazing, but
what does it mean?”
When His disciples come to Him alone, He tells them everything. “Oh, well
this is what it means. The others don’t have the right to get this because they’re
not the sons of the Kingdom, but you are so here’s what it means.” He breaks it
all down. He explains to them what the mustard seed is, and how it’s the
smallest of seeds that’ll go in the ground, but it’ll become a big tree and even the
fowls of the air rest in it. What happens is, all of a sudden this metaphorical
language that He was speaking, begins to make sense to the disciples, and today
we’re gleaning from it still.
What is déjà vu?
Job 33:14-18 brings direction to how God likes to speak. It reads: For God
may speak in one way or in another, yet man does not perceive it. In a dream or
in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men while slumbering in their
beds, then he opens the ears of man and seals their instructions in order to keep
man from his deeds and conceal pride from man; he keeps back his soul from the
pit and his life from perishing by the sword. This text clearly shows us that God
speaks in dreams and visions.
They usually happen when you’re at home asleep at night. You know why I
believe that God speaks to us mostly at night? Because we don’t listen during the
daytime, so He goes, “Alright, we’re just going to let you go to bed.” You don’t
have a choice but to watch and hear the dream that plays through your mind
when you’re asleep. It’s hard to turn it off! It’s amazing because it’s says here
that at night God will give you a vision or a dream and seal His instructions in
your heart. We can be more led of the Spirit of God than we know. He seals His
instruction, and we may never know what it really is – until we unpack the
meaning. And even then, our spirit catches the meaning even when our minds do
Have you ever experienced what is called déjà vu? You walk into a situation,
a place, or have a conversation with someone and think, “Man, I’ve been here
before. I’ve seen this before. What’s going on?” It’s known as déjà vu but I think
it is probably a sign to you that you’re being led of God’s Spirit, and that you’re
in the right place at the right time. What probably happened is that God gave you
a dream or a vision, and showed you something that was going to come into your
life, but He sealed that instruction from you, almost like a zip-loc, plastic bag.
Some of you have probably had a dream and you thought, “Wow, that was
awesome! Where’d it go? I don’t remember what it was.” Isn’t it frustrating? I
believe that when you go through one of those déjà vu experiences, God’s
actually unsealing that which we already understood, and it’s a sign to you that
you’re more led of the Spirit than you think.
Some think, “God, I’m not led of the Spirit!” But you are. You would
probably become prideful if Jesus appeared to you every single day in your
bedroom? Could you imagine having a conversation with your pastor and saying
something like, “Pastor, Jesus told me …”?
“What, He told you?”
“Yeah, He comes every day.”
It says that God seals the instruction to keep your heart back from pride. I
It says that God seals the instruction to keep your heart back from pride. I
believe that if we get more understanding we won’t fall into pride. We’ll
understand why He does things, and He won’t have to seal these things as much.
We can freely receive of his Kingdom. We can freely receive revelation.
The Importance of Writing Your Dreams Down
Did you ever have a time when you woke up in the middle of the night from a
dream that was so clear that you thought; “Oh I will remember that in the
morning”? Then, when you wake up you remember very little, and say, “Aww
man… I know I had a significant dream last night, and I just lost it.”
I believe that some times God will test us to see how diligent we are in the
natural, and the spirit. So many people ask God to speak but when He does do
they listen? I believe God blesses stewardship! One of the best ways to steward
what God shows to you is to write it down.
Daniel was a man known for having strange and amazing encounters with
God. He was a man who served four different kings in his lifetime. The gift that
made room for his ongoing success was his ability to dream, and his
interpretation skills. One of the main things you see in Daniel’s life is spiritual
discipline. He was a man of prayer, and he took seriously what God showed him.
Daniel 7:1 says that God gave Daniel a dream, and he wrote down the dream
telling the main facts. Then, he was able to pray about the dream and receive an
God is serious about speaking to you, personally. Are you really listening? Do
you realize how significant a dream can be? One of the best ways to remember
and understand the significance of our dreams is to write them down
immediately, upon awakening, so we don’t forget them. I have had dreams that
seemed like movies they were so long. There is no way you can write down an
entire dream sometimes. However, if you take time to write down the main facts
of your dreams, a clearer interpretation of the dream will come across.
Too often people focus on the one, odd thing in a dream, and miss the theme
or focal point of the dream. Look for a theme or focal point in your dreams.
Determine if you are a participator in the dream or a spectator. Is the dream
about you or someone else? Don’t get caught up in the random things that
happen so often in dreams, and get sidetracked from the focal point of the
dream’s meaning.
We have seen many people who have not had many dreams, but get activated
by just simply putting a pad of paper next to their beds, and asking God to speak
to them. Some times the biggest breakthroughs happen in a believer’s life by
simple faith. What you are doing when you put the pad of paper next to your bed
is showing God that you expect him to speak to you, and that you will take
seriously what He reveals in a dream. That simple act of faith often opens up the
realm of dreams and visions. So put a pad of paper and a pen next to your bed,
realm of dreams and visions. So put a pad of paper and a pen next to your bed,
and watch what happens!
An empowerment prayer to get you there:
Lord, I ask you to speak to me through dreams and visions in the night. By
faith I will put a pad of paper and pen next to my bed. As I do so, I ask for
you to open my heart up to receive revelation from you, as well as give me
the tenacity to become a good steward of the revelation you give me. In
Jesus’ name, amen.
Opening the Realms of Greater Dreams and Visions
We’re all in different places with this. There are some of you reading these
books, who are more gifted to see and to hear than others. However, all of us can
experience more. The Bible says that God is going to pour out his Spirit on all
flesh, saved and unsaved. (See Acts 2:17-19.) There are different levels of
knowing God, but when we understand what God shows us, we end up receiving
more and more. Faith opens the doors to revelation.
That’s a pretty big deal!
When you’re a friend of God, you don’t even need to defend yourself. Moses
didn’t know what was going on. His brother and sister were just yakking in the
corner, and God shows up, and calls a meeting. He says, “I want Moses, Aaron,
and Miriam. Get out here now.” A good father chastens those whom he loves.
What’s amazing is, here’s what God tells these three. Moses doesn’t even know
they’re talking smack behind his back. There’s insight here for us. He says, hear
now my words. If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to
him in a vision, I speak to him in a dream, but not so with my servant Moses, for
he is faithful in all my house. I speak to him face to face, even plainly, and do not
speak in dark sayings, and he sees the form of the Lord. Why then are you not
afraid to speak against my servant Moses? (See Num 12:8)
The Cost of Clarity
In this portion of scriptures, God shows up, and says to Aaron and Miriam,
“Are you not recognizing the fruit that is in Moses’ life?” The fruit of his life
includes the outcome of his deeds, actions, and the revealing of God’s glory. He
says, “You might have a dream, and you might have a vision, or maybe I speak
to you in a dark saying, but Moses doesn’t have that. I speak to him face to face
as a man speaks to his friend.”
I believe there’s a level of friendship with God that we can develop so we can
have these encounters where He comes face to face. That’s what I want. More
than the ability to raise the dead, I want to see God face to face. More than
anything in this world, I want to see Jesus face to face. I want to experience God
where I move out of the realm of a dream or vision, and into an encounter.
I have one time in my life, so far, where I had a face-to-face encounter with
Jesus, and it wrecked me, but I want it more. Moses, under an old testament
covenant, was able to experience God that way because he had a reverential awe,
and fear of who God was, and he developed friendship. Yet we have a better
covenant. We don’t have to sacrifice the blood of bulls and goats. We have Jesus
Christ who rose from the dead, and made a way for you and I to have that same
One of my spiritual mentors, Bobby Connor, has had many visitations of
Jesus. Jesus visits him, gives Bobby an amazing word, and it’s awesome. You
know what’s amazing is that Bobby has pressed in for forty years and developed
a friendship with God. The guy knows the word, and God’s presence, like no
one I’ve ever met. Because of that, there’s a foundation for God to come,
because there’s humility there. I believe the hungrier you get for God’s word and
the hungrier you get for His Spirit (and those two are working together), the
more you get of him.
God wants to take you to a place where you come face to face with Him. He
wants to take you to a place of encounter. But along the way, there could be
some other ways that He desires to speak – so that you can become accustomed
to His presence, and His ways, and the language that He speaks only to you.
It says here that if there’s a prophet amongst God, he speaks to him in a
vision, or a dream, or in a dark speech, or a dark saying. Not everybody’s a
prophet. But Acts 2 says that the Spirit of God, who is on a prophet, is going to
be released to a whole generation. We’re a prophetic generation.
Prophets of old experienced dreams, visitations, and encountered God in
unusual ways. In our day, people are also encountering God, and experiencing
unusual ways. In our day, people are also encountering God, and experiencing
dreams and visions. This does not make them prophets. There’s a difference
between an office of the prophet gift, and just someone who carries a prophetic
anointing. People who are saying, “I’m a prophet” leave me no choice but to ask
a few questions like: Do you have influence? If you have the office of a prophet
gifting, most of the time it comes with a platform. It’s not you breaking down
doors to be the prophetic person that prophesies, but a platform is given to you
because of your influence. Prophets of old spoke to kings, rulers, and
magistrates, the work of the Lord. Also, there’s a grace to activate others in the
prophetic. That’s what an office gifting looks like. Then there are people who
are prophetic. I’ve met prophetic people that are more prophetic than many
prophets, because they have intimacy with God and they’ve developed the
ability to see and hear and know Him more. We are all just called out vessels to
equip the saints, to do the work of the ministry, and have the ability to speak the
word of the Lord to people. Our generation today, has full access to anything
that any prophet would stand up and release. God wants to begin to mature us
and move us from receiving dreams and visions, to having more influence with
others. If God speaks to us in dreams, and visions, and dark sayings, we need to
begin to understand the interpretations of dark sayings – or metaphorical speech.
If you learn how to understand metaphorical language, you can take a dark
speech experience and, as you read through the word of God, the Holy Spirit
releases an interpretation of the symbols and metaphors.
There’s a big difference between dreams and visions. Visions are literal.
When you have a vision, it’s usually pretty simple. “I had a vision of me
preaching in front of a crusade full of thousands of people. I preached and
people got saved. That’s it.” It’s pretty simple isn’t it? You look at that and you
say, “Okay, that makes sense.” Then there are dreams. Dreams are metaphorical,
not literal which makes it harder to understand. Let’s say you dream of a harvest
field. All of a sudden you’re in a combine taking this big harvest in. The scene
changes and the next thing you know you’re on a big platform and there are
people everywhere. Then the scene changes again and you’re twenty years older
in this experience. Then it’s over. Did you know that both the dream and the
vision say the same thing, but one is metaphorical and one is not? The harvest
fields represent souls - people coming into the Kingdom. The combine
represents the call to be an evangelist, and stand on a platform in the nations, and
see the Kingdom come. The dream contains different imagery but it means the
same as the vision.
There’s a reason why God chooses to release a dream, rather than a vision. It’s
what I would call the “paying the cost of clarity” factor. Dreams and visions
sometimes come with spiritual warfare. I would prefer to have God speak to me
sometimes come with spiritual warfare. I would prefer to have God speak to me
in a dream rather than in a vision, most of the time when it comes to major
revelation. In the co-existing spiritual arena, there are times where the enemy
can see what God shows you. If you have a vision of a crusade, and you are
preaching in it, and it’s thousands of people, what happens sometimes, is that all
hell breaks loose against that dream because the devil says, “All right! We know
who he is! He’s got the call to be the next Reinhard Bonnke, get him.” But if the
devil watches a dream, he sees this other obscure imagery, and says, “I don’t
even know what that means. Harvest fields, combine, what is this guy going to
be a farmer?”
Then, in the still small voice of God, when you’re with Him alone, He says,
“Son, you’re called to the harvest. You’re called to have a platform to preach to
millions of people. You’re called to bring souls into the Kingdom.” You know
what happens? You actually get a vision for what God’s calling you to do,
without the warfare!
Gaining Confidence in the Ways God Speaks
We’ve got to understand this whole realm of the supernatural, because as we
do, it becomes more natural. I want to talk about some different things when it
comes to this whole realm of dream language, and visions. One night while I
was in the process of finishing preaching to a group of young adults, and into the
activation time, many people began to experience visions. They were having
experiences with God, but didn’t know what they meant. Some thought they
were just daydreaming. Did you know that even daydreams could be of God?
You just sit there, and have a Holy Ghost daydream, and eventually, you realize
that the daydream was a vision of what God wanted you to see or to become.
I’ve had experiences with God where I’m just sitting there dreaming, and the
next thing you know is, “Wow, I just saw God show me what he wants me to
write my next book about in a daydream! I’m just gonna write that down and
remember it.” I got that direction to write, and guess what? It just flows, and I
get a massive download! We write the things of God off when we say things
like, “Oh, I’m just a dreamer.” Yeah, you are a dreamer. Dream!
The worst thing you can say to someone who says, “I see this and I see that” is
you’re crazy. Many parents do that because they don’t see anything, and so they
downplay what their kids see, calling them crazy, or dismissing their visions as
mere daydreams. We need to steward the prophetic. Little kids can see way
better than most adults because they’re pure, so they just experience the things of
the Spirit more clearly.
A three-year-old kid came up to me in Nashville, Tennessee, where I was
ministering recently. While I’m sitting on the stage, at the end of the meeting, he
jumped up on my lap and said, “I came over here because Jesus wanted me to.”
I said, “Okay, cool.”
He said, “In fact, He’s praying for you right now.” I started getting hit by the
presence of God as he talked to me. He goes, “He wants to be with you.” And
then he takes off! He was putting his hands on me and praying while he talked
and released the power of God – that’s powerful!
God wants us to have those kinds of experiences where we have that same
childlike faith to hear and obey the prompting without any hesitation. It can be
that simple, friends. We miss it because we second-guess ourselves, and guess
that God’s voice isn’t really the voice we’re hearing, so we draw back in fear
rather than step out in faith.
Here’s how dreams work most of the time. They’re like a caricature that is
drawn of you - and they can sometimes make you look stupid. I remember when
drawn of you - and they can sometimes make you look stupid. I remember when
I was growing up my parents took me to Las Vegas. We went to the Circus
Circus hotel and this guy drew this cartoon, caricature picture of me and I hated
it. My mom framed it and put it on the wall once we got home. I hated this
picture because I had the reddest cheeks you’ve ever seen. And the artist gave
me the biggest lips. Back then I was really skinny, like this little stick man and I
had a baseball cap on. Like most 10 year olds, I was really offended. My mom
thought it was so great. Sometimes that’s how dreams and encounters are with
God – especially if they exaggerate an issue, or a part of your life. I’m not saying
that you hate them, but it’s an exaggeration of an issue. They’re exaggerating my
big lip, or my rosy red cheeks. Sometimes God will give you a dream that’s
really strange, a dark speech kind of a thing.
An empowerment prayer to get you there:
Lord, I ask you to give me greater encounters with you. Give me both face
to face encounters as well as metaphorical ones. Help me to value each and
every encounter you give me, and open my heart to clearly hear your voice
through them in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Types of Dreams
There are many different kinds of dreams that are common to all. In fact, there
are too many to list so I’ve identified seven specific types of dreams that most
people experience. They include calling dreams, flushing dreams, intercession
dreams, warning dreams, revelation dreams, words of knowledge dreams, and
watchman dreams.
Calling dreams
God wants to show you your calling. He wants to show you your destiny.
Have you ever had a dream of speaking publically? That’s a calling dream.
God’s giving you a vision of what you are to do, in the metaphorical language of
the dream. Often, these dreams recur over and over again. Why? Out of the
mouth of two or three witnesses, the word of the Lord is established. When it
keeps coming it’s because there’s something the Lord is trying to get through to
you. I meet people all the time who say things like, “I just had a dream that I’m
called to produce music!” Or “I’m called to preach!”
So I get a funny feeling in me that they are misinterpreting what they think
they are hearing or seeing, and reply, “You are not.”
“Yeah, but this is what I want to do.”
It’s not all about what we want. It’s about what He wants.
But when they say, “I keep having these dreams that I’m supposed to be
I believe that the repetition means God is indeed trying to confirm their
calling and reply, “Well maybe you’re supposed to be preaching!”
I was going to play pro baseball. I played through high school, and college,
and actually got offered a professional contract. I remember one night God
messed me up. I was a young Christian. I got saved during my Junior year of
college while playing baseball. When I got saved I thought, “ I’m going to play
baseball for God! I’m going to bring glory to him that way. I’m going to make
millions of dollars, and fund the missions to the poor.” I was serious about it - no
bad motives - I wanted to feed the poor. I wanted to establish homes. I had this
whole dream of what I could accomplish with the money.
One night, God gives me this dream. In this dream I’m in this room, which I
know is my bedroom. John Paul Jackson, a contemporary prophet, walks up to
me. It’s the weirdest thing because from my room there’s this electricity field,
and I can see the city that I was living in, and I’ve got a gun, and I’m shooting
demons in a field, who are erupting with noise. All of a sudden, John Paul
Jackson walks around from the side and he goes to shut off my electricity field,
and I say, “No!” I try to shoot and nothing happens. He smiles at me, shuts off
the electricity field, it falls down, and I start running from him. It was like a
horror movie. The faster I ran, the closer he gets. He’s right on me. My room
was huge, and finally I get to this place, and I start throwing stuff at John Paul.
Then all of a sudden Jesus appears on the bed, and he’s sitting there, laughing at
I woke up and I thought, “That was a weird dream!” God speaks to me, and
says, “Jerame, I want you to know something. You have become comfortable
with the way you’ve been living. You want to play baseball for me, and you are
At the time in the natural I was doing a lot of street evangelism. I prayed for
anything, and anyone that came my way, that needed a miracle. Whether they
got healed or not, they were getting prayed for. I felt as if I had this electricity
field around me, as I prayed, and I was shooting all the demons out of the way,
and people got healed and saved as a result. My ministry at that time was
baseball and ministering on the streets. When the Lord said, “Jerame, you’re
comfort zone is playing baseball and ministering on the streets,” He added a few
words that shook me out of my comfort zone. He said, “But I’ve got a higher
calling than that for your life. In fact, I’ve called you to be a prophet to the
nations like John Paul Jackson, but you’re running from your calling!”
God was smashing my comfort zone – through a dream. He continued to
speak direction to me, “From this moment I want you to give up baseball.”
You’ve got to understand, giving up something that you have worked long
and hard for, is not easy when you’re bred for it. I was eleven years old when my
parents put me in little league. My whole life I watched baseball, and studied the
game. And the city I grew up in was the home of the Junior College World
Series. Baseball was my thing and God was saying, “I want you to give it up,
cause’ you’re called to speak.” I didn’t even like speaking!
I said, “God, are you serious?” But that dream sparked faith in me to actually
do it.
I ended up giving up baseball and traveling all around the world with different
ministries and doing internships, and now I’m in full-time ministry. I’ve been
saved for about a decade, and I’ve gone to 37 nations, and we’ve seen thousands
and thousands of decisions for Christ. I’m so glad that God spoke to me so
clearly. Some of you are starting to get this. You’re thinking, “Wow, maybe I’m
not so weird. Maybe God does speak to me.”
Dreams can spark the faith to go in a different direction, and walk into the
calling that God has for you.
Intercession dreams
Have you ever had a dream about something negative about a leader, or a
peer? A lot of times, visions and dreams are for warning you that you need to
pray. The mature believer would go to God and say, “Lord, what’s this about? Is
this for me to pray about, or is this for me to share with them?” We’ve got to
have wisdom from God about what to do with things. Often, we miss what God
is doing. I can have a dream about Johnny that he’s got a problem with
alcoholism, and I know it because I saw it in my dream. You know, what God
was probably doing was giving me that dream so I could pray for him to
overcome that. But we like to be powerful and important. We like to have a
voice, so we go to Johnny and say, “Hey man, God’s shown me what you’ve
been doing. You’d better repent.” And Johnny says, “ah!” Now he’s freaking
out, because he already knew he had that issue. All of a sudden, instead of
helping him, we actually misrepresent the love of the Father, and we wound him.
All of a sudden he says, “Great! I know I’m in this sin, and they know because
God told them. So God doesn’t really love me.”
Really, you were supposed to go to him and say, “Hey man, I feel like you’re
really going to be an example of purity. You’re going to be an example of a life
that’s fully on fire for God. I feel like there’s an anointing on you to break the
chains of addictions. God’s going to use you to be an example of what it is to
walk in freedom.” You give them this prophetic word, and the next time they
have this demonic attack of alcoholism, they say, “No! The word of the Lord is
this!” and they step over it. It breaks that thing off, and out of their lives. It was
an intercession dream for you to pray for them that God would cut that thing off
of their life. Also, most the time it’s for you to prophesy the opposite in love,
which gives them a way out. That’s what maturity would do with this. Another
good thing would be to submit the dream to a mentor, spiritual parent, or even
your pastor, and let them know the way you feel about the dream or vision.
Bounce it off of them, and see if they feel the same way? Also it will bring one
more person into the factor, to be lifting the person up to pray! The Bible says
there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors (Proverbs 24:6).
Warning Dreams
Some times God will give us warning dreams, to keep us out of trouble, or to
protect us from the plans of the devil. Matthew 2:12 tells us that Joseph, the
father of Jesus, was divinely warned in a dream that his family was not to return
to the land of Herod, but that they were to move to another country. The result
was that Jesus’ life was spared! What would have happened if Joseph did not
listen to that warning? Jesus would have been killed with all of the other children
who were two years old, and younger, as Herod’s evil army slaughtered the
children of Bethlehem. It pays to listen to the Lord when He speaks. You never
know what blessing is behind the door of obedience!
Flushing dreams
Who’s ever had a bathroom dream? These are fun. You have a dream that
you’re going to the bathroom. It’s a flushing dream. Often it’s God flushing
something away that shouldn’t be there. We’re in the world but we’re not of the
world. Sometimes when you’re in the world you can get stained a little bit. What
does that mean? How about when you go to work, and you’re the only one
saved, and the other fifteen people don’t care that you’re saved. All they do is
listen to nasty music, and talk about all kinds of stuff that you hate. They come
at you all the time, and say stuff that’s crazy. Can anybody relate to that? Then
later you have a dream of going to the bathroom. Maybe its just God flushing it
out so it doesn’t take root in you, and doesn’t affect you. It’s supernatural, right?
Sometimes you have these weird dreams I was talking about. You’re hanging
out with someone that’s angry all the time, and you have a dream that you’re
angry. Maybe it’s God just flushing that thing off you. It’s like your emotions,
and everything you’ve been going through being released.
Revelation dreams
God wants to give us revelation. Everyone wants God to show him or her
things about their life, and what is to come, or what is going on. I’ve had some
pretty funny revelation dreams. I remember one time I had a dream with Heidi
Baker, a well-known apostolic missionary. In it, she was a waitress at a
restaurant. She comes up to me and says, “Hey, what do you want to eat?” as
she’s taking my order.
In the dream I’m like, “This is weird. Heidi Baker’s my waitress.” I’m
thinking, “I don’t want food. I want you to lay hands on me for an impartation of
your anointing.” It was hilarious.
So then in the dream I say, “You know what? I’ll take a steak.”
“Okay, one steak. How do you like it?”
“Medium rare.”
“Okay, medium rare, It’ll be right up.”
Right then, my cell phone rings. I pick up the cell phone, and go outside to
talk on the phone. This conversation was not a good conversation. It was just a
bunch of garbage that I was talking with someone about. Then I go inside and sit
down, and I’m waiting, thinking, “Where’s my steak?”
All of a sudden I can’t find Heidi, so I ask this other waitress about my steak,
and she says, “Oh, I'm sorry. We just gave the last one away.”
“Okay, well I’m hungry.”
“Don’t worry, the chef will bring something.” So the chef comes out as if this
is the most magnificent meal ever. It’s a big silver platter, and then he takes this
can of tuna and slaps it on the plate. In this dream it looks like dog food. It’s
gross and nasty. Then I wake up.
Immediately, I start wondering, “Whoa, what was that all about?”
Then the Lord speaks to me and says, “Jerame, it’s my will that every single
one of my sons and daughters would have fresh meat or fresh revelation every
single day of their lives. The problem is, they’re too busy in their own world.
They’re too busy caught up in the things of the world, that they miss me visiting
them, and what they have to settle for is other men’s and women’s revelation,
which is canned food. It’s because they won’t spend time to seek my face.
They’re just about what they want to do.”
At that time I wasn’t reading the word. I was going from conference to
conference. I was hungry for God, but I wasn’t making the time for God and me.
What the Lord was saying was, “It’s not good enough for you to go get it at a
What the Lord was saying was, “It’s not good enough for you to go get it at a
conference, and just have hands laid on you, though that’s good. You need to
develop intimacy and relationship with me for yourself.”
That was a season that shifted everything for me, because when I listened to
that word and went hard after God in the word, it developed what I’m walking
in, and living in today.
God wants to visit us individually and personally.
If you want to get rebuked, you want to get rebuked from God rather than
have God speak to a spiritual father or mother who has to go, to you and say,
“Hey, what’s going on?” The Bible says it’s better to fall upon the rock than for
the rock to fall upon you, and ground you to powder. If you’re in secret sin, it’ll
find you out sooner or later. It would be better that you don’t get embarrassed.
It’s like Jessie Duplantis said, “It’s better to embarrass sin before it embarrasses
Words of knowledge dreams
God gives words of knowledge in dreams. God can give you a word of
knowledge that will heal you, and specific words to prosper your business. One
time, I had this dream where I was preaching at this large church with 2,000
people in it. I saw this really well known minister that I had ministered with, but
it was really weird because he wasn’t sitting on the front row. Normally, if
you’re a big name minister, you’re going to be right there on the front row,
because people are honoring you, but he was sitting about five rows back.
In this dream I’m in front of this huge church, led by one of the biggest
leaders in America and I say, “Bring me the deaf right now. God’s going to heal
them.” All these deaf people came and we started praying for them. One by one,
they got healed. It was kind of strange because at that time I was going to small
churches of about forty people in attendance. I didn’t have a platform like the
dream revealed.
Years go by after this dream, and I get an invitation to go minister in that
church. I’m thinking, “Wow, this is cool, I had a dream about this.” I go to the
church, and the Lord reminds me of the dream, and says, “Watch for the fifth
row.” I go, and that night there’s that leader sitting on the fifth row. All I did was
follow what the dream showed me. I said, “Bring me the deaf!” There were five
or six people that were deaf that night that got totally healed. One was from
birth, and another one had no eardrum, and it was recreated. It was a word of
knowledge, or a direction of what to do.
Some of us cry out all the time, however, when God gives us the answer, we
don’t listen. He’ll give you something, and sometimes we don’t like the answer.
One time I was hanging out with Bobby Connor, who would usually tell me
stories. We’d sit at lunch and he’d say, “Jerame, this happened, and that
happened. ” He’d tell me about signs, and wonders, and the heavens above. I
remember I told God, “I want that anointing! How do I get it?” And I had this
In the dream, I walk up to Bobby, and I give him money. Then an angel
appeared, and was assigned to me. I woke up, kind of offended, and left
wondering, “What, you want me to pay for the anointing?” That’s not what the
dream was talking about.
In fact, God replied, “Jerame, you want that anointing? Sow a thousand
dollars into his ministry right now.”
You know what my flesh said? “God, I don’t have a thousand dollars to give
away to Bobby! I’ve only got $1,200 in my bank account and rent’s due next
away to Bobby! I’ve only got $1,200 in my bank account and rent’s due next
God said, “I gave you the word of knowledge, I’ll activate it.”
So I said, “Fine. By faith I’m going to follow this dream.” I sowed $1,000 into
Bobby’s ministry. Not long after, I went to a city to preach and someone gave
me just as much money back. If you sow - you’re going to reap.
Then, the amazing thing was, I had another dream. In this dream, I hear the
Spirit of the Lord sing a song that says, “I’m releasing the double portion of
Elijah over this land, purity, and intimacy with God. Let the fire fall.”
Then I say, “Okay, pretty good. I know what I’m going to preach on today,
Elijah.” So I go and preach it. This was in Stony Point, Alberta.
At the end of the meeting the Lord says, “I don’t want you to pray for the sick
for healing. Pray for nothing. Just release the song that you heard in the Spirit.
Sing it like we did last night.”
So I sang the song that I heard about the spirit and power of Elijah and about
the fire falling, and God said, “Now release a decree that the prophets of Baal
will be burned up in the region.” So I did. Within a half hour of that message and
decree, we went out to eat and hear the following report.
People came to us and said, “You’re not going to believe what happened.
There’s a hotel in this region that was overtaken by pimps, prostitutes and drug
dealers. Somehow it caught on fire. The fire department came to try and put it
out, but they couldn’t. All the water went on it and they couldn’t stop it. It burnt
to the ground. Not one person was killed.”
God confirmed His word with what He did in the natural. We declared
something in the Spirit and there was a natural demonstration and sign. He
destroyed the stronghold of lust and perversion in that city. What’s crazy is - it
was one week after I had the dream to sow into Bobby. That was the very
anointing that I asked God for, and I saw it manifest the next week.
That might be creepy to you, but these kinds of things are in the Bible.
There are many stories where God destroyed strongholds of the enemy
through prophetic acts of obedience to His word. In Joshua 6: 1-21 they walked
around Jericho seven times, blew some horns, and the walls fell down. It’s funny
to me how people don’t understand that God still moves today, like he did in the
Bible. Who in their right mind would send some trumpet players out to battle the
fiercest warriors in the world? God would. Why? Because it’s not you fighting,
it’s Him. When you’re weak, He’s strong.
Watchman Dreams
The more you are open to experiencing dreams and visions, the more you will
likely experience. Many of you who are reading this, are going to have dreams at
times about your region, or for your city. These are watchman dreams. God
wants to release this watchman anointing to any who will receive it. You want to
know what watchmen do? They watch over things, and they pray. We’ve got
authority in the body of Christ. We’ve got authority to watch, and see what
God’s doing, to listen and hear what he’s saying, and then do it. (See Isaiah
You may see some crazy stuff. Don’t freak out. One time I was ministering in
this city, and it was the hardest meeting ever. The first night I called out ten
words of knowledge, and no one got healed. It was frustrating when you’re used
to seeing God’s power released to heal. That night I went to sleep, and dreamt
that this massive gorilla came up to me, and hit me. It was like a scene out of a
movie. I went flying 30 feet in the air, hit the back wall, and slid down. I said, “I
don’t think so. In the name of Jesus!” and I ran towards this gorilla, and beat this
massive beast up. Then I got into an elevator, and it went from the 2nd floor to
the 3rd floor. As I came out of the elevator, I woke up.
The Lord spoke to me and said, “Jerame, your dream last night was me
dealing with the stronghold in this city.” He told me to declare that fear and
control would be broken, before I ministered.
You see, that gorilla was a representation of fear and control. I didn’t say,
“That’s weird.” Or, “I’m scared of that.” I asked God what to do with it, I made
a decree, and it broke the whole thing open. That night, there were more
miracles of healing released than any of the meetings I had seen all that year.
The breakthrough was powerful.
Interpreting Your Dreams
There are a lot of awesome tools out there for understanding visions and
dreams, but you need to keep it simple, and get the basics of dream interpretation
to start with. As you go, constantly ask the Holy Spirit for His interpretation.
Listening to God interpret symbols that are personal to you, is the only way to
fully understand how God is speaking personally, and uniquely to you. I’m a
huge promoter of Streams Ministry, founded by prophet John Paul Jackson. John
Paul is a man of God who has paid a price. For years he’s studied the word of
God, and he’s developed a dream interpreting / prayer card that has a few colors
on it, with a few symbols, and the meanings to numbers that are in the Bible. It’s
just a card. It’s not very big. I took that card when I first started going through
their course, and soon realized that it was the most valuable thing I got. I
developed my own dream language with God through it.
There are books out there that claim to have 447 symbols in them, or other
interpretations of metaphoric language. Forget that. You need something simple.
You can start with a simple card that gives you such basics as - white meant
purity and that a horse represented power, and a sword represented the word. I
memorized everything that was on there. But instead of allowing the sheet to be
my interpreter, I also said, “Holy Spirit, I’m memorizing this to show you that
I’m stewarding a relationship with you. Speak to me through these symbols, and
through the things that are on this card.”
All of a sudden, I had a dream. I was riding on a white horse, with a sword in
my hand. I woke up and I thought, “Wow, white means purity, horse means
power, and the sword means the word of God. I’ve got a call to be a minister of
purity in the word that releases the power of God. Those dreams cards were so
simple, and I’ve never really gone back to anything else. I don’t need to, because
it wasn’t about having books to interpret things. It was about developing a dream
language with God, so that He would speak to me, and I’d know exactly what
He means. I want to encourage you readers to get those cards. (See
http://www.streamsministries.com to obtain the cards.) I say that because I know
that John Paul is a man of character, and wisdom, and he’s done the homework
to give you that card so that it’s a jumpstart for you. I wanted to throw that out
there, also because there’s a temptation for people to be lazy and just buy books
to be their interpreter. The Holy Spirit is your interpreter.
An empowerment prayer to get you there:
God, I ask you for a variety of experiences with you. I ask that you would
release to me supernatural dreams of insight for my daily life, as well as for
others. I pray also that you would use my dreams to bring the reality of
your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
From Dreaming to Miracles
God speaks in many forms, and in many ways. While most of us progress from
hearing God speak to us through others, to understanding how God is speaking
to us in our dreams, others have moved beyond the basics and into face-to-face
encounters with God that release miracles. Moses, our case in point, was a
supernatural guy who experienced many encounters with God. Moses is
probably one of the most amazing examples in the Bible of someone who
walked in maturity in the Spirit with God. He was one who was known for
amazing miracles, signs, and wonders, and I believe that the source of his power
was his face-to-face encounters with God! He went from being a coward, and
murderer, to a powerful, miracle-working deliverer, as God visited him in the
form of a burning bush, and transformed his life. He entered into an intimacy
with God that was, at times literally face-to-face! (See Exodus 3:2.)
That realm of seeing God face-to-face can be open to us as well. While
ministering in Scotland a few years ago, I had one of the most significant
encounters that I had ever had with God. Jesus actually appeared to me while I
was in a time of prayer. He touched the back of my head and prayed for me. As
He did, I felt the fire of God’s spirit begin to run through my entire being. It was
amazing! What was even more amazing was what has resulted from this
When we encounter God like that, there should be a corresponding evidence
of an increase in fruit. That fruit may be a change in personality, or a change in
ministry dynamics. There is a substance of God, or evidence of His power that
either shows up, or increases. Since I had that encounter, there has been a clear
increase of the raw demonstrations of God’s power in our meetings.
In that next season of ministry, we saw God do more creative miracles then
ever before. We saw the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walking, missing body
parts grow back, and most important of all - there was a notable increase of
miracles that came by God’s presence without anyone laying hands on anyone.
God would just sovereignty come and heal people in the atmosphere of our
meetings as a result of the face-to-face encounter, the personal visit from Jesus,
who touched me.
How do we step into greater encounters with God?
One of the other amazing things about Moses’ life was that he had awesome
encounters with God! He once trekked up on a mountain full of fire and glory -
and hung out with God! When he came off that mountain, his face was glowing
like the sun. The light radiating from him scared everybody around him, so he
ended up having to put a veil on his face. They were freaked out. (See Exodus
When the supernatural begins to break out, religious people get scared. That’s
their first reaction. Instead of saying, “Wow, you know God? I want to know
God like that.” They want to shut down the glory. Here’s Moses, this man of
God who has this mature walk with God. He’s seen more signs and wonders
than anyone we’ve seen in our time and day. If we saw the same signs and
wonders, people would freak out! I hear people all the time, make judgments on
things according to their own thinking, instead of really waiting to see if there’s
One of the main keys to hearing God’s voice through dreams and visions is to
overcome your fears. Many people who are called to be seers in the spirit are
often times attacked as children in the area of nightmares, or dark dreams. These
are deliberate attacks that the devil brings against God’s people to try to stop
them from entering into their prophetic destiny. We must begin to believe that
God’s ability to keep us, is greater than the devil’s ability to deceive us. Too
many Christians are scared of the devil. They have a great big devil, and a little
bitty God.
We must understand that the greater One lives inside of us as Christians! (See
1 John 4:4.)
We must understand that we have a good Father in heaven, who loves to give
good gifts to his children. (See Mathew 7:11.)
We must begin to believe that our heavenly Father is well able to keep us
from falling into the deception of the devil, and that He has the ability to keep us
safe from all harm! (See Jude vs. 24.)
How do we know if an encounter is of God?
Some of the greatest encounters I have had were very strange. Spiritual
encounters are to be judged not according to how strange or clear an encounter
might be.
The way we are to judge or test encounters with God, is two-fold. The first
thing we must ask is, does the vision or dream line up with the word of God? An
earmark of a spiritual encounter from God is that it will line up with His word.
The Spirit and the Word go hand-in-hand. The second thing to look for is fruit.
Does the encounter bear fruit in the partakers’ life? Is there a change or
transformation of a life, or mindset, as a result of the encounter? Is there freedom
that comes as a result? Does it result in an evidence of God’s love and power
As you overcome fear of being deceived, you gain access to greater visitations
with God. Like John Paul Jackson says “Peace is the potting soil for revelation.”
It’s when we trust God, and walk in His peace, that we begin to see in the spirit,
and it often leads to face-to-face encounters with Jesus in the spirit.
Dreams can impart supernatural anointing
Sometimes, we may have face-to-face encounters with God and not even
know it. Just like the two disciples whom the Lord appeared to on the road to
Damascus. They didn’t even recognize Jesus as he preached the gospel to them
from the very beginning of the Bible to the very end. We may not recognize an
encounter with Jesus. It wasn’t until they begged Him to stay the night with
them, instead of traveling to another city, that they recognized Him. When Jesus
broke the bread for their supper, only then did they recognize Him. Suddenly,
Jesus vanished from their sight. (See Luke 24:30.)
They had been with the Lord, and did not recognize Him because they thought
Jesus was dead. However, Jesus appeared in another form that was unfamiliar…
that seemed like He came through a dream. Some times the Lord will appear as
Himself or in another form to us, and release an impartation through a dream or
a vision.
While God spoke with Moses face-to-face, God chose to speak to Solomon in
a dream. 1 Kings 3:5 tells us that the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by
night, and told him to ask what ever his heart desired, and it would be given to
him. So Solomon goes on to ask God for Wisdom in order to lead His people. He
also asked God for wisdom concerning good from evil. God was pleased with
his request, and ended up giving him wisdom, as well as riches and notoriety in
the world of his day. Then, God declares to Solomon that there shall be no other
King before, or after him, that shall carry wisdom on their life like him. (See
1Kings 3: 10-13.)
Solomon’s response to that dream was amazing. He went to the ark of God,
and gave praise for the dream, as well as for the activation of the impartation of
Wisdom from God! It was then, after Solomon praised the Lord, that the word of
the Lord that was delivered to Solomon in his dream was fulfilled.
Many people talk about seeing the Lord in a dream. But sometimes, He comes
in a form, or as a person who is unfamiliar to us. He hides Himself in the person
you dream about. The impartation released through that person in the dream, is
no less powerful than if the Lord came Himself. In fact, the person in the dream
may actually be Jesus, or the Father, hidden to you in the same way that Jesus
hid who He was to the disciples on that road to Damascus, until He broke bread
and revealed the truth.
I remember one time being in a revival meeting with an amazing man of God
named Dr. James Maloney. In this meeting, James moved powerfully in the
realm of miracles. As he prayed for people, God did remarkable miracles
realm of miracles. As he prayed for people, God did remarkable miracles
through him. One of the miracles that really stood out to me was that he prayed
for people who had been in car accidents, and had metal surgically placed into
their bodies. As he prayed the metal would disappear. I watched as he prayed for
a woman who had a metal rod in her spine. She could feel the metal dissolve and
her original range of motion in her back was restored. For the first time since the
doctors had placed the metal rod in her back, to help support her, because of
many crushed disks in her spine she could touch her toes. It was amazing! She
could even bend backwards which would have been impossible for her to do
with the metal rod in her back!
One thing I knew was that I wanted to see these kinds of miracles flowing
through my life and ministry, as well. So I came up with a plan. I knew that the
anointing of God, that rested upon people, was transferable, and could be
imparted by the laying on of hands. Paul talked about imparting spiritual gifts by
the laying on of hands. (See 2 Timothy 1:6.) Jesus did it with the twelve
disciples, and then laid hands on the seventy other disciples, and power was
transferred. So I decided that I would just go up to Dr. Maloney at the end of the
meeting, and ask for an impartation prayer.
When the meeting ended, to my surprise, they ushered him out of the meeting
before I could ask. I was kind of bummed out that I could not get him to pray,
but said to God that I wanted that same anointing. Two nights later I had a
dream. In this dream, Dr. Maloney walked up to me, and laid his hands on me,
and prayed that I would receive an impartation of the governmental authority of
God, to melt metal. I got blasted and fell on the ground shaking under the power
of God. When I woke up, I could still feel the power of God all over my body.
I remember waking up, and saying to my self, “I have got to get to another Dr.
Maloney meeting quickly, and get him to lay hands on me.”
But then I heard the Holy Spirit say in reply, “You don’t need to go to another
Dr. Maloney meeting at all. God the Father just imparted to you the same
anointing to see metal dissolve in the dream you just had. Now go lay hands on
people with metal in their bodies and see what happens.”
The next week, I happened to be going to Atlanta, Georgia, to minister. The
very first thing I did was call out anyone who had metal plates, or pins inserted
into their bodies by doctors, and declared to them that God was going to heal
them. I was totally steeping out in faith because of the dream I had. One man
came forward who had 13 metal pins holding his ankle together due to shattering
all the bones in his ankle in a car crash. Before I prayed for him, I asked him to
check and see if he could feel the metal pins, and he said he could. As I prayed
for him he said that he felt fire go through his ankle and foot. Then, after the
prayer, I asked him to feel for the metal pins again, and he could not find them
prayer, I asked him to feel for the metal pins again, and he could not find them
any more! He was totally healed.
From that time on, I began to see metal dissolve in many meetings that we
preached in. It is still one of the most notable, and remarkable miracles that
consistently takes place in our ministry today. This was amazing to me, because
I caught the impartation I had desired not from getting a man to lay hands on me,
but from my Father in heaven, who loved me enough to activate the desire of my
heart, in a dream.
Many of you reading this, may have had a dream where a famous preacher
laid hands on you, and prophesied an anointing over you. Or maybe you had a
spiritual father, or mother, lay their hands on you to receive an impartation, in a
dream or a vision. What if it was Jesus or your heavenly Father coming in
another form, imparting what you needed in the time of need? What if it wasn’t
James Maloney imparting to me in a dream a new anointing for specific healing,
-but Jesus Himself coming in the form of James? That is something to think
God is the greatest imparter or activator there is! So many Christians are
running from meeting to meeting to get what God has already activated in their
lives. It they would just step out in faith, they would see that imparted anointing
bear fruit. My first thought was that I needed to go get Dr. Maloney to lay hands
on me, in the natural, at a meeting. But in this dream, God the Father came, as
Dr. Maloney, and imparted the anointing I desired, and the Holy Spirit told me
to step out and pray! Then manifestation happened.
Some of us need to test the dreams and encounters we have. If you have
dreams of praying for the sick, and they are getting healed, then get your hands
on sick people, and watch what God does! If you have a dream about
prophesying, step out and give people prophetic words. God is activating many
people all around the world in dreams, and visions. The manifestation of the
activation will show up in the natural, if we learn to respond to the supernatural,
in faith, by stepping out!
We can learn from Solomon just how we are to respond to God when He
speaks to us in dreams and visions. Solomon’s response was an act of praise
towards God for the word! Whenever God releases encounters to us that
communicate His word to us, it requires a response. Stewardship is a huge part
of seeing the word of the Lord come to pass. We must learn to give thanks to
God whenever, and however He chooses to speak to us. Then, we must position
ourselves to receive from Him the promises He spoke.
How do you position your self to receive Gods prophetic promises?
So many Christians don’t see the fulfillment of the dreams and visions that
God gives them, because they don’t do anything with them. It is not good
enough to just think, and talk about the dreams, and visions that God gives you.
Visions and dreams require a response of faith – faith that takes action.
The first thing you must do with a dream is seek God for the interpretation.
What kind of dream is it? What is God trying to show you about yourself? About
your spiritual calling? Is the Holy Spirit warning you, or imparting some gift to
you? Once you have the interpretation, then what?
You must get into God’s presence, and begin to decree what you see until the
manifestation of what He shows you comes to pass. Job 22:28 says, “You will
also declare a thing and it will be established for you; and light will shine on
your ways.” We must put action behind our faith. If you are crying out to God to
speak to you in dreams and visions, and He does, then you must take what He
shows you to prayer, and declare His word over your life and situation. As you
begin to declare what God shows you in prayer, your declarations of faith will
release favor, and the light of God will shine on all your ways.
The next step of faith requires that you position yourself to receive that which
he shows you in the natural. For instance, if God gives you a dream, or shows
you in a vision that you are called to be a fortune 500 CEO business owner, it
might be a good idea to begin to go to school, and obtain a business degree.
When you do this, your education provides God with a wineskin to begin to pour
out the blessings of God, into and through you. Too many people want the new
wine of heaven but don’t position them selves to receive it. Callings require a
response. That’s why the Bible says that many are called, but few are chosen (Mt
22:14) - because people don’t position themselves to be chosen.
Seeing in the Spirit
God wants to open up our hearts, and open up our eyes to the realm of the
Kingdom, but here’s the thing I’ve learned from walking with God, as well as
from the scriptures. You won’t walk in the supernatural unless you see in the
Spirit, and hear the Spirit.
The defining anointing that was upon Jesus was in John 5:19. He said, “I
never do a thing unless I first see what my Father is doing.” Then it goes on
further in the same chapter, and He talks about how He never does a thing unless
He first hears what the Father says to do. It’s out of that place that He makes
judgments. Because those judgments come out of the bidding of God’s voice,
they’re right – and they are powerful.
What God wants to do is open up our eyes, open up our ears and give us
maturity. Acts 2 says God’s going to pour out dreams, visions, miracles, signs,
and wonders. If he’s going to do that, and the result is souls coming into the
Kingdom, we need to understand dreams, visions, signs, and wonders. We need
to understand the supernatural!
This stuff of dreams, visions, and encounters, is to be found all throughout the
Bible. I could teach from the Old Testament to Revelation about dreams and
visions. But if you want to become activated in your spirit to greater experiences
with dreams and visions, you need to search out the stories of other dreams and
prophets, in the Word – for yourself. God will speak to you as you read. The
Bible is your ultimate guidebook, and dream symbol interpreter. Start reading!
Also begin to ask God to give you dreams and encounters. Remember to put
that pad of paper next to your bed and seek God out for the interpretation of your
dreams and visions.
An empowerment prayer to get you there:
Lord, I ask you to open my eyes in the spirit to see what you’re doing, and
teach me how to step out in faith with what you show me so that my dreams
become a reality. Also I pray that you would help me to develop a dream
language with you that I might know you more and hear your voice more
clearly. In Jesus’ name, amen.
About Jerame Nelson
Jerame Nelson is the founder of Living at His Feet Ministries. He is an author, as
well as a well-known international conference speaker and a crusade revivalist to
the nations. It's Jerame's passion to equip the body of Christ in the areas of
hearing God's voice, as well as walking in the supernatural power of God in
everyday life. Jerame and his wife, Miranda, live in San Diego, California, and
work together in the ministry to change the lives of thousands through the
Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Other books by Jerame include:
Manifesting God's Love through Signs, Wonders, and Miracles (Destiny
Image Publishers, 2010)
Burning Ones: Calling forth a Generation of Dread Champions (Destiny
Image Publishers, 2011)
Activating Your Spiritual Senses: A closer look at having a supernatural
relationship with God (Living At His Feet Publications, 2012)
Activating God’s Justice in your life: A closer look at having an abundant
life in God (Living at His Feet Publications, 2012)
Developing Your Seer Anointing (3 CD Set, 2012)
For more information on the ministry and writings of
Jerame Nelson go to: www.livingathisfeet.org
Living At His Feet Ministries
Email: [email protected]
Follow Jerame Nelson on Twitter at: @jeramenelson