The Last Great Anointing (PDFDrive)
The Last Great Anointing (PDFDrive)
The Last Great Anointing (PDFDrive)
The Last Great Anointing
So many of God's people have become distracted from presenting Christ within their networks of
relationships or through sin have disqualified themselves from representing Christ. The Last Great
Anointing will lift our eyes—and in some cases, open our eyes—to why we are here. We are on a mission, a
journey with a purpose. We must not allow ourselves to become distracted. In this book, Morris Cerullo
gives us fresh focus.
GERALD COATES Speaker, Author, Broadcaster, England
Reading The Last Great Anointing by Morris Cerullo is like hearing directly from the throne room of
heaven. God has already begun releasing a fresh prophetic prayer anointing that ultimately will transform
entire nations; this powerful book will prepare you to receive this world-changing anointing.
International President, Every Home For Christ Colorado Springs, Colorado
Morris Cerullo's passion for worship and intercession comes through these pages as he details how
God will use prayer to accomplish His purposes in the last days. Read this book with a passion and
readiness to know God.
TED HAGGARD Senior Pastor, New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Morris Cerullo's lifetime of compassion for the lost, ministry to the needy and love for the Body of
Christ is a track record worthy of all our appreciation.
JACK W. HAYFORD Senior Pastor, The Church On The Way, Van Nuys, California
The Last Great Anointing is a cutting-edge book that will give you faith to believe for a great revival to
sweep your community, city and nation. I highly recommend it!
CINDY JACOBS Cofounder, Generals Of Intercession, Colorado Springs, Colorado
With great wisdom and prophetic insight, Morris Cerullo merges the theological and experiential into a
powerful tool for the Church. This message is timely and desperately needed. I highly recommend The Last
Great Anointing to the entire Body of Christ
Author, Intercessory Prayer Pastor, Springs Harvest Fellowship, Colorado Springs,
Dedicated to the Global Prayer Strike Force network and to prayer
ministries, prayer networks and intercessors worldwide who have dedicated
themselves to he used by God to take the nations of this world through prayer!
As Dwight Moody stated concerning the Great Commission, "It can be done; it
ought to be done; it must be done."
Chapter 1
An End-Time Prophetic Prayer Anointing!
Chapter 2
Unlimited Supernatural Power Source
Chapter 3
The Future Belongs to the Intercessor
Chapter 4
Power Intimacy
Chapter 5
Do as You Have Said!
Chapter 6
Holy Spirit-Energized Prayers
Chapter 7
Christ's Spiritual Legacy for His Church
Chapter 8
The Spirit and the Bride Say, "Come!"
Global Prayer Strike Force
As I first read the manuscript of this book, the Lord flashed into my mind an
incident in 1989 in which I received what at that time was undoubtedly the
clearest and most direct prophetic word I had yet experienced. He said, "My son,
speak it out: tell the world that 1990 will truly be a hinge year!" I obeyed and
spoke it to the best of my ability in a short article in Ministries Today magazine.
The decade of the 1990s is now nearing its end, and there is no question at
all that it was truly what the Spirit was saying to the churches. I, of course, was
not the only one who was hearing from God at this time. Many others were also
hearing from God, including my good friend, Morris Cerullo. I want to explain
why I believe that Brother Cerullo's book, The Last Great Anointing, can be
regarded as one of the Kingdom capstones of this decade.
Of the many things that God has been showing the Church over the past few
years, the two at the top of His agenda, in my opinion, are powerful prayer and
the completion of the Great Commission, and how the two are intimately and
inextricably interrelated. The Body of Christ has long believed in prayer and in
world evangelization, but we have been taken by the Holy Spirit to new and
unprecedented levels in both.
Largely because we have been learning how prayer can be truly powerful
prayer, our generation is the first generation since the time of Christ that literally
has the potential of completing the Great
Commission. In fact, no past generation could even measure the remaining
task with any sort of precision, but we can. And it is happening! For example, of
1,739 significantly large unreached people groups at the beginning of the decade,
only around 500 have yet to see an initial church planting movement among
them. That fact alone far surpasses anything that could have been reported in the
Why is this happening? God has raised up the most massive worldwide
prayer movement that anyone could have imagined, and it is gaining strength
daily. There are no heroic figures in this movement—it is the rising of the saints
of God. The global prayer movement is truly out of control! A few of us have
been trying to keep up as much as we can, and to help coordinate segments of
the movement here and there.
Among these is Morris Cerullo, who is believing God for a Global Prayer
Strike Force of 10 million intercessors as a prayer covering for the massive
Mission to All the World.
The Body of Christ has moved rapidly from level to level in prayer for the
lost souls of the world over the past few years. We are doing things now, almost
as a matter of routine, that we did not even have words for
10 years ago. But we are not through! Brother Cerullo believes, and I agree,
that God is about to move us into a dimension of authority in our prayers that
will require us to coin even newer words to describe the new things that the Holy
Spirit will be doing through His people. Brother Cerullo says, "We must now go
deep into the realm of the Spirit, to not only bind the power of the enemy, but to
completely destroy his strongholds."
I was struck as I read this word from the Lord through Brother Cerullo: "This
prophetic prayer anointing will not be released upon everyone. There will be
Christians who will be unwilling or afraid to let go of their preconceived ideas,
man-made traditions and doctrines, to step into the fresh flow of God's Spirit.
They will cling to the past and rely upon their limited understanding instead of
abandoning themselves in full surrender to the direction and anointing of the
Holy Spirit." I, for one, do not want to be found in that number!
I have kept close track of the literature on prayer that has been released for
the mobilization of the Body of Christ in this decade. What an awesome
unfolding of the plan of God, taking us from glory to glory and from strength to
strength! These books, some of which I have written, have reported, they have
explained, they have analyzed, they have motivated, they have laid theological
foundations, and they have excited believers everywhere.
But the book you are about to read is different. The reason I have labeled it
as one of the Kingdom capstones of our time is that this book, perhaps more than
any other, will impart. It will impart to you, as it did to me, a fresh anointing of
God, not just for prayer in general, but for powerful, strategic-level warfare
prayer to tear down the strongholds that the enemy has been using to keep
masses of people in spiritual darkness for ages.
The completion of the Great Commission and the coming of Jesus our King
has never been nearer. When it comes, I want to be one who has received God's
"final anointing" to be on the front lines, and I know that you do too! This book
can go a long way toward making it happen!
C. Peter Wagner
World Prayer Center of Colorado Springs
Beloved, this is not just another book on prayer. There are thousands of good
books on prayer by anointed men and women of God on the bookshelves of
Christian stores today. This is not a book on the methodology of prayer.
It is a prophetic book with the revelation God gave me regarding what I
believe is the last great anointing God is now releasing upon the Church before
Christ returns. Forget the religious traditional approach to prayer. God wants to
bring you into a completely new dimension of prayer where you totally abandon
yourself and yield to His Spirit 100 percent!
In 1995 God spoke to me and gave me this prophecy for the Body of Christ:
God is going to take us into the spirit world, into a new strategic level of
warfare prayer. When you receive this revelation, there will not be any power of
the enemy that will be able to stand before what God will put in your spirit and
your life!
You will never be defeated in your prayers again!
You will demolish strongholds in your family, in your home, in your
community and in your nation.
This does not mean you will be free from problems or that every prayer you
pray will always be answered in the manner you desire. There are many
Christians who do not know how to pray and they have never developed a strong
prayer life. When you enter into this experience, your prayer life will never be
the same. You will experience victory after victory and a new intimacy with
I have written this book under a heavy prophetic anointing. It is my desire
that as you read, you too will experience a prophetic mantle of intercession
coming over your life.
More than 40 years ago God revealed to me in a vision the great endtime
outpouring of His Spirit that He will release before Christ returns. What I saw
and experienced in that vision is just as real to me today as it was 40 years ago!
It was an awesome experience for me as a young 26-year-old evangelist. It
was in 1957, in Lima, Ohio. I was conducting a crusade and staying in a little
room in the YMCA. It was early one morning before dawn. The shades were
drawn and the room was dark. Suddenly the room was flooded with a
supernatural light. Immediately I fell on my face and prostrated myself before
the Lord.
As I lay there, a vision began to appear. Stretched before me was a massive
multitude, too great to number. It is hard to describe, but it was a large place and
it seemed as if I could see the actual curvature of the earth.
The great multitude was standing under a cloud-filled sky. As I looked up
into those clouds there was an expectation and excitement because I sensed
something was going to appear. As I gazed into the clouds, raindrops began to
fall from the heavens. It was not a natural rain —it was supernatural. There were
giant drops of rain coming down with great deliberateness.
As the raindrops fell upon the people, their substance was more like oil than
water. Rather than splashing like rain, the giant drops seemed to flow over the
"Lord, what does this rain mean?" I cried out.
Then, out of the light a voice spoke. This rain is the outpouring of My Holy
I then realized what I was seeing was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon
the multitude. My first thought was to try to determine to which denomination or
group this multitude belonged. The more I looked, the more I realized there was
no denominational distinction.
The question upon my heart was, "Lord, in the past You have brought Your
revelation through a particular group."
There was no answer.
I thought to myself, If I cannot see the group, then surely I will see the man
God has chosen as an instrument to lead this new outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
I thought of the prominent men whom God was using in that hour, and my eyes
searched and searched through the multitude to find one of them, but I could not
distinguish anyone in the multitude.
"Lord, are you trying to show me that You are choosing me to lead this new
outpouring of Your Spirit?" I asked.
God spoke to me in that tiny room. It was impossible to tell from which
direction His voice came because the sound of His voice seemed to fill the entire
God said to me, "Son, you don't see the group or the man because there will
not be anyone leading this revival. What I am about to do on the earth will be
entirely without human direction, so that no man can put his name on it. This
will not be the work of a man, but of the Holy Spirit."
There is one factor that distinguishes this outpouring of the Holy Spirit from
the rest: It will be the last great move of the Holy Spirit upon mankind. Its
purpose is not simply to revive, renew or restore. Its purpose is to make ready a
people prepared to meet the Lord!
God revealed to me that He is releasing this last great anointing to enable the
Church to fulfill the Great Commission and bring in the greatest harvest of souls
in the history of the Church.
God has revealed that He will bring us into a new dimension of authority in
our prayers where our words, spoken with authority, invested in the promises of
God, will enable us to confront every stronghold of the enemy!
In the 52 years of my ministry to the nations of the world, God has taken me
onto the front lines of battle in prayer. And He has now released me to share key
truths and prophetic revelations that I believe He will use to release an endtime
prophetic prayer anointing upon your life.
Morris Cerullo
Chapter 1
Power Intimacy
A mighty, sovereign end-time call from God is being heard around the world!
It is strong and unmistakably clear! Christ is calling His Church. He is calling
you and me to a deeper level of intimacy with Him, a deeper level of prayer and
intercession greater than anything we have ever experienced.
Do you hear it?
There is an insatiable desire and longing within my heart to know Christ in
His fullness, to live in His presence, to behold His face, to walk with Him in
close communion and fellowship. Is this the cry of your heart?
I am now entering my fifty-second year of ministry. From the depths of my
innermost being there is a cry welling up within me: Oh Lord, my heart longs for
You. I long to see Your face and to behold You in all Your glory as I have never
experienced before.
I don't know about you, but there is nothing in this world that I desire. There
is nothing holding me here. I want to see Jesus! Are you longing for the day
when the heavens will unroll like a scroll and Christ will appear to carry His
Bride away? This intense longing and desire within us is the work of the Holy
Spirit preparing the Bride for Christ's coming!
As this end-time prophetic prayer anointing is released, Christ will bring
those who are ready to move into this new dimension of prayer first of all into a
deeper intimacy with Him through prayer. We are witnessing the greatest prayer
movement in the history of the Church! An estimated one hundred and eighty
million Christians worldwide have made a commitment to pray for global
revival and the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
This call to prayer is a call to the Church in preparation for Christ's coming.
Only as we come into a place of intimacy with Christ, through prayer, will we
truly know His heart and be empowered to complete the work He has called us
to do. Remember this prophecy.
God is going to bring us into a new dimension of authority in our prayers
where our words, spoken with authority, invested in the promises of God, will
enable us to confront every stronghold of the enemy!
Remember the prayer and heart cry of Paul: "That I may know him, and the
power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made
conformable unto his death" (Phil. 3:10).
God wants to release through our prayers power and authority that will
impact cities and nations; He wants to give us power and authority that will
demolish the last remaining strongholds of the enemy and help bring in the
greatest harvest of souls in Church history. This power and authority will only be
released as we enter into a deeper intimate relationship with Christ where we are
living in unbroken communion and fellowship with Him.
In the prophecy God gave me at the beginning of the decade of the '90s, He
showed me that we would see and experience a great end-time outpouring of His
Spirit. We are now seeing the beginning of this great end-time outpouring.
However, God also revealed that simultaneously His people will face the
greatest confrontation and assault from Satan and his demon principalities that
man has ever known or experienced Why? Because even though Satan doesn't
know the exact time, he knows his time is short.
As the Spirit of God poured this prophecy through me in 1990, I warned
believers that as God's Spirit is working mightily through His people, Satan and
his principalities will be working to hinder and stop the work of God Christians
who do not recognize what is happening or do not know how to exercise
spiritual authority over Satan will be overwhelmed. They will be unable to stand.
They will be taken by surprise.
Power Doesn’t Travel in Words, But in Relationships!
There are many Christians who are right now involved in the greatest satanic
assault they have ever experienced. They are being attacked in every possible
area of their lives. At times, it seems that all hell has been loosed against their
physical bodies, against their families, against their finances and against their
As this end-time prophetic prayer anointing is released, God will show you
the attacks of the enemy before they occur, and you will engage spiritual forces
by offensive warfare prayer. Your victory in overcoming these satanic assaults is
dependent on one thing—your relationship with Christ.
A powerful truth God has been using me to teach is power intimacy! Power
does not travel through words. Power travels in relationships. By His Spirit God
is calling the Church into this new dimension of power intimacy with Him.
Through prayer God will prepare us to face every circumstance and every
satanic assault with the assurance of 100 percent victory!
Through prayer God will prepare us to face every
circumstance and every satanic assault with the
assurance of 100 percent victory!
Hear me carefully. Only those who come into this deeper level of intimacy
with Christ, where they are vitally united together with Him through a day-by-
day, moment-by-moment relationship, where they are waiting before Him in
prayer, will be able to stand.
The power and authority in prayer that flowed through Moses was the result
of his relationship with God This relationship brought a manifestation of God's
supernatural power in parting the Red Sea, raining manna from heaven, causing
water to gush forth from a rock, and delivering the children of Israel out of the
hands of their enemies.
The power and authority in prayer that flowed through Elijah to call down
fire from heaven, raise the dead and part the Jordan River, demonstrating to the
world that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was the one true and living
God, was the result of his relationship with God Almighty!
The power and authority in prayer that was manifested in the lives of Peter,
Paul and the other disciples in the Early Church that enabled them to heal the
sick, cast out devils and raise the dead, demonstrating to the world that Jesus is
Who He claims to be, the Son of the living God, was the result of their
relationship with Christ.
Power doesn't travel in words. Power travels in relationships! It was not
simply the words Moses spoke. God did not answer his prayers because of what
he said Moses did not follow a "formula" for his prayers. He did not depend on
his natural abilities or powers of persuasion to change God's mind.
Beloved, forget methodology. Methodology will not get the job done! Forget
strategies. Strategies will not suffice!
Moses had a deep, intimate relationship with God. He was known as the
friend of God. Moses found favor in God's sight. The Lord knew him face-to-
face. "And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his
friend I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my sight" (Exod.
33:11,12, emphasis added).
Moses knew God He knew the depth of God's love and mercy and prayed
according to the divine character of God He told God, "The Lord is long-
suffering and slow to anger, and abundant in mercy and
lovingkindness....Pardon, I pray You, the iniquity of this people according to the
greatness of Your mercy and lovingkindness, just as You have forgiven [them]
from Egypt until now" (Num. 14:18,19, AMP.).
Later, when God commanded Moses to go in and take possession of the land,
He told Moses that His presence would not go with the children of Israel. Moses
went to the Tabernacle where God's Shekinah glory came down and there he
talked with the Lord "face to face." He told God:
Thou hast said, I know thee by name, and thou hast also found grace in my
sight. Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thy sight, show me
now thy way, that I may know thee, that I may find grace in thy sight: and
consider that this nation is thy people (Exod. 33:12,13).
God answered Moses' prayer because of His covenant relationship with him.
He told Moses, "I will do this thing also that you have asked, for you have found
favor, lovingkindness, and mercy in My sight and I know you personally and by
name" (Exod. 33:17, AMP.). Moses' hunger for God resulted in God revealing
more of Himself to him.
we have divine access to the holy OF HOLIES!
The basis and foundation for all your prayer and intercession is your personal
intimate relationship with the Lord As a child of God, born of His Spirit, He
knows you intimately by name. You have received the Spirit of adoption, where
you can cry "Abba, Father" (Rom. 8:15).
You have unlimited divine access to the very throne room of God! Whatever
needs you may have, you can go boldly into His presence and cry out, "Abba,
Father," and know He will hear you. One of the greatest keys in unlocking the
power of prayer is knowing the strong position you have in gaining divine
access, entering the holy of holies, and appropriating God's promises for your
When we enter into God's presence and commune with Him, He does not
want us to come hoping or presuming He will hear and answer our prayers. He
expects us to come boldly, without fear or doubt, knowing that, through Christ,
we have been granted legal access to His throne room; and He will not only hear
us, but He will also give us those things we need and have desired of Him.
Inasmuch then as we have a great High Priest Who has [already] ascended
and passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our
confession [of faith in Him]. For we do not have a High Priest Who is unable to
understand and sympathize and have a shared feeling with our weaknesses and
infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been
tempted in every respect as we are, yet without sinning.
Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of
grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive
mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need
[appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it] (Heb. 4:14-
16, AMP.).
Through His Spirit living within you, you are no longer an outcast, but a
member of the family of God. The Spirit within you bears witness with your
spirit that you are a child of God. And as a child of the Most High God, you can
not only approach Him, but you can also cry, "Abba, Father."
For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have
received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself
beareth witness with our spirit, that we are children of God: And if children, then
heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ (Rom 8:15-17).
When you pray, you cannot come to God based on your own merit, your
righteousness, your good works, or your sacrifices. The only way you can
approach God and know, beyond any doubt, that He has heard you and will do
what you have asked is through your relationship with Christ.
Paul wrote to the Hebrews, "But without faith it is impossible to please him:
for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of
them that diligently seek him" (Heb. 11:6).
The apostle James added, "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he
that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let
not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord" (Jas. 1:6,7). The
only way you are able to receive answers to your prayers is to have a strong,
unwavering faith that is based on knowing God and knowing what Christ your
great High Priest has provided for you.
When you come before God in prayer, He does not want you to be fearful,
wishy-washy or wondering if He will answer your prayers. He expects you to
come to Him with holy boldness and complete confidence, knowing that through
Christ you have direct access into the holy of holies where you can draw near to
Him, where you can know Him intimately, where you can receive from Him all
that you need.
Praise God! We have a great High Priest, sitting on the right hand of the
Father, who ever lives to make intercession for us! He is there now making
intercession for you and me! "But this man, because he continueth ever, hath an
unchangeable priesthood Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost
that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them"
(Heb. 7:24,25).
Because of Christ's blood, which He shed on Calvary for the atonement of
our sins, we have the privilege and right to boldly enter into the most holy place,
the very holy of holies, where God in all His power and glory dwells.
Based on Christ's blood, we have the boldness and assurance that God will
answer our prayers. There can be no greater assurance! His blood is all-sufficient
for all our needs for all time! The apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrews, "Having,
therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a
new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to
say, his flesh" (Heb. 10:19,20). Knowing that we have this great High Priest,
• Who became like us, taking upon Himself the form of flesh and blood;
• Who knows our pain and weaknesses;
• Who shed His blood so we could be reconciled to the Father;
• Who feels for us in our infirmities; we can come before God with a bold,
daring and unwavering faith.
The apostle Paul said, "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of
grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need" (Heb.
God has bound Himself to you by His Word and has sealed it with His oath.
When you know that God has given you promises that cannot fail, you can have
confidence that He will fulfill all that He promised. You pray without doubt!
Read this following passage of Scripture carefully:
Accordingly God also, in His desire to show more convincingly and beyond
doubt to those who were to inherit the promise the unchangeableness of His
purpose and plan, intervened (mediated) with an oath. This was so that, by two
unchangeable things [His promise and His oath] in which it is impossible for
God ever to prove false or deceive us, we who have fled [to Him] for refuge
might have mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement to grasp and
hold fast the hope appointed for us and set before [us]. [Now] we have this
[hope] as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul [it cannot slip and cannot break
down under whoever steps out upon it—a hope] that reaches and enters into [the
very certainty of the Presence] within the veil. Where Jesus has entered in for us
[in advance], a Forerunner having become a High Priest forever after the order
(with the rank) of Melchizedek (Heb. 6:17-20, AMP.).
God has given you a mighty indwelling strength and strong encouragement
that His promises cannot fail! He has given you an assurance that will not break
down or crumble regardless of what you may face! When you know that you
know that you know that you are living in a covenant relationship with God (who
cannot fail, lie or deceive you) and you have Christ as your great High Priest,
you will be able to pray with power and authority based on God's promises, and
see them come to pass.
The strength of our position is in what we know!
You are an heir to all the promises of God! "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye
Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise" (Gal. 3:29). "Now to
Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of
many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ" (Gal. 3:16).
The promises of God are safe. They are secured! They are sealed!
Every promise God has ever made to us is on the basis of Himself, His
unfailing record! He has sealed every one of His promises, not just by Himself,
but by His oath!
God is not a man that He should lie! It is impossible for God to lie. He has
confirmed His promises to us by two unchangeable things:
1. His oath
2. His promise
God made a promise to Abraham that included all the heirs, including you
and me. He sealed it with His oath, so there will be no more doubt, no more fear,
no more questioning.
Paul said, "Men indeed swear by a greater [than themselves], and with them
in all disputes the oath taken for confirmation is final [ending strife]" (Heb. 6:16,
If this is true in the natural world, think about what it means in the spiritual
realm. In essence, what Paul was saying is that every promise God gave us,
every written promise He has sealed with His oath. This is final confirmation. It
is finished!
God does not want just the standard of our natural minds or the world's
standard to be the final word. He sealed His promises with His heavenly oath
because He desires to show us more convincingly and beyond any doubt.
The same God who said, "Let there be light: and there was light" (Gen. 1:3),
who created the world by the power of His word and who threw the sun, moon
and stars into their orbits is speaking His eternal, never-failing words to us.
We can run to Him for refuge. He gives us proof! You will never have to be
afraid! No more wavering! No more wondering if it is God's will! No more
questioning! No more struggling!
When you come before the Father to intercede on behalf of your unsaved
loved ones, family members and the unsaved in your city and on behalf of your
nation, you can know beyond any doubt that He will hear and do "whatsoever
you ask." Jesus said, "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we
keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight" (1
John 3:22).
Every promise that God ever spoke to you through a dream, a word spoken
by God or a prophecy through His written word will be fulfilled!
Spiritual Vision!
The key to taking hold of these promises will be your ability to focus with
spiritual vision.
When you develop spiritual vision and begin to pray, not according to what
you see in the natural, but with your focus on God's promises, regardless of the
circumstances, you will see the fulfillment of those promises!
We have allowed Satan to keep the blessings of God from us because we
have succumbed to the spirits of intimidation. There has been an entire theology
that has risen in this hour and caused the Body of Christ to shrink back from
signs, wonders, the gifts of healing and the manifestation of the Holy Ghost.
God said it is time for you to stop being intimidated by the power of the
enemy, and stop letting him rob you of the blessings that God has promised for
you! Satan has succeeded in distracting the Body of Christ, but you will not be
distracted any longer! You will keep your spiritual focus. You will not succumb
to any negativism.
The twin monsters of fear and doubt will be crushed under the heel of He
who scarred the face of the devil two thousand years ago, when he tried to grab
hold of Him as He was being resurrected! "And I will put enmity between thee
and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and
thou shalt bruise his heel" (Gen. 3:15).
Stake out your territory! When you do, know that
Satan has no right inside your territory!
It is time for you to stake out your spiritual territory. You must set your
spiritual boundaries and then let the devil know that it belongs to God. The devil
cannot enter your territory and he cannot have control!
This is God's time.
• He will use you to release salvation.
• He will use you to release healing.
• He will use you to release deliverance.
• He will use you to release miracles, signs and wonders!
• Stake out your territory!
• Set up your boundaries!
God told me to tell you, "Every prayer that you have ever prayed in your
entire life is before Him right now. Not one of your prayers has been lost. You
may have forgotten those prayers, but God said, 'Tell My people, I have not
forgotten one.' There is nothing that God starts that He doesn't finish."
Many Christians have allowed Satan to invade their territory. Have you?
Stake your claim! When you do, know that Satan has no right inside your
territory. It is your ground. Don't let him deceive you! The earth is the Lord's and
the fullness thereof.
Every unanswered prayer is not between you and the devil. Don't let the
devil intimidate you. Every unanswered prayer is between you and God. It was
God who made the promise, and when you pray according to the promises of
God it has nothing to do with the devil.
Don't let him intimidate you!
It's your territory! It's not his! Keep him out!
If you have an unanswered prayer—go to God! If there is something you
have asked God to do and it hasn't taken place, don't fight and argue and wrestle
with the devil over it—it's none of his business! It's between you and God!
What are the unanswered prayers in your life? God has not forgotten the
prayers you have prayed for the salvation of your loved ones. He has not
forgotten the hours you have spent in prayer for the healing of your body or the
financial breakthrough you need This is God's time for you to stake your claim,
cast off the spirits of doubt and fear and take hold of the answers you need.
Receive this prophetic word into your spirit and act on it!
Your Prayers Must Be Divinely Energized!
Moses was considered the friend of God. That is the kind of relationship that
Jesus talked about when He said, "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I
command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not
what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends for all things that I have heard
of my Father I have made known unto you" (John 15:14).
As we remain in continual communion and fellowship with Christ and walk
in obedience to Him and His Word, we can know He always hears us. God hears
even our faintest cry and will answer.
Just as God acted in response to Moses' intercession, spared Israel and
extended His forgiveness to them, God will use your intercession as a means of
releasing a wave of salvation, healing and deliverance, and entire cities and
nations will be saved. Do you believe it? Do you see this new position of power
and authority in your prayers that God wants you to take?
Jesus said, "Behold! I have given you authority and power to trample upon
serpents and scorpions, and [physical and mental strength and ability] over all
the power that the enemy [possesses]; and nothing shall in any way harm you"
(Luke 10:19, AMP.).
The key to praying with power and receiving answers to your prayers lies in
your relationship with the Lord. The greatest desire of the apostle Paul's heart
was, "That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the
fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death" (Phil.
From your innermost being there must also arise an insatiable desire to know
Christ in His fullness. With every fiber of your being you must cry out, That I
may know you! You must be willing to shut yourself in with Him and spend time
in His presence getting to know Him, allowing His words to take root in your
heart. You must so desire and depend on His presence that you, too, will say, "If
Your presence doesn't go with me, I don't want to go!" (see Exod. 33:15).
When you live in this intimate relationship, your prayers will be based on
His desires and His will. You will no longer depend on your own natural
understanding to pray. You will pray according to how He directs you by His
Spirit working and living within you. Your prayers will be divinely energized.
Christ wants us to desire and hunger for Him above all else. He wants us to
seek Him for who He is. And as we know Him intimately, His very life is
imparted to us and we are transformed! This was the plan of
Jehovah God when He gave birth to the Church 2,000 years ago. "Christ in
you," Paul cried, "the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27).
Without this deep, intimate communion and relationship with Christ we are
powerless and our prayers for others are just empty words. First and foremost in
our prayers we must spend time shut in with the Father, waiting before Him in
His presence, seeking His direction, drawing from His strength, allowing Him to
reveal Himself to us.
Once we have entered into this place of communion and fellowship with
God, we enter into power intimacy where we are positioned to intercede on
behalf of our loved ones and for the lost, for our cities, for the 10/40 Window,
for the unreached people groups, for the Muslim world, for the Hindu, the
Buddhist, the devil worshipers, and for the last closed doors to the gospel. These
doors will open! All from a new position of power intimacy!
Christ had a strong, powerful, intimate relationship with His Father. He spent
many hours in prayer, alone with Him.
Jesus said, "I and my Father are one" (John 10:30). He told His disciples,
"The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that
dwelleth in me, he doeth the works" (John 14:10). He was saying, "It's the Father
living, dwelling, remaining and manifesting His power through Me."
No greater sermon on prayer can ever be preached than what Christ revealed
through His example and life of prayer. Prayer was as natural to Him as
breathing. He loved to pray. Christ taught the importance of intimacy in prayer,
shutting out all distractions and getting alone with the Father. He said, "But
when you pray, go into your [most] private room, and, closing the door, pray to
your Father, Who is in secret; and your Father, Who sees in secret, will reward
you in the open" (Matt. 6:6, AMP.). Often He would go to the Mount of Olives
to pray. There were times when Jesus spent the entire night in prayer.
Before Christ began His ministry, He was led by the Spirit into the
wilderness where He spent forty days and nights in prayer and fasting. During
that time, He communed with the Father in preparation for the work He had been
sent to fulfill. There, in the wilderness, in the power of the Spirit, He faced and
defeated Satan.
At the Jordan River when He was baptized in water and was filled with the
Holy Spirit, He prayed. "Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass,
that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened" (Luke 3:21,
emphasis added).
There were times after He had ministered to the needs of the masses that He
felt the need to be alone with the Father in prayer. "But so much the more went
there a fame abroad of him: and great multitudes came together to hear, and to be
healed by him of their infirmities. And he withdrew himself into the wilderness,
and prayed" (Luke 5:15,16, emphasis added).
Before He chose His twelve disciples, Christ spent the entire night in prayer.
"And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray and
continued all night in prayer to God" (Luke 6:12, emphasis added).
As He prayed on the mountain with Peter, James and John, His entire
countenance changed. As He communed with the Father, the glory of God
emanated and radiated from His countenance. "And as he prayed, the fashion of
his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistening" (Luke
9:29, emphasis added).
Through prayer, the power of God was released. Whatever Christ spoke
came to pass. He spoke to the impossible circumstances in people's lives and
they were changed, healed, delivered and set free! It was not necessary to pray a
long prayer pleading and begging the Father to heal or set people free from the
bondage of Satan. Jesus knew God's will and He gave a prayer command based
upon God's will and it was done!
To the leper, Jesus gave the prayer command to be "clean" and immediately,
he was cleansed and made whole (see Matt. 8:1-4). To the man at the pool of
Bethesda who had been paralyzed 38 years, Jesus spoke the prayer command,
"Rise, take up thy bed, and walk" (John 5:8) and immediately the man arose
from his bed and walked (see John 5:1 16). To the woman with a spirit of
infirmity who was bowed over for 18 years, Jesus spoke the prayer command,
"Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity" (Luke 13:12). He laid His hands
on her and immediately she was made straight (see Luke 13:11-13).
The miracle power of God was released into these impossible situations as
Christ spoke because He had first won the victories in prayer.
WHAT was the secret to the power behind CHRIST'S WORDS?
The great victories Jesus experienced as He ministered to the needs of the
people—opening blind eyes, unstopping deaf ears, healing all manner of
diseases, raising the dead—were not automatic. Although He was the Son of
God, Jesus did not win these victories in His own strength. He had stripped
Himself of His divine abilities and was subject to the same human limitations as
you and I. "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God
something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a
servant, being made in human likeness" (Phil. 2:6,7, NIV).
He did absolutely nothing independent of the Father. Everything He did was
a result of what the Father had revealed to Him, while He was in His Presence in
Not once among the people did Jesus pray for the sick! He did not once ask
the Father to heal anyone. He spent time alone in prayer; but when He
ministered to the needs of the people, He spoke with power and authority and the
work was accomplished Knowing it was His Father's will to heal the sick, He
spoke the prayer command and it was done!
Christ had a strong relationship with the Father through prayer. He knew
Him intimately and knew that whenever He prayed the Father would always hear
and answer. There was absolutely no trace of doubt the Father would do
whatever He asked.
When Jesus stood at the hillside outside Lazarus's tomb, He was surrounded
by unbelief. The Jews were full of unbelief. They said, "Could not this man,
which opened the eyes of the blind, have caused that even this man should not
have died?" (John 11:37). Even Mary and Martha were not expecting Him to
raise Lazarus from the dead. Their eyes were still on the natural circumstances.
When Jesus told them to roll away the stone, Martha told Him, "By this time he
stinketh: for he hath been dead four days" (v. 39).
Picture this: They rolled the stone away and Jesus is standing outside the
cave. Inside the tomb is the cold, lifeless body of Lazarus wrapped in grave
clothes. Jesus lifts His eyes toward heaven and prays, "Father, I thank thee that
thou hast heard me. And I knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the
people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me"
(John 11:41,42).
christs example in prayer: total confidence!
In this brief prayer, we see the total confidence Jesus had in His relationship
with the Father. Even before He prayed, He knew the Father would hear and
answer Him; He said, "I know that You always hear Me" (John 11:42, NKJV).
When you pray, do you pray with this same total confidence, knowing God
always hears and will do as He promised?
Based on this knowing and the strength of His relationship, Jesus gave the
prayer command of faith. With a loud voice, He cried out, "Lazarus, come
forth!" (John 11:43).
As He spoke, the cold, dark cave was invaded with the life stream of
almighty God. Like a bolt of lightning, the life flow of God hit Lazarus's cold,
lifeless, stinking body. When God's power struck, he stood up and walked out of
the cave still wearing his grave clothes!
Christ intends you to have this same powerful intimacy with Him through
prayer whereby you know, beyond any doubt, that He always hears and will
answer your prayers!
In His great high priestly prayer for the Church, Christ prayed, "That they all
may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they may also be one in
us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me" (John 17:21). The same
powerful relationship Christ has with the Father, where they are united together
as One, He desires for us to have with Him, and He has made it possible.
In His final moments with His disciples, before going to the cross, Jesus said,
"Dwell in Me, and I will dwell in you. [Live in Me, and I will live in you.] Just
as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding in (being vitally united to)
the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me" (John 15:4, AMP.).
This is the key to having Christ's power flowing continually through your
life, enabling you to pray from a position of power and authority.
Power Intimacy Through Prayer is the Key!
Unbroken fellowship and communion with Christ and the Father through the
Holy Spirit releases His power to produce fruit—to heal the sick, cast out devils
and raise the dead!
Jesus said, "If you live in Me [abide vitally united to Me] and My words
remain in you and continue to live in your hearts, ask whatever you will and it
shall be done for you. When you bear (produce) much fruit, My Father is
honored and glorified, and you show and prove yourselves to be true followers
of Mine" (John 15:7,8, AMP.).
Christ has planned for you to bear much fruit! He has planned for you to
receive whatever you ask, as you abide in Him and He in you! When God's
power flows through you to bring healing and deliverance to the world, it brings
glory to Him!
Beloved, it is impossible for you to pray in the dimension of power and
authority God intends in this power-intimacy hour unless you first come into this
strong, intimate relationship with Christ. Without it, there can be no real power
and no fruit in your life; without this intimate relationship, your prayers are
ineffective and void of power!
The key to asking in prayer and receiving whatever you ask lies in your
relationship with Christ. The word "abide" used in the King James Version
means to remain virtually united. In this scripture, it is referring to a relationship
with Christ whereby we remain in Him and live in unbroken fellowship and
communion with Him.
The reason we have not been able to demonstrate the reality of the power of
the gospel to a lost and dying world is because we moved away from our
position of intimacy a long time ago, or we never really matured spiritually to
the place where we are truly one with Christ.
Christ's purpose and intention for His Church is that we be the most powerful
force on the earth! His purpose is that His life, His unlimited power and His
glory flow through us unhindered! His purpose for your life is that this same
power and anointing that is in Him flow through you to bring salvation, healing
and deliverance to those around you! As Paul wrote, Christ is now seated,
Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every
name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come
(Eph. 1:21).
Jesus said,
You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you and I have appointed you [I
have planted you], that you might go and bear fruit and keep on bearing, and that
your fruit may be lasting [that it may remain, abide], so that whatever you ask
the Father in My Name [as presenting all that I AM], He may give it to you
(John 15:16, AMP.).
Christ intends that there will be a continual flow of His unlimited power that
will continually produce and bear spiritual fruit in your life. He hasn't planned
for there to ever be a time in your life when you are barren or unfruitful. If you
are barren, it is because you have somehow become cut off from the life flow
that is in Christ. Perhaps you need to renew that intimate union with Him.
Christ said you must have an intimate relationship (be vitally united with
Him as one) where His life and power flow continually through you. Jesus said,
"I am the Vine; you are the branches. Whoever lives in Me and I in him bears
much (abundant) fruit. However, apart from Me [cut off from vital union with
Me] you can do nothing" (John 15:5, AMP.).
In the natural realm, the branch does not struggle to produce fruit. The fruit
of the vine comes as the result of the life of the vine flowing through the branch.
God never intended for you to struggle to produce spiritual fruit. He never
intended for you to struggle to produce faith or any of the gifts or manifestations
of His Spirit. Neither does He intend for you to struggle to pray with power and
authority. As long as you live in this intimate relationship with Christ, where you
are drawing your life from Him and His words remain in you, His life will flow
through you. The power and authority that is in Him will pour through you as
you pray.
This is a day-by-day, moment-by-moment relationship where His Spirit is
working to produce His life in you. Christ has planned for you to produce much
fruit! He has planned for you to continually produce fruit! He has planned for
your fruit to remain!
The great problem we face within the Church is that we have moved away
from an intimate relationship with Christ where we draw our very life from Him.
Instead of having this intimate relationship with Him, we have become self-
sufficient and self-absorbed in our own needs and desires. We have relied on and
trusted in our own human efforts to fulfill the work He has called us to do.
As a result, we are like branches that are cut off from their life source, and
we are dead—dried up on the vine! The reason many of our pulpits are so
powerless is because pastors, evangelists, ministers and teachers are cut off from
the real life flow of God's power because of their prayerlessness. Instead of
coming to the pulpit fresh from the altar and presence of God, they come in their
own strength.
The Church today is filled with Christians who have become so involved, so
busy with their own needs and desires, so caught up with their works, the work
of God and their ministries, they have failed to maintain an intimate relationship
with Christ through prayer. They have become impotent—powerless! Jesus said
we cannot produce fruit unless we remain in Him!
Some Christians have become impotent-powerless!
Jesus said we cannot produce fruit unless we remain in
In His letter to the seven churches, Christ reproved the church in Ephesus
because the believers had lost their place of intimacy with Him. He told them, "I
know your works. I know your hard work, your perseverance and all the things
you have done for Me and for the sake of the Gospel. You have endured many
hardships for Me."
These Ephesian believers were so busy doing the work of the Lord, they
failed in the one area most vital to Him. Jesus told them, "But I have this [one
charge to make] against you: that you have left (abandoned) the love that you
had at first [you have deserted Me, your first love]" (Rev. 2:4, AMP.).
Christ did not say they had forgotten their first love, or that they had lost it,
but they had left it. It was not that they no longer had any love for their Lord.
They still loved Him, but the fervency and intensity of their first (or bridal) love
was no longer there.
They had continued with their good works, but the works they did were no
longer motivated and fueled by their love for Christ. This was not a light offense
in the eyes of the Lord. He warned them that unless they repented and turned
back to their first love, His judgment would come swiftly upon them, and He
would remove this church from its position of influence and it would eventually
cease to exist.
The call of the Spirit today is, first of all, a call to the Church of Jesus Christ
to return to a personal, intimate relationship with Christ through prayer. We will
be barren, cut off from the divine life flow of God, without a renewed dedication
and commitment to this intimacy with Him through prayer.
The key to the release of God's power flowing through the apostle Paul was
his intimate relationship with Christ. God's power was so manifested through
him that when people took handkerchiefs that had been placed on his body and
placed them on the sick, they were healed and demons were cast out. "And God
wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul: so that from his body were
brought unto the sick handkerchiefs or aprons, and the diseases departed from
them, and the evil spirits went out of them" (Acts 19:11,12).
The life of God flowed out of Paul, not because of who Paul was or because
of his righteousness, but because he had an intimate relationship with Christ
where he had become one with Him. Paul knew he was in Christ and Christ lived
within him. Paul could say, "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet
not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by
the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20).
Paul was saying, "It's no longer me; it is Christ living His life in and through
me. He lives and remains in me. I am virtually united to Him and He lives and
remains in me. It's Christ's life, His words, His power, His works!"
power intimacy!
In your relationship with Christ, can you say, It is no longer my life, my will,
my desires, hut Christ who lives His life in me? I am one with Christ, He lives
and remains in me, and I live and remain in Him?
From the innermost depths of his being, Paul cried, That I may know Him!
[For my determined purpose is] that I may know Him [that I may
progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him,
perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more
strongly and more clearly], and that I may in that same way come to know the
power outflowing from His resurrection [which it exerts over believers], and that
I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed [in spirit into His
likeness even] to His death (Phil. 3:10, AMP.).
Is this the cry and longing of your heart? Don't seek after things. Don't seek
His power. Don't seek His gifts. Don't seek manifestations. Become consumed
with a desire to know Christ intimately and live in unbroken communion and
fellowship with Him. Then, when you come into this powerful position in Christ,
you will be able to pray with power and authority and take dominion in the spirit
This, beloved, is where we must begin if we are to truly know the power of
prayer and be used by God to impact the world through our prayers!
only one thing is needed!
One day the Lord was in the home of Martha and Mary. Martha was
preoccupied with ministering to His needs and those of her household. All her
attention had become focused upon the necessary preparations and work that had
to be done. "But Martha was cumbered about much serving" (Luke 10:40). The
word "cumbered" in this verse means distracted. Jesus, the Son of God, the
Savior of the world, the giver of life, was in her home, but she had become
distracted by all the preparations.
On the other hand, Mary had positioned herself at the feet of Jesus. "As Jesus
and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named
Martha opened her home to him She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the
Lord's feet listening to what he said" (Luke 10:38,39, NIV).
Mary was consumed with her desire to be in the Lord's presence. She sat at
His feet with her eyes fixed intently upon Him. She shut out everything else—
the hustle and bustle around her, the demands of the hour, the angry glances of
her sister. Nothing else mattered to her at that moment. She had lost all track of
time and space as she sat there with all her energies focused on Christ and the
words of life He was speaking.
When Martha complained to Jesus and asked Him to tell Mary to help her,
He answered: "You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing
is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from
her" (Luke 10:41,42, NIV; emphasis added).
The Church today is like Martha, The great majority of Christians, including
ministers and leaders, have become so preoccupied with other things in their
busyness for the Lord (themselves, problems, work of the ministry), they have
become distracted and have neglected the most important part.
Jesus said only one thing is needed.
We have become so caught up in our good works that we have failed to
spend time alone, shut in with Christ in intimate fellowship and communion. The
one thing we need above everything else is intimacy with Christ where we have
shut out the demands and needs of the hour and have given ourselves in total
abandonment to Him. Sitting at His feet and in His Presence is where His power
is released within us.
Pursue Christ with Passionate Desire!
Are you ready to move to a higher level of prayer into a stronger, more
intimate communion with Christ where you are abiding in Him and His Word is
abiding in you?
This is the only way you will be able to pray with the power and authority
God intends you to have to change the spiritual atmosphere in your home,
impact your city and help change the spiritual destiny of nations.
I challenge you to pursue Christ with passionate desire. Make Him your
number-one desire—not your family, not your career, not your goals and plans,
not even your ministry or work for Him. Rekindle the fires of your first love
where you are continually longing to know Christ in His fullness.
Christ wants you to know Him, not just have knowledge gained by hearing
or reading about Him. Not a theory. Not head knowledge. He wants to reveal
Himself to you through direct intimate communion with Him. You need to know
Christ as He is today, not according to the limited understanding of your natural
mind, but according to a personal revelation by the Holy Spirit.
David cried out to God with passionate desire, "O God, thou art my God;
early will I seek flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land, where
no water is" (Ps. 63:1). Make this the prayer of your heart! David said, "My
whole being follows hard after You and clings closely to You" (Ps. 63:8, AMP.).
Does your entire being cry out for Christ?
From the innermost depths of his being, Paul cried out, That I may know
Him! Be consumed with a desire and longing after Christ; with your entire being
— spirit, soul, body—pursue Him. Shut out all distractions and get alone with
Him in prayer.
David said, "My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from
him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be
moved" (Ps. 62:5,6).
When you wait for the Lord in prayer, it is not a passive action. The word
"wait" in the Scripture means to remain in readiness or expectation. After we
pour our hearts out to the Lord, we are to wait, to act in faith, and remain in a
state of expectancy, knowing He will make us victorious.
When you truly learn how to wait for the Lord in prayer, you will be
immovable! Instead of expecting your help to come from natural sources, your
spiritual vision will be focused! Your hope, your expectation and your
confidence will be fixed on Him and His promises, and you will not be fearful
regardless of what you face.
As you wait for the Lord in prayer, you come into an intimacy with Him
where you are able to hear His voice. He opens His heart to you and reveals His
will and plan for your life. He gives you discernment to know what actions to
take to be victorious in every circumstance and battle you face.
When you wait before Him, He reveals His timing, and positions you for
victory. Then as you pray according to what He has shown you and whispered to
you during your time of intimacy with Him, you are able to take the victory you
need in your life— in your physical body, in your finances, in your family and in
your ministry.
I pray right now that Christ will bring you into an intimacy with Him far
greater than anything you have ever dreamed possible! I pray that God will
release into your life an unquenchable spiritual hunger and thirst that will cause
you to seek Him with all your heart and soul. And, as you learn to wait before
Him in prayer, I pray He will reveal Himself to you in His fullness. I pray that
you will come into a new intimacy with Christ where you hear His voice, and
that your spiritual focus will be fixed on Him and Him alone.
I pray that you will enter into an experience where you are truly one with
Christ, where you know, beyond any doubt, that you are in Him and He is in you!
I pray, as you enter into a new position of power intimacy, you will begin to
pray in the same power and authority that Christ prayed. As Christ's life flows
through you like a mighty river, I pray God will use you to pray prayers that will
release God's power to manifest miracles of salvation, healing and deliverance
in Jesus' name!
Chapter 5
Global Prayer Strike Force
Global prayer Covering
When God gave me the mandate to reach the entire world by the end of the
year 2000, I knew that one man and one organization could not do it alone. God
gave me the key. He told me, Raise up a prayer covering over the world.
I am convinced that it will take a mighty army of intercessors, prayer
ministries and prayer cell groups worldwide, all uniting to see the fulfillment of
the work God has given us to do and bring in the final great end-time harvest of
Our goal is to recruit 10 million intercessors worldwide, as members of the
Global Prayer Strike Force. These intercessors will help raise up a prayer
covering over the world, to pray for the Lord's return, pray for Mission to All the
World and the unreached souls within each of the 10 major world regions.
To date, we have a network of approximately 300,000 intercessors
worldwide, along with 239 International Global Prayer Strike Force leaders in 46
countries. Our goal is to establish 1 million Prayer Command Centers worldwide in homes, schools and
businesses, which will meet on a weekly basis to pray.
Global Prayer Strike Force teams are trained and mobilized to travel to the MTAW outreaches to pray
strategic warfare prayer within each region.
God has raised up major prayer ministries and networks around the world to cover the nations with
prayer. Our goal is to link with these prayer networks for MTAW and help fulfill God's mandate of raising
up a prayer covering over the world. Here are some of the outstanding ministers and leaders of major prayer
networks we are linking with for Mission to All the World 2000:
Dr. C. Peter Wagner and Doris Wagner,
Founders, Global Harvest Ministries
Headquartered in the World Prayer Center under the direction of C. Peter Wagner, Global Harvest
Ministries is a primary source and catalyst of intercessory prayer for worldwide evangelism.
The goal of Global Harvest is to mobilize as many as 160 million people from all denominations to
pray for the unsaved, especially those within the 10/40 Window countries.
Chuck Pierce,
Executive Director, World Prayer Center
The World Prayer Center is a division of Global Harvest Ministries. Their goal is to develop 120
National Prayer Networks and 5,000 local church prayer rooms by the year 2000. Wagner points out:
The generation in which we live is the first generation in all of human history that has had the potential
of fulfilling the Great Commission. Mission to All the World is an amazing vision. It's not just Brother
Cerullo's. It is what the Spirit is saying to the churches. I admonish you. If you're a pastor, missionary, a
believer or a church leader, do whatever you possibly can to join this effort to see this gospel preached in all
the world as a witness.
Ted Haggard,
Senior Pastor, New Life Church
Ted Haggard is the senior pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. In 1984, God
gave him a vision to plant a church in Colorado Springs. Today he has a thriving church of 3,000 members
who are deeply committed to prayer. God also gave him the vision of the World Prayer Center. Ted Haggard
and Peter Wagner are cofounders of the World Prayer Center.
Beverly Pegues,
Executive Director, Christian Information Network
The Christian Information Network is also a ministry of New Life Church. This network coordinates
prayer initiatives for believers around the world to pray fervently for the nations in the 10/40 Window.
Believers from more than 105 nations have united to pray for the 10/40 Window. In 1993 they
sponsored the prayer initiative Praying Through the Window, and 21 million believers worldwide
participated! In 1995 during Praying Through the Window Il—millions of believers continued to stand in
the gap for the lost in the 10/40 Window.
Here's what Pastor Ted Haggard has to say regarding networking with Dr. Cerullo for Mission to All
the World:
Our church, since its very inception, has been sold on missions. We look for opportunities to be
involved with missions. That's why we are involved with Mission to All the World 2000. We're excited
about Mission to All the World 2000 because it gives us an opportunity to do much more than we could
ever do on our own. This is a wonderful opportunity everyone of us has, as churches and individual
Christians, to participate with Morris Cerullo, and those who are associated with him, to communicate the
gospel, literally, to the whole world. It's our goal that by the end of the year 2000, every single person on
planet earth hears the life-giving message of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Cindy Jacobs,
President, Generals of Intercession
Cindy Jacobs, president of Generals of Intercession, is an outstanding leader in the area of prophetic
intercession for the nations. Her ministry is dedicated to fulfilling their goal of seeing that every unreached
people group of the world is receiving strategic prayer by the year 2000 in order to reach them for the
Dick Eastman,
International President, Every Home for Christ
Dick Eastman is the international president of Every Home for Christ (formerly World Literature
Crusade), a worldwide ministry of house-to-house evangelism that has been working actively since 1946
with more than 400 mission agencies and denominations to place a printed message of the gospel (one for
adults and one for children) in every home in the whole world.
Because many areas of the world are virtually closed to all missionary outreach, particularly in Muslim
countries as well as the remaining Communist nations such as China and North Korea, Every Home for
Christ has developed an especially strong prayer mobilization effort through its multihour Change the
World School of Prayer originated by Dick Eastman. More than 1 million Christians in 120 nations have
been impacted by this substantive challenge to pray for world evangelization. Eastman says,
We're involved in a strategy to take the gospel of Jesus Christ, literally, to every home on earth. But it
can't be done without the cooperation of ministries working together and training nationals to take the good
news to people who have never heard. That is why I'm excited about Mission to All the World 2000. I want
to encourage you to participate in this great thrust. Pray for it and give to it. Because, together, we're going
to mobilize these people and they will finish the task and reach all the world for Jesus.
Gerald Coates,
Pioneer Team
This is one of the outstanding Christian prayer ministries God has mobilized worldwide that is
stimulating prayer and intercession in over 180 nations of the world. On Saturday, June 10, a.d. 2000 (Jesus
Day), up to 20 million will take to the streets to declare that the third millennium belongs to Jesus.
This book will lift our eyes-and in some cases open them-to help us see why we're here.
GERALD COATES Pioneer Speaker, Author and Broadcaster, London
Like hearing directly from the very throne room of heaven! This book will prepare you for your vital
role in understanding and receiving this world-changing anointing.
dr. dick EASTMAN International President, Every Home for Christ
God is going to bring us into a new dimension of authority' in our prayers where our words,
spoken with authority and invested in the promises of God, will enable us to confront every
stronghold of the enemy. You will demolish strongholds in your family, your home, your community
and your nation!
The Last Great Anointing details how God will use prayer to accomplish His purposes.
ted haggard Senior Pastor, New Life Church, Colorado Springs
Morris Cerullo's lifetime of compassion for the lost, ministry to the needy and love for the Body of
Christ is a track record worthy of all our appreciation. jack w. hayford Pastor, The Church On The Way, Van Nuys,
Cutting edge! It will give you faith to believe for a great revival.
CINDY JACOBS Generals of Intercession,
Colorado Springs
The Last Great Anointing will change your prayer life.
DUTCH SHEETS Author of Intercessory Prayer