Technical Proposal: Genale Dawa-6 Hydroelectric Power Project

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Technical Proposal

Volume II

China Gezhouba Group Company Limited

February, 2023
Genale Dawa-6 Hydroelectric Power Project Table of Contents

Envelope no. 4- Bid Forms -Technical Offer

Table of Contents
Volume I
 Documentary evidence the technical offered conformed to the Bidding document
 Technical proposals as specified in Form of Bid
 Form TECH-1: Design and Works Proposal
 Form TECH-10 : Alternative Technical Proposal
 Form TECH-11 : Deviation
 Form TECH-12 : Enclosures
 List of Deviation
 Alternative Technical proposal / solution
 Study on Comparison and Selection Scheme for Number of Units
 Commentary on the Employers requirement and the Feasibility study
 Technical Standards

Volume II
 Form TECH-2: Method Statement
 Form TECH-4: Program
 Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization
 Form TECH-7: Subcontractors and Major Electromechanical plant and equipment
manufacturers List

Volume III
 Form TECH-5: Technical Characteristics and Guarantee data for
 Form TECH-5A:HSS
 Form TECH-5B:Mechanical
 Form TECH-5C:Electrical
 Form TECHh-5D: 230 kv Transmission line
 Technical schedule and Guarantee data

 Drawings and sketches(in a separate volume)

Genale Dawa-6 Hydroelectric Power Project Technical Offer Volume II

Technical Offer-Volume II

Table of Contents

 Form TECH-2: Method Statement
 Form TECH-4: Program
 Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization
 Form TECH-7: Subcontractors and Major Electromechanical Plant and
Equipment Manufacturers List

 Form TECH-8: CVs of Key Personnel
 Form TECH-9: Construction Equipment
 Suppliers/Manufacturers or Major Plant and Equipment
with Manufacturers’ Authorization

 Method statement (site investigation, design, construction, test and training programs)
Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form Tech-2: Method Statement

Form TECH-2: Method Statement

Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form Tech-2: Method Statement

Table of Contents
1 General Construction Planning and Analysis of Key and Difficult Points .................. 11
1.1 General Construction Planning ................................................................................. 11
1.2 Analysis of Key and Difficult Points ........................................................................... 15
2 Engineering Geological Survey Work Plan ..................................................................... 19
2.1 Geology ...................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Survey Tasks and Contents ....................................................................................... 19
2.3 Main Technical Standards ......................................................................................... 20
2.4 Workload of Survey Plan ........................................................................................... 21
2.5 Main Technical Achievements ................................................................................... 27
2.6 Resource Allocation Plan and Schedule .................................................................... 27
2.6.1 Major equipment .................................................................................................... 27
2.6.2 Main personnel and schedule ................................................................................ 27
3 General Layout of Construction ....................................................................................... 29
3.1 The Owner’s Permanent Campsite ....................................................................... 29
3.2 The Contractor’s office and living camp ................................................................ 29
3.3 Main Auxiliary Construction Companies ................................................................ 29
3.3.1 Integrated processing plant ................................................................................... 29
3.3.2 Mechanical Equipment Repair and Parking Area .................................................. 30
3.3.3 Metal Structure Processing and Stacking Area ..................................................... 30
3.4 Storage facilities .................................................................................................... 30
3.4.1 Integrated warehouse ............................................................................................ 30
3.4.2 Pyrotechnic materials warehouse .......................................................................... 31
3.4.3 Oil depot ................................................................................................................ 31
3.4.4 Mechanical and electrical equipment warehouse .................................................. 31
3.5 Special Facilities for TBM ...................................................................................... 31
3.6 Sand and Stone Processing and Concrete Mixing System ................................... 31
3.6.1 Aggregate processing system ............................................................................... 31
3.6.2 Concrete mixing system ........................................................................................ 32
3.7 Field test room ....................................................................................................... 32
3.8 Slurry Preparing and Supplying System ................................................................ 32
3.9 Layout of Construction Roads ............................................................................... 33
3.10 Layout of Air, Water and Electricity ....................................................................... 35
3.10.1 Air Supply .......................................................................................................... 35
3.10.2 Construction ventilation ..................................................................................... 36
3.10.2 Water supply for construction ............................................................................ 36
3.10.3 Power supply for construction ........................................................................... 38
3.10.4 Construction lighting .......................................................................................... 39
3.10.5 Construction communication ............................................................................. 40

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3.11 Quarry and Dumping Site ...................................................................................... 40

3.12 Construction Land Plan ......................................................................................... 41
3.13 General Layout of Construction ............................................................................. 42
4 Construction of Sand and Gravel Processing and Concrete Mixing Systems ........... 43
4.1 Construction of Sand and Gravel Processing System .......................................... 43
4.1.1 System scale ......................................................................................................... 43
4.1.2 System technology design ..................................................................................... 44
4.1.3 Equipment Configuration ....................................................................................... 45
4.1.4 System layout and quantities ................................................................................. 47
4.2 Construction of Concrete Mixing System .............................................................. 48
4.2.1 1 # concrete mixing system configuration ............................................................. 48
4.2.2 2# system configuration ......................................................................................... 52
4.3 Construction of asphalt concrete production system ............................................. 55
4.3.1 System planning & layout ...................................................................................... 55
4.3.2 Main facilities ......................................................................................................... 55
4.3.3 Process flow .......................................................................................................... 56
4.3.4 Main technical indicators ....................................................................................... 56
4.3.5 Table of Main Equipment ....................................................................................... 57
5 Construction diversion ..................................................................................................... 59
5.1 Diversion mode ...................................................................................................... 59
5.2 Diversion standard ................................................................................................. 59
5.3 Diversion procedure............................................................................................... 59
5.4 Diversion structures design ................................................................................... 60
5.5 Diversion construction ........................................................................................... 61
5.5.1 Diversion tunnel construction ................................................................................ 61
5.5.2 Upstream & downstream cofferdam of dam .......................................................... 62
5.6 River Closure Construction of the Main Riverbed ................................................. 64
5.7 Drainage of foundation pit of dam ......................................................................... 65
5.7.1 One-off drainage of foundation pit in initial stage .................................................. 65
5.7.2 Regular drainage ................................................................................................... 65
5.8 Gate closing and blocking of diversion tunnel ....................................................... 66
6 Open excavation and timbering of earthwork ................................................................ 67
6.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 67
6.2 Selection and configuration of construction equipment ......................................... 67
6.3 Construction procedure & method ......................................................................... 69
6.3.1 Construction sequence .......................................................................................... 69
6.3.2 Construction Preparations ..................................................................................... 69
6.3.3 Vegetation cleaning and earthwork excavation ..................................................... 69
6.3.4 Stone excavation ................................................................................................... 70
6.3.5 Supporting Works .................................................................................................. 70
6.4 Quarry exploitation................................................................................................. 71
7 Stone tunnel excavation and support engineering ........................................................ 73

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7.1 Overview ................................................................................................................ 73

7.2 Construction Layout ............................................................................................... 75
7.2.1 Construction road .................................................................................................. 75
7.2.2 Supply of air, water and electricity ......................................................................... 75
7.2.3 Construction air ventilation, smoke removal and dedusting .................................. 75
7.2.4 Drainage for construction ...................................................................................... 75
7.3 Diversion tunnel ..................................................................................................... 75
7.3.1 Excavation plan ..................................................................................................... 75
7.3.2 Main construction method of diversion tunnel ....................................................... 76
7.3.3 Body support of diversion tunnel ........................................................................... 77
7.4 Diversion tunnel ..................................................................................................... 79
7.4.1 Excavation support scheme planning .................................................................... 79
7.4.2 Main construction method of diversion tunnel ....................................................... 80
7.4.3 Diversion tunnel body support ............................................................................... 80
7.5 Surge shaft and vertical cable shaft ...................................................................... 80
7.5.1 Excavation plan ..................................................................................................... 80
7.5.2 Main construction methods of surge shaft and vertical cable shaft ....................... 81
7.5.3 Support of surge shaft and vertical cable tunnel ................................................... 82
7.6 Pressure pipe (including branch pipe) and construction adit ................................ 83
7.6.1 Excavation plan ..................................................................................................... 83
7.6.2 Excavation of pressure pipe and construction adit ................................................ 83
7.6.3 Support of pressure pipe and construction adit ..................................................... 84
7.7 Excavation of auxiliary tunnel chamber of underground powerhouse system ...... 84
7.7.1 Excavation plan ..................................................................................................... 84
7.7.2 Main construction method of main access tunnel and main transformer tunnel ... 85
7.7.3 Main construction method of cable tunnel ............................................................. 85
7.7.4 Main construction methods of drainage gallery and access tunnel ....................... 85
7.7.5 Support of auxiliary tunnel body of underground powerhouse .............................. 86
7.8 Excavation for tunnel of underground powerhouse system .................................. 86
7.8.1 Excavation plan ..................................................................................................... 86
7.8.2 Main construction method of primary and auxiliary powerhouse and assembly bay
7.8.3 Main construction methods of main transformer cave........................................... 90
7.8.4 Main construction method of bus tunnel ................................................................ 91
7.8.5 Underground powerhouse system tunnel support ................................................. 91
7.9 Excavation of tail water system tunnel .................................................................. 92
7.9.1 Excavation plan ..................................................................................................... 92
7.9.2 Main construction methods of tail water surge chamber ....................................... 92
7.9.3 Main construction method of draft tube ................................................................. 92
7.9.4 Main construction method of tailrace tunnel .......................................................... 93
7.9.5 Tunnel support of tail water system ....................................................................... 93
7.10 Construction strength and construction machinery ............................................... 93

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7.10.1 Construction strength analysis .......................................................................... 93

7.10.2 Arrangement of construction machinery ........................................................... 98
8. Concrete works ................................................................................................................ 100
8.1 Main construction items and quantities ............................................................... 100
8.2 Construction Layout ............................................................................................. 101
8.2.1 Layout of main construction roads ....................................................................... 101
8.2.2 Layout of main construction tools ........................................................................ 101
8.3 Concrete construction method of dam construction area .................................... 102
8.4 Concrete construction method of powerhouse area............................................ 105
8.5 Tunnel concrete lining construction method ........................................................ 109
8.6 Main equipment configuration ............................................................................. 112
9 Special scheme for asphalt concrete core rockfill dam .............................................. 114
9.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 114
9.2 Construction Layout ............................................................................................. 115
9.2.1 Construction road ................................................................................................ 115
9.2.2 Construction air supply ........................................................................................ 115
9.2.3 Power Supply for Construction ............................................................................ 115
9.2.4 Construction water supply ................................................................................... 115
9.3 Construction process planning ............................................................................ 116
9.4 Main quantity of dam filling work ......................................................................... 116
9.5 Filling material source planning of dam body ...................................................... 117
9.6 Filling planning of dam body ................................................................................ 118
9.7 Construction preparation for dam filling ............................................................... 118
9.7.1 Rolling test ........................................................................................................... 118
9.7.2 Measurement and setting out .............................................................................. 120
9.7.3 Dam foundation acceptance and filling preparation ............................................ 120
9.8 Construction process and method of dam material filling.................................... 120
9.8.1 Division of filling working face .............................................................................. 120
9.8.2 Transportation and Unloading of Materials ......................................................... 121
9.8.3 Material paving .................................................................................................... 121
9.8.4 Moisture content control of dam material ............................................................ 122
9.8.5 Rolling of dam materials ...................................................................................... 123
9.9 Construction of asphalt concrete core and gravel cushion material .................... 123
9.9.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 123
9.9.2 Construction technical requirements ................................................................... 123
9.9.3 Design and laboratory test of mix proportion ....................................................... 124
9.9.4 Spreading test of asphalt concrete ...................................................................... 125
9.9.5 Construction procedures of asphalt concrete core .............................................. 126
9.9.6 Description of main construction method and process........................................ 127
9.9.7 Construction at special parts ............................................................................... 137
9.9.8 Guarantee measures for paving construction of the asphalt concrete core wall 139
9.10 Construction schedule and strength analysis ...................................................... 140

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9.10.1 Dam filling schedule ........................................................................................ 140

9.10.2 Analysis of dam filling strength ........................................................................ 141
9.11 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment ................................. 141
9.12 Filling construction measures for dam body in rainy seasons ............................. 142
10 Program for roller compacted concrete dam................................................................ 143
10.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 143
10.2 Planning of construction scheme......................................................................... 145
10.3 Construction Layout ............................................................................................. 146
10.3.1 Layout of sand and gravel processing and concrete mixing system .............. 146
10.3.2 Layout of Construction Roads ......................................................................... 146
10.3.3 Construction means arrangement ................................................................... 147
10.4 On-site RCC rolling test ....................................................................................... 147
10.4.1 Test site and time ............................................................................................ 147
10.4.2 Test contents ................................................................................................... 147
10.5 Formwork construction ........................................................................................ 149
10.5.1 Formwork planning .......................................................................................... 149
10.5.2 Formwork design and construction ................................................................. 150
10.5.3 Construction procedures of releasing agent on steel formwork ...................... 154
10.5.4 Guarantee measures for complicated structures ............................................ 154
10.5.5 Formwork construction technology ................................................................. 155
10.6 Reinforcement works ........................................................................................... 157
10.6.1 Procurement and storage of rebar .................................................................. 157
10.6.2 Inspection of materials .................................................................................... 157
10.6.3 Rebar fabrication ............................................................................................. 158
10.6.4 Installation of rebar .......................................................................................... 158
10.7 Combined construction of inducing joints and interfaces .................................... 159
10.7.1 Construction of inducing joints ........................................................................ 159
10.7.2 Construction of interfaces................................................................................ 159
10.8 Construction of water-stop and drainage systems of the dam ............................ 161
10.8.1 Water stop construction................................................................................... 161
10.8.2 Construction of drainage holes of the dam ..................................................... 161
10.9 Concrete construction for foundation treatment .................................................. 161
10.10 Construction of RCC ....................................................................................... 162
10.10.1 Planning of silos .............................................................................................. 162
10.10.2 Construction process ....................................................................................... 162
10.10.3 Layout design of silo surface construction equipment .................................... 164
10.10.4 Transport and unloading of RCC .................................................................... 166
10.10.5 Spreading and rolling compaction of RCC ...................................................... 167
10.10.6 Construction process and technical essentials of distorted concrete ............. 169
10.10.7 Curing, surface protection and trim of RCC .................................................... 170
10.11 Conventional concrete construction ................................................................ 172
10.11.1 Technological process of conventional concrete placing ................................ 172

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10.11.2 Stratifying and partitioning ............................................................................... 172

10.11.3 Transportation of conventional concrete ......................................................... 173
10.11.4 Conventional concrete placing ........................................................................ 173
10.11.5 Concrete curing ............................................................................................... 175
10.11.6 Main technical measures for the construction ................................................. 175
10.12 Prefabricated concrete construction ................................................................ 176
10.12.1 Prefabrication of prefabricated parts ............................................................... 176
10.12.3 Hoisting and Transportation of Precast Elements ........................................... 178
10.13 Construction Schedule and Construction Intensity ......................................... 179
10.13.1 Construction schedule ..................................................................................... 179
10.13.2 Construction strength ...................................................................................... 179
10.14 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment ............................ 179
11 TBM Construction Plan ................................................................................................... 181
11.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 181
11.2 Type Selection and Major Parameters of TBM Equipment ................................. 181
11.2.1 Main Characteristics ........................................................................................ 181
11.2.2 Special Features ............................................................................................. 183
11.2.3 Component Descriptions ................................................................................. 184
11.3 On-site Construction Layout ................................................................................ 195
11.3.1 TBM Installation Site ....................................................................................... 196
11.3.2 TBM dumping site ........................................................................................... 196
11.3.3 Generation station and oil depot ..................................................................... 196
11.3.4 Clarification plant, pump station and tank ....................................................... 197
11.3.5 Living quarter ................................................................................................... 197
11.3.6 TBM auxiliary workshop and warehouse ........................................................ 197
11.3.7 Concrete mixing system .................................................................................. 197
11.3.8 Metal structure processing shop and machine maintenance shop ................. 197
11.3.9 Air supply in construction environment ........................................................... 198
11.3.10 Living and production water ............................................................................ 198
11.3.11 Wastewater treatment ..................................................................................... 198
11.3.12 Transportation in tunnels ................................................................................. 198
11.4 TBM Ordering, Manufacturing, Customs Clearance and Transportation ............ 198
11.4.1 TBM equipment ordering ................................................................................. 198
11.4.2 TBM equipment manufacturing ....................................................................... 199
11.4.3 CUSTOMS CLEARANCE ............................................................................... 199
11.4.4 Transportation ................................................................................................. 199
11.5 TBM Assembly Trial, Pilot Tunneling as well as Construction and Maintenance 199
11.5.1 TBM assembly trial .......................................................................................... 199
11.5.2 Pilot tunneling and construction ...................................................................... 200
11.5.3 Maintenance of TBM equipment ..................................................................... 201
11.6 TBM Disassembly ................................................................................................ 202
11.7 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment ................................. 202
11.8 Amount Plan of Need of Major Materials ............................................................. 204

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11.9 Schedule of Human Resource Allocation ............................................................ 207

12 Drilling and grouting works ............................................................................................ 208
12.1 Main construction items and quantities ............................................................... 208
12.2 Construction sequence ........................................................................................ 208
12.3 Construction Layout ............................................................................................. 208
12.4 Consolidation grouting ......................................................................................... 209
12.5 Curtain grouting ................................................................................................... 210
12.5.1 Construction sequence.................................................................................... 210
12.5.2 Drilling construction ......................................................................................... 211
12.5.3 Grout construction ........................................................................................... 211
12.6 Contact grouting .................................................................................................. 212
12.7 Backfill grouting ................................................................................................... 213
12.8 Strength analysis of construction and equipment configuration .......................... 214
12.8.1 Consolidation grouting..................................................................................... 214
12.8.2 Curtain grouting ............................................................................................... 214
12.8.3 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment ............................ 214
13 Road & Bridge Works ...................................................................................................... 215
13.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 215
13.2 Construction of Subgrade Works......................................................................... 215
13.2.1 Excavation roadbed construction .................................................................... 215
13.2.2 Roadbed filling construction ............................................................................ 215
13.3 Construction of Pavement Works ........................................................................ 216
13.3.1 Overview.......................................................................................................... 216
13.3.2 Construction on subbase course with graded broken stone ........................... 216
13.3.3 Construction of asphalt-concrete surface........................................................ 217
13.4 Construction for Culvert Works ............................................................................ 218
13.4.1 Construction of slab culvert ............................................................................. 218
13.4.2 Construction of pipe culvert ............................................................................. 219
13.5 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment ................................. 220
14 Building and decoration.................................................................................................. 221
14.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 221
14.2 Construction Layout ............................................................................................. 221
14.3 Construction method............................................................................................ 221
14.3.1 Brick works ...................................................................................................... 221
14.3.2 Plastering Works ............................................................................................. 222
14.3.3 Concrete ground works ................................................................................... 224
14.3.4 Plastering works .............................................................................................. 224
14.3.5 Doors and windows works............................................................................... 224
14.3.6 Construct iron bars. ......................................................................................... 225
14.3.7 Roof works ...................................................................................................... 225
15 Fabrication and installation of metal structures and hoisting equipment ................ 227
15.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 227

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15.2 Manufacturing of metal structures and penstocks ............................................... 228

15.2.1 Manufacturing of gate slot (grating groove) embedded parts ......................... 228
15.2.2 Plane gate (trash rack) manufacturing ............................................................ 229
15.2.3 Penstock manufacturing .................................................................................. 230
15.3 Installation of metal structures and penstocks .................................................... 234
15.3.1 Installation of gate slot (grating groove) embedded parts ............................... 234
15.3.2 Installation of trash rack .................................................................................. 235
15.3.3 Trash remover installation ............................................................................... 236
15.3.4 Gate installation ............................................................................................... 237
15.3.4 Installation of hydraulic hoist ........................................................................... 238
15.3.5 Portal crane installation ................................................................................... 239
15.3.6 Winch type hoist installation ............................................................................ 241
15.3.7 Penstock installation........................................................................................ 241
15.4 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment ................................. 242
16 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Installation ............................. 错误!未定义书签。
16.1 Main Work Content ................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.2 Installation of Main Unit ............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
16.2.1 Turbine installation ............................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.2.2 Installation of governing system ........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.2.3 Installation of turbine inlet valve ........................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.2.4 Generator installation ........................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.2.5 Installation of unit in ecological discharge tunnel ................. 错误!未定义书签。
16.3 Installation of Auxiliary Equipment of Hydraulic Machinery ...... 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.1 Installation of embedded pipelines ....................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.2 Installation of visible pipelines .............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.3 Installation of technical water supply and drainage equipment错误!未定义书签。
16.3.4 Installation of deep-well drainage pump............................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.5 Installation of air compression system ................................. 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.6 Installation of oil system ....................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.7 Installation of hydraulic measuring system .......................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.8 Installation of Firefighting System ........................................ 错误!未定义书签。
16.3.9 HVAC installation ........................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
16.4 Installation Scheme of Primary Electrical Equipment ..................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.4.1 Installation procedures of primary electrical equipment........... 错误!未定义书签。
16.4.2 Installation technical measures and processes of primary electrical equipment ...错
16.5 Installation of Secondary Electrical Equipment ........................ 错误!未定义书签。
16.5.1 Installation procedures of secondary electrical equipment .. 错误!未定义书签。
16.5.2 Installation process of secondary electrical equipment ........ 错误!未定义书签。
16.6 Installation of Hoisting Equipment ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
16.6.1 Installation procedures of 320/50t bridge crane with single trolley错误!未定义书
16.6.2 Bridge crane transportation and hoist installation scheme .. 错误!未定义书签。

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16.6.3 Load test of bridge crane...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

16.7 Field Test and Initiation of Unit Test Run .................................. 错误!未定义书签。
16.7.1 Field test ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
16.7.2 Initiation of unit test run ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
16.8 Configuration of Main Construction Mechanical Equipment..... 错误!未定义书签。
17 Erection of 230KV power transmission and transformation line ............................... 272
17.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 272
17.2 Line construction method .................................................................................... 272
17.2.1 Construction method of re-measurement and pit separation .......................... 272
17.2.2 Site transportation ........................................................................................... 273
17.2.3 Earth and stone and foundation construction methods ................................... 273
17.2.4 Construction method of tower group erection ................................................. 275
17.2.5 Line Erection ................................................................................................... 275
17.2.6 Test of line works ............................................................................................ 280
18 Test run test and personnel training ............................................................................. 281
18.1 Trial run detection ................................................................................................ 281
18.1.1 Work procedures ............................................................................................. 281
18.1.2 Check before unit start .................................................................................... 281
18.1.3 Unit start commissioning test .......................................................................... 281
18.2 Staff training ......................................................................................................... 283
18.2.1 Objective of Training ....................................................................................... 283
18.2.2 Training content and plan ................................................................................ 283
18.2.3 On-site training ................................................................................................ 285
19 Project completion and handover.................................................................................. 286
19.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 286
19.2 Handover acceptance .......................................................................................... 286
19.3 Completion and handover ................................................................................... 287
20 Rainy season construction measures ........................................................................... 288
20.1 Overview .............................................................................................................. 288
20.2 General measures ............................................................................................... 288
20.3 Earthwork & stonework excavation ..................................................................... 288
20.4 Earth-rock filling ................................................................................................... 289
20.5 Concrete works .................................................................................................... 289
20.6 Asphalt concrete works ....................................................................................... 289
21 Quality, health, safety and environmental protection measures ................................ 291
21.1 Quality assurance measures ............................................................................... 291
21.1.1 Excavation quality control measures ............................................................... 291
21.1.2 Support quality control measures .................................................................... 292
21.1.3 Control measures for cement concrete construction quality ........................... 292
21.1.4 Construction quality control of asphalt concrete core wall .............................. 293
21.1.5 Quality control measures for grouting construction ......................................... 295
21.1.6 Quality control measures for penstock fabrication and installation ................. 296

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21.1.7 Test and inspection quality control measures ................................................. 297

21.2 Assurance measures for production safety ......................................................... 297
21.3 Environmental Protection Measures .................................................................... 298
21.3.1 Construction wastewater treatment ................................................................. 298
21.3.2 Construction waste disposal measures ........................................................... 299
21.3.3 Measures to prevent and control the pollution on the atmosphere caused by dust
and flue gas ........................................................................................................ 300
21.3.4 Construction noise control measures .............................................................. 300
21.3.5 Medical and health measures ......................................................................... 300
21.3.6 Other environmental protection measures ...................................................... 301

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1 General Construction Planning and Analysis of Key and

Difficult Points
1.1 General Construction Planning

According to the construction period requirements under the bidding

documents, in combination with the building arrangement features as well as the
proposed construction methods, the Project has the following construction
planning, with the powerhouse units being put into operation as the key path.

(1) Construction preparation stage

Upon commencement, the geological exploration personnel and equipment

should be immediately organized for additional exploration of the construction
site; the measurement personnel should be arranged for surveying and mapping
of the original landform; and detailed topographic map and geologic report
should be developed to facilitate the detailed design by the design personnel.

After the report on starting construction is approved by the Owner, the

detailed design drawings should be submitted by stages to the Owner for
examination and approval. Priority should be given to the construction of
temporary roads and camp buildings on the construction site, so as to meet the
Owner’s requirements on the construction period for temporary camps.
Meanwhile, the local subcontractors’ construction workers should be organized
for the construction of the Owner’s camps, so as to meet the Owner’s
requirements on the construction period.

(2) Permanent road works

Upon the approval of the public road design scheme, the local
subcontractors’ construction workers should be immediately arranged for the
construction of permanent roads. Meanwhile, the work surface of 4 roads should
be developed, respectively to the main powerhouse access tunnel, diversion
tunnel intake, tailrace outlet and the Owner’s camps, so as to provide convenient
traffic conditions for the high-intensity construction of the underground
powerhouse, dam, intake and tailrace tunnel.

(3) Dam works

In regards to the dam works, the construction should be carried out in order
of diversion tunnel, water-retaining cofferdam and year-round construction.

The diversion tunnel is excavated from the entrance and exit, with the full
cross-section excavation by blasting employed. The drilling-blasting jumbo with

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air driving drilling machine is selected for drilling and the loading machine with
dump truck is selected for slag tapping. For the chamber concrete lining, 2 sets
of steel form jumbo are adopted. The placement of concrete is completed by the
concrete pump.

The river closure is carried out in middle December. The construction of

closure dike is followed by that of anti-seepage platform and high-pressure
jetting anti-seepage wall.

The completion of high-pressure jetting anti-seepage wall and foundation pit

sealing should be followed by the foundation excavation of the dam riverbed
section. The dam asphalt concrete core wall base pouring and foundation
grouting should be carried out before the synchronous rise of the asphalt
concrete core wall and dam body filling to EL590.35m at the top of the core
wall in the 40th month. After that, the diversion tunnel and intake gates will be
closed for reservior impoundment, so as to meet the regulatory construction
period requirements for reservior impoundment under the bidding documents.

For the spillway excavation by bench blasting, the hydraulic drill is used. In
regards to stones for the gate chamber and discharge chute sections, the direct
filling to the dam is mainly considered. In regards to stones for the chute section,
the direct filling of some stones to the dam is considered. For slag tapping, the
backhoe with dump truck is selected. For the spillway gate chamber and
discharge chute sections, the placement of concrete is completed by the 20t
tower crane and 50t crawler crane, with the 15t dump truck used for transport.
For the chute section, the placement of concrete is completed by the concrete

(4) Water diversion system

The water diversion system consists of the intake, 4,635m-long diversion

tunnel, surge shaft, penstock steel lining section and water diversion branch pipe

For the open excavation of the intake, the hydraulic drill and bench blasting
is introduced. For the slag tapping, the backhoe with dump truck is selected.

In the middle of the diversion tunnel, 1 construction adit is arranged to divide

the tunnel into 3 work surfaces for tunnel excavation synchronously. The
three-arm jumbo is used for drilling and the full cross-section excavation by
blasting is employed. The loading machine with dump truck is selected for slag
tapping. For the diversion tunnel concrete lining, 1 set of steel form jumbo is
adopted. The placement of concrete is completed by the concrete pump. The
diversion tunnel concrete lining and grouting treatment should be followed by the

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construction adit plugging construction.

For the surge shaft, the raise-boring machine is used for pilot hole before
the expanded excavation from bottom to top into 1.4m mucking shaft. Finally, the
pneumatic drill is used for excavation expanding and forming from top to bottom.
For concrete placing, the sliding mode technique is introduced. The concrete is
transported by the mixing carrier to the well head. The placement of concrete is
completed by chute on the well wall.

In the main access tunnel of the underground powerhouse, the construction

adit is excavated to the penstock steel lining section and water diversion branch
pipe. For the stone tunnel excavation, the drilling-blasting jumbo with air driving
drilling machine is selected for drilling, with full cross-section excavation by
blasting, and the loading machine with dump truck is selected for slag tapping.
The penstock installation starts from the main access tunnel to the construction
adit upstream and downstream. For the outer wrapped concrete, the placement
of concrete is completed by the concrete pump. Upon the completion of
penstock installation, concrete placing and grouting treatment, the construction
adit plugging should be made immediately.

(5) Underground powerhouse

For the underground powerhouse cavern group, the main access tunnel and
ventilation and wire outlet are mainly taken as the construction access road.
According to the requirements on excavation by layers, the construction adit is
arranged respectively to the main powerhouse and the main transformer room.

The main powerhouse is excavated in 7 layers. The three-arm jumbo is

used for drilling, with the supporting construction of each layer being carried out
synchronously. For slag tapping, the backhoe with dump truck is selected. The
main transformer room is excavated in 2 layers. Similarly, the three-arm jumbo is
used for drilling, with the supporting construction of each layer being carried out
synchronously. For slag tapping, the backhoe with dump truck is selected.

For the unit block, the concrete placing is mainly completed by the 20t
temporary bridge crane and concrete pump. In the auxiliary powerhouse, the
placement of concrete is completed by the auxiliary chute of the concrete pump.
In the main transformer room, the placement of concrete is completed by the
concrete pump. For the rock anchor beam concrete placing, the framed bent is
erected to the rock anchor beam layer after the completion of the 3rd-layer
excavation of the powerhouse, with the combined steel formwork selected for
formwork setting and the concrete pump employed for placement. Meanwhile,
the curing of the rock anchor beam concrete after completion of placement

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should be maintained to the age. During the rock anchor beam concrete placing
and curing, excavation by blasting is forbidden within 100m around.

The unit installation is carried out after the handover of work surface of the
civil works, with the installation of 1# unit prior to that of 2# unit. The installation
and commissioning of the first unit will be completed in the 46th month and that of
the second unit in the 48th month. For each unit, the installation period is 9
months and the commissioning period 1 month. The time for the unit being put
into operation should meet the Owner’s construction period requirements.

(6) Tailrace system

The tailrace system consists of the tailrace pipe, tailrace surge chamber,
tailrace tunnel and tailrace outlet gate chamber, where the tailrace tunnel is
relatively long, to which the TBM construction is proposed.

After the permanent roads are built to the tailrace outlet, the earth rock open
excavation and supporting should be immediately carried out. The hydraulic drill
is selected for drilling and the excavation by bench blasting is introduced. For
slag tapping, the backhoe with dump truck is selected.

After the completion of the outlet open excavation and supporting, the
drilling-blasting jumbo with air driving drilling machine is used from the tailrace
tunnel outlet for excavation of about 200m-long stepping tunnel and TBM
starting tunnel. After the TBM equipment is transported to the site, the assembly
will be made in the open space of the outlet before entry to the tunnel. The TBM
tunneling and excavated materials are first transported outside the tunnel by the
continuous conveyor system and then to the tailrace outlet spoil area by the
slag-transferring belt. Due to the insufficient capacity of the tailrace outlet spoil
area, additional loading machines and dump trucks are needed for material

For tunnel lining, after the completion of the TBM tunneling construction, 2
sets of walk-through steel form jumbo are introduced for construction in order of
side & roof arch and bottom slab concreting. After mixing by the mixing system
outside the tunnel, the concrete is transported by the mixing carrier. The
placement of concrete is completed by the concrete pump. In the tailrace outlet
gate chamber, the placement of concrete is completed by the 50t crawler crane.

The tailrace surge chamber is excavated in 4 layers. For the top heading,
the entry from the upper construction adit is made, with the excavation of middle
pilot tunnel prior to excavation expanding. For the lower three layers, the
excavation by bench blasting is adopted.

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1.2 Analysis of Key and Difficult Points

(1) The arrangement of construction access road for the underground

powerhouse is one of the key points of powerhouse construction of the Project.

Based on the excavation of powerhouse in layers, the ventilation and wire

outlet could be used as the construction access road to the top of the main
powerhouse and the main transformer room; the main access tunnel could be
used as that to the middle-upper part of the main powerhouse and the lower part
of the main transformer room; additional construction adits are built to the front
end of the water diversion branch pipe, as the construction access road to the
middle-lower part of the main powerhouse; and additional construction adits are
built to the lower part of the tailrace surge chamber and the main powerhouse
through the tailrace pipe.

For the concrete placing in the main powerhouse and main transformer
room, the main access tunnel is mainly used as the construction access road;
and for that in the auxiliary powerhouse, the main access tunnel and the access
tunnel on the right side of the main transformer room and powerhouse are taken
as the construction access road.

(2) The construction quality of the rock anchor beam in the underground
powerhouse is another key point of powerhouse construction of the Project, with
the construction quality being kept in strict control from excavation, supporting
and concrete placing.

1) For the rock anchor beam excavation, the covering layer is reserved.
The pneumatic drill is used for vertical and up-hole smooth blasting. The rock
wall and rock bench should be kept under strict control to ensure that there is no
under-excavation and the over-excavation value is not greater than the design
specified value. Before the excavation of the rock wall, the two rows of
pre-reinforced anchor rods below the lower inflection point of the inclined plane
of the rock bench should be completed in accordance with the working drawing
and the Supervisor’s requirements.

2) During the side wall shotcreting of the powerhouse, the rock wall surface
within the range of the rock anchor beam should be covered for protection
purpose to prevent the shotcrete from rebounding to the rock wall surface. After
the completion of the rock wall surface excavation, the presplitting blasting
around the lower layer and the grooving in the middle of the lower layer should
be immediately carried out before the anchor rod construction.

3) For the rock anchor beam anchor rod, the three-arm drilling jumbo is
selected for drilling. Meanwhile, comprehensively skilled drillers are appointed

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for drilling work. Before drilling, the measurement personnel will survey the hole
location and the angle measurement should be made and confirmed. For the
compressive anchor rod, the grouting should be carried out before installation.
For the tensile anchor rod, the installation should be carried out before grouting.
In this way, the construction quality of the rock anchor beam anchor rod will be

4) Before the rock anchor beam concrete construction, the excavation of

the 3rd layer of the main powerhouse by blasting should be completed.

5) After the rock anchor beam concrete placing, protection should be

strengthened up to 28-day age before excavation of the lower layer. During the
excavation of the lower layer, the blasting particle vibration velocity should be
kept under strict control, no greater than 7cm/s. The formwork on the concrete
surface will not be removed or the concrete surface should be covered with a
layer of protective materials to avoid damage to concrete as a result of the
blasting flyrock.

(3) The ventilation and smoke discharge of the underground chamber and
the interception and drainage of the underground water is a difficult point of the

1) For the ventilation and smoke discharge of the diversion tunnel, the
combined ventilation is introduced, with the press-in and suction-type ventilators
provided respectively at the intake and construction adit opening. Moreover, the
ventilator is provided at the junction of the adit and the main tunnel to ensure a
good construction environment in the tunnel. After the main tunnel is excavated
to the lower part of the surge shaft, the construction of the surge shaft should be
arranged as soon as possible, so as to facilitate the natural ventilation
environment in the diversion tunnel in advance.

2) For the entrance to the underground powerhouse cavern group, there is

only the main access tunnel and ventilation and wire outlet. In this case, there
will be difficulty in ventilation and smoke discharge. On the one hand, the
ventilator should be provided at the tunnel opening by means of the combined
ventilation; and on the other hand, the excavation of the outlet shaft should be
completed as soon as possible, so as to improve the construction environment in
the tunnel.

3) For the tailrace tunnel, the TBM construction is introduced, with the
ventilation and smoke discharge being conducted simultaneously by the
ventilator at the opening.

4) In the groundwater-enriched belt, the following measures are taken to

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prevent water burst: a. The advance borehole is used to verify the underground
water activity rules to determine the water leakage and pressure and prevent
outburst of water; b. The recharging water source is cut off and the underground
water level is lowered; c. The surrounding rock grouting is conducted to lower
the permeability or form the curtain water blocking; and d. The side leading hole,
water-collecting well, deep hole or parallel adit is used for underground water
drainage. Meanwhile, sufficient drainage pump stations and water pumping &
draining equipment are provided to ensure successful construction progress.

(4) The construction quality of the asphalt concrete core wall is a key point
of the dam construction of the Project. The construction quality should be
controlled from various aspects, such as the selection of raw materials, mix ratio
test and field paving process.

Qualified raw materials should be selected for aggregate processing. The

asphalt concrete mix ratio test should be arranged in advance. The field mixing
should be made in accordance with the mix ratio finally determined by the
Owner’s engineer. The asphalt concrete field paving test should be made in
advance to adjust and finalize the paving parameters. The field paving
construction should be organized in strict accordance with the construction
specification and paving parameters, so as to ensure the core wall concrete
construction quality.

(5) The TBM selection is a key point of the tailrace tunnel construction of the
Project. For the Project, the tailrace tunnel is 11.4km in length, with the TBM
selected. A tunnel boring machine with proper performance matching should be
selected based on the surrounding rock conditions.

Based on the field surrounding rock conditions and topographic conditions,

the open-type TBM is proposed. For the slag-tapping system, the continuous
conveyor system is used inside the tunnel and the slag-transferring belt is used
outside the tunnel for transport to the spoil area.

(6)In consideration of excavation and filling of the Project in large quantities,

the earth-rock allocation balance is a key point of construction of the Project.

According to the construction scheme, the dam filling materials for the
Project are mainly collected from the quarry and excavated materials. For the
concrete aggregates, the excavated materials of the diversion tunnel and
underground powerhouse are mainly used. Most of the spillway excavated
materials are used for direct filling to the dam, with small quantities to be
transported. A transfer yard is built near the construction adit of the diversion
tunnel for the storage of tunnel excavated materials for aggregate preparation

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and dam filling. The earth-rock allocation balance is given in the attached
Diagram for Earth-Rock Allocation Balance.

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2 Engineering Geological Survey Work Plan

2.1 Geology

The project area is located in Genale -Dawa River Basin in the south of
Ethiopia. Precambrian formations are widely distributed in the area, which are
mainly composed of gneiss. Since is rock is ancient and subjected to multiple
geological tectonic activities and metamorphisms, and the local part in the rock
mass is developed with fold, fault and joint, fissure. Palaeozoic and Mesozoic
Triassic formations of the project area are deficient, until Mesozoic Jurassic
marine limestone deposits overlaid on the Precambrian gneiss formation with
the earth crust sinking continuously in Mesozoic Era. The Jurassic formation is
near level, and the tectonic activity is weak.

There is no lowland or valley lower than the reservoir level on both banks of
the reservoir. The bedrock formations at the dam site belong to Precambrian
quartz feldspar gneiss and Jurassic formation, which have the topographic and
geological conditions for constructing local material dam. Both diversion tunnel
and underground powerhouse are located in relatively hard gneiss, which has
carven forming conditions and construction conditions for underground
powerhouse. The earth materials and sand-gravel materials are lacked near the
project area, but the block stone material reserve is rich.

2.2 Survey Tasks and Contents

In 2004-2006, Lahmeyer and Yeshi-Ber carried out pre-feasibility study for

Genale GD-6 Project, and submitted the pre-feasibility study report in 2006. In
2007-2009, NORPLAN and Norconsult carried out feasibility study for Genale
GD-6 Project. They carried out field geology survey, dam axis and powerhouse
drilling (5 boreholes were completed with an accumulated footage of 244.47m),
field permeability test, indoor physical mechanics test and regional seismic
safety evaluation, etc., and submitted the feasibility study report in 2009.

In view of insufficient survey work at the early stage, it is necessary to carry

out required supplementary survey, review the geologic information and
conclusion at the feasibility study stage, supplement and ascertain the remaining
engineering geological problems at the detailed engineering design stage, so as
to provide geologic information for improving and optimizing the design as well
as preparing design documents.

Main geological survey contents include:

1) Surveying the reservoir bank near the dam and the dam axis extension,

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ascertaining the formation lithology, hydrogeology and other basic geological

conditions, analyzing and evaluating the seepage from the left bank of the dam
site to the downstream gully and the possibility of seepage around the dam;

2) Conducting supplementary survey for the main structures in the project

area (including dam site, diversion tunnel, powerhouse, tailrace tunnel, switch
station and the Employer’s camp, etc.), ascertaining the landform, formation
lithology, geological structure, geophysical phenomenon, hydrogeology,
geotechnical engineering properties and other basic geological conditions of the
structure site, focusing on ascertaining the thickness and the property of the
overburden at the dam site, engineering properties of the dam foundation rock,
permeable rate of the rock mass and distribution elevation of the unconformable
surface, analyzing and evaluating the main engineering geological problems.

3) Carrying out detailed survey for natural building materials, including

earth material and sand-gravel material yards, in addition to block stone yard;
Ascertaining the geological and topographical conditions of the stock ground,
underground water level, thickness of the stripping layer, reserve of effective
layer, mining & transporting conditions and environmental impact;

4) Analyzing the quality of the underground water and surface water,

studying the corrosivity to the concrete and the feasibility of the use as
construction and domestic water;

5) Surveying transmission and transformation lines;

6) Evaluating an re-checking the earthquake risk of the site.

2.3 Main Technical Standards

Survey involves multiple disciplines such as geology, measurement, drilling,

geophysical prospecting and test. The latest versions of the following codes and
standards (including but not limited) shall be used:

1) BS 5930 Code of Practice for Site Investigation

2) BS 812 Testing Aggregate

3) BS 882 Specification for Aggregates from Natural Sources for


4) BS1377 Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes

5) EM 1110-1-2908 Rock Foundation

6) EM 1110-2-2901 Tunnels and Shafts in Rock

7) EM 1110-1-1802 Geophysical Exploration for Engineering and

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Environmental Investigations

8) ASTM relevant specifications, etc.

2.4 Workload of Survey Plan

The survey mainly includes dam site, diversion tunnel, powerhouse,

building materials, and power transmission and distribution lines. Refer to Table
2-1 for detailed survey workload.

Table 2-1 Workload of Scheduled Survey at the Basic Design Stage

SN Survey content Unit Quantities Remarks

Scale: 1:10,000, focus

Geological survey, 2 on investigating karst
km 10
mapping development and
Geology seepage
Geological profile
km 2.0
2 holes on the left
Seepage around the dam

bank, 1 hole on the

Borehole (tentative) m/hole 150/3
right bank, with single
hole depth of 50m
Water pressure, water Lu test, falling head
1 Section 24
injection test permeability test
Undergoing during
Water level observation hole 3
Probing Trial trench m 200
Sounding whether the
thin ridge on the left
EH4 telluric bank is distributed
electromagnetic km 4~5 with biohermal
sounding limestone and the
crest of gneiss on the
right bank
Geological survey, 2
km 3.6 Scale: 1:1000
Geological profile Including dam axis,
km 2
mapping spillway, etc.
Dam site

Dam axis m/hole 190/4 The depth of single

2 borehole is 40~50m.
Borehole Entering 30~40m of
metamorphic rock is
Drilling (630m/12 Toe plate
m/hole 180/4 taken as the borehole
boreholes) line completion principle.
One of them is a
borehole in water.

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The anti-seepage
curtain length is
controlled; the single
Dam axis hole depth is 90~100m,
m/hole 190/2
extension and entering 10~15m
of metamorphic rock is
taken as the borehole
completion principle
Entering 3~5m of
Right wall
metamorphic rock is
of the m/hole 70/2
taken as the borehole
spillway completion principle
Water pressure test Section 70~80 Lu test
Penetration test Group 8 Overburden
Water level observation Undergoing during
m/hole 325/4
hole survey
Probing Trial trench m 200
Acoustic logging m/hole 500~550/12
Geophysical Including the
prospecting Seismic wave test km 2.5 overburden and bed
rock outcrop
Rock core physical
mechanics test, 6-7
Rock test Group 20 groups for
metamorphic rock,
marl and limestone
Analysis of drinking River water near the
Testing Group 1
water dam site
Two groups for the
river water, and two
Brief analysis of water
Group 6 groups for
underground water on
the left and right banks
Along the tunnel, from
Diversion and Power Generation System

the north to the

Geological mapping 2
km 27 riverside, within 500m
from the south to the
tunnel axis
Geology Geological mapping 2 Powerhouse and surge
km 3
1:10,000 shaft area

3 Geological mapping 2 Tunnel entrance, exit

km 0.2
1:500 and switch station
Actual geological profile km 1.6 Scale: 1:500
m/hole 50/1 Water inlet
Borehole m/hole 50/1 Crossing section
(1,180m/12 boreholes) Construction adit
m/hole 40/1

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m/hole 300/1
m/hole 270/1 Surge tank
Tail water surge
m/hole 200/1
About 1km away from
m/hole 150/1
tailrace tunnel
m/hole 40/1 Tailrace tunnel exit
m/hole 80/4 Switching station
Water pressure test Section 70 Lu test
Water level observation Undergoing during
m/hole 430/2
hole survey
Probing Trial trench m 100
Acoustic logging m/hole 880/12
Diversion tunnel
entrance section
EH4 telluric
1.2km, powerhouse
electromagnetic km 3.7
Geophysical and access tunnel
prospecting 1.5km, tailrace tunnel
exit 1km
At the entrance and
Seismic wave test km 1
Ground resistance Point 20 Switch station part
Rock core physical
mechanics test, 6-7
Rock test Group 25 groups for
metamorphic rock,
marl and limestone
Analysis of drinking River water near the
Testing Group 1
water powerhouse
One group for
diversion tunnel
Brief analysis of water
Group 3 entrance, surge shaft
part and tailrace tunnel
exit, respectively
Geological mapping km 0.2 Scale: 1:500
Geology Geological profile
km 2
Permanent Camp

Borehole m/hole 40~60/4 Water inlet

Drilling Gravity penetration
Section 20
4 sounding
Probing Trial trench m 50
Rock core physical
Rock test Group 6
mechanics test
Brief analysis of water Surface and
Group 2
quality underground water

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Scale 1:2,000 (to be

Earth material, sand-gravel

Geological survey, 2
km 0.5 investigated on the
Geology mapping
Actual profile Km/Nr. 3.5/8 Scale: 1:1000

Prospecting well m/well 90/30
Geotechnical test Group 30
Testing Using mortar bar test
Alkali activity test Group 2
and chemical test
Geological mapping km 2.0 Scale: 1:2000
Block stone and artificial aggregate

5 Actual profile km 3~4
Drilling Borehole m/hole 160/4
Conventional physical
Rock test Group 24 and mechanical
Group 10
Testing stability test
Los Angeles abrasion
Group 10
resistance test
Using rapid mortar bar
Alkali activity test Group 4
test and chemical test
Scale 1:2,000, 50m on
Access road and infield permanent road

Geological survey, 2
km 6 both sides of the road,
Geology about 56km long road
Actual profile (typical
km 5 Scale: 1:200~1:500
Exploratory pit or Single well depth of
m/well 300/120
6 Probing exploratory shaft 2~3m
Trial trench m 300
Rock & soil test Group 60
Soil corrosion Group 8~12
Brief analysis of water
Group 3~4
Transmission and transformation lines

Geological survey, 2 About 75km long, scale

Geology km 37
mapping 1:50,000 ~ 1:100,000
Drilling Borehole m/hole 200~300/30 5~15m deep
Probing or
Exploratory pit or 400~500/15 Single well depth of
shaft m/well
exploratory shaft 0 2~5m
Rock (soil) test Group 90
Testing Soil corrosion Group 8~12
Water quality analysis Group 8~12
Geophysical Rock & soil resistivity
Point 1200~1600
prospecting test

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8 Earthquake risk evaluation Item 1
Rem Survey workload will be adjusted appropriately based on field situation and design
arks requirements.

Figure 2-1 Borehole Layout of Dam Site

Figure 2-2 Borehole Layout Profile of Dam Axis

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Figure 2-3 Borehole Layout of Diversion Tunnel Entrance Section

Figure 2-4 Borehole Layout of Diversion Tunnel Adit ~ Tail Water Surge Shaft Section

Figure 2-5 Borehole Layout of Tailrace Tunnel Exit Section

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2.5 Main Technical Achievements

(1) Engineering Geological Survey Report of GD-6 Hydroelectric Power


(2) Engineering Geological Survey Report of 230kV Transmission and

Transformation Lines

2.6 Resource Allocation Plan and Schedule

2.6.1 Major equipment

Main equipment is as shown in Table 2.6-1.

Table 2.6-1 Main Equipment Planned to be Input

Major Equipment name Unit Quantity Remarks

Engineering Field mapping tool and notebook
Set 6~7
geology computer
Drilling rig and supporting Maximum drilling depth:
Drilling Set 4~5
equipment 300m
Seismograph Set 1
Electrical prospecting apparatus Set 1
prospecting Sonograph Set 1~2
EH4 telluric electromagnetic
Set 1
sounding instrument
Surveying Non-prism total station Set 1
Geotechnical Test equipment on the field stock
Set 1~2
test ground
Double-row four-wheel drive
Traffic Set 4~5 Lease locally
pick-up truck
Truck for production Set 2~3 Lease locally
Some bought from the
Others Site office equipment Set Several
local region

2.6.2 Main personnel and schedule

The preliminary arrangement and field work schedule of all professional site
survey personnel shall be as follows:

Engineering geology: 5-6 persons, mainly responsible for geological

mapping and drilling, duty got shaft, sampling, test, design cooperation and
survey report preparation, etc. It must take about four months for 1~2 persons to
be on duty for drilling, cooperate with exploratory tunnel excavation of the dam
site and field test, and for about three months for 3~4 persons.
 Drilling: 4~5 units, about 20 persons allocated. 3~4 months, including

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acoustic logging and road repair time of the drill site

 Geophysical prospecting: 2~3 persons One for about 4 months
(cooperation with ultrasonic testing, etc.), and 1~2 persons for about 2 months.
 Geologic survey: 1 person, surveying all survey exploratory points,
cooperation with geological surveying and mapping for geological point survey
and geological profile survey, etc. About 4 months
 Field soil test (including sand gravel field test): one team (1~2 persons)
About 2 months
 Indoor rock test: About 2 months after sampling to the laboratory (the
specific time must be determined by the material laboratory).
 Field translator: 1 person for four months.
 Local security personnel and policeman on the site: 20~30 persons
 The qualified seismological department will be entrusted to evaluate the
earthquake risk, and the duration will be last for about 4 months.

The controlled construction period of the above survey is site drilling and
relevant tests, and it will take 4 months to complete all field surveys; the
Engineering Geological Survey Report of GD-6 Hydroelectric Power Plant will be
submitted in the sixth month, and the intermediate information will be provided at
any time according to the survey schedule.

The survey of transmission and transformation lines will be arranged

according to the design schedule of the line.

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3 General Layout of Construction

3.1 The Owner’s Permanent Campsite

The Owner’s permanent campsite is located on a tableland, with an

elevation of about 640.60m, on the right bank of River Genale. It is about 2km
(straight-line distance) to the plant and about 3km to the dam. With a floor area
totaling to 9,660m2, the camp consists of the office, dining hall, clinic,
supermarket, telephone room, guard house and residence building, where the
office area totaling to 2,900m2, the Owner’s housing area totaling to 4,824m2,
and the housing area for the Owner’s representatives totaling to 1,936m2.

3.2 The Contractor’s office and living camp

The Contractors’ office and living camp is located in three places. All
buildings are of the portable house structure.

⑴ 1 # office and living campsite is mainly for dam construction purpose,

being located on a gentle slope with an elevation of 650m~675m above the right
dam abutment, mainly consisting of the construction management facilities and
amenities, such as the office rooms, living quarters for staff and workers, dining
hall and bathroom, with a floor area of 3,500m2 and a site area of 7,000m2.

⑵ 2 # office and living campsite is mainly for powerhouse construction

purpose, being located near the main access tunnel of the powerhouse, mainly
consisting of the construction management facilities and amenities, such as the
office rooms, living quarters for staff and workers, dining hall and bathroom, with
a floor area of 3,600m2 and a site area of 7,000m2.

⑶ 3 # office and living campsite is mainly for TBM purpose, being located
near the end of 3 # construction road and about 1.5km to the exit of the tailrace
tunnel, mainly consisting of the construction management facilities and
amenities, such as the office rooms, living quarters for staff and workers, dining
hall and bathroom, with a floor area of 2,400m2 and a site area of 5,000m2.

3.3 Main Auxiliary Construction Companies

3.3.1 Integrated processing plant

The comprehensive processing plants are located in 3 places, being

respectively adjacent to the 3 office and living camps. Each comprehensive
processing plant, with a floor area of 380m2 and a site area of 1,500m2, consists
of the steel (rolled steel) processing plant and formwork processing plant.

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⑴ Steel (rolled steel) processing plant

Each steel (rolled steel) processing plant is provided with the duty room, tool
house, processing workshop, butt welding machine room, etc. The area of the
portable house is 40m2, and that of the powerhouse with a light steel roof truss
structure is 200m2. The site area is 700m2.

⑵ Formwork processing plant

The formwork processing plant and the steel (rolled steel) processing plant
are subject to a combined layout. According to the construction characteristics of
the Project under the Contract, the concrete construction is mainly based on the
combined steel formwork and set-shaped formwork, supplemented by the
special formwork and non-standard formwork. Relatively, the formwork and
wood processing is in small quantities. In the plant, there is the steel form
stacking area, timber stacking area, processing workshop, etc. Each formwork
processing plant is provided with the portable house of 40m2 and the
powerhouse of a light steel roof truss structure of 100m2. The site area is 800m2.

3.3.2 Mechanical Equipment Repair and Parking Area

The mechanical equipment repair and parking areas are located in 3 places,
being respectively adjacent to the 3 office and living camps. They are built
mainly for the mechanical equipment and vehicle parking, equipment
maintenance, medium/minor repair and components and parts processing in this
bid section. Each mechanical equipment repair and parking area is provided with
the portable house of 60m2 and the powerhouse of a light steel roof truss
structure of 120m2. The site area is 2,000m2.

3.3.3 Metal Structure Processing and Stacking Area

The metal structure processing and stacking area is proposed to be located

near the main access tunnel, mainly for the processing and manufacturing of
penstocks, gate pre-assembly and embedded parts within the Contract. In the
plant, there is the operation site, finished product storage yard, tool house, etc.
With a floor area of 60m2 and the powerhouse of a light steel roof truss structure
of 140m2, it has a site area of 5,000m2.

3.4 Storage facilities

3.4.1 Integrated warehouse

The integrated warehouse consists of the labor protection warehouse,

hardware fitting warehouse, etc. It is located in 3 places, being respectively
adjacent to the 3 office and living camps. Each has a floor area of 150m2 and a

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site area of 300m2.

3.4.2 Pyrotechnic materials warehouse

The initiating explosive warehouse is located near 1 # road. As stipulated by

the local security bureau, the initiating explosive materials should be stored in
containers. Each container has a site area of 400m2. Altogether 30 containers
are provided. The initiating explosive warehouse has a floor area of 500m2 and a
site area of 12,000m2. All explosives and detonators should be obtained from the
field explosives warehouse. The unused explosives and detonators should be
returned to the warehouse immediately after each time of blasting. The
special-purpose enclosed vehicles should be used for transport of explosives.

3.4.3 Oil depot

The diesel oil and gasoline for construction will be purchased by users. The
oil depot, with a floor area of 160m2 and a site area of 1,500m2, is proposed
respectively downstream from the dam and near the main access tunnel.
Additionally, 2 oil tank trucks are provided for oiling to the field equipment.

3.4.4 Mechanical and electrical equipment warehouse

The electromechanical equipment warehouse is located near the metal

structure processing plant. Within the warehouse, there is the enclosed
warehouse, constant-temperature warehouse and duty room. The floor area and
the site area is 2,000m2 and 7,000m2, respectively.

3.5 Special Facilities for TBM

The special facilities for TBM mainly include the locomotive inspection and
repair workshop, tool inspection and repair workshop, finish machining
workshop, electrical repair and spare parts workshop, indoor storage, open
storage, etc.

The locomotive inspection and repair workshop, located on the tailrace

outlet platform, has a construction area of 60m2.

The construction area of the tool inspection and repair workshop, finish
machining workshop, electrical repair and spare parts workshop, indoor storage
and open storage is 150m2, 100m2, 60m2, 500m2 and 6,000m2, respectively, all
of which are located in the spoil area on the right side of the tailrace outlet.

3.6 Sand and Stone Processing and Concrete Mixing System

3.6.1 Aggregate processing system

The concrete aggregates for the Project will be provided by the sand and

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stone processing system established for the Project. The sand and stone
processing system is proposed to be located upstream from the construction adit
inlet of the diversion tunnel. The system is designed with a handling capacity of
120t/h and a production capacity of 100t/h. The floor area and the site area is
400m2 and 30,000m2, respectively.

3.6.2 Concrete mixing system

Based on the construction needs, the Project is equipped with altogether 2

concrete mixing systems and 1 asphalt concrete mixing system.

1 # mixing system is the asphalt concrete mixing system, being adjacent to

1 # office and living campsite, with a floor area of 300m2 and a site area of
6,000m2. For the system, LB-500 mixing station is selected, with a designed
production capacity of 20~30m3/h. The supporting special-purpose facilities
include the aggregate heating cylinder, mineral powder tank, hot oil heater,
asphalt dumping workshop, asphalt constant-temperature tank, diesel tank,
concrete thermal insulation and storage tank, control room, etc.

2 # concrete mixing system is the cement concrete mixing system, being

adjacent to the sand and stone processing system. It shares the sand and stone
stock yard with the sand and stone processing system. 1 HZS75 mixing station
and supporting facilities are provided. The system has a floor area of 300m2 and
a site area of 4,000m2.

3 # concrete mixing system is proposed to be located near the tailrace

tunnel outlet. In the system, one HZS50 concrete mixing station is built for
tailrace tunnel shotcrete and lining concrete mixing. The floor area and the site
area is 200m2 and 3,000m2, respectively.

3.7 Field test room

The field laboratory is located upstream from the construction adit inlet of
the diversion tunnel, being adjacent to 2 # concrete mixing system, with a floor
area of 200m2 and a site area of 500m2. According to relevant technical clauses,
the laboratory is used for sampling test of various materials used for the Project,
including the cement, sand and stone aggregates, coal ash, additives, anchor
bar, rebar, concrete, water stopping materials, joint sealing materials, etc.
Moreover, the test report will be submitted to the Supervisor. And provide the
Engineer with the material for test and all necessary convenience in accordance
with provisions under the Contract.

3.8 Slurry Preparing and Supplying System

According to the construction characteristics of the drilling and grouting

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works under the Contract, 7 centralized slurry preparing and supplying stations
are proposed on the construction site.

⑴ 1 # slurry preparing and supplying station: Being located along the side
slope on the right side of intake of the hydroelectric power plant and near the
end of 2 # road, with a site area of 100m2 and a floor area of 40m2.

⑵ 2 # slurry preparing and supplying station: Being located near the

spillway entrance and adjacent to 2 # road, with a site area of 150m2 and a floor
area of 60m2.

⑶ 3 # slurry preparing and supplying station: Being located at the diversion

tunnel exit and beside 2.6 # road, with a site area of 150m2 and a floor area of

⑷ 4 # slurry preparing and supplying station: Being located along the side
slope near the construction adit entrance of the diversion tunnel, with a site area
of 150m2 and a floor area of 60m2.

⑸ 5 # slurry preparing and supplying station: Being located near the surge
shaft head, with a site area of 100m2 and a floor area of 40m2.

⑹ 6 # slurry preparing and supplying station: Being located along the side
slope near the access tunnel entrance to the plant, with a site area of 150m2 and
a floor area of 60m2.

⑺ 7 # slurry preparing and supplying station: Being located along the side
slope near the tailrace tunnel exit, with a site area of 100m2 and a floor area of

3.9 Layout of Construction Roads

About 29.5km to the construction area, there is the national trunk highway.
For this bid section, the access road (1 #) is built from Siru to the powerhouse
access tunnel opening of the hydroelectric power plant; 2 # road and 2.1 # road
are built upstream from the river bank along the powerhouse access tunnel
opening respectively to the side slope of the diversion tunnel entrance via the
right dam abutment and to the surge shaft head via the Owner’s permanent land;
and 3 # road is built downstream to the tailrace tunnel exit. 1 # road, 2 # road, 3
# road and 2.1 # road are of the asphalt concrete pavement, where 1 # ~ 3 #
roads are 8m in width and 2.1 # road is 4.5m in width.

The infield temporary roads could be connected from the said new
permanent roads to the main construction sites. All temporary roads are of the
mud-gravel pavement, with a width of 6m and a maximum gradient no greater

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than 8%.

Based on the traffic demands on the right and left banks, a bailey bridge is
proposed 1.8km downstream from the dam. The proposed bridge is 280m in
length and 5m in width, with a design load of 30t. In addition, a temporary steel
trestle, with a length of 15m, a width of 5m and a design load of 30t, is proposed
at the diversion tunnel exit.

The layout of infield and outfield roads is given in the following Table 3-1
and the attached Construction Road Layout Plan.

Table 3-1 Summary Sheet for Main Infield and Outfield Roads

SN Starting - Ending length Remarks
1# National trunk highway (Siru) - 29.46 Permanent road
road powerhouse access tunnel
opening (access road)
2# 1 # road - downstream from the 4.50 Permanent road
road dam site
2.1 # 2 # road - the Owner’s campsite - 3.42 Permanent road
road surge shaft head
2.2 # 2 # road - intake of the 1.45 Construction roads in the first half part of
road hydroelectric power plant - spoil the intake of the hydroelectric power plant
area upstream along the right and diversion tunnel
2.3 # 2 # road - campsite upstream 0.93 Access roads for 1 # office and living
road along the right bank of the dam campsite, 1 # concrete mixing system,
2.4 # 2 # road - an elevation of 570m 0.98 Construction roads above an elevation of
road downstream from the spillway - an 570m of the spillway and an elevation of
elevation of 575m downstream 575m on the right bank of the dam
from the right bank of the dam
2.5 # 2.4 # road - an elevation of 550m 0.6 Construction roads for an elevation of
road downstream from the spillway - an 550m~570m of the spillway and
elevation of 550m downstream 550m~575m on the right bank of the dam
from the right bank of the dam
2.6 # 2 # road - an elevation of 540m at 2.27 Construction roads for the diversion
road the diversion tunnel exit - tunnel entrance as well as its first half part
diversion tunnel entrance - spoil
area upstream from the right bank
of the dam
2.7 # 2 # road - access bridge at the 1.0 Construction roads at the spillway exit
road diversion tunnel exit - right end of and an elevation of 530m~550m on the
the cofferdam downstream - an right bank of the dam
elevation of 530m downstream
from the right bank of the dam
2.8 # 2 # road - diversion tunnel exit 0.5 Construction roads for the diversion

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road tunnel exit as well as its second half part

2.9 # Right end of the cofferdam 0.26 Construction roads for an elevation of
road downstream - foundation pit 530m of the dam ~ excavation and filling
downstream from the dam of the right bank of the foundation pit
2.10 # 2 # road - right end of closure dike 0.32 Construction roads for closure, filling, etc.
road of the cofferdam upstream of the cofferdam upstream
2.11 # Left end of the access bridge 2.3 Access roads for the left dam abutment
road below the dam - quarry on the and left construction
left bank - left dam abutment
2.12 # 2.11 # road - left end of the 0.84 Construction roads for an elevation of
road cofferdam downstream - an 525m of the dam ~ excavation and filling
elevation of 525m downstream of the left bank of the foundation pit
from the left bank of the dam
2.13 # 2.11 # road - an elevation of 540m 0.76 Construction roads for an elevation of
road downstream from the left bank of 525m~540m on the left bank of the dam
the dam
2.14 # 2.11 # road - an elevation of 575m 0.65 Construction roads for an elevation of
road downstream from the left bank of 540m~575m on the left bank of the dam
the dam
3# Powerhouse - tailrace tunnel exit 16.60
3.1 # 3 # road - TBM construction 1.60
road campsite (3 # living campsite)
3.2 # 3.1 # road - tailrace tunnel exit 0.48
road bottom board (TBM assembly
Total 68.92

3.10 Layout of Air, Water and Electricity

3.10.1 Air Supply

According to the Contract, the combination of the centralized air supply and
the distributed air supply is introduced. Based on preliminary estimates, the
maximum air consumption is about 512m3/min. Altogether 9 air supply stations
and 26 diesel compressors are provided. The air supply station is proposed near
the intake of the hydroelectric power plant and at the diversion tunnel entrance
(to be moved near the spillway entrance upon completion of excavation of the
diversion tunnel) and exit, left dam abutment, surge shaft head of the diversion
tunnel, tailrace tunnel exit, etc. Each air supply station, with a floor area of
40m2 and a site area of 100m2, is provided with 2 diesel compressors of
20m3/min. The air supply station at the construction adit entrance of the
diversion tunnel is provided with 4 diesel compressors of 20m3/min, with a floor
area of 80m2 and a site area of 200m2. The air supply station near the main
access tunnel of the underground powerhouse is provided with 8 diesel
compressors of 20m3/min, with a floor area of 160m2 and a site area of 400m2. In

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addition, the right and left quarries are respectively provided with 1 hydraulic drill
(with the air compressor), 1 diesel compressor of 20m3 and 1 diesel compressor
of 12m3.

3.10.2 Construction ventilation

In order to ensure the normal breathing of the construction workers and

dilute and eliminate harmful gas and mechanical exhaust gas from blasting, the
diversion tunnel is designed with the ventilation system by high pressure. 1 axial
flow fan is proposed respectively at the entrance and exit of the diversion tunnel.
For the diversion tunnel, the combined ventilation method is introduced. 2 axial
flow fans of 2×55KW, 1 ventilation system by high pressure and 1 ventilation
system by low pressure are provided at the diversion tunnel entrance. 2 axial
flow fans of 2×55KW are provided at the construction adit entrance of the
diversion tunnel and 4 axial flow fans of 2×55KW are provided at the junction
with the main tunnel for ventilation of the work surfaces upstream and
downstream, respectively. At the main access tunnel opening, 2 axial flow fans
of 2×110KW are provided for ventilation by high pressure to the main
powerhouse and the main transformer room. 1 axial flow fan of 2×110KW is
provided at the terminal of the main access tunnel for smoke discharge outside
the tunnel. 2 axial flow fans of 2×55KW are respectively provided at the junction
of the ventilation and wire outlet as well as 2 # and 3 # construction adits and the
main access tunnel. For the excavation of the tailrace tunnel, the TBM with fan is
used for ventilation.

3.10.2 Water supply for construction Layout of the pump station

⑴ 1 # pump station is built along the river bank downstream from the intake
of the hydroelectric power plant. Within the station, 2 IS100-65-315 centrifugal
pumps are provided, with power of 115KW, pump lift of 133m and total water
pumping capacity of 120m3/h, for water supply to 1 # and 2 # pools.

⑵ 2 # pump station is built along the river bank upstream from the left bank
of the dam. Within the station, 2 IS100-65-315 centrifugal pumps are provided,
with power of 115KW, pump lift of 133m and total water pumping capacity of
120m3/h, for water supply to 4 # pool.

⑶ 3 # pump station is built along the river bank downstream from the
diversion tunnel exit. Within the station, 1 IS80-50-250 centrifugal pump is
provided, with power of 22KW, pump lift of 80m and total water pumping
capacity of 50m3/h, for water supply to 3 # pool.

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⑷ 4 # pump station is built along the river bank upstream from the
construction adit of the diversion tunnel. Within the station, 3 IS80-50-250
centrifugal pumps are provided, with power of 22KW, pump lift of 80m and total
water pumping capacity of 150m3/h, for water supply to 5 # and 6 # pools.

⑸ 5 # pump station is built along the river bank downstream from the switch
station. Within the station, 2 IS80-50-250 centrifugal pumps are provided, with
power of 22KW, pump lift of 80m and total water pumping capacity of 100m3/h,
for water supply to 7 # pools.

⑹ 6 # pump station is built along the river bank upstream from the tailrace
tunnel exit. Within the station, 2 IS125-100-200 centrifugal pumps are provided,
with power of 45KW, pump lift of 50m and total water pumping capacity of
400m3/h, for water supply to 8 # and 9 # pools. Layout of water supply pool

Nine water supply pool will be set on the construction site.

1 # water supply pool: arranged near 1 # living and office campsite, with a
capacity of 200m3 and an area of 100m2, mainly used for supplying construction
and domestic water to # 1 living and office campsite , the intake of the
hydroelectric power plant and the front half of the diversion tunnel.

2 # water supply pool: arranged near the inlet of the spillway, with a
capacity of 200m3 and an area of 100m2, mainly used for supplying construction
water to the inlet of the diversion tunnel and the front half of the tunnel, the front
half of the spillway and the right bank side slope of the dam.

3 # water supply pool: arranged near the outlet of the diversion tunnel, with
a capacity of 100m3 and an area of 50m2, mainly used for supplying construction
water to the outlet of diversion tunnel and the rear half of the tunnel, and the rear
half of the spillway.

4 # water supply pool: arranged on the abutment on the left bank near the
end of 2.11# road, with a capacity of 200m3 and an area of 100m2, mainly used
for supplying construction water for the filling of the abutment and dam on the left

5 # water supply pool: arranged in the project’s sand and gravel processing
system, with a capacity of 200m3 and an area of 100m2, mainly used for
supplying construction water to the sand and gravel processing system and 2 #
concrete mixing system.

6 # water supply pool: arranged near the construction adit of the diversion

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tunnel, with a capacity of 100m3 and an area of 50m2, mainly used for supplying
construction water to the rear half of the diversion tunnel.

7 # water supply pool: arranged on the high slope near the switch station,
with a capacity of 200m3 and an area of 100m2, mainly used for supplying
construction water to 2 # campsite, powerhouse access tunnel, underground
plant, tailrace surge chamber, cable hole and switch station.

8 # water supply pool: arranged near 3 # living and office campsite, with a
capacity of 100m3 and an area of 50m2, mainly used for supplying production
and domestic water to 3 # living and office campsite and the surrounding
auxiliary plants.

9 # water supply pool: arranged on the side slope near the outlet of the
tailrace tunnel, with a capacity of 400m3 and an area of 250m2, mainly used for
supplying production and construction water to the concrete mixing station at the
outlet of the tailrace tunnel and some construction auxiliary companies.

DN80 and DN120 galvanized steel pipes are used as primary water supply
pipes and DN50 galvanized steel or rubber pipes as branch pipes.

3.10.3 Power supply for construction

The main load of electricity for construction involves the power supplied for
the excavation of earth and stone, grouting, concrete production and concreting,
steel processing, machine repairing, water supply and drainage, and production
lighting and living electricity consumption. For power supply, it is planned to use
the generators owned in the early stage of construction, and the GD3 power grid
via the 33KV line later.

According to the characteristics of this project’s electricity consumption, the

equipment for construction and production electricity supply is configured as

1 # power supply station: arranged near 1 # concrete mixing system,

equipped with a 400GF diesel generator, mainly used for supplying construction
and living electricity to 1 # concrete mixing system, 1 # living and office campsite
and auxiliary companies.

2 # power supply station: arranged on the right bank of the dam, equipped
with a 400GF diesel generator, mainly used for supplying construction electricity
to dam’s right bank, diversion tunnel, spillway and other parts.

3 # power supply station: arranged on the left bank of the dam, equipped
with a 400GF diesel generator, mainly used for supplying construction electricity
to dam’s left bank.
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4 # power supply station: arranged near the inlet, equipped with a 400GF
diesel generator, mainly used for supplying construction electricity to the inlet
and the front part of the diversion tunnel.

5 # power supply station: arranged near the adit of the diversion tunnel,
equipped with a 500GF diesel generator, mainly used for supplying construction
electricity to the construction adit and the middle part of the diversion tunnel.

6 # power supply station: arranged in the gravel system, equipped with two
500GF diesel generators, mainly used for supplying construction electricity to
the sand and gravel processing system and 2 # concrete mixing system.

7 # power supply station: arranged near the main access adit, equipped with
three 500GF diesel generators, mainly used for supplying construction electricity
to the rear half of the diversion tunnel, underground powerhouse grottos, the low
alloy structural steel processing plant and mechanical and electrical equipment
warehouse. In addition, in order to ensure the normal electricity use of the
construction equipment in the main powerhouse, a transformer will be provided
in the power supply station to boost the voltage to 10KV, and then the power will
be transmitted via high-voltage cables into the tunnel. Another transformer will
be set at the end of the main access tunnel to boost the voltage to 400V, to
supply construction electricity for the internal use of the plants.

8 # power supply station: arranged on the 2 # construction campsite,

equipped with a 400GF diesel generator, mainly used for supplying construction
and living electricity to 2 # construction campsite and auxiliary companies.

9 # power supply station: arranged near the outlet of the tailrace tunnel,
equipped with 6 × 1600KW diesel generators; six transformers are provided in
the station to boost the voltage to 20KV, and then the power will be transmitted
via high-voltage cables into the tunnel to supply electricity for TBM construction;
low-voltage electricity is supplied to the concrete mixing station at the outlet of
the tailrace tunnel, 3 # campsite and auxiliary plants and other parts for

In addition, a 100GF diesel generator set is arranged in each of the left and
right bank quarries, and two 200GF and two 100GF diesel generators are
provided as backup power supply equipment.

3.10.4 Construction lighting

During the construction of the contract, dysprosium lamps and iodine

tungsten lamps will be relied for outdoor lighting will be mainly composed of. The
indoor lighting will be dominated by fluorescent lamps and incandescent lamps.
All the lighting equipment will meet the requirements of the tender documents.
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It is intended to set a 10kw dysprosium lamp each near the abutments of

both banks, the slope of the powerhouse access tunnel inlet and the tailrace
tunnel outlet as the main construction lighting facilities; in other places, 1kw
iodine tungsten lamps are used for construction lighting.

3.10.5 Construction communication

In order to meet the communication requirements during construction, it is

intended to install a program-controlled telephone and a fax machine in each of
the 1 #, 2 #, and 3 # construction campsites; in addition,32 walkie-talkies and 12
wireless mobile phones will be provided in the work area to meet the internal
and external communication needs during construction.

3.11 Quarry and Dumping Site

There are two quarries in this project design, of which 1 # is located near the
inlet of the diversion tunnel in the upstream of the dam and the lithology is gneiss;
and 2 # quarry is located near the cofferdam in the downstream of the left bank
of the dam, consisting of limestone in the upper layer and gneiss in the lower.

According to the construction plan, spillway excavation materials will be

mainly used for dam filling, powerhouse and diversion tunnel excavation
materials for concrete aggregate processing and dam shell filling, and tailrace
tunnel excavation materials for disposal.

The project is designed with six dumping sites. 1 # dumping site (also as the
transfer yard) is located near the upstream of the hydroelectric power plant
intake, close to the right bank quarry, covering an area of about 125,000 m2 with
a capacity of about 1.2 million m3; 2 # dumping site is located in the upstream of
the left bank of the dam, close to the left bank quarry, covering an area of about
51,000 m2 with a capacity of about 500,000 m3; 3 # dumping site (also as filling
material transfer yard) is located in the upstream of the diversion tunnel
construction adit, close to the sand and gravel processing system, covering an
area of about 77,000 m2 with a capacity of about 750,000 m3; 4 # dumping site is
located on the right side of 1# road (access road) at a direct distance of about
2km from the powerhouse, mainly used for slag dumping of the access road,
covering an area of about 68,500 m2 with a capacity of about 650,000 m3; 5 #
dumping site is located near the tailrace tunnel outlet, covering an area of about
83,400 m2 with a capacity of about 820,000 m3; TBM excavation slag is
transported to the pit by the belt conveyor, and excessive slag beyond the pit
capacity is transported to 6 # dumping site by loaders and dump trucks. 6 # slag
field is located near the 3 # campsite, covering an area of about 109,000 m2 with
a capacity of about 1 million m3.

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3.12 Construction Land Plan

The characteristics of temporary construction facilities of this project are

shown in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Characteristics of temporary construction facilities

Building Floor
SN Description Remarks
area (m2) area (m2)
1 # ~ 3 # construction
1 9500 19000
1 # ~ 3 # comprehensive
2 1140 4500
processing plants
1 # ~ 3 # mechanical
3 equipment repairing and 540 6000
storing yards
Metal Structure Processing
4 200 5000
and Stacking Area
1 # ~ 3 # comprehensive
5 450 900
Pyrotechnic materials
6 500 12000 30 containers
7 Oil depot 320 3000
Mechanical and electrical
8 2000 7000
equipment warehouse
9 Special Facilities for TBM 200 500
Machine and vehicle Arranged on the platform of
⑴ 60 150
maintenance workshop the tailrace tunnel outlet
⑵ Tool repair workshop 150
⑶ Finishing workshop 100 Arranged at the dumping site
6000 right of the tailrace tunnel
⑷ Electrical repair workshop 60 outlet
⑸ Indoor warehouse 500
Aggregate processing
10 400 30000
Cement concrete mixing Including 2 # and 3 # concrete
11 500 7000
system mixing systems
Asphalt concrete mixing
12 300 6000
13 Field test room 200 500
1 # ~ 7 # mortar production
14 360 900
and supply systems
15 1 # ~ 9 # air supply stations 480 1200
16 1 # ~ 9 # water supply pool / 900

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Building Floor
SN Description Remarks
area (m2) area (m2)
1 # ~ 9 # power supply
300 750
Total 18260 111300

3.13 General Layout of Construction

The general layout of the construction plan is shown in the Appendix:

General Construction Layout Plan.

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4 Construction of Sand and Gravel Processing and Concrete

Mixing Systems
4.1 Construction of Sand and Gravel Processing System

4.1.1 System scale System production tasks

According to the statistics of the project’s bill of quantities, the sand and
gravel processing system undertakes the production and processing tasks of
various gravel aggregate materials required for the main project, of which the
total amount of concrete is about 217,000 m³, that of cushion material is about
145,000 m³, that of road-grade gravel is about 63,000 m³, that of road asphalt
concrete about is 24,800 m³, and that of dam asphalt core wall concrete is about
23,000 m³.

There are various concrete types. The system configuration is carried out
according to the production of conventional three-graded concrete. But the
production process and the mesh of the screening machine are adjusted
according to the requirements on the finished aggregate in the production

According to the overall progress plan of the system, the peak concreting
intensity is analyzed to be about 12,000 m³. Considering the cumulated
influence of different materials, the sand and gravel processing system is
designed and configured according to the monthly peak intensity of 15,000 m³. System intensity

The sand and gravel processing system meets the requirements of the
production of producing three-graded concrete aggregate and cushion material,
and the configuration of system process and equipment is carried out to reach
the capacity that meets the monthly peak intensity of 15,000 m³.

The two-shift production system is considered for the sand and gravel
processing system. Combined with regulatory requirements and system
characteristics, the system effective production time is calculated as follows,
based on 25d/month and 14h/d (effective production time is 7h/shift), with
reference to 15,000 m³ peak intensity:


Assuming the system processing loss is 1.25, then:

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94 × 1.2 = 118t/h.

So the sand and gravel processing system is designed and configured with
a processing capacity of 120t/h and a production capacity of 100t/h.

4.1.2 System technology design Overall process design

The materials for the sand and gravel processing system come from the
excavation of the main project, and the lithology is mainly gneiss.

According to the raw material characteristics and the needs for finished
gravel aggregate gradation and variety, the sand and gravel processing system
is set in accordance with the requirements of three-grade crushing and
three-grade screening processes; the crushing process includes coarse
crushing, intermediate crushing, and sand making stages. To ensure the fine
aggregate content in the cushion material, the cushion material is mixed with
large-diameter material after crushed by the vertical impact crusher, and then
transported into the finished yard.

The screening workshop is designed in accordance with the requirements of

coarse aggregate screening and fine aggregate screening, and the aggregate
screening process is designed taking into account the production of oversized
stone and two-graded aggregate. For gravel production, dedicated screening
and separating equipment is provided. Process description

Recycled raw material stone will be transported into the system by dump
truck and directly dumped into the material pit. After fed by the bar feeder, the
material larger than 100mm will be sent into the jaw crusher for crushing, and the
material smaller than 100mm will be mixed with material discharged from the
crusher before delivered by B1 and B2 belt conveyors into semi-finished yard.

Semi-finished yard is equipped with gallery reclaimer. After the feeder and
B3 belt conveyor, the material will be sent into the first screening workshop,
where an upper machine and a lower screening machine are set up. The
material with a particle size of larger than 80mm will be sent into B4 belt
conveyor. Considering two-graded concrete aggregate production stage, the
material sized 40-80mm will be sent into B4 belt conveyor into the intermediate
crushing workshop for crushing again. The first screening workshop and the
intermediate crushing workshop constitute a closed-loop production cycle.
According to the fact that medium and large finished material needs to be sent
by B6 belt conveyor into the finished yard, and considering the production

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process of the cushion material, the material sized 40-80mm will be sent into
B7 and B18 belt conveyors to be mixed with the material crushed by the vertical
shaft impact crusher. The material sized smaller than 40mm will be graded by
the lower screening machine. Afterwards, the material sized 20-40mm and
5-20mm is transport separately B8 and B9 belt conveyors into the finished yard
according to the needs of finished product; excessive material, as the raw
material of sand making, is sent into the sand material silo after linear
dewatering by B12 conveyor; the material sized smaller than 5mm is sent into
B10 belt conveyor to be mixed with the sand discharged from the sand making
workshop and then into the finished yard.

Mixture of medium and small stones, after sent by B12 belt conveyor into
the sand material silo, is delivered by the feeder and then B13 conveyor into the
vertical shaft impact crusher workshop for crushing; in cushion material
production, crushed material is sent into B17 belt conveyor via B14, and then the
material sized 40-80mm will be sent by B7 and B18 belt conveyors into B17 belt
conveyor for mixing and then into the cushion material storage yard; in concrete
aggregate production stage, after crushed by the vertical shaft impact crusher,
the material will be sent by B15 belt conveyor into the second screening
workshop for grading screening. The material sized larger than 5mm will be sent
by B16 and B12 belt conveyors into the sand material silo, forming a closed
cycle; the material sized smaller than 5mm is sent into B10 belt conveyor to be
mixed with the sand discharged from the first screening workshop and then sent
into the finished yard by B19 belt conveyor.

4.1.3 Equipment Configuration

The main production equipment of the sand and gravel processing system
includes jaw crusher, cone crusher, vertical shaft impact crusher, screening
machine and belt conveyor. According to the system process requirements, the
main equipment is configured as shown in Table 4.1-1 and Table 4.1-2.

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Table 4.1-1 Configurations for Main Equipment of Aggregate Processing System

S/ Model and achine Single-unit
Name Unit Qty. Remarks
N specifications power weight (t)
Jaw crusher PEF900*1060 Set 1 90 30.5
Cone crusher GPY200 Set 1 160 18
equipment Vertical shaft
impact PL-850 Set 1 200 22
ZSW490-110 Set 1 15 12.2
Feeding Self-
equipment synchronizing
GZG110-4 Set 6 2×1.1 0.96
vibrating 2YKR1845 Set 2 30 13.6
Screening, Circular
washing, vibrating 3YKR2460 Set 1 37 12.8
3 and screen
equipment Linear
ZKR1237H Set 2 2×5.5 5.0
vibrating sieve
FC1200 Set 1 15 15
Sand pump Set 2 22
4 magnetic iron RCDB-6.5 Set 2
Transformer 1000KVA Set 1

Table 4.1-2 Belt conveyor parameters table

S/N conveyor Belt width B Speed m / s Power (kW) Remarks
length m
1 B1 650 1.6 18 5.5
2 B2 650 1.6 74 37.5
3 B3 800 1.6 80 37.5
4 B4 800 1.6 44 11
5 B5 800 1.6 20 5.5
6 B6 500 1.6 36 7.5

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S/N conveyor Belt width B Speed m / s Power (kW) Remarks
length m
7 B7 500 1.6 18 5.5
8 B8 500 1.6 33 11
9 B9 500 1.6 40 11
10 B10 650 1.6 65 11
12 B11 650 1.6 17 5.5
13 B12 650 1.6 50 11
14 B13 650 1.6 43 11
15 B14 650 1.6 12 5.5
16 B15 650 1.6 27 7.5
17 B16 650 1.6 19 5.5
18 B17 650 1.6 54 11
19 B16 650 1.6 19 5.5
20 B18 650 1.6 56 7.5
21 B19 650 1.6 31 7.5

4.1.4 System layout and quantities System Arrangement

The sand and gravel processing system is arranged within the scope of the
overall planning, adjacent to the concrete mixing system, taking into account the
fact that the sand and gravel processing system and the concrete mixing system
share the finished yard. The layout of the sand and gravel processing system is
determined in accordance with the process design needs to arrange the
locations of the workshops, which are connected by the conveyors; drains and
equipment accesses are set up in the field. Construction and installation quantities

The construction and installation of the sand and gravel processing system
include earth and stone excavation, concreting, steel structure production and
installation, equipment installation, power supply line installation, equipment and
system debugging and other works. The main quantities of the construction and
installation of the sand and gravel processing system are shown in Table 4.1-3

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Table 4.1-3 Quantities in construction and installation stage of the sand and gravel
processing system

S/N Project name Unit Remarks
Earthwork & stonework
1 16000 m3
2 Earth-rock filling 12000 m3
C15 120 m3
3 Concrete C20 620 m3
C25 260 m3
4 Reinforcement 65 t
5 Masonry 1600 m3
Fabrication &
6 installation of steel 340 t
7 Buildings for production 240 ㎡ Brick-concrete structures
8 Drain ditch 860 m Brick masonry
9 Pipe 360 m
10 Equipment installation 1 Nr.
Power supply /
11 1 Nr.
12 System commissioning 1 Nr.

4.2 Construction of Concrete Mixing System

In accordance with the overall planning and construction needs of the

project, two sets of concrete mixing system are intended to be provided, of which
1 # system is arranged close to the sand and gravel processing system with the
monthly peak concreting intensity of 10000m³/month, and 2 # system is
arranged at the outlet of the tailrace tunnel with a monthly concreting intensity of
about 2500m³/month.

4.2.1 1 # concrete mixing system configuration Workshop configuration

1 # concrete system is designed with a monthly concreting intensity of

10000m³/month, and is equipped with mixing equipment that can produce
three-graded concrete.

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(1) Mixing equipment configuration

One HZS75 Mixing Station is to be provided for concrete mixing production.

With a single-disk capacity of 1.5m³, the equipment can meet the needs of
three-graded concrete production.

The concrete mixing system is run in accordance with the specification data
in three-shift production mode. The effective production time per day is 20h, and
the effective number of days per month is 25; so the effective monthly production
time is 500h.

The nameplate capacity of the mixing equipment is 75m³/h. Considering the

concrete production coefficient is 0.6 under the conditions, the monthly
production capacity of the equipment will be: 75 × 500 × 0.6 = 22500m³/month,
which meets the needs of the monthly peak concreting intensity of construction.

(2) Cement tank configuration

The concrete mixing system and the cementing material are configured to
meet the peak consumption of 7 days. The demand for cementing material
reserves is calculated based on the reference mix selected according to the
previous engineering experience as follows:

Cementing material: 8000 ÷ 25 × 0.25 × 7 = 560t;

Cement: 560 × 80% = 448t;

Fly ash: 560 × 20% = 112t.

According to the above formula and considering other factors including the
adjustment of cementing material in the use, four 150t cement tanks will be
configured for fly ash and cement storage.

The cement tanks will be placed adjacent to the mixing station and the
cementing material is fed from the storage tank into the mixer through a screw

(3) Sand and gravel silo

1 # concrete mixing system and the sand and gravel processing system are
arranged adjacently. The finished yard of the sand and gravel processing
system is intended to be used as the aggregate transfer yard of the concrete
mixing system, where material reclaiming can be directly carried out by the

In the concrete mixing system, ground silos are arranged to store stones of
different sizes and finished sand of different types. Corresponding aggregate will

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be sent into the ground silos by the loader. Then according to the need of
mixture ratio, the conveyor feeds the raw material into the mixer for production
after weighing.

(4) Configuration of auxiliary facilities

In addition to a mixer, cementing materials and aggregate, 1 # concrete

mixing system is equipped with admixtures, water supply, power supply and
on-site production premises in order to meet the normal production needs of the

1) Admixture

Admixture solution barrels are provided under the system’s mixing station,
and no less than two storage tanks will be set up in accordance with
requirements of the dosing pool and the using pool, to supply the admixture
solution that meets the quality requirements into the mixer with the acid pump.

2) Water supply

A water supply control tank will be set in the field, in which a pressurized
pump is installed to supply the needed water to the measuring tank at the top of
the mixing station, and then feed into the mixer after the metering pump.

3) Power supply

The distribution room is set in the field, to carry out unified control through
centralized management.

4) Miscellaneous

In the concrete mixing system, three-stage sedimentation tank is set up to

purify the waste water from the production and equipment washing; after
treatment, it can be re-used for road de-dusting or equipment washing.

One mobile air compressor is configured to supply air to the concrete mixing
system for production and admixture mixing.

According to the need, indoor production premises such as power

distribution room, material warehouses and dispatch room will be set up. Equipment Configuration

To meet the needs of the normal production and operation of the system,
the concrete mixing system is configured with such main equipment as mixing
station, cement tank, spiral conveyor, acid pump and mixer required for
admixture, air compressor, and conveyor. The configuration of main equipment
is shown in Table 4.2-1 below.

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Table 4.2-1 Main Equipment Configuration of Concrete System

S/N Name Equipment model Unit Qty. Remarks

1 Mixing plant HZS75 Pcs. 1 Power: 90KW
2 Powder tank 150t Pcs. 4
3 Air compressor VF-3/7 Set 1 Power 15KW
4 25F-41A Set 2 2.2KW
Anti-arch radial
5 400×400 Set 4
gate feeder
Bag type dust
6 DMC-36 Pcs. 4
7 charge level ZCHJ20M Set 4
Sand water
8 Neutron type Set 1
content tester
2.2KW (one for use and
9 Pressure pump IS-56-50-125A Set 2
another for standby)
Matched with ground
10 Conveyor belt B=800mm Nr. 2
stock bin
Meet the measurement
11 Ground silo Set 1 requirements of 4 kinds
of aggregates
12 Screw conveyer GX250 Set 4 15KW
13 Transformer 315KVA Project amount

Systematic safety construction includes site formation, earthwork

excavation and filling, concrete placing of foundation and structures, steel
structure production and installation, equipment installation and commissioning,
power supply and distribution system installation and temperature control
equipment installation. The work quantity of systematic safety construction is as
shown in Table 4.2-2.
Table 4.2-2 Statistics on Work Quantity of Concrete System Safety Construction

S/N Project name Unit Remarks
1 Site levelling 4000 ㎡
Earthwork & stonework
2 2200 m3
3 Concrete C15 60 m3

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C20 260 m3
C25 180 m3
4 Reinforcement 45 t
5 Masonry 600 m3
Fabrication &
6 installation of steel 35 t Excluding powder tank
storage bin
800 ㎡ Projection
enclosur Conveyor
350 m
7 e and belt
g Enclosed
powerhous 1200 ㎡ Developed area
Buildings for
240 ㎡ Brick-concrete structures

9 Drain ditch 600 m Brick masonry

Internal road and grade
level concrete
600 ㎡

11 Equipment installation 1 Nr.

DN150 180 m
12 DN80 100 m
DN50 120 m
13 Pipe valve accessories 1 Nr.
Power supply /
14 1 Nr.
15 System commissioning 1 Nr.

4.2.2 2# system configuration Workshop configuration

(1) Mixing equipment configuration

1 HZS50 mixing station with the single-deck capacity of 1m³ will be provided
for mixing and producing the concrete, meeting the production requirements of
Level 3 concrete.

The concrete mixing system is run in accordance with the specification data
in three-shift production mode. The effective production time per day is 20h, and
the effective number of days per month is 25; so the effective monthly production
time is 500h.

The nominal capacity of the equipment is 50m³/h, meeting the placing

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requirements specified in engineering construction plan in peak month when the

concrete production coefficient is 0.6.

(2) Cement tank configuration

Considering the fact that 2# concrete production system has single

production task, low production capacity and is mainly used in tailrace tunnel
concrete production, we are intended to configure 2 storage devices for
cementing materials (storage capacity of single device: 150t, wherein, one for
storing cement and the other for coal ash.

The cement tanks will be placed adjacent to the mixing station and the
cementing material is fed from the storage tank into the mixer through a screw

(3) Sand and gravel silo

2# concrete production system will be arranged in the space of entrance

and exit of tailrace tunnel. In order to meet the production requirements of
system, the matched ground stock bin will be configured based on the type of
mixing station, and the gravel aggregate storage yard built on the sides of the bin
as the temporary storage site. The gravel aggregate, after being transported with
the dump truck from gravel processing system to the temporary storage site, will
be loaded with the loader to the ground stock bin.

In the concrete mixing system, ground silos are arranged to store stones of
different sizes and finished sand of different types. Corresponding aggregate will
be sent into the ground silos by the loader. Then according to the need of
mixture ratio, the conveyor feeds the raw material into the mixer for production
after weighing.

According to the gravel aggregate transportation in the construction site, the

temporary storage site for finished gravel aggregate will be configured based on
the 1-day production demands of 2# concrete system, and the storage yard
configured based on the total quantity of finished materials of no less than
250m³. Equipment Configuration

To meet the needs of the normal production and operation of the system,
the concrete mixing system is configured with such main equipment as mixing
station, cement tank, spiral conveyor, acid pump and mixer required for
admixture, air compressor, and conveyor. The configuration of main equipment
is shown in Table 4.2-3 below.
Table 4.2-3 Main Equipment Configuration of Concrete System

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S/N Name Equipment model Unit Qty. Remarks

1 Mixing plant HZS50 Pcs. 1 Power 45KW
2 Powder tank 150t Pcs. 2
3 Air compressor VF-3/7 Set 1 Power 15KW
4 25F-41A Set 1 2.2KW
Anti-arch radial
5 400×400 Set 2
gate feeder
Bag type dust
6 DMC-36 Pcs. 2
7 charge level ZCHJ20M Set 2
Sand water
8 Neutron type Set 1
content tester
2.2KW (one for use and
9 Pressure pump IS-56-50-125A Set 1
another for standby)
Matched with ground
10 Conveyor belt B=800mm Nr. 2
stock bin
Meet the measurement
11 Ground silo Set 1 requirements of 4 kinds
of aggregates
12 Screw conveyer GX250 Set 2 15KW Project amount

Systematic safety construction includes site formation, earthwork

excavation and filling, concrete placing of foundation and structures, steel
structure production and installation, equipment installation and commissioning,
power supply and distribution system installation and temperature control
equipment installation. The work quantity of systematic safety construction is as
shown in Table 4.2-4.
Table 4.2-4 Statistics on Work Quantity of Concrete System Safety Construction

S/N Project name Unit Remarks
1 Site levelling 1200 ㎡
Earthwork & stonework
2 2000 m3
C15 40 m3
3 Concrete C20 140 m3
C25 80 m3

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4 Reinforcement 30 t
5 Masonry 400 m3
Fabrication &
6 installation of steel 25 t Excluding powder tank
storage bin
600 ㎡ Projection
enclosur Conveyor
200 m
7 e and belt
g Enclosed
powerhous 800 ㎡ Developed area
Buildings for
160 ㎡ Brick-concrete structures

9 Drain ditch 120 m Brick masonry

Internal road and grade
level concrete
300 ㎡

11 Equipment installation 1 Nr.

DN80 180 m
DN50 250 m
13 Pipe valve accessories 1 Nr.
Power supply /
14 1 Nr.
15 System commissioning 1 Nr.

4.3 Construction of asphalt concrete production system

4.3.1 System planning & layout

The asphalt concrete mixing system will be set near 1# office and living
quarters, with the building area of 300m2 and the floor area of 6000m2.

4.3.2 Main facilities

⑴ Mixing plant

LB-500 mixing station will be used, whose design and production capacity
of 20 ~ 30m3/h and the matched exclusive facilities include aggregate cartridge
heater, mineral powder tank, hot oil heater, asphalt off-barrel powerhouse,
constant temperature tank for asphalt, diesel tank, heat preservation and
storage tank for concrete and control room.

⑵ Sorting powerhouse

1 CB1800B sorting machine will be provided in sorting powerhouse, sorting

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the aggregate (diameter <2.5mm) into the fine aggregate (2.5mm < diameter <
0.074mm) and the mineral powder (diameter < 0.074mm) and storing them in
fine aggregate storage yard and mineral powder tank respectively.

⑶ Asphalt powerhouse

The asphalt warehouse with the capacity of 80t will be built in asphalt
powerhouse, and the processing capacity of off-barrel and dehydration is 3t/h.

⑷ Diesel storage tank

The diesel storage tank with the capacity of 15t will be set for the diesel
used in asphalt preparation.

⑸ Asphalt mixture preparation

The complete equipment is used in asphalt concrete mixture preparation,

including material preparation bin, drying cylinder, constant temperature tank for
asphalt, hot oil heater, mixing station, dust remover and heat preservation tank
for mixture.

⑹ Other facilities

The common public facilities used with concrete system.

Water & power supply

The water and power are supplied with the pipeline of 1# water supply
station and 1# substation specified in general layout for construction.

4.3.3 Process flow

See attachment Process Flow Diagram for Asphalt Concrete Production

System for the details.

4.3.4 Main technical indicators

See table 4.3-1 for the main technical indicators of asphalt concrete
production system.

Table 4.3-1 Main Technical Indicators of Asphalt Concrete Production System

S/N Item Unit Qty. Remarks

Production capacity of
1 m3/h 20~30 Nominal yield
mixing station
Volume of loose-packed
2 m3 150
Volume of sand and
3 m3 300

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S/N Item Unit Qty. Remarks

Capacity of secondary
4 t/h 50
screening and processing
5 Max water consumption t/h 5
Production personnel Person(s
6 8
quota )/shift
7 Floor area m2 6000
8 Building area m2 300
Earthwork excavation and
9 m3 400
10 Concrete pouring m3 200 Foundation and concrete grade level
11 Stone block m3 100 Partition, barricade and side slope
Rebar fabrication and Foundation reinforcement and built-in
12 t 3.5
erection parts
Metal structure
13 manufacturing and t 14
14 Installation of pipes t 1.5 Geomantic pipe
15 Crushed stone cushion m3 300 Isolation layer of stock yard (40cm)

4.3.5 Table of Main Equipment

See table 4.3-2 for the main equipment configured of asphalt concrete
production system.

Table 4.3-2 Main Equipment of Asphalt Concrete Production System

Specifications Power
S/N Description Unit Qty. Remarks
and model (kW)
Including the
storage and
Mixing station for
1 LB-500 Pcs. 1 130 transportation
asphalt concrete
equipment for
sand and gravel
2 Mineral powder tank 40m3 Nr. 1
3 Asphalt pump 5t/h Set 1 4.5
4 temperature tank for 30000L Set 1
5 Diesel pump 5t/h Set 1 4.5
6 Hot oil heater Set 1
7 Hot oil pump Set 1 4.5

8 Dehydration and Set 1 25

heating equipment

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Specifications Power
S/N Description Unit Qty. Remarks
and model (kW)
for asphalt
9 Diesel storage tank 15t Nr. 1
Sand and gravel
10 Loader ZL-30 Set 1

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5 Construction diversion
5.1 Diversion mode

The dam of the project is the asphalt concrete core rockfill dam. The
diversion mode of one-off river bed closure and discharging through diversion
tunnel is adopted in the construction diversion plan based on the terrain and
geological conditions as well as engineering layout plan.

5.2 Diversion standard

The upstream and downstream cofferdams of the dam in the project is

designed to withstand the flood once in 20 years, and GD-3 reservoir will be built
by the schedule time. Based on the requirements of bidding document and the
flood-regulating function of the reservoir, the relevant construction diversion flow
is 583m3/s.

The cofferdams in the entrance and exit of diversion tunnel are design to
withstand the flood once in 10 years. Based on the flood-regulating function of
the reservoir, the relevant construction diversion flow is 583m3/s. The preformed
rock bank of open channels in the entrance and exit of diversion tunnel will be
taken as the cofferdam for water retaining.

5.3 Diversion procedure

The construction procedure of dam is as follows;

⑴ The preformed rock bank in the entrance and exit of diversion tunnel will
retain the water from Jan. 1, 2019 to Nov. 15, 2018, meanwhile, open excavation,
hole digging, timbering and concrete placing and other works will be carried out
on the entrance and exit, during which the water will flow through the original

⑵ The berm of cofferdam will be filled after Nov. 16, 2019. The river will be
closed and its water will flow through the diversion tunnel after Dec. 15, 2019.
The grout wall of cofferdam will be built, foundation pit sealed and dam
foundation excavated before Feb. 15, 2020. Meanwhile, the cofferdam will be
heightened and thickened before Apr. 30, 2020. Therefore, the cofferdam can
retain the water all year around.

⑶ The dam will be filled to the elevation of core crest before Apr. 30, 2021.
The gate will close in the diversion tunnel and intake, reservoir will be
impounded, wave wall on the core crest filled and constructed, small unit water

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conduit installed, structure concrete placed and equipment installed in the

diversion tunnel after May 1, 2021. All works will be finished before Sep. 30,

5.4 Diversion structures design

⑴ Diversion tunnel

The vertical wall with arch section will be taken as the section of diversion
tunnel, with the tunnel bottom width of 8.0m, and the height of 9.0m after lining.
Its entrance bottom elevation is 525.0m, exit bottom elevation 515.0m, length
766m and longitudinal slope 1.3%.

The diversion tunnel will be remolded as the hydroelectric power plant of

ecological basic flow and the air-raid shelter of reservoir in the later period. Gate
shaft will be built in the front of it, and the trash rack will be installed in its

⑵ Cofferdam

① Upstream cofferdam

As part of the dam, the upstream cofferdam will be made of earth rock, and
the design level is 542.8m. Based on the safe superelevation, the elevation of
cofferdam crest is 544.3m, the length of cofferdam axis 325m, max cofferdam
height 24.3m, crest width 8m, upstream side slope ratio 1:2 and downstream
side slope ratio 1:1.5. The high-pressure jet grout wall and the geomembrane
will be used in impermeable layer of cofferdam.

② Downstream cofferdam

The downstream cofferdam will be made of earth rock, and the design level
is 524.3m. Based on the safe superelevation, the elevation of cofferdam crest is
525.8m, the length of cofferdam axis 320m, max cofferdam height 5.8m, crest
width 7.5m, upstream side slope ratio 1:1.5 and downstream side slope ratio
1:1.5. The high-pressure jet grout wall will be used in impermeable layer of

⑶ Others

The excavation elevation of the intake in diversion tunnel is 540m, and that
of exit in tailrace tunnel is 340m, both of which are consistent with flood control
level in flood season. The rock step, instead of cofferdam, shall be preformed in
the entrance (or exit) of open channel for the flood control during tunnel

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See table 5-1 for the work quantity of river diversion of the project.
Table 5-1 Work Quantity of River Diversion in Construction

S/N Item Unit Qty. Remarks

I Diversion tunnel
Stonework excavation in
1 m3 14511
Concrete spraying in
2 m3 640
entrance (thickness: 10cm)
Anchor rod in entrance
3 Root 724
4 Stonework excavation in exit m3 31824
Concrete spraying in exit
5 m2 1046
(thickness: 10cm)
6 Anchor rod in exit (L=4m) Root 1527
Concrete bottom plate lining
7 m3 1477
in exit
8 Reinforcement t 89
Transverse cofferdam in
1 Transition materials m3 12705
2 High-pressure jet grout wall m2 7686
3 Geomembrane laying m2 10010
Transverse cofferdam in
1 Earth-rock filling m3 38268
2 High-pressure jet grout wall m 4928
Protection slope with lower
3 m3 2680
stone block
IV Removal
Removal of downstream
1 m3 40948

5.5 Diversion construction

5.5.1 Diversion tunnel construction

The vertical wall with arch section will be taken as the section of diversion
tunnel, with the tunnel bottom width of 8.0m, and the height of 9.0m after lining.
As for the tunnel, the entrance bottom elevation is 525.0m, exit bottom elevation
of 515.0m and full length of 766m.

The diversion tunnel will be excavated after Jan. 2019 based on the

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schedule. The rock bank will be preformed in the open channel of its entrance
and exit for water retaining, and no other water cofferdam will be built.

20t dump truck with 1.6m3 backhoe will be used in the earthwork excavation
in the entrance and exit of diversion tunnel, QZJ scaffolding drilling machine
used in the stonework open excavation with bench-based blasting. Presplitting
blasting will be adopted in the surrounding side slope, and 2.0m-thick protection
layer preformed on bottom plate with smooth blasting. The excavated materials
will be transported to the spoil area for temporary piling, transported to the
construction position of cofferdam and filled during the pre advancement of
upstream cofferdam berm.

The diversion tunnel will be simultaneously excavated in entrance and exit,

and drilled with self-regulating drilling and blasting vehicle. The entire section will
be blasted and excavated, of which the blasting rock ballast will be excavated
and loaded with 3.0m3 side discharge loader, and transported to the spoil area
with 20t dump truck.

The concrete to be placed in the entrance of diversion tunnel will be

horizontally transported with 10t dump truck, put in the horizontal tank and
deployed to the warehouse with 50t caterpillar band. The structure concrete of
lock chamber will be horizontally transported with 6m3 mixer truck, and put into
the warehouse through chute tube hung on the wall.

The lining concrete in the diversion tunnel body will be divided into the
section in the length of 12m. The bottom plate, side and top arch will be
successively placed, 2 steel form jumbos provided accordingly. The concrete will
be horizontally transported with 6m3 mixer truck, pumped to the warehouse and
manually vibrated until it’s close-grained.

5.5.2 Upstream & downstream cofferdam of dam

The qualified materials excavated from the bank slope are intended to be
taken as the mixture in the pre-advancement of upstream & downstream
cofferdam berm and river closure of dam. The materials excavated from the
foundation pit in dam are intended to be taken as the heightened and thickened
filling materials of cofferdam and the stone block for slope protection, which can
be directly used in the cofferdam filling.

⑴ Filling

The filling materials of cofferdam will be transported with 20t dump truck.
The end process method is adopted in the full-section filling of the underwater
cofferdam. Most of the materials will be directly filled in the river and pushed with

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TY220 bulldozer. In order to ensure the safety, part of the materials will be piled
on dam head and filled with bulldozer during the advancement of deep water

The ballast materials will be filled on the layer basis on the cofferdam on the
water from down to up, i.e. transported with 20t dump truck to the corresponding
construction site and loaded backwards along the axis of cofferdam. The
auxiliary materials will be leveled with TY220 bulldozer based on their thickness,
and rolled with BW217 self-propelled vibro roller along the axis in
forward-backward rolling method. Thin layer will be filled in the joint of cofferdam
and left and right slope and tamped with frog hammer.

⑵ Construction of high pressure jet grouting anti-seepage wall

① Construction technology

Based on the geological conditions and the construction experience of

similar projects, three-pipe high pressure swing spraying will be adopted in the
seepage prevention of upstream and downstream cofferdams in dam. The grout
hole of high pressure swing spraying will be arranged in single row along the
impermeable axis and embedded in the foundation rock for 1m. Single-row
siding wall will be connected in “Z” shape, as shown below.

S1 S2 S3 S4
1. I
mpermeable axis

② Construction sequence

The high-pressure swing spraying will be carried out in 2 stages. Hole

Sequence I is adopted in holes of odd number and Hole Sequence Ⅱ in those
of even number, the construction interval between which shall be 2~4 days. The
process of single hole sprinkling:

Measurement, setting out & positioning→ drilling → wall protection slurry

placing → wall protection casing removal →sprinkler in place and
commissioning → injection pipe lowering → grout preparation → spraying
(swinging and elevating) →static pressure injection in orifice → finish →injection
pipe cleaning → spraying in the next hole

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③ Construction method

Measurement & setting out: The surveyor will accurately set out the
high-pressure jet grout axis, give off the orifice to be sprayed one by one, embed
its sign to ensure its accuracy, arrange control network in appropriate position,
detect and check the hole position in construction period after the high-pressure
platform is built.

XY-2 and GQ-80 hydraulic slewing drilling machines will be adopted in

drilling. The diameter of hole is Ф300mm and the distance between the holes is
1.0m. The hole position deviation shall be no more than 5cm in drilling, and KXP
clinometer adopted to measure the hole inclination. The hole with the inclination
exceeding the limits shall be rectified in time until the deflection rate is within

Wall protection slurry placing and wall protection casing removal:

Highly-solid slurry will be pumped into the hole with 200-type slurry pump until it
is full and free of leakage and sinking. Then the wall protection casing will be
removed and filled with slurry until it reaches the orifice edge.

Injection pipe lowering: The injection pipe will be lowered after the
comprehensive commissioning of equipment. The depth shall be measured and
recorded to make sure the pipe will reach the hole bottom.

Grout spraying: The water, gas and grout will be placed and sprayed for
1~3min based on the requirements after the injection pipe is lowered to the
design depth. When the grout injected overflow to the ground, the grout will be
sprayed, swang and elevated from up to down in the specified speed and
pendulum angle until it reaches the design elevation. The pipe will be removed
when moderate grout is recirculated in the orifice.

Injection pipe cleaning: The injection pipes shall be cleaned and be free of
residues after the spraying, otherwise, it may block.

5.6 River Closure Construction of the Main Riverbed

The main river bed will be closed in the middle of Dec. 2019 in the average
flow of the month --- 49.3m3/s based on the requirements of general construction
progress. The river bed will be blocked and advanced with single berm in single
direction from the right bank to the left bank.

The river closure berm will be set in the downstream side near the upstream
cofferdam and advanced in advance, and then the impermeable construction
platform filled, bringing convenience to the construction of high-pressure jet
grout wall after the dam closure.

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The upstream water level will be 528.6m after the berm closure, and its
crest elevation 530.1m based on the safe elevation.

⑴ Non-dam pre advancement

The pre advancement of upstream cofferdam berm in single direction will be

implemented and then part of the cofferdam body filled after Nov. 16, 2019. The
preformed dam with the width of 20m will be built on cofferdam berm and the
dam protected with stone block on Dec. 13, 2019, meeting the requirements of
erosion prevention.

⑵ Dam closure

The stone block and rock ballast of 0.4~0.8m will be filled when the river
closure berm is advanced to the dam to the width of 20m. The extra-large stone
block of 0.8m~1.2m, the stone block of 0.4~0.8m and the rock ballast will be
filled after the dam is closed and advanced to the width of 10m. Special person
will be designated to command the berm construction in the right bank on site.
The materials will be transported and thrown with 20t dump truck from charge
make-up area. 2~3 dump trucks will be arranged for each team on berm. Upper
bucket angle advancement method will be adopted. The stone block mixture will
be transported, the materials piled with D155A-2 bulldozer on dam head, and
D155A-2 bulldozer arranged for road maintenance in the berm of right bank for
ensuring the safety and success of river closure.

5.7 Drainage of foundation pit of dam

5.7.1 One-off drainage of foundation pit in initial stage

The high-pressure jet grout wall will be built on upstream and downstream
cofferdams, the foundation pit sealed and drained in the initial stage (water
accumulating volume: 172,000 m3) before Feb. 15, 2020. The one-off drainage
plan of the foundation pit will be finished within 5 days in the initial stage, the
descending water speed 0.7~1.0m/d and the one-off drainage strength
1430m3/h in initial stage.

The mobile pontoon pumping platform will be set up near the downstream
cofferdam for pumping, 5 IS200-150-250 centrifugal water pumps installed, 4
φ400mm steel pipes traversed the downstream earthwork cofferdam, and
flexible rubber horse and steel pipe connected before the water pumping and
drainage. The pontoon will slip to the deep water zone as the water level lowers.

5.7.2 Regular drainage

The sump will be excavated in each deep water zone near the upstream

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and downstream cofferdam foot. The leaked water, after being intercepted, will
automatically flow into the pit. The water in local deep water zone will be pumped
into the upstream and downstream sumps and discharged from the foundation
pit. It is estimated that the normal drainage strength of foundation pit is 200m3/h.
5 IS80-50-200 water pumps will be equipped (1 for standby and 2 for each
sump). The flexible rubber hose will be connected with the steel pipe laid on the
cofferdam for water pumping and drainage.

5.8 Gate closing and blocking of diversion tunnel

The gate of diversion tunnel will close on May 1, 2021 based on the general
construction progress. The small unit water conduit will be installed, structure
concrete placed and equipment installed after the gate closes, which will be
finished before Sep. 30, 2021.

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6 Open excavation and timbering of earthwork

6.1 Overview

The earthwork open excavation will be carried out in the dam, spillway,
intake, etc. See Table 6-1 for the work quantity. The timbering works mainly
involve in the anchor spraying.
Table 6-1 Work Quantity of Earthwork Open Excavation

Earth Cleaning and Soft material

Construction Stonework Topsoil
excavation elimination excavation
Site excavation (m3) removal (m2)
(m3) (m2) (m2)
Dam 92262.66 211669.30 117961.80 - -
6950.25 39384.75
Spillway 488068.035 43673.7 21836.85 127827.26
Water inlet 7221.746 64995.714 5440.28
Tail water
20840 83360.00 8500.00 8500.00
Total 127274.656 887477.7945 175575.78 30336.85 127827.26

6.2 Selection and configuration of construction equipment

(1) Mechanical equipment for earthwork excavation

Based on the arrangement of overall construction planning and general

construction progress, the average strength of earthwork open excavation is
about 75,000 m3/month in the peak month. The uneven coefficient of
construction is 1.15, so the peak strength of earthwork excavation is about
86,000 m3/month.

The mechanical equipment for earthwork excavation will be selected and

configured based on the construction strength in peak season and the
construction site. The total excavation capacity is about 130,000 m3/month. See
Table 6-2 for the details of configuration.
Table 6-2 Configuration of Excavation Equipment of Earthwork

Name Type & Specification Number (set) Remarks

hydraulic Excavation capacity: about 30,000 m3/
PC400(1.6m3) 3
excavator month. unit
hydraulic Excavation capacity: about 20,000 m3/
PC200(1.0m3) 2
excavator month. unit

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Auxiliary excavation and road

Wheel loader ZL50C(3m3) 2
Road maintenance and working
Bulldozers TY220(162kw) 2
surface of spoil area

(2) Transportation equipment of earthwork slag tapping

The transportation equipment shall be selected based on the peak strength

of earthwork excavation of 86,000 m3/ month. According to the equipment
maintenance and repair, attendance rate and other factors, the total slag tapping
capacity in transportation will be 135,000 m3/month. See Table 6-3 for the details
of configuration.
Table 6-3 Configuration of Transportation Equipment of Earthwork Slag Taping

Name Type & Specification Remarks
Average haul distance: 3.0km, production
Dump truck 20t 15
capacity: about 7,000 m3/ month. vehicle
Red rock 19210/Z35 Average haul distance: 3.0km, production
Dump truck 10
(10t) capacity: about 3,000 m3/month/. vehicle

(3) Excavation, blasting and drilling equipment for stonework

Based on the arrangementt of general construction progress, the peak

strength of stonework open excavation is about 70,000 m3/month. Hydraulic drill
will be provided for standby, and moved to the spillway after the dam foundation
excavation. QZJ-100B scaffolding down-the-hole drill, with hammer hand drill as
the auxiliary tool, is mainly used in presplitting blasting and the blasting and
drilling in other positions.

See Table 6-4 for the details of model selection and configuration.
Table 6-4 Configuration of Excavation, Blasting and Drilling Equipment for Stonework

Type &
Name Number (set) Remarks
Drilling and blasting capacity: about 120,000
Hydraulic drill Atlas D7 1
m3/month. unit
Drilling and blasting capacity: about 5,000
Bracket-type rig QZJ-100B 8
m3/month. unit
Drilling and blasting capacity: about 1,500
driller/air-leg YT-28 15
m3/month. unit

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6.3 Construction procedure & method

6.3.1 Construction sequence

See Fig. 6-1 for the earthwork excavation and timbering construction
procedure of the project.
Measurement and
setting out

Vegetation clearing Excavation of

intercepting ditch

Cover layer excavation

Drilling and acceptance

Design of side slope presplitting


Rock loosening blasting

Removal of blasting slag

Slope supporting

Repeat the steps above

Figure 6.3-1 Procedure of Earthwork Excavation

6.3.2 Construction Preparations

(1) The surveyor will measure the excavation profile and the ground
elevation based on the requirements of construction drawings before the

(2) The mechanical equipment for construction will pass the construction
road with various elevations and finally reach the construction site.

(3) The intercepting ditch and drainage ditch will be built based on the
design drawings and the actual terrain in construction site.

(4) Systemic air supply will be adopted in the construction.

6.3.3 Vegetation cleaning and earthwork excavation

(1) The trees in construction site will be manually cut down or transplanted,
and the root will be digged with hydraulic excavator. 30~50cm-deep organic soil
on the surface of shrub, surface glass and other plants will be removed with
bulldozer. The plant slag will be transported with dump truck after cleaning and
pilled in the designated site.

(2) The earthwork will be vertically or horizontally excavated on the layer

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basis based on the soil thickness in the position to be excavated. The soil with
low natural water content will be vertically excavated, and that with high natural
water content horizontally excavated.

(3) The position with thick soil layer will be excavated with bulldozer and
loader; position with thick soil layer directly excavated with hydraulic excavator.
The thickness of each layer will be 3m~6m in layer-based excavation.

(4) 1.6m3 excavator will be adopted in the position with plenty earthwork and
thick excavation layer, while 1.0 excavator will be used in the earthwork
excavation of general positions.

(5) 0.2~0.3m-thick protection layer will be preformed and the slope manually
cut and renovated when the earthwork side slope to be excavated near the
design slope.

6.3.4 Stone excavation

The shallow hole blasting and bench blasting will be adopted in the
stonework excavation based on the rock characteristics of specific position.

(1) The blasting test will be performed on site based on the specific
excavation methods and the reasonable blasting parameters determined for the
excavation guidance before the excavation.

(2) The shallow hole blasting with hand hammer drill will be adopted in the
excavation bench with the drilling depth of more than 4.0m, and the bench loose
blasting with QZJ-100B down-the-hole drill or hydraulic drill in the excavation
bench or rock stratum with the drilling depth of more than 4.0m.

(3) The presplitting blasting or smooth blasting will be adopted in the

stonework slope excavation taken as the permanent side slope in the project,
2.0~2.5m-deep protection layer will be preformed for the foundation surface of
building. The hand hammer drill and shallow hole small gun will be adopted in
the drilling on layer basis.

6.3.5 Supporting Works

Side slope timbering works include mortar anchor rod and concrete
spraying on wire mesh.

(1) Construction sequence

Excavation surface acceptance → anchor rod (anchor bar) construction →

excavation surface cleaning → concrete spraying

(2) Mortar anchor bar (anchor bar) construction

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1) The anchor rod (anchor bar) will be inserted after the concrete is placed;
the process flow is as follows:

Measurement & positioning → drilling machine in place → milling (drilling)

→ cement mortar placing →anchor bar laying → resealing → detection

2) The combined steel pipe bent will be set up in the construction platform
during the construction of anchor rod (anchor bar) on the slope. Feedleg drill will
be adopted in the drilling of the anchor rod (anchor bar) hole of less than 4.5m,
otherwise, down-the-hole drill adopted. Anchor rod (anchor bar) will be manually

3) JW180 grout mixing barrel will be adopted as anchor rod (anchor bar)
grout equipment in grout preparation, and UB3C adopted in grout placing.

(3) Concrete spraying on wire mesh

The procedure of concrete spraying on wire mesh: rock surface cleaning →

thick spraying sign setting→ concrete spraying → rebar network hanging →
concrete re-spraying → maintenance → cleaning.

1) The pumice stone, ballast and rock surface to be excavated will be

cleaned on the rock surface and washed with pressurized air and water, the
thick concrete spraying sign set before the concrete spraying.

2) The mixture will be prepared with the mixing machine on site, and
sprayed with concrete spraying machine.

3) The concrete will be sprayed from down to up on the sector basis.

4) The concrete will be sprayed in twice until its thickness reaches 100mm.
It shall be sprayed after the blasting for the first time and after the network
hanging for the second time.

5) Mesh-hanging construction

The rebar network will be fixed manually after the anchor rod is constructed
and the mortar reaches the specified strength. The rebar network and the end of
anchor rod will be connected with spot welding. The gap between the wire
netting and the rock shall be filled with sprayed concrete; the protection
thickness of concrete on the network surface shall be no less than 5cm.

6.4 Quarry exploitation

The covering layer will be excavated by hydraulic excavator and transported

by dump truck. The stone drilling and blasting will be made by hydraulic drill and
down-the-hole drill; the blasting agent will be charged manually and the netted

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blasting will be conducted. The stones will be excavated and transported by

hydraulic excavator and the dump truck; the exploitation material will be
transported to the quarry and dam body filling zone of artificial aggregate system.
According to the schedule, the exploitation intensity of quarry is 150,000m3 per

162kw bulldozer and 3.0m3 loader will be provided for quarry disposal &
field road maintenance.

For details, see Table 6-5.

Table 6-5 Configuration List of Main Construction Machinery for Quarry

Name Qty. Remarks
and model
Drilling – blasting production capacity:
Hydraulic drill CM351 50,000 m3/ month/equipment
Down-the-hole Presplitting blasthole: 5,000 m3/
QZJ-100B 6 sets
drill month/equipment (approximately)
CAT330 backhoe
Excavation capacity: about 30,000 m3/
hydraulic 1.6m3 5
month. unit
CAT330 backhoe
Excavation capacity: about 20,000 m3/
hydraulic 1.0m3 1
month. unit
Bulldozers 162kw 1 Site cleaning and road maintenance
Wheel loader 3.0m3 1 Site cleaning and road maintenance
Transportation capability: 7,000 m3/ month
Dump truck 20t 30
/ vehicle (transportation distance: 3.0km)

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7 Stone tunnel excavation and support engineering

7.1 Overview

GD-6 hydropower plant's underground tunnel chamber is mainly composed

of diversion tunnel, diversion tunnel, surge shaft, diversion tunnel pressure pipe
(including branch), tail water tunnel, tail water surge chamber, main powerhouse,
main transformer tunnel, bus tunnel, draft tube, main access tunnel, access
tunnel, cable tunnel, vertical cable shaft, drainage gallery, construction adit and
dam grouting footrill.

See Table 7.1-1 for construction quantities; see Table 7.1-2 for main
construction characteristics of tunnel.

Table 7.1-1 Main BOQ of underground tunnels

S/N Name of tunnel Unit Quantities Remarks

1 Diversion tunnel m3 68117.67
2 Diversion tunnel m 431341
4 Pressure pipeline of m 8479.6 Including pressure pipe and
diversion tunnel branch pipe
5 Surge tank m3 33473
6 Main access tunnel m3 75797.6
7 Access tunnel m 1388
8 Cable tunnel m 27480
9 Cable shaft m3 2013.5
10 Draft tube m3 5118.3 Including vertical shaft of
11 Tailrace tunnel m3 805463.5 Adopting TBM excavation
12 Tail water surge m3 138609.5
13 Powerhouse m3 56755.7 Including primary and
auxiliary powerhouse and
assembly bay
14 Main transformer tunnel m3 12532.4
15 Bus tunnel m 3455
16 Drainage gallery m 5122.9
17 Working tunnel m 71760.3 0, 2, 3 and 4# construction

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18 Grouted dam footrill m3 3581.6

Total m3 1750489.57

Table 7.1-2 Main construction features of tunnels

S/N Name of tunnel Size of formed section Length (m)
Diversion City-gate-ope
1 10m×11m(8.0m×9.0m) 722.5
tunnel ning type
2 Round Φ10.2m 4638
3 Round Φ6.6m(Φ5.0m) 110(152)
4 Surge tank Round Φ15.5m(Φ8.0m) 240
Main access City-gate-ope
5 7.5m×7.5m 1195
tunnel ning type
6 Access tunnel 3.5m×4.0m 90
ning type
7 Cable tunnel 5.0m×5.5m 855
ning type
8 Cable shaft Round Φ5.0m 84
9 Draft tube Round 3.5m×2.8m(4.0m×5.0m) 285
Tail water
10 Round Φ9.1m 11300
tunnel (TBM)
Tail water City-gate-ope
11 10m×32m(14m×32m) 260(100)
surge chamber ning type
12 Powerhouse 19.0m×43.3m 85
ning type
13 transformer 18.0m×14.6m 42
ning type
14 Bus tunnel 7.0m×5.0m 69.1
ning type
Drainage City-gate-ope
15 3.5m×3.5m 512.29
gallery ning type
0# construction City-gate-ope
16 5.0m×5.5m 720
adit ning type
2#, 3# and 4#
17 construction 7.5m×7.5m 589
ning type
Grouted dam City-gate-ope
18 3.0m×3.5m 200
footrill ning type

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7.2 Construction Layout

7.2.1 Construction road

Use the temporary construction roads onsite to connect tunnels and

disposal yards; for road layout, see General Construction Layout Plan.

7.2.2 Supply of air, water and electricity

Use the centralized air supply station at the opening of every tunnel to feed
air for excavation and support construction of the bid section; for air supply
station, see General Construction Layout Plan.

Use the water basin under the construction planning as the water supply
basis for excavation and support of tunnel; for water basin layout, see General
Construction Layout Plan. .

Use the power supply station under the construction planning as the power
station for excavation and support of tunnel; for power supply station layout, see
General Construction Layout Plan.

7.2.3 Construction air ventilation, smoke removal and dedusting

The construction air ventilation should be integrated with the tunnel layout,
structure and excavation scheme, and the ventilation and smoke removal of
three system tunnels, i.e.: water diversion, powerhouse and tail water, will be the
focus. Arrange the smoke removal system rationally and add the auxiliary air
ventilator if necessary; make the vitiated air inside tunnel go out the tunnel and
the new air go into the tunnel endlessly; prevent vitiated air from blending each
other, and ensure the good construction environment of underground tunnel.

As for the air ventilation layout, see General Construction Layout.

7.2.4 Drainage for construction

Adopt the combined measures of interception, blocking, diversion and

drainage; ensure a valid interception and drainage measure for tunnel opening,
ceiling and peripheral area before starting construction. Adopt the combined
principle of slope flow and mechanical pumping to drain water in accordance
with the drainage construction characteristics and construction procedures.

7.3 Diversion tunnel

7.3.1 Excavation plan

According to the construction design, the excavation cross section of

diversion tunnel is of the city-gate opening composed of the fore part
10.0m×11.0m (W x H) and the rear part 8.0m×9.0m. As for the excavation

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construction method, see Schematic Diagram for Excavation Support

Construction Procedure and Method of Tunnel with Large Cross-section.

(1) The diversion tunnel will be excavated by using the borehole-blasting

trolley and the pusher leg drill along the whole cross section.

(2) Residual drainage: load blasting residues into 3m3 side-dumping loader,
and then transfer it to 15t dump truck to discharge.

(3) Construct the diversion tunnel concurrently from inlet and outlet; when
there are 50m left, excavate only in one direction to realize cut-through.

7.3.2 Main construction method of diversion tunnel

Adopt the straight-hole cut method to construct diversion tunnel; adopt the
smooth blasting method to control excavation profile of peripheral area and
bottom plate; ensure the average single cycle work time 13h, the cyclic
excavation drilling feed 2.7m.

(1) Construction surveying: use the total station to make surveying and
setting out; use the polar coordinate method to measure cross section, and then
set out the peripheral contour line of cross-section according to the design

(2) Hole arrangement: mark the drill position on the excavating face with red
paint according to the design drawing, arrange perimeter hole in the place
5~10cm away from contour line according to the rock conditions so as to control
overe-xcavation and under-excavation.

(3) Drill hole: use the pusher leg drill to drill blasting holes on the self-made
borehole-blasting trolley.

(4) Charging, netting and blasting: use the rock emulsion explosive as the
blasting agent, add blasting agent manually, conduct netting work and
millisecond blasting via non-electric millisecond detonator piecewise.

(5) Residual drainage: load blasting residues into 3m3 side-dumping loader,
and then transfer it to 15t dump truck to discharge.

(6) Danger elimination and bottom clearing: after discharging residuals, use
1.0 m³ hydraulic backhole to clean the loose dangerous rocks on excavating
face, tunnel top and peripheral area, and remove the residuals scattered at the
bottom of tunnel. Afterwards, use the labor force to remove dangerous rock and
stone on platform car; after grouting concrete for surrounding rock, remove the
residuals on excavating face and facilitate the drill jambo to work.

(7) After scattering smoke and discharging residuals when every blasting

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finishes, conduct the random anchor bolt construction according to the exposure
of onsite structure, keep the random anchor bolt following excavating face, and
make the combined bolting and shotcrete construction lag behind the excavating
face by 30~50m, and construct it with the excavation in parallel.

7.3.3 Body support of diversion tunnel

The early support item of diversion tunnel include mortar anchor bolt,
shotcrete (hanging rebar net) and steel support.

(1) Construction sequence

If the rock around tunnel body is unstable, the early support and the tunnel
body excavation should alternate each other. If the rock around tunnel body is
well stable, the early support should lag behind the excavating face by 30~50m.

(2) Construction of anchor

The anchor bolt hole will be drilled by the pusher leg drill. After the drilling
construction completes, use the pressurized air to blow rock debris out, and use
the hole opening as the temporary plugging to prevent foreign maters from
falling into hole.

Install anchor bolt manually, grout mortar before inserting rod.

When adopting the construction process, namely grouting before inserting

rod, it is required to add cement mortar in the hole, and then insert the anchor
bolt immediately, finally fix the anchor bolt temporarily at the hole opening.

Adopt 2SNS grout pump to do the job. Keep the mortar mixture proportion
meet the design specification, mix the mortar with JQ350 vertical mortar mixer,
and use mortar after it is ready in mixer.

After finishing anchor bolt grouting, add the wedge at the hole opening to fix,
and block the hole opening temporarily so as to ensure the anchor bolt stay in
the middle; after doing this job, do not hit, knock, pull or hang weights on the
anchor bolt in three days.

(3) Shotcrete construction

The tunnel body shotcrete construction includes shotcrete, fiber concrete

and bar-mat reinforcement. The tunnel will adopt the wet grouting method for
placing concrete.

1) The construction process is detailed as follows: rock face cleaning → set

thickness mark → placing concrete → hanging net → placing concrete again →
curing → cleaning.

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2) The concrete mortar for branch tunnel will be mixed by the mixture
system, transported to the construction site by 6m3 transport vehicle, and
constructed by PZ-5B wet spraying machine. The grouting construction will be
made by sections, and the same tunnel will be grouted from bottom to top.

3) Before grouting concrete, clean the target surface and set the grouting
thickness mark on the exposed section of system anchor bolt, use embedded
tube, blind tube or catchwater ring to drain water.

4) Hang bar-mat reinforcement after its anchor bolt construction finishes

after anchor bolt grouting concrete reaches the design strength, do this job; keep
the bar-mat reinforcement contact the initial grouting surface or rock surface,
and connect with the anchor bolt head solidly; keep the thickness of the
reinforcement cover not less than 5cm.

5) When spraying concrete, keep the spraying nozzle 0.8~1.0m away from
the target surface, and keep it vertical to the surface; rotate the spray nozzle in
the spiral way, and keep uniform movement speed always. If the spraying
thickness of concrete is more than 10cm, spray concrete by two times; after the
first layer of concrete gets initial setting, spray the second concrete.

6) In 2h after the concrete gets setting, water concrete or take other

measures to cure it, keep the surface of concrete wet in 7 days.

(4) Steel support construction

1) The construction procedure of steel support (steel support) is as follows:

rock surface cleaning → feet -lock anchor bolt construction→ steel support
installation → steel wedge fastening → welding.

2) Construction Preparations

Before the tunnel excavation starts, the steel support should be fabricated
according to the specification and quantity prescribed by the construction plan,
and its coupling sheet steel, bolt and nut, as well as the steel wedge should be
ready in place.

Before installing the steel support, it is required to remove loose stone on

rock, debris at the foot of wall, excavate the rock surface that is not excavated
enough, and make expanding excavation locally for the installation area of steel
support, ensure the section dimension of tunnel after the steel support is
installed to meet the design requirements.

3) When installing the steel support, it is required to drill the feet-lock

anchor bolt with the pusher leg drill, and then install the feet-lock anchor bolt; the
type of anchor bolt should be subject to the requirements on the field support
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time, and the accelerated cement grouting anchorage or the resin anchorage
method will be adopted.

4) The steel support for construction adit will be erected manually; the steel
supports will be connected by using the coupling sheet steel bolts. Tight the
steel support with the surrounding rock by steel wedge, keep it close to the
surrounding rock tightly.

5) Weld the steel support and the feet-lock anchor bolt with the steel wedge,
ensure the steel support not moving; after welding, weld the steel support with
reinforced bar or the profile steel.

6) For the rock breakage section, weld the fine reinforced bar net on the
steel support of the top arch after it is installed so as to prevent from falling.

7) Spray concrete as soon as possible after the steel support is installed,

and cover the steel support totally.

7.4 Diversion tunnel

7.4.1 Excavation support scheme planning

According to the general construction planning, the excavation of diversion

tunnel of GD-6 power station needs to use the diversion inlet and the 1# and 2#
construction adits as the construction channels; it will be constructed by four
working faces, i.e.: diversion inlet ~ downstream reaches, upper reaches and
downstream reaches of 1# construction adit and 2# construction adit ~ upstream
reaches. According to the construction design, the formed cross section of 1#
construction adit is of 5.0m×5.5m city-gate opening shape, the formed cross
section of 2# construction adit is 7.5m×7.5m city-gate opening shape, and the
formed cross section of diversion tunnel is round (diameter 10.2m). The
diversion tunnels support shall follow the excavating face. As for the excavation
and support construction method of diversion tunnel, see Schematic Diagram
for Excavation Support Construction Procedure of Tunnel with Large

(1) The diversion tunnel will be excavated by using the 3-arm drill jambo
along the full cross-section.

(2) The 1# construction adit will enter the diversion tunnel from the 3+234
pile number of diversion tunnel. After excavating to the diversion tunnel, the
construction will turn to two different directions in the upstream and downstream

(3) After the 2# construction branch is excavated to the diversion tunnel, the
excavation will turn to two different directions in the upstream and downstream
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reaches. Excavate till the start pile number of pressure pipe tunnel in the upper
reaches, and excavate till the diversion branch section in the downstream

(4) After the open excavation support construction for inlet of diversion
system finishes, turn the excavation toward the downstream reaches from the
water inlet.

(5) The excavation tunnel of diversion tunnel is longer a bit and it is of the
round excavation section. In order to facilitate the transport vehicle to travel in
tunnel, it is required to reserve residuals at the lower part when discharging
residuals from the diversion tunnel, and design the residual backfilling vehicle
passing platform inside the diversion tunnel every 200~500mm; the passing
platform shall be long 50~100M.

7.4.2 Main construction method of diversion tunnel

Adopt the straight-hole cut method to construct diversion tunnel; adopt the
smooth blasting method to control excavation profile of peripheral area and
bottom plate; ensure the average single cycle work time 16h, the cyclic
excavation drilling feed 2.7m. The excavation will be implemented by using the
3-arm drill jambo along the full cross-section.

As for the main construction methods, see “Main Construction Methods of

Diversion Tunnel”.

7.4.3 Diversion tunnel body support

The diversion tunnel support item includes mortar anchor bolt, fiber
concrete (hanging bar-mat reinforcement) and steel support.

The tunnel support construction procedure and method are as same as the
diversion tunnel chamber; for details, see “Diversion Tunnel Body Support”.

7.5 Surge shaft and vertical cable shaft

7.5.1 Excavation plan

According to the general construction plan, the surge shaft excavation will
need to use 1# construction adit and the section of diversion tunnel (pile number:
3+234~3+778) as the construction channel; the excavation construction of
vertical shaft of cable needs to use the main transformer tunnel and Crosscut as
the construction channel. According to the construction design, the typical
excavation section of the surge shaft is round (diameter 15.5m); the typical
excavation section of the impedance shaft is round (diameter 8.0m), and the
typical excavation section of vertical cable shaft is round (diameter 5m).

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(1) Excavate the vertical surge shaft after the support construction of 1#
construction adit, diversion tunnel section (pile number: 3+234~3+778)
completes. Excavate the vertical cable shaft after the main access tunnel
(section 0+000~0+200) and Crosscut construction completes.

(2) When excavating surge shaft and vertical cable shaft, use ZFY1.4/300
(LM300) raise boring machine to excavate a pilot shaft with the diameter of 1.4m
along the axial line of vertical shaft, and then use the residuals of pilot shaft to
expand excavation of vertical shaft from top to bottom.

7.5.2 Main construction methods of surge shaft and vertical cable shaft

When excavating surge shaft and vertical cable shaft, use raise boring
machine to excavate a pilot shaft with the diameter of 1.4m along the axial line of
vertical shaft, and then use pneumatic drill to excavate it into φ3.0m mucking
shaft, use pneumatic drill to expand excavation in the end. Ensure construction
feed and reaming feed of guide hole of surge shaft and vertical cable shaft by
10.0m and 4.0m respectively on the daily average basis. Excavate φ15.5m
section of surge shaft by 2.0m averagely daily, φ8.0m section by 3.0m averagely
daily, and vertical cable shaft by 4.0m averagely daily.

(1) Construction of pilot shaft of vertical shaft

According to the construction scheme planning, the pilot shaft of vertical

shaft shall be constructed by using raise boring machine. As for the construction
diagram, see attached figure: Schematic Diagram for Excavation
Construction of Surge Shaft.

1) Type selection and installation of equipment

The pilot shaft of surge shaft and vertical cable shaft shall be constructed by
LM-300 raise boring machine; the pilot hole diameter of drill is 250mm, drilling
depth 300mm, expansion diameter 1.40, and the deadweight of machine
(including handling vehicle) 10t; the working size is 3280
mm×1810mm×3488mm (L x W x H).

a. Setting of cooling circulatory system of raise boring machine

The cooling circulatory system of raise boring machine is composed of

well-cleaning pump (slush pump), water pool and gutterway. All shall be
provided and arranged according to the installation instructions and
requirements provided by the manufacturer.

b. Installation base of raise boring machine

Keep the drill port coincide with the extension line of centerline of vertical

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shaft when installing the raise boring machine. Park operation vehicle and pump
truck in turn; leave the operation vehicle 1m away from the drilling port.

c. Installation of raise boring machine

Use 10t platform vehicle to transport raise boring machine and its auxiliary
equipments to the construction site, and use 25t truck-mounted carne to lift.

2) Construction of guide hole

After the equipment is installed and the commissioning completes, the

drilling construction of guide hole can then be started.

The construction quality of guide hole is crucial to the entire vertical shaft
project; the drilling construction can only be conducted by the experienced staff.

3) Reaming construction

After the pilot hole is drilled, change the guide hole drill at the bottom of
vertical shaft into the reaming drill, and then expand excavation from bottom to

(2) Excavation of surge shaft and vertical cable shaft

1) Lock and protect shaft opening according to the construction design

before excavating vertical shaft, provide shaft hoist and cage.

2) Construction materials, tools and constructors walk up and down

working face of vertical shaft via shaft hoist and cage, and arrange the
emergency steel ladder on the supported and molded shaft wall.

3) Adopt the pneumatic drill to drill blasthole of vertical shaft, use the
smooth blasting method; keep the depth of single-cycle blasthole to be 2m, add
blasting agent and conduct netting work and millisecond blasting via non-electric
millisecond detonator piecewise.

4) The blasting residuals will be moved to mucking shaft manually, which

will then be diverted to the diversion tunnel or cable tunnel, and finally
transported by 3.0m3 side-dumping loader and 15t dump truck to spoil area.

5) When constructor works in shaft, the safety measures must be taken for
shaft opening and working face; the shaft support construction and the
expansion excavation should be made alternatively so as to ensure construction

7.5.3 Support of surge shaft and vertical cable tunnel

The surge shaft and vertical cable shaft tunnel support will be made in turn

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along with the excavation of every layer. According to the different anchor bolt
depth, the pusher leg drill and the down-the-hole drill will be selected. For the
construction procedure and method of support project, see “Body Support of
Diversion Tunnel”.

7.6 Pressure pipe (including branch pipe) and construction adit

7.6.1 Excavation plan

According to the general construction planning, the pressure pipe tunnel

(including branch pipe tunnel) will use the 2# construction adit and the main
access tunnel as the construction channel. The excavation cross section of 1#
construction adit is of 5.0m×5.5m city-gate opening shape, the excavation cross
section of 2#, 3# and 4# construction adit is 7.5m×7.5m city-gate opening shape,
and the excavation cross section of main pressure pipe tunnel is Φ6.6m
lecotropal, and the typical excavation cross section of branch pipe tunnel is
Φ5.0m lecotropal.

(1) The pressure pipe and 1# construction branch will be excavated by

using the self-made platform car and the pusher leg drill along the whole cross
section. The 2#, 3# and 4# construction branch will be excavated by using the
borehole-blasting trolley and the pusher leg drill along the whole cross section.

(2) Construct branch pipe tunnel after the main access tunnel and 2#
construction adit construction completes, construct the pressure pipe tunnel

(3) The 1# construction adit is the main construction channel of the

diversion tunnel and the surge shaft. After the excavation of hole opening
completes, the tunnel body excavation will start; the 2# construction adit will
connect the main access tunnel and the diversion pressure pipe section. After
the main access tunnel is excavated to the start point of the 2# construction adit,
the tunnel body excavation of 2# construction adit will start; the 3# construction
adit is connected with the main access tunnel and the bottom of the tail water
surge chamber; after the main access tunnel is excavated to the start point of 3#
construction adit, the tunnel body of 3# construction adit will start; the 4#
construction adit will start from the middle part of the 3# construction adit and it
will go into the upper part of the tail water surge chamber, and its construction
will be started after the 3rd construction adit excavation completes.

7.6.2 Excavation of pressure pipe and construction adit

Adopt the straight-hole cut method to construct pressure pipe and

construction adit; adopt the smooth blasting method to control excavation profile
of peripheral area and bottom plate; ensure the average single cycle work time
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13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed 2.7m. As for the excavation construction
method of pressure pipe and construction adit, see the Schematic Diagram and
the attached drawing: Schematic Diagram for Excavation Construction
Method of Construction adit.

As for the main construction methods, see “Main Construction Methods of

Diversion Tunnel”.

7.6.3 Support of pressure pipe and construction adit

The pressure pipe and construction adit support will be made in turn along
with the excavation. According to the different anchor bolt depth, the pusher leg
drill and the 3-arm drill will be selected. For the construction procedure and
method of support project, see “Body Support of Diversion Tunnel”.

7.7 Excavation of auxiliary tunnel chamber of underground powerhouse


7.7.1 Excavation plan

According to the general construction planning, the auxiliary tunnel chamber

of underground powerhouse system is composed of main access tunnel, access
tunnel, main transformer transport tunnel, cable tunnel and drainage gallery.
According to the construction design, the excavation cross-section of main
access tunnel and main transformer transport tunnel is 7.5m×7.5m (W x H)
city-gate opening; the excavation cross-section of cable tunnel is 5.0m×5.5m (W
x H) city-gate opening; the excavation cross-section of access tunnel is
3.5m×4.0m (W x H) city-gate opening; the excavation cross-section of drainage
gallery tunnel is 3.5m×3.5m (W x H) city-gate opening.

(1) The main access tunnel and the main transformer access tunnel will be
excavated by using the borehole-blasting trolley and the pusher leg drill along
the whole cross section.

(2) The drainage gallery and the access tunnel will be excavated by using
the self-made simple platform and the pusher leg drill along the full

(3) The cable tunnel will be excavated in a single direction by using the
self-made platform car and the pusher leg drill along the whole cross section,
with the main access tunnel and Crosscut as the construction channel.

(4) The drainage gallery will be excavated by three levels. The upper layer
will use the cable tunnel as the construction channel; the middle layer and the
lower layer will use 2# construction adit as the construction channel.

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7.7.2 Main construction method of main access tunnel and main transformer

Adopt the straight-hole cut method to construct main transformer cave and
main transformer transport tunnel; adopt the smooth blasting method to control
excavation profile of peripheral area and bottom plate; ensure the average single
cycle work time 13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed 2.7m. As for excavation
construction method of tunnel body, see Schematic Diagram for Excavation
Construction Method of Construction adit.

As for the main construction methods, see “Main Construction Methods of

Diversion Tunnel”. The main access tunnel and the main transformer access
tunnel will be excavated by using the borehole-blasting trolley and the pusher leg
drill, the blasting residuals will be transported by 3.0m3 side-dumping loader and
15t dump truck to spoil area.

7.7.3 Main construction method of cable tunnel

Adopt the straight-hole cut method to construct cable tunnel; adopt the
smooth blasting method to control excavation profile of peripheral area and
bottom plate; ensure the average single cycle work time 12h, the cyclic
excavation drilling feed 2.7m. As for excavation construction method of tunnel
body, see Schematic Diagram for Excavation Construction Method of
Construction adit.

As for the main construction methods, see “Main Construction Methods of

Diversion Tunnel”. The cable tunnel will be excavated by using the self-made
platform car and the pusher leg drill, the blasting residuals will be transported by
2.3m3 side-dumping loader and 15t dump truck to spoil area.

7.7.4 Main construction methods of drainage gallery and access tunnel

Adopt the straight-hole cut method to construct drainage gallery and

transport tunnel; adopt the smooth blasting method to control excavation profile
of peripheral area and bottom plate; ensure the average single cycle work time
12h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed 2.7m. As for the construction method for
excavation support of drainage gallery and access tunnel, see Schematic
Diagram for Excavation Support Procedure and Method of Drainage

(1) Construction surveying: use the total station to make surveying and
setting out; use the polar coordinate method to measure cross section, and then
set out the peripheral contour line of cross-section according to the design

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(2) Hole arrangement: mark the drill position on the excavating face with red
paint according to the design drawing, arrange perimeter hole in the place
5~10cm away from contour line according to the rock conditions so as to control
over-excavation and under-excavation.

(3) Drill hole: The blastholel will be drilled by using the self-made
borehole-blasting trolley and the pusher leg drill; the borehole-blasting platform
will be moved in a manual way.

(4) Charging, netting and blasting: use the rock emulsion explosive as the
blasting agent, add blasting agent manually, conduct netting work and
millisecond blasting via non-electric millisecond detonator piecewise.

(5) Residual discharge: the blasting residuals will be loaded by crawler

loader and will be transported by 10t dump truck to discharge.

(6) Danger elimination and bottom clearing: after discharging blasting

smokes, remove dangerous stones manually.

(7) After scattering smoke and discharging residuals when every blasting
finishes, conduct the random anchor bolt construction according to the exposure
of onsite structure, keep the random anchor bolt following excavating face, and
make the combined bolting and shotcrete construction lag behind the excavating
face by 20~30m, and construct it with the excavation in parallel.

7.7.5 Support of auxiliary tunnel body of underground powerhouse

The auxiliary tunnel support of underground powerhouse system will be

made in turn along with the excavation of every layer. According to the different
anchor bolt depth, the pusher leg drill and the 3-arm drill will be selected. For the
construction procedure and method of support project, see “Body Support of
Diversion Tunnel”.

7.8 Excavation for tunnel of underground powerhouse system

7.8.1 Excavation plan

The underground powerhouse system adopts the layout scheme as follows:

keep the underground powerhouse tunnel parallel to primary and auxiliary
powerhouse tunnel and second tunnel chamber of main transformer tunnel.

The tunnel chambers of primary and auxiliary powerhouse and main

transformer tunnel adopt the "horizontal" layout scheme, namely the two tunnel
chambers are parallel each other. The total length of the primary and auxiliary
powerhouse and the assembly bay is 85m, where the main engine room is 44m
long, and its span is 19m. The main engine room and the main transformer

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tunnel are connected by the bus tunnel.

(1) The two tunnel chambers of main engine room and main transformer
tunnel are arranged in a parallel way; the powerhouse and the main transformer
tunnel are excavated and constructed concurrently.

(2) The primary and auxiliary powerhouses are constructed by 7 layers.

Before the third layer of powerhouse is excavated, it is required to make sure the
main access tunnel has already been excavated, and the tunnel opening support
has been ready. Before the fifth layer of powerhouse is excavated, it is required
to make sure the pressure pipe branch section has already been excavated, and
the tunnel opening support has been ready. Before the seventh layer of
powerhouse is excavated, it is required to make sure the draft tube tunnel has
already been excavated, and the tunnel opening support has been ready.

(3) The bus tunnel shall be constructed after the powerhouse is excavated
to the fourth layer, and it will be constructed concurrently along with the fourth
layer of power house; in such case the fourth layer of power house will be used
as the construction channel. There are two bus tunnels and both should be
excavated in turn.

7.8.2 Main construction method of primary and auxiliary powerhouse and

assembly bay

(1) Excavation by layers

The excavation layer of underground powerhouse shall be integrated with

the construction of powerhouse structure and construction channel; see Table
7.8-1 for hierarchical features; see Diagram for Excavation Layering and
Construction Procedures of Primary and Auxiliary Powerhouse and Main
Transformer Tunnel.

Table 7.8-1 Hierarchical excavation feature list of primary and auxiliary

powerhouse and assembly bay

Engineering Beginning and ending

Height (m) Quantities (m3) Remarks
Location elevation (m)
Excavation of top
First layer 379.90~372.40 7.50 11198.1
Second Excavation of rock
372.40~365.90 6.50 11818.6
layer anchor beam
Third layer 365.90~359.40 6.50 11484.8
Fourth layer 359.40~352.50 6.90 9573.6
Fifth layer 352.50~345.00 7.50 7974.9

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Sixth layer 345.00~341.00 4.00 2780

341.00~336.60 4.40 1925.7
Total 56755.7

(2) Construction method

The total length of primary and auxiliary powerhouse and assembly bay is
85.0m, where the main engine room is long 44m, and the span is 19m averagely.
The powerhouse shall be excavated by seven layers; the main engine room,
assembly bay, auxiliary powerhouse shall be excavated and lowered on the
same layer.

1) First layer

Go into the powerhouse firstly by using the cable hole (vent hole), excavate
the middle pilot tunnel; keep the excavation cross-section size of middle pilot
tunnel to be 7.5m x 7.5m; adopt the full-section method to excavate; keep the
crown support following the excavation; lag to make expanding excavation for
protective layer on both sides behind crown support by 30m.

Adopt the three-arm drill jambo to drill horizontal hole when making
excavation, add borehole charge manually and apply smooth blasting for
peripheral outline, feed about 2.7m for middle pilot tunnel for every cycle, and
feed expanding excavation on both sides by 3.6m for every cycle. Ensure the
feed in unfavorable geology per cycle not more than 1.5m.

Load blasting residues into 3m3 side-dumping loader, and then transfer it to
15t dump truck to transport to residual disposal pit via cable hole. Adopt 1.0m3
back-acting shovel to clean rock surface and residual gathered partially.

2) Second layer

The second layer is the anchoring rock beam layer; the prudence must be
ensured when excavation; guarantee the completeness of rock for rock anchor
beam and the quality of grouted concrete of rock anchor beam. Do the work after
the excavation and support construction of the first layer finishes.

Go into the first layer through cable hole; excavate after the ramp forms;
excavate the reserved rock anchor beam protection layer on both sides from the
middle stairway; make presplitting construction along the exterior side of
protection layer before excavating stairway; lag to excavate protection layer of
rock anchor beam on both sides behind stairway excavation by 20~30m, and lag
support construction behind work surface of protection layer by 20~30m. In
order to ensure excavation quality of rock anchor beam, it is preferred to adopt

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the manual hand-held pneumatic drill to drill and the smooth blasting technology
for excavation of protection layer. Lag to excavate protection layer behind
stairway excavation by 20~30m; ramp occupations will be removed after main
access tunnel rises to ramp road.

Adopt the hydraulic drill to drill when excavating stairway; add borehole
charge manually for blasting; adopt loose blasting method and adopt hydraulic
drill to drill when constructing presplit hole. Adopt two-sided smooth blasting
when making rock bench excavation; adopt hand-held pneumatic drill for the
vertical hole on the top part; complete the corresponding position drilling before
blasting stairway of protection layer; adopt PVC tube to protect; use feedleg drill
for lower sloping bench; load blasting residues into 3m3 side-dumping loader,
and then transfer it to 15t dump truck to transport to residual disposal pit via
cable hole.

3) Third layer

Enter through main access tunnel and construct by two phases. Excavate
the middle slot (wide 8m) firstly ; excavate the middle slot of the third layer when
making rock anchor beam construction; drill presplitting hole with hydraulic drill,
make bench excavation and adopt hydraulic drill to drill blasthole; do not remove
residuals after blasting, and reverse residual with backhoe; make rock ballast
surface flush with the top surface of third layer, and connect the main access
tunnel to form the ramp of the second layer bottom plate; after the second layer
support completes, use the down-the-hole drill to excavate the rest part vertically
and then make bench blasting; remove residuals from the middle slot
concurrently and transport them by 3.0m3 loader and 15t dump truck. Reserve
the protection layer thick 1.5m at the bottom of assembly bay, use the pusher leg
drill to make horizontal excavation; use pneumatic drill to excavate local pit and
slot. Pour concrete to construct rock anchor beam after the third layer excavation

4) Fourth layer

Firstly excavate slot from assembly bay along the side descending slope of
pressure pipe in the middle of powerhouse to the bottom of fifth floor; make
presplitting for tunnel chamber contour line before making bench blasting for
fourth layer; use hydraulic drill to drill presplitting hole and add blasting agent
manually; use hydraulic drill to drill bench blasting hole and add blasting agent
manually; conduct loosening blasting; use the pusher leg drill to drill holes
horizontally in foundational protection layer, and then make horizontal smooth
blasting. Load blasting residues into 3m3 loader, and then transfer it to 15t
dump truck to transport to discharge via access tunnel.

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5) Fifth layer

When constructing the fifth floor of power house, the blasting residuals can
be removed by using the branch of pressure pipe. Firstly excavate slot from the
fourth layer bottom plate along the side descending slope of main transformer
tunnel in the middle of powerhouse to connect through with the pressure pipe
branch section. Conduct the bench excavation of fifth layer; make presplitting
for tunnel profile before making bench blasting for fifth layer; adopt the hydraulic
drill to construct presplitting hole and add blasting charge manually; adopt the
hydraulic drill to construct bench blasting hole and add blasting charge manually;
conduct loosening blasting; adopt the pusher leg drill to drill holes for
fundamental protection layer and make the level smooth blasting. Load
blasting residues into 3m3 loader, and then transfer it to 15t dump truck to
transport to residual disposal pit via access tunnel.

6) Sixth layer

Use the pressure pipe branch and draft tube as the construction channel
when excavating the sixth layer. Start bench excavation of sixth layer; make
presplitting for tunnel profile before making bench blasting for sixth layer; adopt
the hydraulic drill to construct presplitting hole and add blasting charge manually;
adopt the hydraulic drill to construct bench blasting hole and add blasting charge
manually; conduct loosening blasting; adopt the pusher leg drill to drill holes for
fundamental protection layer and make the level smooth blasting. Load blasting
residues into 3m3 loader by 1.6m3 hydraulic brack-hoe, and then transfer it to 15t
dump truck to transport to residual disposal pit via pressure pipe; alternatively
some will be moved to draft tube for loading into 3m3 loader, and then transfer it
to 15t dump truck to transport.

7) Seventh layer

Use the draft tube as the construction channel when excavating the seventh
layer. The excavation of the seventh layer includes the channel excavation and
the foundation surface excavation; all adopt the pusher leg drill to construction
and the smooth blasting method. Load blasting residues into 3m3 loader, and
then transfer it to 15t dump truck to discharge via draft tube.

7.8.3 Main construction methods of main transformer cave

The main transformer cave is designed in the lower reaches of the primary
powerhouse, it is long 42m, wide 18 and high 14.6m maximally.

At the construction stage, the main transformer cave will be concurrently

used as the auxiliary construction channel of the second and third floor of
powerhouse. The main transformer cave will be constructed by two layers.
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(1) When constructing, the first layer of the main transformer cave will use
the cable tunnel as the construction channel; the construction method is as
same as the first layer construction of primary and auxiliary powerhouse.

(2) After the first layer construction completes, the excavation of second
layer of main transformer cave will be started.

(3) The second layer construction will start from the main transformer
access tunnel, and its construction will be made by two phases. Excavate the
middle groove (wide 10), use hydraulic drill to make presplitting hole and bench
excavation, and then use hydraulic drill to drill blasting hole. Reserve the
protection layer thick 4m for side wall, use the pusher leg drill to construct
smooth blasting hole vertically; reserve the protection layer thick 2.0m on the
bottom foundation surface, use the pusher leg drill to make horizontal
-excavation, and use the hand-held drill to excavate pit and groove partially.

(4) Load blasting residues into 3m3 loader, and then transfer it to 15t dump
truck to discharge via main transformer access tunnel.

7.8.4 Main construction method of bus tunnel

Arrange two sloped bus tunnels between primary powerhouse and main
transformer tunnel; ensure horizontal length of bus tunnel to be 24m and
excavate the city-gate-shaped opening with the cross-section size of 7.0m×5.0m

According to the construction schedule, the construction will be started after

the fourth layer of powerhouse is excavated. There are two bus tunnels, both
should be excavated in turn.

In accordance with the cross-section size and structure form of bus tunnel,
the horizontal tunnel section and slope section of bus tunnel will be excavated by
using manual way and pusher leg drill, its blasting way is the full-section blasting
method; the blasting residuals will be transported by 3m3 side-dumping loader,
and then transfer it to 15t dump truck to discharge via main access tunnel.

7.8.5 Underground powerhouse system tunnel support

The underground powerhouse system tunnel support will be made in turn

along the excavation. According to the different anchor bolt depth, the pusher leg
drill and the down-the-hole drill will be selected. For the construction procedure
and method of support project, see “Body Support of Diversion Tunnel”.

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7.9 Excavation of tail water system tunnel

7.9.1 Excavation plan

In accordance with the general engineering planning, the tail water system
is composed of draft tube, tail water surge chamber and tailrace tunnel.
According to the construction design, the excavation cross-section of draft tube
is Φ8.0m~Φ4.0m lecotropal; the tail water surge chamber is composed of two
sections, and their excavation size is respectively 260m×10.0m×32.0m
(L×W×H)and 100m×14.0m×32.0m (LxWxH) (like the city gate opening); the
excavation cross-section of tailrace tunnel is Φ9.1m round.

(1) The draft tube is excavated by using the borehole-blasting trolley along
the whole cross section; the tail water surge chamber is excavated by layers,
and the tailrace tunnel adopts the TMB construction method.

(2) The excavation channel of draft tube includes: main traffic tunnel, 3#
construction adit, fourth layer of tail water surge chamber and draft tube.

(3) The tail water surge chamber will be excavated by four layers, each
layer will be high 8m approximately; the cross-section wide 10m of the first layer
and the fourth layer will be excavated by using the full cross-section excavation
method; their cross-section wide 14m will be excavated by excavating left and
right half tunnels; the second and third layer will be excavated by using the
bench blasting method, and their excavation sequence is as follows: excavate
half tunnel on first layer and fourth layer, then second layer and third layer in turn,
and finally the other half tunnel of fourth layer.

(4) The tailrace tunnel will adopt the TBM construction method, and its
construction will be made from tail water outlet towards the upper reaches.

7.9.2 Main construction methods of tail water surge chamber

Adopt the straight-hole cut method to excavate the half tunnel on the first
layer and the fourth layer; adopt the smooth blasting method to control
excavation profile of surrounding area and bottom plate. Adopt the bench
blasting method to excavate the second and third layer, and adopt the
excavation method as same as the bench blasting excavation construction
method of powerhouse.

7.9.3 Main construction method of draft tube

Adopt the excavation construction method of draft tube as same as the

excavation construction method of pressure piping (including branch pipe

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7.9.4 Main construction method of tailrace tunnel

Adopt TMB construction method for tailrace tunnel, see "Special TBM
construction scheme".

7.9.5 Tunnel support of tail water system

The tunnel support of tail water system tunnel will be made in turns. The tail
water system tunnel support will be made in turn along the excavation.
According to the different anchor bolt depth, the pusher leg drill and the
down-the-hole drill will be selected. For the construction procedure and method
of support project, see “Body Support of Diversion Tunnel”.

7.10 Construction strength and construction machinery

7.10.1 Construction strength analysis

According to the general construction schedule, the construction time frame

and strength of every tunnel are analyzed as follows:

1) Diversion tunnel (access bottom outlet): the tunnel body is long 722.5m
totally and it will be constructed by adopting the full-section excavation method;
the excavation of tunnel will be started from the outlet and inlet towards inside,
namely excavate 295m from inlet direction and 427.5m from the outlet direction.
According to the excavation construction design, the average single cycle work
time is 13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed
is 5.0m; so the theoretical construction period is of 86 working days. In order to
ensure construction demands, the planned construction period is 92 days.

2) 1# construction adit: the tunnel body is long 720m, adopting the

full-section excavation method. It will be excavated along one working face.
According to the excavation construction design, the average single cycle work
time is 13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed
is 5.0m; so the theoretical construction period is of 144 working days. In order to
ensure construction demands, the planned construction period is 164 days.

3) 2# construction adit: the tunnel body is long 175m, adopting the

full-section excavation method. It will be excavated along one working face.
According to the excavation construction design, the average single cycle work
time is 13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed
is 5.0m; so the theoretical construction period is of 35 working days. In order to
ensure construction demands, the planned construction period is 40 days.

4) 3# construction adit: the tunnel body is long 273m, adopting the

full-section excavation method. It will be excavated along one working face.
According to the excavation construction design, the average single cycle work
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time is 13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed
is 5.0m; so the theoretical construction period is of 55 working days. In order to
ensure construction demands, the planned construction period is 61 days.

5) 4# construction adit: the tunnel body is long 141m, adopting the

full-section excavation method. It will be excavated along one working face.
According to the excavation construction design, the average single cycle work
time is 13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed
is 5.0m; so the theoretical construction period is of 28 working days. In order to
ensure construction demands, the planned construction period is 35 days.

6) Diversion tunnel: the tunnel body is long 4,638m, adopting the

full-section excavation method. It will be excavated along four working faces,
and the single-head excavation length is 1,617m maximally. According to the
excavation construction design, the average single cycle work time is 16h, the
cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed is 4.0m; so the
theoretical construction period is of 405 working days. In order to ensure
construction demands, the planned construction period is 430 days.

7) Surge shaft: the vertical surge shaft is long 240m, adopting the hybrid
construction of raise boring machine and expanding excavation. According to
the excavation construction design, the average daily excavation feed of pilot
hole of vertical shaft will be 10.0 approximately; the average daily reaming feed
will be 4.0m approximately, the daily average expanding excavation feed of
vertical shaft will be 2.5m approximately, so the theoretical construction period is
180 working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the planned
construction period is 210 days.

8) Cable shaft: the cable shaft is long 84m, adopting the hybrid
construction of raise boring machine and expanding excavation. According to
the excavation construction design, the average daily excavation feed of pilot
hole of vertical shaft will be 10.0 approximately; the average daily reaming feed
will be 4.0m approximately, the daily average expanding excavation feed of
vertical shaft will be 4.0m approximately, so the theoretical construction period is
51 working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the planned
construction period is 60 days.

9) Pressure piping and branch pipe: the pressure tunnel is long 228m, and
its two branch pipe is long 304m respectively, all adopt the full-section
excavation method. According to the excavation construction design, the
average single cycle work time is 13h, the cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m,
and the daily drilling feed is 5.0m; so the theoretical construction period is of 107
working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the planned

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construction period is 121 days.

10) Main access tunnel: the tunnel is long 1,195m, adopting the full-section
excavation method. It will be excavated along one working face. According to
the excavation construction design, the average single cycle work time is 13h,
the cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed is 5.0m; so
the theoretical construction period is of 239 working days. In order to ensure
construction demands, the planned construction period is 283 days.

11) The total length and span of the primary and auxiliary powerhouse and
assembly bay is respectively 85m and 19m. The powerhouse excavation covers
7 layers and every layer will have the following excavation progress:

1st layer: it is high 7.5m and its excavation quantities are 11,198.1m3; it will
be excavated by three parts, and the middle pilot tunnel will be excavated firstly,
and the expanding excavation on both sides will lag behind by 30m. The cyclic
feed of middle pilot tunnel is 2.7m, the cycle time of every blasting is 18h, and
the theoretical construction period is 24 working days; the cyclic feed of
excavation on both sides is 3.6m, the cycle time of every blasting is 18h; the total
length is 85m, and the required construction period is 24 working days. The
crown support will lag behind the expanding excavation of working face by 30m
and will be made concurrently along with the excavation; the support will share
10 working days of the straight-line construction period; the theoretical
construction period of excavation support of the first layer is 58 working days. In
order to ensure construction demands, the planned construction period is 75

2nd layer: it is high 6.5m and its excavation quantities are 11,818.6m3; it
focuses on the excavation of middle ramp; the construction of the reserved
protection layer (wide 4.0m) on both sides will lag behind the middle stairway by
30m; excavate side boundary, rock bench of rock face beam and smooth
blasting of side wall. The ramp excavation will need 5 working days; the
excavation will be constructed by using hydraulic drill and bench blasting; the
cyclic feed is 6m; the drilling in the last cycle and the residual discharge will be
alternate each other, no cycle time will be occupied. The net cycle time per
blasting is 18h, and the total length is 85m, so it will spend 20 working days; the
reserved protection layer on both sides will be excavated by using the pneumatic
skill, and the drilling will be done along the vertical direction; adopt the smooth
blasting for peripheral area and keep cyclic feed 6m every time; the cycle time
per blasting is 12h, and it will spend 15 working days; the support construction
will lag behind the excavation face by 30m, and the support construction will
spend 15 working days. The theoretical construction period of the excavation

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support of the second layer is 55 working days; the planned construction period
is 60 days, so it can meet the construction need.

3rd layer: it is high 6.5m and its excavation quantities are 11,484.8m3; the
bench blasting excavation cycle feed is 6m; the drilling in the last cycle and the
residual discharge are made alternatively and no cycle time is occupied; the
cycle time per every blasting is 18h; the total length is 85m. In view of the
construction of ramp will share 5 working days of the straight-line construction
period and the road removal shall share 5 working days of the straight-line
construction period, therefore the excavation construction will need 10 working
days; the support will lag behind working face excavation by 30m and will be
conducted concurrently along with the excavation, and will be in 5 working days
after the excavation finishes; the theoretical construction period of excavation
support of the third layer is 25 working days. In order to ensure construction
demands, the planned construction period is 30 days.

4th layer: it is high 6.9m and its excavation quantities are 9,573.6m3; the
bench blasting excavation cycle feed is 6m; the drilling in the last cycle and the
residual discharge are made alternatively and no cycle time is occupied; the
cycle time per every blasting is 18h; the total length is 74.7m. In view of the
construction of ramp will share 5 working days of the straight-line construction
period and the road removal shall share 5 working days of the straight-line
construction period, therefore the excavation construction will need 10 working
days; the support will lag behind working face excavation by 30m and will be
conducted concurrently along with the excavation, and will be in 5 working days
after the excavation finishes; in view of the fact that bus tunnel construction will
spend 10 working days, the theoretical construction period of excavation support
of the fourth layer is 35 working days. In order to ensure construction demands,
the planned construction period is 40 days.

5th layer: it is high 7.5m and its excavation quantities are 7,974.9m3; the
bench blasting excavation cycle feed is 6m; the drilling in the last cycle and the
residual discharge are made alternatively and no cycle time is occupied; the
cycle time per every blasting is 18h; the total length is 63.15m. In view of the
construction of ramp will share 5 working days of the straight-line construction
period and the road removal shall share 5 working days of the straight-line
construction period, therefore the excavation construction will need 10 working
days; the protection layer excavation will spend 5 working days; the support will
lag behind working face excavation by 30m and will be conducted concurrently
along with the excavation, and will be in 5 working days after the excavation
finishes; the theoretical construction period of excavation support of the fifth
layer is 25 working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the planned

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construction period is 30 days.

6th layer: it is high 4.0m and its excavation quantities are 2,780m3; the bench
blasting excavation cycle feed is 6m; the drilling in the last cycle and the residual
discharge are made alternatively and no cycle time is occupied; the single cycle
time is 18h; the total length is 53.25m,therefore the excavation construction will
need 7 working days; the support will lag behind working face excavation by
30m and will be conducted concurrently along with the excavation, and will be in
5 working days after the excavation finishes; the protection layer excavation will
spend 3 working days, therefore the theoretical construction period of excavation
support of the sixth layer is 15 working days. In order to ensure construction
demands, the planned construction period is 20 days.

7th layer: it is high 4.4m and its excavation quantities are 1925.7m3; it will be
excavated by pneumatic drill and smooth blasting on pit slot and foundation base;
the excavation period is 15 working days; the support will be made by following
the excavation construction and will lag behind excavation by 5 working days;
therefore the theoretical construction period for excavation support of 7th layer is
20 working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the planned
construction period is 30 days.

12) Main transformer tunnel: it is long 42.0m and its excavation quantity is
12532.4m3. It will be excavated by two layers. The excavation construction
strength of the first layer of main transformer tunnel will be subject to the first
floor of powerhouse; the excavation of the first layer will spend 36 working days;
the excavation of second layer of main transformer tunnel will spend 30 working
days, and the odd excavation at the bottom will spend 20 working days. The
theoretical construction period for excavation support of main transformer tunnel
is 86 working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the planned
construction period is 135 days.

13) Bus tunnel: there are 2 bus tunnels, each is long 30m and will be
excavated along full cross-section. It will be excavated along one working face.
According to the excavation construction design and in view of the mutual
interference, the average single cycle work time is 18h, the cyclic excavation
drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed is 3.6m; so the theoretical
construction period is of 17 working days. In order to ensure construction
demands, the planned construction period is 30 days.

14) Cable tunnel: 855m long, full cross-section excavation. It will be

excavated along one working face. According to the excavation construction
design, the average single cycle work time is 12h, the cyclic excavation drilling
feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed is 5.4m; so the theoretical construction

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period is of 159 working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the

planned construction period is 190 days.

15) Tail pipe: 285m long in total (including bifurcated pipe), full cross-section
excavation. It will be excavated along one working face. According to the
excavation construction design, the average single cycle work time is 13h, the
cyclic excavation drilling feed is 2.7m, and the daily drilling feed is 5.0m; so the
theoretical construction period is of 57 working days. In order to ensure
construction demands, the planned construction period is 69 days.

16)Tail water surge chamber: 360m long, 32m high and 10.0m (14.0m) wide;
excavation by layers (four layers) with a height of around 8m of each layer.

The first layer is excavated in two sections (full cross-section excavation

and half tunnel excavation). The supporting work is carried out 30m behind the
work face of excavation. According to excavation construction design, the
average single cycle operation rates of full cross-section excavation and half
tunnel excavation are 16h and 13h respectively, advance per round 2.7m, daily
advances 4.0m and 5.0m respectively, and theoretical time for completion 115
working days. In order to ensure construction demands, the planned
construction period is 140 days.

Excavation of the 2nd and 3rd layers employs bench blasting same as
powerhouse’s bench. The theoretical time for completion is 105 working days. In
order to ensure construction demands, the planned construction period is 126

The full cross-section and half tunnel excavations of the 4th layer are carried
out simultaneously with the 1st layer, so the linear construction period will not be
extended. This practice will only leave 100m half tunnel to be supported. The
theoretical time for completion is 30 working days. In order to ensure
construction demands, the planned construction period is 60 days.

7.10.2 Arrangement of construction machinery

As per above-mentioned construction strength analyses and excavation

schedules of various tunnels, the main construction equipment required is
shown on Form 7.10-1.

Table 7.10-1 List of main equipment for tunnel excavation and construction

S/N Name Model and specifications Qty.

1 Drilling & blasting jumbo 8
2 Homemade platform truck Converted from flat truck 4

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3 Side-dumping loader WA380-3(3.0m3) 6 sets

4 Side-dumping loader ZLC50G(2.3m3) 2
5 Slag-raking machine LWT-60 Three sets
6 CAT330 backhoe hydraulic PC220(1.0m ) 4
7 Drilling jumbo with three 353E/H178 4
8 Bracket-type rig QZJ-100B 4
9 Air-leg drill TY-28 type 60
10 Pneumatic drill T-26 type 25
11 Dump truck 15t Twenty sets
12 Dump truck 10t 5
13 Flat truck 25t 1
14 Flat truck 10t Three sets
15 Raise boring machine LM-300 type 1
16 Hydraulic drill D7 1
17 Anchor bolt grouting Meister 2
18 Trunk crane 25t 1
19 Trunk crane 16t 1
20 Trunk crane 8t 1
21 Winch 10t Three sets
23 Single-decker cage 2
24 Mine hoist LTD80 2
25 Wet spraying machine TK-500 8
26 High-speed pulper ZJ600 6 sets
27 Grout pump 2SNS 6 sets
28 Anchor rod tensile tester YC60A 2
29 Electric welding machine BX3-500 8
30 Concrete mixer truck JCQ3(6m3) 8

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8. Concrete works
8.1 Main construction items and quantities

Main structures of GD6 HEPP include water retaining structures, water

release structures and water diversion electrical power generation system.
Please refer to Form 8.1-1 for main concrete construction items and quantities.

Table 8.1-1 Bill of quantities for main construction items

S/N Item Concrete properties Unit Remarks
Tunnel lining concrete
1 m3 15347.25
Diversion tunnel C35
2 Reinforcement t 666.53
Core wall bottom cutoff
3 m3 5768.48
4 Wave wall concrete m3 1113.51
5 Pavement concrete m3 1599.31
6 Grouting adit m3 522.90
7 Reinforcement t 485.63
Structural concrete C35
8 m3 35998.20
Spillway outdoors
9 Reinforcement t 1031.94
Structural concrete C35
10 m3 12459.11
Water inlet outdoors
11 Reinforcement t 872.14
12 C35 lining concrete m3 4962.3
Diversion tunnel
13 Reinforcement t 496.23
14 Lining concrete C35 m 6224.22
Surge tank
15 Reinforcement t 373.45
16 Concrete C15 m3 2962.34
17 Lining concrete C35 m3 1330.88
Draft tube
18 Reinforcement t 133.09
19 Tail water surge Lining concrete C35 m3 3400.49
20 chamber Reinforcement t 340.05
21 Lining concrete C35 m 23920.03
Tailrace tunnel
22 Reinforcement t 3500.11
23 Tail water outlet Structural concrete C35 m 4151

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24 Reinforcement t 302.3
25 Main access Lining concrete C35 m 4086.67
26 tunnel Reinforcement t 115.41
Tunnel lining concrete
27 m3 3471.91
Drift C35
28 Reinforcement t 92.98
29 Powerhouse Structural concrete C35 m 11596.15
and main
30 transformer Reinforcement t 1587.36
31 Electric cable Lining concrete C35 m3 2102.21
32 tunnel and shaft Reinforcement t 54.73

8.2 Construction Layout

8.2.1 Layout of main construction roads

Roads for concrete construction mainly utilize those which have come into
being during the excavation construction earlier. Makeshift roads will be built to
access various construction sites. Concrete conveyance to the spillway is
achieved through the side of spillway’s chute section. The temporary road will be
removed after completing concrete construction of the gate chamber of spillway
and the main body of chute section. Concrete conveyance to the main
powerhouse is achieved through newly-built road in the yard and the main
access tunnel.

8.2.2 Layout of main construction tools

(1) Water inlet

Vertical transport of concrete to the intake is achieved by a C5015 tower

crane with a theoretical production capacity of 2500-3500m3/month. It’s mainly
responsible for placing concrete to the intake.

(2) Inlet of diversion tunnel

One 50t crawler crane is rigged up at the inlet of diversion tunnel. It is mainly
responsible for placing concrete to the intake tower of diversion tunnel.

(3) Spillway

One C7050 tower crane with a theoretical production capacity of

8000-9000m3/month is mounted between spillway’s gate chamber and chute
section. It’s mainly responsible for placing concrete to spillway’s side walls and
transshipping materials. One 50t crawler crane is set up to be responsible for

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placing concrete to the floor and transshipping materials. Placement of concrete

to chute section is achieved with concrete delivery pump.

(4) Cavern concrete lining

Cavern concrete lining is achieved with concrete delivery pump.

(5) Underground powerhouse

One provisional 20t overhead crane is rigged up at the main powerhouse,

which will be the main means of concrete placing and material lifting. Besides,
one HBT60 concrete pump machine is installed at assembly bay to serve as
supplementary means of concrete placing. One HBT60 concrete pump machine
is installed at main transformer chamber to place concrete to auxiliary
powerhouse. Materials lifting and transportation at auxiliary powerhouse is
achieved by overhead anchor plus pulley block mounted to the crown.
Placement of concrete to main transformer chamber is achieved with concrete
pump. Material lifting and transportation are done with 16t truck-mounted crane.

(6) Surge shaft and electric cable shaft

Placement of concrete to the shaft is achieved through elephant trunk

mounted at the opening. Material lifting and transportation are done with 8t
truck-mounted crane.

(7) Tail water outlet chamber

Placement of concrete to tail water outlet chamber and materials

transshipment are done with 50t crawler crane.

8.3 Concrete construction method of dam construction area

Concrete construction of dam construction area includes dam core wall

foundation, spillway, diversion tunnel and its entrance etc.

(1) Supply of concrete

Supplied by 2# concrete mixing system installed near the construction adit

of diversion tunnel.

(2) Stratifying and partitioning

Partitioning follows design requirements: placement of concrete to strong

restrained region of the foundation is done in 1-1.5m stratification, and in 2-3m
stratification to upper structures.

(3) Concrete construction process

Concreting is organized as process below: setting out survey→ rock

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surface treatment (including joints)→ re -bars construction → installation of

formwork and water stop → examination and acceptance check on positions →
concrete placement → formwork removing and curing.

(4) Concrete construction procedures

1) Construction Survey

Before constructing each structure, professional technicians shall carry out

surveying and plotting with total station and other measuring equipment
according to engineering control network and design drawings to define control
references for each procedure.

2) Joint surface treatment

After completion of excavating base surface, repair, cleaning and flushing to

rock surface shall be carried out by manpower according to design and
specification requirements. Water retaining dikes shall be built on the periphery
of places to be placed with concrete to keep introduced water from entering.
Meanwhile, discharge the accumulated water in the site with submersible pump.

3) Reinforcement works

Re-bars are turned into desired shapes at the workshop as per design
drawings and specification requirements, loaded to flat truck and transported
onto the site with the same. Workers bind and fix them according to construction
drawings. Bar splices are connected with straight thread sleeves.
Small-diameter re-bars or splices that couldn’t use thread sleeves for connection
will be connected by way of binding.

4) Formwork

Foundation concreting mainly employs combined steel formwork which is

reinforced with steel purlin by way of internal bracing. The upper plane part
adopts assembled large formwork which is installed with the help of crane.
Curved surfaces and special-shaped parts employ customized wooden
formwork. Floor with a gentle slope is leveled up with template strike board. The
crown is reinforced with all-round steel frame supporting system.

5) Embedded parts

① PVC water stop

Installations of PVC water stop and formwork are carried out alternatively.
Cut proper lengths according to design drawings and actual conditions of the site
to try to reduce number of connectors. It shall be put into places and fixed
properly by manpower as per design and specification requirements. Water
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stops are connected by overlap adhesive method. During concreting, dedicated

persons shall be assigned to witness the whole process, and rectify
displacement of water stop in a timely manner if it happens.

② Metal structures and embedded parts

The parts embedded during phase I concreting mainly include grate groove
steel dowel, anchor plate and other steel components. The dowels are inserted
into holes punched on wooden formwork and fixed to structural re-bars by way of
spot welding. To remove burrs on the anchor plate with grinding machine before
installing it and reinforce the horizontal plate after setting it to correct elevation
with help of leveling ruler. During installing vertical plate, it should be placed
closely against the formwork, and be fixed to steel bracket through spot welding.
Don’t place concrete directly onto the embedded parts. The vibrator shall not
touch the embedded parts to prevent deformation and displacement.

6) Concrete pouring

Concrete is prepared with concrete mixing system and transported

horizontally with 10t dump truck or 6m3 mixer truck. Concrete for dam core wall
foundation is placed directly through concrete chute. On the early stage of
spillway construction, because its base surface is relatively low, concrete shall
be lowered with one 50t crawler crane equipped with a 3m3 tank. Concrete for
side walls is transshipped and placed by C7050 tower crane equipped with a
3m3 tank. Large area placement employs bench pouring method, in which
thickness of bedding material is 40-50cm, bench width around 2m. Small area
placement adopts continuous pouring method, in which thickness of bedding
material is 30-40cm. Mainly use φ100 handheld spud vibrator to compact the
concrete, and selecting φ80 vibrator for use to the edge of formwork. For small
structures or re-bar intensive area, small-graded concrete is scheduled to be
used. Thickness of bedding material is 30-40cm. Compaction is achieved with
φ50 flexible hose vibrator.

For phase II concreting of the gate groove, the formwork is put in place at a
time, and concrete placement employs segmented windowing method. The
concrete is placed via the top bell-shaped receiver overlapping with the chute to
the window, and is compacted timely with φ50 immersible flexible hose vibrator.
To seal the opening after levelling up the window by pouring it, and continue
pouring the next window above.

Concrete for intake section of diversion tunnel is placed with 50t crawler
crane. To place concrete to tunnel walls from inside to outside in sections with 2
sets of side-roof steel form carriers. And place concrete as sequences of pouring

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floor first, and then pouring sides and the roof. The concrete is transported by
6m3 mixer truck, and conveyed by concrete pump. To compact the floor with
φ50 flexible shaft vibrator, and compact the sides and roof with attached-type

7) Formwork removal and curing

After completion of concrete placement, to cure the concrete and keep its
surface wet by watering it in a timely manner according to ambient temperatures
and hardening conditions of the concrete. The curing period is 28 days normally.
For ordinary structures, the formwork could be removed 24-48 hours after
completion of placement for concrete curing. For small-span beam-slab structure,
its formwork can be removed when concrete strength reaches 70% of the
designed strength. For large-span structure, concrete strength shall reach 100%
of the designed strength before removing formwork.

8.4 Concrete construction method of powerhouse area

Concreting of powerhouse area primarily covers main and auxiliary

powerhouses, main transformer chamber, rock anchor crane beam, access
tunnel, wire outlet, and switch station etc.

(1) Key and difficult points of concrete construction

① Unit section of powerhouse is complicated in structures, which

consumes a huge number of re-bars. Room for construction is limited, which
makes it difficult to arrange access. Moreover, concrete work, steel structures,
embedded parts and unit installation interfere with one another. The lifting
means interfere with one another badly during installation period, which is a
difficult point of the construction.

② Temperature requirement of concrete work for the units inside

powerhouse is extremely strict. It’s especially true while placing concrete to the
area beneath turbine pier. Concrete temperature control while constructing
these parts is the key.

③ Concrete work around tail pipe, supporting ring, spiral case and lining of
hydraulic turbine pit require high techniques and are not easy to get done

(2) Construction Layout

① Supply of concrete

Supplied by 2# concrete mixing system installed near the construction adit

of diversion tunnel.

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② Layout of roads for concrete construction

Concrete construction of underground powerhouse could utilize such

accesses as main access tunnel, ventilation and wire outlet, access tunnel to the
right of powerhouse and relevant construction adit etc.

③ Arrangement of concrete transportation

Placement of concrete to the main powerhouse is mainly achieved with a

20t provisional overhead crane equipped with a 3m3 tank. Mixer with pump
serves as a supplement. Concrete for auxiliary powerhouse, access tunnel, bus
tunnel and main transformer chamber is placed by mixer equipped with concrete
pump. Concrete for switch station is transported horizontally with 10t dump truck
or 6m3 mixer truck and placed by a 25t truck crane equipped with a 1m3 tank.

(3) Stratifying and partitioning

① The unit section is partitioned as per length of single unit. Mass concrete
is placed to foundation’s strong restrained region in 1-1.5m stratification, and to
upper structures in 2-3m stratification. For frame structure, the columns are
poured with concrete in one layer, and periphery beams are poured with
concrete in a single layer.

② Auxiliary powerhouse is a slab-beam-column structure. The foundation

slab is poured in one layer, columns poured in one layer separately, and beams
and slabs poured in one layer separately.

③ Main transformer chamber is a frame structure, which is normally

partitioned in single-unit section. During construction, the foundation slab is
poured in one layer, columns poured in one layer separately, and beams and
slabs poured in layers separately.

④ Bus tunnel, access tunnel, and wire outlet etc. are sectioned in 12m. The
concrete is placed in layers by following sequences of floors, side walls and

⑤ For switch station, its column bases and columns are poured with
concrete in one layer. The periphery beams are poured with concrete in one
layer separately.

(4) Implementation of working procedure

Concrete work is organized as procedures below: surveying and plotting →

rock surface treatment → re -bars construction → installa tion of formwork and
water stop→examination and acceptance check on positions → concrete

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placement → formwork removing and curing.

① Formwork planning

The different distribution types of formwork shall be applied in various

positions during construction. The specific planning scheme of formwork is as

The combined steel formwork shall be primarily applied in the main and
auxiliary powerhouse, various beam/board/column structures, tunnel lining, etc.
The timber formwork shall be applied in the local irregular position for
complement. The full-space steel pipe bent shall be applied to support the
bearing formwork, such as beam/board structure, tunnel arch-crown, etc.

② Reinforcement works

According to the requirements of design drawings and technical

specifications, the rebar shall be transported to the site by flat trucks after being
formed in the integrated plant, transferred to the placement area by bridge
cranes or manpower, and then tied in place by manpower according to the
requirement of design drawings. The straight thread sleeve connection shall be
primarily applied in the bar splice, and the tied splice shall be applied in the small
diameter rebar or splices where the threaded sleeve is not available. The rebar
trolley or steel pipe scaffold platform set up shall be applied in the installation of
internal tunnel section and side arch-crown rebar for auxiliary construction.

③ Embedded parts

Before concreting, the metal structure embedded parts shall be inserted by

boring on the preformed grooved timber formwork of Phase II concrete. After
installation, the embedded parts shall be fixed by welding, and protected
carefully during concreting. The embedded parts shall keep away from the place
of concrete blanking and vibration to prevent from deformation caused by

④ Concrete pouring

The powerhouse concrete is proposed to be placed from the right side unit
section of powerhouse to the left side of it by means of single-unit bench delay;
the work surface of auxiliary powerhouse shall be expanded as a surge chamber
after excavation. The concrete shall be supplied by the 1# concrete mixing
system, transported to the tailrace tunnel, erection bay or main transformer room
by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and then transferred to the placement area via
concrete pumps, or transported to the erection bay by the 10t of dumping car,
and then transferred to the 3m3 of placement areas via bridge cranes. The bench
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method shall be applied to place the large placement area, while the thickness of
layer blank paving is 40 to 50cm and the width of bench is around 2m; the
whole-lift horizontal concreting method shall be applied in the small placement
area, while the thickness of concreting layer is controlled within 40cm. The
Model φ100 immersion vibrator shall be applied to the mass concrete for
spreading and vibrating, and the Model φ50 flexible shaft vibrator shall be
applied to the place fully filled with beams, boards, columns and rebars.

The rock anchor beam concreting shall be performed after 3rd layer
excavation. It shall be performed with the sequence method, sectioned as per
the design requirement, and forward section by section from the right side of
powerhouse to the erection bay. The concrete shall be transported to the
powerhouse by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and transferred to the placement area
via concrete pumps. According to the density of rebar, the Model φ80mm
immersion vibrator and Model φ50 flexible shaft vibrator shall be applied for
vibrating. The thickness of concreting layer is controlled within 40cm. Only if the
last lift of concrete reaches the design strength, the excavation of lower
powerhouse can be performed.

The concrete of bus bar tunnel and main transformer room shall be placed
section by section from 1# unit section to 2# unit section. The concrete shall be
transported to the main transformer room by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and
transferred to the placement area via concrete pumps. According to the density
of rebar, the Model φ80mm immersion vibrator and Model φ50 flexible shaft
vibrator shall be applied for vibrating.

The access tunnel and wire outlet shall be placed back section by section
from the inside to the outside with the sequence method in the sequence from
the soleplate to the side arch-crown. The concrete shall be transported into the
tunnel by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and transferred to the placement area via
concrete pumps. The soleplate shall be tamped by the Model φ50 flexible shaft
vibrator, and the sidewall and arch-crown lift shall be tamped by the external

For the switch station as a concrete frame structure, the column is generally
placed 1 to 2 times by the height, and the periphery beam is individually placed
one time. During construction, the steel pipe bents and access boards are
required to be set up to assist each operation. The concrete shall be horizontally
transported by the 10t of dumping car or 6m3 of agitating lorry, transferred to the
placement area by the 25t of car via 1m3 of tank, and vibrated by the Model φ50
flexible shaft vibrator.

⑤ Formwork removal and curing

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After concreting and placement, the concrete shall be cured by spraying

timely, and the surface of it shall be kept always damped. The curing period is
around 28 days. The formwork of general structural concrete may be removed
for curing after 24 to 48 hours since placement; the formwork of small span
structure (e.g. beam, board, etc.) may be removed where the concrete strength
reaches 70% of design strength; the formwork of large span structure shall be
removed where the concrete strength reaches 100% of design strength.

8.5 Tunnel concrete lining construction method

(1) Construction sequence

1) Lining of tunnel body section

The steel formwork trolley shall be configured for the concrete lining of
tunnel body section in the sequence from the soleplate to the side arch-crown.
The length of each section is 12m. Refer to the attached Schematic Diagram of
Tunnel Concrete Lining Construction.

2) Surge shaft and wire outlet shaft concrete lining

The sliding form construction technique shall be applied to surge shaft and
wire outlet shaft for disposable sliding up concreting from bottom to top. See the
attached Surge Shaft Concrete Lining Construction Schematic Diagram for

3) Penstock lining

The penstock shall be placed back from upstream to downstream by the

section length of around 15m.

4) Construction adit plugging

The construction adit plugging shall be started to perform after the

completion of diversion tunnel lining in the corresponding section. The
expanding excavation shall be performed firstly, and then the plugging concrete
shall be backfilled in 2 to 3 layers.

(2) Means of placement of concrete

1) The concrete of tunnel body section shall be transported by the 6m3 of

agitating lorry, and transferred to the placement area via concrete pumps in the
turning lane.

2) The concrete of surge shaft and wire outlet shaft shall be horizontally
transported to the shaft opening by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and transferred to
the placement area via Mybox elephant trunks.

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3) The plugging concrete of construction adit shall be horizontally

transported by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and transferred to the placement area
via concrete pumps in the turning lane.

(3) Construction method

1) Layering and section

The proposed concreting section length of tunnel body lining is 12m. As the
full cross section lining, its soleplate and 60cm of sidewall are as one layer, and
the remaining is as one layer. The sliding form construction technique shall be
applied to the shaft for disposable sliding up concreting from bottom to top as the
normal construction without layering. As the full cross section lining, the
penstock lining shall be backfilled at once with concretes by the section length of
around 15m. The filling of construction adit plugging shall be sectioned as per
the length of designed plug, and layered as per the thickness of 2 to 3m.

2) Implementation of working procedure

Concrete construction process: survey and setting-out→disposal of bedrock

surface and old concrete surface→rebar binding and welding→installation of
formwork and water-stop→concreting→curing of concrete after formwork

3) Construction Survey

Before constructing each structure, professional technicians shall carry out

surveying and plotting with total station and other measuring equipment
according to engineering control network and design drawings to define control
references for each procedure.

4) Joint surface treatment

The disposal shall be performed to the bedrock surface by manpower

according to the requirements of design and specifications, such as renovation,
cleaning, flushing, etc.; the loader or backhoe shall be used to combine with
manpower for slime cleaning, and the water retaining bank shall be built outside
of the placement area to block the secondary water, and the submersible pump
shall be arranged at the low-lying land within the placement area to remove the
stagnant water. Before the placement area being opened for concreting, it shall
be cleaned by HP water and kept damped.

The rough surface shall be timely made for temporary construction joint and
face after concreting. Before the placement area being opened, the grout left on
the surface shall be flushed by HP water. The rough chiseling shall be made for
local thick grout surface.
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5) Formwork

The transverse joint of soleplate shall be separated by asphalt cedar planks.

The combined vertical formwork shall be applied to 60cm sidewall. The upper
side arch-crown shall be constructed as a whole by the steel formwork trolley.
The transverse joint shall be reinforced by the timber formwork and brace. The
transition section shall be supported by the timber formwork and lumps of wood
for rebar.

The shaft body shall be constructed by the hydraulic sliding up formwork.

The combined steel formwork shall be primarily applied to the construction

adit plugging with the timber formwork for complement and the internal brace for

6) Reinforcement works

According to the requirements of design drawings and technical

specifications, the rebar shall be transported to the site by flat trucks after being
formed in the integrated plant, and then tied in place by manpower according to
the requirement of drawings. The straight thread sleeve connection shall be
primarily applied in the splice, and the tied splice shall be applied in the small
diameter rebar or splices where the threaded sleeve is not available. The rebar
trolley or steel pipe scaffold platform set up shall be applied in the installation of
side arch-crown rebar for auxiliary construction. The rebar of surge shaft shall be
synchronously inserted following concreting.

7) Installation of water stop

Installations of PVC water stop and formwork are carried out alternatively.
Cut proper lengths according to design drawings and actual conditions of the site
to try to reduce number of connectors. It shall be put into places and fixed
properly by manpower as per design and specification requirements. Water
stops are connected by overlap adhesive method. During concreting, dedicated
persons shall be assigned to witness the whole process, and rectify
displacement of water stop in a timely manner if it happens.

8) Concrete pouring

The diversion tunnel lining shall be respectively placed back to adit opening
from upstream and downstream. The soleplate is generally placed at once in 3
sections. The joint between sections shall be separated by asphalt cedar planks,
and vibrated by the Model φ50 flexible shaft vibrator. The side arch-crown shall
be arranged as a whole work surface, configured with 1 set of steel formwork
trolley, placed back section by section with the sequence method, and vibrated

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by the external vibrator. The concrete shall be mixed by the 1# mixing system,
transported to the tunnel by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and then transferred to the
placement area via concrete pumps.

The shaft wall lining of surge shaft and wire outlet shaft shall be continually
placed with the hydraulic sliding form construction technique. The concrete shall
be mixed by the powerhouse mixing system, transported to the shaft opening by
the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and then transferred to the placement area via Mybox
elephant trunks; the blanking and vibration shall be performed in the matter of
symmetry, the thickness of concreting layer is 25 to 30 cm, the sliding up is
generally performed per 1 hours, and the concrete shall be vibrated by the
Model φ50mm hose vibrator. After out of formwork, the concrete polishing shall
be timely performed by the steel trowel.

The concrete of penstock section shall be backfilled by installing the steel

liner and backfilling section by section. The concrete shall be mixed by the 1#
mixing system, transported to the corresponding position by the 6m3 of agitating
lorry, and then transferred to the placement area via concrete pumps.

The tailrace tunnel concrete lining construction shall be organized after the
complement of TBM boring. As required by construction, the 2 to 3 sets of steel
formwork trolley shall be configured for simultaneous construction. The concrete
shall be mixed by the 3# mixing system located at the tailrace outlet, transported
to the tunnel by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, and then transferred to the placement
area via concrete pumps.

The construction adit plugging shall be placed in 2 to 3 layers according to

the size of tunnel cross section. The concrete shall be mixed by the 2# mixing
system, transported to the tunnel by the 6m3 of agitating lorry, transferred to the
placement area via concrete pumps, and vibrated by the Model φ80mm vibrator.

8.6 Main equipment configuration

See Table 8.6-1 for main equipment plan for concrete construction.

Table 8.6-1 Main equipment configuration table for concrete construction

Specifications and
S/N Name Unit Qty. Remarks
1 Tower crane C7050 Set 1 Walking type
2 Tower crane C5015 Set 1 Fixed type
3 Crawler crane 50t Set 1
4 Trunk crane 25t Set 1
5 Trunk crane 16t Set 1

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Specifications and
S/N Name Unit Qty. Remarks
6 Concrete pump HBT60(60m3/h) Set 4
7 Mybox (200~330m) Nr. 4
elephant trunk
Hydraulic sliding
8 φ13.5m×1.5m Set 1
Hydraulic sliding
9 φ8.0m×1.5m Set 1
Hydraulic sliding
10 φ5.0m×1.5m Set 1
11 Dump truck 10t Nr. 10
Concrete mixing
12 6m3 Nr. 12
13 Horizontal tank 3m3 Nr. 3
14 Horizontal tank 1.5m3 Nr. 2
Electric welding
15 BX3-500 Set 15
16 Winch 10t Set 2
17 Water pump 7.5kw Set 4

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9 Special scheme for asphalt concrete core rockfill dam

9.1 Overview

The elevation of asphalt concrete core rockfill dam in this project is

591.5m.The elevation of wave wall is 593.0m. The elevation of foundation
surface is 510.0m. The maximum height of dam is 81.5m. The width of dam
crest is 7m, the length of it is 650m. The slope of upstream dam is 1:1.5, and the
slope of downstream is 1:1.4. The Zigzag traffic road with the width of 4m is built
at the downstream slope.

The main work includes excavation of dam foundation, grouting adit, curtain
grouting, consolidation grouting, core concrete foundation, asphalt concrete core,
dam filling, dam slope protection, dam crest work, observation work, bottom
blocks, etc. According to the preliminary design document, see Table 9.1-1 for
main quantity therein.

Table 9.1-1 Main BOQ for asphalt concrete core dam

S/N Project name Project amount Remarks

Earthwork &
1 stonework 303,900 m3
2 Dam filling work 3,183,400 m3
3 Asphalt concrete 22237.2m3
4 Curtain grouting 21639.42m2
5 2805m
6 Concrete 9896.67 m3
Rebar fabrication
7 485.63t
and erection

See the Open Cut and Protection of Cubic Meter of Earth and Stone for
detail of open cut and protection of cubic meter of earth and stone for dam. See
the Boring and Grouting Work for detail of curtain grouting and consolidation
grouting. See the Concrete Work for detail of concrete construction. The fillings
of cubic meter of earth and stone and asphalt concrete construction for dam are
mainly described in this special scheme.

From upstream to downstream, the dam filling zoning is divided as: primary
rockfill area of upstream, transition material area of upstream, gravel cushion
area of upstream, asphalt concrete core, gravel cushion area of downstream,

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primary rockfill area of downstream, secondary rockfill area of downstream and

drainage prism area of downstream.

9.2 Construction Layout

9.2.1 Construction road

According to the actual situation of site, the dam filling road is divided as
dam front road and dam behind road. The dam front road is mainly used for the
filling of upstream cofferdam, and the dam behind road is mainly used for the
filling of cushion material, transition material, rockfill material, filter material,
drainage material, bottom blocks and slope blocks on both sides of dam core.
See the attached General Construction Layout Plan for detail of specific road

The self-made integral steel jetty method shall be applied in the traverse of
asphalt concrete core into dam along upstream and downstream. The two steel
jetties shall be processed and installed to make a loop. The I20 I-beam shall be
used for the jetty platform, and the I20 I-beam and steel plate (with thickness of
5mm) shall be used for the jetty surface with the length of 6.0m, the width of
3.0m and the weight of 5.0t.

9.2.2 Construction air supply

The wind for dam filling is mainly used for the cleaning of foundation surface
and geological defect position. The 2 sets of 20m3 mobile oil air compressor are
intended to supply the wind.

9.2.3 Power Supply for Construction

In terms of lighting arrangement, the two high brightness lamps (2Kw) shall
be respectively arranged on the left and right bank, and the two mobile lamps
shall be placed to the core along the axis of dam for night filling of asphalt core
and dam.

The other construction power of dam shall be supplied by the diesel power
units arranged on the left and right bank. The power of local position shall be
supplied by the mobile diesel power units. The switchgear shall be set on the

9.2.4 Construction water supply

The water for construction of this project shall come from the centralized
pumping of pump stations at the riverbed. The water for dam construction shall
be supplied by the watering cart.

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9.3 Construction process planning

According to the construction design and features of this project, see Figure
9.3-1 for the construction process of asphalt concrete core rockfill dam work.

Dam foundation
Grouting adit excavation, lining

Consolidation grouting
of dam foundation

Curtain Grouting Consolidation grouting and

curtain grouting construction

Core concrete foundation

Structures on the Asphalt core filling Observation

dam body work

Slope protection work


Bottom protection and crest


Final acceptance

Figure 9.3-1 Construction flow chart for asphalt concrete core rockfill dam

9.4 Main quantity of dam filling work

The dam filling mainly includes gravel cushion, transition material, rock
filling, Type B rock filling, rockfill drainage, bottom blocks, slope blocks,
downstream slope drainage filter material and dam crest road surface gravel
cushion. See Table 9.4-1 for main quantity

Table 9.4-1 Main quantity table for the filling of cubic meter of earth and stone

S/N Description Unit Quantities (m3) Remarks

1 Crushed stone cushion m3 110446.09
2 Transition materials m 240468.54
3 Rock fill m 500000.00
4 Type B rock filling m3 1892427.52

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5 Rockfill drainage m3 301237.78

6 Bottom riprap m3 63639.38
7 Slope riprap m 38230.83
8 Drainage filter material for m 34425.72
downstream slope
9 Gravel cushion for dam crest m3 2570.48
road surface
Total m3 3183446.34

9.5 Filling material source planning of dam body

The dam filling materials consist of gravel cushion material, transition

material, downstream drainage filter material, rockfill material, downstream
drainage rockfill material, and rubble for slope and bottom protection. The total
filling work quantities are 3183446.34 m3. Refer to Table 9.5-1 for zoning
parameters of filling materials and material source planning. Refer to the
attached figure — Balance Diagram of Earthwork and Stonework
Adjustment for dam filling material source and work quantities.

Table 9.5-1 Zoning Parameters of Dam Filling Materials and Material Source

Zoning of filling materials Specification requirements Material source

Dry unit weight: ≧20.5kN/m³;
I1 (upstream main rockfill
material) porosity: ≦23%; maximum Rock quarry, open
grain size: 600mm excavation rock material,
Dry unit weight: ≧20.5kN/m³; and part of tunnel
I2 (downstream main excavation material
rockfill material) porosity: ≦23%; maximum
grain size: 600mm
Dry unit weight: ≥20.2 kN/m³;
I3 (downstream auxiliary Open excavation rock
porosity: ≤25%; maximum grain
rockfill material) material and rock quarry
size: 800 mm.
Dry unit weight: ≧21.0kN/m³;
III (downstream drainage
rockfill material) porosity: ≦21%; maximum Quarry site
grain size: 400mm
Dry unit weight: ≧21.2kN/m³;
IV1 (4m thick transition Tunnel excavation
material) porosity: ≦20%; maximum material
grain size: 300mm
Dry unit weight: ≧21.8kN/m³;
IV2 (1.5m thick gravel Processed material from
cushion material) porosity: ≦18%; maximum aggregate system
grain size: 80mm
Rock material for slope
Quarry site
and bottom protection

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9.6 Filling planning of dam body

According to local climate characteristics in rainy and flood seasons, there

are two seasons each year, i.e. dry season (November ~ next March) and rainy
season (April ~ October). According to site conditions of the GD-3 HEPP
obtained by us, the precipitation in rainy season is relatively small and
concentrated, so the filling of dam body can be normally carried out in rainy
season, while corresponding construction measures in rainy season shall be
taken for the filling of dam body with core materials, cushion materials and
transition materials. According to construction design, considering flood
regulation of the GD-3 HEPP and cofferdams all around the year of the dam, the
mode of full-face filling in one process is applied to the dam of the Project,
instead of staged dam filling.

9.7 Construction preparation for dam filling

9.7.1 Rolling test

(1) Test purpose

1) Verify the rationality of design filling standards of dam materials, and

provide various parameters of filling materials, such as physical, mechanical and
permeability indexes;

2) Determine economic and reasonable construction parameters (including

type of rolling equipment, mechanical and construction parameters).

(2) Test materials

The test materials for dam filling include: gravel cushion materials (materials
from zone IV2), transition materials (materials from zone IV1), and rockfill
materials (materials from zones I1, I2 and I3).

(3) Rolling test parameters

1) Type of rolling machinery

The cushion materials are rolled using 3t smooth drum vibratory roller; the
transition materials and the rockfill materials are rolled using 18t smooth drum
vibratory roller.

2) Combination of test parameters

Control of filled and compacted layer thickness: 20 cm for each layer of

filling material from zone IV2; 40-50 cm for each layer of filling material from
zone IV1; 80-100 cm for each layer of filling materials from zones I1, I2 and I3.

(4) Site test procedures

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1) Selection and layout of test site

The test shall be carried out at the place beyond the dam, and the test site
shall be leveled by rolling and compacting prior to test. The minimum size of test
site shall meet the requirements of bid documents and relevant technical

2) Moisture content adjustment of filling material

Water shall be added to cushion materials, transition materials and rockfill

materials at the site of paving after metering.

3) Paving of materials

All materials shall be paved using a reversing pavement method. Materials

shall be leveled using bulldozer. The paving thickness error shall be ±10% of the
thickness of paving layer. Meanwhile, vertical survey shall be carried out to
ensure the filling thickness.

5) Rolling Compaction

The rolling speed shall not exceed 2 km/h, and an overlap of 50 cm shall be
required during rolling.

6) Inspection and test after compaction

① Inspection and test items

a) Record transport equipment, unloading modes and paving methods of

all filling materials.

b) Upon the completion of each rolling, conduct density, moisture content

and grain size analysis tests (before and after rolling).

c) After compaction, conduct vertical survey for sampling points and

settlement points uniformly distributed at the test site, and calculate the
thickness and settlement of filled earth before and after compaction.

d) For rockfill materials, observe and record crushed rocks on the surface
and rockfill overhead.

② Testing Methods

a) Density test: Conduct the test using sand cone method or irrigation

b) Gradation test: Conduct the test using sieve analysis method.

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9.7.2 Measurement and setting out

(1) Before acceptance, mark boundaries of filling materials, chainage and

elevations of filling in layers of the cleaned dam foundation using paint and lime,
coordinate with relevant personnel to conduct geological description, and survey
and draw topographic map of foundation and draw sectional view, and submit to
the Project Engineer for approval.

(2) During filling, strictly conduct survey and setting out according to filling
units and zoning of filling materials, clearly mark all zones using white lime, and
set direction marks and layer thickness sign posts to serve as control reference
objects, to facilitate control by field construction and inspection personnel.

9.7.3 Dam foundation acceptance and filling preparation

(1) Carefully conduct dam foundation cleaning, foundation defect treatment

and bank slope finishing in strict accordance with construction drawings; after
successful self-inspection, submit acceptance data to the Project Engineer.

(2) Grasp reserve of filling materials of each material yard and locating of

(3) Set dam material quality supervision and inspection station at the exit of
each material yard, to strictly control the quality of dam filling material.

(4) Set signboards to clearly identify dam filling material zones and transport
routes, to facilitate identification and inspection of material sources by quality
inspectors, engineers and equipment operators.

(5) Properly conduct maintenance for construction equipment of dam filling,

to ensure the perfectness ratio of equipment.

(6) Before dam filling, embed various types of observing equipment.

9.8 Construction process and method of dam material filling

9.8.1 Division of filling working face

To ensure the continuity of all construction procedures of dam filling, the

dam face is divided into several working faces or operation units during filling, to
improve the service efficiency of construction equipment on the dam face and
improve the dam filling intensity. The area of each unit depends on the type,
model and quantity of construction equipment. In case of a too small unit, it will
be difficult to conduct unloading, watering and rolling; in case of a too large unit,
the total quantities of units will be reduced, and the circulation among units will
be difficult.

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(1) For rockfill materials, the strip filling operation zones are divided to keep
parallel with the dam axis, and each operation zone can be divided into filling
units according to actual conditions.

(2) The strip filling zone of core material, cushion material and transition
material is regarded as an operation zone for construction.

(3) After division of operation face, flowline circulation among operation

zones, flowline circulation among units in each zone and flowline circulation
among construction procedures in each unit are formed for construction. The
principles of circulation among units are as follows: paving and leveling in the
first unit, watering and rolling in the second unit, quality inspection and
acceptance in the third unit.

9.8.2 Transportation and Unloading of Materials

(1) Transportation of Materials

1) Rockfill materials are transported using 20t dump truck;

2) Cushion materials are transported using 15t dump truck;

3) Transition materials are transported using 20t dump truck.

4) Transport vehicles for dam filling materials shall be provided with

signboards, so as to distinguish different material zones.

(2) Unloading of Materials

1) Rockfill materials and transition materials are unloaded using end-dump

advance method. In other words, the dump truck walking platform and unloading
platform are filling faces which have been preliminarily leveled and have yet not
been rolled, to facilitate leveling of working face and improvement of rolling
quality. Meanwhile, the pointing between fine-grained and coarse-grained rocks
is favorable for improving the dry density and ensuring filling quality.

2) Cushion materials and asphalt concrete core are synchronously spread

using a spreader.

9.8.3 Material paving

The thickness of spreading layer of dam filling material is controlled based

on the parameters finally determined through rolling test, such that the layer
thickness can meet technical requirements after rolling. During paving, a height
sign post shall be used for control, to avoid uneven layer thickness.

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9.8.4 Moisture content control of dam material

(1) Watering for rockfill materials (zones I1, I2 and I3)

The scheme of spraying at material yards, addition of water beyond the dam,
and replenishment of water on the dam face is proposed for watering of rockfill

1) Spraying at material yards: Set water spray pipes at the material yard to
wet rock materials before loading. Watering shall be specifically carried out after
metering according to design requirements.

2) Addition of water beyond the dam: Before transporting dam materials to

the dam, add water to the materials through the water station at the inlet leading
to dam. The water station shall be managed by special personnel. The mode of
automatic control combined with manual control shall be adopted. Refer to
Figure 9.8-1: Sketch for Addition of Water beyond the Dam for the addition
method of water beyond the dam.

Dump truck Dg50洒水花管

Dg 50 corrugated spraying pipe

Drain ditch

Figure 9.8-1 Sketch for Addition of Water beyond the Dam

3) Replenishment of water on the dam face: With a watering cart, take

water from water supply points, and then transport to the working face for
replenishing water.

4) Water addition control: According to the water addition determined

through the approved rolling test, part of water is added at the material yards and
the water station, and the rest water is replenished on the dam face. The water
addition shall be determined through site test. An automatic metering device is
set at the water station, and the time for automatic addition of water is
determined according to vehicle type and capacity. Before replenishment of
water on the dam face, the work quantities and area of filling unit to be watered

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shall be calculated first, to calculate the total watering amount and traveling
times of watering cart (at a constant speed) on the dam face. If the time interval
between watering and rolling on the same filling unit is relatively long,
re-watering shall be carried out as directed by the Project Engineer.

(2) Watering of cushion material (zone IV2) and transition material (zone

The mode of spraying at material yards and replenishment of water on the

dam face is applied.

9.8.5 Rolling of dam materials

(1) Equipment allocation

The cushion materials are rolled using 3t vibratory roller; the transition
materials and the rockfill materials are rolled using 18t self-propelled smooth
drum vibratory roller. Corners close to bank slopes are rolled using small
vibratory roller or tamped using hydraulic vibratory tamping plate.

(2) Rolling method

1) Traveling direction of vibratory roller: in parallel with the dam axis;

2) Traveling speed of vibratory roller: not larger than 2 Km/h;

3) Rolling method: The staggered advancing and regressing method (width

of rolling wheel / rolling times) is mainly adopted for vibratory roller, i.e. the rolling
is completed in one process from one side to another side.

9.9 Construction of asphalt concrete core and gravel cushion material

9.9.1 Overview

The asphalt concrete core is of a straight core type, and the core thickness
is 0.5 m for the upper part and 0.9 m for the lower part. The upstream and
downstream sides of core are respectively provided with 1.5m thick gravel
cushion and 4m thick transition material. The total amount is 22237.2 m3 for
asphalt concrete, 110446.09 m³ for gravel cushion, and 240468.54 m3 for
transition material.

9.9.2 Construction technical requirements Raw materials

The asphalt concrete consists of asphalt, aggregate and filling materials.

The performance indexes of asphalt and technical requirements of aggregate
and filling materials shall meet the requirements of bid documents and relevant

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The gravel cushion material is processed from well-graded slightly

weathered rock materials, with the maximum grain size of 80 mm and the
gradation meeting design requirements. Technical performance indexes of asphalt concrete core

The technical performance indexes of asphalt concrete core shall meet the
requirements of bid documents and relevant specifications, and are shown as
Table 9.9-1.

Table 9.9-1 Technical performance indexes of asphalt concrete core

Item Design index Remarks

Unit weight (kN/m3) >2.4
<2% as required by
Porosity (%) <3
laboratory test.
Permeability coefficient (cm/s) <1×10-8
Seepage failure gradient >300
Marshall stability (60℃) >5000μ
Marshall flow (1/100cm) 30~110
Water stability coefficient ≥0.85

9.9.3 Design and laboratory test of mix proportion

The laboratory test of mix proportion shall be carried out in the asphalt
concrete laboratory on site according to the mix proportion recommended in the
design and the raw materials on the construction site. At 4 ~ 5 mix proportions
shall be proposed for the test. Prior to asphalt concrete test, a test program shall
be submitted to the Employer’s engineer for approval, and the test contents shall
include all items as specified in the bid documents. Upon the completion of
laboratory test, the mix proportion approved by the Employer’s engineer shall be
used for the site paving test. The test report shall, 40d before the site test, be
submitted to the Employer’s engineer for approval. Refer to Table 9.9-2 for the
mix proportion recommended in the design and corresponding materials.

Table 9.9-2 Reference mix proportion (%) of asphalt concrete

Coarse aggregate Fine aggregate Mineral Asphal

20~15mm 15~10mm 10~5mm 5~2.5mm 2.5~0.074mm powder t

7~9 13~15 14~16 17~19 33~35 12~13 >6.5

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9.9.4 Spreading test of asphalt concrete

Upon the completion of construction preparation, the on-site productive

spreading test of asphalt concrete shall be carried out immediately. The test
shall be carried out by two procedures, i.e. off-site spreading test and productive
spreading test. Off-site spreading test

A detailed test program and plan shall, 30 d before site test, be submitted to
the Employer’s engineer for approval.

(1) The site test of asphalt concrete shall be carried out after the laboratory
test, and a few groups of optimal mix proportions of asphalt concrete shall be
selected for site test according to laboratory test results. The main aim is to
re-check the mix proportion of asphalt concrete recommended by the laboratory
test, and determine the mix proportion for production and construction process
parameters applicable to production.

(2) Layout of test site: The test site is proposed to be arranged at a proper
location in the asphalt concrete mixing system. It is of a simulated core structure
type and arranged according to site construction conditions.

(3) Main contents of site test:

① Mixing process verification test

It includes: raw material processing and quality test, mixing and batching
parameters, and quality test of asphalt mixture at the discharge port.

② Transportation of asphalt mixture

It includes: temperature loss during transport, and segregation detection of

asphalt mixture.

③ Layer surface treatment

④ Asphalt mixture spreading and rolling process control

⑤ Asphalt concrete quality test

It includes: NDT of unit weight and porosity, and test of coring samples.

(4) Test items

A. Asphalt mixture preparation

① Three major indexes of asphalt, and physical and mechanical properties

of mineral aggregate;

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② Sampling at loading port for tests of unit weight of Marshall test sample,
density, porosity, permeability coefficient, and triaxial compressive test;

③ Appearance and temperature inspection and extracting test of asphalt

mixture at the discharge port.

B. Transportation of asphalt mixture

① Temperature loss;

② Extracting test.

C. Spreading of asphalt mixture

① Sampling on site for tests of unit weight of Marshall test sample, density,
porosity, permeability coefficient, and triaxial compressive test;

② Extracting test.

D. Rolling of asphalt concrete

① NDT of unit weight, porosity, and permeability coefficient of asphalt


② Drilling of core samples for tests of unit weight of Marshall test

sample, density, porosity, permeability coefficient, and triaxial compressive test.

Upon the completion of site test, all test results shall be collated to prepare
a formal report which shall be submitted to the Employer’s engineer. The site
test is carried out to select mix proportion of asphalt concrete (manual spreading
and mechanical spreading), asphalt mortar and asphalt mastic and batching
under different ambient temperatures, as well as mixing process flow,
temperature at discharge port, transport mode, paving thickness, paving
temperature, rolling (compacting) temperature and times, and construction
process parameters of asphalt concrete, asphalt mortar, asphalt mastic and
transition material, to guide construction on the dam. Productive test of asphalt concrete

The productive test of asphalt concrete on dam is carried out to further

verify the mix proportion and corresponding construction process, quality test
and control process. In this way, the construction process parameters for
large-scale spreading can be finally determined.

9.9.5 Construction procedures of asphalt concrete core

Refer to Figure 9.9-1 for the construction procedures of asphalt concrete

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Processing and storage of


Primary grading, drying and heating Storage and transport of

of aggregate fuel

Secondary sieving of aggregate

Storage of filling materials Mixing of asphalt mixture Dissolving, dehydration, heating

and keeping constant temperature
f h lt

Transport of asphalt mixture and Storage of cushion

cushion material materials

Paving of asphalt mixture and

cushion material

Construction quality control, test

and acceptance of asphalt concrete

Figure 9.9-1 Construction Procedures of Asphalt Concrete


9.9.6 Description of main construction method and process Processing and storage of mineral aggregate of asphalt concrete

(1) Processing of mineral aggregate

Limestone (with the lumpiness less than 480 mm) exploited from the rock
quarry is selected. It is transported to the receiving pit of aggregate processing
system, or is piled at the rock block stock yard and then transported to the
receiving pit through loaders. Rock blocks are subjected to combined crushing
using jaw crusher, impact crusher and vertical crusher, to prepare coarse and
fine aggregate. The crushed mineral aggregate mixture is sieved, to obtain
coarse aggregate and fine aggregate which are stored at stock yards.

(2) Storage of mineral aggregate

Rock blocks and pure mineral aggregate are stored at stock yards or in
storage tanks. A partition wall is set to separate mineral aggregate of different
grain sizes, to avoid mixing. Storage and transport of fuel

Diesel oil is used for drying and heating of mineral aggregate, melting,
dehydration and heating of asphalt, and heat insulation of mixture. Two 50,000L
diesel tanks are set in the system. The diesel oil is transported from the oil depot

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to the oil tank of system for storage through diesel transport vehicles, and then
supplied to all oil-consuming sections through oil pumps. Primary grading, drying and heating of aggregate

(1) Primary grading of aggregate

The aggregate transferred from the asphalt concrete mixing system to stock
yards and storage tanks is respectively conveyed to batching bins of all levels
through belt conveyor or chain conveyor. The aggregate of all levels is subjected
to primary grading using electric vibratory feeder, and then mixed and conveyed
to the drying and heating drum through belt conveyor.

(2) Drying and heating of aggregate

The cold aggregate is uniformly and continuously added to the drying and
heating drum for heating, with the heating temperature controlled at 170 ~ 190°C.
After drying and heating, the aggregate mixture is lifted to the top of mixing plant
using hot material lifter for the purpose of secondary sieving. The hot material is
sieved, and then stored in the hot material hoppers according to grain size for
the purpose of batching. Melting, dehydration, heating, constant temperature and conveying of


(1) Melting, dehydration and heating of asphalt

After unpacking, the asphalt is fed to an asphalt melting, dehydration and

heating integrated device through a hydraulic automatic tipping gear, and the
conduction oil is used as medium for heating and melting, to ensure uniform
heating and avoid aging of asphalt.

The dehydration temperature of asphalt is controlled at 110 ~ 130°C, and a

foaming and dehydration device is set for vaporization of water, to avoid spill of
hot asphalt. After dehydration, the moisture content of asphalt shall be lower
than 2‰.

After melting and dehydration for a certain period of time, the asphalt shall
still be heated, and the asphalt to be used shall be stored. The heating
temperature shall be controlled within 140°C. Before use, the asphalt shall be
heated to 150 ~ 170°C, and the heating time shall be less than 6h.

(2) Constant temperature of asphalt

The constant temperature of asphalt must be controlled within 140°C, and

the upper limit of heating temperature shall be strictly controlled.

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After being heated to the specified temperature, the asphalt is transported

to a constant-temperature tank for storage. The time of keeping constant
temperature should not exceed 72 h, to avoid aging of asphalt.

(3) Conveying of asphalt

The asphalt is conveyed from the constant-temperature tank to the mixing

plant using double-layer pipes with external insulation. Conduction oil is added
between inner and outer pipes, to avoid blocking pipes due to solidification of
asphalt during conveying. Mixing of asphalt mixture

(1) Batching

The weight proportion is adopted for asphalt mixture, and the mineral
aggregate is based on drying conditions. Accumulative metering is applied to
aggregate and independent metering is applied to filling material and asphalt.
The batching shall be in strict accordance with the asphalt concrete batching
sheet approved by the Engineer. All weighing equipment shall be calibrated and
tested before use, and shall be regularly calibrated, to ensure the weighing
accuracy. All constituent materials shall be subjected to batching based on
gradation, and the total amount shall meet requirements. Batching and weighing
shall be interlocked. Prior to the next batching, the batched materials shall be
completely unloaded, and the unloading valve shall be completely closed. The
unloading valves of weighing hoppers can be opened only after the demands of
all batching hoppers meet requirements. Unloading valves can be closed only
after the batched materials are completely unloaded from the hoppers and the
weighing equipment is under a balanced condition. The weighing error of asphalt
and mineral aggregate is controlled to be less than 0.4%; the mix proportion
error is controlled to be ±0.3% for asphalt, ±2% for aggregate, and ±1% for filling

(2) Mixing of asphalt mixture

The asphalt mixture is mixed and prepared using LB-500 asphalt concrete
mixing plant. Prior to formal production of asphalt mixture, operators shall detect
various devices of the mixture mixing system, and shall mainly detect the
accuracy of weighing system, and operation conditions of timing and
temperature measuring devices and other control devices. During mixing of
asphalt mixture, aggregate and mineral aggregate shall be added first for dry
mixing, and then the asphalt shall be sprayed for wet drying. The mixing time
shall be determined through test and approved by the Engineer. After mixing, the
asphalt mixture shall be of uniform color and consistency, without grey materials,

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yellow fume and other abnormalities. No segregation shall occur during

unloading, and the temperature shall be controlled at 150°C~165°C, to ensure
that the temperature can meet the rolling temperature requirements of asphalt
concrete after consideration is given to heat losses during transport and
spreading. After mixing, the asphalt mixture is unloaded to receiving hopper, and
then lifted using lifting sliding rail of winch to the finished asphalt mixture bin
(heat-insulation storage tank) of the mixing plant for storage. Storage and heat insulation of asphalt mixture

The asphalt mixture is stored using heat-insulation storage tank, and the
storage capacity shall meet the demand for 3h spreading of asphalt concrete.
The heat insulation of asphalt mixture shall be such that the temperature drop
every 4 h within 24 h will not exceed 1°C; the asphalt mixture storage tank is
heated using an electric heating mode, and mineral wool is adopted for the heat
insulation of storage tank. Index requirements and storage of cushion materials at both sides of

asphalt concrete core

(1) Index requirements of cushion materials

The well-graded artificial aggregate is mainly used as cushion materials at

upstream and downstream sides of asphalt concrete core. The aggregate is of
relatively strong weathering resistance. During construction, the aggregate is
spread and rolled together with the asphalt concrete core, and also functions in
lateral supporting for hot asphalt mixture.

(2) Storage of cushion materials

For the Project, cushion materials used for filling are piled close to the
aggregate processing system, and is loaded using loader and transported to the
construction part using dump truck during construction of asphalt concrete core. Transport of asphalt mixture and cushion material

(1) Transportation of asphalt mixture

The asphalt mixture is transported using 15t dump truck (with heat
insulation measures taken), and then transferred to the placing pit on site using
3.0m3 loader. The loader is refitted and equipped with 2.5 m3 heat-insulation
transfer hopper.

The asphalt mixture is horizontally transported to the construction part using

15t dump truck (with heat insulation measures taken), and then unloaded to the
asphalt mixture hopper of spreader using a refitted 3.0m3 loader equipped with

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heat-insulation transfer hopper. During manual spreading, the transfer hopper is

directly adopted for unloading asphalt mixture to formworks, and then manual
leveling is carried out.

The transport equipment of asphalt mixture shall have good heat insulation
effects, to ensure that the temperature loss of asphalt mixture during transport
can be controlled within an allowable range.

The transport equipment and transport road of asphalt mixture shall ensure
no aggregate segregation and leakage during transport of asphalt mixture, and
ensure that the asphalt mixture can be transported from the mixing plant to the
paving part continuously, uniformly, rapidly and timely.

During transport of asphalt mixture, the equipment for transporting asphalt

mixture shall be coated with a layer of anti-adhesion agent before each
continuous use. The anti-adhesion agent shall not cause damage to asphalt
mixture or chemical reaction with asphalt mixture, and its coating amount shall
be determined through site test. The equipment for transporting asphalt mixture
shall be cleaned under idle state. During each unloading, adhesion or residue of
asphalt mixture shall not be allowed.

(2) Transport of cushion material

The upstream and downstream sides of asphalt concrete core are

respectively provided with 1.5m wide cushions (exploited from zone IV2).

The cushion materials are transported from the material yard to the
construction part using 15t dump truck.

Paving of cushion materials: For manual paving of core, backhoe and

manual leveling are adopted; for mechanical spreading of core, a backhoe is
adopted to transfer materials to the cushion material hopper of spreader. For the
paving beyond the control range of paver, backhoe and manual paving are

(3) Communication between placing decks

A movable steel trestle crosses the core, to connect both sides of the core. Paving of asphalt concrete core and cushion material

The construction of asphalt concrete core is carried out by manual and

mechanical spreading. For the parts which cannot be spread using the special
spreader of asphalt concrete core, such as the expansion section connected
with concrete base and the expansion sections of core on both bank slopes,
manual spreading shall be carried out; for other parts which can be spread using

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the special spreader of asphalt concrete core, mechanical spreading shall be

carried out.

(1) Mechanical spreading

If the asphalt concrete core is subjected to mechanical spreading, a special

combined spreader of asphalt concrete shall be used. The spreader mainly
consists of infrared heating device, asphalt mixture hopper, transition material
bin, movable formwork, monitoring system and mechanical drive system.

An infrared heater is set in front of the spreader. The height of the spreader
is adjustable, and the spreader runs using crawler belt and is subjected to
stepless drive by hydraulic motor. The crawler belt runs on the leveled and
compacted cushion; the steel formwork of core is installed below the asphalt
mixture hopper, and close to the cab platform. Such equipment can ensure
uniform and precise spreading of asphalt mixture of core.

The asphalt concrete spreader of core is a hydraulically-driven crawler belt

type, and the width of core and cushion leveling plate is adjustable according to
design requirements. The leveling height of transition layer is under automatic
control of rotary laser, to ensure spreading levelness of the next layer.

Each layer of asphalt concrete core is marked with accurate centerline

located using fine metal wires. A camera is installed in front of the machine, and
a monitor is set in the cab, such that the operator can drive the spreader to run
accurately along with the fine metal wire. A fuel gas type infrared heater and a
large-power vacuum dust collector are set in front of the machine, to remove
dust and water. Before spreading of the upper layer, the surface of the lower
layer shall be dried and heated using a heater, to ensure close and firm binding
of two layers. The total spreading width is 3.5 m, and is adjustable within the
range of 0.5 ~ 1.2 m based on the core width during core spreading. The
compaction thickness is 20±2 cm. The traveling speed of spreader shall be
controlled at 1 ~ 2 m/min.

The equipment can be used for spreading asphalt mixture and cushion
materials on both sides of the asphalt concrete core at the same time. The
asphalt mixture is unloaded to the asphalt mixture hopper of special spreader
using a refitted 3.0m3 loader equipped with heat-insulation transfer hopper. The
cushion materials are loaded to the cushion material hopper of special spreader
using a backhoe, and those beyond the control range of spreader is spread
using a backhoe.

① Process flow

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Refer to Figure 9.9-2 for the mechanical spreading process flow of asphalt
concrete core.

Construction Preparations

Survey and setting out, and fixation of

metal wires

Surface treatment of binding layer

Loading of asphalt mixture and transition material to special spreader

Spreading using a special spreader

Static rolling of transition material

Synchronous rolling and compaction of asphalt mixture and

transition material

Quality inspection

Figure 9.9-2 Spreading Process Flow Chart of Mechanical Spreading Section

② Paving

For the asphalt concrete core, the construction method of horizontal

layering and one-process spreading and rolling along the entire axis without
sectioning is adopted. Spreading in layers shall be carried out in strict
accordance with the required spreading direction, sequence, spreading layer
thickness, spreading and rolling temperature, and rolling times.

The layer thickness is less than 25 cm during spreading and 20±2cm after
compaction. The mechanical spreading is carried out using special combined
spreader of asphalt concrete core, and spreading of asphalt mixture and cushion
material can also be carried out at the same time. The traveling speed of
spreader shall be controlled at 1 ~ 2 m/min. Cushion materials beyond the
control range of spreader shall be spread using backhoe in coordination with
manual spreading.

The temperature of asphalt mixture shall be measured from time to time

during spreading of asphalt mixture, and any unqualified materials shall be
removed in time.

(2) Manual spreading

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① Process flow

The manual spreading process flow of asphalt concrete core is basically the
same as mechanical spreading, and the only difference is that the procedures of
formwork support, calibration and removal are required for manual spreading.
Refer to Figure 9.9-3 for the manual spreading process flow.

Construction Preparations

Survey & setting out

Formwork erection

Paving of cushion materials

Primary rolling of cushion material

Layer surface treatment

Spreading of asphalt mixture

Form removal

Synchronous rolling of asphalt mixture

and cushion material

Final rolling

Quality inspection

Figure 9.9-3 Spreading Process Flow Chart of Manual Spreading Section

② Formwork

Formworks used for the manual spreading section are special movable
steel formworks of asphalt concrete core which can be easily installed and
removed. Each formwork has a size of 200 cm (length) × 25 cm (width) and is
processed from 8mm thick steel plate. After setting the core width according to
design requirements, two opposite formworks are fixed using 3 clamping fixtures
with adjustable length.

After locating of formwork, the cushion materials at both sides can be filled
only after the formwork passes inspection. After primary rolling of cushion
materials, the asphalt mixture is filled in steel formwork and then spread out.
Before rolling of asphalt mixture, the steel formwork shall be removed, and any
substances attached to the surface of formwork shall be removed. To reduce the

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amount of asphalt mixture attached to formwork and facilitate removal of

formwork, the inner side of formwork can be coated with demolding agent during

③ Paving

During manual spreading of core, a transfer hopper is used for directly

unloading asphalt mixture to the bin, and then manual leveling is carried out. The
cushion material is spread using backhoe supplemented by manual leveling.

After transferring asphalt mixture to the bin, manual spreading and leveling
is carried out using a shovel, and horizontal dumping shall not be allowed, to
ensure no segregation of aggregate and ensure the construction quality of
asphalt concrete.

The cushion materials on both sides of core shall be synchronously spread

and rolled, and special attention shall be paid to the operation close to formwork,
to avoid deformation and displacement of formwork. The cushion material 20 ~
30 cm away from formwork shall be rolled together with the asphalt mixture of
core after removal of formwork. Rolling of asphalt mixture and cushion material

(1) Rolling equipment

According to the design width of asphalt concrete core, two 3t double steel
wheel smooth vibratory rollers are proposed for rolling, and small vibratory
tamping plate is proposed for rolling of corners.

(2) Rolling process

According to our previous construction experience of asphalt concrete core

works, for different core widths of the Project, different rolling processes are
proposed, such as rolling along joints, rolling on joints at one side and along
joints at another side. Refer to Table 9.9-1 for details.
Table 9.9-7 List of rolling processes of asphalt mixture and cushion material

Core-wall The proposed order The proposed rolling

S/N Rolling method
thickness and number of rolling process parameter
Rolling along the seam is After paving, As for 3t vibrating roller,
used for the construction. preliminary roll the the rolling temperature is
At first, the vibrating roller cushion material and 140-150℃ and the paving
integrally falls on the perform the rolling or thickness is 23±2cm. The
1 0.9m asphalt mixture for rolling the asphalt mixture traveling speed of the
and the side boundary of and the cushion vibrating roller is
one side of asphalt core material at the same 25~30m/min. The paving
walls is as the criterion. time. The proposed thickness of the asphalt
Then roll the the asphalt rolling number of the

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Core-wall The proposed order The proposed rolling

S/N Rolling method
thickness and number of rolling process parameter
mixture and the side asphalt mixture is: 2 transition material is
boundary of the other side static+8 moving + 2 2~3cm higher than that of
of asphalt core walls is as static levelling. the asphalt mixture.
the criterion.
The rolling method is After paving, As for 3t vibrating roller,
one-side seam-perforation preliminary roll the the rolling temperature is
and one-side cushion material and 140-150℃ and the paving
sticking-to-seam rolling. perform the rolling or thickness is 23±2cm. The
One-side seam-perforation the asphalt mixture traveling speed of the
rolling is used during the and the cushion vibrating roller is
moving rolling. Both the material at the same 25~30m/min. The paving
waterward side and the time. The proposed thickness of the transition
backwater side are rolled rolling times of the material equals to that of
for 4 times respectively, asphalt mixture is 2 the asphalt mixture.
that is, the vibrating roller static + 8 moving (the
2 rides on the transition method of one-side
and 0.5m
materials of the backwater seam-perforation and
side to roll taking the one-side
waterward side of the sticking-to-seam
asphalt core wall as the rolling) + 2 static
criterion and then the levelling.
vibrating roller rides on the
transition materials of the
waterward side to roll
taking the backwater side
of the asphalt core wall as
the criterion.

During the construction, the rolling order, rolling temperature, rolling number
and other construction process parameters are determined according to the
on-site test. Report to the Engineer of the Owner for approval and then it can be
used as the guidance in the construction. When the width of the wheel of the
vibrating roller is smaller than the width of the core wall, pave the transition
material on both sides 2 ~ 3cm higher than the asphalt mixture of the core wall.
The construction method is sticking-to-seam rolling. When the width of the wheel
of the vibrating roller is greater than the width of the core wall, the method
one-side sticking-to-seam rolling and one-side seam-perforation rolling is used
for rolling. The thickness of the cushion material on both sides equals to the
paving thickness of the asphalt mixture of the core wall. Cover the cushion
materials of both sides with canvas if necessary, to ensure the asphalt mixture
will not be polluted when the seam-perforation rolling is performed tot he
concrete of the asphalt mixture. Small vibration grinding or gasoline ram is
adopted at the joint part of the bank slope for compaction.

The rolling temperature of the asphalt mixture is 140~150°C in general and

is not lower than 120°C and no more than 155°C. If the paving temperature is
too high, keep static for a certain period after paving and after perform rolling. As
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for the times of rolling, perform 2 times of static rolling and then keep still for
10-20min, and then perform vibration rolling for 6-8 times and perform 2 times of
static rolling at last. The traveling speed of the vibrating roller shall be controlled
at 25~30m/min. The specific rolling temperature and rolling times are
determined according to the parameters determined by the test.

Rolling the cushion material: 3t double steel wheel vibration flat grinding is
used for rolling. The rolling times is performed according to the test result. The
traveling speed of the vibrating roller shall be controlled at 25~30m/min.

Minimize lateral seams during the paving of the asphalt concrete core wall.
If there are lateral seams, the slope degree shall be 1∶3 in general and the
distance between the upper layer and the lower layer shall be over 2m. The
rolling machinery shall not suddenly brake when the asphalt concrete is rolled.
Across- core wall rolling is not allowed. The overlapping rolling of the lateral
seam is 30~50cm.

9.9.7 Construction at special parts Treatment of the joint surface of asphalt concrete and concrete

(1) The rag of the surface of the common concrete which is connected to
the asphalt concrete is washed out through high pressure water punching
machines, or manually clean the floating pulp, milk skin, waste residue and dirt
on the surface and then blow-dry it with about 0.6MPa high pressure to ensure
the concrete surface is clean and dry.

(2) The joint surface of the asphalt concrete and concrete is laid with a layer
of asphalt mastic.

(3) Sandy asphalt mastic is used for asphalt mastic. It is mixed during the
construction (the reference mixing ratio is asphalt: ore powder: sand = 1: 2: 1).
The final mixing ratio, laying method and time of the asphalt mastic adopts
corresponding parameters provided by the on-site tests. Strictly follow the test
result during the mixing and control it according to the mixing ratio and
temperature which are approved by the Engineer. Before laying the asphalt
mastic, evenly spray 1 ~ 2 times of cold primer oil on the clean and dry concrete
surface. After the cold primer oil dries (about 12h later), lay the mastic according
to the width required by the design. As for construction procedure of the seam,
see Fig. 9.9-4.

The asphalt mastic surface must be kept clean and heated as necessary
when the asphalt mixture is paved. The painting width of the asphalt mastic shall
be 25cm wider than the asphalt concrete core wall base at each side at least.

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Pay attention to the protection and correction of water-stop copper when the
asphalt mastic and asphalt mixture are paved. Small machinery is used to tamp
near the water-stop copper. Before paving, the surface of the water-stop copper
shall be dry and clean and coated with 2 layers of cold primer oil.

Washing and cleaning of the

concrete surface

The concrete surface is clean

and dry

Concrete surface acceptance

Evenly spray1~2 times of cold

primer oil

Cold primer oil surface


Pave the asphalt mastic

Figure 9.9-4 Construction procedure of the joint surface of

asphalt concrete and concrete Lateral seam treatment of asphalt concrete core wall

Try to ensure the construction is at the same elevation to reduce the lateral
seam. If a transverse seam is necessary the combined slope is made to more
than 1:3. During the construction of the seam, artificially remove the coarse
aggregate on the surface. Firstly use the gasoline ram to tamp the surface of the
slope until the surface of the asphalt concrete surface has oil and then roll the
lateral seam with vibrating roller to make the asphalt mixture compact. Before
the next asphalt mixture paving, artificially use steel drill o remove the asphalt
concrete at the sharp corner of the slope and use the wire brush to remove the
adhesive dirt on asphalt concrete surface and then blow it with high pressure
wind. During the paving, first heat it with the infrared heater according to the
method of level treatment so that the level temperature exceeds 70°C and then
perform asphalt mixture paving and rolling. Layer surface treatment

(1) As for the continuous rising and compacted asphalt concrete with clean
level, the temperature of the surface is more than 70°C. No treatment is
performed to the level of the asphalt concrete and it rises continuously.

(2) When the surface temperature of the next layer of asphalt concrete is
lower than 70°C, take the infrared heater to heat. During the heating, control the
heating time to prevent the asphalt concrete from aging.
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(3) As for dirty surface of the asphalt concrete due to shut down and long
dead time, clean it with high pressure wind and water. If necessary, bake the
sticky surface with an infrared heater to make it soften and then remove it.
Heating is performed then. When the temperature of the level reach the one
instructed by the Engineer, evenly spray a layer of hot asphalt on the level, and
then pave the asphalt mixture on the upper layer.

(4) After drilling holes to take the cores, the holes left in the core wall is
backfilled in a timely manner. Clean the holes with high pressure water gun,
artificially dry the water in the hole, dry the hole wall with a tubular infrared
heater to make the asphalt concrete reaches the specified temperature. Backfill
it with the hot asphalt mixture in layers and each layer is 5cm and then artificially
tamp it with tampers. The backfilling height of the core wall is 2cm higher than
the core wall.

9.9.8 Guarantee measures for paving construction of the asphalt concrete

core wall

(1) Complete the appropriate preparation work for the construction,

including cleaning or finishing of the surface of the seam between the cement
concrete structure and the asphalt concrete, construction machinery. Various
quality control testing equipment and supporting facilities are ready; various
material are enough prepared; the on-site paving tests have been completed.
The training to the builders has been completed. The construction is carried out
in strict accordance with the design technical requirements and the Engineer's

(2) Before the on-site paving, report to the Owner's Engineer for the overall
inspection and review of the paving parts and the preparation work. Start the
paving after the Owner's Engineer issues the construction open permit.

(3) Perform regular cleaning and maintenance to the construction

equipment and machines of the asphalt concrete and regularly verify the control
system of the metering equipment to ensure the construction quality and the
construction is conducted as planned.

(4) Strictly follow the construction process and pay attention to the
supporting work to make sure the asphalt concrete core wall can be evenly
paved. During the paving process, observe the paving effect at any time. Timely
adjust and deal with after finding abnormalities, and stop the paving to find
reasons. Continue to pave after correction.

(5) Remove and abandon the asphalt mixture with excessive temperature
loss due to too long idle time. The paved asphalt concrete will not damaged

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when the useless asphalt mixture is removed.

(6) Strictly control the rolling temperature of the asphalt mixture to make
sure the asphalt will not stick to the roller and the asphalt mixture can meet the
quality requirement of the asphalt concrete after being compacted.

(7) Try to ensure the construction is at the same elevation as far as possible
to reduce the lateral seam. If a transverse seam is necessary the combined
slope is made to more than 1:3. The distance between the upper layer and the
lower layer of the lateral seam shall be more than 2m. The treatment method of
the lateral seam is the same with that of the seam and the level.

(8) Before continuing to pave, make sure the temperature of the seam
surface of the next layer is more than 70°C. When the seam surface temperature
of the next layer is lower than 70℃, take the infrared heater to heat so that it
meets the paving requirements. During the heating, control the heating time to
prevent the asphalt concrete from aging.

(9) The rolling machinery shall not suddenly brake when the asphalt
concrete is rolled. Across- core wall rolling is not allowed. The overlapping rolling
of the lateral seam is 30~50cm.

(10) When the construction is stopped in the rainy season, the elevation
of each fracture surface of the core wall and the cushion material shall be slightly
higher than the adjacent dam body filling materials in the upstream and

(11) During the rolling process, the roller shall be kept moist and the
adhesion of the vibrating roller shall be cleaned up in time. The vibrating roller
surface is strictly prohibited brushing diesel.

9.10 Construction schedule and strength analysis

9.10.1 Dam filling schedule

See Table 9.10-1 for the dam filling schedule

Table 9.10-1 Dam filling schedule

Project Commence
SN Project name Unit End time
amount ment time
1 Structures on the dam body
The downstream of the dam
1.1 core wallEL517m~536m dam 10,000 m3 18.2 2020.5.1 2020.6.30
body filling
EL510m ~ 537m dam body
1.2 10,000 m3 59.3 2020.7.1 2020.8.31

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EL537m ~ 550.5m dam body

1.2 10,000 m3 71.8 2020.9.01 2020.10.31
EL550.5m ~ 571m dam body
1.3 10,000 m3 95.9 2020.11.01 2021.1.31
EL571m ~ 590.35m dam body
1.4 10,000 m3 44.9 2021.2.01 2021.4.30
EL590.35m ~ 591.5m dam
1.5 10,000 m3 0.5 2021.6.1 2021.7.31
body filling
2 Asphalt concrete core wall
Asphalt concrete core wall with
2.1 the elevation of less than m3 5610 2020.7.1 2020.8.31
EL537m~550.5m asphalt
2.2 m3 4903 2020.9.01 2020.10.31
concrete core wall
EL550.5m~590.35m asphalt
2.3 m3 11760 2020.11.1 2021.4.30
concrete core wall

9.10.2 Analysis of dam filling strength

According to the construction plan, the filling strength is the largest in Sep. -
Nov. of 2020 and the largest monthly strength is 375,000m3/month. The peak
period of the asphalt core wall is Sep. - Oct. of the third year, which is 3,268.7m3
in total, that is 2 layers each day. The daily construction strength is 116.7m3/d.

9.11 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment

See Table 9.9-1 for the main construction machinery and equipment

Table 9.9-1 Table of main construction equipment of dam body filling

Model and Remarks

Name Unit Qty.
Bucket volume
Backhoe excavator Set 8
Bucket volume
Backhoe excavator Set 2
Loader 3.0m3 Set 2
Bulldozers D155A Set 2
Bulldozers D85 Set 2
Vibratory roller 18t Set 2
Double steel wheel
3t Set 3
vibrating roller
Double steel wheel
1t Set 2
vibrating roller

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Frog hammer HW70 Set 2

Dump truck 15t Set 10
Dump truck 20t Set 50
Watering cart 15t Set 2
Asphalt concrete
LB-500 Pcs. 1
mixing building
Dedicated paver for
asphalt concrete Set 1
core wall

9.12 Filling construction measures for dam body in rainy seasons

The dam body filling experiences the third year of the rainy season. In order
to ensure the normal construction in the rainy season, the following construction
measures are specially formulated:

(1) Set catchwater at the appropriate location of the high slope at both sides
of the dam body, and drain away the water from the slop in the rainy season to
the outside of the filling surface using the drainage ditch of the construction road.

(2) During the dam body filling construction in the rainy season, in order to
erosion to dam surface and dam slope, timely pave, level and roll the material on
the dam. After the rolling to each layer of dam surface to make a slope surface
incline to the (slope is not steeper than 1%) to upstream and downstream to
facilitate the smooth flow of water.

(3) During the dam body filling construction in the rainy season, strengthen
the maintenance of roads, timely remove obstacles on the road and clear the
roadbed drains to ensure smooth drainage. For transport vehicles, strengthen
the maintenance to ensure the safety of the braking system.

(4) If it rains during the construction of the asphalt concrete core wall, in
order to prevent the erosion and damage to the formed asphalt core wall caused
by the rainwater, cover the top of the wall with high temperature canvas to
ensure the forming quality of the wall body.

(5)Before the advent of flood season, prepare flood control materials (stone,
sand bags, lead wire cage, etc.).

(6) When the daily rainfall is greater than 5mm, stop dam filling construction.

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10 Program for roller compacted concrete dam

10.1 Overview

According to the requirements of the bidding documents, this project takes

the roller compacted concrete dam as the alternative program. According to the
alternative design program, the dam area is a roller compacted concrete gravity
dam. The crest elevation is 591.5m, the maximum dam height is 86.5m and the
full length of the crest is 640m. The arrangement from left to right is left bank
retaining dam section, overflow dam section, diversion bottom hole dam section
and right bank retaining dam section. The left bank retaining dam section is
300m long and is divided into 15 sections. The overflow dam section is 120m
long and uses the step energy dissipation method. The designed flow is
2,590m3/s. The right side of the spillway dam is diversion bottom hole dam
section and it is 20m long. Two holes are set and the fracture surface is
rectangle. The size of the single hole is 5.5m×6.0m. The entrance bottom
elevation is 520.0m and the exit bottom elevation is 520.0 m and the length is

The overflow dam contains 6 dam sections. The length of each section is
20.0m on average and the full length is 120.0m. The net width of the discharge is
98.4m. The elevation of the foundation surface is 505.0m and the access bridge
is set at the top of the spillway. The basic triangle of the dam is a right triangle.
The upstream face is upright and the proportion of the surface to the slope of the
downstream is 1: 0.8. The maximum width of the dam foundation is 66.4m.

The elevation of the weir crest of the spillway is 585.00m. WES weir type is
used, there is no gate control and the overflow surface uses step energy
dissipation. The project is designed with PMF flood, and the discharge flow is

The end of the overflow surface is connected with the absorption basin. The
length of the absorption basin is 36.0m and the width of the exit of the absorption
basin is 120.0m.

In order to meet grouting, drainage, cooling, observation and transportation

requirements, three layers of rectangular longitudinal tunnels are set in the dam,
that is, the foundation tunnel (the shortest elevation is 510.00m), the tunnel with
elevation of 539.00m and the tunnel with elevation of 572.50m. The foundation
channel includes grouting, main drainage tunnels and horizontal foundation
drainage tunnels.

The stairwell is set the top of the left bank retaining dam section for the
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vertical transportation of the dam.

See the following table for the main works.

S/N Project name Unit Project amount

3.1.1 Clearing and grubbing m2 28,622.00
3.1.2 Stripping of topsoil m2 14,311.00
3.1.3 Soft excavation (easy) m -
3.1.4 Soft excavation (difficult) m 71,357.56
3.1.5 Rock excavation (normal) m3 -
3.1.6 Rock excavation dam foundation m3 404,359.49
3.1.7 Curtain grouting m 22,500.00
3.1.8 Soft excavation (easy) lm 200.00
3.2 RCC DAM -
3.2.1 Abrasion-resistant concrete m3 7,016.10
Roller compacted concrete C 90 15,
3.2.2 m3 727,387.50
Anti - seepage distorted concrete before the
3.2.3 m3 22,920.45
dam C 90 20, two-graded, W8
3.2.4 Normal concrete C 28 25, two-graded m3 37,861.95
3.2.5 Pulp-adding concrete C 90 20, two-graded m3 112,806.75
3.2.6 Consolidation grouting m 42,933.55
3.2.7 Rock bolt (d28, L=5m) pcs 5,584
Water-stop copper (340mm wide and 1.0mm
3.2.8 m 10,071.60
3.2.9 Shotcrete m3 2,068.50
3.2.10 Hanging steel ton 4,151.70
3.2.11 Rock bolt (d25, L=4.0m) pcs 5,170
3.2.12 Structural reinforcement ton 2,737.45
3.3.1 First stage cofferdam filling m3 103,510.00
3.3.2 Lead wire cage m 4,830.10
3.3.3 High pressure concrete impervious wall m 12,716.00
3.3.4 Cofferdam tear down m3 108,340.10
3.3.5 Second stage Cofferdam
3.3.6 Upstream cofferdam filling m3 56,854.60
3.3.7 Crushed rock revetment of upstream m 1,806.20
3.3.8 Transition material of upstream m3 2,669.70

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3.3.9 High pressure concrete impervious wall m2 5,385.60

3.3.10 Geomembrane of upstream cofferdam m2 2,103.20
3.3.11 Excavation of longitudinal cofferdam m 2,475.00
3.3.12 Concrete of longitudinal cofferdam m 11,489.50
3.3.13 Longitudinal cofferdam tear down m3 6,187.50
3.3.14 Downstream cofferdam filling m3 22,060.50
3.3.15 Crushed rock revetment of downstream m 1,338.70
3.3.16 High pressure concrete impervious wall m 4,004.00
3.3.17 Cofferdam tear down m3 23,399.20

10.2 Planning of construction scheme

The roller compacted concrete dam adopts stage diversion and stage
construction for construction. At the end of December 2018, permanent roads
are built to the intake and the dam design program is reported to the Owner for
approval. From January of 2019, surround the 12 dam sections on the right bank
with phase-I cofferdam. Perform excavation, concrete pouring and foundation
treatment to the 12 dam sections on the right bank using the water passing
through the main river bed on the left side. Organize the concrete dam
construction according to the rising speed of the dam, 10m/month. The dam
body can be poured into the location which is the 580.5m elevation of the lower
part of the overflow dam at the end of November 2019. The dam body has the
flood protection conditions. Remove the phase-I cofferdam at December of 2019
and build the phase-II cofferdam. Perform excavation, concrete pouring and
grouting treatment to the remaining 19 dam sections using the overflowing the
diversion bottom hole has been completed on the right side. At last, at the end of
April of 2021 (the 40th month) the dam will be poured to the top, the diversion
bottom hole and the tail lock of the water inlet. The transformation work is carried
out the diversion bottom hole and the reservoir begins to store water to meet the
construction period requirements of the Owner.

The dam bank slope excavation and foundation pit excavation construction
program is same with asphalt concrete core wall rockfill dam in the
recommended program. The self-discharging truck with backhoe is used for
excavation and transportation. Hydraulic drills are used to drill holes. Foundation
grouting treatment is also performed in the dam tunnel and the construction
method is same with the asphalt concrete core wall rockfill dam in the
recommended program. Dam concrete pouring uses turnover formwork. As for
the dam body with the elevation of less than 539m in the phase-I work, the
construction road can be built from the downstream cofferdam. The
self-discharging truck is used to directly put into storage. One 8t truck is

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arranged to transport materials. Due to the slow terrain, roads can be built on the
five retaining dam section in the abutment of the right bank and the
self-discharging truck is used for direct storage. Arrange the negative pressure
slip tube using the high and low blocks between 5 # ~ 8 # dam sections.
Transport the concrete from the top of the crest to the transportation truck which
is located at the 8# dam section through the negative pressure slip tube and then
transport them through trucks to other dam sections for pouring. The pouring
method of the dam boy with the elevation of less than 539m in the phase-II
project is same with the phase-I project. The self-discharging truck is also used
for direct storage at the seven dam sections of the abutment of the left bank, and
then arrange negative pressure slip tube using the high and low blocks between
dam sections. The self-discharging truck is used to transport materials for
storage. Two truck cranes are set at the top of the crest to lift materials. Two 8t
truck cranes are arranged at the surface for transportation of materials.

10.3 Construction Layout

10.3.1 Layout of sand and gravel processing and concrete mixing system

Sand and gravel processing and concrete mixing system are arranged near
the branch construction cave of the diversion tunnel. According to the
construction schedule and intensity planning, the treatment capacity of the sand
and gravel processing system is 400t/h and the production capacity is 350t/h.
The concrete mixing system is equipped with one set of HL240-2Q3000 forcing
type mixing plant. In the normal concrete conditions, the nameplate production is
240m ³ / h. In the production of roller compacted concrete production, the
nameplate production is200m ³ / h. The concrete mixing system produces
according to three shift production mode based on the standard data. The
effective production time is 20h per day and the effective attendance is 25 days
per month, and the effective monthly production time is 500h. The coefficient of
concrete is 0.6 and the monthly production capacity of the equipment is
200×500×0.6=60,000m³/month. The production intensity of the sand and gravel
processing system and the concrete mixing system can meet the needs of
pouring at the peak month, which is 50,000m3 per month.

10.3.2 Layout of Construction Roads

Besides the new permanent roads, three temporary construction roads are
built along the right bank at the downstream of the dam, and they are EL525.8m
to the dam crest, EL539m to the dam abutment and EL573m to the dam
abutment respectively. Four temporary construction roads are built along the left
bank of the dam, and they are EL525.8m to the dam crest, EL539m to the dam
abutment, EL573m to the dam abutment and 591.5m to the dam crest

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respectively. At the same time, temporary roads under the foundation pit are
built inside the phase-I cofferdam and phase-II cofferdam. The temporary
cross-river bridge is built at the downstream of the dam to make sure the traffic is
smooth between the left bank and the right bank.

10.3.3 Construction means arrangement

Self-discharging trucks and vegetative pressure slip tubes are considered to

use for storage of the dam concrete. As for construction means of pouring in
different stages and specific arrangements, see Staging Layout of Pouring of
Roller Compacted Concrete. 50t crawler cranes and truck cranes are used to put
concrete of the downstream absorption basin for storage.

10.4 On-site RCC rolling test

10.4.1 Test site and time

The on-site test is scheduled on February ~ March 2019. The dimensions of

the test site are 30*8m. During on-site test, R28=150# leveling concrete is
poured first; 10 days later, the mortar is filled, after which C15 three-graded RCC
and C15 two-graded RCC is poured by 2 strips. Since the wheel width of
BW202AD is 1.2m and the lapping between strips is 0.2m, the width of each strip
is finalized to be 4m for easy rolling. Strip A is 4m wide for pouring C15
two-graded RCC; the 0.5m wide C20 two-graded concrete near the formwork
edge is distorted concrete. Strip B is 4m wide for pouring C15 three-graded RCC;
the 0.5m wide C20 three-graded concrete near the formwork edge is distorted
concrete. A total of 5 layers are poured, with a total height of about 150cm. The
floor plan for on-site test is as shown in Fig. 10-1.

Strip A RII C15 two-graded RCC is 4m wide; the 0.5m on the formwork side is
distorted concrete.
Strip B RII C15 three-graded RCC is 4m wide; the 0.5m on the formwork side is
distorted concrete.

Figure 10-1 Floor Plan for On-site RCC Test

10.4.2 Test contents

⑴ Selection of feeding sequence and mixing time

The test on RCC feeding sequence and mixing time will be conducted at the
mixing station 35 days before the on-site test. C15 two-graded and three-graded
RCC mix proportion is selected for feeding test. Three feeding sequences and
the mixing time of 120s, 150s and 180s are selected for the test. The VC value at
tank head and tail, gas content, 7d and 28d compressive strength, coarse
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aggregate content and mortar bulk density test should be conducted on each
mix proportion, feeding sequence and mixing time. The feeding sequence and
mixing time should be finally selected according to the test results.

⑵ Test of rolling parameter, compacted bulk density and allowable

intermittent time for continuous lifting

The test on rolling parameter, compacted bulk density and allowable

intermittent time for the continuous rising layer is conducted from the first to the
third pouring layer.

The thickness of the first pouring layer is 30cm; the VC value at the mouth of
RCC machine should be controlled to 5~8s for the two strips on the first layer.
Each strip is divided into three zones: vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration
rolling for 10 times for Zone 1, vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling
for 8 times for Zone 2, and vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling for 6
times for Zone 3. The bulk density is tested after rolling. The thickness of the
second pouring layer is 40cm; the VC value at the mouth of RCC machine
should be controlled to 1~4s for the two strips on the second layer. Each strip is
divided into three zones: vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling for 10
times for Zone 1, vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling for 8 times for
Zone 2, and vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling for 6 times for
Zone 3. The bulk density is tested after rolling. The thickness of the third pouring
layer is 20cm; the VC value at the mouth of RCC machine should be controlled
to 9~12s for the two strips on the third layer. Each strip is divided into three
zones: vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling for 10 times for Zone 1,
vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling for 8 times for Zone 2, and
vibration-free rolling for 2 times + vibration rolling for 6 times for Zone 3. The bulk
density is tested after rolling. The specific site layout plan is as shown in Fig.
Zone 1 is 10m wide. Zone 2 is 10m wide. Zone 3 is 10m wide.

Vibration-free rolling for 2 Vibration-free rolling for 2 Vibration-free rolling for 2

times + vibration rolling for times + vibration rolling for times + vibration rolling for 6
10 times for Strip A 8 times times
Vibration-free rolling for 2 Vibration-free rolling for 2 Vibration-free rolling for 2
times + vibration rolling for times + vibration rolling for times + vibration rolling for 6
10 times for Strip B 8 times times

Figure 10-2 Diagram for the First Test Layer

In the process of the test, the RCC on each layer should be sampled at the
machine mouth for the test on VC value, gas content, 7d, 28d and 90d
compressive strength. The setting time of the concrete at each grade should be

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tested, too. When the concrete is poured for 15 days, 12 concrete core samples
with a pore size of 219mm are respectively sampled in each zone of each strip
for the test of 28d and 90d compressive strength and split tensile strength to
finally obtain different VC values, different rolling times, different relation curves
between thickness and RCC strength and bulk density.

In order to understand the allowable intermittent time for the continuous

rising layer, different intermittent time is set from the first to the fourth pouring
layer. The intermittent time between the first and the second layers is 8h; the
intermittent time between the second and the third layers is 12h; and that
between the third and the fourth layers is 16h. The interlayer intermittent time
can be properly adjusted according to the setting time of concrete, but should be
before the initial set of concrete. When the concrete is poured for 15 days,
concrete coring is conducted to test the 90d interlayer contact surface shear
strength and tensile strength of concrete. In addition, sectional packer test is
conducted on layers. The allowable intermittent time for RCC continuous rising
layer is finalized according to the mechanical performance indexes of concrete

⑶ Process time for distorted concrete

The test is conducted at 0.5m from the formwork side of Strips A and B; the
mortar adding amount from the first to the fifth layer is 4%, 5%, 6%, 7% and 8%
respectively; each layer is divided into three sections, 10m long for each. During
the test, the mortar is added by channel dredging at the first section, from the
basement at the second section and by plugging at the third section. In the
process of test, the warehouse surface is sampled to test the 7d, 28d and 90d
compressive strength of distorted concrete with different mortar adding amount.
Three coring holes with a diameter of 168mm are arranged at each section. The
core is from the fifth layer to the first layer. The core sample is described and
tested for 28d and 90d compressive strength. Packer test is also conducted. The
mortar adding amount and construction process for distorted concrete are
finalized according to the core sample results and the conditions on the exposed
concrete surface after form removal.

10.5 Formwork construction

10.5.1 Formwork planning

The form works is preliminarily planned as follows according to the

structural features of each part:

⑴ For the normal concrete in the absorption basin, the plank with a
thickness of δ=2.5cm combined with steel form are applied and fixed by φ10~12

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internal and external reinforced brace supports.

⑵ Turn-over formwork is applied to the upstream and downstream faces of

dam RCC warehouse to realize rapid continuous alternative rising for the
construction characteristics of RCC.

⑶ The integrated large formwork is applied to the stalk of overflow bore

gate pier; shaped wood formwork is applied to the pier head and tail, with a layer
of galvanized sheet iron nailed on the surface; steel truss type formwork is
applied to the overflow surface; steel tube frame is used for the surface control
construction at the weir crest.

⑷ Shaped steel-wood formwork is applied to overflow bore RCC steps;

cone anchor bar is arranged in the formwork for anchorage. The horizontal and
diagonal braces outside the formwork are fastened.

⑸ Precast concrete formwork is applied to the gallery in the dam.

⑹ Steel tube frame is applied to the grouting adit floor for surface control.
The side wall formwork is combined steel formwork, with internal brace fixed; the
crown formwork is shaped steel arch and combined steel formwork, with
supports embedded in side walls.

10.5.2 Formwork design and construction

⑴ Turn-over formwork

① The structures of formwork mainly include: panel system, support

system, anchoring system and working platform, etc. All such structures are
made of steel structures. The dimensions of formwork are 3.0m×2.1m×1.10m
(the design gross weight of each set of formwork is 900kg) or 1.5m×1.8m×1.10m
(the design gross weight of each set of formwork is 500kg). Doka formwork
all-steel panel is used and fixed with D25 anchor bar. The frame carrier uses
grade 2 No. 10 U-steel. No. 10 U-steel is also applied to the diagonal brace, and
angle steel to the platform and railing.

The type of turn-over formwork is as shown in Attached Fig. 13: the

Structure Diagram for Continuous Alternative Rising Formwork.

② Formwork construction: Steel formwork is transported to the warehouse

surface with vehicle for installation with 8t warehouse surface truck crane.
During installation, the truck crane aligns the formwork with the guide
mechanism for installing the warehouse formwork and slowly lowers the
formwork to make it accurately in place. Then the rear link of truss is hinged to

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be new cantilever formwork. At this time, the crane is unhooked with the
formwork. The installer adjusts the internal and external inclination of the
face-plate by adjusting the truss link to make it up to the requirements for
construction precision. When the dam body keeps rising, the effect of mutual
cantilever joint force can be realized only by removing the lower formwork to
install onto the warehouse formwork. It takes about 10min to install a formwork.
During formwork installation, the surveyor adjusts with instruments at any time.

During the formwork erection for the first warehouse, the lower part of the
formwork is cleared to make the formwork close to the concrete surface. Each
formwork is arranged with 4 φ25 braces anchored to the internal concrete side.
To ensure the stability of the formwork, ground anchor pile is provided outside
the formwork and supported with φ50 steel pipe every 1.0m. The internal side is
above the formwork; φ22 steel brace is provided and removed during
construction. When the warehouse is completed, a formwork with the same
specification is installed on the formwork to form continuous alternative rising

When adjusting the formwork, the two frame carriers should be adjusted
simultaneously and consistently to ensure that the stress is evenly applied on
the formwork system. Do not strike with rebar or steel pipe to avoid deformation.
When adjusting the inclination of the formwork, the two regulating shaft levels
should be rotated at the same time to ensure that the formwork is adjusted
consistently. Before pouring each layer of concrete, the formwork panel should
be cleared and applied with release agent. When vibrating the concrete at the
edge of formwork with the vibrator, the anchor bar should not be impacted by the
vibrator to avoid deformation. Safety sign should be provided on the site. When
directly lifting the formwork for installation, operation and passage are strictly
prohibited thereunder.

When the formwork is turned over for 5 times, the screw regulating part of
the formwork should be inspected, cleared and lubricated. In the process of
construction, the bolts and standard parts should be inspected at any time to
avoid loosening. Setting-out survey should be conducted according to the
construction detail during formwork installation. If necessary, more control points
should be arranged to facilitate the inspection and correction of formwork.
Adequate temporary fixing facilities should be provided during formwork
installation to avoid overturn. For local parts where large formwork cannot be
installed, common steel formwork should be used and fixed with braces. The
steel brace of formwork should not bend; its diameter should be greater than
8mm; the brace should be firmly connected with the anchor ring. The anchoring
parts (bolt and steel ring, etc.) embedded in the lower concrete ensure that there
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is adequate anchoring strength when bearing load. The joint between formworks
should be smooth and tight. The deviation on the lower layer should be
corrected during layered construction to avoid “slab staggering” at the lower part
of the formwork.

In the process of concrete pouring, personnel should be specially assigned

to frequently inspect and adjust the shape and position of formwork. The
inspection and maintenance of formwork support should be strengthened. In
case of any deformation of formwork, effective measures should be taken for
correction, or concrete pouring should be stopped.

⑵ Overflow bore formwork

① Formwork design

The overflow surface outlet is composed of steel pipe frame and steel truss
type formwork.

The overflow surface outlet weir crest and concrete placement surface are
controlled by steel pipe frame; the overflow surface uses steel truss type
formwork and the steel formwork controls the form of surface.

② Formwork construction

Steel pipe frame: the steel pipe frame is welded with steel supporting racks
at an interval of 3m×3m according to the measuring points; the steel supporting
rack is tied to steel pipes; the upper end of steel pipe is the control point, after
concrete placement, level the concrete surface with wood frame scraper along
the control line of steel pipes; after demolition of the steel pipe frame, plaster

Steel truss type formwork: fabricate the steel truss according to the weir
surface curve in factory, transport by flat truck, the cable crane will lift the steel
truss rack to the placement bin, assemble manually in-situ, and place it correctly
on the welded steel supporting rack in the placement bin. The composite steel
formwork is mounted to lower end of steel truss; after casting, upon initial set of
the lower concrete layer, remove the steel formwork, and lift the steel formwork
to upper layer, plaster the lower concrete layer while casting the upper concrete

⑶ Overflow weir RCC terrace formwork

① Formwork design

The overflow weir RCC terrace formwork uses composite structure of steel
and timber; the plane size of formwork is designed according to the height of
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step; the lower part of formwork is P3015 composite steel formwork, the upper
part is the deformed steel formwork; if there is no rebar in the step, reserve the
opening by inserting a 10cm batten in the middle of formwork; the terrace
formwork is joined by steel pipe frame.

② Formwork construction

The formwork is designed and fabricated by professional manufacturer; the

batten and steel pipe frame are fabricated in factory, transported by flat truck
and lifted by cable crane into the placement bin for assembly into a whole
manually and then installed according to the surveying and setting out position.

⑷ Formwork of gate pier, pier head and pier end

For the forming timber formwork at the head and end of pier, nail a
galvanized sheet iron on the panel, lift it into the placement bin by cable crane,
install manually with cooperation of simple lifting device. For large vertical wall
assembled formwork of gate pier, install manually with cooperation of the simple
lifting equipment in the bin; the formwork is fixed with φ10~12 rebar and interior

⑸ Formwork of water-stop part

The formwork for water-stop part of dam is the induced joint water-stop

It is fabricated with the fir board of 1.0cm thick, with regular edges and free
of hole, according to designed structural dimension, 1.5m or 3.0m high; the width
fits for the jointed structure. After formation, immerse it completely into the
heated asphalt heating pot for at least 10 minutes, and then take out for airing.

After placing the water-stop formwork in bin to the working surface, install
manually. Pre-embed rebar along the direction of water-stop formwork on the
casted concrete; when installing the water-stop formwork, fix it by welding
supporting rebar.

⑹ Prefabricated concrete formwork

① The dam tunnel uses prefabricated concrete formwork, the ventilation

holes are qualified prefabricated pipelines.

② Formulate special operation specification for the fabrication of

prefabricated forms.

③ The dimension and flatness of prefabricated concrete formwork shall be

in strict accordance with the requirements of design documents; the processing

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technology of the prefabricated concrete formwork shall be controlled in strict

accordance with the specifications.

⑺ Other formwork

The jointing plate of induced joint is PVC plate, 2mm thick, 0.75mm wide.

The troughs, holes, corners, embedded works and the parts where the
sized or large formwork work is not applicable, use a small amount of bulk steel
formwork or wood formwork; design the plate drawings before construction,
display the position of formwork, internal and external enclosing purlins and
brace, so as to ensure the forming dimension of concrete.

10.5.3 Construction procedures of releasing agent on steel formwork

⑴ After dismantling the formwork, clean it and clear away the consolidated
mortar and other dirt in time, use small pneumatic equipment to purge the

⑵ After cleaning the formwork, brush releasing agent before opening the
concrete placement bin.

10.5.4 Guarantee measures for complicated structures

The upstream and downstream dam faces and gate pier are all important
and complicated structures; during construction, make sure the concrete
structures will not deform and can meet the design requirements.

⑴ The advanced structure form measuring technology can ensure the

installation precision of formwork and framework. Choose the optimum
measuring program, use advanced instrument and equipment and the high-tech
management system.

Optimization design of measuring program: the control network uses the

computer-assisted optimization design method (combined use of simulation
method and analytical method). The major contents of optimization design are
benchmark design, pattern design, weight design and old network
transformation design of the measuring control network. The comprehensive
quality standard of control network design includes the precision standard,
reliability standard, measurability standard, sensitivity standard of test network
and economic expense standard etc. thus to make sure the precision of the
control network used for setting out and monitoring can satisfy the design

Use advanced instruments and equipment to carry out measurement and

setting out work of the buildings with a complicated structure. The precision

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measuring work uses high-precision laser ranger (e.g. LDM2 two-color laser
ranger with a precision of ±<0.1+0.1PPM.D>mm), total station instrument
(TC160), laser aliger, precision level and GPS system etc.)

⑵ In order to satisfy the requirements of continuous concrete casting, large

power vibration and turnover rate, use the turnover formwork, make sure the
purlins have sufficient strength and rigidity, so that the formwork will not deform
during the casting process of concrete.

⑶ During the casting process of concrete, send two special carpenters to

check and adjust the form and position of formwork. In case of deformation of
formwork, take corrective measures immediately.

10.5.5 Formwork construction technology

⑴ Abide by related construction specifications, technical clauses in

tendering documents and requirements of field engineer.

⑵ The installation and demolition of all formwork shall have related

construction guide, if the workplace is at least 2m higher than the ground,
execute the safety specifications for work at high places.

⑶ For installation of formwork, carry out measuring and setting out work
according to design drawings, set more control points at important structures for
convenience of correction.

⑷ During the installation process of formwork, usually keep sufficient

temporary fastening facilities to prevent from overturn.

⑸ The rack must be mounted on solid ground or old concrete surface and
have sufficient supporting area; anti-skid measures shall be provided for inclined

⑹ The steel bar bracing of formwork shall not be bent, the diameter shall
be over 8mm at best; the bracing must be connected to anchor ring firmly, and
form an angle of 40°against the concrete surface.

⑺ The bulk horizontal and vertical enclosing purlins of steel formwork are
all two pieces of φ48×3.5mm steel pipe, the space between vertical purlins is
75cm. When using single steel pipe as the vertical enclosing purlin, the space is
37.5cm. Use M12 hook bolt and 3-shaped fastener to connect steel formwork
and purlins. Each piece of formwork uses 8 U-shape clips.

⑻ If the anchoring parts (bolt and reinforcing ring) pre-embedded in the

lower concrete layer will bear load, they must have sufficient anchoring strength

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in terms of material and fastening depth.

⑼ The joints between formwork and concrete and formworks shall be level
and tight to ensure the levelness of concrete surface and the compactness of
concrete. For layered construction of buildings, correct the deviation of lower
layers layer by layer and take effective measures to make the formwork contact
with concrete surface closely, so as to avoid mortar leakage during vibration.

⑽ Coat the formwork with releasing agent and avoid the contamination
which may affect the quality of rebar and concrete.

⑾ The bearing formwork shall be fastened on supporting system firmly to

avoid the misplacement during casting.

⑿ Do not put the materials and equipment exceeding the design load on
formwork and rack. For concrete pouring, control the pouring sequence, speed
and construction load according to the design load of formwork.

⒀ During pouring process of concrete, send special personnel to check

and adjust the form and position of formwork frequently. For the rack of bearing
formwork, enhance the inspection and maintenance. In case of deformation of
formwork, take effective measures to correct immediately.

⒁ For the formwork with appearance requirements and overflow surface,

use the independently developed new sleeve (eyelet) bolt (or similar parts) as
the fastening device.

⒂ The prefabricated concrete formwork will be transported when it has

reached the lifting strength in design requirements or not lower than 70% of the
design strength of concrete; when installing the formwork, pour the mortar, level
and compact it, making sure the formwork has been fastened and firmly
connected with lower concrete layer; before pouring concrete, clean the surface
of prefabricated concrete formwork, ensure the formwork surface is wet and free
of dirt like mortar, and enhance the vibration to ensure the reliable combination
of formwork and concrete.

⒃ Dismantle the side formwork not bearing load when the concrete
strength has reached at least 2.5MPa; the bearing formwork of steel reinforcing
concrete structure will be dismantled when the concrete has reached the
strength specified in the technical clauses of tendering documents and

⒄ The formwork of important structures, bearing formwork as well as the

mobile, tool and permanent formworks shall have special formwork design, and

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the specific requirements shall be brought up for materials, fabrication,

installation, use and demolition work.

⒅ The installation and demolition of large formwork shall be carried out in

strict accordance with the special safety technical measures. The construction of
small formworks like bulk steel formwork and fragmentary wood formwork shall
be carried out in accordance with related specifications and technical

10.6 Reinforcement works

10.6.1 Procurement and storage of rebar

According to the materials consumption plan, formulate the procurement

plan of raw materials, and procure after getting the approval from supervising
department. Check and accept the raw materials in batches by different grades,
plate numbers, specifications and manufacturers, store them separately, mark
and keep them properly.

10.6.2 Inspection of materials

⑴ The rebar of each batch and specification shall have ex-factory

certificate and inspection sheet. Before use, carry out sampling inspection
according to provisions in GB2101; with the rebar bearing the same furnace
(batch) number and same section size as the same batch, if the total weight is
less than 60t, then the weight of sample shall not be larger than 60kg; and then
carry out the inspection and acceptance.

⑵ According to the quality certificate of rebar provided by the manufacturer,

check the appearance quality of each batch and measure the typical diameter of
this batch.

⑶ In each batch of rebar, select two pieces of rebar qualified in appearance

inspection and size measurements, one for tension test (including yield point,
tensile strength and elongation test) and one for cold bend inspection. If one test
piece fails to meet the specified value, double the number of specimens to carry
out the second test of the unqualified item; if there is any unqualified specimen,
then this batch of rebar is not qualified. Carry out test on welding procedures for
the welded rebars.

⑷ The rebars for use in steel reinforcing concrete structure shall conform to
major performance requirements of hot-rolled rebar. In the non-prestressed
concrete for hydraulic structures, cold drawn rebar shall not be used.

⑸ When replacing the rebar specified in design documents with another

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steel number (or diameter), report to field engineer for acquiring approval before

10.6.3 Rebar fabrication

The processing of rebar is completed in the factory; see the technological

process in Figure 10-3. Before processing, the technical personnel shall
carefully read through the design documents and detailed construction drawings,
with each placement bin as the unit, formulate the setting out and processing
sheet of rebar, and then enter into the fabrication procedure after review. The
quality inspector shall complete acceptance inspection of finished products and
half-finished products in time; the qualified products will be transferred to the
finished products area, store and mark properly by category.

Familiar with the Formulate the Fabric Inspecti The Identifi

setting out and on and products
detailed construction ation shall be cation
drawings and design processing Accepta classified
drawing of rebar nce and
documents stacked.


Figure 10-3 Flow chart of fabrication

process of rebar

10.6.4 Installation of rebar

Before leaving the factory, check the rebar item by item according to the
setting out sheet; after confirmation, take out in batches according to the
arrangement of construction bin, transport by 8t flat truck to the site, and send t
operators with related skills to assemble at site.

The welding and binding of rebar shall meet the provisions in related
specifications and be executed according to the requirements in construction
drawings. When binding the rebar, according to the design drawings, measure
and set out the control points like central line and elevation, and then based on
the control points, with reference to the design drawings, arrange the rebar
network framework by using the pre-embedded anchor bar. Upon the
configuration of rebar framework, pave the distributing bar. The rebars are
assembled manually, when binding, use binding wire to bind them in quincunx
shape alternately, after adjusting the rebar structure and protective layer, pave
the pre-fabricated concrete block and use electric welding machine to fasten the

The connection of rebar joints is mainly finished by manual arc welding; the
welders must have corresponding certificate and operate in strict accordance
with the operation specification.

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For the parts with complicated structure, the technical personnel shall
formulate detailed construction flow chart, and carry out technical disclosure and
installation guidance at site in person.

10.7 Combined construction of inducing joints and interfaces

10.7.1 Construction of inducing joints

In order to form the roller-compacted concrete (RCC) inducing joints, PVC

inducing joint partitions shall be used, each with the thickness of 2mm and the
width of 0.75m, and after the RCC is completely spread, grooves shall be
excavated to embed the partitions manually.

In order to remove concrete or other debris from the surface of transverse

joints formed with the cast-in-formwork method, the methods of scraping and
finishing, etc. shall be adopted.

10.7.2 Construction of interfaces

⑴ For the RCC of dam body, the concrete spreading method characterized
by large section, thin layer and continuous rise shall be used for construction,
and the time interval between layers shall be controlled within the initial setting
time of concrete. If the actual time interval between layers exceeds the allowable
time interval between layers (after the initial setting time of concrete) due to the
impact of climate and equipment, etc. on construction, interfaces must be
treated. The treatment method of interfaces shall be determined according to the
actual time interval between layers of concrete and the properties of concrete

① In case that the actual time interval between layers falls in between the
initial setting time of concrete and the final setting time, water and loose
materials shall be removed from the interfaces and a 3mm-thick layer of cement
mixture slurry shall be paved on the interfaces, and then the next layer of RCC
shall be spread and rolled. The cement mixture slurry shall be mixed by the
right-bank mixing plant and transferred via pipelines.

② In case that the actual time interval between layers is more than the final
setting time of concrete, the interfaces shall be roughened and paved with
mortar. Based on the factors like season, concrete strength and equipment
performance, etc., roughening shall be determined according to field tests.
During construction, the interfaces shall be roughened first (the hydraulic
pressure for roughening shall be adjusted according to the actual strength of
concrete with the aim to remove laitance, loose materials, exposed stone and
coarse sand from the concrete surface); then, a 1.5∼2cm-thick layer of

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high-fluidity (8∼12cm) mortar, which is one grade higher than the grade of
concrete, shall be laid, and the next layer of RCC shall be spread and rolled.

③ Laying of cushions between layers and spreading of RCC shall be

performed synchronously and continuously, so as to prevent the bonding
property of cushion from being affected by excessive evaporation of water and
pollution caused by activities of construction machinery, and it is strictly
prohibited to fail to spread the RCC for a long time after laying of cushions.

⑵ Each roller-compacted interface in the anti-seepage zone upstream of

the dam shall be paved with cement mixture slurry. During construction, workers
shall use the feed pipe for mortar to uniformly spray mortar (the outlet of the feed
pipe shall be equipped with a range-adjusting device) and workers shall trowel it
smoothly, and the spraying thickness shall be about 3mm, and after the
spreading of mortar, the RCC shall be covered in time.

⑶ In case of construction interruption due to rainfall or other reasons, the

RCC spread shall be rolled and compacted in time. The concrete surface where
the spreading stops shall be rolled into the slope with the slope ratio of less than
1:4, and at the slope toe, the parts with the thickness of less than 15cm shall be
cut off. If the construction conditions are resumed, construction can be
recovered after the corresponding treatment measures of layer joints are taken
according to the time of interruption.

⑷ Before the RCC construction is performed on the foundation concrete,

there shall be the intermittent time of 5∼10 days, and after brushing is carried out,
a 1.5∼2cm-thick layer of mortar shall be spread.

⑸ The bedrock surface shall be finished, cleaned and washed by workers

in accordance with the design and specification requirements and slag shall be
cleared manually, and before spreading and pouring are performed, high
pressure water shall be used to clean it and keep it wet.

⑹ For the conventional concrete construction joints, the construction joints

of the lower layer of concrete shall be brushed with high pressure water or
roughened with the method approved by the Supervisor before the upper layer
of concrete is poured, and initially, the method of brushing with high pressure
water will be used, and the time of commencement, hydraulic pressure and air
pressure of brushing shall be determined based on field tests and approved by
the Supervisor.

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10.8 Construction of water-stop and drainage systems of the dam

10.8.1 Water stop construction

The pressing dies of water-stop copper shall be manufactured in a factory

as per the design requirements and the qualified copper shall be put in the dies
for compression molding. Copper water stop strip is manually installed according
to the requirements of design and specifications at the site, and copper water
stop strip is manually connected by gas welding at the site. Prior to pouring of
concrete, debris shall be removed from the water-stop strip and fillers shall be
filled in the water-stop groove.

10.8.2 Construction of drainage holes of the dam

The drainage holes of the dam shall be bored, and before the boring
construction, the location of holes shall be measured and set out according to
the design requirements, and a hydraulic rotary drilling rig shall be used for
boring holes. When holes are bored, the deviation and verticality of hole location
shall be controlled and the drainage holes shall be unobstructed.

10.9 Concrete construction for foundation treatment

⑴ Construction Plan

On the fault fracture zone of dam site, the construction parallel to earth and
rock excavation shall be treated so as to create conditions for pouring of
concrete as soon as possible.

⑵ Construction sequence

Excavation → washing & cleaning → foundation acceptance → backfilling

of concrete → acceptance.

⑶ Treatment

A pneumatic drill shall be used and blasting by a small dose technique shall
be employed for excavation, supplemented by manual removal and transport,
and the excavation shall be treated as per the design requirements, and the
Field Engineer shall be responsible for inspecting and accepting signature
certificates; and backfilling shall be carried out and concrete shall be poured.
Concrete shall be mixed by the right-bank mixing plant and transported by a
dumping car, and a 16t truck crane shall be used to transfer concrete into the

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10.10 Construction of RCC

10.10.1 Planning of silos

⑴ Division of silos

In accordance with the design drawings, a transverse joint shall be provided

every 20m on the dam body, and based on the layout of placement means of
concrete and the location of overflow surface bays, the dam body in Phases I &
II works is mainly constructed with the method of concrete pouring without
longitudinal joints and PVC partitions are used to form joints; if the elevation is
more than 858m, construction shall be made in left and right dam sections, and
the middle part is the conventional concrete of overflow surface bays.

⑵ Division of strips in the silo

During the construction of RCC, the silo surface shall be divided into two
strips, with the width of 7m~15m and the length of about 40m, and flags shall be
placed on the strip edges for identification. The material preparation, laying and
rolling of RCC shall be made based on different strips, and after the materials for
one strip are prepared completely, the materials for the other strip shall be
prepared in the order of strip number.

10.10.2 Construction process

⑴ Key points of construction process

Mixing of concrete: the RCC and cement mortar shall be mixed by the
concrete mixing system.

② Transport of concrete: the RCC shall be mainly transported with a 20t

dumping car, and the car can directly transport concrete into the silos or the feed
line plus vacuum elephant trunks can be used to transfer concrete into the silos.

③ Paving and spreading: concrete shall be unloaded from one end to the
other end in the silo, while spreading shall be performed. The spreading
machine shall be adopted for spreading, and in case of concentration of local
aggregates, the small-sized spreading machine shall be used and aggregates
shall be scattered manually. The laying thickness of RCC shall be 35cm, while
the compaction thickness shall be 30cm.

④ Embedding of inducing joint partitions: PVC inducing joint partitions shall

be used in the inducing joints, and after the RCC is completely laid, grooves
shall be excavated to embed the partitions manually.

⑤ Roller-compaction: the vibrating rollers (BW202AD and BW75S) are

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mainly used for roller-compaction, and the roller-compaction parameters shall be

determined based on the results of field test and submitted to the Field Engineer
for approval and then implemented.

⑥ Treatment of interfaces and joint surfaces: the interlayers to be poured

shall be brushed with a high-pressure-water brushing machine as per the
requirements, and before pouring of concrete, mortar shall be laid; in case that
the roller-compacted thin layer continuously rises and the intermittent time
between layers exceeds the allowable intermittent time, the cement mixture
slurry or mortar shall be laid on the interfaces.

⑵ Flow sheet of construction technology

The process flow diagram of the construction of RCC shall be shown in Fig.

Mixing: concrete system

Transport of concrete: dumping cars and vacuum

negative-pressure elephant trunks

Mortar shall be spread on the Thin-layer spreading: CATD3P spreading

junction surface of old concrete. machine or manual spreading

Roller-compaction: BW202AD vibrating roller or


Hand-guided roller

Detection of Vc value and Joint cutting and

compaction density slushing

The next cycle will start after it

meets the requirements.

Continuous rise of thin-layers:

10~20 layers
Pause of layer
Curing: sprinkling

Interface treatment: brushing

with a brushing machine
After the intermittent time between layers (5~10 days), the
next cycle will start.

Figure 10-4 Process Flow Diagram of the Construction of


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10.10.3 Layout design of silo surface construction equipment

The RCC silo surface construction equipment mainly consists of vibrating

roller and spreading machine, and based on the construction quality,
requirements of construction strength and division of silos.

⑴ Vibratory roller

To ensure the effect of compaction and efficiency of production of RCC, a

double-drum vibratory roller with the dead weight of more than 10 tons shall be
selected as the main rolling equipment. In the bid section, the RCC construction
of the dam shall select BW-202AD vibrating rollers (manufactured by Germany)
as the main rolling equipment, and BW75S vibrating rollers shall be used in the
location close to the corners of formwork.

The traveling speed of a vibrating roller shall be 1.25km/h, with 6~8 times of
roller compaction, and the overlapping width of strips shall be 15cm, and in view
of the impact of interference factors during construction, the actual production
capacity of a single BW-202AD vibrating roller shall be 75m3/h.

During rush hours, the maximum construction strength is 74m3/h, and 1 10t
vibrating roller is required and 1 stand-by vibrating roller is required, so 2
vibrating rollers shall be configured, and another two small vibrating rollers shall
be provided for construction of the part between holes and the corners. The
technical performance parameters of a vibrating roller shall be shown in Table
Table 10-2 Technical Performance Parameters of a Vibrating Roller

Roller size Dead-weight Frequency Exciting force Power
Model amplitude
(m) (t) (Hz) (t) (kW)
BW-202AD Φ1.22×2.135 10.077 40/45 0.74/0.35 6.3/5.9 70
BW75S Φ0.58×0.90 1.335 60 0.5 2.5 11.9

⑵ Spreading machine

For the large-area spreading work, the CADT3P spreading machine,

characterized by flexible operation and small ground contact pressure (small
damage to the interface during traveling), etc., shall be mainly used, and the
D31P swamp bulldozer shall be primarily used in the spreading of formworks
and corners where the detailed structure is concentrated and shall assist the
CADT3P spreading machine in large-area spreading. For the number of
spreading equipment, 2 vibrating rollers and 1 spreading machine shall be
configured, and 1 spreading machine is required and another D31P small

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spreading machine is provided for construction. The main mechanical

performance parameters of spreading equipment are shown in Table 10-3.
Table 10-3 Table of Main Mechanical Performance Parameters of Spreading Equipment

Width of Ground
Overall Width of contact
Weight tread contact Power
Model dimensions mouldboard length of
(t) shoe pressure (horsepower)
(L×W×H) (m) (m) tread
(m) (kg/cm2)
shoe (m)
CADT3P 3.94×3.97×3.03 18.2 3.97 0.95 3.14 0.61 165
D31P 3.59×2.05×2.69 6.81 2.88 0.60 2.19 0.26 75

⑶ Transfer equipment in the silos

After the negative-pressure elephant trunks transfer concrete into the silos,
dumping cars shall be used for transfer in the silos. A total of 3 dumping cars
shall be provided on the silo surface.

⑷ Distorted concrete construction equipment

① Grouting equipment: a grouting machine shall be adopted, which will be

equipped with a certain volume of grout, and a stirring apparatus shall be
configured in a grout drum, with the grouting depth of 0∼30cm. In this bid section,
a total of 2 grouting machines shall be provided.

② Vibrator: the φ80∼φ100 vibrators will be mainly adopted. A total of 10

φ80∼φ100 will be configured.

⑸ Other equipment

① 2 brushing machines: for interface brushing;

② 2 sets of spraying machines: for lowering the temperature in

high-temperature seasons;

③ 2 QY8A truck cranes: for hoisting formworks.

⑹ The RCC silo surface construction equipment is summarized in Table

Table 10-4 Table of Main Silo Surface Construction Equipment of Roller Compacted
Concrete and Distorted Concrete

Model and Production capacity (a

S/N Description Qty. Remarks
specifications single machine)
1 CADT3P 1

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Model and Production capacity (a

S/N Description Qty. Remarks
specifications single machine)
2 D31P 1 Small-sized
3 Vibratory roller BW202AD 2 75m3/h
4 Vibratory roller BW75S 2 Small-sized
To transfer
5 Dump truck 3 10t
6 Loader ZL40C 1
Grouting Distorted
7 2
machine concrete
8 Descaler 2 25MPA
To hoist
9 Trunk crane QY8A 2 8T
10 2
Concrete Distorted
11 φ80∼φ100 10
vibrator concrete

⑺ Transfer of equipment on the silo surface

In the silos, a temporary steel trestle shall be erected if the equipment must
stride over the gallery.

10.10.4 Transport and unloading of RCC

⑴ Transport of RCC

In this bid section, the RCC will be produced by the concrete system and fed
in the silos mainly through cars, feed lines and vacuum elephant trunks. Cars
can directly enter the silos, which will be uses as the transport means of 4 dam
sections on the right bank and 5 dam sections on the left bank, with the elevation
of lower than 539m. Feed lines and vacuum elephant trunks will be used as the
transport means of 5#~23# dam sections with the elevation of higher than 539m
for placement of concrete.

⑵ Unloading of RCC

① The RCC shall be unloaded based on different strips, and the width of
each strip is 7m~15m and the length is about 40m; during construction, flags
shall be placed on the strip edges for identification.

② When a dumping car enters the lifts, the vehicle-washing platforms and
steel gratings for dehydration shall be set on the access to the lifts, and after
washing, the car will run through 15~20m steel gratings for dehydration and then

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enter the lifts, ensuring that the car entering the lifts is clean and dry, with the
speed of not more than 5km/h.

When a dumping car runs on the lift surface, emergency braking and
sudden turning, etc., which will damage the concrete layer, shall be avoided.
When concrete is unloaded from the car, the operation close to the formwork
strips shall be strictly controlled, i.e. the distance from the edge of material pile to
the edge of formwork shall not be less than2.0m, and concrete shall be manually
spread on the parts contacting formworks. In case that a dumping car is adopted
to transport concrete into the lifts or transfer concrete in the lifts, the method of
quincunx layout shall be used for unloading from the starting point of each strip.

③ The vacuum elephant trunks shall be installed as straight as possible,

with the angle of not less than 45°, ensuring unobstructed transport of concrete.
The difference in height between the outlet of vacuum elephant trunk and the
transport car shall be not more than 1.5m, so as to reduce the separation of
aggregates. Every time pouring is completed, the vacuum elephant trunks shall
be rinsed and maintained to ensure continuous production.

10.10.5 Spreading and rolling compaction of RCC

⑴ Selection of laying method of RCC

Two methods, i.e. flat-layer continuous placing method and inclined-layer

placing method, shall be employed for RCC construction, and the placing
method shall be selected according to the lift area, covering time between layers
and temperature control, etc., so as to meet the requirements of quality of
bonding between layers and temperature control.

① At room temperature, the flat-layer continuous placing method will be

dominated, while the inclined-layer placing method will be applied to those
large-area lifts with the relatively small capacity of placement.

② At high temperature, the inclined-layer placing method will be adopted,

and the inclined-layer slope can be adjusted between 1:10 and 1:20.

⑵ Spreading of RCC

① In case that the compaction thickness is about 30cm and a dumping car
is used for unloading, two layers of concrete are compacted once and spread
with a spreading machine, and the thickness of two layers is about 17cm. A
spreading machine is equipped with a laser to control the thickness of spreading.
Every time a spreading machine is used to continuously push and pull the layers
of concrete twice (minimum), and after each layer is bulldozed, its upper layer of

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concrete shall be laid, and after 2 layers of concrete are spread, the thickness of
roller-compaction will be about 30cm.

② The RCC shall be placed strip by strip in a specific direction, and the
spreading direction shall be consistent with that of dam axis.

③ In case that aggregates are locally concentrated, a small spreading

machine shall be used timely, and workers shall be responsible for clearing and
dispersing them.

④ After a spreading machine is adopted for spreading, manual spreading

will be provided (e.g. formworks and corners where the detailed structure is
concentrated) so as to smooth the lift surface without obvious bumps.

⑤ It is strictly prohibited to transfer unqualified RCC mixtures into the lifts.

⑥ If the inclined-layer placing method is employed, the slope shall not be

more than 1:10 and the slope toe shall be free of sharp corners.

⑶ Roller compaction of RCC

① Concrete shall be compacted based on fixed strips, with the traveling

speed of vibrating roller of 1.0∼1.5km/h.

② To prevent a vibrating roller from being stuck in the concrete during

compaction, the RCC which is just spread shall be compacted twice without
vibration with the aim to realize rough grading and then the RCC shall be
vibrated and compacted 6∼8 times until bleeding appears on the RCC surface,
and then it shall be compacted once ∼ or twice as the case may be. The specific
number of times and thickness of roller compaction shall be determined
according to the field compaction tests prior to construction.

③ After the required number of times of roller compaction is achieved,

points shall be arranged according to the grids in time, and then a calibrated
surface-type nuclear moisture-density meter shall be used to measure the
volume-weight of compacted concrete; in case of failure to reach the specified
volume-weight index, vibration and compaction shall be added to ensure that the
volume-weight index or degree of compaction can be up to the design
requirements. During the process of compaction, if there is a crack on the
concrete surface, it shall be rolled without vibration twice after rolling with
vibration. In case that any irregular and uneven resilience occurs early in
concrete, the separation of concrete mixture shall be inspected and measures
taken timely for adjustment.

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④ As the layer or cold joint for intermission of horizontal construction joints,

it shall be rolled without vibration once or ∼twice after the specified number of
times of roller compaction and the volume-weight of compaction are achieved.

⑤ The strip overlapping method shall be adopted for roller compaction, and
the strips for roller compaction shall be clear, the deviation of direction shall be
controlled within the range of 20cm and the overlapping width between strips
shall be 10cm~20cm. The direction of roller compaction shall be consistent with
that of spreading, and the protruded belt between two strips in the same
compacted layer, which is cause by the roller compaction, shall be rolled without
vibration, once or twice, at a low speed.

⑥ It shall take 2 hours to complete the process from the mixing of RCC to
the completion of roller compaction; the allowable intermittent time between
RCC layers shall be controlled within the initial setting time of RCC.

⑦ On the edges of paving strips and slope toes of the compacted layer, the
width of 20cm∼30cm shall be reserved at the time of roller compaction, which
shall be rolled together with the next strip simultaneously.

⑧ When a variety of equipment travels on the concrete surface which has

been properly rolled, the formed surface shall not be damaged, but if any part is
damaged, the repair measures shall be taken in time.

10.10.6 Construction process and technical essentials of distorted concrete

Distorted concrete refers to the GEROC which is formed by spraying

cement fly ash within a certain range (e.g. close to formworks and detailed
structures, etc.) during the placement of RCC, and shall be tamped and
compacted with the same vibration method as the conventional concrete.
Concrete shall be poured layer by layer along with the RCC construction. Main
construction technical points:

⑴ Cement fly ash grout mixed in distorted concrete shall be mixed in

concentrated mixing plant and transported to placement area through special
pipeline. To prevent the sedimentation of the grout, the mixing equipment shall
be kept under continuous running during the process of grout supply. Emptying
valve shall be arranged at the proper position before the grout pipeline enters
into the storehouse surface so as to empty the grout settled in the pipeline and
the wastewater for pipeline washing. The ratio of cement to fly ash in the grout
shall agree with roller compacted concrete and its water-binder ratio shall be
same as or less than by 0.02 that of roller compacted concrete.

⑵ After the roller compacted concrete strips near formworks and detailed
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jointed structures are paved and spread to a certain scope, the construction of
distorted concrete can be started.

The construction of the distorted concrete at the corners such as formworks

shall adopt the manual and mechanical grouting methods. In this lot, the
mechanical grouting method is mainly adopted and the parts where the grouting
equipment cannot reach shall be constructed by the method of manual grouting.

① Mechanical grouting: the special grouting equipment (grout injector)

shall be adopted, which shall be characteristic of: self-powering and strong
maneuverability during operation at storehouse surface; its own grout of certain
volume (0.2m3); provision of mixing equipment in grouting tub; adjustable
quantity and spacing of grouting heads; grouting depth of 0∼30cm.

② Manual grouting and vibration method: one trench which is 15cm deep
and 15~20cm wide shall be firstly excavated by manpower (trenching method) at
the place about 25cm away from the side of formwork, then the grout shall be
evenly sprinkled in the trench in a quantitative way and after mixing for 15
minutes, the vibration shall be carried out. The addition of grout in the distorted
concrete shall be generally 5∼10% (determined by test during construction) of
the volume of roller compacted concrete at this part, subject to the dense
vibration by plug-in high-frequency vibrator.

⑶ The vibration shall be carefully completed within one hour after watering
and mixing of cement fly ash grout so that the concrete shall be externally
smooth and internally solid and the vibration missing and insufficiency are
forbidden. The vibration shall be strengthened at the waterstop embedded place
to prevent the occurrence of any penetrating passage; meanwhile, pay attention
to the protection of waterstop materials.

⑷ The parts bonding distorted concrete and roller compacted concrete

shall be specially and densely compacted and during concrete rolling
compaction, the overlap width between the adjacent area and the distorted
concrete area shall be no less than 20cm.

10.10.7 Curing, surface protection and trim of RCC

⑴ Concrete curing

① After concrete placing and storehouse closing for 12h, the curing of
concrete surface shall be started. The surfaces shall be cured by running water
in high-temperature and relatively high-temperature seasons and by watering in
low-temperature seasons; the permanent surfaces shall be cured by watering by
floral tube and the curing period shall be the age of concrete or the time up to the
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coverage by concrete in the previous storehouse.

② During the construction of roller compacted concrete, the storehouse

surface shall be kept wet; the storehouse surfaces under construction and just
compacted shall be protected from invasion of extraneous water.

③ In case of relatively low air temperature (the daily average air

temperature is less than 3℃), the construction of roller compacted concrete shall
be stopped, the placed concrete storehouse surface shall be covered by
insulation pads and cured by watering and the curing shall last up to the start of
concrete pavement of the upper layer.

④ The concrete is cured by the specially-assigned person and the curing

records shall be made.

⑵ Concrete surface protection

① The concrete surface shall be early protected in the low-temperature

seasons or in the seasons with sudden drop in air temperature.

② The formwork removal time shall depend on the concrete strength and
the temperature difference between inside and outside the concrete and the
formwork removal at nights or in case of sudden drop in air temperature shall be

③ The material and thickness of the protective layer of concrete surface

shall depend on the inside and outside temperature of concrete at different parts
and structures and the climatic conditions.

⑶ Concrete surface refinishing

① The refinishing of the defected surfaces of roller compacted concrete

structures shall be completed within 24h after formwork removal. The
honeycomb hollows on concrete surface or other damaged concrete defects
shall be repaired under the Supervisor’s instructions up to his satisfaction and
meanwhile the detailed records shall be made.

② Before repair, the defected parts shall be removed by wire brush or

pressurized water, or the weak concrete surfaces shall be chiseled out and
cleaned by water; the defected parts shall be filled by mortar, concrete or other
fillers of a level higher than the original concrete strength and then floated; the
curing of the refinished parts shall be strengthened to guarantee the firm
bonding of repair materials, the agreed color and luster and the existence of no
sharp traces.

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③ The deviation after shaped concrete placing shall not exceed

50%~100% of the allowable deviation of formwork installation and the
construction of the special parts shall be carried out according to the provisions
of the construction drawings.

10.11 Conventional concrete construction

10.11.1 Technological process of conventional concrete placing

The technological process of conventional concrete placing is given in


Materials preparation Prepare the

storehouse position

Sampling test
Mixing Transportation Lift the materials
into the storehouse

Pave the cement mortar

Unload the concrete material and

spread the storehouse


Sprinkling water curing

Rough the treatment layer

Figure 10-5 Process Flow Diagram of

Conventional Concrete Placing

10.11.2 Stratifying and partitioning

The conventional concrete placing shall be blocked according to the

provisions of the design drawings.

The concrete of stilling pool shall be layered as per 1.0~2m and there are
two layers in total; the concrete of weir body of overflow surface outlet shall be
placed as per 2 layers, that of overflow weir surface shall be placed as per one
layer and that of sluice pier shall be placed as per one 3m layer and there are
about 4 layers in total;

The grouting tunnel shall be longitudinally sectioned as per the length of

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10m and each section shall be constructed as per 3 layers, that is, one layer of
base plate plus 1m high side wall, one layer of remaining side walls and one
layer of top arch.

10.11.3 Transportation of conventional concrete

Conventional concrete shall be transported by 20t dump truck and concrete

for grouting adit shall be transported by concrete mixing truck. After the concrete
goes out of the mixing plant, its transportation time shall be minimized to reduce
the transfer times. The vertical falling distance during concrete warehousing
shall be no more than 2m to prevent the concrete disintegration. The transport
vehicles shall be cleaned in good time and the sunshade and canopy shall be

10.11.4 Conventional concrete placing

⑴ Concrete placing of stilling pool

Concrete placing of stilling pool shall be carried out after the concrete of the
faults is completely treated and the base rock surface is accepted as qualified
and the basal plane shall be kept clean and humid before concrete placing.
Before concrete placing of the first layer, one layer of 2~3cm mortar with a level
higher than concrete placing strength shall be uniformly paved on the bed rock
surface and each mortar pavement area shall adapt to the concrete placing
strength and timely covered with concrete to guarantee the good bonding
between concrete and bed rock.

The stepped concrete placing method shall be adopted. The spreading

blank of each layer shall be about 30~50cm thick and the vibrator shall be used
to spread the storehouse and then do the vibration. The concentrated
aggregates shall be uniformly distributed by manpower; the φ100 plug-in type
vibration shall be used for vibration and the vibration period shall be subject to
the time when concrete sharply sinks or bubbles no more and starts bleeding.
The displacement distance of vibrator shall not exceed 1.5 times of its effective
radius. It shall be inserted in the lower layer concrete for 5 - 10cm in sequence
and the same direction, and over-vibration, omission and under-vibration shall
be avoided.

⑵ Concrete placing of overflow weir

Before concrete placing, the old concrete surfaces shall be roughed by high
pressure water roughing machine in combination with manpower and other joint
surfaces shall adopt the construction joint treatment method and cleaned by high
pressure water. Concrete of overflow surface shall be densely and smoothly

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vibrated; therefore, the staking out in survey shall be strictly carried out during
the construction and the control formworks and plastering sample supports shall
comply with the requirements of the design overflow surface curve.

The surface concrete of overflow weir shall be placed by tiling method and
during the placing, the pavement blank of each layer shall be about 30~50cm
thick; the φ100 plug-in type vibrator shall be used for vibration, the vibration of
concrete on overflow surface shall be strengthened and before final setting, the
surface finishing and the plastering shall be manually carried out according to
the formworks and sample supports.

At the construction section of sample supports on the overflow surface, the

steel pipes shall be laid as per 3×3m control mesh, the surface finishing shall be
manually controller as per the sample supports before final setting, the
plastering shall be carried out by plastering machine after removal of sample
supports and the curved faces and the corners shall be manually plastered with
plasterer’s trowel.

The overflow surface shall adopt the steel truss with steel form and the
combined steel formwork shall be manually hung at the lower opening of steel
truss. During initial setting of concrete of the lower layer after placing, the steel
formwork shall be removed and turned upwards to the upper layer and the
plastering of concrete of the lower layer shall be carried out while the concrete of
the upper layer is placed.

⑶ Concrete placing of small structures

Concrete of sluice pier shall be placed by tiling method. The pavement

blank of concrete layer shall be about 30~50cm thick; the φ100 plug-in type or
φ50 type flexible shaft vibrator shall be used for vibration, the vertical distance
from the vibrator to the formwork shall be no less than 1/2 of the effective radius
of vibration and the reinforcing bars and the embedded parts must not be

⑷ Lining concrete

The lining concrete of grouting adit shall be constructed by sections and

placed by layers as per base plate, side wall and top arch. The base plate and
the side wall shall adopt the combined steel formworks; the top arch shall adopt
the set-shaped steel top arch centering with combined steel formwork to be
spliced at the site and the supports shall be embedded in the side wall. The
concrete shall be transported from the mixing plant to the site by 6m3 concrete
mixing truck, discharged into the hopper of concrete pump and pumped to the
storehouse by concrete pump.

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Concrete lining shall be placed horizontally, the base plate shall be paved
once for all as per the design thickness, the baiting shall be carried out uniformly
and symmetrically and the concrete shall rise uniformly while the concrete of site
wall is placed; when the placing reaches up to the top arch, the concrete shall
gradually go backwards the side end of the placing section from one end to the
other end and finally, the arch shall be closed under a certain continuous
pressure. The φ50~φ80mm plug-in and adhesive type vibrator shall be adopted
for concrete vibration and each placing thickness shall not exceed 30~40cm.
During the concrete placing, the situations of formworks, supports and
reinforcing bars shall be observed and if any deformation or displacement is
found out, the measures shall be timely taken for treatment.

10.11.5 Concrete curing

⑴ After being poured and warehoused for 6 - 18 hours, the concrete is

sprinkled for curing, keeping the surface of concrete in a wet state.

⑵ The horizontal construction joints of concrete shall be cured up to the

placing of concrete of the upper layer.

⑶ The permanent or erosion and abrasion resistant surfaces shall be cured

by running water and the curing period shall be no less than 28 days; the
concrete admixed with MgO expanding agent shall be cured by covering and
wetting and the curing shall last for no less than 14 days and under the
temperature of no lower than 5°C.

⑷ The surfaces shall be cured by running water in high-temperature and

relatively high-temperature seasons and by watering in low-temperature
seasons. If air temperature is relatively low (the daily average air temperature is
lower than 3°C), the placed concrete storehouse surface shall be covered by
insulation pads and cured by watering and the curing shall be maintained up to
the start of concrete pavement of the upper layer.

⑸ The concrete is cured by the specially-assigned person and the curing

records shall be made.

10.11.6 Main technical measures for the construction

⑴ After the working surface is handed over, the conventional concrete

placing of cushion shall be paid close attention and the treatment of foundation
face, concrete delivery, placing of equipment foundation and installation and
commissioning of equipment shall be accelerated to ensure the placing of
cushion concrete in accordance with the construction progress.

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⑵ The planning of storehouse surface placing of conventional concrete

shall be well made and before placing of roller compacted concrete, the cushion
concrete shall be placed as soon as possible to provide the working surface
satisfying the high-intensity construction of roller compacted concrete.

⑶ The management shall be strengthened, the careful organization shall

be carried out and the concrete placing of storehouse surface and borehole and
grouting working faces shall be reasonably arranged to form the line production
of concrete placing, drilling and grouting, reduce the construction disturbance
and the straight construction period occupied by grouting and accelerate the
construction progress.

⑷ The overturn formwork shall be used to the largest extent at the straight
large-area working face and the 8t truck crane on storehouse surface shall be
allocated for formwork lifting to accelerate the storehouse preparation.

10.12 Prefabricated concrete construction

10.12.1 Prefabrication of prefabricated parts

⑴ Layout of precast yard

The prefabricated parts shall be all prefabricated in the special precast yard.

⑵ Construction sequence

The construction procedure of the prefabricated parts is given in Fig.10-6.

Installation of reinforcing bars and
embedded parts of bearings

Roughing and curing

Formwork removal
Installation of bottom

Installation of side


Concrete pouring



Processing of
reinforcing bars and
embedded parts of

Figure 10-6 Construction Procedure Chart

of Prefabricated Parts

⑶ Construction method

a. Prefabrication preparation

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The construction teams shall be familiar with the structural design of the
prefabricated parts, level the site, prepare the formworks and process the
bearing frames of the prefabricated beam flange, the bar placers, electric
welders, placing workers, toolshed and the equipment for various work types
shall be prepared in proper and the installation of water and power facilities shall
be completed. Technology Department shall prepare the operation instructions
and carry out the technical disclosure.

b. Installation of bottom die

The bottom die of the precast beam shall adopt the board of lower
supporting cushion of steel formwork and the arching shall be carried out in
compliance with the standards. After the installation of bottom plate is completed,
the surface shall be painted with oily release agent. The cover plate shall adopt
the steel formwork as bottom die and the set-shaped wooden form shall be used
as side form.

c. Installation of reinforcing bars and embedded parts of bearings

The reinforcing bars and the embedded parts of bearings shall be

processed and shaped according to the design in reinforcing steel bar factory,
transported to the precast yard by 8t flat truck and bound, welded and fixed by
manpower according to the design requirements. The installed reinforcing bars
shall be inspected by the quality inspector of Project Management Department,
reported to the Supervisor for acceptance after inspected as qualified and then
the next process can be continued only after accepted as qualified.

d. Installation of side formwork

Side form shall adopt the combined steel formwork, the corners shall adopt
the steel angle formwork, the flange shall be supported by the setting steel
tubular tripod and the forms shall be fixed by counter brace and rebar and
manually installed at the site. The formworks shall be painted with release agent
before installation.

e. Concrete pouring

After the formwork installation is completed, the floating slag in the part shall
be manually cleaned and then washed by pressurized water; after it is inspected
as qualified by quality inspector of Project Management Department, the
supervisor shall be invited for acceptance and the warehousing and placing
procedure shall be handled.

Concrete shall be produced by mixing system, transported to the precast

yard by 5t dump truck, lifted into the warehouse of prefabricated part by

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manpower in combination with 16t truck crane and 1m3 horizontal tank, densely
vibrated by manpower withφ50 flexible shaft vibrator and surface floated by
manpower after storehouse closing.

f. Formwork removal

Only after the stipulated concrete strength is realized, can the formworks be
removed. During removal of side form, it shall be guaranteed that the part shall
be free of deformation and complete in corners and during removal of bottom die,
the span of the part shall be less than or equal to 4m; the concrete strength shall
be no lower than 5% of the design strength; the span of the part shall be more
than 4m and the concrete strength shall be no lower than 75% of the design

g. Curing

The placed fabricated parts shall be cured for 24 hours by watering by

specially assigned personnel and covered by steel formwork on the surface in
case of scorching sunny days in summer. The curing shall be carried out up to
the design age.

h. Identification

The prefabricated parts inspected as qualified by the Supervisor shall be

identified with the mark of conformity as well as the part number, manufacture
date and installation mark to facilitate the verification during installation.

10.12.3 Hoisting and Transportation of Precast Elements

⑴ Selection of Hoisting Equipment

Precast elements shall be loaded by truck crane. For horizontal transport,

20t trailer shall be used. For on-site hoisting, precast elements shall be lifted by
truck crane with jack and electric block.

⑵ Process flow of hoisting

See Fig. 10-7 for the hoisting process of precast elements.

Measurement and

Transportation of

On-site hoisting

Acceptance of
Preparation of

setting out

Fixation of


Figure 10-7 Process Flow Diagram of Hoisting Construction

of Precast Elements

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⑶ Method(s) of hoisting

a. Preparation of hoisting: Technical Dept. prepares the Operation

Instruction on Precast Elements Hoisting with technical disclosure. Construction
team completes the cleaning of on-site hoisting parts, preparation of hoisting
tools and organization of labors. Dispatching Dept., Quality & Safety Dept.,
Electromechanical Dep. and construction team check the transportation roads
together, improve the road surfaces that fail to meet the transportation
requirements in time, until the transportation requirements are achieved.

b. Setting out in survey: a survey team shall test the center lines and
support lines of installed elements with measuring apparatus.

c. Transportation of elements: the precast elements shall be loaded on 20 t

trailer by truck crane in precast yard, bound up by hoisting workers, and
transported into the working scope of equipment by 20t trailer. In transportation,
there shall be specially-assigned persons leading the way and escorting to
ensure safety.

d. On-site hoisting: precast dam tunnel shall be lifted and fixed by truck
crane with hand fit. Access bridge of overflow weir shall be lifted in position by
truck crane.

e. Acceptance: after the hoisting of elements, it shall be examined by QC

personnel of Project Dept. Field engineer shall be invited for acceptance and
acceptance procedures shall be conducted after passing the examination.

10.13 Construction Schedule and Construction Intensity

10.13.1 Construction schedule

See Bar Chart of Construction Schedule for the concrete construction

schedule of dam. See Visual Progress Chart of Concrete Construction of Dam
for visual schedule of concrete construction of dam.

10.13.2 Construction strength

As per the arrangement in construction schedule, the intensity of roller

compacted concrete dam (RCC dam) in construction peak is 50,000 m3/month.

10.14 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment

See Table 10-5 for the main construction machinery and equipment
Table 10-5 Equipment List of Concrete Construction

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S/N Name Model Unit Qty.

1 10T vibrating roller BW202AD-2 Set 2
2 Vibratory roller BW75AD Set 2
3 Spreading machine CATD3P Set 1
Small-sized spreading
4 D31P Set 1
5 Loader ZL40C Set 1
6 Spraying equipment Set 2
Grouting machine of
7 Set 2
distorted concrete
8 Descaler GCHJ50 Set 2
Pouring surface with truck
9 QY 8 Nr. 2
10 Trunk crane 16t Set 1
Vacuum negative
11 Nr. 2
pressure elephant trunk
12 Feed line Nr. 1
13 Concrete pump HBT60 Set 1
14 Concrete mixer truck 6m Nr. 2
15 Dump truck 20t Nr. 20
16 Flat truck EQ144(8t) Nr. 2
17 Watering cart EQ1092(8t) Set 1
18 Trailer HY955A Set 1
19 High frequency vibrator Ø100 Set 12
20 Flexible shaft vibrator Ø80 Set 4
21 Flexible shaft vibrator Ø50 Set 10
22 Electric welding machine BX3-500 Set 10
Artificial aggregate
23 400t/h Set 1
24 Concrete mixing station HL240-2Q3000 Set 1

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11 TBM Construction Plan

11.1 Overview

As per the requirements in bidding documents, the diversion tunnel and

tailrace tunnel are required to be excavated by TBM. Based on our construction
experience in similar projects, however, since the length/diameter ratio of
diversion tunnel is < 600 while gradient > 2%, it is not economic to construct by
TBM, and is rather difficult for construction operations. Thus, the diversion tunnel
is proposed to construct by drilling and blasting method, while tailrace tunnel is
constructed by a TBM equipment.

11.2 Type Selection and Major Parameters of TBM Equipment

As per our enquiry and comparison of TBM equipment, we plan to adopt

Open Gripper TBM manufactured by Robbins, with a tunneled forming diameter
of 9.13 m, discharging the spoils by belt conveyor. See Fig. below for TBM

Robbins Open Gripper TBM

11.2.1 Main Characteristics

Bore Diameter 9.13 m with new disc cutters


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Face and gauge area 19” (490 mm), Robbins Wedge Lock
Center 17” (483 mm), Robbins Center Cutters

Total Number of Disc Cutters 56

Supplementary Overbore Cutters furnished for overcutting
at 50 mm (radial) shimming of last 4 gage cutters + 1 overbore cutter
Recommended Individual Cutter Load 312 kN maximum

Maximum Operating Cutterhead Thrust 17,472 kN
Cutterhead Drive variable frequency drive (VFD), electric motors
Cutterhead Power 10 x 330 kW = 3,300 kW
Cutterhead Speed 0 – 6.5 rpm
Cutterhead Torque 5,110 kNm at 6.5 rpm
6,817 kNm at 4.62 rpm
Breakout Torque 10,225 kNm
Main Bearing Diameter 5,210 mm
L10 Calculated Lifetime >11,750 hrs.

Thrust Cylinders
Number 4
Dimensions 460 mm x 230 mm (bore x rod)
Stroke 1,870 mm (effective)
Maximum Advance Rate 9.90 m/hr.
Maximum Thrust Force 22,638 kN
Maximum Operating Pressure 345 bar

Gripper Assembly
Number 2
Dimensions 915 mm x 560 mm (bore x rod)
Stroke 635 mm per side
Gripper Shoe Ground Pressure 4 MPa maximum
Maximum Gripper Force 45,382 kN
Maximum Operating Pressure 345 bar

Hydraulic System
Installed Power 150 kW
Recommended Cutterhead Thrust 265 bar
System Operating Pressure 345 bar maximum

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Electrical System
Main Drive Motor Circuit 690V, 3 phase, 50 Hz
Lighting System 220V, 50 Hz
Control System 24VDC
Transformer Size 2 x 2,000 kVA
1 x 1,750 kVA
Back-up Power 1,050 kW
Primary Voltage 15,000V, 50 Hz
Secondary Voltage 690V, drive motors

Machine Conveyor
Belt Width 1,067 mm
Belt Speed 2.8 m/s
Capacity approximately 20.3 m3/min (1,104 TPH)

TBM Weight (without Back-up) approximately 750 tonnes

11.2.2 Special Features

The Robbins Open Gripper tunnel boring machine has the following features:

▪ Cutterhead with smooth low cutter profile and of closed face type. Muck buckets are
furnished at the periphery only. Bucket lips are bolted on for easy replacement. All face
cutters can be changed from within and from in front of cutterhead; the outer gage and
twin center cutters are replaceable only from the back. Inspection of cutter rings can
take place from within the cutterhead.

▪ Anti-wear plates and abrasion resistant face plates.

▪ Cutterhead using grill bars installed on the bucket openings to prevent long thin
shaped rocks from aligning themselves with the long direction of the bucket with the
potential to damage the muck chute.

▪ Cutterhead is Variable Frequency Drive (VFD).

▪ Overbore up to 50 mm; radial by shimming of last 4 gage cutters

▪ Roof shield provides continuous ground support and provides cover for installation
of tunnel lining. Use of the “McNally” system ensuring no exposed open rock conditions.

▪ Probe drill for coverage Ground support equipment to include roof drills, crown strap
erector and wire mesh installation systems.

▪ Equipment for shotcrete application in the A1 (L1*) working section.

▪ Generous work decks to aid in the installation of rock support.

▪ Material handling and logistics for quick installation of required ground support.

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▪ High capacity, tri-axis main bearing for sustained operation at high thrust with long
life, L10 life of approximately +11,000 hours. The bearing contains three (3) axial rows
(two (2) for primary thrust and one (1) for back thrust) and one (1) radial row.

▪ The drive trains are protected against overload by a safe set overload coupling.

▪ The gearboxes are protected against the high inertia of the electric motors thanks to
a torque limiter. Robbins design allows for easy maintenance of the torque limiter
without dismantling the motors or the gearboxes.

▪ Robbins 19” heavy duty Wedge Lock type rear loading disc cutters allow for high
penetration rates and safety of personnel during cutter change operation. All cutters are
designed to be changed from the rear. Face cutters can also be changed from the front,
if desired.

▪ Open, hydraulically driven belt conveyor for ease of maintenance and dependable

▪ Large area wall grippers provide dependable thrust reaction in various ground
conditions and maintain ground support.

▪ “State of the Art” Ground Support Systems with logistics to insure efficient and
effective advance in difficult geological conditions.

11.2.3 Component Descriptions

Following are brief descriptions of the major components and systems of the Tunnel Boring

General Description of the TBM

The Robbins tunneling machine described in this proposal is a rotary head, rock boring
machine designed to transform a rock face into conveyor sized chips at efficient production
rates. The machine consists of three main structural components: (1) the cutterhead; (2) the
cutterhead support with main beam; and (3) the gripper and thrust assembly. Other primary
components include electrical drive motors with gear reducers, main bearing and seal
assembly, lubrication and seal lubrication systems, dust shields, operator station and
controls, cutterhead water spray, muck buckets and conveyors, and electrical and hydraulic
systems. Together these components form an integral machine that is capable of rock
excavation, ground control, and transfer of broken rock to the muck removal system.


The cutterhead is designed for use with Robbins 19” heavy duty Wedge Lock type rear
loading disc cutters in the face and gauge area. The cutter head center section is dressed
with 17” heavy duty center cutters.

The cutterhead is mounted to a shaft (“bearing adapter”) which passes through the main
bearing and is thus attached to the ring gear. Cutterhead torque is supplied via the ring gear,

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while cutterhead thrust is provided via the main bearing.

The cutterhead is a complex heavy weldment. The cutterhead contains cutter housings
designed for mounting of Robbins’ 19” Wedge Lock cutters. The cutter housings have
hardened seats into which the cutters are mounted, providing long life. Cutters are retained
by two (2) bolts and wedges which provide secure mounting. The cutters may be changed in
safety, from the back of the cutterhead. However, the design of the cutter housings is such
that the cutters may be changed from the front of the head, except the gage cutters, if so

The muck buckets, which pick up the broken rock, are designed with a low profile to reduce
the possibility of “pulling” in loose rock from the crown. However, the buckets are designed
with a large capacity and smooth throat in order to handle the large amount of broken rock
produced in high speed tunneling.

The bucket lips are Robbins proprietary design, bolt-on lips. The lips are made of abrasion
resistant material. The cutterhead has through holes and the bucket lips contain the
threaded hole. To mount the lip, a bolt is passed through the cutterhead and threads into the
lip. With this design, at each change of the lip, a new threaded hole is provided. The lips are
easy to change and therefore downtime is minimal to maintain the buckets. Improperly
maintained buckets lead to excessive cutter wear (high cutter cost and more downtime for
cutter changes), so it is very important to have an easily maintainable bucket.

The cut rock falls to the invert where it is scooped up by the low profile buckets built into the
head. The buckets contain the muck until it is in the overhead position where it is dumped
out into the muck chute and onto the machine conveyor.

For face access, a minimum of two access doors are provided in the cutterhead face.

Cutterhead/Employment of Overcut

The cutterhead offers to employ overcut of up to 50 mm in radial extension. Employment of

such overcut is generated from the radial displacement of disc cutters in the gauge area and
the eventual installation of supplementary overbore cutters.


The Robbins TBM will be designed for use with Robbins 19” heavy duty Wedge Lock type
rear loading disc cutters. Cutter rings are selected to provide a combination of the highest
penetration and the longest rolling life, meaning the fewest cutter changes, more available
boring time, and a shorter construction period.

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Robbins disc cutters have been proven over more than 2,300 km of rock tunneling. It has a
proven record of economy and reliability over a wide range of rock types, including andesite,
agglomerate, tuff, granite, quartzite, diorite gneiss, hornblende gneiss, quartz schist, pure
quartz, dolerite, hard sandstone, hard dolomite and limestone, siltstone, mudstone, shale,
slate, and many others.

Penetration Rate

Robbins disc cutters will produce high penetration rates with long cutter life. The high
penetration rates obtainable are the results of many interdependent factors which include
high individual cutter loading, appropriate cutter spacing for the rock type involved, and
proper selection of disc cutting profile across the cutterhead.

Robbins Wedge Lock Mounting System

Robbins Wedge Lock Mounting System virtually eliminates the high housing seat, housing
bolt, and retaining bolt stresses. This system first developed by Robbins for use with 19”
cutters, is now also available for all Robbins cutters and has been widely copied by our
competitors. This system has proven to give superior service life compared to any other
mounting system currently available.

Cutters/Disc Cutter Monitoring System (Optional)

The Robbins Disc Cutter Monitoring System can be assembled to the TBM to measure and
monitor operational data at selected disc cutters in the face.

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The system comprises sensors assembled at the disc cutter mounts and includes a
measurement device and a wireless transmitter. A data receiver assembled in the
cutterhead receives the signals and transmits them to operator’s cabin.

The Robbins system has proven its reliability in a recent hard rock tunnel project in Malaysia
where three (3) Robbins Hard Rock Open Gripper type TBMs were furnished with this
system that delivered data which supported disc cutter management and most efficient
results were achieved.

Cutterhead Dust Control and Water Spray System

A steel dust curtain, the dust shield, maintains a seal between the bored diameter and the
cutterhead support in the area directly behind the head. Dust generated at the face is
trapped in the cutterhead area and sucked out from the muck dump area through the main
beam. The dust suction vent extends from the TBM to the Back-up mounted dust scrubber
which is provided as a part of the Rowa Back-up System.

Dust control is enhanced by a network of water spray nozzles that spray a water pattern
from the cutterhead on to the rock face. There are additional nozzles in the muck chute/TBM
conveyor area to further dampen dust circulation. The water mist assists in preventing the
dust particles from becoming airborne. Water flow to the face is variable and may be turned
off should ground conditions dictate. Nozzles are mounted in large steel blocks and are
oriented to reduce plugging potential and damage from muck. Plumbing on the cutterhead is
via rubber hose, as hard steel plumbing tends to crack under the vibration stress at the
cutterhead. All plumbing is shrouded by heavy steel angles to prevent damage.

Cutterhead Support & Main Beam: The Gripper/Thrust System

The cutterhead support and Main Beam are the backbone of the TBM and provide mounting
points for all other components. The cutterhead support is a precision, highly machined
component. Both structures are thick-plate weldments. The Main Beam and the cutterhead
support are connected together by a heavy bolted-flange joint.

Cutterhead Support

The outside diameter of the main bearing is mounted within the forward side of the
cutterhead support. The cutterhead is mounted to a shaft (“bearing adapter”) which passes
through the inside diameter of the main bearing. On the aft end of the shaft is mounted the
ring gear.

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Electric motor and gear reducer units (main drive units), mount through large diameter bores
in the cutterhead support. The gear reducer output pinions engage the ring gear. The main
drive units are accessible and serviceable from the rear of the cutterhead support. A torque-
limiting device is fitted between the motor and gear reducer to prevent damage to the gear
reducers and final drive gear, which might result from the extremely high rotational inertia of
the motors in the case of a suddenly blocked cutterhead.

The periphery of the cutterhead support provides the mounting for the various shields that
stabilize the cutterhead during boring:

Roof Support

An expandable roof support is maintained in full contact with the ground to minimize
vibration. The roof support is hydraulically adjustable and is located as close to the
cutterhead as possible. Cutterhead stabilization is important for repeatable cutter tracking
(elimination of excessive cutterhead vibration/movement). A stable cutterhead, with
consistent and repeatable cutter tracking enhances TBM performance, and extends cutter
and main bearing life.

The roof support structure extends past the rear of the cutterhead support to give a
protected area for workers on the TBM. The aft end of the roof support is fitted with “fingers”
which, when properly supported with roof bolts and/or ring beams, act to give further
protection to ground support installation workers.

Side Supports

Side Supports are fitted to each side of the cutterhead support. The side support cylinder
positions each side support. Once positioned, a wedge actuated by the wedge cylinder
rigidly locks the side support in position. This system provides a solid load path from the
cutterhead support to the tunnel wall. The side supports act with the roof support in
stabilizing the cutterhead.

The side supports act as the pivot fulcrum point for horizontal steering of the TBM. When
negotiating short radius curves the side supports may be used to force the cutterhead left or
right, assisting the normal gripper steering system.

Vertical Front Support

The vertical front support (sometimes referred to as the “front shoe”) is located at the invert
under the cutterhead support. The vertical front support is mounted to the cutterhead
support by means of a slider box which allows for the cutterhead radial

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displacement upwards to compensate employed overcut at the invert. The slider box
connection includes for a large bolt flange with a shear key perpendicular to the tunnel axis.

The vertical front support acts as the pivot fulcrum point for vertical steering of the TBM.

Muck that passes behind the cutterhead is pushed forward by the front support. The vertical
front support moves with the TBM during boring and acts as a scraper, pushing muck
forward in the tunnel and keeping the invert cleaner. Special back scoops, located on the
back side of the cutterhead, pick up the muck from this area behind the cutterhead and
deposit it in the muck conveying system.

The geometry of the design is such that the height of the muck collected behind the head,
and in front of the support, is maintained well below the outer main bearing seals. The rock
wedge formed in front of the shoe prevents excessive wear of the support.

An opening will be provided in the vertical front support to enable for muck dumping during
invert cleaning.

Main Beam and Gripper Carrier

The cutterhead support is mounted to the forward end of the Main Beam. Some distances
aft are clevises for mounting the forward, moving end of the thrust cylinders. At the aft end of
the Main Beam, one on each side, are the “gripper carrier ways”. The gripper carrier is
mounted to the Main Beam via the carrier ways, which allow the gripper carrier to move fore
and aft relative to the Main Beam.

The gripper cylinder/gripper carrier remains stationary during boring, and the Main Beam
slides through the gripper carrier on the carrier ways. During re-grip, the Main Beam
remains stationary and the gripper cylinder + gripper carrier moves forward along the carrier

The gripper cylinder is trunion mounted within the gripper carrier, resulting in the “floating
gripper” design originated by Robbins. The floating gripper cylinder allows the TBM to be
continuously steered resulting in a machine which maintains line and grade accuracy, and is
also much easier to operate than other designs.

Steering the TBM

The Main Beam acts as a lever for steering, using the cutterhead support shoe as a fulcrum
for vertical steering, and the side supports as a fulcrum for horizontal steering. The design of

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the main beam and gripper carrier way, in combination with the various cylinders, provides
for precise control of steering. Trunion mounting of the gripper cylinder within the gripper
carrier allows for continuous steering during the boring stroke, with only momentary
reduction of thrust to protect cutters during steering movement.

For horizontal steering, the barrel of the gripper cylinder is moved sideways over the
continuous pressurized gripper rods and pistons. As the barrel is trunion mounted to the
gripper carrier way, the gripper carrier way/Main Beam is also moved sideways and
horizontal steering is affected.

For vertical steering, the torque cylinders (see below), which are mounted between the
gripper carrier and the Main Beam, are energized. When the torque cylinders are extended,
the Main Beam rises relative to the gripper cylinder and the TBM will steer down. Conversely,
when the torque cylinders are retracted, the Main Beam is lowered relative to the gripper
cylinder and the TBM will steer up.

Torque Reaction

Cutterhead torque is transmitted from the ring gear to the main drive units and from the main
drive units to the cutterhead support. The cutterhead support and Main Beam being bolted
together, the torque is transmitted through the Main Beam-mounted carrier ways into the
gripper carrier. From the gripper carrier, the torque is transmitted via the torque cylinders to
the gripper cylinder, and thence into the gripper shoes and tunnel walls. The torque
cylinders are also the devices used to move the Main Beam vertically relative to the gripper
cylinder, and thus provide the vertical steering forces. See above.

Thrust Reaction

Cutterhead thrust passes through the main bearing, into the outer raceway and into the
cutterhead support. The thrust loads then pass from the cutterhead support into the Main
Beam until reaching the propel cylinder clevis’ at the forward end of the Main Beam. Thrust
loads then pass through the propel cylinders and directly into the gripper shoes and tunnel
wall, without placing thrust loads into the gripper cylinders.

The Main Beam is placed above tunnel centerline where possible to allow the maximum
working area under the beam for transporting materials to the front.

Main Bearing and Bull Gear

All cutterhead thrust and radial loads pass through a precision manufactured main bearing.
The TBM main bearing is a large diameter, and of high capacity.

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Thrust loads from the cutterhead are passed through the main bearing to the machine
structure and propel cylinders to the gripper shoes, and then to the tunnel wall. Radial loads
from the cutterhead pass through the main bearing, into the cutterhead support structure,
and through the shields surrounding the cutterhead support, into the tunnel walls.

The main bearing and gear are lubricated via a dry sump, constant circulation system. Oil
being supplied to the bearing and gear are passed through cartridge type filter elements. Oil
returning from the bearing/gear cavity is passed first through a magnetic strainer, then
through cartridge type filter elements. Both supply and return cartridge filters are mounted in
tandem with switch-over valves which allows maintenance of filter elements during
operation of the machine. Lubricant flow is monitored. Insufficient lubricant flow will result in
automatic shutdown of the equipment.

The main bearing and gear cavity is protected against contaminants with a special sealing
system. Both the inner and outer sealing system consists of a series of large cross-section,
high deflection lip seals. The lip seals are mounted within the bores of machined parts with
the lips extending inward. The shafts against which the seal lips ride are covered (shrink fit)
with a very high tensile strength, abrasion resistant alloy steel band. The alloy steel band
provides maximum shaft life, and can be replaced during rebuilding between projects for far
less cost than new shafts.

The orientation of the seal passage ways (labyrinths) are carefully controlled to further
protect against the ingress of contaminants.

The seals themselves are flushed and lubricated with a continuous but very, very low
volumetric flow rate of hydraulic oil or grease. Electronic monitoring of the seal lubrication
system is provided, with information provided to the operator.

The labyrinth on the outside of the seals is purged with grease.

Cutterhead Drive Unit

The main drive motors are water cooled. Water flow rates and motor over-temperature is
monitored and information provided to the operator. Insufficient water flow rates or motor-
over-temperature will result in automatic shutdown of the equipment.

For slow, controlled movement of the Cutterhead during cutter changes and Cutterhead
maintenance, the variable frequency drive has an “inching” mode so the operator can rotate
the head very slowly to position of each cutter for access for changing. To operate the
inching drive, the operator must remove the key from the main operator’s console, and
engage the key at the inching station, which de-activates the main operator’s station for

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safety while workers are in the cutterhead. This system helps to prevent inadvertent
movement of the machine while workers are in front of the machine.

Motors are controlled from a dust and water protected control cabinet (IP55 rating).

TBM Conveyor

The tunnel machine is provided with a troughed belt-conveyor, which transfers the muck
from inside the cutting head back through the main beam to the rear of the machine. Here
the muck is transferred to the Back-up muck handling equipment for removal from the

Two (2) conveyor cylinders are provided to maintain tension on the conveyor belt during

Rear Support Legs

Support legs are located in the rear section and support the weight of the machine during
the re-gripping cycle or when the machine is not in use by raising and lowering the rear
support legs. The rear support system will be provided with interlocks to prevent boring
unless the rear supports are retracted from tunnel invert.

Control System and Indicating Devices

A Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) is the heart of the control system. A PLC is a
flexible electronic control device that replaces hardwired relay logic. The PLC is designed to
be modular, expandable, and easily maintainable. The system aids machine control by
monitoring all major functions of the TBM and warning the operator with clear messages
when unsafe limits are being approached. When certain pre-set limits are reached (such as
temperature, pressure, flow, or physical position of a component), the PLC will safely shut
down the TBM systems affected. In addition, the PLC provides considerable troubleshooting
information to assist mechanics and electricians in minimizing downtime for repairs.

The two primary components of the control system are the PLC and the operators display
unit. The PLC is fitted with various analog and digital input and output modules. Input to the
PLC is directly from the TBM operator’s controls, primarily a man-machine interface unit,
and from the many analog and digital transducers mounted on the equipment. Output from
the PLC is to the TBM operator (lights, meters, graphs, etc. which are displayed on the
operator’s console and to various control devices (i.e. hydraulic valves and electrical
switches) via the system programming logic.

The system monitors and controls (via program logic or on instruction from the operator)
hydraulic, lubrication and electrical devices such as: pressures, flow rates, travel-limit
switches, linear transducers for position of mechanical devices, etc.

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The display unit in the operator’s station displays most information in numeric or graphical

Hydraulic System

High quality industrial grade hydraulic components are used throughout. Major hydraulic
circuits include the gripper, thrust, steering/torque cylinders, and the conveyor drive system.
Double-ended electric motors drive pumps at each end of the motors. Both high
pressure/low volume and low pressure/high volume pumps are incorporated. Fixed and
variable volume pumps are used depending on circuit requirements. Hydraulic logic
components may be cartridge and/or sub-plate mounted.

Hydraulic oil is filtered when leaving the reservoir, before delivery to the various cylinders
and hydraulic motors. Low pressure return oil is filtered upon return to the tank. Both supply
and return filters are fitted in tandem with valves to allow maintenance of filters while the
machine is operating.

Near-zero pressure return lines (case drains) are plumbed directly to tank with no

TBM Lighting System

The TBM will be equipped with a lighting system to provide adequate general illumination
around the machine and specific lighting for primary work areas. One-third (1/3rd) of all light
fixtures will be battery Back-up type, emergency lights with one (1) hour battery powered
illumination in emergency.

TBM Electric Power Supply System

The TBM electric power supply system includes for the HV transformers and all cabinets
and panels for energy supply to the TBM components. A schematic of a typical system is
attached for reference.

TBM Water Supply System

The TBM water supply system includes for the equipment and devices necessary to provide
the TBM with water and for cooling. A schematic of a typical system is attached for

TBM Material Handling

All material, tools, spare parts and disc cutters dedicated for use in the TBM will be delivered
by service trains and to the Back-up. From the point of unload, the goods will be
transported to the handover location at the TBM rear end.

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For material transport in the TBM, a crown mounted sledge assembly and an invert mounted
service beam arrangement will be provided.

A material hoist installed at the TBM rear end will pick-up the goods from the Back-up hand
over location and load onto the sledge in the crown of the machine or lower down to the

The sledge system is prepared to receive beams and wire mesh for easy feed in to the ring
beam erector respectively the mesh assembly device.

The service beam at the invert is furnished with a chain hoist to pick-up goods, e.g. disc
cutters for transport to the front of the machine. The chain hoist travels along a beam which
in turn is mounted underneath the TBM Main Beam.

TBM Walkways, Ladders and Working Platforms

For safe access to the TBM walkways will be provided and ladders will be assembled for at
places where different levels need to be crossed.

In the TBM and namely in the areas where ground support, probing and ground treatment
works need to be undertaken, working platforms will be assembled to provide safe and
ergonomic working conditions for the operation crew.

Methane Monitoring System (Optional)

A Methane Monitoring System can be provided and is a three (3) sensor system. The first
sensor provides for continuous methane monitoring in the cutterhead, the second sensor is
located in the vicinity of the operator and the third senses the ventilation exhaust discharge.
Automatic shutdown of the power is accomplished at pre-set levels.

A rotating light and siren will be activated for each of the following conditions:

1) 10% LEL (0.5% by volume) methane level sensed

2) 20% LEL (1.0% by volume) methane level sensed

3) Methane monitor failure

Automatic Guidance System (Optional)

An Enzan type system (or equivalent) will be supplied. The system utilizes a stationary,
automatic, motorized land surveyor’s theodolite (transit) to measure to the system

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components. These components consist of: (1) two (2 ea.) miniature EDM prisms that are
mounted in fixed and known positions on the TBM near the cutterhead, and; (2) a reference
prism to permit periodic checks on the theodolite station stability. A highly accurate two-axis
electronic inclinometer is used to measure the pitch and roll of the TBM.

Control of these components is fully automatic and is managed by the onboard system

The system display, integrated into the computer, is the heart of efficient TBM steering. The
display, as shown at the left, is highly graphical, providing for at-a-glance assessment of
machine offset from centerline and grade and orientation. Appropriate steering commands
may then be readily applied.

A minimum of training is required to permit the TBM operator to utilize the guidance system
screen at maximum efficiency. The liberal use of graphics, coupled with the on-screen digital
data, provides all of the real-time information on the position and orientation of the TBM that
is needed for effective TBM steering.

The Automatic Guidance System uses the latest in technology, applied from a complete
understanding of the demanding requirements of TBM tunneling worldwide; to achieve an
automatic guidance system that maximizes simplicity of operation, while providing
unmatched utility, flexibility and accuracy.

11.3 On-site Construction Layout

See Fig. 11-1 for plane layout of TBM construction.

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Figure 11-1 Plane Layout of TBM Construction

11.3.1 TBM Installation Site

TBM installation site is set at the exit of tailrace. After the commencement,
the excavation of platform of tailrace exit and its surrounding drainage ditches
shall be completed. The spoils of excavation shall be disposed at the dumping
site to the right of tailrace exit for formation and grinding, in order to construct the
TBM living campsite and various TBM auxiliary workshop.

Before the installation and entrance of TBM, the erection bay shall only
install the portal crane for the auxiliary installation of TBM. After the entrance of
TBM, it shall conduct the installation of concrete mixing plant, back shop, metal
structure processing shop, cutter repair and spare shop and air supply station.

11.3.2 TBM dumping site

The tideland to the right of tailrace exit is used as the dumping site of TBM
spoils. Spoils tunneled by TBM are transported by belt out of the tunnel and to
the TBM dumping site by spoil belt, the length of which is about 600 m. Covering
an area of about 60,000 m2, TBM dumping site is capable for about 600,000
m3 tunnel spoils. The total amount of spoils of the entire tunnel is about
1,100,000 m3. The overflows shall be transported to other dumping sites by

11.3.3 Generation station and oil depot

In TBM construction, the max power consumption is about 7,000 kW,

proposing to adopt 6 × 1,600 KW diesel generator for electricity supply. After the
generation station boosts to 20 KV, parallel and convey to needed parts.

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The capacity of oil depot is designed as 20 × 45 m3=900 m3, combined by

φ100 seamless stainless steel tube for oil supply to generator units, and
reserving ports for oil supply to site fuelling vehicle. Water and scrap iron filter
units shall be installed at the entrance of oil depot. The oil shall be purified
before storage.

The generation station and oil depot cover an area of about 6,000 m2.

11.3.4 Clarification plant, pump station and tank

Since the water in local rivers will be in a state of turbidity for about six
months, and the TBM construction has a relatively high requirement on water
quality, a clarification plant shall be set, the purifying capacity of which is 80 m3/h
and daily purifying capacity is 1,400 m3/d. The clarification plant and pump
station cover an area of about 2,000 m2.

The tank is located beyond the excavation line of tailrace exit, with a max
water storage of 2,000 m3.

11.3.5 Living quarter

TBM construction campsite is arranged around the tailrace exit, with a

covered area of 2,400 m2.

11.3.6 TBM auxiliary workshop and warehouse

Including cutter maintenance shop, finishing shop, electric repair and spare
shop, indoor warehouse and open warehouse. The construction area of cutter
maintenance shop is 150 m2, finishing shop 100 m2, electric repair and spare
shop 60 m2, indoor warehouse 500 m2 and open warehouse 6,000 m2. These
facilities are all arranged at the dumping site to the right of tailrace exit.

11.3.7 Concrete mixing system

2# concrete mixing system shall be arranged to the left of the platform of

tailrace exit, aggregate quarry and warehouse for packed cement shall be
arranged beyond the left slope of tailrace exit. Aggregates shall be conveyed by
belt to mixing plant. Unpacked cement shall be conveyed by cement delivery
pipe to cement dump.

11.3.8 Metal structure processing shop and machine maintenance shop

Metal structure processing shop and machine maintenance shop shall be

arranged at the platform of tailrace exit. The construction area of metal structure
processing shop is 400 m2 and machine maintenance shop 60 m2.

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11.3.9 Air supply in construction environment

For air supply in construction environment, three ventilators of 110 kW (blast

capacity 37.8 m3/s) are arranged at the exit of tailrace tunnel, and one air hose
(diameter φ2,000 mm) is laid to deliver air to tunnels. The outlet of air hose
connects to secondary ventilator on TBM units, delivering to working parts.

11.3.10 Living and production water

The water is taken from Genale River. After purified and processed in water
plant, it is pumped to the tank at the top of tailrace exit by pump station. After
flowing automatically and pressure adjustment, it is supplied for the living
campsite and TBM construction in tunnels. The pipes pumped water from water
plant to tank are proposed to adopt φ200 mm steel pipe, with a length of about
600 m. The water supply pipes from tank to TBM equipment are planned to use
φ125 mm steel pipe, with a total length of about 12,000 m.

11.3.11 Wastewater treatment

For living campsite sewage treatment, sedimentation basin shall be

excavated, and the sewage shall be precipitated before discharging. For TBM
discharging sewage, sewage pump shall be set at TBM equipment, collector well
shall be excavated at the tailrace exit and sewage pump shall be set for pump
drainage. A larger sedimentation basin shall be excavated at the downstream of
tailrace exit gate for manual discharging. The sewage shall be precipitated
before discharging. The pipes are planned to use φ125 mm steel pipe, with a
total length of 12,300 m.

11.3.12 Transportation in tunnels

One-way track transportation shall be adopted for transportation in tunnels,

with a total length of about 13,100 m. One switch is set every 3 km, and there will
be three switches. Plan to allocate: three larger locomotives, two smaller
locomotives, eight cargo platform lorries and four concrete mixing tanks.

11.4 TBM Ordering, Manufacturing, Customs Clearance and


11.4.1 TBM equipment ordering

After the signing of project contract, we will organize professional

technicians to form an independent TBM workgroup, specifically for a series of
work for the project, including the preparation of TBM invitation for bid,
organization and training of staff. Upon the formal commencement, we will
conduct the bidding work of TBM equipment manufacturing when we receive the
advance payment and order to commence. The ordering contract of TBM
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equipment will be completed within two months after receiving the order to

11.4.2 TBM equipment manufacturing

After the signing of ordering contract of TBM equipment, we will assign

technicians to manufacturing plant to supervise the manufacturing, ensuring the
equipment to be finished in specified time with specified quality requirements.


We will set professional work group to ensure that after the manufacturing of
equipment, the relevant work of customs and sea transportation can go

11.4.4 Transportation

After the manufacturer has completed relevant designs, we will organize

professional work group immediately, to conduct investigation on the
transportation routine from custom (Djibouti) to construction site, as well as the
rental of transportation vehicles, procedures of national transportation
department and coordination with other governmental departments. Ensure that
the equipment can be transported to the construction site safely and smoothly
after arriving at the port.

11.5 TBM Assembly Trial, Pilot Tunneling as well as Construction and


11.5.1 TBM assembly trial

(1) Work that must be completed before TBM assembly include: relevant
installation personnel and general workers must be in place and enter the site;
indoor and outdoor warehouses must be completed; the excavation of pilot drift
for TBM equipment entering must be completed, and relevant concrete
construction work must be completed according to the requirements; road from
entrance to installation site must be completed; living campsite and supporting
facilities are fundamentally completed; power supply, water supply and
illumination facilities must be completed; professional installation tools must be
in place; construction of relevant facilities at the installation platform shall be
completed or be ready (including hoisting equipment); preparation of Operation
Instruction of TBM Installation shall be completed.

(2) To ensure that the installation and assembly process will be completed
smoothly, safely and accurately, and to ensure the original design accuracy,
relevant installation technical requirements shall be followed in the entire
assembly process, strict technical disclosure shall be carried out to operating
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personnel, process control and acceptance for each process shall be conducted

(3) After the TBM components are transported to each part, the layouts and
installation trial of components shall be carried out in strict accordance with
Operation Instruction of TBM Installation.

11.5.2 Pilot tunneling and construction

(1) After the installation trial is completed, relevant technicians from

manufacturer shall enter the site for guidance of pilot tunneling, which will last for
two months or the length of which will be 1 km. They will make the equipment
pass the run-in period to get into normal state, and train the operating personnel
to make them fully understand and have a good command of operating process
as well as the maintenance skills for regular equipment.

(2) After the pilot tunneling is completed, relevant technicians from

manufacturer shall leave the construction site, and our personnel will take the
overall command on operation. Generally, manufacturer provides remote
technical guidance services.

(3) Principle of tunneling: hard rock TBM equipment is supported on the

tunneled surrounding rock surface by strut shoe, with the great support force
provided by friction. Advancing oil cylinder pushes the anterior shield and
cutterhead forward, providing thrust to make the disc cutter on the cutter head
fully squeeze the rocks to break. Multiple electromotor drive one giant bearing to
rotate, causing the rotation of cutterhead, and leading the disc cutter to rotate
along the track of concentric circle to break the rocks. The rocks fall to the
bottom of tunnel by self-weight, scooped up by the side bucket on the cutterhead,
and transported by belt conveyor. Thus, a tunnel is formed.

(4) Process flow. TBM is crawling to tunnel forward by the combined effect
advancing oil cylinder and strut shoe, which is called as step change. See Fig.

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Predict the geological


Whether to conduct

Advanced No

Tunnel Pave the rails Tunnel muck Initial shoring

Step change operation

Enter the next round tunneling

Figure 11-2 Flow Chart of TBM Tunneling Construction

11.5.3 Maintenance of TBM equipment

Integrating the technologies of mechanism, electronics and hydraumatic,

TBM has sophisticated technology and enormous structure, can complete each
construction process at the same time, which is an industrial production line of
tunnels. Whether the efficiency of advanced equipment can be fully played and
best satisfied the requirements of project, depend on the correct use, scientific
maintenance, careful monitoring and timely repair. In the Project, the
construction section of TBM is long, with intensive construction and high
equipment ability demanded. Therefore, the key to the project construction is to
ensure the effective availability of TBM. To this end, on the one hand, we will
assign high-quality professionals to supervise and guide the maintenance of
equipment. On the other hand, in view of the scarce capability of finish
machining in the area, we will set finish turning lathe on the site to satisfy the
maintenance and improve the availability of equipment.

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11.6 TBM Disassembly

After the TBM tunneling is completed, it will be disassembled at the surge

chamber at the downstream of powerhouse. After the excavation in surge
chamber is completed, the special hoisting equipment shall be installed for the
disassembly of TBM equipment. The disassembled components will be
transported out of the tunnel through the underground transportation hole of

11.7 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment

Table 11-1 Construction Mechanical Equipment Configuration Schedule

Major work
Specifications and
S/N Name Qty. performance Remarks
Special Equipment for TBM Construction
TBM main engine
1 1 Diameter: 9.13 m
and backups
Power factor:
2 Generation station 1 9600KVA
≥1400m /d
3 Clarification plant 1
4 Tramcars 5
Mortar carrier Concrete support in the
5 6 sets
vehicle tunnel
Transportation of
6 Flat car Six construction materials in
the tunnel
Pick up staff on and off
7 Staff vehicle Four
TBM assembly and
8 Gantry crane 1 2×100t
Concrete mixing Concrete support in the
9 1 HZS50
station tunnel
Hydraulic elevating TBM assembly and
10 1 6M
platform truck make-up air belt
Hydraulic elevating TBM assembly and
11 2 8M
platform truck make-up air belt
Special Equipment for Soil and Stone Construction
Dumping site
12 Bulldozers 1 TY160
Spoil transferring and
13 Loader 1 Liugong 856/50
mixing plant
14 Dump truck 5 Spoil transferring
Lifting equipment
TBM assembly,
15 Truck crane 1 20T 20T dismantlement, odds
and ends

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Major work
Specifications and
S/N Name Qty. performance Remarks
TBM assembly and
16 Truck crane 1 50T 50T
Other Auxiliary Equipment
Welding cutterhead
17 DC electric welder 5 ZX7-630IGBT
wearing layer
Metal structures shop
18 AC electric welder 9 BX1-400 repairing, cutters and
TBM construction, etc.
Power factor: Belt conveyor and
19 Transformer 6 sets 1600KVA
≥80% gantry crane

For repairing and

20 Lathe 1 630
For repairing and
21 Radial driller 1 Φ25
22 Generator set 6 sets 1600KW Living quarters
23 Generator set 1 200KW Living quarters
24 Forklift 1 5T Transferring of materials
25 Forklift 1 10T Transferring of materials
26 Forklift 1 3T Transferring of materials
Installation and
27 Platform trunk 2 25T
transferring of TBM
Installation of TBM and
28 Truck 1 5T
transferring of materials
29 Truck 1 Single-row seat Refrigerated truck
30 Truck Pickup Production and support
Passenger service
Five seats Production command
31 cross-country 1
(small) vehicle
Passenger service Seven-nine
32 1 MPV Reception
vehicle seats
33 Oil tank truck 1 12T Oil supply
CO 2 gas shielded
34 5 Welding cutterhead
welding machine
35 Air compressor 2 3m Repair workshop
Three Set out in survey in
36 Total station PPS assort
sets tunnel
Set out in survey in
37 Water level 1 set
High-pressure water
38 1 set Cutter repair shop
cleaning machine
39 Electric block 1 1T Cutter repair shop
40 Electric block 1 5T Metal structures shop

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Major work
Specifications and
S/N Name Qty. performance Remarks
41 Electric block 1 3T Truck repair shop
42 Forming mill 1 Steel arch processing
Profile cutting
43 6 sets 380V
44 Air pick 2 T26 Concrete tank cleaning
45 Air pick 8 Cutterhead cleaning
For repairing and
46 Planer 1
47 Pneumatic oiler 4 Lubricating oil refueling
Sodium hypochlorite
48 1 WSB-82-2 60g/h Living water disinfection
49 Electric hammer 8 800~1000W Considered parts
Pipe molding
50 1 A full set of fixture
51 Pipe cutter 1 A full set of fixture
Air conditioner
52 40 1.2 P Cooling only Dormitory of factory
Air conditioner Conference room and
53 2 3P
(cabinet) restaurant
54 Office computer 1 Desktop
55 Submersible pump 10 Sewage pump Drainage of cavities
Inlaid rubber
56 Electric roller 2 B=1000*630*15*3.0 Self-made belt
Inlaid rubber
57 Guide roller 2 B=1000*630 Self-made belt
58 Winch 1 JM-1.5/132M2-6 Belt loop rack
Equipment necessary for cutter repair shop is not included in this equipment allocation table, which is under
unified distribution of manufacture.

11.8 Amount Plan of Need of Major Materials

Table 11-2 Table of Need of Major Materials

S/N Description Specifications and model Unit Qty. Remarks

Support amount
Deformed steel bar (rock
1 φ25 T 255 shall be 20% of total
Support amount
2 Concrete M³ 3600 shall be 20% of total
Support amount
3 Rebar supporting net φ4@100*100 T 5 shall be 20% of total

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S/N Description Specifications and model Unit Qty. Remarks

Support amount
4 Steel arch G 20 T 91 shall be 20% of total
Support amount
5 Cement P.O.42.5 T 1580 shall be 20% of total
Support amount
6 Sand T 3900 shall be 20% of total
Support amount
7 Macadam 0.5~2 T 2500 shall be 20% of total
Support amount
9 Accelerator T 63 shall be 20% of total
10 Rail (steel rail) 43 rails T 1204 2,240 × 12.5 m
11 Gantry crane track 80 heavy rail T 12 12 × 12.5 m
12 Sleeper G 20 T 692 14,580
13 Rail connecting plate 43 rails Set 4700 Calculated by 14 KM
Bolts and nuts of rail
14 Set 37600 Calculated by 14 KM
connecting plate
Bolts and lock blocks of
15 Set 58500 Calculated by 14 KM
16 Rail turnouts Set 4 Single
17 Rail turnouts Set 3 Double
Changed per 6,000
18 Hydraulic oil 46 L/bucke 90
19 Engine oil 15W-40 kg 16800
20 Gear oil 320 L/bucke 41
21 Lubricating grease EP2 L/bucke 200
22 Lubricating grease Mobilith SHC460 L 1248
Lubricating grease
23 special for electrical kg 50
24 Diesel fuel T 16000
25 HV cable 3×70 M 14000 Armored
High-voltage quick cable
26 24KV Nr. 50
27 High voltage terminal 24KV Set 12 Thermal contraction
Grounded low-voltage Supporting
28 power distribution 2500KVA Set 1 transformer at the
cabinet tunnel portal

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S/N Description Specifications and model Unit Qty. Remarks

Rubber jacketed 2 Illumination and
29 70 mm Meter 45000
aluminum wires pumping in tunnel
Rubber jacketed 2 Illumination and
30 35 mm Meter 15000
aluminum wires pumping in tunnel
31 Steel pipe φ125 T 5 TBM assembly
Cross fasteners Nr. 500
Universal fastener Nr. 300
Connecting fastener Nr. 100
TBM main water
32 Steel pipe φ125/wall thickness: 4.5 Meter 11000 supply pipe, 15.4
33 Central double cutter 19″ Nr. 4
34 Single-side cutter 19″ Nr.
Tool apron of single-side
35 19″ Nr. 4
Tool apron of
36 19″ Nr. 2
double-side cutter
37 Cutter ring 19″4 Nr. 1110
Various accessories of
38 19″ Set 4
double cutter
39 Bucket tooth 19″ Nr. 1470
40 Cutter bearing 19″ Nr. 590
Various accessories of
41 19″ Set 80
single cutter
42 Sleeper (oil conservator) Root 300
Components of spoil Provided by
43 Group 1
charging belt conveyor manufacturer

Table 11-3 Plan for needed materials of self-made spoil transferring belt

S/N Description Specifications and model Unit Qty. Remarks

1 steel channel [160 m 1080 Framed bent

Equal angle Framed bent and square
2 ∠5×70 m 4000
iron columns
Equal angle
3 ∠4×50 m 4400 Square columns
4 1″ m 1200 Guard bar of aisle
5 Steel mesh δ4 m² 240 Aisle board
6 Round steel Φ12 m 1000 Guard bar of aisle
7 Steel plate δ12 m² 240 Dowel and sink
Inlaid rubber coating
8 Electric roller B﹦1000×630×15×3.0 Nr. 40
assorted with construction bolt
9 Tail guide roller B﹦1000×630 Nr. 40 Assorted with construction bolt

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S/N Description Specifications and model Unit Qty. Remarks

Spiral tension
10 B﹦1000×800 Set 40
11 B﹦1000 Nr. 120
adjusting roller
12 Trench support B﹦1000 Nr. 500

Trench support
13 B﹦1000 Nr. 2000
Hoisting lug of
14 B﹦1000 Nr. 600
lower roller
15 Lower roller B﹦1000 Nr. 400

16 Conveyer belt NN-1508×1000×4.5+1.5 2000
17 Bolt M12*50 Set 4000 4.8 level, with nuts and spacers

11.9 Schedule of Human Resource Allocation

Table 11-4 TBM Schedule of Human Resource Allocation

China and
S/N Functional Department Local labors Remarks
1 Management department 30 15
On-site technicians of Pilot tunneling and then
2 15 0
manufacturers exit
3 Tunneling team (two shifts) 30 60
4 Maintenance worker team 15 20
5 Belt workers’ team (two shifts) 6 12
6 Tools team 4 8
Out-culvert security team (two
7 32 58
8 Slag field staff 12 48
Total 144 221 In total: 365 workers

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12 Drilling and grouting works

12.1 Main construction items and quantities

Drilling and grouting works of the Project mainly include curtain and
consolidation grouting of dam bedrock, consolidation grouting of spillway
bedrock, impervious curtain grouting, consolidation grouting, backfill grouting
and contact grouting in underground cavities and drain hole. The main
engineering quantities are shown in Tab. 12.1-1.

Table 12.1-1 Tables for Main Engineering Quantities

Item Consolidati Curtain Backfill Contact Drain hole

2 2
Position on grouting grouting grouting (m ) grouting (m ) (m)
Dam 2805 21639.42m
Spillway 23343.6 -
1626.17 3408.857396 554.4
Water inlet 547 - 546.9952
diversion 34624.7 594m 18352.5 556.1687138 3648.31
Plant area 2024 1622.6 25330.8
Total 64970.47 23930.9526 556.1687138 29533.51

12.2 Construction sequence

(1) In order to obtain appropriate construction parameters, and to determine

the reasonable construction methods, select appropriate parts, before grouting,
for test on productive curtain and consolidation grouting based on instructions of
the engineer.

(2) After the concrete reaches design strength, dam bedrock grouting shall
be carried out.

(3) The backfill grouting shall be carried out after the concrete reaches 70%
of the design strength, while the contact grouting shall be carried out after
reaching grouting conditions.

12.3 Construction Layout

(1) For shallow-hole consolidation grouting holes, drain hole and backfill
grouting construction; adopt YT-28 air leg to drill. For deep-hole consolidation
grouting, adopt QZJ-100B down-hole drill for drilling. For curtain grouting, adopt
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XY-2PC geological drill for drilling. Construction wind, water and electricity are
supplied systematically.

(2) To meet the grouting construction, concentrated slurry stations shall be

placed at appropriate location in the dam bank both left and right as well as
holes of underground cavities system near the hole, with φ75 mm steel pipe
transmitting slurry to the construction site. Concentrated slurry stations with
simple steel structure, covering about 40 m2.

(3) In the vicinity of the grouting site, set the transfer station for modulation
and transit supply of slurry based on demand. Each transfer station shall be
equipped with a 1 m3 slow-speed mixing tank, a double-layer mixing tank and a
BW250/50 grouting pump for slurry supply.

(4) Each grouting station consists of supporting facilities such as NJ-600

grout making machine with high speed, double-layer mixing tank and automatic

(5) For backfill grouting, consolidation grouting and contact grouting in

underground cavities system, it is to adopt self-made mobile drilling & grouting
trolley. And construction shall be conducted in drilling &grouting trolley.

(6) Configure wireless walkie-talkie between slurry preparation and supply

station, to facilitate contacts between preparation and supply of slurry.

12.4 Consolidation grouting

Consolidation grouting in the Project includes: consolidation grouting of dam

foundation, consolidation grouting of spillway foundation, consolidation grouting
at the inlet of hydroelectric power plant, consolidation grouting in the
underground cavities and consolidation grouting of diversion tunnel.

(1) Consolidation grouting holes are straight ones. Hole bottom deviation
shall not be greater than 1/40 hole depth. If you need to change the hole for
some reason, hole deviation must be agreed by the engineer and record

(2) Bedrock consolidation grouting is constructed based on principle of

points sequence encryption, and the grouting is carried out by grouting of the
first row of holes, followed by grouting in the middle row. Specifically in following

(3) Arrange geophysical holes based on design drawings and requirements

of engineer, aperture φ91 mm, and conduct geophysical test before and after
consolidation grouting.

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(4) Install LH2001 intelligent placement measuring instrument with

automatic alarm function for deformation observation. And, in the whole process
of grouting, pay close attention to raising deformation. Make sure that raising
deformation does not exceed 100μm.

(5) Consolidation grouting is conducted as follows:

Drilling→flushing→simple pump-in test→grouting →… next cycle.

(6) For drilling of bedrock consolidation grouting, steel pipes are required to
be embedded for toeslab and reinforced concrete structure.

(7) When hole depth is less than 6 m, drill and grout once for the whole hole,
generally, one pump for one hole. While for hole sections with small leakage or
collusion with one another, we adopt 2 to 3 holes in parallel for grouting. When
the hole depth is greater than 6 m, drill and grout segmentally.

(8) Adapt the top-down section of block, do recycle grouting within holes,
conduct fissure flushing based on design requirements and do simple pump-in
test. Adopt SGB-10 grouting pump for grouting, strictly control the grouting
pressure, slurry water-cement ratio, slurry change standard and the ending
standard, with three-parameter GJY- Ⅳ or TS-2 intelligent grouting
auto-recorder to record.

(9) Set up inspection holes as per 5% of the total number of grouting holes,
and the single-point method is adopted to conduct inspection for in-pumps of
drilling & coring. Fourteen days and 28 d after grouting, conduct wave velocity of
rock mass and static elasticity modulus test on corresponding parts prior to
grouting. Assess consolidation grouting by measuring the speed of wave velocity
of rock mass or quantity of static elasticity modulus, assisting in analyzing drilling
& coring of grouting holes and inspection holes as well as results of in-pumps

(10) After all holes grouted and passing acceptance of the engineer,
sealing can be done then. Adopt methods of sealing by mechanical grouting or
seal by pressure grouting as per design requirements.

12.5 Curtain grouting

12.5.1 Construction sequence

Curtain grouting based on principle of orderly encryption. Construct in order

and by sections. Each unit is constructed in the following order: I sequence hole
(pilot hole) → II sequence hole → III sequence hole → IV sequence hole (if
encryption required) → inspection hole.

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For each section of curtain grouting, the following procedure is performed:

drilling → flushing → simple pump-in test → grouting → next cycling.

12.5.2 Drilling construction

For curtain grouting, adopt XY-2PC geological drill, with diamond drill bit to
drill, enjoying good stability and large torque. The max drilling depth reaches 150
m (aperture 56 mm). Adopt KXP-1 of high-precision clinometer for full-hole
tracking deviation, and rectifying them timely, to ensure deviation value of the
hole to meet design requirements.

12.5.3 Grout construction

(1) Grouting methods: for curtain grouting, generally adopt top-down section
and round grouting inside holes methods.

(2) Hole section flushing: flush fissure for hole section of curtain grouting
prior to grouting. According to instructions of engineers, flush with wind and
water or flush with high-pressure water.

(3) Pump-in test: simple pump-in test of each section of curtain grouting
mush be done before grouting, and its pressure is the regulated grouting

(4) Length of grouting section: divide contact site of concrete and bedrock
into a sole part and grout it first, with section length of 2 m. After grouting of
contact section being done, it is to be condensed for 24 hours. The length of
following each section is generally 5 m. And under special circumstances,
appropriate shortening or lengthening can be done.

(5) Pressure control: strictly follow construction drawings or instructions of

engineers to control grouting pressure, so as to ensure that raising deformation
value of concrete or rock does not exceed the design value.

(6) Grouting materials and water-cement ratio: generally, adopt cement

slurry for grouting, and water-cement ratio is 10: 1 ~ 1: 1, changing from thin to
thick gradually in the process of grouting. Cement mortar is adopted in parts with
width and cracks, and specific slurry composition, grouting time and other
grouting operations are determined by the engineer.

(7) Grouting equipment: adopt CPS airbag or rubber-ball choker for hole
obstruction, and adopt BW300/12 three-cylinder piston grout pump with a wide
range of pressure and flow rate adjustment as well as small pressure fluctuation
for slurry filling, pressure range of the pump is 6 ~ 12 MPa, and the flow range of
300 ~ 120 L/min;

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Grouting can be done by both cement and a 3SNS grouting pump with
mortar. Range for operation pressure is 4 ~ 12 MPa, and its flow range is 76 ~
207 L/min.

12.6 Contact grouting

Contact grouting mainly refers to contact grouting of pressure piping


(1) Range: contact grouting of steel lining refers to after concrete outside
steel lining indurated, conduct grouting between outer wall of steel lining and
concrete, so that steel lining structure can work better with concrete.

(2) Grouting hole: in manufacturing of steel lining, reserve grouting hole

based on holes and structure requirements shown in construction drawings. And
add spin plugs and protect screw thread.

(3) Cement; conduct contact grouting with cement labeled grade PO42.5.
When adding admixture, the selection of accelerator, water reducer and other
contents must be determined by test.

(4) Preparations before grouting

1) Add oil on stiffening plates before concreting concrete, to prevent

stiffening plates from adhering to concrete thus filling no slurry.

2) Before contact grouting, use water with pressure slightly higher than
grouting pressure (the pressure is not higher than safety pressure of steel liner
against the external pressure) to squeeze the gap between stiffening plate and

(5) Grouting

1) Adopt round grouting for contact grouting of steel tubes. Adopt SGB6-10
grouting pump to grout, JJS-2B double-layer mixing tank to construct, and
GJY-IV grouting auto-recorder to record. Single row for I sequence hole, double
row for II sequence hole. For I sequence hole grouting, II sequence hole acts as
both exhaust hole and slurry hole. For II sequence hole grouting, remain holes
on its top to exhaust and for slurry to come out. Water-cement ratio of slurry
(weight ratio) is (1 ~ 0.45): 1. The larger the gap, the thicker the slurry is. Slurry
of II sequence hole is thinner.

2) Strictly control the grouting pressure based on instructions of engineer.

Under the grouting pressure stipulated, stop grouting after the max
concentration of slurry stopping absorbing for 5 min.

3) Set displacement gauges next to grouting hole to observe displacement

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of steel liner, preventing instability of tube wall. Monitor with LH2001 intelligent
placement measuring instrument with automatic alarm function.

4) In grouting, record hole locations, slurry ratio, amount of slurry and

deformation of steel tube, and submit the original records to engineers on time.

5) After contact grouting, unscrew the protective ring, remove debris in

grouting holes, screw on hole plugs and impermeable asbestos, dry reserved
weld groove, make stiffening plate as plate, and seal welding grouting hole.
Planish excess weld metal of the height of edge and remnants of splash.

(6) Quality inspection: 7 to 14 days after grouting, accompany engineers to

inspect quality of grouting with hammering method. The range and extent of void
meet requirements of construction drawings.

12.7 Backfill grouting

(1) Backfill grouting is conducted after lining concrete reaches 70% of the
design strength.

(2) In the concrete lining, adopt pneumatic drill with air leg for direct drilling
(or drill holes from reserved ones), with aperture of φ56 mm, 10 cm depth of
bedrock, and measure thickness of concrete and size of cavity. Wind, water and
electricity are systemically supplied.

(3) Adopt grouting by guide tube method for backfill grouting.

(4) Backfill grouting is conducted in two steps by sections. Start grouting

from the lower end.

(5) Conduct pressure, water-cement ratio and ending standard of backfill

grouting are determined as per construction drawings or instructions of

(6) After grouting, close pipe orifice for slurry being condensed, preventing
slurry return.

(7) Record with three-parameter GJY-IV or TS-2 intelligent grouting


(8)Conduct quality inspection of method of boring hole 7 days after grouting,

and the number of inspection holes is 5% of that of grouting ones. After being
qualified, all grout pipes are cut off, and adopt thick slurry to seal whole holes
and level.

(9) Set up bent frame of construction and flat wagon of construction to

conduct drilling and grouting in cavities.

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12.8 Strength analysis of construction and equipment configuration

12.8.1 Consolidation grouting

The max superposition for construction strength of consolidation grouting is

about 6,000 m/month. Configure based on configuration of 3 drilling & 2 grouting
and plan to invest 27 air-leg drills and 18 SGB6-10 grouting pumps. The unit
fixed output is 700 m/month, a total of seven operating units, with the monthly
strength of 6,300 m.

12.8.2 Curtain grouting

The highest construction strength of curtain grouting is 1,300 m/month, plan

to invest six XY-2PC geological drills and three SGB9-12 grouting pump for
construction; combine a unit as per the “two drill a grouting”, with fixed output of
600 m/month. Arrange a total of three drilling units for drilling and grouting of
curtain, and its monthly strength is 1,800 m.

12.8.3 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment

See Table 12.8-1 for the main construction machinery and equipment

Table 9.9-1 Figure for Main Construction Machinery and Equipment of Drilling
and Grouting

S/N Name Type & Specification Qty.

1 Air-leg drill YT-28 27
2 Geological drill XY-2PC 6
3 Grout pump SGB6-10 18
4 Grout pump SGB6-12 3
5 Slurry pump BW250/50 8
6 High-speed pulper NJ-600 6
7 Double-layer mixing drum JJS-2B 8
8 Mixer 1m 8
Intelligence measuring control
9 LH02B 3
instrument for displacement
10 Acoustic detector RS-UT01C 1
11 Inclinometer KXP-1 3

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13 Road & Bridge Works

13.1 Overview

Roads of the works include permanent roads (roads from public roads to
hydroelectric power plant, roads leading to the dam and entrance of diversion
tunnel, roads leading to campsites and roads leading to entrance of tailrace
tunnel) and 56.85 km and 20 m of bridges. The pavement structure is 20-30 cm
thick of subbase course with graded broken stone, 20 cm thick of subbase
course with cement stabilized macadam and 8 cm thick asphalt concrete

13.2 Construction of Subgrade Works

The overall construction sequence for excavation and filling of subgrade

earthwork is as follows: the whole roadbed is divided into construction sections,
and construction sections of each road are independently constructed. Different
work surfaces are conducted based on construction period and topographic
conditions in each construction section. Each work surface constructs
simultaneously or sequentially.

13.2.1 Excavation roadbed construction

(1) Construction process

Subgrade construction process: construction survey → site cleaning →

earth excavation → stone excavation → roadbed backfill rolling.

(2) Construction method

Earth excavation from top to bottom. Plan to adopt 1.0 ~ 1.6 m3 backhoe for
direct digging, and 15 ~ 20 t dumping car for transport, assisting with D85

Excavating subgrade bench of excavation of stone plans to adopt hydraulic

drill or high-pressure drilling machine, and artificial network blasting. Blasting
slag is taken out with 15 ~ 20 t dumping car with backhoes to dumping site.

Qualified materials of excavation are generally applied to the filling section.

13.2.2 Roadbed filling construction

Roadbed fillings adopt backhoes and loader to excavate. Transport to filling

section with dumping car. Filling materials are smoothed with graders and
compacted with laminators.

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(1) Construction process

Embankment setting out → cleaning surface → compaction before filling →

measuring elevation → paving materials on embankment → flat compaction →
slope trimming → filling layer material

(2) Construction method

Before construction filling, clean humus, turf, debris, etc. on original

surfaces, depth of removal is more than 15 cm; compact firstly and then conduct
filling, if there is loose earth on base.

Filling material is flattened by graders; width of each layer is 30 cm higher

than the design width of embankment, to ensure that the edge of embankment of
roadbed slope has a sufficient degree of compaction. Once the embankment is
filled with 3.0 m height, backhoe is used to trim embankment slope to side
boundary of design.

Control fluctuation range for water content of the filling within optimum water
content +2% and -2%, when exceeding the range, sprinkling or drying is

Compaction of filling materials adopts vibratory roller, compact embankment

on both sides of and then brush and smoothen, to ensure that the edge of
roadbed has sufficient degree of compaction.

13.3 Construction of Pavement Works

13.3.1 Overview

The pavement structure of the works is subbase course with graded broken
stone, subbase course with cement stabilized macadam and asphalt concrete

13.3.2 Construction on subbase course with graded broken stone

(1) Construction sequence

Roadbed cleaning → allocation and transport of material → uniform road

mixing → paving rolling → maintenance.

(2) Construction on subbase course with cement stabilized macadam

① Setting out in survey, pile driving and hanging lines, and determine the
range of paving, thickness and degree of road camber.

② Adopt plant mixing method for graded broken stone; graded broken
stone materials are transported to paving site by vehicles, with the grader in time

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to pave.

③ Rolling and compaction can be conducted after pavement smoothened,

according to the principle of first light and then heavy, with speed from slow to
fast and the first two sides and then middle rolling. First, adopt pneumatic tyred
roller for stabilized rolling twice, and heavy-duty static pressure roller for rolling.
The rolling width is no more than 1/2. After rolling, the test staff shall inspect
degree of compaction. Wwhen it is below standard, re-roll in time.

④ After rolling and being qualified by inspection for degree of compaction,

it shall be timely cured. During the curing, large loaders cannot be pressed, so
as not to crush the roadbed.

13.3.3 Construction of asphalt-concrete surface

Adopt plant mixing method to mix asphalt concrete, with asphalt concrete
paver paving. Asphalt spreader is for spreading over-layer oil, and double drum
vibratory roller and tire roller rolling. Adopt half paving while half opening to
traffic method.

The quality of coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, fillers and asphalt used
shall meet requirements of tender documents and construction specifications.

Before asphalt concrete paving layer, as per specifications and design

requirements, pave out a test section with length not less than 100 m on site
selected by the engineer.

Test to obtain compaction times, compaction factors and other construction

parameters. Based on results of the test section, conduct proper improvement
on equipment or operations to increase the mechanical construction efficiency.

Transport asphalt concrete by the large-scale dumping car. Clean it before

loading and coat oil-water mixture inside the car to avoid sticking. During
transportation, cover the car with tarpaulin to avoid excessive temperature

Adopt the steel-cylinder static roller with tyred roller or vibratory roller to
compact asphalt mixture, which shall be conducted in three stages (initial
compaction, re-compaction and final compaction (including forming)). The road
roller shall operate at a slow and uniform speed.

For road not accessible to the roller, adopt small-sized vibrating rammer
recognized by the engineer.

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13.4 Construction for Culvert Works

Culverts in this contract section are mainly reinforced-concrete cover slab

and circular culverts. In order to avoid affecting the construction schedule, we
shall give priority to construction, with line operations.

13.4.1 Construction of slab culvert

⑴ Basic construction of cover slab culvert

① As per requirements of construction drawings, conduct on-site setting

out in survey, calibrate excavation range and basic bottom elevation, and take
on-site temporary drainage measures.

② Earth excavation of culvert foundation shall be carried out with hydraulic

backhoe and be trimmed by workers. Once foundation construction is completed,
set out in survey, install steel mould manually and begin foundation concrete
construction of cover slab culvert.

③ Mix concrete on site, transport to the pouring parts manually with

wheelbarrow, and mix and compact with spud vibrator.

④ After foundation concrete construction of cover slab culvert, maintain

with water for 7 d.

⑵ Construction of cover slab culvert

① As per requirements of construction drawings, conduct on-site setting

out in survey. Pour concrete after installation of steel and formwork. When
shuttering, shutter once to the top and reinforce by opposite pulling.

② Pour concrete with chute; pour and level in layers manually. Layer
thickness: about 50 cm. Mix and compact with spud vibrator.

③ When pouring abutment capping, note to pre-embed anchor

reinforcement opposite to the position of the cover slab anchor hole. Demould
and maintain with water for 7 d when concrete strength has met specifications.

⑶ Construction of reinforced-concrete cover slab

① Prefabricate reinforced-concrete cover slab on site uniformly. Demould,

transport and stack them when concrete strength amounts to 70% of the design
strength. Lift and install when concrete strength of prefabricated cover slab
reaches design strength.

② Check size and angle of cover slab and culvert pier, culvert pier strength,

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etc. before hoisting and installation. Lift and install when requirements have
been met. Lift and install over cover slab with both manual operation and truck
crane. Apply mortar to level slab bearing before hoisting and installation. And
pave asphaltic felt (thickness no less than 1 cm) on abutment capping and on
the top of the abutment.

③ After installation of slab, place two studs in each hole in reserved nail
hole on cover slab and adopt small stone-concrete for filling in and tamping.
Gaps between adjacent slabs shall also be filled with small-stone concrete.

④ Construct cover slab top and waterproof layer when installation of slab is

13.4.2 Construction of pipe culvert

(1) Construction sequence

Foundation cleaning → foundation inspection → concrete pipe

prefabrication →concrete pipe transportation → concrete pipe base pouring →
concrete pipe installation → entry & exit of masonry → pipe side filling.

(2) Circular culvert of concrete is prefabricated in precast yard.

(3) Transportation of circular culvert

Take anti-collision measures to avoid pipe damage or cracks during

transportation, loading and unloading. Load and unload culvert pipe with a truck
crane. Prohibit unloading with roller plate or on the slope for culvert pipes, which
shall not roll on the ground.

(4) Foundation Excavation

As per construction drawings, set out in survey, excavate with backhoe and
transport in dumping car. Dispose foundation if its capacity cannot meet the

(5) Construction of cushion and foundation

Once excavation of foundation trench has passed the acceptance, construct

cushion and foundation timely. Concrete of foundation bed is constructed in two
layers. The concrete thickness of the first cushion is determined by pipe
diameter. Install culvert pipe when cushion and foundation strength reaches the
specified value. After that, pour concrete on both sides of culvert pipe to fix it and
pour both sides at the same time. Roughen and flush the first cushion of
concrete surface before pouring.

(6) Culvert pipe laying and installation

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① Pipe joints are installed downstream and joints face upstream. Each
section of culvert pipe is installed close to cushion or foundation, so that it bears
averaged force. All pipe joints shall be laid as per correct axis and graphic slope.
Keep the pipe clean during laying.

② Culvert pipe joints are merged with docking joints. Pipe joints are packed
with oakum soaked in hot asphalt. Adopt asphaltic felt to wrap pipe joints twice
and fill pipe joints with sand.

13.5 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment

As per the schedule, the excavation intensity of road and earthwork is about
390,000 m3/month, and the peak intensity is considered as 450,000 m3/month.
Pavement construction is based on line operation on a work surface. See Table
13.5-1 for the main construction machinery and equipment configuration.

Table 13.5-1 Main Construction Mechanical Equipment

Type &
S/N Name Qty.
CAT330 backhoe hydraulic
1 PC400 1.6m3 4
CAT330 backhoe hydraulic
2 PC200 1.0m3 4
3 Hydraulic drill D7 1
4 High pneumatic drill CM351 3
5 Down-the-hole drill QZJ-100B 10
6 Air-leg drill YT-28 15
7 Pneumatic drill T-26 15
8 Loader ZL50(3.0m3) 6
9 Dump truck 20t 20
10 Dump truck 15t 16
11 Bulldozers D85 4
12 Land leveler PY160 4
13 Vibratory roller 18t 4
14 Double-drum roller 14t 1
15 Vibrating rollers 14t 1
16 Asphalt paver LTU120D 1
17 Mixer JZ350 4

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14 Building and decoration

14.1 Overview

Construction and decoration parts of the Project include office and service
buildings of owners, housing of owners, housing of owner representatives,
underground plants and switch station control centers. Construction and
decoration projects mainly include roofing, plastering, flooring, wall decoration,
doors and windows, glass and installation works.

14.2 Construction Layout

Access water and electricity from water and power supply system near the
construction site. Apply site construction road as construction road. For level
transportation, adopt 10 t dumping car and plate truck and worker to transport.
Vertical transportation applies hoisting frame and manual hoisting method.
Mortar used in construction is proposed to be mixed in 0.35 m3 small-sized
mobile mixer.

14.3 Construction method

14.3.1 Brick works

⑴ Process flow

As per brick structure and construction layout, the main construction

procedures of brick works are: foundation cleaning, acceptance, mortar
preparation, block transportation, scaffolding, hanging of safety screen, block
masonry and preparation & installation of embedded reinforcement. See Fig.
14-1 for construction process.

Operation preparations

Wet bricks

Mortar mixing

Brick masonry


Figure 14-1 Masonry Construction Process Flow Figure

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⑵ Construction method

① Masonry mortar

Conduct test to determine masonry mortar mix proportion, and report to

on-site engineer for approval before being used in this Project. Use qualified raw
materials when mixing mortar.

When mixing mortar, quicklime shall be fully cured and filtered with net to
prevent drying, freezing and hardening. Use medium sand to mix mortar and
sieve it to remove grass, oil, etc. Mechanically mix concrete with mortar, make it
ready for use, and use all of it within 3 h after mixing.

② Brick masonry

Before bricking, sample as per specifications based on the brick type and
grade; once acceptance has passed, it can be applied. At the same time, carry
out masonry bottom cleaning and began brick masonry when it has passed the
acceptance. Label wall axis and sideline for brick wall as per design drawings.
Label position line of doors and windows based on actual specifications and
dimensions of bricks on site, and wet brick one day in advance.

In accordance with the technical specifications, brick body adopts the use of
out-and-in bond flemish bond or stretcher bond method for masonry. The
aerated concrete masonry is constructed by all-round masonry method. Stagger
joints up and down for masonry; overlap inside and outside, mortar joints
horizontal and vertical; uniform thickness; filled in with mortar. The plumpness of
masonry horizontal mortar joint is not less than 80%, width of it is no less than 8
~ 12 mm; vertical joint applies depositing batter or syrup addition method so as
to make mortar plump.

Embed masonry buckle tendons, doors and windows frame and embedded
iron pieces at the same time of bricking as per structural requirements. Install tie
bar correctly and straightly, and the exposed parts of it shall not be bent in

Construction scaffolding applies double-row steel scaffolding, and it is

erected by workers as per specifications and construction requirements. Hang
safety screen outside the aerial work scaffolding.

14.3.2 Plastering Works

⑴ Process flow

The main construction procedures of plastering are: surface treatment,

grout or mortar mixing, under coat, middle coat, surface layer and repair. See Fig.

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14-2 for construction process.

Surface Handling

Grout and mortar


Under coat and middle


Surface course


Figure 14-2 Process Flow Diagram for Plastering


⑵ Construction method

Clean surface of concrete structure or masonry requiring plaster. Apart from

approved manual mixing, all mortar may be mixed mechanically. Do not use
frozen, agglomerated or clumpy materials. After each mixing, clean mechanical
mixing equipment, mixing boxes or mixing tools until there is no left mortar from
the last mixing. Mix mortar with the right amount of water thoroughly until the
color and concentration are uniform. Do not add water to mortar to change its
consistency. Discard the hardened mortar.

① Regular Portland cement mortar.

Make under coat thick and solid and use enough force to form a solid base
coat. Do alternately. Construct surface course after 7 d of natural drying for floor
coat. Before applying surface course, adopt atomizer on the first layer to wet.
Adopt trowel to level surface course, then level by forcing sand into the mortar,
and finally polish it and make it smooth so that no rough surface exists, and
leveling spots, cracks or other stains. Use sprinkler to keep surface course moist
for at least two days.

② Mixed mortar.

Use sufficient coat and apply sufficient pressure on under coat to form a firm
and dense coating on the structure which boasts good adhesion to structure,
covered evenly, and then cross-wiping it to form a rough surface. After the first
layer is tightened firmly, conduct construction on the middle coat. Without adding
water, use hard bar and clay to level it and make the surface rough to stick the
middle coat. Construction of surface course is the same to that for regular
Portland cement mortar.

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14.3.3 Concrete ground works

⑴ Surface preparation

First, clean and flush scum and mortar on base coat, and use mechanical
metal brush to remove frost boiling and scum on base board. Use machine to
separate or apply acid to denude saturated area, and clean its surface. Try to
keep it wet before its material is ready. Wipe the surface before pouring
concrete-mortar screed-coat of the floor.

⑵ Expansion joint

Expansion joints on floor or foundation shall adopt same materials, with

nearly the same width and color. The elevation of joints shall be 20 mm lower
than the floor polished. Fill them with fillers or handle as per requirements of the
construction drawing.

⑶ Pouring

Spread manually, vibrate with flat vibrator, and level with manual wood.
Maintain with water timely after pouring.

14.3.4 Plastering works

Before plastering, clean dust, dirt, splash and mortar flow marks on base
coat. Apply lute to fill and level and polish it with mortar if there is eyelets and
cracks on the surface. If part of base coat to be plastered is of too much
moistness, dry it. Plaster the base mortar in advance, and spray protect finish
when the surface is dry enough. When spraying, regard sub-grid joints, exposed
corners of walls or downpipe, etc. shall be set as dividing lines to spray by
sections. Each coating shall not be too thick, and the spray layer shall be uniform
and consistent in color. Guarantee that there are no trachoma, brush lines and
decorative lines. And the color line shall be straight and clean. Plastering and
spraying require that the surface color be uniform, without brush lines, spray
dots, peeling, dry-linting, whiskering, color mixing, miss plastering and

14.3.5 Doors and windows works

⑴ Provide various types of doors and windows as per forms, serial number,
opening direction of doors and windows and different types of spare parts
stipulated in detailed drawing.

⑵ Construction method

Construct as per build opening of doors and windows first, and then install

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doors. Doors and windows shall be installed horizontally and vertically, with
same height and orientation. Pour preformed hole with 1: 2 cement mortar, and
cement mark shall be no less than 425 #. After filling the cement mortar, it is
forbidden for any work on doors and windows before solidification. At least three
days later, we can carry out filling in interspaces around the window frame. The
filling material is 1: 2 cement mortar. Re-check doors and windows and install
spare parts when wall plastering is finished. After installation of parts, paint the
primer evenly, not exposing the base.

⑶ After installation, clean protective materials and surface defects, and

obtain recognition from on-site engineer.

14.3.6 Construct iron bars.

Construct iron bars as per requirements of construction drawings and

relevant technical specifications. Use combination of steel template for
shuttering as per its structure form, and reserve hole for stainless steel handrails.
Adopt 10 t dumping car to transport mortar from adjacent concrete mixing
system to the nearest work surface and adopt shove to carry mortar manually.
With φ80 and φ50 vibrator to vibrate it densely, the surface of it shall be smooth
and honeycomb, ballast surface and air holes are not allowed. Repair defects
within 24 hours after removal of shuttering, and then strengthen maintenance of
concrete surface.

Process steel and other materials before installation of stainless steel

handrails as per construction detailed drawing, and weld and install stainless
steel pipes on site.

14.3.7 Roof works

⑴ All kinds of materials used in this Project shall be qualified materials as

per design and specification requirements and shall be purchased after
obtaining the approval of owner, designer and on-site engineer. Conduct
sampling inspection on materials as per stipulations.

⑵ Construction sequence

Base coat treatment→ screed -coat → plaster base grouts (once) →

waterproof layer → protective layer.

⑶ Construction method

① Base coat treatment: clean the surface before roof construction. The
base shall be solid and the surface shall be smooth. Work with on-site engineer
to check and accept base coat and make acceptance records.

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② Insulation layer: base surface for paving insulation layer shall be smooth
and moist. Mix insulation material 1: 8 cement perlite manually, mix it evenly and
make it ready for use. Determine thickness of paving as per test results, compact
and level it to reach the gradient of 2%.

③ Adopt 1: 2.5 cement mortar (20 mm thickness) for screed-coat. Clean

the surface of base coat, water and wet lower concrete (no water on insulation
layer) and roughen its smooth surface before paving screed-coat. Plaster
concrete mortar with water-cement ratio of 0.4 to 0.5 before paving, make it
ready for use and compact it immediately. Adopt wood float to level and compact
it before initial set. The surface course adopts steel float to calendar for three
times before initial set. Use leaching or dry mixing 1: 1 cement and sand to level
and calendar it when humidity of surface layer cannot meet calendaring
requirements. Maintain with water 12 h after paving surface course of cement
mortar, and maintain for 7 to 10 days. Compact and level screed-coat, and make
sure that there are no puffing, sugaring and peeling.

④ Clean base surface before coating basic lever paint and keep the base
surface dry. Coat basic lever paint after passing examination of on-site engineer.
Coat basic lever paint evenly and completely, and carry out the nest construction
procedure after drying.

⑤ Adopt high polymer modified bituminous waterproof sheet for waterproof

layer. Adopt cold paste method, hot melt or self-adhesive method for
construction. Sheet shall be paved parallel to the roof, but the long side and the
short side, the upper and lower sheets cannot be perpendicular to each other,
coped joints shall stagger and try to minimize the number of sheet lapping.

⑥ Rigid waterproof layer roof is between structural layer and waterproof

layer. Set the isolation layer as per requirements of construction drawing. Do not
damage the isolation layer when paving concrete waterproof layer and binding
reinforcement. Set width of dividing joints in rigid waterproof layer be 20 ~ 40
mm, embed sealing materials in dividing joints, pave waterproofing sheet on the
upper side, and break reinforcement in dividing joints. Make cross-section of
dividing joints wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. The installation position
shall be accurate. Do not damage concrete on dividing joints when removing.
Finish pouring of each dividing plate concrete for just once, and calendar the

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15 Fabrication and installation of metal structures and hoisting

15.1 Overview

The fabrication and installation items of the metal structures of the Project
mainly include penstocks, 14 gates (trash racks) of all kinds, 14 gate slots
(grating grooves) of all kinds; the fabrication and installation items of the hoisting
equipment of the Project mainly include 6 hoists of all kinds. The main quantities
are shown in Table 15.1-1 and Table 15.1-2.
Table 15.1-1 Table of Quantities of Fabrication and Installation of Metal Structures

Gate trash rack (t) Gate slot embedded parts (t)

Orifice size (width x
Position Description height) (m)--design Qty. Unit Total Qty. Unit Total
head weight weight weight weight
(Nr.) (Set)

Cleaning scraper guide

6×39.5 2 2 8 16

Hydroelectric power
6×16-4.0 2 2 35 70 2 20 40
plant inlet trash rack

Hydroelectric power
Hydroele plant outlet bulkhead 6×10-33.0 2 2 60 120
ctric gate
plant Hydroelectric power
system plant outlet emergency 9.0×10-38.35 1 1 120 120 1 25 25

Bulkhead gate for

5.0×7.0-18.5 2 2 25 50 2 10 20

Tail water outlet stop

5.6×5.5-5.0 3 3 10 30 3 5 15
log gate

Bottom hole inlet

3.5×9.0—4m 2 2 10 20 2 5 10
Diversion coarse screen
system Diversion inlet blocking
8×9.0—66.7m 1 1 120 120 1 450 450
sluice gate

Rotating bulkhead gate

2.5×2.5—136.50m 1 1 20 20 1 10 10
in the tunnel

Ancillary equipment
(gate chamber,
grabbing beam, 14 0 60
locking, gate chamber
cover, etc.)

Subtotal 550 646

Diversion Penstock 944.2

section Stiffener ring 199.9

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Table 15.1-2 Table of Quantities of Installation of Lifting Equipment

Orifice size (width x Hoist

Position Description height) (m)--design Type and capacity Quantity Unit Total Weight
head (kN) (set) weight weight of rail
Cleaning scraper
6×39.5 Cleaning scraper 1 25 25
guide groove
2×800kN two-way
power plant inlet 6×16-4.0 1 300 300 20
portal crane
trash rack

Hydroele Hydroelectric 2×800kN two-way

ctric power plant outlet 6×10-33.0 Shared
portal crane
power bulkhead gate
plant Hydroelectric
system power plant outlet 3200/1600kN
9.0×10-38.35 1 50 50
hydraulic hoist
emergency gate
Bulkhead gate for 2×200kN monorail
5.0×7.0-18.5 1 10 10 15
tailwater crane
Tail water outlet
5.6×5.5-5.0 40t Truck crane 1 40 40
stop log gate
Bottom hole inlet Temporary hoisting
coarse screen equipment
system Diversion inlet
2×2500kN fixed Weighti
blocking sluice 8×9—66.7m 1 160 160
winch ng
Rotating bulkhead
gate in the tunnel
equipment (gate
grabbing beam,
locking, gate
chamber cover,

15.2 Manufacturing of metal structures and penstocks

The gates of the Project are manufactured and processed domestically; the
hoists and portal cranes are manufactured by professional manufacturers, and
are then transported to the site for installation. Penstocks are manufactured at
the site.

15.2.1 Manufacturing of gate slot (grating groove) embedded parts

(1) The manufacturing materials of gate slot (grating groove) embedded

parts are subject to strict procurement acceptance.

(2) Make sure that the cutting size of various parts is correct.

(3) Component welding adopts layered split symmetrical welding, and

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welding deformation is controlled.

(4) After welding of single piece of components, check the welding

deformation and size tolerance, and adopt hydraulic machine for orthopedic

(5) Anti-corrosion construction shall be in strict accordance with the

requirements of the paint instructions.

(6) After completion of manufacturing, the embedded parts are subject to

reliable packaging, and the lap plates and anchor bars are packed and shipped

15.2.2 Plane gate (trash rack) manufacturing

The plane gate (trash rack) manufacturing process flow is shown Figure

The combination size of various outsourced parts shall be subject to

particularly rigorous review and strict acceptance.

The main beam, side beams and other components shall be subject to
inspection after being welded, and the found size tolerance shall be subject to
orthopedic treatment.

After assembly, single gate leaf shall be subject to machining according to

the measurement results.

Before packaging and shipment, the water seal and other accessories shall
be removed for separate packing and shipping.

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Review of drawing

Material procurement and


Preparation of process


Groove processing Panel assembly and


Girder assembly Edge beam Assembly and welding of

and welding assembly and longitudinal clapboard

Setting out
Repair processing NDT of Class I and II welds



Assembly, welding and NDT of gate leaf

Correction and inspection of gate


Primary assembly


Secondary assembly

Accessory assembly

Ex-factory acceptance



Figure 15.2-1 Plane gate (trash rack) manufacturing process flow

15.2.3 Penstock manufacturing

(1) The penstock tile manufacturing process flow is shown in Figure 15.2-2

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Preparation for construction


Preparation of pipe section puzzle and parts operation card Preparation of the plan for material supply in batches

Material procurement

Preparation of the CNC cutting

procedures for various tiles

Material approach inspection (including sampling

Disqualified physical and chemical testing and UT sampling test)


Material confirmation

Number and mark transplant

CNC cutting (including stiffening ring, accessories, etc.)

Beveling and brushing of protective paint

Tile head squeeze

Tile rolling

Tile inspection

Transfer to the rounding platform

Figure 15.2-2 Tile Manufacturing Process Flow Chart

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The impact of rolling on the length of the steel plate shall be considered
during tile cutting.

The head squeeze and rolling of tile shall be supplemented by cranes,

portal cranes, etc. to prevent slip.

(2) The penstock manufacturing process flow is shown in Figure 15.2-3.

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Preparation for
construction technique

Preparation of the pipe section

assembly and welding process flow card
Welding Procedure
Qualification Tile made of correct material
Pipe section rounding and size with correct number (pass
check the acceptance)

Preparation of the welding Longitudinal seam welding (including

process plan and process
preheating and after heating)
After 24h

Correction of longitudinal
seam angle deformation
NDT and mechanical Qualifi
property test of
longitudinal seam slab Weld inspection (NDT)
Weld repair (NDT)

Rounding and stiffening ring


Stiffening ring welding


Inspection (including NDT)

Weld repair (NDT)

Assembly and welding of


Quality inspection of pipe

section assembly

Circumferential weld welding

After 24h
Coating process test Weld inspection (NDT)

Qualified Weld repair (NDT)
Preparation of coating
process measures Inspection and Acceptance

Pipe section anti-corrosion

Internal support

Final inspection acceptance

and ex-factory

Figure 15.2-3 Penstock Manufacturing

Process Flow Chart

As for pipe section rounding, in order to prevent the corner angle at the

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seam caused by longitudinal seam welding, stiffening ring or arc plate can be
used locally for auxiliary fixation, and longitudinal seam welding shall be subject
to the layered and segmented welding in strict accordance with the welding
process to reduce welding deformation.

As for circularity regulation, the circularity regulation top lever shall be

reliably supported by support.

The longitudinal seam spacing between the previous and next pipe sections
shall be guaranteed according to the requirements of the specifications.

After completion of manufacturing, single section of steel pipe shall be

subject to punching and painting to mark the upper and lower center and left and
right center lines.

15.3 Installation of metal structures and penstocks

15.3.1 Installation of gate slot (grating groove) embedded parts

The gate slot (grating groove) embedded parts installation process flow is
shown in Figure 15.3-1.

Installation of gate slot (grating groove) embedded parts adopts concrete

pouring lifting equipment, and installation of some embedded parts adopts truck

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Construction preparations

Inventory-making and
inspection of embedded parts

Setting of measurement control


Hoisting, adjustment and reinforcement

acceptance of bottom sill

Phase II concrete pouring of bottom


Setting of rail installation measurement

control point


Hoisting, adjustment and fixing of reverse Hoisting, adjustment and fixing of lintel Hoisting, adjustment and fixing of main
and side rails rail

Inspection and

Phase II concrete pouring of gate


Welding and polishing of rail joint

Cleaning, anti-corrosion and review

measurement of gate slot

Scaffolding removal

Figure 15.3-1 Gate Slot (Grating Groove) Embedded Parts

Installation Process Flow Chart

15.3.2 Installation of trash rack

The trash rack installation process flow is shown in Figure 15.3-2.

The trash rack installation mainly adopts hoisting by the dam crest portal

The lower section of the trash rack is connected to the previous section after
the orifice is temporarily locked. After the connection is completed, lower the
trash rack, lock the upper section of the trash rack at the orifice, connect the
whole trash rack in order and then lower the whole trash rack.

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Installation preparation work

Repeat the
Hoisting and locking of Section ① blade
above steps
to complete
Hoisting of Section ② blade and connection with connection of
Section ① blade the whole
trash rack
Overall hoisting and lowering

Lock Section ② blade at the gate lock device

Complete the assembly of the trash rack body according

to the above method

Lower the whole trash rack on the end bottom sill by hoisting by winch

Overall acceptance of the trash rack

Painting make-up of the damaged site

Final inspection acceptance

Figure 15.3-2 Trash rack installation and construction process flow chart

15.3.3 Trash remover installation

The trash remover installation process flow is shown in Figure 15.3-3.

The trash remover installation adopts lifting assembly by dam crest portal
crane according to the construction progress.

The trash remover rail is installed with the concrete to the top as soon as

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Hoisting of the host

room cover
Trash remover rail installation

Installation and commissioning of

machinery and electrical system
Rail Phase II concrete pouring and
conservation ①
Power supply system (including cable laying)
Surveying and setting out of the
installation control point and line
Idling commissioning
Hoisting, adjusting and strengthening of the
travelling mechanism
Grab bucket installation and wire rope
Hoisting of trash remover gantry and
Test run of trash remover ②
Hoisting of lifting mechanism machinery and
electrical equipment
Anti-corrosion treatment
Hoisting of the upper structure of the
trash remover
Load test
Hoisting of the driver's cab

Final inspection acceptance

Figure 15.3-3 Intake trash remover installation process flow chart

Description: ① The trash remover rail Phase II concrete must have a sufficient age before the official installation of the
trash remover.
② The test run of the trash remover includes no-load test run, anti-loose test, static load test and water test.

15.3.4 Gate installation

The plane gate installation process flow is shown in Figure 15.3-4.

The plane gate installation is mainly proposed to adopt hoisting by the dam
crest portal crane.

The stop log gate or single gate should be hoisted after the completion of
installation of water seals and other accessories at the dam crest.

Multi-section plane roller steel gate need erection of a platform in the hole or
above the orifice for the gate body assembly according to the situation; after the
completion of assembly, the water seal and other accessories should be
installed; after the completion of installation of accessories, the overall
multi-section plane roller steel gate can be installed.

The plane gate hydraulic hoist can be assembled directly at the dam crest
by being hoisted in place by the dam crest portal crane, followed by joint gate

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Installation preparation work

Hoisting of the bottom section gate

leaf in place

Adjustment and measurement of the

bottom section gate leaf

Temporary reinforcement of the

bottom section gate leaf

Hoisting of Sections ② gate leaf

Assembly and connection of Section

① and Section ② gate leaves

Hoisting and assembly of follow-up gate leaves

in order

Gate body finish coating and


Assembly of the water seal and its

accessories of the gate

Gate static balance test

Axle piercing test by the hydraulic automatic

grabbing beam

Opening and closing test for the gate hole by


Water tightness check for the water seal

Hoisting of the gate slot for


Final inspection

Figure 15.3-4 Plane gate installation process flow


15.3.4 Installation of hydraulic hoist

The arc gate hoist installation process flow is shown in Figure 15.3-5.

As for the hydraulic hoist installation, according to the pipeline trend, first,
the pipeline pre-assembly and cleaning can be performed in the metal structure
factory, and then on-site piping and assembly can be performed when the site is
ready for installation.

The pump station should be hoisted before the formation of the engine room,
and the electric cabinet, etc. should be installed after the formation of the engine

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The cylinder is installed after the completion of installation of the arc gate.
The cylinder hoisting adopts truck crane hoisting or self-made steel column
hoisting according to the site conditions.
Installation preparation work

Measurement and setting out

Installation of base embedded parts and

Phase II concrete pouring

Installation of cylinder assembly and pumping

station system equipment

Configuration and welding (including

NDT) of piping

Pickling, neutralization and drying

treatment of piping

Oil liquid circulation rinsing

Electrical and electronic control

equipment installation Pressure-tight test of piping

Installation and check of Oil filtration and oil quality
piping inspection

Simulation test

System pressure-tight test

Pressure value setting of

various overflow valves

Piston rod full stroke no load test (without gate)

Hoist with gate

Action test of the opening and closing gate in a

full stroke under the anhydrous condition

Setting of the setting value of the opening sensor, position

limit switch and electro-hydraulic element, and the running
speed of the hoist

Dynamic water opening and

closing running test

Completion acceptance

Figure 15.3-5 Hydraulic Hoist Installation Process Flow Chart

15.3.5 Portal crane installation

The portal crane installation process flow is shown in Figure 15.3-6.

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Portal crane rail installation ①

Rail Phase II concrete pouring and conservation

Surveying and setting out of the portal crane

installation control point and line

Hoisting, adjusting and strengthening of the cart travelling


Hoisting of the lower beam

Hoisting of the gate leg structure

Hoisting of the upper structure of the portal


Hoisting of the trolley frame

Hoisting of the lifting mechanism

Hoisting of the trolley cover

Installation and commissioning of machinery and

electrical system

Wire rope coiling

Test run of portal crane ②

Installation and commissioning of hydraulic

grabbing beam

Anti-corrosion treatment

Load test of portal crane

Final inspection acceptance

Figure 12.3-6 Trolley Installation Process Flow Chart

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15.3.6 Winch type hoist installation

The fixed winch type hoist is installed by truck crane. After being put in place,
the alignment, adjustment and joint gate test should be performed, and it can be
fixed after the test meets the requirements.

15.3.7 Penstock installation

The penstock installation process flow is shown in Figure 15.3-7.


Hoisting in position

Pipe section butt


Repeat the above steps


Circumferential weld

Flaw detection

Intermediate acceptance of

Concrete pouring


Paint finish

Completion inspection and


Figure 15.3-7 Penstock Installation Process Flow Chart

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The installation of the penstock is intended to be transported in place on the

on-site access road and 5# temporary road.

The whole line of the penstock adopts the concrete pier and auxiliary steel
support for hauling rail laying.

According to the requirements of the construction period, 2 work surfaces,

three 5t winches and 2 tow trucks are arranged for penstock installation, namely,
one 5t winch for the upper reaches and two 5t winches for the lower reaches.
Supplemented by a 25t truck crane for installation transfer and hoisting in place.

The inner and outer walls of the penstock adopt spraying rust removal. The
inner wall of the penstock is coated with self-curing ultra-thick slurry type epoxy
asphalt rust-proof primer and finish. The coating thickness is specifically
determined according to the design requirements. Installation of the
circumferential weld on both sides within 200mm; after the surface pretreatment,
brush the workshop primer which will not affect the welding quality; after welding
of circumferential weld, perform secondary rust removal by artificial brushing or
spraying by small high-pressure painting machine.

15.4 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment

See Table 15.4-1 for the main construction machinery and equipment
Table 15.4-1 Table of Configuration of Main Construction Machinery and Equipment

Specification &
S/N Description Qty. Remarks
1 Gantry crane 20t 1
2 Trunk crane 50t 2
3 Trunk crane YQ-25 2
4 Flat car 20t 1
5 Flat car 8t 1
Electric and workshop
6 Transfer trolley 15t 2
7 Manual hoist 10t 4
8 Jack 32t/16t 4/10 sets
Semi-auto cutting
9 CG1-30 6 sets
Semi-automatic welding
10 400A 8 MAG

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Specification &
S/N Description Qty. Remarks
11 DC electric welder ZX 7 -800A/400A 4/12 sets Inverter welding machine
Welding rod drying
12 ZYH-200 2
13 Movable air compressor 0.9m3/min 6 sets
14 Edge-milling machine XBJ-10 1
With self-made calibrated
15 Hydraulic machine 200t 1
16 Pedestal grinder S35L-400 1
17 Magnetic grinder JIC-23 1
18 Abrasive cutter φ400 2
19 Bench drill φ19mm 1
20 Magnetic drill φ32mm 1
Pressure type
21 PMB-027R 1
sand-blasting machine
22 Air compressor 10m3/min 1
High-pressure airless
23 GPQ6C Three sets
spray gun
Pressure air storage
24 10m3 1
25 Axle flow fan 7.5kW 1
26 Theodolite J2 1
27 Water level DS3 2
29 Ultrasonic flaw detector PROCHIII 1 Digital type
30 Ultrasonic flaw detector CTS-23 2
31 X-ray flaw detector 3005 1
32 Roughometer 123A-M 1
Computer coating
33 HCC-24 1
measuring instrument
Wet film thickness
34 SHJ 1
Dry film measuring
35 CTG-10 1
36 Leak detector DJ-ⅡB 1
37 Adhesion tester 1
38 Infrared thermometer 2
39 Hydraulic pipe bender 1
40 Electric chain saw 1

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Specification &
S/N Description Qty. Remarks
41 6×2000mm 1
Diehead threading
42 TQ100A 1
Cutting pipe
43 QT4-C 1
threading machine
44 Joint nip machine YZL-16 1
Pipe flushing
45 3X-1300 type 1
46 Jetting machine HDS697C 1

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16 Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Installation

16.1 Main Work Content
(1) Installation and commissioning of two sets of vertical-shaft Francis
type turbine and generator units with auxiliary equipment;
(2) Installation and commissioning of one horizontal Francis type turbine
and generator unit with auxiliary equipment;
(3) Installation and commissioning of mechanical equipment and common
services system in the powerhouse (including cooling water system,
dewatering and drainage system, compress air system, oil system and
measure system;
(4) Installation of primary electrical equipment;
(5) Installation and commissioning of secondary electrical equipment and
communication equipment
(6) Installation and commissioning of 320/50T powerhouse crane
16.2 Installation of turbine and generator Unit
16.2.1 Turbine installation
The installation of turbine includes the installation of elbow tube, cone,
stay ring, spiral case, runner and accessories, and is conducted with the bridge
crane in the powerhouse. The spiral case is subject to hydraulic pressure test. Construction procedure
Refer to Figure 16.2-1 for the flow chart of construction process for turbine

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Construction preparations and survey

& setting out

Installation of draft tube liner and concreting

Installation of stay ring and

spiral case

Hydraulic pressure test

for spiral case

Foundation installation of pit liner and servomotor

Generator pit concreting

Pit cleaning and measuring and stay ring grinding and


Distributor pre-installation

Runner and main shaft hoisting

Formal installation of distributor

Generator installation

Unit axis measurement and


Installation of turbine guide bearing and main

shaft seal

Installation of auxiliary equipment and


Dry commissioning of unit

Start test run

Figure 16.2-1 Flow Chart of Construction Process for Turbine Installation Embedded parts installation of turbine

(1) Installation of draft tube liner
For the installation of draft tube liner, the recheck of embedded parts and
arrangement of tooling and facilities is required. In installation of draft tubes
through hoisting, draft tubes shall be hoisted in sequence. Adjust the inlet
center, elevation, gap clearance of the draft tubes and install them in a
staggered way to conform to relevant specifications and design drawings. After
acceptance of installation, deliver second-stage concrete for civil pouring.
(2) Installation of stay ring
The stay ring is hoisted, assembled and adjusted with bridge crane in

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powerhouse. The welding of stay ring combination seam is followed by final

adjustment, reinforcement and acceptance.
(3) Installation of spiral case
Upon the hanging of spiral case, adjust the radius, elevation and orifice
inclination of each pipe joint. During press fit of two orifices, the fit gap and
staggery shall be inspected and adjusted to meet the specification. Upon
completion of installation and welding of the spiral case, hydrostatic test and
concreting while holding pressure by filling water will be conducted.
(4) Foundation installation of pit liner and servomotor
After the hydrostatic test of the spiral case, hoist the pit liner into the pit,
measure and adjust the center of the pit liner and perpendicularity till it is
acceptable, and weld the seams between the pit liner and stay ring. Retest the
quality indicators of the pit liner and the servomotor foundation for qualification
before delivering to civil construction. Installation of turbine body
(1) Cleaning and measuring of the pit: calibrate the re-measured
roundness, elevation and level of stay ring, and inspect the measurement of
servomotor foundation.
(2) Stay ring grinding and processing.
(3) Installation of bottom ring: hoist the bottom ring into the pit, adjust the
center and location of the bottom ring, measure its level and elevation in
accordance with the specifications and design drawings.
(4) Pre-assembling of guide vane and top cover: adjust the coaxiality of
the upper and lower wearing rings, adjust the coaxiality of bearing hole of
guide vane, inspect the end clearance of the guide vane in accordance with
design requirements, pre-assemble the main shaft seal and the guide bearing
seat properly before hoisting the top cover out of the pit. Install all guide vanes
as per the numbers given to them through hoisting.
(5) Formal installation of top cover: upon installation and adjustment of the
runner, the top cover is formally installed.
(6) Installation of gate operating ring, guide vane servomotor, and guide
vane transmission mechanism.
(7) Installation of runner and main shaft: clean and inspect the turbine
runner and connect it to the main shaft; after pre-assembling of gate operating
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mechanism, hoist the runner and main shaft into the pit and adjust their center,
elevation and level. After it is qualified, install the top cover through hoisting.
(8) Installation of turbine guide bearing and main shaft seal: assemble
turbine guide bearing, oil trap and the parts of main shaft seal, and adjust the
clearance of bearing bush based on the axis inspection results and data
provided by technicians.
16.2.2 Installation of governor system Construction procedure
Refer to Figure 16.2-2 for the installation procedures of governor system.

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Construction preparation

Equipment counting and inspection

Installation of oil pressure tank, oil sump Breakdown, cleaning and assembly of equipment of Installation of electrical
tank, leak oil tank and its accessories hydro-mechanical part cabinet

Installation of governor mechanical cabinet and feedback system

Commissioning of electrical
Oil pipe cleaning and installation of governor
Installation of turbine distributor
Oil pressure device adjustment test

Oil charging adjustment of hydro-mechanical system

Commissioning of governor system (dry commissioning)

Test of unit test run

Figure 16.2-2 Flow Chart for Installation Procedures of the Governor System Installation of governor

(1) Cleaning location where the equipment is installed
(2) Placement, installation and adjustment of the hydraulic cabinet and
cabinet of the speed governor
(3) Install the hydraulic elements, such as the electro-hydraulic conversion
unit, main distributing valve and double filtration device and make electrical
(4) Installation of accessories of the electrical cabinet, and laying, wiring
and inspection of cables
(5) Inspection and commissioning of the functions of speed governor,
such as control, adjustment, protection and self-diagnosis
16.2.3 Installation of turbine inlet valve
For installation of the ball valve, the bridge crane in the powerhouse is
used in coordination with the guide chain. Construction procedure
Refer to Figure 16.2-3 for the flow chart of installation of inlet valve.

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Construction preparation

Installation of expansion joint

Installation of inlet valve

Inlet valve foundation concrete pouring and curing

Repair of welding seam between penstock and inlet connecting pipe and
installation of inlet connecting pipe

Installation of inlet valve servomotor Installation of oil pressure device at

inlet valve

Installation of bypass valve Oil pressure device adjustment test

Installation of automation elements and


Configuration of inlet valve operating system


Oil charging and adjustment of inlet valve operating


Dry test of inlet valve

Test run

Figure 16.2-3 Flow chart of construction procedure of inlet valve Inlet valve installation process and measures

(1) Surveying and setting out, and arrangement of the foundation
(2) Installation of extension pipe at upstream side of inlet valve.
(3) Placement and adjustment of inlet valve through hoisting
(4) Installation of expansion joint.
(5) Installation of inlet valve seal.
(6) Installation of servomotor and operating mechanism.
(7) Installation of bypass pipe, bypass valve and other accessories.
(8) Installation and commissioning of oil pressure device.
(9) Commissioning of inlet valve system.
16.2.4 Generator installation
Assemble the stator and rotor of the generator on site, and then install

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them with the bridge crane. Construction procedure
Installation preparations

Assembly and installation of rotor Assembly and magnetization test of Assembly and welding of the
support stator upper frame

lamination of rotor yoke Hoist installation and adjustment of Pre-assembling of thrust bearing

Stator winding installation and voltage

Thermal keying of magnetic withstand

Stator cleaning and painting

Magnetic pole hanging

Hoist installation of large parts of turbine

Rotor withstand voltage test

Hoist installation of generator shaft

Rotor cleaning and painting

Installation of lower frame and braking piping

Hoist installation and shaft connection of


Installation of upper shaft

Installation of upper frame and thrust

Turning inspection of unit axis

Installation adjustment of bearings at all


Installation of auxiliary equipment and


Unit commissioning

Start test run

16.2-4 Installation procedures of generator Stator assembly procedure
Site clearing-up and tooling arrangement → assembly and welding of
stator frame→ welding of positioning bars → welding of supports of
positioning bars → welding of lower clamping finger → stator core laminating
→ stator core pressing → hoisting the stator into the pit and making adjustment Stator winding installation procedure
Site clearing-up and tooling arrangement → installation of support ring →
installation of anchor rod→ driving slot wedge → welding of stator joint →

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assembly of intercoil connecting line and collector ring → insulation of

insulation kit and winding insulation Rotor assembly procedure
Site clearing-up and tooling arrangement→ welding of rotor support →
lamination of rotor yoke→ AC voltage withstand test of single field pole →
hanging of rotor pole → inspection of roundness and concentricity of rotor field
pole → installation of damping ring, field pole connector and lead → installation
of brake gate plate → installation of rotor excitation lead → test Assembly of lower frame
Placement inspection and adjustment of the installation bay of the
centerbody of the lower frame → hanging and welding of the radial arm of the
lower frame→ assembly of the lower guide bearing and accessories →
installation of top cover of the frame Installation of the upper frame and thrust
Placement inspection and adjustment of installation bay of the upper
installation bay → assembly of the parts of thrust bearing and thrust oil trap →
installation of frame cover →pre-assembling of the upper frame
16.2.5 Installation of unit in ecological discharge tunnel
Construction preparation

Embedding of foundation

Placement and adjustment of unit equipment

Installation of diversion channel and valves

Installation of draft tube and concreting

Unit commissioning

Initiation of unit test run

16.2-5 Installation Procedures of unit in ecological discharge tunnel

16.3 Installation of Auxiliary Equipment
16.3.1 Installation of embedded pipelines
Refer to Figure 16.3-1 for the construction procedures of installation of

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embedded pipelines.

Construction preparation

Prefabrication of pipelines

Site survey and


Hoisting in position of

Installation and
reinforcement of pipeline

Pipeline pressure test

Pipeline acceptance

Concrete casting

Pipeline marking

Regular inspection and maintenance

of pipeline

Figure 16.3-1 Installation Procedures of Embedding and Installation of Pipeline

16.3.2 Installation of visible pipelines

Refer to Figure 16.3-2 for the construction procedures

Construction preparation

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Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form Tech-2: Method Statement

Fabrication of pipe Valve pressure and

supports and hangers seal test
and pipes

Site clearing, measurement and


Installation of pipe supports and


Pipe fabrication

Pipe welding

Internal cleansing of pipes

Pipe reassembly

System pipe pressure test

System pipe flushing

System pipe corrosion prevention

System pipe insulation

Acceptance and handover of pipeline

Figure 16.3-2 Process and procedure of visible pipes

16.3.3 Installation of cooling water system and dewatering and drainage

Refer to Figure 16.3-3 for the installation procedures of cooling water
system and dewatering and drainage equipment.
16.3.4 Installation of deep-well drainage pump
Refer to Figure 16.3-4 for the installation procedures of deep-well
drainage pump.

Construction preparation Construction preparation

Site clearing, measurement and Clearing, survey and setting out of

setting-out pump foundation and embedded parts

Equipment inspection and

Page 254
Equipment foundation
Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form Tech-2: Method Statement

Installation of pump base

Second-stage concreting of
pump base

Installation of water pump and lifting


Installation of motor

Connection between drainage pipeline

and equipment

Installation of lubricating water pipeline and

water-level gauge

Electrical installation

Test run of water pump

Acceptance and handover

Figure 16.3-4 Installation Procedures

of Deep-well Pump
16.3.5 Installation of air compression system
Refer to Figure 16.3-5 for the construction procedures of the pipelines of
air compression system.
16.3.6 Installation of oil system
Refer to Figure 16.3-6 for the installation procedures of oil system.
16.3.7 Installation of hydraulic measuring system
Refer to Figure 16.3-7 for the installation of hydraulic measuring system.
16.3.8 Installation of Firefighting System
Refer to Figure 16.3-8 for the installation procedure of the firefighting
system equipment.

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Construction preparation

Site survey and setting-out

Placement and adjustment of


Backfilling of foundation concrete

Breakdown and cleaning of equipment

Connection of equipment and pipe

Individual equipment commissioning

Ventilation test of system pipe

Commissioning of the system.

System acceptance and handover

Figure 16.3-5 Installation Procedures of Compress Air System

Construction preparation

Site clearance, survey and setting out

Transport of the equipment

Installation and adjustment of oil tank

Installation and adjustment of oil treatment


Cleaning and inspection of oil tank and oil equipment

Connection between equipment and

the pipeline of the system

System pipe pressure test

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Circulating flushing of system pipelines

Individual equipment

Test and operation of oil system

Corrosion prevention and

identification of system

System acceptance

Figure 16.3-6 Installation Procedures of Oil System

Construction preparation

Acceptance and recheck of embedded pipeline Acceptance and recheck of


Installation of pipeline Equipment foundation installation

System installation

System pressure test

unit commissioning of the


Corrosion prevention and

painting of the system

System acceptance

Figure 16.3-7 Installation Procedures of Hydraulic Measuring System

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Construction preparation

Acceptance of working face

Inspection and acceptance of delivered


Surveying and setting out of construction


Transport of the equipment

Installation of firefighting equipment

System commissioning

Submitting acceptance report


Figure 16.3-8 Installation Procedure of Firefighting System Equipment

16.3.9 HVAC installation

Refer to Figure 16.3-9 for the installation procedure of ventilation system.
Refer to Figure 16.3-10 for the installation procedures of air-conditioning

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Construction preparation

Acceptance and inspection of Acceptance and inspection of

equipment materials

Measuring and setting out of Fabrication of ventilation pipe supports

equipment foundation and hangers

Transport and placement of the Measuring of pipeline elevation


Backfilling of equipment Bracket installation

foundation concrete

Installation of ventilation

Connection between equipment

and ventilation pipe

Stand-alone commissioning of

System commissioning

Pipeline insulation and paint

identification of pipeline


Figure 16.3-9 Installation Procedures of Ventilation System

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Construction preparation

Inspection and acceptance of

Materials preparation
delivered equipment

Measuring and setting out of Fabrication and Installation of pipe

equipment foundation supports and hangers

Equipment placement and assembly Fabrication of pipelines of the air

(water) system
Installation of other small

Installation of piping
Installation of vent and air valve

System pressure test

Light leak inspection of the air
Pipeline, insulation and paint

System commissioning and


System acceptance and handover

Figure 16.3-10 Installation Procedures of Air Conditioning

16.4 Installation Scheme of Primary Electrical Equipment

16.4.1 Installation procedures of primary electrical equipment
Refer to Figure 16.4-1 for the installation procedures of primary electrical

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Commencement of installation

Installation of foundation

Transportation, placement, fixing and grounding of equipment

Installation adjustment and test of electrical equipment

Insulation inspection and withstand voltage test of equipment

Installation of equipment accessories

Connection of equipment and interface equipment

Cleaning, paint repair and identification

Inspection and acceptance

Figure 16.4-1 Installation procedures of primary electrical equipment

16.4.2 Installation processes of primary electrical equipment

(1) For the isolated-phase enclosed busbar and the base and framework
of matching generating voltage equipment, the elevation and center of the
equipment and busbar installation will be determined in accordance with
design drawings and on-site measurements to ensure the alignment of the
center lines of busbar and generating voltage equipment on different floors so
as to ensure consistency with the center of the low voltage side of the main
Gas shielded welding will be adopted for the welding of isolated-phase
enclosed busbar. Special torque tool will be adopted for the bolting between
busbar and the equipment and bolting checkout to ensure the installation
quality conforms to the design requirements.
IPB and equipment cabinet are transferred within the bus tunnel by a 5t
hydraulic forklift. For hoist installation at installation position, the embedded cat
anchor or slinger hitching trolley is adopted to hoist the equipment to the
installation position. If the cat anchor or slinger is not available on the top, the

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temporary cat anchor and slinger may be installed by use of permanent

equipment or the embedded parts of IPB basic framework for hoisting and
(2) The adjustment and test of the generator equipment will be subject to
the instruction manual of the equipment, and the indicators of the equipment
installed, adjusted and tested shall conform to design requirements.
(3) Upon fixing and grounding of the generator circuit breaker in
accordance with the drawings and the requirement of circuit breaker producer,
operate it manually and electrically in sequence after operation test. The
feature and overall voltage withstand of the circuit breaker subject to operation
adjustment shall conform to the requirements of the product.
(4) The hydraulic jack, thruster and rail are used for unloading and
placement of main transformer. The accessories of transformer, such as
casing, ascending flanged base, oil conservator and cooler, are installed with
the crane in coordination with the chain block.
Special equipment will be used for the vacuumizing, oil injection and final
oil circulation filtering of main transformer, and finally the indicators of the
dielectric oil in main transformer after installation will be strictly controlled in
accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer.
After the installation and all tests of main transformer are accepted,
connect the generator busbar with HV cables in accordance with the
requirements of manufacturers (including the connecting way and process)
and finally the indicators will be strictly controlled in accordance with the
requirements of the manufacturers.
(5)The 230kv HV cables will be laid in mechanical way from up downward.
The cable pulling procedures are as follows:
1) Install a pulley vertically at the top of the shaft.
2) Use the winch at the upper part of the shaft to pull the wire rope of the
winch at the transformer chamber.
3) Pull the wire rope of the winch to the area where the drum barrow is
4) Connect the wire rope to the lead head of the 230kV cable.
5) Pull the cable slowly to the setting out rack of slope, when the winch
and dynamic drum barrow must synchronize with each other.
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6) Install the belt conveyor appropriately, matching the direction of the

cable between the shaft and the cable laying cart, and accordingly pull the
230kV cable to the opening of shaft. Take care not to damage the outer sheath
of the cable or move the cable away from the guide pulley when passing each
guide pulley.
7) When the cable reaches the opening of the shaft, stop pulling and
disconnect the wire rope of the winch from the cable head.
8) Connect the wire rope of the electrical winch at the bottom of the shaft
to the cable head.
9) Connect the wire rope of the winch at the upper part of the shaft to the
open net covers bound to the cable at the interval of 30m. The first cable net
cover is connected to the wire rope of the winch by the means of swivel link.
The next one shall be connected to the wire rope of the winch using at least 2
cable clamps to distract the pulling force borne by the cabal. The “braking” wire
rope of the winch will guide through the guide trolley. The main guide trolley is
fixed at the top of the shaft and can move bi-directionally to follow the cable.
10) When the first cable net cover reaches the bottom of the shaft, untie
the wire rope from the electrical winch, and connect the cable head to the wire
rope of the winch in the transformer chamber. At the same time, untie the wire
rope of the “braking winch”, and roll it up at the bottom of the shaft to further
pull the cable. Untie the cable net cover, deliver it to the upper part of the shaft
and tie it to the 230kV cable again.
11) Repeat step 1 to step 10 above till the cable laying is finished. Use the
strips and rubber pads to ensure the braking system (the wire rope of the
winch/cable net cover/cabal clamp) not to damage the outer sheath of cable.
(6) The SF6 circuit breaker in open switch station is fixed and grounded as
specified by the manufacturer. Conduct complete inspection upon fixing, and
the circuit breaker shall be adjusted and tested manually and electrically in
sequence as required by the manufacturer with the results conforming to the
requirements of the product.
(7) After the fixing and grounding of isolating switch and grounding switch
in the open switch station are accepted, the circuit breakers shall be adjusted
and tested manually and electrically in sequence as required by the
manufacturer with the results conforming to the requirements of the product.
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(8) The potential transformer, current transformer, lightning arrester and

post insulator in the open switch station shall be checked thoroughly and
tested with the results meeting the requirements of the project.
(9) The 230kv outgoing wires and jumper wires in the equipment room will
be installed using the crane. The conductor will be protected with rubber pads
to avoid damages. The connection between the conductor and metal fittings is
realized using special hydraulic tools. The quality of conductor sag and
connection will be controlled in strict accordance with design requirements.
(10) After the foundation and grounding of the auxiliary transformer is
accepted, adjust and test the transformer as required by the manufacturer, and
the quality will be controlled in strict accordance with design requirements and
product specifications.
(11) After the foundation and grounding of the 35kV and 6.3kv HV
switch cabinets, LV cabinets and power supply boxes are accepted, adjust and
test them as required by the manufacturers, with the results conforming to
design requirements.
(12) Along the route specified on the design drawings, the cable tray is
fixed and grounded as required by the manufacturer, and the results shall
conform to design requirements.
(13) For the 33KV overhead lines, the measurement, setting out and
poles and towers erection shall be conducted along the route specified on the
design drawings. The tension machine will be used for setting out. The
technical indexes of the poles and towers, metal fittings and the line conductor
installed shall conform to design requirements.
(14) The LV cables shall be laid manually along the designed route
from up downward. The cable heads shall be made as specified. The quality of
cables and cable heads will be controlled in strict accordance with design
(15) Prior to grounding and installation, make grounding parts in
accordance with design drawings and based on the on-site measurements,
and conduct welding, connection and leadout as specified for the project.
Upon completion of all grounding, grounding resistance shall be
measured as required in the contract, and the results shall comply with design
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16.5 Installation of Secondary Electrical Equipment

16.5.1 Installation procedures of secondary electrical equipment
Fabrication and installation of
embedded parts

Second-stage concreting Equipment OBA record

Transportation of cable Cabinet placement and installation Battery Installation

Cable placing

Wiring Installation, commissioning and

operation of auxiliary power

Adjustment test

Initial charge/discharge of battery


Continuous on-load test run

Acceptance and handover of


Figure 16.5-1 Installation Procedures of Secondary Electrical Equipment

16.5.2 Installation process of secondary electrical equipment

(1) Installation of DC system
1) The civil work in the cabinet equipment room is finished, and the doors
and windows are intact and the site is clean.
2) The indicators, such as the vertical degree, horizontal deviation, panel
face deviation and seams between panels of the cabinet conform to the
3) Upon cable laying and wiring, test and adjust the equipment with the
results conforming to relevant standards.
4) Arrange the storage batteries in accordance with design requirements.
The storage batteries shall be stably installed with uniform interval and height
and in alignment.
5) Check the correctness of wiring according to the design drawings, and

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ensure that the connection between the poles of the storage battery is
connected. The cable conductor shall be marked with "red positive and blue
6) The initial charge and discharge of storage battery pack shall be
conducted as introduced by the manufacturer, and over-charge or
over-discharge is not allowed.
7) The inspection and acceptance conforms to the requirements of the
(2) Installation of protection and monitoring equipment
1) When making the foundation of a cabinet, its non-straightness,
levelness and non-parallelism shall conform to the specifications and
2) The indicators, such as the installation levelness and perpendicularity
of panels (cabinets), top elevation difference between two adjacent panels
(cabinets), top elevation difference between trains of panels (cabinets), panel
face deviation between two adjacent panels, and the seams between panels
shall conform to the requirements with desirable grounding.
3) Lay the cables by layer and tag them in accordance with design
requirements. The specification, model, starting/ending points and quantity of
the cables shall comply with design requirements.
4) When wiring, the cable core shall be marked with the cable number,
circuit number, and terminal number in a legible way and in durable color.
5) The commissioning, inspection and acceptance shall meet the
(3) Installation of excitation equipment
1) Embed the panels/cabinets, transformer foundation channel steel,
grounding conductors and cable tubes according to the construction drawings.
2) After confirming the phase position of the transformer in place is
correct, align the center of the excitation transformer outgoing line interface
with the center of the branch of enclosed busbar based on the central
coordinates of the branch of off-phase enclosed busbar.
3) The exciter panel is installed in place and fixed with reliable and firm
4) Lay cables by layers as required; do not place shielded cables with
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high voltage and low voltage power cables.

5) After installation of the equipment, perform field test after the
inspection indicates that it meets design drawings and the manufacturer’s
requirements as well as relevant procedures and specifications.
(4) Installation of industrial television system
1) During the installation of master control station and switching station,
their levelness and perpendicularity shall be adjusted and controlled within the
specified range.
2) The monitor screen shall face towards the effective viewing angle
range of the operator for easy test, maintenance and repair after installation of
the monitor.
3) When installing the camera, there shall be no objects around the
camera installed that will hamper its turning freely.
4) The cable from the camera shall be left with some margins to avoid
hampering its turning
5) The wiring shall be in correction position with tight and firm connection.
6) The grounding shall be desirable and reliable.
(5) Installation of communication system
1) Foundation construction. The foundation with steel structure shall fix
firmly, grounded reliably, and applied with anti-rust paint.
2) Equipment installation. The elevation, perpendicularity and levelness
of the equipment shall be controlled in accordance with the requirements of the
design and applicable codes.
3) Lay the communication cables in trenches and by layers as required
by the design, and mark the cables completely.
4) Wire correctly in accordance with the design requirements and the
documents provided by manufacturer, and mark the cables in a complete and
legible way.
5) The inspection and acceptance results shall meet the requirements.
The acceptance is conducted after the installation test conforms to the
requirements and the data are delivered.
(6) Automatic fire alarming system
1) In fabrication of embedded parts, junction boxes are required to install
additionally in case of straight pipes and bends beyond the requirements.
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2) The panels and cabinets shall be installed at the positions required in

the design, with firm fixing and reliable grounding.
3) The detector is installed firmly at the position.
4) The cables are laid in accordance with design requirements, with the
shielding layer grounding.
16.6 Installation of Hoisting Equipment
16.6.1 Installation procedures of 320/50t bridge crane with single trolley
Refer to Figure 16.6-1 for the installation procedures of bridge crane.
Equipment counting, preparations, embedding parts, and rails

Setting out the position of crane wheel

Installation of travel jumbo

Cleaning and inspection of main girder and

end girder
Hoist installation of main girder and
end girder

Assembly of cable tray

Cleaning and assembly and connection Installation adjustment of traveling

inspection of trolley mechanism
Hoist installation of trolley frame

Installation of cab, slide wire platform, and

railing of the crane and trolley
Installation adjustment of lifting

Installation of power lead-in section

Installation adjustment of electrical
Installation, oil injection and paint
repair of auxiliary equipment (hoisting
height limiting mechanism and
Connection of pulley and the drum of
wire rope

Connection of main hook


Installation of slide wire

Load test

Figure 16.6-1 Installation Procedures of Bridge Crane

16.6.2 ridge crane transportation and hoist installation scheme

(1) The 50t truck crane is used for loading of the cross beam of the bridge
crane, and the 40t platform lorry is used for the equipment transportation. A
total of 4 5t guide chains are used for binding the equipment. Dedicated
personnel are designated to escort during transport, and 5t trucks are used to

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carry the other equipment and accessories of the bridge crane.

(2) Installation of the bridge crane: use the platform lorry to carry the right
beam of the bridge crane to the assembly bay, and install it by taking
advantage of the rock bolt embedded in the vault of the assembly bay. Provide
the H50×6D pulley block based on the maximum allowable hoisting load of the
bridge crane, a 10t guide trolley and a 10t winch to hoist the cross beam to
around 1m above the elevation of the rail top, and then connect it to the
traveling mechanism of the crane. Hoist the left beam to the installation
position and connect it to the traveling mechanism of the crane. Adjust the
connection dimensions of the two beams. When the end beam is hoisted to the
installation position, use the guide chain to pull the two beams to connect to
the frame of bridge crane. Upon installation of the frame of bridge crane, the
trolley will be installed in place also by taking advantage of rock rod and
hoisting it to the trolley rail of the bridge crane. The top anchor or 50t truck
crane is used for hoist installation of other accessories.
16.6.3 Load test of bridge crane
No-load test → static load test (75, 100% rated load) → dynamic load test
(100% rated load) → static load test (125% rated load) → dynamic load test
(110% rated load)
16.7 Field Test and Initiation of Unit Test Run
16.7.1 Field test
(1) Test procedures
Test outline preparation and approval→ test preparations (equipment,
personnel and materials)→ test → test results summary and analysis →
submit the test report
(2) Prepare the test outline of the equipment in accordance with relevant
technical data, and conduct the test in strict accordance with the test outline
(3) After the test is finished, the complete test report shall be submitted to
the Engineer within specified time.
16.7.2 Initiation of unit test run
(1) Work procedures
Preparation and approval of commissioning and test run outline → signing
→ divisional
and acceptance of installation before putting into operation
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equipment test run → inspection before unit startup → water filling test for part
of the water diversion system and the upstream and downstream flow
channels of the unit→ unit startup and no -load test → test → voltage and
current stepping up test for unit and in-station equipment → unit integrating
→ unit test run for consecutive 72h →
into system test and load test
maintenance and defects elimination of unit and electromechanical equipment
→ equipment acceptance and handover
(2) Organization structure for initiation of unit test run
The unit startup acceptance committee will be established before startup.
The committee will comprise the leaders of competent authorities, the
Employer, the Designer, the Engineer, the Operator, the grid bureau, the
equipment manufacturer and the contractor. It is mainly responsible for
acceptance, initiation of test run and hand over of the unit and addressing the
problems arising during this process.
(3) Initiation of unit test run
Required inspection before unit startup→ unit water filling test → unit
startup and no-load test → voltage and current stepping up test for unit and
in-station equipment → main transformer and auxiliary transformer impact test
→ water turbine generator paralleling and load rejection test → other tests →
defects elimination and acceptance of the unit
16.8 Configuration of Main Construction Mechanical Equipment
See the table below for the provision of main construction machinery and
Model and
S/N Description Qty. Remarks
1 Trunk crane 50t 1
2 Trunk crane 16t 1
3 Platform trunk 40t 1
4 Truck 8t 1
5 Truck 5t 2
6 Jack 2t~50t Several
7 Manual hoist 2t, 3t, 5t Several
8 Manual forklift 3t, 5t 2
9 Winch 10t 2
10 Pedestal grinder S3SL—400 1

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Model and
S/N Description Qty. Remarks
11 Bench drill 1
12 Magnetic drill MAB350 1
13 Inverter welding machine ZX7-400 12
14 Argon arc welding machine 400A 1
15 Air compressor 9m3 1
16 Temperature control cabinet 1
17 Welding rod drying baker ZYH-100 1
EPOCH-111 digital
18 Ultrasonic flaw detector 1
CDX-4 magnet yoke
19 Magnetic-particle flaw detector 1
20 Axle flow fan 4
21 Theodolite J2 1
22 Water level NA2 1
23 Manual pressure test pump 1.6MPa 1
24 Transformer for hand lamp 4kVA 2
25 Wire crimper Universal type 2 sets
26 Pay-off rack 5t, 20t 4
27 Vacuum oil filter 6000L/ h 2 sets
28 Dual stage vacuum pump 150L/S 1 set
Oil tank 2 for
29 30m3
30 Conductor crimping machine Hydraulic type 1 set
31 230kV special tool for cable laying 1 set
32 Test equipment 1 set

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17 Erection of 230KV power transmission and transformation

17.1 Overview
The Project is the power transmission line part of the Genale Dawa-6
Switch Station-Genale Dawa-3 Substation 230kv Double-Circuit Power
Transmission Project in Ethiopia, and adopts erection of the 230kv overhead
line. Erection of the same-tower double-circuit overhead line is adopted
between them, with the path length of about 80km. Double-circuit
JL-G1A-400/35 conductor is adopted; the whole line is equipped with double
ground wires with the type of OPGW-24B1/80.
17.2 Line construction method
The main construction process of the line works includes re-measurement
and pit separation, site transport, base works, tower works and wire erection
17.2.1 Construction method of re-measurement and pit separation

Selection of
S/ main
tion Construction method
N construction
Total station is used for re-measurement positioning,
re-check of the tower pile location, distance
measurement and linear positioning. With the two
adjacent straight line piles determined by the design as
the benchmark, the change face center positioning
method is adopted to check the center pile; when
deviation of the transverse line of the center pile is
Repetitio greater than ±50mm and the deviation of the span is
n survey greater than ±1% of the design value, the center pile
of existing and the span should be corrected and detailed records
line should be made. The direction method is used to
Laser total
re-measure the line corner value to ensure that the
error is not greater than ±1′30″ of the design value. If
the terrain change is great and there is span between Electronic
the towers, the elevation of the protruding point at the theodolite
tower center pile and of the crossed object shall be
re-measured to ensure that the error with the design
value is not greater than 0.5m.
Before re-measurement and pit separation, the pit
Pit separation breakdown table must be prepared,
allocation including the tower type, base root and diagonal, the pit
2 mouth size after grading and the central pile
ment displacement, displacement direction, etc. defined in
the design. Conforming timber pile should be prepared,
and re-measurement and pit separation can be

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performed after confirming that the path is

re-measured as correct. The square foundation can
adopt the semi-diagonal pit separation method, that is,
place the theodolite in the tower center pile, see the
control pile by the front view, perform zero setting of
the horizontal dial, clockwise rotate the telescope to
45°, nail the diagonal control pile, measure the pit
mouth diagonal far point and near point from the center
pile along the center pile and the diagonal control pile,
and nail the pit mouth excavation control pile; with the
two pit mouth control piles as benchmark, adopt the 2
times of the pit mouth side length middle taking method
to nail the other two control piles at the pit mouth, the
frame surrounded by these four pit mouth control piles
is the excavation range of the foundation pit. With the
same method, clockwise rotate the telescope to 135°,
225° and 315°, respectively to determine the
excavation pit mouth range of the other three
foundation pits.

17.2.2 Site transportation

Selection of
S/ Constructi main
Construction method
N on Items construction
Materials and equipment make use of the existing
trunk roads and earth roads for transportation; the
farm tracks are widened and filled, so that they can
adapt to heavy trucks; trolley can be used for
1 transfer in case of difficult individual transport
condition; pedestrian trails are also flatted and Crane
paved; roads and bridges must be verified and Truck
measures must be taken to strengthen or protect Dedicated
them in case heavy vehicles pass through them. ropeway
The tower base with good conditions of small
transport adopts artificial transport; pedestrian trails
2 are also flatted and paved. The tower base with poor
conditions of small transport adopts ropeway

17.2.3 Earth and stone and foundation construction methods

(1) General earth and stone excavation and backfill

Selection of
S/ Constructi main
Construction method
N on Items construction
Base level Do not excavate large base surface, and direct
processing excavate them after pit separation.
Based on artificial excavation, supplemented by
Earth mechanical excavation when conditions and the Small
excavation terrain permit. excavator
For mechanical excavation, attention shall be paid to

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adopt artificial excavation when excavating to the

site about 50cm from the bottom of the pit, so as to
prevent pit bottom disturbance caused by
Stone Hand-held rock drill or wind pick is adopted for compressor
excavation excavation.
Select the stacking location according to the site
conditions to ensure stability of spoil and no water
and soil loss; if necessary, arrange fence, soil-filled
straw bag or retaining wall near the tower to retain
4 soil, so as to prevent burying the farmlands and
vegetation at the hillside. For backfill, perform backfill
as required, transport the excess spoil to the
appropriate location of the tower, so as not to affect
the environmental protection.
Artificial backfill and mechanical compaction
construction method is adopted.
5 Backfill Backfill to the tower, but shall ensure that the tower Frog hammer
leg and tower material exposure and tower drainage,
and the excess spoil is transported outwardly as
required for centralized stacking.

(2) General foundation construction

Selection of
S/ Constructio main
Construction method
N n Items construction
The foundation formwork adopts steel formwork and
formwork and
bamboo plywood construction formwork, and is
1 Formwork subject to centralized processing in the material
station according to the foundation type and on-site
The foundation reinforcement adopts on-site binding Electric
and on-site welding, and can be subject to welding
Reinforceme machine
2 centralized welding in the material station when
nt binding
conditions permit, and then is transported to the Steel bar
construction site for assembly. bender
The method of fixation of the special fixing bracket
Alignment of
at the top of the column formwork is adopted to Special fixing
3 foundation
adjust the root and diagonal of the anchor bolt, so as bracket
to achieve the size required by the design.
All concrete construction adopts on-site mechanical
mixing and mechanical vibration construction
method. Mixer
4 When the terrain conditions permit, the mixing Immersion
station is selected in the middle of continuous vibrator
towers, and the use of concentrated mixing process
is considered.

5 Foundation conservation adopts natural

conservation by using covering straw bag and

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conservation artificial sprinkler combination conservation method.

Artificial excavation laying is adopted to ensure that
type, depth, length and resistance values meet the
design requirements. The rock zone is excavated
Grounding Grounding
6 with rock drill, and the clay is backfilled and
construction megger
compacted. The Project requires that the grounding
construction must be completed after the completion
of the foundation works.

17.2.4 Construction method of tower group erection

The tower group erection of the Project adopts aluminum alloy pole and
fragmented hoisting.
350×350 aluminum alloy pole is used, with the length of 12~15m and the
bearing capacity of 5t, by using the internal suspension outside pull pole for
tower group erection and fragmented hoisting one section by one section or
two sections altogether. The verticality of the tower and the inclination of the
angle tower are measured by theodolite.
As for tower group erection, the tightness of all bolts shall be left room, the
tower shall be adjusted with the instrument, and then shall be corrected with
cutter mill according to the situation, and all bolts shall be tightened in a
uniform manner after measurement.
17.2.5 Line Erection
(1) Tension setting out instructions

Selection of
Constructio main
S/N Construction method
n Items construction
Adopt tension setting out method, one pull one 3t traction
Setting out
1 release for setting out of conductor, ground wire machine
and optical cable.
3t tension
① Tension pulling machine can be shipped machine
directly, or can be transported after slight trimming Φ450 setting
of the road. ② The site subject to the following out pulley
situations should not be selected as the tension Conductor
Selection of pulling site: there are important crossings or large mesh
2 tension number of crossings inside the span, guide connector
pulling site ground wire connector is not allowed inside the
span, there is sharp elevation difference between
the hanging point of the adjacent tower and the
outlet and outlet of the tension pulling machine, Ground wire
etc. tightener
① The pulling rope or conductor outgoing line connector
Arrangement angle is not greater than 15°, and the outgoing line
3 of the tension Sheath of
horizontal angle of the tension pulling machine is
pulling site crimping pipe
not greater than 7°. ② The traction machine,
tension machine, wire rope wire winch, spool rack, Anti-bending

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etc. must be anchored according to the connector

mechanical instructions. The tension pulling site □11
must be equipped with temporary grounding Anti-torsion
system. ③ When subject to terrain restrictions or wire rope
e transport road restrictions, the tension pulling
site cannot be arranged in the direction of the line,
it can be subject to turning arrangement by turning
Φ450 single-wheeled setting out pulley is adopted
4 of setting out
for the Project.
① Adopt artificial release of the pulling rope. ②
The tail and head of the released pulling rope
should be connected with the guide rope
anti-bending connector. ③ For release of
Release of multi-phase guide ropes simultaneously, attention
pulling rope must be paid to the guide rope connection to
prevent wrong connection, twisting, etc. ④
During the process of release of guide rope, it
should be ensure that there is smooth
communication within the release section.
Conductor Conductor arrangement adopts continuous
arrangement arrangement method.
① Use one 3t traction machine and one 3t
Conductor tension machine. ② Release mode: artificial
release release □11mm anti-torsion wire rope → "one pull
one release" for conductor release.
Lead ① Adopt hydraulic crimping; ② Adopt
clamping centralized crimping at the tension machine outlet.
Optical cable adopts one pull one special tension
Optical cable equipment for tension line erection. As the optical
9 release cable is subject to the coil length restrictions, the
method release site shall be according to the actual
situation of the site.
① Adopt the tension section line tightening mode,
one end for line hanging, the other end for tension
Hanging and tower line tightening, with implementation of the
10 tightening of coarse adjustment and fine tuning procedures. ②
the line The looseness degree observation adopts the
"parallelogram" and "angle method" combination
① Straight line tower: adopt line hoisting machine
for arrangement on the crossbar, remove the
single-wheeled setting out pulley, hoist the
Installing the
11 sub-conductor to the predetermined location, and
install the clamp symmetrically. ② Angle tower:
adopt aerial balanced line hanging and aerial
crimping according to the site situation.
① Adopt on-site calculation and fabrication and
12 Drainage assembly-type installation; ② Drainage line
adopts the conductor without force borne by the

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conductor shaft and without deformation.

(2) Optical cable test and joint welding

1) Optical cable coil test: adopt post-arrival coil test and post-setting out
pre-welding coil test, requiring that the two coil test results cannot exceed the
required loss value. The measured value of each coil and fiber coil is required,
if the measured loss value of the optical fiber is within the allowable range and
the length is consistent with or near the ex-factory mark, then the optical cable
of the coil meets the design requirements. Timely report the optical cable coil
test results to the Employer. Moisture-proof seal shall be repeated after optical
cable inspection.

◆ Optical cable coil test refers to the test of the length of the single coil
optical cable transported to the construction site, the length, attenuation
coefficient and backscattering curve of the optical fiber transported to the
construction site, etc., so as to check whether the main performance indexes
of the optical cable delivered by the optical cable manufacturer meet the
requirements of engineering design.

◆ Single coil optical cable test adopts optical time domain reflectometer
(OTDR) with the instrument accuracy error of less than 0.01dB.

◆ Test of single coil optical cable length

The re-test rate of single coil optical cable length is 100%.

Optical cable length test adopts OTDR to accurately test the optical fiber
length of single coil optical cable, and then convert the measured optical fiber
length to the optical cable length according to the optical fiber/optical cable
conversion factor provided by the manufacture. L=l×(1-P) (L refers to the
optical cable length, l refers to the measured optical fiber length, and P refers
to the optical fiber/optical cable conversion factor).

Test method: ① strip the optical cable and prepare the optical fiber end
face: strip both ends of the single coil optical cable for a certain length (usually
1m or so) according to the test needs, and prepare a conforming optical fiber
end face. ② Power up the instrument and make pre-test preparation : while
preparing the optical fiber end face, power up the instrument (OTDR) for
preheating and set the instrument parameters (mainly include the optical fiber
refractive index, optical signal pulse width, and measurement range), being
ready for optical fiber length measurement. ③ Connect the measured optical
fiber: connect the prepared optical fiber end face with the OTDR test pigtail
(generally the test pigtail length of single coil optical cable is about 1km) via the

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connecting device ④ Adjust the instrument and read the optical fiber length:
adjust the instrument so that the cursor A is in the starting position of the
measured optical fiber, and the cursor B is at the end of the measured optical
fiber. The readings between A < and > B shown in the function box below the
instrument is the length of the optical fiber. ⑤ Convert the optical fiber length
into optical cable length : convert the measured optical fiber length into the
optical cable length according to the conversion formula. When a negative
deviation occurs, test shall be focused to determine the actual length of the
optical cable.

◆ Attenuation test of single coil optical cable:

The attenuation test is used to test whether the attenuation of the optical
fiber in single coil optical cable meets the design requirements.

Test method: OTDR method. ① Strip the optical cable and prepare the
optical fiber end face. ② Connect the measured optical fiber and adopt the
optical cable length test mode. ③ Set the parameters. ④ Adjust the
instrument so that the cursor A is in the starting position of the measured
optical fiber, and the cursor B is at the end of the measured optical fiber. The
readings between A < and > B shown in the function box below the instrument
is the total attenuation.
OTDR test optical fiber attenuation has a direction, and shall be measured
from two directions, and the average value shall be worked out and serve as
the attenuation value of single coil optical cable.

◆ Backscattering curve test of single coil optical cable

Backscattering curve test of single coil optical cable serves as an

important basis for observing whether the attenuation distribution of the optical
fiber along the length is even, and whether the optical fiber is broken,
especially minor cracks.

Test method: OTDR method. ① Strip the optical cable and prepare the
optical fiber end face. ② Connect the measured optical fiber and adopt the
optical cable length test mode. ③ Set the parameters. ④ Press the test key
to test. ⑤ Store the curve after the test. ⑥ Analyze the test curve to get the
Observation method of backscattering curve test of single coil optical
cable: ① for the optical fiber with high quality, the backscattering curve is
even. Observe whether there is any abnormality, such as the steps of the
curve, high attenuation area, overly large slope of the curve, etc., especially

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whether there is "Fresnel" reflection point (minor crack point) and non-terminal
reflection peak (fracture point) on the curve. If there is any doubt, the curve
shall be extended for observation. ② When the reflection peak or
non-obvious point appears during the test, the test shall be repeated for
confirmation, and from the observation and confirmation from another direction
can be adopted. ③ If the fracture point or minor crack of the optical fiber is
confirmed, the supervisor must be promptly asked for conformation and
recording, and then it shall be reported to the Employer.
2) Optical cable joint welding: the optical cable optical fiber welding refers
welding the optical fibers to be connected into one by the high temperature
produced by the electric arc generated by the electrode tip discharge of the
optical fiber welding machine.

◆ Optical fiber welding procedures

Disconnection and stripping of optical cable--preparation of optical fiber

end face—placement and alignment of optical fiber--optical fiber
welding--quality evaluation--joint protection

◆ Sequence of operation:

Disconnection and stripping: it can be performed on the ground; before

disconnection, enough cable shall be reserved (the surplus cable coil shall be
full as much as possible), and the cable shall be stripped with special tool
according to the junction box structure requirements.
Bury the stripped optical cable optical fiber into the optical cable junction
box in place, and then fix the junction box pipe orifice casing.
Prepare the optical fiber end face with a special cutting plier and ensure
that the optical fiber end face section is perpendicular to the axis, and is flat
without burr. After preparation, the optical fiber end face shall be placed in the
cleaning cup for cleaning.
According to the optical fiber chromatographic arrangement sequence
provided by the designer, put the optical fiber undergoing end face treatment in
place. And then clamp and fix the welding machine on the optical fiber clamp,
observe with the microscope mounted on the welding machine, adjust the
location of the joint butt welding, enter the operating procedures; when
machine screen displays that the welding procedures meet the requirements,
start the switch, and the machine will automatically complete the welding.
Move the welded optical fiber heat shrink tubing to the joint and find the right
position, and put the welded optical fiber heat shrink tubing into the heating
box for heat shrink. Finally, put each optical fiber unit into the junction box

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interior wiring slot, coil the remaining optical fiber on the remaining optical fiber
coil, and prevent optical fiber compression, turning sharp bend, etc. during this

◆ Quality inspection of optical fiber joint

Adopt visual inspection on the welding machine to determine whether the

optical fiber end face and optical fiber welding parts are in good condition.
OTDR is used to test the joint, so as to detect whether the joint is
connected and whether there is any joint loss. During test, two-way monitoring
measurement shall be performed, and the two-way average value shall be
adopted. The loss of each joint shall be less than 0.05dB (1550nm).
If the joint test exceeds the requirements, the cause of the malfunction
shall be found out and the joint shall be re-made and be detected.
After completion of OPGW cable construction, each optical fiber of the Lot
shall undergo full stroke attenuation test, and the test indicators shall ≤be
0.25dB/KM (1550nm).

◆ After the optical fiber test meets the design requirements, the junction
box inlet shall be sealed with glue according to the requirements of the junction
box to meet the moisture-proof requirements. Hoist the junction box to the
fixed position on the tower for installation, and coil the remaining cable on the
remaining cable coil for fixation.
17.2.6 Test of line works
After passing the completion acceptance, the line works shall undergo the
following tests :
(1) Measure the line insulation resistance;
(2) Check the line phase
(3) Measure the line parameters and high frequency characteristics;
(4) Close the line impact three times at the rated voltage;
(5) Perform test run with load for 24 hours.

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18 Test run test and personnel training

18.1 Trial run detection
18.1.1 Work procedures
The unit start test run procedures are shown below.

Establishment of start
acceptance institution

Preparation and approval of unit start test run outline

Check before unit start test run

Unit water filling test

Unit no-load test run

Test of the unit with main transformer and high

voltage power distribution device
Hydroelectric power plant access system

Unit grid connection and unit with load and unit load
dump tests

Continuous test run of the unit with load.

Equipment acceptance and


18.1.2 Check before unit start

Thorough inspection shall be performed before unit start test run.
18.1.3 Unit start commissioning test Unit water filling test
(1) Unit tail water and volute water filling
When the conditions are met, open the tail gate, fill the unit tail water and
volute with water, and monitor the water pressure changes of various parts
during water filling.
(2) Water diversion channel water filling (drainage) test
Open the inlet valve and bypass valve of the first unit, perform the inlet
valve still water opening and closing test after flat pressing, and record the

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opening and closing time.

(3) Technical water supply system adjustment
Adjust the pressure and flow of water supply pipe and the output of
various sensors according to the design set value, so that the work conditions
of various parts meet the design requirements. No-load test for turbine generator unit.
(1) Preparation before start
(2) Unit start, tile temperature stability, governor no-load and over-speed
1) Unit start, run at rated rotate speed, perform tile temperature stability
test, and check the swing and vibration of various parts of the unit.
2) No-load governor test.
3) Perform the over-speed test after the unit tile temperature is basically
(3) Unit flow and pressure boost tests
1) Perform the flow boost test for the generator with other excitation
power supply.
2) Perform the pressure boost test for the generator with other excitation
power supply.
(4) No-load excitation device test Flow and pressure boost tests of water-turbine generator set with
main transformer and high voltage power distribution device
(1) Perform flow boost test of generator with main transformer and high
voltage power distribution device with other excitation power supply
(2) Perform pressure boost test of generator with main transformer,
auxiliary transformer and high voltage power distribution device with other
excitation power supply
(3) Main transformer impact closing test
(4) Automatic start and stop test (with excitation) Parallel and load dump test of water-turbine generator set
(1) Simultaneous parallel test of water-turbine generator set
(2) With load and load dump tests of water-turbine generator set
The load dump test is carried out at 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% or the

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maximum possible load of the unit.

(3) Low oil pressure shutoff guide blade test of governor Continuous test run of the unit with load.
After continuous test run, shut down the unit for inspection, eliminate and
deal with all defects found during test run.
18.2 Staff training
18.2.1 Objective of Training
According to the requirements of the bidding documents, the Contractor
shall perform design guidance and training plan for the Employer’s staff. The
training plan shall take into account the educational standards of the
employees employed in the Project. The training shall be carried out at the
manufacturer's and at the hydroelectric power plant site.
The EPC Contractor shall submit details of the training plan to the
Employer's representative for review and comment, and upon receipt of the
request, implement the training plan and assist the Employer in the selection of
personnel for operation and maintenance of the hydroelectric power plant.
18.2.2 Training content and plan
The training content and plan are shown in the table below.

1.1 Water turbine

S/N Item Type Remarks
The training time is
Embedded determined according to the
part requirements of the
Unit At the Employer
structure manufacturer's The training time is
determined according to the
requirements of the
The training time is
Embedded determined according to the
part requirements of the
At the Employer
manufacturer's The training time is
Unit determined according to the
2 Body
installation requirements of the
part Follow the on-site
On-site teaching
installation procedures
1.2 Turbine generator

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S/N Item Type Remarks

The training time is
Unit At the determined according to the
structure manufacturer's requirements of the
The training time is
Component determined according to the
assembly requirements of the
At the Employer
manufacturer's The training time is
Unit Machine pit determined according to the
2 assembly requirements of the
assembly Follow the on-site
On-site teaching
Machine pit installation procedures
The training time is
determined according to the
3 Testing On-site teaching
requirements of the
1.3 Auxiliary part
S/N Item Type Remarks
The training time is
At the determined according to the
1 Water system
manufacturer's requirements of the
The training time is
At the determined according to the
2 Oil system
manufacturer's requirements of the
The training time is
At the determined according to the
3 Wind system
manufacturer's requirements of the
The training time is
At the determined according to the
4 Fire fighting system
manufacturer's requirements of the
Follow the on-site
5 Installation On-site teaching installation and
commissioning procedures
1.4 Electrical part
S/N Item Type Remarks
The training time is
determined according to the
1 Main transformer Office training
requirements of the

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The training time is

determined according to the
2 Switching station Office training
requirements of the
The training time is
determined according to the
3 Electrical equipment Office training
requirements of the
Follow the on-site
4 Installation On-site teaching installation and
commissioning procedures
1.5 Operation and maintenance
S/N Item Type Remarks
Follow the standard
Hydroelectric power plant
1 On-site teaching operation and maintenance
operation and maintenance

18.2.3 On-site training

(1) Submit the training and education standards and on-site training plan
outline for the Employer's approval, and negotiate the specific date according
to the actual installation progress.
(2) The training instructors shall have at least 5 years of teaching
experience in relevant discipline.
(3) The training content includes: equipment performance, structure,
assembly, installation, removal, processing, inspection, test, commissioning,
operation, maintenance, problem solving, storage, etc.
(4) The number of trainers cannot exceed the number specified in the

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19 Project completion and handover

19.1 Overview
According to the requirements of the bidding documents and the
requirements of the Employer, after completion of the Project, the Contractor
shall transfer all assets of the Project (including various project facilities,
equipment, information systems, maintenance manuals, project completion
transfer information, etc. required for normal operation of the project facilities )
at one go to the Employer free of charge. The Contractor shall ensure that
there is no claim of any kind and nature of the handed over project assets,
which shall be liquidated by the Employer after handover.
The Contractor shall ensure that the last maintenance performance
assessment indicators meet the eligibility requirements, which is the criteria for
the Contractor to pass the handover acceptance; in case of defect and failure
to meet the transfer criteria, the Contractor shall timely repair it until pass the
transfer acceptance, so as to ensure that the transferred project is a
well-designed and well-equipped project with normal operation of equipment,
which can still meet the original design requirements.
19.2 Handover acceptance
Prior to the handover date, the government-designated agency shall carry
out the handover acceptance of the Project at the presence of the recipient
and the Contractor's representative. The Contractor shall ensure that the
Project facilities are in good conditions and good working conditions, which are
the criteria for the Contractor to pass the handover acceptance. In case of
defect and failure to meet the handover criteria, the Contractor shall timely
repair it. If any party has any objection in whether the transfer criteria are met,
then the handover committee shall appoint a third party for assessment.
If the acceptance criteria are not met (with non-objection, the third party
does not meet the acceptance criteria), and the Contractor cannot correct ehe
above-mentioned defect within thirty (30) days from the previous acceptance
date or longer, the government designated agencies can be amended by the
Contractor to bear the appropriate risks and costs. The
government-designated agency shall have the right to withdraw fees from the
handover maintenance guarantee to compensate for the expenses of the
above-mentioned defect repair, and if the transfer maintenance guarantee is
not sufficient to cover the cost of restorative overhaul, the
government-designated agency shall have the right to recover from the
Contractor. In this case, the government-designated agency shall provide the
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Contractor with a detailed record of the expenditure incurred.

19.3 Completion and handover

⑴ Facilities and assets transfer

The facility and the asset list prepared before handover shall undergo
transfer instructions in accordance with the specific form of the facilities and
the assets to form written handover documents, and the key, control
equipment, etc. of the facilities and the assets shall be delivered to the
Employer for control, use and management.

⑵ File handover

Prior to handover, prepare the project file in accordance with the relevant
file management regulations of the project location, and transfer the file, full set
of construction and as-built drawings, acceptance records, completion
acceptance report and other project-related technical documents or
information originals required by the Employer to the Employer.

⑶ Handover of rights

Transfer the ownership documents of the project, facilities and assets to

the Employer, and complete transferring the project ownership and all rights
related to the ownership to the Employer.

⑷ Transfer certificate

The Employer shall issue the project transfer certificate to the Contractor
after completion of the Project according to the contract, passing the
completion acceptance and transfer inspection, and transfer of the relevant
assets, facilities, archival materials and rights of the Project in accordance with
the provisions.

⑸ Removal of equipment

The Contractor shall remove all construction equipment, surplus materials,

debris, refuse and temporary works from the site within 60 days after the
completion of the handover of the Project, except for those required to be
remained for subsequent construction warranty of individual works.

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20 Rainy season construction measures

20.1 Overview
The project area of Ethiopia GD-6 HEPP is subject to equatorial tropical
rain forest climate zone, and is hot and rainy. The small rainy season falls on
April ~ July, the large rainy season falls on August ~ October, and the dry
season falls on November ~ March. The average annual rainfall of the GD-6
dam site is 440mm or so. The precipitation is not evenly distributed throughout
the year, with 80% of the precipitation concentrated in April to October, and the
two peaks in April to May and October each year, and the precipitation in the
dry season months is very small.
In order to ensure the quality of project construction and completion of the
project construction as scheduled, the following construction measures shall
be taken in the rainy season.
20.2 General measures

⑴ Before construction in rainy season, check the original drainage

system of construction site, and add the drainage facility if necessary, for
guaranteeing water stream smoothness. Around the construction site, the
intercepting ditch is constructed in combination with the permanent structures
to avoid surface water to the site.

⑵ For the section threatened by flood, add full-time attendants to master

the surrounding water situation and flood all the time, and provide necessary
materials for flood control and emergency rescue, water drawing and
discharge equipment and so on.

⑶ Timely learn the weather forecast, observe weather changes, and

rationally plan the operation area and mechanical engineering.

⑷ For the construction during the rainy season, especially during

thunderstorm weather, strengthen the maintenance and management of power
supply and distribution facilities, electrical equipment, etc. to prevent casualties
or equipment damage and other accidents caused by lightning, electric
leakage, etc.
20.3 Earthwork & stonework excavation

⑴ Pay attention to slope stability during excavation in the rainy season,

and strengthen monitoring of the slope.

⑵ For foundation pit excavation construction, timely discharge the

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workplace water by digging sump and catchwater, building water retaining

ridge, increasing pumping equipment capacity, etc.

⑶ Adopt waterproof blasting material.

⑷ Large blasting construction is generally not performed in thunderstorm

weather, and small and medium-sized blasting adopts non-electric detonation
20.4 Earth-rock filling

⑴ For construction in the rainy season, strict implement the relevant

norms regarding rainfall shutdown standards or on-site engineer’s instructions.

⑵ Reserve an appropriate slope on the filled surface for easily

discharging catchment.

⑶ Properly complete dam surface protection, and cover it with plastic

cloth, etc. if necessary for preventing scouring of slope surface.

⑷ Before it rains, rapidly compact the filler of surface course with

vibration rollers, while paying attention to keeping the filled surface smooth for
preventing scouring of rainwater.

⑸ After it rains, resumption of work isn’t allowed before the filled surface
is handled and turns out to be qualified.
20.5 Concrete works

⑴ In case of light rain, when rain shed is erected, pouring can be

performed; in case of moderate rain or heavy rain, stop pouring; drain the
accumulated water in the surface after raining, and perform concrete seam
surface treatment.

⑵ Concrete preparation and mixing system shall adopt rain shed for rain
proof, and all concrete transportation vehicles shall be provided with rain-proof

⑶ During construction of weir, drainage ditch and other facilities, prevent

the surrounding rain from entering the surface.
20.6 Asphalt concrete works
The following measures shall be taken for asphalt concrete construction in
the rainy season:

⑴ The asphalt mixtures shall be timely rolled after being paved, and
those which cannot be rolled timely shall be covered and rolled.

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⑵ The rolled and compacted asphalt concrete core wall shall be slightly
higher than the transition material of both sides, and shall be arched surface to
facilitate drainage.

⑶ Reduce the rolling section, and roll and compact it after paving as soon
as possible.

⑷ For resumption of construction after rain, the surface water shall be

cleared, and the surface shall be dried with the infrared heater or other
equipment. The uncompressed asphalt mixtures mixed with rain shall be
completely removed. During pavement, in case of shutdown due to rain, the
joint shall be made into the slope less than 1:3, and roll and compact it. The
rolled asphalt concrete shall be timely covered in case of rain.

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21 Quality, health, safety and environmental protection

21.1 Quality assurance measures
21.1.1 Excavation quality control measures

⑴ Before construction, perform detailed blasting excavation design

according to the excavation requirements of various parts and the topographic
and geological conditions, and perform productive test at the site, and select
reasonable blasting parameters; during construction, constantly correct and
perfect it to achieve better effect according to the blasting effect.

⑵ Reasonably arrange for the excavation construction procedures, and

implement dynamic adjustment according to the excavation requirements of
various buildings and rock geological conditions to ensure that the excavation
quality meets the excavation requirements of various buildings.

⑶ Perform entire-process quality inspection for the drilling, charging and

other processes of all construction sites, make detailed quality inspection
records, prepare the project quality reports, and regularly submit them to the
on-site engineer for review.

⑷ Equip with adequate advanced drilling and blasting equipment,

strengthen the system business training for construction personnel, master the
drilling technology, and carry out construction in strict accordance with the
determined blasting parameters to ensure the blasting effect.

⑸ Equip with enough qualified measuring personnel, instruments and

equipment, and establish the construction control network according to the
standard of surveying and mapping in Ethiopia and the accuracy requirements
of the Project; during construction, timely set out the excavation contour line
and perform review of the slope.

⑹ All slopes and packway platforms shall be subject to pre-splitting

blasting, all base surfaces shall be subject to horizontal smooth blasting;
during construction, strictly control the borehole opening position, pitch-row,
hole oblique, line charging density and other parameters to ensure the
construction quality.

⑺ Support the side slope immediately after excavation to guarantee the

stability; meanwhile, strengthen observation of the deformations of the side
slope and monitoring of the blasting vibration during the construction period
and adjust the excavation support scheme according to the observation results,
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so as to guarantee the excavation safety and quality of the side slope.

21.1.2 Support quality control measures

⑴ Prior to the construction of support, the slope shall be inspected to

determine the type of support or the support parameters. For slope excavation,
timely follow up the support after excavation of each layer according to the
design requirements.

⑵ Perform the shotcrete and rock bolt support operation in strict

accordance with the relevant construction codes and regulations. The
installation method of the anchor bar including the drilling, anchor bar
processing, anchoring and grouting process, etc. shall be subject to the
inspection and approval of the on-site engineer, and the anchor bar fabrication
and installation process shall be strengthened during implementation.

⑶ Before construction, fulfill the shotcrete mixing ratio design, determine

reasonable design parameters through test, and obtain the consent of the
supervision unit. Before shotcrete construction, rinse the shotcrete parts, bury
the test steel pipe of the required length to measure the thickness; during
shotcrete construction, move the nozzle horizontally according to the spiral
track by one circle press half circle, shotcrete layer by layer, ensure that the
concrete is uniform and compacted, the surface is smooth, the nozzle and the
spray surface maintain vertical as far as possible to reduce rebound and
ensure the shotcrete quality; after the end of shotcrete construction, perform
shotcrete thickness test and then cut off the exposed reinforcement; after initial
setting of shotcrete, and timely spray water for conservation, with the
continuous curing time of not less than 7d.

⑷ Various major materials used for support construction shall be subject

to complete "three certificates", and the materials or products without "three
certificates" are strictly prohibited to enter the construction site. The tensioning
machine used for anchor cable construction must be regularly checked and
calibrated, with the calibration curve as the basis for construction control.

⑸ During construction, detailed construction records and visa records of

all processes must be carefully filled in, any quality abnormity during
construction shall be promptly and timely reported to the relevant departments,
and rectification measures or schemes shall be put forward for deadline
21.1.3 Control measures for cement concrete construction quality

⑴ Cement, admixtures, gravel aggregate, etc. shall undergo regular

random sampling and test, and their storage shall meet the corresponding
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provisions of product storage, and nonconforming materials are prohibited to

enter the mixing plant.

⑵ Concrete mixing ratio design: under the condition of fully meeting the
technical parameters required by the design, adopt lower water-cement ratio to
improve its ultimate tensile value; adopt efficient compound admixture to
enhance the durability, impermeability and crack resistance of concrete.

⑶ Control of the quality of concrete mixing

Perform concrete mixing in strict accordance with the concrete charger

sheet issued by the laboratory and approved by the on-site engineer; adopt
complex admixture; perform the suitability test of different types of admixture in
advance, and strictly control the quantity of admixture; timely adjust the water
quantity according to the water content of sand, temperature changes,
changes in concrete transport distance and other factors, so as to ensure that
the concrete paving slump meets the design requirements; perform regular
inspection and calibration of the weighing system of the mixing plant to ensure
accurate weighing and error control within the scope allowed in the
specifications; ensure that the concrete mixing time meets the requirements of
the specifications; in case of simultaneous production of several types of
concrete in the mixing plant, adopt computer identification mark to prevent
wrong materials; all concrete mixing adopts computer records to be true,
accurate and complete for archiving or tracing.
21.1.4 Construction quality control of asphalt concrete core wall

⑴ Quality control of raw materials

① Asphalt

The asphalt used in the Project requires the manufacturer to provide all
index test reports and certificates of this batch of asphalt upon delivery. The
asphalt is transported to the site and the site laboratory is tested according to
the supervision requirements. The outer packing of the asphalt must be bottled

② Aggregate

Artificial aggregate produced by the aggregate processing system of the

Project is adopted, and its oversize-and-undersize, needle sheet, mud content,
etc. shall be tested.

③ Mineral powder

Mineral powder is from sorting of the produced artificial aggregate subject

to grinding by the column mill. sampling of each produced 50~100t mineral
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powder once shall be performed and test of the design indicators hall be
performed; the mineral powder fineness shall be tested daily during production;
rain-proof and moisture-proof storage of mineral powder is required with
prevention of the debris from mixing.

⑵ Mixing ratio of asphalt mixture

The extraction test results of the previous position of the asphalt mixture
shall serve as a basis for the mixing ratio of asphalt mixture, and be adjusted
according to the design mixing ratio.

⑶ Mixing of asphalt mixture

① Initial mixing and drying of aggregate

The aggregate undergoes initial mixing in the mixing chamber and is

transported to the drying heating tube for drying and heating, and then is
raised to the mixing plant roof by a hot material hoist for secondary sieving and
is stored in the storage bin according to grade for use. Aggregate heating shall
be balanced, and the temperature shall reach 170 °C~190 °C, generally not
more than 200 °C.

② Dumping, dehydration and storage of asphalt

Melting, dehydration, heating and constant temperature of asphalt adopt

JRHY-5-type equipment, the asphalt dehydration temperature is control at
110 °C~130 °C, and the constant temperature storage time shall be not more
than 48h to prevent aging of asphalt.

③ Mixing of asphalt mixture

Asphalt, coarse and fine aggregate and mineral powder are fed and
weighed in accordance with the construction charger sheet, for mixing of
asphalt mixture, first feed the aggregate and drily mix it with the filler for 15s,
and then spray asphalt for wet mixing for 45~60s; strictly control the mixture
delivery temperature according to the environment temperature changes at
165 °C~180 °C usually; the mixed asphalt mixture shall be uniform without
unevenness and smoke, and no segregation during discharging.

⑷ Paving of asphalt mixture

Core wall adopts horizontal layered paving by paver, and grinding and
compaction by 1.5t vibrating roller, and undergoes inspection of temperature,
thickness, width, rolling, appearance, etc. during paving.

① Temperature control

During mixture paving, strictly control the paving temperature, initial

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grinding temperature and final rolling temperature, and send special personnel
to the paving site to detect the temperature of the mixture, so as to master the
appropriate rolling time.

② Thickness control

During construction, the thickness compaction coefficient of the asphalt

mixture is 0.085~ 0.91 through repeated tests and analysis, and the paving
thickness is adjusted based on it, and the rolling thickness is controlled. The
compaction thickness of each layer of the asphalt core wall is 20 ±2cm, with
the paving thickness of 23±2cm.

③ Width control

During paving, the paving is controlled according to the design bottom

width. Before paving of asphalt mixture, survey and set out the core wall axis,
fix and mark it with φ8mm steel wire, and adjust the paver formwork axis to
coincide with it; during travelling of the paver, align the laser alignment device
with the fixation steel wire and travel the paver in uniform speed, so as to
ensure that the width of the upper and lower sides of the axis is same and
meets the design requirements.

④ Rolling control

In order to facilitate the discharge of internal bubble of the mixture, the

mixture after being warehoused shall stand for about half an hour, and then
undergo rolling. During rolling, the travel speed is 20~25m/min without sudden
brake or rolling crossing the core wall. The transverse joints shall undergo
overlap rolling of 30~50cm, and the parts which cannot be rolled shall be rolled
with a small tamping machine or artificial compaction.
21.1.5 Quality control measures for grouting construction

⑴ All materials shall be accepted and randomly inspected and the

disqualified materials must not be used in the Project. All construction
instruments and meters shall be calibrated according to the regulations.

⑵ Optimize the slurry mixing ratio; with the consent of the supervisor, add
the admixture enhancing functions or other admixtures in the slurry to improve
the stability and impermeability of the slurry.

⑶ During grouting, in case of large quantity of leakage, first adopt

pressure and flow limiting or perfusion of stabilizing slurry or cement mortar for
treatment, if necessary, adopt intermittent grouting.

⑷ In case of grout leaking of hole sections, when the conditions permit,

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the holes can be connected in parallel and grouted; when the conditions do not
permit, the holes with grout leaking shall be blocked by blockers before

⑸ In case of water inrush, the pressure of water shall be measured firstly,

and then the pressure shall be increased to grout and keep the hole closed for
24-28h after the grouting.

⑹ Perform the operation in strict accordance with the operation

regulations and technical requirements and carefully control the grouting
pressures, grout proportions, grout change standards and completion
standards of all grouting items to meet various design indexes.

⑺ Monitor and record all grouting works using automatic recorders and
establish a standardized data and file system and a quality and safety
information system to guarantee the truth, accuracy and completion of various
21.1.6 Quality control measures for penstock fabrication and installation

⑴ The materials required to be self-purchased under the contract must

meet the model requirements defined in the design drawings; the procured
materials must be accompanied by quality certificate, material certificate, etc.,
and must be approved by the on-site engineer before being used for the

⑵ As for procurement of materials, ensure "shop around", and select the

products of the manufacturers with good reputation and high quality to ensure
that the equipment and materials used for the Project are conforming
high-quality products.

⑶ The materials inconsistent with the model and specification defined in

the design drawings or failing to meet the quality requirements shall be
resolutely returned and not be used for the Project without permission.

⑷ The fabrication of penstock shall be in strict accordance with the

technical requirements defined in the design drawings, and the quality shall be
consistent with the requirements of relevant regulations and specifications.

⑸ As for installation of penstock, various indicators (such as the burying

location, elevation, connection process, excessive seam processing, firmness,
etc.) shall meet the requirements of the design drawings and relevant

⑹ After installation, passing the self-inspection and check by and

approval of the on-site engineer of penstock, the construction of covering
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works can be performed to ensure the installation quality of penstock.

⑺ As for installation of penstock, detailed technical process and

technology measures and scheme shall be developed according to the design
drawings, information and relevant procedures, specifications, etc., be
approved by the Chief Engineer of the Project, and then be reported to the
on-site engineers for approval, and be implemented in strict accordance with
the approved measures and scheme during the installation process after being
approved by the on-site engineer.

⑻ Before commencement of the Project, the technical personnel shall

perform technical disclosure to the construction personnel of teams and shifts,
so that the construction workers understand, grasp and are familiar with the
construction process, installation process, technical requirements, problems
that may arise during construction and how to deal with and solve them, etc.,
thus ensuring the progress and quality of the Project.

⑼ Welding, cutting and installation shall be in strict accordance with

relevant operating procedures.

⑽ Hoisting machinery operators must take post by holding the skill

operation certificate issued by the competent department.
21.1.7 Test and inspection quality control measures

⑴ The test equipment must be calibrated, approved and regularly verified

by relevant departments.

⑵ Carry out inspection and test work under the leadership of the
manager of the Technical Department. Choose the best process parameters
through process test, guide the construction, and detect and control the on-site
process parameters.

⑶ Timely mark the on-site materials, and give heavy penalties to on-site
test personnel in case unidentified materials are found.
21.2 Assurance measures for production safety

⑴ The Project implements the four-level management of production

safety, that is, the first-level management by the Safety and Environmental
Protection Department, the second-level management by the Work Area
Safety Section, three-level management by the operation team, and the
four-level management by the shift.

⑵ Develop the Production Safety Responsibility System according to the

characteristics and conditions of the Project, and implement the production

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safety responsibility system of the management personnel and operators at all

levels in accordance with the requirements of the Production Safety
Responsibility System, so as to ensure that everyone fulfills his safety job.

⑶ Before commencement of the Project, the Safety and Environmental

Protection Department shall prepare the feasible safety construction planning,
and prepare and implement special safety construction planning for earthwork
blasting, excavation, transportation, slope support, concrete pouring,
foundation grouting, etc., so as to ensure construction safety.

⑷ Step-by-step safety technical disclosure shall be implemented by the

relevant personnel organized by the Project Technology Department; the
personnel participating in safety technical disclosure shall go through the
signature procedures, and save the information; the full-time safety officer of
the Safety Section shall supervision and inspect the implementation of the
safety technical measures, and make records.

⑸ Strengthen safety education at the construction site.

① In view of the characteristics of the Project, all management and

production personnel shall undergo comprehensive safety education before
construction, focusing on training and education for full-time safety officer,
team leaders and operators engaged in special operations.

② The operators engaged in special operations shall undergo safety

education, assessment and re-test, and take post with operation certificate
after passing the evaluation in strict accordance with relevant provisions. The
special operators having obtained the operating permit shall be registered,
regularly rechecked, and managed by special personnel.

⑹ In accordance with the relevant provisions of relevant local

departments, develop a series of rules and regulations on procurement,
transportation, processing, storage, use and other work items of flammables,
explosive materials and pyrotechnic products, and accept the review and
inspection by relevant departments e. Explosives must be stored in the
warehouse at a certain safe distance from the construction site or living
quarters, and shall not be stacked at the construction site.
21.3 Environmental Protection Measures
21.3.1 Construction wastewater treatment

⑴ Catchwater, drainage ditch and sedimentation basin shall be built at

the construction site to reduce the quantity of sand and waste entering the river.
During earth-rock excavation, protect the adjacent buildings near the

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excavation site and slope stability.

⑵ The cleaning water of construction machinery and vehicles shall be

discharged outwardly after being subject to sedimentation treatment in the
collecting tank.

⑶ The wastewater of the concrete mixing plant shall be discharged

outwardly after being subject to full sedimentation treatment in the centralized
sedimentation basin, and the sediment slurry and waste residue shall be
regularly cleaned.

⑷ Control measures shall be taken for the production and domestic

sewage, and grit chamber and other purification facilities shall be arranged for
the production and domestic sewage as required to ensure that the drainage
meets the standards. Domestic sewage shall first undergo fermentation and
sterilization treatment by humus tank, then further be treated collectively or
transported to harmless waters by special pipeline.
21.3.2 Construction waste disposal measures

⑴ The construction waste shall be transported to the dump site according

to the contract, and dumping without permission is strictly prohibited.

⑵ Spoil shall be stacked in layers; revolving stacked materials and

permanent spoil shall be stacked in different zones, and signs and segregation
measures shall be provided to prevent contamination of the revolving stacked

⑶ The dump site must be properly provided with drainage facilities,

catchwater and drainage ditches to prevent or reduce the rain erosion and
soaking of spoil, and to reduce the wastewater of the dump site.

⑷ Reasonably use the spoil according to the approved construction

measures, and take reasonable transfer and stacking measures to improve the
utilization of spoil and reduce the amount of spoil.

⑸ The dump site shall be timely levelled, if necessary, and spoil retaining
wall, spoil surface cleaning and vegetation restoration shall be done according
to the instructions of the engineer to prevent water and soil loss.

⑹ The construction site shall be cleared after evacuation of construction


⑺ The construction road construction, site levelling, bank slope

excavation, quarry mining, construction spoil and other earthworks during
construction and spoil discarding shall effectively control water and soil loss as

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far as possible.
21.3.3 Measures to prevent and control the pollution on the atmosphere
caused by dust and flue gas

⑴ Send special personnel for management and maintenance of the

construction road, and adopt watering cart for dust removal of the construction

⑵ As for the dust generated by construction, in addition to equipping the

operators with necessary dustproof labor protection appliance, take dustproof
measures to prevent dust flying, thus reducing dust pollution to a minimum.

⑶ Cover the fine materials and bulk materials (cement, fly ash, sand, etc.)
easy to cause dust, and cover them with canvas, rain cloth and other covering
materials during transport to prevent dust flying.

⑷ As for the construction in the dry season, the vehicles will produce
much dust during travelling, in order to reduce or prevent dust pollution on the
atmosphere, the Project Department is equipped with 1 watering cart for
watering on various construction roads to ensure wet construction roads during
construction, thus preventing the dust pollution on the atmosphere caused by
travelling of vehicles.
21.3.4 Construction noise control measures

⑴ Strengthen traffic noise control and management. Reasonably arrange

for the transport time to avoid vehicle noise pollution. Reasonable arrange
concrete and mortar mixer, keep away from residential areas as far as

⑵ Adjust the construction period: control the operation of high-noise

machinery and equipment at night; implement the shift system for air
compressor, concrete mixer and other high-noise construction machinery and
equipment operators to control the working hours.

⑶ Choose low noise equipment, strengthen maintenance and service of

mechanical equipment, and reduce construction noise.

⑷ Vehicles entering the camp and other non-construction areas shall not
use tweeter, minimize the number of whistles, best replace trumpet with lights;
reasonably arrange for the time of audio and other equipment so as not to
affect the office work, learning and rest of the public.
21.3.5 Medical and health measures

⑴ The construction site is provided with a infirmary integrating diagnosis,

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treatment, prevention and health care. The infirmary shall be responsible for
diagnosis and treatment of construction workers’ common diseases and
frequently-occurring diseases as well as on-site simple first-aid and transport
of the patients of serious occupational injuries, and be equipped with
corresponding medical staff and equipment.

⑵ Special personnel shall be sent to be responsible for the hygiene of the

on-site staff’s canteen; corresponding health system shall be developed, and
regular health checks shall be performed to ensure the safety and hygiene of
the personnel eating meals, thus preventing food poisoning.

⑶ The posts with occupational hazards shall be equipped with effective

protective equipment, and special personnel shall be sent to perform repair
and maintenance of the protective equipment as required, so as to ensure
normal operation.

⑷ The toxic and hazardous workplaces which may cause acute

occupational injury shall also be equipped with on-site first-aid supplies,
flushing equipment and emergency evacuation routes.
21.3.6 Other environmental protection measures

⑴ Try to avoid unnecessary damage to the ecological environment or

felling of trees within the site, and felling of trees is strictly prohibited outside
the construction area.

⑵ During constructions, strengthen the publicity and education on

protection of wild animals and plants for all employees to improve their
awareness of protection of wild animals and plants and ecological environment;
pay attention to the protection of animal and plant resources, and minimize the
damage to the existing ecological environment, thus creating a new virtuous
cyclic ecological environment.

⑶ After completion of the Project, remove the temporary construction

facilities and construction waste in and near the construction area and living
area as required.

⑷ The top of the workshop, cement tank and fly ash tank is equipped with
supporting dust collection device to effectively prevent air pollution caused by
dust escape.

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Form TECH-4: Program

Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form TECH-4: Program

Table of Contents
1 Objectives of Total Construction Period and Controlled Milestone Construction
Period ........................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 Objective of Total Construction Period ........................................................................ 2
1.2 Objective of Controlled Milestone Construction Period ............................................... 2
2 Plan and Critical Path of General Construction Schedule ......................................... 3
2.1 Overall construction schedule ...................................................................................... 3
2.2 Key Construction Route ............................................................................................... 3
3 Construction Schedule Analysis ................................................................................. 3
3.1 Construction Preparation and Submission & Approval of Detailed Construction Design
Documents ......................................................................................................................... 3
3.2 Public Traffic Works ..................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Dam works.................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Water diversion system ................................................................................................ 5
3.5 Powerhouse System .................................................................................................... 5
3.6 Tailrace system ............................................................................................................ 6
4 Construction Resource Allocation Plan ........................................................................ 6
4.1 Labor Force Allocation Plan ......................................................................................... 6
4.2 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment ......................................... 9
4.3 Annual Consumption Planning of Principal Construction Materials ........................... 12
5 Schedule Guarantee measures ................................................................................. 12
5.1 Construction Programming Guarantee Measures...................................................... 12
5.2 Technical Management Assurance Measures ........................................................... 13
5.3 Quality Control Assurance Measures ......................................................................... 14
5.4 Construction Material Guarantee Measures .............................................................. 14
5.5 Construction Schedule Guarantee Measures ............................................................ 15
5.6 Other Assurance Measures........................................................................................ 15

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1 Objectives of Total Construction Period and Controlled

Milestone Construction Period
1.1 Objective of Total Construction Period
According to the bidding documents, the total construction period of the
Project is 54 months. Based on our company’s study on the Project, the
proposed objective of the total construction period is to complete the contract
construction as scheduled. It is preliminarily proposed that this project will
commence on January 1, 2018 and complete on June 30, 2022. Refer to
attach figure ‘General Construction Schedule Bar Chart’ for the general
construction schedule.
1.2 Objective of Controlled Milestone Construction Period
According to the general construction schedule, the objective of the
controlled milestone construction period of the Project shall meet the
requirements of the bidding documents (See Table 1.2-1).
Table 1.2-1 Objective of Controlled Milestone Construction Period
Required Planned
Planned completion Planned
Description construction commencement
date duration
period date
commencement January 1, 2018
of reservoir 40 months April 30, 2021 40 months
Production of the
46 months October 31, 2021 46 months
first unit
Production of the
48 months December 31, 2021 48 months
second unit
Completion of the
main office and
housing of the 180 days June 29, 2018 180 days
Employer’s camp
Completion of the
common facilities
and housing of 240 days August 28, 2018 240 days
the Employer’s
camp 50%
Completion of the
whole facilities of
365 days December 31, 2018 365 days
the Employer’s
Completion of 54 months June 30, 2022 54 months

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2 Plan and Critical Path of General Construction Schedule

2.1 Overall construction schedule
This Project is tentatively scheduled to commence on January 1, 2018
and complete on June 30, 2022, with a total construction period of 54 months.
The total construction period and controlled milestone construction period shall
meet the requirements of the bidding documents. Refer to attached figure
‘General Construction Schedule Bar Chart’ for specific construction schedule.
2.2 Key Construction Route
The critical path takes ‘unit production and operation’ as the main line and
centers on ‘underground powerhouse construction’. The critical path is:
mobilization of personnel and equipment → preparation and approval of
commencement report → submission and approval of the general layout
scheme → screening of mechanical and electrical equipment manufacturers
and signature of the supply agreement → submission and approval of the
detailed powerhouse design → excavation and support of the main access
tunnel → excavation and support of the ventilation and wire outlet →
excavation and support of main powerhouse from the 1st to 3rd → floor
construction and curing of the rock anchor beam → excavation and support of
the main powerhouse on the 4th floor→ excavation and support of the main
powerhouse from the 5th to 7th floor and installation of the powerhouse bridge
crane → draft elbow tube installation → concrete pouring of the draft elbow
tube → taper pipe and spiral case installation → concreting of the spiral case
floor → concrete pouring of the turbine floor → concrete pouring of the
generator floor→ concrete pouring of the above generator floor → unit
installation and commissioning → operation of power generation → treatment
of project defects and data compilation → project completion.
3 Construction Schedule Analysis
3.1 Construction Preparation and Submission & Approval of Detailed
Construction Design Documents
The Project is preliminarily scheduled to commence on January 1, 2018
and submit the commencement report and the general layout scheme to the
Employer for approval by February 23, 2018, with an approval cycle of 2
The on-site supplementary geological exploration will commence on
January 11, 2018 and can employ the local existing staff and equipment of our
company or arrange for local subcontractors to organize the exploration
operation, providing the detailed design with geological evidence.

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For on-site temporary facilities, access roads to the construction camp

and temporary office camp shall be built as soon as possible within 56 days as
specified in the bidding documents, and then local subcontractors shall be
mobilized to construct the Employer’s camp, as well as construction workers
and equipment to assist in building infield permanent roads and auxiliary
construction companies.
Following the submission of the commencement report, detailed
construction design shall be carried for the Project. As required in the Project,
each division shall submit the construction drawings of structures to the
Employer for approval from January 25, 2018, and the submission of all
construction drawings shall be completed by January 31, 2019, with an
approval cycle of 2 months.
3.2 Public Traffic Works
Under the existing conditions within the site, the infield permanent road
will be carried out in four aspects synchronously. Starting from the nearby
regions of the powerhouse, construct 4 roads towards 3 directions respectively:
1) towards the direction of the upstream, build two permanent roads to the
intake as well as to the Employer’s camp and surge shaft; 2) towards the
direction of the downstream, build a permanent road to the tail water outlet; 3)
towards the direction of the existing roads outside the site, build a permanent
road to connect the underground powerhouse with the permanent roads
outside the site. However, the permanent road works will commence on April 1,
2018. To commence the main works earlier, facilitate the equipment input and
operation and lay the foundations of each construction site involved in the main
works. The pavement structure shall be constructed as the case may be. All
asphalt concrete surface course works shall be completed by May 25, 2019.
3.3 Dam works
The dam works is scheduled to commence the open excavation of the
earthwork at the inlet and outlet of the diversion tunnel on January 1, 2019,
enter the cavity on March 1, 2019 to carry out the two working faces of
upstream and downstream constructions, complete the excavation by the end
of May 2019, arrange 2 formwork jumbos for cavern lining, and complete the
cavern grouting with a lining machine on November 15, 2019.
Upstream and downstream cofferdams of the dam will commence the
closure dike advancing on November 16, 2019 as well as the riverbed closure
on December 15, 2019, and complete the anti-seepage wall construction and
foundation pit sealing as well as start the excavation of the dam foundation pit
on February 15, 2020. After the completion of the dam foundation pit
excavation, the concreting of the core wall base and foundation grouting will
commence on April 1, 2020. Asphalt concrete core will be organized and

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constructed on July 1, 2020. Before paving the asphalt concrete core, the filling
works in the upstream and downstream rock filling areas can be conducted for
dam filling. On April 30, 2021, the full-face of the dam embankment is expected
to be filled to an elevation of 590.35m on the top of the asphalt concrete core
and the dam will have water-reserving conditions. At the same time, the
diversion tunnel and intake gate will be closed and the reservoir will commence
impounding, followed by the continual construction of the wave wall of the
upper part of the dam and crest road. All dam works will be completed on
October 31, 2021. The renovation for the diversion tunnel will be carried out
during the gate closing.
The rock materials in the spillway sluice chamber and chute section are
mainly applied to dam filling, while the rock materials in the chute section are
partly used for dam filling. The excavation of the sluice chamber and chute
section is scheduled to complete between May ~ September, 2020 and all
spillway works will be completed by the end of February, 2021.
3.4 Water diversion system
For the water diversion system, it is scheduled to excavate the
construction adit on July 1, 2018, excavate the intake on October 16, 2018,
enter the main tunnel as well as excavate in the 3 working faces on January 1,
2019, and complete the tunnel excavation and supports on March 5, 2020,
followed by the concrete lining with 1 formwork jumbo. The cavern concrete
lining and construction adit closure will be completed before the first unit
generates electricity to make it ready for generation and water discharge. The
intake concreting shall be completed before gate closing and impoundment.
The diversion tunnel and powerhouse constructions shall be simultaneously
equipped with surge shafts, penstocks and diversion branch pipes, which shall
be completed before the first unit generates electricity.
3.5 Powerhouse System
The underground powerhouse caverns chiefly take the main access
tunnel and ventilation and wire outlet as the construction access. The main
access tunnel will be constructed on July 1, 2018 and the excavation from the
ventilation and wire outlet to the top heading of the main powerhouse will be
carried out on March 9, 2019. The main powerhouse is divided into 7 floors for
excavation. The top 3 floors’ excavation of the main powerhouse will be
completed on October 20, 2019, followed by the concrete pouring of rock
anchor beam. The rock anchor beam curing will be completed on November
18, 2019, followed by the bottom 4 floors’ excavation, which will be completed
on March 17, 2020. The excavation in the main transformer room and bus
tunnel will be carried out at the same time when above works are under
construction. A synchronous construction of the concrete pump at unit section

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and electromechanical embedded parts will be carried out in sequence (1# unit,
2# unit, etc.). The installation of the 1# unit working face will be submitted on
December 24, 2020 and the installation of 2# unit working face will be
submitted on January 13, 2021.
After the construction working face is handed over, the unit installation will
be carried out in sequence (1# unit, 2# unit, etc.). In the 46th month, the first
unit’s installation and commissioning test will be completed and in the 48th
month, and that of the second unit will be completed, with a construction period
of about 10 months for a single unit’s installation and commissioning. The time
of putting the units put into operation and commissioning meets the
requirements of the construction period scheduled by the Employer.
3.6 Tailrace system
The tail water system consists of the draft tube, tail water surge chamber,
tailrace tunnel and tail water outlet sluice chamber, among which the tailrace
tunnel is the longest and will be constructed with a TBM. The TBM’s
procurement, manufacturing and construction period will cost about 13 months,
which is basically consistent with the construction time of the starting tunnel.
The construction period for installation is 2 months. The tunneling will be
conducted in the 16th month, with an average monthly footage of 400m. It is
estimated to cost 27 months to complete the cavern tunneling and excavation.
During the last 4 months, the lining, grouting and TBM removal at unfavorable
geologic sections of the tailrace tunnel will be entirely completed. In the 46th
month, it will meet the requirement for draining and realize the electricity
generation period of the first unit. The construction of the tail water outlet sluice
chamber will be carried out during the above works, and the construction of the
tailrace surge chamber will be carried out during the construction period of the
main powerhouse. Neither of these constructions will occupy the linear
4 Construction Resource Allocation Plan
4.1 Labor Force Allocation Plan
During the peak period of the Project, the number of workers is 1,354. See
the table below for Labor Force Allocation.

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2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Type of Work
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2
18 18 90 108 117 117 135 135 135 108 108 90 90 108 126 126 90 54
Auto drivers 16 120 140 160 160 180 210 210 180 160 160 160 130 130 170 170 120 60
Drilling and
20 30 180 210 210 270 270 270 234 216 180 162 144 144 108 36 36 36
grouting workers
0 0 18 30 33 33 33 33 28 24 20 16 14 14 10 4 4 4
Form fixers 0 0 18 18 18 36 36 54 54 54 60 60 54 54 54 54 36 18
0 0 18 18 18 36 36 54 54 54 60 60 54 54 54 54 36 18
0 0 18 18 18 36 36 40 45 45 50 50 45 45 45 45 36 18
Mixing workers 0 0 10 10 10 18 18 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 16 10 8
Tiler 16 16 28 36 54 54 36 18 18 18 36 36 27 27 36 27 18 9
Electrician 4 7 14 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Welder 4 4 11 16 16 16 16 16 18 18 22 22 26 34 40 40 26 10
Repairmen 4 10 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 24 24 18 18 20 20 16 10
Riveter 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 12 12 7 4 7 7 20 16 10 6
Turbine worker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 10 12 12 12 10 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 6 10 12 12 12 10 6
Speed governor 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 8 10 10 10 8 4

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Piping worker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 6 8 10 10 10 10 5 2
Lifting Workers 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 7 9 11 11 11 11 5 2
Coiling worker 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 6 6 6 4 2
Workers of flaw
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 3 2 1
0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 3 2
Bench worker 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4
6 6 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 14 14 14 14 10 8 4 2
On-site design
12 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 12 12 12 12 12 12 8 8 4 4
and service 18 48 70 80 100 100 100 100 100 100 110 110 110 100 80 60 30 20
General worker 70 120 180 220 320 320 320 320 320 360 360 360 360 324 270 150 80 50
Total 190 396 838 993 1146 1291 1321 1354 1296 1274 1309 1281 1223 1212 1178 938 638 386

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4.2 Configuration of main construction mechanical equipment

See the table below for Configuration of Main Construction Mechanical
SN Description Model Unit Quantity Remarks
1 hydraulic excavator PC400 1.6m Set 8
2 hydraulic excavator PC200 1.0m Set 4
3 Loader ZL50 (3.0m ) Set 5
Side discharge
4 WA380-3 (3.0m3) Set 6
Side discharge
5 ZLC50G (2.3m3) Set 3
6 Bulldozer D155A, 239kW Set 2
7 Bulldozer D85 (162Kw) Set 8
8 Levelers PY160 Set 2
9 Slag-raking machine LWT-60 Set 3
10 Drill and blast jumbo Set 8
Self-made platform
11 Refitted flat car Set 4
12 Double-drum roller 1t Set 2
13 Double-drum roller 3t Set 3
14 Vibratory roller 18t Set 4
16 Frog hammer HW70 Set 2
Three-arm drill
17 353E/H178 Set 4
18 Hydraulic drill Atlas D7 Set 2
19 High pressure driller CM351 3
20 Down-hole driller QZJ-100B Set 20
21 Air-leg driller YT-28 Set 60
22 Pneumatic drill T-26 Set 25
Geological boring
23 XY-2PC Set 6
Raise boring
24 Type LM-300 Set 1
25 Bridge crane 20t Set 1
26 Tower crane C7050 Set 1 Traveling
27 Tower crane C5015 Set 1 Fixed type
28 Crawler crane 50t Set 1
29 Truck crane 25t Set 1
30 Truck crane 16t Set 1
31 Truck crane 8t Set 2

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32 Truck crane 50t Set 1

33 Gantry crane 20t, LK=24m Set 2
34 Gantry crane 2×100t, LK=12m Set 1
36 Winch 10t Set 6
37 Dump truck 20t Set 50
38 Dump truck 15t Set 20
39 Dump truck 10t Set 10
40 Dump truck 5t Set 10
41 Flat car 25t Set 2
42 Flat car 8-15t Set 4
Concrete mixing
43 HZS75 Set 1
Concrete mixing
44 HZS50 Set 1
45 Concrete mixer JZ500 Set 1
46 Mortar mixer JS350 Set 4
Asphalt concrete
47 LB-500 Set 1
mixing plant
48 Concrete mixer truck 6m3 Set 12
49 Concrete pump HBT60 (60m /h) Set 4
Vacuum elephant
50 Mybox (200~330m) Nr. 4
51 Asphalt distributor Set 1
Bituminous concrete
52 LTU120D Set 1
Core wall-dedicated
53 asphalt paver Set 1
54 Single decker cage Nr. 2
55 Horizontal tank 3m Nr. 4
56 Horizontal tank 1.5m Nr. 4
57 Hydraulic slip form φ13.50m×1.5m Set 1
58 Hydraulic slip form φ8.0m×1.5m Set 1
59 Hydraulic slip form φ5.0m×1.5m Set 1
60 Mine hoist LTD80 Set 2
Wet shotcreting
61 TK-500 Set 8
Artificial aggregate
62 100t/h Set 1
63 Diesel generator 1600kW Set 6
64 Diesel generator 500kW Set 6

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65 Diesel generator 400kW Set 5

66 Diesel generator 200kW Set 2
67 Diesel generator 100kW Set 3
68 Diesel generator 50kW Set 8
Voltage class: 20KV,
69 Step-up transformer Set 6
Voltage class: 10KV,
70 Step-up transformer Set 1
Step-down Voltage class: 0.4KV,
71 Set 1
transformer 1500KVA
72 Air compressor Type VHP750 Set 24
73 Air compressor Type VY-12/7 Set 2
74 Ventilator 37KW Set 2
75 Ventilator 2×55KW Set 14
76 Ventilator 2×110KW Set 3
77 Water pump IS125-100-200 Set 2
78 Water pump IS100-65-315 Set 4
79 Water pump IS80-50-250 Set 7
80 Water pump 7.5KW Set 8
81 Submersible pump 2.2KW Set 12
Electric welding
82 BX3-500 Set 26
83 Steel bar cutter CQ40L Set 3
84 Steel bar bender CW40 Set 3
Steel bar taping
85 φ16~φ40mm Set 3
Veneer reeling
86 Type 50*3600 Set 2
87 Pedestal grinder S35L-400 Set 2
88 Abrasive cutter φ400 Set 4
89 Bench drill φ19mm Set 2
90 Magnetic drill φ32mm Set 2
Inverter arc welding
91 ZX 7 -400S Set 18
CO 2 gas shielded
92 YM-500KRIVT Set 4
welding machine
Carbon arc gouging
93 ZX 7 -800 Set 4
Semi-auto cutting
94 CG1-100 Set 4
95 Single-side MB104H Set 4

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woodworking planer
96 Disk saw MJ109 Set 4
97 Hand feed planer MB503 Set 4
Anchor rod tensile
98 YC60A Set 2
99 Acoustic detector RS-UT01C Set 1
100 Inclinometer KXP-1 Set 3
101 Dial gauge Set 8
102 Concrete tester Set 2
Ultrasonic side wall
103 KE-400 Set 2
104 Total station GPT2002 Set 6
105 Water level DSZ-3 Set 8

4.3 Annual Consumption Planning of Principal Construction Materials

See the table below for Annual Consumption Planning of Principal
Construction Materials.
SN Unit Quantity 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
1 Cement t 107030 10703 32109 42812 21406
2 Rebar t 12152 1215 3646 4861 2430
3 t 9550 2388 5730 1432
4 Diesel oil t 10638 1064 3617 3723 2128 106
5 Kw.h 59261522 5926152 20148917 20741533 11852304 592616
6 t 1947 487 1168 292
7 nitrate t 904 226 542 136
8 Sand M3 208003 20800 62401 83201 41601
9 M3 460673 46067 138202 184269 92135
10 Asphalt t 7621 3302 826 2096 1397

5 Schedule Guarantee measures

5.1 Construction Programming Guarantee Measures
(1) After receiving the Letter of Acceptance, a leader team will be
immediately mobilized and the Project Management Dept. of On-site

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Construction established, consisting of experienced management personnel

from the Company with a strong sense of responsibility in the fields of
engineering construction, technology, quality, safety, machinery and material
to be fully responsible for all kinds of on-site works. In the whole process of
construction, the project methods and requirements shall be strictly complied
with to guarantee unified organization, unified plan coordination, unified field
management, centralized material supply and unified payment.
(2) A sound project management institution will be established to specify
the responsibility of each department and post and adequate professional
management personnel who meet the field construction requirements
(3) Our overall advantages in construction and a good relationship with
the local governments in Ethiopia will be fully exploited. In consideration of the
Project’s characteristics, a highly qualified construction team will be mobilized
and organized to enter the construction site as scheduled.
(4) Our advantages of the existing projects in Ethiopia will be fully utilized
to facilitate the mobilization, settling down and construction, arousing the
enthusiasm for construction activities. As a fundamental assurance to improve
construction site safety, we must make all staff involved in the construction full
of a sense of responsibility and honor and arouse their initiative to the full.
5.2 Technical Management Assurance Measures
(1) Upon mobilization, the construction planning and construction
technology scheme for divisional works will be carefully compiled based on the
actual situations on site. With the field construction conditions of the Project
fully considered, the detailed construction network schedule, a monthly &
ten-day construction schedule and a weekly & daily progress plan will be
formulated with dedicated software to guarantee the construction progress
daily, weekly, ten-day and monthly. During the construction, check the
implementation of the scheduled plan. In case of any problem, analyze the
causes timely and propose a feasible amendment scheme. The process plan
shall be adjusted and amended as needed to ensure that the critical path will
be completed within the construction period.
(2) Prior to the commencement, the survey crew will be arranged to
carefully review the measuring points and control network provided by the
Employer. In case of any discrepancy, a report shall be immediately made to
the Supervisor for joint verification to avoid construction delays due to rework
caused by setting-out errors for construction survey.
(3) The technical management system will be established, the
management system and construction procedures will be improved and the
technical responsibility system will be implemented by stages.

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(4) The technical management procedures will be established, the

technical scheme, measures and emergency measures in each construction
phase will be carefully formulated, the technical disclosure will be well
arranged, the technical records will be set up; and the technical management
will be implemented as required.
(5) Based on the characteristics of the Project, it will focus on the
promotion and application of new technologies and new processes, take our
technology-knowledge intensive advantages will be fully exploited and
establish an expert panel will be established to tackle key problems in science
and technology as well as the technical problems facing the construction in
(6) Leaders of the Project Dept. shall visit the construction site and be
engaged in the works to find problems and give a prompt solution, resolve
conflicts among construction procedures, guarantee both quality and quantity
and ensure the completion as scheduled. To timely implement the instructions
and decisions from the leaders, the site command center will be set up in the
construction site and to timely understand and master the construction
situations of each site, communication means like radio telephones and
interphones will be employed.
(7) The construction of temporarily-built facilities (especially the temporary
roads, sand and stone processing system and concrete mixing system) will be
facilitated and early-stage preparations for the main works will be made.
(8) The excavation and pouring of large scale equipment will be fully
utilized, reasonable arrangements will be made and the production capacity of
large scale equipment will be improved.
5.3 Quality Control Assurance Measures
(1) Establish a quality assurance system in the charge of the Project
Manager, prepare a QA Plan applicable to the Project based on the actual
constructions, and implement the processes, procedures and items as
specified in the plan. Carry out ‘lifelong quality and responsibility system’ to an
individual level to realize an effective all-round control of the entire personnel
and all processes. Any construction delays and rework caused by quality
problems will be eradicated to ensure smooth construction of this Project.
(2) The quality management system will be established in strict
accordance with the quality assurance program; the management mechanism
and construction procedures will be gradually improved; and the quality
management ability will be enhanced, so as to avoid stoppage or rework due
to quality issues.
5.4 Construction Material Guarantee Measures
(1)The existing equipment of GD3 Project in Ethiopian will be fully utilized.

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Insufficient resources or materials will be replenished through the unified

purchase by Electrical and Mechanical Dept. or with the dedicated
construction machinery of good selectivity from other camps to ensure the
constructions of the critical path.
(2) For the construction of works included in the critical path, the
three-shift system will be adopted. Workers may be changed but no machine
will be replaced. If any equipment failure occurs, rush to repair it to avoid
unnecessary suspension or work slowdown due to construction machinery
failure. The independent power package will be made available to ensure the
construction power supply.
(3) Material quality will be kept under strict control and any unacceptable
materials are prohibited from being used in order to avoid construction delays
caused by quality accidents due to poor quality
(4) All necessary advanced mechanical equipment and inspection
instruments will be prepared and the equipment production, utilization and
construction mechanization level will be improved.
5.5 Construction Schedule Guarantee Measures
(1) According to project network schedule for general construction
schedule, the construction network schedules at 1, 2 and 3 levels, monthly
working scheme or construction network schedule for each part will be
formulated respectively. Teams and groups will formulate a weekly working
scheme and daily implementation plan covering all works that will be kept
under strict control of the network plan to realize the expected objectives.
(2) The inspection, tracking and supervision of the plan implementation
will be enhanced. The monthly, weekly and daily meeting system will be
established to check the construction progress and plan implementation. Any
possible issues will be analyzed seriously and estimation and preparations in
all aspects will be made as far as possible to avoid foreseeable and
unnecessary stoppages or delays. In case of any construction delays caused
by unforeseeable elements, effective measures shall be taken to accelerate
the construction progress.
(3) A construction progress quick report system will be carried out to
report sub-divisional works daily and repost the comparison between the
actual progress and schedule of sub-divisional works weekly as well as the
reason analysis, so as to make the Project Dept. and the Employer timely
understand the progresses of sub-divisional works and take corresponding
5.6 Other Assurance Measures
(1) Insist on the principle centering on production and unified
commandment and distribution and timely coordinate the construction works to

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abate the disturbance. The site management institution shall accurately and
timely grasp the information regarding production and equipment and
accelerate the construction progress as much as possible.
(2) Guarantee the construction resources of the Project and pay special
attention to the guarantee of key projects to ensure the resource allocation of
key projects.
(3) Fully utilize professional technologies, professional construction teams
and dedicated equipment and ensure smooth construction of key projects.
(4) Fully utilize new technologies such as network and microcomputer
management and control each production progress to improve the labor
productivity of staff and machinery.
(5) Focus on key projects as well as other projects and reduce the
construction period of dominant process and critical path as far as possible.
(6) Ensure safety construction, fully utilize the work surface, arrange for
grade separation and parallel line production to allow equilibrium in production
and civil construction.
(7) Carry out constructions in accordance with the project method,
establish the QA system, and follow up and control working procedures
throughout the production to make the quality meet the design requirements.
(8) Establish a defined economic responsibility system with strict
assessment and rewards & punishments to fully arouse the activity of each
party and construction team. Praise or give a material reward to the team or
group that can complete the construction tasks as scheduled or ahead of time,
while heavily punish the team or group that delays the construction period
without reason.
(9) Enhance the field maintenance, properly handle a relationship in all
respects and create conditions for smooth production.
(10) Proactively maintain close contact with the Employer and the local
meteorological department to grasp dynamic information regarding natural
elements like hydrometeorology at any time. Collect and effectively utilize
relevant data to play an active function in guiding the construction site.

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer
Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

1 On-site Organization Chart

According to our deep research into the project, the proposed
decision-making level of on-site organization will consist of Project Manager,
Deputy Project Manager, Technical Manager, Business Manager and Design
Manager and subordinate Construction Management Department, Engineering
Technology Department, Business Contract Department, QA Department,
Safety & Environmental Protection Department, Electro-mechanical Materials
Department, Financial Department and General Office and other functional
departments. On-site design personnel are under the centralized management
of Engineering Technology Department while the subcontractors are under the
collaborative management under relative functional departments based on
departmental responsibilities. On-site organization chart is as follows:

Project Manager

Deputy Project Technical Manager Design Manager Business Manager

Management Dept.

Business Contract

Quality Assurance

E&M and Material

Engineering and

Protection Dept.

General Office

Finance Dept.


Safety and
Geological Engineer

Surveying Engineer
Hydraulic Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Structural engineer
Blasting Engineer

Material Engineer

Testing Engineer
Civil Engineer
QA Engineer


Local subcontractors, construction areas & operation teams

On-site Construction Organization Chart

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

2 Resume of Proposed Personnel

According to the on-site construction organization, resumes of key
personnel proposed in the Contract are shown in the table below.
Total Work In Similar
Similar Works
No. Position Name
Experience Experience
(years) (years)
1 Project Manager Xu Jiquan 29 29
2 Deputy Project Manager Du Hanqing 26 26
3 Chief Design Engineer Chen Shaosong 28 28
4 Chief Engineer Zhao Zemin 26 26
5 Resident Site Engineer (civil) Zhou Jihong 26 26
6 Commercial Manager Hu Yunfeng 24 24
7 M&E Manager Zhang Shoutian 24 24
8 Head of T echnology
Tan Ruiqing 16 16
Management Department
9 Head o f Construction
Zheng Zicai 18 18
Management Department
Head o f Contractual
10 Lu Wenqing 21 21
Management Department
11 Head o f Q uality Assurance
Wang Ziyang 23 23
12 Head o f E &M E ngineering
Ye Jiangen 30 30
13 Head of F inancial
Hu Anjun 20 20
Management Department
14 Administrative Manager Chen Zhijin 24 24
15 Geological Engineer Zhang Zhiheng 31 31
16 Geological Engineer Jia Guochen 29 29
17 Mechanical Engineer Zhang Weiju 29 29
18 Electrical Engineer Liu Lanwen 31 31
19 Principal S ite E lectrical
Hu Zongyao 24 24
20 Site Electrical Engineer Liu Hongyuan 25 25
21 Civil Engineer Li Xinming 22 22
22 Civil Engineer Yu Guiqi 14 14
23 Structure Engineer Luo Zhenjie 18 18
24 Structure Engineer Quan Liming 16 16
25 Blasting Engineer Liu Zhongming 21 21
26 Hydraulic Engineer Lin Dejin 24 24
27 Hydraulic Engineer Chen Tao 18 18
28 Quality Engineer Chen Wenhui 27 27
29 Material Engineer Hu Lei 10 10
30 Survey Engineer Zhu Yunfeng 21 21
31 Laboratory Engineer Zhang Shaohong 28 28

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

3 Proposed Subcontracting Scope and Information of

Specialized Subcontractor
According to the construction plan, China Water Resources Beifang
Investigation, Design and Research Co. Ltd. (BIDR) is proposed to be the
specialized subcontractor for supplementary geological exploration and
detailed construction design. The information of specialized subcontractor
refers to Form ELI-1.
4 Proposed Local Subcontractor and Subcontracting Plan
According to the construction plan, the proposed local subcontractors are
works for local subcontractors are dam works, spillway works, diversion tunnel
and power generation tunnel works, etc., and the amount of works participated
by local subcontractors can meet the requirements of tender documents. The
information of local subcontractor refers to Form ELI-1.
5 Quality Management Organizations and Instructions
5.1 Organizations of Quality Management System
According to the construction tasks and characteristics of the Project, to
achieve the quality objectives, it is proposed to take GB/T19001-2008
standards and QA system documents as a guidance to establish the
Construction Project Department based on the contract documents. Establish
and perfect the QA system, formulate the QC methods for the Project, specify
the quality responsibilities of personnel at various levels under the Project
Management Department, distribute the quality system factors in a correct and
rational manner and implement the overall quality management.
Take the quality responsibility system with the project manager as the first
person and the General Quality Engineer as the main person responsible for
the Construction Project Department, and the QA Manager as the direct
person responsible for organization; define the quality responsibilities of each
post through the working procedures and form an effective quality
management system; establish the Engineering Quality Management
Committee attended by the persons in charge of each management
department and each construction team, create the total quality management
atmosphere, and carry out the quality excellence activities actively and widely.
It implements the general quality engineer responsibility system and performs
complete and whole-process quality supervision and control of the final quality
of the contract works and the unit works as well as the construction procedures
of each engineering project. With the detection and test data as the basis,
under the supervision of the on-site quality inspector, it implements the quality
inspection engineer one-veto system to make sure that all works meet the

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

good standards.
Quality management organizations of the Project are shown in Fig. 5.1-1.

Project Manager

Deputy Project General Quality Business Technical

Manager Engineer Manager Manager
Engineering and Technology

Construction Management

Safety and Environmental

E&M and Material Dept.

Quality Assurance Dept.

Business Contract
Protection Dept.

Financial Dept.

General Office


Excavating Quality Engineer

Supporting Quality Engineer

Installation Quality Engineer

Geological Quality Engineer

Concrete quality inspection

Grouting Quality Engineer

Technical Section
Survey team


Construction Operation Plants and Teams

Fig. 5.1-1 Block Diagram of Quality Management

5.2 Responsibilities of Main Quality Post
See Fig. 5.1-1 for responsibilities of main quality post.
Table 5-1 Responsibility Chart for Main Quality Post

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

Title or
SN Responsibilities
①The project manager will be the first person responsible for the construction
quality, be fully responsible for construction quality of all works, provide uniform
guidance to construction quality, and make decisions on major issues assuring
construction quality.
② To balance well the relationships between construction quality and
1 construction progress and relation with the Engineer, make rational arrangement
on construction sequence and guarantee engineering quality.
③To guarantee supply of staff, equipment, fund and other resources available.
④ To carry out the education of “Long-term Program, Quality First! Client
Oriented, Faith Root!” for staff and mobilize the masses widely to develop the
activities of high-quality project creation.
① To assist and maintain the Project Manager in the establishment,
implementation and management of quality system.
②To master the quality conditions of the Project, strictly execute the quality
award and punishment system, and deal with the quality accidents according to
the principle of Three Not-Let-Pass (not-let-pass without reasons behind quality
problems, not-let-pass without resolutions and not-let-pass without person in
③To organize the quality inspection of the Project and personally organize
General regarding the key problems. Be responsible for the major quality problems and
2 Quality timely report to the relevant departments for adequate solution.
Engineer ④ To conduct the engineering quality inspection, supervise the Quality
Department for the assessment of the sub-divisional and divisional project
quality and conduct the acceptance work.
⑤To timely master the projects quality and promote the typical sound quality.
Timely stop the phenomena in violation of construction procedures and operation
instructions and mandate shutdown severely.
⑥To assist the Project Manager in holding project quality analysis meeting, put
forward the technical treatment for quality, be responsible for the project quality
and call to account and organize writing the quality accident report.
① To execute the technical codes, specifications and quality management
measures released by the countries and enterprises and strictly inspect the
implementations during the construction to prevent the quality accidents.
②To put forward the improvement measures for technical and quality problems
Technical and guide for developing the activities of high-quality project creation. Be directly
Manager responsible for the quality of the completed Works.
③To conduct the quality design works of the Project. Conduct the technical &
quality disclosure works for the important works, new techniques and new
processes and review, inspection and approval works measured by the major
projects control point.
① To be responsible for construction technique management and plan
management, the Project Management Department and preparations for yearly,
quarterly and monthly construction plans, approval of construction organization
4 design and operation instruction document, management of construction
document and data as well as relevant documents and completion data.
② To be responsible for disclosure on technical requirements and quality
standards for each construction team and shift, earnestly check the

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

Title or
SN Responsibilities
implementation during the construction and reserve the rights to correct and stop
the shift and persons in violation to operation regulations.
① To Earnestly implement the codes, specifications, quality management
measures and quality award and punishment rules released by the countries and
enterprises, be responsible for the project quality assessment , quality
management and guarantee the accuracy rate.
②To be responsible for periodic inspection and acceptance of engineering
quality, inspect implementation of the “Three-Inspection System”, namely
self-inspection of construction teams, re-inspection by quality inspector and final
inspection by quality inspection engineer, as well as the arrangement of quality
inspectors for some key posts or processes. Stop acts in violation of construction
5 Assurance
sequence and regulations, issue cease work order when necessary and make
timely submission to the responsible leader for treatment.
③To urge the survey team to survey, measure and position the construction
project and timely recheck on the bench mark and elevation control.
④To urge the testing personnel to conduct timely site sampling and quality test
as required for gravel aggregate, cement, rebar, concrete and cement mortar.
To urge the Electromechanical Materials Department to master quality
specifications for raw materials, finished products and semi-finished products
and prohibit supply of non-conforming materials.
① Be responsible for materials and equipment purchasing required for
engineering construction, supply major and auxiliary materials with stipulated
quality and quantity on schedule according to requirements in construction
schedule and quality documents, balance relation between supply and demand
in an economical and rational manner and be responsible for quality of
E&M and
purchased construction materials and equipment.
6 Material
②Be responsible for materials routine management, including warehouse entry
inspection of materials and equipment, warehouse maintenance, store issue
control, inventory counting, establish and perfect management system for
mechanical equipment, strengthen maintenance and repair for mechanical
equipment and guarantee effective and rational utilization of mechanical
①To be responsible for the test, inspection and measurement of construction
sites to the Project Management Dept.
②To be responsible for the supervision and inspection of raw materials and the
process test of construction, timely conduct field sampling and quality inspection
test for the concrete mixture, rebar, dam body filling according to the
7 Laboratory requirements of construction technical specifications and timely report the
inspection results to the Engineering Technology Department and Chief
③To be responsible for the management of site measuring equipment and
regularly verify and calibrate the test equipment; participate in the site-related
quality analysis and research.
①To organize construction production according to the project construction
organization designs and construction technology measures and be responsible
8 Management
for the organization and coordination of engineering construction.
②To be responsible for compiling the milestone, construction process and

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

Title or
SN Responsibilities
protection control of final products.
③To be responsible for construction disclosure and construction process control.
① To be responsible for making staffing plan and conduct personnel
②To organize the mobilized new staff training and personnel training of special
9 Contract
③To be responsible for review, business and management of contracts, prepare
business plan and supervise implementation of various contracts.
④To periodically submit statistical accounting statements for capital construction
and conduct analysis and study on various statements.

5.3 Quality Management Measures and Methods

5.3.1 To perfect quality self-inspection system and strengthen quality
supervision and inspection
Strictly implement the “Three-class” quality self-inspection system. Quality
inspector shall insist on the site system during the whole construction, perform
quality tracking inspection on site, and strengthen the full-time inspection for
the processes especially for the key sites or complex technique sites; strictly
control, timely supervise the relevant personnel to correct the problems and
properly record the problems in construction. Any process not meeting quality
requirements or process requirements shall not be allowed to enter the next
5.3.2 To establish and perfect the construction quality management
methods & measures to ensure the whole construction in control state.
(1) Execute the Project as relevant technical management methods
defined in the quality documents in our company - Administrative Measures for
Construction Techniques. In combination with the design requirements,
geological conditions and technical requirements of the Project, compile
practical construction organization design, and formulate joint hearing system
of construction design documents, technical disclosure system,
commencement & completion report system, “three-class” survey review
responsibility system and management system of data, documents and files.
(2) Compile Quality Plan based on the design drawing, bidding
documents, construction specifications and construction measures, formulate
the process control chart and quality control nodes for the divisional &
sub-divisional works and compile construction work instructions, operation
instructions, management rules, post responsibility system, etc. Conduct the
full-process management and control for construction quality to ensure the
controlled state throughout the construction continuously and steadily.
Management system mainly includes (but not limited to) the following ten

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

① Position responsibility system;
② Construction re-inspection system;
③ Technical Disclosure System
④ Commencement & completion report system;
⑤ Material inspection system;
⑥ Laboratory sampling system;
⑦ Concealed works inspection system;
⑧ System for Project Director responsible for quality reward &
punishment evaluation;
⑨ Project self-inspection, mutual-inspection and site system;
⑩ Handling System for Engineering Quality Accident
(3) Formulate specific and individual-based construction process
control and operation rules for the key and special processes. Carry out
division of labor responsibility system based on specialization for the technical
personnel. Professional technical personnel are technical & quality directors
and construction director of the process for the purpose of effective prevention
of mass defects due to unclear responsibilities of technical personnel and
construction personnel.
(4) Execution for “Three Inspection System” and “Joint Inspection System”
for quality
Implement the system for construction team & shift self-inspection, quality
inspector re-inspection and Quality Engineer final-inspection in Project
Department & QA Department. The Quality Engineer of QA Department will
report the inspection certificate to Site Engineer under the condition of
“Three-inspection qualified”. The Quality Engineer, Quality Inspector and Site
Engineer will jointly inspect the sites applying for acceptance within the
designated time of Site Engineer. After passing joint inspection, the next
construction process can be carried out after the Site Engineer signing in the
acceptance certificate.
(5) Establishment of “Professional Joint Inspection System” for concealed
For the concealed works, quality inspection procedures must be followed
before covering. During the construction, the professional Quality Engineer
shall be designated for the joint inspection & acceptance of the concealed

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Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

5.3.3 Implementation for responsibility system of project quality post and life
guarantee of quality and strict execution of quality reward & punishment
Operations will be carried out scientifically, normally and routinely with
fixed personnel holding fixed post at fixed location. State label on construction
site and specify construction region. The Technical Director and Administrator
will receive all-round and overall-process supervision. Implement the reward
and punishment system and ensure to reach the standard once for all. Call to
account for the shifts not constructed according to construction procedure &
design standard and treat with economic punishment.
5.3.4 To maintain a strict standard on the “Four-Inspection” during the
construction and insist on one-vote system for quality.
(1) Maintain a strict standard on the drawings. The technical
personnel shall review the drawings carefully to let all technical personnel
understand the design ideas, and then implement according to the drawing
and specification requirements and conduct the technical disclosure
(2) Maintain a strict standard on the survey. The survey team shall
review the design control data for the whole project, lay out the surveying
control network, randomly inspect & review the construction setting-out
according to the review results, and be responsible for the construction
surveying and setting out.
(3) Maintain a strict standard on the materials quality and test. The
testing laboratory shall provide the mixing ratio of concrete for the approval of
the Site Engineer. Quality inspection shall be conducted on every batch of
materials entering the construction site. The materials shall be managed
according to the QA system to prevent the unqualified materials and
semi-finished products using in the construction.
(4) Maintain a strict standard on the process quality, supervise and guide
construction. Follow the technical drawings, specifications and technical
measures strictly. Implement the system of “Six-Not-Construction,
Three-Not-Handover” during the construction. “Six-Not-Construction” includes:
not-construction without technical disclosure, not-construction without clear
drawings & technical requirements, not-construction without approved survey
& data, not-construction without materials certificate or qualified test,
not-construction without joint signature for concealed works, not-construction
without the Site Engineer recognition or approved process;
“Three-Not-Handover” includes: not-handover without self-inspection records,
not-handover without the acceptance of the Site Engineer or the Technicians
on duty, and not-handover without completed construction records.

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Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer
Form TECH-6: Project Management Organization

(5) For the behaviors in violation to the technical specifications, codes, the
quality personnel have rights to stop them on the spot and order to make
rectification within a time limit. For the personnel paid no attention to quality,
roughly manufactured and practice fraud, the quality personnel shall put
forward their punishment suggestions according to the award and punishment
system, report to the executive directors for harsh treatment and investigate
their responsibilities. Maintain on one-vote system for quality during the
5.3.5 Developing quality education to strengthen the quality service
awareness and service level for the staffs.
(1) Before commencement and during construction, quality
responsibility education and quality management education shall be
developed for the staffs to firmly establish the idea of “Long-term Program,
Quality First”. Then aiming at the actual conditions of the Project, major
engineers shall be trained for technology service to strengthen the personnel
training and guarantee the technology service knowledge and ability of the
process quality. Moreover, the quality personnel and the workers involved in
special type of works must work with certificates.
(2) The technical manager and professional engineer shall be
responsible for the technical disclosure personally, organize regular
technology learning for the workers involved in the key and special type of
works, and strictly execute the constituted construction control procedures to
improve the staffs’ technical qualities.
5.3.6 To develop the comprehensive quality management activities
Complete the construction records, data collection & management of the
Project, monthly compile quality spreadsheet, make quality statistical analysis
for construction to identify the cause of deficiency for quality, propose
corrective measures and report to the site engineers.
Monthly develop a quality comparison activity to insure the achievement of
quality goal.

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Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form TECH-7

Form TECH-7: Subcontractors and Major

Electromechanical plant and equipment
manufacturers List

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Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form TECH-7

Form TECH-7: Subcontractors and Major Electromechanical plant and

equipment manufacturers List

Description of Works / Name of Subcontractor/ Plant Address of

Electromechanical plant and equipment manufacturer Subcontractor and
and equipment Manufacturer /
Works to be subcontracted
1. Site Investigation and China Water Resources Beifang No. 60, Dongting Road,
Engineering Design Works Investigation, Design and Research Hexi District, Tianjin
Co., Ltd City, P.R.China
2. Dam works, spillway works, Sur Construction Plc House No. 492, AA,
diversion tunnel and power Woreda No-02, Kirkose,
generation tunnel works, etc. Kirkos, Addis Ababa,
3. 230KV Transmission Line Viva Engineering Plc Woreda No-08, Bole,
Works Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Electromechanical plant and

equipment to be supplied
1. Turbine and generator Zhefu Holding Group Co.,Ltd. Zhejiang, China
or other equivalent manufacture
2. Turbine Governor Wuhan Changjiang River Control Wuhan City, China
Equipment Research Institute
Three Gorges Nengshida Electrical
Wuhan City, China
Co., Ltd.
Wuhan Sanlian Hydropower
Wuhan City, China
Equipment Co., Ltd.
or other equivalent manufacture
3. Turbine inlet valve Hubei Hongcheng General Hubei, China
Machinery Co., Ltd.
Tieling Special Valve Corporation Tieling City, China
China Valves Technology Changsha City, China
(Changsha) Co., Ltd.
or other equivalent manufacture
4. Powerhouse Crane Xinxiang Hoisting Equipment Henan, China
Factory Co.,ltd.
Henan Weihua Heavy machine
Xinxiang City, China
Jiangsu Great hoisting Machinery
Nantong City, China

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Genale Dawa 6 hydroelectric power project Tech Offer Form TECH-7

or other equivalent manufacture

5. Excitation system Guangzhou Kinte Industrial Co.,Ltd. Guangdong, China
Beijing SiFang Automation co., Ltd Beijing City, China
Three Gorges Nengshida Electrical
Wuhan City, China
Co., Ltd.
or other equivalent manufacture
6. Unit step-up transformer TBEA Hengyang Transformer Hunan, China
CHINT Electric Co.,Ltd Shanghai, China
Taikai Electric Group Co., Ltd. Tai'an City, China
Shandong Dachi Electric Co., Ltd Heze City, China
Shandong Power Equipment Shandong, China
or other equivalent manufacture
7. 230kv switchyard equipment CHINT Electric Co.,Ltd Shanghai, China
Taikai Electric Group Co., Ltd. Tai'an City, China
Shandong Dachi Electric Co., Ltd Heze City, China
Xi'an City, China
or other equivalent manufacture Shenzhen City, China
8. Monitoring and protection Beijing Sifang Automation Co., Ltd Beijing, China
Nanjing NARI Group Corporation. Nanjing City, China
Xuji Group Co., Ltd. Xuchang City, China
or other equivalent manufacture

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