O & M Manual

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The document discusses guidelines for instrumentation and operation and maintenance of large dams.

The document is an operation and maintenance manual for Hemavathy Dam in Karnataka, India.

The document discusses various components of a dam like stilling basin, embankment, penstocks, gates etc.

Guidelines for Instrumentation of Large Dams September 2016

Operation and Maintenance

Manual for Hemavathy Dam
State of Karnataka

Central Water Commission

Ministry of Water Resources,
River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation
Government of India
O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

Front Cover Photograph: Downstream view of Hemavathy Dam during rehabilitation works carried out
under the Dam Rehabilitation & Improvement Project (DRIP). The Scope of Work entailed multiple
contracts for works carried out to reduce seepage and leakage within the concrete / masonry structure using
targeted grouting, strengthening the upstream face of the left embankment for protection of erosion through
wave run up, removal and replacement of the downstream stilling basin, special treatments to the glacis
surfaces to reduce erosion, upgrade of gates, and targeted grouting of the penstocks to minimize seepage.
O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

Operation and Maintenance

Manual for Hemavathy Dam
Prepared by the Dam Safety
Rehabilitation Directorate
with Assistance from


(A Government of Karnataka Enterprises)

State of Karnataka

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

Government of India
Central Water Commission
Central Dam Safety Organization

Following the intrinsic requirements in the Guidelines for Preparing Operation and Mainte-
nance Manuals for Dams published in January 2018, this manual has been developed to
clearly illustrate the complexity and importance of managing operations, inspections
and maintenance of any large dam. This model manual has been developed under
the Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project (DRIP) in collaboration with rep-
resentatives of the Hemavathy Dam Chief Engineer, Cauvery Neeravari Nigama,

The content of this Operation and Maintenance Manual for Hemavathy Dam
in no way restricts the dam owner in digressing from her/his responsibilities.
The Central Dam Safety Organization or the Central Water Commission can-
not be held responsible for the efficacy of this manual developed based solely
on documents provided by the dam owner. The Dam Owner and her/his Op-
erators must exercise appropriate discretion when implementing and use of
the operation and maintenance manual for managing the workings of the
dam and appurtenant structures.
The manual serves as a model for the sole purpose of other organization for
use in developing their own manual for managing the operation, inspection
and maintenance required to be carried out to reduce risks and optimizing
performance of their dams.

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

India has more than 5200 large dams. Their health and safety are of paramount im-
portance for sustainable use of the valuable assets, besides providing protection to
the people and property in the downstream areas. The Ministry of Water Resources,
River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation through the Central Water Commission
(CWC), with financial assistance from the World Bank, started the Dam Rehabilita-
tion and Improvement Project (DRIP) to rehabilitate 198 large dam projects in seven
For managing a dam in a sustainable and scientific manner, it is very crucial for each
dam owner to have dam specific Operation and Maintenance Manual that lays down
procedures for the daily upkeep of the dam. An Operation and Maintenance Manual
for a dam is essential for ensuring its safe functioning and for deriving continued
benefits. This Operation and Maintenance Manual for Hemavathy Dam has been
prepared following the Guideline for Preparation Operation and Maintenance
Manuals published in January 2018 under DRIP and covers requirements for pro-
ject Operation, Inspection, Maintenance, Instrumentation and Monitoring the
health of Hemavathy Dam both during monsoon and non-monsoon periods. This
manual will also be of great value to all dam owners of Karnataka and operators to
achieve the desired objectives.
I recommend the dam officials to use this manual for the efficient and safe Opera-
tion and Maintenance of the Hemavathy Dam on regular basis.
I appreciate the initiative taken by CPMU, DRIP and CWC for developing this com-
prehensive document for implementation by the engineers and administrators of the
Hemavathy Dam, Dam Division, Cauvery Neeravari Nigama, Karnataka.
I also compliment all the experts who have contributed to the development of this
manual and congratulate the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development &
Ganga Rejuvenation, CWC for the initiation of such important policy protocol to
address dam safety management in India.

Shri. Rakesh Singh, IAS

Principal Secretary
Water Resources Department, Karnataka

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

This model Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual developed exclusively for
Hemavathy Dam is a detailed set of written descriptions with step-by-step proce-
dures for ensuring that the dam is safely operated, frequently inspected and properly
maintained. In this era of shrinking budgets, timely inspection and preventative
maintenance is necessary for the safe functioning of the dam and continued produc-
tive use of the dam and reservoir.
The format of this model manual was prepared following the principles published
2018 CWC guidelines for operation and maintenance of dam for the use by all Dam
Owners in developing their own site-specific manuals. Each section of the document
provides the necessary instructions to operate, inspect and maintain their dam.
It is recommended that all dam officials charged with the operation of their dams to
use this manual to ensure their dam is operated and maintained in a sustainable man-
ner and will continue to derive benefits.

Shri. H L Prasanna KES

Managing Director, CNNL,

Team Involved in Preparing this Model O&M Manual

Assistant Executive Engineer, CNNL, Dam Sub Division,

Sreenatha S V Hemavathy Project

Assistant Engineer, CNNL, Dam Sub Division, Hemavathy

Venkataravanappa C M
Project (Draft Development)

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

MESSAGE................................................................................................................................. V
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................................... X
CHAPTER 1. - GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Purpose, Location &Description of Hemavathy Dam ......................................... 1
1.3 Background Details of the Project.......................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Dam site Location: ...................................................................................... 4
1.3.2 Hemavathy Reservoir Planning: ................................................................. 4
1.3.3 Main Design Features and Components of Hemavathy Dam: ............... 7
1.4 Salient Features of Hemavathy Dam ..................................................................... 9
1.5 Assignment of Responsibility ............................................................................... 19
1.5.1 Roles and Responsibilities of the AEE and AE during Monsoon ......... 21
1.5.2 Roles and Responsibilities of the SE and EE during Monsoon ............ 23
1.5.3 Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Engineer during Monsoon ..... 24
1.6 Collection & Reporting of Dam and Reservoir Data .......................................... 25
1.7 Public and Project Staff - Health and Safety........................................................ 28
1.7.1 Restricted Areas ......................................................................................... 28
1.7.2 Details of the Security arrangements at Hemavathy Dam Site. ............. 28
1.8 Staff Position, Communication & Warning System ............................................ 30
1.8.1 Schedule of General Duties for Project Engineers…………………………32
1.8.2 Electro-Mechanical Inspections / Checks .............................................. 36
1.10 Supporting Documents & Reference Material .............................................. 39
CHAPTER 2. PROJECT OPERATION ................................................................................... 40
2.1 Basic Data............................................................................................................... 40
2.1.1 Area Capacity curves. ................................................................................ 40
2.1.2 Design Flood and Features Related to Safety ......................................... 45
2.2 Flood Management at Hemavathy Reservoir ...................................................... 45
2.2.1 Gate Operations: ........................................................................................ 45
2.2.2 Rule Curve .................................................................................................. 49
2.2.4 Recommended Gate Operation Procedures for Normal Flow Conditions50
2.2.5 Inflow Forecasting ..................................................................................... 50
2.2.6 Methodology of Flood Regulation at Hemavathy .................................. 52 Inflow Computation .............................................................................. 52

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018 Examples of Inflow Computation ..................................................... 53 Computation procedure for Required Radial Crest Gate Opening55
2.2.7 Summary of Flood Regulation Procedure. ............................................. 61
2.3 Operation of Radial Crest Gates of Hemavathy Dam ............................................... 61
2.3.1 Brief Description. ...................................................................................... 61
2.3.2 Radial Crest Gates – Technical Data ....................................................... 62
2.3.3 Salient Features.......................................................................................... 63
2.4 Operating Instructions .............................................................................................. 63
2.4.1 Checklist Before Operation ...................................................................... 64
2.4.2 Electrically operated Hoisting Arrangements for Radial Crest Gates ... 64
2.5 RESERVOIR LEVEL.............................................................................................. 65
2.5.1 RIVER OUTLET WORKS: .................................................................. 66
2.6 DESCRIPTION....................................................................................................... 66 RIVER SLUICE GATES: .................................................................... 66 HEAD REGULATOR: ........................................................................ 66
2.6.2 Operation:....................................................................................................... 67 General .................................................................................................... 67 Restrictions: ........................................................................................... 67 Mechanical: ............................................................................................ 68
2.6.3 References: ..................................................................................................... 68 Drawings: ................................................................................................ 68
2.7 ACCESS ROADS .................................................................................................... 68
2.8 Record Keeping ........................................................................................................ 68
CHAPTER 3 - PROJECT INSPECTIONS ..................................................................................... 69
3.1 Types of Inspections.............................................................................................. 69
3.1.1 Comprehensive Evaluation Inspections .................................................. 70
3.1.2 Scheduled Inspections .............................................................................. 71
3.1.3 Special (Unscheduled) Inspections.......................................................... 72
3.1.4 Informal Inspections ................................................................................. 73
1.2 Pre- and Post-Monsoon Checklist and Example of Report Proformas ............. 73
CHAPTER 4 - PROJECT MAINTENANCE .................................................................................. 85
4.1 Maintenance Priorities .......................................................................................... 86
4.1.1 Immediate Maintenance ........................................................................... 86
4.1.2 Preventive Maintenance ............................................................................ 87

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018 Condition Based Maintenance ................................................................ 87 Routine Maintenance ............................................................................... 87
4.2 Procedures for Routine Maintenance ................................................................... 88
4.2.1 Earthwork ................................................................................................... 89
4.2.2 Masonry / Concrete Dams & Spillways .................................................. 95
4.2.3 River Sluices ............................................................................................... 96
4.2.4 Gates & Electro-mechanical Equipment ................................................ 96
4.2.5 Electrically operated fixed hoists ........................................................... 101
CHAPTER 5 - INSTRUMENTATION AND MONITORING ..........................................................119
5.1 Dam Instrumentation: ............................................................................................ 119
5.1.1 General Information ..................................................................................... 119
5.1.2Embedded Instruments – Concrete/Masonry ........................................... 119
5.1.3 Instruments Embedded in the Hemavathy Earthen Dam ....................... 120
5.1.4 Seismological Observations ........................................................................ 120
CHAPTER 6 - PREVIOUS REHABILITATION EFFORTS ............................................................121
CHAPTER 7 - UPDATING THE MANUAL ................................................................................ 122
CHAPTER 8 - FLOOD ROUTING SYSTEM……………………………………………………...123
8.1 Introduction..................................................................................................... 123
8.1.1 Reservoir routing studies ............................................................................. 123
8.2 Data available.................................................................................................. 123
8.3 Abstract............................................................................................................ 124
8.3.1 Observation .................................................................................................. 124
8.4 Methodology ................................................................................................... 124
8.5 Level Pool Routing Table .............................................................................. 125
APPENDIX 1 – BASIC DRAWINGS OF HEMAVATHY DAM ....................................................... 133
MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY (OCT. 2015) ..............................................................................141
APPENDIX 6 - CCTV CAMERA SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS...................................................... 196
APPENDIX 7 - GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................191

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List of Tables
Table 1 - Details of Distributed Water to Karnataka 2
Table 2 – Overall Responsibilities for Hemavathy Dam 20
Table 3 – Roles & Responsibilities of AEE & AE 21
Table 4 – Roles & Responsibilities of SE & EE 23
Table 5 – Roles & Responsibilities of the Chief Engineer 24
Table 6 – Example Proforma for recording Flow Data 27
Table 7 - Distribution of O&M Manual and Revisions 38
Table 8 – Capacity Table for Hemavathy Reservoir 35
Table 9 – Return Flow Peak Flows vs. Return Period Data 491
Table 10 – O&M BUDGET COSTS (ANNUAL) 115
Table 11 – Loations and Extents of Structural Members 119
Table 12 – Embedded Instruments 119
Table 13 – Embankment Instruments 120

Figure 1 - Cauvery Basin Map .............................................................................................. 5
Figure 2 - Overhead Image of Hemavathy Dam ..................................................................... 6
Figure 3 Layout of Hemavathy Dam Premises .................................................................... 29
Figure 4 - Organisation Chart ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 5 – Area Capacity Curve Elevations ......................................................................... 40
Figure 6 – Rule curve of Hemavathy Dam ........................................................................... 49
Figure 7 – Peak Flow vs. Return Periods ............................................................................. 50

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

Acronyms used in this publication are as follows:

BIS Bureau of Indian Standards
CDSO Central Dam Safety Organisation
CWC Central Water Commission
SDSO State Dam Safety Organisation
O&M Operation and Maintenance
DRIP Dam Rehabilitation and Improvement Project
DSRP Dam Safety Review Panel
EAP Emergency Action Plan
Global Positioning System (uses GPRS for data
transmission like browsing the web)
FRL Full Reservoir Level
MWL Maximum Water Level
MDDL Minimum Draw Down Level
DSL Dead Storage Level
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
EDA Energy Dissipation Arrangement
Hydro-Mechanical works
DG set Diesel Generator set
RMU Remote Monitoring Unit
PC Personal Computer
TMC Thousand-Million M3

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018


1.1 Introduction

This document represents a detailed Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual

for Hemavathy Dam, Karnataka, providing written descriptions of procedures for
ensuring that the dam operates safely and is kept in a good condition by periodic
inspections, repairs, maintenance in a sustainable manner. Timely maintenance is
important for the continued safe functioning and productive use of the dam and

The Manual has been prepared primarily for the dam operation’s staff and their su-
pervisors who are assigned the responsibility for the physical operations and mainte-
nance of the dam. It contains, as a minimum, all information and instructions nec-
essary for them to perform their allotted tasks in a safe manner. In addition to in-
structions for dam operations staff, the Manual includes all necessary instructions
for other staff directly or indirectly involved in operating and maintaining the dam.

It is essential that the Manual or a copy of the Manual along with supporting data
including the atlas of all drawings are available at site for ready reference.

1.2 Purpose, Location &Description of Hemavathy Dam

Hemavathy river is the main tributary of Cauvery river which is being an inter-state
river, water utilization as of now is in accordance with the CWDT (Cauvery Water
Disputes Tribunal) award of 1991 based on the estimated 50% dependable yield with
return flows. The water allocated to Karnataka was 284.75 TMC. Out of this, an
allocation made for Hemavathy Project is 1,236.86 MCM (43.68 TMC).

The Hemavathy Project has been taken up to provide irrigation facilities to the
drought prone areas of Hassan, Tumkur, Mandya and Mysore Districts. The Hema-
vathy project has been planned to irrigate total actuator 7,00,756 acres out of which

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

6,55,000 acres in flow irrigation, 35,750 acres by lift irrigation on canals & 10,000
acres by lift irrigation on foreshore of reservoir.

The estimated yield & utilization details of the Hemavathy Project as per the project
report shown in Table – 1

Table 1

50% Dependable 78.687 TMC FT. considering 69 years of inflow from 1916-17
Yield at dam site to 1984-85.
Total utilisation a) 52.28 TMC–Utilisation by direct atchkat of 6.55 lakhs acres
by flow irrigation under Hemavathy Project including reser-
voir evaporation.
b) 8.14 TMC–Utilisation under upstream projects viz., Vote-
hole & Yagachi Projects.
c) 5.76 TMC–Assurance to 3 Anicut Channels downstream of
Hemavathy Reservoir.
d) 2.00 TMC– Drinking water needs of Tumkur Town, Hassan,
K.R.Pet, Arakalgud, Tiptur and Nagamangala Towns.
e) 1.87 TMC- Utilisation under 4 Lift Irrigation Scheme
namely, ArkalgudL.I.S,,Hallimysore L.I.S,L.I.Scheme at ap-
proach of Bagur Navile Tunnel and L.I.Scheme at exit of
Bagur- Navile Tunnel.
f) 0.52 TMC-Lift Irrigation Schemes of Foreshore of Reser-
g) 6.804 TMC-Existing utilisation under Minor Irrigation Up-
stream of Hemavathy Reservoir.
h) 0.15 TMC-Utilisation contemplated under ongoing
M.I.schemes upstream of Hemavathy Reservoir.
i) 1.163 TMC-Releases from the Reservoir to Augment needs
of Kamasamudra Lift Irrigation Scheme and Huchhanakop-
palu Lift Irrigation Scheme contemplated lower down of
(downstream) reservoir.
Total 78.687 TMC or say 2228.15 M Cum.

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1.3 Background Details of the Project

The Hemavathy river is one of the main tributaries to Cauvery river and has its
source in Ballarayanadurga of the western ghats in the Mudigere taluk of Chikkama-
galore District, Karnataka state and it flows in Hassan and Mandya District for a
length of 192 KM (120 miles) before joining the Cauvery river in the water spread
of Krishnarajasagar in Mandya District.

The river had not been fully harnessed on the upstream of Krishnarajasagar for
providing Irrigation facilities to the area on either side of its banks. However, water
is being drawn through some old river anicut (Diversion Weirs) Channels, apart from
its contribution to Krishnarajasagar.

With a view to utilizing the waters entitled as per the agreement and also to provide
facilities in the arid areas of Holenarasipur, Hassan, Channarayapattna, Arakalgud,
K R Pet &PandavapuraTaluks, a project report has been prepared to construct a
reservoir across Hemavathy River near Gorur to restore and utilize the water for
irrigation. The project also contemplated to enlarge its scope at a later stage. In view
of this it has been planned to extend the irrigation facilities to lands in the adjacent
Cauvery valley at which ridge between the Hemavathy & Cauvery rivers. Accordingly
the project was proposed to be implemented in II stages as under.


1. Dam and submergence.

2. Hemavathy Left Bank Canal.

3. Hemavathy Right Bank Canal.

4. Hemavathy Right Bank High Level Canal.


1. Tumkur Branch

2. Nagamangala Branch

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1.3.1 Dam site Location:

Hemavathy dam is situated at Latitude 12º 45’ 0” North and Longitude 76º03’0”
East. The nearest Railway station is Hassan on Mysore-Arsikere Railway line and is
at a distance of 24K.M on Hassan-Arkalgud road. The Airports nearer to site are at
Bangalore and Mangalore at a distance of 210K.M and 195K.M respectively by Road.
The nearest sea port is at Mangalore.

1.3.2 Hemavathy Reservoir Planning:

i). Catchment: The catchment area of the Hemavathy River at Hemavathy dam
site is 2810sq.-km. (1084.947Sq-miles). The head reaches of the catchment area lie
in Western Ghats, where the average rainfall is nearly 153.42cm per annum. The
bulk of the rainfall occurs in the months of June to September and the river will be
in floods during these months when almost the entire yield is received.

ii) Yields: The maximum and minimum annual virgin yields at Hemavathy dam
site from derived run off data for the years 1917 to 1985 are 4771m cum (168.501
TMC) and 1245.929m cum (44TMC) respectively. The 50% dependable yield at this
site is worked out to be 2228.14m cum (78.687 TMC).

iii) Storage: The dam is designed to pass a probable maximum flood of 4020.95
cumecs (1, 42, 000 Cusecs). The gross storage capacity at FRL of 2922 ftis 1050.63
MCM (37.103 TMC) and a live storage of 926.82 MCM. (32.731 TMC) and a dead
storage of 123.88 MCM (4.372 TMC) at MDDL of 2862ft. The crest level of the
spillway is at R.L 2892ft.

iv) Water Spread: The reservoir water spread submerges an area of 8502 Ha.
(21008 acres)

displacing a number of families of about 2283Nos.

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Figure 1 – Cauvery Basin Map

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Figure 2 - Overhead Image of Hemavathy Dam

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1.3.3 Main Design Features and Components of Hemavathy Dam:

i) Components: The dam consists of a spillway portion for a length of 94m in the
centre of the river gorge, with spillway, two non-overflow masonry dam sections on
either side and an earthen flanks on either side for a length of 1629m & 1680m in
left side and right side respectively. The non-overflow masonry dam on the left side
is of length 151-m and on the right side is 121-m.

ii) Earthen Dam: The earthen dam has a maximum height of 58.52-m from the
foundation stripped level and consists of zonal sections with impermeable hearting
zone and semi-permeable casing zone on upstream and downstream of the hearting
zone, and 3.05m height on the top. A cut-off trench taken up to hard rock, filled
with the impermeable soil is provided below the hearting zone. The rock below the
cut-off trench is curtain grouted. An inclined grade sand filter of 2.0-m and horizon-
tal graded sand filter of 1.0-m are provided downstream of the hearting zone. A 61-
cm thick rip rap over a filter layer of 45-cm is provided on the upstream side of the
earthen embankment with concrete toe wall. Rock toes on downstream are provided
with graded filters at their base and embankment sides. Horizontal berms 3.0-m wide
are provided on the downstream slope of the embankment at a designed depth of
the earthen dam. Downstream slope of the embankment is provided as 3:1 &2:1,
whereas for the upstream side slopes of 3:1 & 3.5:1 is provided. The top width is

iii) Masonry non-overflow section: This portion is constructed in un-coursed rubble

stone masonry in cement mortar 1:4 for hearting . The upstream and downstream
faces are provided with 67.5cm thick coursed stone masonry in cement mortar 1:3
& 1:4 in upstream and downstream respectively. A drainage gallery of size 1.52-m x
2.28-m is provided in the central masonry portion for a distance of 354.6-m . Drain
holes of 75-mm diameter at intervals of 6.0-m c/c are provided in the gallery. A road
way 5.49-m wide with parapets is provided.

iv) Spillway Dam Section: The Spillway is of gravity type which is constructed with
stone masonry except for the portion of the nappe on the downstream and the top

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portion of the crest, where the construction is of cement concrete. 6 Nos. of radial
crest gates of size 10.66-m X 9.14-m is provided in the spillway portion which are
designed to dispose off the total flood discharge of 1,28,000 cusecs.

v) River Sluice Gates: Five (5) River Sluice Gates of size 2.44-
m-wide by 4.26-m high are provided for Hemavathy Dam to
operate when the water level recedes in the reservoir below the
crest level of 881.49 M which operates electrically. For servicing
of river sluice gates, a 40-T moving Gantry crane has been pro-
vided with emergency gate. Periodical maintenance such as lu-
View of 40 Tonne
brication, filling of gear oil, etc., are being done annually on a
capacity moving Gantry
tender basis. Replacements of wire ropes, rubber seals and Crane
painting of river sluice gates & emergency gates are being taken
up whenever required on tender basis.

vii) Irrigation Sluices: Hemavathy Dam is provided with 3 main canals out of which
Hemavathy Left Bank Canal and Right bank canals off taking from the dam having
5 Nos. & 4nos. of sluice gates of size 2.44-m wide by 3.05-m height respectively
which operates electrically. For servicing of irrigation canal sluice gates, a 25-T mov-
ing Gantry crane has been provided with an emergency gate & Hemavathy Right
Bank High Level Canal off takes in the backwater having a 2 Nos. sluice gates of
size 1.52-m wide by 3.05-m high operated with electrical motors. Periodical mainte-
nance of these gates is taken up annually on tender basis which includes items such
as lubrication and filling of gear oil, Cardium compound, etc.. Replacements of wire
ropes, rubber seals and painting of irrigation sluice gates are being taken up as re-
quired on tender basis

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1.4 Salient Features of Hemavathy Dam


1. Name of the Hemavathy Reservoir Project across Hemava-

Project thy River near Gorur village in Hassan Taluk.

2. Location Latitude 12° - 45 ' - 0 '' North.

Longitude 76° - 03 ' - 0 '' East.

3. Means of Ac- The Dam is approachable by Hassan-Arakalgud

cess. Road at about 0.5 Kms. from Hemavathy
Bridge across that road.


1. Catchment area 2810 Sq. Km. (1085 Sq. miles)

2. Nature of Catch- The catchment is almost hilly and considered

ment as “ Good ”

3. Weighted aver- Maximum - 508 Cms. (200 '')

age Rainfall in Minimum - 76.2 Cms. ( 30'')
the catchment
Average - 153.42 Cms. (60.4'')

4. 50% Dependa- 78.687 TMC FT. considering 69 years of inflow

ble Yield at dam from 1916-17 to 1984-85.

5. Total utilisation j) 52.28 TMC–Utilisation by direct atchkat of

6.55 lakhs acres by flow irrigation under
Hemavathy Project including reservoir

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k) 8.14 TMC–Utilisation under upstream pro-

jects viz., Votehole & Yagachi Projects.
l) 5.76 TMC–Assurance to 3 Anecut Channels
downstream of Hemavathy Reservoir.
m) 2.00 TMC– Drinking water needs of Tumkur
Town, Hassan, K.R.Pet, Arakalgud, Tiptur
and Nagamangala Towns.
n) 1.87 TMC- Utilisation under 4 Lift Irrigation
Scheme namely, ArkalgudL.I.S,,Hallimysore
L.I.S,L.I.Scheme at approach of BagurNavile
Tunnel and L.I.Scheme at exit of Bagur-
Navile Tunnel.
o) 0.52 TMC-Lift Irrigation Schemes of Fore-
shore of Reservoir.
p) 6.804 TMC-Existing utilisation under Minor
Irrigation Upstream of Hemavathy Reser-
q) 0.15 TMC-Utilisation contemplated under
ongoing M.I.schemes upstream of Hemava-
thy Reservoir.
r) 1.163 TMC-Releases from the Reservoir to
Augment needs of Kamasamudra Lift Irriga-
tion Scheme and Huchhanakoppalu Lift Ir-
rigation Scheme contemplated lower down
of (downstream) reservoir.
Total 78.687 TMC or say 2228.15 M Cum.

III. PURPOSE : Irrigation.


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1. Gross Storage ca- 1050.63 Mcum (37.103 TMC)


2. Dead storage ca- 38.03 MCum (1.343 TMC)

pacity at sluice

3. Minimum draw 123.80 MCum (4.372 TMC)

down level capac-

4. Live storage 926.83 MCum (32.731 TMC)

5. Average River bed RL 850.09 M (2789')


6. Deepest founda- RL 835.16 M (2740')

tion level

7. Dead storage RL 867.16 M (2845')


8. Crest level of RL 881.48 M (2892')


9. Full Reservoir RL 890.63 M (2922')


10. Maximum water RL 890.63 M (2922')


11. Top level of Dam RL 894.59 M (2935')

12. Floor level of a) 848.57 M (2784') (Non-over flow sec-

drainage gallery
b) 850.40 M (2790') (Over flow section)

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1. Type of structure Central Masonry spillway with side

non-overflow Dam with Earthen flanks.

2. Length of Dam 4692 M (15394')

3. Maximum height
of Dam above 44.50 M (146')
River bed level

4. Maximum height
of Dam above the
59.43 M (195')
deepest founda-

5. Top width of Dam 5.49 M (18')

6. Free Board 3.96 M (13')

7. Crest shutters Six Radial gates of size 10.67 M X 9.14


(35' x 30')

8. Spillway piers 5 Nos of 6 Mtrs width

9. Maximum flood 4020.95 Cumecs

discharge (1,42,000 cusecs)

10. Designed flood 4740.20 cumecs

discharge (1,67,400 cusecs)


1. Garden

2. Dry 13,000 Acres

3. Wet 3,000 Acres

4. Kharab and River 5,008 Acres


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Total 21,008 acres or say 8502 Ha.

5. (1) No, of villages 46 villages


(2) No. of villages 126 villages

partially affected

Total 172 villages

(3) No. of families 2283 Nos.



1. Left bank 5 Nos. 2.44 M x 3.05 M ( 8' x 10')

2. Right bank 4 Nos. 2.44 M x 3.05 M ( 8' x 10')

3. Cill level of sluices RL 867.15 M 2845'

4. High level Canal on Fore- 2 Nos. 1.52 M x 3.05 M (5' x 10')

shore of Reservoir

5. Cill level of High level Ca- RL 877.824 M (2880')


RIVER SLUICES : 5 Nos of 2.44 x 4.267 (8' x 14')

Cill level RL 854.9644 M (2805.00')

6. Length of the Dam 4.692 KM

a) Central masonry por- 366 M (spillway portion 94.5 M)


b) Left side earthen bund 1629 M

c) Right side earthen 1680 M


d) Dyke Dam 1017 M

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7. Drainage gallery 354.6 M

a) Left side portion 145 M

b) Central portion 104 M

c) Right side portion 105.6 M



i. Length 214 Kms (133 Miles)

ii. Capacity at Head 103.04 Cumecs (3639 cusecs)

iii. Designed Discharge at 103.13 Cumecs (3642 Cusecs)


iv. Command 78,912.23 Ha. (1,95,000 acres)

v. Bed width in contour cut 12.19 Mtrs (40')

at Head

vi. Full supply Depth 4.191 Mtrs (13.75')

vii Side slope in contour cut 1:1

viii. Co-officient of Rugocity 0.018 (lined canal)


i. Length 91 Kms (57 Miles)

ii. Capacity at Head 9.34 Cumecs (330 cusecs)

iii. Command 8094 Ha. (20,000 acres)

iv. Bed width at Head 7.32 Mtrs (24')

v. Full supply Depth 1.83 Mtrs (6')

vi. Side slope in contour cut 1:1

vii Co-officient of Rugocity 0.018 (lined canal)


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i. Length 106 Kms (66 Miles)

ii. Capacity at Head 25.68 Cumecs (907 cusecs)

iii. Command 22,662 Ha. (56,000 acres)

iv. Bed width at Head 4.70 Mtrs (15.42')

v. Full supply Depth 3.30 Mtrs (10.83')

vi. Side slope in contour cut 1:1

vii Co-officient of Rugocity 0.018 (lined canal)



i. Length 240 Kms (150 Miles)

ii. Capacity at Head 40.46 Cumecs (1429 cusecs)

iii. Command 95,909 Ha. (2,37,000 acres)

iv. Bed width at Head in con- 5.8 Mtrs (19.03')

tour cut

v. Full supply Depth 3.45 Mtrs (11.32')

vi. Side slope 1:1

vii Co-officient of Rugocity 0.018 (lined canal)


i. Length 71 Kms (44 Miles)

ii. Capacity at Head 24.35 Cumecs (860 cusecs)

iii. Command 59,488 Ha. (1,47,000 acres)

iv. Bed width at Head in con- 4.40 Mtrs (14.43')

tour cut

v. Full supply Depth 3 Mtrs (9.84')

vi. Side slope 1:1

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vii Co-officient of Rugocity 0.018 (lined canal)



i. Length 9.762 Kms

ii. Diameter 5.40 Mtrs (17.72')

iii. shape “ D ” shape

iv. Discharging capacity 70.79 Cumecs (2500 Cusecs)

v. Bed slope 1 in 660

vi. Area benefitted beyond 1,55,396 Ha (3,83,000 acres)


vii. Original Estimate cost at Rs.15.28 Crores

78-79 Rates

viii. Revised estimated cost of Rs.30.61 Crores


ix. Date of commencement of work

a. 1st Reach 15-11-1979

b. 2nd Reach 15-12-1979

x. Anticipated date of com- October 1987


xi. Agency M/s Sree Srinivasa Construc-

tion company.


i. Length 3721 Kms

ii. Diameter 3.962 Mtrs (13')

iii. shape “ D ” shape

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iv. Discharging capacity (a) Designed - 928 Cusecs

(b) Required - 907 Cusecs
v. Bed slope 1 in 3.88

vi. Area benefitted beyond 22,662 Ha (56,000 acres)


vii Original Estimate cost at Rs.354.00 Lakhs

79-80 Rates

viii Revised estimated cost of Rs.950.00 Lakhs

work (85-86)

ix. Date of commencement 14-4-1980

of work

x. Anticipated date of com- 30-6-1986


xi. Agency M/s Sri Srinivasa Construction



a) Gross command 4,04,678 Ha.

area (10,00,000 Acres)

b)Net irrigable area

i. By flow irriation 2,65,064 Ha.

(6,55,000 acres)
ii. By Lift Irrigation on 14,470 Ha.
canals (35,756 Acres)
iii. By Lift Irrigation 4,047 Ha.
on Foreshore of (10,000 Acres)
Total 2,83,581 Ha.

(7,00,756 Acres)

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c) Irrigation 70.00 %


d) Cropping pattern

i. By flow Irrigation

under canals

a) Khariff Paddy 5,261 Ha (13000 Acres)

b) Khariff semi dry 1,53,980 Ha (380500 Acres)

c)Rabi Semi dry 1,05,823 Ha (261500 Acres)

Total 2,65,064 Ha (655000 Acres)

ii. By Lift Irrigation

under canals – 4


a) Khariff semi dry 14,470 Ha (35756 acres)

iii. By Lift Irrigation

on Foreshore of

Reservoir– 10 schemes

a) Khariff semi dry 4.047 Ha (10,000 acres)


a) Under flow


i. Hassan Distirict 43,495 Ha (1,07,480 Acres)

ii. MandayDistirict 92,234 Ha (2,27,920 Acres)

iii.MysoreDistirict 2,266 Ha (5,600 Acres)

iv. TumkurDistirict 1,27,069 Ha (3,14,000 Acres)

Total 2,65,064 Ha (6,55,000 Acres)

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a) Under Lift


i. Hassan Distirict 18.516 Ha (45,756 Acres)



i. Year of commencement
of work

ii. Year of completion of



i. Cost of Dam and allied

Rs.56.37 Crores

ii. Cost of canal,

Rs.531.63 Crores
Branches, Tunnel, etc.,

Total cost of the Project Rs.588.00 Crores

Rs.8391.00 / Acre
iii. Cost per Acre/Ha
Rs.20735.00 / Ha

iv. Benefit cost ratio 1.831

v. Revised cost of the

project as per the 2006- 3877.00 Crores
07 schedule of rates

1.5 Assignment of Responsibility

The Cauvery Neeravari Nigama is the owner, final authority and responsibility for
the operation and maintenance of the dam. Identification of all areas of responsibil-
ities connected with the operation and maintenance of the dam are covered in this
section. The officer’s responsibilities for the various functions are identified by their

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designation and, in particular, the responsibilities of operating personnel are specif-

ically identified & includes regular scheduled duties which staff personnel are re-
quired to perform as outlined in the following tables:

Table 2 – Overall Responsibilities for Hemavathy Dam

Sl No Particulars Remarks
1. • Implementing Agency Govt. of Karnataka Enterprise)
• Water Recourses Department, Karnataka
• Project Administra-
2. • Managing Director, CNNL, Bengaluru
tion Officer in charge
• Operations of Equip-
• Chief Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Project
ment at the Dam Zone, Gorur
• Reservoir inflow and
• Executive Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Dam
Flood forecasting Division, Gorur
• Authorising spillway
• Chief Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Project
flood releases Zone, Gorur.
• Authorising • Chief Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Project
for various purposes Zone, Gorur as per the proceedings of the Ir-
6. like irrigation, water rigation Consultative Committee meeting
supply hydro-power, (ICC) and in consultation with Managing Di-
etc rector,CNNL Bengaluru
• Recording • Executive Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Dam
Data Division, Gorur
• Executive Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Dam
8. • Routine inspection
Division, Gorur

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Executive Engineer CNNL, Hemavathy Dam

9. • Maintenance
Division, Gorur
Executive Engineer CNNL, Hemavathy Dam
10. • Instrumentation
Division, Gorur

1.5.1 Roles and Responsibilities of the AEE and AE during Monsoon

Table 3 – Roles & Responsibilities of AEE & AE

Flood condition assessment, warning, flood mitigation, and

other responsibilities
Coordinate with the CWC Authorities/ Engineers who maintains the
records of Hemavathy river inflow details at gauging station near
Sakleshpur Town which is around 50kms from the dam site by phone
call. The rainfall data in the catchment area obtaining through message
to mobile phones by KSNDMC and bring it to the notice of the
Assist the EE/SE/CE to issue notification to the villagers downstream
2. in Newspapers, Radio, TV News channel to be alert regarding the flood
Assist the EE/SE/CE to coordinate with the Revenue authorities (Dis-
3. trict Administration) to alert the downstream villagers to evacuate the
flood zone to prevent loss of life and live stock
Assist the EE/SE/CE to coordinate with the CWC flood monitoring
authorities on the flood condition
Maintain the reservoir water level gauge register and to update on hourly
basis during floods. and to bring to the notice of EE/SE/CE
Assess the inflows in the reservoir as per the approved reservoir opera-
6. tion and to prepare proforma consisting of the status of the reservoir
capacity and releases from the reservoir as per the standard Performa
and to submit to the EE/SE/CE

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Submit to the EE/SE/CE on the inflows and releases from the reser-
voir and status of the reservoir twice in the day
8. Maintain the spillway crest gate operation log book
Operate the Spillway crest gates for flood mitigation as per the instruc-
tions of the EE/SE/CE and to update the Gate operation Log book
Observe the seepages in the drainage Gallery with respect to the reser-
voir head and record the seepages in the infiltration gallery and to im-
mediately bring to the notice of the EE/SE/CE in case of excessive
seepage ,leakage in any porous drains
Maintain the pump operation log books for the dewatering pumps in
the drainage gallery and to submit to EE/SE/CE
Observe the gates and to see that the drain holes are not clogged and
floating debris is not deposited in the gate components
Monitor the condition of the Welding transformers, gas cutting sets,
13. umbrellas, tool kits torches chain blocks ropes ballies etc on daily basis
and to see that things are in place to handle any emergency situation
Observe the Gates ,hoists and handling equipment during operation for
14. the smooth movements and to immediately report any untoward exces-
sive sounds in the motors, pumps or vibrations in the gate
Observe the dam top, embankment, catwalk, approach roads are well
maintained by housekeeping personnel
Observe the performance of the Dam and its appurtenant structures /
Gates and Hoists during flood water releases and to report to the
EE/SE/CE in case of any untoward incidents or malfunctioning of the
gates of excessive seepages, leakages etc
Assist EE/SE/CE to coordinate & share the details of flood discharges
17. from the dam with the downstream Krishnarajasagara Dam Project En-
18. Assist EE/SE/CE to share the flow data and the reservoir storage de-
tails to the Media on day to day basis

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1.5.2 Roles and Responsibilities of the SE and EE during Monsoon

Table 4 – Roles & Responsibilities of SE & EE

Flood condition assessment, warning, flood mitigation and other

Coordinate with the CWC Authorities/ Engineers who maintains the
records of Hemavathy river inflow details at gauging station near
1. Sakleshpur Town which is around 50kms from the dam site by phone
call. The rainfall data in the catchment area obtaining through message
to mobile phones by KSNDMC and bring it to the notice of the CE
To issue notification to the villagers downstream in Newspapers, Ra-
dio, TV News channel to be alert regarding the flood situation
Assist the CE to coordinate with the Revenue authorities (District Ad-
3. ministration) to alert the downstream villagers to evacuate the flood
zone to prevent loss of life and live stock
Assist the CE to coordinate with the CWC flood monitoring authorities
on the flood condition
Submission of inflows and releases from the reservoir and status of the
reservoir twice in a day to the CE
Operate the Spillway crest gates for flood mitigation as per the instruc-
tions of the CE and to update the Gate operation Log book
Observe the seepages in the drainage Gallery with respect to the reser-
voir head and record the seepages in the infiltration gallery and imme-
diately bring to the notice of the CE in case of excessive seepage ,leakage
in any porous drains
Observe the Gates ,hoists and handling equipment during operation for
8. the smooth movements and to immediately report any untoward exces-
sive sounds in the motors, pumps or vibrations in the gate
Observe the dam top, embankment, catwalk, approach roads are well
maintained by housekeeping personnel

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Observe the performance of the Dam and its appurtenant structures /

Gates and Hoists during flood water releases and to report to the CE in
case of any untoward incidents or malfunctioning of the gates of exces-
sive seepages, leakages etc
Assist CE to share the flow data and the reservoir storage details to the
Media on day to day basis
Assist CE to coordinate with the Project Engineers of Krishnarajasagar
12. Project and sharing the details of the flood condition in the river and
the reservoir releases

1.5.3 Roles and Responsibilities of the Chief Engineer during Monsoon

Table 5 – Roles & Responsibilities of the Chief Engineer

Step Flood condition assessment, warning and flood mitigation

Has to study the flood condition of the dam along with the SE, EE
and other dam concerned officers. Instruct the officers concerned to
take immediate steps to evacuate the excess flood with the available
1. provisions and to give vast publication to the livestock at the down-
stream of the reservoir. At the same time has to communicate and
share the flood condition and action taken report with the district dis-
aster management and other state authorities concerned
Coordinate with the CWC flood monitoring authorities on the flood
Issue necessary instructions to the engineers to Operate the reservoir
3. based on the inflows, rainfall data, releases from the upstream reservoirs
and status of the reservoir
Observe the performance of the Dam and its appurtenant structures /
4. Gates and Hoists during flood water releases and to issue necessary in-
structions to the AEE/EE/SE
Coordinate with the downstream Krishnrajaasagar Dam Project Engi-
6. Conduct Pre and Post Monsoon inspections of the Dam

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1.6 Collection & Reporting of Dam and Reservoir Data

A proforma is provided to ensure that dates and times for the collection and report-
ing of vital information is recorded and documented for the record.

• Reservoir water surface elevation.

• Reservoir inflow.

• Spillway outflow.

• River releases.

• Irrigation and water supply.

• Weather related data

• Instrumentation data

• Water quality
Instructions and a standard proforma for collection and reporting of inflow and
outflow data, and other pertinent data, is shown in Figure 5 below.

Records [Logbooks] of the following operations at Hemavathy Dam are to be main-

tained in a chronological manner for reference. These records are helpful for identi-
fying preventative maintenance measures that may need to be taken up, trouble-
shooting the cause of potential equipment failure and documenting development of
any unusual conditions.

• Date and Time

• Attendance statement during normal operations – both during monsoon and
non-monsoon periods.
• Operations of the spillway gates and outlet works.
• Operating hours of mechanical equipment.
• Testing / Operation of spillway gates and associated controls.
• Testing/operation of Outlet gates and associated controls,
• Maintenance activities carried out.

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• Reservoir and dam inspections.

• Unusual conditions or occurrences, including acts of vandalism.
• Attendance statement at the dam during emergency operations.
• Changes to normal operating procedures.

• Communication network checks.

• Safety and special instructions.

• Names of officers and staff carrying out inspections and maintenance.
• Any other item pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the dam.

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Table 6–Example Proforma for recording Flow Data

Out Flow in Cusecs

level Total Reservoir Ca-
Date Time Inflow in Cusecs1 Spillway
in HLBC HRBC HRBHLC River O/F pacity in TMC

Footnote 1: To be indirectly calculated as per examples 1 and 2 in Chapter 2, Paragraph &

• HLBC : Hemavathy Left Bank Canal
• HRBC : Hemavathy Right Bank Canal
• HRBHLC : Hemavathy Right Bank High Level Canal
• RIVER : Hemavathy River

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1.7 Public and Project Staff - Health and Safety

As safety of Project Staff is of prime concern, safety instructions & protection
measures at the dam are carried out by all staff / project personnel. The flex boards
and warning boards provided at deferent places provide the public notices of events
and status of security of the dam and downstream river conditions.

1.7.1 Restricted Areas

Certain areas of the dam and reservoir are restricted for entry of the general public.
The purpose of restrictions is for security of the dam, public safety and uninter-
rupted safe operation of the dam.
Restricted areas will include the following:
• Confined spaces such as galleries.
• Spillway approach areas, chutes and stilling basins.
• Control buildings.
• Intake or outlet channels adjacent to hydraulic structures.

1.7.2 Details of the Security arrangements at Hemavathy Dam Site.

The security arrangements of Hemavathy Dam are entrusted to the Karnataka Police
department with a total strength as below.
1. Assistant Head Constable (AHC)
Two Assistant Head Constables are deployed as head security officers in 2
2. Assistant police constable (APC)

Ten Assistant police constables are deployed specially for the security at dam
spillway portion where public visitors are more.
3. Home guards Security personnel

21 Home guards Security personnel are deployed at different parts of the

Hemavathy dam such as entrance gates to the dam premises from HPC road,
at the dam approach points, canal head sluice buildings, dam main entrances,
control room, gallery audits, check posts, head works and as required depends
on the strength of dam visitors.

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Figure 3 Layout of Hemavathy Dam Premises

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1.8 Staff Position, Communication & Warning System

The number & description of operating unit personnel posted/placed at different

locations of the dam are noted in supporting documents and referenced in this Man-
ual. Staff positions vary according to requirement during monsoon / non-monsoon
periods. An engineering organizational chart is shown in Figure 4 below.

The means of communications both in normal and emergency situations are identi-
fied in the Communication Directory found below. Available communication means
including landline, mobile phones to maintain security of the dam.

A utility room located on the downstream and in front of the dam is an equipment
room with all essential small tools, welders, gas cutter sets, chain blocks and ropes,
space for the hydraulic hoist, dewatering pumps, weather gear, and consumables to
facilitate O&M requirements.

A brief description of the warning systems including alarms at the dam is mentioned
in the Manual. This includes information on downstream inundation areas during
scheduled or unscheduled release of flood outflows from the spillway. Basic facilities
like communication facilities, sirens etc. are provided.

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Fig 4 : Organization Chart

C Manjappa ,Chief Engineer(I/C)

CNNL, Hemavathy Project Zone, Gorur
Land Line: 08172 – 225414
Mobile No : 9448088467
Email:[email protected]

C Manjappa ,Superintending Engineer

CNNL, Hemavathy Project Circle, Gorur
Land Line: 08172 – 225423
Mobile No : 9448088467
Email: [email protected]

Gangadhar ,Executive Engineer (I/C)

CNNL, Hemavathy Dam Division, Gorur
Land Line: 08172 – 225425
Mobile No : 94484 27354
Email:[email protected]

S V Sreenatha, Assistant Executive Engineer

CNNL, Hemavathy Dam Division, Gorur
Land Line: 08172 – 225427
Mobile No : 9448871009
Email:[email protected]

C M Venkataravanappa, Assistant Engineer

CNNL, Hemavathy Dam Division, Gorur
Land Line : 08172-225427
Mobile No : 9845905745
Email : [email protected]

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1.8.1 Schedule of General Duties for Project Engineers

Schedules of duties being performed by the staff assigned to various locations and
components of Hemavathy Dam are provided in this section. All activities are to be
recorded daily in the Logbook and site registers.


✓ Visual inspection of dam

➢ Crest of dam (Dam top)

➢ Upstream and downstream faces

➢ Visible portions of foundation and abutments contacts

➢ Galleries

✓ Record water surface elevation. (during monsoon on hourly basis)

✓ Record reservoir inflow and spillway discharge. (during monsoon on

hourly basis)

✓ Record releases from outlets /sluices.

✓ Record seepage from drainage systems-Toe drains, Gallery drains etc. on

daily basis

✓ Record meteorological data.

✓ Check security and safety devices.

✓ Complete logbook / site registers which should include the above infor-


Electrical System

✓ Standby generator (DG Sets)

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➢ Run for 15-30 min to achieve recommended operating temperature

➢ Check status of batteries and keep them charged.

➢ Check Fuel Supply

✓ Drainage systems - Toe drains, Gallery drains etc., and, during any reservoir
filling operations.


Check condition of:

Dam and Reservoir

✓ Reservoir periphery (During Monsoon)

✓ Drainage systems - Toe Drains, Gallery drains etc. (on regular basis from sec-
ond year onwards after initial reservoir filling)

✓ Measuring devices/Instruments

✓ Security and safety devices – rectification, if needed.

✓ Communication Devices

✓ Status of Vegetation growth

✓ Check Sign/Warning display boards near vulnerable locations are in place and
updated as necessary

Mechanical/Electrical System

✓ Replace fuses/light bulbs, as necessary

✓ Inspect and maintain ventilation system; check for and remove any obstruc-

✓ Cleaning of control panel boards

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Outlet Works

✓ Availability of updated operating instruction

✓ Check gate air vents

✓ Clean gate control switchboxes

✓ Check operation of gates and valves

✓ Grease gate hanger / dogging arrangements


✓ Check condition of Outlet works & the Energy Dissipation Arrangement



✓ Check for debris in inlet channel

✓ Check operation of gates

✓ Check for damages in spillway glacis, EDA, d/s area, etc.

✓ Check and clear spillway bridge drains

Other works

✓ Check for adherence to instrumentation schedule

✓ Record pertinent information in Operation Log

✓ Check conditions of V-notch weirs/other seepage measuring devices

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Spillway & outlet works

✓ Check paint on gates and other areas of corrosion

✓ Check lubrication of wire ropes and application of cardium compound.

✓ Check gear systems

✓ Exercise gates for operational efficiency

✓ Lubricate gate rollers

✓ Check rubber seals and seal clamp bar

Electrical System and Equipment

✓ Change oil in stand by generator

✓ Check exposed electrical wiring of :

➢ Operating equipment of gates of Outlet works.

➢ Operating equipment of gates of Spillway.

➢ Operating equipment of any other gates in dam

➢ Spillway catwalk / bridge

➢ Dam Gallery

✓ Check Gate limit switches and adjust


Spillway & Outlet works

✓ Paint

➢ Metalwork, Gate and all exposed metal parts for corrosion

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✓ Electro-mechanical power pack system

✓ Exercise Gates

✓ Examine stilling basin / energy dissipation arrangement and d/s channel &
carry out rectification works, as necessary.

✓ Check metal welds for damages/cracks in Gates, Radial Gate Tie flats, Trun-
nion Girders/supports etc.


✓ Check electrical conduits, pull-boxes and switches for:

➢ Outlet works

➢ Gates

➢ Spillway bridge

➢ Gallery


✓ Inspect intake structures and stilling basin / energy dissipation arrangement,

which normally are underwater; less frequent if experience indicates. This may
need to be done by carrying out dewatering or by divers/remote operated
vehicle(ROV) as necessary.

✓ Review Dam operation procedures and EAP and update as necessary.

1.8.2 Electro-Mechanical Inspections / Checks

Special duties performed for E-M operating personnel works are given in this sec-
tion. Frequency of inspections / checks for electro-mechanical components and
necessary actions to be taken up during maintenance.

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1. Radial Crest Gates - 6 Nos.

a. Embedded Parts
Embedded Part Frequency
Checking of seal beams. Seal Seats, Guide track & all other exposed em-
bedded parts with respect to their alignment, distortion :if any due to Half
continuous use, pitting and un-necessary cracks due to wear & carrying Yearly
out requisite repairs, rectification by welding, grinding etc.
Removing debris & other foreign material deposited on embedded parts
2 Monthly
& cleaning the same
3 All cracks & defective weld joints to be ascertained & rectified.
All dirt, debris, grit, foreign material etc. to be removed from trunnion
assemblies as well as trunnion chair and lubricate trunnion bearing & the
4 Monthly
sliding surface on trunnion chair with specified lubricant/ grade to en-
sure smooth sliding movement of trunnion.
All nut bolts connecting Trunnion Assembly & Trunnion Chair and
5 Trunnion & Yoke, girder Trunnion pin lock plate to be checked & Monthly
Tightened and replace the same if found defective.

b. Gate Structure

Embedded Part Frequency

Regular inspection of the gate to be carried out daily to ensure that there
1 Daily
is no unusual development/ observation

2 Check all welding for soundness & rectify defects Quarterly

Check welding between arms & horizontal girders as well as arms &
3 Trunnion with the help of magnifying glass for cracks/ defects and rec- Quarterly
tify the defects.
Clean all drain boles including those in end arms, horizontal girders &
4 Quarterly

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Check all nuts & bolts provided and tighten them, and replace the defec-
5 Quarterly
tive nuts & bolts
Check upstream face of Skin plate for pitting, scaling and corrosion.
6 Scaling formation are to be removed. Pitting shall be filled with weld & Yearly
ground. Corroded surface shall be cleaned & painted
Joints of side & bottom rubber seals to be checked for their proper
7 alignment and fixing & to be rectified/ adjusted if there is leakage Monthly
through joints
Nuts & bolts for rubber seal connection to be tightened and damaged
8 Quarterly
nuts and bolts to be replaced
The excessive or widespread leakages if any shall be reported to the engi-
9 Quarterly
neer in charge.
10 The guide roller pin is to be lubricated Quarterly

1.9 Distribution of Operation & Maintenance Manuals

The list of unit officers to whom the O&M Manual is required to be distributed is
shown in the table below.
Table 7 - Distribution of O&M Manual and Revisions

Number of Manual
Sl No Unit Officers
Secretary to Govt, Water Resources Department, Vikasa
1. 3
Soudha, Bengaluru
2. Managing Director,CNNL, Bengaluru 2
Chief Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Project zone,
3. 2
Chief Engineer, Water Resources Development Organ-
4. 1
ization, Bengaluru.
5. Director, KERS, K R Sagara. 1
6. Superintending Engineer, SPMU, WRDO, Bengaluru 1
Superintending Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy project
7. 1
circle, Gorur.

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8. Executive Engineer, SPMU, DRIP Bengaluru 1

Deputy Chief Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Project
9. 1
zone, Gorur
Executive Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Dam Division,
10. 1
Executive Engineer, Monitoring and Evaluation, Benga-
11. 1
12. TA to CE, Hemavathy Project zone, Gorur. 1
13. TA to SE, Hemavathy project circle, Gorur.. 1
Assistant Executive Engineer, CNNL, Hemavathy Dam
14. 1
Sub Division, Gorur.
Assistant Engineer-1, CNNL, Hemavathy Dam Sub Di-
15. 1
vision, Gorur.
16. Technical Section of Central Office 1
17. Technical Section of Circle Office 1

1.10 Supporting Documents & Reference Material

This O&M Manual is the key instructive document. Supporting documents and nec-
essary instructions for all phases of the operation, inspection and maintenance of
the dam, reservoir and appurtenant works shown below are available at the dam
control room:

• Emergency Action Plan (EAP) • Domestic / industrial water suppl

• Flood forecasting and operating operating instructions
criteria • Administrative procedures
• Basin or river operating plan • Reservoir / River pollution contin-
• Interstate agreements gency plan
• Agreements with other user agen- • Maintenance schedules
cies • Gate Manufacturer’s instructions
• Power station operation plan and drawings
• Irrigation operation plan • Regional communication directory
• Instrumentation reports / results

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2.1 Basic Data

The Hemavathy operation plan consists of step-by-step instructions for operating the
dam and reservoir during routine (normal) and emergency conditions. The operating
procedures for normal operations are discussed in in this chapter including operating
criteria for the reservoir, spillway &outlets. The operation of a dam involves regulation
of its reservoir as per project specific requirements. This includes the use of area ca-
pacity curves and design flood; both are described below.

2.1.1 Area Capacity curves.

The area capacity curves for Hemavathy Dam tabular and graphical form are shown
in Table 8 and Figure 5.
Figure 5. Area-Capacity Curve

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

Table 8: Capacity Table for Hemavathy Reservoir

Difference in Difference in ca-

Sl. Reduced Area in Capacity in
area between pacity between Remarks
No. level in feet. Acres. Mcft.
levels levels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2790.00 River Bed level
2 2835.00 2043.00 401.70
Sill level of the irriga-
3 2845.00 2943.01 1343.00 tion sluices of HLBC
and HRBC.
128.50 211.60
4 2846.00 3071.50 1554.60
128.50 211.5
5 2847.00 3200.00 1766.10
117.00 124.50
6 2848.00 3317.00 1890.60
117.00 124.40
7 2849.00 3434.00 2015.00
100.00 168.90
8 2850.00 3534.00 2003.90
100.00 168.90
9 2851.00 3634.00 2352.80
100.00 162.60
10 2852.00 3734.00 2515.40
100.00 162.70
11 2853.00 3834.00 2678.10
102.00 171.30
12 2854.00 3936.00 2849.40
102.00 171.30
13 2855.00 4038.00 3020.70
105.00 180.40
14 2856.00 4143.00 3201.10
105.00 180.40
15 2857.00 4248.00 3381.50
106.00 189.60
16 2858.00 4354.00 3571.10
106.00 189.70
17 2859.00 4460.00 3760.80
129.00 199.40
18 2860.00 4589.00 3960.20
129.00 199.50

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Difference in Difference in ca-

Sl. Reduced Area in Capacity in
area between pacity between Remarks
No. level in feet. Acres. Mcft.
levels levels
19 2861.00 4718.00 4159.70
158.00 212.35
20 2862.00 4876.00 4372.05
158.00 212.35
21 2863.00 5034.00 4584.40
161.50 226.35
22 2864.00 5195.50 4810.70
161.50 226.30
23 2865.00 5357.00 5037.00
140.50 240.50
24 2866.00 5497.50 5277.50
140.50 240.50
25 2867.00 5638.00 5518.00
197.00 345.00
26 2868.00 5835.00 5863.00
197.00 345.00
27 2869.00 6032.00 6208.00
191.50 181.00
28 2870.00 6223.50 6389.00
191.50 181.00
29 2871.00 6415.00 6570.00
213.00 288.70
30 2872.00 6628.00 6858.70
213.00 288.70
31 2873.00 6841.00 7147.40
222.50 307.70
32 2874.00 7063.50 7455.10
222.50 307.70
33 2875.00 7286.00 7762.80
213.70 363.10
34 2876.00 7499.70 8125.90
213.66 363.03
35 2877.00 7713.36 8488.93
213.64 363.07
36 2878.00 7927.00 8852.00
296.30 407.70
37 2879.00 8283.30 9259.70
296.30 406.70

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Reduced Difference in Difference in ca-

Sl. Area in Capacity in
level in area between pacity between Remarks
No. Acres. Mcft.
feet. levels levels
Sill level of the irriga-
38 2880.00 8519.60 9666.40 tion sluices of
296.30 407.70
39 2881.00 8815.90 10074.10
296.30 406.70
40 2882.00 9112.20 10480.80
295.90 407.10
41 2883.00 9408.10 10887.90
295.90 407.10
42 2884.00 9704.00 11295.00
296.70 407.30
43 2885.00 10000.70 11702.30
296.70 407.30
44 2886.00 10297.40 12109.60
296.30 407.70
45 2887.00 10593.70 12517.30
296.30 407.70
46 2888.00 10890.00 12925.00
354.60 562.75
47 2889.00 11244.60 13487.75
354.60 562.75
48 2890.00 11599.20 14050.50
354.60 563.25
49 2891.00 11953.80 14613.75
354.60 563.25
50 2892.00 12308.40 15177.00 Crest level
354.60 563.25
51 2893.00 12663.00 15740.25
354.60 563.25
52 2894.00 13017.60 16303.50
354.60 563.25
53 2895.00 13372.20 16866.75
354.60 563.25
54 2896.00 13726.80 17430.00
354.60 563.25
55 2897.00 14081.40 17993.25
354.60 563.25

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Reduced Difference in Difference in ca-

Sl. Area in Capacity in
level in area between pacity between Remarks
No. Acres. Mcft.
feet. levels levels
56 2898.00 14436.00 18556.50
354.60 563.25
57 2899.00 14790.60 19119.75
354.60 563.25
58 2900.00 15145.20 19683.00
165.00 665.80
59 2901.00 15310.20 20348.80
165.00 665.80
60 2902.00 15475.20 21014.60
185.00 680.10
61 2903.00 15660.20 21694.70
185.00 680.10
62 2904.00 15845.20 22374.80
132.00 691.20
63 2905.00 15977.20 23066.00
256.00 700.00
64 2906.00 16233.20 23766.00
250.00 715.80
65 2907.00 16483.20 24481.80
250.00 715.80
66 2908.00 16733.20 25197.60
281.30 738.25
67 2909.00 17014.50 25935.85
281.30 738.25
68 2910.00 17295.00 26674.10
446.10 769.95
69 2911.00 17741.90 27444.05
446.10 769.95
70 2912.00 18188.00 28214.00
431.00 811.50
71 2913.00 18619.00 29025.50
431.00 811.50
72 2914.00 19050.00 29837.00
460.00 850.00
73 2915.00 19510.00 30687.00
460.00 850.00
74 2916.00 19970.00 31537.00
295.00 889.00

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Reduced Difference in Difference in ca-

Sl. Area in Capacity in
level in area between pacity between Remarks
No. Acres. Mcft.
feet. levels levels
75 2917.00 20265.00 32426.00
295.00 889.00
76 2918.00 20560.00 33315.00

595.00 927.50
77 2919.00 21155.00 34242.50
595.00 927.50
78 2920.00 21750.00 35170.00
445.00 966.50
79 2921.00 22195.00 36136.50
445.00 966.50
Maximum water
80 2922.00 22640.00 37103.00
445.00 1005.00
81 2923.00 23085.00 38108.00

2.1.2 Design Flood and Features Related to Safety

The total maximum flood design at Hemavathy Dam site was earlier fixed at 4020.95
cumecs. This was based on the unit hydrograph studies for a return period of 100 years
.The spillway is designed for a flood discharge of 3624.52 cumecs through 6 Nos. of
radial gates of size 10.66 M horizontal and 9.14 M height with free flow condition and
the flood discharge through 5 Nos. of river sluice gates of size 2.44 M horizontal and
4.26 M height is off 1115.67 cumecs. The total dischargeable flood is 4740.19 cumecs
which is more than the design flood of 4020.95 cumecs.This design flood has been
reviewed by Karnataka Engineering Research Station authorities, Mysuru. The com-
puted value is 10934 cumecs which is finalized by Hydrology (south) directorate, CWC,
New Delhi during 2016.

2.2 Flood Management at Hemavathy Reservoir

2.2.1 Gate Operations:

The Govt. of Karnataka have issued a circular for the gate operation of Hemavathy
reservoir which is as below.
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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018


The discharging capacity of spillway gates/river sluice gates at different reservoir

levels for each gate and for all gates for different gate opening should be computed
and displayed in the gate operation room.

It is ascertained that the time required for the water to flow into the Hemavathy
Reservoir from the catchment during rainy season is six hours. The safe discharge from
Hemavathy reservoir into the river is 30,000 cusecs. The Hemavathy reservoir has no
flood absorption storage capacity above F.R.L. as it affects the Sakaleshpur town .
Hence it is indicated to have the flood absorption capacity in the reservoir to the extent
of 1 to 2 T.M.C during monsoon period.


It is proposed to have 2 T.M.C ft. storage capacity as flood absorption below F.R.L
during active monsoon so as to have safe and effective reservoir operation schedule.

The Gross storage capacity and reservoir level with 2 T.M.C ft., flood absorption
capacity below F.R.L are as below:-

. Reservoir level Capacity in Mcft. Difference in

In feet Capacity b/n
F.R.L. 2922.00 37103 2000 M.C ft.
R.L 2919.87 35103 860 M.C ft
R.L 2919.00 34243

The rainfall in the catchment area generally starts from 1st week of June and it is very
active generally during July, August and September Months. The recorded inflow in to
the reservoir from 1977-1992 is as below:-

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

July August September October

Maximum Maximum Maximum Maximum 24
Sl 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours Hours
No In T.M.C Average In T.M.C Average In T.M.C Average In T.M.C Average
inflow in inflow in inflow in inflow in
cusecs cusecs cusecs cusecs
1 1977 24.29 20693 12.44 8434 14.75 1830 18.11 18830
2 1978 26.61 25400 47.33 39017 14.21 17797 8.20 5015
3 1979 14.31 19074 35.61 32656 11.50 8913 7.53 7720
4 1980 54.48 63087 26.14 16425 11.37 8414 7.09 5822
5 1981 19.96 25200 55.85 52640 18.31 15050 8.25 7660
6 1982 17.94 23300 32.97 33950 9.29 6090 7.10 7350
7 1983 18.43 31020 23.85 18812 16.07 12672 10.22 16261
8 1984 35.24 31798 19.12 14950 10.23 6911 9.98 12378
9 1985 9.95 6308 16.96 13688 4.84 4968 4.41 4733
10 1986 14.57 14155 28.78 34180 6.99 3991 5.54 4607
11 1987 7.88 9322 8.37 11829 5.49 4951 7.99 9141
12 1988 18.30 29943 17.85 23629 11.31 10081 5.27 4907
13 1989 24.87 48890 18.29 10902 6.45 4046 6.10 5086
14 1990 17.63 18365 25.85 24062 7.31 6779 6.30 6857
15 1991 38.49 63185 23.28 19622 6.32 4171 8.06 5060
16 1992 24.55 32606 33.33 33550 17.59 23033 14.45 27659

If the flood absorption capacity of 2 TMcft is maintained the reservoir level has to
be kept at 2919.87ft. i.e., 2.13 ft. below F.R.L. As the maximum inflow into the
reservoir during the month of July and August is of the order of 55 TMCft. as against
the gross storage capacity of 37.103 TMCft. It is better to start the reservoir operation
schedule duly predicting the inflow into the reservoir based on gauged discharge at
Sakaleshpur and at Belur gauge sites and also from the daily rainfall records of
upstream rain gauge station in the catchment from 1st week of June itself. However
the reservoir level of R.L. 2919 with a cushion of 3 ft. should be maintained till the end
of August by suitably matching the inflow and outflow discharges. During the month
of September depending upon the inflow pattern, the reservoir water level may be
raised to safer level (i.e, 1 ft. below F.R.L). From October and onwards the reservoir
water level may be brought to the F.R.L level, depending upon the inflow pattern and

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forecast of floods/monsoon. If any flash floods or cyclonic floods are expected during
October/November, careful prediction of inflows from the upper gauge stations from
the rain gauge stations and from weather forecast should be done and the reservoir
operation in advance to keep cushion for the inflow has to be carefully done. Advance
warning with quantity of water to be released into the river should be intimated to the
concerned Deputy Commissioners of Hassan, Mandya, Mysore superintendent of
Police of Hassan, Mandya and Mysore, Chief Engineer, Irrigation South, Mysore
Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Investigation Circle, Mysore, Executive Engineer,
K.R.Sagar Division, K.R. Sagar and concerned Tahasildars through mobile phone. A
wide publicity through Radio, T.V. and Daily News papers to this effect should be
These instructions should be followed scrupulously and action taken to be reported

Crisis Management Team in Central Office

‘A’ Team ‘B’ Team

Superintending Engineer Dy. Chief Engineer, O/o Chief Engineer,
Technical Assistant Technical Assistant O/o Chief Engineer,
O/o Superintending Engineer
Assistant Engineer Assistant EngineerO/o Chief Engineer,
O/o Superintending Engineer

( Similar teams at Division level and Sub Division level should be formed)

The duties of Superintending Engineer is to monitor for the flood operation from
July to November. He should bring it to the notice of Chief Engineer day to day flood
discharge and when the inflow/outflow increases more than 20,000 cusecs, hourly
inflow and outflow should be intimated. The other two Officers should assist the
Superintending Engineer in carrying out his duties.
In the absence of Chief Engineer from Headquarters Superintending Engineer
should carry out the duties of Chief Engineer.
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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

2.2.2 Rule Curve

The Hemavathy Reservoir Rule curve is developed for the FRL of 2922.00 ft. and the same is
shown graphically in the following Figure.

Fig 6 : Rule curve of Hemavathy Dam

Rule Curve
Storage capacity in TMC

Jan Feb Mar Aprl May June July Aug Sept Octo Nov Dec

The water releases to the irrigation and other purposes will be controlled by using the rule curve.

2.2.3 Flood Peaks of Different Return Periods

The flood peaks for different return periods shown in the table and figure below are
as follows:
Table 9 – Return Flow Peak Flows vs. Return Period Data

Return Period Years Peak Flow

Cumecs. Cusecs.
25 2485.54 87777
50 1907.20 67353
69 1268.69 44804
PMF 10934.00 386134
During the monsoon period constant observation on peak inflows to the reservoir
will be made and flood controlling will be done according to the Karnataka Govt
circular which enlighten the guidlines for the reservoir operation.

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

Figure 7 – Peak Flows vs. Return Periods

Peak Flows

25 50 75 100
Return Period
Returm Period Year cumecs

Return period year cusecs

2.2.4 Recommended Gate Operation Procedures for Normal Flow Condi-


During normal flow condition, the spillway radial crest gates will not be operated
or kept in closed condition unless and otherwise there is a flash floods. The river
sluice gates will be operated only during the service & the discharge required for
irrigating the command area coming under the century old anicut canals in the river
and also for the drinking water purpose for the villages coming all along the river
will be fulfilled by the hydro-power plant. Regarding the irrigation sluice gates is
concerned, the gates will be operated to allow the required discharge through the
irrigation canals as per the instructions of chief engineer in charge of the dam.

2.2.5 Inflow Forecasting

The gross storage of Hemavathy Dam at FRL 890.63 m is 37.103 TMC. The Hemava-
thy Dam has been designed for a probable maximum flood (PMF)of 10934 cumecs
(3.86 lakh cusecs). The impounding has started in the reservoir in the year 1977.

During monsoon, incident rains in the catchment area cause the flash floods in Hema-
vathy river. These floods may lead to problems like people getting displaced from their
homes, huge damage to crops and other assets. The floods can have disastrous impact

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

on the environment also. Adequate measures are required to be taken up in advance

to control and regulate the flow of water in the river.

The following measures are essential for effective management of floods in Hema-
vathy River during the monsoons.

1) Nomination of liaising officers.

2) Sharing of directory of concerned officers responsible for flood management.
3) Exchange of data regarding rainfall, releases from dams, reservoir water levels.
4) Reservoir operation schedules.

Exchange of data regarding rainfall, releases from dams, reservoir water levels.

The Central water Commission has established office at Sakaleshpura town for assist-
ing in flood warning in the Hemavathy river basin. Based on the rainfall in the catch-
ment and flow in the river and tributaries, CWC office will furnish flood forecasting
reports to CWC authorities. It also informs the trend of flow (Raising, steady or Fall-

The list of rain gauges in the catchment of Hemavathy catchment area and daily
rainfall is to be collected by concerned offices. It will be helpful for prediction of prob-
able floods in the river.

During monsoon daily water releases from the Dam at 8 hrs.& 16 hrs. in normal
situation and hourly data exchange during heavy floods is necessary. In this regard, the
data is required to be established. The data regarding exchange floods is made available
to the Revenue authorities and public by broadcasting in AIR,TV and publication in
news papers.

Flood warning system in catchment area:

The regulation of flood from the catchment area of the Hemavathy reservoir is very
crucial to quantify the inflow of floods into Hemavathy dam. The agencies of Central
water Commission will be coordinated to assist in the flood forecasting. Accordingly,

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

the sequence of opening or closing of gates will be taken up in accordance with the
approved gate operation schedule.

Flood communication system:

The widely time tested Communication to reach every corner of the flood affected
zones have been radio and television and private media for the people to move to safer
places by themselves in an emergency.

Communication is very important in such occasions in these days due to revolution in

the telecommunication system and network of mobile phones. Advantage of this fa-
cility will be taken. Mobile numbers of all such staff will be listed and made available
to all the personnel who have been assigned duty of disaster management.

Following liasoning officers for flood co-ordination of Hemavathy Dam are as listed

Karnataka State:

1) Chief Engineer, Phone No. 08172 – 225414 & 225415

2) Superintending Engineer, Phone No. 08172- 225423

3) Executive Engineer, Phone No. 08172 - 225425

4) Asst.Executive Engineer, Mobile No.9448871009

5) Asst. Engineer Mobile No. 9845905745
District Administration Hassan.

2.2.6 Methodology of Flood Regulation at Hemavathy

The Methodology is explained in clause 2.2 Inflow Computation

Inflow into reservoirs isnormally estimated by the reservoir gauging method

(also called the rise and fall method or inflow-outflow method). All the
outflows are added together and to it difference of capacities with respect to

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

the reservoir levels at certain time intervals will be added or substracted as

case may be (raise or fall). Examples of Inflow Computation

Proceedure for calculation of reservoir capacity and inflow


Step 1:-Considering the previous day’s reservoir level and capacity as base

Step 2:-Taking the reservoir level from dam site.

Step 3:-Calculation of reservoir capacity for observed level by using area-

capacity table by interpolation method.

Step 4:-Comparing the present day reservoir area and capacity with the previous
day values.

Step 5:-Calculation of evaporation quantity in Mcft by multiplying average area

in acres and evaporated water depth in mm.

Step 6:-Calculation of total outflows from the reservoir in the previous 24 hours
(including evaporation losses and Hassan city drinking water supply).

Step 7:-Calcualtion of inflows by the addition of total outflows and difference of

capacity which arrived in step 4 (i.e., total outflows + reservoir capacity).
Example:-For date of 6-10-2016

Reservoir Diff in Average

Capacity Area (in
Date level (in capacity area (in
(in Mcft) acres)
ft) (in Mcft) acres)

8-10-2016 2874.37 7568.95 7568.95 - 7145.83

7882.62= 7251.18
7-10-2016 2875.33 7882.62 - 313.67 7356.52

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018

Evaporation losses = Av area x Evpn in mm x convertion constant

= 7251.18 x 4.60 x 0.0001 = 3.33 Mcft

Total outflows in the previous 24 hours :

1) River - 1200 cusecs

2) HLBC - 2845 cusecs

3) RBC - 330 cusecs

Total - 4375 cusecs x 0.0864 = 378.00 Mcft

Evaporation loss = 3.33 Mcft

Hassan water supply3.5 cusecs = 0.30 Mcft

381.63 Mcft

Inflows = Total outflows + diff. in cpacity from table

381.63 - 313.67 = 67.96 Mcft/0.0864 = 786.57 or 786 cusecs

Page 54
O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018 Computation procedure for Required Radial Crest Gate Opening

Karnataka Engineering Research Station (KERS) Mysore has been provided a discharge chart containing
the flood discharge for prescribed gate opening versus Reservoir Level after conducting model studies in
detail. The chart is as below.

Gate Free
Discharge in cusecs for gate openings above gate seat
opening/ Flow
voir Ele- In cu-
1/4' 1/2' 3/4' 1' 1/ 1/4' 1/ 1/2' 1/ 3/4' 2' 2/ 1/4' 2/ 1/2' 2/ 3/4' 3' 3/ 1/2'
va- secs
1 2892 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 2893 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800
3 2894 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1800
4 2895 450 900 1350 1800 - - - - - - - - - 3300
5 2896 500 1000 1500 2000 - - - - - - - - - 4800
6 2897 538 1075 1613 2150 - - - - - - - - - 6600
7 2898 650 1300 1950 2600 - - - - - - - - - 9400
8 2899 700 1400 2100 2800 3425 4050 4675 5300 5925 6550 7175 7800 - 12000
9 2900 775 1550 2325 3100 3738 4375 5013 5650 6288 6925 7563 8200 9525 15200

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10 2901 800 1600 2400 3200 3938 4675 5413 6150 6888 7625 8363 9100 10375 18400
11 2902 875 1750 2625 3500 4275 5050 5825 6600 7375 8150 8925 9700 11125 22400
12 2903 900 1800 2700 3600 4413 5225 6038 6850 7663 8475 9288 10100 11600 26000
13 2904 950 1900 2850 3800 4650 5500 6250 7200 8050 8900 9750 10600 12175 30400
14 2905 975 1950 2925 3900 4800 5700 6600 7500 8400 9300 10200 11100 12725 34800
15 2906 1000 2000 3000 4000 4950 5900 6850 7800 8750 9700 10650 11600 13300 39400
16 2907 1050 2100 3150 4200 5175 6150 7125 8100 9075 10050 11025 12000 13800 44100
17 2908 1075 2150 3225 4300 5313 6325 7338 8350 9363 10375 11388 12400 14250 48600
18 2909 1100 2200 3300 4400 5438 6475 7513 8550 9588 10625 11663 12700 14625 52800
19 2910 1125 2250 3375 4500 5600 6700 7800 8900 10000 11100 12200 13300 15250 57800
20 2911 1150 2300 3450 4600 5725 6850 7975 9100 10225 11350 12475 13600 15650 63000
21 2912 1175 2350 3525 4700 5875 7050 8225 9400 10575 11750 12925 14100 16175 68400
22 2913 1200 2400 3600 4800 6013 7225 8438 9650 10863 12075 13288 14500 16625 73400
23 2914 1225 2450 3675 4900 6138 7375 8613 9850 11088 12325 13563 14800 16975 79000
24 2915 1250 2500 3750 5000 6275 7550 8825 10100 11375 12650 13925 15200 17475 84800
25 2916 1275 2550 3825 5100 6388 7675 8963 10250 11538 12825 14113 15400 17775 92200
26 2917 1300 2600 3900 5200 6513 7825 9138 10450 11763 13075 14388 15700 18075 96800
27 2918 1313 2625 3938 5250 6594 7938 9281 10625 11969 13313 14656 16000 18450 103400
28 2919 1325 2650 3975 5300 6650 8000 9350 10700 12050 13400 14750 16100 18675 109400
29 2920 1350 2700 4050 5400 6775 8150 9525 10900 12275 13650 15025 16400 19000 116000
30 2921 1375 2750 4125 5500 6888 8275 9663 11050 12438 13825 15213 16600 19300 122600
31 2922 1400 2800 4200 5600 7025 8450 9875 11300 12725 14150 15575 17000 19700 129800

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Gate Free
Discharge in cusecs for gate openings above gate seat
opening/ Flow
voir Ele- In cu-
4' 4 /1/2' 5' 5 /1/2' 6' 7' 8' 9' 10' 11' 12' 13' 14'
va- secs
1 2892 - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 2893 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 800
3 2894 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1800
4 2895 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3300
5 2896 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4800
6 2897 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6600
7 2898 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9400
8 2899 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12000
9 2900 10850 12175 13500 - - - - - - - - - - 15200
10 2901 11650 12925 14200 - - - - - - - - - - 18400
11 2902 12550 13975 15400 - - - - - - - - - - 22400
12 2903 13100 14600 16100 18000 19900 21800 - - - - - - - 26000
13 2904 13750 15325 16900 18900 20900 22900 - - - - - - - 30400
14 2905 14350 15975 17600 19600 21600 23600 - - - - - - - 34800
15 2906 15000 16700 18400 20533 22667 24800 27800 30800 - - - - - 39400
16 2907 15600 17400 19200 21433 23667 25900 29050 32200 - - - - - 44100

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17 2908 16100 17950 19800 22133 24467 26800 30150 33500 - - - - - 48600
18 2909 16550 18475 20400 22800 25200 27600 31150 34700 - - - - - 52800
19 2910 17200 19150 21100 23567 26033 28500 32300 36100 39800 43500 - - - 57800
20 2911 17700 19750 21800 24333 26867 29400 33200 37000 40900 44800 - - - 63000
21 2912 18250 20325 22400 25000 27600 30200 34400 38600 42450 46300 - - - 68400
22 2913 18750 20875 23000 25767 28533 31300 35550 39800 43250 46700 - - - 73400
23 2914 19150 21325 23500 26367 29233 32100 36650 41200 45200 49200 - - - 79000
24 2915 19750 22025 24300 27233 30167 33100 38250 43400 46950 50500 55175 59850 64525 84800
25 2916 20150 22525 24900 28000 31100 34200 39150 44100 47950 51800 56650 61500 66350 92200
26 2917 20450 22825 25200 28433 31667 34900 39750 44600 48800 53000 57900 62800 67700 96800
27 2918 20900 23350 25800 29133 32467 35800 40800 45800 50050 54300 59375 64450 69525 103400
28 2919 21250 23825 26400 29867 33333 36800 41800 46800 51300 55800 60850 65900 70950 109400
29 2920 21600 24200 26800 30400 34000 37600 42500 47400 52200 57000 62100 67200 72300 116000
30 2921 22000 24700 27400 31133 34867 38600 43500 48400 53300 58200 63400 68600 73800 122600
31 2922 22400 25100 27800 31700 35600 39500 44400 49300 54350 59400 64700 70000 75300 129800

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Gate Free
Discharge in cusecs for gate openings above gate seat
opening/ Flow
voir Ele- In cu-
15' 16' 17' 18' 19'
va- secs
1 2892 - - - - - -
2 2893 - - - - - 800
3 2894 - - - - - 1800
4 2895 - - - - - 3300
5 2896 - - - - - 4800
6 2897 - - - - - 6600
7 2898 - - - - - 9400
8 2899 - - - - - 12000
9 2900 - - - - - 15200
10 2901 - - - - - 18400
11 2902 - - - - - 22400
12 2903 - - - - - 26000
13 2904 - - - - - 30400
14 2905 - - - - - 34800
15 2906 - - - - - 39400
16 2907 - - - - - 44600

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17 2908 - - - - - 48600
18 2909 - - - - - 52800
19 2910 - - - - - 57800
20 2911 - - - - - 63000
21 2912 - - - - - 68400
22 2913 - - - - - 73400
23 2914 - - - - - 79000
24 2915 69200 - - - - 84800
25 2916 71200 - - - - 92200
26 2917 72600 - - - - 96800
27 2918 74600 - - - - 103400
28 2919 76000 81100 86200 - - 109400
29 2920 77400 82500 87600 - - 116000
30 2921 79000 84000 89000 94700 100400 122600
31 2922 80600 85500 90400 96100 101800 129800

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2.2.7 Summary of Flood Regulation Procedure.

The flood regulation procedures at Hemavathy Dam can be summarized

in the following 5 steps: ·
1 Observe the reservoir level at 1 hour intervals.
2 Determine the total outflow occurring at all outlets (including river
sluices, canals & spillway)
3 Estimate the inflow by the method given in Para
4 Determine the radial crest gate opening from the Para

5 Open all 6 radial crest gates to the extent required to dispose off the
surplus flood as per the procedure described in para

2.3 Operation of Radial Crest Gates of Hemavathy Dam

2.3.1 Brief Description.

Crest Gates· of Hemavathy Dam has been designed and errected by

Tungabadra steel products private Ltd., Karnataka with spillway crest level
of 881.49 m and FRL of 890.63 m. The basic principal of the design is that
the water pressure is transferred to piers and abutments through skin plates,
stiffeners horizontal girders, arms, trunion, tie flats and anchor girders. The
skin plates between bottom and top horizontal girders is designed as
supported on the girders. The portion below the bottom horizontal girder
up to sill beam and above top horizontal girder and up to FRL is designed
as cantilever. ·

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2.3.2 Radial Crest Gates – Technical Data

1. The spillway Radial Gate consist of an upstream curved skin plate of varying
thickness from 14 mm to 10 mm, stiffened by suitably spaced vertical ISMB

2. The sill beam, wall plates are provided with suitable anchorage for a rigid con-
nection to the spillway crest and the piers Suitable MS plates are welded on the
wall plate to match with the rubber seals. The sill beam embedded in the spillway
crest are provided sealing surfaces of mild steel to match with the rubber seal on
the bottom of the gates.

3. The gate consists of structural steel frame formed by two (2) main horizontal
girders supported by radial arms at each end. These inclined radial arms in turn
transmit the load to trunnion brackets anchored and installed on the place
provided besides the spillway piers. The water load is transferred through
girders to end arms and trunnion brackets, and then finally transferred to pier

4. Gate Assembly

The skin plate of the gate consists of a 10 to 14-mm-thick stainless steel on the
u/s side. The skin plate is stiffened by radial shaped vertical stiffeners. which
rests on horizontal girders. The vertical stiffeners rest on horizontal girders.
which are mounted on suitably braced inclined arms fixed to the trunnion as-
sembly. The skin plate is supported on 2 main horizontal girders which are in
turn, supported on a frame of inclined arms. The water load is transferred to
pier concrete through Anchor beams welded to anchor girder embedded in pier
concrete. This force is taken by the trunnion tie connecting the two trunnion
hub limbs.

5. Trunnion Assembly

The trunnion assembly consists of a single piece cast steel trunnion hub to

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which the arms of the gates are rigidly connected to ensure full transfer of load.
Stainless steel trunnion pins with bush bearings pins connect trunnion hub to
radial arms.

6. Seal Arrangement

The radial gate is seated at the bottom by contact of bottom edge of skin plate
and Z- Type rubber seals.

2.3.3 Salient Features

Feature Description
I. Type of gate Spillway radial Crest gate
ii. Size of Gate 10.66 m x 9.14 m
iii. No. of Gates 6 Nos (Gate 1 to 6)
iv. Clear width of opening 10.66 m
v. Operation Arrangement Electro-mechanical
vi. Gate position Indicator Mechanical Dial Indicator at Gate Location
Crest level of spillway EL 881.49 M
Sill level of Gate El 881.49 M
Top of Gate El 890.63 M
FRL EL 890.63 M
MWL EL.890.63 M

2.4 Operating Instructions

The Gates are operated by electro-mechanical system. This system is capable

of fully opening or fully closing the gates holding them fully opened or in any
intermediate position, during either the opening or closing operation. The closing
time and the opening time is 10 minutes. The limit switches mounted on the
panel board unit are set to stop the hoist when the units reach the required
opening. The gate opening indicator dial gauge is fixed to the rope drum
which gives the height of gate opening while raising or lowering the gate.

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2.4.1 Checklist Before Operation

The following steps are to be taken before operation of the gates to ensure
these eight critical functions are in good working condition.

Sequence Description Actions to be carried out

The seal clamp fixing should be such as to ensure that the side
Step 1 Seal Clamp
seals are flexible enough
Limit Switches shall. be checked for satisfactory operation
Step 2 Limit Switch (function) to stop the hoist when the gate reaches the required
opening position or closing position
All nuts, bolts and screws shall be checked for wear, tear and
Step 3 Nut & Bolts
Gate pin, connecting pin and all other pins should be in
Step 4 Pins proper position and ensure that the nuts and split pins are
tight and proper
Trunnion Lu- To check and apply the high pressure lubricating grease in
Step 5
brication trunnion bushing from the hole provided in trunnion hub
Control Panel shall be checked for its suitability for the pur-
pose envisaged. The check may include items such as weather
proofing, conducting wires, etc. In case of any contact chatter,
Step 6 Control Panel
clean the magnet surface and try again. If the chattering con-
tinues, check the coil voltage and replace the contact / coil, if

2.4.2 Electrically operated Hoisting Arrangements for Radial Crest Gates

The main component of electrically operated hoisting system for operation of the
crest gates of Hemavathy Dam spillway is the power-pack, mounted on the pier top
of the spillway.

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The electrical power pack consists of electrical and elec-

tronic control for supply of power to the pumps. The sys-
tem which is called the control panel is mounted on the
shorter side of the motor assembly. On the face of the
control panel, controls are provided for various operation
of the gate and also gauges indicating the power input and
output. There are ·also pilot lamps. to indicate the oper-
View of Radial Crest Gate Oper-
ation is in progress. The hoisting system is provided with ating Platform on which control
panel board & other mechanical
limit switches to cut off power supply when the gate devices have been installed
reaches the specified position.


The Reservoir levels are being rec-

orded by taking graph readings from
the instrument installed in the gauge
room which comprises of rotating
drum surrounded by /fixed with
graph sheet and an arm linking one
end to the stopclock and other end View of manual gauge recording equipment

which is having a round shaped notch

wheel to the hanged thread one end of which carries lightweight floats in the
water surface and other end having plumb bob. A pointed marker is fixed to
the arm in between two ends.

As the variation occurs in the reservoir level the arm may move right or left
side along with pointed marker pen on the graph sheet fixed to the drum
which depends upon the lowering or raising of the reservoir level. The hori-
zontal and vertical scales of the graph sheet may be read as 1mm = 4cms &
1mm = 20 minutes respectively.

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The system consists of electro-mechanical hoisting assembly, sluice gate cham-

ber with service platform and stilling basin.


The Hemavathy dam is provided with 5 No’s of River Sluice Gates of size
2.44 M x 4.26 M and Gantry Crane of 40 T capacity is commissioned for the
operation of emergency gates. HEAD REGULATOR:
Head Regulators at HLBC and HRBC with 5 No. and 4 No’s of irrigation sluice
gates of size 2.44 M x 3.05 M respectively. The gantry crane of 25 T capacity is
commissioned for operation of emergency gates.

Downstream View of Head regulator gate sluice vents

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Details of length of canals, discharge and area contemplated for 3 major canals under
Hemavathy Dam is narrated below;

Hemavathy Hemavathy Hemavathy Right

Left Bank Right Bank Ca- Bank High Level
Canal nal Canal (foreshore)
a) Length
212 91 97
( Km)
b) Capacity
113.26 9.34 25.48
( cumecs)
c) Area
irrigated /
78915 8094 22663
in hectares

2.6.2 Operation: General

Water is being released to the irrigation canals when there is a sufficient storage
in the
reservoir according to the instructions and proceedings of the ICC meeting
headed by
the concerned district in charge minister of Karnataka Govt., Restrictions:
There are restrictions to use the reservoir water for the command area through
irrigation canals according to the CWDT.

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O&M Manual for Hemavathy Dam November 2018 Mechanical:

River Sluice Gates and Irrigation Sluice Gates are operated by elec-
tro-mechanical system and incase of power failure, these gates can
be operated by generators.
2.6.3 References: Drawings:
The relevant drawings are enclosed in ANNEXURE - I


2.7.1 Description
(Type of road, length, bridges, maintaining agency, etc.)
Type of road: Asphalt road.
Length: 3.675 kmtr
Bridges: Nil
Maintaining agency: Maintaining departmentally.
2.7.2 Condition:
2.7.3 General: Road is in good condition
2.7.3 Deficiencies and problems Nil

2.8 Record Keeping

Operating a dam includes keeping accurate records of items pertaining to project
operation. These include but not limited to the following:-
1. Rainfall and Reservoir Levels – On daily basis during non-monsoon and on
hourly basis during monsoon. (see Chapters 2, 3 and 4 for detailed instructions
and procedures)
2. Release through outlet/sluices on daily basis for irrigation, water supply, hydro-
power etc.
3. Outflows through spillway during monsoon on hourly basis.
4. Records of drawdown with reservoir levels, quantity of water released, draw-
down rates, reason for drawdown.
5. Other Procedures – Maintain a complete record of all operating procedures for
gates, sluices.

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The current practice of Inspection at Hemavathy dam envisages the Subdivision Of-
ficers to carryout pre-monsoon and post-monsoon inspections. The checklist
proforma included in this chapter is currently in use at Hemavathy dam.

Detailed description on project inspections is available in the Guideline for Safety

Inspection of dams (Doc No. CDSO_GUD_DS_07_ v1.0), CWC 2018
However, an overview of the various types of inspections to be carried out at Hema-
vathy dam is given below. Note that for uploading Inspection Data into DHARMA,
the Inspection Instructions & Forms given in the above mentioned Guideline for
Safety Inspection of Dams must be used (see Appendix 5)). An effective inspection
program is essential toidentify problems and to keep Hemavathy Dam in a good and
healthy condition. This Chapter provides guidance on carrying out other inspections.

3.1 Types of Inspections

Four different types of dam safety inspections are available for being carried out at
Hemavathy Dam. These include, but not limited, to the following:

1. Comprehensive evaluation inspections

2. Scheduled inspections (Pre & Post monsoon inspections & other scheduled in-

3. Special (unscheduled) inspections

4. Informal inspections

The frequency of each type of inspection depends on the condition of the dam and
State DSO regulations, etc.

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Typical inspection elements and the detail of the safety inspections are provided
below. More detailed descriptions are given in the ‘Guideline for Safety Inspection of Dams’
(CWC 2018). A checklist has been modified from the guideline to fit Hemavathy
Dam requirements and is found in Appendix 5. This comphrehensive checklist
allows for recording the status of each item being inspected and the overall condition
of the equipment along with any consequential risks the condition may have on the
health of the dam.

3.1.1 Comprehensive Evaluation Inspections

For comprehensive dam safety evaluation, for each dam, an independent panel of
experts known as Dam Safety Review Panel (DSRP) needs to be constituted for de-
termining the condition of the dam and appurtenant works. The panel will undertake
evaluation of the dam once in 10 years or on occurrence of any extreme Electrolog-
ical or seismic event or any unusual condition of the dam or in the reservoir rim. The
terms of reference of the comprehensive dam safety evaluation shall include but not
be limited to;

1. General assessment of Electrologic and hydraulic conditions, review of design

flood, flood routing for revised design flood and mitigation measures.

• Review and analysis of available data of dam design including seismic

safety, construction, operation, maintenance and performance of dam
structure and appurtenant works.

• Evaluation of procedures for operation, maintenance and inspection of

dam and to suggest improvements / modifications.

• Evaluation of any possible hazardous threat to the dam structure such as

dam abutment slope stability failure or slope failures along the reservoir

A comprehensive evaluation inspection of Hemavathy Dam consists of five major


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2. Review of project records (i.e. study of all design / construction records/draw-
ings, history of the dam’s performance, past inspection notes/reports, notes on
distress observed/ any rehabilitation measures undertaken earlier, instrumenta-
tion data including interpretation.

3. Inspection of the dam and its appurtenant works.

4. To review the results and reports of additional field investigations & laboratory
testing if required.

5. Review of design studies e.g. review of design flood, checking of the adequacy of
spillway capacity, freeboard requirements, dam stability, any special study as re-

6. Preparation of a detailed report of the inspection.

3.1.2 Scheduled Inspections

Scheduled inspections shall consist of Pre-monsoon & Post-monsoon

inspection and any other inspections carried out by the State Dam Safety
Organisation / any Expert panels constituted by the dam owner.

These inspections are performed to gather information on the current

condition of the dam and its appurtenant works. This information is then
used to establish needed repairs and repair schedules, and to assess the
safety and operational adequacy of the dam. Scheduled inspections are also
performed to evaluate previous repairs.

The purpose of scheduled inspections is to keep the dam and its

appurtenant structures in good operating condition and to maintain a safe
structure. As such, these inspections and timely maintenance will minimize
long-term costs and will extend the life of the dam. Scheduled inspections
are performed more frequently than comprehensive evaluation inspections
to detect at an early stage of any developments that may be detrimental to
the dam. These inspections involve assessing operational capability as well

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as structural stability and detection of any problems and to correct them
before the conditions worsen. The field examinations should be made by
the personnel assigned responsibility for monitoring the safety of the dam.
If the dam or appurtenant works have instrumentation, the individual
responsibilility for monitoring should analyze measurements as they are
received and include an evaluation of that data. Dam Inspection Report or
an inspection brief should be prepared following the field visit (Dam
Inspection Report is recommended).

Scheduled inspections include the following four components as a


• File review of past inspection reports, monitoring data, photographs,

maintenance records, or other pertinent data as may be required;

• Visual inspection of the dam and its appurtenant works;

• Preparation of a report or inspection brief, with relevant

documentation and photographs. The report should be filed in the
dam owner’s project files.

3.1.3 Special (Unscheduled) Inspections

Special inspections may need to be performed to resolve specific concerns
or conditions at the site on an unscheduled basis. Special inspections are
not regularly scheduled activities, but are usually made before or
immediately after the dam or appurtenant works have been subjected to
unusual events or conditions, such as an unusually high flood or a significant
earthquake. These inspections are to be carried out after an initial
assessment based on informal inspection carried out by project personnel
reveals that the dam safety related concerns like cracking in the dam,
damages, erosion/ scour, undermining/ piping/ sink holes/ liquefaction or
any such undesirable feature. A special inspection may also be performed
during an emergency, such as an impending dam breach, to evaluate specific
areas or concerns. They are also made when the ongoing surveillance
program identifies a condition or a trend that appears to warrant a special
evaluation. Special inspections should focus on those dam components that
are affected by the unusual event and should include at least three elements:

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1) review of relevant files or data, 2) visual inspection, and 3) report

More detailed site investigations / studies may be required (such as drilling,

surveys, or seepage flow estimates) if the special inspection reveals the need
for the same. Photographic documentation is to be included as part of the

3.1.4 Informal Inspections

The last type of inspection, an informal inspection, is a continuing effort by
on-site personnel (dam owners/operators and maintenance personnel)
performed during their routine duties. Informal inspections are critical to
the proper operation and maintenance of the dam. They consist of frequent
observations of the general appearance and functioning of the dam and
appurtenant structures.

Operators, maintenance crews, or other staff who are posted at Hemavathy

dam site conduct informal inspections. These people are the “first-line of
defense” in assuring safe dam conditions, and it is their responsibility to be
familiar with all aspects of the dam. Their vigilance in walking the dam,
checking the operating equipment, and noting changes in conditions may
prevent serious mishaps or even dam failures.
Informal inspections are important and are performed at every available
opportunity. These inspections may only cover one or two dam
components as the occasion presents itself, or they may cover the entire
dam and its appurtenant structures. The informal inspections are not as
detailed as comprehensive evaluation, scheduled, and special inspections
and will only require that a formal report is submitted to the dam owner’s
project files if a condition is detected that might endanger the dam. Report
is to be submitted detailing the condition discovered along with
photographs, time, reservoir water level (RWL), etc.

1.2 Pre- and Post-Monsoon Checklist and Example of Report

Detailed checklists are required to ensure the health of the dam continues to operates
in satisfactory and safe condition. Details of the inspection must be in alignment with
the DHARMA approved checklist as shown below.

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GENERAL Date of Inspection: ________________

Item of Inspection Remarks

1 1a 1b 2 3

1. Name of project Hemavathy Reservoir Project

2. Purpose of Project Irrigation

3. Name of Dam HEMAVATHY DAM.

4. Year of Completion 1979-80

5. First filling (years / levels) 1977 Rl-879.17 m

6. Benefits accrued:

a) Irrigation Irrigation

b) Water Supply Water Supply

c) Power Power

d) Other benefits Nil

7. Important Controlling Levels ( in meters)

a) Top of dam 894.59 M.

b) Maximum Water Level 890.63 M.

c) Full Reservoir Level 890.63M

d) Sill level of Irrigation sluices 867.16 M.

e) Sill level of scouring sluices 854.97M.

f) Spillway crest level 881.49 M.

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g) Minimum draw down level 872.34 M.

h) Lowest river bed level 850.09 M.

i) Deepest foundation level 836.07 M.

8. Important Salient Features

123.80 M.Cum (at MDDL,

a) Dead Storage Capacity
872.34 M)

b) Area of foreshore at F.R.L 85.02 Sq.Km.

Design flood adopted

c) (PMF / SPF / Any other) PMF-10,934 Cumecs.

Give relevant magnitude

Design spillway discharge capac- Ogee type Spill Way 3624.52

ity and type of spillway Cumecs.

Type, number and size of spill- RADIAL TYPE, 6 numbers

8 a)
way gates. of 10.66M X 9.14M size.

River Sluice, sill level-

Location, sill level and capacity
854.97M, 5 Nos – 2.44M X
b) of low level outlets and scouring
4.26M size &capacity 1115.67

c) Height of the dam in meters.

i) Above deepest foundation 58.52M

ii) Above lowest river bed 44.50M

d) Gross storages capacity in million cubic meters

i) At F.R.L. 1050.63 M.Cum (37.103TMC)

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1050.63 M. Cum (37.103

ii) At M.W.L

Length of the dam (at crest) in

e) 3675 Mtr.

1) Chief Engineer, CNNL,

Hemavathy Project Zone ,

Name and designation of the inspect- 2)Superintending Engineer,

ing officer CNNL, Hemavathy Project
Circle, Gorur.

3). E. E. Hemavathy Dam Di-

vision, Gorur.

Date of inspection and the correspond-

ing reservoir water level.

1) Chief Engineer, CNNL, Date of Inspection :

Hemavathy Project Zone , Gorur Reservoir Level: M

2) Superintending Engineer, CNNL, Date of Inspection :

Hemavathy Project Circle , Gorur Reservoir Level: M

3) Executive Engineer, Date of Inspection :

Hemavathy Dam Division, Gorur. Reservoir Level: M

Maximum: M __________
Maximum and minimum water levels
Dt: ___________________
11. reached during the last season with
Minimum: M __________
Dt: ___________________

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Max. outflow : cusecs

Maximum overflow during preceding
12. __________
monsoon with dates.
Dt: ___________________ : .

History of past distress, if any, and

13. brief details of remedial measures car- No such events occured.
ried out.

Does the officer-in-charge of the oper-

ation and maintenance of dam possess
14. Yes
all the records as given in the Annex-

When and by whom the dam was in-

15. spected immediately preceding this in- -----------

Are the items pointed out during the

last inspection properly attended to?
16. -----------
(If not state deficiencies yet to be cor-

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(Keeping in view CWC letter No. 627-56 dt. 28-08-2002)

Sl. Items of the

No. “Health Status Report”

1 Name of Dam Hemavathy Dam

Sl. No. in the National Register of Large Project Identification Code PIC
Dam KA06HH0117

3 Dam features

a) Year of Completion 1979-80


i) Longitude 76° 03' 00˝ E

ii) Latitude 12° 45' 00’’ N

58.52 Mtr. above the lowest founda-

c) Height of Dam

Gross Capacity 37.103 TMC ft. (1.05 TMCUM)

(Gated/Un gated) Gated

Whether the Dam is provided with Provided with Drainage Gallery of size
Drainage Gallery or not. 1.52 m X 2.28 m

Type of Dam: Composite Dam:

Spillway: Gated spillway with 6 Nos of

4 Main Component of Dam
Radial Crest gates of size 10.66m X

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Length of concrete spillway dam-


Length of Masonry non-overflow

Dam- 272 mtr.

Length of earthen Dam: 3309 M.

5 Date of Inspection

Chief Engineer, CNNL Hemavathy

6 Inspecting Officer
Project Zone, Gorur.

7 Observations/Significant Deficiencies Noticed

I Inadequate Spillway.

II Inadequate free-board

Cracks in Masonry / Concrete /

Earth Dam

a) Masonry/concrete dams and

Structural cracking in earth


IV Inadequate

a) Flood forecasting system

b) Flood warning system

c) Communication

V Excessive seepage through,

a) Drainage holes

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b) Porous pipes

c) Downstream face of dam NIL

d) Downstream area etc. NIL

Development of high uplift


VI Excessive leaching

VII Choking of porous drains.

VIII Choking of drainage holes

IX Mal-operation of gates

Non-availability of standby/ alter-

native source of power

Structural Review indicating tension

on the upstream face of dam

Non-availability of Emergency Ac-

tion Plan.

8 Performance of Dam

Based on Instruments installed in the dam

(Water Level Recorder, V-notch, etc.,)

Of Meteorological Instruments installed in

the catchment area and reservoirs of Dams.

Is the hydraulic performance in agreement

with the results of model studies?

Any other issue / issues pertaining to perfor-

mance of dam which the Engineer-in-Chief

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/ Chief Engineer in-charge of dam desires to


9 Remedial Measures Suggested.

10 Remarks

11 Action Taken Report.

Assistant Exe Engineer , Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer

Hemavathy Dam in-charge of dam in-charge of dam.

Sub Division,

Certified that the Health Status Report of HEMAVATHY DAM is furnished after a thorough
review of the same by the technical wing of the zone (this has reference to para 18.3.5 of the
Proceedings of 18th meeting of SLDSC).

Engineer-in-Chief / Chief Engineer

in-charge of dam.

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Performance of Dam Instruments

Sl. Name of Dam Name of Instrument No. of Instru- Performance Status of data Analysis Remarks
No. with location ments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Separate Sheets Enclosed.
(Vide Annexure-1 )

Asst Exe Engr, Executive Engineer Superintending Engineer Engineer-in-Chief / Chief Engineer

in-charge of dam. in-charge of dam. in-charge of dam in-charge of dam.

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Performance of Meteorological Instruments pertaining to Large Dams in Karnataka

Status of
Sl. Name of Dam No. of In-
Name of Instrument Performance data Analy- Remarks
No. with location struments
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Details to be furnished by WRDO Bangalore.

Water Resources Development Organization, Bangalore.

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Categorisation of Deficiencies

(Keeping in view CWC letter No. 627-56 dt. 28-08-2002)

Category No.* Criteria for categorization

Category No. (1) Dams with major deficiency which may lead to dam failure

Category No. (2) Dams with rectifiable deficiency which needs immediate attention.

Dams with minor / no deficiencies has been noticed.

Category No. (3)

* Category Number is to be furnished in the ‘remarks’ column of the

Health Status Report.

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A good maintenance program protects Hemavathy Dam against

accelerating deterioration, prolongs its life, and greatly reduce the chance
of failure. Nearly all the components of Hemavathy Dam and its materials
are susceptible to damage and deterioration if not well maintained.
Moreover, the cost of a proper maintenance program is small compared to
the costs of major repairs, loss of life and property and litigation.
Preventative maintenance not only protects the dam and its owner but the
public as well. If maintenance of a dam is neglected the consequences and
costs will be multiple.

Preventive maintenance assures that a dam and reservoir are in good

working condition and prevents more harmful conditions from developing.
Individual maintenance tasks are noted with a description of the area where
the maintenance is to be performed, the schedule for performing the tasks,
and reporting procedures. Typical routine maintenance tasks performed
includes removing grass, removing vegetation, bushes and trees, removing
litter and other debris, re-grading the crest and/or access roads, repairing
fencing to keep livestock off the dam, etc. Other maintenance works that
need to be performed on the embankment includes restoration of
embankment to its design section, seepage problems, erosion, displaced
riprap, cracking in embankment etc. In concrete / masonry dams there may
be issues like cracking and disintegration in concrete, choking of drainage
holes in dam body/ foundation, damages to spillway glacis/piers/energy
dissipaters due to abrasion/ cavitation/unsymmetrical flows, damages to
pointing on upstream & downstream faces of masonry dams, heavy
seepages through some drains in foundation/inspection galleries etc.

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A basic maintenance program has been developed primarily based on

systematic and frequent inspections.

4.1 Maintenance Priorities

For Hemavathy Dam, maintenance activities require to be prioritized as

immediate maintenance or preventative maintenance.

4.1.1 Immediate Maintenance

The following conditions are critical and call for immediate attention &
reservoir lowering, if warranted. These conditions may include, but are not
limited to:

The dam is about to be overtopped or being overtopped during high flood.

The dam is about to be breached by erosion, slope failure etc.

The dam showing signs of piping or internal erosion indicated by

increasingly cloudy seepage or other symptoms.

The spillway being blocked or with some inoperable gates.

Evidence of excessive seepage appearing anywhere on the dam site ,e.g., the Em-
bankment becomes saturated, defective water stops, etc., and seepage exiting on the
downstream face is increasing in volume.

Although the remedy for some critical problems may be obvious (such as clearing a
blocked spillway or repairing the spillway gates so that they are in working condi-
tion), the problems listed above generally demand the services of experienced engi-
neers/expert panels familiar with the design, construction and maintenance of dams.
The emergency action plan (EAP) should be activated when any of the above con-
ditions are noted.

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4.1.2 Preventive Maintenance

This can be further classified as Condition based Maintenance and Routine Mainte-
nance. Condition Based Maintenance

The following maintenance should be completed as soon as possible after the defec-
tive condition is noted. These includes but are not limited to:

✓ Remove all vegetation and bushes from the dam and restoring any eroded
areas and to establish a good grass cover.
✓ Fill animal burrows.
✓ Restore and reseed eroded areas and gullies on embankment.
✓ Repair of defective gates, valves, and other Electro-mechanical equipment.
✓ Repair any concrete or metal components that have deteriorated.
✓ Cleaning of the choked drainage holes in the dam body/ foundations in con-
crete / masonry dams.
✓ Repair any damages on spillway glacis, piers, energy dissipaters, training/di-
vide walls, downstream areas etc.
✓ Repairs on the upstream face of masonry dams, in case the pointing is dam-
aged, due to which there is increased seepage.
✓ Controlling any heavy seepage in the foundation/ inspection galleries in Con-
crete/Masonry dams from drainage holes.
✓ Repairs of any cracks/cavities/joints in concrete/masonry dams/structures.

However many of these works will require the services of experienced engineers/ex-
pert panels. Routine Maintenance

Several tasks should be performed on a continuous basis. These include but are not
limited to the following:

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✓ Routine moving, restore and reseed eroded areas and gullies on downstream
face of the embankment and general maintenance.
✓ Maintenance and treatment of any cracks/joints/ cavities in Concrete/Ma-
sonry dams and spillways based on the recommendations of experienced en-
gineers / expert panels.
✓ Observation of any springs or seepage areas, comparing quantity and quality
(clarity) with prior observations in the embankment.
✓ Monitoring of downstream development which could have an impact on the
dam and its hazard category.
✓ Maintenance of Electrical &Electro-Mechanical equipment and systems e. g.
Servicing of spillway gates, gantry crane, sluice gates& stand by generator.
✓ Maintaining proper lighting at dam top, galleries, etc.
✓ Monitoring of seepage in galleries.
✓ Monitoring/ cleaning & removal of leached deposits in porous concrete /
formed drains in dam body and foundation drainage holes.
✓ Maintenance of all dam roads & access roads.
✓ Operation of electrical and mechanical equipment and systems including ex-
ercising gates & valves.
✓ To keep the gate slots clear of silt/debris.
✓ Maintenance/testing of monitoring equipment (instruments) and safety
✓ Testing of security equipment.
✓ Testing of communication equipment.
✓ Any other maintenance considered necessary.

4.2 Procedures for Routine Maintenance

The O & M Manual includes detailed instructions and schedules for performing pe-
riodic maintenance works at the site. This include maintenance of the dam, the ap-
purtenant works, and the reservoir areas. Methodology / Specifications for carrying

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out maintenance works of general & recurring nature should be included in the Man-

Dam repairs are scheduled based on severity of the problem, available resources,
and weather conditions. For example, if a severe settlement problem (more than
envisaged in designs) or cracking is detected on the crest of the dam, it should have
a high priority since further degradation could lead to dam breaching. The causes of
all major issues / problems should be identified and evaluated by experienced engi-
neers/ Expert Panels so that appropriate remedial measures can be finalized. Cor-
recting minor/ rill erosion on the downstream slope could be assigned a low priority
since it is not a dam safety concern. This type of repair will also be weather depend-
ent, since grass can only be planted during specific times of the year, and the em-
bankment should be dry so that more damage is not inflicted to the embankment

4.2.1 Earthwork

The surfaces of an earthen dam may deteriorate due to several reasons. For example,
wave action may cut into the upstream slope, vehicles may cause ruts in the crest or
slopes, trails left by livestock can result in erosion, or runoff waters may leave erosion

View of embankment & rock toe at the junction of masonry body wall & earthen embankment

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gullies on the downstream slope. Other special problems, such as shrinkage cracks
or rodent damage, may also occur. Damage of this nature must be repaired con-

The maintenance procedures described here are effective in repairing minor earth-
work problems. However, this section is not intended to be a technical guide, and
the methods discussed should not be used to solve serious problems. Conditions
such as embankment slides, structural cracking, and sinkholes threaten the immedi-
ate safety of a dam and require immediate repair under the directions of experienced
engineers/Expert panels.

The material selected for repairing embankments should be free from vegetation,
organic materials, trash, and large rocks.

If flow-resistant portions such as the core of an embankment dam are being repaired,
materials that are high in clay or silt content should be used. If the area is to be free
draining or highly permeable (such as pervious shell of an embankment dam) the
material should have a higher percentage of sand and gravel. It is usually satisfactory
to replace or repair damaged areas with soils like those originally in place.

An important soil property affecting compaction is moisture content. Soils that are
too dry or too wet do not compact well. One may test repair material by squeezing
it into a tight ball. If the sample keeps its shape without cracking and falling apart
(which means it is too dry), and without depositing excess water onto the hand
(which means it is too wet), the moisture content is near the proper level.

Before placement of earth, the repair area needs to be prepared by removing all
inappropriate material. All vegetation, such as bushes, roots, and tree stumps, along
with any large rocks or trash need to be removed. Also, unsuitable earth, such as
organic or loose soils, should be removed, so that the work surface consists of ex-
posed, firm, clean embankment material.

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Following cleanup, shape and dress the affected area so that the new fill can be
placed and compacted in horizontal lifts to the level specified in the technical spec-
ifications. Also it must be properly keyed (benched) with the existing material for
which proper construction practices are carried out to “knit” the new fill in to the
existing soils to ensure proper bonding. This can be accomplished by using the fol-
lowing simple procedures

1. Scarify the existing soil layer

2. Place new moisturized soils in loose layers up to 20 centimeters thick

3. Compact to required density at optimum moisture content (OMC)

4. Scarify compacted layer 10 centimeters

5. Moisturize the layer before placement of soils

6. Compact

7. Continue process until lines and grades are accomplished. Overbuild can be
trimmed back to design lines and grades

8. Seed of turf the fill to minimize erosion processes

9. Water routinely to ensure turf root system is fully developed.

Erosion is one of the most common maintenance problems at embankment struc-

tures. Erosion is a natural process and its continuous forces will eventually wear
down almost any surface or structure. Periodic and prompt maintenance is essential
to prevent continuous deterioration and possible failure. Turfing, free from weeds
and deleterious materials, is an effective means of preventing erosion. Rills and gul-
lies should be filled with suitable soil, compacted, and then seeded or turfed as nec-
essary. Large eroded gullies can be slowed by stacking bales of hay or straw across
the gully until permanent repairs can be made.

Erosion is also common at the point where an embankment and the concrete walls
of a spillway or other structure meet. Poor compaction adjacent to such walls during
construction and later settlement can result in an area along the wall that is lower

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than the grade of the embankment. People often walk along these walls, wearing
down the vegetative cover. Workable solutions include re-grading the area so that it
slopes away from the wall, adding more resistant surface protection, or constructing
steps. Steps can be provided / constructed at regular intervals along the length of
the dam for going from downstream toe to the dam top. All vehicular traffic, except
for maintenance, should be restricted from the dam.

Paths due to pedestrian, livestock, or vehicular traffic (two and four-wheeled) are a
problem on many embankments. If a path has become established, vegetation will
not provide adequate protection and more durable cover will be required unless traf-
fic is eliminated. Stones may be used effectively to cover such footpaths.

Runoff often concentrates along embankment slopes where the hinge point on the
crest is lower than the surrounding crest and runoff ponds in these low areas. The
concentrated runoff flows downs the slope cutting the soils and forming rills and
gullies resulting in loss of design lines and grades and affecting stability of the struc-

Upstream Riprap

The upstream face is protected against wave erosion. Rip-rap is provided for the
purpose with filter layers below.

Nonetheless, erosion can still occur

in existing riprap. Water running
down the slope under the riprap can
erode the finer filter materials under
the riprap and soils leaving voids and
loss of grade. Wave runup will also
undermine the filter layer especially
along the full reservoir level and over
time wash out finer material. This
can be checked through observance View of Rehabilitated upstream Riprap

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of linear embankment settlement. Sections of riprap that have slumped downward

are often signs of this kind of erosion. When erosion occurs on the upstream slope
of a dam, repairs should be made as soon as possible. Repairs can be made following
the same design details as provided in the embankment section. proper preparation
of the surfaces of the existing embankment as described in the earlier paragraph for
placement and compaction of embankment. Please refer to IS 8237- Code of practice
for protection of Slopes for Reservoir Embankments is recommended to be reviewed and
followed for carrying out this repair work.

Controlling Vegetation

Keep the entire dam clear of unwanted vegetation such as bushes or trees. Excessive
growth of which may cause several problems:

• It can obscure the surface of an embankment and not allow proper inspection
of the dam.

• Large trees can be uprooted by high wind or erosion and leave large voids
that can lead to breaching of the dam.

• Some root systems can decay and root creating passage ways for water, lead-
ing to piping erosion.

• Growing root systems can lift concrete slabs or structures.

• Rodent habitats can develop undetected.

All bushes/trees should be as far as possible removed by root to prevent regrowth.

The resulting voids must be backfilled with suitable, well-compacted soils. It is rec-
ommended to remove the plants/vegetation at their early stage to prevent or mini-
mize their growing into big trees/bushes, etc. In cases where trees and bushes cannot
be removed, the root systems should be treated with environmentally-friendly herb-
icides (properly selected and applied) to retard further growth. Concerned Govern-
ment Agencies must be consulted for selection of appropriate herbicides & their use
for control of vegetation on dam structures or any water bodies.

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Controlling Animal Damage

Livestock are not allowed to graze on the embankment section of the dam. When
soil is wet, livestock can damage vegetation and disrupt the uniformity of the surface.
Moreover, livestock tend to walk in established paths and thus can promote erosion.

The burrows and tunnels of burrowing animals (beaver, muskrat, groundhogs and
others) weaken earthen embankments and serve as pathways for seepage from the
reservoir. Large burrows found on the embankment should be filled by mud pack-
ing. This method involves placing vent pipe in a vertical position over the entrance
of the den. Making sure that the pipe connection to the den does not leak, the mud-
pack mixture is poured into the pipe until the burrow and pipe are filled with the
soil-water mixture. The pipe is removed and more dry earth is tamped into the en-
trance. As per some US publications, the mud pack is generally made by adding
water to 90% earth & 10% cement mixture until a slurry or thin cement consistency
is attained. For bigger holes, bentonite coated stones can also be used. All entrances
should be plugged with well-compacted earth and grassy vegetation re-established.
Dens should be eliminated without delay. Different repair measures will be necessary
if a dam has been damaged by extensive small or large rodent tunneling activity. The
area around the entrance can be excavated and then backfilled with impervious ma-
terial. This will plug the passage entrance to prevent water entry and saturation of
the embankment.

Controlling Ants and Termites (White Ants)

Ants and termites have become one of the most serious pests for Embankment
dams. They both need water to survive and have been found on most of the em-
bankment dams in India. These insects can create problems in the dam itself and
with any of its electrical components.

In some habitats, ants and termites can move as much or more soil as earthworms,
thereby reducing soil compaction. Nest galleries can penetrate in a V-shaped pattern
below the nest, penetrating as much as more than one meter deep in the soil. These

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galleries can create pathways for surface water to penetrate in the dam, resulting in
internal erosion and collapse of the surface.

Ants and termites left undisturbed can build mounds that can become quite large.
These can create problems for mowing. However, frequent mowing can induce the
colonies to migrate to neighboring, undisturbed areas.

There are many options for managing ants and termites. Use only pesticides labeled
as suitable for the location you want to treat. Make every effort to avoid contami-
nating water with pesticides and ensure .

Controlling Damage from Vehicular


As mentioned earlier, vehicles driving across

an embankment dam can create ruts in the
crest if it is not surfaced with roadway mate-
rial and sometimes even when sealed with
flexible pavement, especially when the em-
bankment is saturated and overweight trucks Hemavathy Dam Crest

use the road. The ruts can then collect water

and cause saturation and softening of the dam. Other ruts may be formed by tractors
or other off-road vehicles such as motorbikes are allowed to drive up and down the
embankment face; these can direct runoff resulting in severe erosion.

Vehicles, except for maintenance, are restricted on the dam top and kept out by
fences or barricades. Any ruts should be repaired as soon as possible. .

4.2.2 Masonry / Concrete Dams & Spillways

Various issues/problems that may require maintenance/repairs on the Hemavathy

Concrete/Masonry Dam and Spillway include but not limited to:

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• Damages on spillway glacis, spillway piers, training/divide walls, energy dissi-

paters, downstream areas (probable causes are cavitation, abrasion, un-symmet-
rical flows, unfavorable down-stream conditions)

• Vegetation growth in unattended areas such as spillway, spillway channel, etc.

• Seepage in the galleries and on the downstream face of the dam.

• Cleaning and removal of leached deposits from choked porous and foundation

• Repair to upstream face of masonry dams in case the pointing is damaged,

leading to increased seepage.

• Ensuring safe access to and within the gallery, lighting is also required as well
as all outside areas during the evening hours.

• Ensuring the dam is behaving as designed based on instrumentation programs.

• Periodic maintenance should be performed for all concrete surfaces which are
approachable to repair deteriorated areas.

For remedial measures of problems of special nature advice of experienced engineers

/Panel of Experts needs to be obtained

4.2.3 River Sluices

The sluices should be inspected thoroughly once in a year for any damages such as
cracks and seepage. As regards to Electro-mechanical works, reference may be re-
ferred to the appropriate paragraphs in this chapter.

4.2.4 Gates & Electro-mechanical Equipment

The safe and satisfactory operation of Hemavathy Dam depends on proper opera-
tion of its Gates & Electro-mechanical Equipment. Maintaining spillway gates in
working condition is critical for dam safety and is to be assigned the highest priority.

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If routine inspection of the Electro-Mechanical Equipment shows the need for

maintenance, the work should be completed as soon as possible. The simplest pro-
cedure to ensure smooth operation of gates is to operate them through their full
range at least once, and preferably twice annually (before monsoon & after monsoon
keeping a gap of at least six months). Because operating gates under full reservoir
pressure can result in large discharges, exercising of gates should preferably be car-
ried out during dry conditions or lean times of the year.

Commonly used Gates including their inspection / maintenance requirements are

discussed below.

The aspects to be inspected and maintained periodically for ensuring proper opera-
tion of these gates are as under:

i) The gate slot and bottom platform/sill beam should be cleaned periodi-
cally. Scales formed over the embedded parts should be removed. Second-stage
concrete should be checked for any development of cracks / leakages and repairs
should be attended to immediately.

ii) The gate leaf should be thoroughly cleaned and repainted as and when
necessary according to the procedure or guidelines- indicated in IS: 14177 or as
per the recommendations of the paint manufacturer. All drain holes provided in
the gate assembly should be cleaned.

iii) Rubber seals should be smoothed, if required, for proper alignment. All
nuts and bolts fixing the seal to the gate should be tightened uniformly to re-
quired torques. Seals, if found damaged or found leaking excessively should be
adjusted, repaired or replaced as considered necessary.

iv) The wheel shall be rotated to check their free movement. Gate roller bear-
ings and guide roller bushes should be properly lubricated. Whenever necessary
these should be opened for rectifications of defects, cleaning and lubrication and
should thereafter be refitted. These may be replaced if repairs are not possible.

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v) The gate leaf should be lubricated where necessary and defects if any should
be rectified.

vi) All nuts, bolts, check nuts and cotter pins of the lifting devices should be
checked periodically.

vii) All components should be greased and lubricated. Recommended and ap-
proved oils and grease only should be used.

viii) Roller assembly should be adjusted by the eccentricity arrangement

to ensure all rollers rest uniformly on the track plates particularly in the closed
position of the gate.

ix) All welds shall be checked for cracks/ damages. Any weld that might have
become defective should be chipped out and redone following the relevant codal
provisions. Damaged nuts, bolts, rivets, screws etc. should be replaced without

x) The guide-assemblies, wheel-assemblies and sealing-assemblies shall be

cleared off grit, sand or any other foreign material.

xi) The wheel pin shall be coated with corrosion resistant compound.

xii) All nuts and bolts shall be tightened.

The aspects to be inspected and maintained periodically for ensuring proper op-
eration of these gates are as under :

a) Rubber Seals:

i) Seals shall be inspected for leakages. Locations of excessive leakages shall

be recorded for taking remedial measures. Weeping or slight flow in localized
area will not require immediate remedial measures. However, measures like tight-
ening of bolts are carried out. Further adjustment is carried out during annual

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ii) If leakage is excessive & immediate repair is considered necessary, the

damaged seals repaired or replaced as the case may be.

b) Trunnion block assembly and anchorages:

(i) All the nuts and bolts of Trunnion block assembly and its anchorages shall
be checked for tightness.

(ii) Check all the welds for soundness and rectify defects.

(iii) Cover the trunnion pin with anti- corrosive jelly.

(iv)Remove all dirt, grit etc. from trunnion assembly and lubricate trunnion
bearings of the gate with suitable water resisting grease as recommended by bear-
ing manufacturers.

c) Gate structures:

i) Check all the welds for soundness and rectify defects.

ii) Check welds between arms and horizontal girders as well as between latch-
ing bracket and skin plate with the help of magnifying glass for cracks/defects
and rectify the defects.

iii) Clean all drain holes including those in end arms and horizontal girders.

iv) Check all the nuts and bolts and tighten them. Replace damaged ones.

v) Check upstream face of skin plate for pitting, scaling and corrosion. Scal-
ing may be filled with weld and grinded. Corroded surface shall be cleaned and

d) Embedded Parts:

i) All the sill beams and wall plates shall be inspected for crack, pitting etc.
and defects shall be rectified.

e) General Maintenance:

i) Defective welding should be chipped out and it should be re-welded duly

following the relevant codal provision (IS: 10096, Part-3).

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ii) Damaged nuts, bolts, rivets, screws etc. should be replaced.

iii) Any pitting should be filled up by welding and finished by grinding if nec-

iv) The gate leaf, exposed embedded metal parts etc., should be thoroughly
cleaned and repainted when required keeping in view the original painting system
adopted and as per the guidelines contained in IS: 14177.

v) Trunnion bearing should be greased as and when required. Keeping trun-

nion bearings in perfect working condition is very important. All other bolted
connections should also be checked up for proper tightness.

vi) Bolts and trunnion bearing housing should be tightened wherever re-

vii) The seals of the gate should be checked for wear and tear and deteriora-
tion. These should be adjusted/replaced as and when necessary.

viii) The wall plates, sill beams shall be checked and repaired if necessary.

ix) Wire ropes should be properly lubricated.

x) Oil level in the worm reduction unit should be maintained by suitable re-
plenishment. Oil seals should also be replaced if required. Lubrication of other
parts of hoists such as chains, position indicators and limit switches should also
be done.

xi) The stroke of the brake should be reset to compensate for lining wear.
Worn out brake linings should be replaced in time.

xii) Flexible couplings should be adjusted if required.

xiii) Repairs and replacements of all electrical relays and controls should be
attended to.

xiv) Maintenance of alternative sources of Power such as Diesel Generating

sets and alternative drives wherever provided should be carried out.

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xv) The list of essential spare parts to be kept available should be reviewed
and updated periodically. The condition of spares should be checked periodically
and protective coating given for use.

4.2.5 Electrically operated fixed hoists

1. General Instructions:

a) Operation of fixed hoist without lifting the gate is not possible and need
not therefore be attempted. It will be possible to operate the unit and
observe operation of load carrying hoist component when gate is being
lifted or lowered.

b) Never open any bolt or nut on motor, gear boxes, rope drums and other
load carrying hoist components when the gate is in raised position. The
gate should be fully closed or rested on the gate latches before carrying
out any work on hoist components including motor brake and other elec-
trical equipment.

c) The aspects to be inspected and maintained periodically for ensuring

proper operation of Rope drum hoists are as under;

i. Entrance to all hoist platforms shall be kept locked. All keys shall
remain with the shift supervisor.

ii. A cursory daily inspection shall be made of hoist and gate to ensure
that there is no unusual happening.

iii. Clean all hoisting equipment and hoist platform.

iv. Check oil level in gearboxes and replenish as and when required
with oil of proper grade.

v. Apply grease of suitable grade by grease gun.

vi. Lubricate all bearings, bushings, pins, linkages etc.

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vii. Check all the fuses on the power lines.

viii. All bolts and nuts on gear boxes, hoist drum and shaft couplings
should be checked for tightness.

ix. Check the supply voltage.

x. Drain sample gear oil from each of the gear boxes. If excessive for-
eign particles or sludge is found, the gear box shall be drained, flushed
and filled with new oil.

xi. All the geared couplings shall be greased.

xii. Raise and lower the gate by hoist motor and check for smooth, and
trouble free operation of gate without excessive vibration.

xiii. Observe current drawn by motor at the time of lifting and check if
it is more than normal. If so, stop the hoist and investigate the cause and

xiv. Check the condition of painting of various components and remove

rust wherever noticed and repaint the portion after proper cleaning as per
painting schedule.

xv. All trash, sediments and any other foreign material shall be cleared
off the lifting rope and lifting attachment.

xvi. All ropes shall be checked for wear and tear and if broken wires are
noticed, the rope shall be replaced.

xvii. All the wire ropes shall be checked and all visible oxidation shall be

xviii. All wire ropes shall be greased with cardium compound.

xix. Check the overload relays for proper functioning.

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xx. Check all the nuts, bolts, rivets, welds and structural components
for hoisting platform and its supporting structure for wear, tear and dam-
age. All damages shall be rectified. All bolts shall be tightened. The por-
tion with damaged painting shall be touched up.

xxi. Check the pulleys, sheaves and turn-buckles.

xxii. Raise and lower the gate for its full lift several time (at least three to
four) and observe the following:

a) Check the limit switches and adjust for design limits.

b) The effectiveness and slip of the breaks shall be checked by stopping the gate in
raising and lowering operations. The brakes shall be adjusted if needed.

c) When the gate is operated, there should not be any noise or chatter in the gears.

xxiv. Adjust the rope tension of wires if unequal.

xxv. Check for all gears and pinions for uneven wear and adjust for proper
contact. Grease the gears.

xxvi. Repaint the hoist components, hoisting platform and its supporting
structures as per requirement.

xxvii. The periodic maintenance of commercial equipment like motors,

brakes, thrusts etc. shall be carried out as per manufacturers operation and
maintenance manual.

4.3. Maintenance of Electrical components of Fixed Rope Drum Hoists:

a). The electrical components to be inspected and maintained periodically are as un-

i) Starters should be cleaned free of moisture and dust.

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ii) Each individual contactor should be tried by hand to make sure that it
operates freely.

iii) All wearing parts should be examined in order to take note of any wear
which may have occurred during operation.

iv) If the contactor hums, the contact faces should be cleaned.

(v) Examine all connections to see that no wires are broken and no con-
nections are loose.

vi) Clean the surface of the moving armature and magnet core which comes
together when the contactor closes, free of dust or grease of any kind.

vii) Examine the mechanical interlocks between the reversing contactor and
see when the contact tips of one of the contactor units are touching, it is
impossible to get the contact tips of the other unit to touch.

viii) The contact tips should be kept free from burns or pits by smoothen-
ing with fine sand paper or emery paper.

ix) Replace the contact tips which have worn away half-way.

x) Do not lubricate the contacts.

xi) Blow out windings thoroughly by clean and dry air to clear air passage in
the stator and the rotor of any accumulated dirt. The air pressure shall not be
too high to damage the insulation.

xii) Examine earth connections and motor leads.

xiii) Examine motor windings for overheating

xiv) Examine control equipment’s

xv) Examine starting equipment for burnt contacts

xvi) Check and tighten all nuts and bolts

xvii) Clean and tighten all terminals and screw connections all contact sur-
faces shall be made clean and smooth.

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xviii) Lubricate the bearings

xix) Overhaul the controllers

xx) Inspect and clean circuit breakers.

xxi) Wipe brush holders and check bedding of brushes.

xxii) Blow out windings thoroughly by clean and dry air. The pressure shall
not be so high that insulation may get damaged.

xxiii) Check the insulation resistance of the motor between any terminal and
the frame. If the measured resistance is less than the prescribed value, then
steps shall be taken to dry- out the motors either by passing a low voltage
current through the windings or by placing the stator and rotor only in
a warm dry place for a day or so.

WARNING: The complete motor shall never be

put in an oven for drying as that may melt the
grease out of bearings.

xxiv) Coat the windings with an approved high temperature resisting insula-
tion enamel or varnish.

xxv) Over haul the motor, if required.

xxvi) Check the switch fuse units and renew, if required.

xxvii) Check resistance or earth connections.

xxviii) Check air gap.

b) Solenoid Operated Brakes

i) All fixing bolts shall be checked and tightened at least once in three

ii) The magnet stroke should be reset to compensate for wear.

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iii) Re-adjust the brake when the magnet stroke reaches the value given on
the instruction plate.

iv) Brake lining should be checked and replaced when required.

v) Examine all electrical leads and connections.

vi) Rubber bushes or couplings should be checked and replaced if defec-


vii) The pins should be tightened.

viii) Brake drum shall be cleaned to remove any dust or grease,

lifting beam & gantry crane

4.4 Surface Preparation and Painting of HM Works

i) Protection of painted surfaces is considered essential for protection & enhance-

ment of service life. Gates, their embedded parts, gate leaf, hoists and its sup-
porting structures need to be protected against corrosion due to climatic condi-
tion, weathering, biochemical reaction and abrasion etc. This equipment is likely
to deteriorate or get damaged to any extent that the replacement of parts may
become necessary and such replacement may become difficult and costly.

ii) Surface preparation & Painting requirements:

Painting for hydro-mechanical works is to be carried out as prescribed in IS 14177

for both newly manufactured as well as old & used gates, hoists and associated
works after proper surface preparation. The preparation includes thorough clean-
ing, smoothing irregular surfaces, rusted surfaces, weld spatters, oil, grease, dirt,
earlier applied damaged layers of primers/ paint by use of mechanical tools, by
use of solvents, wire brush etc. The sand / grit blasting process is used for surface
preparation to a level of Sa 2½ of the Swedish standard.

iii) Surfaces not requiring painting & their protection during surface prepara-
tion, painting & transportation process:

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a) The following surfaces are not to be painted unless or otherwise specified:

• Machine finished or similar surface

• Surfaces which will be in contact with concrete

• Stainless steel overlay surfaces.

• Surfaces in sliding or rolling contact

• Galvanized surfaces, brass and bronze surfaces.

• Aluminum alloy surfaces

b) The Surfaces of stainless steel, nickel, bronze and machined surface adjacent
to metal work being cleaned or painted shall be protected by using sticky pro-
tective tape or by other suitable means over the surfaces not to be painted.

c) All embedded parts which come in contact with concrete shall be cleaned as
detailed above and given two coats of cement latex to prevent rusting during
the shipment while awaiting installation.

iv) Application of primer & finish coats on embedded parts and gates:


• The prescribed primer shall be applied as soon as the surface preparation

is complete and prior to the development of surface rusting and within the
specified time prescribed by Indian Standards or the Paint Manufacturer.
In case there is lapse of considerable time beyond the prescribed time
limit, the surfaces shall be again cleaned prior to priming.

• Two coats of zinc rich primer with epoxy resin shall be applied to all em-
bedded parts surfaces which are not in contact with concrete and shall
remain exposed to atmosphere or submerged in water to obtain a dry film
thickness of 75 microns.

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• This shall be followed by three coats at an interval of 24hours of coal-tar

blend epoxy resin so as to get a dry film thickness of 80 microns in each
coat. Total dry film thickness of paint shall not be less than 300 microns.


Primer Coat:

• Over the prepared surface one coat of inorganic zinc silicate primer giving
a dry film thickness of 70 ± 5 microns should be applied. Alternatively
two coats of zinc rich primer, which should contain not less than 85% zinc
on dry film should be applied to give a total dry film thickness of 75 ± 5

Finished paint:

• Two coats of solvent less coal tar epoxy paints. These shall be applied at
an interval of about 24 hours. Each coat shall give a dry film thickness of
150±5 microns. The total dry film thickness of all the coats including pri-
mer coating shall not be less than 350 microns.

v) Hoist and supporting structure:

a) Structural components:

Primer coats of zinc phosphate primer shall be applied to give a dry film thickness
of 40±5 microns.

Final Coats: One coat of alkalized based micaceous iron oxide paint to give a dry
film thickness of 65 ± 5 microns followed by two coats of synthetic enamel paint
confirming to IS 2932 – 1974 to give a dry film thickness of 25 ± 5 microns per
coat. The interval between each coat shall be 24hours. The total dry thickness of
all coats of paint including the primer coat shall not be less than 175 microns.

b) Machinery: Except machined surfaces all surfaces of machinery including gear-

ing, housing, shafting, bearing pedestals etc., shall be given:

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Primer coats: One coat of zinc phosphate primer paint to give minimum film
thickness of 50 microns. Motors and other bought out items shall be painted if

Finished coats: The finished paint shall consists of three coats of aluminum
paint confirming to IS2339 – 1963 or synthetic enamel paint confirming to IS
2932 – 1977 to give a dry film thickness of 25±5 microns per coat to obtain a
total minimum dry film thickness of 125 microns.

c) Machined surfaces:

All machined surfaces of ferrous metal including screw threads which will be
exposed during shipment or installation shall be cleaned by suitable solvent and
given a heavy uniform coating of gasoline soluble removable rust preventive
compound or equivalent. Machined surfaces shall be protected with the adhesive
tapes or other suitable means during the cleaning and painting operation of other

vi) Application of paint:

Mix the contents thoroughly as directed by paint manufacturer before and during

Painting at shop can be done by any of the three methods namely Brush / roller,
Conventional spray, Airless spray etc.

The paint can be made to suit the adopted method. But once the gate and equipment
is in erected position the general method adopted is only brush / roller. In case of
spray lot of precautions are to be taken.

For More details: Refer IS: 14177 Part (II) – 1971.

Appendix A – Brushing of paint

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Appendix B – Spraying of paint

Appendix C – Spray painting defects: Causes and remedies.

Removal of old paint / rust and carrying out fresh painting:

The carrying out of fresh painting is to be considered under the following con-

• The rusting is noticed all over the surface or

• Rusting is severe or

• Cracking and blistering has damaged the primer coat exposing the metal and
is noticed all over the surface or

• The paint film has eroded badly, the scrap of entire paint film to the base
metal and carry out fresh painting.

Note: In case of maintenance and renovation: Refer IS 14177 (Part II) – 1971 for
checking and repainting.

vii) Removal of old paint for repainting:

Caution should be exercised while removing the old paint. The surfaces shall be de-
rusted and descaled by either mechanically by one or more of the methods,

a) Wire brushing, Scraping, and chipping. Sand papering or cleaning with steel
wool or abrasive paper

b) Power tool cleaning

c) Flame cleaning

d) Sand blasting or shot blasting and

e) Chemical rust removal.

Note: The method of application shall be decided based on conditions existing.

After cleaning painting is to be carried out as originally proposed.

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Some are painted without removal of old paint and rusting this will amounts to
no painting and deteriorate faster than the original one.

viii) Inspection and testing of painting of H. M works:

a) The following steps are involved in inspection of painting:

• General inspection before and during painting

• Viscosity test of paints

• Paint thickness test – using Elco-meter.

• Inspection of general appearance of finished work.

b) General:

The aim of inspection and testing is to as certain whether the recommended practice
is being employed correctly during every stage of application and whether the final
results fulfill the object of painting. Any test carried out should be of non – destruc-
tive nature or, if it is of destructive nature, it should be either restricted to areas
which can be restored without marring the general appearances or be such that it is
possible to restore easily without necessitating a complete repetition of the work.

c) Inspection of surfaces prior to painting:

Inspection methods will depend on whether it is to be painted for the first time or
is to be repainted.

d) New Works (Not previously painted): The following shall be decided by inspec-

• The method of pre cleaning feasible or recommended;

• The intermediate protective treatments to be applied, if found necessary;

• The final painting schedule and the specifications for the paint for ensuring the
particular performance;

• The method of application, whether by brush, roller or spray.

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e) Old Work (Which requires repainting):

The following shall be decided by inspection:

• Whether the entire existing paint requires removal; and/or

• Whether repainting without paint removal would be adequate.

4.5 Electrical System

Electricity is typically used at a dam for lighting and to operate the gates, hoists,
recording equipment, and other miscellaneous equipment. It is important that the
Electrical system be well maintained, including a thorough check of fuses and a test
of the system to ensure that all parts are properly functioning. The system should be
free from moisture and dirt, and wiring should be checked for corrosion and mineral

All necessary repairs should be carried out immediately and records of the works
kept. Maintain generators used for auxiliary emergency power -- change the oil,
check the batteries and antifreeze and make sure fuel is readily available.

Monitoring devices usually do not need routine maintenance. Open areas are partic-
ularly susceptible to vandalism. As such all electrical fittings like bulbs, lights, loose
wires etc. in open areas should be checked routinely and replaced / repaired where
needed. The recommendations of the manufacturer should also be referred to.

4.6 Maintenance of Metal Gate Components

All exposed, bare ferrous metal of an outlet installation, whether submerged or ex-
posed to air, will tend to rust. To prevent corrosion, exposed ferrous metals must be
either appropriately painted (following the paint manufacturer’s directions) or heav-
ily greased in respect of moving parts & on surfaces like guides & track seats on
which there is movement of gates. When areas are repainted, it should be ensured
that paint is not applied to gate seats, wedges, or stems (where they pass through the
stem guides), or on other friction surfaces where paint could cause binding. Heavy
grease should be applied on friction surfaces to avoid binding. As rust is especially

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damaging to contact surfaces, existing rust is to be removed before periodic appli-

cation of gr-ease.

4.7 Access Roads

For a dam to be operated and maintained, there must be a safe means of access to it
at all times. Access road surfaces must be maintained to allow safe passage of auto-
mobiles and any required equipment for servicing the dam in any weather condi-
tions. Routine observations of any cut and fill slopes along the sides of the road
should be made. If unstable conditions develop assistance of experienced Engi-
neers/Expert Panels should be obtained and remedial measures initiated.

Drains are required to be provided and maintained along roads to remove surface
and subsurface drainage. This will prolong the life of the road and help reduce dete-
rioration from rutting. Road surfacing should be repaired or replaced as necessary
to maintain the required traffic loadings. In most cases, specialized contractors will
be required to perform this maintenance.

4.8 General Cleaning

As already suggested, for proper operation of spillways, sluiceways, approach chan-

nels, inlet and outlet structures, stilling basin / energy dissipation arrangements, dis-
charge conduit, dam slopes, trash racks, debris control devices etc., regular and thor-
ough cleaning and removal of debris is necessary. Cleaning is especially important
after large floods, which tend to send more debris into the reservoir.

4.9 Materials and Establishment Requirements during Monsoon Period

Materials required during monsoon period for both immediate maintenance and pre-
ventive maintenance must be stocked in adequate quantities for emergency situa-
tions that may arise. Needful instructions in this regard is enclosed in the O&M
Manual. At Hemavathy Dam, a 24/7 hour patrol schedule is carried out during mon-
soon period. At the same time the additional management requirements during mon-
soon period are enhanced.

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4.10 General List of Maintenance Records

Maintenance records are of utmost importance. Records are kept of all maintenance
activities, both immediate and preventive maintenance works. Essential information
to be recorded include the following:

• Date and time of maintenance,

• Weather conditions,
• Type of maintenance,
• Name of person, title and / or contractor performing maintenance,
• Description of work performed,
• Length of time it took to complete the work with dates,
• Equipment and materials used, and
• Before and after dated photographs.

The data is recorded by the person responsible for maintenance.

4.11 Preparation of O&M budget

In order to prepare O&M budget for a dam project all possible costs associated with
implementation of O&M Program need to be identified and considered. Typical
O&M budget for a project should essentially include but not limited to the following

i) Establishment Cost of Regular Staff - Salaries and allowances, Bonus,

Medical Reimbursement, LTC, Leave Encashment, pension benefits, etc.
(as applicable).
ii) Establishment Cost of Work charged Staff - Salaries and allowances, Bo-
nus, Medical Reimbursement, LTC, Leave Encashment, Pension benefits,
TA and DA , etc. (as applicable).

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iii) Establishment Cost of Daily wage Staff - Salaries and allowances, TA and
DA etc. (as applicable).
iv) Office Expenses – Rent for office, Telephone/Mobile/any other Tele-
communication bills, Electricity bills, water bills, Office stationery, Day to
day office requirements.
v) Motor Vehicles - Running and Maintenance cost of inspection vehicles,
Cost of hiring of vehicles as required

vi) Maintenance of Colony - Maintenance of staff quarters, colony roads,

Electricity, Sanitary and Water supply systems etc.

vii) T&P - T&P requirements for offices, colony, works etc. as applicable.

viii) Works -Painting, oiling, greasing, overhauling of HM equipment’s, Re-

pair/replacement of gates seals & wire ropes, POL for pumps & generator
sets, Electricity charges and maintenance of Electric systems of dam site,
specific requirements for all Civil, H.M & Electrical maintenance works,
vegetation removal and mowing of turfing on earth dams, mainte-
nance/cleaning of drains in dam, maintenance of lift/elevators in dam (as
applicable), maintenance of access roads & basic facilities, provision for
flood contingency works during monsoon, unforeseen events/items
(about 10% of the cost of works) etc.


NO. (Rs)(2018-19
(YR 2019-20)


1 STAFF INCLUDING ALL 13557820 14235711

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2 TRAVEL EXPENSES 206444 206444

3 OFFICE EXPENSES 5000000 5000000


4 700000 700000
5 6600000 6600000

SUB-TOTAL - A 26064264 26742155



1.1 1000000 1000000

1.2 EARTHEN DAM 4500000 4500000

1.3 500000 500000
1.4 500000 500000
1.5 1000000 1000000



2.1 - 2600000
2.2 4000000 -
2.3 DAMS - SERVICE / EMER- 2500000 15000000

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2.4 3500000 17500000


3.1 MOTORS, CONTROLS FOR 700000 700000

3.2 POWER SUPPLY LINES 500000 500000

3.3 DAM TOP, DAM GALLER- 1000000 1000000
3.4 600000 600000


5 200000 200000
6 - -
7 STORED BEFORE 200000 200000
SUB-TOTAL - B 20700000 45800000

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8 ON SUB-TOTAL OF A 4676426.4 7254215.5
9 TOOLS & PLANTS 25000 25000
SUB-TOTAL- C 25000 25000

10 TOTAL ANNUAL COST 5146590.4 79821370.5

4.13 Maintenance Records

Maintenance records are of utmost importance. A record shall be kept for all mainte-
nance activities, both immediate and preventive maintenance works. Information
that must be recorded includes, but not limited to, the following:

• date and time of maintenance,

• weather conditions,

• the type of maintenance,

• name of person or contractor performing maintenance,

• description of work performed,

• the length of time it took to complete the work with dates,

• equipment and materials used, and

• before and after photographs.

The data should be recorded by the person responsible for maintenance.

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5.1 Dam Instrumentation:

5.1.1 General Information

This section identifies the location and chainages of each of the 4 structural compo-
nents of the dam:
Table 11 -Locations and Extents of Structural Members

From Chainage To Chainage

Earthen Embankment 150.00 1630.00

Non-Overflow Section (left of

1630.00 1783.00
overflow section)

Over-flow Section 1783.00 1880.00

Non-Overflow Section (right of

1880.00 1995.00
overflow section)

5.1.2 Embedded Instruments – Concrete/Masonry

The various instruments have been embedded in both the masonry / concrete and
earthen section.
Table 12- Embedded Instruments

Type of No. of Instruments embedded In

Sl. Instruments
Embedded At chainage 2058mtr

Strain meter
(Group of 5)

No such instruments fixed at Hemavathy Dam
3 Stress meter

Pore pressure

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Type of No. of Instruments embedded In

Sl. Instruments
Embedded At chainage 2058mtr


6 Joint Meters

Pressure Pie-
7 13 Nos. of Vertical pressure piezometers

5.1.3 Instruments Embedded in the Hemavathy Earthen Dam

Table 13- Embankment Instruments

No. of instruments em-

Sl. No Type of instruments Elevation

5 Cross-arm Installation
i. Center line of dam No such instruments fixed at Hemavathy
ii. U/s Side Dam

iii. D/s Side

5.1.4 Seismological Observations

A seismological observatory has been established at Hemavathy Dam & the data is
being recorded at KSNDMC(Karnataka State Natural Disaster Monitoring Centre
Cell) office in Bangalore.

The earthquake recording machine installed is "Protocorder RV- 320 B” type with
seismometers of type 5 - 7000 Model. The observations from earthquakes are being
observed and noted by the Quality Control Authorities.

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Before DRIP, maintenance activities were limited to routine greasing, oiling, and
painting to electro-mechanical devices; routine repair of electrical systems; gallery
drainage; routine mowing, vegetation removal, repair of eroded section, etc. Apart
from these routine maintenance activities, no major rehabilitation was carried before
the involvement of DRIP. Under DRIP, major Rehabilitation Works have been car-
ried out at a total cost of about INR 8.64 Crores. The rehabilitation works under
DRIP include:

Supplemen- Revised
Costs (INR) tary Contract Agreement
Name of Work Amount amount (in
(in Mil-
(in Millions) Millions)
1. Reconstruction of upstream Revet-
ment of Hemavathy Dam.

2. Providing pointing to the stone clad-

ding below the Parapet wall on up-
stream surface and Treatment of the
masonry Portion on the upstream
surface of the Hemavathy Dam.

3. Extension of River Training/ Protec-

tion walls to the left and right flanks
86.49 21.5 107.99
of Hemavathy river on the down
stream of Hemavathy Dam.

4. Rehabilitation of Damaged surface

of spillway and Flip bucket portion
of Hemavathy Dam.

5. Providing shortcreting to upstream

of spill way piers of Hemavathy

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As features of the dam and appurtenant structures change occasionally, the O&M
Manual must be edited and portions rewritten to reflect these changes. This im-
portant task is often ignored. Updating information in the O&M Manual should be
done whenever major changes like construction of an additional spillway, construc-
tion of dam on the upstream etc. take place. Aspects to be considered when updating

• Increase/decrease in the frequency of an inspection or the maintenance routine

based on additional data/ experience acquired.

• Changes in the operation and/or maintenance procedures based on additional

data/experience acquired.

• Alterations to the project data because of changes/modifications in the dam by

way of additional spillway etc.

All up-dates/revisions of the O&M Manual need to be sent to all the locations/ad-
dresses to whom the copies of the original O&M Manual had been sent earlier. It is
recommended that O&M Manuals be reviewed/ updated after every 10 years by the
respective Dam Owners.

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8.1 Introduction:
• As a part of hydrologic review of the reservoir, the PMF has been estimated and the
inflow PMF hydrograph has been furnished in the report.
• The adequacy of the spill way capacity is to be examined by way of conducting level
pool routing of the reservoir at FRL with impinging PMF hydrograph.

8.1.1 Reservoir routing studies:

• The reservoir routing study is taken up as per the request of the project authorities after
obtaining the required information.
• The level pool routing of the Reservoir at FRL and also at a level 1.23 m below FRL
when PMF hydrograph impinges is carried out as per the request of the project author-
• 8.2 Data available
o Reservoir Capacity values at different reservoir water level elevation up to MWL
o Discharging capacity of the Spillway at different reservoir water level elevation up to
o FRL=890.63m, Crest level of the spillway= 881.49 m, storage at FRL=1050.64 M cum.
• & at1.23 m below FRL; ie at RL ; 889.40 m is 943.3 M cum.
o Capacity of spillway at FRL=3624.55 ,Capacity of River sluice=1155.67 cumecs, canal
sluices=138.02 cumecs, therefore total capacity=4878.24 cumecs; Δt = 1hr=0.0036 Ms:
The capacity & outflow as discharge is given below:

elevation storage outflow Q (2s/Δt)+Q

m M m3 cumecs cumecs
881.490 429.765 1253.69 240077
882.160 464.849 1260.56 259640
883.160 517.168 1413.35 288917
884.160 571.689 1664.32 319496
885.160 634.354 1983.53 354660
886.160 699.738 2358.62 391385
887.160 768.406 2782.24 429982
888.160 842.115 3249.35 471420
889.160 922.223 3756.23 516451
890.160 1007.938 4299.98 564633
890.630 1050.640 4878.24 240077

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• 8.3 Abstract:
• The following two cases are considered to examine the adequacy
of free board.
Case-1: PMF hydrograph impinges when reservoir elevation
is at FRL of 890.63 m
• Case-2: PMF hydrograph impinges when reservoir elevation
is at 1.23 m below FRL ie., at 889.40 m
• 8.3.1 It was observed that
o The inflow PMF into the reservoir at FRL can be routed through the ex-
isting spill ways and river sluices without exceeding the free board.
o The maximum reservoir elevation attained is RL; 891.71 m during the
passage of flood peak when routing is considered at FRL. This indicates
that the water level in the reservoir will exceed the FRL by 1.08m ( Case-
o The maximum reservoir elevation attained is RL; 891.483m during the
passage of flood peak when routing is considered at FRL-1.23 m. This in-
dicates that the water level in the reservoir will exceed the FRL by 0.85 m
o The upstream submergence effect may be considered in both the cases
and appropriate measures may be taken by the project authorities.

8.4 Methodology:

4.1 The reservoir routing is carried out as per Goodrich’s method of level pool
4.2 The basic equation of routing by this method is
𝟐𝑺𝟏 𝟐𝑺𝟐
(𝑰𝟏 + 𝑰𝟐) + {( ) − 𝑸𝟏} = {( ) − 𝑸𝟐}
𝚫𝐭 𝚫𝐭
Where, I1&I2 are inflows, Q1 &Q2 are outflows & S1 & S2 are storages in suc-
cessive time interval Δt.
For known S = f(h) and Q = f(h), graphs are prepared for h v/s Q, and h v/s S.
Since S = f(h) and Q= f(h), the RHS (2S/Δt+Q2) is a function of elevation h hence a func-
tion of outflow Q as well for a chosen time interval Δt . In routing the flow through time
interval Δt , all terms on the LHS and hence RHS are known, and so the value of out-
flow Q for (2S/Δt+Q) can be read from the graph. To set up the data required for the
next time interval, the value of (2S/Δt−Q) is calculated by {(2S/Δt+Q) −2Q}. The
computations are then repeated for subsequent routing periods.

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The reservoir spillway capacity at different elevations is computed by the for-

mula Q=131.17*H1.6+(1253.69)where H= head over the spill way crest, which can be
obtained by deducting the crest level by the elevation at every time step and hence out-
flow Q can be determined. The discharge through the spillway, computed by the above
equation, matches with the peak spillway capacity at FRL. The table is given below


voir ele- crest level H Q=131.17*H1.6+(1253.69)
• vation
• m m m cumecs
• 881.49 881.49 0 1253.69
• 882.16 881.49 0.67 1260.56
• 883.16 881.49 1.67 1413.35
884.16 881.49 2.67 1664.32

885.16 881.49 3.67 1983.53
• 886.16 881.49 4.67 2358.62
• 887.16 881.49 5.67 2782.24
• 888.16 881.49 6.67 3249.35
• 889.16 881.49 7.67 3756.23
890.16 881.49 8.67 4299.98

890.63 881.49 9.14 4878.24
The elevation (h) v/s (2S /Δt+Q) graph is developed based on which the regression equa-
tion for computation of elevation (h) corresponding to (2S /Δt+Q) is given by
h = 10.24326*ln(2S /Δt+Q) + 754.39513

Elevation in m



884 y = 10.24326ln(x) + 754.39513

R² = 0.99868440

200000 300000 400000 500000 600000 700000
{(2S/Δt)+Q}in cumecs

• 8.5 Level Pool Routing Table

• 8.5.1
Case-1: Level pool Routing at FRL:
• Δt= 1h=1*60*60/106=0.0036 million sec; Starting Storage S1=1050.64 M
cum, starting RL=FRL=890.63 m Q1=4878 cumecs

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Case-1; Level pool routing of Hemavathi reservoir by Goodrich's method at FRL:

Time in Outflow
inflow (I) (I1+I2) (2S/ Δt)-Q (2S/ Δt)+Q elevation (h)
h (Q)
h cumec cumec cumec cumec m cumec
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 145 890.630 4878
1 145 291 578811 579102 890.315 4693
2 145 291 569716 570007 890.153 4598
3 145 291 560810 561101 889.992 4505
4 146 291 552091 552382 889.831 4414
5 147 293 543554 543847 889.672 4324
6 152 300 535200 535500 889.514 4235
7 163 315 527030 527346 889.356 4148
8 189 352 519050 519402 889.201 4062
9 223 412 511278 511689 889.048 3979
10 269 492 503732 504223 888.897 3898
11 327 596 496427 497024 888.750 3819
12 405 732 489385 490117 888.606 3744
13 511 916 482629 483545 888.468 3672
14 654 1165 476201 477367 888.336 3603
15 829 1483 470160 471643 888.213 3540
16 1031 1860 464563 466423 888.099 3482
17 1250 2281 459458 461739 887.995 3430
18 1459 2709 454879 457588 887.903 3384
19 1670 3129 450820 453949 887.821 3343
20 1900 3569 447262 450832 887.751 3308
21 2145 4045 444215 448260 887.692 3280
22 2415 4561 441701 446261 887.646 3257
23 2728 5143 439747 444890 887.615 3242
24 3095 5823 438406 444229 887.599 3234
25 3528 6623 437760 444383 887.603 3236
26 4039 7567 437910 445477 887.628 3248
27 4613 8652 438980 447632 887.678 3273
28 5225 9838 441087 450925 887.753 3309
29 5832 11058 444307 455364 887.853 3359
30 6334 12166 448646 460812 887.975 3420
31 6705 13039 453973 467012 888.112 3489
32 6930 13636 460035 473670 888.257 3563
33 7010 13940 466545 480485 888.403 3638
34 6937 13946 473209 487155 888.544 3711
35 6769 13706 479733 493439 888.676 3780
36 6541 13310 485878 499188 888.794 3843
37 6284 12825 491502 504328 888.899 3899
38 6037 12321 496529 508851 888.991 3948
39 5836 11873 500954 512827 889.070 3991
40 5697 11534 504845 516378 889.141 4030
41 5613 11311 508319 519630 889.205 4065

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42 5548 11161 511500 522661 889.265 4097

43 5513 11061 514467 525527 889.321 4128
44 5536 11049 517271 528320 889.375 4158
45 5608 11144 520003 531147 889.430 4188
46 5738 11346 522770 534116 889.487 4220
47 5948 11685 525676 537361 889.549 4255
48 6264 12211 528852 541063 889.619 4294
49 6691 12955 532475 545430 889.702 4340
50 7255 13946 536749 550696 889.800 4396
51 7930 15185 541904 557089 889.918 4463
52 8681 16611 548162 564773 890.059 4544
53 9439 18120 555686 573806 890.221 4638
54 10049 19487 564530 584017 890.402 4743
55 10461 20510 574530 595040 890.593 4857
56 10632 21093 585327 606421 890.788 4972
57 10567 21199 596476 617675 890.976 5086
58 10247 20814 607503 628318 891.151 5192
59 9752 19999 617933 637932 891.306 5288
60 9120 18872 627356 646228 891.439 5370
61 8383 17503 635488 652991 891.545 5436
62 7585 15968 642119 658087 891.625 5486
63 6790 14375 647115 661490 891.678 5519
64 6033 12823 650452 663275 891.705 5536
65 5322 11355 652202 663557 891.710 5539
66 4663 9984 652478 662463 891.693 5529
67 4058 8720 651405 660126 891.657 5506
68 3509 7567 649114 656681 891.603 5472
69 3013 6522 645737 652259 891.534 5429
70 2545 5558 641401 646959 891.450 5377
71 2083 4628 636205 640833 891.353 5317
72 1743 3825 630199 634025 891.243 5249
73 1434 3177 623526 626703 891.125 5176
74 1168 2602 616350 618952 890.997 5099
75 943 2110 608755 610865 890.862 5017
76 762 1705 600830 602535 890.722 4933
77 619 1381 592670 594051 890.576 4846
78 503 1123 584358 585481 890.428 4758
79 410 914 575964 576877 890.276 4670
80 336 746 567538 568284 890.122 4580
81 277 613 559124 559737 889.967 4491
82 228 505 550755 551260 889.811 4402
83 190 417 542456 542874 889.654 4313
84 190 534247 534437 889.493 4223
85 0 525990 525990 889.330 4133
86 0 517723 517723 889.168 4044
87 0 509635 509635 889.006 3957
88 0 501722 501722 888.846 3871
89 0 493980 493980 888.687 3786

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90 0 486408 486408 888.529 3703

91 0 479001 479001 888.371 3622
92 410668 410668 886.817 2112
93 406443 406443 886.712 2050
94 402343 402343 886.609 1990
95 398363 398363 886.508 1931
96 394502 394502 886.408 1874
97 390754 390754 886.311 1819
98 387117 387117 886.216 1765
99 383587 383587 886.123 1713
100 380161 380161 886.031 1663
101 376836 376836 885.942 1614
102 373608 373608 885.854 1566
103 370476 370476 885.768 1520
104 367435 367435 885.684 1476
105 364483 364483 885.602 1433
106 361618 361618 885.522 1391
107 358836 358836 885.443 1350
108 356135 356135 885.366 1311
109 353513 353513 885.291 1273
110 350967 350967 885.217 1236

Routing of Hemavathi reservoir at FRL: Case-1


Flow in cumecs

8000 PMF

6000 Outflow



0 20 40 60 80
Time in hours

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Varying Reservoir elevation with time during routing :

Elevation in m

889.00 Varying
888.00 FRL line
0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Time in hours

• 8.5.2
Case-2: Level pool Routing at FRL-1.23 m ie at RL: 889.40 m:
• Δt= 1h=1*60*60/106=0.0036 million sec; Starting Storage S1=943.3M
cum, starting RL =889.4 m Q1=4172 cumecs

Level pool routing of Hemavathi reservoir by Goodrich's method

Time in inflow (I) (I1+I2) (2S/ Δt)-Q (2S/ Δt)+Q elevation (h)
cumec cumec cumec cumec m cumec
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 145 889.400 4172
1 145 291 519884 520175 889.216 4071
2 145 291 512033 512324 889.060 3986
3 145 291 504353 504644 888.906 3903
4 146 291 496839 497130 888.752 3821
5 147 293 489488 489782 888.599 3740
6 152 300 482301 482601 888.448 3661
7 163 315 475278 475594 888.298 3584
8 189 352 468426 468778 888.150 3508
9 223 412 461761 462173 888.005 3435
10 269 492 455303 455795 887.863 3364
11 327 596 449067 449663 887.724 3295
12 405 732 443073 443805 887.590 3230
13 511 916 437345 438261 887.461 3167
14 654 1165 431926 433091 887.339 3109
15 829 1483 426872 428356 887.227 3056
16 1031 1860 422244 424104 887.125 3008

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17 1250 2281 418088 420368 887.034 2966

18 1459 2709 414436 417145 886.955 2930
19 1670 3129 411286 414416 886.888 2899
20 1900 3569 408618 412188 886.833 2874
21 2145 4045 406441 410485 886.790 2854
22 2415 4561 404777 409338 886.762 2841
23 2728 5143 403655 408798 886.748 2835
24 3095 5823 403128 408951 886.752 2837
25 3528 6623 403277 409900 886.776 2848
26 4039 7567 404204 411771 886.822 2869
27 4613 8652 406034 414686 886.895 2902
28 5225 9838 408882 418720 886.994 2947
29 5832 11058 412826 423884 887.119 3006
30 6334 12166 417872 430039 887.267 3075
31 6705 13039 423889 436928 887.430 3153
32 6930 13636 430623 444259 887.600 3235
33 7010 13940 437789 451729 887.771 3318
34 6937 13946 445092 459038 887.935 3400
35 6769 13706 452238 465944 888.088 3477
36 6541 13310 458990 472301 888.227 3547
37 6284 12825 465206 478031 888.351 3611
38 6037 12321 470809 483131 888.459 3667
39 5836 11873 475797 487670 888.555 3717
40 5697 11534 480236 491769 888.641 3762
41 5613 11311 484245 495556 888.719 3803
42 5548 11161 487949 499110 888.793 3842
43 5513 11061 491426 502487 888.862 3879
44 5536 11049 494729 505777 888.929 3915
45 5608 11144 497947 509091 888.995 3951
46 5738 11346 501189 512535 889.065 3988
47 5948 11685 504559 516244 889.138 4028
48 6264 12211 508187 520399 889.221 4073
49 6691 12955 512253 525208 889.315 4125
50 7255 13946 516958 530905 889.425 4186
51 7930 15185 522533 537718 889.556 4258
52 8681 16611 529201 545813 889.709 4344
53 9439 18120 537124 555244 889.884 4444
54 10049 19487 546356 565843 890.078 4555
55 10461 20510 556733 577243 890.282 4673
56 10632 21093 567896 588989 890.489 4795
57 10567 21199 579400 600600 890.689 4913
58 10247 20814 590773 611588 890.874 5025
59 9752 19999 601538 621537 891.040 5125
60 9120 18872 611288 630160 891.181 5211
61 8383 17503 619738 637242 891.295 5281
62 7585 15968 626679 642648 891.382 5335
63 6790 14375 631978 646353 891.441 5371
64 6033 12823 635611 648434 891.474 5391
65 5322 11355 637651 649006 891.483 5397
66 4663 9984 638211 648196 891.470 5389
67 4058 8720 637417 646138 891.437 5369

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68 3509 7567 635400 642967 891.387 5338

69 3013 6522 632291 638814 891.321 5297
70 2545 5558 628220 633778 891.240 5247
71 2083 4628 623285 627913 891.144 5188
72 1743 3825 617536 621361 891.037 5123
73 1434 3177 611115 614292 890.920 5052
74 1168 2602 604188 606790 890.794 4976
75 943 2110 596838 598948 890.661 4896
76 762 1705 589155 590860 890.521 4814
77 619 1381 581233 582614 890.377 4729
78 503 1123 573156 574279 890.230 4643
79 410 914 564993 565907 890.079 4556
80 336 746 556796 557542 889.927 4468
81 277 613 548606 549220 889.773 4380
82 228 505 540459 540964 889.618 4293
83 190 417 532378 532795 889.462 4206
84 190 524383 524573 889.302 4118
85 0 516337 516337 889.140 4029
86 0 508279 508279 888.979 3942
87 500958 500958 888.831 3862
88 493233 493233 888.671 3778
89 485677 485677 888.513 3695
90 478287 478287 888.356 3614
91 471059 471059 888.200 3534
92 463992 463992 888.045 3455
93 457082 457082 887.892 3378
94 450325 450325 887.739 3303
95 443719 443719 887.588 3229
96 437262 437262 887.438 3156
97 430949 430949 887.289 3085
98 424779 424779 887.141 3016
99 418748 418748 886.994 2948
100 412852 412852 886.849 2881
101 407090 407090 886.705 2816
102 401458 401458 886.562 2752
103 395954 395954 886.421 2690
104 390574 390574 886.281 2629
105 385316 385316 886.142 2570
106 380176 380176 886.005 2512
107 375152 375152 885.868 2455
108 370241 370241 885.733 2400
109 365441 365441 885.600 2346
110 360748 360748 885.467 2294

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Routing of Hemavathi reservoir at RL: 889.4 m:



Flow in cumecs

8000 PMF

6000 Outflow



0 20 40 60 80
Time in hours

Varying Reservoir elevation with time during routing :



Elevation in m


Varying Elevation
FRL line

0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96
Time in hours

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Longitudinal section of the Hemavathy dam

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Cross section of the Earthen dam

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ITY (OCT. 2015)


Dams are delivering enormous benefits to the nation through flood risk mitigation,
navigation, irrigation, hydropower, water supply, fisheries, wildlife conservation and
recreation. Dams store large amounts pf water; and an uncontrolled or excessive
outflow from dam reservoir may pose unacceptable risks to the lives and property
of people downstream of dam. sometimes, unexpected release of even small quan-
tum of water during day to day operations of dam reservoirs could also catch people
unaware, and cause loss of lives – recent Larji dam incident (8th of June 2014) is the
tragic example which resulted in drowning of 25 students in the river Beas in Hima-
chal Pradesh. Strengthening of alarm and warning system lined with dam operations
can go a long way in ensuring safety of people from sudden release of water through
dam spillway.


This notification is intended to strengthen the alarm and warning system on India’s
dams for safety of people from sudden release of water through the dam spill-
way/river sluices. It is also expected that the notification will sensitize and guide the
dam operating staff in identifying, monitoring, and responding to emergency situa-
tion that may arise at any downstream stretch of the river due to sudden release of
water from dam.


This notification is applicable for enforcement by all dam authorities in charge of

operation of the dams. This is particularly applicable to independent outlet works,
which are directly discharging into the river.

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1. Reservoir Operation Manual, prescribing standard operating procedures for the

day to day as well as emergency operation of dam, shall be prepared by the con-
cerned project authorities / dam owners (State Governments, Public Sector Un-
dertakings, other government or private agencies). The Operation Manual shall
spell out all possible scenarios of operation of spillway gates and other outlet
gates keeping in perspective and elevation-storage curve of the reservoir; the an-
nual inflow pattern of the reservoir; the annul water demand pattern of the pro-
ject; and in case of hydropower projects, the power demand and impact of load
rejection on operating units.

2. The concerned project authorities shall carry out hydraulic routing studies for the
downstream river reaches for different dam-outflow conditions in order to iden-
tify vulnerable areas in terms of depth/level and velocity of flows. In such vul-
nerable areas, project authorities shall mark danger levels at appropriate places
and set up permanent warning posts (in English, Hindi, and the local language)
visible with naked eyes from reasonable distances. Movable barriers may be in-
stalled to prevent the entry of people and vehicles during passage of flood.

3. The purpose of a flood warning service is to detect and forecast threatening flood
events so that the pubic can be alerted in advance adundertake appropriate
responses to minimise the impact of flood. The components of a flood warning
system can be aptly illustrated as below:

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4. The vulnerable areas that pose very hiigh risk levels (e.g., river reaches very close
to dam locations) shall ne fenced to bar free access of people. Development of
river front from the point-of-view of tourism shall be allowed only at safe places;
and in all such places ample care shall be taken to prominently notify risks
associated with suddent release of water from dam.

5. The concened project authorities shall establish a Control Room to keep watch
on probable water inflows so as to have advance information and sufficient lead
time for protective measures. A proper coordination regarding releases of water
during noth normal amd emergent conditions shall be ensured with the

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immediate upstream and other cascading projects. The works of Control Room
shall be entrusted to duly qualified persons.

6. A foolproof wanring system to alert downstream habitants before release of

water shall be put in place. The warning for release of water shall begiven through
Speakers, Surens on Hooters adequately in advance ofdam eleases (minimum 15
minutes); and all such instruments shall be directly connected to the Control
Room elimtating dependence on watch-staff sattioned at vulnerable areas. The
warning system shall be backed up by alternative power sourcesin Control Room
as well as vulneable locations so as to avoid malfunctioning of system in case of
power failures. The Sirens / Hooters shall be distinguishable from other
common soumds like VIP vehicles, fire brigades, abulances, etc. Regular
inspections shall be carried out to ensure all time functioning of sirens, and
periodical mock drill shall also ne planned for ensuring efficacy of the warning

7. Tourist entering the vulnerable zones shall be forewarned of dangers of sudden

dam releases. A suitable mechanism shall be developed in consultation with
pertinent telecom service providers to send SMSs to each tourist whenever they
enter vulnerable zones. Attempts shall also be made to send SMSs related to
extreme releases of water to all mobile phones operating in the downstream
vicinity of the dam project.

8. For dealing with extreme weather and flood consitions, accurate and reliabpe
hydro-meteorological network, inflow forecasting and communication
mechanism shall be established by the State Governments. Releases from the
storage dams associated with irrigation and flood moderation shall be planned in
advance with the help of telemtry data available on real-time basis, and advance

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warnings shall be issued to the people. Such information related to flood

estimates and planned releases from dams shall be made available on Project
website and through other means of public dissemination.

9. The concerned project authorities shall develop approriate mechanism to keep

local administration informed about the extreme inflows, sudden release of water
and any other exigency conditions. Direcory of contact numbers of key persons
of civil administration, police, ambulance, fire stattion, etc. shall be available with
the officials responsibe for such comminications, and a copy shall also be
available in the Control Room. Regular revison / updating of the Directory shall
be carried out for its meaningful intent.

10. Preparation of Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for each dam is crucial for
minimizing the loss of life and property in the event of occurrence of any
emergency situation. A typical EAP contains procedures and information to
assist the dam owner in taking necessary actions in time to moderate or alleviate
the problems, in addition to issuing early warning and notification messages to
responsibe authorities, vis., District Magistrate / Collector, Armed Forces,
Paramilitary forces, Project Authorities and other Central / State Agencies. It
also contains inumdation maps to identify critical areas for prioritzations of relief
and rescu actions in case of emergency. Project authorities shall ensure
preparation and updation of the EAPs of their dams as per Central Water
Commission’s guidelines available on CWC website at

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Materials during monsoon period should be stocked in adequate quantity as experience
shows them to be necessary. Particular care should be taken that the required materials
are distributed with careful fore-thought so as to be readily available everywhere, par-
ticularly at dangerous sites. The quantity of materials required depends on importance
or dangerousness of the dam and the distances of the dam from the nearest stations at
which these can be purchased. This will need to be worked out by the respective dam
owners / state govt. as per their experience & documented in the O & M Manual for
the dams. The following norms have been prescribed by the Govt. of Madhya Pradesh
for their projects during monsoon period.
1. Patrolling
i. Torches: 1 for each Executive Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Sub-Engineer and 2 in
ii. Cells: 1fill and 2 spare sets
iii. Binoculars 6
iv. Night Vision Goggles 2
v. Dragon Lights 10
vi. Search Lights 15
vii. Communication Systems (local walkie-talkie) 8
viii. Rain coat: 20
ix. Gum boots: 20
x. Danger Zone Light: Strips 10
xi. Flares 50
2. Leaks
i Gunny Bags 500
ii. Stakes 60 to 120 stakes per km.
iii. Baskets 1 Basket of toot per beldar &one
iv. Sutli (Twine) 0.5kg
spare. per 100bags
v. Needles ½ dozen with each work mestry
vi. Sand Collection of 2 to 4m3every km. for

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Appendix 4― Scheduled or Unscheduled Dam Safety

Inspection Form

A form designed for use during scheduled dam safety inspections – which includes
pre- and post-monsoon inspections – follows. The form contains a comprehensive
checklist (Part 2a) of items that are found at dams that need to be evaluated during
a safety inspection. The checklist consists of (1) a series of questions that need to be
answered as Yes/No/Not Applicable for each inspection item, (2) a remarks box in
which critical aspects can be commented upon following each question, and (3) a
final condition assessment (Unsatisfactory/Poor/Fair/Satisfactory) for that
inspection item. Not all inspection items will be found at a dam. The form concludes
with a Consolidated Dam Health Status Report (Part 2b).

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Scheduled / Unscheduled Dam Safety Inspection Form

Part 1a - Inspection Details:
Project ID Code
Dam Name:
Dam Type: Dam Purpose:
Dam Owner: Hazard Classification:
Dam Operator: Inspection by:
City/State/PIN: Date of Inspection:
District: Reservoir Level:
Auxiliary Spillway
Longitude: Weather Conditions:

Part 1b - Inspection Remarks:

Please provide any additional information or comments not covered by Part 1a form above.

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Part 2a - Inspection Checklist:

SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

A Reservoir

A1.1 General Condition

Is the reservoir water level unusually high
or low?

1.1.2 Are there signs of decline in water quality?

Are there signs of recent sediment deposi-

1.1.4 Is floating debris present?

Are there people or livestock in and around


1.1.6 Any other issues?

B Dam and Dam Reach (Embankment)

B1.1 General Condition

Any major alterations or changes to the
dam since the last inspection?

1.1.2 Is there any new nearby development in the

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

downstream floodplain?

Any misalignment of poles, fencing or walls

due to dam movement?
B1.2 Upstream Slope
Any signs of bulging or concavity (depres-
Presence of longitudinal or transverse
Any signs of distress to the stability of
Any other signs of structural distress or in-
Trees or profuse growth of weeds/bushes
at any location?
Is there evidence of livestock on the
upstream slope?
Are ants, termites, crabs or other burrow-
ing animals present?
Any degradation to slope protection (rip-

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

1.2.9 Any other issues?

B1.3 Crest of Dam

Any signs of excessive or uneven settle-
Presence of longitudinal or transverse
Presence of undulations, local depressions
or heaving?
Any degradation to access road (sealed/un-

1.3.5 Evidence of livestock on dam crest?

Trees or profuse growth of weeds/bushes

at any location?
Any degradation to edges of dam crest or
reduction in width?
Any degradation to upstream parapet or
downstream curb wall?

1.3.9 Any other issues?

B1.4 Downstream Slope

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Any signs of bulging or concavity (depres-

Any wet patches (seepage), concentrated
leaks or evidence of boiling?
Presence of longitudinal or transverse
Any signs of distress to the stability of
Are of rain cuts/erosion channels present
at any location?
Any other signs of structural distress or in-
Trees or profuse growth of weeds/bushes
at any location?
Is there evidence of livestock on the
downstream slope?
Are ants, termites, crabs or other burrow-
ing animals present?
Any other degradation to slope protection

1.4.11 Any other issues?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

B1.5 Breaching Section

Any difficulties in accessing the breaching

1.5.2 Evidence of recent degradation?

1.5.3 Any other issues?

B1.6 Junction with Masonry/Concrete Dam Section

Any presence of leaks, springs or wet spots
in the vicinity of the junction?
Any presence of cracking, settlement or up-
heaval of earthwork?
Any evidence of erosion or slope instabil-

1.6.4 Any other issues?

B1.7 Abutment Contacts

Any presence of leaks, springs or wet spots
in the vicinity of the abutment?
Any presence of cracking, settlement or up-
heaval of earthwork?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Any evidence of erosion or slope instabil-


1.7.4 Trees or profuse growth of weeds/bushes?

Any degradation to up/downstream slope

protection (rip-rap, turfing)?

1.7.6 Any other issues?

B2 Dam and Dam Block/Reach (Concrete/Masonry)

B2.1 General Condition

Any major alterations or changes to the
dam since the last inspection?
Is there any new nearby development in the
downstream floodplain?
Any misalignment of poles, fencing or walls
due to dam movement?
B2.2 Upstream Face
Evidence of surface defects (honeycomb-
ing, staining, stratification)?
Concrete/masonry deterioration (spalling,
leaching, disintegration)?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Is cracking present (structural, thermal,

along joints)?
Evidence of differential settlement (dis-
placed/offset/open joints)?
Presence of vegetation (growth in joints be-
tween blocks)?
Evidence of any other damage to joints
and/or waterstops?

2.2.7 Any other issues?

B2.3 Crest of Dam

Evidence of differential settlement (dis-
placed/offset/open joints)?
Presence of cracking (structural, thermal,
along joints)?
Profuse growth of weeds/grass/plants at
any location?

2.3.4 Any degradation to access road?

Any degradation to upstream parapet or

downstream curb wall?

2.3.6 Any other issues?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

B2.4 Downstream Face

Evidence of surface defects (honey-comb-
ing, staining, stratification)?
Concrete/masonry deterioration (spalling,
leaching, disintegration)?
Presence of cracking (structural, thermal,
along joints)?
Evidence of differential settlement (dis-
placed/offset/open joints)?
Presence of vegetation (growth in joints be-
tween blocks)?
Evidence of any other damage to joints
and/or waterstops?
Excessive seepage/sweating at any location
on downstream face?
Significant leakage at any location on
downstream face?

2.4.9 Any other issues?

B2.5 Abutment Contacts

Any presence of leaks, springs or wet spots
in vicinity of abutment?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

2.5.2 Any presence of cracking or settlement?

Profuse growth of weeds/grass/plants at

any location?

2.5.4 Any other issues?

C1 Gallery/Shaft and Drainage (Embankment)

C1.1 General Condition

Slushy condition or water logging immedi-
ately downstream of dam?
Any evidence of boiling in vicinity of dam
C1.2 Gallery/Shaft Condition
Any problems accessing or inspecting gal-
lery/shaft (obstruction)?
Any safety issues (inadequate handrails,
lighting or ventilation)?
Problems of inadequate drainage (slippery
stairs, water logging of gallery)?
Evidence of differential settlement (dis-
placed/offset/open joints)?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Excessive seepage/sweating at any location

along gallery/shaft?
Significant leakage at any location along

1.2.7 Any other issues?

C1.3 Drain Condition

Is the flow in the drain unusually high or
Any reduction/deterioration in the drain
section or slope?
Presence of debris or profuse growth of
weeds/bushes at any location?
Any other obstruction to the flow of the
Is the flow in the drain noticeably spo-
Does the drainage water have high turbidity
(high sediment load)?

1.3.7 Any other issues?

C2 Gallery/Shaft and Drainage (Concrete/Masonry)

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

C2.1 General Condition

Slushy condition or water logging just
downstream of dam?
C2.2 Gallery/Shaft Condition
Any problems accessing or inspecting gal-
lery/shaft (obstruction)?
Any safety issues (inadequate handrails,
lighting or ventilation)?
Problems of inadequate drainage (slippery
stairs, water logging of gallery)?
Evidence of surface defects (honeycomb-
ing, staining, stratification)?
Concrete/masonry deterioration (spalling,
leaching, disintegration)?
Presence of cracking (structural, thermal,
along joints)?
Evidence of differential settlement (dis-
placed/offset/open joints)?
Evidence of any other damage to joints
and/or waterstops?

2.2.9 Excessive seepage/sweating at any location

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

along gallery/shaft?

Significant leakage at any location along


2.2.11 Any other issues?

C2.3 Drain Condition

Is the flow in the drain unusually high or
Presence of calcium or other deposits in
Any other evidence of the drain being
blocked/having reduced section?
Is the flow in the drain noticeably spo-
Does the drainage water have unusual color

2.3.6 Any other issues?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

D1 Spillway and Energy Dissipation Structure

1.1 Spillway
Any problems inspecting spillway (ob-
structed access, damaged catwalk)?
Any obstructions in or immediately down-
stream of the spillway?
Evidence of abrasion, cavitation or scour
on glacis (e.g. exposed reinforcement)?
Presence of displaced, offset or open
Presence of cracking (structural, thermal,
along joints)?
Evidence of surface defects (honeycomb-
ing, staining, stratification)?
Concrete/masonry deterioration (spalling,
leaching, disintegration)?
Presence of vegetation (growth in joints be-
tween blocks)?
Evidence of any other damage to joints
and/or water stops?

1.1.10 Excessive seepage/sweating at any location

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

on spillway glacis?

Significant leakage at any location on spill-

way glacis?

1.1.12 Any other issues?

D1.2 Energy Dissipation Structure

Any problems inspecting energy dissipation
Any obstructions in or immediately down-
stream of dissipation structure?
Evidence of abrasion, cavitation or scour
on dissipation structure?
Presence of displaced, offset or open
Presence of cracking (structural, thermal,
along joints)?
Evidence of surface defects (honeycomb-
ing, staining, stratification)?
Concrete/masonry deterioration (spalling,
leaching, disintegration)?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Presence of vegetation (growth in joints be-

tween blocks)?
Evidence of any other damage to joints
and/or waterstops?
Any problems with under-drainage (block-
age of open drain holes)?

1.2.11 Any other issues?

E1 Intake/Outlet and Water Conveyance Structure

E1.1 Intake/Outlet Structure

Any problems inspecting intake/outlet
structure (obstructed/unsafe access)?
Any obstructions in, upstream or down-
stream of intake/outlet structure?
Evidence of abrasion, cavitation or scour
on intake/outlet structure?
Any evidence of structural distress (dis-
placed/offset/open joints, cracking)?
Any evidence of surface defects and/or
concrete/masonry deterioration?

1.1.6 Any other issues?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

E1.2 Water Conveyance Structure

Any problems inspecting intake/outlet
structure (obstructed/unsafe access)?
Any obstructions in, upstream or down-
stream of water conveyance structure?
Evidence of abrasion, cavitation or scour
on structure?
Any evidence of structural distress (dis-
placed/offset/open joints, cracking)?
Any evidence of surface defects and/or
material deterioration?
Any evidence of seepage or leakage from
water conveyance structure?
1.2.7 Any other issues?

F1 Hydro-Mechanical Component and Turbine/Pump

F1.1 Gates, Stop Logs and Bulk Heads

Any problems inspecting gate/stop
log/bulk head (obstructed/unsafe access)?
Any issues with storage of equipment
(emergency stop logs, and gate leaves)?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Missing or inadequate spare parts (particu-

larly requiring regular replacement)?
Any deterioration of equipment (connect-
ing bolts, welds, surface, paint work?)
Any obstructions preventing or impairing
smooth operation?
Any problems with the rollers (not touch-
ing tracks, inadequate lubrication)?
Any problems with the seals (damage,
weathering, gaps with bearing surface)?

1.1.8 Any other issues?

F1.2 Hoists, Cranes and Operating Mechanisms

Any problems inspecting hoist/crane/op-
erating mechanism?
Missing or inadequate spare parts (particu-
larly requiring regular replacement)?
Any deterioration of equipment (connect-
ing bolts, welds, surface, paint work?)
Any wear or damage to wire cables and
other moving parts?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Any obstructions preventing or impairing

smooth operation?
Missing or inadequate provision of back-
up/standby power supply?
Any health and safety concerns (e.g. lack of
"danger" sign during maintenance)?

1.2.8 Any other issues?

F1.3 Valves

1.3.1 Any problems inspecting valve?

Any obstructions preventing or impairing

smooth operation?
Any deterioration of valve and associated

1.3.4 Any other issues?

F1.4 Trash Racks

1.4.1 Any problems inspecting trash rack?

Problems of excessive debris and/or inade-

quate cleaning?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Any deterioration of trash rack (rust, corro-

sion, and damaged blades)?

1.4.4 Any other issues?

F1.5 Trash Rack Cleaning Machines

Any problems inspecting trash rack clean-
ing machine?
Missing or inadequate spare parts (particu-
larly requiring regular replacement)?
Any deterioration of equipment (connect-
ing bolts, welds, surface, paint work?)
Any wear or damage to wire cables and
other moving parts?
Any obstructions preventing or impairing
smooth operation?
Missing or inadequate provision of back-
up/standby power supply?
Any health and safety concerns (e.g. lack of
"danger" sign during maintenance)?

1.5.8 Any other issues?

F1.6 Turbines

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

1.6.1 Any problems inspecting turbine?

Any obstructions preventing or impairing

smooth operation?
Any deterioration of turbine, blades and as-
sociated equipment?

1.6.4 Any other issues?

F1.7 Pumps

1.7.1 Any problems inspecting pump?

Any obstructions preventing or impairing

smooth operation?
Any deterioration of pump and associated

1.7.4 Any other issues?

G1 Access Road

G1.1 General Condition

Any problems ensuring security of dam site
(including gates and fencing)?
Any obstructions along or at entrance to
access road (temporary or long-term)?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Any slope stability issues (road embank-

ment or adjacent slopes)?
Profuse growth of weeds/grass on or in vi-
cinity of access road?
Any drainage problems (standing water on
or adjacent to road)?
Any other degradation to road surface
(ruts, potholes, cavities, cracking)?
1.1.7 Any other issues?

H1 Instrumentation

H1.1 General Condition

Any problems inspecting instrument (ob-
structed/unsafe access)?
Is the instrument vulnerable to damage or
theft (inadequate protection)?

1.1.3 Any problems ensuring correct functioning

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

of instrument (lighting, ventilation)?

Any evidence of degradation to condition

of instrument (rusting, vandalism)?
Any evidence of instrument not working
(decommissioned, broken)?

1.1.6 Any other issues?

I1 OtherAppurtenant Structures (Flexi-Component)

I1.1 Bridges and Catwalks

Any problems inspecting bridge or catwalk
(obstructed/unsafe access)?
Any security issues relating to unauthorized
access (e.g. for gate operation)?
Are the decking, girders and supports
structurally sound?
Any evidence of defects or deterioration of
steel, concrete or paint work?

1.1.5 Any other issues?

I1.2 Guide Walls

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Any problems inspecting guide wall (ob-

structed/unsafe access)?
Any problem with drainage from behind
wall (e.g. blocked weep holes)?
Any evidence of scour, foundation erosion
or undercutting?
Any signs of differential settlement, crack-
ing or tilting?

1.2.5 Any other issues?

I1.3 Miscellaneous

1.3.1 Any other issues? (please specify part)

J1 Emergency Preparedness

J1.1 Emergency Action Plan

Is the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) still
pending, inadequate or outdated?
If not, are any dam staff unaware or insuffi-
ciently conversant with the EAP?
Any concerned authorities unaware or in-
sufficiently conversant with the EAP?

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SN Inspection Item Response a Remarks Condition b

Do the communication directories/contact

details require updating?
Any problems accessing or operating the
communication/warning system?

1.1.6 Any other issues?

a Respond either yes (Y), no (N) or not applicable (NA).

b Condition: Please rate the condition as either Satisfactory, Fair, Poor or Unsatisfactory as described below:
1. Satisfactory - No existing or potential dam safety deficiencies are recognized. Acceptable performance is expected under all loading condi-
tions (static, hydrologic, seismic) in accordance with the applicable regulatory criteria or tolerable risk guidelines.
2. Fair - No existing dam safety deficiencies are recognized for normal loading conditions. Rare or extreme hydrologic and/or seismic events
may result in a dam safety deficiency. Risk may be in the range to take further action.
3. Poor - A dam safety deficiency is recognized for loading conditions which may realistically occur. Remedial action is necessary. Poor may also
be used when uncertainties exist as to critical analysis parameters which identify a potential dam safety deficiency. Further investigations and
studies are necessary.
4. Unsatisfactory - A dam safety deficiency is recognized that requires immediate or emergency remedial action for problem resolution.

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Part 2b – Consolidated Dam Health Status Report:

SN Remedial Measures Suggested Category a
Deficiencies Noticed

a Category I – deficiencies which may lead to failure; Category II – major deficiencies requiring prompt remedial measures; Category III – minor
remedial measures which are rectifiable during the year

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To keep oil clean and free of all foreign matters is a part of hydraulic system mainte-
nance. Oil Contamination control is the first requirement of any hydraulic system.
To enhance its life and to get trouble free service.

It is just not possible to keep oil free of contamination in any industrial sector. What
we can do is the monitoring of oil contamination level by cleanliness determination

By cleanliness determination methods you can get idea of the contamination level
and the actions required to maintain cleanliness of oil within the specified limits of a
particular system.

There are mainly two methods widely used for oil cleanliness determination. These
methods define the class of oil according to their contamination level.

1. ISO 4406.

2. NAS 1638.
Refer the tables given below for both the methods.

Table 8 – Cleanliness Classes According to ISO 4406

For the determination of the ISO- codes (cleanliness classes) the quantity of the
particles in sizes > 2-µm, 5µm and > 15 µm according to ISO 4406 are used.

The code is independent to the particle size.

Example for presentation

Analysis Volume: 1-ml

Code- Number Quantity particle of……. Up to inclusive

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26 32,0000 64,0000
25 16,0000 32,0000
24 80,000 16,0000
23 40,000 80,000
22 20,000 40,000
21 10,000 20,000
20 5000 10,000
19 2500 5000
18 1300 2500
17 640 1300
16 320 640
15 160 320
14 80 160
13 40 80
12 20 40
11 10 20
10 5 10
9 2,5 5
8 1,3 2,5
7 0.6 1,3
6 0.3 0.6
Table 9 – Cleanliness Classes According to NAS 1638
Analysis Volume : 100 ml
Particle quantity x 109
Class 5 – 15 µm 15 – 25 µm 25 – 50 µm 50 – 100 µm ≥ 100 µm
00 0.125 0.022 0.004 0.001 0
0 0.250 0.044 0.008 0.002 0
1 0.5 0.089 0.016 0.003 0.001
2 1 0.178 0.032 0.006 0.001
3 2 0.356 0.063 0.011 0.002
4 4 0.712 0.126 0.022 0.004
5 8 1.425 0.253 0.045 0.008
6 16 2.85 0.506 0.090 0.016
7 32 5.7 1.012 0.18 0.032
8 64 11.40 2.025 0.36 0.064
9 128 22.8 4.05 0.72 0.128
10 256 45.6 8.1 1.44 0.256
11 512 91.2 16.2 2.88 0.512
12 1024 182.4 32.4 5.76 1.024

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The number of dirt particles larger than a specific particle size X counted upstream
of the filter elements is divided by the number of dirt particles counted downstream
of the filter element (same particle size X, same pressure drop, at the same point in
time). The resulting dimensionless number represents the degree of separation bx.

Degree of Separation (BX value)

• Above a Bx value of ≤ 100 or a filter efficiency

• Of 99%, the filtration rating is called the absolute

• Retention rate (see above figure)


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In order to ensure reliability and long service life, the hydraulic fluid should be main-
tained to a cleanliness class of at least 9 to NAS 1638. In order to achieve this, a filter
pore of 10 um is normally.

Maintenance of the necessary cleanliness class requires careful filtering of the air en-
tering the tank.

In damp atmospheres, a Silica gel element is also necessary to be attached before air


The specification of the hydraulic fluid is always determined by the most sensitive
component in the system. All components of the system must be compatible with
the fluid used. In order to simplify selection, different viscosity graders have been
created. The identifying code relates to average viscosity in Cst at 400C. Viscosity
gradesVg22 to Vg100 are in most common use.

Selection of oil is made on the basis of starting viscosity with ambient temperature
and optimum viscosity according to system and operating data.


The permissible viscosity for the whole installation is always restricted to that of the
component with the narrowest range. The permissible viscosity range must be main-
tained for all operating conditions.

The viscosity is dependent on temperature, on this basis, oil viscosity class most be
determined with regard to the maximum and minimum oil tank temperatures. Nor-
mally cooling or Heating or both are required in some conditions.

Viscosity of any oil is measured at Normal pressure and 400C Temp. it is measured
in Cst (mm2/Sec.)


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The viscosity of oil is dependent on its temperature. Viscosity at normal pressure and
at 400C temperature is the standard viscosity of that oil. As temperature rises viscosity
reduces &vice-versa.

The most favorable operating viscosity is the range of 16 to 36 Cst. Optimum effi-
ciency is achieved in this range.

If you maintain viscosity range between 25 to 36 Cst , there is good provision for the
lubrication of the bearings, and therefore correspondingly long bearing life is ob-
tained .

A decisive factor which affects the flushing time is the fluid is the contamination
grade. To achieve the minimum level, the hydraulic system has to be flushed until
this level has been achieved. This can only be achieved by continuously monitoring
the particle count with a monitoring unit.

When changing over to special fluids which are not compatible or which do not mix
with the fluid which has been used in the system, considerably longer flushing time
may be necessary.

During the flushing operation all the filters must be checked at short time intervals
and the filter elements should be changed as required.

During commissioning different elements of the system must be listened for noise

Jerky movements indicate the presence of air in the system. By swiveling the pump
briefly to one or both sides with the serviced units in the loaded or braked condition,
certain air pockets can be eliminated. The system is completely bled when all func-
tions can be carried out smoothly and continuously and there is no foaming on the
surface of the oil.

Remove filter elements and inspects for residue. Clean filter elements, replace paper

If further contamination is found, an additional flushing is necessary in order to pre-

vent premature failure of system components.

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Servicing of system fluid is dependent on several operating factors.

- Oil level (e.g. Water in oil, severally aged oil.)

- Operating temperature

- Volume of oil.

Severally aged or contaminated fluid cannot be improved by topping up with fresh


Take laboratory samples of system fluid and have inspected for particle type, Size,
and Quantity.

Check pressure accumulators for changing pressure; while doing

So, that must be no pressure on the oil side of the accumulator.

Measure oil temperature regularly. Rising operating temperature is an indication of

increasing friction and leakage.

Frequent re-adjustment indicates wear at the temperature pressure relief valves.

A5.6.1 Instruction For Industrial valves.

During installation care should be taken to ensure that the base of the valve and sub
plate are dry and free oil or any layer.

When installing industrial valves the valve and the area to which it is to be fitted must
be clean.

Welded or hot formed pipes are to be picked, flushed and finally oiled.

For cleaning use only lint free clothes or special paper.

The mounting surface must have a surface finish (in general) of Rt max. <=4µm and
a flatness of <=0.01 mm/100mm

Fixing screws must be to the dimensions and tensile strength as started in the cata-
logue sheets, they must also be tightened to the correct torque.

As a filler/ breather it is recommended that a filter with the same rating as the filters
in the Hydraulic system in used.

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Although installation position is optional, it is preferably horizontal for directional
control valve. Other installation positions for valve types e.g.

- Without spring centering of the spool

- With solenoid hanging downwards My lead to malfunctions or restrictions

with regard to the standard technical data.

For pressure switches with a drain port the installation position is to be so selected,
that the maximum drain port pressure of 2 bar is not exceeded.

In order to protect the pressure fluid the manufactures recommendations concerning

maximum temperature should be observed. To obtain constant and consistent re-
sponse characteristics from system, it is recommended that the fluid temperatures
should be held constant (+-5)

If the temperatures are exceeding up to or above 800C fpm seals must be used.

A reliable filtration increases the service life of the valves. Please take note of the
required cleanliness class of the pressure fluid which is stated in the relevant cata-
logue sheet.

The maximum permissible filter element pressure differential must not be exceeded.

It is recommended that filters are fitted with clogging indicators.

Proper care should be taken with regard to cleanliness while changing filter elements.

Contamination on the inlet side reduces the service life of the filter elements.

The oil temperature should be maintained to keep the viscosity in the permissible
limits. As a rule of thumb, tank base oil temperature should not go above 500C. In
no case should temperature go above 800C. Operating temperatures above 800C re-
duce the service life of oil by half for every 100C rise and should therefore be avoided.

Sometimes leakage oil temp. rises up to 900C, but if it is not affecting the tank base
temperature much, it is acceptable.

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A5.6.2 Selection Diagram




Different types of hydraulic fluids have different effects on sealing materials, so al-
ways use proper type of seals. Say as for example if mineral oil is used, NBR seals are
compatible with it, but if Phosphate Ester is used with NBR Seals, these seals will
not give proper function and get spoiled by this fluid. One must use FPM (Viton)
seals with Phosphate ester.


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A5.8.1 Instructions For Hydraulic Systems :

During assembly of power pack check cleanliness of components and pipe connec-
tions. Pickling is essential, if pipes have been welded or hot-bent.

Dirt from the environment must not be allowed to enter the tanks.

Fill oil tanks via a filter, preferably system filters, or portable filter stations with fine

Protective internal paint coatings, if used, must be resistance to the hydraulic fluids
to be used.

Storage of parts which have not been filed with hydraulic coil, or, treated with anti-
corrosive fluid can lead to the build-up of resin. Dissolve resin and renew the lubri-
cating film.

Do not use hemp and putty as sealing materials, as these can lead to contamination
and thus malfunctions.

Make sure hose lines are correctly laid. Rubbing and abutting of the lines must be

Before commissioning, if required, fill pump housing with oil.

In start of commissioning the system should be flushed properly. Take care that the
, external pilots oil supply lines should also be flushed during flushing.

The oil volume contained within the system should be flushed through the filter @
150 to 300 times.

As a guide the flushing time can be calculated as follows:

t = V/qVx 2.5 to 5

Where, t= Flushing time in hours.

V= Reservoir Capacity in Liters.

qV= Pump Flow In Liters/min.

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Contamination on the outlet side of the filter can be flushed into the system and
cause malfunction.

Generally bleeding of the valves is not necessary.

To guarantee correct function of the valves, draining of the tank should be avoided.
( if necessary, install a suitable back pressure valve)

If you take proper care during commissioning and for oil cleanliness, quality is main-
tained. Generally valves are maintenance are free, since seals are subject to natural
wear and aging process they have to be replace as required.

For storage of industrial valves a dry, dust free room, free of corrosive substances
and vapors is necessary.

When storing for periods exceeding 6 months fill housing with preventive oil and
seal valves.

A5.8.2 Instructions for Proportional Valves

All the care required for conventional industrial valves applicable to proportional
valves also, but in addition to that some special care is required while handling and
using proportional valves.

For proportional valves corresponding pressure filters are recommended in the in

the inlet side. (for example the system requirement of filtration is of 20µm filter ele-
ments, but at the same time a pressure filter of 10 µm may be necessary in the branch
of the system where proportional valve is fitted).

Piping between the actuator and valve should be as short as possible. It is recom-
mended that proportional valve should be installed as close as possible to the actua-

Special type of protection is required for proportional valves, this require special
measure to be taken which are stated in the relevant data-sheets.

A horizontal position Is preferred, if however the proportional valve is fitted to the

actuator, a position where the spool is parallel to the acceleration direction is avoided.

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if pilot operated proportional valves are used the pilot pressure must be maintained
within a specified range. Say as for example, if a pilot operated proportional direc-
tional control valve type WRZ (Rexroth) is used:

The pilot pressure must not fall below 30 bar. If the pilot pressure exceeds 100 bar
a sandwich plate type pressure reducing valve must be installed in the supply line.
Pressure shocks from the line can be minimized by fitting a check valve. For other
pilot operated proportional valves pilot pressure can be obtained from relevant data-

In order to ensure correct function of proportional valves it is necessary during com-

missioning to bleed the valve (as well as solenoid also) at its highest point.

The proportional valve which while returning/sending for repairing/maintenance it

is necessary to protect the base of valve against contamination. Careful packing is
recommended to avoid any damage during transport.

For storing the proportional valves for periods exceeding 3 months:

Fill the housing with preservative oil and seal the valve.

A5.8.3 Instruction On Electro-Hydraulic Servo & High-Response Control


Each servo valve is subjected to functional tests prior to delivery to customer. This
functional test is documented in test reports, which can be ordered when a valve is

Commissioning must be carried out by specialist personnel using the relevant cali-
bration equipment.

The system must be flushed without the servo valves being fitted. Instead of servo
valves use flushing plates. With an external pilot oil supply make sure that these lines
are also flushed.

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Install the servo valves only after completion of flushing procedure and observe
strictest cleanliness.

When installing are removing valves take care that the immediate area is cleaned.

For servo systems a pore size of 5um or below is recommended. (for oil filters and
air filters also)

Hoses especially for the connection to the actuator, should be avoided wherever

The connecting lines to the actuator should be kept as short as possible. It is recom-
mended that the servo valve is mounted directly onto the actuators.

The required surface finish to mount servo valves is Rt max.<=4 um. And flatness

All hydraulic functions must first be tested at low pressures under controlled condi-

To facilities commissioning and troubleshooting, battery or mans powered control

units must be available for servo valves.

A horizontal position is preferred, but the possible spool position in relation to the
type of feedback being used must be considered.

If servo volume is mounted directly onto an actuator, a position in which valve spool
is parallel to the actuators direction of acceleration should be avoided.

For electrical connection one should refer the relevant data-sheet.

The servo volume can be operated in parallel are series circuits for risen of operating
safety onto reduce coil inductivity it is recommended that a parallel circuit should be

In the hydraulic system using servo valves install a filter with high pressure differen-
tial without bypass immediately before the servo valve (if possible, with a closing

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Permissible maximum degree of contamination of the hydraulic fluid for internally
pilot operated servo valves is Class 7 according to NAS 1638.

For externally pilot operated servo valves the permissible degree or contamination
in the "X" lines is Class 7 according to NAS 1638 and, in the "P" line Class 9 accord-
ing to NAS 1638.

As part of the final inspection of any servo valve manufactured and the hydraulic
zero point is adjusted however, in order to obtain an optimum control quality for the
specific application, it may be necessary to re-adjust the hydraulic zero point is there
on the valve are in the closed low control electronics.

If the take volume is toped of by more than 10% or if an oil change is carried out
the completed system must be flushed again.

Contamination in the flapper-jet-system of a servo valve is caused by in sufficient

system filtration of the hydraulic fluid. Without special knowledge of servo valves
servicing to the limited to changing the protective filter inside the valve and to re-
adjusting the valve zero point.

When returning a defective servo valve for repair. It is necessary to fix a clean to
protective plate to the base of the valve careful packing is advisable in order to pre-
vent any damage during transportation.

When storing servo valve for periods longer than 6 months, they should be filled
with clean protective oil.

Storage room for servo valve must be dry, dust-free, and free of corrosive materials
and vapors and should not have wide temperature fluctuation.

A5.8.4 Instructions For Cylinders:

Before installation of any cylinder relevant catalogue sheet must be referred.

The local environment & the cylinder connection etc. should be cleaned before in-
stallation (for cleaning use only lint free cloth or special paper).

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Installation position of cylinder is generally optional.

For electrical connections of positional transducer, inductive limit switch etc. The
pin allocation can be obtained from the relevant data-sheet.

Check to ensure that the system permissible pressure fluid is compatible with the
permissible pressure fluid of the hydraulic cylinder.

Fluid and seals must be compatible. If any doubt please consult to the cylinder man-

A reliable filtration increases the services life of the hydraulic cylinder.

Air bleeding is required for cylinders. Under no load conditions loosen the bleed
screw or pipe fittings on the base or rod end.

Let air escape.

Close the bleed screw or the fitting only when the oil is free of bubbles.

Retighten the bleed screw of fittings.

Radial forces which can arise from, mounting and load should be avoided, since they
lead to malfunction and wear.

Use fittings with flexible seals.

Hydraulic cylinders are basically maintenance free. However, bearing lubrication e.g.
swivel eye or Trunnion has to be considered.

Check for leakage at frequent intervals.

Moving seals of cylinders are wear parts. Whenever internal or external leakage is
found it is recommended to send cylinders to manufacture so that when seals are
changed the guides can also be checked.

Built-in oil filters should be cleaned or replaced every 10 operating hours during the
first week after installation, thereafter monthly or at least at every oil change.

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A5.9.1 Introduction

As it is the hydraulic oil which transmits power and is in contact with every compo-
nent in the system, it is possibly the most important item in system and therefore
should be included in the maintenance programme for the hydraulic unit. Knowing
the condition of the hydraulic oil can prevent a costly change of oil before it is nec-
essary and also avoid leaving in a system deteriorated oil which may cause the system
to malfunction.

In service monitoring of hydraulic oil need to be a costly exercise that can only be
carried out by an oil company. Any user of hydraulic oil can carry out his own sample
visual assessment of the condition of oil which provides more information than at
first sight may be realized. Of course, more sophisticated analytical techniques are
also required with complicated problems especially when an unknown deposit in the
oil require identification. However, the importance of self-help monitoring of hy-
draulic oils cannot be over emphasized.

A5.9.2 Why Hydraulic oils Deteriorate

Let us take a look at what happens to new hydraulic oil in service. In most cases
hydraulic oil would last in service for many years if it was not for contamination and
degradation. Contamination by other fluids, external dirt, wear metal, rust particles
and water can drastically reduce the life of hydraulic oil. The ingress of aqueous cut-
ting oil is a common cause of contamination of hydraulic oils and can from emulsions
which turn reduce the life of rolling bearings in the system pump. The additives in
the two fluids cloud also possibly react and form insoluble reaction products which
may block the system filters.

The operating temperature of the system also plays an important part in determining
how long the oil lasts, as it degrades more rapidly as the temperature increases. The
presence of air, water, and metals in the system also assists in the process of oxida-
tion. As the oil oxidizes it tends to thicken, its acidity increases, develops sludge's and

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corrosion products. Modern hydraulic oils contain many additives to enhance oxida-
tion resistance, prevent corrosion of ferrous and yellow metals, and reduce the foam-
ing tendency and prevent metal wear. In service these additives are depleted or al-

A5.9.3 Simple Monitoring Of Hydraulic Oils

The characteristics of hydraulic oil most likely to change in service are:



If most of these items were checked by the user on a regular basis potential problems
could be pinpointed well in advance and corrective action taken before malfunction
of a hydraulic system occurred. Although oil companies do carry out such tests when
requested by a customer, in causes it may be too late to prevent damage to the hy-
draulic system. Therefore a simple routine check of the condition of the oil by user
can extend the life of the oil and of the hydraulic system components.

First of all it is necessary to take a representative sample of oil in a clear, clean glass
bottle from that part of the hydraulic system where there is a good oil circulation.
Before examining the sample of oil it should preferably be left to stand overnight.

Points to be noted are:

A5.9.3.1 Appearance:

A5. Has the oil darkened when compared to an unused sample of oil?
Has the oil developed a burnt, sour odour?

All hydraulic oils in service will darken slightly but gross darkening coupled with a
strong, burnt smell indicates that the oil has either been in service for too long a
period. Or it is being subjected to high temperatures somewhere in system. In the
case of oil which has darkened and also has a burnt smell, it is usual to check its
acidity and viscosity before deciding on an oil change.

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A5. Is the oil clear or opaque?

If the oil has an opaque appearance, it usually signifies the presence of water (about
0.1% water is sufficient to make an oil cloudy). However, it must be mentioned that
a cloudy oil could also result from contamination by another fluid although contam-
ination by water most likely is the explanation.

A5. Are there signs of free water at the bottle?

The presence of water may also be indicated by free water separating out on standing
into droplets on the bottom of the bottle. Gross water contamination is indicted by
two phases forming with a clear layer of water underneath the oil. The main concern
with a cloudy oil containing water is that water is being carried right round the hy-
draulic system. In most hydraulic systems the presence of water in the hydraulic oil
excess of 0.1% means that it should be changed to prevent corrosion and possible
reduction of rolling bearing life (i.e., in the system pump).

A5. Have any solids dropped out on the bottom of the bottle?

If after standing, the oil has signs of deposits on the bottom the bottle, these should
first be examined visually. Dark deposits could be insoluble products of oxidation
which are usually accompanied by the oil darkening and burnt smell. On the other
hand bright deposits are usually metal wear particles in hydraulic oil can mean one
of the system components is being excessive wear particles in a hydraulic oil can
mean one of the system components over stressed or that the wrong hydraulic oil is
being used. If the viscosity of the hydraulic oil is below pump manufactures mini-
mum limit for the instance, it could result in excessive pump wear. Another possibil-
ity when excessive deposits are present is that the hydraulic system filters are plugged
and the filters are being bypassed.

Modern numerical controlled (NC) machine tools for example with fine clearance
spool valves require filters that will retain particles above 5um.

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A5.9.3.2 Foaming

There is no need to take a sample of fluid from a hydraulic system if excessive foam-
ing occurs, as it will be self-evident. Foaming is usually mechanical in origin and can
be caused by churning or returning the oil to the system reservoir above the normal
oil level so air becomes entered in the oil. The presence of minor amounts of certain
contaminates such as grease, corrosion preventives and solvents can stabilize foam.
If no mechanical reason can be found for the formation of foam then it is necessary
to drain, flush and refill the system with new hydraulic oil. Every effort should be
made to establish the cause of the foaming so that the problem does not repeat itself.

A5.9.3.3 Viscosity

The viscosity of a hydraulic oil must remain within certain viscosity limits to suit the
requirements of the pumps, on which efficiency of the system depends. The viscosity
of a hydraulic oil may increases due to the addition of a more viscous oil or severe
oxidation. On the other hand a decreases of viscosity can only result from contami-
nation by a less viscous oil. An increases of viscosity upto 15% is allowable but above
that the oil should be changed. However, the help of analytical is recommended in
gross contamination problems to check the type and compatibility of the contami-
nant with the system components.

For a small work laboratory a viscosity determination of one temperature will usually
indicate if the hydraulic oil is within the specification limits.

A5.9.3.4 Acidity

The acidity of a hydraulic oil is another test which could be carried out by a works
laboratory. Degradation of a hydraulic oil gives rise to acidic compounds and the
formation of sludge. This degradation can be measured in terms of acidity. A rise in
acidity gives the user ample warning when an oil change is required. Some hydraulic
oils commence with a low neutralization number (0.2mg KOHg-1). Whilst those con-
taining the anti-wear additive zinc-dialikyl-dithio-phosphate (ZDDP) start off with a
higher value (0.6-1.5mg KOHg-1).

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A5.9.3.5 Microscopic Examination of Deposits

A further improvements to the visual examination of deposits could be carried out
by a works laboratory is to filter 100ml. of the oil through a 5um filter membrane so
that the insoluble debris is collected together. Microscopic examination of this de-
bris, easily reveals metal wear particles, paint flanks, rust particles and gaskets or seal
breakup fragments. This type of examination can be carried out with an in-expensive
microscope fitted so that top, or incident, lighting can be directed on the deposits.
The type of deposits on the filter membrane (i.e. possibly glass-like) also a good in-
dicator as to the condition of the oil.
A5.9.4.0 Case History
The following case histories illustrate how a hydraulic oil user can carry out moni-
toring programme. A large manufacture or finished, machined engine components
employed hydraulically operated NC machine tools. Past experience had shown that
unless the hydraulic oil was changed regularly an increasing number of shut-downs
due to sticking spool valve occurred. The problem was to establish a routine exami-
nation of the oil so that oil in the machine was changed, before degradation caused
shut-down. Typical example of the oil analysis data from some of these machines are
shown in table -1. The grease -like deposits found after filtering the oils from ma-
chines 1 and 3 was sufficient to recommend an oil change.

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Machine no. 1 2 3
Colour Dark Brown Light Brown Dark brown
Appearance Hazy Clear Clear
Smell Burnt Slight burnt Burnt
Neut.NO. (mg 0.73 0.90 0.49
KOHg ) -1

Kin. Visc. (at 400C 33.0 32.8 32.1

Appearance of
Filter membrane Soft grease No deposits Soft grease
(5um) type deposits type deposits

Table-2 shows simple observations that can be made for an on-site hydraulic oil eval-
uation programme. Experience showed that it is often possible to make firm recom-
mendation as to whether an oil should be changed or used for a further period.

Simple Monitoring Checks of Hydraulic Oils.

Appearance Cause Recommendation

Clear None
Opaque or hazy Water or possibly emulsion Change oil
Separated water layer Water Contamination Allow system to settle,
drain off water
Oil darkened Oxidation Check acidity and viscosity
Smell(sour) Oxidation
Separated deposits Dirt, wear particles, or Filter to examine
Oxidation Products

The test shown in Table-3 are those which could be carried out by work laboratories
and will give additional information which will help the overall oil analysis.

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Test Recommendation
Acidity Determine change in acidity. If necessary, by 1.0 mg kohg-1 drain system
and refill with new oil.
Viscosity Determine change in viscosity. If necessary, by 15% drain system and re-
fill with new oil."
Deposits Examine under microscope. If deposits are:
Wear particles check:
If viscosity grade is correct
For component break-up
If system filters are blocked
Are filters fine enough?
Is reservoir air breather fitted with a filter?
Oxidation deposits:
These are usually not bright deposit but dark and
Settle out on standing. Change oil if>0.2%
Unidentified deposits:
Examine by expert analyst.


A5.5.0 Sampling Frequency
For a monitoring programme to work efficiently the frequency of sampling must be
established for a particular application and results well documented. If it is found,
after running a programme for sometimes, that problems are still occurring then the
sampling frequency must be increased. Each oil sample should be identified with
pertinent information such as type of oil, batch number, capacity of system, length
of service and equipment in which it is used.

A5.6.0 Summary
Monitoring an hydraulic oil in service provides the knowledge to establish condition
and recommend oil changes at the time. The uses of visual examinations of the oil
can, with experience provide much of the information required to decide regarding
oil changes. by user of the visual assessment, laboratory work can be kept to mini-
mum and provide the user with direct control as regards lubricant life.

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TROUBLESHOOTING Components Excessive Noise No or Insufficient Flow No

Standard hydraulic circuit indicating components
for trouble shooting

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2Mp Full HD Network PTZ Dome Camera

 4.7mm ~ 94.0mm(20x)optical zoom
 H.264 & MJPEG dual-stream encoding and JPEG image capture
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 Support intelligent 3D positioning with DH-SD protocol
 Micro SD memory, IP66
 IR LEDs up to 100m

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Dimensions (mm)

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Technical Specifications
Model DH-SD6982-HN DH-SD6982A-HN
Image Sensor 1/3” Exmor CMOS
Effective Pixels 1944(H) x 1092(V), 2 Megapixels
Scanning System Progressive
Electronic Shutter Speed 1/1 to 1/10,000 s 1/1 ~ 1/30,000s
Min. Illumination Color: 0.5 [email protected] Color: [email protected]
B/W: 0.095 [email protected] B/W: [email protected]
S/N Ratio More than 50dB
Video Output BNC(1.0Vp-p/75Ω), PAL / NTSC
Camera Features
Max. IR LEDs Length 100m
Day/Night Auto(ICR) / Color / B/W
Backlight Compensation BLC / HLC / WDR BLC / HLC /DWDR (Digital WDR)
White Balance Auto, ATW, Indoor, Outdoor, Manual
Gain Control Auto / Manual
Noise Reduction 2D / 3D
Privacy Masking Up to 24 areas
Digital Zoom 12x 16x
Focal Length 4.7mm ~ 94.0mm(20x Optical zoom)
Max Aperture F1.6 ~ F3.5
Focus Control Auto / Manual
Angle of View H: 55.4°~2.9° H: 58.2° ~ 2.9°
Close Focus Distance 10mm ~ 800mm 10mm~ 1000mm
Pan/Tilt Range Pan: 0° ~ 360° endless; Tilt: -2° ~ 90°, auto flip 180°
Manual Control Speed Pan: 0.1° ~160° /s; Tilt: 0.1° ~120° /s
Preset Speed Pan: 240° /s; Tilt: 200° /s
Preset 80(DH-SD), 255(Pelco-P/D)
PTZ Mode 5 Pattern, 8 Tour, Auto Pan, Auto Scan
Speed Setup Human-oriented focal length/ speed adaptation
Power up Action Auto restore to previous PTZ and lens status after power failure
Idle Motion Activate Preset/Pan/Scan/Tour/Pattern if there is no command in the
specified period
Time Task Auto activation of Preset/Pan/Scan/Tour/Pattern by preset-time
Protocol DH-SD, Pelco-P/D (Auto recognition)
Compression H.264 / MJPEG
Resolution 1080P(1920×1080) / 720P(1280×720) / D1(704×576/704×480) /

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Frame Rate Main Stream 1080P/720P(1 ~ 25/30fps)
Sub Stream D1/CIF(1 ~ 25/30fps)
Bit Rate H.264: 56K ~ 8192Kbps, MJPEG: 56K ~ 20480Kbps
Compression G.711a / G.711u(32kbps)/PCM(128kbps)
Interface 1/1 channel In/Out
Ethernet RJ-45 (10/100Base-T)
ONVIF ONVIF Ver. 2.0 conformance
Max. User Access 20 users
Smart Phone iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone
Auxiliary Interface
Memory Slot Micro SD, Max 32GB
RS485 1
Alarm 7/2 channel In/Out
Power Supply AC 24V/3A (±10%) / DC12V optional
Power Consumption 17W/35W(IR LEDs on, Heater on)
Working Environment -40ºC ~ 60ºC / Less than 90% RH
Ingress Protection IP66
Dimensions Φ229.6(mm) x 381.5(mm)
Weight 7.0kg

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Data storage server NAS Specifications:-


Model DS-1512+

CPU Frequency 2.13Ghz Dual Core Processor

Memory 1GB DDR3 Memory

Internal HDD Bays 5 * 3.5” Hot Swap Bays Support SATA-II HDD

Internal Storage 15Tb (3Tb * 5) RAW Capacity

Ext. Device Interface 2* USB 3.0 Ports + 4 * USB 2.0 Ports

RAID Level RAID 0,1,10,5,6, RAID 5 + Hot Spare & JBOD

Gigabit LAN Two Gigabit Ethernet ports
File System Support EXT4, (FAT/NTFS) Read Only
Networking Protocol CIFS, AFP, FTP, Telnet, SSH, NFS
OS Support / Windows, Linux / Mac Clients
System Compatibility
NAS Management (Embedded) USER creations, Full ADS integration, RAID Manage-
ment, Built in Firewall, FTP Server, SNMP & HTTPS
Support, iSCSI support, Resource Monitoring, HDD
S.M.A.R.T, Web Based File Management, Network Re-
cycle Bin, Schedule Power ON/OFF
Link Aggregation, Print Server.
Max. No. of Bays Up to 15 Bays by Stacking 2 * DX513 Expansion Units
Max. Storage Up to 60TB RAW
Power Consumption Max. 60W Access
Form Factor Desktop
Size 157mm x 248mm x 233mm
Warranty 3 Years

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Dam – any artificial barrier including c) Unusual seepage or leakage

appurtenant works constructed across through the dam body;
rivers or tributaries thereof with a view d) Change in the seepage or leakage
to impound or divert water; includes regime;
barrage, weir and similar water im- e) Boiling or artesian conditions no-
pounding structures but does not ticed below an earth dam;
include water conveyance structures f) Stoppage or reduction in seepage
such as canal, aqueduct and navigation or leakage from the foundation or
channel and flow regulation structures body of the dam into any of the
such as flood embankments, dikes, and galleries, for dams with such gal-
guide bunds. leries;

Dam failure – failures in the struc- g) Malfunctioning or inappropriate

tures or operation of a dam which may operation of gates;

lead to the uncontrolled release of im- h) Occurrence of any flood, the peak

pounded water resulting in down- of which exceeds the available

stream flooding affecting the life and flood discharge capacity or 70% of

property of the people. the approved design flood;

i) Occurrence of a flood, which re-
Dam incident – all problems occur-
sulted in encroachment on the
ring to a dam that has not degraded
available freeboard, or the
into ‘dam failure’ and including the fol-
adopted design freeboard;
j) Erosion in the near vicinity, up to
a) Structural damage to the dam and five hundred meters, downstream
appurtenant works; of the spillway, waste weir, etc.;
b) Unusual readings of instruments and
in the dam; k) Any other event that prudence
suggests would have a significant

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unfavorable impact on dam risk management that recognizes that a

safety. dam is a structure whose safe function

Dam inspection – on-site visual ex- is not explicitly determined by its orig-

amination of all components of dam inal design and construction. It also in-

and its appurtenances by one or more cludes all actions taken to identify or

persons trained in this respect and in- predict deficiencies and consequences

cludes investigation of the non-over- related to failure, and to document,

flow portion, spillways, abutments, publicize, and reduce, eliminate, or re-

stilling basin, piers, bridge, down- mediate to the extent reasonably pos-

stream toe, drainage galleries, opera- sible, any unacceptable risks.

tion of mechanical systems (including Decommission― Taking a dam out

gates and its components, drive units, of service in an environmentally sound
cranes), interior of outlet conduits, in- and safe manner or converting it to an-
strumentation records, and record- other purpose.
keeping arrangements. Design life― the intended period that
Dam owner – the Central Govern- the dam will function successfully with
ment or a State Government or public only routine maintenance; determined
sector undertaking or local authority or during design phase.
company and any or all of such per- Distress condition – the occurrence
sons or organizations, who own, con- or potential development of such con-
trol, operate or maintain a specified ditions in the dam or appurtenance or
dam. its reservoir or reservoir rim, which if
Dam safety – the practice of ensuring left unattended to, may impede the
the integrity and viability of dams such safe operation of dam for its intended
that they do not present unacceptable benefits or may pose unacceptable
risks to the public, property, and the risks to the life and property of people
environment. It requires the collective downstream.
application of engineering principles
and experience, and a philosophy of
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Documentation – all permanent rec- Maintenance― the recurring activi-

ords concerning investigation, design, ties necessary to retain or restore a
construction, operation, performance, dam in a safe and functioning condi-
maintenance and safety of dams and tion, including the management of
includes design memorandum, con- vegetation, the repair or replacement
struction drawings, geological reports, of failed components, the prevention
reports of specialized studies simulat- or treatment of deterioration, and the
ing structural and hydraulic response repair of damages caused by flooding
of the dam, changes made in design or vandalism.
and drawings, quality control records, Operation― the administration, man-
emergency action plan, operation and agement, and performance of mainte-
maintenance manual, instrumentation nance activities necessary to keep a
readings, inspection and testing re- dam safe and functioning as planned.
ports, operational reports, and dam
Program ― any authorized activity
safety review reports;
used to implement and carry out goals,
Emergency Action Plan(EAP)― a actions, and objectives contained
plan of action to be taken to reduce the within the authorizing legislation.
potential for damage to property and
Program Life― the period in a con-
loss of life in the area affected by fail-
tract, conservation plan, or plan during
ure of a dam or other potentially haz-
which the conservation practice or
ardous practice.
conservation system shall be main-
Hazard Classification― a system tained and used for the intended pur-
that categorizes dams according to the pose; determined by program require-
degree of adverse incremental conse- ments.
quences of a failure or improper oper-
Rehabilitation― the completion of
ation of the dam. CWC classifies dam
all work necessary to extend the ser-
hazards as “low”, “significant”, or
vice life of the practice or component

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and meet applicable safety and perfor- spillway, energy dissipation arrange-
mance standards. ment powerhouse, tunnels, etc.

Repair― actions to restore deterio- Arch Dam―a concrete or masonry

rated, damaged, or failed dam or its dam that is curved to transmit the ma-
component to an acceptable by meet- jor part of the water pressure to the
ing functional condition. abutments.

Replacement― the removal of a Backwater Curve―the longitudinal

structure or component and installa- profile of the water surface in an open
tion of a similar, functional structure channel where the depth of flow has
or component. been increased by an obstruction, an

Service Life― the actual period after increase in channel roughness, a de-

construction of a dam, during which crease in channel width, or a flattening

the practice functions adequately and of the bed slope.

safely with only routine maintenance; Base Width (Base Thickness)―the

determined by on-site review. maximum width or thickness of a dam

Abutment―that part of a valley side measured horizontally between up-

against which a dam is constructed. stream and downstream faces and nor-

Right and left abutments are those on mal (perpendicular) to the axis of the

respective sides of the of an observer dam but excluding projections for out-

looking downstream. lets, etc.

Air-Vent Pipe―a pipe designed to Berm―a horizontal step or bench in

provide air to the outlet conduit to re- the sloping profile of an embankment

duce turbulence during release of wa- dam.

ter and safeguard against damages due Upstream Blanket―an impervious

to cavitation. layer placed on the reservoir floor up-

Appurtenant Structures―ancillary stream of a dam. In case of an embank-

features of a dam, such as the outlet, ment dam, the blanket may be

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connected to the impermeable element concrete, in the body of an embank-

in a dam. ment dam to prevent leakage.

Buttress dam―a dam consisting of a Crest Length―the length of the dam

watertight upstream face supported at at its crest (dam top) top of a dam, in-
intervals on the downstream side by a cluding the length of the spillway,
series of buttresses. powerhouse, navigation lock, fish

Coffer dam―a temporary structure pass, etc., where these structures form

enclosing all or part of a construction part of the length of a dam. If detached

area so that construction can proceed from a dam, these structures should

in a dry area. not be included.

Concrete Lift―in concrete works the Crest of dam―Used to indicate the

vertical distance between successive “top of dam”. To avoid confusion to

horizontal construction joints. indicate the crest of spillway and top of

dam may be used.
Conduit Outlet Works―a closed
conduit for conveying discharge Culvert―a drain or waterway built un-

through or under a dam for different der a road, railway, or embankment,

project purposes. usually consisting of a pipe or covered

Consolidation Grouting (Blanket
Grouting)―the injection of grout to Cutoff―an impervious construction

consolidate a layer of the foundation, or material which reduces seepage

resulting in greater impermeability, through the foundation material.

strength, or both. Cutoff trench―an excavation later to

Construction Joint―the interface be- be filled with impervious material to

tween two successive placings or pours form a cutoff.

of concrete where a bond, not perma- Cutoff wall―a wall of impervious ma-
nent separation, is intended. terial (e.g., concrete, asphaltic con-

Core Wall―a wall built of impervious crete, steel-sheet piling) built into the

material, usually concrete or asphaltic

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foundation to reduce seepage under from its natural course. These terms
the dam. are generally applied to temporary

Dead storage―the storage that lies structures such as those designed to

below the invert of the lowest outlet bypass water around a dam site during

and that, therefore, cannot be with- construction. “Channel’ is normally

drawn from the reservoir. used instead of “canal” when the wa-
terway is short. Occasionally these
Design flood―see spillway design
terms are applied to permanent struc-
Diaphragm―see membrane.
Drainage area―an area that drains
Dike (Levee)―a long low embank- naturally to a point on a river.
ment whose height is usually less than
Drainage layer or blanket―a layer of
5 m and whose length is more than 10
permeable material in a dam to relieve
times the maximum height. Usually ap-
pore pressure or to facilitate drainage
plied to embankments or structures
of fill.
built to protect land from flooding. If
built of concrete or masonry, the struc- Relief well―vertical wells or bore-

ture is usually referred to as a flood wall. holes, constructed downstream of an

Also, used to describe embankments embankment dam to relieve the pres-

that block areas on a reservoir rim that sure from confined pervious layers in

are lower than the top of the main dam foundation overlaid by an impervious

and that are quite long. In the Missis- layer to arrest boiling.

sippi River basin, where the old French Drawdown―the lowering of water
word levee has survived, the term now surface level due to release of water
applies to flood-protecting embank- from a reservoir.
ments whose height can average up to Earthen dam or earth filled dam―see
15 m. embankment dam.
Diversion channel, canal, or tun-
nel―a waterway used to divert water

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Embankment dam (Fill dam)― any Zoned embankment dam―an em-

dam constructed of excavated natural bankment dam composed of zones of
materials. materials selected for different degrees

Earth dam (Earth fill dam)―An em- of porosity, permeability and density.

bankment dam in which more than 50 Emergency spillway―see spillway.

percent of the total volume is formed Face―the external surface of a struc-
of compacted fine-grained material ture, e.g., the surface of a wall of a dam.
obtained from a borrow area.
Failure―the uncontrolled release of
Homogeneous earth fill dam― an water from a dam.
embankment dam constructed of sim-
Filter (filter zone)―A band or zone
ilar earth material throughout, except
of granular material that is incorpo-
internal drains or drainage blankets;
rated into a dam and is graded (either
distinguished from a zoned earth fill
naturally or by selection) to allow seep-
age to flow across or down the filter
Hydraulic fill dam―an embankment without causing the migration of ma-
dam constructed of materials, often terial from zones adjacent to it.
dredged, that are conveyed and placed
Flashboards―a length of timber,
by suspension in flowing water.
concrete, or steel placed on the crest of
Rock fill dam―an embankment dam a spillway to raise the retention water
in which more than 50 percent of the level but that may be quickly removed
total volume comprises compacted or in the event of a flood, either by a trip-
dumped pervious natural or crushed ping device or by deliberately designed
rock. failure of the flashboard or its sup-
Rolled fill dam―an embankment ports.
dam of earth or rock in which the ma- Floodplain―an area adjoining a body
terial is placed in layers and compacted of water or natural stream that has
using rollers or rolling equipment. been, or may be, covered by flood wa-
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Floodplain management―a man- Freeboard―the vertical distance be-

agement program to reduce the conse- tween a stated reservoir level and the
quences of flooding, either by natural top of a dam. Normal freeboard is the
runoff or by dam failure, to existing vertical distance between Full Reser-
and future properties in a floodplain. voir Level (FRL) and the top of the

Flood routing―the determination of dam. Minimum freeboard is the verti-

the attenuating effect of storage on a cal distance between the Maximum

flood passing through a valley, chan- Water Level (MWL) and the top of the

nel, or reservoir. dam.

Flood surcharge―the volume or Gallery―(a) a passageway within the

space in a reservoir between the con- body of a dam or abutment, hence the

trolled retention water level (Full Res- terms grouting gallery, inspection gallery and

ervoir Level) and the maximum water drainage gallery (b) along and rather nar-

level. Flood surcharge cannot be re- row hall, hence the following terms for

tained in the reservoir but will flow a power plant viz. valve gallery, trans-

over the spillway until the controlled former gallery and bus bar gallery.

retention water level is reached. Gate―a device in which a leaf or

Flood wall―a concrete wall con- member is moved across the waterway

structed adjacent to a stream to pre- from an external position to control or

vent flooding of property on the land- stop the flow.

ward side of the wall, normally con- Bulkhead gate―a gate used either for
structed in lieu of or to supplement a temporary closure of a channel or con-
levee where the land required for levee duit to empty it for inspection or
construction is expensive or not avail- maintenance or for closure against
able. flowing water when the head differ-

Foundation of dam―the natural ma- ence is small, e.g., for diversion tunnel

terial on which the dam structure is closure. Although a bulkhead gate is

placed. usually opened and closed under

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nearly balanced pressures, it neverthe- device for shutting off the flow of wa-
less may be capable of withstanding a ter in case the primary closure device
high pressure differential when in the becomes inoperable but is usually op-
closed position. erated under conditions of balanced

Crest gate (spillway gate)―a gate on pressure and no flow.

the crest of a spillway to control over- Outlet gate―a gate controlling the
flow or reservoir water level. outflow of water from a reservoir.

Emergency gate―a standby or re- Radial gate (Tainter gate)―a gate

serve gate which is lowers only for re- with a curved upstream plate and radial
pairing / servicing of the service gate. arms hinged to piers or other support-

Fixed wheel gate (fixed-roller gate, ing structures.

fixed-axle gate)―a gate having Service/Regulating gate(regulat-

wheels or rollers mounted on the end ing valve)―a gate or valve that oper-
posts of the gate. The wheels move ates under full pressure and flow to
against rails fixed in side grooves or throttle and vary the rate of discharge.
gate guides. Slide gate (sluice gate)―a gate that
Flap gate―a gate hinged along one can be opened or closed by sliding it in
edge, usually either the top or bottom supporting guides.
edge. Examples of bottom-hinged flap Gravity dam―a dam constructed of
gates are tilting gates and belly gates, so concrete, masonry, or both that relies
called due to their shape in cross-sec- on its weight for stability.
Grout cap―a pad or wall constructed
Flood gate―a gate to control flood to facilitate pressure grouting of the
release from a reservoir. grout curtain beneath it.
Guard gate(guard valve)―a gate or Grout curtain (grout cut off)―a bar-
valve that operates fully open or rier produced by injecting grout into a
closed. It may function as a secondary

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vertical zone, usually narrow horizon- inclination to the vertical. By integra-

tally, in the foundation to reduce seep- tion, the lateral position at various lev-
age under a dam. els of the tube may be found relative

Height above lowest founda- to a point, usually the top or bottom of

tion―the maximum height from the the tube, assumed to be fixed. The sys-

lowest point of the general foundation tem may be used to measure settle-

to the top of the dam. ment.

Hydraulic height―the height to Intake―any structure in a reservoir,

which water rises behind a dam and dam, or river through which water can

the difference between the lowest be drawn into an aqueduct.

point in the original streambed at the Internal Erosion―see piping.

axis of the dam and the maximum con- Inundation map―a map delineating
trollable water surface. the area that would be inundated in
Hydrograph―a graphic representa- case of a failure.
tion of discharge, stage, or other hy- Leakage―Uncontrolled loss of water
draulic property with respect to time by flow through a hole or crack.
for a point on a stream. (At times the
Lining― a coating of asphaltic con-
term is applied to the phenomenon the
crete, reinforced or unreinforced con-
graphic representation describes;
crete, shotcrete, rubber or plastic on a
hence a flood hydrograph is the pas-
canal, tunnel etc. to provide water
sage of a flood discharge past the ob-
tightness, prevent erosion, reduce fric-
servation point.)
tion, or support the periphery of struc-
Inclinometer―an instrument, usually ture. May also refer to lining, such as
consisting of a metal or plastic tube in- steel or concrete, of outlet pipe or con-
serted in a drill hole and a sensitized duit.
monitor either lowered into the tube
Low-level outlet (bottom out-
or fixed within it. The monitor
let)―an opening at a low level from a
measures at different points the tube’s
reservoir generally used for emptying
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or for scouring sediment and some- controlled wholly or partly by movable

times for irrigation releases. gates, siphons or other means, it is the

Masonry dam―a dam constructed maximum level to which water can be

mainly of stone, brick, or concrete stored under normal operating condi-

blocks that may or may not be joined tions, exclusive of any provision for

with mortar. A dam having only a ma- flood surcharge.

sonry facing should not be referred to One-Hundred Year (100-Year) Ex-

as a masonry dam. ceedance Interval― the flood magni-

Maximum cross-section of dam―a tude expected to be equaled or ex-

cross-section of a dam at the point of ceeded on the average of once in 100

its maximum height. years. It may also be expressed as an

exceedance frequency, i.e. a percent chance
Maximum water level―the maxi-
of being exceeded in any given year.
mum water level, including flood sur-
charge, the dam is designed to with- Outlet―an opening through which

stand. water can be freely discharged from a

Membrane (Diaphragm)―a sheet or
thin zone or facing made of a flexible Overflow dam―a dam designed to be

material, sometimes referred to as a di- overtopped.

aphragm wall or diaphragm. Parapet Wall―a solid wall built along

Minimum operating level―the low- the top of a dam for ornament, for the

est level to which the reservoir is safety of vehicles and pedestrians, or

drawn down under normal operating to prevent overtopping.

conditions. Peak Flow―the maximum instanta-

Morning glory spillway―see spillway. neous discharge that occurs during a

flood. It coincides with the peak of a
Full Reservoir Level (FRL)/Nor-
flood hydrograph.
mal water level―for a reservoir with
un-gated spillway it is the spillway crest
level. For a reservoir, whose outflow is
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Pervious Zone―a part of the cross- Probable Maximum Precipitation

section of an embankment dam com- (PMP)―the maximum amount and
prising material of high permeability. duration of precipitation that can be

Phreatic Surface―the top most flow expected to occur on a drainage basin.

line in an embankment dam. Pumped storage reservoir―a reser-

Piezometer―an instrument for meas- voir filled entirely or mainly with water

uring pore water pressure within soil, pumped from outside its natural drain-

rock, or concrete. age area.

Piping―the progressive development Regulating dam―a dam impounding

of internal erosion by seepage, appear- a reservoir from which water is re-

ing downstream as a hole or seam dis- leased to regulate

charging water that contains soil parti- Reservoir area―the surface area of a
cles. reservoir when filled to controlled re-

Pore Pressure―the interstitial pres- tention level.

sure of water within a mass of soil, Reservoir routing―the computation

rock, or concrete. by which the interrelated effects of the

Pressure Cell―an instrument for inflow hydrograph, reservoir storage,

measuring pressure within a mass of and discharge from the reservoir are

soil, rock, or concrete or at an interface evaluated.

between one and the other. Reservoir surface―the surface of a

Pressure Relief Pipes―Pipes used to reservoir at any level.

relieve uplift or pore water pressure in Riprap―a layer of large stones, bro-
a dam’s foundation or structure. ken rock, or precast blocks placed ran-

Probable Maximum Flood domly on the upstream slope of an

(PMF)―a flood that would result embankment dam, on a reservoir

from the most severe combination of shore, or on the sides of a channel as a

critical meteorologic and hydrologic protection against wave action. Large

conditions possible in the region.

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riprap is sometimes referred to as ar- or canal or embankment. (c) Inclina-

moring. tion from the horizontal. In the United

Risk assessment―as applied to dam States, it is measured as the ratio of the

safety, the process of identifying the number of units of horizontal distance

likelihood and consequences of dam to the number of corresponding units

failure to provide the basis for in- of vertical distance. The term is used in

formed decisions on a course of ac- English for any inclination and is ex-

tion. pressed as a percentage when the slope

is gentle, in which case the term gradient
Rock fill Dam―see embankment dam.
is also used.
Roll Crete or Roller-Compacted
Slope Protection―the protection of a
Concrete. A no-slump concrete that
slope against wave action or erosion.
can be hauled in dump trucks, spread
with a bulldozer or grader, and com- Sluiceway―see low-level outlet.

pacted with a vibratory roller. Spillway―a structure over or through

Seepage―the interstitial movement of which flood flows are discharged. If

water that may take place through a the flow is controlled by gates, it is a

dam, its foundation, or its abutments. controlled spillway; if the elevation of

the spillway crest is the only control, it
Sill―(a) A submerged structure across
is an uncontrolled spillway.
a river to control the water level up-
stream. (b) The crest of a spillway. (c) Auxiliary Spillway (Emergency

A horizontal gate seating, made of Spillway)―a secondary spillway de-

wood, stone, concrete or metal at the signed to operate only during excep-

invert of any opening or gap in a struc- tionally large floods.

ture, hence the expressions gate sill and Fuse-Plug Spillway―an auxiliary or
stop log sill. emergency spillway comprising a low

Slope―(a) the side of a hill or moun- embankment or a natural saddle de-

tain. (b) The inclined face of a cutting signed to be overtopped and eroded

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away during a rare and exceptionally water from the spillway to the river
large flood. downstream.

Primary Spillway (Principal Spill- Stilling Basin―a basin constructed to

way)―the principal or first-used spill- dissipate the energy of fast-flowing
way during flood flows. water, e.g., from a spillway or bottom

Shaft Spillway (Morning Glory outlet, and to protect the riverbed

Spillway)―a vertical or inclined shaft from erosion.

into which flood water spills and then Stop logs―large logs or timber or
is conducted through, under, or steel beams placed on top of each
around a dam by means of a conduit other with their ends held in guides on
or tunnel. If the upper part of the shaft each side of a channel or conduit
is splayed out and terminates in a cir- providing a cheaper or easily handled
cular horizontal weir, it is termed a temporary closure than a bulkhead
“bell mouth” or “morning glory” spill- gate.
way. Storage―the retention of water or de-
Side Channel Spillway―a spillway lay of runoff either by planned opera-
whose crest is roughly parallel to the tion, as in a reservoir, or by temporary
channel immediately downstream of filling of overflow areas, as in the pro-
the spillway. gression of a flood crest through a nat-

Siphon Spillway―a spillway with one ural stream channel.

or more siphons built at crest level. Tailrace―the tunnel, channel or con-

This type of spillway is sometimes duit that conveys the discharge from
used for providing automatic surface- the turbine to the river, hence the
level regulation within narrow limits or terms tailrace tunnel and tailrace canal.
when considerable discharge capacity Tail water Level―the level of water
is necessary within a short period. in the tailrace at the nearest free sur-
Spillway Channel (Spillway Tun- face to the turbine or in the discharge
nel)―a channel or tunnel conveying

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channel immediately downstream of section. Types of tunnel include: head-

the dam. race tunnel, pressure tunnel, collecting

Toe of Dam―the junction of the tunnel, diversion tunnel, power tunnel,

downstream face of a dam with the tailrace tunnel, navigation tunnel, ac-

ground surface, referred to as the down- cess tunnel, scour tunnel, draw-off

stream toe. For an embankment dam the tunnel, and spillway tunnel.

junction of upstream face with ground Under seepage―the interstitial

surface is called the upstream toe. movement of water through a founda-

Top of Dam―the elevation of the up- tion.

permost surface of a dam, usually a Uplift―the upward pressure in the

road or walkway, excluding any para- pores of a material (interstitial pres-
pet wall, railings, etc. sure) or on the base of a structure.

Top Thickness (Top Width)―the Upstream Blanket―see blanket.

thickness or width of a dam at the level Valve―a device fitted to a pipeline or
of the top of the dam. In general, orifice in which the closure member is
“thickness” is used for gravity and arch either rotated or moved transversely or
dams, “width” for other dams. longitudinally in the waterway to con-
Transition Zone (Semi-pervious trol or stop the flow.
Zone)―a part of the cross-section of Water stop―a strip of metal, rubber
a zoned embankment dam comprising or other material used to prevent leak-
material of intermediate size between age through joints between adjacent
sections of concrete.
that of an impervious zone and that of
Weir―(a) a low dam or wall built
a permeable zone.
across a stream to raise the upstream
Trash rack―a screen located at an in- water level, called fixed-crest weir when
uncontrolled. (b) A structure built
take to prevent the ingress of debris.
across a stream or channel for measur-
Tunnel―a long underground excava- ing flow, sometimes called a measuring
weir or gauging weir. Types of weir in-
tion usually having a uniform cross-
clude broad-crested weir, sharp-crested weir,
drowned weir, and submerged weir.
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Central Dam Safety Organisation

Central Water Commission

To remain as a premier organisation with best technical and managerial ex-
pertise for providing advisory services on matters relating to dam safety.
To provide expert services to State Dam Safety Organisations, dam owners,
dam operating agencies and others concerned for ensuring safe functioning
of dams with a view to protect human life, property and the environment.
Integrity: Act with integrity and honesty in all our actions and practices.
Commitment: Ensure good working conditions for employees and encourage
professional excellence.
Transparency: Ensure clear, accurate and complete information in communi-
cations with stakeholders and take all decisions openly based on reliable in-
Quality of service: Provide state-of-the-art technical and managerial services
within agreed time frame.
Striving towards excellence: Promote continual improvement as an integral
part of our working and strive towards excellence in all our endeavours.

Quality Policy
We provide technical and managerial assistance to dam owners and State Dam
Safety Organizations for proper surveillance, inspection, operation and
maintenance of all dams and appurtenant works in India to ensure safe func-
tioning of dams and protecting human life, property and the environment.
We develop and nurture competent manpower and equip ourselves with state
of the art technical infrastructure to provide expert services to all stakehold-
We continually improve our systems, processes and services to ensure satis-
faction of our customers.

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