Ans. 501,438.32 M
Ans. 501,438.32 M
Ans. 501,438.32 M
1. The top of the tower signal at B 2000 m away tangent grades for the vertical curves are +3%
from A was sighted through a transit which and -2%. Compute the radius of the summit
recorded a vertical angle of 3 o30’. The height of curve. Ans. 4000 m
the mast is 12 m and the height of the instrument
of the transit above the point where it is set is NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM
1.10 m. the elevation of the point under transit A 9. A compound curve has the following
is 133.30 m. Compute the elevation of the base characteristics:
of the signal B. Ans. 245 m I1 = 24o D 1 = 6o
I2 = 36 o
D 2 = 4o
MAY 2017 BOARD EXAM Stationing of PC = 10+420
2. The distance from A to B taken at an elevation Compute the stationing at PCC. Ans. 10+500
1200 m above sea level is 6,570 m. Determine
the sea-level distance. Assume that the average NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM
radius of the earth is 6400 km. Ans. 6568.768 m 10. A survey set up a transit at point P, which is the
inner portion of a four-aided tract of land ABCD
and read the bearings and measures the distances
as follows:
3. A sight is taken with an engineer’s level at a rod PA N40 30’W
420.35 m
held 100 m away and an initial reading of 1.83 PB N38o00’E 530.15 m
m was observed. The bubble is then leveled PC S70o00’E 480.75m
through 6 spaces on the level tube and the rod PD S60o15’W 695.10m
reading is 1.91 m. What is the sensitivity of the Ans. 501,438.32 m2
bubble tube in seconds of arc? Ans. 27.502
NOV 2009 BOARD EXAM 11. To make a peg adjustment, the following notes
4. Two parallel tangents 20 m apart are to be were taken.
connected by a reversed curve with an equal Wye Level 1 Wye Level 2
radius at the PC and PT. The total length of the Rod Reading at P 0.632 1.867
chord from the PC to the PT is 150 m. The Rod reading at Q 2.543 3.432
stationing of the PC is 10+200. Point 1 is on the line PQ and midway between P and Q.
a. Find the radius of the reverse curve. Point 2 is on the same line as P and Q but not between
Ans. 281.25 m them.
b. Find the length of the curve from PC to Point 2 is 30 m from P and 230 m from Q. With the wye
PT. Ans. 150.45 m level at point 1, what is the rod reading at Q for a level
c. Find the stationing at PT. Ans. sight? Ans. 2.716
MAY 2010 BOARD EXAM 12. The close traverse curve has the following data:
5. The tangents of a spiral curve intersect at an LINE LAT DEP DMD 2A
angle of 25o at Sta 4+072. The radius of the AB a 33.79 b 1,455.23
central curve is 300 m and the length of the BC x 80.70 Y 2,846.07
spiral is 52.71 m. CD c d 139.06 e
a. Determine the stationing of the point DA -8.41 f g z
where the spiral starts. Ans. 3+979.051
b. Determine the stationing where the a. Find the value of x. Ans. 19.19
central curve starts. Ans. 4+0.31.761 b. Find the value of y. Ans. 148.28
c. Determine the length of the central c. Find the value of z. Ans. -206.49
curve. Ans. 183.61 m NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM
13. A school has the following dimension. Find the
NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM cost of the lot if it cost P3.1 M per hectare.
6. The grade of -5% is followed by a grade of 1%, Coarse Bearing Distance
the grades intersecting at the vertex (Sta 1-2 N57o39’W 145.16 m
10+060). The change of grade is restricted to 2-3 ? ?
0.4% in 20 m. Compute the length of the vertical 3-4 S44 45’E
62.10 m
parabolic sag curve in meters. Ans. 300 meters 4-5 N31o16’E 300 m
Ans. 9.24 M
7. A -2.5% grade is connected to a +1.0% grade by NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM
means of a 180 m vertical curve. The station at 14. Given the side slope 2:1, a road width of 10 m,
PI is 100+000 and the PI elevation is 100 m and cross-sectional area of 36.4 m 2, find the
above sea level. What is the station of the lowest value of y in the following cross-section notes:
point on the vertical curve? Ans. 100+038.57 9.8 0 x2
y1 y +1.2
MAY 2017 BOARD EXAM Ans. y = 3.186 m
15. Find the area of the given cross-section if the 22. Inform and advise road users on directions,
width of the roadway is 12 m. distances, routes, the location of services, and
9.8 0 11.2 points of interest.
3.2 2.8 4.21 a. Traffic sign
Ans. 51.63 m2 b. Regulatory sign
c. Guide sign
MAY 2017 BOARD EXAM d. Warning sign
16. Given the following cross-section notes for road
grading work: NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM
-3.2 +1.2 +1.2 +2.8 23. Determine the elevation of the residual water
x1 0 3.5 x2 level (RWL) for a gravity type if the following
The road bed is 9 m wide and the side slope for the cut is data are as follows:
1:1 and for fill is 1.5:1. Determine the area of cut of the Elev of MLLW = 0 m (datum)
section. Ans. 9.402 m2 Elev of HWL = 1.26 m
Elev of LWL = -0.23 m
MAY 2017 BOARD EXAM Ans. Elev of RWL = 0.27 m
17. What is the max speed at which an automobile
can round a curve of 24 m radius of a level rod if
the coefficient of friction between the tires and NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM
the road is 0.30? Ans. 8.4 m/s 24. A rectangular barge is 20 m long, 12 m wide,
and 8 m deep. It enters the harbor of Cebu City
NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM having a designed low tide (DLT) equal to 0.30
18. The number of accidents for 6 years recorded in m. The harbor facility is protected by riprap to
a certain section of highway is 5432. If the prevent scouring. The weight of the barge when
average daily traffic is 476, what is the accident empty is equal to 1000 tons. Assuming of
rate per million entering vehicles? Ans. 5211 seawater to be 1.03 and that the max depth of
accident rate water in the harbor is 6.4 m deep, determine the
maximum weight in tons that the barge can carry
MAY 2017 BOARD EXAM safely based on the specification of the (PPA)
19. The following data were taken on five cars Philippine Port Authority regarding standard
traversing a 2.4 km highway. water depth. Ans. 507.92 tons
Car Time (Minutes)
B 1.1 25. The wavelength of a depth water wave during
C 1.4 the typhoon at the port of Cagayan de Oro is 310
D 1.0 m. The depth of still water is located 0.90 m
E 1.2 below the centerline of the rotation of the wave.
Determine the space mean speed. Ans. 120 kph If the steepness of the wave is 0.16, determine
the vertical distance of the wave through from
the bottom of the ocean if its depth of still water
NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM is 40 m. above the bottom of the ocean. Ans.
20. Any structure built into the sea but not parallel 16.10 m
to the coastline and includes any stage, stair
landing place, landing state jetty, floating barge
or pontoon any bridge or other works connected
a. Pier c. Wharf
b. Port d. Lighthouse NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM
26. An open water of navigable depth is called:
NOV 2016 BOARD EXAM a. Significant depth
21. Shoulder paving is a valuable method of b. Skewd
providing: c. Fairway
I. Integrity of the pavement d. Shoal
II. Width to place edge line pavement
markings MAY 2017 BOARD EXAM
III. Additional safety to prevent vehicles 27. This should be shown on site plans orientation
from skidding or drivers from losing purposes. Displaying it prominent is the standard
control in gravel practice.
IV. Low maintenance cost compared with a. Vicinity map
unpaved shoulders. b. Scale
a. I only c. II, III and IV only c. North Directions
b. IV only d. All of the above d. Legends and symbols