Application of Gis in Spatial Segregation. 2020

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Article · June 2020


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5 authors, including:

Nadezhda Ilieva Boris Kazakov

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Aleksandra Ravnachka Velimira Stoyanova

National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography - Bulgarian Academy o… Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


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Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.



Nadezhda Ilieva, Boris Kazakov, Stefan Genchev, Aleksandra Ravnachka,

Velimira Stoyanova

Associate Professor PhD Nadezhda Ilieva

Department of Geography, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography -
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Bl. 3, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +3592 979 3393
E-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor PhD Boris Kazakov

Department of Geography, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography -
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Bl. 3, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +3592 979 3363
E-mail: [email protected]

Stefan Genchev
Department of Geography, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography -
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Bl. 3, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +3592 979 3377
E-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor PhD Aleksandra Ravnachka

Department of Geography, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography -
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Bl. 3, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +3592 979 3369
E-mail: [email protected]

Assistant Professor PhD Velimira Stoyanova

Department of Geography, National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography -
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Bl. 3, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel.: +3592 979 3396
E-mail: [email protected]
In Bulgaria, spatial segregation is mostly related to the Roma quarters, which occupy a significant part of the urban
space and thus represent a functional barrier to urban development. The paper presents the results of measuring spatial
segregation in its five dimensions proposed by Massey and Denton’s conceptual scheme: evenness, exposure,
concentration, centralization and clustering. Specific indicators providing information on the above-mentioned
dimensions of the Roma segregation in the urban area of Plovdiv have been calculated, based on official national
statistical data, satellite and orthophoto images, and GIS. The proposed methodology can be used for other cities as
well, making comparison and spatial analysis possible.

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

Keywords: spatial segregation, Roma ethnic group, Plovdiv


In geographical research, the location of objects / subjects in space is a major determinant in the formation of
interaction models. It is difficult to find a clear and commonly accepted definition of spatial segregation in scientific
literature, as there are different ways of perceiving the problem. The definitions of spatial segregation in recent studies
are numerous, and only a few examples are listed below:

• According to Johnston (1983), a low degree of spatial segregation is determined by the even distribution of a certain
population group among the rest of the population in a given territory. The greater the deviation from this eveness, the
greater the degree of segregation.
• The definition of spatial segregation in the dictionary of human geography is very brief and the term is simply defined
as the division of a certain community into subgroups in the area where that community lives (Johnston et al., 1986).
• According to Bourdieu (1989), spatial segregation is the end result of a process where members of the population feel
close to each other and are in close spatial proximity.
• Spatial segregation is the spatial division of different population groups within a given geographical area (Saltman,
• Spatial segregation is a spatial expression of social inequality (Fassmann, 2002).

It can be summarized that spatial segregation is a multidimensional spatial phenomenon concerning the spatial
concentration of a particular group of people by social status, ethnicity and /or race. It is a result of both voluntary
decisions (internal factors), and direct or indirect coercion, discrimination, economic constraints, social exclusion, etc.
(external factors), or a combination of the two groups of factors. In Bulgaria, spatial segregation is mostly related to the
Roma quarters, covering a significant part of the urban space and thus - representing a functional barrier to urban
development. In recent years, there has been an expansion of the existing Roma quarters in Bulgaria and emergence of
new ones.

One of the main reasons for the growing interest in spatial segregation (mainly related to immigrant communities in
Western European cities and the Roma ethnic community in Eastern European cities) in recent decades has been the
negative effects which the population living in segregated neighborhoods suffers from. As early as 1925, Park and
Burgess summarized that "physical distance generates social distance." Later, in 1959, Duncan and Lieberson
demonstrated the inverse correlation between spatial segregation and the integration of ethnic groups based on their
spatial location in urban areas. Many scholars (Peach 1975; Massey and Denton, 1988, etc.) argue that models of spatial
segregation are indicative of either assimilation or integration processes; Haussermann (2005) defines segregation as the
"projection of social structure onto space", while according to Francini (2013), the formation of "ethnic enclaves" in
cities can threaten the social, cultural and spatial integrity of the city. The prevailing view in most contemporary
discussions on the topic is that spatial segregation exacerbates existing social inequalities and leads to many other
negative consequences related to limited participation of segregated residents in the social life of the city, low quality of
education, low level of integration into the labor market, deteriorating health indicators, etc.

Massey and Denton suggest a conceptual scheme characterizing spatial segregation, which includes five dimensions:
evenness, exposure, concentration, centralization and clustering. The multidimensional nature of spatial segregation
requires the application of interdisciplinary methods. Research over the last few decades has begun to develop indices
and mathematical models that aim to measure these five dimensions in the most objective way possible. In this study,
specific indicators providing information on the above-mentioned dimensions of the Roma population segregation in
the urban area of Plovdiv have been calculated using GIS.


The multifaceted nature of spatial segregation requires the application of interdisciplinary methods and the use of
various indicators for its analysis. The indicators used can be grouped into two categories: sociological and spatial or
geographical. Geographical research focuses on the spatial aspects of segregation. Sociologists focus their efforts on
developing indices that describe social relationships and the reasons why individuals occupy a particular social space. In
cases where the research is focused on the analysis of the spatial aspects of segregation, spatial indicators are
developed, while in cases where the research is focused on the analysis of social relationships, non-spatial indicators are
developed. Non-spatial indicators consider the social environment as a constant, a predetermined organizational or
spatial unit - for example - a school, a neighborhood, a census unit, a constituency, etc. The literature on the topic
describes two main problems (weaknesses) that exist in the application of non-spatial indicators: the first one is related
to the so-called "chessboard problem" (Morrill, 1991; White, 1983), while the second one is related to the modifiable

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

areal unit problem (MAUP) (Wong, 1997). The chessboard problem is an abstract concept related to segregation. Non-
spatial indicators neglect the spatial proximity of individuals and predefine the scope of social spaces. These indicators
focus only on the components that are within each predetermined territorial unit. In 1983, White explained the
chessboard problem as follows: each square in the chessboard represents a predetermined territory such as a
neighborhood, a census unit, a consituency, etc., each of which has its own internal structure (white and black squares).
The author gives the following variants of the distribution of the squares: for example, in one case the white squares
would be located in one half of the board, while in the other half - all the black squares would be. In another case, the
black and white squares are distributed as a checkerboard. These two described cases have a radically different internal
structure, and these situations are expected to be defined as contrasting with each other. The non-spatial indicators do
not differentiate the internal structure of the spatial models and the two described cases define them as identical. As
White notes, a city in which all African-Americans are concentrated in a single ghetto will have the same spatial
segregation values as a city where "black neighborhoods" occupy the same area but are scattered throughout the urban
space. The second problem with non-spatial indicators, as already mentioned, is related to the fact that these indicators
use predefined territorial units. Data are collected and aggregated within these predefined units, and the boundaries are
not changed in the course of data collection so as to ensure that territorial units accurately reflect the social
environment. For example, two individuals can live relatively close to one-another in the urban space, but fall into
different spatial units. At the same time, two individuals living remotely in the urban space may fall into the same
spatial unit (Wong, 1997; Reardon, O’Sullivan, 2004). Therefore, the boundaries between the separate units must be
precisely delineated.

Cities cannot be studied without considering the processes that take place between their different parts. In 1988, Massey
and Denton, based on the work of Duncan and Duncan (1955), created one of the first conceptual schemes
characterizing spatial segregation, which assesses the place occupied by the ghettoized structures in urban space (Fig.1).
This scheme includes five dimensions of spatial segregation, namely:

- evenness – characterizing the degree of uniformity of the ethnic group in space;

- exposure - the possibility of potential contact or interaction between members of minority groups with the majority
within urban spatial units (usually the same neighborhood);
- concentration - the degree of compactness of the studied ethnic group;
- centralization - the degree of remoteness of the ethnic group from the city center;
- clustering - the extent to which the members of a group are located close to each other.

Figure 1. Dimensions of spatial segregation (Source: Reardon & O`Sullivan, 2004)

In general, apart from the lack of precise definitions of the basic concepts in literature, there is also a lack of clearly
defined mathematical expressions that best characterize spatial segregation.
Poulsen, Johnston, and Forrest (2002) require that indicators measuring spatial segregation reflect three main
characteristics, namely:

1) degree of concentration, i.e. the areas in which a certain ethnic group predominates;
2) degree of assimilation, i.e. sharing living space with the majority;
3) encapsulation or residential isolation of a certain ethnic group from the majority and / or other ethnic groups.
The indicators used in measuring the levels of spatial segregation must meet the following requirements:
1) reflect the theoretical statements related to spatial segregation;

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

2) make comparisons possible, both within the city and between different groups of the population;
3) have a quantitative expression, which provides the opportunity for the studied processes to be evaluated faster and
easier, eliminating the need to collect and process a large array of data.

Another approach to estimating the various dimensions of spatial segregation was introduced by James and Taeuber
(1985) who try to compare different methods based on one set of criteria. The criteria introduced by the two authors
include: Organizational Equivalence and Size Invariance, Transfers, Composition Invariance, and the Lorenz Criterion.
In 2004, Reardon and O’Sullivan expanded the criteria by including also:

1. Scale interpretability: If the group proportions are the same in the local environment of each individual, then the
spatial segregation index should take the value zero, whereas a segregation index should reach its maximum value
(typically normalised at unity), if the local environment of each individual is mono-racial. This criterion is motivated by
the desire to make universal comparisons of index magnitudes across time and space. However, if the chosen index is
not margin-free (see below), then simple index comparisons can be misleading.
2. Arbitrary boundary independence: A spatial segregation measure should be independent of the definitions of areal
units. This demanding criterion requires that all individuals be precisely located in space and there is a unique and
exhaustive set of spatial proximities for all pairs of locations. The MAUP would be overcome, but the scale at which
segregation is measured would remain unresolved.
3. Location equivalence: Points p,q,… within a tract can be aggregated if their population compositions are the same
within their local environments, and they satisfy c qp =),( φ and ) ,(),( s qsp φφ = for all points s lying outside the tract.
These conditions are demanding and are unlikely to be satisfied. Location Equivalance is the spatial analogue of
Organisation Equivalence, which enables the aggregation of units, such as occupations and schools, which have the
same gender or race composition (Reardon and O’Sullivan, 2004: 132-133).
4. Population density invariance: If the population density of each group m at each point p is multiplied by a constant
factor, then segregation is unchanged.
5. Composition invariance: If the number of individuals in a particular group increases uniformly across all locations
within the region, and the numbers and spatial distribution of all other groups remain unchanged, then the measure of
segregation is unchanged.
6. Transfers: The principle is based on the Pigou-Dalton principle which appears in the income inequality literature
(e.g. Shorrocks and Wan, 2005). A group m individual is transferred from point p to q, without replacement. If the
proportion of group m in the local environment of all points closer to p than q is greater than the proportions of group m
in points closer to point q, then segregation is reduced (Reardon and O’Sullivan, 2004: 134-135). This criterion is
problematic. First the point densities are upset by the one-way transfer. Second points close to both p and q may all be
dominated by group m, (relative to its overall population share), so that the transfer reduces the group m dominance of
points close to p and increases dominance for points close to q. As a consequence the criterion requires that the index be
non-linear. Finally none of the indexes analysed by the authors satisfy the criterion (p.151), so it is ignored.
7. Exchanges: Reardon and O’Sullivan (2004: 135) identify two forms of exchange in which a group m individual at p
is replaced by a group n individual from q. In the first case points close to p have a greater proportion of group m and
points near point q have a greater proportion of group n. Compliance with this condition implies a non-linear index. The
second version involves the same exchange but the proportions of group m at points near to and including point p are
greater than the corresponding proportions of group n at these points, and conversely for point n. The Information
Theory and Relative Diversity Indexes only satisfy both exchange criteria, if spatial symmetry is assumed, which can be
satisfied by two forms of geography, both of which are highly restrictive (Reardon and O’Sullivan, 2004: 156-157). A
weak version of both types of Exchange is satisfied by the Index of Dissimilarity, but again spatial symmetry must be
assumed. Consequently this criterion is also ignored.
8. Additive Spatial Decomposability This criterion requires that the grouping of points (areal units) into fewer, larger
areas enables total spatial segregation to be represented by the sum of within area and between area components.
Reardon and O’Sullivan (2004: 147-149) acknowledge that an interaction term would need to be included in the
decomposition to reflect the impact on the within area (say k) measure arising from points, q outside k via the proximity
function, ) ,( q p φ where k p∈ . If significant in size, the interaction term clouds the interpretation of the other two
components of the decomposition. Also, the within group index measures use the within group population shares as the
benchmark, rather than the regional population shares, so that their interpretation is not straightforward (Brown and
Chung, 2006).
9. Additive Grouping Decomposability If M groups are clustered in N (<M) supergroups, then a segregation measure
should be decomposable into a sum of independent within- and between-supergroup components. Again local
benchmarks are being employed in the within group component. This condition is only satisfied by the Information
Theory Index.

Scientists seek to measure one, several, or all dimensions of spatial segregation identified by Massey and Denton
(1988). It is the purpose of the study which determines the type and number of indices that will be used. According to
Massey and Denton, it is pointless to categorize indicators as "most correct" or "best", as each of them measures

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

different aspects of spatial segregation. In cases where the study aims to analyze the non-spatial characteristics of
segregation, the difference index and the interaction index are used. The other three dimensions of segregation and the
respective indices are appropriate when the purpose of the study is to establish the exact location of the studied group in
space. In cases where it is important to know the location of the group relative to the city center, the centralization index
will be used; in cases where the emphasis is on the area occupied by the group in the urban space, the index of
concentration or isolation will be used, etc. The authors believe that each of these characteristics has different social
consequences, which taken together, represent the complex nature of spatial segregation. According to Massey and
Denton, evenness and exposure are non-spatial dimensions, as they are determined by the pre-defined boundaries of the
studied area, while concentration, grouping and centralization are spatial dimensions, as they require information about
the location of the studied group and the size of the territory it inhabits. The best in-depth analysis of spatial segregation
is achieved when all five dimensions are taken into account simultaneously. Such a multidimensional approach gives
the most complete picture of segregation, which cannot be achieved with the use of a single index only. It is possible
that a group has a high degree of segregation in only one or more of these dimensions. Thus, Massey and Denton (1993)
found that blacks in some American cities are highly segregated in all five dimensions simultaneously. The spatial
model in which all five dimensions of spatial segregation show high values, was defined by Massey and Denton (1993)
as hypersegregation.

In the present study, based on literature review, the indicators have been selected so as to meet as much as possible the
above requirements and to characterize the five dimensions of spatial segregation with the use of GIS. As a source data,
the "Population Grid" was used, which was created by the National Statistical Institute of the Republic of Bulgaria, and
bears the following characteristics:

- resolution: 1 km²;
- coordinate system: ETRS89_LAEA (Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area);
- format: CSV, Esri Shapefile (*.shp);
- statistical information: distribution of the population according to Census 2011 by number, sex and age groups in a
network of 1 km²-cell size;
- number of population distributed in the grid, which falls within the city of Plovdiv: 338 153;
- reference date of the statistical information: 1 February 2011;
- distribution method of the population of Plovdiv: aggregation (77.4% of the population); disaggregation (42.6% of the

Data from the National Statistical Institute and the CRAS (Civil Registration and Administrative Service) Office of
Plovdiv Municipality, as well as satellite and orthophoto images, have been used in outlining the boundaries of the
Roma neighborhoods in Plovdiv. The proposed methodology can be used for other cities as well, so as to enable various
comparisons and spatial analyzes.


General characteristics of the Roma in Bulgaria and the city of Plovdiv

The actual (or the so-called expert assessment) number of the Roma in Bulgaria is about 750 thousand, which is about
11% of the country’s total population. Plovdiv is the second most populous city in the country, with a population as of
1st Feb. 2011 of 338 153 people. According to the official data, the number of Roma in Plovdiv is about 6 000, while
unofficial data suggest their number is actually around 48 000 (as of 2013).

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

Figure 2. Location of the four Roma quarters of Plovdiv (Source: Authors)

Four Roma quarters exist within the city of Plovdiv, covering a total area of 1380 ha., or 1.7% of the city’s urban space:

1) Stolipinovo (formally "Izgrev") – situated in the Eastern Administrative Region of the city, over an area of 54 ha,
formed around 1910-1915. According to unofficial data, some 45-50 000 people live in that neighborhood. The quarter
emerged after the Roma residents were forced to leave the central areas of the city and were driven to the outskirts, to
more disadvantaged areas, in obedience of a local authorities’ resolution. Initially, those areas were beyond the
administrative limits of the city, but due to its territorial expansion, the neighborhood was gradually "swallowed" by the

2) "Haji Hasan Mahala" – located within the Central Administrative Region of Plovdiv. Being a nicer residential area,
the Roma from the other Roma neighborhoods strive to obtain property in this specific quarter due to the higher social
status of its residents and its central location. Haji Hasan Mahala covers an area of about 9 ha and is inhabited by some
3000 to 4000 residents.

3) "Sheker Mahala" or "Todor Kableshkov" – this is the second largest Roma quarter in Plovdiv (area: 10 ha,
population: 5000-6000 residents) and is situated in the Northern Administrative Region of the city. After the great
flooding of Harman Mahala quarter in 1957, people were relocated in to what is now Sheker Mahala quarter, for which
purpose the government built massive, single-storey houses. Later, through illegal construction mostly, the quarter
expanded to the northwest. Over the last years, many two- and three-storey houses were built in the area, while another
fifty, maisonette-like houses were constructed (within a EU project) for those in extreme need.

4) "Harman Mahala quarter" (area: 5 ha, formally known as "Hadzhi Dimitar") is also located in the Northern
Administrative Region of the city, right next to the northern industrial zone of Plovdiv – until the beginning of the
twentieth century – beyond the urbanized part of the city, which facilitated the adaptation of most of the migrants
arriving from villages around Plovdiv. Asenov (2018) states that "although we have no reliable information about this,
we can assume that at the end of the nineteenth and in the early twentieth century, there is a "Roma" neighborhood in

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

the Harmanite locality outside the city. Asenov justifies his assumption with conversations he had in the early 1990s
with elderly inhabitants of the quarter, when those residents were already 75-80 years old: when asked about their place
of birth, those people declared Harman Mahala as their birthplace. This suggests that by 1910-1915, the quarter had
already existed. The urban space of Harman Mahala is clearly outlined in the urban fabric of the city. The quarter is
located between "Severen" Blvd., "Nikola Belovezhdov" Str., "Velyu voyvoda" Str. and "Belozem" Str., right next to
the "Kaufland" hypermarket. The ghettoized structure is not effectively integrated into the surrounding urban space. Its
existence repels investors from that part of the city and makes the area unattractive due to the bad reputation Roma
neighborhoods generally have. The quarter is inhabited by 1800 residents (data obtained through the field survey) and
is the smallest Roma quarter in Plovdiv in terms of both area and population.

Since the beginning of the so-called transitional period in Bulgaria, as a result of the intra-migratory movements and the
concentration of Roma population in urban settlements, the micro-quarters of Shumen and Kanali Kar emerged in the
immediate vicinity of Stolipinovo quarter, becoming part of that ethnic megastructure, considered to be the largest
Roma neighborhood in Europe (Figure 2).


The evenness of a given population group is measured relative to the location of other groups within the same space. A
minority group is segregated if it is unevenly distributed in space, while spatial segregation is the highest in cases where
minorities and majorities do not share common territories. The first attempt to measure spatial segregation was made by
Duncan and Duncan (1955). The dissimilarity index was introduced, after which various modifications were developed.
The dissimilarity index is one of the most common measures of spatial segregation. Conceptually, the index measures
the share of a group that must change its residence in order to achieve an even distribution in the urban space. The
dissimilarity index belongs to the non-spatial dimensions of segregation. For this reason, the relocation of members of a
group from areas where they have a high relative share (above the city average) to areas where they are not sufficiently
represented (below the city average), but within the same spatial unit, does not affect the value of the index. This is the
main drawback of the index. On a positive note, Massey and Denton mention the fact that the index had been used for
more than 30 years, which makes it possible to detect trends, it is easy to calculate and to use:

1 wi b
D = ∑i � − i�
2 W B

where: wi and bi is the number of white and black population respectively, counted in territorial unit i, while W and B
is the number of white and black population in the whole study area respectively. This index can be applied not only
when studying the racial affiliation of the inhabitants, but also if other features are taken into account - ethnic, religious,
economic, social, etc.

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

Figure. 3 Share of Roma population by grid cell (Source: Authors)

This index can be interpreted as a share of the population in a given area, which would have to change its place of
residence in order to achieve an even distribution across that same area. The numerator in formula (4) represents the
number of displacements that would have to be performed in order to obtain an even distribution between the individual
spatial units, i.e. each spatial unit be inhabited by an equal number of members of a given minority (Morrill, 1991,
1995; Wong, 2003). The change of residence will be required in the territorial units where the minority group has a
higher share (White, 1986). The values of the index vary from 0 to 1, as zero indicates no segregation and one -
complete segregation. According to the calculations, the city of Plovdiv exhibits D = 0.86 – an extremely high value,
indicating that for every 100 people, 86 would have to change their place of residence within the city in order for the
Roma group to be evenly distributed in the urban space. The main drawback pointed out above is that the index only
measures the degree of evenness between two groups and is calculated for pre-defined territorial units. As noted by
Morrill (1991), "this is not a measure of segregation in a geographical sense" because the index belongs to non-spatial
indicators and does not reflect the spatial distribution of individual population groups (Wong, 2003). Therefore, one of
the main shortcomings of the index is related to the chessboard problem: for example, if each studied territorial unit is
dominated by one ethnic group, regardless of its internal distribution in space, D = 1.0, which indicates complete
segregation. Another problem with using the dissimilarity index is related to the scale effect and the MAUP. The index
under consideration is strongly influenced by the size of the territorial unit, i.e. if the index is calculated for a large
territorial unit, for example – a country, the level of segregation turns out low, whereas if calculations are only made for
a part of the country’s territory, the values of the dissimilarity index can reach 1.0. An easier to understand example can
also be given: in case the index is calculated for the whole world, then D = 0. Alternatively, D = 1.0, if each individual
is considered as an independent observation or each territorial unit is dominated by only one group, i.e. given that the
group itself is internally homogeneous. Small territorial units are always more homogeneous than large ones. D also

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

does not meet other criteria for an acceptable index, such as "transfer and exchange" (White, 1983). The index is only
influenced by the cases in which there is a transfer of members of the studied group from territorial units with very high
concentration to units with low concentration (White, 1986).

In 1991, Morrill introduced a modified indicator for the dissimilarity index (D), called the neighbor-adjusted index
∑i ∑j�cij ×(zi− zj )�
D(adj) = D - ∑i ∑j cij

where: D (adj) is the dissimilarity index based on neighborhood, zi and zj are the shares of the minority or the majority
group between the territorial units i and j; cij - the value of the cell in row i in column j; cij = 0 in cases where i and j
have no neighbors, and cij = 1.0 in cases where i and j have neighbors (Wong, 2003).

The author emphasizes that segregation is a function of the intensity of interaction between different groups of the
population. For this reason, the indices that reflect the degree of spatial segregation should not only consider the internal
homogeneity of the studied area, but also the external interactions. The modification of the index is required by the
conclusions drawn from the results obtained from the dissimilarity index. Morrill (1991) explains that a high value of D
does not necessarily mean that minority groups are spatially segregated and not interacting with the majority, nor does it
mean there is no interaction whatsoever between two adjacent territorial units. For these reasons, Morrill includes a very
important component in measuring segregation, namely - the common, shared boundary between territorial units as a
line of contact between two groups, as an important element of spatial interaction. The application of this indicator
takes into account the different population groups that are located in the immediate vicinity. In cases where the groups
have a common boundary, the values of the index will show a low level of segregation and vice versa. Table 1 shows
the neighbor-adjusted index (Dadj) calculated for the four Roma neighborhoods in Plovdiv.

Table 1. Neighborhood-adjusted index (Dadj) calculated for the four Roma neighborhoods in Plovdiv (Source: Authors)

Harman mahala Stolipinovo, Shumen, Kanala Kar

Cell 5 Cell 6 Cell 9 Cell 10 Cell 16 Cell 17 Cell 18 Cell 25

Cell Dadj Cell Dadj Cell Dadj Cell Dadj Cell Dadj Cell Dadj Cell Dadj Cell Dadj

1 0.08 2 0.05 8 0.17 9 0.8 7 -0.12 8 -0.12 9 0.84 16 0.14

2 0.08 3 0.05 10 0.8 17 0.5 8 -0.12 9 0.56 10 0.78 17 0.14

3 0.08 5 0.08 16 0.56 18 0.78 9 0.56 10 0.50 17 0.58 18 0.42

4 0.08 7 0.05 17 0.56 15 -0.12 16 0.86 25 0.42 24 0.78

6 0.05 13 0.05 18 0.84 17 0.86 18 0.58 26 0.15 26 0.59

12 0.55 14 0.05 23 0.20 24 0.061 29 0.62

13 0.08 15 0.05 24 0.06 25 0.14 30 0.61

14 0.08 25 0.14 26 -0.13 31 0.59

Hadji Hasan mahala Sheker mahala

Cell 23 Cell 12

Cell Dadj Cell Dadj

14 0.53 4 0,55

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

15 0.53 5 0.39

16 0.20 11 0,55

22 0.53 13 0,55

24 0.72 19 0,55

27 0.53 20 0,55

28 0.53 21 0,55

29 0.56

Figure 4. Numaration of grid cells used in the calculation of the Neighborhood-adjusted index (Dadj) (Source: Authors)


Residential exposure refers to the degree of potential contact, or the possibility of interaction, between minority and
majority group members within geographic areas of a city. Indices of exposure measure the extent to which minority
and majority members physically confront one another by virtue of sharing a common residential area (Massey, Denton,
1988). The two authors point out that although indices of exposure and evenness tend to be correlated empirically, they
are conceptually distinct because the former depend on the relatively size of the groups being compered, while the latter
do not.

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

Members of minority groups may be evenly distributed among the residential areas of a given city, and at the same time
have a low level of exposure to the majority, if the minorities represent a relatively large proportion of the city's
population. Conversely, if minorities constitute a small proportion of the population, their levels of exposure are high.

Exposure is mainly characterized by two indices: the index of interaction (the degree of interaction of the members of
the minority group with the members of the majority) and the index of isolation (the degree of interaction of the
minority members with each other, but not with the majority). Both indices can be interpreted as a way of measuring the
probability of a minority member to share a common territory with members of the majority – when the interaction
index is used, or with another minority member – when the isolation index is used (Massey and Denton, 1988).

In the early 1980s, Lieberson (1981) introduced two variants of the exposure index - the interaction index x𝑃𝑃𝑦𝑦∗ and the
isolation index x𝑃𝑃𝑥𝑥∗ :
∗ 𝑛𝑛
x𝑃𝑃𝑦𝑦 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1[𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 /𝑋𝑋] [𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 /𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖 ]

where 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 , 𝑦𝑦𝑖𝑖 , and 𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖 are the numbers of X members, Y members, and the total population of unit i, respectively, and X represents the number
of X members city-wide. The converse of the interaction index is the isolation index, both varying between 0 and 1:
∗ 𝑛𝑛
x𝑃𝑃𝑥𝑥 = ∑𝑖𝑖=1[𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 /𝑋𝑋] [𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 /𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑖 ]

The isolation index is closely related to the exposure index. These two indices are very similar in nature and try to
measure the degree of interaction of a member of a given group with other members of the same group, as well as with
members of other groups. Therefore, the index of isolation x𝑃𝑃𝑥𝑥∗ indicates the level of interaction between members of
one group (Bell, 1954), or the probability of intragroup contact, and vice versa - the index of interaction shows the
probability of interaction with a member of another ethnic group. The isolation index for the Roma population in the
city of Plovdiv reflects a high degree of isolation or intragroup interaction (x𝑃𝑃𝑥𝑥∗ = 0.73) and a low degree of intergroup
interaction - x𝑃𝑃𝑦𝑦∗ = 0.27.


Concentration is determined by the relative share of physical space occupied by a given group in the urban environment
and represents a relative dimension of segregation. In most cases, minorities are concentrated in a small number of
neighborhoods, which together make up a small proportion of the urban space. According to Massey, Denton, (1988)
"groups that occupy a small share of the total area in a city are said to be residentially concentrated. For example,
suppose two cities have the same minority proportion and an equivalent degree of residential evenness, but in one city
minority areas are few in number and small in area, while in the former city to be more "segregated" than the latter". In
the present study, the so-called "delta" (DEL) measure has been used, proposed originally by Hoover (1941) and later
adapted by Duncan, Cuzzort, and Duncan (1961):

DEL = 1�2 ∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1|[𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 /𝑋𝑋 − 𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖 /𝐴𝐴]|

where 𝑥𝑥𝑖𝑖 and X are defined as before, 𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖 equals the land area of unit i, while A is the total land area of the city. DEL is a
specific application of the more general index of dissimilarity. It computes the proportion of X-members residing in
areal units with above average density of X-members. It is interpreted as the share of minority members that would
have to shift units to achieve a uniform density of minority members over all units. In the case of Plovdiv DEL was
calculated to be 0.48, indicating that almost half of the Roma population would have to shift units to achieve a uniform
density of minority members over all units.


The fourth dimension of segregation is related to concentration, but is conceptually distinct. Centralization is the degree
to which a group is spatially located near the center of a given urban area (Massey and Denton, 1988). Theoretically,
concentration and centralization are similar, but differ in their interpretation. Centralization is associated with groups
that settle near city centers.

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

Figure 5. Urban belts of the city of Plovdiv according to the period of construction (Source: Authors)

The city of Plovdiv is featured by its circular urban structure. Four segments are clearly distinct – an urban core, or the
"traditional" urban part, and three belts around it, the formation of which is closely related to the different construction
periods. The first belt around the "traditional" urban area emerged between the two World Wars but underwent further
construction interventions. The second belt was built mainly in the 1950s, while the third belt was formed by the
residential apartment complexes, the construction of which began in the early 1970s. Hadji Hasan Mahala is located on
the border between the center and the first belt, Harman Mahala and Sheker Mahala fall into the second belt, while
Stolipinovo with the two newly emerged neighborhoods around it - Shumen and Kanala Kar - in the third belt (Ilieva et
al., 2019).

The centralization index indicates the ratio of X members who would have to change their area of residence in order to
achieve an even distribution around the central part of the city.

The easiest way to measure centralization is to take the number of group members who live within the city limits and
relate it to their total number throughout the urban area. The simplest group that live within the bounds of the central
city, expressed as a proportion of the total number in the entire metropolitan area:

PCC = 𝑋𝑋𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 / 𝑋𝑋

where: 𝑋𝑋𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 is the number of X members living within the boundaries of the central city.

If we look at Plovdiv’s GUSs, it is clear that they are located along the edges of the urban fabric of the city (except for
Haji Hasan Mahala). The sheer distance to the city center marginalizes the GUSs’ residents and creates real problems in
terms of access to public services. The distance to the city center hinders the mobility of the GUSs’ residents,

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

considering that they can hardly afford (financially) the regular use of public transport which in most cases is the only
way for them to access the city center (Ilieva et al., 2019). In the case of Plovdiv РСС=0.083, which means that only
8.3% of the Roma population reside in the central urban area. Later, social scientists developed other measures of
centralization that make fuller use of spatial data. For example, Duncan and Duncan (1955) proposed a relative
centralization index difined by the following formula:

RCE = ( ∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖−1 𝑌𝑌𝑖𝑖 ) – (∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 𝑌𝑌𝑖𝑖−1 )

where: n areal units are ordered by increasing distance from the central business district, and 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 and 𝑌𝑌𝑖𝑖 are the respective
cumulative proportions of X`s and Y`s population in tract i.

This index varies between -1.0 and +1.0, with positive values indicating that X members are located closer to the city
center than are members of group Y, and negative values indicating that group X members are distributed farther from
the city center. When the index is 0, the two groups have the same spatial distribution around the central district
(Massey, Denton, 1988). RCE for the Roma population of Plovdiv is estimated at -0.43, which means that 43% of
Roma must change their area of residence to match the degree of centralization of the majority - the Bulgarian
population - or in other words RCE measures the extend of X`s (the Roma population) centralization relative to group
Y`s (the Bulgarian population).

Massey and Denton (1988) suggest аn analogous index – the absolute centralization index (ACE), which measures a
group`s spatial distribution compared to the distribution of land area around the city center:

ACE = (∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖−1 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 ) – (∑𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑖=1 𝑋𝑋𝑖𝑖 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖−1 )

where: the areal units are ordered as before and 𝐴𝐴𝑖𝑖 refers to the cumulative proportion of land area through unit i.

This index also varies between -1.0 and +1.0. Positive values likewise indicate a tendency for group X members to
reside close to the city center, while negative values indicate a tendency to live in outlying areas. A score of 0 means
that a group has an even distribution of population around the central business district. The absolute centralization index
(ACE) for the Roma in Plovdiv is calculated to have negative values of -0.19, in contrast to the Bulgarian population,
where the index has a positive value of 0.24. The index therefore gives the proportion of X members required to change
residence to achieve an even distribution around the central business district.


High level of clistering occurs in cases where the areas inhabited by the same ethnic group are located close to each
other, while the low level of clustering implies their dispersed arrangement in the urban fabric, resembling a
chessboard. Clustering is closely related to the chessboard problem. Several indices are used to characterize clustering,
such as the spatial proximity index (Clustering index) and the distance-based index of dissimilarity. The index is
calculated based on the average distance between the members of the same group and the average distance between the
members of different groups, after which their weighted average value is calculated. The spatial proximity index equals
1.0 when there is no differentiated clustering between X and Y, and is > 1.0 when the X-members live closer to each
other than to the Y-members. Based on the work of Dacey (1968) and Geary (1954), the following measure of
residential clustering can be derived:

where: Cij refers to an element of “contiguity matrix” that equals 1.0 when I and j are contigouse, and 0 otherwise.

Since it is easy to obtain centroid coordinates for areal units in urban areas, Cij may be taken to represent a distance
function between areas. Thus, according to the formula the ACL in the case of Plovdiv was calculated to be 0,66.

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.


Measuring of spatial segregation using computable values of various indicators makes comparison possible, which is of
great theoretical and practical value. The indicators used in this study and their values reflect a high multidimensional
form of spatial segregation of the Roma population in the city of Plovdiv, which can be characterized as
hypersegregation. That being said, not all indicators exhibit extremely high values (i.e. close to 1.0 in cases the given
indicator obtains values between 0 and 1.0), however, the cumulative segregation level of the studied ethnic minority
can be verbally defined as very high. It is suggested hereby that qualitative evaluations be given to quantitative
measurements – e.g. all values between 0.8 and 1.0 can be labeled as “high”, between 0.6 and 0.8 – “significant”, from
0.4 to 0.6 – “medium”, and so forth.

In the case of Plovdiv Roma neighborhoods, it can be said that they all exhibit similar level of spatial segregation,
although the situation with one of the quarters is to a certain extent different compared to the other three, mostly
because of better levels of the centralization index.

The study demonstrates the ongoing, and even deepening over the last three decades, distancing between the Roma and
the ethnic majority of Bulgarians, through the application of a specific quantitave approach to studying spatial
segregation. Closing this gap requires not only scientific research, but a combined effort of all actors in the process –
the Roma community, the Bulgarian ethnic majority and the authorities at all levels, so as the general population of the
city benefits from the solution of the existing problem, may it be only partial if not complete.


The study has been conducted within the “Spatial segregation and its impact on the social integration of the Roma
population in „Harman Mahala, Plovdiv” project, funded by the National Scientific Research Fund of the Republic of
Bulgaria, Grant No ДН15/7.

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PhD Assoc. Prof. Nadezhda Ilieva works as a head of Section „Economic and Social Geography“,
Department of Geography - National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at the
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her scientific interests and research projects are related to the
ethnic geography, spatial segregation of Roma in urban space, depopulation processes, spatial
planning, geographic information systems, geography education.

Boris Kazakov is an assistant professor at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and
Geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Department of "Geography". His scientific
research is in the field of human geography, geodemography, ethnic studies, rural population and
typology of settlements. He has participated in a number of domestic and international projects and
is the author and co-author of over 25 scientific papers published in Bulgaria and abroad. Member of
the Bulgarian Geographical Society.

Proceedings Vol. 1, 8th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 2020, Nessebar, Bulgaria
ISSN: 1314-0604, Eds: Bandrova T., Konečný M., Marinova S.

Stefan Genchev is a PhD student at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at
the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. He graduated from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in
Geography. His main research interests are focused on Geographic Information Systems (GIS),
Remote Sensing, Cartography and Geoeconomics. He has participated in research projects, both
international and national related to GIS and mapping applications.

Aleksandra Ravnachka is an Assistant Professor in the Department of ‘Geography’ at the National

Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and Geography, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. She graduated
with a PhD degree at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography, Bulgarian
Academy of Sciences in 2017. Her research activities are in the field of socioeconomic geography,
regional development, labour market, rural population and demography. She has participated in a
number of national and international projects. She is the author and co-author of of more than 30 of
scientific publications in Bulgaria and abroad.

Assist. Prof. Dr. Velimira Stoyanova works at the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy, and
Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Geography, section Physical
Geography. She is a member of the Bulgarian Cartographic Association and Bulgarian Geographical
Society. She received a Doctoral degree in Physical Geography and Landscape Studies in 2015. She
has a Master's degree of Physical Geography and Landscape Studies and Regional Development and
Management at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Geology and Geography, 2011.
Current research interests of Dr. Stoyanova are in Environmental Geochemistry, Landscape Ecology,
Hydrogeology, Geographic Information Systems.


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