Aging Research Brief

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Aging Research Brief Assignment

HPR 588 Summer 2020

The topic: Chronic disease self-management programs

What is a Research/Issue Brief?
For this assignment, your research brief will be a 2-3 page summary of the knowledge
surrounding a health topic related to aging.  To write the brief, you should assume that the
audience knows little or nothing about the topic.  The brief should summarize the topic’s
background and stakeholder information quickly and succinctly.  The writer should be clear,
concise and complete in his/her writing.
For the aging research brief assignment, the following items will be included.  Note that the brief
for this class will be 2-3 pages in length (not including references). You will be assigned a topic
for this assignment (see attached). Your brief will include:

1. Background/Introduction: what is the health topic? Include a description, relevance and

any pertinent history and data (local, regional, national). What is the magnitude of the topic?
This might include special populations that are disproportionately affected by the topic. Is
this topic a health problem and if so, is it preventable? If so, how? Is is treatable? If so, how?
2. Are there social determinants of health associated with the topic? Is it listed in HP2020?
If so, what are the health indicators and outcomes? What are the related health, social and
economic outcomes?
3. What are current programs/best practices: what is currently being done to address the
topic? Are there any best practices for programs and services for the topic? What key health
sector issues and concerns are being addressed (or need to be addressed)?
4. Are there policy considerations for the topic? Are there local, state or national
organizations working on the topic? How is work on this topic being funded?

Please make sure to write clearly and directly.  Proper APA citations are required. For this
assignment, the reference list can be an additional page. It is expected that at least 5-7 peer
reviewed articles will be used in this assignment, along with other professional websites, such as
the CDC. Dr. Pappa will provide some examples of acceptable research brief formats and

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