Our Planet

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Likes: Dislikes:
1. The sea's fringing land makes up less than 1. Sharks reduce relentless overfishing by 90
10 percent of the world's ocean.  percent. But today, they only thrive on the
2. 90 percent of all marine creatures live in very remotest of reeks. There are only a
coastal waters. few areas in the world where sharks can
3. Seagrass absorbs 35 times as much CO2 be spotted.
as the same area of rainforest, which 2. Only about 8% of the 300,00 whales
reduces the warming of seas. are left since humans are constantly
4. Reefs cover less than 10 percent of the hunting and killing them.
seafloor, but they are home to a quarter of 3. Pacific salmon is less than a percent of
all marine species. Corals provide food the numbers they used to be.
and shelter. 4. Half of our forest in the world is gone
5. Tanganyika had 1/5 of the whole fresh because of human activities and its
water available in the world. harmful effects (ex: intense forest fire,
climate change, etc.)
5. Worldwide, half of all shallow coral
reefs have already died. The rest
could be gone in the next few
Likes: Dislikes:
 The voice quality and diction of the  The dying of coral reefs caused by
narrator is crystal clear global warming
 Editing and the production of the  Industrialized fishing techniques often
video is entertaining  result in overexploiting of marine
 The message to protect animals and to resources
stop hunting and killing them  Unsustainable fishing happens time
 The intimacy of the scenes between and time again around the world. 
the viewer and the documentary  Reckless and irresponsible gathering
 Showing of complexities of nature in of needs of human beings leads to the
such a picturesque and informative destruction of nature and the change
way of climate
 The protection offered by mangroves  Endangered animals because of
to tiny fishes, and the reduction of excessive hunting, destruction of their
carbon dioxide and damage from habitats, human activities, and many
hurricanes or typhoons more
 The abundance of carbon dioxide
 Golden giant kelps provide food and
results in oceans being acidic
shelter for the marine community
 Breaking of the food chain due to
around them
insufficient amount of producers in
 Providing safe habitats for various
comparison to the number of
kinds of marine and terrestrial animals
 The abundance of food in bodies of  Imbalance in the surroundings and the
fresh water around the world because habitats of animals
of cleaner and safer environment for  Plastic pollution in the oceans
marine animals endanger both human and marine lives
 More action is done to prevent the  Insufficient effort and programs to
damaging effects of climate change, rehabilitate the planet
but all of this is not enough to protect  Hunting of rare and exotic animals for
our planet sport
 Each forest is unique, with each
having its unique species, conditions,
resiliency, etc.
 The vitality of forests for our survival
as human beings

Our Planet is documentation that shows the beauty and how the Earth adapts to the changes caused
by human interference but only to a point. The film shows the beauty of nature and the creatures living in
every habitat wherein they belong. Each episode shows a unique home for aquatic and terrestrial animals
and the surrounding wherein they reside. It also shows the importance and vitality of nature on the
survival of human beings. Lastly, the series shows the effect of overexploitation of resources by humans,
and how we are going to suffer if we continue to take advantage of what we have right now.

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