Elementary Pre Assessment

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Pre Assessment

Prerequisite Rhythm Bank:

Objective: Students will repeat the above rhythms back to the teacher with a backing track.
1. T will play a backing track.
2. T: “Repeat after me” T claps a rhythm from the rhythm bank above.
3. T repeats the process until all rhythms are used at least twice each.
4. T then uses rhythm cards with the rhythms in the bank.

Assessment: Are the students able to repeat the rhythms supplied by the teacher? Can they clap
the rhythms on the cards?
4- Able, Students were able to repeat the rhythms back to me with accurate rhythm and beat.
3- Attempted, almost able- Student was successful 80% of the activity.
2- Attempted, not able- Student tried activity but was less than 50% successful.
1- Did not attempt- Student did not try activity.

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