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Unit Assessment Design Template

Pre-Assessment / Diagnostic Assessment

Describe the Explain the Explain the specific Which unit Describe how specific
pre-assessmen rationale for adaptation(s) made objectives does student results
t you will choosing this for Students A and this assessment impacted your unit
use-What is assessment. B OR why no address? plan.
the format? adaptations are (each learning How do you plan to
needed. objective must be differentiate for all
assessed) learners?
Formal I used the This was an Student A did not Students will The results of the
program: engaging tool need any visually pre-assessment
Kahoot that students adaptations identify a Kahoot revealed that
online. enjoyed because he had variety of students are still
Students playing. It played Kahoot articulations. developing their
used their was able to before and had vocabulary of
school provide a access to his Students will articulations and
laptops to basic laptop. discuss how to dynamics. With
connect to understandin Student B was not play a variety correct answers of
the game. g about what permitted to use of 58% in the first
The topic is students his laptop in band articulations. class, and 52% in the
articulations knew about class due to prior second class, there
and the misconduct. Students will will need to be
dynamics. vocabulary Therefore, I visually significant
and playing provided him identify a instruction of these
techniques of with paper and variety of topics.
articulations pencil to write his dynamics.
and answer on. He
dynamics. even “kept score” Students will
in the corner of discuss how to
his paper so he play a variety
was able to join of dynamics.
the fun of the
Please provide a narrative description of your pre-assessment

This assessment gives me an idea of how much the beginning 6th grade band students know about
articulation and dynamics. Using a Kahoot engages students in a fun “high score” game, while providing
a worthwhile exam. Based on the results of this pre-assessment, I was able to create lessons that focus on
developing areas that the students were less familiar with.

Formative Assessment
Describe the Explain the Explain the Which unit Describe how
assessment you rationale for specific objectives does specific student
will use-What is choosing this adaptation(s) this assessment results impacted
the Format? assessment. made for address? your instruction.
Students A and B (each learning
OR why no objective must be
adaptations are assessed)

Formative 1 The first This is an During the Students will As problems

formative informal lessons of perform a arise during
assessment that assessment to teaching variety of the lesson, I
I use often is the examine if articulation and articulations as am able to use
observation of students are dynamics, I they appear in several tools to
performance in playing with employ many music on their assist the
articulations and the proper different styles instrument. students. For
dynamics while technique. of learning like example, if
students play aural, visual, Students will they are
pieces of music and tactile perform all struggling with
in rehearsal. activities to dynamic the rhythm we
reach my focus markings as take out the
students as well they appear in articulation to
as all students. music on their focus on
instrument. getting the
rhythm correct
before adding
the articulation
back in.
Formative 2 The second By having To assist the Students will Based on the
formative students draw students, I visually results of this
assessment is a the symbols, allow them to identify a worksheet, I
worksheet I they are able to look through variety of know which
created that more easily their music for articulations. symbols need
targets students identify it clues to the to be discussed
drawing and when it appears answers. Students will and played
naming in their music. For focus write and more often in
articulation and students A and verbally class. That
dynamic B, I allow them discuss how to way they will
symbols. to work with a play a variety be able to
partner. of articulations. identify the
symbol and
Students will assign
visually meaning to
identify all them in their
dynamic playing.

Students will
write and
discuss how to
play different
What is the Observation: Students are expected to listen to instruction and play in the ensemble with
minimum level of the articulations and dynamics written in the music.
performance you
expect all
students to Worksheet: Because students are able to use their resources, I expect at least 75%
achieve on the accuracy.

Summative Assessment
Describe the Explain the Explain the Which unit Describe how
assessment you rationale for specific objectives does specific results
will use-What is choosing this adaptation(s) this assessment will impact what
the format? assessment. made for address. you would teach
Students A and B (each learning next.
OR why no objective must be
adaptations are assessed)

Summative Kahoot Exam- By using the Focus student Students will After students
the same kahoot same test as the B used a piece visually show mastery
as the pre-assessment of paper again identify a of identifying
pre-assessment both myself on the kahoot. variety of and discussing
gives an and the articulations. how to play
interesting students can articulations
insight on see their Students will and dynamics,
student growth growth. discuss how to we will spend
from the play a variety more time
beginning to the of articulations. honing skills
end of a unit. playing the
This time Students will articulations
however, visually and dynamics.
students have identify a
less time to variety of
answer the dynamics.
Students will
discuss how to
play a variety
of dynamics.
What is the Students should receive an 80% on this Kahoot exam.
minimum level of
performance you
expect all
students to
achieve on the
What differences There should not be much of a difference since all students were engaged and
might you expect participated in previous lessons.
in the
between the
subgroups and
the remainder of
the class?

Attach a copy of your pre-assessment/diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments. Attach a

copy of all supporting documents—for example, a rubric used to evaluate student performance.

Analysis of Assessment Procedures

Presentation and Analysis of Assessment Data

Pre-Assessment/Diagnostic Assessment Data

•Disaggregate your data using at least two contextual factors in chart/graph/table form (e.g.,
male/female, ethnicity, SES. etc.).

This chart shows the result of the pre-assessment, with focus students A (Beginning Woodwind #9) and
B (Beginning Brass and Percussion #23) in highlight.

Boys are in black font; Girls are marked in red font.

Boys: 5 Girls: 10
Beginning Woodwinds Class

Rank # of Correct Answers # of Incorrect Answers

1 17 1

2 14 4

3 14 4

4 13 5

5 13 5

6 11 7

7 11 7

8 11 7

9 11 7

10 10 8

11 10 8

12 9 9

13 6 12

14 6 12

15 3 15
Boys: 16 Girls: 10
Beginning Brass & Percussion Class

Rank # of Correct Answers # of Incorrect Answers

1 16 2

2 15 3

3 15 3

4 14 4

5 14 4

6 14 4

7 13 5

8 13 5

9 12 6

10 11 7

11 11 7

12 11 7

13 11 7

14 11 7

15 11 7

16 11 7

17 11 7

18 9 9

19 8 10

20 8 10

21 8 10

22 8 10

23 6 12

24 6 12

25 5 13

26 3 15
Not all students were present during the day of this assessment.
•Analyze your pre-assessment results.
Both focus students A and B were on the lower end of the spectrum in the pre-assessment. In terms of
gender, the results seemed spread out fairly evenly. Both boys and girls were found to perform in the
higher end. This tells me that students have either retained some information from previous lessons, or
did not know these concepts.

•Discuss the results in reference to your learning goals and objectives.

The learning goals being assessed in this pre-assessment were:
● Students will visually identify a variety of articulations.
● Students will discuss how to play a variety of articulations.
● Students will visually identify a variety of dynamics.
● Students will discuss how to play a variety of dynamics.
The pre-assessment showed that only some students were able to identify and discuss how to play
articulations and dynamics. Overall only an average of 54% of questions were answered correctly,
therefore there will need to be several hands-on lessons covering the topics.

•Describe how you used pre-assessment data to proceed with instruction for all students. What
specifically did you do for Focus Students A and B?
From the results of the pre-assessment, I am able to create lessons that target areas of comprehension
that need the most improvement.
Focus student B was not permitted to use his laptop due to previous misuse in the band classroom.
Therefore, I gave him a sheet of paper and pencil to still participate in the Kahoot. I also had him sit up
front so he could focus better on the questions on the board.

•Based on your data, how do you plan to differentiate for all learners?
To teach articulation and dynamics with the consideration of all types of learners there will be lessons
that employ visual, aural, and kinesthetic aspects. Students will draw the symbols staccato, tenuto,
forte, piano, etc. which addresses both kinesthetic and visual. Using our voices and different syllables
we will speak different articulations and dynamics which addresses aural learners.
Formative Assessment Data
• Analyze your formative assessment results.

After grading all the worksheets, the students got an average of 78% correct answers. I was grading the
accuracy of symbol drawings and correct identification of articulation and dynamic symbols. Therefore,
as long as students were in the ballpark of the correct answer, I marked it as correct.

•Discuss results in reference to your learning goals and objectives. Are students learning what
you intended them to learn?

The goals and objectives targeted in this assessment were:

● Students will visually identify a variety of articulations.
● Students will visually identify a variety of dynamics.
Students were able to visually identify articulations and dynamics with an average of 78% accuracy
which tells me that they are on track for learning what I intended them to learn.

•Discuss any adaptations based on the results of the formative assessments.

After the formative assessment worksheet, we spent more time on tenuto and marcato articulations as
well as how to play ties. Those were the most challenging questions on the worksheet. We worked on
writing the articulations as a class and playing passages without the ties or articulations before adding
them back in.

•Identify differentiation needed to help all students meet the goals and objectives of the unit.
I instructed students to use their music or method book as a resource for looking up the answers. I also
allowed them to work in groups of up to three people. This gave students with extra needs a better
chance at learning something from the experience.

•Provide evidence that you are persistent in helping all your students succeed. What specifically
did you do for Focus Students A and B?

See previous question for all students.

For students A and B, I assigned them a group I knew they would work well in. I also made sure they
had their music out in front of them as a tool. I also checked on them several times throughout the
activity so they could ask me for assistance if they needed to.

•How did you report these results to your students to help them become more responsible for
their own learning?

I handed back their graded worksheets so they could see specifically what they missed and how to fix
it. As a group, we also quickly discussed the most missed questions. I gave the high achieving students
a chance to explain to the class their answer and reasoning.

•How did your students use this information to enhance their own learning?

Students were able to use this information to identify articulation and dynamic symbols in their music
and be able to play them more accurately within rehearsal instruction.

Summative Assessment Data

•Disaggregate and analyze (in chart/graph/table form using the same contextual information
from the pre-assessment) your results to reveal differences of achievement based on the students
that fall within different contextual factors. What did the disaggregated data reveal?

Boys are in black font; Girls are marked in red font.

Boys: 6 Girls: 11
Beginning Woodwinds Class

Rank # of Correct Answers # of Incorrect Answers

1 18 0

2 18 0

3 18 0

4 18 0

5 17 1

6 17 1

7 17 1

8 16 2

9 16 2
10 15 3

11 15 3

12 14 4

13 13 5

14 13 5

15 11 7

16 11 7

17 10 8

Boys: 18 Girls: 11
Beginning Brass & Percussion Class

Rank # of Correct Answers # of Incorrect Answers

1 18 0

2 18 0

3 18 0

4 18 0

5 18 0

6 17 1

7 16 2

8 16 2

9 16 2

10 16 2

11 15 3

12 15 3

13 15 3

14 14 4

15 14 4

16 14 4

17 13 5

18 13 5

19 13 5

20 12 6
21 12 6

22 12 6

23 12 6

24 12 6

25 11 7

26 11 7

27 10 8

28 9 9
Not all students were present during the day of this assessment.

•Discuss these results in reference to your learning goals and objectives. Did students learn what
you intended them to learn? Specifically describe your evidence.

Most students did well in this summative assessment and demonstrated understanding for visually
identifying and describing how to play different articulations and dynamics. Despite the outliers
towards the bottom of the chart, everyone still improved from their first score. Students have shown
their understanding of these concepts in their playing during rehearsal even more than this kahoot
exam. In the future, I may use a different tool for assessment of these types of skills.

•Did Focus Students A and B learn what you intended them to learn? Specifically describe your

Focus students A and B struggled with the unit objectives because they are still learning the basics of
rhythm and notes. However, they both had a score increase which tells me that they are better at
visually identifying the symbols which will set them up for success later on in their music making.

• Discuss at least one intervention for future instruction for any subgroup performing lower than
the rest of the class. What changes could be made in this unit to help all students be successful?

One intervention for students that I used once that worked well was allowing them to work in small
groups. I would do this more often for students that benefited from these interactions. Along the same
vein, I would put struggling players next to high achieving students so they can act as a good model for
playing notes and rhythms as well as articulations and dynamics.
Analysis of Student Achievement
Presentation of Disaggregated Data

Pre-Assessment/ Summative Percentage of

Diagnostic Assessment Students Who
Assessment Achieved Unit
Whole Class: 54% 79% 80%

Woodwinds 58% 83.9% 80%
Brass and Percussion 52% 76.4% 80%
Male 58% 74% 76%
Female 62% 74% 82%
Non-Binary NA NA NA
ELL 63% 69% 72%
Native Speakers 58% 74% 81%
Ethnic/Cultural Groups 62% 82% 80%
Majority Groups 54% 77% 80%
Identified Students (IEP) 52% 80% 79%
Non-Identified Students 62% 78% 80%
Focus Students:
Focus Student A 61% 77% 65%
Focus Student B 33% 66% 50%
Self-Evaluation of the Instructional Unit

Name: ____Jenna Dominguez_______School: ___Ft. Riley Middle School__________

1. Select the learning objectives where your students were the most successful. Provide two or more
reasons for this success (Be specific and provide evidence). Consider your objectives, instruction,
and assessment along with student characteristics and other contextual information under your
control. Were Focus Students A and B successful? Why or Why not?
The learning objectives I was most successful with were visually identifying articulations and dynamics.
Many mornings I assigned board work as students entered the classroom reinforcing concepts at the very
beginning of class. During rehearsal of music in class, I use critical and creative thinking questions to get
students thinking such as “at measure 21, what is our dynamic? What does that mean? How does that
impact the music at this point in the song?” With consistent exercises, activities, and assessment of
students being able to visually identify articulations and dynamics, they were most successful in that
objective. Both focus students A and B demonstrated a basic understanding of visually identifying and
assigning meaning. However, since they are still developing basic playing ability

2. Select the learning objectives where your students were least successful. Provide two or more
reasons for this lack of success (Be specific and provide evidence). Consider your objectives,
instruction, and assessment along with student characteristics and other contextual information
under your control. Explain any mid-unit adaptations you made to enhance learning for all
students. Discuss what you could do differently or better in the future to improve your students’
performance. What would you do differently for Focus Students A and B?
The objective students were least successful in was playing articulations and dynamics accurately without
reminders. Least successful does not mean however that they were not successful; the students were just
more successful on the other objectives. I believe playing was the lowest success objective because it was
not as consistent as it should have been. I would often have to remind them to be looking for the symbols
and assign meaning since they were able to identify them. In the unit, I would provide several different
experiences with the concepts such as warm ups, and breaking apart sections of the concert music. This
often helped the students play the articulations and dynamics better. In the future, I would spend a longer
period of time on each subject individually before putting them together so they are able to fully develop
an understanding of the concepts one at a time. Something I would do differently with focus students A
and B is sitting them next to someone that was doing well with the concepts as a model.

3. Discuss how and in what context you have communicated with students, parents, and other
professionals about your decisions regarding students’ learning and assessment. You must
address all three.
I communicated with the students on a daily basis about what they are learning and what their
assessments mean. I believe in telling the students the why behind what we do, and I expressed to the
students why we assess and why it's important. At parent teacher conferences, my cooperating teacher and
I discussed with parents how I am contributing to their student’s education.
I communicate with my cooperating teacher and choir teacher about my lesson plans for feedback and
thoughts on going forward. This has helped me with my classroom management, lesson structure, and
personal communication with the students.

4. Demonstrate that you understand the School Improvement Process in use in your school and
explain how your efforts as a professional fit into it. How can you contribute to achieving the
school’s School Improvement Process goals?
The school improvement process at our school focuses on providing students experiences to travel on
field trips and getting “break days”. This helps students with their mental health and motivation during the
school year. As a professional, I fully support students in their field trips and assist their learning from the
days they missed by having student leaders fill in the other students on what they missed in rehearsal.

5. Reflect on possibilities for professional development. Describe at least two professional learning
goals related to your professional strengths and weaknesses revealed by teaching this unit.
Identify two specific activities you will undertake to improve your performance as a teacher in the
critical areas you identified.
Some professional development that I would be interested in seeking out is classroom music technology,
and alternative seating practices. With the current set up for the class, they are in rows most often and
aren’t all able to see the smart board. I would like to learn more about how to engage students with
technology and in a different seating arrangement.

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