40 Online Inventory System SRS PDF
40 Online Inventory System SRS PDF
40 Online Inventory System SRS PDF
Submitted by
HARIKRISHNAN R [65418802004]
JULY 2020
This is to certify that this bound volume is a bona fide record of the project work done
on “Online Inventory Management System” by HARIKRISHNAN R (65418802004) of
fourth semester M.Sc Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of the Master’s Degree in Computer Science from the University of Kerala.
I hereby declare that the project entitled ” Online Inventory Management System” has
been carried out by me in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of M.Sc
Computer Science, is a report of original project work done during the period of my study
(2018-2020) in College of Applied Science, Adoor (Affiliated to University of
Kerala),under the supervision and guidance of Mr. Ajayakumar T.(Head of Department).
Date: / /2020
Through the acknowledgement, we express our sincere gratitude to GOD and all those people
who have associated with this assignment and have helped with it and made it a worthwhile
experience. We take immense pleasure in ranking Mrs. Latha P, Principal of College of
Applied Science, Adoor for her kindness that has enabled this project to be complete one.We
wish express our deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Ajayakumar T(Head of Department) for
their excellent guidance and constant encouragement to successfully complete this project.
We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our internal guide Dr. Jayamohan M(Assistant
Professor, Department of Computer Science) his valuable guidance, readiness to clear all
doubts and for guiding in the right way to make this project a successful one.Also we extend
our thanks to the various people who have shared their opinion and experience through which
we received information crucial for our report.
Finally, yet importantly, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our beloved parents
for their blessings, our friends
Online Inventory Management System (OIMS) is designed for the effective management of
inventory control in various commodities. The project is to develop an online portal for
managing the stock and shipping of vehicle spare parts as a case. This helps in controlling the
centralized distribution and regionalized usage of various spare parts. Spare parts from the
central store are carried to different sub stores of each district. It has to be done by creating
intents by the sub stores for the parts which are needed for the specific vehicle which have to
be repaired. Then the intent should be approved by the controlling authority. This project
gives a better solution for the existing system. Lots of human effort is needed for maintaining
the traditional existing system. This project can reduce those efforts to large extent and
minimizes the effort for writing and keeping the accounts of inventory.
The proposed project is intended to reduce human effort and time for consolidating
the stock accounts. The existing system is fully manual and hence error prone. This in turn
wastes lots and lots of valuable time and money. Moreover when consolidation of reports is
done manually by non-skilled staff it causes lot more problems. To avoid all these, a new
system is proposed.
In this proposed system when all the related entries are done online by the staff regionally
simultaneously with work and they are compiled centrally in the headquarters chances of
error is avoided along with wastage of time.
1.1 Problem Statement 2
1.2 Objectives 2
2.1 Introduction 4
2.2 Background Analysis 4
2.3 Proposed System 4
2.4 Feasibility Study 5
2.5 Hardware Requirement 7
2.6 Software Requirement 7
3.1 Introduction 9
3.2 Process Design 9
3.3 Use Case Diagram 10
3.4 Dataflow Diagram 11
3.5 System Design 15
3.6 Database Design 20
3.7 ER Diagram 24
3.8 User Interface Design 24
4.1 Introduction 28
4.2 Development Tools 29
5.1 Introduction 39
5.2 Implementation 40
A1 Screenshots
The project is to develop an online portal for managing the stock and shipping of parts,
specifically vehicle spare parts as a case. The portal is intended to reduce human effort and
time for consolidating the stock accounts. The system shall be easily accessible from any
platform with maximum user-friendly design.
Give the details of the central store and all the sub stores of Vehicle Spare parts outlets
in various districts.
Capture all details of spare parts available in various storehouse.
Maintain inventory and spare management of store.
Provide sufficient interactive screens to access and update all types of information.
Provide a reliable ad consistent data store.
System analysis is the most critical process of information development. In system analysis,
the problem is identified, alternative solutions are evaluated and the most feasible solution is
recommended. An initial investigation is performed to identify the current problems and
solutions for the smooth functioning of the organization. Each module thoroughly studies and
all the recommended for the project are gathered. The problem is split into module and is
viewed at various angles .this lead to the evolution of project.
In existing system, all the operations are done manually and hence time consuming. The system
requires lots of human effort for the proper and error free management of inventory. Any kind
of mistakes during the manipulation of inventory accounts may lead to complex issues and thus
leads to inefficiency and improper working of the system. Therefore the existing system is
neither convenient nor efficient.
The proposed project is intended to reduce human effort and time for consolidating the
stock accounts. The existing system is fully manual and hence error prone. This in turn wastes
lots and lots of valuable time and money. Moreover when consolidation of reports is done
manually by non-skilled staff it causes lot more problems. To avoid all these, a new system is
proposed.The proposed system will be developed in Python framework using MySQL as
database management system.
The system helps in controlling the centralized distribution and regionalized usage of
various spare parts. Spare parts from the central store are carried to different sub stores of each
district. It has to be done by creating intents by the sub stores for the parts which are needed
for the specific vehicle which have to be repaired. Then the intent should be approved by the
controlling authority. This project gives a better solution for the existing system. Lots of human
effort is needed for maintaining the traditional existing system. This project can reduce those
efforts to large extent and minimizes the effort for writing and keeping the accounts of
In this proposed system when all the related entries are done online by the staff
regionally simultaneously with work and they are compiled centrally in the headquarters
chances of error is avoided along with wastage of time.
All the drawbacks of the current system can be avoided using this system. Now there
is no need to write and keep all the accounts of inventory. The proposed system gives a far
better solution for the operations done in the store of Health transport wing. This project is
done on considering the central store and the various sub stores to make their manually done
processes online.
A feasibility study is made to see if the project on completion will serve the purpose of
the organization for the amount of work, time and effort spent on it. Feasibility study lets the
developer to foresee the future of the project and its usefulness.
There are three aspects in the feasibility study of the preliminary investigation:
Operational Feasibility
Economical Feasibility
Technical Feasibility
This system is operationally feasible, since the system is providing an attractive user
interface to the operator/end user. This system is designed in such a way that the end user
will not face any problem while working with this system. Validations are done in such a
way that the system prevents wrong data from entering the system. Tool tips and message
boxes are used in such a way that users or end user can easily operate the system.
This system is economically feasible. The organization will not spend much for the
development of the system. The cost for proposed system is overweighing the cost and effort
involved in manually maintaining the existing system. The proposed system is cost effective.
The cost of manual processing and paper work can be reduced considerably. The system also
reduces administrative staff & other staff to do various tasks. Financial benefits exceed the
cost for developing the system. The proposed system will increase profit and reduce
This system is technically feasible. This system is web based and thus can be accessed
through any browsers. The solution is practical since the objectives of the system
development are achievable and realistic. The technology to be used is available, this
includes use of scripting languages PHP, HTML and MySQL database to develop web based
applications. Since there is not much difficulty in getting the required resources for the
development & deployment of the project. The proposed system is technically feasible.
The web server can be implemented in a rental space. However the optimum requirements for
a separate server machine to install and run the portal is given below.
Client Requirements:
Any PC with internet connectivity will serve the client side operations.
Server Requirements:
Database : MySQL
Admin login: The system is under supervision of admin who checks and manages the
inventory of the store.
Vehicle Master: To capture all the details of the vehicles in the Health transport wing.
Add existing
Stock in
Sub store staff
Create new
Add vehicle
Add sub
store details
View stock
The merit of the DFD is that it can provide an overview of the data to be processed by
the system, the data to be transformed, the files to be used and the flow of data along the system.
It has illustrating the essential component of a process and the way of interaction.
Circles are used to represent process that converts data into information.
Rectangles are used to represent external entities, which are the sources
of data that enter the system or the recipients of data that leave the
Arrows are used to represent the data flow. Data flows represent
the movements of data between other components.
The Part is the core element of the InvenTree ecosystem. A Part object is the archetype of any
stock item in your inventory. Parts are arranged in heirarchical categories which are used to
organise and filter parts by function.Part categories are very flexible and can be easily arranged
to match a particular user requirement. Each part category displays a list of all parts under that
given category. This means that any part belonging to a particular category, or belonging to a
sub-category, will be displayed.
Each part category also shows a list of sub-categories which exist underneath it.
Part category
Stock Location¶
A stock locations represents a physical real-world location where Stock Items are stored.
Locations are arranged in a cascading manner and each location may contain multiple sub-
locations, or stock, or both.
Stock Item¶
A Stock Item is an actual instance of a Part item. It represents a physical quantity of the Part in
a specific location.
The Stock Item detail view shows information regarding the particular stock item:
Supplier - If this part was purcahsed from a Supplier, which Supplier did it come from?
Last Updated - Date that the stock quantity was last updated
Stock Tracking¶
Every time a Stock Item is adjusted, a Stock Tracking entry is automatically created. This
ensures a complete history of the Stock Item is maintained as long as the item is in the system.
Each stock tracking historical item records the user who performed the action.
Stock Adjustments¶
Inventory provides simple yet powerful management of stock levels. Multiple stock adjustment
options are available, and each type of adjustment is automatically tracked to maintain a
complete stock history.
Move Stock¶
Multiple stock items can be moved to a new location in a single operation. Each item is moved
to the selected location, and a stock tracking entry is added to the stock item history.
Add Stock¶
Add parts to a stock item record - for example putting parts back into stock. The in-stock
quantity for each selected item is increased by the given amount.
Remove Stock¶
Revove parts from a stock item record - for example taking parts from stock for use. The in-
stock quantity for each selected item is decreased by the given amount.
Count Stock¶
Count stock items (stocktake) to record the number of items in stock at a given point of time.
The quantity for each part is pre-filled with the current quantity based on stock item history.
6.TABLE NAME:tbl_vehicle
Description: Details of vehicle
Primary Key: v_vno
v_vno varchar(30) Primary Key Vehicle number
v_catid varchar(30) Foreign Key Vehicle category ID
v_mid varchar(20) Foreign Key Vehicle model ID
v_ftype varchar(30) Not null Vehicle fuel Type
v_chno varchar(30) Not null Vehicle chasis number
1. Code Optimization
The optimization must not change the meaning of a program. The “Online Student Data
Manipulation” optimizes the code by using the optimization techniques such as dead code
elimination and frequency reduction. Thus improves the execution efficiency.
2. Validation
Validation means observing the behavior of the system. The verification and validation
means that will ensure that the output of a phase is consistent with its input and that the output
of the phase is consistent with the overall requirements of the system. The college admission
manager performed validation by verifying the output of each phase. This is done to ensure
that it is consistent with the required output. If not we apply certain mechanisms for repairing
and thereby achieved the requirement.
The Python interpreter and the extensive standard library are freely available in source
or binary form for all major platforms from the Python Web site, https://www.python.org/, and
may be freely distributed. The same site also contains distributions of and pointers to many
free third party Python modules, programs and tools, and additional documentation.
The Python interpreter is easily extended with new functions and data types
implemented in C or C++ (or other languages callable from C). Python is also suitable as an
extension language for customizable applications.
Python is a general purpose and high level programming language. You can use Python
for developing desktop GUI applications, websites and web applications. The simple syntax
rules of the programming language further makes it easier for you to keep the code base
readable and application maintainable. There are also a number of reasons why one should
prefer Python to other programming languages.
While writing a software application, you must focus on the quality of its source code
to simplify maintenance and updates. The syntax rules of Python allow you to express concepts
without writing additional code. At the same time, Python, unlike other programming
languages, emphasizes on code readability, and allows you to use English keywords instead of
punctuations. Hence, you can use Python to build custom applications without writing
additional code. The readable and clean code base will help you to maintain and update the
software without putting extra time and effort.
Like other modern programming languages, Python also supports several programming
paradigm. It supports object oriented and structured programming fully. Also, its language
features support various concepts in functional and aspect-oriented programming. At the same
time, Python also features a dynamic type system and automatic memory management. The
programming paradigms and language features help you to use Python for developing large
and complex software applications.
At present, Python is supports many operating systems. You can even use Python
interpreters to run the code on specific platforms and tools. Also, Python is an interpreted
programming language. It allows you to you to run the same code on multiple platforms
without recompilation. Hence, you are not required to recompile the code after making any
alteration. You can run the modified application code without recompiling and check the
impact of changes made to the code immediately. The feature makes it easier for you to make
changes to the code without increasing development time.
Its large and robust standard library makes Python score over other programming
languages. The standard library allows you to choose from a wide range of modules according
to your precise needs. Each module further enables you to add functionality to the Python
application without writing additional code. For instance, while writing a web application in
Python, you can use specific modules to implement web services, perform string operations,
manage operating system interface or work with internet protocols. You can even gather
information about various modules by browsing through the Python Standard Library
development using Python GUI frameworks and toolkits like PyQT, PyJs, PyGUI, Kivy,
PyGTK and WxPython.
You can use Python to create prototype of the software application rapidly. Also, you
can build the software application directly from the prototype simply by refactoring the Python
code. Python even makes it easier for you to perform coding and testing simultaneously by
adopting test driven development (TDD) approach. You can easily write the required tests
before writing code and use the tests to assess the application code continuously. The tests can
also be used for checking if the application meets predefined requirements based on its source
7) Error Handling
When an error occurs, the interpreter prints an error message and a stack trace. In
interactive mode, it then returns to the primary prompt; when input came from a file, it exits
with a nonzero exit status after printing the stack trace. (Exceptions handled by
an except clause in a try statement are not errors in this context.) Some errors are
unconditionally fatal and cause an exit with a nonzero exit; this applies to internal
inconsistencies and some cases of running out of memory. All error messages are written to
the standard error stream; normal output from executed commands is written to standard
Typing the interrupt character (usually Control-C or Delete) to the primary or secondary
prompt cancels the input and returns to the primary prompt. 1 Typing an interrupt while a
command is executing raises the KeyboardInterrupt exception, which may be handled by
a try statement.
A huge advantage of Python is the wide selection of libraries and frameworks it offers. Your
time-to-market will improve if you leverage them, since you won’t be coding features
data visualization,
machine learning,
data science,
There’s a variety of frameworks to choose from, depending on our needs, such as:
9) Performance
One of the biggest criticisms of Python is the runtime, relatively slow when compared to other
languages. However, there’s a workaround to this specific challenge.
When performance takes priority, Python gives you the ability to integrate other, higher-
performing languages into your code. Cython is a good example of such a solution. It optimizes
your speed without forcing you to rewrite your entire code base from scratch.
Besides, the priciest resource isn’t CPU time; it’s your developers’ time. Reducing your time-
to-market should therefore always take precedence over fast runtime execution.
Python is intuitive to read, because it resembles actual English. This makes the language
effortless to decipher and maintain.
Additionally, Python has a clear syntax and doesn’t require as many lines of code as Java or C
to give you comparable results.
Scalability is unpredictable. You never know when your user numbers surge and you find
yourself prioritizing the ability to scale over anything else.
That’s why Python is such an optimal choice, with its reliability and scalability. Some of the
biggest players on the web, like YouTube, have bet on Python for that very reason.
12) Speed
Building an MVP with Java can take months because of its high code complexity and volume.
Consequently, projects written in Java often go on for years and demand more developers on
the team.
Python doesn’t have any of these problems, thanks to its lightning-fast development speed.
You can build an MVP with Python in mere weeks, finish the whole project in a matter of
months, and use only a handful of developers for the job.
13) Resources
Development in Java is a bigger investment all around; it requires more time and money. If
you have a lot of those on your hands, you should be perfectly satisfied with Java.
Python is less expensive, which is why for most projects it’s the preferred choice. Remember,
just because something costs more doesn’t automatically make it better.
Trending technologies
No programming language is better suited for trending technologies than Python. Whether
it’s artificial intelligence or machine learning, Python’s design and features give it an advantage
over all other languages for these relatively new purposes. The main reason why Python’s been
adopted as the go-to language for trending technologies is its extensive AI/ML library support.
1. Versatility
From data analytics through machine learning models to powerful web apps, there is
little that Python can’t do. In terms of versatility, it beats PHP hands down.
2. Structure
Since there have been fewer releases of Python than PHP, it tends to be more organized, secure,
and easier to maintain.
3. Popularity
Given its application in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet
of Things, as well as a vast array of uses that remain beyond the scope of PHP, Python has
enjoyed a huge popularity spike in recent years.
Even though PHP has traditionally been more popular than Python, it’s been gradually losing
traction of late.
1. Features
PHP comes with more out-of-the-box features than Python. The latter does, however, make use
of plenty of libraries to make up for that slight inconvenience.
2. Ease of installation
PHP is easier to install on any platform than Python, unless you stick exclusively to Linux.
Even though both Python and PHP are mature, well-established languages that enjoy
widespread use and support, they couldn’t be more different from each other when it comes to
their syntax and philosophy.
However, when faced with a choice between the two, the decision should always come down
to the individual requirements of your project.
If you’re after a website, a blog, or a simple web service, the end result will most likely be the
same whether you go with Python, PHP, or any other leading web development technology.
You shouldn’t be able to notice any difference in terms of performance, speed, or user design.
However, if the scope of your project is more varied and includes, for instance, machine
learning, data analytics, or the Internet of Things, you should pick Python.
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and
clean, pragmatic design. Built by experienced developers, it takes care of much of the hassle
of Web development, so you can focus on writing your app without needing to reinvent the
wheel. It’s free and open source.
Django's primary goal is to ease the creation of complex, database-driven websites. The
framework emphasizes reusability and "pluggability" of components, less code, low coupling,
rapid development, and the principle of don't repeat yourself.[7] Python is used throughout, even
for settings files and data models. Django also provides an optional administrative create, read,
update and delete interface that is generated dynamically through introspection and configured
via admin models.
Ridiculously fast.
Django was designed to help developers take applications from concept to completion as
quickly as possible.
Reassuringly secure.
Django takes security seriously and helps developers avoid many common security mistakes.
Exceedingly scalable.
Some of the busiest sites on the Web leverage Django’s ability to quickly and flexibly scale.
a form serialization and validation system that can translate between HTML forms and
values suitable for storage in the database
a template system that utilizes the concept of inheritance borrowed from object-oriented
support for middleware classes that can intervene at various stages of request
processing and carry out custom functions
a serialization system that can produce and read XML and/or JSON representations of
Django model instances
Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.
Bundled applications[edit]
The main Django distribution also bundles a number of applications in its "contrib" package,
a "Sites" framework that allows one Django installation to run multiple websites, each
with their own content and applications
Relational database systems are the most important database system used in the software
industry today. One of the most outstanding systems is MySQL. MySQL is a database
management system developed and marketed by Microsoft. The most important aspects of
MySQL are,
MySQL provides data warehousing features that until now have only been available in
Oracle and other more expensive DBMS.
MySQL uses services of Linux or Windows to offer new or extended database capabilities,
such as sending and receiving message and managing login security. The MySQL
administrator’s primary tool for interacting with the system is Enterprise Manager. The
Enterprise Manager has two main purposes: Administration of the database server and
Management of database objects. MySQL Query Analyzer provides a graphical presentation
of the execution plan of a query and an automatic component that suggests which index should
be used for a selected query. This interactive component of MySQL performs the task like:
Software testing is critical element of software quality assurance and represents the
ultimate review of specification design and coding. Testing begins by testing program modules
separately, followed by testing “bundled” modules as a unit. A program module may function
perfectly in isolation but fail when interfaced with successively larger up to the system test
level. The following methods of testing were carried out to assure the correctness and
All during the system design activity, basic program module are tested. At this stage
program modules are tested .At this stage programmers usually makeup their own data. Unit
testing with test data is necessary, of course, but it is not sufficient. Although it is important
know if the logic included in a program works properly, conditions that are not included in the
program are also considered. In this mainly syntax and logical errors of the programs are tested.
As modules pass unit test, they are integrated for testing. Programs are invariability
related to one another and interact in a total system. Each program is tested to see whether it
confirms to related programs in the system. Each portion of the system is tested against the
entire module with both test data and live data before the entire system is ready to be tested.
Validation succeeds when the software function in a manner the user wishes.
Validation refers to the process of using software to live environment in order to find errors.
During the course of validation system failure may occur and sometimes coding has to be
changed according to the requirement. Thus the feedback from the validation phase generally
produces changes in the software.
Implementation is one of the most important task in a project. Implementation is the face, in
which one has to be cautious, because all the efforts under taken during this project will be
fruitful only if the software is properly implemented according to the plans made.
Implementation is the stage in the project were theoretical design is turned in to a working
system. The crucial stage is achieving successful new system and given to the users confidence
in that system will work effectively and efficiently.
There are a bunch of websites which deal component sales and service online. But most of
them are either confined to promote and sell the products of a particular company or brand, or
selling our al types of products, not only parts. This project address this scenario. A customer
can find and purchase parts of his choice at one place. If the product of one company is not
available in his reach, he can move on to th next brand, not the next distance.
Utmost care has been taken to design the screens to make the customers’ choices the easiest.
Tables are designed to meet all requirements identified during system study. Besides, all the
tables are normalized to reduce redundancy. The system addresses all issues identified during
study, design development phases.
Though the primary methodology used in this project is the conventional software development
life cycle (SDLC) method, attempts has been made to incorporate agile technology during
design and development.
Web Resources
1. https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-build-a-universal-application-
2. https://www.postgresql.org/
3. https://www.django-rest-framework.org/