Rubric S

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Create a slogan which contains statements with modals of permission, obligation, and

prohibition with the theme: Mental Health Precautions. Use a short bond paper. Be
guided by the rubric:

Criteria 5 4 2 1 Score
Craftmanshpip The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan
exceptionally attractive in acceptably is
attractive in terms of attractive distractingly
terms of neatness. though it messy.
neatness. Good may be a bit
Well- construction messy.
constructed and not very
and not messy.
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
Exceptionally creative and creative and does not
creative. A a good some reflect any
lot of amount of thought was degree of
thought and thought was put into creativity.
effort was put into decorating
used to decorating it.
make the it.
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of
use of new new ideas of new ideas new ideas
ideas and and and and
originality to originality to originality to originality
create create create to
slogan. slogan. slogan. create
Grammar There are no There is 1 There are 2 There are
grammatical grammatical grammatical more than 2
mistakes on mistake on mistakes on grammatica
the poster. the poster. the poster. l
mistakes on
the poster.
Compose a song that has modals.
Theme: Issues teenagers face

5 4 2 1
Melody/ Rhythm The notes, The song Notes and
The notes, tones, has a basic tones vary and
tones and and keys flow yet even clash.
song keys are flow. The notes and The song has
polished. Each types of tones clash no flow. The
section brings tunes occasionally rhythm is
meaning to the enhance . A rhythmic either
overall song. A the song. flow is unsynchronize
strong A stable apparent d or doesn't
rhythmic flow rhythmic but needs make musical
is present, and flow is more sense
the rhythm present, developmen
flows well with and the t.
the melody. song
Creativity Composed an Composed The song The song
original song an composed is composed is
with a clear original not very not very
theme song but original, but original. The
there are there are message is not
some some conveyed.
elements elements
that are that are not
not excellent
Lyrics The song lyrics The song The song The song lyrics
are lyrics lyrics are are not
outstanding. were somewhat coherent. The
At least 10 good. At coherent. words are not
modals were least 8 There were memorable.
used in the modals at least 5 They only used
lyrics. The were used modals at least 2
song lyrics are in the included in modals in the
enthusiasticall lyrics. The the song song lyrics.
y received by song was lyrics.
the audience. well
by the

Performance/ It's a potential The The

audience response hit song. The audience audience Song has little
audience had want to may tap or no impact
a strong interact their foot, on the
positive with the smile audience as
reaction to the song with occasionally they listen.
song. They body and nod to They have
want to listen movement the rhythm. little to say
to it again and , laughter, They may about it.
again. talk or have few
dance. comments,
They want but not
to make many.
follow the
playing of
the song.

Instructions: Create a short skit about a social issue you like to talk about. Express
your dialogue using the modals of permission, obligation, and prohibition.
5 4 2 1
Script/content There is an There is There is a Topic is not
abundance sufficient great deal of clear;
of material information information information
clearly that relates that is not included
related to to topic. clearly does not
the topic. All Most points connected to support
points are are accurate the topic. topic in any
accurate and and clearly They used way. They
clearly made. They 10 modals used few
made. They used at only in the modals, and
used at least least 15 script. Some some were
20 modals in modals in modals were not used
the script the script not used correctly.
and were and were correctly.
used used
correctly. correctly.
Acting/Dialogue The students The The students The students
use students try to use tell the story
consistent often use voices, facial but do not
voices, facial voices, expressions use voices,
expressions facial and facial
and expressions movements expressions
movements and to make the or movement
to make the movements characters to make the
characters to make the more storytelling
more characters believable more
believable more and the interesting
and the believable story more or clear.
story more and the easily
easily story more understood
understood easily
Props and Students use Students Students use The students
Costume several use 1-2 1-2 props use no props
props (could props that during the OR the
include make the presentation, props
costume) presentation which are chosen
that show better. somewhat detract from
considerable effective the
work/ presentation.
and enhance
Preparedness Students are Students The students Students do
completely seem pretty are not seem at
prepared prepared somewhat all prepared
and have but might prepared, to present.
obviously have needed but it is
rehearsed. a couple clear that
more rehearsal
rehearsals was lacking


Topic: Military training should be made compulsory in schools and colleges.

5 4 2 1
Ideas/ Consistently General focus Moves away Unfocused;
Content focuses on on topic; from focus; little
topic; provides provides information
provides adequate inadequate about the topic
much information information
Language New Much new Some new Little use of
Use vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is new vocabulary;
used often used, usually used, often what is used is
and appropriately; appropriately; often used
appropriately; some syntactical inappropriately;
few or no syntactical errors are many
syntactical errors; modal common; modal syntactical
errors; modal verbs are verbs are often errors; modal
verbs are usually correct incorrect verbs are
used usually
correctly incorrect
Time and Each group Each group Uneven Uneven
Participatio member member participation by participation by
n assumes an assumes an group group
active role in active role, but members; 1- 2 members; some
presentation; 1-2 members members are do not
gives at least dominate; gives mainly passive; participate;
three pieces at least two member offers member
of pieces of only one piece neglects either
information information and of information to offer
and asks all asks most of and asks only information or
other talk- the other one other to elicit input
show participants for participant for from others
participants input input
for input
Creativity Presentation Presentation
shows shows effort. Presentation is Discussion is
significant Students acceptable. somewhat
effort. occasionally go Discussion is lacking in basic
Students go beyond basic adequate but questions/answ
beyond basic questions/answ does not go ers. No use of
questions ers. Some use beyond basic props/costume
and answers. of questions/answ s.
Good use of props/costume ers.
props/costu s.

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