Delivery of Speech Rubric
Delivery of Speech Rubric
Delivery of Speech Rubric
Excellent (5
Criteria Good (4 points) Fair (3 points) Improvement (2 Poor (1 point)
Voice is
Voice is clear, Voice is mostly Voice is unclear
confident, and clear and and lacks Voice is
unclear or lacks
articulate. articulate. Some confidence. unintelligible and
Vocal Delivery articulation.
Appropriate tone variation in tone Inappropriate lacks any form of
Inconsistent tone
and volume. and volume. tone and volume. expression.
and volume. Fair
Excellent diction. Good diction. Poor diction.
No gestures,
Uses confident Uses some Uses minimal
poor posture,
and purposeful gestures, posture, gestures, posture, Lacks gestures,
and no eye
gestures, posture, and eye contact. and eye contact. posture, and eye
Body Language contact.
and eye contact. Generally May slightly contact. Detracts
Enhances the enhances the detract from the from the speech.
detracts from
speech. speech. speech.
the speech.
Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates Lacks appropriate
some appropriate minimal facial
appropriate facial facial No facial
facial expressions. expressions. May
Facial Expression expressions that expressions. Does expressions
May not always not consistently
and Connection match the not match the observed and
match the match the
with the content and tone content and tone with no eye
content and tone content and tone
Audience of the speech of the speech contact to the
of the speech of the speech
with eye contact with eye contact audience.
with eye contact with eye contact
to the audience. to the audience.
to the audience. to the audience.
Speaker Speaker
Speaker Speaker lacks Speaker lacks
demonstrates demonstrates
demonstrates confidence and any confidence
Overall good confidence some confidence
strong confidence struggles to and fails to
Confidence and largely and partially
and engages the engage the engage the
engages the engages the
audience. audience. audience.
audience. audience.
Total Points: 50
Please note that this rubric is focused on the delivery of the speech and assesses various aspects such as vocal
delivery, body language, facial expression, pace and timing, and overall confidence. Each criteria has a 5-point
scale, ranging from Excellent (5 points) to Poor (1 point). The total score for this rubric is 50 points.