Research Proposal
Research Proposal
Research Proposal
A Research Proposal
Khalifah Viani
A Research Proposal
Khalifah Viani
Approved by:
Mansyur Srisudarso,
S.Pd., M.Pd
NIDN. 0010028005
Praise and gratitude for the author, pray to Allah SWT, because with His
grace the author can complete a research proposal entitled "Exploring Students'
Perceptions of English Learning Activities during Pandemic Covid-19 through the
Edmodo Platform as Online-based Learning". The purpose of writing this research
proposal is to fulfill one of the requirements to take part in the proposal session,
the Department of English Education at the University of Singaperbangsa
In the preparation of this research proposal, the author realizes that the
preparation of this research proposal is still far from being perfect and has many
shortcomings due to all the limitations and abilities of the authors. However, the
author tries to make the most of the preparation of a research proposal to be useful
for all parties. Therefore, criticism and suggestions are expected to build a
research proposal.
Khalifah Viani
In this 21st century, technology has integrated into several fields,
especially in the field of technology. This is, the implementation of a learning and
teaching system in technology called digital-based learning or e-learning. E-
learning is a learning media based on students. In Indonesia, the application of a
digital-based learning system is the use of a platform for e-learning. Edmodo is an
online-based learning platform for distance learning and English learning. To
determine the success of teaching English through Edmodo which includes
knowledge, attitudes and feelings, the purpose of this study is to explore students'
perceptions of learning English during the Covid-19 Pandemic through the
Edmodo Platform as online-based learning. This study used qualitative methods
and descriptive narrative design to explore students' perceptions of the use of
Edmodo as online-based learning.
PAGE OF APPROVAL.................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................................iv
CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................1
A. Background of the Study....................................................................................1
B. Research Question..............................................................................................8
C. The Purpose of the Researcher...........................................................................8
D. Scope of Research..............................................................................................8
E. Significance of the Research..............................................................................8
F. Clarification of Terms......................................................................................10
CHAPTER II...............................................................................................................12
LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................12
A. Online Learning in English Learning Context.................................................12
B. Edmodo.............................................................................................................13
C. Students’ Perception of Edmodo......................................................................16
D. Theoritical of Framework.................................................................................17
CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................19
A. Research Design...............................................................................................19
B. The Setting and Participant of the Research.....................................................19
C. Data Collection of Techniques.........................................................................20
D. Instrumentation.................................................................................................21
E. Data Analysis....................................................................................................22
environment in the use of online-based learning, so that learning and
teaching can be well applied.
integrating the use of supporting technology, problem-based approaches
and high-level skills. Therefore, in this 21st century education concept,
teachers must ensure that their students meet the requirements in mastering
21st century learning skills.
In the learning process there are two most important things in its
application, namely learning methods and media (Eslami & Ahmadi, 2019;
Stathopoulou, Siamagka & Christodoulides, 2019; Al-Qaysi et al., 2020).
Learning methods and media are an integral part of their position.
According to Bentley et al (2012) argues that connecting online learning
systems or e-learning is a learning method for teachers and students in
undergoing the learning process (Tamrin, 2020). Then, in the learning
process the teacher must integrate technology with content and pedagogy.
According to Hwee, Koh, and Chai (2016) argue that by properly
exploiting ICT tools, managing work effectively and efficiently for
productivity skills, learning self-reflection for metacognitive skills, critical
thinking and multicultural communication are students' abilities in 21st
century learning exploiting effective information and communication and
collaborative work in solving real-world problems that involve students'
abilities (Cakrawati, 2017). Thus, teachers must be able to develop
students' needs in creative use of technology. However, the fact is that in
Indonesia there are still many educators who lack understanding in online-
based learning. Online-based learning itself poses a challenge to teachers
because this learning uses an online system (Stroud, 2010; Al-Said, 2015;
Wahyuni et al., 2020). Especially with the Work From Home (WFH)
which is required to work and study at home because of this pandemic. In
2020 on March 15, the government established a policy to carry out
activities such as working, studying and practicing worship at home. This
means that educators, especially in Indonesia, must implement an online-
based learning system during a pandemic. As a teacher, in creating online-
based learning, you must learn the application of platform use, techniques,
and the essence of online learning activities. Therefore, teachers and
schools must be able to apply learning methods that integrate effectively
with technology and innovation, especially in English learning activities.
This means that language learning, especially in English, can be used
through technology for students and teachers as facilities in the learning
platform, it can encourage students to learn English. Edmodo platform is
used as an LMS (Learning Management System) because it is one of the
reasons it is a friendly platform in the world of education.
them to submit assignments in digital content. Furthermore, edmodo
makes it easier for teachers to monitor student progress in giving quizzes
and polling assignments (Ammanamanchi, 2017; Pardede, 2017). Edmodo,
has three criteria in terms of a technical perspective, namely usability,
accessibility and compatibility (Bayne, 2015; Siahaan, 2020). Thus,
edmodo makes a very easy-to-use platform especially for non-digital
native teachers to connect in collaboration, exchange ideas and share ideas.
Edmodo is also a platform that can be used anywhere and anytime and is
very suitable to connect with many devices and equipment.
This study shows that mixed learning is more effective than traditional
learning. Students also showed a positive attitude towards the use of
Edmodo as a learning medium in blended learning. This research also has
implications for English instructors to encourage students how technology
can facilitate learning and help students produce better academics. Finally,
the research conducted by Putri Alfa and Fitria (2019) regarding Exploring
the Practice of Edmodo Use in EFL Classroom: Its Beneficial Features and
Activities. The results of this study indicate a positive belief in Edmodo
integration in language learning. Then, the features found in Edmodo are
very useful for helping students.
B. Research Question
Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the
statement of the problem of a study as follows:
1. How is Edmodo used as an online-based learning platform in learning
2. How do students respond to the use of Edmodo platform as online-
based learning in learning English?
D. Scope of Research
In this study, researchers limited the problem of exploring students'
perceptions of English learning activities during the Pandemic Covid-19
through the Edmodo platform as online-based learning. Participants in this
study focused on grade 8th junior high school students in English and used
the Edmodo platform as an online learning medium.
Can add insight and direct experience in conducting
research on exploratory perceptions of students in learning English
during the Covid-19 Pandemic through the Edmodo platform as
online learning with a descriptive narrative method.
b) For students
Students as research subjects, it is hoped that this study will
gain knowledge and experience directly in this study regarding
English learning activities during Covid-19 through the Edmodo
platform as online learning. In addition, it is hoped that students
can improve their English learning through the Edmodo platform
as an online-based learning medium.
c) For lecturers
With this research for lecturers, it is expected to provide an
understanding of English learning media using the Edmodo
platform as an online-based learning medium. In addition,
lecturers can also improve their ability to use social media in
education for learning English.
d) For the University
This research is expected to provide input as a reference
and inspiration for further research in carrying out the same
research topic with a different perspective.
F. Clarification of Terms
In this study, there is an important clarification of terms related to
the research topic that avoid misunderstandings in the research, the
following terms are contained in the research topic:
a Online Learning in English Learning Context
Digital-based learning or e-learning has been recognized for its
superiority from several institutions in education, including in the
context of learning English. Through digital-based learning, learning
conditions in the classroom are sufficient to help teachers in building
virtual classrooms because e-learning is quite effective (Putranti, 2013).
This, e-learning can maximize the learning process even though it is
done without face to face.
b Edmodo
The edmodo platform is an educational social media that has
similarities with Facebook or what is called “Facebook for Education”
and can be accessed for free. According to Kongchan (2013) that
Edmodo is an educational platform for teachers, students and schools
designed for the learning process and was created by Jeff O'Hara and
Nick Borg in 2008 (Azlinda et al., 2018). Thus, teachers and students
can connect and communicate at the same time with parents. the
students. Edmodo made the platform with the most users in 2016 with
63 million users for the education platform (Edmodo, 2016). Edmodo
also believes that the platform is a supporting tool or media for an
effective digital-based learning process (Manowong, 2015; Wahyuni et
al., 2020).
using the Edmodo platform as a means of digital-based learning are
A. Online Learning in English Learning Context
Digital-based learning or e-learning has been recognized for its
superiority from several institutions in education, including in the context
of learning English. Thus, many institutions in education integrate digital-
based learning into learning because by using online learning the learning
process becomes more effective and efficient. Using e-learning or digital-
based learning students can explore their digital literacy, so it is not only
educational but also entertainment (Tan, 2013; Febrianto et al., 2020).
Through digital learning or e-learning, learning conditions in the
classroom are sufficient to help teachers in building virtual classrooms
because e-learning is quite effective (Putranti, 2013; Febrianto et al.,
2020). This, e-learning can maximize the learning process even though it
is done without face to face.
According to Donelly (2006) e-learning is a face-to-face learning
medium for virtual discussions in an area. By using e-learning, students
can use various social media for learning such as Facebook, Youtube,
Twitter, Instagram, Blogger etc. The use of E-learning can provide
opportunities to share knowledge and facilitate networking but has a
negative impact on wasting time (Salmon et al., 2015; Hollis & Was,
2016; Brownson, 2014; Febrianto et al., 2020). However, by using e-
learning students can understand collaborative understanding such as how
to work together and understand each other in the distance learning
process (Friedman & Friedman, 2020; Febrianto et al., 2020). Therefore,
the use of e-learning in the context of learning, especially in English, is
very supportive because the learning process is more efficient and
effective and students can explore their digital literacy skills.
In the digital-based learning process or e-learning, there are several
deliverables in the application of learning including those proposed by
Berge, Collins, & Dougherty (2000), namely web-based learning, mixed
web-based learning (Blended Learning) and the use of the web in class
(Gabrina & Rahmawati, 2019). Web-based learning is all activities in the
learning process carried out online (Sener, 2015; Gabrina & Rahmawati,
2019). That is, teaching activities such as delivering material, feedback are
carried out online. Then, mixed web-based learning or what is called a
blended course or hybrid (Afif, 2014; Gabrina & Rahmawati, 2019).
According to Bruner (2007) hybrid is a learning process that combines
face-to-face meetings and online meetings or what can be called blended
learning. The last one is the use of the web in the classroom (Gabrina &
Rahmawati, 2019). So, the use of the web makes delivery to support
classroom activities (Berge et al, 2000; Gabrina & Rahmawati, 2019).
Followed by Sener (2015) who argues that web-based learning is only a
complement to the classroom (Gabrina & Rahmawati, 2019). Thus, the
delivery of learning in this model online learning media is a
complementary tool for the face-to-face learning process because what is
prioritized is the face-to-face learning process. So, the use of media in
online learning for the learning process is very effective to be integrated in
B. Edmodo
Social networks or social media are very potential learning media
for students to use because the use of social media is very familiar to them.
This, the use of social media as a learning medium is natural for students
(Sari, 2017; Siahaan, 2020). The current use of social media as a learning
medium among students is the Edmodo platform. The edmodo platform is
an educational social media that has similarities with Facebook or what is
called “Facebook for Education” and can be accessed for free. According
to Kongchan (2013) that Edmodo is an educational platform for teachers,
students and schools designed for the learning process and was created by
Jeff O'Hara and Nick Borg in 2008 (Azlinda et al., 2018). Thus, teachers
and students can connect and communicate at the same time with parents
the students. Edmodo made the platform with the most users in 2016 with
63 million users for the education platform (Edmodo, 2016). According to
Warawudhi (2017) with effectiveness in an interesting learning process to
involve students, to promote group learning and collaboration and to make
it easier for non-digital native teachers to carry out a digital-based learning
process which makes Edmodo have many users. Edmodo is also believed
that this platform is a supporting tool or media for an effective digital-
based learning process (Manowong, 2015; Wahyuni et al., 2020). It was
also found by Wheeler and Jarboe (2001) that using Edmodo can increase
student participation in entering online classes. So, with the Edmodo
platform, it can make it easier for teachers, especially non-digital natives,
to create an effective online-based learning process. Using edmodo can
also connect and communicate between students and teachers and parents
to see the progress of their learning.
Edmodo offers features for teachers in the learning process. By
using edmodo, teachers can create assignments, give scores, save and send
teaching materials, create lesson schedules, create class polls and organize
groups (The Edmodo Teacher Guide, 2018). Then, there are special
features to support learning activities, namely assignments. The
assignment feature is used for the teacher in providing assignments and
can schedule the collection of assignments and students can attach their
assignments contained in the features that have been provided. Next, the
File and Link feature, with this feature, teachers and students can submit
documents, which can be in the form of files and links. The Polling Polls
feature is used for teachers to check student responses in the subjects that
have been worked on. Meanwhile, the Value Book is used as a value bank
for teachers. Furthermore, the Library is for storing various learning
resources such as eBooks, Power Point Slides and other study documents.
This, students can download it for a digital-based learning process. And
the last feature is Award Badges, to give awards to students in the form of
badges. With the various features available in Edmodo, it makes it easier
for teachers and students to learn digital-based learning effectively and
innovatively. There is a difference between Edmodo and other educational
social networking platforms, edmodo is designed for communication,
collaboration, knowledge sharing, and discussion between teachers,
students and parents (Ekici, 2017; Handayani & Mu, 2020). This, it can be
concluded that the use of Edmodo for online-based learning is very
effective for education.
With the various features found in Edmodo, Edmodo is also
integrated into a useful pedagogical learning process. Using edmodo can
enhance an effective learning process because the platform has a positive
impact on student engagement. Edmodo also creates a useful and fun
learning environment so that the platform can motivate students to learn.
Then, according to Al-Kathiri (2014) edmodo is a platform that can
overcome shyness and motivate students to actively participate in class
activities. Followed by Cruz (2013) the use of edmodo in the classroom
can increase student involvement and students can participate actively.
Thus, the use of edmodo is very important in learning activities (Mokhtar,
2016). In addition, edmodo can also increase collaboration between
students in the learning process. This was stated by Kongchan (2012),
Edmodo made friendly use as a digital-based learning network (Azlinda et
al., 2018). Followed by Abad (2016) who said that the use of edmodo can
organize students to access material and learn independently in a virtual
learning process. The use of Edmodo platform also helps in a more
effective and flexible teacher work (Wallace, 2014). Then, using edmodo
as a platform in developing learning outcomes is the best choice. With the
feedback feature for students, students can improve their learning,
especially in English which can create a productive learning environment
for them (Gay & Sofyan, 2017). Thus, the use of Edmodo in the learning
process is an effective step for teachers and students because the use of
edmodo itself can motivate students in the learning process and can
improve students in the learning process.
important for the learning process, there are two components that are
important in perception, namely teachers and students. Final learning must
be evaluated because the teacher must know the feelings of students during
the learning process, so the need for student perceptions to measure the
teaching and learning process. The teacher needs to know how to operate
the media before teaching it to students such as Edmodo, Moodle, Google
Classroom etc. Thus, teachers must be able to understand the digital-based
learning process for students accurately. Teachers also need to encourage
the development of student learning in studying students with learning
preferences and attributes needed in class. Learning will affect how these
teachers recognize in their teaching (Smith, Boultonlewis, Brownlee, &
Carrington, 2001; Handayani & Mu, 2020). According to Fatchul Mu’in
(2018) students' perceptions are very important to find out how successful
the tool or media is in the learning process. This, teachers or educators can
find out how to perfect learning methods and strategies that can support
student understanding. Therefore, students' perceptions of using e-learning
during the learning process are very important because it allows giving
different results in their research.
From the results of previous research on Edmodo, it is revealed
that students' perceptions of using the Edmodo platform as a means of
digital-based learning are positive. This shows that Edmodo can facilitate
students in discussion and independent learning. Using Edmodo allows
collaborative writing so that students are very enthusiastic about digital-
based learning using Edmodo (Alfian, 2017; Siahaan, 2020). In addition,
online learning using Edmodo is very environmentally friendly because it
saves time and paper for assignments (Cakrawati, 2017). Then, a study
from Al-Kathiri (2015) found that there was an influence on EFL learning
attitudes in the use of Edmodo in student perceptions and challenges. And
get results from the questionnaire that show positive results in the
perception of Edmodo use. These findings, too, find positive attitudes
towards EFL learning involving the use of Edmodo as a digital learning
process. Finally, the findings of Pardede (2019) which investigated the
perceptions of EFL students on Edmodo use with blended learning. From
the research results, blended learning using Edmodo platform shows
positive student perceptions. This is because the use of the Edmodo
platform is very easy to use and very flexible and edmodo can increase
student involvement and independence. So, it can be concluded that the
perception of the use of Edmodo as a digital-based learning process has
positive results in terms of the use and attitudes of students in using
Edmodo in learning.
D. Theoritical of Framework
Media and learning methods are an integral part of the learning
process. The learning process today in this 21st era, the role of technology
in education as a medium in learning activities. Thus, in the learning
process, online learning or e-learning is now being applied. Then, the
application of e-learning in the learning process can be integrated with
content and pedagogy. According to Hwee, Koh, and Chai (2016) argue
that by properly exploiting ICT tools, effective and efficient work for
productivity skills, learning independent reflection for metacognitive
skills, critical thinking and multicultural communication are students'
abilities in 21st century learning (Cakrawati, 2017). Edmodo as an online-
based learning platform for the distance learning process. Edmodo
platform is used as an LMS (Learning Management System) because it is
one of the reasons it is a friendly platform in the world of education.
Edmodo makes a platform for online-based learning processes that is very
easy to use and makes learning more flexible. In the learning process,
edmodo makes an online tool that can encourage individuals to join and
get with each other (Prasad & Prasad, 2012;Insani et al., 2018). Thus, the
use of Edmodo as an online-based learning media also affects student
learning, attitudes and can increase learning motivation, especially in
A. Research Design
In this study, for the main data the researchers used qualitative
research methods. Qualitative research is research that deals with
subjective meaning because qualitative methods can research or find out
about the experiences of participants (Silverman, 2020).
Then, in this study, researchers used a narrative approach or
narrative design (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000). Through narrative
research, investigators will examine or understand something life into the
narrative (Bruner, 1991). According to Bruner (1991)understanding and
telling about ourselves, stories of ourselves and others will find out who
we are, who they are and what the relationship is between us. So,
understanding and telling about ourselves and others will get new events.
Therefore, the existence of this narrative research will find out how
researchers collect, tell, and tell stories about participants (Connelly &
Clandinin, 1990; Creswell, 2012). This is because, the purpose of this
study is to explore how students' perceptions of learning English through
the use of the Edmodo platform as online learning during the Covid-19
C. Data Collection of Techniques
In collecting data for this study, there are several steps that the
researcher must continue to complete the research procedure. The first step
is that the researcher will select several participants for the study. In this
study, 4 participant grade 8 students were required. Selected participant
selection who is an active participant during the process of learning
English through the Edmodo platform. Then the researcher will inform the
participants about this research, as well as the data from each participant
used for the research. The names of participants will be anonymous and
their real identities will be kept secret so that all participant data will be
guaranteed confidentiality. Based on the agreement with the participants,
this research process was carried out using WhatsApp (Voicenote,
Chatting, and Freecall) media. The time for conducting interviews was
adjusted according to their spare time. Interview process and confirm the
answers of each participant 2 times.
Then, researchers will ask questions about using the Edmodo
platform for learning English during the Covid-19 Pandemic. In the first
interview, researchers focused more on using the Edmodo platform for
learning English. Thus, researchers will find out what uses they use from
the platform as an online-based learning platform. Then, the researcher
conducted a second interview, the researcher asked questions about
feelings and responses in using the Edmodo platform as online learning
during the Covid-19 Pandemic. At this stage, researchers focus on how
they respond and feel in using this platform as an online-based learning
medium. After that, the researcher will confirm each participant's answer
to conduct the analysis. The results of the interviews and documentation
will be analyzed and then interpreted into written data. This aims to make
it easier for researchers to understand the results of the study.
D. Instrumentation
The data used for this study used a descriptive form. According to
Freankel and Wallen (2015) as cited in Juanita Heigham (2009)
descriptive is a research that uses a simple explanation (p. 218). This
research will not make it difficult for researchers, because all the necessary
data already exists.
1) Interview
Researchers used interviews in their research as data
collection. By using interviews, researchers can get in-depth
information from the participants during the interview. According to
Cohen, Manion, and Marrison (2011) defines interviewing as “a
flexible tool for data collection, enabling multi-sensory channels to
use: verbal, non-verbal, verbal and audible” (p.409) (Juanita Heigham,
2009). So, interviews are a way of multi-sensory flexible data
collection. There are several types of interviews in research, one of
which is semi-structured interviews and this study uses semi-
structured interviews. By using semi-structured interviews so that
researchers can meet the need for research data and researchers also
know a picture of student perceptions in using Edmodo as online
learning. The interview process was carried out through WhatsApp
(Voicenote, Chatting and Freecall) media. In the interview activity,
the participant can confirm the answer is taking place or can
participate in the interview 2 times each.
E. Data Analysis
After conducting interview research, the researcher will transcribe the
data and encode the data. In order to be more detailed, the researchers read
the transcription results of the interview data repeatedly to determine their
respective themes. The standard techniques of analysis in structuring
interview data are reading, taking notes, making new notes, checking
notes, rereading and so on (Plummer, 1983; Cole & Knowles, p. 99). Thus,
to describe the data analysis procedure refers to categorical content
(Lieblich et al, 1998) and constant comparative methods (Glaser &
Strauss, 1967). That is, the analysis of the two methods involves
comparing, contrasting, and classifying data.
a. Code the interview transcript
After the interview, the first thing the data had to do was to be
coded. Encoding is giving names or labels to data to reveal parts of an
event. The process of coding such as grouping it, regrouping and
classifying it.
b. Group codes into categories
After the data from the interviews were coded, they were compared
and differentiated from the pieces of data. So, the data is compared
with the new, encoded text. Then, the data that has been coded and
compared will appear new codes and the codes that have been
combined will eventually become categories.
c. Configure participant stories from interview data
After conducting the interview, the participants' stories will be
configured in advance. The configuration of the participants' stories is
so that the stories are structured and the stories are sequential
according to the chronology of the story.
d. Send stories to participants for feedback
This is to get an explanation from the participants directly whether
the story needs to be changed or not, because the story is also theirs.
Then, participants must also provide feedback about what the story
has interpreted by the researcher.
e. 'Cross story' analysis
A 'cross story' analysis is made if it has more than one story. With
'cross story' analysis, stories are coded using categories as code words.
Stories that have been coded will be separated according to the
established categories and labeled.
f. Note the theme according to the story
After the stories have been analyzed, the stories will be given a
theme in accordance with the respective story data. Giving themes is a
creative process in determining the theme of the story.
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