Ifsp Assignment
Ifsp Assignment
Ifsp Assignment
A statement of the major outcomes expected to be achieved for the child and family
A statement of the early intervention services that are necessary to meet the identified
outcomes for the child and family; including the frequency, intensity, and method of
delivering services
Projected dates for the initiation of services and the anticipated duration of these services
Development of a transition plan prior to 3 months before the child reaches age three
Written consent from the parents or legal guardians (must be obtained prior to provision
of services)
(Blackboard, 2014).
The IFSP process from start to finish (Per First Steps Site)
Eligibility is decided
IFSP is written based on the meeting with the parents/caregiver and the service
coordinator; at this time parent/caregiver gives permission for services to take
IFSP is reviewed
A child is eligible to participate in early intervention services until the age of 3. If services are
expected to be needed after the age of three, transition will occur prior to the childs third
birthday. The transition process is detailed below:
The purpose of the transition meeting is to discuss future service options and matters related to
the childs transition as a child approaches his or her third birthday. During this meeting, a
written plan for transition is developed, outlining the steps that the family, current early
intervention team, Early Childhood Special Education staff and/or other community service
providers will follow in order to ensure a seamless and smooth transition from First Steps. The
90-day Transition meeting is convened and facilitated by the First Steps Service Coordinator.
First Steps providers are encouraged to attend in order to contribute to the childs plan for
The role of Service Coordinators and Providers at the transition meeting:
Actively participate in the development of the transition plan
Discuss family priorities and concerns with regards to transition expectations
Provide present levels of development and be prepared to share the most recent quarterly report
to the LEA representative, with parental consent
Make recommendations to help achieve transition outcomes stated by the family
Be knowledgeable of local resources
The written plan must include: (1) desired outcomes (2) identified service providers (3) an
outline regarding transfer of information (4) timelines with dates of anticipated conclusion of
early intervention services and commencement of subsequent activities (5) with concurrence of
the family, a statement of the familys priorities, concerns, and resources related to transition
expectations. (Transition meeting must occur at least 90 days prior to the childs third birthday,
but may occur as early as 270 days before) (IN.gov, 2014)
Benchmarks and objectives for each:
Family and Social Services Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved December 7, 2014, from