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Assessment of Rancidity and Other Physicochemical Properties of Edible Oils

(Mustard and Corn Oils) Stored at Room Temperature

Article  in  Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences · May 2018

DOI: 10.11648/j.jfns.20180603.11


28 3,289

3 authors:

Susan Okparanta Victoria Daminabo

Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Rumuola Rivers State Port Harcourt Polytechnic, Rumuola


Leera Solomon
Port Harcourt Polytechnic, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria


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Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences
2018; 6(3): 70-75
doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20180603.11
ISSN: 2330-7285 (Print); ISSN: 2330-7293 (Online)

Assessment of Rancidity and Other Physicochemical

Properties of Edible Oils (Mustard and Corn Oils) Stored at
Room Temperature
Susan Okparanta*, Victoria Daminabo, Leera Solomon
Department of Science Laboratory Technology, School of Science and Technology, Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic, Rumuola, Port
Harcourt, Nigeria

Email address:
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Susan Okparanta, Victoria Daminabo, Leera Solomon. Assessment of Rancidity and Other Physicochemical Properties of Edible Oils
(Mustard and Corn Oils) Stored at Room Temperature. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. Vol. 6, No. 3, 2018, pp. 70-75.
doi: 10.11648/j.jfns.20180603.11

Received: April 9, 2018; Accepted: April 28, 2018; Published: May 28, 2018

Abstract: Oils may go rancid and develop an unpleasant odor and flavor if incorrectly stored. The main factors that cause
rancidity (in addition to moisture, bacteria and enzymes) are light, heat, air and some types of metals. Rancid oil forms harmful
free radicals in the body, which are known to cause cellular damage and have been associated with diabetes, Alzheimer's
disease and other conditions. Rancid oils can also cause digestive distress and deplete the body of vitamins B and E. Their
chemical edible is comprised of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids and glycerides. Temperature affects the quality of edible
oils. When edible oils are exposed to high temperatures, unpleasant odours and flavours could result from the deterioration its
fatty or oilly portion. The study aimed at assessing rancidity and other physicochemical properties of edible oils (Mustard and
Corn oils) at room temperature. Physicochemical properties of edible oils was assesses using standard analytical procedures.
The results obtained gave values of density as 8.8512 g/mL for Cord oil (CO) and 9.8779 g/mL for mustard oil (MO) while
values of 111.601 millipoise and 116.832 millipoise were obtained for viscosity. The temperatures were 140.02°C and 169.4°C
for CO and MO respectively. Saponification value ranged from 152.7 mg for CO to 124.8 mg MO. Iodine value gave 16.56 g
for CO and 8.11g in MO respectively while peroxide value recorded 213.459meq/kg in CO and 12.8411meq/kg for MO. The
quality of edible oil should be regularly monitored to avoid the use of abused oil due to the health consequences of consuming
foods fried in degraded oil and also, to minimize the production costs associated with early disposal of the frying medium.

Keywords: Edible Oils, Corn Oil, Mustard Oils, Rancidity, Temperature, Deterioration

making it safe for heart patients. Rancidity is a term

1. Introduction generally used to denote unpleasant odours and flavours in
Edible oils are vital constituents of our daily diet, which foods resulting from deterioration in the fat or oil portion of a
provide energy, essential fatty acids and serve as a carrier of food. Three different mechanisms of rancidity may occur.
fat soluble vitamins. Corn oil which is obtained from seeds of Lipids and triacylglycerol naturally occur in oils and fats.
Zea mays is an important component usually used as food Their chemical composition contains saturated and
and also as a vehicle in pharmaceutical formulations such as unsaturated fatty acids and glycerides.
in suspensions and emulsions [1]. Mustard oil from Brassica Different physical and chemical parameters of edible oil
nigra has 30% protein, calcium, phytins, phenolics and were used to monitor the compositional quality of oils [2, 3].
natural anti-oxidants. Mustard oil contains a high amount of These physico-chemical parameters include iodine value (IV),
mono-unsaturated fatty acids and a good ratio of saponification value (SV), viscosity, density and peroxide
polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is good for the heart. value (PV). Edible oils are one of the main constituents of the
Mustard oil contains the least amount of saturated fatty acids, diet used for cooking purposes. Several researchers studied
the impact of temperature on the stability; viscosity, peroxide
71 Susan Okparanta et al.: Assessment of Rancidity and Other Physicochemical Properties of
Edible Oils (Mustard and Corn Oils) Stored at Room Temperature

value, and iodine value to assess the quality and functionality raw materials and equipment used for the processing, as well
of the oil [4-6]. Plate 1 shows the two edible oils used, (a) as those used for storage and distribution. Edible oil is prone
Mustard oil, (b) Corn oil used in this research study. to contamination by microorganisms found in the
Deep frying is one of the most common methods used for environment, raw materials and equipment used for the
the preparation of food. Repeated frying causes overall processing, as well as those used for storage and distribution.
oxidative and thermal reactions which results in change in This problem is repeatedly observed in many edible oil
the physicochemical, nutritional and sensory properties of the market areas. Food handlers with poor personal hygiene and
oil [7]. During frying, due to hydrolysis, oxidation and inadequate knowledge on food safety and quality could be
polymerization processes the composition of oil changes the source of food pathogen. The microbial isolates
which in turn changes the flavour and stability of its implicated in rancid oils are Staphylococcus aureus,
compounds [8]. During deep frying different reactions Pseudomonas aerugenosa, Klebsiella pneumonie, Shigella
depend on some factors such as replenishment of fresh oil, sonnei, Penicillium chrisoginum, Aspergillus niger,
frying condition, original quality of frying oil and decrease in Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus fumigatus, Aspergillus
their oxidative stability [9]. Atmospheric oxygen reacts versicolor, Fusarium oxisporium, Candida albicans and
instantly with lipid and other organic compounds of the oil to Mucor spp. The poor microbial and physico-chemical
cause structural degradation in the oil which leads to loss of properties are indicator of unhygienic handling practice and
quality off odour and is harmful to human health [10]. processing methods of edible oil sold in the retail markets.
Therefore, it is essential to monitor the quality of oil to
avoid the use of abused oil due to the health consequences of 1.2. Health Effects
consuming foods fried in degraded oil, to maintain the While rancid oil may taste bad, it doesn't normally make
quality of fried foods and to minimize the production costs you sick, at least not in the short term. Rancid oil does
associated with early disposal of the frying medium [11]. contain free radicals that might increase your risk of
Rancid oil forms harmful free radicals in the body, which are developing diseases such as cancer or heart disease down the
known to cause cellular damage and have been associated road. Rancid oils may produce damaging chemicals and
with diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and other conditions. substances that may not make you immediately ill, but can
Rancid oils can also cause digestive distress and deplete cause harm over time. Chemicals such as peroxides and
the body of vitamins B and E. In his book "8 Weeks to aldehydes can damage cells and contribute to atherosclerosis.
Optimum Health", Dr. Andrew Weil says rancid oil can also Free radicals produced by rancid oil can also damage DNA in
cause damage to DNA, accelerate aging, promote tissue cells. Produced by toxins as well as by normal bodily
degeneration and foster cancer development [12]. The study processes, free radicals can cause damage to arteries as well
aimed at assessing rancidity and other physicochemical act as carcinogens, substances that can cause cancer.
properties of edible oils (Mustard and Corn oils) at room If oxidative rancidity is present in severe quantities, a
temperature. Rancidity is a term generally used to denote potential health hazard may exist. High levels of
unpleasant odours and flavours in foods resulting from malonaldehyde are found in rancid foods. Malonaldehyde is
deterioration in the fat or oil portion of a food. a decomposition product of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This
Three different mechanisms of rancidity may occur. These chemical has been reported to be carcinogenic and a potential
are oxidative, hydrolytic, and ketonic. Oxidative rancidity health hazard does exist. Eating rancid oil will expose you to
arises from the decomposition of peroxides. Peroxides are the accelerated aging, raised cholesterol levels, obesity and
result of the oxidation of unsaturated fats. The products weight gain. Daily consumption increases the risk of
resulting from the decomposition of peroxides include degenerating diseases such as cancer; diabetes; Alzheimer's
aldehydes, ketones, and hydrocarbons. disease; and atherosclerosis, a condition in which artery walls
These help to produce the flavours and odours associated thicken due to a buildup of fatty materials. According to a
with oxidative rancidity. The abnormal characteristics of a study from the University of Basque Country, the breakdown
product that has undergone oxidative rancidity are paint like rate and total formation of toxic compounds depends on the
or acrid (burning) odour and an abnormal (rancid) taste. The type of oil and temperature. Initially, the oil decomposes into
colour of a food item is not normally changed due to this hydroperoxides, then into aldehydes.
deteriorative process. The texture of a food product is not
affected by the deteriorative condition. 1.3. Testing for Rancidity

1.1. Microbial Decomposition of Fats, Oils and Other Depending on the type of oil, its age, storage conditions,
Lipids etc., one or more of the following tests by themselves or
combined are good indicators of oil rancidity:
Rancidity could also be as a result of microbial
decomposition of fats, oils and other lipids. When these 1.4. Peroxides Value
processes occur in food, undesirable odours and flavors can
result. Microbial contamination of food such as edible oil is The peroxides value is the quantity of hydro peroxides
the most common health risk. Edible oil is prone to (expressed as meq O2/kg) present in the oil that have formed
contamination by microorganisms found in the environment, through oxidation during its processing and/or storage. This
Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2018; 6(3): 70-75 72

value is the primary measurement of oils rancidity and it those levels fall below the limits set by the Australian
gives us an idea of oils’ freshness and storage conditions. Standard 5264-2011 of 35%, the oil is more than 2-2.5 years
The peroxides value will increase during the first part of the old and rancid.
life of oils and it will then decrease in more advanced stages
of oxidation when more oxidated substances are produced. 2. Materials and Methods
These new substances are responsible for colour and aroma
changes associated with rancidity. Hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
If we suspect that the oil could be close to this stage other potassium hydroxide (KOH), idobromine (IBr), sodium
complementary analysis such as UV absorption are thiosulphate (Na2S2O3), potassium iodide (KI), and acetic
recommended. Based on international rules (IOC, Codex) acid (CH3COOH) were of A. R Grade and purchased from
extra virgin olive oils must show a peroxides value under 20. Merck Darmstadt Germany. Processed Corn oil and Mustard
Nonetheless, it is expected that fresh and well processed oils oil were purchased from a supermarket in Port Harcourt,
should show peroxides value less than 12. Rivers State.
1.5. UV Coefficients (K270 & K232) 2.1. Density and Viscosity Measurement

The determination of the specific spectrophotometric Densities of oil samples before and after frying were
extinction in ultraviolet at 232 and 270 nm provides a measured by an R. D bottle with a capacity of 10 mL. The
measurement of the state of oxidation of the oils and storage viscosity of the edible oil samples before and after frying
conditions. These methods are based on the properties of was measured by an Ostwald Viscometer techniconominal
conjugated dienes and trienes to absorb UV radiation in those constant0.05 Cs/c, ASTMAD 445 England. The flow time
wave length ranges. Higher than normal values of K 270 of oil samples were recorded with a stop watch (Japan,
would indicate an advanced oxidation stage or even a CBM, and Corp QSQ) least count ±0.01 s.
possible adulteration with refined oil. Extra virgin olive oils
should have a K 232 below 2.50 and K 270 below 0.22. K 2.2. Saponification Value Measurement
270 and K 232 in freshly produced oils hardly ever exceed The saponification value is determined by taking 1.0 g of
values of 0.17 and 2.00 respectively. oil sample in a conical flask to which is added 15 mL 1 N
1.6. Determination of the Degradation Products of KOH and 10 mL of distilled water and heated under a
Chlorophylls a and a' (Pheophytinsa, a' and reserved con- denser for 30–40 min to ensure that the sample
Pyropheophytins) was fully dissolved. After this sample was cooled,
phenolphthalein was added and titrated with 0.5 M of HCl
This method is based on measuring the dynamics of some until a pink endpoint was reached. A blank was determined
chlorophyll pigments (pyropheophytina andpheophytins a with same time conditions.
and a’) in olive oils. The PPPs Ratio shows a very good
performance as indicator of overall olive oil quality and 2.3. Iodine Value (IV) Measurement
freshness showing better correlation with organoleptic A known weight of the oil sample is treated with an excess
scoring than any of the traditional IOC methods. of iodobromine (IBr) in glacial acetic acid. Unreacted
There is no evidence of initial varietal or environmental iodobromine is reacted with potassium iodide which converts
influence of this test. Freshly produced oils have PPPs levels it to iodine. The iodine concentration is then determined by
below 0.5%, this value increases over time and technical titration with standard sodium thiosulphate.
evidence shows that when those levels exceed the limits set
by the Australian Standard 5264-2011 of 17%, the oil is more IV¼ ðb-vÞxNx126:9x100=wx1000. ð1Þ
than 2-2.5 years old and rancid.
Where;bquantity of sodium thiosulphate used for blank, v
1.7. Determination of Relative Amounts of 1,2- and is quantity of thiosulphate, Nisthe normality of thiosulphate
1,3-Diacylglycerols or DAGs solution, w is the wt of the oil sample and 126.9 is molecular
weight of iodine.
This method is based on the fact that in virgin olive oils,
DAGs are present in a range of 1 to 3% and they are found as 2.4. Peroxide Value Measurement
1,2- and 1,3- isomers. The 1,2- isomers are attributed to the
incomplete biosynthesis of triacylglycerols (TAGs), whereas the Peroxide value is a measure of peroxides contained in the
1, 3- isomers are attributed to enzymatic or chemical hydrolysis oil. PV is determined by measuring iodine released from
of TAGs occurring before or during the oil extraction. potassium iodide. A known measured weight of oil samples
Consequently, freshly made olive oils from healthy olive is dissolved in acetic acid then chloroform and saturated KI
fruits contain almost solely 1,2 DAGs; on the other hand, mixture area dded to the sample and the amount of iodine
those coming from poor quality fruits show a significant liberated from KI by the oxidative action of peroxides
increase of 1,3- isomers. The percentage of 1, 2 DAGs present in the oil is determined by titration with standard
decreases over time and technical evidence shows that when sodium thiosulphate using starch solution as an indicator.
73 Susan Okparanta et al.: Assessment of Rancidity and Other Physicochemical Properties of
Edible Oils (Mustard and Corn Oils) Stored at Room Temperature

Titration performed forblanks [13]. Mustard oil was higher when compared to the value obtained
for Corn oil. Mustard oil had high boiling point compared to
3. Results and Discussion Cornoil which had lower boiling point. It explains that the
viscosity and density decreases with an increase in un-
The quality of Corn and Mustard oils was analyzed by saturation and increases with high saturation and
evaluating physicochemical properties such as density, viscosity, polymerization [15].
boiling point, peroxide, iodine and saponification values. The Viscosity also depends on sheer stress and temperature.
results obtained gave values of density as 8.8512 g/mL for Cord Sheer stress does not have much effect on the storage of oils
oil and 9.8779 g/mL for Mustard oil while values of which are used for edible purposes but the temperature does
111.601millipoise and 116.832 millipoise were obtained for affect it. Results tabulated in Table 1indicated that an
viscosity [14]. The boiling temperatures were 140.02°C and increase in viscosity for Cornoil while a decrease in viscosity
169.4°C for Corn oil and Mustard oil respectively. was observed for Mustard oil at the same boiling point but at
Furthermore, the saponification value ranged from 152.7 different frying times with a piece of potato.
mg for corn oil to 124.8 mg for mustard oil. These When the temperature increases, the kinetic energy also
parameters help in assaying rancid in the edible oils. Hence, increases which enhanced the movement of the molecules
Iodine value indicated 16.56 g (corn oil) and 8.11g (mustard and reduces the intermolecular forces. The layers of the
oil). The peroxide values were 213.459meq/kg in cord oil liquid easily pass over one another and thus contribute to the
and 12.8411meq/kg for mustard oil respectively. reduction of viscosity. This phenomenon has been reported
Oils with lower values of viscosity and density are highly by other workers since oil viscosity depends on molecular
appreciable to consumers. In order to design an advanced structure and decreases with the unsaturation of fatty acids
technological process these properties are very important [15]. The densities of both oils were decreased with the rise
parameters. Figure 1 show the physicochemical properties of in temperature as well as when using the same oil for frying
the oils at room temperature (35±2°C). one time with a piece of potato.
Figure 1 show that at room temperature, the viscosity in

Figure 1. Physicochemical Properties of Two Vatieties of Edible Oils (Cord Oil And Mustard Oil)

The densities of oils were related to the standard range of more strenuous. During frying thermo-oxidative or lipid
0.898–0.907 g/ mL approved by the Standard Organization of oxidation and hydrolytic reactions take place that results in
Nigeria (SON, 2000). TheresultstabulatedinTable1show that at deterioration in quality of the edible oil [16, 17]. The primary
room temperature of 35°C the values of the densities oxidation products that develop in triacylglycerol are
are0.9694g/mLand0.9223g/mL for Mustard oil and Cornoil hydroperoxides, which later break down to produce lower
respectively. It may be due to the pie bonds that make the molecular weight compounds, such as free fatty acids, alcohols,
bonding more rigid and rotation between CAC bonds becomes aldehydes, and ketones, leading to a rancid product [18].
Table 1. Physicochemical Property of two Edible Oils at Room Temperature.

Edible Oils
S/No. Properties Unit
Corn Oil Mustard Oil
1. Density (g/mL) 8.8512 9.8779
2. Viscosity (millipoise) 111.601 116.832
3. Boiling point (°C) 140.02 169.4
4. Saponification value (mg) 152.7 124.8
5. Iodine value (g) 16.56 8.11
6. Peroxide value (meq/kg) 13.459 12.841
Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 2018; 6(3): 70-75 74

Oils are mixtures of triglycerides (TGs) and their viscosity revealed that at the room temperature the degree of
depends on the nature of the TGs present in the oil. The unsaturation is low and there are trans- hydroperoxide
viscosity changed due to the different arrangement of the forms of esters present with primary oxidized products
fatty acids on the glycerol backbone of the triglyceride and as the sample is treated at higher temperatures up to
molecule. Therefore, viscosity is related to the chemical their respective boiling points the decrease in %T
properties of the oils such as chain length and indicates an increase in the absorbance of peroxides.
saturation/unsaturation. Oxidation is a main deteriorative Secondary oxidation initiates the formation of secondary
process which has an important implication in stipulations of oxidation products and free fatty acids were also present.
the quality and value of fats and oils, particularly in relation However the heights of some specific bands were noticeable
to the off-flavors that develop as an outcome of autoxidation indicating the difference in quality of the two different oil
[19]. Normally, frying oils undergo extensive degradation samples used in this present study.
and complex chemical transformations when heated [20].
The presence of air and water accelerated the deterioration of 4. Conclusion and Recommendations
frying oil [21] and resulted in an increase in the number of
polar molecules as confirmed by viscosity and density data of 4.1. Conclusion
oils [22].
Peroxide value (PV) is used as a measure of the extent to Edible oil is prone to contamination by microorganisms
which rancidity reactions have occurred during storage it found in the environment, raw materials and equipment used
could be used as an indication of the quality and stability of for the processing, as well as those used for storage and
fats and oils [23]. The peroxide value was also found to distribution. Rancid oils may produce damaging chemicals
increase with the storage time, temperature and con- tact with and substances that may not make you immediately ill, but
air of the oil samples [24]. The peroxide value determines the can cause harm over time. Chemicals such as peroxides and
extent to which the oil has undergone rancidity. Peroxide aldehydes can damage cells and contribute to atherosclerosis.
value ranges are closely related to the standard value of 10 Free radicals produced by rancid oil can also damage DNA in
meq/kg specified by Standard Organization of Nigeria [25] cells. Produced by toxins as well as by normal bodily
and Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS, 1992). Saponification processes, free radicals can cause damage to arteries as well
value (SV) is an index of average molecular mass of fatty act as carcinogens, substances that can cause cancer. If
acid in the oil sample. The SV value obtainedfor the oil oxidative rancidity is present in severe quantities, a potential
samples in Figure 1 showed 153.8 mg KOH/g for Corn oil health hazard may exist.
and 125.6 mg KOH/g for Mustard oil SON [25] and NIS[26]. High levels of malonaldehyde are found in rancid foods.
The lower value of saponification values suggests that the Malonaldehyde is a decomposition product of
mean molecular weight of fatty acids is lower or that the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Edible oils are one of the main
number of ester bonds is less. This implies that fat molecules constituents of the diet used for cooking purposes. Oils with
did not interact with each other [27]. Iodine value (IV) lower values of viscosity and density are highly appreciable
measures the degree of unsaturation in a fat or vegetable oil. to consumers as they signify good quality fresh products.
It determines the stability of oils to oxidation, and allows the Temperature affects the quality of edible oils. The effect of
overall unsaturation of the fat to be determined qualitatively temperature on the physicochemical characteristics and
[28, 29]. It was observed that measured iodine values for rancidity of two edible oils (corn and mustard oils) were
Corn and Mustard oils are 15.96 g and 8.10 g respectively. analyzed. Results revealed that due to the temperature change
These low iodine values may have contributed to its greater in the oil there is a notable difference in the spectral band
oxidative storage stability. The oxidative and chemical which showed that the proportions of the fatty acids were
changes in oils during storage are characterized by an changed and thus, becoming soured or rancid.
increase in free fatty acid contents and a decrease in the total 4.2. Recommendations
unsaturation of oils [30].
All these physicochemical parameters are qualitative The public should be aware that exposing edible oils to
properties of oils and do not indicate the position of the high temperatures for long periods of time could result to
double bonds or the amount of olefinic carbon that unpleasant odours and flavours in oils resulting from
provides an overall status of unsaturation of the oils so it deterioration in the fat or oil portion of the edible oils. The
is not possible to point out the position of double bond(s) abnormal characteristics of a product that has undergone
which are more susceptible to oxidation. The primary oxidative rancidity are paint like or acrid (burning) odour and
oxidation products that develop in triacylglycerol are an abnormal (rancid) taste. The colour of edible oil is not
hydroperoxides, which later break down to produce lower normally changed due to this deteriorative process. The
molecular weight compounds, such as free fatty acids, texture of edible oil product was not affected by the
alcohols, aldehydes, and ketones, leading to a rancid deteriorative condition due to temperature changes.
product. The evaluated results of Mustard and Corn oils
75 Susan Okparanta et al.: Assessment of Rancidity and Other Physicochemical Properties of
Edible Oils (Mustard and Corn Oils) Stored at Room Temperature

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